877 GRS CRE1 +1 213 908 2173 www.grs-global.com

Los Angeles New York Due Diligence Chicago PHASE I San Francisco Project Management San Diego Financial Advisory ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT Atlanta Strategic Asset Solutions PROPERTY REFERENCE: Dallas 6660 GRAND MONTECITO PARKWAY, , NV Frankfurt London Tokyo PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT

Prepared for:

FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 40 Pacica, Fifth Floor Irvine, CA

Property Identication

Asset# 10267F006 (Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267) 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

Prepared by:

Global Realty Services Group 325 Center Street, Laguna Beach, California 92651 877 GRS CRE1 | +1 213 908 2173 | www.grs-global.com

Report Date: December 29, 2010 GRS Project #: 10-08517.2


Overview...... 1 Data Gaps...... 2 Limiting Conditions...... 2 Findings and Opinions...... 2 Conclusions...... 3 Recognized Environmental Conditions...... 3 Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions...... 3 De Minimis Environmental Conditions...... 3 Additional Services...... 3 Recommendations...... 3 1.0 Introduction...... 4 1.1 Purpose and Use...... 4 1.2 Scope of Assessment...... 4 1.3 Additional Services...... 5 1.4 Reliance...... 6 1.5 Methodology...... 6 1.6 Terminology...... 7 1.7 Deviations...... 7 1.8 Special Terms and Conditions...... 7 2.0 Property Description...... 8 2.1 Legal Description...... 8 2.2 Reconciliation of Property Data...... 8 2.3 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics...... 8 2.4 Current Use...... 8 2.5 Description of Improvements...... 9 2.6 Potentially Sensitive Improvements...... 9 2.7 Adjoining Properties...... 9 3.0 Client Provided Information...... 10 3.1 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information...... 10 4.0 Records Review...... 11 4.1 Regulatory Records...... 11 4.1.1 Subject Property...... 11 4.1.2 Off-Site Properties...... 11 4.1.3 Additional Environmental Record Sources...... 12 4.2 Physical Setting...... 12 4.2.1 Topography...... 12 4.2.2 Geology...... 13 4.2.3 Hydrology...... 13 4.3 Historical Use...... 13 4.3.1 Summary...... 13 4.3.2 Aerial Photographs...... 14 4.3.3 Fire Insurance Maps...... 14 4.3.4 USGS Topographic Maps...... 14 4.3.5 Local Street Directories...... 14 4.3.6 Building Department Records...... 15 4.3.7 Zoning Records...... 15 4.3.8 Title Search/Title Review...... 15 4.3.9 Environmental Clean Up Liens...... 15


4.3.10 Engineering and Institutional Controls...... 15 4.3.11 Other Historical Sources...... 15 4.3.12 Prior Assessments...... 16 4.3.13 Data Failure...... 16 5.0 Site Reconnaissance...... 17 5.1 Common Concerns...... 17 5.2 Additional Concerns...... 17 5.3 Adjoining Properties...... 17 6.0 Interviews...... 18 7.0 Additional Services...... 19 Lead-Based Paint...... 19 Drinking Water...... 19 Radon...... 19 Endangered Species...... 19 Wetlands...... 19 Covered Property...... 19 Undeveloped Floodplains/Wild and Scenic Rivers...... 19 Areas of Scientiffic Signifficance...... 20 Wilderness Area...... 20 National Natural Landmarks...... 20 Undeveloped Sole Source Aquifers...... 20 Archaeological Resources/Historic Sites and Structures...... 20 Recreational Areas...... 20 Undeveloped Coastal Zones/Coastal Barrier Units...... 20 8.0 Certiffication...... 21 Appendices A Site Location and Site Plan...... 22 B Photographs...... 26 C Scope of Work...... 34 D Property Data...... 54 E Analytical Results...... 56 F Aerial Photographs...... 58 G Fire Insurance Maps...... 65 H Topographic Maps...... 68 I Mapped Regulatory Report...... 72 J Regulatory Documents...... 155 K City Directories...... 478 L Prior Reports...... 480 M Title Records...... 482 N Other Supporting Documents...... 508 O Qualiffications...... 510

10-08517.2 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV


FDIC Asset Number 10267F0006 Asset Name FDIC - as receiver for SouthwestUSA Bank Property Address, City, 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway, Las Vegas, NV State Name of Financial Southwest USA Bank Institution FDIC Four Digit Not Provided Identifier of Financial Institution City and State of Las Vegas, NV Financial Institution Is Asset Real Estate, Real Estate Secured Collateral, or Other Name/Address of the FDIC Irvine / 40 Pacifica Place, Irvine CA FDIC Service Center Responsible for the Property Name/Address of Ed Massey Account Officer (Asset Manager) for the Property Building Area N/A (vacant) Units N/A Property Area 1.88 acres Year Built N/A Current Use Vacant lot with graded building pad and surrounding asphalt-paved parking area Historical Use Vacant Known Release None Suspected Release None Regulatory Records No Regulatory Records were identified for the subject Property. AULs No Activity and Use Limitations were identified. Engineering Controls No Engineering Controls were identified. Environmental Liens No environmental liens were discovered during completion of this assessment.

Conclusions Summary Action Cost Recommended? REC None None $0 HREC None None $0 Opinion Identified conditions do not indicate environmental None $0 impact to the Property. Data Gaps No data gaps were identified which would be None $0 likely to impact our conclusions.

ADDITIONAL SERVICES Issue Summary Action Cost Recommended? Asbestos No structures are present None $0 Lead-Based Paint No structures are present None $0 Drinking Water Municipal supply located in vicinity for future None $0 connection.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Page 1 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

Issue Summary Action Cost Recommended? Radon The Property is zoned for commercial purposes None $0 and is vacant. Therefore, an evaluation for radon was not conducted in accordance with the Client's Scope of Work. Wetlands None identified None $0 Special Resources The Property is not subject to additional None $0 investigation with regard to endangered species, critical habitats or any other special resources.

Data Gaps

Data gaps occur when, despite good faith efforts, the consultant is unable to identify information required to satisfy the objectives of the assessment. Data gaps may result from incompleteness in any of the activities required by the ESA Standard, or by limiting conditions encountered during completion of the work. The ESA Standard requires that data gaps be identified in the report when they significantly impact the ability of the consultant to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions at the Property.

• The earliest research date was 1950, after the 1940 research date identified in the ESA Standard. Because no environmentally sensitive operations were identified at the subject or nearby properties at the earliest research date, this data failure is not expected to significantly impact our ability to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions in connection with the property. As a result, this data failure does not constitute a Data Gap.

• Research intervals of more than five years were encountered during our review of historical sources. Because the Property was historically undeveloped, this data failure is not expected to significantly impact our ability to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions in connection with the property. As a result, this data failure does not constitute a Data Gap.

• No documentation of past monitoring reports, investigations or regulatory information was provided.

Limiting Conditions

GRS Group encountered the following limiting conditions in completion of the work:

• Site observations were limited to those areas identified in Section 5. Unidentified conditions may exist in areas not observed.

• GRS Group forwarded a pre-survey questionnaire to obtain information from the key site contact. The completed questionnaire was not returned. Information provided by someone familiar with the property can be important to the identification of environmental risks. Any available information concerning past operations at the property should be reviewed by the client to assure consistency with the results of this Assessment.

Findings and Opinions

No Recognized Environmental Conditions were identified as a result of our assessment. The Property is currently vacant and improved with a graded building pad surrounded by asphalt-paved driveways and/or parking areas. No activities involving the use, storage, treatment, disposal or emission of hazardous materials was identified.

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Based on a review of historical sources, the Property was historically undeveloped native desert. No activities involving the use, storage, treatment, disposal or emission of hazardous materials was identified.

One closed State Hazardous Waste site was located greater than 1/2 mile from the subject Property. No other sides were identified in the database report.

No data gaps which may significantly impact the conclusions of the assessment were identified.

Conclusions Recognized Environmental Conditions

A Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) is identified when the Assessment finds the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, ground water, or surface water of the property.

We have performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-05 of 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway, Las Vegas, , the Property. Any exceptions to or deletions from this practice are described in Section 1.7 of this report. This assessment has revealed no evidence of Recognized Environmental Conditions in connection with the Property.

Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions

Findings which would once have been classified as Recognized Environmental Conditions, but are no longer of concern are classified as Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions. For example, a past release which has been corrected may be classified as an HREC.

• No Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions were identified as a result of activities or conditions at the subject or nearby properties.

De Minimis Environmental Conditions

De minimis environmental conditions indicate a release which generally would not represent a threat to human health and would generally not be the subject of an enforcement action if brought to the attention of appropriate governmental agencies.

• No de minimis environmental conditions were identified as a result of activities or conditions at the subject or nearby properties.

Additional Services

Additional services were provided to evaluate non-ASTM considerations as identified in Section 1.3. No evidence of related conditions of concern was identified during completion of the Assessment.


No additional action or assessment is recommended as a result of this Assessment.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Page 3 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

1.0 Introduction

This Phase I Environmental Site Assessment was performed by Global Realty Services Group (GRS Group) for FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank Fin 10267 and was prepared by Ann M. Saia, CEM, one of GRS Group's Field Professionals and was reviewed by one of our senior reviewers, Richard G. Levis.

1.1 Purpose and Use

This assessment along with findings, conclusions and recommendations (collectively, the Assessment) is intended to support evaluation of the property by our Client to evaluate its potential legal and financial liabilities associated with the Property, and how these affect foreclosure, purchase, sale, loan workout, or seller financing. Global has performed the agreed services in order to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs); the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, ground water, or surface water of the property. The supporting work was not intended to be exhaustive or to guarantee of the identification of every possible issue of potential concern, and may not be construed as a warranty or guarantee of any kind. The information presented on Special Resources will assist the FDIC in identifying applicable laws that affect the Property's development potential.

Unless expressly identified herein, all opinions, conclusions, and recommendations provided presume that the property occupancy and use will remain as observed at the time of our site reconnaissance and that no significant renovation, subdivision, conversion to condominiums or similar change will occur. This report will be invalidated in the event of such activities.

1.2 Scope of Assessment

This assessment was conducted in accordance with an agreement governing the nature, scope intent and purpose of the work and in general accordance with ASTM E 1527-05, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, the ESA Standard, Statement of Work: FDIC Phase I ESA-Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SOW-Phase I ESA-For the Identification of Environmental Hazards and Special Resources, dated February 2006, and any additional requirements identified in the agreement under which the work was performed.

Since GRS Group's responsibilities are limited by the agreed scope of work, an understanding of activities not included within that scope of work is important to proper use of the information contained in this Report. Some clarification of the work performed is provided below, but a more complete list of inherent limitations is provided at Appendix C.

• No environmental site assessment can wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the potential for recognized environmental conditions in connection with a property. The ESA Standard identifies a balance between competing goals to reduce uncertainties within reasonable constraints of time and cost, and this assessment is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the potential for recognized environmental conditions in connection with a property within reasonable limits of time and cost. The reader should be thoroughly familiar with the ESA Standard in order to assure an appropriate understanding of limitations inherent in the agreed scope of services.

• In some cases conditions encountered during completion of the Assessment, for example limited access portions of the Property, can influence our ability to fulfill the objectives of the assessment. Where applicable, such limiting conditions are identified later in this section of the report. Also, certain work is specifically excluded by the ESA Standard.

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Unless the expressly identified in the agreed proposal for services, all tasks identified by the ESA Standard as "Non-Scope Considerations" are excluded from this Assessment.

• Reconnaissance conducted during this assessment was limited to accessible areas of the property and specific areas identified in this Report. Accordingly, conditions may exist which were not identified as a result of our assessment and which may impact our conclusions concerning the condition of the Property. Any conditions known or discovered which were not identified during the completion of this assessment should be reported to GRS Group upon discovery and may impact the conclusions and recommendations of this Report.

• When provided by the client, GRS Group has considered "User Provided Information" in completion of this Assessment; however GRS Group has no control over such information and cannot guarantee the User's satisfaction of requirements for All Appropriate inquiry.

• Limited information concerning regulatory compliance was utilized in preparation of this Assessment; however the work is not intended as a compliance audit and may not be relied upon or utilized as evidence regulatory compliance.

1.3 Additional Services

The presence of 'environmental' conditions such as the asbestos containing materials, lead-based paint, lead in drinking water, wetlands, endangered species, elevated radon concentrations, vapor encroachment conditions, etc. can result in liabilities for property owners and disrupt planned operations or cash flow and is generally beyond the scope of a Phase I assessment as defined by the ESA standard. The following additional services have been performed at the request of our Client. Any services not identified below are expressly excluded from this assessment. All work described is in the context of and subject to the principles underlying the ESA Standard.


The ESA Standard requires the consultant to provide recommendations when the consultant is unable to obtain information which they would expect to significantly impact their ability to identify recognized environmental conditions. Many clients also look to the consultant for recommendations to address business risks. This can be problematic since the reason for engaging the assessment and risk appetite can vary significantly from client to client. Some clients are primarily concerned with the identification of direct evidence of a release, while others are concerned to understand every possibility of a release. This distinction can significantly impact the consultant's recommendations. In simplified form, the ESA Standard defines a recognized environmental condition as the likely release of hazardous substances. A recognized environmental condition is neither restricted to known releases nor intended to include any possibility of a release. Unless otherwise requested by the client, our report will include recommendations as required by the ESA Standard along with our opinion of additional assessment necessary to assess the significant release or likely release of a hazardous substance or petroleum product at the property. The Client should carefully review and consider all recommendations to assure an understanding of the underlying concerns and verify that any recommendations are consistent with their unique appetite for risk.

Asbestos Containing Building Materials

In accordance with the Client's Scope of Work, the potential for Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) was evaluated for all buildings constructed prior to 1981 that have any remaining useful life, excluding single-family one-to-four units (unless there is a state or local law requiring an asbestos inspection), and also excluding properties which have been renovated, and in which the asbestos has been removed and/or a current Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Program is in place.

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During completion of the site reconnaissance, GRS Group looked for building materials commonly believed to contain asbestos. Where appropriate, samples of suspect ACM were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis by polarized light microscopy. This assessment provides a screening for the presence of asbestos containing materials to assist in understanding of business risks associated with the property, but is not intended and may not be used for the satisfaction of regulatory requirements and is not a suitable replacement for pre-demolition or other more in-depth studies.

Lead-Based Paint

In accordance with the Client's Scope of Work, the potential for Lead-Based Paint (LBP) was evaluated for all residential buildings and day care centers constructed prior to 1978.

Drinking Water

GRS Group contacted the drinking water supplier to obtain information concerning compliance with applicable Federal regulations.


GRS Group has reviewed Radon maps and other necessary and readily available information concerning average radon concentrations in the area of the property. Site-specific sampling was completed to verify radon concentrations at the Property.

Additional Assessments

Additional assessment was performed to evaluate the following concerns in accordance with the FDIC scope of work:

• Endangered Species • Wetlands • Coastal Barrier Units • Fifty Acre Properties Under the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act • Undeveloped Floodplains/Wild and Scenic Rivers • Areas of Scientific Significance • Wilderness Area • National Natural Landmarks • Undeveloped Sole Source Aquifers • Archaeological Resources/Historic Sites and Structures • Recreational Areas • Undeveloped Coastal Zones/Coastal Barrier Units

1.4 Reliance


1.5 Methodology

Recognized Environmental Condition

Criteria for the identification of Recognized Environmental Conditions vary substantially across the industry. Some Environmental Professionals identify Recognized Environmental Conditions whenever there is a possibility of impact to a property, while others recognize Recognized

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Environmental Conditions only when presented with direct evidence that a release has occurred. The ESA Standard defines a REC in terms of the "presence or likely presence" of hazardous materials under conditions that indicate an existing, past, or threatened release. By this definition the mere possibility of a release fails to fulfill the definition of a REC. A requirement for the discovery of direct evidence before identification of a REC is equally unsupportable. GRS Group considers both the known and likely presence and release of hazardous materials in identifying Recognized Environmental Conditions.

Historical Recognized Environmental Condition

The ESA Standard allows for reclassification of RECs as Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions. By example, the ESA Standard cites a situation in which a release was identified, cleanup has occurred and regulatory approval of cleanup operations has been granted, though the ESA Standard is careful to leave the final determination of HREC status to the discretion of the environmental professional. It is also possible to reclassify a REC when additional assessment reveals no evidence of a release. Since the definition of a REC requires the presence or likely presence of a release, the demonstration that no release has occurred would expunge the initial classification.

1.6 Terminology

Hazardous Material - The ESA Standard defines the terms hazardous substance and petroleum products, however the terms are often used in conjunction, resulting in an awkward phrase where a simpler term would be desirable. The term hazardous material is used in this report to include both hazardous substances and petroleum products as those terms are defined by the ESA Standard.

Material Threat of a Release - There is sometimes confusion regarding the meaning of the phrase "material threat of release." A material threat is defined within the context of the ESA Standard as "a physically observable or obvious threat which is reasonably likely to lead to a release..." The material threat of a release is used in consideration of the likelihood of a future release and has no application in consideration of an historical release.

1.7 Deviations

The ESA Standard characterizes issues which are beyond the scope of assessment as Non-Scope Considerations. Any inclusion of these issues or considerations in this assessment is described earlier in this Section: Scope of Assessment. Inclusion of this work is limited to the scope identified in the agreement under which the work was performed, is subject to underlying principles and limitations of the ESA Standard, and shall not be construed as evidence of a responsibility to evaluate other such issues or considerations.

The ESA Standard allows written interview of property owners and occupants, but is structured in a way which promotes oral interview of State and/or Local Government Officials. Nonetheless, many state and governmental officials will provide information only upon receipt of written requests submitted under the Freedom of Information Act. Information requested or received as a result of such requests may be employed in this assessment in lieu of oral interview of state and local government officials.

1.8 Special Terms and Conditions

This Assessment has been performed in accordance with an agreement governing the nature, scope, extent and purpose of the work. Any conflicting provisions of that agreement supersede the provisions of other requirements referenced herein.

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2.0 Property Description

FDIC Asset Number 10267F0006 Asset Name FDIC - as receiver for SouthwestUSA Bank Property Address 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway, Las Vegas, NV Name of Financial Southwest USA Bank Institution FDIC Four Digit Not Provided Identifier of Financial Institution City and State of Las Vegas, NV Financial Institution Is Asset Real Estate, Real Estate Secured Collateral, or Other Name/Address of the FDIC Irvine / 40 Pacifica Place, Irvine CA FDIC Service Center Responsible for the Property Name/Address of Ed Massey Account Officer (Asset Manager) for the Property Building Area N/A (vacant) Property Area 1.88 acres Year Built N/A Current Use Vacant lot with graded building pad and surrounding asphalt-paved parking area Number of Buildings None Access Asphalt-paved driveway from Grand Montecito Parkway

2.1 Legal Description

A copy of the legal description is included in Appendix M. Property boundaries were also identified by reviewing information from the Clark County Assessor's Office.

2.2 Reconciliation of Property Data

Conditions observed at the property are consistent with information provided at the time of our engagement. No significant deviations were identified.

2.3 Site and Vicinity General Characteristics

The Property is located in a mixed residential and commercial area. The terrain is generally level.

2.4 Current Use

No environmentally sensitive activities are conducted at the Property. The Property is used for vacant and improved with a graded building pad surrounded by asphalt-paved driveways and parking areas.

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2.5 Description of Improvements

DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS Building None Construction N/A Exterior Finishes N/A Interior Finishes N/A Parking Surface parking is provided on-site Amenities N/A Heating Fuel N/A Source of Drinking Water Water District available in immediate vicinity Waste Water Disposal Clark County Water Reclamation District available in immediate vicinity Solid Waste Disposal No solid waste generated on Property

2.6 Potentially Sensitive Improvements

No improvements of environmental concern were identified at the Property.

POTENTIALLY SENSITIVE IMPROVEMENTS Above Ground Storage None Tank Clarifier None Dry Well None Floor Drain None Ponds, Pits and Lagoons None Septic System None Settlement Tank None Underground Pipeline None Underground Storage None Tank Wells None

2.7 Adjoining Properties

The following activities were observed at adjoining properties.

Direction Activities Comments Undeveloped Land > 50 Acres North Residential No impact is expected. No South Institutional No impact is expected. No East Residential No impact is expected. No West Undeveloped No impact is expected. No

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3.0 Client Provided Information

In order to qualify for defenses to CERCLA liability, a defendant must demonstrate the completion of "all appropriate inquiry." As defined by EPA, all appropriate inquiry includes an assessment performed by an environmental professional, in addition to the identification and consideration of certain information not within the scope of a Phase I assessment. The ESA Standard requires the client to provide this information to the environmental professional. When not provided, the missing information must be considered as a possible Data Gap. Information required to be provided by the client includes:

• Research into the existence of environmental cleanup liens and Activity and Use Limitations • Any specialized knowledge or experience of the "user" • Commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the property • Relationship of the purchase price to fair market value, and • The degree of obviousness of the presence or likely presence of contamination.

No related information was provided by the Client. As a receiver, the client would not be expected to possess significant information concerning the Property. As a result, GRS Group does not view the lack of client-provided information as a significant data gap.

3.1 Owner, Property Manager, and Occupant Information

No additional documentation was provided by the property owner, manager or any occupant.

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4.0 Records Review 4.1 Regulatory Records

Regulatory records provide an important source of information concerning the current and historical use of hazardous materials at the subject and nearby properties. In order to satisfy ESA Standard requirements for the review of regulatory information, GRS Group obtained aggregated data from a commercial service specializing in the organization and reporting of regulatory information.

Map Findings Summary

Database Target Search < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 - 1/2 - > 1 Total Property Distance 1/4 1/2 1 Plotted (Miles) NPL 1 0 0 0 0 NR 0 DELISTED NPL 1 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CERCLIS 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CERCLIS-NFRAP 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CORRACTS 1 0 0 0 0 NR 0 RCRA-TSDF 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 RCRA-LQG 0.25 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA-SQG 0.25 0 0 NR NR NR 0 US ENG CONTROLS 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US INST CONTROL 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 US BROWNFIELDS 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 SHWS 1 0 0 0 1 NR 1 LUST 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 UST 0.25 0 0 NR NR NR 0 AST 0.25 0 0 NR NR NR 0 VCP 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 BROWNFIELDS 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN LUST 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN UST 0.25 0 0 NR NR NR 0 INDIAN VCP 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN ODI 0.5 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN RESERV 1 0 0 0 0 NR 0

The column for Target Property is blank if no records were found.

4.1.1 Subject Property

No regulatory records for the subject Property were identified during our review. Further, no information was discovered during completion of this Assessment which would lead GRS Group to suspect that records should have been included in the information reviewed. As a result, no additional related Assessment appears warranted.

4.1.2 Off-Site Properties

A release resulting from activities at nearby properties can sometimes impact surrounding properties. Regulatory records concerning nearby properties are reviewed in order to identify a release of hazardous materials which would be expected to impact conditions at the subject Property. The evaluation of nearby properties is a two-fold process, evaluating both identified releases of hazardous materials, and the potential for such releases to impact the subject Property.

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Properties of Potential Concern

No properties were identified which are considered likely to result in a release of hazardous materials to the subject Property.

Properties of No Further Concern

No regional contamination has been identified within the target search area.

No regulatory records were identified for adjoining properties.

A release is known to have occurred at the following property; however, regulatory "closure" has been granted. Closure is normally granted only after off-site impacts have been investigated and controlled or corrected. As a result, no related impact is expected and this property is not considered to represent a Recognized Environmental Condition.

• Clark County School District, 8200 West Tropical Parkway, SHWS, 1/2 to 1 mile SSE (downgradient)

Unmapped Records

Reports of regulatory records for the subject and surrounding Properties are compiled from data files published by public agencies. Data contained in those records is not always adequate to allow available mapping programs to correctly identify the property.

Review of the names and address information for unmapped properties revealed no evidence of records likely to be associated with the subject Property.

4.1.3 Additional Environmental Record Sources

The following additional environmental record sources were reviewed:

Source Comments Fire Department The Las Vegas Fire Department indicated that records for hazardous materials and/or USTs are not available for immediate public review and suggested contacting the Southern Nevada Health District and the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. Southern Nevada Health No records were identified for the Property. District Nevada Division of GRS Group reviewed the NDEP's UST and LUST databases. The subject Environmental Protection Property address of 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway was not identified on either database.

4.2 Physical Setting 4.2.1 Topography

Topography Description Findings Source Configuration Relatively flat Site Observations Elevation 2,500 feet Topographic Maps Surface Water None identified Site Observations

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4.2.2 Geology

Geology Description Findings Source Formation Cenozoic Pliocene Geologic Map of Nevada Description Mixed alluvium United States Department of Agriculture Web Soil Survey Permeability Low United States Department of Agriculture Web Soil Survey

4.2.3 Hydrology

Hydrology Description Findings Source Primary Aquifer Various located throughout the Las Las Vegas Valley Water District Vegas Valley Estimated first 25 to 50 feet Southern Nevada Water Authority depth to groundwater Gradient Toward the east Inferred from elevation and site observations

4.3 Historical Use 4.3.1 Summary

The Property appears to have been undeveloped since at least 1950.

No direct evidence of a release of hazardous materials was identified.

Activities in the vicinity of the Property have included residential uses.

Historical Heating Fuel - No evidence of heating oil tanks was identified.

Fill Materials - No evidence of the historical placement of fill materials was identified during our review of historical information. Though the placement of fill materials cannot be ruled out, no significant depressions, pits or other features suggestive of the likely placement of fill were identified in review of historical topographic maps and aerial photos.

Standard Historical Source Reviewed? Concerns? Description of Concerns Aerial Photographs Yes No Fire Insurance Maps No No coverage Property Tax Files Yes No Recorded Land Title Records Yes No USGS Topographic Map Yes No Local Street Directories Yes No Building Department Records Yes No Zoning/Land Use Records Yes No Other Historical Sources No Prior Assessments No

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4.3.2 Aerial Photographs

The following aerial photographs were reviewed:

Source Year Scale EDR 1950 1000 EDR 1970 500 EDR 1973 1000 EDR 1981 750 EDR 1983 1000 EDR 1990 750 EDR 1999 750

Subject Property

The Property was in an undisturbed, native state in all photographs reviewed.

Nearby Properties

The general vicinity of the Property was undeveloped desert land since at least 1950 until 1999. By 1999, some residential tract housing was developed to the east. No improvements or conditions of concern were identified as a result of this review of aerial photographs.

4.3.3 Fire Insurance Maps

GRS Group contacted the current owner of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Map collection to identify records for the Property and surrounding area. No fire insurance maps were reported to be available for the Property.

4.3.4 USGS Topographic Maps

The following topographic maps were reviewed:

Quad Year Scale CORN CREEK SPRINGS 1952 1:62500 TULE SPRINGS PARK 1974 1:24000 TULE SPRINGS PARK 1983 1:24000

Subject Property - The Property appeared to be undeveloped in all reviewed maps. No topographic maps were available after 1983.

Nearby Properties - The general vicinity of the Property appeared to be undeveloped in all reviewed maps. No historical features of concern were identified at nearby properties.

4.3.5 Local Street Directories

The following street directories were reviewed in completion of this Assessment:

• Criss Cross and Hill Donnelly directories dating between 1959 and 2010 in approximate five year intervals at the Las Vegas Public Library.

Subject Property - No listings were identified for the subject property in any of the directories reviewed.

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Nearby Properties - Residential listings were identified to the north and east of the subject property beginning in the late 2000s.

4.3.6 Building Department Records

GRS Group contacted the local building department to review records for the subject Property. Our review was limited to permit and inspection records, since plans archived plans were not available.

Our review revealed:

• No building permits were identified for the Property. • No evidence of previous or existing underground storage tanks or other improvements of concern was identified.

4.3.7 Zoning Records

Zoning maps reviewed on-line show the Property to be zoned Town Center District (T-C) for commercial use.

4.3.8 Title Search/Title Review

A chain-of-title search revealed the following:

• Records were searched back to 1936. • Only private individuals and commercial entities with no obvious environmentally related significance maintained ownership of the property during the timeframe researched. • No records of potential environmental concern were identified.

A copy of the chain-of-title report is included in Appendix M.

4.3.9 Environmental Clean Up Liens

A search for environmental liens revealed the following:

• No environmental liens were found. • No other activity and use limitations were found.

No records of potential environmental concern were identified. A copy of the environmental lien report is included in Appendix M.

4.3.10 Engineering and Institutional Controls

No Engineering and/or Institutional Controls were identified for the Property in the database report or lien search referenced above.

4.3.11 Other Historical Sources

A Google search of .gov sites for the subject address revealed no matching entries. A search of additional domains revealed no evidence of a known release at the property within the first twenty search results.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Page 15 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

4.3.12 Prior Assessments

No prior reports were reviewed during our assessment.

4.3.13 Data Failure

Data failure was encountered during completion of our assessment.

• The earliest research date was 1950, after the 1940 research date identified in the ESA Standard. Because no environmentally sensitive operations were identified at the subject or nearby properties at the earliest research date, this data failure is not expected to significantly impact our ability to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions in connection with the property. As a result, this data failure does not constitute a Data Gap.

• Research intervals of more than five years were encountered during our review of historical sources. Because the Property is current and was historically vacant and undeveloped, this data failure is not expected to significantly impact our ability to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions in connection with the property. As a result, this data failure does not constitute a Data Gap.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Page 16 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

5.0 Site Reconnaissance

No conditions or improvements of environmental concern were observed during our reconnaissance of the property. The site reconnaissance was performed by Ann Saia on December 7, 2010. GRS Group was unaccompanied during the site reconnaissance. Weather at that time was clear and provided no obstacle to completion of the reconnaissance. GRS Group's site reconnaissance of exterior areas included observation of the Property from nearby streets and along the perimeter of the Property. Open areas of the Property were traversed at intervals of approximately 50 feet.

5.1 Common Concerns

No improvements, features or activities were identified which would be expected to indicate the use, storage or disposal of hazardous materials.

Concern Present? Comments Above Ground Storage Tanks No Discharge Features No Equipment Likely to Contain PCBs No Hydraulic Equipment No Hazardous Material Use No Other Suspect Containers No Petroleum Products No Pits, Ponds, and Lagoons No Processes of Concern No Solid Waste Dumping/Landfills No Stained Soil/Stressed Vegetation No Staining/Corrosion No Stockpiled Soils No Subsidence No Surface Repairs (e.g. UST removal) No Underground Storage Tanks No Wells No

No common concerns were identified.

5.2 Additional Concerns

No additional concerns were identified during site reconnaissance.

5.3 Adjoining Properties

The following activities and improvements were observed at adjoining properties.

North - The north-adjoining properties are occupied by single-family residences.

South - The south-adjoining property is occupied by an educational facility.

East - The east-adjoining properties are occupied by single-family residences.

West - The west-adjoining properties are vacant parcels.

No activities or improvements were observed which would be expected to have resulted in impact to environmental conditions at the subject Property. No hazardous materials were observed to be used or stored near the property line and no staining or other evidence indicating likely impact to the Property was found.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Page 17 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

6.0 Interviews

Position Name Company Title Contact Interview Information Date Key Site Manager Mr. Pete Voit Property Manager (949) 263-5356 December Beauchamp 1, 2010 Local Government Ms. Diane Southern Nevada Clerk (702) 759-0600 December Official Freeman Health District 3, 2010 Local Government Sherry Williams Las Vegas Records Clerk (702) 229-4660 December Official Building 7, 2010 Department

Key Site Manager

The key site manager has only been associated with the Property for less than a month. He had no knowledge of past contamination or cleanup activities, and was unaware of any additional release or areas of concern associated with the property.

Current Occupants

The Property is currently vacant; therefore, no occupants were interviewed.

Past Owners and Occupants

No contact information for past owners was readily available; therefore no past owners or occupants were interviewed.

Neighboring Property Owners and Occupants

Interview of neighboring property owners was not necessary in our assessment of historical activities at the Property.

Local Government Officials

Building Department - GRS Group interviewed Sherry Williams of the Las Vegas Building Department. She confirmed that the Property is currently vacant and was historically undeveloped.

Fire Department - GRS Group contacted the local fire department by phone. The desk clerk indicated that records are not available for immediate public review and referred GRS Group to the SNHD and the NDEP.

Health District - GRS Group submitted a FOIA request to the SNHD by fax. No records were identified for the Property address.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Page 18 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

7.0 Additional Services

Assessment of the following Non-ASTM considerations was performed:

Lead-Based Paint

No structures are located at the Property.

Drinking Water

Drinking water in the immediate vicinity is supplied by the Las Vegas Valley Water District and is reported to be in compliance with applicable regulations.


The Property is vacant undeveloped land. Therefore, an evaluation for radon was not conducted in accordance with the Client's Scope of Work.

Endangered Species

The Property is greater than one acre in size but does not contain any Natural Areas one acre or more in size. Natural Areas include woodlots, brush areas, fields and other overgrown areas, and areas that are subject to infrequent or irregular maintenance, such as pastures and golf course roughs. A Natural Area does not include lawns, flower beds, or other landscaped areas that are regularly maintained. Therefore, the property is not subject to additional investigation with regard to Endangered Species or Critical Habitat.


The Property does not contain any Natural Areas (without regard to the size of any such Natural Area). Therefore, the Property is not subject to additional investigation with regard to wetlands.

Covered Property

Coastal Barrier Units

The Property is not located within a State and County containing Units of the Coastal Barrier Resources System.

Fifty Acre Properties Under the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act

The Property is not larger than fifty (50) acres. Therefore, no further investigation is warranted.

Undeveloped Floodplains/Wild and Scenic Rivers

The property does not contain any Natural Areas (without regard to the size of any such Natural Area). Therefore, the property is not subject to additional investigation with regard to Undeveloped Floodplains/Wild Scenic Rivers.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Page 19 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

Areas of Scientific Significance

The property is not larger than fifty (50) acres. Therefore, no further investigation is warranted.

Wilderness Area

The property does not contain any Natural Areas (without regard to the size of any such Natural Area). Therefore, the property is not subject to additional investigation with regard to Wilderness Areas.

National Natural Landmarks

The property does not contain any Natural Areas (without regard to the size of any such Natural Area). Therefore, the property is not subject to additional investigation with regard to National Natural Landmarks.

Undeveloped Sole Source Aquifers

The property does not contain any Natural Areas (without regard to the size of any such Natural Area). Therefore, the property is not subject to additional investigation with regard to Undeveloped Sole Source Aquifers.

Archaeological Resources/Historic Sites and Structures

The property does not contain any Natural Areas one acre in size or more; does not contain buildings and/or structures on the Property fifty years of age or older; and does not contain any building and/or structures that are less than fifty years of age but exhibit features, or are associated with an event or pattern of events, that are exceptionally significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, or culture (such as the work of a renowned architect or a structure associated with a very significant individual).

Therefore, the property is not subject to additional investigation with regard to Archaeological Resources/Historic Sites and Structures.

Recreational Areas

The property does not contain any Natural Areas (without regard to the size of any such Natural Area). Therefore, the property is not subject to additional investigation with regard to Recreational Areas.

Undeveloped Coastal Zones/Coastal Barrier Units

The property does not contain any Natural Areas (without regard to the size of any such Natural Area). Therefore, the property is not subject to additional investigation with regard to Undeveloped Coastal Zones/Coastal Barrier Units.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Page 20 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

8.0 Certification

We declare that, to the best of our professional knowledge and belief, we meet the definition of Environmental Professional as defined in section 312.10 of 40 CFR 312, and we have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a property of the nature, history, and setting of the subject Property. We have developed and performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set forth in 40 CFR Part 312 except as follows:

• The results of additional inquiries required under section 312.22 of 40 CFR 312 were not provided to the environmental professional. All appropriate inquiry does not require submission of this information to the environmental professional, but without this information we are unable to make a declaration regarding related conformance with the requirements of 40 CFR 312.

In order to qualify for innocent landowner, contiguous property owner, or bona fide prospective purchaser protections under CERCLA, any user of this assessment should assure conformance with these requirements.

Jurat: I, Ann Saia, hereby certify that I am responsible for the services described in this document and for the preparation of this document. The services described in this document have been provided in a manner consistent with the current standards of the profession and to the best of my knowledge comply with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, regulations and ordinances.

Ann Saia Field Professional

Richard G. Levis Associate Director, Client Services

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Page 21 A: Site Location and Site Plan Image Provided by ESRI


Boundaries of the Property are Approximate.

SITE LOCATION MAP Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89149

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia DATE: 12/12/2010 Image Provided by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. Source: USGS Scale: 1" = 909'


Boundaries of the Property are Approximate.

TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89149

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia DATE: 12/12/2010

Single-family residences

Graded commercial lots Property

Single-family residences

Centennial Academy 6610 Grand Montecito Parkway



SITE PLAN 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway APN 125-20-711-007 Las Vegas, Nevada 89149

PROJ. #: 10-08517.2 DRAWN BY: Ann Saia DATE: 12/28/10

B: Photographs Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

View across the Property from southwest to northeast.

View of the sign near the northwest corner of the Property.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

View across the Property from northwest to southeast.

View of the northern Property boundary, looking east.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

View of the adjoining residences to the north, looking east.

View of the adjoining residences to the north, looking west.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

View of the construction materials stored on the eastern portion of the Property, looking south.

View of the vacant construction trailer parked on the northeastern portion of the Property.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

View of the eastern Property boundary, looking south along Doe Brook Trail.

View of the southern Property boundary, looking east.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

View of the adjoining property to the south (academy), looking southeast from Grand Montecito Parkway.

View of the western Property boundary (chain-link fence), looking north.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

View of the adjoining property to the west (vacant), looking southwest.

View of the adjoining property to the west (vacant), looking southwest.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 C: Scope of Work 6!*31'-,1 $0-+ ," '+'2 2'-,1 -$ 2&#  2 ," 0"

#,#0 *

ThefollowinginformationconcerningexclusionsfromtheESAstandardisprovidedforclarificationand is not intended to reduce or limit similar clarifications contained within the ESA Standard.Certain inherentlimitationsintheESAStandardarediscussedhere;howeverthereadershouldreviewthefull standardinordertoassureanappropriateunderstandingofwork. 0',!'.*#1 -$ 2&#  2 ," 0"

ConsiderationsBeyondScope—Theuseofthispracticeisstrictlylimitedtothescopesetforthinthis section. Section 13 of this practice identifies, for informational purposes, certain environmental conditions (not an allRinclusive list) that may exist on a property that are beyond the scope of this practicebutmaywarrantconsiderationbypartiestoacommercialrealestatetransaction.Theneedto include an investigation of any such conditions in the environmental professional’s scope of services shouldbeevaluatedbasedupon,amongotherfactors,thenatureofthepropertyandthereasonsfor performingtheassessment(forexample,amorecomprehensiveevaluationofbusinessenvironmental risk)andshouldbeagreeduponbetweentheuserandenvironmentalprofessionalasadditionalservices beyondthescopeofthispracticepriortoinitiationoftheenvironmentalsiteassessmentprocess CERCLA Requirements Other Than Appropriate Inquiry—This practice does not address whether requirementsinadditiontoallappropriateinquiryhavebeenmetinordertoqualifyfortheLLPs(for example,thedutiesspecifiedin42U.S.C.§9607(b)(3)(a)and(b)andcitedinAppendixX1,includingthe continuingobligationnottoimpedetheintegrityandeffectivenessofactivityanduselimitations(AULs), orthedutytotakereasonablestepstopreventreleases,orthedutytocomplywithlegallyrequired releasereportingobligations). OtherFederal,State,andLocalEnvironmentalLaws—Thispracticedoesnotaddressrequirementsof anystateorlocallawsorofanyfederallawsotherthantheallappropriateinquiryprovisionsofthe LLPs. Users are cautioned that federal, state, and local laws may impose environmental assessment obligationsthatarebeyondthescopeofthispractice.Usersshouldalsobeawarethattherearelikelyto beotherlegalobligationswithregardtohazardoussubstancesorpetroleumproductsdiscoveredonthe propertythatarenotaddressedinthispracticeandthatmayposerisksofciviland/orcriminalsanctions fornonRcompliance. Practically Reviewable—information that is practically reviewable means that the information is providedbythesourceinamannerandinaformthat,uponexamination,yieldsinformationrelevantto thepropertywithouttheneedforextraordinaryanalysisofirrelevantdata.Theformoftheinformation shallbesuchthattheusercanreviewtherecordsforalimitedgeographicarea.Recordsthatcannotbe feasibly retrieved by reference to the location of the property or a geographic area in which the property is located are not generally practically reviewable. Most databases of public records are practicallyreviewableiftheycanbeobtainedfromthesourceagencybythecounty,city,zipcode,or other geographic area of the facilities listed in the record system. Records that are sorted, filed, organized, or maintained by the source agency only chronologically are not generally practically reviewable.Listingsinpubliclyavailablerecordswhichdonothaveadequateaddressinformationtobe located geographically are not generally considered practically reviewable. For large databases with numerous records (such as RCRA hazardous waste generators and registered underground storage tanks),therecordsarenotpracticallyreviewableunlesstheycanbeobtainedfromthesourceagencyin thesmallergeographicareaofzipcodes.Evenwheninformationisprovidedbyzipcodeforsomelarge databases,itiscommonforanunmanageablenumberofsitestobeidentifiedwithinagivenzipcode.In thesecases,itisnotnecessarytoreviewtheimpactofallofthesitesthatarelikelytobelistedinany givenzipcodebecausethatinformationwouldnotbepracticallyreviewable.Inotherwords,whenso much data is generated that it cannot be feasibly reviewed for its impact on the property, it is not practicallyreviewable. Reasonably Ascertainable—information that is (1) publicly available, (2) obtainable from its source withinreasonabletimeandcostconstraints,and(3)practicallyreviewable.  -,V!-.# -,1'"#0 2'-,1


Thefollowingareidentifiedas“NonRScopeConsiderationsundertheESAStandard.Unlesstheexpressly identified in the agreed proposal for services, all tasks identified below are excluded from this Assessment. 13.1General: 13.1.1AdditionalIssues—Theremaybeenvironmentalissuesorconditionsatapropertythatparties maywishtoassessinconnectionwithcommercialrealestatethatareoutsidethescopeofthispractice (the nonRscope considerations). As noted by the legal analysis in Appendix X1 of this practice, some substances may be present on a property in quantities and under conditions that may lead to contaminationofthepropertyorofnearbypropertiesbutarenotincludedinCERCLA’sdefinitionof hazardoussubstances(42U.S.C.§9601(14))ordonototherwisepresentpotentialCERCLAliability.In anycase,theyarebeyondthescopeofthispractice. 13.1.2 Outside Standard Practices—Whether or not a user elects to inquire into nonRscope considerations in connection with this practice or any other environmental site assessment, no assessment of such nonRscope considerations is required for appropriate inquiry as defined by this practice. 13.1.3OtherStandards—Theremaybestandardsorprotocolsforassessmentofpotentialhazardsand conditions associated with nonRscope conditions developed by governmental entities, professional organizations,orotherprivateentities. 13.1.4 Compliance With AULs—Parties who wish to qualify for one of the LLPs will need to know whether they are in compliance with AULs, including land use restrictions that were relied upon in connectionwitharesponseaction.AdeterminationofcompliancewithAULsisbeyondthescopeofthis practice. 13.1.5ListofAdditionalIssues—FollowingareseveralnonRscopeconsiderationsthatpersonsmaywant to assess in connection with commercial real estate. No implication is intended as to the relative importanceofinquiryintosuchnonRscopeconsiderations,andthislistofnonRscopeconsiderationsis notintendedtobeallRinclusive:,,,,,,,,,,,,and,  !2'4'27 6!*31'-,1

 Accessingmanholesorutilitypit  Entering of plenum, crawl, or confined space areas (however, the field observer should observe conditionstotheextenteasilyvisiblefromthepointofaccesstothecrawlorconfinedspaceareas, provided such points of access are readily accessible), determination of previous substructure floodingorwaterpenetrationunlesseasilyvisibleorifsuchinformationisprovided  Walking on pitched roofs, or any roof areas that appear to be unsafe, or roofs with no builtRin access,ordetermininganyroofingdesigncriteria  Testinganddesignofequipment  Collectionofsamplesexceptasidentifiedintheagreementunderwhichtheworkisperformed.  Removing, relocating, or repositioning of materials, ceiling, wall, or equipment panels, furniture, storagecontainers,personaleffects,debrismaterialorfinishes;conductingexploratoryprobingor testing; dismantling or operating of equipment; or disturbing personal items or property, that obstructsaccessorvisibility,  Preparing engineering calculations to determine any the adequacy or compliance of systems and components,  Reportingonsubterraneanconditions  Enteringoraccessinganyareaofthepremisesdeemedtopotentiallyposeathreatofdangerousor adverse conditions with respect to the field observer's health or safety, or to perform any procedure, that may damage or impair the physical integrity of the property, any system, or component.  Compliancewithanyfederal,state,orlocalstatute,ordinance,ruleorregulationincluding,butnot limitedto,fireandbuildingcodes,lifesafetycodes,environmentalregulations,healthcodes,zoning ordinances, compliance with trade design standards, or standards developed by the insurance industry.  Complianceofanymaterial,equipment,orsystemwithanycertificationoractuationrateprogram, vendor'sormanufacturer'swarrantyprovisions,orprovisionsestablishedbyanystandardsthatare relatedtoinsuranceindustryacceptance/approval,suchasFM,StateBoardofFireUnderRwriters, etc. Statement of Work: FDIC Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) I. Scope

FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF To conduct a Phase I ESA that identifies an existing or potential Environmental Condition(s) in ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS AND SPECIAL RESOURCES connection with the Property as well as an existing or potential Special Resource(s) in connection with the Property. FEBRUARY 2006 II. Background

TABLE OF CONTENTS The Phase I ESA will address both Environmental Conditions and resources with natural, cultural, recreational, or scientific value of special significance (i.e., Special Resources). I. SCOPE The FDIC will use the information on Environmental Conditions which is presented in the II. BACKGROUND Environmental Professional’s Phase I ESA Report (hereinafter, the “Phase I Report”) to evaluate III. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS its potential legal and financial liabilities associated with the Property, and how these affect foreclosure, purchase, sale, loan workout, or seller financing. The information presented on IV. TASKS Special Resources will assist the FDIC in identifying applicable laws that affect the Property’s V. CONTRACT DELIVERABLES (DISCUSSION OF REPORT FORMAT) development potential. The information for both Environmental Conditions and Special Resources will assist the FDIC in determining the Property’s appraised value, as well as the VI. DELIVERY marketing strategy that yields the highest potential return. VII. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA/TASK COMPLETION DATES Specifically, the Phase I Report will... VIII. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS IX. DEFINITIONS 1. Identify the presence or likely presence of any Environmental Condition or Special Resource that may trigger an environmental liability on, restrict the use of, or affect the X. ATTACHMENTS marketability or value of the Property. A. FDIC Bid Proposal Form B. FDIC Qualifications Requirements for Environmental Professional 2. Identify any immediate risk to the public health or safety of the environment. C. FDIC Insurance Requirements for Environmental Professional D. Map Ordering Form 3. Identify the need for additional investigation, studies or surveys to confirm and evaluate E. List of the Network of State Natural Heritage Programs the location, extent, magnitude, and source of any Environmental Condition or Special Resource F. List of the State Historic Preservation Officers and/or for required follow-up actions (e.g., the development of operations and maintenance plans G. List of States and Counties Containing Units of the Coastal Barrier Resources System or response actions for asbestos containing materials).

CREDITS: III. Applicable documents Portions of this document are reprinted by permission of ASTM, from standard E1527-05 The FDIC will make its best efforts to provide copies of the following documents, if in the Practice for ESAs: Phase I ESA Process prepared by ASTM Committee E 50 on ESA. The possession of the FDIC, to the Environmental Professional: standard may be obtained from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428- 2959, (610) 832-9585. 1. Any completed prior environmental studies, including Environmental Checklists or Transaction Screen Questionnaires that may have been conducted under a different Phase I ESA protocol, ESAs, Environmental Audits, or Environmental Database Search Reports;

2. Any existing or recommended asbestos or lead-based paint operations and maintenance plan(s) (O&M) and/or response actions recommended or implemented as a result of such plans;

3. Copies of notices provided to tenants regarding the existence or possible existence of an Environmental Condition, such as asbestos or lead-based paint on the Property;

Attachment (1) 2

4. Notices of code or regulatory violations, notices of environmental liens or any When an investigation requirement has not been met, the Environmental Professional shall specialized knowledge relating to an Environmental Condition or Special Resource on the indicate this, and the reason the requirement was not met in the Summary and Recommendations Property; section of the Phase I Report.

5. Information identifying the Property, including the legal description (lot, block, B. Method of Inquiry subdivision, or other legal description), asset number, street address, municipality, county, state, and zip code; Methods of inquiry shall include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) records review—site background; (2) records review—governmental agencies; (3) interviews with owner/occupants 6. Information indicating the type of property (commercial office building, multifamily, or other persons knowledgeable about the Property and its uses; (4) interviews with persons industrial facility, undeveloped land), property size (acres), number of building structures on knowledgeable about the Adjoining Properties and surrounding area, as well as properties Property, building size (square feet), number of stories in building, building age, and occupancy adjacent to or contiguous with the Property, and their uses; and (5) site reconnaissance and status; investigation.

7. Leases; All attempts should be made, if possible, to conduct the records review of site background and governmental agencies prior to the site visit. Although the Phase I ESA may allow for some 8. Land contracts; sampling, such as in the case of asbestos, invasive procedures or sampling are generally not part of the Phase I ESA SOW. If the Environmental Professional finds that certain investigations or 9. Chain of title documents; samplings are needed, beyond any authorized at the time of contract award, the FDIC Contracting Officer shall be notified in writing before beginning work. The Environmental 10. The result of any appraisal reports with respect to property actual value versus fair Professional shall not proceed with any additional work until written approval from the FDIC market value; Contracting Officer is received.

11. Any information on past or existing renovations or rehabilitations to the Property, 1. Review of Site Background (Step One) including existing building construction or renovation plans/actions taken and specifications and drawings; Prior to conducting any analysis of the Property, the Environmental Professional shall review all applicable environmental documents, including any completed prior environmental studies, such 12. Any commonly known or reasonably ascertainable information about the property as Environmental Checklists or Transaction Screen Questionnaires, ESAs, Environmental Audits regarding specific chemical usage, spills or chemical releases that are present or were once and Environmental Database Search Reports.1 The inability to obtain information in this section present at the property; and shall be identified as a data gap if failure to obtain such information affects the ability of the Environmental Professional to adequately assess the conditions of the site. 13. Any obvious indicator that point to the presence or likely presence of contamination at the property. a. Site Location and Description

IV. Tasks i. Identify Property by legal description (including lot, block, and subdivision or other legal description), asset number, street address, municipality, county, state, and zip code. (FDIC will A. Overview have already provided this information.) Notwithstanding any previous Phase I ESA SOW in any FDIC Basic Ordering Agreement ii. Identify type of property (commercial office building, multifamily, industrial facility, (BOA) or Basic Purchasing Agreement (BPA), or in any RTC Task Order Agreement (TOA), the undeveloped land, etc.), property size (acres), number of building structures on property, following requirements are to be used in conducting a Phase I ESA. These requirements are building size (square feet), number of stories in building, building age, and occupancy status. intended to provide consistency in all ESAs prepared for the FDIC and its representative (FDIC will have already provided some of this information.) contractors.

The Environmental Professional must employ, at a minimum, the following assessment procedures and methods, and, where professional environmental standards and practice in a given locality dictate the use of the additional procedures and methods, Environmental 1 If (as a result of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment or the actual knowledge of the Environmental Professional shall employ such additional procedures and methods. Professional) the information from a prior environmental study is inaccurate, the Environmental Professional should not use that information, and should describe, in the contents of the Phase I Report, how the Environmental Professional’s information differs from previously-obtained information.

3 4 iii. Identify current use of the Property, and whether there are any relevant items, such as oil i. Standard Historical Sources wells or underground storage tanks (“USTs”) on the Property. Indicate names of owner(s), operator(s), key on-site manager(s), major occupant(s) on the property and any occupants that (a) Title search/title review are using or are likely using, storing, treating, handling or disposing of hazardous substances on the property. If the FDIC has not provided a chain of title, the Environmental Professional shall conduct a chain of title search dating back to at least 1940 (or until such time that Property is undeveloped, iv. Identify prior uses of the Property, including the nature of businesses or operations which whichever is the earliest date) and also obtain a title abstract. As an alternative, the were on the Property since 1940 or back until the time that the property was not yet developed Environmental Professional shall have the title company provide a certificate of title abstract which shows the chain of title. (development including agricultural uses and the placement of fill upon the property) at intervals determined by the Environmental Professional, based on sources that are reasonably (b) Environmental Clean Up Liens ascertainable and that are useful. Such sources include easements, liens, and other encumbrances on the Property. If the FDIC has not provided documentation regarding environmental clean up liens, the Environmental Professional shall conduct an environmental clean up lien search for the Property. b. Adjoining Properties and Surrounding Area (c) Engineering and Institutional Controls For Environmental Conditions, describe land uses (including present or most recent use[s] and prior use[s]), in the area surrounding the Property. Determine how these uses may adversely The Environmental Professional shall perform a review of government records and available lists impact the Property (e.g., whether there are any activities that may generate, use, store, or for institutional and engineering controls at the subject property. This may include a search of dispose of Hazardous Substances or Petroleum Products; whether such activities are on “restrictions of record on title” documents. properties topographically up gradient or down gradient to the Property [if reasonably ascertainable]; and whether there is potential for groundwater contamination). (d) Aerial photographs

The area surrounding the Property that will be researched will be at a search distance determined Secure, review, and interpret aerial photographs of the Property and the surrounding area. The by the Environmental Professional.2 Environmental Professional should obtain the oldest available photographs, dating back to at least 1940, (or to a time when the Property was undeveloped, whichever is the earliest date), and c. Properties Adjacent to or Contiguous with the Property at an intervals of five (5) years, unless the use of a Property remains unchanged for more than five years. For a review of possible Special Resources on any Property having undeveloped land greater than fifty (50) acres, identify any properties adjacent to or contiguous with the Property, (e) Maps and other data properties that are managed by a governmental agency (federal, state, or local) for wildlife Secure, review, interpret, and summarize documents and maps regarding geologic, hydrologic, refuge, sanctuary, open space, recreational, historical, cultural, or natural resource conservation and topographic conditions at the Property and in the surrounding area. These shall be obtained purposes. A review of the local land ownership records to determine if any properties adjacent for intervals of five (5) years, unless the use of a Property remains unchanged longer than five to or contiguous with the Property are tax exempt will assist in identifying areas managed by a years. governmental agency for the various enumerated conservation purposes. Maps include archival, fire insurance, topographic, soil survey, surficial geology, bedrock d. Site History geology, groundwater, floodplain, coastal zone, wetland, and land use. Some of these maps may be obtained from the National Wetlands Inventory through the U.S. Geological Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, State agency

2 responsible for administering the Coastal Zone Management Program, if applicable, and State Factors to consider in making this determination include but are not limited to: the extent to which information Geological Bureaus. is reasonably ascertainable; the time and cost involved in reviewing surrounding uses (for example, analyzing aerial photographs is relatively quick, but reviewing property tax files for adjacent properties or reviewing local street directories for more than the few streets that surround the site is typically too time-consuming); the extent to which Other data including building blueprints, building permits or construction documents, and those information is useful, accurate, and complete in light of the purpose of the records review; the likelihood of the records indicated under Section IV.B.2.a., “General Public Records.” information being significant to environmental conditions in connection with the property; the extent to which potential concerns are obvious; known hydrogeologic/geologic conditions that may indicate a high probability of ii. Lists of Special Resources hazardous substances or petroleum products migration to the property; how recently local development has taken place; information obtained from interviews and other sources; and local good commercial or customary practice. Based upon the information provided to the Environmental Professional and the Environmental (Source: ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Professional’s knowledge of the Property, the Environmental Professional shall obtain, review, Process, 2005.)

5 6

and interpret the most recent lists of Special Resources that may be applicable to the Property, will cover a number of regulatory databases and lists including, but not limited to, the following such as the following: federal lists: National Priorities List (NPL), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) List, the Resource Conservation The National Park Service (NPS) list of Wild, Scenic and Recreational rivers, including study and Recovery Act (RCRA) TSD Facilities List, Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery rivers; available lists of Wilderness Areas; a map of the National Wilderness Preservation Act Generators List and the Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) List. State and System; the NPS National Registry of Natural Landmarks; the EPA list of designated sole source tribal lists to be searched include, but are not limited to, the following: state and tribal lists of aquifers, including those proposed for designation; a list of archaeological and historic properties hazardous waste sites identified for investigation or remediation (NPL and CERCLIS listed or eligible for listing within the applicable state; the United States Fish and Wildlife equivalents); state and tribal institutional control/engineering control registries, state and tribal Service Endangered Species list, including those proposed for listing; the NPS list of National voluntary cleanup sites, state and tribal Brownfield sites, state and tribal landfill and/or solid Trails; and areas included in the applicable State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. waste disposal site lists; state and tribal leaking storage tank lists; and state and tribal registered storage tank lists. 2. Review of Governmental Agency Records (Step Two) The Environmental Database Search Report shall cover governmental agency records pertaining Review and interpret federal, state, tribal and local public records to assess the Property, as well not just to the Property, but also pertaining to properties within the “Approximate Minimum as the properties Adjoining the Property and the surrounding area and, as applicable, properties Search Distance” (as described in Section IX, “Definitions”) in order to help assess the adjacent to or contiguous with the Property. The inability to obtain information in this section likelihood of problems from migrating Hazardous Substances. shall be identified as a data gap if failure to obtain such information affects the ability of the Environmental Professional to adequately assess the conditions of the Property. (b) All regulatory databases shall be the most current ones that are available from the source agency. Government information obtained from nongovernmental sources shall be considered a. General Public Records current if the source updates the information at least every ninety (90) days or, for information that is updated less frequently than quarterly by the government agency, within ninety (90) days The Environmental Professional’s review shall include, but not be limited to, the following: of the date the government agency makes the information available to the public. The Environmental Database Search Report shall include the date the last update was made to each i. City engineering plans which indicate gas, water, sewer; database by the source agency. ii. Public utilities for information on product pipelines and ancillary structures (e.g., railroad ii. Contact Regulatory Authorities spurs, electrical tower transmission lines); Environmental Profession shall identify all federal, state, tribal and local agencies with probable iii. Property tax records, ownership, appraisal or assessment records; jurisdiction over the Property, and shall contact each appropriate regulatory authority, verbally iv. Local street directories; (through telephone or visits) in an effort to determine information on existing and/or suspected Environmental Conditions which was not available from the environmental database search, and v. Local planning/zoning/land use records, including those pertaining to historic sites or on Special Resources. All verbal inquiries will be documented in written record of conversation. historic districts; Both records of verbal inquiries and written requests and responses will be attached to the Phase I Report as part of the Appendix. vi. Building permits and demolition permits; and (a) For Environmental Conditions: Contact applicable federal, state, tribal and local regulatory vii. Local and state trial court records for liens affecting the Property. agencies to obtain and review information regarding environmental violations or incidents, compliance with the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), and b. Review Governmental Agency Records other reporting requirements and/or status of enforcement actions, (e.g., consent decrees) at the Property and at properties within a one-mile radius that may pose an environmental threat to the i. Obtain Regulatory Compliance Records Property. Contacts include, but are not limited to, the local fire department; local building permit/inspection departments; local and state health authorities; local water and sewer (a) Environmental Professional shall obtain and review a current Environmental Database Search authorities; emergency response agency(ies); water quality control departments or district; local Report, which reflects searches of federal, state, tribal and local databases and lists that identify pollution control agency; local, state, and local environmental agencies; and EPA and OSHA Environmental Conditions for real estate properties. If tribal databases are not available and the federal and regional offices. property is located on or near tribal lands, the Environmental Professional must attempt to review tribal records or obtain required information through other sources. The database search

7 8 (b) For Special Resources: Contact applicable federal, state, and local regulatory agencies for The Environmental Professional shall interview the current owner, operator or occupant(s) of the information on the presence of Special Resources. Contacts include, but are not limited to, the Property to obtain information which may indicate a recognized environmental condition at the appropriate U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District Office and the Natural Resources site. The inability to obtain information in this section shall be identified as a data gap if failure Conservation Service County Office for Wetlands; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service if to obtain such information affects the ability of the Environmental Professional to adequately federally-listed Endangered Species (including their habitat) is present, or if the Property is assess the conditions of the Property. within a Unit of the Coastal Barrier Resources System; the appropriate state Coastal Zone Management Agency if the Property is within a coastal zone; the local municipality if the a. Immediate Site Property is situated in a 100-year floodplain; the agency responsible for administering the Wild and Scenic River, the nearby Wilderness Area, and adjacent public land, as well as the local Interview the current owner, operator or occupant(s) of the Property to determine historical land governmental authorities; The National Park Service Regional Office for Natural Landmarks; the use activities, and whether possible Hazardous Substances or Petroleum Products were appropriate Office of Groundwater for the Environmental Protection Agency if the Property is generated, used, treated, released, disposed of, or transported. Additional individuals should be within the boundaries of a sole source aquifer and local governmental authorities; the state interviewed as necessary to provide sufficient information with regard to previous land use and Historic Preservation Officer and local governmental authorities if the Property has any property condition. These additional individuals may include, but are not limited to, former archaeological or historic significance; and the applicable state Parks and Recreation Department property owners, operators or occupants, employees, key on-site managers, chief physical plant for Recreational Areas. Indicate in the Summary and Recommendations section of the report supervisors, or head maintenance persons. If the current owner, operator or occupant(s) cannot what federal, state, and local requirements may be applicable for each Special Resource be interviewed, at least one owner or occupant of a neighboring property should be interviewed identified on the Property to include a description of the specific property condition that may to obtain information regarding past owners or uses of the subject property. Maintain names, cause the Property to fall within the referenced requirement(s). addresses, and telephone numbers of all persons interviewed, and dates interviewed.

(c) Information to be obtained through these inquiries will include, but not be limited to, the b. Adjoining Properties and Surrounding Area following: i. Interview persons at the immediate Property to determine the historical land use activities i. Status of federal, state, or local environmental permits or orders; at the adjoining property(ies) and the area surrounding the Property. Maintain names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all persons interviewed, and dates interviewed. ii. cease and desist order, memorandum of understanding, injunction or the like issued with respect to the Property; ii. Interview adjoining or hydrologically up gradient property owners (or other persons, such as occupants or key property managers having knowledge of the Property in question) within a iii. Whether the Property is presently under investigation for violation of any environmental surrounding area that may affect the Property to obtain information about historic land use laws, regulations, or standards; activities and conditions and to determine whether any environmental incidents including, but not limited to, leaking tanks, chemical spills, or authorized and unauthorized disposal of waste or iv. Whether the Property is listed on any regulatory databases (e.g., inventory of open hazardous releases, are known to have affected such Property in the past. Maintain names, dumps, PCB notification records, UST notification records); addresses, and telephone numbers of all persons interviewed. v. Corrective action, restoration, or remediation planned, currently taking place, or iii. Interview knowledgeable persons (real estate salespersons and appraisers, county completed. Obtain documents describing these plans or actions; assessor, county land office personnel, and zoning commissioners) to identify historical land use activities and conditions on the properties in the surrounding area to determine whether any vi. Hazardous and chemical substances discovered and reported. (Obtain copies of Material environmental incidents including, but not limited to, leaking tanks, chemical spills, authorized Safety Data Sheets [MSDS]); or unauthorized disposal, or Hazardous Substance or Petroleum Product releases, are known to have affected such properties. Maintain names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all persons vii. Copies of any existing emergency response plans under SARA Title III, or any other interviewed, and dates interviewed. safety plans, spill prevention, countermeasure, and control plans; and 4. Site Reconnaissance and Investigation (Step Four) viii. Any other pertinent information relating to the Property or area surrounding the Property in the files of relevant regulatory authorities. A visual and/or physical inspection of the Property shall be performed by the Environmental Professional to the extent not obstructed by bodies of water, adjacent buildings or other 3. Interviews (Step Three) obstacles. Any limitations to the inspection (ie. snow, flooding or other obstructions) should be noted in the report.

9 10

a. Visual Inspection suggesting solid waste disposal; evidence of farm wastes, such as feed lot spoils or manure stockpiles; evidence of prolonged use or misapplication of pesticides or fertilizers; the existence i. Immediate Site of drums, whether they are leaking, if they are properly labeled and the suspected content of those drums; construction and trash debris; floor drains and sumps; stains or corrosion on floors, (a) Perform a visual inspection and walk-through of the Property, and visually inspect the walls or ceilings; current and historical fuel source(s) for heating and cooling; and current and exteriors of all structures on the Property. At a minimum, Environmental Professional shall walk historical sewage disposal systems (e.g., on-site septic systems, cisterns, or cesspools); and the the perimeter boundary of the Property, each side of all drainage pathways, the boundaries of all existence of heavy equipment, tankers, or spray rigs. on-site bodies of water and a grid pattern for the remaining exterior areas, including overgrown or wooded areas. ii. Adjoining Properties and Surrounding Area

For the interior of structures on the Property, Environmental Professional shall, at a minimum, Conduct visual inspections of the area surrounding the Property. Report in detail whether there visually inspect accessible common areas expected to be used by occupants or the public (e.g., are any activities that generate, use, store, transport, or dispose of Hazardous Substances or lobbies and hallways), maintenance and repair areas (e.g., boiler rooms), and a representative hazardous wastes at the Property and/or the area surrounding the Property. Note whether these sample of occupant spaces. activities are on properties up gradient or down gradient to the Property and discuss the potential for groundwater contamination. (b) Note current and past use of the Property as indicated by physical observation of the site. Any current or past uses which likely involve(d) the use, treatment, storage, disposal or iii. Properties adjacent to or contiguous with the Property generation of Hazardous Substances or Petroleum Products must be identified in the report. For a Property having Undeveloped land greater than fifty (50) acres, determine whether the (c) Note distinct boundaries of the Property and improvements on it through representative Property is adjacent to or contiguous with any lands managed by a governmental agency photographs of the structure, and map directional on representative maps and/or schematics to (federal, state, local) primarily for wildlife refuge, sanctuary, open space, recreational, historical, scale. All photographs should be original or photocopy 35-millimeter color prints or digital prints or natural resource conservation purposes. Contact the agency responsible for administering any of business quality or better. adjacent public lands to determine if such lands are managed for conservation purposes and document and present the results in the Summary and Recommendations section of the Phase I (d) Note the topographic conditions of the Property and surrounding area such as observable Report. from the periphery of the site. Any information that indicates that hazardous substances or petroleum products on the Property are likely to migrate into the soil or groundwater shall be b. Investigation for Environmental Hazards analyzed and discussed in connection with geologic, hydrogeologic, hydrologic and topographic conditions. i. Topography

(e) A general description of structures or other improvements should be described in the report, Report on the range of site elevations, overall site topography or slope, and significant such as number of buildings approximate age, etc. physiographic features, such as ridges, streams, and valleys. In the event that site specific hydrogeologic data are not available, regional topographic data should be used to infer the (f) Public thoroughfares adjoining the Property and any roads, streets or parking facilities located direction of groundwater flows (and, therefore, the direction of flow of contaminated waters) in on the Property should be described in the report. near-surface aquifers. The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) 7.5-minute Topographic Maps can be used for most areas of the United States. (g) Note the source and location of potable water for the Property and any groundwater monitoring wells. Identify whether there are any active or inactive wells on the Property ii. Geology (including oil or gas wells, injection wells, irrigation wells, groundwater monitoring wells, dry wells, abandoned wells, or other wells). Examine geologic data, to the extent that they are available. If possible, the physiographic province within which the Property is located and the characteristics (e.g., rock types, (h) Note additional observations including, but not limited to, the presence of natural waterways impermeable layers, bedrock characteristics of local geologic formations) should be described, (natural bodies of water—including springs—and possible Wetlands); the presence and condition including seismological changes. These characteristics help determine the susceptibility of of surface water discharges; areas of stressed vegetation (from a cause other than insufficient groundwater to contamination. For example, aquifers or water-bearing zones located beneath water); stained soil or pavement; indications of liquid or solid waste dumping or disposal; impermeable layers of rock or soil are less susceptible to near-surface contaminant sources, such discolored flowing or ponded waters; groundwater wells; abnormal odors (especially strong, as leaking USTs. Potential data sources include the USGS and state and local environmental pungent, or noxious odors—describe and attempt to identify sources) associated with the agencies. Property; the presence of unnatural fill material or soil grading (or mounds and depressions)

11 12 iii. Soils i. Evidence of any spills and releases associated with such equipment;

Identify soil types and general characteristics, such as drainage, permeability, soil mantle depth, ii. Any conditions associated with the equipment or its contents that may result in, or and depth-to-rock. Soil data assists in determining the ease with which contaminants may contribute to, future harm or damages; and migrate laterally and downward, depth to groundwater, and suitability for underground storage tanks (some soils are highly corrosive to metals, and may contribute to the failure of steel tank). iii. The disposal location of such equipment or its contents if such location is on the The soil data can be obtained from county soil surveys. The surveys are published by the U.S. Property. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service and are available for most counties. vii. Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM) iv. Hydrology The potential for Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) shall be evaluated for all buildings constructed prior to 1981 that have any remaining useful life, excluding single-family one-to- Examine hydrologic data to the extent that it is available. Regarding groundwater, determine four units (unless there is a state or local law requiring an asbestos inspection), and also approximate depth to groundwater, water quality, direction of flow, aquifer productivity, and its excluding properties which have been renovated, and in which the asbestos has been removed suitability for domestic consumption and current source of drinking water. The nearest and/or a current Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Program is in place. producing wells should be identified as to location pumping rate, and type of use. For surface water, describe site drainage both onto, and off of the Property, as well as water quality. The Environmental Professional shall perform a Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection to inspect, Hydrologic data are important in assessing the significance of water contamination. For sample, and analyze all suspected ACMs, including Presumed ACM (PACM). The purpose of example, contaminated groundwater within a naturally-poor quality aquifer with no withdrawal this inspection will be to identify the location, quantities, and conditions of the ACM, and to for human use or consumption would generally not be considered significant. Potential sources determine if the ACM is damaged and friable. of hydrologic data include the USGS, and state and local environmental or water resource agencies. The tasks required under the Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable or relevant federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations v. Chemicals and Raw Materials relating to asbestos, including the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA, as implemented by regulations published at 40 C.F.R., part 763, subparts E and F), the Clean Air Identify and report hazardous or potentially hazardous chemicals or raw materials generated, Act, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act. These tasks are as follows: used, stored, released, transported, or disposed of in connection with the Property or facility(ies). Estimate quantity and type of hazardous chemical substances to the extent such information is (a) Environmental Professional shall obtain reasonably available building documents, if not reasonably ascertainable and provide Material Safety Data Sheets. provided by the FDIC, and shall review the documents. Environmental Professional shall conduct interviews with individuals (such as building inspectors, contractors, subcontractors, vi. Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) architects, engineers, and building staff) who have direct knowledge of the building, construction techniques, and materials used on the property. (a) Determine whether electrical or other suspected PCB-containing equipment has been brought onto the Property and, if so, provide the following information: (b) Environmental Professional shall conduct a thorough visual inspection of all interior building areas (including, but not limited to, crawl spaces, basement, shafts, mechanical areas, ceiling i. PCB content of oils or other fluids present in the equipment (as evidenced by the plenums, and roofs) to identify the location of all suspected ACM. If the FDIC informs presence of labels indicating non-PCB contents); Environmental Professional that demolition or renovation is planned, then Environmental Professional shall conduct a thorough visual inspection of all exterior building areas, including ii. Name of utility company that owns the electrical or other equipment (if applicable), unit exterior roofs. If the FDIC Oversight Manager approves sampling of exterior roofs, the manufacturer, serial numbers and other descriptive markings on the equipment; Environmental Professional shall conduct such sampling. iii. The date the equipment was manufactured; and (c) Environmental Professional shall assess the condition (friability, as determined by hand pressure) and damage or potential for disturbance of ACM. iv. The location of equipment. Also identify the location on a real property survey and on facility building plans (on maps or schematics). (d) Environmental Professional shall identify all homogeneous areas (as defined in 40 C.F.R. 763.83) of friable suspected ACM and all homogeneous areas of non-friable suspected ACM. (b) For all equipment on the Property identify

13 14

(e) Environmental Professional shall collect and submit for analysis bulk samples of all viii. Radon suspected ACM, in accordance with all applicable or relevant federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations and professional standards relating to sampling protocols (including AHERA), If the Property is a residential structure (including mixed-use residential), determine for each homogeneous area where suspected ACM have been observed during the visual inspection. In order to minimize duplication of bulk sample locations, the selection of sampling (a) Whether the Property is currently included in an area of EPA-determined concentration of locations should incorporate the results of any previous sampling. Sample locations shall be radon or randomly distributed throughout a given homogeneous sampling area. Samples shall not be composite. Environmental Professional shall take color photographs of each sampling location, (b) Whether state or local testing requirements exist for the Property. then label and include those photographs in the survey report. IV. Tasks, continued (f) Environmental Professional shall comply with quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures established by AHERA and other applicable or relevant federal, state, and local laws, If testing requirements exist, have a test performed which meets the specified protocol associated rules and regulations, and professional standards. Samples shall be transported under chain of with the requirement or, if no such protocol exists, meet the EPA requirements for reliability in custody procedures for analysis by a laboratory accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory testing (Radon Measurement Proficiency Program [RMMP]), and/or is state-certified. The Accreditation Program (NVLAP) administered by the National Institute of Standards and Environmental Professional will already have included a cost estimate for such services in the Technology, and, if applicable, by the jurisdiction in which the services are being performed. FDIC Bid Proposal Form (see Attachment A: FDIC Bid Proposal Form). All Environmental Professionals and their subcontractors must also state in their bid proposal that they are properly (g) Samples shall be collected utilizing appropriate health and safety protective measures. licensed and/or certified to conduct radon tests and provide evidence of such license and/or Sampled locations shall be repaired so as to prevent potential fiber release to the sampling point. certifications. The Environmental Professional will provide appropriate recommendations for Environmental Professional shall comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory provisions radon in the Summary and Recommendations section of the Phase I Report and include a copy of relating to worker protection and hazard communication. the testing requirement in the Appendix to the Report.

(h) Laboratory testing and analysis shall be done by employing accredited AHERA, NESHAP, ix. Drinking Water and NVLAP methods, including the EPA’s “Test Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Sampling Materials (EPA/600/R-93-116)” or the most recent version thereof. Samples Indicate if the Property is served by a publicly regulated municipal water service or a private on- shall be held for possible recertification of the asbestos content. Costs for performing the site system, such as a residential drinking water distribution system, and determine whether there Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection to be provided on the FDIC Bid Proposal Form in is any indication of contamination that exceeds EPA minimum drinking water standards. Provide Attachment A. All Environmental Professionals and their subcontractors must state in their bid references to any documented reports regarding lead in water that are known to the area proposal that they are properly licensed and EPA-certified in the state in which the inspection impacting the Property. Also determine whether there are lead pipes and lead solder, or lead- and sampling is performed, and provide evidence of such licenses and certificates, including all lined coolers on the Property, which could affect the Property’s drinking water distribution recertification. (See Attachment B, “FDIC Qualifications Requirements for Environmental system. Provide support for assumptions pertaining to any recommendation to sample drinking Professionals.”) water in the Summary and Recommendations section of the Phase I Report.

Upon completion of the Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection, the Environmental Professional x. Lead-Based Paint must prepare and present a written compilation of data to classify and identify ACM, its If the Property is a residential property constructed prior to 1978 or contains any buildings condition and potential for disturbance, and hazard ranking. The Environmental Professional constructed prior to 1978 that serve as daycare centers, determine whether there are applicable should also clearly document on a building blueprint diagram or sketch the locations of state or local laws, regulations, or ordinances regarding lead-based paint inspection or abatement confirmed ACM. The total quantity of ACMs shall be included, calculated on a square footage requirements. basis for surfacing and miscellaneous materials, and calculated on a linear footage basis for pipe lagging, duct tape, and so on. The Environmental Professional must also present a table which, If there is such a state or local requirement, the Environmental Professional will perform all at a minimum, describes the condition of the ACM, the numerical hazard ranking code and key required inspection and testing services in accordance with such requirement(s). (The for the numerical codes, the condition of the material as defined by guidelines under AHERA, Environmental Professional will already have included a cost estimate for such services in the and the location and amount of the material. Cost estimate tables for each recommendation FDIC Bid Proposal Form, which is Attachment A.) All Environmental Professionals and should also be presented with the quantities of ACM, as should charts regarding applicable subcontractors must certify in their bid proposal that they are properly licensed and/or certified to response action options. See Section V, “Contract Deliverables” for guidance on the conduct inspections and testing for lead-based paint. (See Attachment B, “FDIC Qualifications recommendations. Requirements for Environmental Professionals.”)

