GSA Bulletin: 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Roman Volcanic

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GSA Bulletin: 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Roman Volcanic 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of Roman volcanic province tephra in the Tiber River valley: Age calibration of middle Pleistocene sea-level changes Daniel B. Karner* Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 Paul R. Renne Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 and Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge Road, Berkeley, California 94709 ABSTRACT tifying when coastal sections respond to com- used extensively as the glacial proxy for late Ter- plex (multistep) terminations. tiary time. Before the use of deep-sea cores, The close proximity of the Roman volcanic coastal deposits were studied to determine past cli- province to the Tyrrhenian Sea coastline pro- INTRODUCTION mate changes. Sea-level oscillations due to the vides a unique opportunity to combine clastic temporary storage of water in continental ice stratigraphy with 40Ar/39Ar geochronology to The only radioisotopic geochronometer that sheets have not only shaped the δ18O record, but constrain the timing of Pleistocene sea-level provides reliable ages throughout the entire have altered coastal areas by deposition of clastic oscillations. The main eruptions from the range of middle Pleistocene time is 40K, which sediment during marine transgressions (inter- Monti Sabatini volcanic district occurred dur- partially decays to 40Ar. Both parent and daugh- glacial intervals) and by incising river valleys dur- ing the interval 560–280 ka, and the Alban ter of this decay series are well preserved in vol- ing regressions (glacial intervals). Therefore, the Hills volcanic district main eruptions span canic rocks. However, the rarity of volcanogenic coastal stratigraphy, like the δ18O record, can be 560–350 ka. The interfingering of volcanics materials associated with climate proxy records used as a direct proxy for glaciation. Volcanic hori- from these two centers with fluvial and shal- has made it difficult to use K/Ar (and more re- zons interbedded with the coastal deposits provide low-marine sediments of the Tiber River and cently 40Ar/39Ar) dating methods for high-preci- a means by which sea-level variations can be delta provides a datable relative sea-level sion calibration of middle Pleistocene glacial os- dated, and this chronology can then be compared record for this portion of middle Pleistocene cillations. Although recent attempts have been to orbitally based time scales inferred from the time. We calculate the timing of glacial termi- made to date climate proxies using the 40Ar/39Ar δ18O record. nations using analytical errors only, then as- method (e.g., Van den Bogaard et al., 1989), em- Radioisotopic dating of climate events in this sess age uncertainties that include analytical phasis has shifted away from radioisotopic dat- way must deal with the problem of natural plus systematic errors; the latter is required to ing systems such as K/Ar and toward the use of contamination. In volcanically active regions compare 40Ar/39Ar ages with those from other orbital time scales, such as the astronomically where tens to hundreds of eruptions can occur dating methods. Terminations III, V, and VI calibrated (geomagnetic) polarity time scale over geologically short time intervals, entrain- occur at 278 (261, 285) ka (95% confidence in- (APTS, Shackleton et al., 1990; Hilgen, 1991a, ment of older volcanic material in younger flows terval), 430 (422, 442) ka, and 534 (520, 541) 1991b) for dating glacial cycles. Even though can be problematic. Identification of those con- ka, respectively, when only analytical uncer- this approach provides a gross time calibration taminant (xenocrystic) populations can been ex- tainties are used to calculate the ages of brack- of glaciation, it is limited by minimal radioiso- tremely difficult. During the past decade, ad- eting volcanic horizons. The confidence inter- topic verification of the timing of individual vances in the 40Ar/39Ar method, including the use val expands significantly when full external glacial oscillations. The close proximity of the of lasers, low-blank–high-sensitivity mass spec- errors are considered, with predicted ages of Roman volcanic province in Italy to the coastline trometers, electron multipliers, and improvements 276 (258, 289) ka, 430 (416, 448) ka, and 533 of the Tyrrhenian Sea provides a unique oppor- in microextraction techniques, have provided (512, 548) ka for the terminations. The result- tunity to use the 40Ar/39Ar method to date vol- the ability to detect xenocrystic contamination ant 40Ar/39Ar chronology is generally consist- canic horizons interbedded with coastal sed- through single-crystal analysis (Lo Bello et al., ent with the deep-sea δ18O record of sea-level iments and, through facies analysis of those 1987), enabling geochronologists to