47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) 2125.pdf THE RONALD GREELEY CENTER FOR PLANETARY STUDIES: THE NASA RPIF AT ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY. D. M. Nelson1, D. A. Williams1, and A. E. Zink1, 1 School of Earth and Space Explora- tion, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-3603 (
[email protected]). Introduction: The NASA Regional Planetary In- and Mars research); 2) photographs, 35 mm slides, and formation Facilities (RPIFs) are a network of 16 cen- 16 mm film movies of field and laboratory experi- ters that archive images, maps, literature, and educa- ments, including the experiment records from the tion outreach materials from past and current planetary NASA Ames Vertical Gun Facility and the Planetary missions. Nine of the RPIFs are located in the US, Aeolian Laboratory wind tunnels; and 3) a series of while seven other are found in Canada, France, Ger- classic NASA Technical Reports, Special Publications, many, Israel, Italy, Japan, and the UK. The RPIFs were and other documents from the 1970s-1990s, many pro- originally established in the 1970s to serve two prima- duced by the late ASU professor Ronald Greeley and ry functions: 1) to archive photographs and literature colleagues. The RGCPS also houses a fully-operational from active and completed planetary missions, and 2) wet darkroom for the generation of photographic prints to provide researchers and the public access to the ar- to support research and EPO activities, and is the only chive for scientific research, future mission planning, RPIF that has such a capability. and education/public outreach (EP/O) [1]. While each The GIS lab in the RGCPS is available to the pub- RPIF houses a variety of similar products, each one lic for planetary research.