15 16 The Environmental Professional will also identify whether tenant notification forms may be the tank has been registered with the appropriate regulatory agency, and when it was registered. required by state or local law or regulation. Obtain copies of monthly inventory control reports or monthly monitoring reports for leak detection to determine if it was appropriately tested for leakage, as well as any reports showing The Environmental Professional will provide appropriate recommendations for lead-based paint whether it has been upgraded (e.g., corrosion protection, spill/overfill prevention devices, in the Summary and Recommendations section of the Phase I Report and include in the secondary containment systems). Identify whether routine inspections of the tank system were Appendix to the Report a copy of the inspection and/or abatement requirements. If required conducted to determine evidence of spills or leaks and the integrity of the dike (if present). If inspections were not performed, the Environmental Professional will address this in the tanks have been removed or abandoned in place, also include available information describing Summary and Recommendations section of the Phase I Report. the removal or abandonment procedure, oil analytical data, and the date of removal or abandonment. Supply information on the disposition of residual sludge prior to removal or IV. Tasks, continued abandonment. xi. Hazardous Substances If possible, determine through interviews or reviews of regulatory records, the date when any removed or abandoned tanks were last operated, the name of the last owner and operator, and the Identify and review all permits, manifests, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), or other date removed or otherwise abandoned or made inoperable. Include a map of all known locations documents. Identify all on-site locations for the disposal of Hazardous Substances and non- of existing and former tanks in the report. Hazardous Substances generated, used, stored, treated, or disposed at the property, and indicate when these substances may have been transported. Observe the areas where such materials are stored to determine whether any adverse Environmental Condition exists as a result of improper storage or other practices. Evaluate the Property to determine if there is any evidence of on-site IV. Tasks, continued disposal or treatment of hazardous materials. In the Summary and Recommendations section of the report, include brief comments on whether such disposal and treatment methods meet xv. Off-Site Storage Tanks applicable requirements (if the information supports such a conclusion, state any assumptions used in this conclusion). Review updated tribal, state and federal lists of registered Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs) within the Approximate Minimum Search xii. Landfills Distance (see Section IX, “Definitions”). These lists would have been obtained through the current Environmental Database Search Report described in Section IV or by contacting the Identify and report whether there are any known abandoned and/or licensed landfills, or federal appropriate source agency. The Summary and Recommendations section shall include an or state-permitted hazardous waste disposal sites located within the Approximate Minimum assessment of the potential environmental degradation at the site due to the LUSTs. Search Distance (see Section IX, “Definitions”). To the extent possible, identify probable resulting groundwater or soil contamination areas by reviewing federal, state, tribal and local xvi. Storm Water Drainage/Waste Water Discharge environmental agency records. Identify applicable federal, state, and local requirements regarding storm water drainage or waste xiii. Pits, Sumps, Drywells, or Catch Basins water discharge. Address in the Summary and Recommendations section whether the Property drainage system, its device, its design, and its operation comply with any of the aforementioned (a) Note the current condition and contents of all known pits, sumps, and surface impoundments requirements pertaining to storm water drainage or waste water permits. located on the Property and note their locations on a map of the site. c. Investigation for Special Resources (b) Verify that all pits, sumps, drywells, or catch basins have been registered with the appropriate regulatory authority. i. Endangered Species xiv. On-Site Aboveground and Underground Storage Tanks Based upon maps, aerial photographs, site reconnaissance, and other information on the Property, determine if there are any Natural Areas on the Property one (1) acre or more in size. Identify possible Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) and Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) If so, the Environmental Professional shall contact the state Natural Heritage Program for the on the Property and on Adjoining Properties. Note any pumps, vent pipes, fill pipes, access state in which the Property is located (refer to Attachment E: List of the Network of Natural ways, concrete pads, saw cuts in paved areas, or other customary apparatus or indications of Heritage Programs) and provide the state Natural Heritage Program with information on the storage tanks. For each existing tank, determine its size (capacity), age of UST, construction Property so that the Heritage Program can provide the Environmental Professional with material, contents, age of material stored, corrosion protection method, containment facilities, information for the Environmental Professional’s determination on whether any federally-listed and current status (e.g., active or inactive). State whether the tank is empty. Indicate whether

17 18

threatened or endangered species, those proposed for listing, or their habitat (hereafter referred to Conservation Service [NRCS] wetland determination maps) from federal, state, or local as “Endangered Species”) may exist at the Property. agencies. Based on these maps, aerial photographs, and site reconnaissance, ascertain whether there are Wetlands or restorable Wetlands, as defined in the Clean Water Act, on the Property. The Environmental Professional shall use the following procedure in determining the presence of Incorporate into the identification process the presence of non-hydric soil that exhibits hydric Endangered Species: characteristics and note whether or not, under unaltered conditions, hydrophytic vegetation is, or would be, present on the Property. Determine whether the Wetland is regulated, identify the (a) Contact the state Natural Heritage Program and submit information on the Property for its types of activities regulated, and identify the regulatory agency (e.g., the Army Corps of review. In all cases, information submitted to the state Natural Heritage Program will include but not be limited to: Engineers or the Natural Resources Conservation Service). Determine if Wetland restoration is required or feasible as a condition of a permit or order. i. a current U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 Topographic Map (7.5 minute - 1:24,000 scale) with the Property boundaries delineated on the map(s); iii. Covered Property (There are two different types of “Covered Property” under the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990.) ii. the Property’s name and address, including city, county, and state; (a) Identify whether the Property, or any portion thereof, is located within a unit of the Coastal iii. the Township, Range, and Section, if applicable; Barrier Resources System (i.e., Coastal Barrier Unit). See item xi: Undeveloped Coastal Zones/Coastal Barrier Units below for specific requirements. iv. a general description of the Property’s physical characteristics (including acreage) based upon site reconnaissance, vegetation coverage observed, etc.; (b) Identify whether the Property is larger than fifty(50) acres. If so, based upon maps, aerial photographs, title records, adjacent land ownership, and site reconnaissance, ascertain whether it v. the Environmental Professional’s name, address, and phone and fax number; and is Undeveloped and, if so, adjacent to or contiguous with any lands managed by a governmental agency (federal, state, or local) primarily for wildlife refuge, sanctuary, open space, recreational, vi. any additional maps, such as a tax map, surveyors plat or map, floodplain map, historical, cultural, or natural resource conservation purposes (i.e., Fifty Acre Properties under neighborhood/site map showing crossroads, etc. the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act). Identify the agency responsible for administering the adjacent area. Identify the name of the area and recommend a contact. The Environmental Professional seeking an Endangered Species review must submit the current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map with the Property boundaries delineated on it to the state iv. Undeveloped Floodplains/Wild and Scenic Rivers Natural Heritage Program for analysis. Attachment D contains information for obtaining current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Maps and guidelines for delineating property boundaries on If there are any Natural Areas on the Property (without regard to the size of any such Natural these maps. Area), then, based on Flood Insurance Rate Maps, a copy of the Property appraisal, a list of Wild and Scenic Rivers (including recreational and study rivers), aerial photographs, and site (b) The Environmental Professional shall determine the presence of Endangered Species on the reconnaissance, ascertain whether there is any undeveloped 100-year Floodplain and any Wild Property by applying the results of the state Natural Heritage Program’s review to the Property and Scenic Rivers that are either designated or proposed for designation (including recreational and make a determination based upon the existence of suitable habitat. If Endangered Species and study rivers) under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act on or adjacent to the Property. Identify (including their habitat) may exist on the Property, the Environmental Professional shall the agency responsible for administering the Wild and Scenic River area, if applicable. Identify affirmatively state this determination in the Summary and Recommendations section of the the name of the area and recommend a contact. If the Property is situated in a 100-year Phase I Report. Floodplain or associated with an area designated, or proposed for designation (including study rivers) as a Wild and Scenic River, determine whether the area is regulated, identify the types of (c) The Environmental Professional shall contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) activities restricted, and identify the regulatory agency (e.g., local governmental unit). Ecological Services Field Office within the state or closest to the Property location and determine whether the Endangered Species habitat is regulated, identify the types of activities v. Areas of Scientific Significance regulated, and identify the regulatory agency (e.g., FWS or state fish and wildlife agency). This information is to be included in the Summary and Recommendations section of the Phase I If the Property is larger than 50 acres, and based upon maps, aerial photographs, and site Report. reconnaissance, ascertain whether it is Undeveloped and, if so, whether there are any Areas of Scientific Significance, such as paleontological resources, artifacts, fossils, Archaeological ii. Wetlands Resources, or historic properties that are valued for scientific study or research, including areas set aside for scientific research. Determine whether the area is regulated, identify the types of If there are any Natural Areas on the Property (without regard to the size of any such Natural activities restricted, and identify the regulatory agency, (e.g., local governmental unit). Area), obtain wetlands maps, (e.g., National Wetland Inventory maps or Natural Resource

19 20 vi. Wilderness Area associated with an event or pattern of events, that are exceptionally significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, or culture (such as the work of a renowned If there are any Natural Areas on the Property (without regard to the size of any such Natural architect or a structure associated with a very significant individual). If any one of the conditions Area), then, based upon available lists of Wilderness Areas, maps, aerial photographs, and site referenced above exists, the Environmental Professional shall contact the SHPO for the state in reconnaissance, ascertain whether the Property is an inholding in, contiguous with, or adjacent to which the Property is located (refer to Attachment F: List of State Historic Preservation Officers) federally-owned lands, or lands legally designated for acquisition by a federal agency, that are and the local unit of government (e.g., planning commission) having jurisdiction over the designated or proposed for designation as a part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. Property and provide these parties with information on the Property so that they can provide the Identify the agency responsible for administering the Wilderness Area. Identify the name of the Environmental Professional with information for the Environmental Professional’s determination area and recommend a contact. Determine whether the area is regulated, identify the types of on whether any Archaeological Resources or Historic Sites and Structures that are either listed or activities restricted, and identify the regulatory agency (e.g., federal agency, local governmental eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places exist on the Property, including unit). whether the Property is located within a historic district (hereafter referred to as “cultural resources”). vii. National Natural Landmarks The Environmental Professional shall use the following procedure to determine the presence of If there are any Natural Areas on the Property (without regard to the size of any such Natural cultural resources: Area), then, based upon the National Registry of Natural Landmarks published by the National (a) Contact the SHPO and the local unit of government having jurisdiction over the Property and Park Service, maps, aerial photographs and site reconnaissance, ascertain whether there are any submit information on the Property to them for their review. When contacting the SHPO and the National Natural Landmarks on the Property. Determine whether the area is regulated, identify local unit of government, in all cases, information submitted will include but not be limited to: the types of activities restricted, and identify the regulatory agency, (e.g., local governmental unit). i. photographs of the Property and its improvements, to include all sides of the exterior of any buildings or other structures based upon the Environmental Professional’s site viii. Undeveloped Sole Source Aquifers reconnaissance; (a) If there are any Natural Areas on the Property (without regard to the size of any such Natural ii. the Property’s name and address, inclusive of city, county, and state; Area), then, based upon the EPA list of sole source aquifers and site reconnaissance, ascertain whether the Property is located within the boundaries of a sole source aquifer that has been iii. the year that structures were built, age, and a general description of the physical designated or proposed for designation by the EPA under the Safe Drinking Water Act. condition of the structure(s); Determine whether the Property is Undeveloped and has features that would contribute to the recharge of the aquifer (e.g., wetlands, springs, watercourses, sink holes or karst topography). iv. the type of property (e.g., land, commercial, residential, multifamily), number of Determine if financial or other assistance provided through governmental programs for potential building structures on the Property, building size (square feet), and number of stories in the improvement(s) of the Property would be regulated, the types of assistance restricted, and building(s)/structure(s); identify the regulatory agency (e.g., EPA or the appropriate state office of groundwater protection). v. a general description of the Property’s physical characteristics (including acreage) based upon site reconnaissance; (b) If the Property is within the boundaries of a designated or proposed sole source aquifer, determine whether the state or local government has designated the area as a “critical aquifer vi. the township, range, and section, if applicable; protection area” under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Determine if a comprehensive management plan for groundwater protection has been developed and obtain a copy of it. Determine if the vii. for properties with one acre or more of Natural Area, a current U.S. Geological Survey limitations imposed by the comprehensive management plan restrict any types of activities on (USGS) Topographic Map (7.5 minute-1:24,000 scale) with the Property boundaries delineated the Property, identify the types of activities restricted, and identify the regulatory agency (e.g., on the map(s) (e.g., a duplication of the USGS map submitted for an Endangered Species review state or local governmental unit). and an aerial photograph if available); ix. Archaeological Resources/Historic Sites and Structures viii. the Environmental Professional’s name, address, and phone and fax number; and

Based upon maps, aerial photographs, site reconnaissance and other information on the Property, ix. any additional maps, such as a tax map, surveyors plat or map, floodplain map, determine if: (1) there are any Natural Areas on the Property one acre or more; (2) there are any neighborhood/site map(s) showing crossroads. buildings and/or structures on the Property fifty years of age or older; and (3) there are any building and/or structures that are less than fifty years of age but exhibit features, or are

21 22

The Environmental Professional seeking a cultural resources review from the SHPO and local xi. Undeveloped Coastal Zones/Coastal Barrier Units unit of government (e.g., planning commission) must submit photographs of the Property and its improvements, to include all sides of any buildings or other structures, and information on the (a) If there are any Natural Areas on the Property (without regard to the size of any such Natural year that the structures were built in order to obtain information on whether any of the buildings Area), then, based upon maps, aerial photographs, and site reconnaissance, ascertain whether or structures are listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. For there are any Undeveloped Coastal Zones that fall within the scope of the Coastal Zone properties with one acre or more of Natural Area, the Environmental Professional seeking a Management Act on the Property. Determine whether development of the Property is regulated, cultural resources review from the state and local government must submit a USGS topographic identify the types of restrictions, and identify the regulatory agency (e.g., the State Coastal Zone map with the Property boundaries delineated on it for analysis in order to obtain information on Management Agency and local unit of government). whether or not there may be any Archaeological Resources listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. (b) Identify whether the Property, or any portion thereof, is located within a Unit of the Coastal Barrier Resources System (Coastal Barrier Unit) even if the Property does not contain any (b) Contact with the local unit of government for purposes of identifying cultural resources shall Natural Area(s). Based upon the list of Coastal Barrier Units within counties of coastal states also include a request for the identification of local and/or statewide historic preservation groups contained in Attachment G and site reconnaissance, ascertain whether the Property is located in (i.e., non-profit historic preservation organizations). Should neither the SHPO nor the local unit proximity to the coast and within a county that contains a Unit of the Coastal Barrier Resources of government respond to the Environmental Professional within a reasonable time or have any System designated under the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990. If so, contact the U.S. information on cultural resources affecting the Property, then the Environmental Professional Fish and Wildlife Service Field Station for Ecological Services and ascertain whether the shall contact local and/or statewide non-profit historic preservation organizations and provide the Property, or any portion thereof, is located within a Unit of the Coastal Barrier Resources same information previously provided to the SHPO and the local authorities. System. Determine if financial or other assistance provided under the authority of federal law for improvement(s) of the Property would be restricted (i.e., availability of federal Flood (c) The Environmental Professional shall determine whether any cultural resources exist at the Insurance) and identify the types of assistance restricted. Property by applying the results of the SHPO review, the results of the review by local governmental officials, or, in the absence of a response from the state or local officials, the V. Contract deliverables results of information obtained from a historic preservation organization determine whether there are any cultural resources that are either listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of A. Overview Historic Places based upon the information provided and the Environmental Professional’s knowledge of the physical characteristics of the Property. For Archaeological Resources, if there The Environmental Professional shall deliver a Phase I Report that identifies existing or potential is a moderate to high probability that Archaeological Resources may exist on the Property, the Environmental Conditions and Special Resources in connection with the Property. In addition, Environmental Professional shall affirmatively state this determination and recommend whether the Phase I Report must summarize each item described in Section IV, “Tasks.” The Phase I an archaeological survey should be conducted if more definitive information is desired by the Report must be signed by the individual satisfying the task requirements set forth in Section IV FDIC. and must be in accordance with the following report format.

(d) The Environmental Professional shall determine whether the cultural resources on the B. Report Format Property are regulated by any state or local regulations and/or ordinances, identify the types of activities regulated, and identify the administering agencies, (e.g., local governmental unit). This The following is a summary of the minimum contents of the Phase I Report. information is to be included in the Summary and Recommendation section of the Phase I Report. The Phase I Report shall be supplemented, as necessary, by the Environmental Professional. x. Recreational Areas 1. Background

If there are any Natural Areas on the Property (without regard to the size of any such Natural The Phase I Report shall include a brief discussion of the assumptions used in conducting the Area), then, based upon maps, aerial photographs, and site reconnaissance, ascertain whether ESA and in determining its scope. This will include a brief review of any procedures not there are any Recreational Areas, primarily in terms of existing or potential public outdoor utilized. (The rationale for omitting these procedures will be discussed in the Summary and recreational value, including areas that are appropriate for, or in use as, a park or other outdoor Recommendations Section of the Phase I Report.) recreational activity. If so, contact the appropriate state and local recreational authorities, including the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreational Planner, to determine whether the 2. Asset Information Property has been identified for acquisition for recreational purposes and whether the Property is associated with a national recreational, scenic, or historic trail established under the National This section shall clearly set forth the following information: Trails System Act.

23 24 a. Asset name and address; This discussion will include a review of, and conclusions drawn from, a chain of title search, aerial photographs, local street directories, maps, and other historical sources. Significant b. Asset number; information obtained from interviews with persons knowledgeable about the Property can be included here. c. Name of financial institution; 5. Regulatory Review d. FDIC four-digit identifier of financial institution; This section will include an evaluation of all records reviewed under Section IV, including e. City and state of financial institution; general public records, the environmental database search and a summary of the results of all verbal and written inquiries of federal, state, tribal or local regulatory authorities. A brief f. Whether the asset is real estate, secured collateral, or other; synopsis of the results of the environmental database search as it affects the Property will also be provided. g. The name and address of the FDIC Service Center responsible for the Property; and 6. Site Investigation and Review of Environmental Conditions h. The name and address of Account Officer (or Asset Manager, if applicable) for the Property. This includes a site evaluation of

3. Site Background a. Topography a. Property Location and Description b. Geology

This section shall include information about the Property, including c. Soils i. Legal description (including lot, block, subdivision) and street address; d. Hydrology ii. Type of Property and current and prior use; e. Chemicals and Raw Materials iii. Property size (acres); f. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) iv. Improvement(s) on Property, including structures or other improvements on the Property g. Asbestos-containing Materials (ACMs) (e.g., number of building structures on the Property, building sizes (square feet); number of stories in each building, age of buildings, occupancy status; pavement, fences, or h. Radon foundations/ruins on the Property; public thoroughfares adjoining the Property; and any roads, streets, and parking facilities on the Property; and i. Drinking Water v. Owner(s), operator(s), key site manager(s), and major occupant(s) of the Property. j. Lead-based Paint b. Adjoining Properties and Surrounding Area k. Hazardous Substances or Petroleum Products

This section will provide a summary of current and prior land uses on any Adjoining Properties l. Landfills and in the area surrounding the Property. m. Pits, Sumps, Drywells, or Catch Basins c. Properties Adjacent to or Contiguous with the Property n. On-site Aboveground and Underground Storage Tanks For a Property that is over fifty acres in size and Undeveloped, this section will include an identification of Properties adjacent to or contiguous with the Property and managed by a o. Off-site Storage Tanks governmental agency for wildlife refuge, sanctuary, open space, recreational, historical, cultural, or natural resource conservation purposes. p. Storm Water Drainage/Waste Water Discharge

4. Property History

25 26

7. Site Investigation and Review of Special Resources c. A discussion of any data gaps that affect the ability of the Environmental Professional to adequately assess the Environmental Conditions at the site or identify a Special Resource This includes a site evaluation of including reasons for the data gap and additional sources that were researched. a. Endangered Species d. A discussion of any possible noncompliance issues with environmental laws, regulations, or standards, including any potential impact on the future use of the Property. b. Wetlands e. Recommendations for regulatory reporting which may be required by results of this c. Covered Property (pursuant to the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990): investigation, including i. Coastal Barrier Units i. Name of the agency, contact individual, telephone number, facsimile number (if available), and street and mailing address; ii. Fifty Acre Properties Under the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act ii. Law or regulation which requires such reporting; d. Undeveloped Floodplains/Wild and Scenic Rivers iii. Time periods during which such reports must be made; and e. Areas of Scientific Significance iv. Copy of reporting forms. f. Wilderness Area Recommendations on other actions necessary to comply with any federal, state, tribal or local g. National Natural Landmarks law, ordinance, regulation or permit requirements or restrictions which may be applicable to the Property in connection with an identified Environmental Condition(s) or Special Resource(s). h. Undeveloped Sole Source Aquifers f. Recommendations on further investigations, if necessary, to evaluate whether i. Archaeological Resources/Historic Sites and Structures Environmental Conditions or Special Resources exist on the Property. These recommended j. Recreational Areas investigations shall be supported by the Phase I ESA’s findings and the professional opinions of the Environmental Professional regarding the potential for an Environmental Condition(s) or k. Undeveloped Coastal Zones/Coastal Barrier Units Special Resource(s) to be present at the Property.

8. Summary and Recommendations g. An Environmental Professional statement which declares that “[I, We] have developed and performed the all appropriate inquiries in conformance with the standards and practices set This shall include, but not be limited to, forth in §312.10 of 40 CFR part 312”. a. A discussion of findings and conclusions, focusing on areas where there are potential or h. An Environmental Professional statement which declares, “[I, We] declare that, to the suspected Environmental Conditions and Special Resources. All findings and conclusions must best of [my, our] professional knowledge and belief [I, we] meet the definition of Environmental be supported by, and referenced to, the preceding content of the Phase I ESA. All findings and Professional as defined in §312.10 of 40 CFR part 312’” conclusions must be presented, whether they apply to the Property, Adjoining Properties, surrounding area, or Properties adjacent to or contiguous with the Property. If available, the i. For asbestos, the recommendations to be considered by the Environmental Professional Environmental Professional’s findings shall include a statement of the exceeded threshold for must include response actions for removal, repair, encapsulation, enclosure, or implementation Environmental Conditions, as defined by federal, state, tribal or local law, and a statement of an O&M Program. The Environmental Professional shall recommend the least costly response regarding the development restrictions that may be applicable to any Special Resource area. action that protects the health and safety of the building occupants for each homogeneous area, consistent with the hazard assessment criteria in the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act b. Findings of the Environmental Database Search Report and the Environmental (AHERA). A chart showing the recommended response action for each homogeneous area shall Professional’s review of governmental agency records. The Environmental Professional will be provided. This chart should be presented in a matrix format, with cost estimates for the identify Environmental Conditions or potential Environmental Conditions, on the Property, or in recommended response action(s) and the length of time required to complete the recommended the Adjoining Properties, based on the review and analysis of the search and records. response actions(s).

27 28 In developing any recommendation(s) for abatement procedures (repair, encapsulation, j. Correspondence with federal, state, tribal or local agencies concerning the existence of enclosure, or removal), the Environmental Professional shall recommend limited replacement Hazardous Substances, Petroleum Products, or Special Resources; and patching for repair of damaged ACM and the specific type of encapsulation method for each building material. If removal of friable, damaged asbestos is the recommended response action, k. Results of all inspections and laboratory tests for asbestos, radon, and/or lead-based paint, the Environmental Professional shall identify permits required, proper techniques for air if applicable. Appendices for the Comprehensive Asbestos Survey are indicated in Section monitoring and disposal, equipment to be used, estimated building material replacement costs, V.B.10.m. below; and other relevant engineering costs. The Environmental Professional shall also indicate whether an O&M Program is recommended, and the elements of that program. l. Technical memoranda on field activities;

9. Person(s) Performing the Phase I ESA m. For asbestos:

The Phase I ESA must be performed by an Environmental Professional or under the supervision i. Laboratory quality control procedures; or responsible charge of an individual meeting the definition of an Environmental Professional. The report shall identify the name and title of all individuals who conducted the ESA. ii. Laboratory analytical data sheets and an evaluation of QA/QC procedure and results, including 10. Appendix to ESA Report (a) Environmental Professional sample number, This shall include, but not be limited to, the following applicable information: (b) Laboratory sample identification number, a. Abstract of Title or other written title search materials; (c) Analytical technique used, b. Business quality aerial and other photographs (including one original copy that is 35- millimeter color) of the Property. The Property should be clearly identified on the aerial (d) The date of the analysis, and photograph; (e) The name and signature of the person performing the analysis; c. Maps and other data described in Section IV.B.1.d.i.(c) including a site plan drawing iii. Color photographic (35-millimeter) log of all sample locations, and suspect building prepared by the Environmental Professional or photographs with appropriate labels, including materials; orientation to road frontage, the Property location and/or compass direction or geographic features; iv. Building blueprints, if available, or building diagrams, drawings, sketches with marked locations and detailed written descriptions of all sampling and of all confirmed ACM; d. Copies of permit applications or permits provided; v. Sampling plan and sampling grids; e. List of agencies contacted for records search, date of initial contact, date request was filled, and name of person(s) contacted. Records of conversations via telephone or visits will be vi. A table showing all ACM identified, including a description of the material, location of attached, as will copies of written inquiries and responses; the material, estimated quantity of the material, type and amount of asbestos, and the condition of the material, as determined in accordance with the guidelines established under AHERA; f. List of persons interviewed, and records of conversations with these persons, including the date of the conversation and identity of individuals present during the conversation. The vii. A table showing all suspect materials that were reported to contain asbestos, including a relationship of each person to the Property will be specified; description of the material, location of the material, estimated quantity of material, and number of samples collected; g. Completed reporting or notification/registration forms submitted to state or local regulatory authorities; viii. A list of inaccessible areas and a summary of the impact of these inaccessible areas on the findings of the inspection. Also, a list of areas that are accessible to workers and tenants; h. Copies of permit applications or permits completed or obtained for the Property; ix. Health and safety plan for the services; i. Violation notices from federal, state, tribal or local regulatory authorities; x. Chain of custody forms;

29 30

xi. Copies of all asbestos inspector and management planner accreditation, including the FDIC Oversight Manager most recent annual (and other required recertification), for all persons performing the Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection; and Name: ______xii. Copies of the analytical laboratory’s current National Voluntary Laboratory Address: ______Accreditation Program (NVLAP) certificates from the analytical laboratories; Telephone Number: ______n. Results of any tank tightness tests performed, as well as monthly monitoring reports and inventory reports; Facsimile Number: ______o. Existing corrective action plans, communication, or public interaction plans; FDIC Contracting Officer p. Reference documents, such as soil or water studies; Name: ______q. Copies of completed RTC/FDIC Environmental Checklists; Address: ______r. Copies of any previous Transaction Screen Questionnaires completed under a different Telephone Number: ______Phase I ESA protocol; Facsimile Number: ______s. Copy of the Environmental Database Search Report and tribal records search results; VII. Inspection & Acceptance Criteria/Task Completion Dates t. Copies of all licenses and certifications, as required by state or local law, for all persons who conducted the ESA. (Note: Licenses and certifications required in connection with the Following delivery of copies of the draft Phase I Report to the FDIC, as per the terms required asbestos survey will have already been attached to the Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection under Section VI, “Delivery,” the FDIC will conduct a review of the Phase I Report. The FDIC Report); Oversight Manager may request a legal review following the technical review. Under these circumstances, the FDIC Oversight Manager will simultaneously transmit any resulting u. Copies of any state or local regulation or ordinance requiring radon, asbestos and/or lead- comments, technical and legal, to the contractor, after having resolved any potential conflicting based paint inspections or notifications; comments. v. Any other appropriate information or documentation; and The entire FDIC review will last no longer than ______(insert number of days that fit scheduling needs) business days to review the draft Phase I Report. The Environmental w. FDIC SOW. Professional will then have ______(insert number of days that fit scheduling needs) business days (unless otherwise authorized by the FDIC Oversight Manager) to make any VI. Delivery necessary changes in the draft Phase I Report, and to deliver copies of the revised draft Phase I Report to the FDIC, in accordance with the terms required under Section VI, “Delivery.” The ______(insert number that service center feels most appropriate) copies, including one (1) FDIC Oversight Manager may request additional revisions of the draft Phase I Report if the draft original, of the draft Phase I Report and revised Phase I Report(s), must initially be submitted to Phase I Report does not satisfactorily address the comments previously made by the FDIC the FDIC Oversight Manager and one (1) copy to the FDIC Contracting Officer. The draft report Oversight Manager. shall be submitted to the FDIC no later than ______(insert number of days that fit scheduling needs) business days after the contract award). When the draft Phase I Report is acceptable to the FDIC, the FDIC Oversight Manager will place the following statement on the Phase I Report’s title page and clearly date and sign it: “Final ______(insert number that service center feels most appropriate) copies, including one acceptance by ______.” The Environmental Professional, in turn, shall place the date (1) original of the final Phase I Report must be submitted to the FDIC Oversight Manager one of final acceptance on the upper right-hand corner of each page in the following format: (1) copy to the FDIC Contracting Officer. month/day/year (00/00/00), and provide ______(insert the number that the service center feels most appropriate) copies, including one original of the accepted report to the FDIC All draft Phase I Reports, as well as the final Phase I Reports, shall be submitted to the FDIC via Oversight Manager and one (1) copy of the accepted report to the FDIC Contracting Officer, as regular or certified mail to the following FDIC officials. Copies may also be faxed, and followed per the terms of Section VI, “Delivery.” Each copy will include a copy of the title page signed by up by mail.

31 32 the FDIC Oversight Manager. The invoice should also be included with the accepted report the FDIC Contracting Officer, and placed on top of the bid package along with the SOW, which submitted to the FDIC Contracting Officer. is in response to the Solicitation of Services or Task Order. The Environmental Professional is not to perform any additional procedures or tasks or collect additional samples, without the If the Environmental Professional receives any additional information about the Property after written consent of the FDIC Contracting Officer. Phase I Firms bidding on the Phase I ESA may submission of the FDIC-accepted final report, Environmental Professional shall immediately either perform the work themselves, or subcontract out portions such as the Special Resources notify the FDIC Oversight Manager of such information and shall mail or deliver to the FDIC component and/or the Comprehensive Asbestos Survey component of the Phase I ESA. The Oversight Manager all written information so received, within two (2) business days from the bidder’s proposal must specifically identify any subcontractors proposed for use and their Environmental Professional’s receipt of such information. relevant qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the Phase I ESA.

VIII. Additional Requirements IX. Definitions

A. Property Condition A. Activity and Use Limitations

The Property shall be restored to the condition in which it was found, subject to cuttings, Legal or physical restrictions or limitations on the use of, or access to, a site or facility: (1) to sampling, and other materials removed for the purpose of the investigation. The contractor will reduce or eliminate potential exposure to hazardous substances or petroleum products in the soil make every effort to minimize interference with the Property’s condition and operations while or groundwater on the Property, or (2) to prevent activities that could interfere with the conducting investigations on the Property. effectiveness of a response action, in order to ensure maintenance of a condition of no significant risk to public health or the environment. These legal or physical restrictions, which may include B. Notifications institutional and/or engineering controls, are intended to prevent adverse impacts to individuals or populations that may be exposed to hazardous substances and petroleum products in the soil If, while performing the Phase I ESA, the Environmental Professional becomes aware of a or groundwater on the Property. situation that requires, in the judgment of the Environmental Professional, immediate attention because the situation presents or may present a threat to public health or safety or the B. Adjacent Properties environment, then Environmental Professional shall immediately provide oral notice to the FDIC Oversight Manager. Within forty-eight (48) hours of such oral notice, Environmental The area immediately outside the Property boundaries. Specifically, adjacent means Properties Professional shall submit in writing by facsimile a summary of the Environmental Professional’s that would otherwise be contiguous but for an intervening ownership, strip, watercourse, gore, observations regarding the situation and why, in the judgment of Environmental Professional, the road, or other feature. Adjacent also includes the Property if it is within the boundary of a situation presents or may present a threat to public health or safety or the environment. governmental managed area (inholding) regardless of the degree of proximity. This definition is used when identifying whether Properties are covered by the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act C. Attachments to Phase I ESA Report and Certifications of 1990.

In addition to the information provided in the Appendix to the Phase I Report, the Environmental C. Adjoining Properties Professional will attach a copy of this SOW to the Phase I Report. The Environmental Professional and all subcontractors of the Environmental Professional must state in the bid Adjoining Properties include any real Property or Properties, the border of which is contiguous proposal that they are properly licensed and/or certified to do the work described herein where or partially contiguous with that of the Property, or that would be contiguous or partially required and provide evidence of such licenses and certificates. All laboratories for asbestos and contiguous with that of the Property, but for a street, road, or other public thoroughfare other sampling and analysis must be accredited and in compliance with applicable federal and separating them.3 state requirements. See also Attachment B, “FDIC Qualifications Requirements for Environmental Professional” and Attachment C, “FDIC Insurance Requirements for D. All Appropriate Inquiry Environmental Professional.” Inquiry into the previous ownership and uses of the Property consistent with good commercial or D. Bid Proposal Form industrial practice, that will qualify a party to a commercial real estate transaction for one of the threshold criteria for satisfying the limited liability protections to CERCLA liability, assuming The Environmental Professional must submit a FDIC Bid Proposal Form showing the proposed compliance with other elements of the defense. cost for conducting the Phase I ESA. This form will contain information on the fee for conducting a standard Phase I ESA, as well as for additional procedures and/or tests which may be required of the Environmental Professional for specific assets under the criteria defined in 3 Source: ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Section IV, “Tasks.” The FDIC Bid Proposal Form is Attachment A. It should be submitted to Process, 2005.

33 34

E. Approximate Minimum Search Distance Remediation:

Some records to be reviewed pertain not just to the Property but also pertain to Properties within State- and Tribal-Equivalent NPL 1.0 mile/1.6 kilometers an additional Approximate Minimum Search Distance in order to help assess the likelihood of problems from migrating hazardous substances or petroleum products. When the term State- and Tribal-Equivalent CERCLIS 0.5 mile/0.8 kilometers Approximate Minimum Search Distance includes areas outside the Property, it shall be measured from the nearest Property boundary. The term Approximate Minimum Search Distance is used in State and Tribal Landfill and/or Solid 0.5 mile/0.8 kilometers lieu of radius in order to include irregularly shaped Properties. The Approximate Minimum Search Distance may be adjusted by the Environmental Professional for the following Standard Waste Disposal Site Lists Environmental Record Sources except the Federal NPL Site List and Federal RCRA TSD List.4 State and Tribal Leaking Storage 0.5 mile/0.8 kilometers Standard Environmental Approximate Minimum Tank Lists Source List Search Distance State and Tribal Registered Storage Property and Adjoining Federal NPL Site List 1.0 mile/1.6 kilometer Tank Lists Properties Federal Delisted NPL Site List 0.5 mile/0.8 kilometer State and Tribal Institutional Control/ Property Only Federal CERCLIS List 0.5 mile/0.8 kilometer Engineering Control Registries Federal CERCLIS NFRAP Site List 0.5 mile/0.8 kilometer State and Tribal Voluntary Cleanup Sites 0.5 mile/0.8 kilometers Federal RCRA CORRACTS Facilities List 1.0 mile/1.6 kilometer State and Tribal Brownfield Sites 0.5 mile/0.8 kilometers5 Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD 0.5 mile/0.8 kilometer F. Asbestos-Containing Material Facilities List Any material containing greater than one (1) percent asbestos. Federal RCRA Generators List Property and Adjoining Properties G. Comprehensive Asbestos Survey Federal Institutional Control/engineering Property Only A survey to determine the presence of asbestos, and conducted in accordance with all applicable Control Registries or relevant federal, state, tribal and local laws, rules, and regulations relating to asbestos, including Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA [as implemented by regulations Federal ERNS List Property Only published at 40 C.F.R. part 763, subparts E and F]), the Clean Air Act, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act. State and Tribal Lists of Hazardous Waste Sites H. Contiguous Properties Identified for Investigation or Contiguous Properties means Properties that share a common boundary or point regardless of the degree of contiguity. This definition is used when identifying whether Properties are covered by 4 Factors to consider when adjusting the Approximate Minimum Search Distance include (1) the density (e.g., the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990. urban, rural, or suburban) of the setting in which the property is located; (2) the distance that the hazardous substances or petroleum products are likely to migrate based on local geologic or hydrogeologic conditions; (3) the property type; (4) existing or past uses of surrounding properties and (5) other reasonable factors. The justification I. Environmental Condition for each adjustment and the Approximate Minimum Search Distance actually used for any particular record shall be explained in Section V of the report. If the Approximate Minimum Search Distance is specified as “Property Only,” then the search shall be limited to the Property and may not be reduced unless the particular record is not reasonably ascertainable. (Source: ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site 5 Source: ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Assessment Process, 2005) Process, 2005.

35 36 The presence or likely presence of any Hazardous Substance or Petroleum Product on, in, or P. Property below the Property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any Hazardous Substance or Petroleum Product into structures on the One or more Properties described in the Solicitation or Task Order for which an environmental Property or into the ground, groundwater, or surface water of the Property. assessment is sought.

J. FDIC Contracting Officer Q. Special Resources

The FDIC representative with delegated authority to bind the FDIC contractually and with Site attribute which indicates a resource of natural, cultural, recreational, or scientific value of sufficient warrant level designation to sign the dollar value of the specific contract. special significance including, but not limited to,

K. FDIC Oversight Manager 1. Archaeological Resources

The Oversight Manager is a person designated by the Program Office to monitor the activities of Any material remains of human life that are listed or eligible for listing in the National Register a contractor. Oversight Managers are provided with a letter of authority from the Contracting of Historic Places under the National Historic Preservation Act. Officer containing a description of their authority and responsibility in performing designated functions on behalf of the FDIC. 2. Covered Property (Under the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990)

L. Hazardous Substance a. Coastal Barrier Units

Any substance defined as a hazardous substance pursuant to CERCLA 42 U.S.C. 9601 (14), as Properties, or portions thereof, included within Units of the Coastal Barrier Resources System interpreted by EPA and the courts. pursuant to the Coastal Barrier Resources Act, as amended by the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act of 1990; or M. Natural Area(s) b. Fifty Acre Properties Under the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act Natural Areas include woodlots, brush areas, fields and other overgrown areas, and areas that are subject to infrequent or irregular maintenance, such as pastures and golf course roughs. A Property that contains any one or more of the Special Resources defined in this section and that Natural Area does not include lawns, flower beds, or other landscaped areas that are regularly is undeveloped, greater than fifty (50) acres in size, and adjacent to or contiguous with any lands maintained. managed by a governmental agency primarily for wildlife refuge, sanctuary, open space, recreational, historical, cultural or natural resource conservation purposes. N. Petroleum Product 3. Historic Sites and Structures Any substance included within the petroleum exclusion of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. 9601 (14); that is, petroleum, Historic sites, structures, buildings, objects, and Properties within historic districts (historic including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is not otherwise specifically listed or designated Properties) that are listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under as a hazardous substance under subparagraphs (A) through (F) of 42 U.S.C. 9601 (14), natural the National Historic Preservation Act. gas, natural gas liquids, liquefied natural gas, and synthetic gas usable for fuel (or moisturize of natural gas and such synthetic gas).6 4. National Natural Landmarks

O. Presumed Asbestos-Containing Material Sites that are listed in the National Registry of Natural Landmarks administered by the National Park Service. Thermal system insulation and sprayed on and troweled on surfacing material (e.g., fireproofing, acoustic, and decorative finished, asphalt and vinyl material [consisting of vinyl sheeting, and 5. Recreational Areas vinyl and asphalt containing tile, including associated mastic and backing]) installed no later than Recreational areas that are appropriate for, or are in use as, a park or other outdoor recreational 1980, and debris in work areas where such material is present, unless rebutted by analytical activity (e.g., camping, hiking, fishing or hunting, including National Trails). results. 6. Areas of Scientific Significance 6 Source: ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, 2005.

37 38

Properties having scientific importance, (e.g., paleontological resources, artifacts, fossils or P. Surrounding Area historic Properties that have value for scientific study or research), including areas set aside for scientific research. The term surrounding area (which is synonymous with “area surrounding the Property”) refers, at a minimum, to Adjoining Properties, as described in definition B of this Section. When the 7. Undeveloped Sole Source Aquifers term surrounding area is used in the context of the Environmental Professional’s research of land uses (as per Section IV.B.1.b.), the definition of the surrounding area includes the Adjoining Undeveloped Properties located within the boundaries of Sole Source Aquifers designated or Properties, as well as the search distance determined by the Environmental Professional, in proposed for designation by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Safe Drinking accordance with the guidance provided in Footnote 2 to that section. Water Act. X. Attachments 8. Endangered Species A. FDIC Bid Proposal Form Threatened or endangered species of plants and animals that are either listed as threatened or endangered or proposed for listing, including their habitat, pursuant to the Endangered Species B. FDIC Qualifications Requirements for Environmental Professional Act of 1973, as amended. C. FDIC Insurance Requirements for Environmental Professional 9. Undeveloped D. Map Ordering Form The term “undeveloped” means containing few man-made structures (less than one (1) aboveground, four-walled structure per five (5) acres when looking at the ratio of total acres of E. List of the Network of State Natural Heritage Programs the Property to total structures at the site) and having geomorphic and ecological processes that are not significantly impeded by any such structures or human activity. F. List of the State Historic Preservation Officers

10. Undeveloped Coastal Zones G. List of States and Counties Containing Units of the Coastal Barrier Resources System

Undeveloped coastal areas that fall within the scope of the Coastal Zone Management Act.

11. Undeveloped Floodplains

Undeveloped floodplains that include the 100-year or “base” floodplain as defined in Executive Order 11988, “Floodplain Management.”

12. Wetlands

Wetlands means land that has a predominance of hydric soils and that is inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions as defined in the Emergency Wetlands Resources Act of 1986 and Executive Order 11990, “Protection of Wetlands.”

13. Wild and Scenic Rivers

Wild and scenic rivers, including recreational and study rivers, that are designated or proposed for designation under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

14. Wilderness Area

Wilderness areas that are designated or proposed for designation under the National Wilderness Preservation Act.

39 40 Attachment A: FDIC Bid Proposal Form [Place This Page on Top of Your Proposal]


I. If the Environmental Professional determines to subcontract out portions of the Phase I For Phase I ESA ESA (such as the Special Resources and asbestos components), the Phase I ESA Bid Sheet must reflect cost estimates of all work to be performed, including that of any subcontractors. NAME HERE: ______DATE: ______II. The Phase I Bid Sheet has been developed to provide both consistency and flexibility in securing and receiving all bids offered to the FDIC. Note: Firms bidding on the Phase I ESA may either perform the work themselves or subcontract out portions, such as the special resources component, comprehensive asbestos inspection, and/or A. In all instances, the Environmental Professional must complete Section 1 of the Bid lead-based paint survey components of the Phase I ESA with all subcontractors identified in the Sheet. bid (read all assumptions on next page).

B. The Environmental Professional shall complete all other sections of the Bid Sheet unless Note: All bids should be all inclusive (i.e., all travel, per diem, overhead, profit, car rentals, the following circumstances apply: equipment rentals, lab fees, etc.). There will be no reimbursable.

The Property was constructed after 1981 and/or (a) the Property is a single family one-to-four Table 1 – Example of a Bid Proposal Breakdown unit residence (unless there is a state or local law requiring testing for single-family residences); (b) the Property has been renovated and asbestos removed; (c) the Property has been renovated and/or a current Operations and Maintenance Program is in existence. In this instance, no cost #1 Site Assessment Asset Description (If Available) Total Fixed Price estimates are required for Sections 2 through 6. Please address all items in the (Sample) $ * * SOW with the exception of Shannon Plaza III. With the exception of Section 1 of the Bid Sheet, entitled “Site Assessment,” the asbestos, radon, and lead-based remaining categories pertaining to asbestos (Sections 2 through 6) will be bid on a per sample paint, which should be addressed 2100 Heatherwood separately below basis. Lawrence, Kansas ORE Property, Multifamily, 4 IV. Prior to awarding the contract, the FDIC Contracting Officer, with the assistance of the Bldgs, 64 Units, Built 1987, FDIC Environmental Specialist, will determine a maximum number of samples which can be Reinforced Concrete and Wood obtained for each of the above categories without prior approval from the FDIC. Frame *Access: Bruce Brune (913) 962- A. The estimated number of samples will be based upon the Environmental Specialist’s 9068 knowledge of the asset (if such information is available) or experience in dealing with similar *Site Questions: Kathy Burkhart assets. (913) 381-0300

B. Factors to consider in developing the estimate will include age of the building and type of #2 Comprehensive Asbestos $______per sample structure. Survey

C. Since the actual number of samples to be collected may not be determined until the Phase #3 Radon Testing (Only if Property I ESA on-site investigation commences, the Contracting Officer should determine for budgeting is in a jurisdiction requiring tests) purposes a “Not To Exceed Amount” based upon the estimated maximum number of samples. Charcoal Canister $______per sample

V. If, during the Environmental Specialist’s technical review of the draft Phase I ESA, it is Alpha Detector $______per sample determined that either the number of samples taken, or the protocols followed are not in accordance with industry standards, the Environmental Specialist shall inform the FDIC Other $______per sample Contracting Officer that the work has been performed unsatisfactorily. In that instance, the Environmental Professional will not receive full payment.

41 42

#4 Lead-based paint (Only if Attachment B: FDIC Qualifications Requirements for Environmental Professional property is in a jurisdiction requiring tests). General

All Environmental Professionals and subcontractors must certify in their bid proposal that they Portable X-Ray Florescent $______per sample are properly licensed and/or certified to conduct inspections and testing. Analyzer Specifically, the following minimum requirements must be met: Laboratory Analysis $______per sample A. Requirements for Basic Components of Phase I ESA Other $______per sample

Options—Asbestos 1. Environmental Professional

#5 Air Monitoring/Testing $______per sample a. The Contractor must certify in the Bid Proposal that the basic components of the Phase I ESA (exclusive of any special requirements for a Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection) will be #6 Point Sampling $______per sample performed by, or under the supervision of an individual who meets the definition of an Environmental Professional. The following are the minimum qualifications for an #7 Transmission Electron $______per sample Environmental Professional: Microscopy i. a Professional Engineer or Geologist as licensed or registered from a state, tribe or U.S. #8 Asbestos O & M Plan $______territory and have the equivalent of three (3) years full time relevant experience7; or

* This bid amount should be for the Phase I portion of the SOW, exclusive of items #2 through ii. be licensed or certified by the federal government, a state, tribe or U.S. territory to #8 below. perform environmental inquiries and have the equivalent of three (3) years full-time relevant experience; or Assumptions iii. have a Baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited institution of higher education For the purpose of preparing cost estimates for a Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection, the in science or engineering and the equivalent of five (5) years full-time relevant experience; or contractor will provide a “per sample” estimate. The per sample estimate is for bidding purposes only and does not affect the actual number of samples which may be collected. If contractors iv. have the equivalent of 10 years of full-time relevant experience. have the option of visiting the Property before preparing a cost estimate, they are encouraged to 2. The Contractor must also provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of a do so. Bid proposals should state, if appropriate, that the site has been visited. minimum of three (3) references who, as employers or clients, can attest to the professional competence of Environmental Professional in performing Phase I ESAs. The per sample estimate must include all costs, such as field work and laboratory analysis, as part of the per hourly rate per AHERA-Certified Building Inspector. The number of samples to B. Requirements for Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection be collected will be determined once the EPA-Certified Building Inspector commences the Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection. 1. Project Manager

a. The Environmental Professional performing the services shall certify that any Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection will be performed by, or under the supervision of, a

7 Relevant experience, as used in the definition of Environmental Professional, means participation in the performance of all appropriate inquiries investigations, environmental site assessments, or other site investigations that may include analyses, investigations and remediation which involve the understanding of surface and subsurface environmental conditions and the processes used to evaluate these conditions and for which professional judgment was used to develop opinions regarding conditions indicative of the releases or threatened releases to the subject property. (Source: ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Sites Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process, 2005).

43 44 Certified Industrial Hygienist who has been accredited as a Project Designer and Asbestos Attachment C: FDIC Insurance Requirements for Environmental Professional Abatement Supervisor, as well as an Asbestos Inspector and Management Planner under the EPA/Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) program and is licensed to design General and perform Comprehensive Asbestos Inspections under all applicable state and local ordinances, including current annual refresher course recertification programs. Environmental Professional shall maintain, at a minimum, the following types of insurance in the specified amounts, in order to perform the services in this SOW. b. The project supervisor should have a minimum of four (4) years experience in performing Comprehensive Asbestos Inspections and designing specifications for asbestos A. Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence. projects. B. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions): $1,000,000 per claim, written on a claims- 2. Personnel Conducting the Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection made basis. a. The Environmental Professional must certify that the individuals who perform the tasks C. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence. under the Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection have Asbestos Inspector and Management Planner training and certifications, as appropriate, under the AHERA and applicable state and local laws D. Worker’s Compensation: As required by statute. and ordinances, including current annual refresher course recertifications, to conduct the asbestos survey required by this SOW. b. Environmental Professional individuals performing the Comprehensive Asbestos Inspection shall possess a minimum of three (3) years substantial experience in performing Comprehensive Asbestos Inspections, conducting asbestos hazard assessments, and recommending asbestos response actions.

3. The Environmental Professional must provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of a minimum of three (3) references who, as employers or clients, can attest to the professional competence of Environmental Professional in performing Comprehensive Asbestos Inspections, conducting asbestos hazard assessments, and recommending asbestos response actions.

C. Requirements for Lead-Based Paint and Radon Survey

1. The Environmental Professional must be properly licensed and/or certified (if licensing and/or certification requirements exist) in the state and/or jurisdiction in which the Property is located, and in which the work is to be performed.

2. The Environmental Professional must provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of a minimum of three (3) references who, as employers or clients, can attest to the professional competence of Environmental Professional in performing lead-based paint surveys or radon survey.

45 46

Attachment D: USGS Map Locator Attachment E: List of the Network of Natural Heritage Programs

Welcome to the USGS Store (http://store.usgs.gov/b2c_usgs/b2c/start.do) 1. Regional Offices

Click Log on Asia/Pacific Regional Office Great Lakes Program 1116 Smith Street, Suite 201 8 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 2301 Honolulu, HI 96817 Chicago, IL 60603 (808) 537-4508 (312) 759-8017 Kelvin Taketa, Vice President Fax: (312) 759-8409 John Andersen Jr, Program Director Asia/Pacific Region Major Projects The Nature Conservancy Latin America & Caribbean Division 88 First Street, Suite 600 4245 N. Fairfax Drive San Francisco, CA 94105 Arlington, VA 22203-1606 (415) 904-9930 (703) 871-4227 Fax: (415) 904-9935 Jennifer Denney, Vice President

California Regional Office Midwest Regional Office 201 Mission Street 1101 W River Pkwy 4th Floor Minneapolis, MN 55415 San Francisco, CA 94105 (612) 331-0700 (415) 777-0487 Ron Nargang, Director Mark Burget, Director The Nature Conservancy Eastern Regional Office New York Regional Office 11th Ave. De Laffayette 415 River Street, 4th floor 5th Floor Troy, NY 12180 Boston, MA 02111 (518) 273-9408 (617) 542-1908 Fax (518) 273-5022 Sarah Moore, Operations Manager Carol Ash, Director

Florida Regional Office Southeast Regional Office 222 S. Westmonte Drive P.O. Box 2267 Suite 300 Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2267 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 (919) 967-5493 (407) 682-3664 Michael Andrews, Director Robert Bendick, Vice President Western Regional Office 4424 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 444-1060 Bryan McPeak, Associate State Director

47 48 Attachment E: List of the Network of Natural Heritage Programs, continued Iowa Field Office Michigan Field Office 303 Locust Street, Suite 402 101 E. Grand River 2. State Offices Des Moines, IA 50309 Lansing, MI 48906 (515) 244-5044 (517) 316-0300 Alabama Field Office Delaware Field Office (515) 244-8890 Helen Taylor, Vice President st 2100 1 Ave. North 100 West 10th Street, Suite 1107 Alan, Pollom, State Director Suite 500 Newark, DE 19801 Minnesota Field Office Birmingham, AL 35203 (302) 654-4707 Kansas Chapter 1101 West River Parkway, Suite 200 (205) 251-1155 Roger Jones, Vice President 700 SW Jackson, Suite 804 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Jeff Danter, Director Topeka, KS 66603 (612) 331-0750 Florida Field Office Phone: 785/233-4400 Alaska Field Office 222 South Westmonte Drive Fax: 785/233-2022 Mississippi Field Office 715 L Street, Suite 100 Suite 300 964 North Jefferson Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Kentucky Field Office Jackson, MS 39202 (907) 276-3133 (407) 682-3664 x129 642 W. Main Street (601) 713-3355 David Banks, Vice President Vikki Tschinkel, Director Lexington, KY 40508 Robbie Fisher, Director (606) 259-9655 Arizona Field Office Georgia Field Office Jim Aldrich, Vice President Missouri Field Office 1510 E. Ft. Lowell 1330 Peachtree Street 2800 S. Brentwood Boulevard Tucson, AZ 85719 Suite 410 Louisiana Field Office St. Louis, MO 63144 (520) 622-3861 Atlanta, GA 30309 P.O. Box 4125 (314) 968-1105 Pat Graham., Vice President (404) 873-6946 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Susan Harris, Director Octavia McCuean, Vice President (504) 338-1040 Arkansas Field Office Kieth Ouchly, Director Montana Field Office 601 N. University Avenue Hawaii Field Office 32 South Ewing Little Rock, AR 72205 923 Nuuanu Avenue Maine Field Office Helena, MT 59601 (501) 663-6699 Honolulu, HI 96817 14 Maine Street, Suite 401 (406) 443-0303 Scott Simon, State Director (808) 537-4508 Brunswick, ME 04011 Jamie Williams, Director Rex Johnson, Director (207) 729-5182 California Field Office Mike Tetreault, Vice President Nebraska Field Office 201 Mission Street Idaho Field Office 1019 Leavenworth St., Suite 100 th st 4 Floor 116 1 Avenue North Maryland/DC Field Office Omaha, NE 68102 San Francisco, CA 94105 Hailey, ID 83333 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 100 (402) 342-0282 (415) 777-0487 (208) 788-8988 Bethesda, MD 20814 Vincent E. Shay, Vice President Mark Burget, Director Laura Hubbard, State Director (301) 897-8570 Nathaniel Williams, Vice President Nevada Field Office Colorado Field Office Illinois Field Office One East First Street, Suite 1007 2424 Spruce Street 8 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 900 Massachusetts Field Office Reno, NV 89501 Boulder, CO 80302 Chicago, IL 60603 205 Portland Street (775) 322-4990 (303) 444-2950 (312) 346-8166 Boston, MA 02114 Steve Hobbs, Director Bryan McPeak, Director Bruce Boyd, Director (617) 227-7017 Wayne A. Klockner, Director New Hampshire Field Office Connecticut Field Office Indiana Field Office 22 Bridge Street, 4th Floor 55 High Street 1505 N. Delaware Street, Suite 200 Concord, NH 03301 Middletown, CT 06457 Indianapolis, IN 46202 (603) 224-5853 (860) 344-0716 (317) 951-8818 Daryl Burtnett, Director Lisa Hanners, Director Chip Sutton, Director

49 50

New Jersey Field Office New York City Office Rhode Island Field Office Vermont Field Office 200 Pottersville Road 570 Seventh Avenue #601 159 Waterman Street 27 State Street Chester, NJ 07930 New York, NY 10018 Providence, RI 02906 Montpelier, VT 05602-2934 (908) 879-7262 (212) 997-1880 (401) 331-7110 (802) 229-4425 Barbara Brummer, Director Douglas Parker, Director Robert J. Klein, Vice President North Carolina Field Office New Mexico Field Office One University Drive South Carolina Field Office Virginia Field Office 212 East Marcy, Suite 200 Suite 290 P.O. Box 5475 490 Westfield Road Santa Fe, NM 87501 Durham, NC 27707 Columbia, SC 29250 Charlottesville, VA 22901-1633 (505) 988-3867 (919) 403-8558 (803) 254-9049 (434) 295-6106 Bill Waldman, Director Sandra Caralieri, Manager Mark Robertson, Director Michael Lipford, Director

New York Offices: North Dakota Field Office South Dakota Field Office Washington Field Office Adirondack Chapter For information on North Dakota contact the For information on South Dakota contact the 217 Pine Street, Suite 1100 P.O. Box 65, Route 73 Great Plains Division Great Plains Division Seattle, WA 98101 Keene Valley, NY 12943 (612) 331-0750 (612) 331-0750 (206) 343-4344 (518) 576-2082 Gerald Reichert, ND Field Representative Amy Carlson, SD Field Representative David Weekes, Director Timothy Barnett, Director Ohio Field Office Tennessee Field Office West Virginia Field Office Central and Western NY Chapter 6375 Riverside Drive, Suite 50 2021 21st Avenue South, Suite 400 723 Kanawha Boulevard East Suite 500 1048 University Avenue Dublin, OH 43017 Nashville, TN 37212 Charleston, WV 25301 Rochester, NY 14607 (614) 717-2770 (615) 383-9909 (304) 345-4350 (585) 546-8030 Dr. Richard Shank, Director Scott Davis, Director Rodney Bartgis, Director David Klein, Director Oklahoma Field Office Texas Field Office Wisconsin Field Office Eastern NY Chapter 2727 East 21st Street, Suite 102 P.O. Box 1440 633 West Main Street 19 North Moger Avenue Tulsa, OK 74114 San Antonio, TX 78295-1440 Madison, WI 53703 Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 (918) 585-1117 (210) 224-8774 (608) 251-8140 (914) 244-3271 Mike Fuhr, Director Carter Smith, Director Mary Jean Huston, Vice President Peg Olsen, Director Oregon Field Office U.S. Virgin Islands Program Wyoming Field Office Long Island Chapter 821 SE 14th Avenue 52 Estate Little Princess 258 Main Street, Suite 200 250 Lawrence Hill Road Portland, OR 97214 Christiansted, St. Croix Lander, WY 82520 Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 (503) 230-1221 U.S.V.I. 00821 (307) 332-2971 (631) 367-3225 Russell S. Hoeflich, Vice President (340) 773-5575 Andrea Quiroz, Director Paul Rabinovitch, Acting Director for Carol H. Mayes, Director the Long Island Chapter Pennsylvania Field Office Center for Compatible Economic 15 East Ridge Pike Utah Field Office Development South Fork/Shelter Is. Chapter Suite 500 559 E. South Temple 7 E. Market Street P.O. Box 5125 Conshohocken, PA 19428 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Leesburg, VA 22075 E. Hampton, NY 11937 (610) 834-1323 (office) (801) 531-0999 (703) 779-1728 (631) 329-7689 (610) 834-6533 (fax) David Livermore, Vice President Nancy Kelley, Exec. Dir. for the South William Kunze, Director Fork-Shelter Island Chapter

51 52 Attachment F: List of the State Historic Preservation Officers Connecticut Georgia Ms. Jennifer Aniskovich, SHPO Mr. Noel A. Holcomb, SHPO 1. SHPO and Deputy SHPO List Connecticut Historical Commission 34 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 1600 59 So. Prospect Street Atlanta, GA 30303 Alabama Deputy: Ms. Carol Griffith Hartford, CT 06106 404-656-2840 FAX 404-651-8739 Dr. Ed Bridges, Interim SHPO E-Mail: [email protected] 860-566-3005 FAX: 860-566-5078 Deputy: Dr. W. Ray Luce, Director Alabama Historical Commission www.pr.state.az.us E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] 468 South Perry Street Deputy: Mr. Paul Loether, Director Deputy: Dr. Richard Cloues Montgomery, AL 36130-0900 Arkansas E-Mail: [email protected] 334-242-3184 FAX: 334-240-3477 Ms. Cathryn Matthews, SHPO Delaware E-Mail:[email protected] Arkansas Historic Preservation Program Mr. Timothy Slavin, SHPO Guam Deputy: Ms. Elizabeth Ann Brown 323 Center Street, Suite 1500 Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs Ms. Lynda Aguon, SHPO E-Mail:[email protected] Little Rock, AR 72201 21 The Green Guam Historic Preservation Office www.preserveala.org/ 501-324-9880 FAX: 501-324-9184 Dover, DE 19901 Department of Parks & Recreation E-Mail: [email protected] 302-739-5313 FAX: 302-739-6711 490 Chalan Palasyo Alaska Deputy: Mr. Ken Grunewald, 501-324-9356 E-Mail: [email protected] Agana Heights, Guam 96910 Ms. Judith Bittner, SHPO E-Mail: [email protected] Deputy: Ms. Joan Larrivee 1-671-475-6294/1FAX: 1-671-477-2822 Div of Parks, Ofc of Hist & Archeology Delaware State Hist Preservation Office E-Mail: [email protected] 3601 “C” Street, Suite 1278 California 21 The Green http://www.gov.gu/dpr/hrdhome.html Anchorage, AK 99503-5921 Mr. Milford Wayne Donaldson, SHPO Dover, DE 19901 907-269-8721 FAX: 907-269-8908 P.O. Box 942896 302-739-5685 FAX: 302-739-5660 Hawaii E-Mail:[email protected] Sacramento CA 94296-0001 E-Mail: [email protected] Mr. Peter Young, SHPO Deputy: Dr. Robert Shaw 916-653-6624 FAX: 916-653-9824 Department of Land & Natural Resources Deputy: Joan Antonson E-Mail:[email protected] District of Columbia 601 Kamokila Blvd. www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/oha_web Deputy: Stephen Mikesell Mr. Wilbert J. Parker, SHPO Honolulu, HI 96707 http://cal-parks.ca.gov Historic Preservation Division, Suite 305 808-588-6550 American Samoa 941 N. Capitol Street, NE, Room 2500 Acting Administrator Mr. John Enright, HPO Colorado Washington, DC 20002 Ms. Melanie Chinen Executive Offices of the Governor Ms. Georgianna Contiguglia, SHPO 202-442-4570 FAX:202-442-4860 (808) 692-8015 American Samoa Historic Preservation Colorado Historical Society www.dcra.org www.hawaii.gov/dlnr Office 1300 Broadway Deputy: Mr. David Maloney American Samoa Government Denver, CO 80203 Idaho Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 303-866-3395 FAX: 303-866-4464 Florida Steve Guerber, SHPO 011-684-633-2384 FAX: 684-633-2367 Deputy: Mr. Mark Wolfe, 303-866-2776, Mr. Frederick Gaske, SHPO, Director Idaho State Historical Society E-Mail:[email protected] FAX: 303-866-2041 Div of Historical Resources, Dept of State 2205 Old Penitentiary Road Deputy: Mr. David J. Herdrich E-Mail: [email protected] R. A. Gray Building, 4th Floor Boise, ID 83712 E-Mail:[email protected] Deputy: Dr. Susan M. Collins, 303-866- 500 S. Bronough St. 208-334-2682 2736 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 Deputy: Suzi Neitzel Arizona Tech Ser: Ms. Kaaren Hardy, 303-866-3398 850-487-2333 FAX 850-922-0496 208-334-3847 FAX: 208-334-2775 Mr. James W. Garrison, SHPO E-Mail:[email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Arizona State Parks www.aclin.org/other/historic/chs/index.html 800-847-7278 1300 West Washington www.dos.state.fl.us/dhr/contents.html Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-542-4174 FAX: 602-542-4180 E-Mail: [email protected]

Attachment (1) 54

Illinois Kentucky Maryland Mr. David Welle, Chuuk SHPO Mr. William L. Wheeler, SHPO Mr. David L. Morgan, SHPO, Executive Mr. J. Rodney Little, SHPO Department of Commerce & Industry Associate Director Director Maryland Historical Trust PO Box 280 Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Kentucky Heritage Council 100 Community Place, Third Floor Moen, Chuuk (Truk), FM 96942 1 Old State Capitol Plaza 300 Washington Street Crownsville, MD 21032-2023 011-691-330-2761 Springfield, IL 62701-1512 Frankfort, KY 40601 410-514-7600 FAX 410-514-7678 FAX: 691-330-4906 217-785-1153 FAX: 217-524-7525 502-564-7005 FAX: 502-564-5820 E-Mail: [email protected] Mr. Emensio Eperiam, HPO Deputy: Mr. Theodore Hild, Chief of Staff E-Mail:[email protected] Deputy: Ms. Elizabeth Hughes Dir, Dept of Land, Pohnpei State E-Mail: [email protected] (410) 514-7604 Government P.O. Box 1149 Deputy: Ms. Anne Haaker Louisiana Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM Ms. Pamela Breaux, SHPO Massachusetts E. Caroline Islands 96941 Indiana Dept of Culture, Recreation &Tourism Ms. Brona Simon, DSHPO 011-691-320-2611 Mr. Kyle Hupfer, SHPO P.O. Box 44247 Massachusetts Historical Commission FAX: 011-691-320-5599 Director, Department of Natural Resources Baton Rouge, LA 70804 220 Morrissey Boulevard Mr. Berlin Sigrah, Kosrae HPO 402 West Washington Street 225-342-8200 FAX 225-342-8173 Boston, MA 02125 Div of History and Cultural Preservation Indiana Govt. Center South, Room W256 Deputy: Mr. Robert Collins 225-342-8200 617-727-8470 FAX: 617-727-5128 Dept of Conservation and Development Indianapolis, IN 46204 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Kosrae, FSM, E. Caroline Islands 96944 E-Mail: [email protected] Deputy: Mr. Jonathan Fricker 225-342-8160 www.state.ma.us/sec/mhc 011-691-370-3078 Deputy: Jon C. Smith E-Mail: [email protected] FAX: 011-691-370-3767 317-232-1646 FAX: 317-232-0693 Michigan E-Mail: [email protected] Maine Brian D. Conway, SHPO Minnesota Mr. Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr., SHPO State Historic Preservation Office Dr. Nina Archabal, SHPO Iowa Maine Historic Preservation Commission Michigan Historical Center Minnesota Historical Society Ms. Anita Walker, SHPO 55 Capitol Street, Station 65 702 West Kalamazoo Street 345 Kellogg Boulevard West State Historical Society of Iowa Augusta, ME 04333 P.O. Box 30740 St. Paul, MN 55102-1906 Capitol Complex 207-287-2132 FAX 207-287-2335 Lansing, MI 48909 651-296-2747 FAX: 651-296-1004 East 6th and Locust St. E-Mail: [email protected] 517-373-1630 FAX 517-335-0348 Deputy: Mr. Patrick McCormack, 651-297- Des Moines, IA 50319 Deputy: Mr. Kirk F. Mahoney E-Mail: [email protected] 5513 515-281-8741 FAX: 515-242-6498 E-Mail: [email protected] Deputy: Ms. Britta L. Bloomberg E-Mail: [email protected] Micronesia, Federated States Of 651-296-5471 FAX: 651-282-2374 Dr. Lowell Soike, Deputy Marshall Islands, Republic of The Mr. Rufino Mauricio, FSM HPO E-Mail: [email protected] 515-281-3306 FAX: 515-282-0502 Mr. Lenest Lanki, HPO Office of Administrative Services www.mnhs.org Secretary of Interior and Outer Islands Div of Archives and Historic Preservation Kansas Affairs FSM National Government Mississippi Ms. Jennie Chinn, SHPO, Executive P.O. Box #1454, Majuro Atoll P.O. Box PS 70 Mr. H.T. Holmes, SHPO Director Republic of the Marshall Islands 96960 Palikir, Pohnpei, FM 96941 Mississippi Dept of Archives & History Kansas State Historical Society 011-692-625-4642 011-691-320-2343 FAX: 691-320-5634 P.O. Box 571 6425 Southwest 6th Avenue FAX: 011-692-625-5353 FSM includes four States, whose HPOs are Jackson, MS 39205-0571 Topeka, KS 66615-1099 Deputy: Clary Makroro listed below: 601-359-6850 785-272-8681x210 FAX: 785-272-8682 Mr. Alfonso Fanechigiy, HPO Deputy: Mr. Kenneth H. P’Pool E-Mail: [email protected] Yap Historic Preservation Office Division of Historic Preservation Deputy: Ms. Christy Davis, Director Office of the Governor 601-359-6940 Historic Pres Dept 785-272-8681x215 P.O. Box 714 FAX: 601-359-6955 Colonia, Yap, FM 96943 [email protected] 011-691-350-2194/2255 FAX: 691-350-2381

55 56 Missouri New Hampshire New York 670-664-2120/2120 FAX 670-664-2139 Mr. Doyle Childers, SHPO Mr. James McConoha, Director/SHPO Ms. Bernadette Castro, SHPO E-Mail: [email protected] State Department of Natural Resources NH Division of Historical Resources Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation 205 Jefferson, P.O. Box 176 19 Pillsbury Street Agency Building #1, Empire State Plaza Ohio Jefferson City, MO 65102 2nd Floor Albany, NY 12238 Ms. Rachel Tooker, SHPO 573-751-4732 Concord, NH 03301 518-474-0443 Ohio Historic Preservation Office FAX: 573-751-7627 603-271-6435 FAX: 603-271-3433 Historic Preservation Staff: 567 E Hudson Street Deputy: Mr. Mark A. Miles, Director TDD: 800-735-2964 Ms. Ruth L. Pierpont, Director Columbus, OH 43211-1030 Historic Preservation Prog, Div of State E-Mail: [email protected] Bureau of Field Services 614-297-2000 FAX: 614-297-2037 Parks Deputy: Ms. Linda Ray Wilson NY State Parks, Rec. & Hist. Pres. E-Mail: [email protected] 573-751-7858 FAX: 573-526-2852 603-271-6434 or 603-271-3558 Peebles Island PO 189 Deputy: Mr. Franco Ruffini E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Waterford, NY 12188-0189 614-297-2470 FAX: 614-297-2496 www.state.nh.us/nhdhr 518-237-8643 x 3269 FAX 518-233-9049 E-Mail: [email protected] Montana E-Mail: [email protected] www.ohiohistory.org/resource/histpres Dr. Stan Wilmoth, Acting SHPO New Jersey www.nysparks.com State Historic Preservation Office Mr. Bradley Campbell, SHPO Oklahoma 1410 8th Avenue Dept of Environ Protection North Carolina Dr. Bob L. Blackburn, SHPO P.O. Box 201202 401 East State Street Dr. Jeffrey J. Crow SHPO Oklahoma Historical Society Helena, MT 59620-1202 PO Box 402 Division of Archives & History 2100 N. Lincoln Blvd. 406-444-7719 FAX 406-444-6575 Trenton, NJ 08625 4610 Mail Service Center Oklahoma City, OK 73105 E-Mail: [email protected] 609-292-2885 FAX: 609-292-7695 Raleigh, NC 27699-4610 405-521-2491 FAX 405-521-2492 Deputy: Ms. Kathryn Hampton Deputy: Ms. Dorothy Guzzo 919-733-7280 FAX: 919-733-8807 www.ok-history.mus.ok.us E-Mail: [email protected] Natural and Historic Resources E-Mail:[email protected] Deputy: Ms. Melvena Thurman Heisch 501 East State Street Deputy: Mr. Peter Sandbeck State Historic Preservation Office Nebraska PO Box 404 Historic Preservation Office 2704 Villa Prom, Shepherd Mall Nebraska State Historical Society Trenton, NJ 08625 4617 Mail Service Center Oklahoma City, OK 73107 P.O. Box 82554 609-984-0176 FAX: 609-984-0578 Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 405-522-4484 FAX: 405-947-2918 1500 R Street E-Mail: [email protected] 919-733-4763 FAX: 919-733-8653 E-Mail: [email protected] Lincoln, NE 68501 E-Mail: [email protected] 402-471-4745 FAX: 402-471-3100 New Mexico http://www.hpo.dcr.state.nc.us Oregon E-Mail: [email protected] Ms. Katherine Slick, SHPO Mr. Tim Wood, SHPO Deputy: Mr. L. Robert Puschendorf Historic Preservation Div, Ofc of Cultural North Dakota State Parks & Recreation Department 402-471-4769 FAX: 402-471-3316 Affairs Mr. Merlan Paaverud, SHPO 725 Summer Street, NE, Suite C 228 East Palace Avenue State Historical Society of North Dakota Salem, OR 97301-1012 Nevada Santa Fe, NM 87503 612 E. Boulevard Ave. 503-378-5019 FAX 503-378-8936 Mr. Ronald James, SHPO 505-827-6320 FAX: 505-827-6338 Bismarck, ND 58505 Deputy: Mr. James Hamrick Historic Preservation Office E-Mail: [email protected] 701-328-2666 FAX: 701-328-3710 503-378-4168 x231 FAX503-378-6447 100 N Stewart Street Deputy: Ms. Jan Biella E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Capitol Complex E-Mail: [email protected] www.state.nd.us/hist arcweb.sos.state.or.us/shpo/shpodefault.htm Carson City, NV 89701-4285 www.museums.state.nm.us/hpd 775-684-3440 FAX:775-684-3442 Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Republic of E-Mail: [email protected] Commonwealth Of The Ms. Victoria N. Kanai, HPO Deputy: Ms. Alice Baldrica Ms. Mary Margaret Sablan, Acting HPO Ministry of Community & Cultural Affairs 775-684-3444 Dept of Community & Cultural Affairs P.O. Box 100 E-Mail: [email protected] Northern Mariana Islands Koror, Republic of Palau 96940 www.state.nv.us Saipan, MP 96950 011-680-488-2489 FAX: 680-488-2657

57 58

Pierre, SD 57501 E-Mail: [email protected] Washington Pennsylvania 605-773-3458 FAX 605-773-6041 Deputy Jim, Dykman Dr. Allyson Brooks, SHPO Ms. Barbara Franco, SHPO E-Mail: [email protected] 801-533-3563 Ofc of Archeology & Historic Preservation Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Comm http://www.state.sd.us/state/executive/deca/c [email protected] PO Box 48343 300 North Street ultural/histpres.htm Olympia, WA 98504-8343 Harrisburg, PA 17120 Vermont 360-586-3065 717-787-2891 Tennessee Ms. Jane Lendway, SHPO [email protected] Deputy: Ms. Jean Cutler, Bur for Historic Ms. Betsy Child, SHPO Vermont Division for Historic Preservation Deputy: Mr. Greg Griffith Pres Dept of Environment and Conservation National Life Building, Drawer 20 360-407-0753 717-705-4035 FAX: 717-772-0920 401 Church Street, L & C Tower 21st Floor Montpelier, VT 05620-0501 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Nashville, TN 37243-0435 802-828-3211 615-532-0109 FAX: 615-532-0120 E-Mail:[email protected] West Virginia Puerto Rico, Commonwealth of Deputy: Mr. Herbert L. Harper Deputy: Mr. Eric Gilbertson, Director Mr. Troy Brody, Interim SHPO Ms. Lilliane D. Lopez, SHPO Tennessee Historical Commission 802-828-3043 FAX 802-828-3206 West Virginia Division of Culture & History Office of Historic Preservation 2941 Lebanon Road E-Mail: [email protected] Historic Preservation Office Box 82, La Fortaleza Nashville, TN 37243-0442 www.state.vt.us/dca/historic/ 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East Old San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901 615-532-1550 FAX: 615-532-1549 Charleston, WV 25305-0300 787-721-2676 or 3737 FAX 787-723-0957 Virgin Islands 304-558-0220 FAX: 304-558-2779 Deputy: Berenice Sueiro Texas Mr. Dean C. Plaskett, SHPO Deputy: Ms. Susan Pierce Mr. F. Lawerence Oaks, SHPO Dept Plan& Natural Resources E-Mail: [email protected] Rhode Island Texas Historical Commission Div Archaeology & Historic Pres Mr. Frederick C. Williamson, SHPO P.O. Box 12276 Cyril E. King Airport Wisconsin Rhode Island Historic Preservation & Austin, TX 78711-2276 Terminal Building 2nd Floor Dr. Michael Stevens, SHPO Heritage Comm 512-463-6100 FAX: 512-463-8222 St. Thomas, VI 00802 State Historical Society of Wisconsin Old State House, 150 Benefit St. E-Mail: [email protected] Deputy: Mr. Myron Jackson, Director 816 State Street Providence, RI 02903 Deputy: Mr. Terry Colley, Dir Nat’l Reg 340-776-8605 FAX: 340-776-7236 Madison WI 53706 401-222-2678 FAX: 401-222-2968 Prog, 512-463-6100 608-264-6464 FAX: 608-264-6404 Deputy: Mr. Edward F. Sanderson FAX:512-463-8222, E-Mail: Virginia E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Ms. Kathleen Kilpatrick, SHPO Deputy: Mr. Jim Draeger Deputy: Mr. Stanley O. Graves, Dir Department of Historic Resources E-Mail: [email protected] South Carolina Architecture Div, 512-463-6094 2801 Kensington Avenue Dr. Rodger Stroup, SHPO FAX:512-463-6095, Richmond, VA 23221 Wyoming Department of Archives and History E-Mail: [email protected] 804-367-2323 FAX: 804-367-2391 Ms. Sara Needles, Interim SHPO 8301 Parklane Road Deputy: Dr. James E. Bruseth, Dir E-Mail: Wyoming State Hist. Pres. Ofc. Columbia, SC 29223-4905 Antiquities Prot, 512-463-6096 [email protected] 2301 Central Avenue, 3rd Floor Phone: 803-896-6100 FAX:512-463-8927, E-Mail: Cheyenne, WY 82002 Fax: 803-896-6167 [email protected] 307-777-7697 FAX 307-777-6421 Deputy: Ms. Mary Edmonds www.thc.state.tx.us E-Mail: [email protected] 803-896-6168 [email protected] Utah Mr. Wilson Martin, SHPO South Dakota Utah State Historical Society Mr. Jay D. Vogt, SHPO 300 Rio Grande State Historic Preservation Office Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Cultural Heritage Center 801-533-3500 FAX: 801-533-3503 900 Governors Drive Deputy: Mr. Wilson Martin

59 60 Attachment F: List of the State Historic Preservation Officers, continued Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Action Preservation www.preservationaction.org 2. Associate Members http://www.achp.gov Susan West Montgomery, John Fowler, President... 202-659-0915 Navajo Nation NCSHPO Officers, Board and Staff Executive Director... Dr. Alan Downer, HPO President: Judith Bittner, Alaska 202-606-8503 PO Box 4950 Vice President: F. Lawerence Oaks, Texas Ron Anzalone, Window Rock, AZ 86515 Secretary: Judith McDonough, Assistant to Executive Director... 520-871-6437 FAX: 520-871-7886 Massachusetts 202-606-8505 Treasurer: Cathryn Slater, Arkansas Don Klima, Lac Du Flambeau of Lake Superior Band Directors: Director, Office of Planning & Review, Chippewa Indians Brenda Barrett, Pennsylvania Eastern and Western Regions... Ms. Patricia A. Hrabik Sebby, THPO Britta Bloomberg, Minnesota 202-606-8505 PO Box 67 Theodore Hild, Illinois Lac Du Flambeau, WI 54538 Wilson Martin, Utah National Trust 715-588-3303 Amos Loveday, Ohio http://www.nthp.org Ken P’Pool, Mississippi Main Number–Washington, DC... 202-588- Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians James Hamrick, Oregon 6000 Ms. Rose A. Kluth, THPO J. Rodney Little, Maryland Northeast Regional Office, Wendy Nicholas, Leech Lake Reservation Lawrence Sommer, Nebraska Dir... 617-523-0885 RR3, Box 100 H. Alexander Wise, Jr., Virginia Northeast Field Office, Patrick Hauck, Sr Cass Lake, MN 56633 Ted Sanderson, Rhode Island Prog Assoc... 215-991-5778 218-335-8200 FAX: 218-335-8309 Melvena Heisch, Oklahoma Southern Field Office, Lisa Burcham, Sr E-Mail: [email protected] Executive Director: Prog Assoc... 202-588-6107 National Governors Association Eric [email protected] Southern Regional Office, John Hildreth, National Alliance of Preservation Deputy Director: Dir... 843-722-8552 Commissions Nancy [email protected] Midwest Regional Office, Jim Mann, Dir... National Trust for Historic Preservation Office Manager: 312-939-5547 Preservation Action Anita [email protected] Southwest Field Office, Jane Jenkins, Dir... Senior Program Manager: 817-332-4398 Andra Reinholz [email protected] Mountains/Plains Regional Office, Barbara Pahl, Dir.....303-623-1504 National Park Service–Systems Support Western Regional Office, Elizabeth Offices Goldstein, Dir... 415-956-0610 Anchorage...... 907-257-2690 Philadelphia...... 215-597-0652 Denver...... 303-969-2875 Atlanta...... 404-562-3157 San Francisco....415-427-1300

61 62

Attachment G: List of States and Counties Containing Units of the Coastal Barrier Resources System

States and Counties

Alabama ...... Baldwin, Mobile Connecticut ...... Fairfield, New Haven, New London, Middlesex Delaware ...... Kent, Sussex Florida...... Nassau, Duval, St. John’s, Flagler, Volusia, Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, Dade, Monroe, Collier, Lee, Charlotte, Sarasota, Manatee, Hillsborough, Pinellas, Levy, Dixie, Franklin, Gulf, Bay, Walton, Escambia, Santa Rosa Georgia...... Camden, Chatham, Glynn, Liberty, McIntosh Louisiana...... Cameron, Jefferson, Lafourche, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, Terrebonne, Vermilion, Iberia Maine ...... Cumberland, Hancock, Knox, Sagahadoc, Waldo, Washington, York Maryland...... Calvert, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s, Somerset, Talbot, Worcester Massachusetts ... Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Nantucket, Plymouth, Suffolk, Norfolk Michigan ...... Alger, Alpena, Arenac, Baraga, Benzie, Chippewa, Delta, Emmet, Huron, Keweenaw, Luce, Mackinac, Manistee, Marquette, Menominee, Monroe, Muskegon, Schoolcraft, Wayne Minnesota...... St. Louis Mississippi ...... Jackson, Hancock, Harrison New Jersey...... Atlantic, Cape May, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean New York...... Cayuga, Erie, Monroe, Nassau, Oswego, Suffolk, Wayne, Queens North Carolina .. Brunswick, Carteret, Currituck, Dare, Onslow, Pender, New Hanover, Hyde Ohio...... Ottawa, Lake Rhode Island ..... Bristol, Kent, Newport, Washington South Carolina .. Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, Georgetown, Horry Texas...... Brazoria, Calhoun, Cameron, Galveston, Jefferson, Kleberg, Matagorda, Nueces Virginia ...... Accomack, Gloucester, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Northampton, Northumberland, Westmoreland, Poquoson City and Virginia Beach (independent) Wisconsin...... Bayfield, Brown, Manitowoc, Marinette Puerto Rico...... Aguadilla, Arecibo, Cabo Rojo, Camuy, Fajardo, Guanica, Guayama, Hatillo, Isabela, Juana Diaz, Loiza, Luquillo, Manati, Maunabo, Patillas, Ponce, Rio Grande, Salinas, Toa Baja, Yabucoa, Naguabo, Lajas, Hormigueros, Isla Culebra, Ilsa de Vieques

63 D: Property Data

No documents have been associated with this appendix. E: Analytical Results

No documents have been associated with this appendix. F: Aerial Photographs SITE

1950 Aerial Photo Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia

DATE: 12/12/2010 SITE

1970 Aerial Photo Asset# 10267F006 (Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267) 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

DRAWN BY: Richard Levis

DATE: 12/22/2010 SITE

1973 Aerial Photo Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia

DATE: 12/12/2010 SITE

1983 Aerial Photo Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia

DATE: 12/12/2010 SITE

1990 Aerial Photo Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia

DATE: 12/12/2010 SITE

1999 Aerial Photo Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia

DATE: 12/12/2010 G: Fire Insurance Maps Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89149

Inquiry Number: 2935852.3 December 03, 2010

Certified Sanborn® Map Report Certified Sanborn® Map Report 12/03/10

Site Name: Client Name: Asset# 10267F006 Global Realty Services Group 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway 540 Oak St. Las Vegas, NV 89149 Petaluma, CA 94952

EDR Inquiry # 2935852.3 Contact: Stephen Mcneil

The complete Sanborn Library collection has been searched by EDR, and fire insurance maps covering the target property location provided by Global Realty Services Group were identified for the years listed below. The certified Sanborn Library search results in this report can be authenticated by visiting www.edrnet.com/sanborn and entering the certification number. Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps by Sanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection.