improve the change tuned to Earth’s obliquity cycle for sediments (Karner and Marra, 1998, this issue), accuracy and precision of ages determined for py- glacial terminations VI, V, and III. In addition, to calibrate the timing of sea-level oscillations roclastic rocks (McDougall and Harrison, 1988). the 40Ar/39Ar constrained Tiber River delta through middle Pleistocene time. This paper pre- sea-level record has the added benefit of iden- sents a detailed geochronology for most of the VOLCANIC STRATIGRAPHY major eruptive events and many smaller ones identified from the Alban Hills and Monti Saba- The Monti Sabatini and Alban Hills eruptive *Present address: Department of Physics, Univer- tini volcanic centers (Table 1). centers of the Roman volcanic province have at- sity of California, Berkeley, California 94720; e-mail: The oxygen isotopic (δ18O) record from pelagic tracted geochronologists since the mid-1960s (see [email protected] sediments recovered in deep-sea cores has been Fornaseri, 1985, for early work). They are located Data Repository item 9845 contains additional material related to this article. GSA Bulletin; June 1998; v. 110; no. 6; p. 740–747; 3 figures; 1 table. 740 Downloaded from by guest on 26 September 2021 ROMAN VOLCANIC PROVINCE TEPHRA, TIBER RIVER VALLEY, ITALY TABLE 1. 40Ar/39Ar AGE SUMMARY Eruptive unit Sample Source Machine, J, Nucleogenic Lab Lat Long Material Method Age ± 2σ# ±2σ∗∗ number Discrimi- corrections † number (north) (east) (No. crystals)§ (ka) nation* Post-TGdS R93-15H2 Monti Sabatini? 2, 7 A 30181 41°47′02′′ 12°26′10′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(4) 251 8 11 Post-TGdS R95-04B Monti Sabatini 2 A 30176 41°51′20′′ 12°19′45′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(5) 266 5 8 TGdS R93-28 Monti Sabatini 6 A 7595 41°56′18′′ 12°30′57′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(6) 283 2 6 Tufo Lionato SPRQ-40 Alban Hills 6 A 7593 41°53′28′′ 12°28′55′′ Leucite Wtd. Mn.(13) 353 4 8 Pozz. Nere R94-20 Alban Hills 2 A 30173 41°54′48′′ 12°33′14′′ Leucite Wtd. Mn.(6) 404 7 13 TSVStorta SPQR-51 Monti Sabatini 1 B 7108 41°53′36′′ 12°29′05′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(7) 413 11 13 TSVStorta R94-30C Monti Sabatini 3, 8 C 8292 41°51′00′′ 12°20′06′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(7) 427 5 11 TSVStorta R95-04H Monti Sabatini 2 A 30175 41°51′20′′ 12°19′45′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(3) 434 8 14 TRaSN R93-26A Monti Sabatini 5 A 7583 42°00′03′′ 12°29′32′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(9) 446 2 9 Pozz. Rosse R95-09A Alban Hills 2 A 30178 41°47′07′′ 12°28′48′′ Leucite Wtd. Mn.(5) 455 8 14 Vallerano R95-10A Alban Hills 2 A 30179 41°47′49′′ 12°28′48′′ Leucite Wtd. Mn.(6) 457 8 14 TRaSN? R94-22B Monti Sabatini 3 C 8299 41°57′15′′ 12°28′00′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(8) 459 7 13 TSVSac R93-17Z Monti Sabatini 5 A 7587 41°40′08′′ 12°28′34′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(13) 474 5 10 TSVSac R93-11M Monti Sabatini 4 A 7577 41°51′43′′ 12°21′23′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(4) 485 3 10 TSVSac R93-22C Monti Sabatini 5 A 7582 41°49′26′′ 12°19′43′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(7) 500 6 11 TSVSac SPQR-5 Monti Sabatini 1 B 7106 41°53′28′′ 12°28′58′′ Leucite Wtd. Mn.(7) 517 15 18 TSVSac R94-28 Monti Sabatini 3, 8 C 8285 41°55′07′′ 12°28′37′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(10) 526 6 13 TGdVT R93-02 Monti Sabatini 6 A 7589 42°05′11′′ 12°32′24′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(7) 538 3 10 TGdVT? R94-26 Monti Sabatini 3, 8 C 8289 41°53′20′′ 12°29′29′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(8) 548 4 13 TGdVT R93-25A Monti Sabatini 5 A 7588 42°12′38′′ 12°29′13′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(6) 557 3 11 Pisolitic Tuff R95-02A Alban Hills 2 A 30188 41°50′08′′ 12°28′58′′ Leucite Youngest(1) 557 14 20 Pre-TGdVT R95-06A Monti Sabatini 2 A 30182 41°50′50′′ 12°17′50′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(5) 605 11 19 Pre-TGdVT R93-06N Monti Sabatini 3, 8 C 8281 41°50′43′′ 12°21′12′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(9) 614 3 14 N.A. R95-16A Vico?/Vulsini? 2 A 30189 41°50′22′′ 12°21′06′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(6) 749 14 24 N.A. R93-12F Vico?/Vulsini? 4 A 7576 41°50′08′′ 12°34′32′′ Sanidine Wtd. Mn.(3) 753 8 16 Note: Full 40Ar/39Ar data set is available from the GSA Data Repository (see text footnote 1). *Machine, J, Discrimination (per amu): 1: MAP2, 3.52 (±0.03) × 10–4, 1.0046 ± 0.0010; 2: MAP1, 1.351 (±0.012) × 10–4, 1.00826 ± 0.00102; 3: MAP2, 3.928 (±0.004) × 10–4, 1.00657 ± 0.00151; 4: MAP1, 3.946 (±0.006) × 10–4, 1.002946 ± 0.001483; 5: MAP1, 3.958 (±0.004) × 10–4, 1.002946 ± 0.001483; 6: MAP1, 3.949 (±0.005) × 10–4, 1.002946 ± 0.001483; 7: MAP1, 1.351 (± 0.012) × 10–4, 1.01011 ± 0.00121; 8: MAP1, 3.928 (±0.004) × 10–4, 1.01011 ± 0.00121.
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