Certified Sanborn Results:

Site Name: Asset# 10267F006 Address: 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway City, State, Zip: Las Vegas, NV 89149 Cross Street: P.O. # NA

Project: 10-08517.2 Asse Sanborn® Library search results Certification # 56C0-4BF9-B39F Certification # 56C0-4BF9-B39F

The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 million UNMAPPED PROPERTY Sanborn fire insurance maps, which track historical property usage in approximately 12,000 American This report certifies that the complete holdings of the Sanborn cities and towns. Collections searched: Library, LLC collection have been searched based on client supplied target property information, and fire insurance maps covering the target property were not found. Library of Congress University Publications of America

EDR Private Collection

The Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866™

Limited Permission To Make Copies Global Realty Services Group (the client) is permitted to make up to THREE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanying this report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to an EDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned upon compliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice.

Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission.

EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

2935852 - 3 page 2 H: Topographic Maps SITE

1952 Topographic Map Asset# 10267F006 (Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267) 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia

DATE: 12/29/2010 SITE

1974 Topographic Map Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia

DATE: 12/13/2010 SITE

1983 Topographic Map Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV

DRAWN BY: Ann Saia

DATE: 12/13/2010 I: Mapped Regulatory Report Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89149

Inquiry Number: 2935852.2s December 03, 2010

The EDR Radius Map™ Report with GeoCheck®

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com



Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 7 Orphan Summary 8 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1


Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting SSURGO Soil Map A-5 Physical Setting Source Map A-9 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-11 Physical Setting Source Records Searched A-48

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.


A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-05) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate.





Latitude (North): 36.282500 - 36˚ 16’ 57.0’’ Longitude (West): 115.279200 - 115˚ 16’ 45.1’’ Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 11 UTM X (Meters): 654547.3 UTM Y (Meters): 4016455.0 Elevation: 2507 ft. above sea level


Target Property Map: 36115-C3 TULE SPRINGS PARK, NV Most Recent Revision: 1983


Photo Year: No Photo Available Source: USDA


The target property was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR.

DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases:


Federal NPL site list NPL National Priority List


Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens

Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions

Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing

Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned

Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS Corrective Action Report

Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal

Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRA-CESQG RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator

Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROL Sites with Institutional Controls

Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System

State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF Landfill List

State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST Sites Database INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land

State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST Underground Storage Tank List AST Aboveground Storage Tank List INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing

State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP Voluntary Cleanup Program Sites


INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing

State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS Project Tracking Database


Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites

Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations ODI Open Dump Inventory SWRCY Recycling Information Listing INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands

Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL Clandestine Drug Labs US HIST CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register

Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information LUCIS Land Use Control Information System

Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System

Other Ascertainable Records RCRA-NonGen RCRA - Non Generators DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data DOD Department of Defense Sites FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees ROD Records Of Decision UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites MINES Mines Master Index File TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System PADS PCB Activity Database System MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System RADINFO Radiation Information Database FINDS Facility Index System/Facility Registry System


RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System NPDES Permitted Facility Listing AIRS Permitted Airs Facility Listing HMRI Hazardous Materials Repository Information Data INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List COAL ASH DOE Sleam-Electric Plan Operation Data PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database


EDR Proprietary Records Manufactured Gas Plants EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR Historical Auto Stations EDR Proprietary Historic Gas Stations EDR Historical Cleaners EDR Proprietary Historic Dry Cleaners

SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases.

Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed.

Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases.

Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis.


State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS: Corrective Action Case list (Active, Non-ust Hazardous Waste and Regulated Substance. Correction Actions)

A review of the SHWS list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/08/2010 has revealed that there is 1 SHWS site within approximately 1 mile of the target property.

______Lower Elevation ______Address Direction ______/ Distance Map _____ ID Page _____ CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT , 8200 WEST TROPICAL PARK SSE 1/2 - 1 (0.847 mi.) 1 7 Date Closed: 01/23/2007


Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped:


TC2935852.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 0 8 0 6 4

2 6 2



0 5

0 2






2 2 4 4 0




2 2


2 0


4 0

6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 5 2 2 5 2

0 4

0 4 2 8

4 2

0 0 4



0 6 0 2 400 6 2 0 0 5 4 0 2 2 0 4 0 5 8 2 4 2 4 2 2

EDR Inc. 2520


Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted


Federal NPL site list NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Proposed NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 NPL LIENS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal CERCLIS list CERCLIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 FEDERAL FACILITY 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List CERC-NFRAP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA-SQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRA-CESQG 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries US ENG CONTROLS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 US INST CONTROL 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Federal ERNS list ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS 1.000 0 0 0 1 NR 1 State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN LUST 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0


Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted

AST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 INDIAN UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 FEMA UST 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN VCP 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0


Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites DEBRIS REGION 9 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 ODI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 SWRCY 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 INDIAN ODI 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US CDL TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 US HIST CDL TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Local Land Records LIENS 2 TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 LUCIS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 Other Ascertainable Records RCRA-NonGen 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 DOT OPS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 DOD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 FUDS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CONSENT 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 UMTRA 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 MINES 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HIST FTTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 SSTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 ICIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0


Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted



EDR Proprietary Records Manufactured Gas Plants 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 EDR Historical Auto Stations 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 EDR Historical Cleaners 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0

NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database

TC2935852.2s Page 6 Map ID MAP FINDINGS Direction Distance EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number

1 CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT , APN 125-28-201-007SHWS S108437344 SSE 8200 WEST TROPICAL PARKWAY N/A 1/2-1 LAS VEGAS, NV 89149 0.847 mi. 4471 ft.

Relative: SHWS: Lower Facility ID: H-000551 Date Release Reported to NDEP: 01/10/2007 Actual: Program: non-LUST 2445 ft. NDEP Case Officer: jdotchin Location of Paper File: NDEP: Las Vegas Type of Media Impacted: Soil Event: Not reported Date of Closure: 01/23/2007 Regulatory Type of Closure: Clean Close Contaminant: Diesel ; Hydraulic Fluid

TC2935852.2s Page 7 ORPHAN SUMMARY

City EDR ID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s)



To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required.

Number of Days to Update: Provides confirmation that EDR is reporting records that have been updated within 90 days from the date the government agency made the information available to the public.


Federal NPL site list

NPL: National Priority List National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCLIS and identifies over 1,200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) and regional EPA offices. Date of Government Version: 07/02/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/24/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

NPL Site Boundaries Sources: EPA’s Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) Telephone: 202-564-7333 EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6 Telephone 617-918-1143 Telephone: 214-655-6659 EPA Region 3 EPA Region 7 Telephone 215-814-5418 Telephone: 913-551-7247 EPA Region 4 EPA Region 8 Telephone 404-562-8033 Telephone: 303-312-6774 EPA Region 5 EPA Region 9 Telephone 312-886-6686 Telephone: 415-947-4246 EPA Region 10 Telephone 206-553-8665

Proposed NPL: Proposed National Priority List Sites A site that has been proposed for listing on the National Priorities List through the issuance of a proposed rule in the Federal Register. EPA then accepts public comments on the site, responds to the comments, and places on the NPL those sites that continue to meet the requirements for listing. Date of Government Version: 07/02/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/24/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the USEPA by CERCLA of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner received notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/1991 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/02/1994 Telephone: 202-564-4267 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/1994 Last EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 56 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned


Federal Delisted NPL site list

DELISTED NPL: National Priority List Deletions The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 07/02/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2010 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/24/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal CERCLIS list

CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System CERCLIS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the USEPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLIS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 01/29/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/09/2010 Telephone: 703-412-9810 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

FEDERAL FACILITY: Federal Facility Site Information listing A listing of National Priority List (NPL) and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) sites found in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) Database where EPAa??s Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office is involved in cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 06/23/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/15/2010 Telephone: 703-603-8704 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/24/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site List

CERCLIS-NFRAP: CERCLIS No Further Remedial Action Planned Archived sites are sites that have been removed and archived from the inventory of CERCLIS sites. Archived status indicates that, to the best of EPA’s knowledge, assessment at a site has been completed and that EPA has determined no further steps will be taken to list this site on the National Priorities List (NPL), unless information indicates this decision was not appropriate or other considerations require a recommendation for listing at a later time. This decision does not necessarily mean that there is no hazard associated with a given site; it only means that, based upon available information, the location is not judged to be a potential NPL site. Date of Government Version: 06/23/2009 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/02/2009 Telephone: 703-412-9810 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Last EDR Contact: 12/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 19 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list

CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity.


Date of Government Version: 05/25/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/02/2010 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 124 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/28/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list

RCRA-TSDF: RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Transporters are individuals or entities that move hazardous waste from the generator offsite to a facility that can recycle, treat, store, or dispose of the waste. TSDFs treat, store, or dispose of the waste. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

Federal RCRA generators list

RCRA-LQG: RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Large quantity generators (LQGs) generate over 1,000 kilograms (kg) of hazardous waste, or over 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RCRA-SQG: RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Small quantity generators (SQGs) generate between 100 kg and 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RCRA-CESQG: RCRA - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQGs) generate less than 100 kg of hazardous waste, or less than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste per month. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies


Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries

US ENG CONTROLS: Engineering Controls Sites List A listing of sites with engineering controls in place. Engineering controls include various forms of caps, building foundations, liners, and treatment methods to create pathway elimination for regulated substances to enter environmental media or effect human health. Date of Government Version: 12/20/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/20/2010 Telephone: 703-603-0695 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

US INST CONTROL: Sites with Institutional Controls A listing of sites with institutional controls in place. Institutional controls include administrative measures, such as groundwater use restrictions, construction restrictions, property use restrictions, and post remediation care requirements intended to prevent exposure to contaminants remaining on site. Deed restrictions are generally required as part of the institutional controls. Date of Government Version: 12/20/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/20/2010 Telephone: 703-603-0695 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 82 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Federal ERNS list

ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 07/09/2010 Source: National Response Center, United States Coast Guard Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/09/2010 Telephone: 202-267-2180 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/06/2010 Number of Days to Update: 39 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Annually

State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS

SHWS: Sites Database A listing of correction action sites. Date of Government Version: 07/08/2010 Source: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/30/2010 Telephone: 775-687-5872 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 29 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/07/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists

SWF/LF: Landfill List Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 06/08/2010 Source: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/09/2010 Telephone: 775-687-5872 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 50 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually


State and tribal leaking storage tank lists

LUST: Sites Database Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. Date of Government Version: 07/08/2010 Source: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/30/2010 Telephone: 775-687-5872 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 29 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/07/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R9: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Nevada Date of Government Version: 08/30/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/2010 Telephone: 415-972-3372 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN LUST R4: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Florida, Mississippi and North Carolina. Date of Government Version: 08/27/2010 Source: EPA Region 4 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/2010 Telephone: 404-562-8677 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN LUST R10: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Date of Government Version: 08/05/2010 Source: EPA Region 10 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/06/2010 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 59 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN LUST R1: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land A listing of leaking underground storage tank locations on Indian Land. Date of Government Version: 02/19/2009 Source: EPA Region 1 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2009 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/16/2009 Last EDR Contact: 11/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R6: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in New Mexico and Oklahoma. Date of Government Version: 08/05/2010 Source: EPA Region 6 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/06/2010 Telephone: 214-665-6597 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 59 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R7: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska


Date of Government Version: 11/04/2009 Source: EPA Region 7 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/04/2010 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/07/2010 Last EDR Contact: 12/03/2010 Number of Days to Update: 64 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN LUST R8: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUSTs on Indian land in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: EPA Region 8 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/27/2010 Telephone: 303-312-6271 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 74 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

State and tribal registered storage tank lists

UST: Underground Storage Tank List Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST’s are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. Date of Government Version: 07/08/2010 Source: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/30/2010 Telephone: 775-687-5872 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 29 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

AST: Aboveground Storage Tank List Registered Aboveground Storage Tanks. Date of Government Version: 01/10/2000 Source: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/11/2000 Telephone: 775-687-5872 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/16/2000 Last EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN UST R7: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and 9 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 04/01/2008 Source: EPA Region 7 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/30/2008 Telephone: 913-551-7003 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/16/2009 Last EDR Contact: 11/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 76 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN UST R10: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 08/05/2010 Source: EPA Region 10 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/06/2010 Telephone: 206-553-2857 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 59 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN UST R4: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Tribal Nations)


Date of Government Version: 08/27/2010 Source: EPA Region 4 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/2010 Telephone: 404-562-9424 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN UST R8: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 05/24/2010 Source: EPA Region 8 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/27/2010 Telephone: 303-312-6137 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 74 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN UST R9: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 08/30/2010 Source: EPA Region 9 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/30/2010 Telephone: 415-972-3368 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

INDIAN UST R1: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont and ten Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/19/2009 Source: EPA, Region 1 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2009 Telephone: 617-918-1313 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/16/2009 Last EDR Contact: 11/02/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN UST R5: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 5 (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin and Tribal Nations). Date of Government Version: 02/11/2010 Source: EPA Region 5 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/11/2010 Telephone: 312-886-6136 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 60 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN UST R6: Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land The Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST) database provides information about underground storage tanks on Indian land in EPA Region 6 (Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 65 Tribes). Date of Government Version: 08/03/2010 Source: EPA Region 6 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/04/2010 Telephone: 214-665-7591 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 61 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

FEMA UST: Underground Storage Tank Listing A listing of all FEMA owned underground storage tanks.


Date of Government Version: 01/01/2010 Source: FEMA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/16/2010 Telephone: 202-646-5797 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/29/2010 Number of Days to Update: 55 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites

VCP: Voluntary Cleanup Program Sites The Voluntary Cleanup Program provides relief from liability to owners who undertake cleanups of contaminated properties under the oversight of the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. Date of Government Version: 03/31/2010 Source: Department of Conservation & Natural Resources Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/08/2010 Telephone: 775-687-9381 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/28/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/17/2010 Number of Days to Update: 20 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN VCP R7: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Lisitng A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 7. Date of Government Version: 03/20/2008 Source: EPA, Region 7 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Telephone: 913-551-7365 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Last EDR Contact: 04/20/2009 Number of Days to Update: 27 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/20/2009 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN VCP R1: Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing A listing of voluntary cleanup priority sites located on Indian Land located in Region 1. Date of Government Version: 04/02/2008 Source: EPA, Region 1 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2008 Telephone: 617-918-1102 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/19/2008 Last EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Number of Days to Update: 27 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

State and tribal Brownfields sites

BROWNFIELDS: Project Tracking Database Brownfields sites included in the Project Tracking Database. The term "brownfields" is used to describe abandoned, idled, or underused industrial or commercial properties taken out of productive use because of real or perceived risks from environmental contamination. The State of Nevada has initiated Brownfields, a land-recycling program, to provide an opportunity to redevelop these undesirable properties and revitalize communities. Date of Government Version: 07/08/2010 Source: Division of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/30/2010 Telephone: 775-687-9384 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 29 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/07/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS

Local Brownfield lists

US BROWNFIELDS: A Listing of Brownfields Sites


Included in the listing are brownfields properties addresses by Cooperative Agreement Recipients and brownfields properties addressed by Targeted Brownfields Assessments. Targeted Brownfields Assessments-EPA’s Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBA) program is designed to help states, tribes, and municipalities--especially those without EPA Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilots--minimize the uncertainties of contamination often associated with brownfields. Under the TBA program, EPA provides funding and/or technical assistance for environmental assessments at brownfields sites throughout the country. Targeted Brownfields Assessments supplement and work with other efforts under EPA’s Brownfields Initiative to promote cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields. Cooperative Agreement Recipients-States, political subdivisions, territories, and Indian tribes become Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (BCRLF) cooperative agreement recipients when they enter into BCRLF cooperative agreements with the U.S. EPA. EPA selects BCRLF cooperative agreement recipients based on a proposal and application process. BCRLF cooperative agreement recipients must use EPA funds provided through BCRLF cooperative agreement for specified brownfields-related cleanup activities. Date of Government Version: 06/24/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/25/2010 Telephone: 202-566-2777 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/29/2010 Number of Days to Update: 53 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites

ODI: Open Dump Inventory An open dump is defined as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria. Date of Government Version: 06/30/1985 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/09/2004 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/17/2004 Last EDR Contact: 06/09/2004 Number of Days to Update: 39 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

DEBRIS REGION 9: Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations A listing of illegal dump sites location on the Torres Martinez Indian Reservation located in eastern Riverside County and northern Imperial County, California. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2009 Source: EPA, Region 9 Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/07/2009 Telephone: 415-947-4219 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/21/2009 Last EDR Contact: 11/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 137 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

SWRCY: Recycling Information Listing A listing of recycling facilities in Nevada. Date of Government Version: 03/04/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/27/2010 Telephone: 775-687-9463 Date Made Active in Reports: 07/14/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/23/2010 Number of Days to Update: 48 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/07/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

INDIAN ODI: Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands Location of open dumps on Indian land. Date of Government Version: 12/31/1998 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/03/2007 Telephone: 703-308-8245 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/24/2008 Last EDR Contact: 11/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 52 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/21/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites


US CDL: Clandestine Drug Labs A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 05/07/2010 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/18/2010 Telephone: 202-307-1000 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/29/2010 Number of Days to Update: 60 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

US HIST CDL: National Clandestine Laboratory Register A listing of clandestine drug lab locations. The U.S. Department of Justice ("the Department") provides this web site as a public service. It contains addresses of some locations where law enforcement agencies reported they found chemicals or other items that indicated the presence of either clandestine drug laboratories or dumpsites. In most cases, the source of the entries is not the Department, and the Department has not verified the entry and does not guarantee its accuracy. Members of the public must verify the accuracy of all entries by, for example, contacting local law enforcement and local health departments. Date of Government Version: 09/01/2007 Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/19/2008 Telephone: 202-307-1000 Date Made Active in Reports: 03/30/2009 Last EDR Contact: 03/23/2009 Number of Days to Update: 131 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/22/2009 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

Local Land Records

LIENS 2: CERCLA Lien Information A Federal CERCLA (’Superfund’) lien can exist by operation of law at any site or property at which EPA has spent Superfund monies. These monies are spent to investigate and address releases and threatened releases of contamination. CERCLIS provides information as to the identity of these sites and properties. Date of Government Version: 05/06/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 05/11/2010 Telephone: 202-564-6023 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 90 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

LUCIS: Land Use Control Information System LUCIS contains records of land use control information pertaining to the former Navy Base Realignment and Closure properties. Date of Government Version: 12/09/2005 Source: Department of the Navy Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/11/2006 Telephone: 843-820-7326 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 11/22/2010 Number of Days to Update: 31 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/07/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

Records of Emergency Release Reports

HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 04/06/2010 Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/07/2010 Telephone: 202-366-4555 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 50 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Annually


Other Ascertainable Records

RCRA-NonGen: RCRA - Non Generators RCRAInfo is EPA’s comprehensive information system, providing access to data supporting the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984. The database includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Non-Generators do not presently generate hazardous waste. Date of Government Version: 02/17/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/19/2010 Telephone: (415) 495-8895 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/07/2010 Number of Days to Update: 87 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

DOT OPS: Incident and Accident Data Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Incident and Accident data. Date of Government Version: 01/12/2010 Source: Department of Transporation, Office of Pipeline Safety Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/09/2010 Telephone: 202-366-4595 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/21/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

DOD: Department of Defense Sites This data set consists of federally owned or administered lands, administered by the Department of Defense, that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: USGS Date Data Arrived at EDR: 11/10/2006 Telephone: 703-692-8801 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 10/28/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

FUDS: Formerly Used Defense Sites The listing includes locations of Formerly Used Defense Sites properties where the US Army Corps of Engineers is actively working or will take necessary cleanup actions. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2009 Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/12/2010 Telephone: 202-528-4285 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 112 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: 07/01/2010 Source: Department of Justice, Consent Decree Library Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/11/2010 Telephone: Varies Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/04/2010 Number of Days to Update: 113 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/17/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

ROD: Records Of Decision Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 06/01/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 06/16/2010 Telephone: 703-416-0223 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/15/2010 Number of Days to Update: 62 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually


UMTRA: Uranium Mill Tailings Sites Uranium ore was mined by private companies for federal government use in national defense programs. When the mills shut down, large piles of the sand-like material (mill tailings) remain after uranium has been extracted from the ore. Levels of human exposure to radioactive materials from the piles are low; however, in some cases tailings were used as construction materials before the potential health hazards of the tailings were recognized. Date of Government Version: 12/14/2009 Source: Department of Energy Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/29/2010 Telephone: 505-845-0011 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/04/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2010 Number of Days to Update: 5 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

MINES: Mines Master Index File Contains all mine identification numbers issued for mines active or opened since 1971. The data also includes violation information. Date of Government Version: 08/04/2010 Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/09/2010 Telephone: 303-231-5959 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 84 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title III Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/13/2010 Telephone: 202-566-0250 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/18/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 36 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/13/2010 Data Release Frequency: Annually

TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2006 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/29/2010 Telephone: 202-260-5521 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 64 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Every 4 Years

FTTS: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) FTTS tracks administrative cases and pesticide enforcement actions and compliance activities related to FIFRA, TSCA and EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act). To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Source: EPA/Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Telephone: 202-566-1667 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

FTTS INSP: FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) A listing of FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) inspections and enforcements. Date of Government Version: 04/09/2009 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2009 Telephone: 202-566-1667 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2010 Number of Days to Update: 25 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


HIST FTTS: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing A complete administrative case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Telephone: 202-564-2501 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2007 Number of Days to Update: 40 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

HIST FTTS INSP: FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Inspection & Enforcement Case Listing A complete inspection and enforcement case listing from the FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System (FTTS) for all ten EPA regions. The information was obtained from the National Compliance Database (NCDB). NCDB supports the implementation of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) and TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act). Some EPA regions are now closing out records. Because of that, and the fact that some EPA regions are not providing EPA Headquarters with updated records, it was decided to create a HIST FTTS database. It included records that may not be included in the newer FTTS database updates. This database is no longer updated. Date of Government Version: 10/19/2006 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 03/01/2007 Telephone: 202-564-2501 Date Made Active in Reports: 04/10/2007 Last EDR Contact: 12/17/2008 Number of Days to Update: 40 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/17/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

SSTS: Section 7 Tracking Systems Section 7 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended (92 Stat. 829) requires all registered pesticide-producing establishments to submit a report to the Environmental Protection Agency by March 1st each year. Each establishment must report the types and amounts of pesticides, active ingredients and devices being produced, and those having been produced and sold or distributed in the past year. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2008 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/06/2010 Telephone: 202-564-4203 Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Annually

ICIS: Integrated Compliance Information System The Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) supports the information needs of the national enforcement and compliance program as well as the unique needs of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Date of Government Version: 04/24/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/29/2010 Telephone: 202-564-5088 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/17/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Number of Days to Update: 18 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

PADS: PCB Activity Database System PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators, transporters, commercial storers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB’s who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 02/01/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/22/2010 Telephone: 202-566-0500 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/10/2010 Number of Days to Update: 109 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: Annually


MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensing requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 03/18/2010 Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/06/2010 Telephone: 301-415-7169 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/13/2010 Number of Days to Update: 51 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RADINFO: Radiation Information Database The Radiation Information Database (RADINFO) contains information about facilities that are regulated by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for radiation and radioactivity. Date of Government Version: 07/13/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/14/2010 Telephone: 202-343-9775 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/09/2010 Last EDR Contact: 10/14/2010 Number of Days to Update: 26 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/24/2011 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Registry System Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and ’pointers’ to other sources that contain more detail. EDR includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws and Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System). Date of Government Version: 04/14/2010 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 04/16/2010 Telephone: (415) 947-8000 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/27/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/15/2010 Number of Days to Update: 41 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly

RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major violators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to terminate RAATS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database. Date of Government Version: 04/17/1995 Source: EPA Date Data Arrived at EDR: 07/03/1995 Telephone: 202-564-4104 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/07/1995 Last EDR Contact: 06/02/2008 Number of Days to Update: 35 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 09/01/2008 Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

BRS: Biennial Reporting System The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LQG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2007 Source: EPA/NTIS Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/25/2010 Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/12/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/30/2010 Number of Days to Update: 76 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/07/2011 Data Release Frequency: Biennially


NPDES: Permitted Facility Listing A listing of permitted wastewater facilities. Date of Government Version: 01/04/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 01/22/2010 Telephone: 775-687-9414 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/28/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Number of Days to Update: 6 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

AIRS: Permitted Airs Facility Listing A listing of permitted Airs facilities and their associated emissions information. Date of Government Version: 08/29/2006 Source: Division of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/31/2006 Telephone: 775-687-9359 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/10/2006 Last EDR Contact: 09/27/2010 Number of Days to Update: 40 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/10/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

HMRI: Hazardous Materials Repository Information Data Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) required facilities which store or manufacture hazardous materials to prepare and submit a chemical inventory report by March 1st of each year to the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), LEPC and the local fire department. The inventory form must include information on all hazardous chemicals present at the facility during the previous calendar year in amounts that meet or exceed thresholds. Date of Government Version: 08/05/2008 Source: State Emergency Response Commission Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/05/2008 Telephone: 775-687-6973 Date Made Active in Reports: 08/13/2008 Last EDR Contact: 09/20/2010 Number of Days to Update: 8 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/03/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

INDIAN RESERV: Indian Reservations This map layer portrays Indian administered lands of the United States that have any area equal to or greater than 640 acres. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: USGS Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/08/2006 Telephone: 202-208-3710 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 10/28/2010 Number of Days to Update: 34 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: Semi-Annually

SCRD DRYCLEANERS: State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing The State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners was established in 1998, with support from the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. It is comprised of representatives of states with established drycleaner remediation programs. Currently the member states are Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Date of Government Version: 08/31/2010 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/01/2010 Telephone: 615-532-8599 Date Made Active in Reports: 12/02/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/29/2010 Number of Days to Update: 92 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/07/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

COAL ASH DOE: Sleam-Electric Plan Operation Data A listing of power plants that store ash in surface ponds. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: Department of Energy Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/07/2009 Telephone: 202-586-8719 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/22/2009 Last EDR Contact: 10/28/2010 Number of Days to Update: 76 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies


COAL ASH EPA: Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List A listing of coal combustion residues surface impoundments with high hazard potential ratings. Date of Government Version: 11/09/2009 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 12/18/2009 Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: 02/10/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/15/2010 Number of Days to Update: 54 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/27/2010 Data Release Frequency: Varies

PCB TRANSFORMER: PCB Transformer Registration Database The database of PCB transformer registrations that includes all PCB registration submittals. Date of Government Version: 01/01/2008 Source: Environmental Protection Agency Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/18/2009 Telephone: 202-566-0517 Date Made Active in Reports: 05/29/2009 Last EDR Contact: 11/10/2010 Number of Days to Update: 100 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/14/2011 Data Release Frequency: Varies

FEDLAND: Federal and Indian Lands Federally and Indian administrated lands of the United States. Lands included are administrated by: Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, National Wild and Scenic River, National Wildlife Refuge, Public Domain Land, Wilderness, Wilderness Study Area, Wildlife Management Area, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Justice, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2005 Source: U.S. Geological Survey Date Data Arrived at EDR: 02/06/2006 Telephone: 888-275-8747 Date Made Active in Reports: 01/11/2007 Last EDR Contact: 10/28/2010 Number of Days to Update: 339 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 01/31/2011 Data Release Frequency: N/A EDR PROPRIETARY RECORDS

EDR Proprietary Records

Manufactured Gas Plants: EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants The EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plant Database includes records of coal gas plants (manufactured gas plants) compiled by EDR’s researchers. Manufactured gas sites were used in the United States from the 1800’s to 1950’s to produce a gas that could be distributed and used as fuel. These plants used whale oil, rosin, coal, or a mixture of coal, oil, and water that also produced a significant amount of waste. Many of the byproducts of the gas production, such as coal tar (oily waste containing volatile and non-volatile chemicals), sludges, oils and other compounds are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. The byproduct from this process was frequently disposed of directly at the plant site and can remain or spread slowly, serving as a continuous source of soil and groundwater contamination. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: No Update Planned

EDR Historical Auto Stations: EDR Proprietary Historic Gas Stations EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential gas station/filling station/service station sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include gas station/filling station/service station establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to gas, gas station, gasoline station, filling station, auto, automobile repair, auto service station, service station, etc. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies


EDR Historical Cleaners: EDR Proprietary Historic Dry Cleaners EDR has searched selected national collections of business directories and has collected listings of potential dry cleaner sites that were available to EDR researchers. EDR’s review was limited to those categories of sources that might, in EDR’s opinion, include dry cleaning establishments. The categories reviewed included, but were not limited to dry cleaners, cleaners, laundry, laundromat, cleaning/laundry, wash & dry etc. Date of Government Version: N/A Source: EDR, Inc. Date Data Arrived at EDR: N/A Telephone: N/A Date Made Active in Reports: N/A Last EDR Contact: N/A Number of Days to Update: N/A Next Scheduled EDR Contact: N/A Data Release Frequency: Varies COUNTY RECORDS


Underground Storage Tank in Washoe County A listing of underground storage tank sites located in Washoe County. Date of Government Version: 09/27/2010 Source: Washoe County Department of Environmental Health Date Data Arrived at EDR: 09/28/2010 Telephone: 775-328-2493 Date Made Active in Reports: 10/29/2010 Last EDR Contact: 09/20/2010 Number of Days to Update: 31 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 12/20/2010 Data Release Frequency: Quarterly


Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report.

CT MANIFEST: Hazardous Waste Manifest Data Facility and manifest data. Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a tsd facility. Date of Government Version: 12/31/2007 Source: Department of Environmental Protection Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/26/2009 Telephone: 860-424-3375 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/11/2009 Last EDR Contact: 12/01/2010 Number of Days to Update: 16 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/07/2011 Data Release Frequency: Annually

NY MANIFEST: Facility and Manifest Data Manifest is a document that lists and tracks hazardous waste from the generator through transporters to a TSD facility. Date of Government Version: 07/28/2010 Source: Department of Environmental Conservation Date Data Arrived at EDR: 08/11/2010 Telephone: 518-402-8651 Date Made Active in Reports: 09/24/2010 Last EDR Contact: 11/09/2010 Number of Days to Update: 44 Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 02/21/2011 Data Release Frequency: Annually

Oil/Gas Pipelines: This data was obtained by EDR from the USGS in 1994. It is referred to by USGS as GeoData Digital Line Graphs from 1:100,000-Scale Maps. It was extracted from the transportation category including some oil, but primarily gas pipelines.

Electric Power Transmission Line Data Source: Rextag Strategies Corp. Telephone: (281) 769-2247 U.S. Electric Transmission and Power Plants Systems Digital GIS Data

Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities - schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes - where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located.


AHA Hospitals: Source: American Hospital Association, Inc. Telephone: 312-280-5991 The database includes a listing of hospitals based on the American Hospital Association’s annual survey of hospitals. Medical Centers: Provider of Services Listing Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Telephone: 410-786-3000 A listing of hospitals with Medicare provider number, produced by Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Nursing Homes Source: National Institutes of Health Telephone: 301-594-6248 Information on Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the United States. Public Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on elementary and secondary public education in the United States. It is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of all public elementary and secondary schools and school districts, which contains data that are comparable across all states. Private Schools Source: National Center for Education Statistics Telephone: 202-502-7300 The National Center for Education Statistics’ primary database on private school locations in the United States. Daycare Centers: Child Care Facility List Source: Department of Human Resources Telephone: 775-684-1100

Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2009 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA.

NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002 and 2005 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Scanned Digital USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high-resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection.


© 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.





Latitude (North): 36.28250 - 36˚ 16’ 57.0’’ Longitude (West): 115.2792 - 115˚ 16’ 45.1’’ Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 11 UTM X (Meters): 654547.3 UTM Y (Meters): 4016455.0 Elevation: 2507 ft. above sea level


Target Property Map: 36115-C3 TULE SPRINGS PARK, NV Most Recent Revision: 1983

EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration.

Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principle investigative components:

1. Groundwater flow direction, and 2. Groundwater flow velocity.

Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the geologic strata.


GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers).

TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted.

TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY General Topographic Gradient: General ESE

SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES 2542 2541 2539 2535 2530 2527 2521 2518 2511 2507 2499 2494 2490 2486 2482 2478 2475 2472 2467 Elevation (ft)

North South TP 2642 2625 2608 2590 2576 2562 2544 2530 2517 2507 2494 2482 2473 2463 2450 2441 2424 2411 2400 Elevation (ft)

West East TP 0 1/2 1 Miles ✩Target Property Elevation: 2507 ft.

Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified.


HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted.

Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways and bodies of water).

FEMA FLOOD ZONE FEMA Flood Target Property County Electronic Data CLARK, NV YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map

Flood Plain Panel at Target Property: 32003C - FEMA DFIRM Flood data

Additional Panels in search area: Not Reported

NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic NWI Quad at Target Property Data Coverage TULE SPRINGS PARK YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail Map

HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted.

Site-Specific Hydrogeological Data*: Search Radius: 1.25 miles Status: Not found

AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile.

EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table.


* ©1996 Site−specific hydrogeological data gathered by CERCLIS Alerts, Inc., Bainbridge Island, WA. All rights reserved. All of the information and opinions presented are those of the cited EPA report(s), which were completed under a Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) investigation. TC2935852.2s Page A-3 GEOCHECK® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY

GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils.

GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed at which contaminant migration may be occurring.


Era: Cenozoic Category: Stratifed Sequence System: Quaternary Series: Quaternary Code: Q (decoded above as Era, System & Series)

Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994).

TC2935852.2s Page A-4 1


0 1/16 1/8 1/4 Miles



The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service SSURGO data.

Soil Map ID: 1

Soil Component Name: Dalian

Soil Surface Texture: very cobbly fine sandy loam

Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures.

Soil Drainage Class: Well drained

Hydric Status: Unknown

Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: High

Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches

Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches

Soil Layer Information Saturated Boundary Classification hydraulic Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soilconductivity Soil Reaction micro m/sec (pH)

1 0 inches 5 inches very cobbly Granular COARSE-GRAINED Max: 42 Max: 8.4 fine sandy loam materials (35 SOILS, Gravels, Min: 14 Min: 7.9 pct. or less Gravels with passing No. fines, Silty 200), Stone Gravel Fragments, Gravel and Sand. 2 5 inches 59 inches very gravelly Granular COARSE-GRAINED Max: 42 Max: 8.4 fine sandy loam materials (35 SOILS, Gravels, Min: 14 Min: 7.9 pct. or less Gravels with passing No. fines, Silty 200), Stone Gravel Fragments, Gravel and Sand.


Soil Map ID: 2

Soil Component Name: Dalian

Soil Surface Texture: very gravelly fine sandy loam

Hydrologic Group: Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures.

Soil Drainage Class: Well drained

Hydric Status: Unknown

Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: High

Depth to Bedrock Min: > 0 inches

Depth to Watertable Min: > 0 inches

Soil Layer Information Saturated Boundary Classification hydraulic Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soilconductivity Soil Reaction micro m/sec (pH)

1 0 inches 5 inches very gravelly Granular COARSE-GRAINED Max: 42 Max: 8.4 fine sandy loam materials (35 SOILS, Gravels, Min: 14 Min: 7.9 pct. or less Gravels with passing No. fines, Silty 200), Stone Gravel Fragments, Gravel and Sand. 2 5 inches 59 inches very gravelly Granular COARSE-GRAINED Max: 42 Max: 8.4 fine sandy loam materials (35 SOILS, Gravels, Min: 14 Min: 7.9 pct. or less Gravels with passing No. fines, Silty 200), Stone Gravel Fragments, Gravel and Sand.


EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells.



DATABASE SEARCH DISTANCE (miles) Federal USGS 1.000 Federal FRDS PWS Nearest PWS within 1 mile State Database 1.000

FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP A1 USGS3098898 1/4 - 1/2 Mile SSW 3 USGS3098903 1/4 - 1/2 Mile East 40 USGS3098879 1/2 - 1 Mile SSW


Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location.

STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP A2 NV4000000039690 1/4 - 1/2 Mile SSW 4 NV4000000040208 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NNE 5 NV4000000039993 1/4 - 1/2 Mile East 6 NV4000000040207 1/4 - 1/2 Mile WNW 7 NV4000000040261 1/4 - 1/2 Mile NE B8 NV4000000039380 1/2 - 1 Mile SSW B9 NV4000000039343 1/2 - 1 Mile SSW C10 NV4000000039376 1/2 - 1 Mile SW C11 NV4000000039375 1/2 - 1 Mile SW C12 NV4000000039374 1/2 - 1 Mile SW C13 NV4000000039379 1/2 - 1 Mile SW C14 NV4000000039378 1/2 - 1 Mile SW C15 NV4000000039377 1/2 - 1 Mile SW 16 NV4000000039689 1/2 - 1 Mile WSW 17 NV4000000039848 1/2 - 1 Mile West 18 NV4000000040504 1/2 - 1 Mile North 19 NV4000000039031 1/2 - 1 Mile South D20 NV4000000039367 1/2 - 1 Mile SW D21 NV4000000039368 1/2 - 1 Mile SW D22 NV4000000039366 1/2 - 1 Mile SW D23 NV4000000039364 1/2 - 1 Mile SW D24 NV4000000039365 1/2 - 1 Mile SW D25 NV4000000039372 1/2 - 1 Mile SW


STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION MAP ID WELL ID FROM TP D26 NV4000000039373 1/2 - 1 Mile SW D27 NV4000000039371 1/2 - 1 Mile SW D28 NV4000000039369 1/2 - 1 Mile SW D29 NV4000000039370 1/2 - 1 Mile SW E30 NV4000000039028 1/2 - 1 Mile SSW E31 NV4000000039027 1/2 - 1 Mile SSW E32 NV4000000039030 1/2 - 1 Mile SSW E33 NV4000000039029 1/2 - 1 Mile SSW 34 NV4000000040028 1/2 - 1 Mile West 35 NV4000000040662 1/2 - 1 Mile NNW F36 NV4000000039049 1/2 - 1 Mile SW F37 NV4000000039048 1/2 - 1 Mile SW F38 NV4000000039051 1/2 - 1 Mile SW F39 NV4000000039050 1/2 - 1 Mile SW 41 NV4000000039032 1/2 - 1 Mile SE

TC2935852.2s Page A-9 8 4 2



7 0 2 8 0

4 0 6

6 6 2

2 7 2


0 0



0 2 5 0 2 6




5 2 2 4 4





2 2


0 0

8 4 0

6 6 0 2 0 2 6 6 2 0 5 2 2 5 2

0 4

0 4

8 2 4 2

0 0 4 2


4 6 0 2 0 0 6 6 0 2400 0 2 0 5 4 2 0 0 2 4 5 8 4 2 2 4 2 2

NV 2 3 6


Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Database EDR ID Number A1 SSW FED USGS USGS3098898 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower Agency cd: USGS Site no: 361645115164901 Site name: 212 S19 E60 20DD 1 Latitude: 361645 EDR Site id: USGS3098898 Longitude: 1151649 Dec lat: 36.27913274 Dec lon: -115.28111827 Coor meth: M Coor accr: T Latlong datum: NAD27 Dec latlong datum: NAD83 District: 32 State: 32 County: 003 Country: US Land net: SESES20 T19S R60E M Location map: TULE SPGS PARK, NV Map scale: 24000 Altitude: 2500. Altitude method: Interpolated from topographic map Altitude accuracy: 10 Altitude datum: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 Hydrologic: Las Vegas Wash. Nevada. Area = 1860 sq.mi. Topographic: Valley flat Site type: Ground-water other than Spring Date construction: 19611018 Date inventoried: Not Reported Mean greenwich time offset: PST Local standard time flag: Y Type of ground water site: Single well, other than collector or Ranney type Aquifer Type: Not Reported Aquifer: Not Reported Well depth: 255 Hole depth: 255 Source of depth data: Not Reported Project number: NV-79-081 Real time data flag: 0 Daily flow data begin date: 0000-00-00 Daily flow data end date: 0000-00-00 Daily flow data count: 0 Peak flow data begin date: 0000-00-00 Peak flow data end date: 0000-00-00 Peak flow data count: 0 Water quality data begin date: 0000-00-00 Water quality data end date:0000-00-00 Water quality data count: 0 Ground water data begin date: 1961-10-18 Ground water data end date: 1961-10-18 Ground water data count: 1

Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 1 Feet below Feet to Date Surface Sealevel ------1961-10-18 88

A2 SSW NV WELLS NV4000000039690 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower Well log: 59845 App: Not Reported Notice of : 0 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 05/11/1978 Date log 1: Not Reported Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: C Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 20 Sec quarte: DD


Legal quar: SE SE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: T Owner curr: BEHRINGER, LAURENCE & YVONNE Owner addr: TONOPAH HWY Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 10/03/1961 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 255 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 255 Csng diame: 8 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 155 Bottom per: 255 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 88 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 3 Drawdown: 50 Hours pump: .33 Test metho: B Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 3768 Contract 1: EFFINGER DRILLING & PUMP SVC Contract 2: P O BOX 579 LAS VEGAS NV Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 212 Source age: NV003 User id: KCOON Date entry: 01/21/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 02/10/1998 Edit statu: F Well start: 09/27/1961 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 255 Utm x: 654432.669292 Utm y: 4016052.182 Site id: NV4000000039690

3 East FED USGS USGS3098903 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower Agency cd: USGS Site no: 361657115162401 Site name: 212 S19 E60 21CACB1 Latitude: 361657 EDR Site id: USGS3098903 Longitude: 1151624 Dec lat: 36.2824661 Dec lon: -115.27417371 Coor meth: M Coor accr: F Latlong datum: NAD27 Dec latlong datum: NAD83 District: 32 State: 32 County: 003 Country: US Land net: Not Reported Location map: TULE SPGS PARK, NV Map scale: 24000 Altitude: Not Reported Altitude method: Not Reported Altitude accuracy: Not Reported Altitude datum: Not Reported Hydrologic: Las Vegas Wash. Nevada. Area = 1860 sq.mi. Topographic: Not Reported Site type: Ground-water other than Spring Date construction: Not Reported Date inventoried: 19970717 Mean greenwich time offset: PST


Local standard time flag: Y Type of ground water site: Single well, other than collector or Ranney type Aquifer Type: Not Reported Aquifer: Not Reported Well depth: Not Reported Hole depth: Not Reported Source of depth data: Not Reported Project number: NV00240 Real time data flag: Not Reported Daily flow data begin date: Not Reported Daily flow data end date: Not Reported Daily flow data count: Not Reported Peak flow data begin date: Not Reported Peak flow data end date: Not Reported Peak flow data count: Not Reported Water quality data begin date: Not Reported Water quality data end date:Not Reported Water quality data count: Not Reported Ground water data begin date: Not Reported Ground water data end date: Not Reported Ground water data count: Not Reported

Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 0

4 NNE NV WELLS NV4000000040208 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower Well log: 24111 App: 45874 Notice of : 0 Waiver no: W-108 Date log r: 08/09/1982 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: C Drilling m: U Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 21 Sec quarte: BC Legal quar: SW NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: T Owner curr: CARANSA DOORN LTD Owner addr: HWY 95 & DEERSPRINGS RD Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 07/29/1982 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: N Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 447 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 0 Csng diame: 0 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 0 Bottom per: 0 Perf inter: 0 Static wl: 100 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 20 Drawdown: 160 Hours pump: 3 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G


Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 15972 Contract 1: BRUCE ROBINSON DRILLING CO Contract 2: PO BOX 8307 PAHRUMP NV 89041 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 944 Source age: NV003 User id: PCOOKE Date entry: 09/06/1995 Update use: DBRANTLEY Date updat: 05/10/2000 Edit statu: F Well start: 07/28/1982 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 654842.56499 Utm y: 4016860.90442 Site id: NV4000000040208

5 East NV WELLS NV4000000039993 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower Well log: 59852 App: Not Reported Notice of : 0 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 02/20/1974 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: C Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 21 Sec quarte: CA Legal quar: NE SW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: RADACY, DICK & ALBERT Owner addr: TONOPAH HWY Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 02/13/1974 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 312 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 312 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 260 Bottom per: 300 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 110 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 3768 Contract 1: EFFINGER DRILLING & PUMP SVC Contract 2: P O BOX 579 LAS VEGAS NV Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 212 Source age: NV003 User id: KCOON Date entry: 01/21/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 02/19/2008 Edit statu: F Well start: 02/07/1974 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 298 TC2935852.2s Page A-14 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Utm x: 655248.899061 Utm y: 4016467.43559 Site id: NV4000000039993

6 WNW NV WELLS NV4000000040207 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Higher Well log: 31072 App: 52935 Notice of : 5626 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 01/25/1989 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 20 Sec quarte: AC Legal quar: SW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: HENRICKSON, RAY Owner addr: 5685 W SPRING MTN LAS VEGAS NV Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 01/10/1989 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 205 Depth dril: 585 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 582 Csng diame: 8 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 382 Bottom per: 582 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 80 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 4286A Contract 1: THOMPSON DRILLING CO INC Contract 2: 4185 W HARMON LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 290 Driller li: 1489 Source age: NV003 User id: NAFLECKS Date entry: 05/20/2005 Update use: DBRANTLEY Date updat: 05/10/2000 Edit statu: F Well start: 01/05/1989 Gravel p 1: 205 Gravel p 2: 585 Utm x: 654019.257911 Utm y: 4016846.27652 Site id: NV4000000040207


Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Database EDR ID Number 7 NE NV WELLS NV4000000040261 1/4 - 1/2 Mile Lower Well log: 86887 App: Not Reported Notice of : 23101 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 08/08/2002 Date log 1: D Site type: E Work type: P Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: U Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 21 Sec quarte: B Legal quar: NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: M Owner curr: CENTENNIAL 95 LP Owner addr: TENAYA & AZURE Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: 125-27-202-009 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 07/03/2002 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Not Reported Depth seal: 0 Depth dril: 353 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 353 Csng diame: 8 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 97 Bottom per: 353 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 147 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 18917 Contract 1: ALLEN DRILLING INC Contract 2: 4847 S VALLEY VIEW LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1301 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 09/25/2002 Update use: DBRANTLEY Date updat: 12/11/2002 Edit statu: F Well start: 06/18/2002 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 655038.856752 Utm y: 4017049.34968 Site id: NV4000000040261

B8 SSW NV WELLS NV4000000039380 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower


Well log: 45140 App: 57065 Notice of : 12767 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 08/24/1994 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AA Legal quar: NE NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: WARE, MICHELLE Owner addr: EL CAPITAN & REGINA Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 08/17/1994 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 450 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 450 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 350 Bottom per: 430 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 280 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 4286A Contract 1: THOMPSON DRILLING CO INC Contract 2: 4185 W HARMON LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 856 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 10/14/1994 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 08/09/1994 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 450 Utm x: 654439.784539 Utm y: 4015651.59379 Site id: NV4000000039380

B9 SSW NV WELLS NV4000000039343 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower Well log: 27962 App: 50326 Notice of : 2185 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 11/03/1986 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AA


Legal quar: NE NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: SCHMIDHOFF, DERK Owner addr: Not Reported Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 09/15/1986 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 395 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 395 Csng diame: 7 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 335 Bottom per: 395 Perf inter: 2 Static wl: 155 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: F Qual lith : N Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 15972 Contract 1: BRUCE ROBINSON DRILLING CO Contract 2: P O BOX 8307 PAHRUMP NV 89041 Contract 3: 944 Driller li: 944 Source age: NV003 User id: NAFLECKS Date entry: 01/02/1997 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 06/29/1998 Edit statu: F Well start: 09/12/1986 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 395 Utm x: 654440.33184 Utm y: 4015620.77933 Site id: NV4000000039343

C10 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039376 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 35348 App: 54621 Notice of : 9093 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 06/24/1991 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AB Legal quar: NW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: YERRAMSETTI, N RAO Owner addr: EL CAPITAN & REGINA Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 05/30/1991 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 365 Depth bedr: 0 TC2935852.2s Page A-18 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 365 Csng diame: 6 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 300 Bottom per: 365 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 200 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 40 Drawdown: 360 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: C Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 1475 Driller li: 1617 Source age: NV003 User id: slclary Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 05/28/1991 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 365 Utm x: 654040.550271 Utm y: 4015644.51207 Site id: NV4000000039376

C11 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039375 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 35347 App: 54622 Notice of : 9092 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 06/24/1991 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AB Legal quar: NW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: KRISHNA, ANITA Owner addr: EL CAPITAN & REGINA Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 06/02/1991 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 365 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 365 Csng diame: 6 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 300 Bottom per: 365 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 200 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 40 Drawdown: 365 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: C Qual const: G


Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 1475 Driller li: 1617 Source age: NV003 User id: slclary Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 05/31/1991 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 365 Utm x: 654040.550271 Utm y: 4015644.51207 Site id: NV4000000039375

C12 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039374 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 33192 App: 52406 Notice of : 3514 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 04/06/1990 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AB Legal quar: NW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: SHAHIM, KARIM Owner addr: Not Reported Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 01/25/1990 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: N Depth seal: 85 Depth dril: 365 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 365 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 325 Bottom per: 345 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 190 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 10062 Contract 1: DIMICK DRILLING Contract 2: 5360 N BONITA VISTA ST LAS VEGAS NV 89129 Contract 3: 552 Driller li: 552 Source age: NV003 User id: TLELLIS Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 01/20/1990 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 TC2935852.2s Page A-20 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Utm x: 654040.550271 Utm y: 4015644.51207 Site id: NV4000000039374

C13 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039379 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 94409 App: 57378 Notice of : 26656 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 11/15/2004 Date log 1: D Site type: E Work type: P Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: U Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AB Legal quar: NW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: M Owner curr: CITY OF LAS VEGAS Owner addr: 6240 N JULIANO RD Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: 125-29-502-020 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 10/19/2004 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Not Reported Depth seal: 0 Depth dril: 191 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 191 Csng diame: 8 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 50 Bottom per: 191 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 0 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 18917 Contract 1: ALLEN DRILLING INC Contract 2: 4847 S VALLEY VIEW LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1301 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 11/16/2004 Update use: DBRANTLEY Date updat: 11/16/2004 Edit statu: F Well start: 10/14/2004 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 654040.550271 Utm y: 4015644.51207 Site id: NV4000000039379


Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Database EDR ID Number C14 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039378 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 57806 App: 57378 Notice of : 14912 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 11/20/1996 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: A Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AB Legal quar: NW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: FERRER, JESSE Owner addr: 8645 BRIGHT ANGEL Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: 125-29-502-008 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 11/15/1996 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: N Depth seal: 55 Depth dril: 395 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 395 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 355 Bottom per: 375 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 185 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 10062 Contract 1: DIMICK DRILLING Contract 2: 5360 N BONITA VISTA ST LAS VEGAS NV 89129 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 552 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 11/26/1996 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 11/05/1996 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 654040.550271 Utm y: 4015644.51207 Site id: NV4000000039378

C15 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039377 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher


Well log: 57805 App: 57380 Notice of : 15236 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 11/20/1996 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: A Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AB Legal quar: NW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: COLLURA, SAM Owner addr: 2858 EL CAMINO RD Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: 125-29-502-007 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 11/15/1996 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: N Depth seal: 55 Depth dril: 395 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 395 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 355 Bottom per: 375 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 185 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 10062 Contract 1: DIMICK DRILLING Contract 2: 5360 N BONITA VISTA ST LAS VEGAS NV 89129 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 552 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 11/26/1996 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 11/08/1996 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 654040.550271 Utm y: 4015644.51207 Site id: NV4000000039377

16 WSW NV WELLS NV4000000039689 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 59850 App: Not Reported Notice of : 0 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 05/11/1978 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 20 Sec quarte: CD


Legal quar: SE SW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: HINRICKSON, MACKIE Owner addr: 7315 ROME BLVD LAS VEGAS NV Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 04/05/1978 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 460 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 460 Csng diame: 8 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 400 Bottom per: 460 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 79 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 10831 Contract 1: DESERT DRILLING Contract 2: 4547 N RANCHO LAS VEGAS NV 89108 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 623 Source age: NV003 User id: KCOON Date entry: 01/21/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 02/10/1998 Edit statu: F Well start: 03/31/1978 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 460 Utm x: 653634.23785 Utm y: 4016038.03634 Site id: NV4000000039689

17 West NV WELLS NV4000000039848 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 59847 App: Not Reported Notice of : 0 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 11/05/1965 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: C Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 20 Sec quarte: C Legal quar: SW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: GRATTAN, W F Owner addr: Not Reported Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 10/21/1965 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 0 Depth dril: 275 Depth bedr: 0 TC2935852.2s Page A-24 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 275 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 240 Bottom per: 275 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 210 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 2018A Contract 1: CHARLIE CRIBBS Contract 2: 2710 PALAMINO LN LAS VEGAS NV Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 70 Source age: NV003 User id: KCOON Date entry: 01/21/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 01/28/2005 Edit statu: F Well start: 10/12/1965 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 653430.823404 Utm y: 4016250.21244 Site id: NV4000000039848

18 North NV WELLS NV4000000040504 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 41546 App: Not Reported Notice of : 11533 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 06/25/1993 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: A Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 16 Sec quarte: CC Legal quar: SW SW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: BURKE, MIKE Owner addr: RACEL & SILK PURSE Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 06/09/1993 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Not Reported Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 405 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 405 Csng diame: 6.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 200 Bottom per: 405 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 180 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 40 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 8 Test metho: U Qual const: G


Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 18917 Contract 1: ALLEN DRILLING INC Contract 2: 4847 S VALLEY VIEW LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1661 Source age: NV003 User id: KLOHAIR Date entry: 04/03/2008 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 09/17/2003 Edit statu: F Well start: 02/09/2008 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 654828.291062 Utm y: 4017662.083 Site id: NV4000000040504

19 South NV WELLS NV4000000039031 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower Well log: 103306 App: 45911 Notice of : 31094 Waiver no: R-1378 Date log r: 07/24/2007 Date log 1: D Site type: E Work type: P Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: U Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: CB Legal quar: NW SW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: Not Reported Lat long a: M Owner curr: JONES, DAVID & VICTOR, DENNIS Owner addr: 5925 N DAPPLE GRAY RD Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: 125-29-301-011 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 07/24/2007 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Not Reported Depth seal: 0 Depth dril: 371 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 371 Csng diame: 8 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 0 Bottom per: 0 Perf inter: 0 Static wl: 248.8 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks: PLUGGING OF LOG 75671 Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 12852 Contract 1: W D C EXPLORATION & WELLS Contract 2: 500 MAIN ST WOODLAND CA 95695 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 2317 Source age: NV003 User id: SGARDELLA Date entry: 09/06/2007 Update use: DBRANTLEY Date updat: 07/07/2009 Edit statu: F Well start: 07/18/2007 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 TC2935852.2s Page A-26 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Utm x: 654447.446426 Utm y: 4015220.19136 Site id: NV4000000039031

D20 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039367 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 45979 App: 54630 Notice of : 13443 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 10/20/1994 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: YERRAMSETTI, N RAO & ABRAHAM Owner addr: EL CAPITAN Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 10/05/1994 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 400 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 400 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 320 Bottom per: 400 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 245 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 50 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 2 Test metho: A Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1475 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 11/29/1994 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 10/01/1994 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 400 Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039367


Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Database EDR ID Number D21 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039368 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 45980 App: 57379 Notice of : 13444 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 10/20/1994 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: YERRAMSETTI, N RAO Owner addr: EL CAPITAN & REGINA Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 10/18/1994 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 350 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 350 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 290 Bottom per: 350 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 210 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 50 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 2 Test metho: A Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1475 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 11/29/1994 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 10/14/1994 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 350 Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039368

D22 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039366 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher


Well log: 45978 App: 54627 Notice of : 13439 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 10/20/1994 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: YERRAMSETTI, N RAO & ABRAHAM Owner addr: EL CAPITAN Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 09/29/1994 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 400 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 400 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 340 Bottom per: 400 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 230 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 50 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 2 Test metho: A Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1475 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 11/29/1994 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 09/26/1994 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 400 Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039366

D23 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039364 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 37661 App: 54294 Notice of : 8991 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 05/04/1992 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA


Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: MATER, DANIEL & LAURIE Owner addr: EL CAPITAN Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 04/28/1992 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 356 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 356 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 256 Bottom per: 356 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 220 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 60 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 3 Test metho: P Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1617 Source age: NV003 User id: KLOHAIR Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 08/08/1996 Edit statu: F Well start: 04/25/1992 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 356 Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039364

D24 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039365 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 37662 App: 54295 Notice of : 8998 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 05/04/1992 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: PAMI, STEVE & ELIZABETH Owner addr: EL CAPITAN Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 05/04/1992 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 359 Depth bedr: 0 TC2935852.2s Page A-30 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 359 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 259 Bottom per: 359 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 220 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 60 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 3 Test metho: A Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1617 Source age: NV003 User id: KLOHAIR Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 08/08/1996 Edit statu: F Well start: 04/29/1992 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 359 Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039365

D25 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039372 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 60172 App: Not Reported Notice of : 0 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 09/18/1979 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: C Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: CORTEZ, JOSEPH Owner addr: 5858 JULIANO RD Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 09/15/1979 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 385 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 385 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 140 Bottom per: 385 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 140 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 15 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: B Qual const: G


Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: Not Reported Contract 1: Not Reported Contract 2: Not Reported Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 656 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 08/05/1979 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 385 Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039372

D26 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039373 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 60194 App: Not Reported Notice of : 0 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 06/26/1980 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: C Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: LANGHAM, PHILLIP Owner addr: 5910 JULIANO RD Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 06/01/1980 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 350 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 350 Csng diame: 6 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 200 Bottom per: 350 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 140 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 15 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: B Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: Not Reported Contract 1: Not Reported Contract 2: Not Reported Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 656 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 02/06/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 05/15/1980 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 350 TC2935852.2s Page A-32 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039373

D27 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039371 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 46809 App: Not Reported Notice of : 13447 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 12/05/1994 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: WILSON, GRAY Owner addr: EL CAPITAN & REGINA Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 11/03/1994 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 350 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 350 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 290 Bottom per: 350 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 210 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 50 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 2 Test metho: A Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1475 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 02/28/1995 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 10/31/1994 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 350 Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039371


Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Database EDR ID Number D28 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039369 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 46782 App: 54629 Notice of : 13440 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 11/14/1994 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: YERRAMSETTI, N RAO & ABRAHAM Owner addr: EL CAPITAN Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: 500-380-024 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 11/02/1994 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 385 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 385 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 325 Bottom per: 385 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 50 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 50 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 2 Test metho: A Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1475 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 02/28/1995 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 10/30/1994 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 385 Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039369

D29 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039370 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher


Well log: 46783 App: 54628 Notice of : 13441 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 11/14/1994 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BA Legal quar: NE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: YERRAMSETTI, N RAO & ABRAHAM Owner addr: EL CAPITAN Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: 500-380-025 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 10/25/1994 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 385 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 385 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 325 Bottom per: 385 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 220 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 50 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 2 Test metho: A Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 27030 Contract 1: MITCHELL ENTERPRISES Contract 2: 4250 S ARVILLE #262 LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1475 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 02/28/1995 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 10/20/1994 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 385 Utm x: 653641.316282 Utm y: 4015637.44869 Site id: NV4000000039370

E30 SSW NV WELLS NV4000000039028 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 44654 App: 57480 Notice of : 12924 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 05/10/1994 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: A Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AC


Legal quar: SW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: FERRER, JESSE Owner addr: 5945 CAMPBELL RD LAS VEGAS NV Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 04/27/1994 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 55 Depth dril: 415 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 415 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 375 Bottom per: 395 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 185 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 10062 Contract 1: DIMICK DRILLING Contract 2: 5360 N BONITA VISTA ST LAS VEGAS NV 89129 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 552 Source age: NV003 User id: KLOHAIR Date entry: 08/15/1994 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 08/08/1996 Edit statu: F Well start: 04/19/1994 Gravel p 1: 55 Gravel p 2: 415 Utm x: 654048.192335 Utm y: 4015213.10994 Site id: NV4000000039028

E31 SSW NV WELLS NV4000000039027 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 43445 App: 57481 Notice of : 12268 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 10/20/1993 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: A Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AC Legal quar: SW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: FERRER, JESSE Owner addr: 5945 CAMPBELL RD LAS VEGAS NV Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 10/18/1993 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 55 Depth dril: 440 Depth bedr: 0 TC2935852.2s Page A-36 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 440 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 400 Bottom per: 420 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 185 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 10062 Contract 1: DIMICK DRILLING Contract 2: 5360 N BONITA VISTA ST LAS VEGAS NV 89129 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 552 Source age: NV003 User id: KLOHAIR Date entry: 01/30/1997 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 08/08/1996 Edit statu: F Well start: 10/13/1993 Gravel p 1: 55 Gravel p 2: 440 Utm x: 654048.192335 Utm y: 4015213.10994 Site id: NV4000000039027

E32 SSW NV WELLS NV4000000039030 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 60214 App: Not Reported Notice of : 0 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 01/23/1978 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AC Legal quar: SW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: SANCHEZ, GEORGE Owner addr: Not Reported Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 09/29/1977 Date cmplt: M Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 350 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 350 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 200 Bottom per: 350 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 190 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G


Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 12866 Contract 1: WICKOFF WATER WELLS Contract 2: 7340 LONE MOUNTAIN ROAD LAS VEGAS NV 89129 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 721 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 08/08/1996 Edit statu: F Well start: 08/01/1977 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 350 Utm x: 654048.192335 Utm y: 4015213.10994 Site id: NV4000000039030

E33 SSW NV WELLS NV4000000039029 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 60198 App: Not Reported Notice of : 0 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 06/27/1979 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: A Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: AC Legal quar: SW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: LEWALLEN, A J Owner addr: 6050 N EL CAPITAN LAS VEGAS NV Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 05/17/1979 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 242 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 242 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 140 Bottom per: 240 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 152 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 80 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: .5 Test metho: A Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 5095A Contract 1: ALLEN WATER WELL SERVICE CO Contract 2: P O BOX 15149 LAS VEGAS NV 89114 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 40 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 08/08/1996 Edit statu: F Well start: 05/11/1979 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 242 TC2935852.2s Page A-38 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Utm x: 654048.192335 Utm y: 4015213.10994 Site id: NV4000000039029

34 West NV WELLS NV4000000040028 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 89085 App: Not Reported Notice of : 24492 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 04/22/2003 Date log 1: D Site type: E Work type: P Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: U Drilling m: U Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 20 Sec quarte: CB Legal quar: NW SW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: M Owner curr: K B HOME Owner addr: 6770 N DAPPLE GRAY RD Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: 125-20-301-003 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 04/04/2003 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Not Reported Depth seal: 0 Depth dril: 450 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 450 Csng diame: 0 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 200 Bottom per: 450 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 250 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 51266 Contract 1: EAGLE DRILLING SERVICES LLC Contract 2: 7560 W SAHARA AVE STE 101 LAS VEGAS NV 89117 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 2202 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 05/13/2003 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 02/10/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 04/02/2003 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 653227.418763 Utm y: 4016462.39305 Site id: NV4000000040028


Map ID Direction Distance Elevation Database EDR ID Number 35 NNW NV WELLS NV4000000040662 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 95019 App: Not Reported Notice of : 27402 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 01/31/2005 Date log 1: D Site type: E Work type: P Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: U Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 17 Sec quarte: D Legal quar: SE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: M Owner curr: CARINA CORPORATION Owner addr: TULE SPRINGS & FARM RD Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: 125-17-702-002 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 01/27/2005 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Not Reported Depth seal: 0 Depth dril: 420 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 420 Csng diame: 10.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 150 Bottom per: 420 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 212 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 18917 Contract 1: ALLEN DRILLING INC Contract 2: 4847 S VALLEY VIEW LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1301 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 02/10/2005 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 01/21/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 01/26/2005 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 654225.748871 Utm y: 4017867.13779 Site id: NV4000000040662

F36 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039049 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher


Well log: 60174 App: Not Reported Notice of : 2661 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 09/12/1989 Date log 1: D Site type: E Work type: D Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BD Legal quar: SE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: T Owner curr: CROARD, LINO Owner addr: 9040 W EL CAMPO GRANDE Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 09/04/1989 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Not Reported Depth seal: 0 Depth dril: 500 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 500 Csng diame: 6.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 460 Bottom per: 500 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 225 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 10831 Contract 1: DESERT DRILLING Contract 2: 4547 N RANCHO LAS VEGAS NV 89108 Contract 3: 623 Driller li: 623 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 09/03/1989 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 653648.394103 Utm y: 4015236.86127 Site id: NV4000000039049

F37 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039048 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 47321 App: Not Reported Notice of : 13241 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 02/17/1995 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: A Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BD


Legal quar: SE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: SOMMERSET HOMES INC Owner addr: EL CAPITAN & CORBETT Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 02/13/1995 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 60 Depth dril: 450 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 450 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 410 Bottom per: 430 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 176 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 34274 Contract 1: DESERT DRILLING Contract 2: 6475 GARY AVE LAS VEGAS NV 89139 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 1966 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 05/22/1995 Update use: dsdavis Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 02/10/1995 Gravel p 1: 60 Gravel p 2: 450 Utm x: 653648.394103 Utm y: 4015236.86127 Site id: NV4000000039048

F38 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039051 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 60212 App: Not Reported Notice of : 1373 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 09/29/1983 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: C Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BD Legal quar: SE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: REID, RICHARD Owner addr: 9040 W EL CAMPO GRANDE Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 09/02/1983 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: N Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 400 Depth bedr: 0 TC2935852.2s Page A-42 GEOCHECK ® - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS

Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 400 Csng diame: 8 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 260 Bottom per: 400 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 280 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 12866 Contract 1: WICKOFF WATER WELLS Contract 2: 7340 LONE MOUNTAIN ROAD LAS VEGAS NV 89129 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 721 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 08/10/1983 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 0 Utm x: 653648.394103 Utm y: 4015236.86127 Site id: NV4000000039051

F39 SW NV WELLS NV4000000039050 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Well log: 60175 App: Not Reported Notice of : 0 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 06/10/1968 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: H Drilling m: C Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 29 Sec quarte: BD Legal quar: SE NW Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: G Owner curr: EDMUNDSEN, PATRICK E Owner addr: Not Reported Owner no: Not Reported Parcel no: Not Reported Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 06/05/1968 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 50 Depth dril: 300 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 300 Csng diame: 8.62 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 150 Bottom per: 300 Perf inter: 1 Static wl: 140 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 30 Drawdown: 5 Hours pump: 1 Test metho: B Qual const: G


Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 4286A Contract 1: THOMPSON DRILLING CO INC Contract 2: 4185 W HARMON LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 0 Driller li: 192 Source age: NV003 User id: DBRANTLEY Date entry: 01/24/1997 Update use: Not Reported Date updat: 01/27/1997 Edit statu: F Well start: 03/23/1968 Gravel p 1: 50 Gravel p 2: 300 Utm x: 653648.394103 Utm y: 4015236.86127 Site id: NV4000000039050

40 SSW FED USGS USGS3098879 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher Agency cd: USGS Site no: 361613115171401 Site name: 212 S19 E60 29BDD 1 Latitude: 361613 EDR Site id: USGS3098879 Longitude: 1151714 Dec lat: 36.27024386 Dec lon: -115.28806273 Coor meth: M Coor accr: F Latlong datum: NAD27 Dec latlong datum: NAD83 District: 32 State: 32 County: 003 Country: US Land net: SESENWS29 T19S R60E M Location map: TULE SPGS PARK, NV Map scale: 24000 Altitude: 2530. Altitude method: Interpolated from topographic map Altitude accuracy: 10 Altitude datum: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 Hydrologic: Las Vegas Wash. Nevada. Area = 1860 sq.mi. Topographic: Not Reported Site type: Ground-water other than Spring Date construction: Not Reported Date inventoried: Not Reported Mean greenwich time offset: PST Local standard time flag: Y Type of ground water site: Single well, other than collector or Ranney type Aquifer Type: Not Reported Aquifer: Not Reported Well depth: 303. Hole depth: 303 Source of depth data: other reported Project number: Not Reported Real time data flag: 0 Daily flow data begin date: 0000-00-00 Daily flow data end date: 0000-00-00 Daily flow data count: 0 Peak flow data begin date: 0000-00-00 Peak flow data end date: 0000-00-00 Peak flow data count: 0 Water quality data begin date: 0000-00-00 Water quality data end date:0000-00-00 Water quality data count: 0 Ground water data begin date: 1968-06-01 Ground water data end date: 2005-02-15 Ground water data count: 64

Ground-water levels, Number of Measurements: 64 Feet below Feet to Feet below Feet to Date Surface Sealevel Date Surface Sealevel ------2005-02-15 206.99 2004-11-02 214.89


Ground-water levels, continued. Feet below Feet to Feet below Feet to Date Surface Sealevel Date Surface Sealevel ------2004-08-02 214.90 2004-05-17 209.05 2003-11-03 213.87 2003-08-21 214.8 2003-04-15 207.2 2003-02-18 205.83 Note: The site had been pumped recently. 2002-07-22 208.44 2002-04-29 205.26 2002-01-16 202.86 2001-10-15 206.72 2001-07-20 204.45 2001-05-22 199.3 2001-01-08 199.94 2000-10-06 205.96 2000-07-12 204.40 2000-05-15 199.54 2000-01-24 200.94 1999-10-01 207.77 1999-07-19 205.78 1999-05-17 203.53 1999-01-21 202.60 1998-10-15 208.44 Note: The site had been pumped recently. 1998-07-15 206.30 1998-04-24 199.97 1998-01-12 200.87 1997-10-14 206.96 1997-07-21 207.15 1997-04-14 202.81 1997-02-04 203.15 1996-10-24 212.65 1996-08-15 215.41 1996-04-09 205.33 1996-01-29 206.8 1995-10-22 216.9 1995-08-18 215.4 1994-06-14 214.2 1994-02-14 208.2 1994-02-03 209.5 1993-06-10 214.7 1993-03-17 205.6 1992-12-17 206.96 1992-09-09 212.76 1992-06-17 203.96 1992-03-16 200.86 1991-06-06 199.79 1990-12-11 193.58 1990-02-27 177.05 1989-03-08 Note: The site was being pumped. 1987-09-14 Note: The site was being pumped. 1987-03-18 178.62 1986-12-16 179.68 1986-09-10 187.07 1986-06-25 176.53 1985-04-08 175.33 1984-02-28 177.70 1983-03-15 175.22 1982-03-02 171.80 1981-02-24 174.75 1980-02-25 176.46 1978-03-13 170.90 Note: A nearby site that taps the same aquifer had been pumped recently. 1976-03-03 167 1968-06-01 137

41 SE NV WELLS NV4000000039032 1/2 - 1 Mile Lower Well log: 33955 App: 54300 Notice of : 3539 Waiver no: Not Reported Date log r: 07/12/1990 Date log 1: D Site type: N Work type: N Work type : Not Reported Proposed u: P Drilling m: H Sc: 32003 Ha: 212 Twn: S19 Legal twn: 19S Rng: E60 Legal rng: 60E Sec: 28 Sec quarte: AC


Legal quar: SW NE Quarters s: Not Reported Ref: MD Latitude: 36 Longitude: 115 Lat long s: NV003 Lat long a: T Owner curr: LVVWD W075 Owner addr: ANN RD & DURANGO Owner no: W075 Parcel no: 125-28-303-001 Subdivisio: Not Reported Lot no: Not Reported Block no: Not Reported Well finis: 05/05/1990 Date cmplt: D Gravel pac: Y Depth seal: 146 Depth dril: 1155 Depth bedr: 0 Aquifer de: Not Reported Depth case: 1136 Csng diame: 20 Csng reduc: 0 Top perf: 375 Bottom per: 1116 Perf inter: 2 Static wl: 100 Temperatur: 0 Yield: 0 Drawdown: 0 Hours pump: 0 Test metho: Not Reported Qual const: G Qual lith : G Remarks ad: Not Reported Contractor: 4286A Contract 1: THOMPSON DRILLING CO INC Contract 2: 4185 W HARMON LAS VEGAS NV 89103 Contract 3: 290 Driller li: 675 Source age: NV003 User id: AVTYPER Date entry: 09/06/2007 Update use: DBRANTLEY Date updat: 03/10/2009 Edit statu: F Well start: 01/15/1990 Gravel p 1: 0 Gravel p 2: 1155 Utm x: 655670.123995 Utm y: 4015242.00478 Site id: NV4000000039032



State Database: NV Radon

Radon Test Results

# Tests # < 4 pci/L # > 4 pCi/L % > 4 pCi/L Average Max ______

11 11 0 0 1.16 2.2

Federal EPA Radon Zone for CLARK County: 3 Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L.

Federal Area Radon Information for CLARK COUNTY, NV Number of sites tested: 176 Area Average Activity % <4 pCi/L % 4-20 pCi/L % >20 pCi/L

Living Area - 1st Floor 1.028 pCi/L 96% 4% 0% Living Area - 2nd Floor 0.900 pCi/L 100% 0% 0% Basement 1.425 pCi/L 100% 0% 0%



USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection.

Scanned Digital USGS 7.5’ Topographic Map (DRG) Source: United States Geologic Survey A digital raster graphic (DRG) is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. The map images are made by scanning published paper maps on high-resolution scanners. The raster image is georeferenced and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection.


Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2009 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA.

NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002 and 2005 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


AQUIFLOW R Information System Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information.


Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994).

STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps.

SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management.




PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources.

PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS).

USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater.


Nevada Well Log Database Source: Dept of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources Telephone: 775-687-4380


Oil and Gas Well Database Source: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Telephone: 775-784-6691 Oil and gas well location in the state of Nevada.


State Database: NV Radon Source: State Health Division Telephone: 775-687-7531 Radon Test Results By Zip Code

Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions.

EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels.


Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656

Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration



© 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material.

TC2935852.2s Page A-50 J: Regulatory Documents Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV


Position Name Company Title Contact Interview Information Date Key Site Manager Mr. Pete Voit Property Manager (949) 263-5356 December Beauchamp 1, 2010 Local Government Ms. Diane Southern Nevada Clerk (702) 759-0600 December Official Freeman Health District 7, 2010 Local Government Sherry Williams Vegas Building Records Clerk (702) 229-4660 December Official Department 7, 2010

Key Site Manager

The key site manager has only been associated with the Property for less than a month. He had no knowledge of past contamination or cleanup activities, and was unaware of any additional release or areas of concern associated with the property.

Current Occupants

The Property is currently vacant; therefore, no occupants were interviewed.

Past Owners and Occupants

No contact information for past owners was readily available; therefore no past owners or occupants were interviewed.

Neighboring Property Owners and Occupants

Interview of neighboring property owners was not necessary in our assessment of historical activities at the Property.

Local Government Officials

Building Department - GRS Group interviewed Sherry Williams of the Las Vegas Building Department. She confirmed that the Property is currently vacant and was historically undeveloped.

Fire Department - GRS Group contacted the local fire department by phone. The desk clerk indicated that records are not available for immediate public review and referred GRS Group to the SNHD and the NDEP.

Health District - GRS Group submitted a FOIA request to the SNHD by fax. A response has not been received to date.

Prepared for 10-08517.2 FDIC as Receiver for Southwest USA Bank FIN 10267 RE: 6660 Grand Montecito, Las Vegas, Nevada

Diane Freeman Add to contacts 12/03/10 To ‘Ann Saia’


Ms. Saia 1813 Taos Estates LV, NV 89128

Dear Ms. Saia:

Solid Waste and Compliance Section staff has researched the availability of the solid waste records requested. The review revealed that the Solid Waste and Compliance Section could not located any solid waste records concerning The sites and locations you describe in your request. Please be aware that other regulatory agencies have jurisdiction in areas that may be relevant to your inquiry.

If you have any questions regarding the public records process, please call me at (702) 759-0600.

Thank You, Diane Freeman Southern Nevada Health District Environmental Health Solid Waste and Compliance Section 400 Shadow Lane, Suite 104 P.O. Box 3902 Las Vegas, Nevada 89127 702 759-0600 702 386-8540 (FAX) Active Cases-Snapshot Page 1 of 20

PT Active Cases Snapshot

There are 474 records in this list. Site County Facility Name Facility Address Report Date Program Officer File Location Media Event

720 South Carson Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 1-000004 Carson City ARCO #0250 01/15/1988 LUST hbridwel Carson City 89701 City Water Release

1017 North Carson Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 1-000005 Carson City ARCO #0399 01/11/0111 _ sfischen City Water Release Carson City 89701 1017 North Carson Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 1-000005 Carson City ARCO #0399 04/09/2003 non-LUST sfischen Soil City Release Carson City 89701 1017 North Carson Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 1-000005 Carson City ARCO #0399 02/25/2003 LUST sfischen Ground Water City Release Carson City 89701 Carson Valley Oil 4551 Goni Road NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 1-000024 Carson City 03/30/2004 LUST amarr Company Carson City 89702 City Water Release Eagle Gas , detected at 2152 North Carson Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 1-000030 Carson City 2110 N Carson -adj. lot 07/11/2007 LUST rdiedric Ground Water City Release to S of Eagle Carson City 89701 1700 North Carson Street Western Energetix NDEP: Carson Confirmed 1-000053 Carson City 06/07/2006 LUST jsawyer Soil Cardlock #201 City Release Carson City 89701

1360 South Carson Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 1-000076 Carson City Gas-N-Save Mart 05/17/1999 LUST hbridwel City Water Release Carson City

Mercury Cleaners , 217 217 South Curry Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground A-000105 Carson City S. Curry St, Carson City, 05/24/1991 non-LUST agravens Investigatio Carson City 89703 City Water NV

Mallory Electric, Inc. , 550 Mallory Way NDEP: Carson Confirmed A-000526 Carson City 04/06/1988 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water APN 009-551-28 Carson City 89701 City Release

Cowans Chevron Service 1 South Maine Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000014 Churchill 10/19/1998 LUST hbridwel Ground Water (Lightning Lube) Fallon 89406 City Release

787 West Williams Gas Store Mini Mart , NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000096 Churchill Avenue 07/06/2009 LUST sfischen Ground Water APN 001-217-17 City Release Fallon 89406 Former Tedford Asphalt 2050 Trento Lane NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000103 Churchill Plant , 2050 Trento Lane, 08/14/2009 _ jsawyer Ground Water Fallon 89406 City Release Fallon NV Former Tedford Asphalt 2050 Trento Lane NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000103 Churchill Plant , 2050 Trento Lane, 09/03/2008 non-LUST jsawyer Soil Fallon 89406 City Release Fallon NV 1325 South Taylor Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000110 Churchill Taylor Street Market 03/24/2005 LUST jsawyer Ground Water City Release Fallon

Fallon Naval Air 4755 Pasture Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000133 Churchill Station , Southeast side 05/15/2002 LUST rnaranjo Soil Fallon 89496 City Release of Building 806

Churchill County School 290 Sherman Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 5-000172 Churchill District , School Bus 10/09/2006 non-LUST rdiedric Fallon 89406 City Water Release Shed

Bootlegger Texaco 16 North Maine Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 5-000174 Churchill 07/31/2002 LUST hbridwel (Former) Fallon 89406 City Water Release

City of Fallon 90 North Maine Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000221 Churchill 11/30/1998 LUST lpeterso Ground Water Maintenance Yard Fallon 89406 City Release Interstate 80 @ U.S. Former Trinity Truck NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000016 Churchill Highway 95 03/08/2000 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water Stop City Release Rural Kinder Morgan Energy

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Partners , Pipeline Pipeline NDEP: Carson E-000023 Churchill Alignment Through 05/24/2001 non-LUST rnaranjo Soil Investigatio Fallon City Fallon Newlands Agricultural Research & Extension 2055 Schurz Highway NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000034 Churchill 08/28/2002 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water Center , APN 006-691- Fallon 89406 City Release 01 Kinder Morgan Energy Fallon Naval Air Station NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000045 Churchill Partners , Overflow 07/24/2003 non-LUST rnaranjo Soil Fallon City Release Sump Fallon Naval Air Aircraft Crash Station , A-4 Skyhawk NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000775 Churchill Sampling/Analysis 07/08/2010 non-LUST rnaranjo Soil Aircraft Crash near NAS City Release Fallon 89406 Fallon Miscellaneous Sites NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000785 Churchill Fallon Naval Air Station 04/05/2002 _ rnaranjo Unknown Fallon City Release Fallon Naval Air Miscellaneous Sites NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed E-000785 Churchill Station , Hot Aircraft 05/05/2004 non-LUST rnaranjo Fallon City Water Release Refueling Area Hot Pit 3

Fallon Naval Air Miscellaneous Sites NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000785 Churchill Station , Hot Pit Area 03/14/2003 _ rnaranjo Soil Fallon City Release (west edge)

Fallon Naval Air Miscellaneous Sites NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000785 Churchill Station , Electronic 11/02/2009 _ rnaranjo Soil Fallon City Release Warfare Site 31 Miscellaneous Sites NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000785 Churchill Fallon Naval Air Station 05/02/2002 _ rnaranjo Soil Fallon City Release Fairview Peak NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000787 Churchill Fallon Naval Air Station 04/26/2001 _ rnaranjo Soil Fallon City Release Range Bravo 17 Fallon Naval Air Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000816 Churchill Weapons Target Range 02/16/2006 rnaranjo Soil Station , Borrow Pit Source City Release Fairview Valley Fallon Naval Air Range Bravo 17 NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000816 Churchill Station , Electronic Weapons Target Range 06/16/2003 non-LUST rnaranjo Soil City Release Warfare Site 6 Fairview Valley Site 395 NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-001145 Churchill Fallon Naval Air Station 11/11/1111 _ rnaranjo _ Fallon City Release Site 395 NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-001145 Churchill Fallon Naval Air Station 06/07/1999 _ rnaranjo Soil Fallon City Release 5175 Rent-A-Car Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000006 Clark Allstate Rent-A-Car 12/21/1999 LUST spiper Soil Las Vegas Vegas Release 5056 North Sloan Cal Nev Pipeline NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000013 Clark Avenue 02/05/1997 LUST spiper Company/Texaco Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89115 3858 Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000015 Clark ARCO #1580 Boulevard 12/12/2002 LUST rdiedric City Water Release Las Vegas 329 North Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000016 Clark ARCO #1718 Boulevard 12/09/2003 LUST sfischen City Water Release Las Vegas

2801 West Washington NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000018 Clark ARCO #1878 Avenue 05/07/1992 LUST msiders Ground Water City Release Las Vegas 89108

209 East Flamingo Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000019 Clark ARCO #1903 04/30/2007 LUST tcroft Ground Water Las Vegas 89119 Vegas Release 3780 South Paradise NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000020 Clark ARCO #1921 Road 09/05/2000 LUST jsawyer Soil Vegas Release Las Vegas 89109

1550 North Rancho ARCO #5313 , APN NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000031 Clark Drive 04/05/2006 LUST jjohnson Ground Water 139-29-112-120 City Release Las Vegas 89106

1615 North Decatur NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000032 Clark ARCO #5314 Boulevard 01/01/1990 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89108 4916 South Paradise NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000033 Clark ARCO #5315 Road 05/06/2004 LUST rdiedric City Water Release Las Vegas 89119

http://www.parcelplatform.com/tmp/NDEP_LUST_list.htm 12/29/2010 Active Cases-Snapshot Page 3 of 20

1685 South Palm Street NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000042 Clark Armored Transport 08/07/1995 LUST jdotchin Las Vegas 89104 Vegas Water Release 3570 South Las Vegas NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000064 Clark Caesars Palace Boulevard 06/13/2001 non-LUST spiper Ground Water Vegas Release Las Vegas 89109 3570 South Las Vegas NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000064 Clark Caesars Palace Boulevard 10/02/2002 LUST spiper Soil Vegas Release Las Vegas 89109

5049 North Sloan Lane NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000066 Clark Las Vegas Fuel Terminal 09/09/2009 _ spiper Las Vegas 89110 Vegas Water Release

Las Vegas Fuel 5049 North Sloan Lane NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000066 Clark 09/18/2010 non-LUST spiper Soil Terminal , North LV Las Vegas 89110 Vegas Release

5049 North Sloan Lane NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000066 Clark Las Vegas Fuel Terminal 05/07/2010 non-LUST spiper Soil Las Vegas 89110 Vegas Release

5049 North Sloan Lane NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000066 Clark Las Vegas Fuel Terminal 02/07/2002 non-LUST spiper Soil Las Vegas 89110 Vegas Release Las Vegas Fuel 5049 North Sloan Lane NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000066 Clark Terminal , North Las 10/06/2010 non-LUST spiper Soil Las Vegas 89110 Vegas Release Vegas Sprint Central 835 East Desert Inn Road NDEP: Las 8-000082 Clark Telephone , APN 162- 11/12/2009 non-LUST tcroft Soil Investigatio Vegas 15-501-002 Las Vegas 89109 3201 West Tropicana NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000103 Clark Chevron #92836 Avenue 01/18/1995 LUST jsawyer City Water Release Las Vegas 89103 2450 East Bonanza Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000110 Clark Chevron #97753 09/13/2000 LUST jsawyer Ground Water City Release Las Vegas 89101 4380 East Bonanza Road Circle K Store No. 1302 , NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000123 Clark 03/16/2004 LUST lpeterso Ground Water APN 140-30-803-011 City Release Las Vegas 89110 1550 North Lamb Circle K Corporation NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000125 Clark Boulevard 12/03/2002 LUST sfischen Ground Water #1248 City Release Las Vegas 428 South Valley View Circle K Corporation NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000129 Clark Boulevard 01/01/1990 LUST spiper Ground Water #0695 Vegas Release Las Vegas 89107 3500 East Charleston Circle K Store No. 0542 , NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000130 Clark Boulevard 03/10/2004 LUST lpeterso Ground Water APN 140-31-401-035 City Release Las Vegas 89104 6176 South Las Vegas Former D & G Oil NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000147 Clark Boulevard 04/09/1999 LUST spiper Facility Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89119 5525 West Charleston NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000161 Clark American Mini Mart Boulevard 01/01/1990 LUST jjohnson City Water Release Las Vegas 89102 Texaco Station #61-529- 2233 Paradise Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000180 Clark 0402 , 2233 Paradise 01/01/1990 LUST jdotchin Ground Water Las Vegas Vegas Release Road 5010 South Valley View NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000204 Clark Ace Cab Company Boulevard 09/19/2006 LUST sfischen Soil City Release Las Vegas 89118

12500 Blue Diamond NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000208 Clark James Hardy Gypsum Road 07/08/2005 non-LUST tcroft Soil Vegas Release Las Vegas

Avis Rent A Car System, 5164 Rent-A-Car Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000217 Clark 11/14/2001 LUST spiper Ground Water LLC , UST #3 release Las Vegas 89119 Vegas Release Avis Rent A Car System, 5164 Rent-A-Car Road NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000217 Clark LLC , UST #0 and UST 08/08/2007 LUST spiper Las Vegas 89119 Vegas Water Release #2 Avis Rent A Car System, 5164 Rent-A-Car Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000217 Clark 01/01/1990 LUST spiper _ LLC , Dispenser Release Las Vegas 89119 Vegas Release 3283 North Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000251 Clark FBF Texaco Boulevard 01/01/1990 LUST jjohnson City Water Release Las Vegas 89121 3283 North Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground 8-000251 Clark FBF Texaco Boulevard 11/03/0200 LUST jjohnson Investigatio City Water Las Vegas 89121

8-000253 Clark 1420 West Bonanza 04/08/1997 LUST jdotchin Conoco Station No. Road NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed

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28003 Las Vegas 89106 Vegas Water Release 1452 North Boulder Star Texaco , UST NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000255 Clark Highway 09/18/2002 LUST jsawyer Ground Water release City Release Henderson 89015 Nevada Ready Mix 601 West Bonanza Road NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000272 Clark 08/24/1998 LUST spiper Corporation Las Vegas 89106 Vegas Water Release

Las Vegas Laundry & 707 South First Street NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000278 Clark 04/30/1998 non-LUST spiper Ground Water Dry Cleaner Las Vegas Vegas Release

2548 West Desert Inn NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000299 Clark Deluca Liquors Road 03/19/1993 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89107 500 North Casino Center Fire Station #1 , Tanks NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000323 Clark Boulevard 06/15/2000 LUST jdotchin still in service. Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 3901 East Lake Mead Circle K Store No. 1791 , NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000329 Clark Boulevard 04/08/2004 LUST lpeterso Ground Water APN 140-19-701-001 City Release Las Vegas 89115 Eberhardt's Automotive 4911 Vegas Drive NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000347 Clark & Tire , Jack's Properties 06/16/2006 LUST jdotchin Ground Water Las Vegas 89108 Vegas Release II LLC

Ewing Brothers Inc. , 1300 North A Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000358 Clark 05/15/1997 LUST msiders Waste Oil Tank Las Vegas 89101 City Water Release

Ewing Brothers Inc. , 1300 North A Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000358 Clark 06/07/2005 LUST msiders Unknown Unleaded Gasoline Tank Las Vegas 89101 City Release

2039 North Las Vegas Boulevard NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000360 Clark Redman Petroleum 01/01/1990 LUST spiper _ North Las Vegas Vegas Release 89030 Exber Fremont Texaco , 901 East Fremont Street NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000377 Clark Likely piping release and 01/01/1990 LUST jdotchin Las Vegas 89101 Vegas Water Release tank release 2401 North Rancho V & V Automotive , NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000383 Clark Drive 01/01/1990 LUST jdotchin Ground Water APN 139-18-403-002 Vegas Release Las Vegas 89108 National Car Rental 5233 Rent-A-Car Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000416 Clark 10/28/2002 LUST spiper Ground Water Systems Las Vegas 89119 Vegas Release 15 North Lamb NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000432 Clark 7-Eleven #29643 Boulevard 04/13/2006 LUST jdotchin Soil & FP Vegas Release Las Vegas 89110 2716 East Lake Mead 7-Eleven #29644 , APN Boulevard NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000434 Clark 03/24/2009 LUST spiper Ground Water 139-24-210-144 North Las Vegas Vegas Release 89030 2716 East Lake Mead 7-Eleven #29644 , APN Boulevard NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000434 Clark 01/01/1995 LUST spiper 139-24-210-144 North Las Vegas Vegas Water Release 89030 4325 West Sahara NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000436 Clark 7-Eleven #29646 Avenue 10/19/1992 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89102 4601 East Sunset Road NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000438 Clark 7-Eleven #29648 03/03/2006 LUST cschoop Las Vegas Vegas Water Release 3001 South Valley View NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000439 Clark 7-Eleven #29652 Boulevard 01/30/2004 LUST jsawyer City Water Release Las Vegas 3275 South Eastern 7-Eleven #29660 , APN NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000443 Clark Avenue 03/03/2006 LUST jdotchin Ground Water 162-11-802-002 Vegas Release Las Vegas 89169 601 North Eastern 7-Eleven #29662 , APN NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000445 Clark Avenue 08/21/2009 LUST jjohnson Ground Water 139-26-801-003 City Release Las Vegas 89101

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Henderson Service 680 Lake Mead Drive NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000456 Clark 12/07/1999 LUST tcroft Soil Center Henderson 89015 Vegas Release

Oasis Casino/Former 1134 Mesquite NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000478 Clark 09/30/1993 LUST hbridwel Peppermill Mesquite 89024 City Water Release

B & S Auto (Premium 1659 North Main Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000505 Clark 01/01/1990 LUST sfischen Oil) Las Vegas City Water Release

3225 North Las Vegas Rebel Oil Company #08 , NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000523 Clark Boulevard 07/24/1992 LUST jjohnson Ground Water Tank #1 & Tank #2 City Release Las Vegas 89102 3225 North Las Vegas Rebel Oil Company #08 , NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000523 Clark Boulevard 02/26/2009 LUST jjohnson Soil Tank #1 City Release Las Vegas 89102 3225 North Las Vegas Rebel Oil Company #08 , NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000523 Clark Boulevard 04/21/2008 LUST jjohnson Soil Dispenser Island City Release Las Vegas 89102

City of Las Vegas 1501 North Decatur NDEP: Las Soil & Ground 8-000531 Clark Redevelopment Agency , Boulevard 10/31/2007 LUST jdotchin Investigatio Vegas Water Jiffy Smog, Rebel Oil Las Vegas 89102

Mojave Generating 2700 Edison Way NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000565 Clark Station , Former 01/01/1970 non-LUST glovato Ground Water Laughlin 89029 City Release evaporation ponds

Mojave Generating 2700 Edison Way NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000565 Clark Station , Tranformer 06/26/2009 _ glovato Soil Laughlin 89029 City Release Spill Location 7291 South Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000578 Clark 7-Eleven #22070 Boulevard 03/31/2000 LUST jjohnson Ground Water City Release Las Vegas 2725 North Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000599 Clark 7-Eleven #19653 Boulevard 01/01/1990 LUST hbridwel Ground Water City Release North Las Vegas 5067 East Owens NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000602 Clark 7-Eleven #21285 Avenue 03/30/2004 LUST jsawyer City Water Release Las Vegas 89110 1600 North Decatur NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000610 Clark 7-Eleven #20826 Boulevard 06/13/1993 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89108 1705 South Las Vegas NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000615 Clark 7-Eleven #25586 Boulevard 01/01/1990 LUST spiper Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 2910 South Maryland NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000623 Clark 7-Eleven #27361 Parkway 04/03/1997 LUST jdotchin Soil Vegas Release Las Vegas 2910 South Maryland 7-Eleven #27361 , NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000623 Clark Parkway 09/13/2002 LUST jdotchin None Tracked under ID# 2422 Vegas Release Las Vegas 2003 North Jones 7-Eleven #27071 , APN NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000630 Clark Boulevard 12/12/2008 LUST cschoop 138-24-215-006 Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89108 2718 East Tropicana NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000654 Clark Terrible Herbst #106 Boulevard 10/20/1999 LUST cschoop Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 3650 West Sahara ARCO/Terrible Herbst NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000655 Clark Avenue 06/09/1999 LUST msiders Soil #118 City Release Las Vegas Terrible Herbst #124 , 4090 South Maryland NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000656 Clark All Activities Managed Parkway 01/01/1990 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Here Las Vegas 89109 Terrible Herbst #124 , 4090 South Maryland NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000656 Clark managed in Activity Parkway 05/12/2006 LUST jdotchin Soil Vegas Release #2475 Las Vegas 89109 Terrible Herbst #124 , 4090 South Maryland NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000656 Clark managed in Activity Parkway 09/15/1999 LUST jdotchin Soil Vegas Release #2475 Las Vegas 89109

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1195 East Sahara Avenue NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000657 Clark Terrible Herbst #126 05/12/1999 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89104 Terrible Herbst #126 , 1195 East Sahara Avenue NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000657 Clark Managed in Activity 01/01/1990 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release #2479 Las Vegas 89104

4890 West Spring NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000658 Clark Terrible Herbst (ARCO) Mountain Road 09/16/1998 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas

3415 West Tropicana Terrible Herbst (ARCO NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000659 Clark Avenue 07/24/1998 LUST jdotchin #0133) Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 3710 South Nellis NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000660 Clark Terrible Herbst #136 Boulevard 11/05/1998 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89115 101 North Decatur NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000666 Clark Unocal SS #7313 Boulevard 01/01/1990 LUST spiper Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89107 4070 South Arville NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000668 Clark Terrible Herbst #152 Avenue 10/22/1999 LUST cschoop Ground Water Vegas Release Las Vegas 1175 East Flamingo Texaco Station #61-529- NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000671 Clark Avenue 05/05/2003 LUST jdotchin Ground Water 0015 Vegas Release Las Vegas 1500 West Charleston NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000675 Clark Texaco Station #0151 Boulevard 01/01/1990 LUST sfischen City Water Release Las Vegas 4910 South Maryland Texaco Station #0175 NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000678 Clark and Tropicana 01/01/1990 LUST spiper (Former) Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89119 2400 East Lake Mead Texaco Station #61-529- NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000679 Clark Boulevard 11/21/2000 LUST jdotchin 0195 Vegas Water Release North Las Vegas

598 North Eastern Texaco Station #61-529- NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000681 Clark Avenue 01/31/2003 LUST sfischen 0274 City Water Release Las Vegas

West Bonanza Moving 2001 West Bonanza Center/U-HAUL , 2001 NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000708 Clark Road 01/01/1990 LUST jsawyer West Bonanza Road, Las City Water Release Las Vegas Vegas Lake Mead Recreation NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000721 Clark Echo Bay Resort Area 05/29/1998 LUST jjohnson City Water Release Overton 89040

4401 West Sahara NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000743 Clark Unocal SS #5257 Avenue 06/02/1992 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89102 4401 West Sahara NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000743 Clark Unocal SS #5257 Avenue 01/01/2000 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89102 5680 West Charleston NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000748 Clark Unocal SS #4968 Boulevard 09/18/1991 LUST jjohnson City Water Release Las Vegas 89102

530 North Las Vegas Unocal SS #4616 , Las NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000749 Clark Boulevard 02/13/1998 LUST jjohnson Vegas Blvd & Bonanza City Water Release Las Vegas

2300 South Las Vegas Unocal SS #3846 , NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000753 Clark Boulevard 10/24/1989 LUST jdotchin Onsite and offsite Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89104 Spring Mountain Youth Lee Canyon-Angel Peak NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000809 Clark Camp , 36.3190; - 03/14/2008 non-LUST tcroft Soil Mt. Charleston 89124 Vegas Release 115.5826 Arville Transportation 4499 South Arville NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000825 Clark 04/10/1992 LUST jjohnson Yard Las Vegas 89102 City Water Release

Las Vegas Convention 3150 Paradise Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000841 Clark 01/04/2008 _ spiper Ground Water and Visitors Authority Las Vegas 89109 Vegas Release

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123 East Washington Nevada Department of NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000853 Clark Avenue 06/16/1995 LUST sfischen Transportation Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89101 Facility #267 NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-000886 Clark 01/01/1900 LUST spiper _ Las Vegas Vegas Release 3873 South Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-000935 Clark ARCO #5318 Boulevard 09/15/2005 LUST rdiedric Ground Water City Release Las Vegas 89109 4375 Spring Mountain NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000937 Clark Circle K Corporation Road 03/11/2004 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 5685 South Eastern Circle K Corporation NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000938 Clark Avenue 03/29/2004 LUST tcroft #1951 Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 801 West Colton Avenue Charlie Brown NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-000949 Clark 01/01/1990 LUST jdotchin Construction North Las Vegas Vegas Water Release 89030 3885 East Charleston NDEP: Carson 8-000953 Clark ARCO #5298 Boulevard 04/06/2006 _ rdiedric Ground Water _ City Las Vegas 89104 475 Moapa Valley NDEP: Carson 8-000974 Clark The Waterhole Boulevard 02/25/2003 LUST hbridwel Ground Water Investigatio City Overton Texaco Station , Parking 4141 West Charleston NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001003 Clark Lot Holding, LLC (New Boulevard 09/20/1999 LUST jdotchin Ground Water Vegas Release Owner) Las Vegas 89102 250 Moapa Valley NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001032 Clark Russ's Auto Boulevard 06/15/1995 LUST jdotchin Vegas Water Release Overton 89040 4645 West Tropicana Falconi's Tropicana NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001048 Clark Avenue 12/10/1993 LUST jjohnson Honda City Water Release Las Vegas 89118 333 East Charleston NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-001049 Clark ARCO #5326 Boulevard 12/15/2000 LUST jjohnson Soil City Release Las Vegas 6484 Anne Oakley Drive NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001052 Clark Terrible Herbst #159 10/22/1999 LUST jdotchin Ground Water Vegas Release Henderson Terrible Herbst #159 , 6484 Anne Oakley Drive NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001052 Clark managed with activity 04/20/2001 LUST jdotchin Soil Vegas Release 3295 Henderson 2300 East Glendale NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001085 Clark Glendale Service Facility 01/01/1990 LUST cschoop Glendale 89025 City Water Release

1500 West Bonanza NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001105 Clark ARCO #5328 Road 12/22/1998 LUST jdotchin Soil Vegas Release Las Vegas 1500 West Bonanza ARCO #5328 , Managed NDEP: Las 8-001105 Clark Road 03/15/2000 LUST jdotchin Soil Investigatio under Activity ID #3420 Vegas Las Vegas 7-Eleven #27607 , See 600 North Las Vegas NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001149 Clark Activity 3115 for Boulevard 10/29/1998 LUST jjohnson Ground Water Vegas Release updated information Las Vegas 600 North Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001149 Clark 7-Eleven #27607 Boulevard 09/21/2000 LUST jjohnson City Water Release Las Vegas 298 South Decatur Texaco Station #61-529- NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001367 Clark Boulevard 08/26/2003 LUST sfischen Ground Water 0049 , 298 South Decatur Vegas Release Las Vegas 89107 Mick & Mac's Food 902 South Boulder NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001384 Clark Mart , APN 179-20-516- Highway 06/05/2009 LUST jdotchin Soil Vegas Release 003 Henderson 89015 421 West Bonanza Road NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001405 Clark Longley Construction 11/20/1998 LUST spiper Las Vegas Vegas Water Release

3355 South Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001467 Clark Venetian Hotel & Casino Boulevard 01/01/1111 non-LUST jsawyer City Water Release Las Vegas 89109

3355 South Las Vegas NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001467 Clark Venetian Hotel & Casino Boulevard 08/01/2004 LUST jsawyer City Water Release Las Vegas 89109

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451 West Mesquite NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001510 Clark Mesquite Truck Stop Boulevard 09/30/1986 LUST hbridwel City Water Release Mesquite 89024

Haycock Petroleum 715 West Bonanza Road NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001512 Clark 01/27/1999 LUST spiper Company Las Vegas 89106 Vegas Water Release

Haycock Petroleum 715 West Bonanza Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001512 Clark 06/26/2006 LUST spiper Soil Company Las Vegas 89106 Vegas Release 2901 South Las Vegas NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001540 Clark Riviera Hotel & Casino Boulevard 05/08/2002 LUST spiper Soil Vegas Release Las Vegas 89109 3785 West Tropicana Rebel Oil Company #61 , NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001587 Clark Avenue 09/03/2009 LUST cschoop Ground Water APN 162-29-101-039 Vegas Release Las Vegas 89103 Gold Rush Gas & 2885 South Nellis NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001594 Clark Convenience, Inc. , APN Boulevard 08/24/2009 LUST jdotchin Soil Vegas Release 161-08-603-008 Las Vegas 89121

10th Street Auto (Temple 1000 Fremont Street NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001620 Clark Realty) , APN 139-34- 01/01/1988 LUST jdotchin Las Vegas Vegas Water Release 612-080

Stop and Save Mini Mart 99 South Martin Luther NDEP: Carson Confirmed 8-001630 Clark and Gas , APN 139-28- King Boulevard 03/06/2009 LUST rdiedric Ground Water City Release 810-001 Las Vegas 89106 3715 West Flamingo Flamingo Stop , APN NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001649 Clark Road 10/18/2007 LUST spiper Ground Water 162-20-110-007 Vegas Release Las Vegas 89103 251 North Nellis Zak's Mini Market, Inc. , NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed 8-001746 Clark Boulevard 07/30/2008 LUST jdotchin APN 140-32-701-005 Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89110 CATE Nevada 4530 East Carey Avenue NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001752 Clark Equipment , Storage 08/25/2010 non-LUST jdotchin Soil Las Vegas 89115 Vegas Release Yard City Stop #12 , APN 6495 South Pecos Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001798 Clark 09/11/2009 LUST jdotchin Soil 162-36-802-023 Las Vegas 89120 Vegas Release Pecos Texaco Station , 6115 South Pecos Road NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001802 Clark Premium gasoline tank 07/13/2009 LUST jdotchin Ground Water Las Vegas 89120 Vegas Release leak Green Valley Grocery 3680 West Tropicana NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001807 Clark #27 , APN 162-20-401- Avenue 12/05/2007 LUST spiper Ground Water Vegas Release 009 Las Vegas 89103 Southern Nevada Water 4280 West Warm NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-002200 Clark Authority , APN 030-16- Springs Road 03/23/2010 non-LUST jdotchin Soil Vegas Release 701-005 Moapa 89037

NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000020 Clark Nellis Air Force Base 60 miles east of Tonopah 08/11/2009 _ spiper Soil Vegas Release Union Pacific Railroad 201 Claim Avenue NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000038 Clark 01/01/1990 non-LUST jnajima Company Las Vegas 89106 City Water Release Las Vegas Paving Sunset Plant NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000041 Clark 01/18/2000 non-LUST jsawyer Soil Corporation Henderson Vegas Release 2101 Texas Star Lane Texas Station Hotel & NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000043 Clark North Las Vegas 02/14/2000 non-LUST tcroft Soil Casino Vegas Release 89036 Las Vegas Boulevard @ NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000078 Clark Nellis Air Force Base Sloan Avenue 04/13/2009 _ spiper Soil Vegas Release Las Vegas Nellis Air Force Base , Las Vegas Boulevard @ NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000078 Clark Tonopah Test Range, Sloan Avenue 01/15/2009 _ spiper Soil Vegas Release Nye county Las Vegas Las Vegas Boulevard @ NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000078 Clark Nellis Air Force Base Sloan Avenue 07/10/2008 _ spiper Soil Vegas Release Las Vegas Las Vegas Boulevard @ NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000078 Clark Nellis Air Force Base Sloan Avenue 01/06/2010 _ spiper Ground Water Vegas Release Las Vegas

NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000086 Clark 11/29/2000 non-LUST msiders Ground Water Maryland Square City Release Shopping Center , former 3661 South Maryland Al Phillips in Maryland Parkway

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Square Shop Center Las Vegas

Charleston Heights 550 South Decatur NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000093 Clark Shopping Center , Boulevard 12/12/2000 non-LUST spiper Ground Water Vegas Release Former Vogue Cleaners Las Vegas 89107

Commercial Center , 953 East Sahara Avenue NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000108 Clark 07/16/2010 non-LUST jdotchin APN 162-10-510-006 Las Vegas Vegas Water Release

Rebel Oil Fuel 5054 North Sloan Lane NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000117 Clark 01/22/2004 non-LUST spiper Distribution Terminal Las Vegas Vegas Water Release

4575 South Procyon Regency Dry Cleaning NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000119 Clark Avenue 09/28/2001 non-LUST jdotchin Ground Water and Laundry Vegas Release Las Vegas

4235 East Charleston NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000139 Clark Cappy's Cleaners Boulevard 11/04/2002 non-LUST spiper Ground Water Vegas Release Las Vegas 89104

1131 East Tropicana NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000156 Clark Steiner's Cleaners Avenue 03/07/2003 non-LUST spiper Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 5640 South Stephanie Clark Generating NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000183 Clark Street 01/01/1990 non-LUST sharbour Ground Water Station , groundwater Vegas Release Las Vegas 89122 Clark Generating 5640 South Stephanie NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000183 Clark Station , AST (1,000,000 Street 01/19/2007 non-LUST sharbour Soil Vegas Release gal) Las Vegas 89122 6300 East Vegas Valley NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000184 Clark Sunrise Power Station Drive 12/18/2000 non-LUST sharbour Soil Vegas Release Las Vegas 89122 Angel's Peak Communications Facility NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000193 Clark Nellis Air Force Base 07/16/2003 non-LUST spiper Soil Vegas Release Indian Springs Haycock Petroleum 4825 North Sloan Lane NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000198 Clark Company , APN 123-33- 11/16/2009 non-LUST spiper Soil Las Vegas 89115 Vegas Release 801-005 Nevada Ready Mix 601 West Bonanza Road NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000215 Clark 05/16/2000 non-LUST jreed Soil Corporation Las Vegas 89106 Vegas Release Nevada Test and Wildlife Range Mobile NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000225 Clark 11/19/2003 spiper Soil Training Range 63B Rural Source Vegas Release

Western Hotel and 899 Fremont Street NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000242 Clark 05/14/2004 non-LUST jdotchin Casino Las Vegas Vegas Water Release

1 South Main Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000243 Clark Plaza Hotel and Casino 05/14/2004 non-LUST jjohnson Las Vegas City Water Release

Al Phillips The Cleaner , Al Phillips the Cleaners: 4251 East Sunset Road NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000278 Clark 12/10/2004 non-LUST jdotchin 2700 N Green Valley Henderson 89014 Vegas Water Release Pkwy

Doc's Automotive 917 East Fremont Street NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000287 Clark (Former) , APN 139-34- 09/26/1994 LUST jdotchin Las Vegas 89101 Vegas Water Release 612-076

2212 South Maryland NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000325 Clark Royal Crest Cleaners Parkway 07/26/2005 non-LUST msiders Ground Water City Release Las Vegas 89104 High Desert Sand , 320 S Meadow Valley Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000355 Clark Boulder Highway, Suite 12/05/2005 non-LUST jsawyer Soil Moapa City Release 106, Henderson

Oasis Resort Hotel Mesquite Boulevard NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000370 Clark 11/21/1994 LUST hbridwel Ground Water Casino Mesquite 89024 City Release

2236 North Las Vegas

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Boulevard Mahoney's Silver Nugget NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000372 Clark North Las Vegas 02/03/2006 non-LUST tcroft RV Park Vegas Water Release 89030 310 East Warm Springs Thrifty Airport Center , NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000392 Clark Road 07/11/2006 non-LUST lpeterso Soil Clean Bay Cleaners City Release Las Vegas 89119 U.S. Highway 93 @ NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000394 Clark Pardee Homes of Nevada State Route 168 07/28/2006 non-LUST spiper Soil Vegas Release Moapa 2423 South Las Vegas TDI/Sahara Center: NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000402 Clark Boulevard 11/17/1989 non-LUST jdotchin Pastor/Foxy's Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89109 Stratosphere 2000 South Las Vegas Corporation , Eastern NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000471 Clark Boulevard 04/18/2007 non-LUST jdotchin Ground Water Edge of Stratosphere Vegas Release Las Vegas 89104 Property U.S. Bureau of State Route 169 NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000472 Clark Reclamation , Working 08/15/2006 non-LUST jdotchin Soil Overton Vegas Release Gravel Pit Pacific Business Park , 6235 South Pecos Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000501 Clark Top's Cleaners & 08/23/2006 non-LUST lpeterso Soil Las Vegas 89120 City Release Laundry 1195 East Desert Inn NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000511 Clark Dr. Clean of Nevada Road 01/10/1992 non-LUST msiders City Water Release Las Vegas 89101 McCarran International East Fuel Terminal NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000527 Clark Airport , Historic 05/20/1985 non-LUST spiper Las Vegas Vegas Water Release Releases

McCarran International East Fuel Terminal NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000527 Clark 08/23/2004 non-LUST spiper Soil & FP Airport , Tank T-10 Las Vegas Vegas Release

Reid Gardner Generating Nevada Power NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000530 Clark Station 05/07/1999 non-LUST sharbour Soil Company , Plant Area Vegas Release Rural Reid Gardner Generating Nevada Power NDEP: Las Soil & Surface Confirmed H-000530 Clark Station 07/21/1999 non-LUST sharbour Company , Plant Area Vegas Water Release Rural Nevada Power Reid Gardner Generating Company , All Pond NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000530 Clark Station 05/28/1997 non-LUST sharbour areas + offsite + other Vegas Water Release Rural areas Nevada Power Reid Gardner Generating NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000530 Clark Company , Near Drum Station 02/20/2002 non-LUST sharbour Vegas Water Release Rack and Sump Rural Nevada Power Reid Gardner Generating NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000530 Clark Company , AST (Plant- Station 02/08/2007 non-LUST sharbour Soil Vegas Release Diesel Recovery Area) Rural Reid Gardner Generating Nevada Power NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000530 Clark Station 01/01/1990 non-LUST sharbour Company , Plant Area Vegas Water Release Rural 3852 West Sahara Payless Drug , Site NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000533 Clark Avenue 03/04/1992 non-LUST msiders Ground Water Centroid City Release Las Vegas 89102

Pacific Engineering & 8201 Gibson Road NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000534 Clark 01/11/2001 _ sharbour Ground Water Production Company Henderson Vegas Release

Stauffer/Pioneer Chlor- BMI Complex NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000536 Clark 04/25/1991 non-LUST mskorska Alkali Henderson 89015 Vegas Water Release

Titanium Metals BMI Complex NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000537 Clark 04/25/1991 non-LUST brakvica Corporation Henderson 89009 City Water Release Titanium Metals Corporation , Nevada BMI Complex NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000537 Clark 02/08/2007 non-LUST brakvica Soil Power Company Henderson 89009 Vegas Release Easement Parcel BMI Complex NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000539 Clark Tronox, LLC 04/25/1991 non-LUST sharbour Henderson 89009 Vegas Water Release

Montrose Chemical BMI Complex NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000540 Clark 04/25/1991 non-LUST mskorska Company Henderson 89015 City Water Release

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Interstate 15 @ State Moapa Rail Mobile NDEP: Las H-000542 Clark Route 06/12/1992 tcroft Soil Investigatio Spur/Randolph Joyce Source Vegas Moapa Union Pacific Railroad NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000557 Clark 01/01/1990 non-LUST jnajima Company Las Vegas City Water Release

501 East McWilliams NDEP: Las H-000569 Clark City of Las Vegas Avenue 03/29/2007 non-LUST spiper Ground Water Investigatio Vegas Las Vegas 89101 Gaming Partners 1600 Industrial Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000625 Clark International USA, Inc. , 07/25/2007 non-LUST dfriedman Soil Las Vegas 89102 City Release APN 162-04-609-001 Arrow Industrial Park Bledsoe Lane @ Commercial Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000643 Clark Tolentino Drive 08/20/2007 sfischen Soil Subdivision , APN 140- Source City Release Las Vegas 89156 16-310-012 Arizona Charlie's 740 South Decatur NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000645 Clark Decatur Casino & Hotel , Boulevard 09/17/2007 non-LUST spiper Ground Water Vegas Release APN 138-36-701-022 Las Vegas 89107 5 Star Hauling Mobile Interstate 15 Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000648 Clark 09/04/2007 sfischen Soil Source Moapa Source City Release

BMI Complex Common _ NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000688 Clark 05/06/1993 non-LUST brakvica Areas Henderson 89015 City Water Release

252 Convention Center S Shopping Center, LP , NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000708 Clark Drive 10/10/2008 non-LUST spiper Ground Water Hudson Cleaners Vegas Release Las Vegas 89109 The M Resort Spa 12300 South Las Vegas Mobile NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000719 Clark Casino , APN 191-09- Boulevard 09/26/2008 jgardner Soil Source Vegas Release 212-001 Henderson 89044 5025 South Eastern NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000721 Clark Village East Cleaners Avenue 11/17/2008 non-LUST jdotchin Ground Water Vegas Release Las Vegas 89119 Copper Sage Commerce 2550 North Lamb NDEP: Carson H-000728 Clark Center , APN 140-17- Boulevard 12/18/2008 non-LUST lpeterso Soil Investigatio City 401-001 Las Vegas U.S. Bureau of Land APN 176-13-301-021 Mobile NDEP: Carson H-000742 Clark Management , West of 05/15/2009 dfriedman Soil Investigatio Las Vegas 89139 Source City Railroad Tracks West One Business 3250 West Ali Baba NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000744 Clark Center #3 , Al Phillips Lane 05/29/2009 non-LUST cschoop Ground Water Vegas Release The Cleaner Las Vegas 89118 Tropicana East Shopping 2470 East Tropicana NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000748 Clark Center , PJ's Cleaners Avenue 07/21/2009 non-LUST jyates Soil City Release (Suite D) Las Vegas 89121 Interstate 15 @ Mile May Trucking Company Mobile NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000761 Clark Marker 026 10/21/2009 spiper Soil Mobile Source Source Vegas Release Sloan U.S. Xpress Enterprises U.S. Highway 95 @ Mobile NDEP: Carson H-000766 Clark Mobile Source , APN Interstate 215 12/28/2009 dfriedman None Investigatio Source City 178-14-799-007 Henderson Leonardo Rodriquez 237 Wisteria Avenue NDEP: Carson H-000767 Clark Property , APN 138-36- 10/22/2009 non-LUST dfriedman Unknown Investigatio Las Vegas 89107 City 115-051 Interstate 15 @ Mile Transport Hudon Mobile Mobile NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000768 Clark Marker 053 02/16/2010 jreed Soil Source Source Vegas Release North Las Vegas Interstate 15 @ Mile Dalton Brothers Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000774 Clark Marker 118 06/14/2010 sfischen Soil Trucking Mobile Source Source City Release Mesquite South Grand Central Cleveland Clinic Las Parkway @ West Clark NDEP: Carson H-000778 Clark Vegas , APN 139-33- 03/09/2010 Brownfields dfriedman Unknown Investigatio Avenue City 610-025 Las Vegas 89106 NV Energy , APN 139- 1004 South Main Street NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000779 Clark 07/11/2010 non-LUST cschoop Soil 33-811-007 Las Vegas 89106 Vegas Release CNLV Enterprises, 4530 East Carey Avenue Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-000780 Clark LLC , APN 140-17-403- 08/25/2010 dfriedman Soil Las Vegas 89115 Source City Release 004 Building #831 NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000796 Clark Nellis Air Force Base 04/27/1995 non-LUST spiper Soil North Las Vegas Vegas Release

H-000855 Clark Basic Substation (BMI 07/01/1991 non-LUST brakvica Soil Western Area Power Complex) NDEP: Las Confirmed

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Administration Henderson 89015 Vegas Release Hacienda @ Valley View CalNev Pipeline - NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-000998 Clark Boulevard 12/02/1992 non-LUST jjohnson Bracken City Water Release Las Vegas Lake Mead Drive and NDEP: Las Confirmed H-000999 Clark Henderson Landfill Olson 05/01/1993 non-LUST sharbour Soil Vegas Release Henderson 3425 South Las Vegas Harrah's Hotel and NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-001063 Clark Boulevard 04/17/1996 non-LUST spiper Casino Vegas Water Release Las Vegas 89109 316 South Decatur NDEP: Las Confirmed H-001093 Clark Ultra 1 Day Cleaners Boulevard 09/19/1996 non-LUST jdotchin Ground Water Vegas Release Las Vegas 89107 Losee Road north of NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-001147 Clark CalNev Pipeline Carey 09/28/1995 non-LUST jjohnson City Water Release North Las Vegas 46 miles NW of Las Nellis Air Force Base - NDEP: Las Confirmed H-001155 Clark Vegas, NV 06/07/2010 non-LUST spiper Soil Indian Springs Vegas Release Indian Springs

NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-001156 Clark Nellis Air Force Base Revetment Areas 05/14/2006 _ spiper Vegas Water Release

Nellis Air Force Base - Facility #2214, #2285 NDEP: Las Confirmed H-001157 Clark 05/25/2001 LUST spiper Soil Indian Springs Indian Springs Vegas Release 4500 Donovan Way NDEP: Las Confirmed H-001226 Clark Former Best Warehouse 07/25/1997 non-LUST tcroft Soil North Las Vegas Vegas Release Nevada Recycling, Inc. , 5000 Range Road NDEP: Las Confirmed H-001229 Clark New Name: Silver Dollar 06/03/1999 non-LUST jdotchin Soil Las Vegas Vegas Release Recycling Thatcher Chemical 90 Business Center Street Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed H-001250 Clark Company , APN 178-14- 07/08/2009 dfriedman Soil Source City Release 701-001 Henderson 89014 3745 East Desert Inn NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-001272 Clark Al Phillips The Cleaner Road 03/19/1998 non-LUST spiper Vegas Water Release Las Vegas

Cantrell Cleaners , 1015 1015 East Charleston NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-001275 Clark E. Charleston Blvd, Las Boulevard 01/01/1990 LUST msiders City Water Release Vegas Las Vegas 89104

McCarran International Terminal 1 - B Gates NDEP: Las Confirmed H-001283 Clark 07/06/1999 non-LUST spiper None Airport Las Vegas Vegas Release 2301 South Maryland NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed H-001307 Clark Parkway Cleaners Parkway 07/21/1998 non-LUST msiders City Water Release Las Vegas 721-723 South First Former Dry Cleaner NDEP: Las Soil & Ground Confirmed H-001337 Clark Street 02/08/1999 non-LUST spiper (Abandoned) Vegas Water Release Las Vegas Three Kids Mine & Mill _ NDEP: Las Confirmed H-001347 Clark 04/07/1999 non-LUST tcroft Soil Site Henderson Vegas Release Tropicana Investments, 3430 East Tropicana NDEP: Las Confirmed H-001348 Clark LLC , APN 161-19-403- Avenue 04/06/1999 non-LUST spiper Ground Water Vegas Release 001 Las Vegas 89121 4130 Koval Lane NDEP: Las Confirmed H-001356 Clark Al Phillips The Cleaner 05/21/1999 non-LUST tcroft Ground Water Las Vegas 89109 Vegas Release

Caesars Tahoe Hotel & 55 U.S. Highway 50 NDEP: Carson Confirmed 2-000031 Douglas 10/04/1994 LUST jsawyer Ground Water Casino Stateline 89449 City Release Mike's Gas-A-Mart , 217 Kingsbury Grade NDEP: Carson Confirmed 2-000046 Douglas 03/07/1994 LUST lpeterso Ground Water APN 1318-26-101-002 Stateline 89449 City Release 199 U.S. Highway 50 NDEP: Carson Confirmed 2-000076 Douglas Round Hill Shell 11/05/1998 LUST lpeterso Ground Water Zephyr Cove 89448 City Release Dump Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed 2-000115 Douglas Douglas-Tahoe Landfill 12/03/1994 non-LUST dfriedman Ground Water Gardnerville City Release Bently Nevada Douglas County Airport NDEP: Carson Confirmed B-000504 Douglas 11/11/1111 non-LUST jsawyer Ground Water Corporation Minden City Release Manchester Enterprises, 270 Logging Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed B-000931 Douglas Inc. , APN 1318-24-601- 05/13/2009 non-LUST dfriedman Soil Stateline 89449 City Release 007 Al Park Petroleum - 1600 Idaho Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 6-000009 Elko 12/08/1997 LUST jsawyer Conoco Station Elko City Water Release

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Fearless Farris Stinker Old U.S. Highway 40 NDEP: Carson Confirmed 6-000160 Elko 02/20/1998 LUST jsawyer Soil Station #81 Wells City Release

Vogue Laundry and Dry 175 5th Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 6-000176 Elko 11/17/1992 non-LUST bkottler Cleaners Elko 89801 City Water Release Elko County Highway 994 River Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 6-000182 Elko 11/15/2007 LUST agravens Soil Shops Elko 89801 City Release Interstate 80 @ U.S. NDEP: Carson Confirmed 6-000329 Elko 4-Way Truck Stop Highway 93 12/12/2002 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water City Release Wells 89835 Interstate 80 @ U.S. NDEP: Carson Confirmed 6-000329 Elko 4-Way Truck Stop Highway 93 05/17/1999 non-LUST lpeterso Soil City Release Wells 89835 Former Chevron Service 529 Davidson Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 6-000366 Elko Station , APN 03-417- 09/08/1995 LUST agravens Mountain City 89831 City Water Release 01/03-417-02/03-417-03 D. Y. Exploration, Inc. , Toano Draw NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000059 Elko 04/25/2007 non-LUST jsawyer Soil Well #15-19 Rural City Release U.S. Bureau of Land State Route 225 @ Mile NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000069 Elko Management , APN 006- Marker 60 11/17/2008 non-LUST lpeterso Soil City Release 140-012 Dinner Station Interstate 80 @ Mile Summit Oil Company Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000074 Elko Marker 052 08/31/2009 dfriedman Soil Mobile Source Source City Release Deeth 89823 Interstate 80 @ Mile Lange Trucking Mobile Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000075 Elko Marker 277 04/16/2009 dfriedman Soil Source Source City Release Carlin 89822 Six State Distributors , 4290 East Idaho Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000077 Elko 10/13/2009 non-LUST dfriedman Soil APN 001-860-051 Elko 89801 City Release U.S. Bureau of Land T32N R60E Section 27 NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000078 Elko Management , Ruby 02/03/2010 non-LUST jsawyer Soil Ruby Valley City Release Valley U.S. Bureau of Land Management , Ruby T39N R58E Section 26 Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000081 Elko 10/07/2010 sfischen Soil Pipeline Project - Station Rural Source City Release 16315 U.S. Forest Service , State Route 225 NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000335 Elko 10/01/2009 non-LUST jsawyer Soil House #1151 Mountain City City Release Union Pacific Railroad Company , Elko Rail Elko Yard Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000764 Elko 06/22/2010 jsawyer Soil Yard, 5200 Union Pacific Elko 89801 Source City Release Way Sierra Pacific Power 700 Silver Street NDEP: Carson F-000883 Elko 03/12/2008 non-LUST jsawyer Soil Investigatio Company Elko 89801 City Jerritt Canyon Project , North of Elko NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-001026 Elko Jerrit Canyon Mine Mill 01/28/1991 _ jsawyer Soil Rural City Release site old chlorination buil Jerritt Canyon Project , North of Elko NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-001026 Elko Jerritt Canyon Mill site 06/30/1992 _ jsawyer Ground Water Rural City Release Chlorination building State Route 225 north of NDEP: Carson Soil & Surface Confirmed F-001027 Elko Rio Tinto Mine Elko 10/26/1995 AML ssmale City Water Release Mountain City Coaldale Junction Truck Coaldale via Tonopah NDEP: Carson Confirmed 9-000071 Esmeralda 08/11/1994 LUST agravens Soil Stop Coaldale 89049 City Release

3093 Crescent Avenue NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 6-000318 Eureka Crescent Valley Market Crescent Valley 04/08/1994 LUST jsawyer City Water Release 89821

55 U.S. Highway 95 McDermitt Motel & Mini NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000056 Humboldt South 05/05/1998 LUST lpeterso Ground Water Mart City Release McDermitt 89421

1130 West Winnemucca NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 5-000114 Humboldt Model T Casino Boulevard 04/06/1994 LUST jjohnson City Water Release Winnemucca 89446

Denio Junction Motel & Highway 292 and 140 NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000152 Humboldt Restaurant , Denio 07/21/1999 LUST jsawyer Ground Water Denio City Release Junction Gas Station

Union 76 Truckstop (SS Interstate 80 @ West NDEP: Carson Confirmed

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#6328) Interchange City Release 5-000212 Humboldt 11/03/1993 LUST jsawyer Soil Winnemucca 89445 Flying J Travel Plaza , 1800 West Winnemucca Diesel Island (Spill NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000254 Humboldt Boulevard 12/05/2006 LUST jsawyer Soil Bucket) and gas fueling City Release Winnemucca 89445 areas Birthday Abandoned U.S. Bureau of Land NDEP: Carson Soil & Surface Confirmed E-000065 Humboldt Mine 07/16/2007 AML jgardner Management City Water Release Rural Interstate 80 @ Mile Savannah Transport Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000083 Humboldt Marker 200 10/03/2009 dfriedman Soil Mobile Source Source City Release Winnemucca Union Pacific Railroad Winnemucca Yard NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed E-001141 Humboldt Company , Bridge Street 08/18/1998 non-LUST lpeterso Winnemucca City Water Release Fueling Facility 640 West Front Street Pete's Garage Texaco NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000009 Lander Battle Mountain 05/06/1992 LUST lpeterso Ground Water Service City Release 89820 Mill Site NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 5-000020 Lander Cortez Gold Mines 02/01/1993 LUST jsawyer Cortez 89821 City Water Release 474 West Front Street NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 5-000104 Lander Ted's Chevron Battle Mountain 11/09/1998 LUST jsawyer City Water Release 89820 Battle Mountain Bulk 345 North First Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000289 Lander Plant 3006 , Secondary Battle Mountain 12/24/2008 non-LUST jsawyer Soil City Release Containment 89820 Conoco Pit Stop , 501 501 East Front Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000326 Lander East Front Street, Battle 02/04/1999 LUST jsawyer Ground Water Battle Mountain City Release Mountain U.S. Bureau of Land Reese River Valley NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000070 Lander 05/08/2007 Federal IRP rnaranjo Soil Management Austin City Release U.S. Bureau of Land T25N R42E NDEP: Carson E-000082 Lander Management , Pesticide Antelope Valley 09/01/2009 non-LUST ssmale Soil Investigatio City Container Disposal 89820 Mine Service & Supply Barite Mill NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000888 Lander 09/27/1994 non-LUST lpeterso Soil Company Dunphy 89820 City Release

Northwest of Mesquite NDEP: Las G-000009 Lincoln F-16 Crash Site 02/26/2009 _ spiper Soil Investigatio Rural Vegas

Northwest of Mesquite NDEP: Las G-000009 Lincoln F-16 Crash Site 11/23/2009 _ spiper Unknown Investigatio Rural Vegas U.S. Highway 93 @ Mile Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed G-000029 Lincoln Two Scotts Trucking Marker 5 12/05/2005 dfriedman Soil Source City Release Rural

Pioche Mill , APN Vincent Avenue NDEP: Carson G-000039 Lincoln 08/14/2006 AML jsawyer Soil Investigatio 135101 Pioche 89043 City

Big Wheel Travel Center 480 Truck Inn Way NDEP: Carson Confirmed 3-000025 Lyon 08/11/2009 LUST sfischen Soil & Casino , UST System Fernley 89408 City Release Yerington Elementary 112 California Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed 3-000035 Lyon School , APN 001-162- 01/13/1992 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water Yerington 89447 City Release 01 _ NDEP: Carson Confirmed C-000007 Lyon Yerington Mine Site 01/25/2000 _ agravens Ground Water Rural City Release Crescent Garage , APN 9 South Main Street NDEP: Carson Confirmed C-000022 Lyon 08/28/2006 non-LUST jsawyer Soil 001-191-04 Yerington 89447 City Release

Hawthorne Army Depot , Various Sites NDEP: Carson Confirmed J-000014 Mineral Building 117-7 at WADF 03/11/2010 _ rdiedric Soil Hawthorne 89415 City Release - backflow tank Kinkaid Mining and U.S. Highway 95 NDEP: Carson J-000015 Mineral Construction , APN 006- 05/13/2008 AML jgardner Unknown Investigatio Kinkaid City 320-12 Hawthorne Army Babbitt Housing Area NDEP: Carson J-000780 Mineral Ammunition Plant , 04/16/2010 _ rdiedric Soil Investigatio Hawthorne 89415 City Parcel 00664013

Building 336 HWAAP- Hawthorne Army Depot , NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed J-000813 Mineral 61 08/03/1999 LUST rdiedric Filed with HWAD files City Water Release Hawthorne 89415

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Rural NDEP: Carson Confirmed G-000017 Nye Premier Chemicals, LLC 09/03/2009 non-LUST dfriedman Soil Gabbs City Release Knight Transportation U.S. Highway 95 @ Air Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed G-000045 Nye Mobile Source , APN Force Road 07/30/2009 dfriedman Soil Source City Release 008-261-47 Tonopah 89049 U.S. Highway 6 G-000046 Nye Dats Trucking ______Tonopah U.S. Highway 6 @ Mile Nevada Department of NDEP: Carson Confirmed G-000047 Nye Marker 79 04/23/2010 non-LUST dfriedman Soil Transportation City Release Blue Jay 2687 West Amargosa AMI Land Group 80, NDEP: Carson G-000049 Nye Farm Road 05/21/2009 non-LUST dfriedman Ground Water Investigatio LLC , 019-521-22 City Amargosa 89020 Belvada Apartments , 14 Main Street NDEP: Carson G-000052 Nye 06/10/2010 Brownfields dfriedman None Investigatio APN 008-135-09 Tonopah 89049 City 1305 Rye Patch Rye Patch Truck Stop , NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 5-000012 Pershing Reservoir Road 07/02/1986 LUST jsawyer APN 010-120-01 City Water Release Lovelock 89419 1305 Rye Patch Rye Patch Truck Stop , NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 5-000012 Pershing Reservoir Road 09/15/2009 LUST jsawyer APN 010-120-01 City Water Release Lovelock 89419 6000 East Frontage Road Mill City Travel Center , NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000016 Pershing 05/14/2009 LUST jsawyer Unknown APN 008-130-01 City Release Mill City 89418 Mill City Travel Center , 6000 East Frontage Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed 5-000016 Pershing 6000 E. Frontage Road, 03/08/2010 _ jsawyer Soil City Release Mill City Nevada Mill City 89418

810 Cornell Avenue NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed 5-000082 Pershing Rich's Unocal 12/28/1998 LUST hbridwel Lovelock 89419 City Water Release

Interstate 80 @ Mile ZJ Transportation Mobile Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000047 Pershing Marker 105 09/19/2005 dfriedman Soil Source Source City Release Colado State Route 447 @ Mile Valentine Resurfacing Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000079 Pershing Marker 56.5 07/27/2009 dfriedman Soil Mobile Source Source City Release Rural Mark L. Sharp Property , Cosgrave Road NDEP: Carson E-000080 Pershing 09/11/2009 non-LUST jsawyer Soil Investigatio APN 008-020-55 Cosgrave 89445 City U.S. Bureau of Land T32N R34E Section 5 NDEP: Carson Confirmed E-000081 Pershing Management , APN 008- 09/17/2009 non-LUST jsawyer Soil Imlay City Release 220-02 T19N R22E NDEP: Carson C-000034 Storey Gooseberry Mine 02/01/2006 Brownfields dfriedman Soil Investigatio Rural City Werner Enterprises 2777 USA Parkway Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed C-000036 Storey 03/15/2010 sfischen Soil Mobile Source McCarran 89434 Source City Release EP Minerals Mobile Celetom Mine Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed C-000037 Storey Source , APN 004-041- 08/24/2010 jsawyer Soil Rural Source City Release 22 Frontage Road Confirmed D-000003 Storey Marten Transportation 05/04/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Mustang Release

147 South Stanford Way NDEP: Carson Confirmed 4-000010 Washoe Sparks Terminal #1 12/28/2007 non-LUST WCDHD Soil Sparks 89431 City Release 2240 Victorian Avenue Confirmed 4-000013 Washoe ARCO #6017 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Sparks 89431 Release 700 Keystone Avenue Confirmed 4-000017 Washoe ARCO #0437 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Reno 89502 Release Roadway Express, Inc. , 1650 Kleppe Lane Mobile Confirmed 4-000037 Washoe 07/23/2009 WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil APN 034-392-01 Sparks 89431 Source Release Boomtown Hotel and 2100 West Interstate 80 Confirmed 4-000039 Washoe 12/23/1991 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Casino Fun Center Verdi 89439 Release 947 State Route 28 Confirmed 4-000061 Washoe Chevron #94116 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Incline Village 89450 Release 560 Lakeshore Confirmed 4-000185 Washoe Lakeshore Orbit Boulevard 10/31/2000 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Release Incline Village Granite Construction 1900 Glendale Confirmed 4-000210 Washoe 05/01/1998 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Company Sparks 89432 Release Victorian Food Mart , 1675 Victorian Avenue Confirmed 4-000327 Washoe 05/07/2009 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil APN 032-125-26 Sparks 89431 Release

4-000334 Washoe Meadowood Shell 6220 South Virginia 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Street Confirmed

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Reno Release 3295 Kietzke Lane Confirmed 4-000340 Washoe Shell Service Station 03/24/2003 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Reno Release 130 West Plumb Lane Confirmed 4-000342 Washoe Plumb Lane Shell 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Reno 89509 Release 200 North McCarran Confirmed 4-000428 Washoe Sierra Sid's 76 Inc. Boulevard 01/29/2000 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Release Sparks 89431 1502 Washington Street Confirmed 4-000475 Washoe Rancho San Rafael Park 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Reno 89503 Release 4600 North Virginia Confirmed 4-000502 Washoe Go-Fer Market Street 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Release Reno 89506 4600 North Virginia 4-000502 Washoe Go-Fer Market Street 04/12/2004 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Reno 89506 6190 South Virginia ARCO #4950 , APN NDEP: Carson Confirmed 4-000507 Washoe Street 01/01/1993 LUST lpeterso Ground Water 025-290-16 City Release Reno 89502 1675 National Guard Confirmed 4-000519 Washoe National Rent-A-Car Way 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Release Reno 89502 350 North McCarran Confirmed 4-000563 Washoe Western Mountain Oil Boulevard 09/29/2000 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Release Sparks 455 East 2nd Street Confirmed 4-000573 Washoe Reno Police Station 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Reno 89502 Release Earl Games Construction 1895 Plumas Street Confirmed 4-000662 Washoe 04/15/1999 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Yard Reno Release

North Valley Satellite 330 Doubleback Road Confirmed 4-000732 Washoe 01/11/1999 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Bus Yard Reno Release 369 East Glendale Confirmed 4-000743 Washoe United Parcel Service Avenue 01/01/1900 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Release Sparks USA Petroleum 2299 Oddie Boulevard Soil & Ground Confirmed 4-000826 Washoe 04/17/2006 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Corporation #207 Sparks Water Release MAACO Auto Painting 2445 East 2nd Street 4-000830 Washoe 04/29/1999 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio & Body Shop Reno 89502 2200 Barnett Way Mobile Soil & Ground Confirmed 4-000917 Washoe RMC Nevada Plant 10/13/2004 WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Reno Source Water Release 3575 Hidden Valley Hidden Valley Country Confirmed 4-000924 Washoe Drive 01/01/1900 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Ground Water Club Release Reno 89502 1 South Sierra Street Soil & Ground Confirmed 4-000981 Washoe Mills Lane Justice Center 08/05/2004 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Reno Water Release Convenience Corner 295 Sparks Boulevard Soil & Ground Confirmed 4-000984 Washoe 08/07/2008 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Shell , APN 037-030-13 Sparks 89434 Water Release 1490 Prater Way 4-001061 Washoe Express Supermart #15 06/22/2000 LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Sparks

Short Line Express 9155 South Rainbow NDEP: Las Confirmed 8-001703 Washoe Market #2 , APN 176-22- Boulevard 05/26/2010 LUST jdotchin Soil Vegas Release 601-025 Las Vegas 89139

9302 Prototype Drive Confirmed D-000001 Washoe Commercial Property 04/09/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Reno Release U.S. Highway 395 @ Confirmed D-000006 Washoe U.S. Forest Service Red Rock Exit 06/15/1999 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Release Reno American Auto 495 Parr Circle D-000007 Washoe 07/08/1999 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Wrecking Reno American Auto 495 Parr Circle D-000007 Washoe 04/22/2004 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Wrecking Reno State Route 447 @ Mile Confirmed D-000011 Washoe Schultz Trucking Marker 03 08/20/1999 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Release Wadsworth Interstate 80 @ Exit 004 On-Time Trucking & Confirmed D-000012 Washoe (Garson Road) 08/20/1999 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Transportation Release Verdi North Virginia @ D-000016 Washoe Lee Mayo Property Copperfield Drive 10/25/1999 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Reno Reno Drain Oil Service , 11970 I-80 East Mobile Confirmed

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D-000025 Washoe APN 084-090-15 Sparks 89434 05/04/2000 Source WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Release NE Corner of Vista Blvd Ptarmigan Properties, Confirmed D-000031 Washoe & Disc Drive 06/20/2000 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil LLC Release Sparks 1745 Wells Avenue NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000044 Washoe Solari Decorating Center 09/29/1988 _ jnajima Reno 89505 City Water Release S-S Ranch , APN 079- Hill Ranch Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000066 Washoe 05/14/2002 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water 180-08 Wadsworth City Release

Sparks Solvent/Fuel _ NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000084 Washoe 08/21/1987 non-LUST msiders Site , Sparks Sparks City Water Release

16255 South Virginia D-000086 Washoe Glory Temple Church Street 02/25/2003 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Reno Mann Avenue @ Sierra Pacific Power Confirmed D-000089 Washoe Morningstar Road 03/27/2003 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Company Release Reno Hoge Road @ North Gordon Trucking Mobile Confirmed D-000090 Washoe Virginia Street 04/02/2003 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Source Release Reno 89506 Ryder Transportation 39 Webb Circle Confirmed D-000092 Washoe 04/30/2003 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Mobile Source Reno 89506 Release State Route 431 @ State Capurro Trucking Confirmed D-000098 Washoe Route 28 05/16/2003 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Accident Release Incline Village 1629 G Street D-000099 Washoe Al Ebans Property 06/02/2003 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Sparks City of Reno 111 Morrill Avenue NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000100 Washoe 04/23/2008 non-LUST jgardner Redevelopment Agency Reno 89512 City Water Release 1776 National Guard Nevada Air National NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000108 Washoe Way 06/07/2006 Federal IRP rnaranjo Soil Guard City Release Reno 89502 Western Nevada 1325 Hymer Avenue Confirmed D-000116 Washoe 09/15/2003 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Recycling Sparks Release

Western Nevada 1325 Hymer Avenue Confirmed D-000116 Washoe 11/29/2001 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Recycling Sparks Release Sparks Railyard APN Southern Pacific Confirmed D-000117 Washoe 032-220-71 12/17/2003 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Transportation Company Release Sparks 89431 Sparks Railyard APN Southern Pacific Confirmed D-000117 Washoe 032-220-71 12/04/2003 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Transportation Company Release Sparks 89431 U.S. Bureau of Land Canyon Way D-000119 Washoe Management , APN 084- 12/09/2003 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Mustang 89434 060-14 Arlington Avenue @ Granite Construction Confirmed D-000139 Washoe Third Street 05/10/2004 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Company Mobile Source Release Reno Reno Disposal/Waste 5728 River Birch Drive Confirmed D-000142 Washoe 06/02/2004 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Management Spill Reno 89511 Release Interstate 80 @ Clark Reno-Sparks Ready Mix NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000147 Washoe Station Road 05/06/2004 non-LUST WCDHD Mobile Source City Water Release Tracy-Clark

Idlewild Drive Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000168 Washoe Villages at Idlewild 11/10/2004 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Reno Water Release

Sierra Pacific Power Stead Substation Confirmed D-000169 Washoe 02/08/2005 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Company Stead Release

ORMAT Geothermal 1010 Power Plant Road Confirmed D-000170 Washoe 04/21/2005 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Power Plant Steamboat Springs Release John Ascuaga's Nugget , 1100 Nugget Avenue NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000209 Washoe 07/16/2010 non-LUST jsawyer Ground Water APN 032-172-22 Sparks 89431 City Release Interstate 80 near Steve Coombes Mobile Mobile Confirmed D-000244 Washoe Lockwood Exit 06/02/2005 WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Source Source Release Lockwood

D-000385 Washoe Idlewild Park 1821 Idelwild Drive 01/01/1900 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Confirmed

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Reno 89505 Release 14291 Lear Boulevard NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000509 Washoe Reno Plastics, Inc. 01/01/1900 _ jsawyer Stead City Water Release

Nevada Field Palamino Valley NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000543 Washoe 11/09/1992 non-LUST msiders Laboratory-Area B Spanish Springs City Water Release

Nevada Field Palamino Valley NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000544 Washoe 12/01/1988 non-LUST msiders Laboratory-Area C Spanish Springs City Water Release

Nevada Field Palamino Valley NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000545 Washoe 12/01/1988 non-LUST msiders Laboratory-Area D Spanish Springs City Water Release Wells Manufacturing 2 Eric Circle NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000561 Washoe Company , APN 038- 07/15/1991 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water Verdi 89439 City Release 060-09 Central Truckee _ NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000718 Washoe 05/21/1993 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water Meadows Reno City Release Robert McDermott 537 Gordon Avenue Confirmed D-000729 Washoe 10/28/1994 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Property Reno 89509 Release 8500 Dieringer Road NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000734 Washoe Bruno Benna Residence 05/18/2006 non-LUST sfischen Soil Reno 89511 City Release Reno Old Town Mall 180 West Peckham Lane NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000740 Washoe 05/10/2006 non-LUST lpeterso Annex Reno 89509 City Water Release Sparks NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000748 Washoe Kiley Ranch 01/17/2007 non-LUST lpeterso Soil Sparks City Release Artist Cleaners , APN 225 Gentry Way NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000749 Washoe 01/17/2007 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water 020-181-10 Reno 89502 City Release Former Dodd/Beal Fire Military Road @ Echo NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000753 Washoe Academy, Lower Site , Avenue 02/01/2001 Brownfields ssmale Unknown City Release APN 086-154-04 Stead Timothy A. & Kristine 315 Stewart Street D-000757 Washoe ______K. Northon Property Reno 89502 Michael E. Miller 1065 Locust Street D-000759 Washoe ______Residence Reno Kinder Morgan Energy Galletti @ Barnett Way NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000762 Washoe Partners , APN 032-220- 10/02/2007 non-LUST jsawyer Reno City Water Release 78 831 Deming Way NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000766 Washoe Resolvent, Inc. 11/15/2007 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water Sparks 89431 City Release

Plumb Lane Plaza , 499 East Plumb Lane NDEP: Carson D-000769 Washoe 04/13/2004 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water Investigatio Rainbow Cleaners Reno 89502 City Orchard Plaza Shopping 2292 South Virginia NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-000775 Washoe Center , APN 019-160- Street 09/10/2008 non-LUST lpeterso City Water Release 33 Reno 89502 Union Pacific Railroad Mile Post X Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000779 Washoe Company , UPRR tracks 01/04/2008 sfischen Soil Lockwood Source City Release at Lockwood Union Pacific Railroad Mile Post 247 Confirmed D-000784 Washoe Company , APN 034- 09/24/2008 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Sparks 89434 Release 175-01 6500 Spanish Springs The Foothills at D-000785 Washoe Road ______Wingfield Springs Sparks 89436 Franklin Sparks, LLC , 1300 Franklin Way Confirmed D-000797 Washoe 06/19/2009 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil APN 034-163-03 Sparks 89431 Release U.S Highway 395 North American Traveling Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000798 Washoe Old Washoe City 07/27/2009 dfriedman Soil Shows Mobile Source Source City Release 89704 City of Sparks , APN 1212 Victorian Avenue NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000802 Washoe 10/05/2009 non-LUST lpeterso Soil 032-136-06 Sparks 89431 City Release Wells Avenue D-000803 Washoe Destiny Center ______Reno 89502

4711, LLC Property , 1585 Hillside Drive NDEP: Carson D-000806 Washoe 01/29/2010 non-LUST msiders Soil Investigatio APN 007-013-01 Reno 89503 City

Nevada Pacific 61 Somers Loop NDEP: Carson D-000807 Washoe 01/29/2010 non-LUST lpeterso Soil Investigatio Development Incline Village 89451 City Corporation , APN 123-

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032-01 John DiFrancesco 35 North Edison Way NDEP: Carson D-000808 Washoe Property , APN 012-272- 02/17/2010 Brownfields dfriedman Unknown Investigatio Reno 89502 City 12 John DiFrancesco 65 North Edison Way NDEP: Carson D-000809 Washoe Property , APN 012-272- 02/17/2010 Brownfields dfriedman Unknown Investigatio Reno 89502 City 10 National Wild Horse and 15780 Pyramid Way Confirmed D-000810 Washoe Burro Center , APN 076- Palomino Valley 02/09/2010 non-LUST jsawyer WCDHD: Reno Soil Release 251-02 89510 Fisher Sand and Gravel Interstate 580 Mobile Confirmed D-000816 Washoe 06/24/2010 WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Mobile Source Reno Source Release 1145 Lakeshore David G. Menchetti D-000817 Washoe Boulevard ______Property Incline Village 89451 Interstate 80 @ U.S. Reliance Express Mobile Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000818 Washoe Highway 395 08/25/2010 jsawyer Soil Source Source City Release Reno 89512 Northwest Liquidators East 5th Street Mobile NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-000819 Washoe Mobile Source , APN 08/30/2010 jsawyer Soil Reno 89512 Source City Release 007-303-39 Viking Metallurgical 1 Eric Circle NDEP: Carson D-001120 Washoe 07/15/1991 _ lpeterso Ground Water Investigatio Corporation Verdi 89439 City Viking Metallurgical 1 Eric Circle Confirmed D-001120 Washoe 12/16/2009 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Corporation Verdi 89439 Release _ NDEP: Carson D-001121 Washoe River Belle Trailer Park 07/15/1991 _ lpeterso Ground Water Investigatio Verdi City Former Texaco Service 1922 Victorian Avenue NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-001235 Washoe Station , APN 032-065- 11/25/1997 non-LUST lpeterso Ground Water Sparks City Release 10

Tholl Road D-001260 Washoe Tyrell Builders 03/19/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno _ Investigatio Lemmon Valley

_ Confirmed D-001264 Washoe Albertsons Grocery Store 05/07/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Sparks Release 6405 South Virginia Comp USA Center , NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-001266 Washoe Street 03/22/2006 non-LUST lpeterso Save-on Cleaners City Water Release Reno 89511 Thomas Creek and Confirmed D-001267 Washoe Truck Spill Welcome Way 06/16/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Release Reno Sierra Pacific Power Ohm Place Storage Yard Confirmed D-001268 Washoe 06/17/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Company Reno Release

Truckee Meadows 7000 Dandini Boulevard Confirmed D-001269 Washoe 07/06/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Community College Reno 89512 Release 224 North Virginia Street D-001272 Washoe Nevada Club Casino 07/07/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Reno 89501 819 Tomahawk Confirmed D-001273 Washoe IVGID (Meter Box) 07/15/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Incline Village Release 2282 Larkin Circle Confirmed D-001274 Washoe Allied Washoe Fuel 07/16/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno _ Sparks 89513 Release

1925 Freeport Boulevard Confirmed D-001275 Washoe Bonanza Produce 07/16/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Sparks 89431 Release

135 Crestview Place Confirmed D-001277 Washoe Giudici Residence 08/12/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Reno Release Sage and Commercial D-001279 Washoe J & B Sweeping 08/18/1998 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Investigatio Reno _ NDEP: Carson Soil & Ground Confirmed D-001280 Washoe Stead Solvent Site 11/11/1111 _ rdiedric Stead City Water Release University of Nevada, Various Sites Confirmed D-001285 Washoe 10/05/1998 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Reno Reno 89557 Release

University of Nevada, Various Sites Confirmed D-001285 Washoe 02/18/2000 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Reno Reno 89557 Release

University of Nevada, Various Sites Confirmed D-001285 Washoe 08/18/1999 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Reno Reno 89557 Release

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Airport Authority of Various Locations Confirmed D-001288 Washoe 10/14/1998 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno None Washoe County Reno 89510 Release Airport Authority of Various Locations NDEP: Carson Confirmed D-001288 Washoe Washoe County , Jet 07/12/2010 non-LUST jsawyer Soil Reno 89510 City Release West FBO Center Gloria Bergendahl 21005 North U.S. Confirmed D-001301 Washoe Property , APN 081-110- Highway 395 11/17/1998 non-LUST WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Release 05 Reno 89506 Interstate 80 (outside Baggie Farms Express Confirmed D-001307 Washoe Reno) 04/16/1999 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Mobile Source Release Rural

Vista Boulevard Confirmed D-001308 Washoe D'Andrea Golf Course 04/16/1999 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Sparks Release

Kuenzli and Gireux Confirmed D-001311 Washoe Bogart Property Streets 05/25/1999 _ WCDHD WCDHD: Reno Soil Release Reno 801 Avenue F NDEP: Carson Confirmed 6-000034 White Pine Chevron #98316 11/21/1991 LUST lpeterso Ground Water Ely 89301 City Release 909 Avenue F NDEP: Carson Confirmed 6-000198 White Pine R-Place Shell Station 04/11/1995 LUST lpeterso Ground Water Ely 89301 City Release State Route 892 @ NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000038 White Pine Goicoechea Ranch Milepost 30 06/16/2005 non-LUST agravens Soil City Release Newark Valley Barrick Gold Bald Mountain Mine NDEP: Carson Confirmed F-000577 White Pine 01/05/1998 non-LUST lpeterso Soil Corporation Rural City Release

http://www.parcelplatform.com/tmp/NDEP_LUST_list.htm 12/29/2010 Facility ID # Facility Name 1-000001 T B I 1-000002 El Aero Services Inc-Carson City 1-000003 Same As 1-000124 1-000004 ARCO AM/PM #250 1-000005 ARCO #0399 1-000006 ARCO #6003 - Closed 1-000007 ATC McClellan Peak (#89436) 1-000008 Beaudettes Glass Service 1-000009 Capital Ford Inc 1-000010 Carson Car Wash 1-000011 Carson Nugget Inc 1-000012 Carson Tahoe Rents 1-000013 Carson Valley Fence 1-000014 Facility Id #1-000014 1-000016 C C Rentals Inc 1-000017 Chevron #9-3421-Closed 1-000018 Food Mart #1 1-000019 City Plywood 1-000020 Cottonwood Mobile Home Park 1-000022 M Darling C/O Empire Ranch 1-000023 Capitol Shell 1-000024 Carson Valley Oil Co 1-000025 Granite Construction 1-000026 Carson City Toyota/BMW/Mazda 1-000027 Basalite Block 1-000028 Goodyear Tire Center 5534 1-000029 Jacksons Food Stores #128 1-000030 Eagle Gas 1-000031 JM Furniture Inc 1-000032 Baker Electric Co 1-000033 Kmart #7053 1-000034 Lift Eng & Mfg Co - Closed 1-000035 Millard Realty & Construction Co 1-000036 Q Lube #1561 1-000037 Omneco Inc 1-000039 Country Store 1-000040 GLC 01113 1-000041 Robert L Helms Const & Dev Co 1-000042 Shaw Construction Co 1-000043 Carson Gas & Liquor 1-000044 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Carson City Facility-Closed 1-000045 Southwest Gas Corp-Closed 1-000047 Former South Carson Cardlock 1-000049 Thomas C & Ruth Furlong 1-000051 Bobs Shell 1-000052 Karen & William Kemper 1-000053 Western Energetix #761 1-000054 NDOT-Carson City 1-000055 National Guard Bureau-USP & Fo-Closed 1-000056 Carson City MTC Co-Closed 1-000057 JM Gasoline 1-000058 Western Mountain 1-000059 AAMCO Transmissions 1-000062 Comet Industries Inc 1-000065 Carson-Tahoe Hospital 1-000067 Midas Muffler 1-000068 TM + KKH Inc 1-000069 Michael Hohl Motor Co 1-000070 Same As 2-000075 1-000071 Same As 2-000076 1-000072 Unocal #7211 (Kam Tangs Union 76) 1-000073 Chemline Industries Inc 1-000074 Unknown 1-000075 Bender Moving & Storage 1-000076 Gas-N-Save 1-000077 Carson Tahoe Airport 1-000078 Carson City Corporate Yard 1-000079 Eagle Valley Golf Course 1-000081 Fire Station #2 1-000082 Fire Station #3 1-000083 Parks Division 1-000084 Sheriffs Maintenance Yard 1-000085 Sheriffs Office 1-000086 Carson Valley Golf Course 1-000087 Nevada Western Concrete Inc 1-000088 Stewart Conservation Camp-Closed 1-000091 Same As 4-000997 1-000092 Kerry Kilgore 1-000093 Nevada Transmission Exchange 1-000094 Mini-Maxi Storage of Carson 1-000095 Jacksons Food Stores #139 1-000096 Warehouse 1-000097 Bus Garage 1-000098 Capital Sanitation Company Inc 1-000099 Capital Beverages 1-000100 Carson City Nissan 1-000101 Meeks Building Center 1-000104 Coates Drilling 1-000105 Same As 1-000072 1-000106 State of Nevada Motor Pool 1-000107 Model Dairy 1-000108 Nevada Real Estate Partnership 1-000109 R Grundy & Van Patten 1-000110 Carson Masonry and Steel Supply 1-000111 N Nevada Correctional Center 1-000112 Carson Valley Oil Co 1-000113 ARCO AM/PM Mini Market 1-000114 ARCO #6379 AM/PM Mini Market 1-000116 Same As 1-000151 1-000117 7-Eleven #14085-Closed 1-000118 7-Eleven #15833 1-000119 7-Eleven #20843-Closed 1-000120 7-Eleven #22629 1-000121 Nevada State Railroad Museum 1-000122 National Guard Bureau-USP & Fo-Closed 1-000123 Carson City Bulk Plant #3010 1-000124 American Building Co 1-000125 ARCO Gas Station 1-000127 Carson Valley Oil Co 1-000128 Interstate Utility Constructors 1-000129 Coast to Coast Hardware 1-000130 Jerry Cruse 1-000131 Ronald Paugh 1-000132 Roger Shaheen 1-000133 State of Nevada General Service 1-000134 Ormsby House - Closed 1-000135 Former Carson Transmission 1-000136 Lightning W Ranch 1-000137 Same As 1-000135 1-000138 John Jantos 1-000139 CSMS #1/Oms #1 1-000140 Gloria Barton 1-000141 J L Bensinger 1-000143 Same As 2-000027 1-000144 Woodys Conveniece Store 1-000147 Washoe Lake State Park-Closed 1-000148 Carson Equipment Co /Ace Pump-Sa 1-000149 Same As 4-000648 1-000150 Carson City Fed Bldg US PO 1-000151 Washoe County Bowers Facility-Closed 1-000152 Same As 3-000090 1-000153 Carson Building Supply Inc 1-000154 Cavallero Heating & Air Conditioning 1-000155 Medium Security Prison - Closed 1-000156 Unknown 1-000158 Sierra Car Wash 1-000159 WWRP Standby Power 1-000160 Morgan Mill Sewage Lift Station 1-000161 Truckee Meadows Station #6 1-000162 7-Eleven #17343 1-000163 NDOT-Zephyr Cove 1-000164 Same As 1-000151 1-000165 Gloria Gilliland 1-000166 Dorcas Criteser 1-000167 Kenneth W Jones 1-000168 Nevada State Prison 1-000171 State of Nevada Computer Facility 1-000172 Same As 4-001017 1-000173 7-Eleven #32303 1-000174 Big O Tire Store 1-000175 Warm Springs Correctional Center 1-000176 T E Bertagnolli & Associates - Closed 1-000177 Costco Gas Station #127 1-000178 Hot Springs Cardlock 1-000179 Quik Stop Market #164 1-000180 Save Mart Supermarket #552 1-000181 Sierra Surgery Hospital 1-000182 Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center 1-000183 Maverik Store #409 1-000184 Terrible Herbst #861 2-000001 ATC Topaz Lake (Nv0360) 2-000002 Building A B E F 2-000003 Buckeye Ranch 2-000004 Building #2 2-000005 Johnson Lane General Store 2-000006 Gardnerville Central Office 2-000007 Eagle Gas #3 2-000008 Johnson Lane VFD Fire Station 2-000009 Genoa VFD Fire Station 2-000010 Topaz Ranch Est VFD Fire Station 2-000011 Gardnerville Ranchos Gen Imp District 2-000012 Harveys Resort Hotel Casino 2-000013 Lake Tahoe Oil Co 2-000014 PDQ Dry Cleaners 2-000015 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Minden Sub-Closed 2-000016 A&H Liquor 2-000017 Douglas County Airport 2-000018 Beach Pump Station 2-000019 Wastewater Reclamation Plant 2-000020 NDOT-Old Gardnerville Shop-Closed 2-000021 Round Hill Gen Improvement District 2-000022 Lahontan National Fish Hatch 2-000023 Texaco 2-000024 7-Eleven #23074 2-000025 7-Eleven #22590 2-000026 Food Mart 2-000027 Ridgeview Fire Station-Closed 2-000028 Slash Bar H Ranch 2-000029 Cowboys Corner 2-000030 Gardnerville Fire Station 2-000031 MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa 2-000032 DCSD George Whittell High School 2-000033 DCSD Carson Valley Middle School 2-000034 DCSD Meneley Elem School 2-000035 DCSD Jacks Valley Elem School 2-000036 Douglas Iron Works Inc 2-000037 Round Hill Mall Main Boiler Room 2-000038 Harrahs Tahoe Hotel/Casino 2-000039 Costa Residence 2-000040 Copeland Lumber Yard Inc 2-000042 Pacific Gasoline 2-000043 Lucky Liquors 2-000044 C O D Garage Co 2-000045 Same As 2-000038 2-000046 Mike's Exxon 2-000047 Stateline Fuel-Market Complex 2-000048 Sierra View Ranch 2-000049 Round Hill Fire Station #3 2-000050 Tahoe Douglas Fire Pro Dist #1 2-000051 Zephyr Cove Fire Station #4 2-000052 Glenbrook Fire Station #5 2-000053 Topaz Lodge Inc 2-000054 Logan Shoals Harbor 2-000055 Fred P Alexander 2-000056 Same As 1-000144 2-000057 Douglas Co Parks & Recreation Depts 2-000058 Douglas Co Admin Bldg-Minden 2-000059 Douglas Co Law Enforcement & Jud Bldg 2-000060 Douglas Co Admin Bldg-Lake Tahoe 2-000061 Douglas Co Senior Cent-Lake Tahoe 2-000062 Topaz Lake County Park 2-000063 Same As 2-000059 2-000064 Same As 2-000057 2-000065 Old County Shop Building 2-000066 Same As 2-000060 2-000067 Logging Road at Lake Tahoe 2-000068 Sierra Timber Products Inc 2-000069 Same As 2-000042 2-000070 Morts Auto Body 2-000071 Cave Rock Country Store 2-000072 NDOT-Gardnerville 2-000073 Firestone 2-000074 Minden AM/PM 2-000075 Silver City RV Resort 2-000076 Round Hill Shell - Closed 2-000077 Douglas County Airport Maintenance Facility 2-000078 Airport Admin Bldg/Aviation Fuel Center 2-000079 Douglas County Airport 2-000081 Heavenly Ski Resort 2-000082 Holbrook Station 2-000083 Same As 2-000013 2-000084 Carson Valley Inn 2-000085 Minden Texaco 2-000086 Mannys Cave Rock Inn 2-000087 Gasamat Oil Corp of Colorado 2-000088 NDOT-Spooner-Closed 2-000089 Carson Tahoe Rents 2-000090 Shady Lane Commercial Center 2-000091 Carson Building Supply Inc 2-000093 Same As 2-000026 2-000094 Same As 2-000026 2-000095 Glenbrook Co 2-000096 Carson Valley Market (Shell) 2-000097 Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course 2-000098 Sleeping Elephant Ranch 2-000099 Minden Bulk Plant3008 2-000100 Heavenly Mountain Resort 2-000101 Broken Arrow Ranch 2-000102 Aspen Creek Ranch Closed 2-000103 A & A Construction 2-000104 Godecke Land & Cattle 2-000105 National Oil & Burner Co 2-000106 Bing Construction Co 2-000107 John Ahern 2-000109 DCSD Douglas High School 2-000111 DCSD Vehicle Maintenance Facility 2-000112 Zephyr Cove Resort-Travel Sys Ltd 2-000113 Robert or Loretta Burnham 2-000114 Same As 3-000165 2-000115 Douglas County Landfill 2-000117 Bennie Disalvo 2-000118 Residence 2-000119 Kingsbury Manor Office 2-000120 Same As 2-000088 2-000121 Magoos Pizza Restaurant 2-000122 Private Residence 2-000123 Kingsbury Gen Improvement Dist 2-000124 Joes Peak Ranch 2-000125 Carson Valley Sheet Metal 2-000126 Washoe One Stop #63 2-000127 Bourne Residence 2-000128 Biller Residence 2-000129 Park Place AM/PM 2-000130 Minden-Gardnerville Sanitation District 2-000131 Town of Minden Well #3 2-000132 Town of Minden Well #4 2-000133 Cliff Hansen 2-000134 Lakeview Office Center 2-000135 Super Shop 2-000136 Verizon Stateline Co 2-000137 Lake Village-Maintenance Yard - Closed 2-000138 Chichester Ranch - Closed 2-000139 Mirastar #64064-Facility Closed 2-000140 Horizon Casino Resort 2-000141 Waters Edge 2-000142 Settlemeyer Ranch 2-000143 Verizon Gardnerville Co 2-000144 Bently Biofuels Co 3-000001 Same As 1-000148 3-000002 ATC Eagle Ridge (#89429) 3-000003 ATC Churchill Butte (#89425) 3-000004 Hillygus Station - Closed 3-000005 Same As 5-000265 3-000006 Frade Ranch Inc 3-000007 VOR-HZN 3-000008 Eddie Floyd 3-000009 Hodges Transportation 3-000010 Same As 3-000082 3-000011 Hanneman Chevron Service 3-000012 Virginia City Station 3-000013 Mission Linen Services 3-000014 Nevada Cement Co 3-000016 Silver Springs CDO Parcel 156 3-000017 OSullivan Plastic Corp 3-000018 PDQ Products 3-000019 Richs Union 76 3-000020 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Yerington Facility-Closed 3-000021 7-Eleven #23201 3-000022 Same As 3-000154 3-000023 Jackpot Food Mart 3-000024 Fernley Truck Inn 3-000025 Big Wheel Travel Center 3-000026 Jackson Oil #5794 3-000027 Dayton Fire Station 3-000028 Lyon County Road Yard Fernley 3-000029 Lyon County Road Yard Yerington 3-000030 Lyon County Road Yard Smith Valley 3-000031 Lyon County Road Yard Silver Springs 3-000032 Bus Garage 3-000033 Fernley Intermediate School 3-000034 Smith Valley Schools 3-000035 Yerington Elementary School 3-000036 Yerington Intermediate School 3-000037 Yerington High School 3-000038 Fernley High School 3-000039 Dayton Elementary School 3-000041 NDOT-Fernley 3-000042 NDOT-Virginia City 3-000043 NDOT-Wellington 3-000044 NDOT-Yerington 3-000045 Silver Springs Beach-Closed 3-000046 Yerington Armory-Closed 3-000047 Lockwood Fire Station-Closed 3-000048 Virginia Highlands Fire Station-Closed 3-000049 Storey County Fire Dept 3-000050 Storey County Public Works 3-000051 Same As 3-000026 3-000052 Same As 1-000150 3-000053 US Postal Service 3-000054 Lockwood Regional Landfill 3-000055 Virginia City CDO Parcel 103 3-000056 Yerington #3 3-000057 Yerington #2 3-000058 Jackson Oil #5793 3-000059 Virginia and Truckee Railroad 3-000060 Hughes Rock & Sand 3-000061 Same As 3-000024 3-000062 Robert D Spurlock 3-000063 City of Yerington Pub Works 3-000064 City of Yerington Airport 3-000065 City of Yerington Police Dept 3-000066 City of Yerington Fire Dept 3-000067 Village Market 3-000068 Fire Station #2 3-000069 Bob Mathews Contractor 3-000070 Same As 3-000104 3-000071 Little Leos 3-000072 Lyon County Farm Supply 3-000073 D&S Waste Removal Inc 3-000074 Estep Chevy Olds GMC Inc 3-000075 Renner Equip Co 3-000076 Clark Plant 3-000077 Fernley Ready Mix - Closed 3-000078 Pioneer West Investment 3-000079 Yerington Tire Service 3-000080 Renner Equip Co 3-000081 Same As 3-000154 3-000082 Walker River Construction 3-000083 Wellington Automotive - Closed 3-000084 Dayton CDO Parcel 087 3-000085 Smith Valley Rearing Station-Closed 3-000086 Mason Valley Wildlife Mgmt Area-Closed 3-000087 Grulli Motors Inc 3-000088 Silver Saver Mart (Shell) 3-000089 Dayton Valley Corner Store 3-000090 The General Store 3-000091 Carson Plains Market 3-000092 Union 76 Service 3-000094 Silverado Independent 3-000097 Yerington Chevron 3-000099 Valley Dairy 3-000100 NAFCO Industries Inc 3-000101 Old Fernley Substation 3-000102 Lyon County Sheriffs Dept 3-000103 Lyon County Sheriffs Dept 3-000104 Smith Valley Garage 3-000105 Mark Twain Volunteer Fire Dept 3-000106 Moundhouse Volunteer Fire Dept 3-000107 Silver Springs Volunteer Fire Department 3-000108 Stagecoach Volunteer Fire Dept 3-000109 Fernley Volunteer Fire Dept 3-000110 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 3-000111 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 3-000114 Walker River Irrigation Dist 3-000115 Six Mile Fire Station 3-000116 Same As 3-000047 3-000117 Conoco Food Mart #06107 3-000118 Larry L Tuttle 3-000119 Golden West Paving Inc 3-000120 Same As 1-000155 3-000122 Mason Valley Fish Hatchery 3-000123 Same As 1-000158 3-000124 Army National Guard Armory Fallon 3-000125 M F Barcellos Inc Yerington Bulk Plant 3-000126 Same As 5-000359 3-000127 Stanley D Seifert 3-000128 M F Barcellos 3-000129 Borsini Ranch Inc 3-000130 Farias Wheel Ranch 3-000131 Unocal Distribution 3-000132 Same As 5-000265 3-000133 Birch Rowe Inc 3-000135 Moreda Dairy 3-000136 T P & V L Connolly 3-000137 Circle Bar N Ranch 3-000138 Circle Bar N Ranch 3-000139 Circle Bar N Ranch 3-000140 Big Bend Ranch 3-000141 JRs Ranch House 3-000142 Ophir Mill Ranch/Santa Maria 3-000143 Same As 1-000159 3-000144 Same As 1-000160 3-000145 Reno & Jim Aiazzi 3-000146 S & S Deli & Minimart 3-000147 Ls Dairy 3-000148 Sbragia Enterprises 3-000149 L & M Short Stop 3-000150 Clearwater Environmental Mgmt Inc 3-000151 Dayton Valley Service Mart 3-000152 Orphan Tanks 3-000154 Stagecoach Market 3-000155 Curtis N Theobald 3-000156 H E Hunewill Construction Co Inc 3-000157 Jakes Gas 3-000158 Fernley (Mp: 275 75) 3-000159 Former Gas Station 3-000160 Little Ranch-Farrell Lane 3-000161 Little Ranch-Dinsmore Lane 3-000162 Mull Construction 3-000163 Desert Hills Dairy LLC 3-000164 Heart of Town Tire & Service Center 3-000165 Pinenut Ranch-Rupe Family Trust 3-000166 Jacksons Food Store #27 (Shell) 3-000167 Pilot Travel Center LLC #340 3-000168 Snyder Livestock-Bridge St Property 3-000169 Smith's Fuel Center #392 3-000170 Bitler Family Farm - Closed 3-000171 Loves Travel Stop #246 3-000172 Dayton Chevron 3-000173 Reno-Sparks Ready Mix Inc Fernley NV 3-000174 Valley Vista Ranch LLC 3-000175 Wal Mart Distribution Center #7048 3-000176 Residence 3-000177 Quik Stop #171 3-000178 Golden Gate Petroleum 3-000179 Maverik Store #412 4-000001 Same As 4-000340 4-000002 Lawrence Mayflower Mout 4-000003 Allied Washoe 4-000004 Allied Petroleum Co Inc 4-000005 ANR Freight System 4-000006 Ball Park Market 4-000007 Western Energetix #765 4-000008 KWIK SERV GAS #2 4-000010 Sparks Terminal #1-3322 4-000011 #5791 4-000012 ARCO # 4-000013 AM/PM #82369 4-000014 AM/PM #82383 4-000016 ARCO #82387 4-000017 Farali AM/PM 4-000018 GLC NV3960 4-000019 AT&T (B55k034) 4-000020 AT&T (B550049) 4-000021 ATC Peavine Peak (#89441) 4-000022 Avis Rent A Car System Inc 4-000023 ATC Mt Rose (#89439) 4-000024 AT&T IS 4-000025 B&C Builders Supply Co Inc 4-000026 Baker & Drake Inc 4-000027 Grand Sierra Resort and Casino 4-000028 Same As 5-000211 4-000029 Same As 4-000523 4-000030 Big D International Trucks 4-000031 Aviation Services Inc 4-000032 Same As 4-000300 4-000033 Super Buy Market 4-000034 Bi-State Petroleum 4-000035 Same As 4-000722 4-000037 Roadway Express Inc - Closed 4-000038 Sierra Crane 4-000039 Boomtown Hotel & Casino 4-000040 Boyles Brothers Drilling Co 4-000041 Bragg Crane/Western Rigging Inc 4-000042 Bruno Benna & Ingvart Christensen 4-000044 Bucks Plumbing & Heating Inc 4-000045 Advantage Rent A Car 4-000046 Budget Rent A Car System Inc - Closed 4-000048 Bonanza Produce Co 4-000049 Butler Aviation Avgas Farm 4-000050 Casazza Trucking Co 4-000051 Same As 4-000164 4-000052 G B Concrete Co 4-000053 Luce & Sons Inc 4-000054 ICF Inc 4-000055 Golden Gate Gasoline-Kietzke 4-000056 Formerly Burnie Oglesbys Exxon 4-000057 Roy Foster Sierra Service 4-000058 Quik Stop #169 4-000059 Howards Chevron #1464 4-000060 Chevron #9-2560-Closed 4-000061 Chevron #9-4116 - Closed 4-000062 Rainbow Market #4 4-000063 Service Station 4-000064 Chevron #6913-Closed 4-000065 Chevron #7459-Closed 4-000066 Chevron #8068-Closed 4-000067 Chevron #8724-Closed 4-000068 Wells Mfg Co 4-000069 Same As 4-000070 4-000070 Chevron USA Inc-Closed 4-000071 Chevron USA 4-000072 Compact Car Repair Inc 4-000073 Same As 4-000524 4-000074 Continental Baking Co 4-000075 Cummins Diesel West Inc 4-000076 Denco Inc 4-000077 Di Loreto Construction & Dev 4-000078 Donald Boucher/D & L Tile Inc 4-000079 Same As 4-000765 4-000080 Clarklift-West Inc 4-000081 Incline Village Community Hospital 4-000082 Brookside Golf Course 4-000083 S E Rykoff & Co 4-000084 Vista Equipment Inc 4-000085 Quik Mart Discount Liquor 4-000086 Reno Mazda/Kia 4-000087 Regional Transportation Commission 4-000088 Same As 9-000066 4-000089 A Carlisle & Co 4-000090 Go Mart 4-000091 Lynch Communications Sys Inc 4-000092 Concours Body Shop 4-000093 Chucks Automotive Service 4-000094 Western Metal Finishing Inc 4-000095 Everett Padgetts Mobil Service 4-000096 Sierra Diesel Injection Inc 4-000097 Federal Express Corp-RNOA - Closed 4-000098 Spooner Enterprises Inc 4-000099 Nevada Produce 4-000100 Bayshore Truck Equipment Co 4-000101 Golden West Paving 4-000102 Nevada Generator System Inc 4-000103 UNR Fire Prot Train Academy 4-000104 Old Sierra Chemical Co Facility 4-000105 Fundis Co/Nevada-Cal Trans 4-000106 Model Dairy 4-000107 Seaberry-Depaoli Const Co 4-000108 Nevada Cycles Sales Inc 4-000109 Same As 4-000057 4-000110 Conseur Auto Service 4-000111 Applegate Drayage Co 4-000112 Same As 4-000314 4-000113 Same As 4-000924 4-000114 Whittlesea Checker Taxi Inc 4-000115 Whittlesea Checker Taxi Inc 4-000116 Little Flower School 4-000117 Sisters of Mercy Convent 4-000118 Same As 4-000322 4-000119 Truckee Meadows Community College 4-000120 Truckee Meadows Station #23 4-000121 Truckee Meadows Station #20 4-000122 Truckee Meadows Station #7 4-000123 Same As 1-000161 4-000124 Reno Rents Inc 4-000125 Same As 4-000722 4-000126 Same As 4-000034 4-000127 Rent A Dent 4-000128 Nevada Truck Center 4-000129 Truckee Meadows Station #5 4-000130 Truckee Meadows Station #4 4-000131 Truckee Meadows Station #3 4-000132 Truckee Meadows Station #2 4-000133 Frank Knafelc 4-000134 Montgomery Ward 4-000135 Albers of Nevada 4-000136 IGT 4-000137 Our Mother of Sorrows Cemetery 4-000138 Old Wilson Brothers Sales 4-000139 Wildcreek Golf Course 4-000140 Sea Incorporated 4-000141 Sparks Fire Dept Stat #2 4-000142 Sparks Fire Dept 4-000143 Runaway Gas 4-000144 Chevron Oil 4-000145 Dobs Impruv All Tires 4-000146 Days Inn 4-000147 Sun Valley Texaco 4-000148 Core-Mark Distributors 4-000149 Same As 4-000236 4-000150 RSC Service Mailed 4-000151 Reno Salvage Co 4-000152 Same As 4-000442 4-000153 Renown Regional Medical Center 4-000154 Powell Cabinet & Fixture 4-000155 National Tow & Road Service Inc 4-000156 Packer Transportation Co 4-000157 PP&H Truck Repair 4-000158 Rankin Auto Service Inc 4-000159 Same As 4-000673 4-000160 Flowers Dist Co Inc 4-000161 Guarantee Automotive 4-000162 Authority Automotive 4-000163 Treasure Chest Adv Co Inc 4-000164 Sierra Rental & Transport Co Inc 4-000166 Coliseum Texaco 4-000168 Pep Boys #709 4-000169 Pep Boys #708 4-000170 Pyramid Lake Fisheries 4-000171 Dick Donnelly Lincoln Mercury 4-000172 Utility Maintenance Yard 4-000173 Spooner Pump Station 4-000174 Ivgid-Mountain Golf Course 4-000175 Incline Village GID 4-000176 Summit Engineering Corp 4-000177 Texaco Service Station 4-000178 Morag McQueen 4-000179 Same As 4-000722 4-000180 Harrys Quality Cars Inc 4-000181 J & M Market 4-000182 NCR Corporation 4-000183 Discount Gas & Liquor 4-000184 Same As 4-000737 4-000185 Texaco Incline Swiss Mart - Closed 4-000186 Firestone/Parnelli Jones Inc 4-000187 30/126411 4-000188 Dollar Rent A Car 4-000189 A-55 L P 4-000190 VOR-RNO 4-000191 RTR-Rno 4-000192 Garage-Rno 4-000193 ASR-8-RNO 4-000194 LMM-Rno 4-000195 RCAG-RNO 4-000196 FAA ATCT-Rno 4-000197 ALS-RNO 4-000198 Gs-Rno 4-000199 Loc-Rno 4-000200 H-Spks 4-000201 Bill Garecht 4-000202 Glass Mountain Block Co 4-000203 Nevada State Dept of Agriculture 4-000204 Bordertown Winners Corner 4-000205 Gasamat Oil Corp of Colorado 4-000206 Same As 2-000087 4-000207 Gerhardt & Berry Const Inc 4-000208 Consolidated Freightways 4-000209 Gmwdd #42 4-000210 Granite Construction Co 4-000211 Kwik Serve Gas 4-000212 Harrahs Auto Collection 4-000213 Same As 4-000024 & 4-000212 4-000214 Same As 4-000212 4-000215 Same As 4-000230 4-000216 Same As 4-000531 4-000217 Same As 4-000531 4-000218 West Hills Hospital 4-000219 North Sierra Bonus #11 4-000220 Golden Gate Petroleum #30 4-000221 Greyhound Lines Inc 4-000222 Mt Rose Chevron 4-000223 Hydro Conduit Corporation 4-000224 Hyatt Tahoe Inc 4-000225 Inland Chemical & Supply Co 4-000226 J C Penney Co Inc 4-000227 Formerly Longyear Co 4-000228 Jensen Pre-Cast 4-000229 US Gas & Discount Liquor 4-000230 Minnie A Korpi 4-000231 Ponderosa Meat Co 4-000232 Washoe Fuel Inc 4-000233 Kmart #3110 4-000234 Kmart #4151 4-000235 Kmart Corporation 4-000236 Levrett Transmission Inc 4-000238 Jacksons Food Stores #130 4-000239 Hertz Truck Rental 4-000240 Palmer G Lewis 4-000241 Shop N Go II 4-000242 Liquid Air Corp 4-000243 Little City Tow Inc 4-000244 Crosby Lodge 4-000245 Same As 4-000171 4-000246 Incline Lake Corp 4-000247 AB Investments 4-000248 Martin Iron Works Inc 4-000249 Sparkle Car Wash 4-000250 Same As 4-000251 4-000251 Bragg Crane/Western Rigging Inc 4-000252 Q Lube #1563 4-000253 Washoe/Keystone Fuel 4-000254 Q Lube #1562 4-000255 Q Lube #1564 4-000256 Morrill & Machabee Warehouse 4-000257 TCI Cable (Tenant) 4-000258 Morrey Distributing Co 4-000259 Morrey Distributing Co 4-000260 Mt Rose Ski Resort 4-000261 Same As 4-000186 4-000262 National Oil & Burner Co 4-000263 Wadsworth K Parcel 059 4-000264 Vista K Parcel 057 4-000265 L C O Parcel 041 4-000266 Nevada Humane Society Inc 4-000267 Nevada Shake & Shingle Co 4-000268 Nevada Zee First Aid Supply Co 4-000269 New West Dist Inc 4-000270 Legends Landscaping 4-000271 Same As 5-000250 4-000272 Park Lane Shopping Center 4-000273 GLC 01114 4-000274 GLC 01066 4-000275 Bridgewood Co Parcel 151 - Closed 4-000276 GLC 01108 4-000277 GLC 01104 4-000278 Panther Valley FOC Parcel 65t 4-000279 Customer Service Bldg Parcel 328-Closed 4-000280 Reno South Parcel 085 4-000281 Reno FOC Parcel 145 4-000282 Sparks Co Parcel 105 4-000283 Stead Co Parcel 040 4-000284 Sun Valley CDO Parcel 102 4-000285 Virginia Peak Radio Parcel194 4-000286 Washoe CDO Parcel 147 4-000287 Quarry Radio Parcel 178 4-000288 Orbit 4-000289 Reno Office Investors LLC 4-000290 Crescent Truck Lines 4-000291 Skyline Market 4-000292 Speedway Food Store 4-000293 PDQ #501 4-000294 Pepsi Cola Bottling Co 4-000295 Petroleum Distributors Inc 4-000296 Phillips 66 Co 4-000297 Former? Phillips 66 Facility 4-000298 Pitt-Des Moines Inc 4-000299 Porsche Cars North America 4-000300 Gold Ranch Casino 4-000301 Quilici Ranch 4-000302 Q & D Construction Inc 4-000303 Viking Metallurgical Corp 4-000304 Ray Heating Products Inc 4-000305 Refuse Inc 4-000306 Disposal Services 4-000307 Incline Sanitation 4-000308 Same As 4-000306 4-000309 Reliable Fence Co Inc 4-000310 Reno Chry-Plym Inc 4-000311 Reno Tahoe International Airport 4-000312 Reno Gazette-Journal 4-000313 Phoenix Hotel & Casino - Closed 4-000314 Reno Imports Ltd 4-000315 Reno Iron Works Co Inc 4-000317 Supply One Retail Nursery 4-000318 Reno Rendering Co 4-000319 Reno-Sparks Cab Co 4-000320 Rilite Aggregate Co 4-000321 Grayline Scenic Tours 4-000322 Ryder Truck Rental 4-000323 Ray Schmutz 4-000324 Same As 4-000325 4-000325 Scott Motor Co 4-000327 Victorian Foodmart 4-000328 RSS #205 4-000329 Terrible Herbst #828 4-000330 Sears Roebuck & Co 4-000331 Sears Roebuck & Co 4-000332 Seven Up Bottling Co /Reno 4-000333 Same As 4-000337 4-000334 Meadowood Shell - Closed 4-000335 Shell Oil Station 4-000336 Keystone Shell 4-000337 P D Q Shell 4-000338 Same As 4-000090 4-000339 Old Town Shell - Closed 4-000340 Moana Lane Shell 4-000341 Old Shell Station 4-000342 Plumb Lane Shell 4-000343 Glendale Shell - Closed 4-000344 Sierra Car Care (Shell) 4-000345 Sparks Distribution Plant 4-000347 Sierra Nevada Laboratories Inc 4-000348 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Glendale Water-Closed 4-000349 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Idlewild Water-Closed 4-000350 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Hunter Creek Water-Closed 4-000351 Old Reno Sub-Closed 4-000352 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Neil Rd Facility 4-000353 Same As 4-000513 4-000354 Washoe Power House-Closed 4-000355 Same As 4-000513 & 4-000514 4-000356 Terrible Herbst #830 4-000357 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 4-000358 Same As 4-000359 4-000359 Southern Wine & Spirits-Closed 4-000360 Southern Wine & Spirits 4-000361 7-Eleven #23673 4-000362 7-Eleven #24578 4-000363 7-Eleven #23092 4-000364 7-Eleven #14080-Closed 4-000365 Same As 1-000117 4-000366 Same As 1-000118 4-000367 7-Eleven #17343 4-000368 7-Eleven #17377 4-000369 7-Eleven #18386 4-000370 Same As 1-000119 4-000371 7-Eleven #22509 4-000372 7-Eleven #22523 4-000373 7-Eleven #22581 4-000374 Same As 1-000120 4-000375 7-Eleven #24277-Closed 4-000376 7-Eleven #14087 - Closed 4-000377 7-Eleven #14089 4-000378 7-Eleven #15099 - Closed 4-000379 7-Eleven #15426 4-000380 7-Eleven #16235 4-000381 7-Eleven #20272 4-000382 7-Eleven #20989-Closed 4-000383 7-Eleven #21397 4-000384 Spooner Enterprises 4-000385 American Linen 4-000386 Minwax Company Inc 4-000387 Terminal Centre Properties 4-000389 United Laboratories Inc 4-000390 Town & Country Electric Co 4-000391 Tom Johnson Inc 4-000392 Texaco #481-1200 4-000393 Texaco Service Station 4-000394 Texaco Service Station 4-000395 Same As 4-000177 4-000396 Texaco Service Station 4-000397 Former Incline Texaco 4-000398 Texaco Service Station #0281 4-000399 Same As 4-000403 4-000400 Texaco Service Station 4-000401 Texaco Service Station 4-000402 Pyramid Texaco 4-000403 Mayberry Texaco 4-000404 Thrifty Distribution Center 4-000405 Mahil Inc (Exxon) 4-000406 Jackpot Food Mart 4-000407 Jackpot Food Mart - Closed 4-000408 Golden Gate Petroleum 4-000409 TNT Bestway Transportation 4-000410 T&T Engineering Inc 4-000411 T W Construction Co Inc 4-000412 US Rental Inc 4-000413 Northern Nevada Medical Center 4-000414 Same As 4-000511 4-000415 Former Tosco/76 Station #250077/30304 - Closed 4-000416 Village 76 #253825 4-000417 Tosco/76 Station #254866/30744 - Closed 4-000418 ConocoPhillips #254890 - Closed 4-000419 SIERRA CAR CARE 4-000420 Unocal #5642 (Coney Island Union) 4-000421 Unocal #5796 (Arlington Union) 4-000422 Unocal #5984 (Sierra Union) 4-000423 SIERRA CAR CARE 4-000424 Incline 76 4-000425 Unocal #6978 (Kam Tangs Union) 4-000426 Unocal #6979 (Kam Tangs Union) 4-000427 Unocal #7207 (El Dorado Union 76) 4-000428 Sparks Travel Center 4-000429 Western Energetix #763 4-000430 Reno Toyota 4-000431 Jackson Oil #5792 4-000432 Same As 4-000153 4-000433 Wayne Drilling Inc 4-000434 Wells Cargo Inc 4-000435 W E S Construction Co Inc 4-000436 Westco Products of No NV Inc 4-000437 Western Builders Supply 4-000438 Exxon 4-000439 Western Energetix 4-000440 Western Energetix #766 4-000441 Western Energetix #764 4-000442 (Former) Bill Pearce Olds BMW Volvo 4-000443 Western Nevada Supply Co 4-000444 Excel Communications 4-000445 Wickes Lumber 4-000446 Westex 4-000447 Winkel Pontiac GMC Inc 4-000448 Young Electric Sign Co 4-000450 Zellerbach Paper Co 4-000451 Same As 4-000450 4-000452 Twin City Industrial Park 4-000453 Same As 4-000141 4-000454 Same As 4-000142 4-000455 Sparks Maintenance Facility 4-000456 Ivgid Diamond Peak Ski Resort 4-000457 Nevada State Dept of Agriculture 4-000458 Yellow Freight Systems Inc 4-000459 NDOT-South Reno-Closed 4-000460 NDOT-Incline Village I 4-000461 NDOT-Mt Rose 4-000462 NDOT-Nixon 4-000463 Same As 1-000163 4-000464 Reno Armory 4-000465 Stead Aasf 4-000466 N Lake Tahoe Fire Protection Dist 4-000467 N Lake Tahoe Fire Protection Dist 4-000468 N Lake Tahoe Fire Protection Dist 4-000470 Reno Tahoe Airport 4-000471 Reno Stead Airport 4-000472 Dynair Fueling of Nevada Inc 4-000473 Washoe County Sierra Sage Golf Course 4-000474 Washoe Golf Course 4-000475 Rancho San Rafael Park 4-000476 Longley Lane Complex-Closed 4-000477 Incline Road Dept Yard 4-000478 Washoe County VYA Corp Yard 4-000479 Washoe County Maintenance Facility 4-000480 McQueen High School 4-000481 Washoe County School District Admin 4-000482 Pine Middle School 4-000483 Obrien Middle School 4-000484 Getto Transportation Center 4-000485 General Services Admin 4-000486 Former Helms Const Facility 4-000487 Nevada Air National Guard 4-000488 US Dept of Agriculture Forest Service 4-000489 National Weather Service 4-000490 Same As 4-000489 4-000491 Marble Bluff Fish Facilities 4-000492 United States Navy Reserve 4-000493 US Postal Service 4-000494 Same As 4-000497 4-000495 USPS-Downtown Station 4-000496 USPS-Downtown Station 4-000497 Main Post Office 4-000498 Same As 4-000493 4-000499 Same As 4-000556 4-000500 Incline Village Chevron 4-000501 Lee Brothers Leasing Inc 4-000502 Go-Fer Supermarket 4-000503 Hertz Rent-A-Car 4-000504 Truck Parts & Equip Co 4-000505 Cashman Equipment Co 4-000506 Roadway Express Inc - Closed 4-000507 ARCO #82382 4-000508 Sparks AM/PM Minimart 4-000509 City Corner Gas & Grocery 4-000510 US Gypsum Co 4-000511 Casazza Oil Co 4-000512 Buggy Bath Car Wash Inc 4-000513 Sierra Pacific Power Co 4-000514 Tracy Power Plant 4-000515 Reno Bishops Storehouse 4-000516 Fundis Co/Nevada-Cal Trans 4-000517 J C Penney Co 4-000518 Same As 4-000942 4-000519 Airport Authority of Washoe County-Closed 4-000520 A& KW Sign & Crane Co Inc 4-000521 Armored Transport of Nevada Inc 4-000522 Bender Moving & Storage 4-000523 Bender Warehouse Co 4-000524 Hertz Equipment Rental Corp 4-000525 Darin Bevilaqua 4-000526 Kietzke Properties 4-000527 Vouge Cleaners 4-000528 Fred P Canepa Jr 4-000529 Globe Turbocharger Spec Inc 4-000530 Champion Chevrolet 4-000531 Holiday Hotel/Casino 4-000532 Huber Business Systems Inc 4-000533 Same As 4-000529 4-000534 Sport Haus Inc 4-000535 Jones West Ford 4-000536 Lion Mfg Co Inc 4-000537 Dipaco Inc 4-000538 Mill Street Properties Inc 4-000539 Mountain View Cemetery 4-000540 Same As 4-000777 4-000541 Same As 4-000673 4-000542 N D F Galena Station #1 4-000543 Same As 1-000147 4-000544 Sand Harbor-Closed 4-000545 Peerless Cleaners 4-000546 William E Buck & Associates 4-000547 Reno Sparks Ready Mix - Closed 4-000548 River City Petroleum Inc 4-000549 Sani-Hut Co Inc 4-000550 Same As 4-000343 4-000551 Same As 4-000334 4-000552 Sierra Detroit Diesel Allison 4-000553 Sierra Meat Company (Shop) 4-000554 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Moana Facility-Closed 4-000555 Tadmark Properties Inc 4-000556 Terrible Herbst #151-Closed 4-000557 Tuneup Masters 4-000558 Same As 4-000428 4-000560 VA Medical Center 4-000561 Vance Antonelli 4-000562 First Chance Chevron-Closed 4-000563 Terrible Herbst #823 4-000564 NDOT-Sparks Site I 4-000565 Empire CDO Parcel 116 4-000566 Burgarello Alarm Inc 4-000567 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Verdi Power House-Closed 4-000568 J W McClenahan Co 4-000569 Brothers of Holy Rosary 4-000570 Fire Station #9 4-000571 Fire Station #10 4-000572 Fire Station #9 4-000573 Reno Police Department 4-000574 Park Division 4-000575 Lindells Painting Service 4-000576 Fire Station #8 4-000577 Fire Station #7 4-000578 Fire Station #6 4-000579 Fire Station #5 4-000580 Fire Station #4 4-000581 Washoe Professional Center 4-000582 Washoe Health System 4-000583 IGT Refurbishing Dept 4-000584 Rainbow Market #6 4-000585 Reno Jeep Eagle 4-000586 Therapeutic Parenterals & Nutrit 4-000587 Bill Pearce Courtesy Honda 4-000588 Ray Heating Inc 4-000589 Whispering Pines *farm Tank* 4-000590 Reno Volkswagen 4-000591 Auto Glass King 4-000592 Reed High School 4-000593 Wooster High School 4-000594 Reno H S /Glenn Hare OCC Center 4-000595 Fire Station #3 4-000596 Fire Operations Center 4-000597 Fire Station #1 4-000598 Stead Sewage Plant 4-000599 Sifers Douglas Service 4-000600 Riverside Garage/Valley Bank 4-000601 Incline High School 4-000602 Virginia Street Casino 4-000603 Dick Donnelly 4-000604 Comstock Hotel and Casino 4-000605 Elliotts Precision Auto 4-000606 Viking Freight Corp 4-000607 US Machinery Co 4-000608 Joe B Key 4-000609 Harrahs Offices-Byington Bldg 4-000610 Personnel Offices-Curti Bldg 4-000611 Camrac Studios 4-000613 90 West Office Park 4-000614 Washoe Rearing Station-Closed 4-000615 Littrel Welding 4-000616 Scott Motor Co-Used Car Lot 4-000617 Lakeside Market 4-000618 Speakers Trucking 4-000619 National Transmission King 4-000620 Circle C Markets 4-000621 Rocky Mt Machinery Co 4-000622 Ponderosa Wholesale Inc 4-000623 Winkle Fleet Sales 4-000624 Brake Team 4-000625 Econo Lube N Tune #100 4-000627 Model Dairy 4-000628 Pr Soundstage 4-000629 P R Headquarters 4-000630 Michel Bros 4-000631 Jacksons Food Stores #131 4-000632 Old Harrahs Auto Collect Complex 4-000633 Wolf Fastop 4-000634 Tholl Fence Co 4-000635 NDOW-Main Office-Closed 4-000636 Marriott In-Flite 4-000637 Rose Hanson 4-000638 Thisisit Ranch Camp Inc 4-000639 Lucky Concrete Inc 4-000641 Harrahs Parking Structure 4-000643 Harrahs West Casino 4-000644 H Sidney Robinson 4-000645 Upson Warehouse 4-000646 Harrahs East Casino 4-000647 Reno Food Dist 4-000648 Old Washoe Station-Texaco 4-000650 Jakobson Realty-Investment 4-000651 Same As 4-000300 4-000652 Fire Station #3 Reno 4-000653 Jacksons Food Stores #137 4-000654 Jacksons Food Stores #135 4-000655 Same As 4-000692 4-000657 Eagle Valley or Petrillo Const 4-000658 Easton Inc 4-000659 Stillwater Cove Condo Assoc 4-000660 Same As 4-000291 4-000661 Paramount Auto Body 4-000662 Earl E Games Construction Co 4-000663 Palomino Wild Horse & Burro Facility 4-000664 Clark & Sullivan Construction 4-000665 Incline Village GID 4-000666 Championship Golf Course 4-000667 Pump Station #2 4-000668 Incline Village GID 4-000669 Water Pump Station #4-2 & 5-1 4-000670 Sewage Pump Station #1 4-000673 A-1 Auto 4-000674 Big Valley Express 4-000675 Classic Car Wash 4-000676 Carson Furniture 4-000677 Incline Village GID 4-000678 Alamo Rent A Car Inc 4-000679 Comstock Hotel and Casino 4-000680 Moana Lane Nursery 4-000681 Same As 4-000573 4-000682 Vaughn Industrial Park 4-000683 Disposal Services 4-000684 M & S Properties 4-000685 Margaret Lupino 4-000686 2nd & Vine Car Care 4-000687 Bonanza Nut & Bolt 4-000688 Con-Way Freight-URE 4-000689 Rainbow Market 4-000690 Harker & Harker Inc 4-000691 Shoshone Coca Cola 4-000692 Armored Transport of Nevada Inc 4-000693 First Interstate Bank Operation Cent 4-000694 Robert Mitchell Elementary School 4-000695 Sparks High School 4-000696 Hug High School 4-000697 Napa Sonoma Grocery & Car Wash 4-000698 U-Haul Center of Oddie Blvd 4-000699 Flanigan Warehouse Company Inc 4-000700 R J Automotive 4-000701 City of Reno Corporate Yard 4-000702 Scott-Broadway Contractors 4-000703 ARCO NV #82384 4-000704 Ducore Inc 4-000705 MTL/Jones Partnership 4-000706 Lockwood Bar 4-000707 Norris Supply Company Inc 4-000708 Dave Hybarger & Son 4-000709 Baker & Taylor 4-000710 Obrien's Moving & Storage Inc 4-000711 A & A Plumbing & Heating Inc 4-000712 Eugene L Johnson 4-000713 Slakey Brothers Inc 4-000714 Superior Steel Fabrication 4-000715 Elderport Non Profit Corporation 4-000716 California Federal 4-000717 Oddie Mall Shopping Center 4-000718 The National Automobile Museum 4-000719 Drill Systems Inc 4-000720 Reno Mercantile Building 4-000721 Nevada Club 4-000722 Western Energetix #768 4-000723 W Hane J Stapleton J Bishop 4-000724 Associated Nevada Dairymen 4-000726 Washoe County Sheriffs Office 4-000727 Washoe County Sierra St Jail 4-000728 Washoe County Wittenburg Hall 4-000730 Juvenile Protection - Closed 4-000731 Washoe County Admin Complex 4-000732 North Valley Satellite Bus Facility 4-000733 Terrible Herbst #831 4-000734 Rainbow Market 4-000735 Alpine Auto Service 4-000736 UNR Motor Pool Facility 4-000737 Op Reno LLC 4-000738 Morrey Distributing Co 4-000739 Same As 4-000356 4-000740 Terrible Herbst #826 4-000741 Greenbrae East 4-000742 Tahoe Biltmore 4-000743 United Parcel Service 4-000744 Chucks Circle C Market 4-000745 Jackson Food Store #23 4-000746 Stewarts Automotive 4-000747 A-1 Park Petroleum 4-000748 Security Link 4-000750 State of Nevada Motor Pool 4-000751 Valley Auto Center Inc 4-000752 Simas Floor Co 4-000753 Taylor Associates 4-000754 Unknown 4-000755 Bi Rite Market 4-000756 Lakeridge Golf Course 4-000757 Sparks Stopping Center 4-000758 Overhead Door Co 4-000759 Spitsen Lumber Co Inc 4-000760 Brent W Gramanz 4-000762 Sierra Roofing Corp 4-000763 American Ready-Mix Inc 4-000764 Sage Motel 4-000765 Empire Store 4-000766 Hacienda Del Sol 4-000767 Clifford A Bentzien 4-000768 F Albert Kuckhoff 4-000769 P W Burge 4-000770 SIPCO 4-000771 Breuners #15 4-000772 Parnelli Jones 4-000773 Pagni Service Station (Flying A) 4-000774 Andys Garage 4-000775 United Parcel Service 4-000776 Boise Cascade Warehouse 4-000777 Same As 1-000151 4-000778 Flowery Gold Mine 4-000779 Wayne Stokes 4-000784 Unisource Corporation 4-000788 Nevada Restaurant Supply 4-000790 Coopers Emission Control 4-000792 Meredith Steele 4-000793 National Cleaners 4-000794 Alert Muffler 4-000795 Mikes Welding 4-000796 Carroll Waterworks 4-000797 Rebbecks Automotive 4-000798 UNR Mackey School of Mines 4-000799 Paul Bicheler 4-000801 Desert Research Institute NNSC 4-000803 Same As 4-000606 4-000804 Verdi Fire Station 4-000805 Air Cooled Motors 4-000807 Triple S Tires 4-000808 Old Car Wash Facility 4-000809 Kings Inn GMFC Inc 4-000810 Same As 4-000278 4-000811 Magic Auto Painting 4-000812 Big O Tire Store 4-000813 Gardner Engineering 4-000814 Berts Vinyl Shop 4-000815 Conco Pumping and Belting 4-000816 Anderson & Sons Trucking - Closed 4-000817 Electro-Magic Inc 4-000818 Essex Investments Ltd 4-000819 K-Part Enterprises 4-000820 Penske Truck Leasing 4-000821 KKOH Radio Station 4-000822 Fire Station #3 Reno 4-000824 ACI Used Parts 4-000825 Wash Down Station-Stead Airport 4-000826 USA Petroleum #207 - Closed 4-000827 Bills Alert T V Repair 4-000828 Mr Zs Muffler Service 4-000829 Steve Mueris 4-000830 Maaco Auto Painting and Bodywork 4-000832 Elwood and Dorothy Warner 4-000833 Nicks Automotive 4-000834 Pride Cleaning 4-000835 American Mobil Homes 4-000836 Trans Sierra Co 4-000837 Silver State Auto Repair 4-000838 Smith Farm and Feed Store 4-000839 Incline Tahoe Glass 4-000840 Datamotive Inc 4-000841 Sierra Supply Co 4-000842 Sierra X-Ray 4-000843 Nevada Electrical Service 4-000844 Old Petroleum Engineering 4-000845 Sierra RV Rentals 4-000846 Regal Service Station 4-000847 Black Springs Bar 4-000848 Former Richfield Gas Station 4-000849 SIPCO 4-000850 Old Regal Station 4-000851 Diversified Concrete Cutting 4-000852 Galena Volunteer Fire Station 4-000853 Precision Tune 4-000854 Federal Aviation Administration 4-000855 Quickie Mart 4-000856 Moana Lane Nursery Vehicle Yard 4-000857 Baldinis Sports Casino 4-000859 Harolds Club 4-000860 Atwood and Ferrol Christensen 4-000861 Vaughn Industrial Park 4-000862 Reno Scrap & Steel 4-000864 Alamo Rent A Car Inc 4-000865 Kawasaki 4-000866 City of Reno-Mira Loma Park 4-000867 City of Reno-Fire Station #2 4-000868 Same As 1-000153 4-000870 Reno Transmission 4-000871 Shamrock Grocery & Deli 4-000872 Washoe County Golf Course 4-000873 Pioneer Equipment Co 4-000874 Reno Forklift Inc 4-000876 Same As 1-000154 4-000877 Same As 1-000156 4-000878 AT&T 4-000879 Metric Motors 4-000880 Old Model Dairy Site 4-000881 Century Spas Inc 4-000883 The Tire Works 4-000887 Farmer Lancerini and Pasutti 4-000888 The Tire Works 4-000889 Terrible Herbst #840 4-000891 Bill Stremmel 4-000894 Parnelli Jones 4-000895 Christine Scharff-Trustee 4-000896 H L Capurro/G J Capurro 4-000897 Reno Tow Service 4-000898 Kellers Garage 4-000899 Jensen Industries 4-000903 Jackson Food Store #18 4-000904 Pearce Industries 4-000905 Johns RV Repair 4-000906 Lithia Lincoln Mercury Isuzu Audi 4-000907 Marietta Warehouse Rentals 4-000908 Sierra Foreign Car Service 4-000909 City of Reno-Idlewild Park Comm 4-000910 City of Sparks Police Dept 4-000912 Sparks Bulk Plant 3001 4-000913 Reno Drain Oil 4-000914 Same As 6-000405 4-000915 Same As 4-000003 4-000916 Same As 4-000031 4-000917 RMC Nevada Inc dba All-Lite Aggregate 4-000918 Tom Gardner Property 4-000919 Inter-State Fuel Systems Inc-Sparks Cardlock 4-000920 Rancharrah 4-000921 Pyramid Lake Marina Store 4-000922 Elko St Storage Yard - Closed 4-000923 Fredericksen Tank Lines 4-000924 Hidden Valley Country Club 4-000925 Interstate Distributors Inc 4-000926 Same As 4-000227 4-000927 Peavine Construction 4-000928 Silver State International Trucks 4-000929 K G Walters Construction 4-000930 Machinery Center Inc 4-000931 Jacksons Food Store #19 4-000932 U-Haul #706-55 4-000933 U-Haul #706-086 4-000936 Same As 4-000227 4-000937 L & L Roofing 4-000938 Central Plant 4-000939 Keith Clugage Trustee 4-000940 Capurro Ranch 4-000942 Rollins Leasing Corp Br#159a - Closed 4-000943 Harrahs Reno 4-000945 Deal Food Mart LLC 4-000946 Silver Club Hotel/Casino 4-000947 Lakeshore Automotive 4-000948 Assessors Parcel #019-360-14 4-000950 Altec Manufacturing Inc 4-000951 Slide Mt Ski Resort-Closed 4-000952 St Marys Regional Medical Center 4-000953 Same As 4-000957 4-000957 Lakeside Crossing Shell 4-000958 Nevada Highway Patrol 4-000960 Porsche Service Training 4-000963 IGT 4-000964 A-1 Transmissions 4-000965 Reno RV Rentals 4-000966 Southwest Gas Corp-Closed 4-000967 Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Inc 4-000969 Galena Market 4-000970 Ranch Parcel F 4-000971 Eldorado Hotel Casino 4-000972 Hardy Mission 4-000973 Eldorado Hotel Associates Parking 4-000974 Jacksons Food Store #21 4-000975 Reno-Sparks Indian Colony 4-000976 Stead Oms #5-Closed 4-000977 Gerald Alderson 4-000978 Michael E Love 4-000979 Donald W Baldwin 4-000980 Sierra Machinery 4-000981 Washoe County Courthouse 4-000984 Convenience Corner Shell 4-000986 Caldera Ltd Liability Co 4-000987 Washoe County Gerlach Yard-Closed 4-000989 NDOT-Reno 4-000990 G R Campbell 4-000991 South Truckee Meadows Sewer Facility 4-000992 Sewage Pump Station #15 4-000996 Jacksons Food Store #32 4-000997 7-Eleven #26797 4-000998 Nevada Division of Forestry 4-000998 Same As 1-000157 4-000999 Former AAMCO Transmission 4-001002 Building #29a - Closed 4-001003 Jacksons Food Store #80 4-001004 Peppermill Hotel Casino 4-001005 Reno City Street Right-Of-Way 4-001006 Former Harrahs Auto-Wash Rack 4-001007 Terrible Herbst #810 4-001008 Nevada Hereford Ranch 4-001009 Residence 4-001010 Tholke Property 4-001011 Circle M Minit Mart 4-001012 Reno Operations Center - Closed 4-001013 Reno Airport & Pump Station 4-001014 Hansen Electric 4-001015 Brown-Milbery Inc 4-001017 Former Midway Service Station 4-001018 Big Valley Honda 4-001019 Renown Foundation 4-001020 US Bank Nevada 4-001021 Horseshoe Club 4-001022 UNR Desert Research Inst 4-001025 Jacksons Food Stores #116 4-001026 US General Services Admin 4-001027 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Former MGP Site-Closed 4-001028 Jacksons Food Stores #136 4-001030 Wells Fargo Bank Office Tower 4-001031 Longs Drugs 4-001032 Club Cal-Neva 4-001033 Romolo Bevilacqua 4-001034 UNR Main Campus 4-001035 Same As 3-000158 4-001036 Verdi (Mp: 232 2) - Closed 4-001037 Sparks Terminal #2-3323 4-001038 Reno Regency 4-001039 Crystal Bay Club Casino 4-001040 7-Eleven #33022 4-001041 7-Eleven #32207 4-001042 Carl M Herrera 4-001043 Crystal Tower HOA 4-001044 Circus Circus Hotel & Casino Reno 4-001045 Northgate Golf Course 4-001046 Sweger Well 4-001047 Reno Sparks Convention Center 4-001048 Thomas Di Loreto Residence 4-001049 Perry Di Loreto Residence 4-001050 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Reno Fueling Facility 4-001051 Sierra Chemical Co-Kean Canyon 4-001052 Jacksons Food Stores #132 4-001053 Alrich Estate 4-001054 Vitran Express Trucking 4-001055 UNR Agricultural Farm 4-001056 UNR Lawlor Events Center 4-001057 UNR Ars Shop 4-001058 7-Eleven #32339 4-001059 Silver State Food Mart 4-001060 Galena Shell 4-001061 7-Eleven #33023 4-001062 Same As 4-000477 4-001063 Washoe County MIS 4-001064 MGM Trailer Sales 4-001065 UNR Sierra Job Corps Bldg 38 4-001066 UNR Sierra Job Corps Bldg 33 4-001067 Jacksons Food Stores #133 4-001068 Nevada Mental Health Institute 4-001069 Nevada Facility For of Mental Offender 4-001070 State of Nevada Sierra Regional Center 4-001071 Nevada Dept of Human Resources 4-001072 7-Eleven #32644 4-001073 Costco Wholesale #25 4-001074 Zippy Mart 4-001075 Gene John Samproni 4-001076 Vista Mart 4-001077 7-Eleven #33021 4-001078 Fish Springs Ranch 4-001079 QUIK STOP MARKET #160 4-001080 Western Energetix #747 4-001081 Palomino Valley Farm - Closed 4-001082 Garecht Family Trust Lease Property 4-001083 Sands Regency Hotel/Casino 4-001084 Orient Farms-Grant Property 4-001085 Baldinis Grand Pavilion 4-001086 UNR Apartments 4-001087 Empire Foods LLC - Closed 4-001088 Northern NV Fleet Services Inc 4-001089 Northtowne Shell 4-001090 7-Eleven #32822 4-001091 Orient Farms-Spoo Property 4-001092 Orient Farms-Ginochio Property 4-001093 Orient Farms-Chez Property 4-001094 Fred Ellwanger - Closed 4-001095 Citimart 4-001096 Jacksons Food Stores #134 4-001097 Tesoro Petroleum dba Mirastar #64050 4-001098 7-Eleven #26091 4-001099 Washoe County Emergency Op Center 4-001100 Quik Stop Market #170 4-001101 American Road Discount Fuel 4-001102 S-S Ranch - Closed 4-001103 7-Eleven #33090 4-001104 R Construction 4-001105 Sams Club #4768 4-001106 Verdi Meadows Utility Co - Closed 4-001107 Quik Stop Market #168 4-001108 Mustang Market 4-001109 Safeway Store #4626 4-001110 Sundowner Hotel & Casino - Closed 4-001111 US Forest Service H-T Supervisors Office-Closed 4-001112 Jacksons Food Store #33 4-001113 Raleys Store #155 4-001114 Safeway Fuel Center #4628 4-001115 Former Deluxe Laundry - Closed 4-001116 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC QTA 4-001117 Enterprise Rent A Car 4-001118 Hertz QTA 4-001119 Alamo Rent A Car/National Car Rental 4-001120 Dollar QTA 4-001121 Damonte Tank 4-001122 Miramonte Tank 4-001123 Allied Washoe Petroleum 4-001124 Galena Carwash 4-001125 Costco Wholesale #646 4-001126 Amador Stage Lines 4-001127 Peppermill Hotel & Casino-Central Plant 4-001128 Fedex Ground 4-001129 Same As 4-000153 4-001130 Quik Stop #9165 4-001131 Golden Gate Petroleum 4-001132 Nugget Cardlock 4-001133 McCarran Mart 4-001134 Quality Inn 4-001135 Howard Medical Center 4-001136 Dads Quik Mart 4-001137 Sparks Truck Yard 4-001138 Raleys Fuel Center #160 4-001139 Jacksons Food Stores #129 4-001140 Former Chevron Branded Service Station #9-8563 4-001141 Advantage Rent A Car 4-001142 7-Eleven #34129 4-001143 Washoe County South Valleys Maintenance 4-001144 Howard Medical/Biomedical Bldg #146 5-000001 A & K Earth Movers 5-000002 Kwik Serv #4 5-000003 Star Peak Ranch 5-000004 ATC Argenta RS (#89420) 5-000005 Pronto (L550460) 5-000006 ATC Wildhorse RS (#89458) 5-000007 ATC Stillwater Range (#89450) 5-000008 Texaco PS #8 5-000009 Petes Garage Texaco Service 5-000010 ATC Hot Springs RS (#89433) 5-000011 Custom Towing/Janess Chevrolet 5-000012 Rye Patch Travel Center Inc 5-000013 Western Energetix #784 5-000014 Cowans Chevron Service 5-000015 Bureau of Land Management 5-000016 Mill City Travel Center 5-000017 Maverik Country Store #134 5-000018 Chevron #9-6196-Closed 5-000019 Chevron #9-6756 (Jims)-Closed 5-000020 Cortez Gold Mines 5-000021 Creamland Dairy 5-000022 Churchill County Road Dept 5-000023 Cortez Gold Mines 5-000024 Eagle Gas #4 5-000025 OK Tire Store 5-000026 Lovelock Food Mart 5-000027 M-I Drilling Fluids Co 5-000028 Eagle-Picher Minerals Inc 5-000029 Valmy Shell 5-000030 Shell Service Center 5-000031 Facility 5-000031 dba Dizzys Mini Mart (Shell) 5-000032 Getchell Mine 5-000033 RCAG-FLX 5-000034 ARSR-FLX 5-000035 VOR-SDO 5-000036 VOR-BAM 5-000037 ARSR-BAM 5-000038 ARSR-BAM 5-000039 Equip Garage-Bam 5-000040 Equip Garage-Bam 5-000041 Harney Electric Coop Inc 5-000042 Joe R Hill 5-000043 Wildcat Gasoline 5-000044 Hydro Resources - West Inc. 5-000045 Golden Gate Petroleum #31 5-000046 Humboldt Ready Mix Inc 5-000047 Mountain Springs Plant 5-000048 Same As 5-000216 5-000049 Texaco Food & Liquor 5-000050 Kennametal Nevada Refinery 5-000051 Kennametal Fallon Plant 5-000052 Bel-Court Service (Shell) 5-000053 U-Serve 5-000054 L W Peraldo Co Inc 5-000055 McDermitt Mine 5-000056 McDermitt Motel & Convenience Store 5-000057 Baker Hughes Inteq 5-000058 Baker Hughes Inteq 5-000059 Humboldt K Parcel 023 5-000060 Ten Mile Hills Parcel 419 5-000061 Water Canyon Parcel 421 5-000062 Battle Mountain K Parcel 004 5-000063 Carson Sink K Parcel 009 5-000064 Dunphy K Parcel 012 5-000065 Lovelock FOC Parcel 084 5-000066 Miriam Radio Parcel 199 5-000067 Humboldt Telephone Co Orovada C O 5-000068 Winnemucca Co Parcel 061 5-000069 Winnemucca FOC Parcel 110 5-000070 Austin CDO Parcel 002 5-000071 Austin Radio Parcel 196 5-000072 Battle Mountain CDO Parcel 003 5-000073 Trails End RV & Mobile Home Park 5-000074 Winnemucca Mt Parcel 081 5-000075 Nevada Bell-Florida CNYN Microwave 5-000076 Sleeper Mine 5-000077 Pony Canyon Stop N Go 5-000078 Phillips 66 Company #070953 5-000079 Same As 5-000080 5-000080 Preble Mine 5-000081 Pinson Mine 5-000082 Richs Union Service 5-000083 Battle Mountain Auto Supply Inc 5-000084 Rocky View Inn 5-000085 Same As 5-000312 5-000086 Quinn River Ranch Inc 5-000087 Shell Products Inc 5-000088 Sierra Pacific Power Co-N Valmy Gen Station-Closed 5-000089 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Lovelock Facility-Closed 5-000090 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Winnemucca Facility-Closed 5-000091 Sierra Pacific Power Co-BM Facility-Closed 5-000092 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Fallon Facility-Closed 5-000093 Winnemucca Gas Turbine-Closed 5-000094 Orovada Soilbuilders 5-000095 Smedleys 5-000096 Gas Store Mini Mart 5-000097 Courtesy Corner 5-000098 Springer Mine 5-000099 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 5-000100 Tedford Tire & Oil Co 5-000101 Tedford Tire & Oil Co 5-000102 Jack N Tedford Inc 5-000103 Asphalt Plant 5-000104 Teds Chevron 5-000105 T G Sheppard Construction Inc 5-000106 Downtown Oil City 5-000107 Battle Mountain Beacon 5-000108 Stop & Shop Market 5-000109 Shop and Go 5-000110 Taylor Street Market 5-000111 M & M Delimart (Exxon) - Closed 5-000112 TS Ranch 5-000113 Unocal #1477 (Johns Union 76) 5-000114 Model T Motel & Casino 5-000115 Winnemucca Municipal Airport 5-000116 Winnemucca Municipal Golf Course 5-000117 Bob Swartz 5-000118 NDOT-Old Fallon Shop-Closed 5-000119 NDOT-Fallon 5-000120 NDOT-Lovelock 5-000121 NDOT-Battle Mtn Shop-Closed 5-000122 NDOT-Orovada 5-000123 NDOT-Quinn River 5-000124 NDOT-Winnemucca 5-000125 Fred Hultenschmidt 5-000126 Pershing County Road Dept Shop 5-000127 Lahontan Dam-Closed 5-000128 Rye Patch State Rec Area-Closed 5-000129 Lander County School District 5-000130 Winnemucca Armory-Closed 5-000131 Truckee Carson Irrigation Dist 5-000132 Truckee Carson Irrigation Dist 5-000133 Naval Air Station Fallon 5-000135 Stillwater N W R Field Shop 5-000136 National Weather Service 5-000137 City of Winnemucca 5-000138 DOC-NOAA-National Weather Service 5-000139 Main Post Office 5-000140 Main Post Office 5-000141 Main Post Office 5-000142 Sonoma Heights Elementary 5-000143 Winnemucca Grammar School 5-000144 Paradise Valley School 5-000145 Winnemucca Jr High School 5-000146 McDermitt Combined Schools 5-000147 Albert Lowry High School 5-000148 Pump N Save 5-000149 Sonoma Flying Service 5-000150 Dicks Auto Repair 5-000151 Same As 5-000029 5-000152 Denio Junction 5-000153 Nutritional Additives Corp 5-000154 Robert D & Marcella M Davidson 5-000155 J D Welsh & Assoc 5-000156 Rons Seed & Supply 5-000157 Kings River Land & Livestock Co 5-000158 Billingsley Motors Inc 5-000159 BJs Market 5-000160 Same As 5-000084 5-000161 Orovada General Store 5-000162 Johnstone Auto Service 5-000163 New Holland Winnemucca 5-000164 Rufli Ranch 5-000165 Battle Mountain General Hospital 5-000166 Frontier Truck Stop 5-000167 Hi Mountain Texaco 5-000168 Churchill County Fire Dept 5-000169 Cooper Motors 5-000170 Transportation Yard 5-000171 Maintenance Yard 5-000172 Bus Lot 5-000173 Valley Distributors Inc 5-000174 Former Bootleggers Texaco/Bobs Liquor 5-000175 PJs Food & Gas 5-000176 dba Mid-Valley Dusters 5-000177 Vonsilds Service 5-000178 Same As 5-000098 5-000180 Jims Service 5-000181 Bosch Motors 5-000182 Same As 5-000012 5-000183 Churchill County Telephone 5-000184 Churchill County Telephone 5-000185 Old Churchill Community Hospital 5-000186 Two-Stiffs Selling Gas 5-000187 Eagle-Picher Mining & Hauling 5-000188 George Delong Construction Inc - Closed 5-000189 Fallon Speedway 5-000190 Old Jones Boys Bldg 5-000191 Same As 5-000044 5-000192 Humboldt General Hospital 5-000193 U-Gas 5-000194 Waterhole Truck Plaza 5-000195 Lahontan Farms 5-000196 Ramos Fuel and Repair 5-000197 Thomson Trucking 5-000198 California Garage 5-000201 N J Home Ranch 5-000202 Rose Creek Honor Camp-Closed 5-000203 Fallon Ford Mercury Toyota 5-000204 Pershing General Hospital 5-000206 Robert A Fabel Inc 5-000207 Scott Shady Court 5-000209 Same As 5-000098 5-000210 Same As 5-000043 5-000211 Former Western Mt Service Station 5-000212 Union 76 Truckstop 5-000213 Paradise Valley Guard Station-Closed 5-000214 US Coast Guard Lorsta 5-000215 Nevada Dept of Transportation 5-000216 Joe Dorys Station Inc 5-000217 Diamond Inn Bar 5-000218 Winn-Cal Farm 5-000219 Frank Gabica 5-000220 Kents Supply Center 5-000221 City of Fallon Shop 5-000222 Fallon Reg Office-Closed 5-000223 Salt Works K Parcel 052 5-000224 Skips Liquor 5-000225 Same As 5-000009 5-000226 Parran K Parcel 037 5-000227 Fallon Secured Freight Yard 5-000228 Smedleys Chevron 5-000229 Sage Heights Maintenance Yard 5-000234 Winnemucca FOC Parcel 505 5-000239 NDOT-Austin 5-000241 Sierra Detroit Diesel Allison 5-000242 Uptown Service 5-000243 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 5-000244 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 5-000245 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 5-000247 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 5-000248 Robert Ryan 5-000250 Northrup King Co 5-000251 Same As 5-000211 5-000252 Fallon RV Park Country Store & Gas 5-000253 Jackson Oil #5790 5-000254 Flying J Travel Plaza #770 5-000255 Jacksons Food Store #127 5-000256 Texaco Station (Abandoned) 5-000257 Winnemucca Farms Inc 5-000258 Winnemucca Farms Inc 5-000259 Winnemucca Farms Inc 5-000260 Winnemucca Farms Inc 5-000262 Kwik Serv #3 5-000263 Winnemucca Post Office 5-000264 Pershing County Water Conservation 5-000265 Cr Minerals Corp 5-000266 Same As 5-000113 5-000267 Same As 3-000166 5-000268 Fallon Airport Office-Closed 5-000269 United Parcel Service 5-000272 Chevron #2i-5674-Closed 5-000273 Sage Petroleum - Closed 5-000274 Patrick S Dempsey 5-000275 Needmore Land & Cattle Co 5-000276 Jims Chevron 5-000277 Fallon Bulk Plant 5-000278 Same As 5-000165 5-000279 Falloncrest Farms LLC 5-000280 Ivanhoe/Hollister Mine 5-000281 Ferrero Ranch 5-000282 James O Harmon 5-000283 Broadway Colt Service Center 5-000285 Harmon Junction 5-000286 Same As 5-000257 5-000287 Dale Johnson 5-000288 Ripley Oil/Battle Mtn Auto 5-000289 Battle Mountain Bulk Plant 3006 5-000290 Norris Texaco 5-000291 Hazen Gravel Pit - Closed 5-000293 Clifford or Carmen Talbot 5-000294 Mk Food Liquor & Gas 5-000295 Same As 6-000158 5-000297 TNT Farms LLC 5-000298 Campbell Creek Ranch 5-000299 Eastgate Ranch 5-000300 Gas Store West 5-000301 Cottonwood Dairy Inc 5-000302 Mary Hudson-Edwards Creek Valley 5-000303 Mary Hudson-Buffalo Valley 5-000306 Munk Brothers 5-000309 Pershing County School Dist 5-000311 Same As 3-000167 5-000312 Deferrena Field Station 5-000313 Andrew Ltuania 5-000314 John & Peggy Harmon 5-000315 A & A Dairy 5-000316 Hendrix Ranch 5-000317 Smith Creek Ranch 5-000318 McClintick Farms Inc 5-000319 Gibsons Ranch Inc 5-000321 Old Middlegate Station 5-000322 Lovelock Correctional Center 5-000323 William Roy Clarno - Closed 5-000324 Louie A Guazzini 5-000325 Youngberg Trust Ranches 5-000326 Pit Stop #4 (Conoco) 5-000327 Former FT&K Mobil 5-000328 Fallon Municipal Airport 5-000329 Corkill Brothers Inc 5-000330 Lahontan Gravel Pit - Closed 5-000331 H S Ranch 5-000332 Hillside Dairy Inc 5-000333 Woodworth Ranch 5-000334 Ranch 5-000335 WMC RCAG 5-000336 Norwest Lovelock Branch 5-000337 NDOT-Old Lovelock Shop 5-000338 T Quartercircle Ranches 5-000339 Vacant Lot 5-000341 Maverik Country Store #268 5-000342 Lovelock Bulk Plant 3011 5-000343 Jack N Tedford - Closed 5-000344 Crofoot 5-000345 Battle Mountain (Mp:476) 5-000346 Golconda (Mp:434) 5-000347 Winnemucca (Mp: 417 2 417 25) 5-000348 Valmy 5-000349 Sage Petroleum Products 5-000350 J & J Farms 5-000351 Humboldt County 5-000352 Khourys Market 5-000353 Same As 5-000174 5-000354 Ideal Market 5-000355 Owens Ford Mercury 5-000356 Lovelock Chevron 5-000357 Sawtooth Station 5-000358 Paradise Hill Chevron 5-000359 Fallon Bulk Plant 3009 5-000360 Western Nevada Cattle Feeders LLC 5-000361 Riverside Grocery & Liquor 5-000362 Triple S Farm 5-000363 Brinkerhoff Ranch 5-000364 Michael A Casey 5-000365 Mirastar Facility #64020 (Tesoro) 5-000366 Bel Court Oil 5-000367 Stewart Place 5-000368 Former Power Plant @ Bldg 806 - Closed 5-000369 Sunnybrook Farm 5-000370 Nine Mile Ranch 5-000371 Frank Soares Ranch 5-000372 Buffalo Ranch 5-000373 Newlands Agricultural Facility - Closed 5-000374 Paradise Valley Farm Golconda 5-000375 Peter C Cassinelli Farm 5-000376 Ds Land & Livestock Ranch 5-000377 Rose Creek Ranch 5-000378 Pacific Pride 5-000379 Pilot Travel Center #485 5-000380 Maverik Store #416 6-000001 ATC Adobe Hill RS (#89417) 6-000002 Dinner Microwave Station 6-000003 ATC Fish Creek RS (#89430) 6-000004 ATC Ruby (#89445) 6-000005 ATC Rocky Point (#89444) 6-000006 ATC Tuscarora RS (#89454) 6-000007 Wendover Microwave Sta-L550070 6-000008 P/S #6 Texaco Service 6-000009 Ps #7 Conoco 6-000010 Pit Stop #9 6-000011 Facility #89-7347 6-000012 Ps #11 Texaco Service 6-000013 Ps #12 6-000014 The Gas Source-Closed 6-000015 Same As 6-000086 6-000016 Cortez Gold Mine 6-000017 Sacramento Pass (L550260) 6-000018 Connors Microwave Sta-L550270 6-000019 Murry Summit (L550280) 6-000020 Bair Distributing Inc 6-000021 Baker Ranches Inc - Closed 6-000022 Mountain Store 6-000023 Aztec Truck & Tire Corporation 6-000024 Blach Distributing Co 6-000025 Western Energetix #797 6-000026 Western Energetix #796 6-000027 Maverik Country Store #146 (Elko) 6-000028 Carters Country Store 6-000029 Wells Shell 6-000030 Cactus Petes Chevron 6-000031 Red Lion Chevron 6-000032 Chevron #?-Closed 6-000033 Chevron #9-4110-Closed 6-000034 Chevron #9-8316-Closed 6-000035 White Pine Co School Dist 6-000036 Montello Gas 6-000037 Same As 6-000199 6-000038 Ely Jet Center 6-000039 Freeport-McMoran Gold Co 6-000040 Same As 6-000160 6-000041 Firestone Store #48y1 6-000042 D P Ward dba Fox Mining Co 6-000043 Enfield Bell Mine 6-000044 BGU-VOR 6-000045 RCAG EKO 6-000046 RMLR EKO 6-000047 RMLR QEF 6-000048 RMLR QCU 6-000049 RMLR QYF 6-000050 RMLR QTG 6-000051 RMLR QTH 6-000052 RMLR LWL 6-000053 VOR-LWL 6-000054 General Tire Co of Phoenix 6-000055 Chuck & Bessies Stage Stop 6-000056 Victoria Mine 6-000057 Bonus #1-Elko 6-000058 Bonus #3-Wells 6-000059 Koa of Ely-Closed 6-000062 Kennecott Nevada Mines Division 6-000063 Nevada Northern Railway Co-Closed 6-000064 Kennecott Nevada Mines Division 6-000065 Shell Service Station 6-000066 Ka Rle Automotive Service 6-000067 Shell Service Station 6-000068 Angel Lake Tesoro 6-000069 Milpark Drilling Fluids 6-000070 Mt Wheeler Power Inc-Closed 6-000071 Deweys Chevrolet-Olds Inc 6-000072 Carlin K Parcel 006 6-000073 Macs Casino & Nevada Crossing 6-000074 Newmont Gold Company #1 6-000075 Newmont Gold Company #2 6-000076 Nl Baroid Nl Industries Inc 6-000077 Same As 6-000083 6-000078 Ely Co Parcel 015 6-000079 Ely FOC Parcel 617 6-000080 Eureka Radio Relay Parcel 197 6-000081 Kimberly Radio Parcel 195 6-000082 McGill CDO Parcel 031 6-000083 Norcross/Phillips 66 #071039 6-000084 Phillips 66 Company #073273 6-000085 Same As 6-000253 6-000086 Bald Mountain Mine-Closed 6-000087 Nevada Telecommunications Inc 6-000088 Elko Toll Co Parcel 014 6-000089 T & Ds 6-000090 Ruby Lake National Wildlife Ref 6-000091 Dave Shuey 6-000092 Exxon & Sinclair 6-000093 FSS-Ely 6-000094 Former Ed & Karls Chevron 6-000095 Western Energetix 6-000096 Oil City West 6-000097 R Place #7 6-000098 Pony Express Gas Mart 6-000099 Elko Tesoro Station 6-000101 Kirks Husky-Closed 6-000102 R Place #8 6-000103 Elko #53 Sinclair 6-000104 Same As 6-000273 6-000105 East Ely Texaco 6-000106 WB Distributors Inc 6-000107 Welfare NV Ely Farm-Closed 6-000108 Wells Rural Electrical Co 6-000109 Same As 6-000198 6-000110 Same As 6-000197 6-000111 Same As 6-000196 6-000112 Wickes Lumber 6-000113 Beowawe Elementary School 6-000114 Eureka County School District 6-000115 NDOT-Elko 6-000116 NDOT-Old Wells Shop-Closed 6-000117 NDOT-Currie 6-000118 NDOT-Ely 6-000119 NDOT-Emigrant Pass 6-000120 NDOT-Eureka 6-000121 NDOT-Ely-Closed 6-000122 NDOT-Tuscarora Shop-Closed 6-000123 NDOT-Lund-Closed 6-000124 NDOT-Northfork 6-000125 NDOT-Pequop Shop-Closed 6-000126 NDOT-Ruby Valley 6-000127 NDOT-Wells 6-000128 NDOT-Baker-Closed 6-000129 Deeth Honor Camp-Closed 6-000130 Nevada Div of Forestry 6-000131 Nevada Dept of Transportation 6-000132 Elko Armory-Closed 6-000133 National Weather Service 6-000134 National Parks Service 6-000136 Baker Guard Station-Closed 6-000137 Lund High School-Closed 6-000138 Lehman Caves Residence 6-000139 Berry Creek Guard Station-Closed 6-000140 Ellison Guard Station-Closed 6-000141 Ely Ranger Station 6-000142 Pole Creek Guard Station-Closed 6-000143 Lamoille Guard Station-Closed 6-000144 Gold Creek Ranger Station-Closed 6-000145 Mountain City Rd Admin Site 6-000146 Carlin 6-000147 RMC Foods-Closed 6-000148 Duval Ranching Co 6-000149 P E Marble dba Seventy One Ranch 6-000150 Same As 6-000151 6-000151 Western Tire Center Inc 6-000152 Same As 6-000366 6-000153 Corta & Laga Enterprizes Inc 6-000154 Supps 6-000155 Wells Municipal Airport 6-000156 Cimarron West 6-000157 Boehler Construction 6-000158 Swisher General Store - Closed 6-000159 Doyles Service - Closed 6-000160 Wells Stinker Station 6-000161 Lee Livestock Co 6-000162 Roadway Diesel 6-000163 McIntyre Ranch 6-000164 Crested Acres RV Park 6-000165 Wells City Shop 6-000166 Wells Golf Course 6-000167 Wells Municipal Airport 6-000168 Fire & Police Department/City of Wells Shop 6-000169 Wells Propane Inc 6-000170 M and B Gerber 6-000171 Wells Combined Schools 6-000172 Elko School Bus Garage 6-000173 Dale White Motors 6-000174 Lee Wilson & Co 6-000175 Same As 6-000057 6-000176 Vogue Laundry & Dry Cleaners 6-000177 Same As 6-000029 6-000178 Maggie Creek Jig Plant 6-000179 Wright Motor Co 6-000180 Humboldt Ready Mix Inc 6-000181 North Star Mine Gas & Gifts 6-000182 Elko County 6-000183 Same As 6-000091 6-000184 Eureka Motor Supply 6-000185 Gold Bar Mine 6-000186 Eureka County Court House 6-000187 Old Eureka County Shop 6-000188 Eureka County Maintenance Shop 6-000189 Eureka Garage (Chevron) 6-000190 Valley Motor Inc-Closed 6-000191 Computer Science Corporation 6-000192 J&M Asphalt/Trucking 6-000194 E-Lee Ford Mercury-Closed 6-000195 Eastern Nevada Realty 6-000196 Reed Distributing Inc-Closed 6-000197 R Place #1 (Shell) 6-000198 R Place #2 (Shell) 6-000199 E-Lee Sinclair 6-000200 William Bee Ririe Hospital 6-000201 Ely City Yard-Closed 6-000202 Junction Motor Service-Closed 6-000203 Elko Auto Center 6-000204 Reds Chevron 6-000205 Alligator Ridge Mine-Closed 6-000206 Black Jack Inn-Closed 6-000207 City of Carlin 6-000208 City of Elko Shops 6-000209 Elko General Hospital 6-000210 Fred Zaga 6-000211 Former Reads Golden Rule Store 6-000212 Leroy Brodsho 6-000213 Hadley Ranch 6-000214 Maggie Creek Ranch Inc 6-000215 NDOF-Elko Refill Station-Closed 6-000216 Gold Creek Station-Closed 6-000217 Deeth Volunteer Fire Dept-Closed 6-000218 Ely Honor Camp-Closed 6-000219 Northern Region Office-Closed 6-000220 Spring Creek Fire Station #1-Closed 6-000221 Wells Honor Camp-Closed 6-000222 Wildhorse Reservoir St Rec Area-Closed 6-000223 Norse Windfall Mines Inc - Closed 6-000224 Shanty Town Grocery 6-000225 Raymond Spear-Closed 6-000226 Baker Elem School-Closed 6-000227 Mt Wheeler Power Inc-Closed 6-000228 Spring Creek Rearing Station-Closed 6-000229 NDOW-Ely Reg Office 6-000230 McGill Grade Bus Garage-Closed 6-000231 Great Basin Inn & Quick Mart 6-000232 White Pine Middle School 6-000233 White Pine High School 6-000234 Mt View Primary 6-000235 Mt View Elem School 6-000236 Lund Elem School 6-000237 Ruth Elem School-Closed 6-000238 Sagebrush 66 Investment Co Inc 6-000240 Dee Gold Mining Co 6-000243 NDOT-Wendover 6-000244 Airport 66 6-000245 Pilot Travel Centers LLC #387 6-000246 Chevron 6-000247 Safeway Facility #7347 6-000248 ARCO Service Station 6-000249 Gallagher Fish Hatchery-Closed 6-000251 Elko Reg Office-Closed 6-000252 Jiggs Bar 6-000253 Former Alan Hyde Property - Closed 6-000254 Primeaux K Parcel 039 6-000255 Machacek Farm 6-000256 Same As 6-000033 6-000257 Cave Lake-Closed 6-000258 Koa Campground 6-000259 McBrides Service 6-000260 Trailside General Store - Closed 6-000261 Lawn Shop-Closed 6-000262 Swimming Pool-Closed 6-000263 Senior Citizen Center 6-000264 McGill Senior Citizen Center 6-000265 County Road Shop 6-000266 Airport Terminal 6-000267 FAA-Closed 6-000268 Lund Community Center 6-000269 McGill Police Dept - Closed 6-000270 Superintendents Home 6-000271 Vega Construction & Trucking 6-000272 Kar Klinic 6-000273 Former Ok Service Station 6-000274 Shafter Tool House 6-000276 Peppermill Inn and Casino 6-000277 Ely Microwave Headquarters 6-000278 Ely City Shop 6-000279 City of Ely-Closed 6-000280 Ely State Prison 6-000281 Selo Inc-Closed 6-000282 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 6-000283 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 6-000284 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 6-000285 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 6-000287 Elko County School District 6-000288 Preston Truck Center 6-000290 ARCO Station-Closed 6-000291 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000294 West Portal Whility House 6-000295 Schellbourne Service-Closed 6-000296 Jerrold D Christiansen-Closed 6-000297 Cactus Petes Inc 6-000298 Ruby Hill Mine 6-000299 OFlaherty Plumbing & Heating-Closed 6-000300 Ruby View Golf Course 6-000301 Reno Drain Oil Service 6-000302 Ruth Elem School-Closed 6-000303 Cold Creek Trailer Park-Closed 6-000304 McGill EMT Org-Closed 6-000305 S & R Auto Medics 6-000306 Great Basin Beverage LLC 6-000307 Oasis Country Store 6-000309 Jack Creek Guest Ranch 6-000310 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000311 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000312 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000313 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000314 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000315 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000316 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000317 Pit Stop #1 6-000318 Sams Corner Store 6-000319 Al Park Petroleum Inc 6-000320 Spring Creek Golf Course 6-000321 Salicchi Ranches 6-000322 Army National Guard Ely 6-000323 Dale White Motors 6-000324 Ames Construction Co 6-000325 Burnham Farms 6-000326 Lyle Norcrofs Service-Closed 6-000327 Sundown Land & Cattle Co - Closed 6-000328 Eastern Nevada Medical Group 6-000329 Four Way Bar Cafe & Casino Inc 6-000330 Elko Bulk Plant 3005 6-000331 Western Energetix #798 6-000332 Mountain City Plant 6-000333 El Aero Services Inc-Elko 6-000335 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000336 Alltel/CP National Corporation 6-000337 Moriah Ranches 6-000338 Alltel 6-000339 Glaser Land & Livestock 6-000340 Old Post Office & General Store 6-000341 Lone Mountain Station 6-000342 Maverik Country Store #237 6-000343 Marys River Ranch 6-000344 Hankins Place 6-000345 Home Place (Bill) 6-000347 Bank of America-Closed 6-000349 Friendly Fuels 6-000350 Mary Hudson-Steptoe Valley 6-000351 Khourys Chevron 6-000352 Elko Microwave Sta-Nvb007 6-000353 Diamond Valley Hay - Closed 6-000354 City of Elko 6-000355 Flying J Travel Plaza #692 6-000356 Ruby Dome Inc 6-000357 Union Pacific Railroad 6-000358 Diamond X Bar Ranch 6-000359 S D Orr-Closed 6-000360 Former WPRR Railyard 6-000361 SPTCO Wells Yard 6-000364 The Warren Building 6-000365 Gibbs Ranch 6-000366 Caroline Paisano 6-000367 Foodmart 6-000368 Twin Meadows Ranch 6-000369 Majors Place-Closed 6-000370 Segura Ranch 6-000371 Blue Diamond Ranch 6-000372 Lillian Sundrud-Closed 6-000373 Continental Lime 6-000374 EZ Stop 6-000375 Midas Bar 6-000377 PX Ranch & Circle 10 6-000378 Carlin Honor Camp-Closed 6-000379 Circle Ranch 6-000380 Gale Oil & Tire-Closed 6-000381 Nevada Youth Training Center (NYTC) 6-000382 Thompson Angus Ranch 6-000383 Brough Ranch 6-000384 R-Place 6-000385 Uhlig Ranch 6-000386 Carlin (Mp:534 5) 6-000387 Deeth (Mp:589 3) 6-000388 Beowawe (Mp: 508 26) 6-000389 Montello (Mp: 661 9) 6-000390 Lorray (Mp: 650 25 650 1) 6-000391 Moor (Mp: 616 25) 6-000392 Wells (Mp: 607 5 607 9) 6-000393 Dusty Youren Ranch 6-000394 Currie Store-Closed 6-000395 Elko Taxi 6-000396 Ames Construction Yard 6-000397 Interstate Distributing (General Store) 6-000398 Jazzys Mart-Texaco 6-000399 Gallagher Farm 6-000400 Mulder Ranch 6-000401 H & H Automotive 6-000402 Sinclair Winners Corner Elko 6-000403 Elko Mountain Communication Site 6-000404 Atwal S Gas & Food 6-000405 Allied Petroleum Co Inc 6-000406 Water Reclamation Facility 6-000407 Hubbard Ranch 6-000408 Ruby Lake Resort 6-000409 Western Energetix #726 6-000410 Egbert Livestock LLC 6-000411 Home Ranch Reed Station Quarter Circle S - Closed 6-000412 Pilot Travel Centers LLC #147 6-000413 Munson Ranch Oil Field 6-000414 Arbys of Ely Conoco 6-000415 Food Mart (Texaco) 6-000416 Country Club Food Mart 6-000417 Smith's Fuel Center #388 6-000418 Gale Homestead 6-000419 Albert H Mulder Farm - Closed 6-000420 Frontier St Property 6-000421 OFlaherty Plumbing & Heating 6-000422 Baker Ranch Service Station 6-000423 Flying T Ranch 6-000424 Performance Yamaha - Closed 6-000425 Ryndon Country Store 6-000426 Carlin Truck Yard 6-000427 Bransford Ranch 6-000428 Wahoo Ranch 6-000429 Loves Travel Stop #365 6-000430 Carlin Carlock - TP #2110 6-000431 UNR Fire Science Academy 7-000001 Super 7 Food Store 7-000002 Bare Mountain Radio (B55ko24) 7-000003 Montezuma (B55k013) 7-000004 Columbus (B55k028) 7-000005 AT&T Currant (L550290) 7-000006 Lockes Ranch RS Telecom Site 7-000007 Warm Springs (L550310) 7-000008 Stone Cabin Radio (L550380) 7-000009 Booker (L550320) 7-000010 Gilbert Radio 7-000011 Spotted Range Radio Relay 7-000012 Carvers District Ltd 7-000013 C-E Basic 7-000014 Lyle Christensen 7-000015 Tonopah Shell 7-000020 Gov House #927 7-000021 Gov House #922 7-000023 Gov House #918 7-000024 Gov House #916 7-000025 Gov House #906 7-000026 Gov House #902 7-000027 Gov House #923 7-000028 Gov House #921 7-000029 Gov House #919 7-000030 Gov House #905 7-000031 Gov House #917 7-000032 Gov House #907 7-000033 Gov House #901 7-000034 Giggle Springs 7-000035 FSS-TPH 7-000036 RCAG-TPH 7-000037 VOR-TPH 7-000038 VOR-LLC 7-000039 RCAG-LLC 7-000040 Garage Sno Cat LLC 7-000041 VOR-LLC Garage Snow Cat LLC 7-000042 Henderson Wagon Wheel Service 7-000043 E Lee Ford Mercury 7-000044 Manzonie Ranch-Closed 7-000045 McCrosky Brothers Ranch 7-000046 McCroskys "y" Service 7-000047 EZ Serve of California 7-000048 Tonopah Refinery 7-000049 Pahrump CDO Parcel 149 7-000050 Beatty CDO Parcel 153 7-000051 Revert Brothers 76 Station 7-000052 Smoky Valley Mine 7-000053 Smoky Valley Automotive 7-000054 Sierra Pacific Power Co-Tonopah Facility-Closed 7-000055 Nye County Sheriffs Office 7-000056 Echo Bays Manhattan Mine Site 7-000057 Dummars Service Station 7-000059 Elgin Station-Milepost 438 4 7-000060 Etna Station-Milepost 454 8 7-000061 Acoma Station-Milepost 484 2 7-000062 Caliente Station-Milepost 459 6 7-000063 Carp Station 7-000064 Same As 7-000112 7-000065 Robertsons Service #80 7-000066 Northumberland Mine 7-000067 R Place #3 7-000068 Tonopah C-Store/Chevron/Burger King 7-000069 Lincoln County School District 7-000070 Pahranagat Valley High School 7-000071 NDOT-Alamo Station-Closed 7-000072 NDOT-Beatty 7-000073 NDOT-Round Mtn Shop-Closed 7-000074 NDOT-Blue Jay 7-000075 City of Caliente 7-000076 Same As 7-000101 7-000077 NDOT-Tonopah 7-000078 Same As 5-000215 7-000079 NDOT-Ely-Closed

7-000080 Winfred L Brown-Closed 7-000081 Reese River 7-000082 Pahranagat Nat Wildlife Ref 7-000083 US Postal Service 7-000084 US Ecology Inc 7-000085 Cherry Creek Guard Station-Closed 7-000086 USAF-Tonopah Test Range 7-000087 7-000088 Ore House Saloon & Gas-Ione 7-000089 Same As 7-000042 7-000090 Reverts Shell & Truckstop 7-000091 Karl W Berg 7-000092 Cyprus Tonopah Mining Corp 7-000093 Same As 7-000012 7-000094 Nye General Hospital 7-000095 County Road Barn 7-000096 County Road Barn 7-000097 County Road Barn 7-000098 Panaca Airport 7-000099 Lincoln County Sheriffs Office 7-000100 Pioche Honor Camp-Closed 7-000101 Pioche Conservation Camp-Closed 7-000102 Elgie A Thompson 7-000103 Alamo Sinclair 7-000104 Wilkin Shop Area 7-000105 Quick Pik Mini Mart 7-000106 Same As 7-000149 7-000107 Same As 7-000057 7-000108 Same As 7-000067 7-000109 Chevron #9-5854-Closed 7-000110 Tonopah Co Parcel 055 7-000111 Lathrop Mill 7-000112 Carvers Country Truck Stop 7-000113 Beatty VORTAC 7-000114 Old City Shop 7-000115 Eizmans Service 7-000116 E-Z Serve #113 7-000117 E-Z Serve #1168 7-000118 Quick Stop Auto 7-000119 E-Z Serve #100874 7-000120 Lynns Auto Center 7-000121 Tillies Mini Market 7-000122 A & B Service (Chevron) 7-000123 Panaca Mere 7-000124 Terrible Herbst #143 7-000125 Chevron #9-9419-Closed 7-000126 Preferred Equities Corp 7-000127 Peter Inc 7-000128 Pioche Conservation Camp 7-000129 Ron Floyd 7-000130 Key Pittman Wildlife Mgmt Area-Closed 7-000131 Kirch Wildlife Mgmt Area-Closed 7-000132 Spectre Mountain J Parcel 054 7-000133 Pahute J Parcel 035 7-000134 Dist 5 Hdq-Closed 7-000135 Combined Metals Reduction Co 7-000136 Mankins Corner 7-000137 Jerrys Services Inc 7-000138 Overland Hotel 7-000139 G & M Bar & Grill 7-000140 Former Olys Caliente Chevron 7-000141 Rebel Oil Co #48 7-000142 NDOT-Panaca 7-000143 Beatty General Store - Closed 7-000144 Islen 7-000145 Pahrump C D O 7-000146 Rebel Oil Co Inc 7-000147 Buckwash Farm 7-000148 Allied Petroleum Co Inc 7-000149 Alamo Auto & Truck Stop - Closed 7-000150 Same As 6-000413 7-000151 Nye Oil Co 7-000152 Joes Union 76 7-000153 H & W Video 7-000154 Earl Williams 7-000155 Northumberland Mine 7-000156 Former Service Station 7-000158 Alamo Truck Stop 7-000159 Same As 7-000118 7-000160 USAF-Tonopah Test-Tolicha Peak 7-000161 USAF-Tonopah E Combat Range - Closed 7-000162 DOE-Tonopah Test Range 7-000163 Amargosa Valley Saloon 7-000164 Horizon Market #1 7-000165 Terrible Herbst #187 7-000756 Rebel Oil Co #74 7-000757 Horizon Market #2 7-000758 Former Texaco Station 7-000759 Country View Market - Closed 7-000760 Nye County Maintenance Yard 7-000761 Nye County Maintenance Yard 7-000762 Nye County Maintenance Yard 7-000763 Amargosa Valley Middle School 7-000764 Nye County School Dist Bus Yard 7-000765 Radio Range Site 7-000766 Smoky Joes 7-000767 Radar Hill Tonopah As 7-000768 Arlemont Ranch 7-000769 Central Nevada Test Area 7-000770 Horizon Market #3 7-000771 Nickell's Quik Stop 7-000772 Duckwater Elementary School 7-000773 Terrible Herbst #211 7-000774 Coyote Corner II 7-000775 Rebel Oil Co #78 7-000776 Winery Supermart 7-000777 Nevada Joes 7-000778 Horizon Market #5 7-000779 Fort Amargosa Gas 7-000780 North Hafen Ranch 7-000781 Haycock Petroleum 7-000782 Death Valley Nut & Candy Co 7-000783 Calvada Meadows Airport 7-000784 Horizon Market #4 7-000785 Smiths Fuel Center #341 7-000786 Shoshone Market 7-000787 Green Valley Grocery #22 7-000788 Ponderosa Dairies - Closed 7-000789 Flying Eagle 7-000790 Horizon Market #6 7-000791 Atlanta Farms 7-000792 Road Division 7-000793 AT&T 01-OPA Phrmnv12 7-000794 B21 Pahrump NV 7-000795 Penoyer Farms 8-000001 Al Welding Products Inc 8-000002 A A Snaper 8-000003 Ace Truck Rental 8-000004 Acme Electric - Closed 8-000005 Ahern Rentals Inc 8-000006 Payless Rent A Car-Closed 8-000007 Easy Rider Harley Davidson 8-000008 Jubs Texaco 8-000009 Anderson Dairy Inc 8-000011 Henderson Commerce Center 8-000012 WMK Block Plant 8-000013 Cal-Nev Pipeline Co/Texaco 8-000014 ARCO #1520 8-000015 Former Arco #1580 8-000016 Pump N Snack 8-000017 ARCO #1780 8-000018 ARCO #1878 - Closed 8-000019 ARCO AM/PM Mini Market 8-000020 ARCO #1921 8-000021 Prestige Stations Inc #5055 8-000022 Prestige Stations Inc #5050 8-000023 ARCO #5259 8-000024 Spring Mt AM/PM #85154 8-000025 Mt Vista Arco AM/PM 8-000026 ARCO #5302 8-000027 Riviera AM/PM #82466 8-000028 ARCO #5310 8-000029 Oakey AM/PM #85156 8-000030 ARCO AM/PM Mini Market 8-000031 ARCO #5313 8-000032 ARCO #5314 8-000033 ARCO AM PM #82402 8-000034 ARCO 8-000035 Prestige Stations Inc 5063 8-000036 ARCO #82263 8-000037 ARCO #5320 8-000038 ARCO # 8-000039 Speedee Mart #102 (Mobil) 8-000040 ARCO #6068 8-000041 Same As 8-000995 8-000042 Armored Transport of Nevada Inc 8-000043 Regency Towers Assoc Inc 8-000044 Same As 8-000380 8-000045 Autoworld 8-000046 AT&T 8-000047 Angel Peak Radio Relay (NVK001) 8-000048 Potosi Radio Relay (Nv3980) 8-000049 Arden Radio Relay 8-000050 Mormon Mesa Radio Relay 8-000051 Arrow Canyon Radio Relay 8-000052 AT&T Beerbottle Radio Relay 8-000053 Searchlight Radio Relay (Nv0200) 8-000054 AT&T Las Vegas 02 8-000055 Ballys Grand Las Vegas 8-000056 Bat Rentals Inc 8-000057 Beals Royal Glass & Mirror 8-000058 Bekins Moving and Storage Co 8-000059 Bergen Brunswig Drug Co 8-000060 Mortons Flying J 8-000061 Black Mt Golf & Country Club 8-000062 Cleveland Phelps Auto Sales (Formerly KTVU) 8-000063 Bunkers Memory Gardens 8-000064 Caesars Palace Hotel 8-000065 Callville Bay Resort Marina 8-000066 Cal-Nev Pipeline Co-Las Vegas Storage Terminal 8-000067 Cashman Cadillac Inc 8-000068 Cashman Equipment Co 8-000069 American Asphalt & Grading Co 8-000070 Central Telephone Co 8-000071 Central Telephone Co 8-000072 AAA Lift Trucks Inc 8-000073 Sprint Central Telephone Co 8-000074 Central Telephone Co 8-000075 Central Telephone Co 8-000076 Sprint Mountain 8-000077 Sprint North 2 8-000078 Central Telephone Co 8-000079 Sprint North 8 8-000080 Central Telephone Co 8-000081 Sprint Central Telephone Co 8-000082 Sprint Central Telephone Co 8-000083 Sprint Central Telephone Co 8-000084 Central Telephone Co 8-000085 Sprint East 2 8-000086 Sprint East 7 8-000087 Central Telephone Co 8-000088 Sprint Central Telephone Co 8-000089 Southwest Oasis Construction 8-000090 Charleston W Car Wash 8-000091 Rebel Oil Co #58 8-000092 Chevron Las Vegas Terminal #1001744 8-000093 Chevron #9-0043-Closed 8-000094 Chevron #9-0242-Closed 8-000095 Chevron #9-0563 8-000096 Chevron Pit Stop #1 8-000097 Chevron #9-0793-Closed 8-000098 Rebel Oil Co #65 8-000099 Riders #2 (Chevron) 8-000100 Chevron #9-2105-Closed 8-000101 Chevron #2394-Closed 8-000102 Chevron #9-2567-Closed 8-000103 Tom Jones (Chevron) 8-000104 Chevron #9-3255-Closed 8-000105 Chevron #9-4515-Closed 8-000106 Chevron #9-4668-Closed 8-000107 Chevron #9-6424 8-000108 Riders #1 (Chevron) 8-000109 Chevron #9-7703-Closed 8-000110 Chevron #9-7753 8-000111 Chevron #9-7771 8-000112 Dons Di Service - Closed 8-000113 Chevron #9-8471-Closed 8-000114 Chevron #9-8644-Closed 8-000115 Chevron #9-8796-Closed 8-000116 Cintas Corp #59 8-000117 Circle K Store #1309 8-000118 Circle K Store #2701354 8-000119 Circle K Store #2701364 8-000120 Circle K Store #2701365 8-000121 Circle K Store #1366-Closed 8-000122 Circle K Store #2701604 8-000123 Circle K Store #2701302 8-000124 Circle K Store #2701254 8-000125 Circle K Store #2701248 8-000126 Circle K Store #2701246 8-000127 Circle K Store #2700756-Closed 8-000128 Circle K Store #2700755 8-000129 Circle K Store #2700695 8-000130 Circle K Store #2700542 8-000131 Clark Co Wholesale Inc 8-000132 C-Mart Inc 8-000133 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of LA 8-000134 Same As 8-000565 8-000135 Community Hospital 8-000136 Conoco Inc 8-000137 Deseret Industries 8-000138 Cottonwood Cove Resort & Marina 8-000139 Same As 8-000345 8-000140 D&D Investments (LV A/C) 8-000141 Dean Roofing Co 8-000142 Delta Air Lines Inc 8-000143 Same As 8-000152 8-000144 Desert GMC Inc 8-000145 Palm Mortuary 8-000146 Desert Lawn Inc dba Palm Mort 8-000147 Terrible Herbst #225 8-000148 Diamond Construction Co Inc 8-000149 Richard Worthen Dist 8-000150 Silver State Disposal Inc 8-000151 Same As 8-000351 8-000152 Desert Chrysler-Plymouth 8-000153 MRG Shell 8-000154 Conway Western Express 8-000155 EG&G Energy Measurements 8-000156 Express Gasoline 8-000157 Sun Express - Closed 8-000158 Same As 8-000361 8-000159 Express Gasoline 8-000160 Same As 8-000008 8-000161 American Mini Mart 8-000162 AM/PM Market and Gas-Closed 8-000163 Express Gasoline 8-000164 Same As 8-000653 8-000165 Same As 8-000409 8-000167 Same As 8-001368 8-000168 Equilon #121130/Texaco #61-529-0054 - Closed 8-000169 Same As 8-001366 8-000170 M&M Minimart (7-Eleven) 8-000171 Equilon #120694/Texaco #61-529-0051 - Closed 8-000172 Equilon #120966/Texaco #61-529-0061 8-000173 Equilon #120994/Texaco #61-529-0060 - Closed 8-000174 Coyote Corner I 8-000175 Equilon #120938/Texaco #61-529-0052 - Closed 8-000176 Jims Western Petroleum 8-000177 Expressway Auto Care - Closed 8-000178 Hans Texaco 8-000179 Texaco #61-529-0401 8-000180 Equilon #120923/Texaco #61-529-0402 - Closed 8-000183 Colton's General Store 8-000184 Same As 8-000360 8-000185 ASR-8 8-000186 Las ATCT 8-000187 RCAG QMP (Potosi) 8-000188 RCAG QXE (Neslon) 8-000189 RMLR MMM (Mesquite) 8-000190 RMLR QDS (Goodsprings) 8-000191 RMLR QAM (Las Vegas) 8-000192 RMLR QSW (Warm Springs) 8-000193 RMLR QUL (Las Vegas) 8-000194 RTR Las Vegas 8-000195 Boulder VORTAC on Red Mtn 8-000196 VOR-LAS (Las Vegas) 8-000197 VOR-MMM (Misquite) 8-000198 Same As 8-000363 8-000199 Firestone Store #48y2 8-000200 Same As 8-000364 8-000201 FHI Plant Services Inc 8-000203 Frehner Trucking Service Inc 8-000204 Frias Transportation Management 8-000205 Friendly Ford 8-000206 Gaudin Ford 8-000207 Steve Huebner 8-000208 James Hardie Gypsum 8-000209 Chemstar-Apex Plant 8-000210 Chemstar-BMI Complex 8-000211 Gifford Electric Inc 8-000212 Lucky 7 Limo 8-000213 Stage Coach Depot 8-000214 Same As 8-001365 8-000215 Goodyear Auto Service #9397 8-000216 Gorndwich Sand & Gravel Inc 8-000217 Avis Rent A Car-Closed 8-000218 Green Valley Grocery #5 8-000219 Greyhound Lines Inc 8-000220 Nevada Coaches LLC dba Showtime Tours 8-000221 GTE Government Systems 8-000222 Same As 8-000205 8-000223 Terrible Herbst Airplane Hanger 8-000224 Hertz Rent-A-Car-Closed 8-000225 Hesse Corporation 8-000226 Hinckley & Schmitt 8-000227 Ballys Hotel Linen Services 8-000228 Howlett-Olson Foods 8-000229 N Las Vegas Airport 8-000230 Chevron Farm 8-000231 Shell Farm 8-000232 Texaco Farm-Signature Flight Sup 8-000233 ZZYX Oil Co 8-000234 Auto Air & More 8-000235 Jack Sons Refrigeration 8-000236 James L Andrus Trucking 8-000237 J C Penney Store #1794-7 8-000239 Jet Concrete Inc 8-000240 Jiffy Lube Int of Tennessee In 8-000241 Jim Marsh Incorporated 8-000242 TNT Bestway - Closed 8-000243 The Sherwin-Williams Co 8-000244 Jones Chemicals Inc 8-000245 Chaisson Motor Cars 8-000246 Simplot Silica Products 8-000247 J W Costello Beverage Co 8-000248 Southern Nevada Flyash Inc 8-000249 Jet 8-000250 Desert Food Mart 8-000251 Gas 4 Less 8-000252 Quick Stop Food Mart 8-000253 Conoco (See 8-001994) 8-000254 Jet 8-000255 City Express 8-000256 Air Cargo Building 8-000257 Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp 8-000259 Keystone Co 8-000260 CV PROPCO 8-000261 KLAS TV-Black Mtn Transmitter 8-000262 KLAS TV-Channel 8 8-000263 Kmart #3095 8-000264 Kmart #3592 8-000265 Kmart #4278 8-000266 Kmart #4369 8-000267 Kmart #9554 8-000268 Hacienda Hotel/Casino (Chevron) 8-000269 ABC Roofing Supply - Closed 8-000270 Vision Sign 8-000271 Las Vegas Bldg Materials Inc 8-000272 Bonanza Plant 8-000273 Integrity Chrysler Plymouth Inc 8-000274 LDS Las Vegas Dairy Farm 8-000275 Las Vegas Dodge Inc 8-000276 Las Vegas Fertilizer Co Inc 8-000277 Same As 8-000730 8-000278 Las Vegas Laundry & Cleaners 8-000279 Fortravel on Nevada Inc 8-000280 Las Vegas Painting & Dry Wall 8-000281 Lawyer Mechanical Services Inc 8-000282 Loomis Armored Inc 8-000283 Same As 8-000729 8-000284 Manley Enterprises 8-000285 Marnell Corrao Associates 8-000286 Max Riggs Const Co Inc 8-000289 Thrifty Rent-A-Vette 8-000290 Same As 8-000448 8-000291 McKesson Wine & Spirits Co Corp 8-000292 Overnite Transportation Co 8-000293 Ye Ole Fishin Hole 8-000294 Mikes Garage 8-000295 Same As 8-000998 8-000296 Strip Husky & U-Haul 8-000297 Budget Rent A Car-Closed 8-000298 Same As 8-000006 8-000299 Deluca Liquor & Wine 8-000300 Jet Gas 8-000301 ANR Freight System 8-000302 Clark County-Dept of Aviation 8-000303 USA Car Rental 8-000304 Avonite Inc 8-000305 THC-Las Vegas/Vencor Hospital 8-000306 Rebel Oil Co #71 8-000307 Whittlesea Blue Cab Co 8-000310 Boulder City Municipal Airport 8-000311 Boulder City Maintenance Yard 8-000312 Boulder City Fire Department 8-000313 Henderson Fire Station #94 8-000314 Henderson Water Treatment Plant 8-000315 City of Henderson 8-000316 Henderson Police Dept 8-000317 City Wide Enterprises Inc 8-000318 City of Las Vegas 8-000319 City of Las Vegas 8-000320 Satellite Yard #1 8-000321 City of Las Vegas 8-000322 Wastewater Treatment Plant 8-000323 Fire Station #1 8-000324 City of Las Vegas 8-000325 Fire Mechanical Shop 8-000327 Same As 8-000797 8-000328 Circle K Store #2701253 8-000329 Circle K Store #2701791 8-000330 Desert Rose Golf Course 8-000331 Automotive Airport Shop McCarran 8-000332 Same As 8-000805 8-000333 Clark County Detention Center 8-000334 McCarran D-Gate - Closed 8-000335 Clark County Auto Services 8-000336 Same As 8-000816 8-000337 Clark County Fire Dept #22 8-000338 Clark County Fire Dept #16 8-000339 Same As 8-001611 8-000340 McCarran-Clark County Fire Dept #13 8-000341 Clark County Fire Dept #12 8-000342 Clark County Fire Dept #18 8-000344 Blaine Equipment 8-000345 Truck Parts & Equip Co 8-000346 Run Rite Garage 8-000347 Eberhardts Tire & Automotive 8-000348 River City Petroleum 8-000349 Desert Springs Hospital 8-000350 Black Mountain Disposal 8-000351 Cheyenne Transfer Station 8-000352 Searchlight Nugget Shell 8-000353 New Nellis Thrifty Mart 8-000354 Dunes Hotel/Mirage Golf Club 8-000355 Same As 8-000180 8-000356 Same As 8-000180 8-000357 Same As 8-001366 8-000358 Ewing Bros Inc 8-000359 Same As 8-000183 8-000360 Redman Petroleum Co 8-000361 Tonys Express 8-000362 E-Z Serve #1239 8-000363 Fairway Chevrolet Co 8-000364 Thrifty Car Rental-Closed 8-000365 Fletcher Jones Chevrolet 8-000366 Same As 8-000365 8-000367 Quality Towing 8-000368 Sportsmans Minit Mart 8-000369 George Horito 8-000370 Same As 8-000219 8-000371 Greyhound Exposition Services (GES) 8-000372 Meads True Value 8-000373 Gary Hanna Nissan Inc 8-000375 Vencor Las Vegas Health Care 8-000376 Same As 8-001757/1758/1759 8-000377 901 Fremont Texaco 8-000378 Jakes Crane & Rigging Inc 8-000379 First 24 Hr Auto Repair 8-000380 The Mirage Hotel & Casino 8-000381 Same As 8-001300 8-000382 Marios North Town Market 8-000383 V & V Automotive - Closed 8-000385 Las Vegas Transfer & Storage Inc 8-000386 Shell Oil Co 8-000387 Los Prados Community Association 8-000388 Marine World of NV Inc - Closed 8-000389 McCandless International Trucks 8-000390 Same As 8-000389 8-000391 McCarran International Airport 8-000392 American Tower Corp #306799-Closed 8-000393 Same As 8-000998 8-000394 Minit Lube #1016 8-000395 Minit Lube #1028 8-000396 Minit Lube #1029 8-000397 Q Lube #1030 8-000398 Q Lube #1031 8-000399 Minit Lube #1039 8-000400 Minit Lube #1034 8-000401 Q Lube #1041 8-000402 Q Lube #1046 8-000403 Mission Linen 8-000404 Mission Industries Inc 8-000405 Former Grand Prix Auto Site 8-000406 Boulder City Shell 8-000407 Mobil SS #09-08-LAQ (08677) 8-000408 08lbe Mobil #18 8-000409 08lcl-Former Express Oil & Gas 8-000410 Mobil SS #09-08-LJ9 (08708) 8-000411 Former Mobil Station 08lc8 8-000412 Motor Cargo 8-000413 Montgomery Ward 8-000414 Same As 8-000413 8-000415 Same As 8-000060 8-000416 Dollar Rent A Car 8-000417 Former National Car Rental Systems 8-000418 Stop N Go Markets (#143)-Closed 8-000419 Stop N Go Markets (#147)-Closed 8-000420 Former Store #29651-Closed 8-000421 7-Eleven #29665 8-000422 7-Eleven-Closed 8-000423 7-Eleven #29667 8-000424 7-Eleven #29627 8-000425 7-Eleven #29633 8-000426 7-Eleven #29637 8-000427 7-Eleven #29638 8-000428 7-Eleven #29639 8-000429 7-Eleven #29640 8-000430 7-Eleven #29641 8-000431 7-Eleven #29642 8-000432 7-Eleven #29643 8-000433 Former Stop N Go Market 8-000434 7-Eleven #29644 8-000435 7-Eleven #29645 8-000436 7-Eleven #29646 8-000437 7-Eleven #29647 8-000438 7-Eleven #29648 8-000439 7-Eleven #29652 8-000440 7-Eleven #29657-Closed 8-000441 Same As 8-000020 8-000442 7-Eleven #29659 - Closed 8-000443 7-Eleven #29660 8-000444 7-Eleven #29661 8-000445 7-Eleven #29662 8-000446 7-Eleven #29663 8-000447 7-Eleven #29669-Closed 8-000448 Thrifty Car Rental 8-000449 Nevada Beverage Co 8-000450 Lee Canyon Fire Station-Closed 8-000451 Floyd R Lamb State Park-Closed 8-000452 Spring Mountain Ranch State Park-Closed 8-000453 Valley of Fire State Park-Closed 8-000454 Nevada North American Inc 8-000455 Industrial Road Facility 8-000456 Henderson Service Center 8-000458 Clark Station 8-000459 Sunrise Station 8-000460 Spring Valley Service Center 8-000461 Reid Gardner Station 8-000467 Pearson Bldg (Henderson Service Center) 8-000468 Novena Inc 8-000469 M J Wood & Assoc 8-000470 Oilfields 8-000471 Cox & Sons Plumbing 8-000472 The Orourke Warehouse 8-000473 O'Rourke Plumbing Inc 8-000474 Pepcon 8-000475 Pan Western Corporation 8-000476 Pep Boys #670 8-000477 Pep Boys #702 8-000478 Former Peppermill 8-000479 Pepsi Cola Bottling Group 8-000480 Pete Findlay Oldsmobile Inc 8-000481 Petroleum Systems & Maintenance 8-000482 Phillips 66 Company #073787 8-000483 Same As 8-000434 8-000484 Phillips 66 Company #071433 8-000485 Smog Busters 8-000486 Same As 8-000121 8-000487 Same As 8-001012 8-000488 Phillips 66 Company #026811 8-000489 Same As 8-000441 8-000490 Russell Highfield 8-000491 Rebel Oil Co #41 8-000492 Same As 8-000120 8-000493 Same As 8-000443 8-000494 Phillips 66 Company #021287 8-000495 Same As 8-000571 8-000496 Same As 8-000610 8-000497 Phillips 66 Company #020258 8-000498 Weaver Construction 8-000499 Moapa Developers Inc 8-000500 Rockbreakers 8-000501 Rental Yard 8-000502 Allied Pools & Spa 8-000503 Pops Oasis 8-000504 Preferred Equities Corp 8-000505 B & S Auto Service 8-000506 Terrible Herbst #231 8-000507 R G Electric Corp 8-000508 Roadway Express Inc 8-000509 Hidden Valley Dairy 8-000510 Rocky Mountain Co-Closed 8-000511 Laker Plaza - Closed 8-000512 The Sherwin-Williams Co 8-000513 Abbies Recycling Center 8-000514 Gasoline Station 8-000516 Sunstate Equipment Rental 8-000517 Ryder Transportation 8-000518 National Weather Service 8-000519 Safety Kleen Corporation - Closed 8-000520 Jack Biegger Sahara Nissan 8-000521 Corona Freight 8-000522 Rebel Oil Co #39 8-000523 Rebel Oil Co #8 8-000524 MTA Truck & Trailer Repair 8-000525 Same As 8-000491 8-000526 Rebel Oil Co #25 8-000527 Saveway (Old Rebel Oil #43) 8-000528 Rebel Oil Co #45 8-000529 Rebel Oil Co #6 8-000530 Rebel Oil Co #12 8-000531 Rebel Oil Co #16 8-000532 Rebel Oil Co #17 - Closed 8-000533 Rebel Oil Co #19 8-000534 Rebel Oil Co #20 8-000535 Rebel Oil Co #21 8-000536 Rebel Oil Co #23 8-000537 Saveway #5 8-000538 Rebel Oil Co Inc 8-000539 Auto Flite 3 8-000540 Saveway #16 8-000541 Rebel Oil Co #29 8-000542 Rebel Oil Co #42 8-000543 Rebel Oil Co #43 8-000544 Rebel Oil Co #44 8-000545 Former? Rebel #41 8-000546 Scandia Family Fun Center 8-000547 Scenic Airlines Inc 8-000548 Sears Roebuck & Co 8-000549 Sears Roebuck & Co 8-000550 Western Linen Service 8-000551 Seton Academy Inc 8-000552 Same As 8-000721 8-000553 Former Seven-Up Bottling Co 8-000556 Shell Fuel Facility 8-000557 The Sherwin-Williams Co 8-000559 Royal Kenfield Country Club 8-000560 Sierra Detroit Diesel Allison 8-000562 Silver State Supply Co Inc 8-000563 Simpson Electric Inc 8-000564 S Nevada Operating Eng Jatc 8-000565 Mojave (Mohave) Generating Station 8-000566 S Nevada TBA Supply Co Inc 8-000567 Southern Wine & Spirits of NV - Closed 8-000568 St Rose Dominican Hospital 8-000569 7-Eleven #26395 8-000570 7-Eleven #25899 8-000571 7-Eleven #25785 8-000572 7-Eleven #25156 8-000573 7-Eleven #24823 8-000574 7-Eleven #20145 8-000575 7-Eleven #22854 8-000576 7-Eleven #24564 8-000577 7-Eleven #22272 8-000578 7-Eleven #22070 8-000579 7-Eleven #19588 8-000580 7-Eleven #18565-Closed 8-000581 7-Eleven #15478-Closed 8-000582 7-Eleven #16186-Closed 8-000583 7-Eleven #25610 8-000584 7-Eleven #13696-Closed 8-000585 7-Eleven #13675-Closed 8-000586 7-Eleven #13685 8-000587 7-Eleven #23129 8-000588 7-Eleven #23759 8-000589 7-Eleven #24209 8-000590 7-Eleven #25578 8-000591 7-Eleven #26071 8-000592 7-Eleven #26174 8-000593 7-Eleven #25607 8-000594 7-Eleven #13702-Closed 8-000595 7-Eleven #13705-Closed 8-000596 7-Eleven #15449 8-000597 7-Eleven #15816-Closed 8-000598 7-Eleven #18198 8-000599 7-Eleven #19653-Closed 8-000600 7-Eleven #20084-Closed 8-000601 7-Eleven #20379-Closed 8-000602 7-Eleven #21285 - Closed 8-000603 7-Eleven #21850 8-000604 7-Eleven #22579 8-000605 7-Eleven #15974-Closed 8-000606 7-Eleven #18382-Closed 8-000607 7-Eleven #19103-Closed 8-000608 7-Eleven #20107-Closed 8-000609 7-Eleven #20687-Closed 8-000610 7-Eleven #20826 - Closed 8-000611 7-Eleven #21058-Closed 8-000612 7-Eleven #22939-Closed 8-000613 7-Eleven #24172 - Closed 8-000614 7-Eleven #25123 8-000615 7-Eleven #25586 8-000616 7-Eleven #26637 8-000617 7-Eleven #26751 8-000618 7-Eleven #15829 8-000619 7-Eleven #26627 8-000620 7-Eleven #26994 8-000622 7-Eleven #27190 8-000623 7-Eleven #27361 8-000626 7-Eleven #27904 8-000627 Same As 8-001432 8-000628 7-Eleven #27455-Closed 8-000629 7-Eleven #27111 8-000630 7-Eleven #27071 8-000631 7-Eleven #27380 - Closed 8-000632 South Pointe Market 8-000633 Southwest Air Conditioning Inc 8-000634 Salvation Army 8-000635 Southwest Gas Corp-Closed 8-000636 Southwest Gas Corp-Closed 8-000637 Spanish Trail Maintenance Shop 8-000638 McKesson Water Products 8-000639 Las Vegas Park & Fly 8-000640 Standard Wholesale Supply Co 8-000641 State of Nevada Motor Pool 8-000642 Stauffer Chemical Co 8-000643 Stephen Forrester-Closed 8-000644 Vegas Valley Plant-Closed 8-000645 Craig Ranch Golf Course 8-000646 Rio Hotel & Casino Parking 8-000647 Frontier Hotel-Closed 8-000648 Sunland RV Center Inc 8-000649 Salvation Army 8-000650 Tass Hardin Trenching Inc 8-000651 Ted Tafras Transmission Excavation 8-000652 Terrible Herbst #3 8-000653 Charleston Texaco 8-000654 Terrible Herbst #106 (Gas) & #108 (Lube) 8-000655 Terrible Herbst #118 (Arco) 8-000656 Terrible Herbst #124 (Gas) 8-000657 Terrible Herbst #126 (Arco) 8-000658 Terrible Herbst #129 (Chevron) 8-000659 Terrible Herbst #133 8-000660 Terrible Herbst #136 (Arco) 8-000661 Tosco/76 Station #257308/31295-Closed 8-000662 Terrible Herbst #140 (Arco) 8-000663 Terrible Herbst #141 (Arco) 8-000664 Terrible Herbst #144-Closed 8-000665 Terrible Herbst #145 (Arco) 8-000666 Unocal #7313 - Closed 8-000667 Terrible Herbst #147 (Gas) & #194 (Lube) 8-000668 Terrible Herbst #152 (Gas) & #155 (Lube) 8-000670 Terrible Herbst #130 8-000671 University Sinclair 8-000672 Texaco #61-529-0010 8-000673 Equilon #121304/Texaco #61-529-0400 8-000674 Former Equilon #120941/Texaco - Closed 8-000675 Terrible Herbst #267 8-000676 Station #262 8-000677 Fast Gas and Minimart 8-000678 Station #264 8-000679 Equilon #120972/Texaco #61-529-0195 - Closed 8-000680 Equilon #120971/Texaco #61-529-0205 - Closed 8-000681 Terrible Herbst #263 8-000682 Texaco Service Station #0675 8-000683 Boulder Basic Sinclair 8-000684 Texaco Service Station 8-000685 Texaco Service Station 8-000686 Exxon at Eastern 8-000687 Texaco Service Station 8-000688 Former Texaco Site-Las Vegas Storage Terminal 8-000689 Same As 8-000232 8-000690 The Burke Co 8-000691 Graphic Art Services 8-000692 Thrifty Oil Co #481 8-000693 Timet 8-000694 Holiday Texaco-Closed 8-000695 Tony Marnell Co 8-000696 Desert Toyota - Scion of Las Vegas 8-000697 Same As 8-001089 8-000698 Trailways Inc 8-000699 Air Cargo Building 8-000701 Boulder Tri-Mart - Closed 8-000702 Truline Corporation 8-000703 Tuneup Masters #479 8-000704 Tuneup Masters #476 8-000705 Tuneup Masters 8-000706 Tuneup Masters #480 8-000707 Tuneup Masters #478 8-000708 West Bonanza Moving Center 8-000709 U-Haul #83852 N Las Vegas Moving Center 8-000710 U-Haul Boulder Hwy 8-000711 U-Haul #83850 Fremont Moving Center 8-000712 Dry Lake-Milepost 363 2 8-000713 Farrier Station-Milepost 393 0 8-000714 Moapa Station-Milepost 383 1 8-000715 Wann Station-Milepost 339 1 8-000716 Las Vegas 8-000717 Underground Yard 8-000718 United Air Lines Flt Kitchen 8-000719 National Park Service Lake Mead 8-000720 National Park Service Lake Mead 8-000721 Echo Bay Resort 8-000723 Same As 8-000138 8-000724 Lake Mead-NPS 8-000725 Boulder Beach Main Yard-Closed 8-000726 Echo Bay Main Yard-Closed 8-000727 Lake Mead NRA-Overton Beach 8-000728 Regency Auto Spa 8-000729 Miles Transfer & Storage 8-000730 Las Fuel Corporation 8-000732 Las Vegas Travel Center 8-000733 Unocal #6999 8-000734 Tosco Corp Site #256717/31204-Closed 8-000735 Tosco/76 Station #256164/31110-Closed 8-000736 Unocal #6131 8-000737 Circle K Store #2705394 8-000738 Conoco Phillips #255603-Closed 8-000739 Joes Auto Service 8-000740 ConocoPhillips #255558 8-000741 Circle K Store #2705393 8-000742 Unocal #255321 (05398)-Closed 8-000743 Tosco/76 Station #5257 Ck#30834-Closed 8-000744 Tosco Corp Site #255227-Closed 8-000745 Circle K Store #2705397 8-000746 Unocal #4666 8-000747 Unocal #4618 8-000748 Unocal #4968 8-000749 TSGNV #254616 8-000750 Tosco/76 Station #254608/30686 - Closed 8-000751 Tosco/76 Station #254370/30642-Closed 8-000752 Unocal #3987 8-000753 Circle K Store #2705399 8-000754 Unocal #2916 8-000755 Circle K Store #2705395 8-000756 Rebel Oil Co #89 8-000757 Valley Food Distributors of NV 8-000758 Valley Hospital Medical Center 8-000759 Universal Roofers 8-000760 Class Act Auto Service 8-000761 Vosburg Equipment 8-000762 B & M Transmission 8-000763 Pats Chinese Food and Mini-Mart 8-000764 Former Hallmark Truck Stop 8-000765 Warthen Buick 8-000767 Wells Cargo Inc 8-000768 Loomis Fargo & Co 8-000769 Westco Food Svs 8-000770 Shakeys Service 8-000771 Wheeler Sales Inc 8-000772 Whiskey Petes Chevron Truckstop 8-000773 Bell Transportation 8-000774 Same As 8-001378 8-000775 Lee Wilder 8-000776 Bomel Construction 8-000777 W S Hatch Co 8-000778 Yellow Cab Co-Closed 8-000779 Vacant Used Car Lot 8-000780 Yellow Cab Co 8-000781 Zellerbach Paper Co 8-000783 ZNZ Enterprises 8-000784 Area II Booster Station 8-000785 Same As 8-000311 8-000786 Same As 8-000324 8-000793 Central Supply/Purchasing 8-000794 Central Garage 8-000795 Main Fire Station 8-000796 City of N Las Vegas\public Safety Bldg 8-000797 Fire Station #3 8-000800 Same As 8-000338 8-000801 Same As 8-000342 8-000802 Same As 8-000337 8-000803 Same As 8-001611 8-000804 7-Eleven #29979 8-000805 Clark County Automotive 8-000806 Same As 8-000991 8-000807 Metro Police SE Substation 8-000808 McCarran-Control Terminal Generator 8-000809 Spring Mountain Youth Camp 8-000810 Lee Canyon Youth Camp 8-000811 Mt Charleston Fire Station 8-000812 Same As 8-000859 8-000813 McCarran-Heating/Refrig Plant - Closed 8-000814 McCarran Satellite 1 North Y South Y 8-000815 Community College of Southern NV 8-000816 Overton Airport-Closed 8-000817 Airport Warehouse 8-000818 E Vegas Pump Station II - Closed 8-000819 Lift Station #26 8-000820 Wastewater Treatment Plant 8-000821 Casino Drive Lift Station #24 8-000822 Clark County Sanitation District 8-000823 East Vegas Pump Station I/Whitney Lift Station 8-000824 Tate Transportation Center 8-000825 Arville Transportation Yard 8-000826 Basic High School 8-000827 Grant Bowler Elementary School 8-000828 Monroe Robertson Eastern Satellite 8-000829 Eldorado High School 8-000830 Eucalyptus Maintenance Facility (Warehouse) 8-000831 Garside Junior High School 8-000832 Gibson Junior High School 8-000833 K O Knudson Junior High School 8-000834 Las Vegas High School 8-000835 Mack Lyon Middle School 8-000836 Southern Nevada Voc Tech Center 8-000837 Western High School 8-000838 Virgin Valley Elementary School 8-000839 Alfred Merritt Smith Water Treatment Facility 8-000840 Boulder City Garage 8-000841 Las Vegas Convention Authority 8-000842 Bonanza Pumping Station 8-000843 Clark Pumping Station 8-000844 West Charleston Blvd Pump Station 8-000845 Well 2a 8-000846 Well 23a 8-000847 Well 7a 8-000848 Well 28-Gowan 8-000849 Las Vegas Valley Water District 8-000850 McCullough Switching Station 8-000851 NDOT-Old Carson City Shop-Closed 8-000853 NDOT-Las Vegas Main 8-000854 NDOT-Clark Co 8-000855 NDOT-Mtn Springs Shop-Closed 8-000856 NDOT-Searchlight Shop-Closed 8-000857 Las Vegas Armory-Closed 8-000858 Henderson Armory Osm#4-Closed 8-000859 University Medical Center 8-000861 Same As 8-001361 8-000864 Facility #939 8-000865 Facility #1739 8-000866 Facility #2060 8-000867 Facility #2070 8-000868 Facility #2074 8-000869 Facility #1709 8-000870 Facility #830 8-000871 USAF-Nellis AFB-Facility #890 8-000872 Facility #460 8-000873 Facility #831 8-000874 Facility #835 8-000875 USAF-Nellis AFB-Facility #2814 8-000876 Facility #2354 8-000877 Facility #653 8-000878 Facility #2098 8-000879 Facility #634 8-000880 Facility #229 8-000881 Facility #10307 8-000882 Facility #1014 8-000883 USAF-Nellis AFB-Facility #941-Closed 8-000884 Facility #10207 8-000885 USAF-Nellis AFB-Facility #10322 8-000886 USAF-Nellis AFB-Facility #267 8-000887 Facility #940 8-000888 Facility #10116 8-000889 Facility #2000 8-000890 Facility #913 8-000891 Facility #275 8-000892 Facility #490 8-000893 Facility #620 8-000894 Facility #625 8-000895 Facility #915 8-000896 Facility #2350 8-000897 Facility #2351 8-000898 Facility #606 8-000899 Lake Mead Substation 8-000900 GSA Las Vegas Fleet Management 8-000901 Foley Federal Bldg 8-000902 Kyle Canyon Ranger Station 8-000903 Bureau of Reclamation Co Dam Project 8-000904 Bureau of Mines/USBR-Date St Co 8-000905 USCG Lorsta Searchlight 8-000906 Desert NWR (Corn Ck Field Station ) 8-000907 US Postal Service 8-000908 USPS Paradise Valley Branch 8-000909 USPS Bonanza Station 8-000910 Bonanza Station 8-000911 USPS Huntridge Station 8-000912 USPS E Las Vegas Branch 8-000913 USPS Garside Station 8-000914 Liquid Air Corp 8-000915 ARCO AM PM #82471 8-000916 Rebel Oil Co #59 8-000917 ARCO #5359 - Closed 8-000918 Las Vegas Reg Office-Closed 8-000919 Western Coach Services 8-000920 Rainbows End Bass & Gas 8-000921 Vacant Bldg 8-000922 U-Haul 8-000923 New-Com Inc 8-000924 Terrible Herbst #156 (Gas) & #158 (Lube) 8-000925 Total Fx 8-000926 Nevada Dairy 8-000927 Desert Plumbing & Heating Co 8-000928 Norm Baker Auto Service 8-000929 Nellis Cab Co 8-000930 New Las Vegas Country Club 8-000931 Rebel Oil Co #40 8-000932 Circle K Store #2708690 8-000933 Shetakis Wholesalers Inc 8-000935 ARCO AM PM #82641 8-000936 Circle K Store #2708656 8-000937 Circle K Store #2708650 8-000938 Circle K Store #2701951 8-000939 R B Petersen Construction Co 8-000940 El Paso-Los Angeles Limousine Express Inc 8-000941 Econo Lube N Tune #109 - Closed 8-000942 Econo Lube N Tune #86 8-000943 Royalty Auto Service 8-000944 Econo Lube N Tune #44 8-000945 Econo Lube N Tune #40 8-000946 Losee Cardlock TP #2216 8-000947 The New L T R Corporation 8-000948 Hertz Equipment Rental 8-000949 Charlie Brown Construction 8-000950 Nevada Auto Auction 8-000951 Ted Wiens Tire 8-000952 Ted Wiens Tire 8-000953 Charleston AM/PM #85155 8-000954 Hydro Conduit Corporation 8-000955 Las Vegas Paving Corporation 8-000956 Familian Pipe & Supply Co Inc 8-000957 Southern Nevada Movers Inc 8-000958 All American Van & Storage 8-000959 Lamb Gas & Mini Mart 8-000960 Desert Construction Inc 8-000961 Wild Wild West Gambling Hall & Hotel 8-000962 Allen Drilling Inc 8-000963 Budget Car Rental - Closed 8-000964 The Muffler Shop Inc 8-000965 Searchlight Boat & RV Storage 8-000966 Citgo Station 8-000967 Superior Tire Inc 8-000968 Superior Tire Inc 8-000969 Superior Tire Inc 8-000970 Superior Tire Inc 8-000971 Superior Tire Inc 8-000972 Chapmans Las Vegas Dodge 8-000973 Lake Mead Auto Marine 8-000974 The Waterhole - Closed 8-000975 One Stop Market-Closed 8-000977 Young Electric Sign Co 8-000978 United Parcel Service 8-000979 Crenshaw Backhoe Service 8-000980 Sign Systems 8-000981 Same As 8-000849 8-000982 Bonanza Booster Station 8-000983 Cecils Market of Nevada 8-000984 J S S M Inc 8-000985 Terrible Herbst #163 (Gas) & #164 (Lube) 8-000986 Cactus Springs Truck Stop 8-000987 Green Valley Grocery #41 8-000988 Allstar Rent-A-Car 8-000989 Bailey Enterprises 8-000990 Same As 8-001118 8-000991 Metro West Substation 8-000992 Discount Auto Broker 8-000993 Sears Roebuck & Co 8-000994 Bonanza Beverage Co 8-000995 ARCO #6117 8-000996 ARCO #1926 8-000997 Las Vegas Golf Club 8-000998 Yellow Freight Systems Inc 8-000999 Federal Building/Post Office 8-001000 The Cabinetry Inc 8-001001 Pat Clark Pontiac 8-001002 Houston Lumber Co 8-001003 Texaco 8-001004 Overton Power District #5 8-001005 Ace Fire Systems Inc - Closed 8-001006 Lower Colorado Regional Office 8-001007 Lower Colorado Regional Office 8-001008 Indian Springs General Store 8-001010 Nevada Baking Co 8-001011 Copy Systems Inc 8-001012 North Town Motors 8-001013 Alamo Rent A Car Inc 8-001014 Truss Company & Building Supply 8-001015 Desert Inn Hotel & Casino 8-001016 USPS Spring Valley Branch 8-001017 USPS Henderson Main Office 8-001018 US Postal Service 8-001019 Steel Engineers Inc 8-001020 Savmor Rent A Car-Closed 8-001021 Same As 8-001346 8-001022 Butler Crane Service 8-001023 Curtis Steel 8-001024 Curtis Steel 8-001025 Same As 8-001812 8-001026 Burkholder Junior High 8-001027 Same As 8-001386 - Closed 8-001028 UNLV Motor Pool 8-001029 Polaris Cardlock TP #2211 8-001030 Action Helicopter Service Center Inc 8-001031 Las Vegas Oms 4a 8-001032 Russ Auto Repair 8-001033 Findlay Signature Lincoln Mercury 8-001034 Terrible Herbst #170 (AM/PM) 8-001035 Host Marriott 8-001036 Center 8-001037 Terrible Herbst #162 8-001038 Simon Inc 8-001039 Device Assembly Facility 8-001040 Western VW 8-001041 Terrible Herbst #166 (Gas) & #168 (Lube) 8-001042 Thompson Drilling 8-001043 AAMCO Transmissions 8-001044 Ted Wiens Tire and Auto 8-001045 Hardy Automotive 8-001047 Dobs Tire 8-001048 Falconi Honda 8-001049 Eds AM/PM 8-001050 Cascade Car Wash 8-001051 Korner Store & Deli 8-001052 Terrible Herbst #159 (Gas) & #161 (Lube) 8-001053 Southern Nevada Equipment 8-001054 Blystone Equipment 8-001055 Nevada Precast Concrete Products 8-001056 Smoke Ranch AM/PM #82428 8-001057 Same As 8-000566 8-001058 Circle K Store #2708655 8-001059 Clark County 8-001060 GCR Tire Center 8-001061 Painted Desert Golf Club 8-001062 M & M Construction Inc 8-001063 Caterair Intl 8-001064 Nevada Ready Mix-Closed 8-001065 Moapa Valley Water District 8-001066 Sky Top Vending - Closed 8-001067 Logondale Chevron 8-001068 Anderson Rental Center 8-001069 Nevada Dairy 8-001070 TNT Auto Parts Inc 8-001071 Desert Honda of Las Vegas 8-001072 Cal-Nevada Iron & Metal Inc 8-001074 Lawrence Moving & Storage 8-001075 Blakes Holiday Marine 8-001076 Sunset Truck Plaza - Closed 8-001077 Allied Building Materials 8-001078 Hansen Mechanical Contractors 8-001079 Verns Boulder City Texaco 8-001080 American Asphalt 8-001081 Ted Weins Firestone 8-001082 Autodynamics dba AAMCO Transmissions 8-001083 Glassrock Home Health Care 8-001084 Ute Construction 8-001085 Same As 8-000213 8-001086 Autodynamics dba AAMCO Transmissions 8-001087 AAMCO Transmissions 8-001088 Meyers Service 8-001089 Gagne Coach Maintenance 8-001090 Cind-R-Lite Co 8-001091 Tropicana Hotel and Casino 8-001092 Carey Mini Market 8-001093 Southern Nevada Paving Inc - Closed 8-001094 Southern Nevada Paving Inc - Closed 8-001095 Falconis Acura 8-001096 Desert Lincoln Mercury 8-001097 Southwest Gas Corp-Closed 8-001098 Conoco Service Station 8-001099 Overton Wildlife Mgmt Area-Closed 8-001100 Lake Mead Fish Hatchery-Closed 8-001101 Jacks Refrigeration 8-001102 The Bus Stop Inc - Closed 8-001103 Silver Dollar Recycling 8-001104 Flippins Trenching 8-001105 Terrible Herbst #293 8-001107 ARCO #5347 8-001108 Village Shop #8 8-001109 Sias AM/PM Mini Market 8-001110 Same As 7-000160 Facility #81022 8-001111 Facility #81048 Nellis AFB 8-001112 Same As 7-000160 Facility #81060 8-001113 Same As 7-000160 Facility #81043 8-001114 Facility #84001 Nellis AFB 8-001115 Facility #2275 Nellis AFB 8-001116 Facility #423 Nellis AFB 8-001117 Las Vegas National Golf Club 8-001118 Federal Express Corporation 8-001120 Same As 8-000195 8-001121 Same As 8-001339 8-001122 Western Cab Co 8-001123 Sedillo Landscaping Inc 8-001124 Alamo Rental Co 8-001125 Fire Station #81 8-001126 Fire Station #83 8-001127 Desert GMC -East Inc 8-001128 James Truss Co - Closed 8-001129 Safe Electronics 8-001130 Ryan Service Center 8-001131 Rebel Oil Co #46 8-001132 Rebel Oil Co #47 8-001133 Green Valley Grocery #6 8-001134 Green Valley Grocery #9 8-001135 East Lawn Inc dba Palm Mort 8-001136 Gibson 8-001137 Ute Perkins Elementary School 8-001138 Laughlin High School 8-001139 Same As 8-001358 8-001140 Same As 8-001357 8-001141 Same As 8-001356 8-001142 Same As 8-001355 8-001143 Same As 8-001354 8-001144 7-Eleven #27327 8-001145 Same As 8-001352 8-001146 Same As 8-001351 8-001147 Same As 8-001350 8-001148 Same As 8-001349 8-001149 7-Eleven #27607 - Closed 8-001150 7-Eleven #26873 8-001151 Fire Station #42 8-001152 Fire Station #2 8-001153 Fire Station #4 8-001154 NYP Corp 8-001155 Fitzgerald Property 8-001156 River City Petroleum Inc 8-001157 Charter Hospital of Las Vegas 8-001158 Koepsell Transportation Satellite 8-001159 Stephanie Shop 8-001160 Eastgate Shop 8-001161 Riverside Resort & Casino 8-001162 Oasis Enterprises Inc 8-001163 Primm Valley Texaco 8-001164 Green Valley Grocery #10 8-001165 Krisco Inc 8-001166 Dielco Crane Service Inc 8-001167 Same As 8-000380 8-001168 Oklahoma Sooner Motors 8-001169 Sterling Plumbing 8-001170 Master Transmission 8-001171 Donrey of Nevada Inc 8-001172 United Air Lines 8-001173 LDS Old Mormon Farm 8-001174 Same As 8-001364 8-001175 Gold Strike Auto/Truck Plaza 8-001176 Auto Surgeons of NV 8-001177 Nice N Big Auto Sales 8-001178 Stansberry Construction 8-001300 Green Valley Grocery #24 8-001301 The Palladium 8-001302 City Auto 8-001303 Same As 8-001301 8-001304 Same As 8-001307 8-001306 Terrible Herbst #174 8-001307 Terrible Herbst #171 (Gas) & #173 (Lube) 8-001308 USPS Las Vegas Red Rock Vista Station 8-001309 Same As 8-000150 8-001310 Texaco 8-001311 WMK Materials 8-001312 US Foodservice Inc 8-001313 Silvestr Vincent et al 8-001314 Bracket Co 8-001315 Goudie Industrial Plaza 8-001316 Pro-Tech Inc 8-001317 Palm Properties 8-001318 International Brotherhood Electrical Wks 8-001319 Henderson Electric Motors 8-001320 ABC Concrete Inc 8-001321 Leos Transmissions 8-001322 Same As 8-000693 8-001323 Tune & Lube Repair Center 8-001325 Same As 8-000975 8-001326 Rebel Oil Co #49 8-001327 Same As 8-001345 8-001328 Same As 8-000195 8-001329 Same As 8-001176 8-001330 Same As 8-001160 8-001331 Poker Palace Casino 8-001332 Southern Nevada Correctional Center 8-001333 So Desert Correctional Center 8-001334 Terrible Herbst #165 8-001335 Pep Boys #688 8-001336 Pep Boys #685 8-001337 Pep Boys #683 8-001338 Chemstar Inc 8-001339 American Tire 8-001340 Las Vegas Pick A Part Inc 8-001341 Chevron #43-Closed 8-001342 Union Pacific Railroad 8-001343 Eberhardts Tire Center - Closed 8-001344 USAF-Nellis AFB-Facility #61647 8-001345 7-Eleven #29658 8-001346 7-Eleven #26582-Closed 8-001347 Same As 8-001150 8-001348 Same As 8-001149 8-001349 7-Eleven #29384 8-001350 7-Eleven #18404 8-001351 7-Eleven #16896 8-001352 7-Eleven #27452 8-001353 Same As 8-001144 8-001354 7-Eleven #26841-Closed 8-001355 7-Eleven #20213-Closed 8-001356 7-Eleven #29407 8-001357 7-Eleven #27700 8-001358 7-Eleven #27438 8-001360 City of Henderson 8-001361 Henderson City Shop 8-001362 Las Vegas Metro Command Center 8-001363 Unocal 8-001364 Advance Equipment Inc 8-001365 Scholzen Products Co 8-001366 Green Valley Grocery #34 8-001367 Station #266 8-001368 Equilon #121946/Texaco #61-529-0403 8-001369 Same As 8-000036 8-001373 Arrowhead Service - Closed 8-001374 Jack B Kelley Inc 8-001375 Same As 8-000699 8-001376 Jones Machine Co 8-001377 Green Valley Nursery 8-001378 Instant Auto Pawn Inc 8-001379 Same As 8-000149 8-001380 Insta-Tune 8-001381 Green Valley Grocery #11 8-001382 Green Valley Grocery #12 8-001383 Auto Tech Center Inc 8-001384 Mick & Macs Food Mart 8-001385 Terrible Herbst #176 8-001386 Lee Canyon Ski Area 8-001387 Larkin Company Inc 8-001388 88 Gas Depot LLC 8-001389 Sierra Construction Co 8-001390 Stop N Shop #3 8-001391 Jean Development 8-001392 Clark Co NV McCarran Airport 8-001393 Golden Market #3 8-001394 Budget Rent A Car 8-001395 Same As 8-001426 8-001396 Colfax Motors 8-001397 A Welding Shop 8-001398 Talley-Ho Drapery Service 8-001399 Walt Casey Water Co 8-001400 William L Reynolds/Faun Rothman 8-001402 Terrible Herbst #177 8-001403 Sahara Hotel & Casino 8-001404 Alfred Gerstler Trust 8-001405 Longley Construction Co Inc 8-001406 J C Auto & Upholstering 8-001407 Green Valley Car Wash 8-001408 Central Freight Lines Inc - Closed 8-001409 American Federal Savings Bank 8-001410 Binions Horseshoe Hotel & Casino 8-001411 Bat Rentals Inc 8-001412 Milt Bozanic 8-001413 Same As 8-000830 8-001414 Jones Feed and Tack 8-001415 Henderson Fire Station #95 8-001417 Cheyenne Diesel Services 8-001418 Johnsons Auto Center 8-001419 All In Mart 8-001420 LTR Bus Facility 8-001421 Same As 8-001394 8-001422 Frontier Refrigeration Inc 8-001423 Ben Stepman Motors 8-001424 Overton Power District #5 8-001425 McCarran-Charter/Intl Terminal 8-001426 Budget Rent A Car 8-001427 Same As 8-001010 8-001428 Run Rite Garage 8-001429 Rebel Oil Co #53 8-001430 Rebel Oil Co #52 8-001431 Rebel Oil Co #56 8-001432 7-Eleven #27866 8-001433 Same As 8-001403 8-001434 7-Eleven #27085 8-001436 Hecht Family Trust 8-001437 Same As 8-001300 8-001438 Pep Boys #776 8-001439 Pep Boys #702 8-001440 Same As 8-000517 8-001441 Talley-Ho Drapery Service 8-001442 Larkin Company Inc 8-001443 Charleston Car Wash 8-001444 Angels Peak Microwave Station 8-001445 Boulder City High School 8-001446 Howard Wasden Elem School 8-001447 M & S Air Condition 8-001448 Champion Masonry 8-001449 Western States Contracting Inc 8-001450 Same As 8-001451 8-001451 Former Ray & Ross Transport 8-001452 M S Concrete Co Inc-Closed 8-001453 Cimarron Materials of Las Vegas 8-001454 Penske Truck Leasing Co Lp 8-001455 Potter Electric 8-001456 P & G Auto Repair 8-001457 Nevsur Insurance Agency 8-001458 N & L Wholesale 8-001459 Former Spring Mtn Car Wash 8-001460 Royal Transmission 8-001462 Nevada Power-Dry Lake Hwy 93 8-001463 Mortensen Masonry 8-001464 Richards Ltd 8-001465 Houston Lumber/Pat Odonnel 8-001466 Same As 8-000693 8-001467 Venetian Hotel & Casino 8-001468 Las Vegas Forklift Co 8-001469 Shadow Creek Golf Course 8-001470 Chemstar-Sloan Facility 8-001471 Quick G. Mart 8-001473 Same As 8-000912 8-001474 Same As 8-001526 8-001475 Rebel Oil Co #57 8-001476 Arc America dba Wmk Builders 8-001477 Rent-A-Vette 8-001478 Whiting Bros Construction Comp 8-001479 Terrible Herbst #169 (Arco) 8-001480 Roberts Electric 8-001481 First Western Bank F S B 8-001482 Tropicana Express Hotel & Casino 8-001483 Golden Nugget Inc 8-001484 Colorado Belle Hotel & Casino 8-001485 Vegas Chips 8-001486 Maxim Hotel & Casino 8-001487 Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino-Laughlin 8-001488 Golden Gate Casino 8-001490 7-Eleven #29932 8-001491 Speedee Mart #110 8-001492 CUSA-Lone Mountain 8-001493 Gibraltar Transmission 8-001494 Gibson Construction Co 8-001495 US Rent A Car-Closed 8-001496 The Mirage Hotel & Casino 8-001497 Blaine Equipment Co 8-001498 Arc Materials Corp dba CSR 8-001499 Airway Inc - Closed 8-001500 Arc Materials Corp dba CSR 8-001501 Green Valley Grocery #43 8-001503 Southern Nevada Paving Inc 8-001505 Village Shop #7 8-001506 Same As 8-000345 8-001507 Hughes Oil Corp 8-001508 Whipple & Leavitt Gravel Pit 8-001509 City of N Las Vegas - Closed 8-001510 Zella Burns 8-001511 Hardin & Sons 8-001512 Haycock Dist Company Inc 8-001513 Highway Rentals 8-001515 Kyle Canyon Guard Station 8-001516 Host International Warehouse 8-001517 Lone Mountain Pit 8-001518 120 Hot Plant 8-001519 Sunset Plant 220 8-001520 2900 Plant - Closed 8-001521 Nevada Ready Mix Corp-Closed 8-001522 Lone Mountain Plant 8-001523 Arville Facility 8-001524 Cool Transports Inc of Nevada 8-001524 Pacific Pride/SKS Inc 8-001525 Pioneer Chlor Alkali Co 8-001526 Southern Nevada Flyash Inc 8-001527 Meikeke-Econo Lube N Tune #4212 8-001528 Terrible Herbst #178 8-001529 Munchies 8-001530 L A Dept of Water & Power 8-001531 Omni Plant 8-001532 Classic Plumbing Inc 8-001533 J H Ward 8-001534 Classic Plumbing Inc 8-001535 Flamingo Las Vegas 8-001536 Searchlight Texaco 8-001537 ALARMCO 8-001538 Canyon Gate Golf Course 8-001539 Robert McMackin 8-001540 Riviera Hotel & Casino 8-001541 Same As 8-001451 8-001542 Kermit Booker Sixth Grade Center 8-001543 Same As 8-001562 8-001544 University Medical Center 8-001545 Lake Mead Resort 8-001546 Same As 8-001041 8-001547 Terrible Herbst #179 8-001548 Hacienda Resort Hotel & Casino 8-001549 Whittlesea Blue Cab Co 8-001550 Texaco and Food Mart 8-001551 LDS Church 8-001552 Peccole Ranch Superstore 8-001553 USAF-Nellis AFB-Facility #1301 8-001554 Same As 8-000574 8-001555 Vegas Instant Page 8-001556 Crockett Family Trust 8-001557 Ted Wiens Firestone 8-001558 Clark County Sanitation District 8-001559 Clark Co Water Reclamation Dist Awt-3 8-001560 Gabriel Martinez-GLR Investment 8-001561 Andrus Transportation Svcs Inc 8-001562 Rebel Oil Co #60 8-001563 Mikulich Four Wheel 8-001564 Same As 8-000208 8-001566 Sams Town Hotel & Gambling Hall 8-001567 Central Valley Insulation 8-001568 Las Vegas Bay Dry Storage 8-001569 Treasure Island Hotel and Casino 8-001570 Same As 8-000523 8-001571 Clarion Hotel & Casino 8-001572 MGM Grand Hotel Inc 8-001573 Econo Cars of NV 8-001575 Old Fletcher Jones Mazda 8-001576 Same As 8-000405 8-001578 Murrays Transmission 8-001580 Oasis Hand Car Wash 8-001582 Speedee Mart #116 8-001584 Rebel Oil Co #96 8-001585 Speedee Mart #113 8-001586 Orchid Stop-N-Shop 8-001587 Rebel Oil Co #61 8-001588 Paradise Elementary 8-001589 Las Vegas Sporting House 8-001590 Desert Custom Auto Body 8-001591 Lakes Market 8-001592 McCandless Rental & Leasing 8-001593 Sanford Building 8-001594 Rebel Oil Co. 8-001595 United Redevelopment 8-001596 Sunset Cardlock TP #2214 8-001597 Fletcher Jones Mercedes - Closed 8-001598 Green Valley Grocery #37 8-001599 Brueners Furniture Warehouse 8-001600 Rainbow Market #3 8-001601 Speedee Mart #117 8-001602 Green Valley Grocery #23 8-001603 JCW Mini Mart 8-001604 Fire Station #3-Indian Center 8-001605 Bank of America 8-001606 LDS Church 8-001607 Phils Auto Service-Vegas Tire 8-001608 Mr E J Wellnitz 8-001609 Northwind 8-001610 GES Inc 8-001611 Clark County Fire Dept #21 8-001612 El Dorado Sub Station 8-001613 7-Eleven #29972 8-001614 Satellite Garage #2 8-001615 Remote Sensing Laboratory 8-001616 Same As 8-000353 8-001618 Former 7-11 #13678 8-001619 Terrible Herbst #226 8-001620 10th Street Automotive - Closed 8-001621 Same As 8-000392 8-001622 Stardust Hotel & Casino-Closed 8-001623 Dales Sinclair 8-001624 Moapa Ward Logandale 8-001625 Same As 8-001132 8-001626 Washington Opportunity School 8-001627 Same As 8-001527 8-001628 Rebel Oil Co #62 8-001629 Quickys Convenience Center (#2993) 8-001630 Stop and Save Mini Mart and Gas 8-001631 William G Miller 8-001632 Green Valley Grocery #13 8-001633 Sunset Market 8-001634 Pilot Travel Centers LLC #341 8-001635 Same As 8-000213 8-001636 Giles Chevron Convenience Store 8-001637 Grasso Trucking 8-001639 St. Mina Services & Supplies 8-001640 Korner Store II 8-001641 Norwest Banks Nevada F S B 8-001642 Walking Box Ranch 8-001643 Bank of America-Nevada 8-001644 Terrible Herbst #255 8-001645 Channel 3 TV 8-001646 Roberts Roof and Floor Inc - Closed 8-001647 Beetle Barn 8-001648 Jerrys Nugget-Jerry Lodge 8-001649 Flamingo Stop-Closed 8-001650 Valley Broadcasting Co 8-001653 D I Auto Service 8-001654 MLK Gas Mart 8-001655 Sierra Ready Mix 8-001656 Circus Circus Hotel & Casino 8-001657 Excalibur Hotel & Casino 8-001658 Monier Lifetile LLC 8-001660 CUSA-South Yard 8-001661 Rhodes Framing-Descon 8-001663 Patrick Odonnell 8-001664 EOB Transportation of Clark County 8-001665 Green Valley Grocery #14 8-001667 Service Center 8-001670 ABF Freight System Inc 8-001671 Jean Fuel West Shell 8-001672 Funnys Convenience Store 8-001673 Belmont Auto Sales 8-001674 Bills Gambling Hall & Casino 8-001675 Black Mountain Transmitter Facility 8-001676 Next to Chemstar Lime - Closed 8-001677 Auto Repair Facility 8-001678 Harrahs Hotel & Casino 8-001679 Harrahs Convenience Store RV Plaza 8-001680 National/Alamo Car Rental 8-001681 7-Eleven #34033 8-001682 Las Vegas Club 8-001683 Craig Rancho Mart 8-001684 Imperial Palace Inc 8-001685 Gold Coast Hotel & Casino 8-001686 Plaza Hotel & Casino 8-001687 California Hotel 8-001688 California Hotel 8-001689 Terrible Herbst Hotel & Casino 8-001690 Lake Mead Chevron Food Mart 8-001691 Speedee Mart #118 8-001692 Rebel Oil Co #63 8-001693 Fire Station #7 8-001694 Former Midas Muffler Shop 8-001695 Gerkes RV Storage and Service 8-001696 Bourbon St Hotel/Casino 8-001700 Same As 8-001678 8-001701 Terrible Herbst #184 (Gas) & #186 (Lube) 8-001702 Same As 8-001701 8-001703 Short Line Express Market #2 - Closed 8-001704 El Cortez Hotel & Casino 8-001705 Fitzgeralds Hotel/Casino 8-001706 MGM Mirage Design Center 8-001708 Short Line Express Market #3 8-001709 Lee Canyon Ranger Station 8-001710 Jean Honor Camp-Closed 8-001711 Green Valley Grocery#15 8-001713 Bells Market 8-001714 7-Eleven #29995 8-001715 Circle K Store #2703363 8-001717 Nevada Landing Hotel & Casino 8-001718 Gold Strike Hotel & Gambling Hall 8-001719 Smartys Mart 8-001720 NDOT Right-Of-Way 8-001721 Rebel Oil Co #66 8-001722 Terrible Herbst #227 8-001723 Grumpys Convenience Store 8-001744 Rebel Oil Co #64 8-001745 Superior Tire & Auto 8-001746 Green Valley Grocery #44 8-001747 Fire Station #9 8-001749 Palm Valley Golf Course-Maintenance 8-001750 Mountain View Hospital 8-001751 Legacy Golf Club (Maintenance Dept ) 8-001752 Cate Nevada Equipment Co 8-001753 Green Valley Grocery #29 8-001754 Cold Creek Canyon 8-001756 B&B Station 8-001757 Sunrise Hospital LLC 8-001758 Sunrise Hospital LLC 8-001759 Sunrise Hospital LLC 8-001761 A Street Cardlock TP #2210 8-001762 River City Petroleum 8-001763 Angel Park LLC 8-001764 3800 H.H.P 8-001765 Mt Charleston Hotel 8-001766 Sullins Tire 8-001767 Short Line Express Market #1 8-001768 Terrible Herbst #188 (Gas) & #190 (Lube) 8-001769 7-Eleven #22006 8-001770 AJs MiniMart #1 8-001772 Island Motors 8-001773 Rebel Oil Co #95 8-001774 Terrible Herbst #191 (Gas) & #192 (Lube) 8-001775 Smart Mart 8-001776 Valley Auto Mall 8-001777 7-Eleven #32130 8-001779 Speedee Mart #108 8-001781 Rebel Oil Co #97 8-001782 Facility 814 8-001783 Facility 606 8-001784 Facility 267 Same As 8000886 8-001785 Trop Stop 8-001786 Hillside Chevron & Convenience Store 8-001787 Super Stop Texaco 8-001788 Same As 8-001817 8-001789 Sunrise Food Mart 8-001790 Terrible Herbst #195 8-001791 CLS Transportation Las Vegas 8-001792 Same As 7-000780 8-001793 Vacant Parcel 8-001794 Autoworks 8-001795 Craig Street Car Wash 8-001796 Cedar Peak Facility 8-001797 Vegas Steel Inc 8-001798 City Stop #12 8-001799 Richardson Convenience Store dba Windmill Station 8-001800 8-001802 Pecos Station 8-001803 Virgin Valley Food Mart (Unocal) 8-001804 Village Shop #4 8-001805 NDOT-Spring Mountain Interchange Proj-Closed 8-001806 Mesquite Airport 8-001807 Green Valley Grocery #27 8-001808 Rebel Oil Co #67 8-001809 Short Line Express Market #4 8-001810 Terrible Herbst #272 8-001811 McCarran Airport 8-001812 Henderson Executive Airport 8-001813 Same As 8-000839 8-001814 Same As 8-001799 8-001816 Express Mart #3 8-001817 Terrible Herbst #228 8-001818 Nellis Air Force Base 8-001819 Nellis Air Force Base 8-001820 Las Vegas Hilton 8-001821 Las Vegas Used Cycles 8-001822 Rainbow Market #9 8-001823 S & K Mini Mart 8-001824 Verns Texaco - Closed 8-001825 Green Horizon Chevron 8-001826 Rebel Oil Co #94 8-001827 Village Shop #2 8-001828 Express Mart #7 8-001829 Green Valley Grocery #47 8-001830 Terrible Herbst #299 8-001831 7-Eleven #32194 8-001832 Cheyenne Decatur Sinclair 8-001833 Terrible Herbst #273 8-001834 Terrible Herbst #204 8-001835 Homes of America 8-001836 Showtime Car Wash 8-001837 Costco Wholesale #563 8-001838 Village Shop #3 8-001839 Green Valley Grocery #16 8-001840 Rebel Oil Co #68 8-001841 Fozies Food Mart 8-001842 Paradise Hotel-Closed 8-001843 Bellagio Hotel Casino 8-001844 Blue Diamond Hotplant 8-001845 Sandhill Cardlock TP #2215 8-001846 Reiger & Reiger Properties 8-001848 Snackers Convenience Store 8-001849 Green Valley Grocery #17 8-001850 Drive Line Service-Closed 8-001851 Short Line Express Market #5 8-001852 Exxon 8-001853 Wastewater Treatment Plant #3 - Closed 8-001854 United Parcel Service 8-001855 Corner Market Exxon 8-001856 West Vehicle Service Center 8-001857 Flamingo Stop 8-001858 Terrible Herbst #207 (Chevron) 8-001859 River City Petroleum Inc 8-001860 Terrible Herbst #206 8-001861 Rebel Oil Co #92 8-001862 Nathan Adelson Hospice 8-001863 Circle K Store #2703362 8-001864 7-Eleven #32113 8-001865 7-Eleven #32224 8-001866 Terrible Herbst #208 8-001867 Terrible Herbst #209 8-001868 Village Shop #5 8-001869 Circle K Store #2703360 8-001870 Maverik Country Store #267 8-001871 Terrible Herbst #205 8-001872 Fletcher Jones Lexus 8-001873 Fletcher Jones Mazda 8-001874 Green Valley Grocery #46 8-001875 Silver State Glass 8-001876 Rebel Oil Co #37 8-001877 Funnys II 8-001878 UNLV 8-001879 Valley View Cardlock TP #2212 8-001880 Desert Inn-Decatur Sinclair 8-001881 Terrible Herbst #210 8-001882 Convenience Super Store 8-001883 McCandless Facility 8-001884 Rio Properties-Abandoned Tank 8-001885 Green Valley Grocery #21 8-001886 ARCO-R&R Convenience Store 8-001887 Citibank Nevada National Assoc 8-001888 Brady Industries 8-001889 7-Eleven #32227 8-001890 Rio Virgin Telephone & Cable Vision Inc 8-001891 Nevada Construction Cleanup 8-001892 Mechanic Shop 8-001893 Durango Park Chevron 8-001894 Cactus Plant-Closed 8-001895 Bellagio Hotel Casino 8-001896 Mt Coin Distributers 8-001897 Speedee Mart #106 8-001898 Stop N Shop #4/Exxon 8-001899 Green Valley Grocery #38 8-001900 City Stop #1 8-001901 Cantrell Cleaners 8-001902 A G Williams Holding Co 8-001903 Rebel Oil Co #73 8-001904 7-Eleven #29767 8-001905 7-Eleven #32649 8-001906 ARCO AM/PM #81948 8-001907 DECTROP - Closed 8-001908 Virgin Valley High School 8-001909 7-Eleven #32294 8-001910 Sun City Express 8-001911 Terrible Herbst #277 8-001912 Vegas Express Gas Mart 8-001913 Terrible Herbst #296 8-001914 Anthony & Sylvan Pools 8-001915 USAF-Nellis AFB-Facility #235-Closed 8-001916 Village Shop #6 8-001917 Terrible Herbst #215 8-001918 7-Eleven #32195 8-001919 Fabulous Freddys Car Wash Ft Apache 8-001920 Fabulous Freddys Carwash 8-001921 Sandy Valley Airport 8-001922 Montevista Hospital 8-001923 T-Rex Convenience Store 8-001924 City Stop #2 8-001925 7-Eleven #32246 8-001926 Wells Fargo Bank 8-001927 Stateside Express 8-001928 Rebel Oil Co #77 8-001929 Terrible Herbst #214 8-001930 Terrible Herbst #203 8-001931 Terrible Herbst #212 (Gas) 8-001932 Green Valley Grocery #18 8-001933 Carb King/Auto Masters 8-001934 Speedee Mart #112 8-001935 8-001936 Terrible Herbst #229 8-001937 Marie Antoinette Condominiums 8-001938 AJs Minimart #2 8-001939 Speedee Mart #103 8-001940 Del Rio Beach Club 8-001941 Green Valley Grocery #19 8-001942 Las Vegas Corporate Center 8-001943 Paris Hotel/Casino 8-001944 Penske Truck Leasing Co Lp 8-001945 Mobil Gas Station & Conv Store 8-001946 Rainbow Market #5 8-001947 Palm Gardens Chevron 8-001948 7-Eleven #32404 8-001949 Anthem Chevron 8-001950 Speedee Mart #109 8-001951 Id #8-001951 (Chevron) 8-001952 Green Valley Grocery #45 8-001953 Speedee Mart #111 8-001954 J A Tiberti Construction Co Inc 8-001955 Green Valley Grocery #28 8-001956 Finishline 8-001957 7-Eleven #32225 8-001958 Terrible Herbst #217 8-001959 Rebel Oil Co #79 8-001960 Chevron Pollo Market 8-001961 7-Eleven #32826 8-001962 7-Eleven #32780 8-001963 7-Eleven #32823 8-001964 Lucky Stop 8-001965 Hacienda Decatur Mini Mart 8-001966 Terrible Herbst #224 (Chevron) 8-001967 Lake Mead Main Warehouse-Closed 8-001968 Mesquite City Hall 8-001969 ARCO AM/PM #82070 8-001970 Stop N Shop #5 8-001971 Rebel Oil Co #38 8-001972 Town Center Grocer #102 8-001973 Blue Diamond Convenience Store 8-001974 Sams Club #6261 8-001975 City Stop #3 8-001976 Speedee Mart #121 8-001977 Biltmore Alternative School 8-001978 Short Line Express Market #6 8-001979 Journal Broadcast Corp 8-001980 Price Pleaser (The) - Closed 8-001981 Green Valley Grocery #20 8-001982 Rancho Oasis Car Wash 8-001983 Texaco Family Express 8-001984 Station #268 8-001985 Rebel Oil Co #80 8-001986 Boulder City Boat Storage 8-001987 Rebel Oil Co #69 8-001988 7-Eleven #32943 8-001989 Stop N Shop #6 8-001990 City Stop #4 8-001991 7-Eleven #32745 8-001992 River City Petroleum Inc 8-001993 Circle K Store #2703361 8-001994 Champs Convenience Store 8-001995 Town Center Grocer 8-001996 City Stop #5 8-001997 Albertsons Express #6059 8-001998 High Desert Appliance 8-001999 Searchlight Police Station - Closed 8-002000 Terrible Herbst #232 8-002001 Short Line Express Market #7 8-002002 Fire Station #41 8-002003 North Las Vegas Stopping Center 8-002004 Albertsons Express #6006 8-002005 Dats Trucking (Las Vegas Cardlock) 8-002005 Same As 9-000448 8-002006 Accurate Automotive 8-002007 Albertsons Express #6002 8-002008 Mirastar #64017-Closed 8-002009 Sams Club #6257 8-002010 Green Valley Grocery #36 8-002011 Terrible Herbst #274 8-002012 Rancho Circle Shopping Center - Closed 8-002013 Vacant Gas Station 8-002014 Clark Co IT Operations Center 8-002015 Rebel Oil Co #85 8-002016 Hacienda Mobil-Laughlin 8-002017 Station #269 8-002018 City Stop #7 8-002019 City Stop #9 8-002020 Party Time Rentals (Former Valley Sup) - Closed 8-002021 Sams Club #6382 8-002022 M Convenience 8-002023 Albertsons Express #6062 8-002024 Albertsons Express #6017 8-002025 Albertsons Express #6061 8-002026 Breez Rite In 8-002027 Costco Wholesale #673 8-002028 Costco Wholesale #685 8-002029 Paradise Shell 8-002030 Albertsons Express #6004 8-002031 Pyle C Store dba Family Express 2 8-002032 River City Card Lock 8-002033 VEC Tours 8-002034 Terrible Herbst #237 8-002035 City Stop #6 8-002036 (The) Palms Casino Hotel 8-002037 Rhino Mart 8-002038 Hueys Mart #2 8-002039 Hidden Canyon Stop N Go 8-002040 Aquarius Casino Resort 8-002041 Albertsons Express #6009 8-002042 Rebel Oil Co #83 8-002043 Southern Wine & Spirits 8-002044 Terrible Herbst #238 8-002045 Snackers II 8-002046 Rebel Oil Co #88 8-002047 Hot Spot #081 8-002048 Speedee Mart #107 8-002049 Fabulous Freddys Car Wash 8-002050 WGF LLC dba Cheyenne Losee Market & Gas 8-002051 Ryder Truck Rental #1636B 8-002052 Terrible Herbst #243 8-002053 Terrible Herbst #239 8-002054 Clark County Detention Center 8-002055 Green Valley Grocery #26 8-002056 Terrible Herbst #251 8-002057 River City Petroleum Cardlock 8-002058 Safeway Fuel Facility #4624 8-002059 Rebel Oil Co #87 8-002060 Tropicana & Fort Apache AM/PM 8-002061 Sierra Ready Mix LLC South Plant 8-002062 Southern Nevada Paving Inc 8-002063 Southern Nevada Paving Inc - Closed 8-002064 Fire Station #10 8-002065 7-Eleven #33240 8-002066 Green Valley Grocery #25 8-002067 City Stop #8 8-002068 Speedee Mart #119 8-002069 Terrible Herbst #234 8-002070 Silk Purse Ranch - Closed 8-002071 Rebel Oil Co #82 8-002072 BLM Communication Site-Newberry - Closed 8-002073 Wolverine Pit Stop II 8-002074 Las Vegas Boat Harbor Inc 8-002075 Cheyenne Chevron 8-002076 Food 4 Less #792 8-002077 Lexus of Las Vegas 8-002078 Lake Mead Arco 8-002079 Terrible Herbst #257 8-002080 Rebel Oil Co #90 8-002081 Nellis Building Materials Inc 8-002082 Las Vegas Paving Corporation Racetrack Pit 8-002083 Not Listed - Closed 8-002084 Terrible Herbst #235 8-002085 Short Line Express Market #8 8-002086 Fletcher Jones Mercedes 8-002087 Food 4 Less Warehouse Store #794 8-002088 Country Club Auto Spa 8-002089 Circle K Store #2703364 8-002090 Primm Valley Travel Center 8-002091 Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center 8-002092 Terrible Herbst #240 8-002093 Terrible Herbst #252 8-002094 Fire Station #43 8-002095 Fire Station #44 8-002096 Fire Station #45 8-002097 24/7 Express 8-002098 Thomas & Mack Center (Unlv) 8-002099 Gold Coast Auto Shop - Closed 8-002100 Delek LLC dba One Stop Sinclair 8-002101 Fire Station #86 8-002102 Fire Station #97 8-002103 Fire Station #98 8-002104 Fire Station #99 8-002105 Facility Service Center 8-002106 Short Line Express Market #9 8-002107 The Westward Ho House 8-002108 Fire Station #5 8-002109 Terrible Herbst #199 8-002110 Seven Hills Chevron 8-002111 Maverik Country Store #342 8-002112 Guru Express Market #3 8-002113 Terrible Herbst #219 8-002114 McCarran D-Gate Northeast 8-002115 Clark County Wholesale 8-002116 Smiths Fuel Center #349 8-002117 Short Line Express Market #11 8-002118 Luxor Hotel & Casino 8-002119 Monte Carlo Resort & Casino 8-002120 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino 8-002121 Jays Market 8-002122 Penske Truck Leasing Co Lp 8-002123 Smiths Food & Drug #361 8-002124 Rebel Oil Co #76 8-002125 Terrible Herbst #253 8-002126 Short Line Express Market #10 8-002127 Short Line Express Market #12 8-002128 24/7 Express 8-002129 Facility #62123 8-002130 Wendell P Williams Elementary School 8-002131 Smith's Fuel Center #355 8-002132 Costco Centennial #737 8-002133 Lake Mead Cruises 8-002134 Terrible Herbst #242 8-002135 Terrible Herbst #259 8-002136 Oxboro Ranch 8-002137 Smiths Fuel Center #334 8-002138 Rental Service Corp #435 8-002139 R & L Carriers LLC 8-002140 Americans Mart 8-002141 Vons Fuel Center #2614 8-002142 Terrible Herbst #247-Lube 8-002143 Terrible Herbst #245 8-002144 Terrible Herbst #256 8-002145 Phoenix Building-Closed 8-002146 Market Place Express 8-002147 Green Valley Grocery #30 8-002148 Green Valley Grocery #31 8-002149 Fabulous Freddys 8-002150 South Jean Quarry 8-002151 Terrible Herbst #261 Lube 8-002152 Stella Lake Office Bldg 8-002153 Fire Station #8 8-002154 24/7 Express 8-002155 City Stop #10 8-002156 Joken Co dba Fills 8-002157 LV-B&G Office-Closed 8-002158 Green Valley Grocery #32 8-002159 Wallace Transportation Facility 8-002160 Golden Sun-BLM Facility-Closed 8-002161 NDOT S Las Vegas Maintenance Station 8-002162 Pit Stop IIII 8-002163 Fire Station #47 8-002164 Terrible Herbst #280 8-002165 Fedex Ground 8-002166 Circle K Store #2703369 8-002167 Fabulous Freddys 8-002168 Bus Maintenance Facility 8-002169 McCarran Consolidated Rent-A-Car Facility 8-002170 Bobs Market 8-002171 Rainbow Market #8 8-002172 Laughlin Bay Marina 8-002173 AAFES-Area 3 Service Station (Facility #1400) 8-002174 Green Valley Grocery #33 8-002175 Speedee Mart #114 8-002176 7-Eleven #33674 8-002177 Joken Co dba Fills 8-002178 Unpaved Parking Lot 8-002179 7-Eleven #34000 8-002180 ARCO 8-002181 Sams Club #4974 8-002182 VA Medical Center 8-002183 Sams Club #4983 8-002184 Lloyd D George Federal Courthouse 8-002185 Rebel Oil Co #98 8-002186 Circle K Store #2703370 8-002187 Joken Co dba Fills #3 8-002188 McCarran D-Gate Northwest 8-002189 Ann Road Chevron 8-002190 Rebel Oil Co #91 8-002191 Joken Co dba Fills #4 8-002192 Mesquite Travel Center 8-002193 Encore at Wynn Las Vegas 8-002194 Americas Mart #2 8-002195 Sinclair 8-002196 Terrible Herbst #278 8-002197 7-Eleven #13690 8-002198 Cabin Canyon 8-002199 Speedee Mart #115 8-002200 SNWA - Closed 8-002201 Terrible Herbst #310 8-002202 Smith's Fuel Center #311 8-002203 Smith's Fuel Center #351 8-002204 Green Valley Grocery #35 8-002205 7-Eleven #34040 8-002206 St Rose Chevron 8-002207 Rebel #35 8-002208 Terrible Herbst #312 8-002209 Loves Travel Stop #340 8-002210 Facility #1206 (Creech AFB) 8-002211 Smith's Fuel Center #354 8-002212 City Center Central Plant 8-002213 Terrible Hebst #250 8-002214 Sloan Trucking Facility 8-002215 Lexus of Henderson 9-000001 Gold Mountain Radio (B55k008) 9-000002 ATC Rabbit Springs (#89443) 9-000003 ATC Black Mountain RR (#89448) 9-000004 ATC Table Mountain Radio (#89452) 9-000005 ATC Kincaid Radio (#89434) 9-000006 ATC Wassuk (#89456) 9-000010 Cyprus Foote Mineral Co 9-000011 Winners Corner 9-000012 Jacksons Mini-Mart 9-000013 Candelaria Mine 9-000014 Fish Lake Valley Parcel 124 9-000015 Hawthorne CDO Parcel 022 9-000016 Sierra Pacific Power Co 9-000017 Sunshine Mining Co 9-000018 Conoco Food Mart #06015 9-000019 Trafalgar Mines Partnership 9-000020 Wells Cargo Inc 9-000021 Western Central Petroleum Inc 9-000022 Western Central Petroleum Inc 9-000023 Esmeralda County Road Yard 9-000024 Esmeralda County 9-000025 Esmeralda County Road Yard 9-000026 NDOT-Goldfield Shop-Closed 9-000027 NDOT-Mina 9-000028 NDOT-Montgomery Pass 9-000029 NDOT-Hawthorne 9-000030 NDOT-Schurz-Closed 9-000031 US Army-Hawthorne Army Depot 9-000032 Main Post Office 9-000033 US Postal Service 9-000034 Luning J Parcel 028 9-000036 El Capitan Lodge & Casino 9-000037 Mineral County 9-000038 Mineral County 9-000039 Ace Grullis Hawthorne Ford 9-000040 Former Cliff House Market 9-000041 Swanson Trucking Co 9-000042 Mina Gas & Grocery 9-000043 Same As 9-000010 9-000044 Esmeralda County School Dist 9-000045 Fish Lake Valley Corp 9-000046 Brown-Parker Garage 9-000047 MVA-VOR 9-000048 E-Z Serve #158 9-000049 E-Z Serve #1169 9-000050 Redman Petroleum Co 9-000051 Mineral County School Trans 9-000052 Babbitt Primary School 9-000053 Hawthorne Elem /Jr High School 9-000054 Mineral County High School 9-000055 Hawthorne Primary School 9-000056 Mineral Co High Old Gym 9-000057 Lofton Trust Property 9-000058 Dahltroms Garage 9-000059 Coppola Motors Inc 9-000060 Esmeralda Market 9-000061 Luning Trading Post 9-000063 Bowles Texaco Inc 9-000064 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 9-000065 Southern Pacific Transportation Co 9-000066 Mt Grant General Hospital 9-000067 Gwen Ace Mill Site 9-000068 Scottys Tire & Auto 9-000069 Luning Loading Station-Carrol Mill S 9-000070 Majors Brothers Inc 9-000071 Coaldale Junction 9-000072 Black Mountain Truck Stop 9-000073 Walker River Paiute Mini Mart 9-000074 Gold Mountain 9-000075 Scottys Food Mart 9-000076 Dyer Elementary School 9-000077 Same As 7-000094 9-000078 Buffalo Stop 9-000079 Mary Drink-Water Mine 9-000080 Administration Bldg 9-000082 Mule Town Truck Stop 9-000083 Former Roadrunner Gas Station 9-000084 Goldfield Oasis 9-000085 Esmeralda Co Road Yard-Silver Pk 9-000086 Hawthorne Shell 9-000087 Monitor Ranch 9-000088 Triple T 9-000089 Ro Ranch 9-000090 Dusty Fenders Grilln Fill 9-000091 Western Central Petroleum-Hawthorne Plant A-000008 Mark Brethauer A-000009 Fire Station #1 A-000009 Same As 1-000080 A-000040 Gleason School A-000042 Wild Bills Stage Stop A-000046 Edward Smith A-000053 Consolidated Freightways A-000055 Oasis Pit A-000070 Bruce Scott A-000072 State of Nevada A-000074 Security Pacific Bank Property A-000079 Same As 1-000142 A-000079 U-Haul #706-81 Moving Center A-000097 Richard Welton A-000102 Fireside Inn A-000105 Mercury Cleaners A-000107 Old State Supreme Court Bldg A-000108 Pat & Gayle Reddick A-000109 Donald Schmanski A-000111 Carson City Fire Department A-000112 Silvanas Italian Cuisine A-000113 St Teresa of Avila School A-000114 Ron Kendall A-000117 Valley Chevrolet A-000127 Brunswick Canyon A-000137 Lassen and Menlo Streets A-000139 Darwin Koerth A-000143 Carson City Maintenance Building A-000160 Lockett Inc A-000163 Charles Leonard A-000170 Thelma Marcin A-000171 Leonard Martin A-000202 Carson Building Supply Inc A-000230 Old Savage Construction Site A-000231 Unocal #3659 A-000237 Murdocks Clothing Store A-000239 Richard Vogele A-000242 Childrens Museum A-000243 Old City Swimming Pool A-000244 Pam & Tom McCluskey A-000249 Michael Krieger A-000258 Dolly Peters A-000261 First Interstate Bank A-000262 City of Carson A-000265 Southwest Gas Corp-Closed A-000267 Sierra Land Realty A-000274 612 Winnie Lane A-000282 Legislative Council Bureau A-000303 Supply One A-000304 Doug Kreck A-000307 The Olsen Family Trust A-000308 Thelma Lawson A-000309 Burt Wade A-000310 Same As A-000307 A-000312 Old Fremont School A-000319 City of Carson A-000320 First Centennial Title Co A-000343 Anderson Estate A-000357 Same As 1-000106 A-000369 Ham Residence A-000382 Dean & Diane Benson A-000384 State of Nevada Capitol Building B-000016 Capital Courts B-000071 Owen Hearold B-000251 James Nunnally C-000059 Corner Bar C-000064 Moundhouse C-000198 Sbragia Property C-000216 Virginia and Truckee Railroad D-000227 Union 76 #6978 D-000361 Washoe County Airport Authority D-000362 Clyde Wilson E-000004 Bank of America E-000051 US Dept of Agriculture Forest Service E-000142 Union Pacific Railroad E-000146 Coastal Chemical Plant E-000149 John Davis Trucking Co E-000162 Lander County Airport Authority E-000173 Toquima Range E-000213 United Parcel Service E-000280 Jerry Ivey E-000336 Button Point Rest Area F-000022 Alltel #6-000310 F-000025 Jim Copenhaver F-000052 Bank of America F-000076 Fagoaga Property F-000078 Thompson Trucking F-000084 Union Pacific Railroad F-000090 AT&T F-000095 Cary Goddard/Ranch Inn F-000121 County Road Genisis Pit F-000124 Atlas Gold Mining Inc F-000145 Same As 6-000156 F-000150 Dee Gold Mining Co F-000174 Nevada Department of Transportation F-000175 Nevada Department of Transportation F-000176 Nevada National Guard F-000186 Newmont Gold Co F-000201 Steere Tank Lines Inc F-000212 Union Pacific Railroad F-000223 M&R Trucking F-000224 Freeport-McMoran Gold Co F-000247 Ruby Dome Inc F-000269 US Postal Service F-000279 Former Orr Building Supply F-000289 US Bancorp F-000313 Robert A Fabel Inc F-000333 US Dept of Agriculture F-000334 US Dept of Agriculture F-000335 US Dept of Agriculture F-000342 W R Maxwell F-000372 Great Basin Laundry Center G-000028 Church of Jesus Christ of LDS G-000136 Union Pacific Mile Marker 486 50 G-000203 Chevron Service Station H-000179 Nevada Department of Transportation H-000226 Unocal #5560 H-000229 Unocal Bulk Plant H-000305 Unocal #3875 H-000306 Same As 0-000305 H-000353 Same As 8-000853 H-000559 Fontainebleau Las Vegas LLC I-000106 Hawthorne Armory Street Address City State Zip Code 2175 Lockheed Way Carson City NV 89706 2101 Arrowhead Dr Carson City NV 89706 2401 Conestoga Dr Carson City NV 89706 720 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 1017 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 1800 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 Goni Rd Carson City NV 89701 3150 E Nye Ln Carson City NV 89706 3660 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 408 E William St Carson City NV 89701 507 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 1108 S Stewart St Carson City NV 89701 5060 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 220 E William St Carson City NV 89701 2601 Warm Springs Ct Carson City NV 89701 809 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 1102 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 4851 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 233 Arrowhead Dr Carson City NV 89706 4680 Morgan Mill Rd Carson City NV 89701 1462 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 4551 Goni Rd Carson City NV 89706 5894 Sheep Dr Carson City NV 89701 3659 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 2600 Boeing Way Carson City NV 89706 1356 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 1400 Rand Ave Carson City NV 89706 2152 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 3333 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 910 E William St Carson City NV 89701 444 Fairview Dr Carson City NV 89701 2400 Arrowhead Dr Carson City NV 89706 2989 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 3212 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 909 Industrial Park Dr Carson City NV 89701 3389 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 709 N Stewart St Carson City NV 89701 2928 Akron Way Carson City NV 89701 6343 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 1600 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 875 E Long St Carson City NV 89706 2750 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 1457 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 202 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 705 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 5460 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 1700 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 Wright Way & Oregon St Carson City NV 89701 2601 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 2361 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 1321 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 3479 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 3075 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 5401 Mills Rd Carson City NV 89706 775 Fleischmann Way Carson City NV 89703 1705 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 4500 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 3700 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 3165 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 US-50 & Elks Point Rd Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1051 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 2801 Lockheed Way Carson City NV 89706 4749 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 4051 US-50 E Carson City NV 89701 1360 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 2640 Graves Ln Carson City NV 89706 3300 E 5th St Carson City NV 89701 3999 Centennial Park Dr Carson City NV 89706 2400 Graves Ln Carson City NV 89706 4649 Snyder Ave Carson City NV 89701 919 Beverly Dr Carson City NV 89706 Pratt St Carson City NV 89701 911 E Musser St Carson City NV 89701 1027 Riverview Dr Gardnerville NV 89460 2600 Akron Way Carson City NV 89701 1721 Snyder Ave Carson City NV 89701 4995 W 7th St Reno NV 89503 1450 Valley View Dr Carson City NV 89701 2777 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 4251 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 1615 E Fifth St Carson City NV 89701 1402 W King St Carson City NV 89703 1111 N Saliman Rd Carson City NV 89701 4880 E Nye Ln Carson City NV 89706 2333 Fairview Dr Carson City NV 89701 3390 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 2869 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 3051 N Deer Run Rd Carson City NV 89701 1051 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 750 E King St Carson City NV 89701 1897 N Edmonds Dr Carson City NV 89701 3550 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 408 E William St Carson City NV 89701 4783 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 1721 Snyder Ave Carson City NV 89701 300 E 8th St Carson City NV 89701 2707 US Highway 50 East Carson City NV 89701 4190 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 3905 US-395 N Washoe Valley NV 89701 160 E Long St Carson City NV 89706 3083 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 2050 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 3701 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 2180 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 2601 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 5907 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 2401 Conestoga Dr Carson City NV 89706 4340 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 300 E 8th St Carson City NV 89701 3111 Sunrise Dr Carson City NV 89706 2290 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 1529 Valley View Dr Carson City NV 89701 2100 Arrowhead Dr Carson City NV 89706 7385 Franktown Rd Washoe Valley NV 89704 Roop St & 5th St Carson City NV 89701 600 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 617 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 7300 Franktown Rd Washoe Valley NV 89704 617 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 1811 Newman Pl Carson City NV 89703 2444 Fairview Dr Carson City NV 89701 4600 Numaga Pass Carson City NV 89703 3159 Ash Canyon Rd Carson City NV 89703 3462 Princeton Ave Carson City NV 89705 4385 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 4855 Eastlake Blvd Washoe Valley NV 89704 7871 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 290 US-395 N Carson City NV 89701 705 N Plaza St Carson City NV 89701 3905 US-395 N Washoe Valley NV 89701 12000 US-50 E Carson City NV 89701 5049 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 5541 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 Carson City NV 89701 2301 Lockheed Way Carson City NV 89706 1630 Airport Rd Carson City NV 89701 3320 E 5th St Carson City NV 89701 5055 Morgan Mill Rd Carson City NV 89701 1240 Eastlake Blvd Washoe Valley NV 89704 3205 Eastlake Blvd Washoe Valley NV 89704 US-50 & SR-28 Zephyr Cove NV 89448 3905 US-395 N Washoe Valley NV 89701 4281 Weise Rd Carson City NV 89703 1206 N Nevada St Carson City NV 89703 2530 Damon Rd Carson City NV 89701 3301 E 5th St Carson City NV 89701 575 E Third St Carson City NV 89701 700 US-395 Carson City NV 89706 3838 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 119 Hot Springs Rd Carson City NV 89706 3301 E 5th St Carson City NV 89701 7400 Brunswick Canyon Rd Carson City NV 89701 700 Old Clear Creek Rd Carson City NV 89705 1668 Old Hot Springs Rd Carson City NV 89706 3006 N Roop St Carson City NV 89706 3620 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 1400 Medical Pkwy Carson City NV 89703 1600 Medical Pkwy Carson City NV 89703 1451 College Pkwy CARSON CITY NV 89706 4640 S CARSON ST CARSON CITY NV 89706 Gardnerville NV 89410 1617 Water St Minden NV 89423 Minden NV 89423 1711 Orbit Way Minden NV 89423 1392 Johnson Ln Minden NV 89423 2 Church St Gardnerville NV 89410 1395 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 1350 Stephanie Way Minden NV 89423 2289 Main St Genoa NV 89411 1476 Albite Rd Wellington NV 89444 931 Mitch Dr Gardnerville NV 89460 US-50 & Stateline Ave Stateline NV 89449 187 US-50 Zephyr Cove NV 89448 100 McFaul Way Zephyr Cove NV 89448 Water St Sparks NV 89432 US-395 S Minden NV 89423 1146 Airport Rd Minden NV 89423 Kahle Dr Stateline NV 89449 Sewer Plant Rd Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1369 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 343 Ute Way Zephyr Cove NV 89448 710 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 US-50 & Elks Point Rd Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1060 US-395 S Gardnerville NV 89410 805 Tillman Ln Gardnerville NV 89460 1357 US Hwy 395 North Gardnerville NV 89410 3462 Princeton Ave Gardnerville NV 89410 1089 Stockyard Rd Minden NV 89423 1603 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 1255 Douglas Ave Gardnerville NV 89410 55 US Hwy 50 Stateline NV 89449 401 Warrior Way Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1475 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 1446 Muir Dr Gardnerville NV 89460 700 Jacks Valley Rd Carson City NV 89705 1578 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 212 Elks Point Rd Zephyr Cove NV 89448 US-50 Stateline NV 89449 1028 Skyland Dr Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1572 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 1479 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 1000 S US-395 Gardnerville NV 89410 1593 Esmeralda Ave Minden NV 89423 US-50 Stateline NV 89449 217 Kingsbury Grade Stateline NV 89449 128 Market St Stateline NV 89449 1063 Centerville Ln Gardnerville NV 89460 193 Elks Point Rd Zephyr Cove NV 89448 702 Kingsbury Grade Stateline NV 89449 875 US-50 Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1803 US-50 Glenbrook NV 89413 1979 US Highway 395 S Gardnerville NV 89410 1740 US-50 Glenbrook NV 89413 100 McFaul Way Zephyr Cove NV 89448 4385 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 1327 Waterloo Ln Gardnerville NV 89410 1616 8th St Minden NV 89423 1625 8th St Minden NV 89423 175 US-50 Stateline NV 89449 885 US-50 Stateline NV 89449 US-395 Gardnerville NV 89410 1625 8th St Minden NV 89423 1325 Waterloo Ln Gardnerville NV 89410 1625 Water St Minden NV 89423 175 US-50 Stateline NV 89449 1900 Logging Rd Stateline NV 89449 1170 Sawmill Rd Gardnerville NV 89410 1479 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 1412 Industrial Way Gardnerville NV 89410 1301 US-50 Stateline NV 89449 1875 Dump Rd Gardnerville NV 89410 1565 Main St Minden NV 89423 1676 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 3165 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 US-50 Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1126 Airport Rd Minden NV 89423 1146 Airport Rd Minden NV 89423 1146 Airport Rd Minden NV 89423 Stateline NV 89449 1501 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 311 US-50 Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1627 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 1597 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 1309 US-50 Stateline NV 89449 Stateline Ave Stateline NV 89449 US-50 & SR-28 Glenbrook NV 89413 1460 Industrial Way Gardnerville NV 89410 Douglas Stateline NV 89449 1405 Industrial Way Gardnerville NV 89410 1357 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 Gardnerville NV 89410 2055 Glenbrook Rd Glenbrook NV 89413 1639 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 US-50 & Lake Pkwy Stateline NV 89449 3851 SR-208 Wellington NV 89444 1571 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 375 Quaking Aspen Ln Stateline NV 89449 Wellington NV 89444 397 Foothill Rd Gardnerville NV 89460 1170 Zerolene Rd Minden NV 89423 Toler Rd Gardnerville NV 89410 2230 Barling St Minden NV 89423 1226 Kimmerling Rd Gardnerville NV 89460 632 Lakeshore Dr Zephyr Cove NV 89448 100 SR-88 Minden NV 89423 1126 Airport Rd Minden NV 89423 760 US-50 Zephyr Cove NV 89448 628 Lake Shore Blvd Zephyr Cove NV 89448 359 Lower Colony Rd Wellington NV 89444 Pinenut Rd Gardnerville NV 89410 1573 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 1180 US Highway 50 Glenbrook NV 89413 201 Manor Dr Stateline NV 89449 Spooner Summit Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1424 Main St Gardnerville NV 89410 2246 Willowbend Rd Minden NV 89423 169 Terrace View Dr Stateline NV 89449 300 Foothill Rd Gardnerville NV 89410 1430 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 915 Mica Dr Carson City NV 89705 550 US-50 Zephyr Cove NV 89448 1448 Pittman Terr Glenbrook NV 89413 1338 US Highway 395 N Gardnerville NV 89410 1790 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 1648 County Rd Minden NV 89423 Ironwood Dr & Tamarack Dr Minden NV 89423 3601 Us Highway 395 S Carson City NV 89702 224 Kingsbury Grade Stateline NV 89449 Elks Point Rd & US-50 Zephyr Cove NV 89448 207 Kingsbury Grade Stateline NV 89449 300 Clubhouse Ave Stateline NV 89449 1380 Toler Ave Gardnerville NV 89410 3770 US Highway 395 S Bldg B Carson City NV 89705 50 US Hwy 50 Stateline NV 89449 1452 Pittman Ter Glenbrook NV 89413 Minden NV 89423 1520 Church St Gardnerville NV 89410 1350 Buckeye Rd Minden NV 89423 7871 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 Silver Springs NV 89429 US-50 & US-95 Silver Springs NV 89429 301 S Main St Yerington NV 89447 Front St & Locust St Fernley NV 89408 123 Mackenzie Ln Yerington NV 89447 601 S Rock Blvd Fernley NV 89408 6750 US Highway 95A S Silver Springs NV 89429 605 Fort Churchill Rd Silver Springs NV 89429 SR-208 Wellington NV 89444 280 E Main St Fernley NV 89408 N SR-341 Virginia City NV 89440 1925 Lyon Dr Fernley NV 89408 I-80 & W Main St Fernley NV 89408 Silver Springs NV 89429 270 US Highway 95a N Yerington NV 89447 66 S Rainbow Dr Dayton NV 89403 103 S Main St Yerington NV 89447 713 W Bridge St Yerington NV 89447 855 E Main St Fernley NV 89408 8790 US-50 W Silver Springs NV 89429 500 E Main St Fernley NV 89408 485 Truck Inn Way Fernley NV 89408 480 Truck Inn Way Fernley NV 89408 202 N Main St Yerington NV 89447 70 River Rd Dayton NV 89403 Dallas St Fernley NV 89408 18 US Highway 95a N Yerington NV 89447 Fas 645 Smith NV 89430 3590 Graham Ave Silver Springs NV 89429 25 Joe Parr Way Yerington NV 89447 Hardy Ln Fernley NV 89408 Day Ln Smith NV 89430 112 N California St Yerington NV 89447 114 Pearl St Yerington NV 89447 114 Pearl St Yerington NV 89447 US-95a Fernley NV 89408 Dayton Valley Rd Dayton NV 89403 750 Old US-40 W Fernley NV 89408 SR-342 Virginia City NV 89440 SR-829 Wellington NV 89444 306 N Main St Yerington NV 89447 Fir Ave Silver Springs NV 89429 14 Joe Parr Way Yerington NV 89447 431 Canyon Way Sparks NV 89434 2461 Lousetown Rd Reno NV 89521 145 N C St Virginia City NV 89440 100 Toll Rd Virginia City NV 89440 Main St Yerington NV 89447 705 N Plaza St Carson City NV 89701 26 N Main St Yerington NV 89447 2401 Canyon Way LOCKWOOD NV 89434 Toll Rd & E St Virginia City NV 89440 US-95a Yerington NV 89447 US-95a Yerington NV 89447 US-95a & Goldfield Yerington NV 89447 F St Virginia City NV 89440 1 Ricci Rd Dayton NV 89403 480 Truck Inn Way Fernley NV 89408 3350 E Green St Silver Springs NV 89429 215 Trowbridge Rd Yerington NV 89447 8 Airport Way Yerington NV 89447 30 Nevin Way Yerington NV 89447 11 Pacific St Yerington NV 89447 2900 Nevada St Silver Springs NV 89429 23 Pacific St Yerington NV 89447 123 N Center St Yerington NV 89447 SR-208 Wellington NV 89444 5585 US-50 E Dayton NV 89403 402 W Bridge St Yerington NV 89447 215 W Goldfield Ave Yerington NV 89447 124 N Main St Yerington NV 89447 607 S Main St Yerington NV 89447 I 80 Reno NV 89510 US-95a Fernley NV 89408 175 Mull Ln Las Vegas NV 89145 402 N Main St Yerington NV 89447 SR-208 S Smith NV 89430 8970 US Highway 50 Silver Springs NV 89429 SR-208 & SR-22 Wellington NV 89444 2803 SR-208 Wellington NV 89444 2 4th Ave Dayton NV 89403 SR-824 & Day Ln Smith NV 89430 Lux Ln Yerington NV 89447 705 W Bridge St Yerington NV 89447 1000 US Highway 50 Silver Springs NV 89429 409 Dayton Valley Rd Dayton NV 89403 12000 US-50 E Carson City NV 89701 6950 US Highway 50 E Dayton NV 89403 10 W Main St Fernley NV 89408 1380 Newlands Dr W Fernley NV 89408 423 N Main St Yerington NV 89447 Mc Kenzie Ln Yerington NV 89447 26 Stokes Dr MOUND HOUSE NV 89706 80 N West St Fernley NV 89408 30 Nevin Way Yerington NV 89447 Main St & River Rd Dayton NV 89403 SR-208 Wellington NV 89444 817 La Fond Ave Dayton NV 89403 56 Red Rock Rd # F-8 MOUND HOUSE NV 89706 2485 Fort Churchill Rd Silver Springs NV 89429 8100 US-50 E Silver Springs NV 89429 163 Main St Fernley NV 89408 Center St & Front St Fernley NV 89408 US-95 A NV 94105 410 N Main St Yerington NV 89447 500 Sam Clemens Ave Dayton NV 89403 413 Canyon Way Sparks NV 89434 600 E Main St Fernley NV 89408 155 W Main St Fernley NV 89408 2450 Mustang Rd Sparks NV 89434 Carson City NV 89701 50 Hatchery Way Yerington NV 89447 1630 Airport Rd Carson City NV 89701 895 E Richards St Fallon NV 89406 6 Bulk Plant Rd Yerington NV 89447 355 E Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 19 W Pursel Ln Yerington NV 89447 Bulk Plant Rd Yerington NV 89447 7 Borsini Ln Yerington NV 89447 43 Artesia Rd Wellington NV 89444 27 Bulk Plant Rd Yerington NV 89447 Front St & Locust St Fernley NV 89408 50 Industrial Pkwy Mound House NV 89706 140 Farrell Ln Yerington NV 89447 73 US Highway 95a E Yerington NV 89447 351 Pete Hendrichs Rd Yerington NV 89447 Farrell Ln Yerington NV 89447 155 N Bybee Ln Yerington NV 89447 SR-427 & I-80 Wadsworth NV 89442 185 Old US-40 Reno NV 89510 Dayton NV 89403 3320 E 5th St Carson City NV 89701 5055 Morgan Mill Rd Carson City NV 89701 31 Aiazzi Ln Yerington NV 89447 100 Douglas St Dayton NV 89403 300 Campbell Ln Yerington NV 89447 70 US-50 E Dayton NV 89403 1 Willhoyt Ln Yerington NV 89447 2430 Almond Dr Silver Springs NV 89429 105 US Highway 50 E Dayton NV 89403 Main St & Center St Fernley NV 89408 8970 US Highway 50 Silver Springs NV 89429 520 Country Dr Fernley NV 89408 315 Artist View Rd Wellington NV 89444 1340 Newlands Dr W Fernley NV 89408 200 Dallas Fernley NV 89408 1000 E Main St Fernley NV 89408 Farrell Ln Yerington NV 89447 Densmore Ln Yerington NV 89447 1575 Newlands Dr E Fernley NV 89408 350 Campbell Ln Yerington NV 89447 500 Truck Inn Way Fernley NV 89408 359 Lower Colony Rd Wellington NV 89444 210 Old US-40 E Fernley NV 89408 465 US-95 A Fernley NV 89408 Bridge St Yerington NV 89447 2200 US Highway 50 E Dayton NV 89403 60 Pete Hendrichs Rd Yerington NV 89447 825 Commerce Dr Fernley NV 89408 35 Dayton Valley Rd Dayton NV 89403 200 Null Ln Las Vegas NV 89145 22 SR-208 Yerington NV 89447 2195 Usa Pkwy Virginia City NV 89440 22 Broadway Ave Yerington NV 89447 360 US Highway 95a S Fernley NV 89408 500 Usa Pkwy Virginia City NV 89440 245 Riverboat Rd. DAYTON NV 89403 3295 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 2730 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 2500 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 1580 E Commercial Row Reno NV 89512 625 Jensen St Reno NV 89502 165 W Moana Ln Reno NV 89509 1250 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 2169 Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 147 S Stanford Way Sparks NV 89431 350 S Arlington Ave Reno NV 89501 375 N Sierra St Reno NV 89501 2240 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 600 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 1390 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 700 Keystone Ave Reno NV 89503 150 E 1st St Reno NV 89501 2590 Orovada St Reno NV 89512 500 E Greenbrae Dr Sparks NV 89431 Reno NV 89505 1625 National Guard Way Reno NV 89502 Reno NV 89505 1100 E Greg St Sparks NV 89431 543 Overmyer Rd Sparks NV 89431 2500 Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 2500 E 2nd St Reno NV 89595 1255 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 800 Stillwell Ave Reno NV 89512 1000 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1880 Gentry Way Reno NV 89502 I-80 W Exit 2 Verdi NV 89439 5200 Sun Valley Blvd Sun Valley NV 89433 500 E Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 655 S Stanford Way Sparks NV 89431 1650 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 1705 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 2100 W I-80 Verdi NV 89439 975 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 1125 Meredith Way Sparks NV 89431 3025 Mill St Reno NV 89502 275 Gallaway Ln Reno NV 89502 1700 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 1600 National Guard Way Reno NV 89502 1925 Freeport Blvd Sparks NV 89431 357 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 1250 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1305 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 555 S 18th St Sparks NV 89431 2399 Valley Rd Reno NV 89512 505 Eureka Ave Reno NV 89512 3880 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 11 W 4th St Reno NV 89501 700 N Sierra St Reno NV 89503 2990 Mill St Reno NV 89502 2799 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 W I-80 Verdi NV 89439 947 SR-28 Incline Village NV 89451 1501 Vassar St Reno NV 89502 11 E Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 100 W Plumb Ln Reno NV 89509 810 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 1345 W 7th St Reno NV 89503 5850 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 2 Erik Cir Verdi NV 89439 505 Greenbrae Dr Sparks NV 89431 505 Greenbrae Dr Sparks NV 89431 7990 Mill St Reno NV 89502 1295 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 100 Giroux St Reno NV 89502 1825 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 150 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 55 Coggins Dr Reno NV 89506 1425 E Greg St Sparks NV 89431 111 Linden St Reno NV 89502 SR-447 Empire NV 89405 1425 Hymer Ave Sparks NV 89431 880 Alder Ave Incline Village NV 89451 700 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 350 Parr Cir Reno NV 89512 2050 Brierley Way Sparks NV 89434 501 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 2150 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 2050 Villanova Dr Reno NV 89502 E 1st St & A St Hawthorne NV 89415 1080 Bible Way Reno NV 89502 1755 Sutro St Reno NV 89512 204 Edison Way Reno NV 89502 2201 Sunshine Ln Reno NV 89502 310 Gentry Way Reno NV 89502 860 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 815 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 2525 Mill St Reno NV 89502 1655 Greg St Sparks NV 89431 9915 N Virginia St Reno NV 89506 1100 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 860 Watson Way Sparks NV 89431 10500 Lockwood Dr Sparks NV 89434 639 S 15th St Sparks NV 89431 4595 Echo Ave Reno NV 89506 1490 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 1285 E 6th St Reno NV 89512 500 Gould St Reno NV 89502 1420 Deming Way Sparks NV 89431 2685 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 700 N Sierra St Reno NV 89503 2150 Mill St Reno NV 89502 550 Overmyer Rd Sparks NV 89431 3225 Mill St Reno NV 89502 3575 E Hidden Valley Dr Reno NV 89502 100 Sunshine Ln Reno NV 89502 1901 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 1300 Casazza Dr Reno NV 89502 1280 Casazza Dr Reno NV 89502 450 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 7000 Dandini Blvd Reno NV 89512 130 Nectar St Reno NV 89506 3405 Reno Park Blvd Reno NV 89506 500 Rockwell Blvd Sparks NV 89441 1240 Eastlake Blvd Washoe Valley NV 89704 1920 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 655 S Stanford Way Sparks NV 89431 500 E Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 335 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 2180 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 5399 Sun Valley Blvd Sun Valley NV 89433 12300 Old Virginia Rd Reno NV 89521 10575 Silver Lake Rd Reno NV 89506 100 Woodland Ave Reno NV 89523 264 Keystone Ave Reno NV 89503 1900 Silverada Blvd Reno NV 89512 755 Timber Way Reno NV 89512 520 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 2700 N Virginia St Reno NV 89506 290 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 3500 Sullivan Ln Sparks NV 89431 950 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 2900 N Truckee Ln Sparks NV 89434 1605 B St Sparks NV 89431 2550 Longley Ln Reno NV 89502 100 W Plumb Ln Reno NV 89509 2001 Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 701 E 7th St Reno NV 89512 5505 Sun Valley Blvd Sun Valley NV 89433 245 Telegraph St Reno NV 89502 832 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 1390 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 301 Montello St Reno NV 89512 2620 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 1155 Mill St Reno NV 89502 1300 Freeport Blvd Sparks NV 89431 250 Sage St Reno NV 89512 280 E Parr Blvd Reno NV 89512 465 S Rock Blvd Sparks NV 89431 530 Morrill Ave Reno NV 89512 208 E 4th St Reno NV 89501 2660 Wrondel Way Reno NV 89502 250 S Rock Blvd Ste 130 Reno NV 89502 1501 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 625 Greg St Sparks NV 89431 1305 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 3900 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 300 E Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 5000 Smithridge Dr Reno NV 89502 Star Route Nixon NV 89424 757 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 1220 Sweetwater Rd Incline Village NV 89451 SR-28 Incline Village NV 89451 687 Wilson Way Incline Village NV 89451 663 Lakeshore Dr Incline Village NV 89451 5405 Mae Anne Ave Reno NV 89523 400 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 5835 Panther Dr Reno NV 89506 655 S Stanford Way Sparks NV 89431 3055 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 11331 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 405 Edison Way Reno NV 89502 900 Yori Ave Reno NV 89502 525 Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 560 Lakeshore Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 903 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 S Virginia St & E Grove St Reno NV 89502 1670 National Guard Way Reno NV 89502 210 Gentry Way Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 245 Winter St Reno NV 89503 355 Greg St Sparks NV 89431 350 Capitol Hill Ave Reno NV 89502 19505 US Highway 395 N Reno NV 89508 1905 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 Stateline NV 89449 1520 Deming Way Sparks NV 89431 1555 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 555 Vista Blvd Sparks NV 89434 1900 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 2191 Pyramid Way Sparks NV 89431 401 Dermody Way Sparks NV 89431 401 Dermody Way Sparks NV 89431 401 Dermody Way Sparks NV 89431 800 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 111 Mill St Reno NV 89501 111 Mill St Reno NV 89501 1240 E 9th St Reno NV 89512 707 N Sierra St Reno NV 89503 1445 E 6th St Reno NV 89512 460 West 2nd Street Reno NV 89503 14595 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 999 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 111 Country Club Dr Incline Village NV 89451 2820 Mill St Reno NV 89502 Meadowood Mall Cir Reno NV 89502 13875 Mount McClellan St Reno NV 89506 625 Bergin Way Sparks NV 89431 507 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 1595 Miami Way Reno NV 89502 1264 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 321 E 5th St Reno NV 89501 3800 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 2125 Oddie Blvd Sparks NV 89431 1400 S McCarran Blvd Sparks NV 89431 832 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 600 N Wells Ave Reno NV 89512 2205 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 353 N Park St Reno NV 89512 641 E Moana Ln Reno NV 89502 1500 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 2540 Sutro St Reno NV 89512 700 Sutcliffe Hwy Nixon NV 89424 757 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 15580 Mt Rose Hwy Reno NV 89511 2395 Tampa St Reno NV 89512 530 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 398 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 1050 Coney Island Dr Sparks NV 89431 1050 Coney Island Dr Sparks NV 89431 695 Keystone Ave Reno NV 89503 1001 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 1303 Sullivan Ln Sparks NV 89431 580 E Moana Ln Reno NV 89502 475 Valley Rd Reno NV 89512 1250 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 1200 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 127 Woodland Ave Reno NV 89523 22222 Mount Rose Hwy Reno NV 89511 903 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 1010 E Commercial Row Reno NV 89512 Wadsworth NV 89442 Sparks NV 89431 100 N Center St Reno NV 89501 200 Kresge Ln Sparks NV 89431 1479 Hymer Ave Sparks NV 89431 1401 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 264 Keystone Ave Reno NV 89503 324 S 18th St Sparks NV 89431 7500 Olson Memorial Hwy Orovada NV 89425 310 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 889 Northwood Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 195 E 1st St Reno NV 89501 3425 Gulling Rd Reno NV 89503 3350 Lymbery St Reno NV 89509 645 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 1005 Standard St Reno NV 89506 1450 Vassar St Reno NV 89502 9700 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 2800 Vassar St Reno NV 89502 840 Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 10200 Stead Blvd Reno NV 89506 105 E Gepford Pkwy Sun Valley NV 89433 Sparks NV 89431 205 Joy Lake Rd Reno NV 89511 Empire NV 89405 9490 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 200 S Virginia St Reno NV 89501 585 Depaoli St Reno NV 89512 2995 Skyline Blvd Reno NV 89509 1400 E Peckham Ln Reno NV 89502 10603 Stead Blvd Reno NV 89506 355 Edison Way Reno NV 89502 317 Sutro St Reno NV 89512 10 E Plaza St Reno NV 89501 1700 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 1250 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 4775 Aircenter Cir Reno NV 89502 350 Gold Ranch Rd Verdi NV 89439 7465 Longley Ln Reno NV 89511 3675 Mill St Reno NV 89502 1 Erik Cir Verdi NV 89439 1008 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 Fernley NV 89408 1390 E Commercial Row Reno NV 89512 1076 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 1390 E Commercial Row Reno NV 89512 1690 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 2675 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 2601 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 955 Kuenzli St Reno NV 89502 255 N Sierra St Reno NV 89501 3225 Mill St Reno NV 89502 600 Spice Islands Dr Sparks NV 89431 290 Keystone Ave Reno NV 89503 1705 N Wells Ave Reno NV 89512 455 Gentry Way Reno NV 89502 Mira Loma Rd Reno NV 89511 1675 Mill St Reno NV 89502 450 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 90 W Laramie Dr Reno NV 89521 2401 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 2401 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 1675 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 205 N McCarran Blvd Sparks NV 89431 900 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 200 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 350 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1000 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 1790 Mill St Reno NV 89502 6220 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 1 W 6th St Reno NV 89503 690 Keystone Ave Reno NV 89503 1790 Mill St Reno NV 89502 1755 Sutro St Reno NV 89512 4101 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 3295 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 Apn 11-191-12 Reno NV 89509 130 W Plumb Ln Reno NV 89509 2470 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 800 Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 315 Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 888 Willow St Reno NV 89502 1205 S 21st St Sparks NV 89431 Idlewild Dr Reno NV 89509 4900 Ross Dr Reno NV 89509 Idlewild Dr Reno NV 89509 6100 Neil Rd Reno NV 89511 1 Ohm Pl Reno NV 89502 Mario Rd Verdi NV 89439 I-80 E Reno NV 89520 8995 La Posada Dr Sparks NV 89436 601 Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 960 United Cir Sparks NV 89431 960 United Cir Sparks NV 89431 1555 Linda Way Sparks NV 89431 600 15th St Sparks NV 89431 3300 S McCarran Blvd Reno NV 89502 3431 White Lake Pkwy Reno NV 89508 211 E Grove St Reno NV 89502 160 E Long St Carson City NV 89706 3083 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 3205 Eastlake Blvd Washoe Valley NV 89704 1445 SR-341 Reno NV 89521 901 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 2050 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 9800 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 1401 E Peckham Ln Reno NV 89502 3085 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 3701 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 3305 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 1770 Sutro St Reno NV 89512 7500 N Virginia St Reno NV 89506 810 N Sierra St Reno NV 89503 1680 Silverada Blvd Reno NV 89512 5700 Sun Valley Blvd Sun Valley NV 89433 1620 El Rancho Dr Sparks NV 89431 4850 Sun Valley Blvd Sun Valley NV 89433 8995 Lemmon Dr Reno NV 89506 1408 Pittman Ave Sparks NV 89431 2535 E 5th St Reno NV 89512 1695 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 3090 Mill St Reno NV 89502 780 E Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1542 Pittman Ave Sparks NV 89431 1060 Telegraph St Reno NV 89502 2001 Pyramid Way Sparks NV 89431 2001 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 655 N Sierra St Reno NV 89503 400 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 655 N Wells Ave Reno NV 89512 899 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 1201 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 1400 Mayberry Dr Reno NV 89509 3900 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 901 N Virginia St Reno NV 89503 2001 Pyramid Way Sparks NV 89431 1400 Mayberry Dr Reno NV 89509 45 Vista Blvd Sparks NV 89434 500 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 990 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 1819 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 5190 Sun Valley Blvd Sun Valley NV 89433 985 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1375 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 2050 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 790 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 2375 E Prater Way Sparks NV 89434 1575 E Commercial Row Reno NV 89512 103 E 4th St Reno NV 89501 1101 California Ave Reno NV 89509 4555 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 1550 Pyramid Way Sparks NV 89431 190 W Plumb Ln Reno NV 89509 2790 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 300 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 601 N Sierra St Reno NV 89503 1300 W 7th St Reno NV 89503 790 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 3300 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 475 E Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 2512 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 200 N McCarran Blvd Sparks NV 89431 330 Western Rd Reno NV 89506 2100 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 1600 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 1155 Mill St Reno NV 89502 465 Lovitt Ln Reno NV 89506 1775 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 415 Parr Cir Reno NV 89512 475 Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 601 S 15th St Sparks NV 89431 490 Keystone Ave Reno NV 89503 901 W 2nd St Reno NV 89503 755 International Pl Sparks NV 89431 1910 Automotive Way Reno NV 89502 2620 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 950 S Rock Blvd Sparks NV 89431 5205 Mill St Reno NV 89502 250 Chism St Reno NV 89503 1300 Franklin Way Sparks NV 89431 900 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 1500 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 950 United Cir Sparks NV 89431 950 United Cir Sparks NV 89431 2255 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 2900 N Truckee Ln Sparks NV 89434 1605 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 225 S 21st St Sparks NV 89431 1210 Ski Way Incline Village NV 89451 295 Galletti Dr Reno NV 89510 1875 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 SR-431 Reno NV 89506 SR-28 & SR-431 Incline Village NV 89451 SR-431 Incline Village NV 89450 SR-447 Nixon NV 89424 1263 S Stewart St Carson City NV 89712 1000 N Wells Ave Reno NV 89512 2000 Army Aviation Dr Reno NV 89506 965 Mt Rose Hwy #431 Incline Village NV 89451 105 Lakeview Ave Crystal Bay NV 89402 863 Tanager St Incline Village NV 89451 2001 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 4895 Texas Ave Reno NV 89506 355 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 6355 Silver Lake Rd Reno NV 89506 2601 S Arlington Ave Reno NV 89509 1502 Washington St Reno NV 89503 3025 Longley Ln Reno NV 89502 625 Mount Rose Hwy Incline Village NV 89451 Gerlach NV 89412 1200 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 6055 Lancer St Reno NV 89523 425 E 9th St Reno NV 89512 4800 Neil Rd Reno NV 89502 10500 Stead Blvd Reno NV 89506 1850 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 300 Booth St Reno NV 89509 790 E Lincoln Way Sparks NV 89434 1776 National Guard Way Reno NV 89502 1200 Franklin Way Sparks NV 89431 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 SR-447 Nixon NV 89424 4601 Cocoa Ave Reno NV 89506 750 4th St Sparks NV 89431 2000 Vassar St Reno NV 89510 50 S Virginia St Fl 1 Reno NV 89501 50 S Virginia St Fl 1 Reno NV 89501 2000 Vassar St Reno NV 89510 750 4th St Sparks NV 89431 275 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 898 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 550 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 4600 N Virginia St Reno NV 89506 1551 National Guard Way Reno NV 89502 1550 S McCarran Blvd Sparks NV 89431 600 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1355 Spice Islands Dr Sparks NV 89431 6190 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 1701 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 1000 W 2nd St Reno NV 89503 SR-447 Empire NV 89405 1575 E Commercial Row Reno NV 89512 2525 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 1 Ohm Pl Reno NV 89502 I-80 E Sparks NV 89431 855 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 1285 E 6th St Reno NV 89512 11111 Stead Blvd Reno NV 89506 1590 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 1675 National Guard Way Reno NV 89502 42 E Freeport Blvd Sparks NV 89431 228 Vine St Reno NV 89503 2800 Dickerson Rd Reno NV 89503 800 Stillwell Ave Reno NV 89512 100 Giroux St Reno NV 89502 529 Stewart St Reno NV 89502 515 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 700 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 500 E 6th St Reno NV 89512 201 Edison Way Reno NV 89502 800 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 111 Mill St Reno NV 89501 1900 Vassar St Reno NV 89502 201 Edison Way Reno NV 89502 1644 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 3600 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 10 Greg St Sparks NV 89431 105 E Parr Blvd Reno NV 89512 3005 Mill St Reno NV 89502 435 Stoker Ave Reno NV 89503 3905 US-395 N Washoe Valley NV 89701 208 E 4th St Reno NV 89501 16255 Mount Rose Hwy Reno NV 89511 4855 Eastlake Blvd Washoe Valley NV 89704 2005 SR-28 Incline Village NV 89451 698 Forest St Reno NV 89509 1030 Matley Ln Reno NV 89502 333 Galletti Way Reno NV 89512 8050 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 1325 E Greg St Sparks NV 89431 2470 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 6220 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 8 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1690 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 100 E Moana Ln Reno NV 89502 101 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 275 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 96 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 200 N McCarran Blvd Sparks NV 89431 1000 Locust St Reno NV 89502 1761 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 I-80 & Hursh Rd Verdi NV 89439 350 N McCarran Blvd Sparks NV 89431 310 Galletti Way Sparks NV 89431 Reno NV 89520 50 Snider Way Sparks NV 89431 Bridge St Verdi NV 89439 1610 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 1725 S McCarran Blvd Reno NV 89502 14005 Mount Vida St Reno NV 89506 5052 N Virginia St Reno NV 89506 4990 Alpha Ave Reno NV 89506 455 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 2055 Idlewild Dr Reno NV 89509 2710 Wrondel Way Reno NV 89502 3600 Kings Row Reno NV 89503 3050 Skyline Blvd Reno NV 89509 3970 Mira Loma Dr Reno NV 89502 1500 Mayberry Dr Reno NV 89509 1096 Ralston St Reno NV 89503 75 Pringle Way Reno NV 89502 1450 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 575 Reactor Way Reno NV 89502 7590 Colbert Dr Reno NV 89511 3233 Mill St Reno NV 89502 2801 Vassar St Reno NV 89502 780 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 320 Spokane St Reno NV 89512 1820 US-50 Glenbrook NV 89413 7063 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 1771 Valley Rd Reno NV 89512 1350 Baring Blvd Sparks NV 89434 1331 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 395 Booth St Reno NV 89509 532 S Virginia St Reno NV 89501 495 Morrill Ave Reno NV 89512 200 Evans Ave Reno NV 89501 4250 Norton Dr Reno NV 89506 14180 Mt Charleston St Reno NV 89506 144 West St Reno NV 89501 499 Village Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 210 N Virginia St Reno NV 89501 40 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 200 W 2nd St Reno NV 89501 990 W 2nd St Reno NV 89503 1750 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 305 Edison Way Reno NV 89502 51 E Grove St Reno NV 89502 15 W 2nd St Reno NV 89501 130 N Center St Reno NV 89501 1775 Kuenzli St Reno NV 89502 90 W Grove St Reno NV 89509 3885 Neil Rd Reno NV 89502 396 Wolverine Way Sparks NV 89431 2500 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 6147 Lakeside Dr Ste 100 Reno NV 89511 1655 Franklin Way Sparks NV 89431 1505 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 13200 Stead Blvd Reno NV 89506 1255 Spice Islands Dr Sparks NV 89431 340 Wolverine Way Sparks NV 89431 955 Harvard Way Reno NV 89502 3050 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 651 N McCarran Blvd Sparks NV 89431 2555 Dickerson Rd Reno NV 89503 1068 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 Ponderosa Ranch Rd Incline Village NV 89451 608 E 5th St Reno NV 89512 10585 Stead Blvd Reno NV 89506 970 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1625 N Virginia St Reno NV 89503 600 Dermody Way Sparks NV 89431 1100 Valley Rd Reno NV 89512 1085 Bible Way Reno NV 89502 1559 Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 11900 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 2255 Byars Ln Sparks NV 89431 300 E 2nd St Reno NV 89501 219 N Center St Reno NV 89501 475 Hill St Reno NV 89501 365 E 2nd St Reno NV 89501 210 N Center St Reno NV 89501 2531 Sutro St Reno NV 89512 290 US Highway 395 N Washoe Valley NV 89704 1008 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 350 W I-80 Verdi NV 89439 W Moana Ln & Grant St Reno NV 89509 1365 Baring Blvd Sparks NV 89434 2900 Clear Acre Ln Reno NV 89512 900 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 1750 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 1700 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 120 SR-28 Crystal Bay NV 89402 2995 Skyline Blvd Reno NV 89509 2570 Tacchino St Reno NV 89512 1895 Plumas St Reno NV 89509 17800 Pyramid Hwy Nixon NV 89424 905 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 893 Southwood Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 955 Fairway Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 32 Calaneva Dr Incline Village NV 89451 654 Second Creek Dr Incline Village NV 89451 760 Tyner Way Incline Village NV 89451 958 Lakeshore Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 208 E 4th St Reno NV 89501 1235 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 2331 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 115 E Moana Ln Reno NV 89502 1224 Sweetwater Rd Incline Village NV 89451 1120 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 201 W 2nd St Reno NV 89501 1100 W Moana Ln Reno NV 89509 25 High St Reno NV 89502 2500 Valley Rd Reno NV 89512 1455 E Greg St Sparks NV 89431 232 N Enterprise St Incline Village NV 89451 1100 SR-425 Verdi NV 89439 901 W 2nd St Reno NV 89503 1890 Purina Way Sparks NV 89431 1340 Spice Islands Dr Sparks NV 89431 1225 Commerce St Sparks NV 89431 1465 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 2300 Vassar St Reno NV 89502 900 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 2445 Vassar St Reno NV 89502 1216 Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 820 15th St Sparks NV 89431 2880 Sutro St Reno NV 89512 720 Nichols Blvd Sparks NV 89434 1790 Silverada Blvd Reno NV 89512 701 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 9650 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 1640 E Commercial Row Reno NV 89512 1819 Hymer Ave Sparks NV 89431 2002 Sierra Highlands Dr Reno NV 89523 2510 Tacchino St Reno NV 89512 1575 Linda Way Sparks NV 89431 11 Lockwood Dr Sparks NV 89434 1440 Hymer Ave Sparks NV 89431 1060 Telegraph St Reno NV 89502 380 Edison Way Reno NV 89502 2277 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1755 Hymer Ave Sparks NV 89431 1830 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 1050 Linda Way Sparks NV 89431 52 E Freeport Blvd Sparks NV 89431 1499 N Wells Ave Reno NV 89512 1420 Eli Dr Reno NV 89511 1901 Silverada Blvd Reno NV 89512 10 S Lake St Reno NV 89501 7795 Security Cir Reno NV 89506 98 W Commercial Row Reno NV 89501 224 N Virginia St Reno NV 89501 655 S Stanford Way Sparks NV 89431 575 Village Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 990 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 911 E Parr Blvd Reno NV 89512 170 S Sierra St Reno NV 89501 1255 Mill St Reno NV 89502 1205 Mill St Reno NV 89502 1001 E 9th St Reno NV 89512 330 Doubleback Rd Reno NV 89506 7695 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 4696 Sun Valley Blvd Sun Valley NV 89433 851 Tanager St Incline Village NV 89451 250 A Twilight Ln Reno NV 89557 525 Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 1850 E Lincoln Way Sparks NV 89434 8995 Spanish Springs Rd Sparks NV 89441 1090 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 400 E Greenbrae Dr Sparks NV 89431 SR-28 Crystal Bay NV 89402 369 E Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 20255 Cold Springs Dr Reno NV 89508 8755 Red Rock Rd Reno NV 89508 1900 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 2235 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 670 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 2550 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 9205 Lemmon Dr Reno NV 89506 9400 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 1050 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 1064 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 5690 Sun Valley Blvd Sun Valley NV 89433 1200 Razorback Rd Reno NV 89509 1950 E Greg St Sparks NV 89431 1290 Holcomb Ave Reno NV 89502 1054 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 876 Tanager St Incline Village NV 89451 2000 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 1725 E Commercial Row Reno NV 89512 119 E 4th St Reno NV 89501 SR-447 Empire NV 89405 2935 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 460 N Center St Reno NV 89501 577 Eagle Dr Incline Village NV 89451 2925 Wrondel Way Reno NV 89502 N Center St & E Plaza St Reno NV 89501 4015 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 255 Wolverine Way Sparks NV 89431 23006 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 540 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 355 Vista Blvd Sparks NV 89434 960 E Greg St Sparks NV 89431 3905 US-395 N Washoe Valley NV 89701 Six Mile Canyon Rd Virginia City NV 89440 100 S Center St Reno NV 89501 380 S Rock Blvd Sparks NV 89431 565 Sunshine Ln Reno NV 89502 1564 Prater Way Sparks NV 89431 1210 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 450 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 2950 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 561 Sunshine Ln Reno NV 89502 9210 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 805 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 260 Twilight Ln Reno NV 89557 Verdi NV 89439 7010 Dandini Blvd Reno NV 89512 1750 Industrial Way Sparks NV 89431 100 S Garson Rd Verdi NV 89439 1125 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 180 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 Virginia St Reno NV 89501 E 2nd Apn 12-111-012 Reno NV 89502 1005 Standard St Reno NV 89506 1200 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 3090 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 270 E Parr Blvd Reno NV 89512 180 E Grove St Unit B Reno NV 89502 1735 Pittman Ave Sparks NV 89431 2401 E 5th St Reno NV 89512 13951 Mount Bismark St Reno NV 89506 848 Tanager St Incline Village NV 89451 E 2nd St & Giroux St Reno NV 89502 1405 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 7800 Chickadee St Reno NV 89506 580 W Moana Ln Reno NV 89509 401 Dermody Way Sparks NV 89431 5470 Alpha Ave Reno NV 89506 2299 Oddie Blvd Sparks NV 89431 743 S Virginia St Reno NV 89501 355 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 233 Enterprise Rd Incline Village NV 89450 2445 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 2101 Timber Way Reno NV 89512 1900 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 636 B St Sparks NV 89431 9501 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 1255 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 325 Sunshine Ln Reno NV 89502 60 E Surge St Reno NV 89506 250 Village Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 14041 Mount Bismark St Reno NV 89506 1195 E Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 2995 Mill St Reno NV 89502 2720 Wrondel Way Reno NV 89502 1120 Telegraph St Reno NV 89502 324 Vine St Reno NV 89503 2315 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 9475 N Virginia St Reno NV 89506 480 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 240 Evans Ave Reno NV 89501 Apn #11-191-08 Reno NV 89502 1595 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 Callahan Ranch Rd Reno NV 89511 1790 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 890 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 3260 Yori Way Reno NV 89509 865 S Rock Blvd Sparks NV 89431 236 N Virginia St Reno NV 89501 435 W 4th St Reno NV 89503 2500 Valley Rd Reno NV 89512 41 Sunshine Ln Reno NV 89502 2555 Aviation Blvd Reno NV 89502 1090 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 3000 S McCarran Blvd Reno NV 89502 2500 Sutro St Reno NV 89512 5049 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 300 Grand Canyon Blvd Reno NV 89502 4410 N Virginia St Reno NV 89506 2601 S Arlington Ave Reno NV 89509 900 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 307 Morrill Ave Reno NV 89512 5541 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 2301 Lockheed Way Carson City NV 89706 220 Edison Way Reno NV 89502 1201 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 2045 E Peckham Ln Reno NV 89502 415 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 450 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 180 Circle Dr Reno NV 89509 590 N Virginia St Reno NV 89501 13900 Stead Blvd Reno NV 89506 121 Vesta St Reno NV 89502 5890 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 Incline Village NV 89450 510 Sutcliffe Star Route Nixon NV 89424 1035 E Commercial Row Reno NV 89512 6800 E Prater Way Sparks NV 89434 140 Jensen St Reno NV 89502 901 N Virginia St Reno NV 89503 5303 Louie Ln Reno NV 89511 2555 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 7175 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 1050 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 1535 Hymer Ave Sparks NV 89431 Reno NV 89509 1125 C St Sparks NV 89431 655 S Stanford Way Sparks NV 89431 11970 I-80 E Sparks NV 89431 215 12th St Elko NV 89801 Reno NV 89512 1880 Gentry Way Reno NV 89502 3005 Canyon Way Sparks NV 89434 2000 Holcomb Ln Reno NV 89511 50 Lillard Dr Sparks NV 89434 6001 Talbot Ln Reno NV 89509 2500 Lakeview Dr Reno NV 89510 550 Elko St Reno NV 89503 495 W Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 3575 E Hidden Valley Dr Reno NV 89502 1325 Hymer Ave Sparks NV 89431 13875 Mount McClellan St Reno NV 89506 2332 Larkin Cir Sparks NV 89431 2255 Larkin Cir Sparks NV 89431 1790 US Highway 395 N Minden NV 89423 655 E Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 695 N Wells Ave Reno NV 89512 3411 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 10405 Old Virginia Rd Reno NV 89521 13875 Mount McClellan St Reno NV 89506 1190 Telegraph St Reno NV 89502 415 Elm St Reno NV 89503 1543 Debra Ln Incline Village NV 89451 6560 Longley Ln Reno NV 89511 1590 Marietta Way Sparks NV 89431 10 N Center St Reno NV 89501 9245 Lemmon Dr Reno NV 89506 1040 Victorian Ave Sparks NV 89431 560 Lakeshore Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 100 Block W Gentry Way Reno NV 89509 245 Vine St Reno NV 89503 SR-431 Reno NV 89520 235 W 6th St Reno NV 89503 3650 Lakeside Dr Reno NV 89509 3650 Lakeside Dr Reno NV 89509 357 Hammill Ln Reno NV 89511 1600 Holcomb Ave Reno NV 89502 4900 Energy Way Reno NV 89502 70 W Grove St Reno NV 89509 2590 E 2nd St Reno NV 89502 755 SW Gas Ln Reno NV 89512 US-40 Exit 43 Wadsworth NV 89442 19990 Thomas Creek Rd Reno NV 89511 Reno NV 89509 345 N Virginia St Reno NV 89501 650 S Rock Blvd Ste 12 Reno NV 89502 90 E 5th St Reno NV 89501 2001 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 7655 Pyramid Way Sparks NV 89436 4600 Alpha Ave Reno NV 89506 745 California Ave Reno NV 89509 969 Fairview Blvd Incline Village NV 89451 1845 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1651 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 1 S Sierra St Reno NV 89501 295 Sparks Blvd Sparks NV 89434 1155 Glendale Ave Sparks NV 89431 180 Del Ora Ave Gerlach NV 89412 315 Galletti Way Reno NV 89512 55 Shoreline Cir Incline Village NV 89450 8500 Mira Loma Dr RENO NV 89511 405 Gonowabie Rd Crystal Bay NV 89402 2595 Clear Acre Ln Reno NV 89512 4995 W 7th St Reno NV 89503 885 Eastlake Blvd Washoe Valley NV 89704 885 Eastlake Blvd Washoe Valley NV 89704 980 E 6th St Reno NV 89512 5255 Cocoa Ave Reno NV 89506 10850 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 2707 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 400 S Arlington Ave Reno NV 89501 970 Icehouse Ave Sparks NV 89431 1390 Disc Dr Sparks NV 89436 7000 Pyramid Lake Hwy Sparks NV 89436 3555 Lamay Ln Reno NV 89511 5275 Leon Dr Sun Valley NV 89433 3200 Mill St Reno NV 89502 895 S 21st St Sparks NV 89431 1904 1/2 Tracon Rd Reno NV 89502 1220 Greg St Sparks NV 89431 180 Gentry Way Reno NV 89502 700 US-395 Carson City NV 89706 2505 Mill St Reno NV 89502 1300 Mill St Reno NV 89502 300 S Virginia St Reno NV 89501 229 N Virginia St Reno NV 89501 5625 Fox Ave Reno NV 89506 500 S Meadows Pkwy Reno NV 89521 400 S Virginia St Reno NV 89501 E 5th St & Wells Ave Reno NV 89512 2095 Brierley Way Sparks NV 89434 1 E 1st St Reno NV 89501 900 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 38 E 2nd St Reno NV 89501 505 Montello St Reno NV 89512 E 9th St & N Virginia St Reno NV 89501 200 Dallas Fernley NV 89408 Verdi NV 89439 275 Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 200 E 6th St Reno NV 89501 SR-28 Crystal Bay NV 89402 4997 Longley Ln Reno NV 89502 5105 Summit Ridge Ct Reno NV 89523 8200 Lakeside Dr Reno NV 89511 455 SR-28 Incline Village NV 89451 500 N Sierra St Reno NV 89503 1111 Clubhouse Dr Reno NV 89523 5100 Sandpiper Ln Reno NV 89506 4590 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 7150 Franktown Rd Washoe Valley NV 89704 7225 Franktown Rd Washoe Valley NV 89704 5 Ohm Pl Reno NV 89502 I-80 Mustang Offramp Sparks NV 89431 910 Robb Dr Reno NV 89523 4045 Old US Highway 395 N Washoe Valley NV 89704 2395 E 5th St Reno NV 89512 5928 Cleanwater Way Reno NV 89502 900 N Virginia St Reno NV 89503 910 Valley Rd Reno NV 89512 250 Pyramid Way Sparks NV 89431 1100 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 18500 Wedge Pkwy Reno NV 89511 1400 E Prater Way Ste # 102 Sparks NV 89434 625 Mount Rose Hwy Incline Village NV 89451 1001 E 9th St Reno NV 89512 570 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 Mt Lola St & Alpha Ave Reno NV 89506 Mt Lola St & Alpha Ave Reno NV 89506 2805 N McCarran Blvd Sparks NV 89431 480 Galletti Way Sparks NV 89431 500 Galletti Way Sparks NV 89431 605 S 21st St Sparks NV 89431 2655 Enterprise Rd Reno NV 89512 900 E Parr Blvd Reno NV 89512 2155 Harvard Way Reno NV 89502 1690 Evans Ave Reno NV 89512 808 Helvetia Ave Reno NV 89502 2995 Vista Blvd Sparks NV 89434 10170 N McCarran Blvd Reno NV 89503 Sutcliffe Star Route Reno NV 89510 140 W 1st Ave Sun Valley NV 89433 7570 Colbert Dr Reno NV 89511 5955 Sage Flat Rd Reno NV 89510 260 Winter St Reno NV 89503 345 N Arlington Ave Reno NV 89501 95500 SR-34 Gerlach NV 89412 1055 S Rock Blvd Sparks NV 89431 7047 Clean Water Way Reno NV 89502 Empire Farm Rd & SR-447 Empire NV 89405 2305 E 5th St Reno NV 89512 2885 Northtowne Ln Reno NV 89512 15 Eagle Canyon Dr Sparks NV 89441 Hualapai Valley Gerlach NV 89412 Hualapai Valley Gerlach NV 89412 Hualapai Valley Gerlach NV 89412 2255 Holcomb Ranch Ln Reno NV 89511 1000 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 735 S Meadows Pkwy Reno NV 89521 99 Damonte Ranch Pkwy Reno NV 89521 12605 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 5195 Spectrum Blvd Reno NV 89512 125 Salomon Cir Sparks NV 89434 9750 S Virginia St Reno NV 89511 Wadsworth NV 89442 6150 S McCarran Blvd Reno NV 89509 415 Parr Cir Reno NV 89512 4835 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89509 1855 SR-425 Verdi NV 89439 1195 Rock Blvd Sparks NV 89431 12155 E I-80 Sparks NV 89434 2858 Vista Blvd Sparks NV 89434 450 N Arlington Ave Reno NV 89503 1200 Franklin Way Sparks NV 89431 300 Lemmon Dr Reno NV 89506 1690 Robb Dr Reno NV 89523 5150 Mae Anne Ave Reno NV 89523 1690 S Wells Ave Reno NV 89502 2001 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 2001 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 2001 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 2001 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 2001 E Plumb Ln Reno NV 89502 Reno NV 89521 Reno NV 89436 2500 E 4th St Reno NV 89512 19996 Thomas Creek Rd Reno NV 89511 4810 Galleria Pkwy Sparks NV 89436 635 Ferrari McLeod Blvd Reno NV 89512 2707 S Virginia St Reno NV 89502 1185 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 1155 Mill St Reno NV 89502 1005 N Hills Blvd Reno NV 89506 7770 N Virginia St Reno NV 89506 175 Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 187 E Greg St Sparks NV 89431 55 E Nugget Ave Sparks NV 89431 Reno NV 89557 5212 Sparks Blvd Sparks NV 89436 1210 Kleppe Ln Sparks NV 89431 2433 Wingfield Hills Rd Sparks NV 89436 9500 S McCarran Blvd Reno NV 89523 2625 Kietzke Ln Reno NV 89502 1200 Terminal Way Reno NV 89502 1061 Steamboat Pkwy Reno NV 89521 15650 Wedge Pkwy Reno NV 89511 1664 N VIRGINIA ST RENO NV 89557 1200 Auction Rd Fallon NV 89406 240 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 800 Kyle Hot Springs Rd Imlay NV 89418 Battle Mountain NV 89820 Winnemucca NV 89445 Lovelock NV 89419 Lovelock NV 89419 570 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 640 W Front St Battle Mountain NV 89820 Fallon NV 89406 100 E Center St Fallon NV 89406 1305 Rye Patch Reservoir Rd Lovelock NV 89419 3245 Potato Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 1 S Maine St Fallon NV 89406 705 E 4th St Winnemucca NV 89445 6000 Frontage Rd MILL CITY NV 89418 105 E Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 US-95 Mc Dermitt NV 89421 105 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 Beowawe NV 89821 500 Harrigan Rd Fallon NV 89406 330 N Broadway St Fallon NV 89406 Beowawe NV 89821 275 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 750 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 415 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 US-40 W Battle Mountain NV 89820 150 Coal Canyon Rd Lovelock NV 89419 I-80 E Exit 216 Valmy NV 89438 110 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 1099 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 Golconda NV 89414 Fernley NV 89408 Fernley NV 89408 Esu-Unit Fernley NV 89408 Battle Mountain NV 89820 Battle Mountain NV 89820 Battle Mountain NV 89820 Esu-Unit Battle Mountain NV 89820 Battle Mountain NV 89820 US-95 Orovada NV 89425 147 E Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 942 W 3rd St Winnemucca NV 89445 4675 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 597 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 4030 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 Battle Mountain NV 89820 US-50 Austin NV 89310 685 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 US-95 Fallon NV 89406 347 N Taylor St Fallon NV 89406 292 E Main St Battle Mountain NV 89820 US-40 E Battle Mountain NV 89820 340 E National Ave Winnemucca NV 89445 Mc Dermitt NV 89421 55 US-95 N Mc Dermitt NV 89421 Battle Mountain NV 89820 Battle Mountain NV 89820 Lovelock NV 89419 Lovelock NV 89419 Winnemucca NV 89445 Battle Mountain NV 89820 Fallon NV 89406 Battle Mountain NV 89820 720 Broadway Lovelock NV 89419 Fallon NV 89406 201 Kings River Rd Orovada NV 89425 102 W Railroad St Winnemucca NV 89445 135 E Railroad St Winnemucca NV 89445 W Paul St Austin NV 89310 Austin NV 89310 160 S Reese St Battle Mountain NV 89820 450 W Main St Fernley NV 89408 Winnemucca NV 89445 Lovelock NV 89419 600 Sod House Rd Orovada NV 89425 134 Main St Austin NV 89310 105 E 3rd St Winnemucca NV 89445 Winnemucca NV 89445 I-80 Exit 194 Golconda NV 89414 I-80 Exit 194 Golconda NV 89414 810 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 147 E Front St Battle Mountain NV 89820 US-95 Orovada NV 89425 Virgin Valley Ranch Rd Denio NV 89404 SR-140 Winnemucca NV 89445 37 Pacific Ave Winnemucca NV 89445 I-80 W Stonehouse Exit Valmy NV 89438 350 Main St Lovelock NV 89419 450 W McArthur Ave Winnemucca NV 89445 145 N Humboldt St Battle Mountain NV 89820 346 N Maine St Fallon NV 89406 Airport Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 Orovada NV 89425 1755 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 787 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 984 E Stillwater Ave Fallon NV 89406 Tungsten Cir Imlay NV 89418 Railroad St & Haskell St Winnemucca NV 89445 1800 S Taylor St Fallon NV 89406 225 E Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 235 E Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 Trento Ln Fallon NV 89406 474 W Front St Battle Mountain NV 89820 605 W Haskell St Winnemucca NV 89445 218 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 108 W Front St Battle Mountain NV 89820 1300 S Maine St Fallon NV 89406 365 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 1325 S Taylor St Fallon NV 89406 390 W Front St Battle Mountain NV 89820 Old US-40 Battle Mountain NV 89820 95 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 1130 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 7900 Airport Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 1365 Mizpah St Winnemucca NV 89445 Airport Rd Battle Mountain NV 89820 US-50 Fallon NV 89406 888 Harrigan Rd Fallon NV 89406 650 Grinnel Ave Lovelock NV 89419 350 E 4th St Battle Mountain NV 89820 US-95 Orovada NV 89425 SR-140 Denio NV 89404 725 W 4th St Winnemucca NV 89445 SR-2 Lovelock NV 89419 I-80 Imlay NV 89418 16799 Lahontan Dam Rd Fallon NV 89406 2505 Rye Patch Reservoir Rd Lovelock NV 89419 625 Weaver Ave Battle Mountain NV 89820 735 W 4th St Winnemucca NV 89445 Wildes Rd Fallon NV 89406 2666 Harrigan Rd Fallon NV 89406 4755 Pasture Rd Fallon NV 89496 14500 Stillwater Rd Fallon NV 89406 5330 Jays Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 5400 Jays Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 5330 Jays Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 390 Main St Lovelock NV 89419 120 N Maine St Fallon NV 89406 4th St & Melarkey St Winnemucca NV 89445 1500 Melarkey St Winnemucca NV 89445 522 Lay St Winnemucca NV 89445 275 W Bridge Ave Paradise Valley NV 89426 E 4th St & Reinhart St Winnemucca NV 89445 7 Olavarria St Mc Dermitt NV 89421 5375 Kluncy Canyon Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 451 E Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 5400 Jays Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 5880 W Rose Creek Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 Valmy NV 89438 SR-140 & SR-292 Denio NV 89404 E 4th St Winnemucca NV 89445 6450 Solar Dr Winnemucca NV 89445 6010 W Rose Creek Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 710 Grass Valley Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 Kings River Rd Orovada NV 89425 5050 E Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 6450 Grass Valley Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 US-95 Orovada NV 89425 US-95 & Kings River Rd Orovada NV 89425 40 S Bridge St Winnemucca NV 89445 US-95 N Winnemucca NV 89445 Battle Mountain NV 89820 535 S Humboldt St Battle Mountain NV 89820 US-50 & SR-376 Austin NV 89310 US-50 & SR-376 Austin NV 89310 20 N Carson St Fallon NV 89406 270 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 283 Sherman St Fallon NV 89406 725 E Stillwater Ave Fallon NV 89406 290 Sherman St Fallon NV 89406 880 E Front St Fallon NV 89406 1600 N Maine St Fallon NV 89406 1455 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 700 Airport Rd Lovelock NV 89419 310 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 Tungsten Cir Imlay NV 89418 690 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 1205 E Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 1305 Rye Patch Reservoir Rd Lovelock NV 89419 50 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 899 S Maine St Fallon NV 89406 155 N Taylor St Fallon NV 89406 1090 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 595 Dartmouth Ave Lovelock NV 89419 833 E 4th St Winnemucca NV 89445 1000 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 1351 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 4675 West Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 118 E Haskell St Winnemucca NV 89445 US-95 Mc Dermitt NV 89421 425 Old US-40 E Golconda NV 89414 Beaver Rd Fallon NV 89406 Main St & Virginia St Austin NV 89310 995 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 1310 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 US-95 Orovada NV 89425 8105 Conservation Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 1351 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 855 6th St Lovelock NV 89419 1510 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 400 1st St Winnemucca NV 89445 Tungston Cir Imlay NV 89418 942 W 3rd St Winnemucca NV 89445 1255 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 I-80 Winnemucca NV 89445 SR-290 Paradise Valley NV 89426 5050 Soda Lake Rd Fallon NV 89406 US-50 Austin NV 89310 16 Main St Austin NV 89310 106 Pueblo Dr Denio NV 89404 US-95 Orovada NV 89425 331 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 260 N Maine St Fallon NV 89406 90 N Maine St Fallon NV 89406 380 W B St Fallon NV 89406 Fallon NV 89406 4945 US-50 Fallon NV 89406 595 E 8th St Battle Mountain NV 89820 Fernley NV 89408 380 N Taylor St Fallon NV 89406 1755 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 3250 Bengochea Cir Winnemucca NV 89445 3050 S Railroad St Winnemucca NV 89445 SR-305 & US-50 Austin NV 89310 Airport Way Battle Mountain NV 89820 80 W Front St Battle Mountain NV 89820 W Broadway & Main St Lovelock NV 89419 W Railroad St & Lay St Winnemucca NV 89445 US-50 & California Rd Fernley NV 89408 Nevada & Bannock St Imlay NV 89418 1550 Cornell Blvd Lovelock NV 89419 Orovada NV 89425 1255 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 5787 US-50 Fallon NV 89406 760 S Broad St Battle Mountain NV 89820 1880 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 1960 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 570 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 4100 Dutch Flat Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 Sixteen Mile Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 5170 Feedlot Rd Lot Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 3900 S Railroad St Winnemucca NV 89445 399 W Minor St Winnemucca NV 89445 49 W 4th St Winnemucca NV 89445 820 E Broadway Lovelock NV 89419 100 Front St Fernley NV 89408 91 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 210 Old US-40 E Fernley NV 89408 1510 Rio Vista St Fallon NV 89406 4956 Golden Cir Fallon NV 89406 I-80 Exit 149 Imlay NV 89418 12 Pacific Ave Winnemucca NV 89445 800 Kyle Hot Springs Rd Imlay NV 89418 Winnemucca NV 89445 1927 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 335 N Broadway St Fallon NV 89406 6th St & Humboldt St Battle Mountain NV 89820 7770 Flying K Ranch Ln Fallon NV 89406 Winnemucca NV 89445 SR-290 Winnemucca NV 89445 Fallon NV 89406 660 W Front St Battle Mountain NV 89820 25 S Harmon Rd Fallon NV 89406 4100 Dutch Flat Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 E Broadway Lovelock NV 89419 345 N 1st St Battle Mountain NV 89820 345 N 1st St Battle Mountain NV 89820 305 E Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 Fallon NV 89406 2462 Hammond Dr Fallon NV 89406 301 N Taylor St Fallon NV 89406 Lamoille Hwy & Country Ln Lamoille NV 89828 9200 Beechcraft Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 Austin NV 89310 42720 Austin Hwy Fallon NV 89406 5180 Reno Hwy Fallon NV 89406 755 W Corkill Ln Fallon NV 89406 56999 Austin Hwy Fallon NV 89406 Battle Mountain NV 89820 110 Broadway Alamo NV 89001 1150 Elmhurst Ave Lovelock NV 89419 465 US-95 Fernley NV 89408 Sheldon Nwr Denio NV 89404 9010 Jungo Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 1650 Kyle Hot Springs Rd Imlay NV 89418 3550 Tarzyn Rd Fallon NV 89406 570 N Downs Ln Fallon NV 89406 Smith Creek Valley Austin NV 89310 Orovada NV 89425 2000 Westfall Rd Lovelock NV 89419 US-50 & SR-361 Fallon NV 89406 2455 Prison Rd Lovelock NV 89419 Sand Pass Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 3855 Austin Hwy Fallon NV 89406 9 Flat Creek Rd Orovada NV 89425 501 E Front St Battle Mountain NV 89820 1405 S Maine St Fallon NV 89406 1500 Rio Vista Dr Fallon NV 89406 425 E Corkill Ln Fallon NV 89406 US-50 Fallon NV 89406 Paradise Valley NV 89426 4170 Bass Rd Fallon NV 89406 N Valley Rd Orovada NV 89425 Golconda Canyon Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 Winnemucca NV 89445 920 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 Cornell Ave & Main St Lovelock NV 89419 4405 T Quarter Circle Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 E Winnemucca Blvd & Baud St Winnemucca NV 89445 863 E Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 500 Industrial Way Lovelock NV 89419 1500 Auction Rd Fallon NV 89406 1485 Cornell Ave Lovelock NV 89419 Battle Mountain NV 89820 Main St Golconda NV 89414 Winnemucca NV 89445 Valmy NV 89438 3300 Railroad St Winnemucca NV 89445 Battle Mountain NV 89820 3340 Bengochea Cir Winnemucca NV 89445 1041 Grass Valley Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 1600 N Maine St Fallon NV 89406 195 US-95 N Mc Dermitt NV 89421 3305 Potato Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 150 Main St Lovelock NV 89419 US-95 Orovada NV 89425 3335 Highway 290 Winnemucca NV 89445 355 E Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 2105 N Meridian Rd Lovelock NV 89419 84 Melarkey St Winnemucca NV 89445 Lone Tree Rd Fallon NV 89406 1050 Renee Rd Lovelock NV 89419 Alpine Ranch Edwards Creek Valley Fallon NV 89406 3475 Construction Way Winnemucca NV 89445 145 N Humboldt St Battle Mountain NV 89820 Winnemucca NV 89446 47tt Pasture Rd Fallon NV 89496 Battle Mountain NV 89820 Nine Mile Ranch Orovada NV 89425 320 N Crook Rd Fallon NV 89406 Orovada NV 89425 2055 Schurz Hwy Fallon NV 89406 1 Potato Pl Winnemucca NV 89445 1300 Innean Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 1900 S Meridian Rd Lovelock NV 89419 9790 Martin Rd Winnemucca NV 89445 3600 W Winnemucca Blvd Winnemucca NV 89445 5625 I-80 W Winnemucca NV 89445 850 W WILLIAMS AVE. FALLON NV 89406 Elko NV 89801 203 Spruce Rd Elko NV 89801 Elko NV 89801 Wells NV 89835 203 Spruce Rd Wells NV 89835 I-80 Crescent Valley NV 89821 203 Spruce Rd Elko NV 89801 270 US-93 N Jackpot NV 89825 1600 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 137 6th St Wells NV 89835 886 Mountain City Hwy Elko NV 89801 778 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 2100 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 1055 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 SR-228 Ely NV 89301 Beowawe NV 89821 Ely NV 89301 203 Spruce Rd Elko NV 89801 Ely NV 89301 476 12th St Elko NV 89801 Baker NV 89311 1240 US-93 Wells NV 89835 I-80 & US-93 Wells NV 89835 131 W Main St Elko NV 89801 205 14th St Elko NV 89801 920 Mountain City Hwy Elko NV 89801 1111 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 30 Main St Lund NV 89317 I-80 & US-93 Wells NV 89835 US-93 & Access Rd Jackpot NV 89825 2175 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 200 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 US-40 & 10th St Carlin NV 89822 801 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 1135 Avenue C Ely NV 89301 345 Front St Montello NV 89830 190 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 1470 N McGill Hwy Ely NV 89301 439 W Commercial St Elko NV 89801 Old US-40 Wells NV 89835 2100 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 SR-306 Crescent Valley NV 89821 Mountain City Star Route Elko NV 89801 Elko NV 89803 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 601 S Rock Blvd Reno NV 89502 Deeth Reno NV 89502 Esu Unit Carlin NV 89822 Esu Unit Wells NV 89835 Esu Unit Wells NV 89835 Esu Unit Montello NV 89830 Esu Unit Wells NV 89835 Esu Unit Wells NV 89835 551 W Commercial St Elko NV 89801 US-93 Ely NV 89301 US-93 & US-93a West Wendover NV 89883 1850 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 Old US-40 E Wells NV 89835 Pioche Hwy Ely NV 89301 Ruth Loop Ruth NV 89319 E 11th St & Avenue A Ely NV 89301 Avenue K Mc Gill NV 89318 975 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 303 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 215 12th St Elko NV 89801 338 Easy St Wells NV 89835 Carlin NV 89822 298 11th St E Ely NV 89301 3750 E Idaho St Elko NV 89801 Carlin NV 89822 1045 Wendover Blvd West Wendover NV 89883 Carlin NV 89822 Carlin NV 89822 US-40 Battle Mountain NV 89820 W 12th St & Aultman St Ely NV 89301 1025 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 2260 Lincoln Ave Ely NV 89301 Zulu Canyon Eureka NV 89316 Ely NV 89301 4th St Mc Gill NV 89318 W 12th St & Aultman St Ely NV 89301 576 11th St Elko NV 89801 1200 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 SR-228 Ely NV 89301 688 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 489 8th St Elko NV 89801 Main St Baker NV 89311 Ruby Valley Rd Ruby Valley NV 89833 SR-278 & 9th St Eureka NV 89316 482 S 5th St Elko NV 89801 Ely NV 89301 800 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 424 Chestnut St Carlin NV 89822 275 W Idaho St Elko NV 89801 1301 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 101 N 4th St Mc Gill NV 89318 1950 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 2060 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 390 W Idaho St Elko NV 89801 1790 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 3rd St & E Idaho St Elko NV 89801 1077 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 1351 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 Mc Gill NV 89318 101 Pacific Ave Wells NV 89835 909 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 1100 E Aultman St Ely NV 89301 807 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 1101 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 SR-306 Beowawe NV 89821 Adams St Eureka NV 89316 1951 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 US-93 Wells NV 89835 US-93 Currie NV 89835 1401 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 I 80 Beowawe NV 89821 US-50 Eureka NV 89316 US-93 Alt Ely NV 89301 SR-226 Tuscarora NV 89834 SR-318 Lund NV 89317 SR-225 Elko NV 89801 I-80 Wells NV 89835 SR-229 Ruby Valley NV 89833 Wells Ave & 4th St Wells NV 89835 US-6 Baker NV 89311 SR-229 Deeth NV 89823 SR-225 Mountain City NV 89831 SR-278 Eureka NV 89316 1375 13th St Elko NV 89801 Yelland Field Ely NV 89301 Great Basin National Park Baker NV 89311 SR-487 Baker NV 89311 100 S Main St Lund NV 89317 Lehman Caves Rd Baker NV 89311 Mc Gill NV 89318 Ely NV 89301 350 8th St Ely NV 89301 Reno NV 89512 SR-227 Lamoille NV 89828 NF-056 Road Mountain City NV 89831 SR-225 Mountain City NV 89831 Carlin NV 89822 1701 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 N Ruby Valley Rd Elko NV 89803 Deeth NV 89823 1084 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 1084 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 Kentucky & Davidson St Mountain City NV 89831 4950 E Idaho St Elko NV 89801 520 6th St Wells NV 89835 Wells NV 89835 1400 Mountain City Hwy Elko NV 89801 2755 Last Chance Rd Elko NV 89801 Lamoille Hwy & Country Ln Lamoille NV 89815 6th St & Ruby Ave Wells NV 89835 Old US-40 Wells NV 89835 Spring Creek NV 89815 1000 6th St Wells NV 89835 Halleck NV 89824 Wells NV 89835 311 Clover Ave Wells NV 89835 900 S Shoshone Ave Wells NV 89835 1580 US-93 N Wells NV 89835 621 Starr Ave Wells NV 89835 I-80 & US-93 Wells NV 89835 Wells NV 89835 115 Lake Ave Wells NV 89835 1092 Burns Rd Elko NV 89801 1825 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 Elko NV 89801 1850 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 175 5th St Elko NV 89801 I-80 & US-93 Wells NV 89835 Carlin NV 89822 685 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 2200 Pinion Rd Elko NV 89801 Main St Jarbidge NV 89826 994 River St Elko NV 89801 SR-278 & 9th St Eureka NV 89316 10312 Main St Eureka NV 89316 Three Bar Ranch Rd Eureka NV 89316 Main St Eureka NV 89316 Main St Eureka NV 89316 1047 Holly Rd Eureka NV 89316 20 Main St Eureka NV 89316 807 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 Kimberly Mt Ely NV 89301 8th St E & Avenue O Ely NV 89301 295 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 618 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 909 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 1100 E Aultman St Ely NV 89301 909 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 190 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 1500 Avenue H Ely NV 89301 E 11th St & Avenue D Ely NV 89301 2517 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 2100 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 320 Front St Montello NV 89830 Ely NV 89301 SR-2 Ely NV 89301 810 Oak St Carlin NV 89822 1005 Water St Elko NV 89801 1297 College Ave Elko NV 89801 Elko NV 89801 512 Davidson St Mountain City NV 89831 496 6th St Wells NV 89835 Carlin NV 89822 I-80 Elko NV 89803 180 S 11th St Elko NV 89801 North Fork Mountain City NV 89831 Deeth NV 89823 US-93 Ely NV 89301 Elko NV 89802 163 Bluecrest Dr Spring Creek NV 89815 Wells NV 89835 Elko NV 89801 Windfall Canyon Rd Eureka NV 89316 Ruby Valley Rd Ruby Valley NV 89833 4th St & US-93 N Mc Gill NV 89318 Baker NV 89311 1600 S 7th St Ely NV 89301 Baker NV 89311 Old Airport Rd Ely NV 89301 Mc Gill NV 89318 701 E Aultman St Ely NV 89301 616 High St Ely NV 89301 844 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 Murry St Ely NV 89301 11th St Ely NV 89315 Lund NV 89317 Main St Ruth NV 89319 1490 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 Elko NV 89801 I-80 & Fr 459 West Wendover NV 89883 1415 Mountain City Hwy Elko NV 89801 791 10th St Carlin NV 89822 820 Wendover Blvd West Wendover NV 89883 876 Mountain City Hwy Elko NV 89801 391 W Idaho St Elko NV 89801 Ruby Valley Rd Ruby Valley NV 89815 1375 Mountain City Hwy Elko NV 89801 Elko NV 89801 1211 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 Carlin NV 89822 6th St & Indian Rd Eureka NV 89316 US-40 & 10th St Carlin NV 89822 Ely NV 89301 I-80 Ryndon Exit 314 Elko NV 89801 Eureka NV 89316 McGill Hwy Ely NV 89301 Campton St Ely NV 89301 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 Campton St Ely NV 89301 Avenue K Mc Gill NV 89318 McGill Hwy Ely NV 89301 McGill Hwy Ely NV 89301 McGill Hwy Ely NV 89301 Lund NV 89317 5th St Mc Gill NV 89318 10119 Main St Eureka NV 89316 4100 E Idaho St Elko NV 89801 1450 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 291 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 Wells NV 89835 680 Wendover Blvd West Wendover NV 89883 Alpha St & Industrial Way Ely NV 89301 E 11th St & Avenue D Ely NV 89301 11th St Ely NV 89301 4488 N Lackawanna Rd Ely NV 89301 687 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 Lake St Wells NV 89835 Railroad St & 4th St Carlin NV 89822 SR-278 Carlin NV 89822 Front St Battle Mountain NV 89820 100 Academic Way Owyhee NV 89832 SR-318 Ely NV 89301 101 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 111 W Front St Elko NV 89801 Ir 80 El 7.92 E Carlin NV 89822 Ely NV 89301 557 Ely Ave Ely NV 89301 US-93 Jackpot NV 89825 Eureka NV 89316 705 Avenue K Ely NV 89301 2308 Ruby View Dr Elko NV 89801 Ruby Valley NV 89833 2 Juniper St Ruth NV 89319 Strawberry Rd Ely NV 89301 4th St & Kcc Rd Mc Gill NV 89318 513 River St Elko NV 89801 534 Pacific Ave Wells NV 89835 I-80 & Exit 378 Wells NV 89835 SR-226 Tuscarora NV 89834 Elko NV 89801 331 7th St Elko NV 89801 163 Bluecrest Dr Spring Creek NV 89815 Elko NV 89801 586 Mesa St West Wendover NV 89883 586 Mesa St West Wendover NV 89883 4th St & SR-233 Montello NV 89830 275 12th St Elko NV 89801 3093 Crescent Ave Crescent Valley NV 89821 332 14th St Elko NV 89801 451 Spring Creek Pkwy Spring Creek NV 89815 Lamoille Hwy Elko NV 89801 125 Mill St Ely NV 89301 1825 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 SR-221 & SR-278 Carlin NV 89822 Lariat & 14th St Eureka NV 89316 E 15th St & Avenue Calle Ely NV 89301 Halleck NV 89824 1500 Avenue F Ely NV 89301 174 US-93 Wells NV 89835 200 14th St Elko NV 89801 6th St Wells NV 89835 SR-225 Mountain City NV 89831 100 Murray Way Elko NV 89801 Brent Dr Spring Creek NV 89815 SR-229 & SR-767 Wells NV 89835 Baker NV 89311 10th St & Bush St Carlin NV 89822 Halleck NV 89824 Elko NV 89801 SR-225 Elko NV 89801 2520 Mountain City Hwy Elko NV 89801 Deeth NV 89823 Elko NV 89803 Elko NV 89803 700 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 1700 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 US-93 & US-93a Mc Gill NV 89318 259 Spring Valley Pkwy Spring Creek NV 89815 203 Spruce Rd Elko NV 89801 Gold Ave Eureka NV 89316 2200 Pinion Rd Elko NV 89801 156 US Hwy 93 South Wells NV 89835 2211 N 5th St Elko NV 89801 5200 Union Pacific Way Elko NV 89801 Spring Creek NV 89815 1243 E Aultman St Ely NV 89301 Main St & Silver St Elko NV 89801 8th St & US-93 Wells NV 89835 618 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 O'Neil Rd Wells NV 89835 535 Davidson St Mountain City NV 89831 2210 N 5th St Elko NV 89801 Wells NV 89835 US-93 & US-50 Ely NV 89301 Eureka NV 89316 7th St & SR-278 Eureka NV 89316 Mc Gill NV 89318 I 80 Exit 398 West Wendover NV 89883 10304 Main St Eureka NV 89316 100 Main St Golconda NV 89414 Elko NV 89801 124 Suzy Creek Way Carlin NV 89822 876 Newark Valley Eureka NV 89316 1820 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 100 Youth Center Rd Elko NV 89803 Mountain City NV 89831 Clover Valley Rd Wells NV 89835 1690 S 7th St Ely NV 89301 Metropolis Route & Starr Valley Wells NV 89835 Carlin NV 89822 Deeth NV 89823 Beowawe NV 89821 Montello NV 89830 Elko NV 89801 Elko NV 89801 Wells NV 89835 Pleasant Valley Rd Ely NV 89301 Ely NV 89301 1104 W Main St Elko NV 89801 2001 Griffen St Carlin NV 89822 Main St & Treasure St Eureka NV 89316 1014 Fir St Carlin NV 89822 Eureka NV 89316 9th St Eureka NV 89316 1391 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 2500 Alta Vista Dr Elko NV 89801 Elko NV 89801 1575 Lamoille Hwy Elko NV 89801 215 12th St Elko NV 89801 Hot Springs Rd Elko NV 89801 Wells NV 89835 Ruby Valley NV 89833 2550 Alta Vista Dr Elko NV 89801 Wells NV 89835 Tuscarora NV 89834 1200 Wendover Blvd West Wendover NV 89883 US-6 Ely NV 89301 1693 Great Basin Blvd Ely NV 89301 1711 Butte St West Wendover NV 89883 266 Spring Creek Pkwy Spring Creek NV 89815 1740 Mountain City Hwy Elko NV 89801 Eureka NV 89316 Eureka NV 89316 11th St & Frontier St Eureka NV 89316 965 Great Basin Hwy Ely NV 89301 SR-487 & Pioche St Baker NV 89311 McClusky Creek Crescent Valley NV 89821 608 Commercial St Elko NV 89801 5870 Coal Mine Canyon Rd Elko NV 89801 801 Poplar St Carlin NV 89822 Ely NV 89301 SR-894 Ely NV 89301 157 US-93 Wells NV 89835 3025 Griffen St CARLIN NV 89822 100 UNIVERSITY AVENUE CARLIN NV 89822 212 Main St Tonopah NV 89049 Beatty NV 89003 Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 Mercury NV 89023 SR-376 Round Mountain NV 89045 SR-361 Gabbs NV 89409 6400 Caas Rd Pahrump NV 89061 459 Erie Main Tonopah NV 89049 927 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 922 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 918 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 916 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 906 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 902 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 923 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 921 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 919 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 905 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 917 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 907 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 901 Mountain Loop Rd Tonopah NV 89049 182 N Erie Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah Airport Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 Pioche NV 89043 Pioche NV 89043 Pioche NV 89043 Pioche NV 89043 118 W Main St Beatty NV 89003 1000 Front St Caliente NV 89008 SR-3 T7 Ely NV 89301 Star Route Rose Valley Pioche NV 89043 US-93 & SR-319 Panaca NV 89042 US-95 & US-6 Tonopah NV 89049 SR-6 Tonopah NV 89049 Merton St Pahrump NV 89041 Beatty NV 89003 N 1st St & W Main St Beatty NV 89003 SR-396 & Smoky Valley Rd Round Mountain NV 89045 Block 43 Stebbins Round Mountain NV 89045 985 Erie Main Tonopah NV 89049 1 Frankee St Tonopah NV 89049 1 Mill Rd Manhattan NV 89022 100 S Main St Gabbs NV 89409 SR-317 Caliente NV 89008 Caliente NV 89008 SR-319 Panaca NV 89042 Caliente NV 89008 SR-317 Caliente NV 89008 Round Mountain NV 89045 369 N Main St Tonopah NV 89049 Round Mountain NV 89045 US-93 Ash Springs NV 89017 N US-95 Tonopah NV 89049 N 5th St Panaca NV 89042 151 Main St Alamo NV 89001 US-95 Alamo NV 89001 US-95 Beatty NV 89003 SR-376 Round Mountain NV 89045 US-6 Tonopah NV 89049 US-93 Caliente NV 89008 SR-321 Pioche NV 89043 805 Erie Tonopah NV 89049 US-50 Austin NV 89310 US-6 Ely NV 89301

US-93 Ely NV 89301 Austin NV 89310 Alamo NV 89001 201 Main St Tonopah NV 89049 Beatty NV 89003 Hiko NV 89017 Tonopah NV 89049 US-95 Mercury NV 89023 Austin NV 89310 601 Main St Beatty NV 89003 100 E Main St Beatty NV 89003 Mariposa Dr & Davis St Round Mountain NV 89045 Pole Line Rd Tonopah NV 89049 SR-376 Round Mountain NV 89045 825 E Main St Tonopah NV 89049 US-93 Caliente NV 89008 SR-322 Pioche NV 89043 Richardville Rd Alamo NV 89001 US-93 & Airport Rd Panaca NV 89042 25 Lacour St Pioche NV 89043 US-93 & SR-322 Pioche NV 89043 Pioche NV 89043 State Route Box 262 Pioche NV 89043 10 US-93 N Alamo NV 89001 Gold St Pioche NV 89043 SR-375 Alamo NV 89001 US-93 Alamo NV 89001 100 S Main St Gabbs NV 89409 US-93 Alamo NV 89001 S US-95 & E McDonald St Beatty NV 89003 US-95 Tonopah NV 89049 SR-373 Pahrump NV 89041 Round Mountain NV 89045 Beatty NV 89003 Caliente NV 89008 350 Front St Caliente NV 89008 US-95 Tonopah NV 89049 Beatty NV 89003 601 Main St Tonopah NV 89049 US-95 Beatty NV 89003 Ryan & Front St Caliente NV 89008 704 Main St Pioche NV 89043 27 Lacour St Pioche NV 89043 4th St & SR-319 Pioche NV 89043 1801 S Highway 160 Pahrump NV 89041 US-50 & Friday Ave Stateline CA 96150 220 SR-160 & SR-372 Pahrump NV 89048 US-93 & SR-318 Hiko NV 89017 SR-322 Pioche NV 89043 SR-160 & Carlton St Pahrump NV 89048 SR-318 Hiko NV 89017 SR-318 Lund NV 89317 Amargosa Valley NV 89020 Beatty NV 89003 US-93 & Panaca Y Panaca NV 89042 Pioche NV 89043 SR-160 Pahrump NV 89041 880 Front St Caliente NV 89008 85 Main St Pioche NV 89043 SR-375 Alamo NV 89001 640 Front St Caliente NV 89008 820 S SR-160 Pahrump NV 89041 SR-319 & US-93 Panaca NV 89042 US-95 & Amargosa St Beatty NV 89003 475.8 Milepost Caliente NV 89008 Wilson Rd Pahrump NV 89048 444 Depot St Tonopah NV 89049 Pioche NV 89043 402 N Tonopah St Tonopah NV 89049 US-93 Alamo NV 89001 US-6 Ely NV 89301 Tonopah NV 89049 250 Main St Tonopah NV 89049 10 Main St Pioche NV 89043 US-95 Las Vegas NV 89110 Round Mountain NV 89045 US-95 & SR-373 Amargosa Valley NV 89020 US-93 Alamo NV 89001 US-6 & US-95 Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah NV 89049 O & M Compound Tonopah NV 89049 Tonopah Test Range Rd Tonopah NV 89049 US-95 & SR-373 Amargosa Valley NV 89020 5020 Pahrump Valley Blvd Pahrump NV 89048 771 S Frontage Rd Pahrump NV 89048 103 US-95 Block 44 Beatty NV 89003 2030 W Bell Vista Ave Pahrump NV 89060 S 2nd St & W Watson St Beatty NV 89003 5581 N Highway 160 Pahrump NV 89060 821 Farm Rd Lathrop Wells NV 89020 SR-160 & Boothill Dr Pahrump NV 89060 SR-160 & Boothill Dr Pahrump NV 89060 921 Farm Rd Lathrop Wells NV 89020 601 E Calvada Blvd Pahrump NV 89048 SR-376 & US-6 Tonopah NV 89049 Round Mountain NV 89045 4349 Duffer Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 DYER NV 89010 US-6 Warm Springs NV 89049 961 S Linda St Pahrump NV 89048 SR-373 Amargosa Valley NV 89020 Duckwater NV 89314 5870 Homestead Rd Pahrump NV 89048 970 N Leslie St Pahrump NV 89060 40 S Highway 160 Pahrump NV 89048 2301 Winery Rd Pahrump NV 89048 2711 E US-95 Amargosa Valley NV 89020 840 E Highway 372 Pahrump NV 89048 2626 E US-95 Amargosa Valley NV 89020 5250 Hafen Ranch Rd Pahrump NV 89061 US-93 N Caliente NV 89008 900 E US-95 N Beatty NV 89003 901 E Simkins Rd Pahrump NV 89041 4060 N Blagg Rd Pahrump NV 89060 601 S Highway 160 Pahrump NV 89048 1 Willow St Round Mountain NV 89045 51 E Highway 372 Pahrump NV 89048 G Ranch Rd & W Mecca Rd Amargosa Valley NV 89020 3991 E Kellogg Rd Pahrump NV 89061 2050 S Highway 160 Pahrump NV 89048 1000 E Holt Farm Rd Pioche NV 89043 500 N Highway 160 Pahrump NV 89060 530 S Blagg Rd Pahrump NV 89048 1541 E Calvada Blvd Pahrump NV 89048 RACHEL NV 89001 1820 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 1000 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 2135 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 4035 Flossmoor St Ste A Las Vegas NV 89115 1785 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 5175 Rent A Car Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 4600 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 3501 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 801 Searles Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 Gibson Rd Henderson NV 89015 Parkson Rd Henderson NV 89015 5049 N Sloan Ln Las Vegas NV 89115 1025 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 3858 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 329 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 3319 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89169 2801 W Washington Ave Las Vegas NV 89107 209 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 3780 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 3349 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 3175 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 3011 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 4380 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 4605 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 4705 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 2955 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 2784 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 1619 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89104 1625 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 1550 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 1615 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 4916 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 5130 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 3519 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89169 2320 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 336 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 2375 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 569 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 850 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 2425 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 1685 Palm St Las Vegas NV 89104 3111 Bel Air Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 3396 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3131 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 745 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 Radar Rd & SR-39 Las Vegas NV 89119 Las Vegas NV 89123 Las Vegas NV 89123 I-15 Overton NV 89040 Las Vegas NV 89119 Las Vegas NV 89123 Searchlight NV 89046 112 S 6th St Las Vegas NV 89101 3645 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2771 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 5353 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 601 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 1300 Foremaster Ln Las Vegas NV 89101 1000 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 500 Greenway Rd Henderson NV 89015 3395 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 7251 W Lone Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89129 3570 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 100 Callville Bay Rd Las Vegas NV 89124 5049 N Sloan Ln Las Vegas NV 89115 2711 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 3101 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4725 E Cartier Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 12001 Blue Diamond Rd Blue Diamond NV 89004 681 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 1414 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 1380 S Buffalo Dr Las Vegas NV 89117 503 Ash St Henderson NV 89015 104 S Water St Las Vegas NV 89105 3436 Aldebaran Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 1600 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 4243 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 2055 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 8040 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 6724 Lone Mountain Rd N 5 Las Vegas NV 89108 835 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 4996 Swenson St Las Vegas NV 89119 4640 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 1033 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4187 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 6200 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89146 4918 Evergreen Ave Las Vegas NV 89107 1548 Athol Ave Henderson NV 89015 4820 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 3204 N Tenaya Way Las Vegas NV 89129 4950 N Sloan Ln Las Vegas NV 89115 301 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3400 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3805 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 6075 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89146 192 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 1720 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 2237 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 1551 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 3814 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2341 N Las Vegas Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3201 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 2412 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 1928 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 100 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 1196 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 5722 S Eastern Ave # 201 Las Vegas NV 89119 940 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 2450 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 4150 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 983 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 2102 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89104 2810 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 3785 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 108 W Wyoming Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 1324 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89011 1301 N Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 3285 S Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89121 3200 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 450 N Water St Henderson NV 89015 2475 S Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 4380 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89110 3435 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 1550 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 5400 Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89108 2405 Belmont St North Las Vegas NV 89030 2885 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 428 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 3500 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 512 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 798 W Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 424 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 Laughlin NV 89029 1409 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3901 Ponderosa Way Las Vegas NV 89118 1300 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 10000 Cottonwood Cove Rd Searchlight NV 89046 3337 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 1611 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 3463 Procyon St Las Vegas NV 89102 McCarran International Airport Las Vegas NV 89111 3115 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 3655 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 1325 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 7600 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89123 6176 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 4710 E Cartier Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 101 S Martin Luther King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 7900 Vegas Valley Dr Las Vegas NV 89142 315 W Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 3115 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 148 S McFarland Ave Indian Springs NV 89018 231 W Utah Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 316 Atlas Dr North Las Vegas NV 89030 2501 Meadows Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 1562 N Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 201 N Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 3395 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 3501 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 5525 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 3890 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 4528 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 1608 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 4811 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 1197 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 3380 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 6055 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 2424 E Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 1509 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 4172 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 2475 S Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89102 5118 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89156 2500 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 2051 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 101 N Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 1550 W Oakey Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 481 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 2233 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89104 675 S US-95 Searchlight NV 89046 2039 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 McCarran International Airport Las Vegas NV 89119 699 Wright Brothers Ln Las Vegas NV 89119 Las Vegas NV 89119 Las Vegas NV 89119 I-15 Las Vegas NV 89119 Las Vegas NV 89119 Esu Unit Las Vegas NV 89119 Esu Unit Las Vegas NV 89119 Esu Unit Las Vegas NV 89119 McCarran International Airport Las Vegas NV 89119 Red Mountain Boulder City NV 89005 McCarran International Airport Las Vegas NV 89119 I-15 Las Vegas NV 89123 3100 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 3770 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 5301 Rent A Car Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 655 Bruce Woodbury Dr Laughlin NV 89029 124 W Brooks Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 5010 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 660 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 2121 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 3131 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 12500 Blue Diamond Rd Las Vegas NV 89124 North Las Vegas NV 89036 E St Henderson NV 89015 3699 W Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 2201 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 2300 E Glendale Blvd Moapa NV 89025 4325 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 4150 Meadows Ln Las Vegas NV 89107 3450 Procyon St Las Vegas NV 89102 5164 Rent A Car Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 4385 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 200 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 1550 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 301 Conestoga Way Henderson NV 89002 666 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 5195 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 5300 Rent A Car Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 2101 Moser Dr Henderson NV 89011 3437 Procyon St Las Vegas NV 89102 2501 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 41 N Mojave Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 2772 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 6005 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 6005 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 6005 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 1100 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 4295 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 2246 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89024 4400 Meadows Ln Las Vegas NV 89107 112 W Brooks Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 4881 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 2570 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89169 3900 W Oquendo Rd Las Vegas NV 89118 3200 Polaris Ave Ste 17 Las Vegas NV 89102 Lake Mead Dr Henderson NV 89015 2333 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 Meads Hwy Overton NV 89040 4370 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 5375 Cameron St Las Vegas NV 89118 2147 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 6100 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 3283 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 2083 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 1420 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 4914 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 1452 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89011 707 Wright Brothers Ln Las Vegas NV 89119 800 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89014 3200 Meade Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3564 W Naples Dr Las Vegas NV 89103 Black Mtn Dr Henderson NV 89011 3228 Channel 8 Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 2671 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 5051 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89110 2901 W Washington Ave Las Vegas NV 89107 2975 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 498 S Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 US-93 Boulder City NV 89005 3670 Procyon St Las Vegas NV 89103 3625 Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 6991 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 601 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 2100 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 6206 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89122 3470 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 3420 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 Las Vegas NV 89111 707 S 1st St Las Vegas NV 89101 4444 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 3599 Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 3040 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 1427 Gragson Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 3266 Palm Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89104 5845 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 4495 Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 2640 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 5506 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 5458 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 3855 W Harmon Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 4201 Frehner Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 1701 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89011 2632 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 4751 Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 3798 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 5188 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 5175 Rent A Car Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 2548 W Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 721 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 4471 Dean Martin Dr Las Vegas NV 89103 5888 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 4920 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 3686 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89103 5110 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 1 Village Ln Blue Diamond NV 89004 1719 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 1201 Airport Rd Boulder City NV 89005 500 Railroad Ave Boulder City NV 89005 1101 Elm St Boulder City NV 89005 400 N Valle Verde Dr Henderson NV 89014 461 Warm Springs Rd Henderson NV 89015 405 E Van Wagenen St Henderson NV 89015 243 S Water St Henderson NV 89015 2306 Crestline Loop North Las Vegas NV 89030 3100 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 633 N Mohave Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 4367 Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89108 2645 W Washington Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 6005 Vegas Valley Dr Las Vegas NV 89142 500 N Casino Center Blvd Las Vegas NV 89101 400 E Stewart Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 3100 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 3001 N Highland Dr North Las Vegas NV 89030 5485 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89122 3901 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 5483 Club House Dr Las Vegas NV 89142 504 E Bell Dr Las Vegas NV 89119 5845 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89122 330 S Casino Center Blvd Las Vegas NV 89101 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd Las Vegas NV 89111 285 N Martin Luther King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 Las Vegas NV 89125 6685 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 150 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4950 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd Las Vegas NV 89111 3001 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 707 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 3429 W Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89117 3337 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 2414 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 4911 Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89108 4870 E Cartier Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 2075 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 770 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 315 W Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 230 US-95 N Searchlight NV 89046 3735 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 3650 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2233 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89104 2233 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89104 6055 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 1200 A St Las Vegas NV 89106 675 US-95 Tonopah NV 89049 2039 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 201 N Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 820 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 3100 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 5301 Rent A Car Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 444 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 444 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 2121 N Commerce St North Las Vegas NV 89030 5660 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 2596 Meadows Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 200 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 1624 S Mojave Rd Las Vegas NV 89104 4438 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 3250 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 2832 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89109 3186 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89109 901 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 6109 Dean Martin Dr Las Vegas NV 89118 413 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 3400 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 N Sandhill Rd & Old Mill Rd Mesquite NV 89024 2500 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 2401 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 3542 Sirius Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 2500 E Owens Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 5150 Los Prados Cir Las Vegas NV 89130 4655 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 4838 S Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 4838 S Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd Las Vegas NV 89111 Las Vegas Junction Henderson NV 89015 4751 S Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 1021 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 430 E Twain Ave Las Vegas NV 89169 3420 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 4310 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 333 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 4511 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 1409 N Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 2020 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 3900 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 1100 Foremaster Ln Las Vegas NV 89101 2300 N Commerce St North Las Vegas NV 89030 3715 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 1004 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 3815 Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas NV 89109 777 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 4811 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 2401 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 3376 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 4225 E Lone Mountain Rd North Las Vegas NV 89081 2875 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 2875 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 1000 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 5233 Rent A Car Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 3267 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2501 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 3939 Coran Ln Las Vegas NV 89108 2301 W Washington Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 6310 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89156 5700 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 30 W Wyoming Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 1730 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 4890 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 4910 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89146 4615 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 3711 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 3500 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 849 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 5099 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89110 15 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 2218 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 2716 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 529 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 4325 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 301 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4601 E Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89014 3001 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 1721 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 3780 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 1215 Stewart Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 3275 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89169 1201 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 2431 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 850 E Horizon Dr Henderson NV 89015 2400 W Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89117 5468 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 3940 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 SR-156 Las Vegas NV 89124 9200 Tule Springs Rd Las Vegas NV 89131 8000 Blue Diamond Rd Blue Diamond NV 89004 SR-169 Overton NV 89040 1780 S Mojave Rd Las Vegas NV 89104 2515 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 680 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 5640 Stephanie St Las Vegas NV 89122 6300 Vegas Valley Dr Las Vegas NV 89142 6770 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 I-15 N Exit 88 Moapa NV 89025 6226 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 2955 Westwood Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 2955 Westwood Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 4466 E Carey Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 3700 Meade Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3780 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89103 1716 Highland Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 8201 Gibson Rd Henderson NV 89015 4755 W University Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 506 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 4670 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 I-15 & Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89024 3333 W Sirius Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3024 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 1023 George Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 1500 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 2716 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 750 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 3284 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89109 440 S Water St Henderson NV 89015 2828 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 5684 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 3780 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 2395 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 4925 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 3200 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 3275 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89169 5091 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 4482 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 1600 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 1601 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 2590 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 1501 N Nv-168 Moapa NV 89025 5541 Cameron St Las Vegas NV 89118 1920 Highland Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3209 Meade Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 Jean NV 89019 2100 S Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89002 1659 N Main St North Las Vegas NV 89030 330 S Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 3350 Wynn Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 2303 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 1000 Hidden Valley Rd Moapa NV 89025 3940 Pioneer Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 2310 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 1604 S Commerce St Las Vegas NV 89102 6390 Vegas Valley Dr Las Vegas NV 89142 2955 N Las Vegas Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 250 Elliott Rd Henderson NV 89011 4530 S Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 6005 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 1655 Stocker St North Las Vegas NV 89030 5050 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 3537 N Bruce St Las Vegas NV 89101 3191 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 3225 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 4145 Frehner Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4962 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 2300 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 E Russell Rd & S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 2905 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89109 1066 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 329 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89101 1501 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 2711 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89109 3111 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 3220 W Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 208 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89169 58 S Water St Henderson NV 89015 1929 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89104 1900 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 Main St & Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 S Main St & W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89101 Spring Mountain Rd & Vegas Plaza Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 4111 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 1100 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 6060 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 4080 S Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89121 2900 Sirius Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 241 E Reno Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 4000 Meadows Ln Las Vegas NV 89107 3450 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89169 1205 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 1592 E Hacienda Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 Northshore Rd Overton NV 89040 3816 Cinder Ln Las Vegas NV 89103 McCarran International Airport Las Vegas NV 89125 1298 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 1 Kenfield Club Dr Henderson NV 89014 4765 Cameron St Las Vegas NV 89103 3560 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 2056 Highland Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 2750 E Ann Rd North Las Vegas NV 89081 655 Bruce Woodbury Dr Laughlin NV 89029 3352 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 4500 Wynn Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 102 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 815 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 7311 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89123 4482 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 3995 E Sunset Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 589 W Pacific Ave Henderson NV 89015 1453 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89011 1468 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 5009 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89122 870 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 7291 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 6515 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 1740 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 4880 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 710 Center St Henderson NV 89015 1805 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 120 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 3704 E Owens Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 2577 N Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89115 4581 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 6710 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89156 3901 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4151 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 3635 Las Vegas Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 2325 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 2000 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 1101 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 3533 N Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89115 3589 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 3414 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 4395 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 2725 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 225 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 2416 E Stewart Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 5067 E Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89110 3575 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3051 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 6950 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89117 1001 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 2385 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 3201 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 1600 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 1600 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 1532 N Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 1624 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 4401 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 6980 Westcliff Dr Las Vegas NV 89145 1705 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89104 6080 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 6702 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89108 10 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 3501 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89110 903 N Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 1415 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 2910 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89109 8639 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 870 N Lorenzi Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 4825 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 6070 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 2003 N Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 6101 Clarice Ave Las Vegas NV 89107 3675 Needles Hwy Laughlin NV 89029 3020 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 35 W Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 1100 Buchanan Blvd Boulder City NV 89005 4300 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 7345 W Hacienda Ave Las Vegas NV 89113 4225 W Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 4990 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 855 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 5085 Rent A Car Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 8000 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 1786 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 6610 Vegas Valley Dr Las Vegas NV 89142 628 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 3336 Cinder Ln Las Vegas NV 89103 3120 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3333 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 2035 Yale St North Las Vegas NV 89030 201 W Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 711 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89101 333 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 1608 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 2718 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 3650 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 4090 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 1195 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 4895 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 3415 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 3710 S Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89121 1323 US-93 Boulder City NV 89005 100 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89145 6380 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 220 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 3375 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 101 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 11 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4070 Arville St Las Vegas NV 89103 3540 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 1175 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 224 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 4710 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 2301 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 1500 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 6111 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 3701 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 4910 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 2400 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 2400 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 598 N Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 3 E Lake Mead Blvd Henderson NV 89015 432 S Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 3474 Las Vegas Blvd S Henderson NV 89044 3041 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2375 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 3787 Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas NV 89109 5049 N Sloan Ln Las Vegas NV 89115 6005 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 3592 Procyon St Las Vegas NV 89103 2141 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 3190 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 8000 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 300 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 5455 Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89118 6300 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 1305 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 217 N 4th St Las Vegas NV 89101 707 Wright Brothers Ln Las Vegas NV 89119 453 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 4455 Cameron St Las Vegas NV 89103 1765 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 1549 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 1825 Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 2530 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 3920 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 2001 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 2301 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 5316 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 2030 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 Moapa NV 89025 Moapa NV 89025 Moapa NV 89025 Las Vegas NV 89125 201 Claim Ave Las Vegas NV 89125 1708 Highland Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 164 E Sunset Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 Katherine Landing Bullhead City AZ 86429 31409 N Temple Bar Rd Temple Bar Marina AZ 86443 Rt 167 Overton NV 89040 Searchlight NV 89046 322 Lakeshore Rd Boulder City NV 89005 Boulder City NV 89005 Boulder City NV 89005 CR-164 Overton NV 89040 4590 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 3266 Palm Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89104 575 Kitty Hawk Way Las Vegas NV 89111 8050 Dean Martin Dr Las Vegas NV 89139 5959 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 4040 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 2550 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 3781 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 100 S Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 2380 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 444 S Martin Luther King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 3798 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 3401 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 3790 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 4401 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 4279 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 1212 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 500 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 1830 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 5860 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 530 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 2409 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3758 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2600 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 2308 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89104 131 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89105 1140 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 2001 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 3853 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89103 620 Shadow Ln Las Vegas NV 89106 3430 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 1019 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 3682 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 1531 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89104 1451 W Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 1100 E Colton Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 3025 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 7770 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89117 3274 Palm Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89104 827 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 252 S Main St Overton NV 89040 3375 S Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 115 W Primm Blvd Jean NV 89019 1910 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 249 Elliott Rd Henderson NV 89011 Kingston Rd Jean NV 89019 3911 W Quail Ave Las Vegas NV 89118 8000 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 90 W Oakey Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 1730 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89104 3950 W Tompkins Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 3250 W Harmon Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 1200 Foremaster Ln Las Vegas NV 89101 3301 Needles Hwy Laughlin NV 89029 500 Railroad Ave Boulder City NV 89005 400 E Stewart Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 2800 Walnut Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 100 E Brooks Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 2626 E Carey Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 1301 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3001 N Martin Luther King Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89032 150 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 707 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 6685 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 4950 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 6920 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89147 4241 Stephanie St Las Vegas NV 89122 6208 Hargrove Ave Las Vegas NV 89107 2300 E Saint Louis Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd Las Vegas NV 89111 Las Vegas NV 89124 Mt Charleston Las Vegas NV 89124 Kyle Canyon Rd Las Vegas NV 89124 Las Vegas NV 89122 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd Las Vegas NV 89111 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd Las Vegas NV 89111 3200 E Cheyenne Ave # A1a North Las Vegas NV 89030 1110 Airport Rd Overton NV 89040 505 E Bell Dr Las Vegas NV 89119 4900 Stephanie St Las Vegas NV 89122 Lakeshore Dr Laughlin NV 89029 450 Bruce Woodbury Dr Laughlin NV 89029 S Casino Dr & Thomas Edison Dr Laughlin NV 89029 5857 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89122 1020 Broadbent Blvd Las Vegas NV 89122 444 W Brooks Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 4499 Arville St Las Vegas NV 89103 400 Palo Verde Dr Henderson NV 89015 1425 Whipple Ave Logandale NV 89021 210 N Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 1139 Linn Ln Las Vegas NV 89110 4212 Eucalyptus Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 300 S Torrey Pines Dr Las Vegas NV 89107 3900 W Washington Ave Las Vegas NV 89107 2400 Atlantic St Las Vegas NV 89104 315 S 7th St Las Vegas NV 89101 179 S Anderson St Overton NV 89040 5710 Mountain Vista St Las Vegas NV 89120 4601 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89107 150 N Yucca St Mesquite NV 89027 243 Lakeshore Rd Boulder City NV 89005 600 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 3150 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89107 3700 Alta Dr Las Vegas NV 89107 1212 Merialdo Ln Las Vegas NV 89117 6510 Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89108 7725 W Smoke Ranch Rd Las Vegas NV 89128 3700 Alta Dr Las Vegas NV 89107 3595 N Torrey Pines Dr Las Vegas NV 89108 1001 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 600 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 SR-168 Carson City NV 89712 123 E Washington Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 SR-157 Las Vegas NV 89166 SR-160 Las Vegas NV 89124 SR-164 Searchlight NV 89046 25th St & Steward St Las Vegas NV 89101 151 E Horizon Ridge Pkwy Henderson NV 89002 1800 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 486 N Gibson Rd Henderson NV 89011 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 6191 Beale Ave Nellis AFB NV 89191 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 4780 Wurtzsmith Ave Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Indian Springs NV 89018 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 5290 Wsa Perimeter Rd Nellis AFB NV 89191 4137 Tyndall Ave Nellis AFB NV 89191 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 Buchanan Blvd Boulder City NV 89005 2301 McLeod St Las Vegas NV 89104 300 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 Mt Charleston Las Vegas NV 89104 Boulder City NV 89005 500 Date St Boulder City NV 89005 US-95 Searchlight NV 89046 Las Vegas NV 89109 1001 Circus Circus Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 4975 Swenson St Las Vegas NV 89119 901 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 931 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 3115 Olive St Las Vegas NV 89104 4948 Mountain Vista St Las Vegas NV 89121 1801 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 601 W Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89011 6102 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 3651 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3415 E Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 4747 Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89108 120 W McWilliams Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 1330 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 2029 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 1900 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 412 E Gowan Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 109 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89145 5585 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89146 1500 Searles Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 3333 S Procyon Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3020 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 3215 Cinder Ln Las Vegas NV 89103 3000 Joe W Brown Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 3380 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 5010 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89122 3400 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89109 3873 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2390 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 4375 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 5685 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 7560 W Katie Ave Las Vegas NV 89147 1100 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89104 4701 Meadows Ln Las Vegas NV 89107 842 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4801 S Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 3450 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 4350 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 3333 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 2915 Sunrise Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 4555 Wynn Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 801 E Colton Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 8801 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 3810 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 4845 S Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 3885 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 2100 Burns Ave Henderson NV 89011 3401 N 5th St North Las Vegas NV 89032 3033 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 1037 E Colton Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 600 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 551 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4390 S Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 4830 Procyon St Las Vegas NV 89103 4847 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 4744 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 38 Navy St Henderson NV 89015 250 E Cottonwood Cove Rd Searchlight NV 89046 1426 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89101 3415 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89169 2010 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 2310 Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89102 3590 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 7005 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 3175 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 433 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 585 Moapa Valley Blvd Overton NV 89040 1701 SR-168 Moapa NV 89025 5119 Cameron St Las Vegas NV 89118 740 N Martin L King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 2105 W Gowan Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 3900 W Dewey Dr Las Vegas NV 89118 1001 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 3700 Alta Dr Las Vegas NV 89107 1901 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 3132 Meade Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 306 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 99997 Tonopah Hwy Las Vegas NV 89101 910 W Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 5508 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 500 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 5807 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 6208 Hargrove Ave Las Vegas NV 89107 1300 S Commerce St Las Vegas NV 89102 1415 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 6333 Ensworth St Las Vegas NV 89119 2425 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 E Sahara Ave & Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89104 4349 Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89108 4750 Procyon St Las Vegas NV 89103 301 E Stewart St Las Vegas NV 89101 315 W Colorado Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 2575 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 1220 S Commerce St Las Vegas NV 89102 4141 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 261 S Jones St Overton NV 89040 2620 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89109 400 Railroad Ave Boulder City NV 89005 Nevada Hwy & Park St Boulder City NV 89005 320 E US-95 N Indian Springs NV 89018 299 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 3684 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89103 2828 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4520 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 3425 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3145 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3375 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 404 S Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 1001 E Sunset Rd Las Vegas NV 89199 716 W Mesquite Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 5101 Rent A Car Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 2625 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 306 W Saint Louis Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 4565 Wynn Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 3619 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 500 E SR-146 Las Vegas NV 89124 355 W Van Wagenen St Henderson NV 89015 Las Vegas NV 89124 4505 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89154 3685 Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 13000 Las Vegas Blvd S Henderson NV 89044 250 N Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 230 S Moapa Valley Blvd Overton NV 89040 3030 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 599 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 2670 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89109 850 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 6650 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89108 929 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89101 Nellis AFB Nellis AFB NV 89191 1901 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 7800 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 4185 W Harmon Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 5710 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 1201 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 3162 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 6809 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89117 4645 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 333 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 2436 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 4380 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 4036 E Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89014 4255 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 3184 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 6511 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89142 2401 N Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 3352 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 693 N Valle Verde Dr Henderson NV 89014 6665 W Gary Ave Las Vegas NV 89139 2350 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 5555 Painted Mirage Rd Las Vegas NV 89149 2780 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 625 Kitty Hawk Way Las Vegas NV 89119 4231 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89108 SR-169 Logandale NV 89021 3051 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 3685 N Moapa Valley Blvd Logandale NV 89021 3489 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 3475 N Moapa Valley Blvd Logandale NV 89021 1601 Civic Center Dr North Las Vegas NV 89030 1700 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 3890 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4725 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 6740 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 671 W Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89015 221 W Wyoming Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 6325 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 567 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 3624 Goldfield St North Las Vegas NV 89032 1701 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89104 3015 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 2246 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3060 Westwood Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 2300 E Glendale Blvd Moapa NV 89025 3430 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 1323 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89104 3552 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 1305 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 3308 Cinder Ln Las Vegas NV 89103 3801 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 1504 W Carey Ave North Las Vegas NV 89032 413 E Gowan Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 3555 Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 5550 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 5750 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 5241 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89146 US-95 CAL NEV ARI NV 89039 Overton Rd & SR-169 Overton NV 89040 245 Lakeshore Rd Boulder City NV 89005 2256 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3500 W Naples Dr Las Vegas NV 89103 5000 Range Rd Las Vegas NV 89115 3629 W Hacienda Ave Las Vegas NV 89118 1500 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 2000 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 4171 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 6801 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89117 Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB NV 89191 1911 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 5870 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 Las Vegas NV 89130 1301 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 801 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 3360 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 4480 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 600 College Dr Henderson NV 89002 100 Burkholder Blvd Henderson NV 89015 3222 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 4220 Donovan Way North Las Vegas NV 89030 2441 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 2215 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 6020 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 650 US-95 Searchlight NV 89046 2395 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 6398 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 800 S Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 1914 Highland Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 1255 Patriots Way Moapa NV 89025 1600 Cougar Dr Laughlin NV 89029 8080 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 5110 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 815 Twain Ave Las Vegas NV 89109 2339 N Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 900 N Martin Luther King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 4885 S Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 4800 N Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89130 875 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4180 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 1100 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89104 600 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 3520 E Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89110 7331 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89129 900 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89145 421 S 15th St Las Vegas NV 89101 2760 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 900 E Stewart St Las Vegas NV 89101 3801 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 7000 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89117 1700 Galleria Dr Henderson NV 89014 565 Lalif Rd Henderson NV 89015 450 Eastgate Rd Henderson NV 89011 1650 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 283 Clark Ln Indian Springs NV 89018 31960 Las Vegas Blvd S Jean NV 89019 7540 Westcliff Dr Las Vegas NV 89145 1132 W Bonanza Rd Ste B Las Vegas NV 89106 5454 Arville St Las Vegas NV 89118 3400 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2722 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 3450 Meade Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 4275 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 600 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 767 Wright Brothers Ln Las Vegas NV 89119 5500 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89122 2450 E Gowan Rd Las Vegas NV 89115 Goodsprings Rd Jean NV 89019 722 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 1740 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89011 3052 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 290 N Sandhill Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 3665 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 2220 N Commerce St North Las Vegas NV 89030 3665 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 6085 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 1101 W Sunset Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 6065 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 2449 N Tenaya Way Las Vegas NV 89128 7900 Vegas Valley Dr Las Vegas NV 89142 142 S Moapa Valley Blvd Overton NV 89040 513 Eastgate Rd Henderson NV 89011 300 W Bonanza Rd N LAS VEGAS NV 89030 201 N Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89024 3555 W Oquendo Rd Las Vegas NV 89118 1581 Foothill Dr Boulder City NV 89005 4201 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 3296 Meade Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3520 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 1414 Athol Ave Henderson NV 89011 235 Elliott Rd Henderson NV 89011 804 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 8000 W Lake Mead Dr Henderson NV 89015 4263 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 Moapa NV 89025 6451 Mountain Vista St Henderson NV 89014 3716 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 Boulder City NV 89005 722 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 450 Eastgate Rd Henderson NV 89011 2757 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 Prison Rd Jean NV 89019 208 Cold Creek Rd Indian Springs NV 89018 1785 E Sunset Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 637 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 3995 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 2030 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 Star Route 70 Box 2300 Las Vegas NV 89110 1301 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 4920 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 301 N Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas NV 89101 Arden Cima Searchlight NV 89046 5001 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89146 4930 Wurtzsmith Ave Nellis AFB NV 89191 3716 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 2625 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3520 E Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89110 600 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 1100 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89104 4180 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 875 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4800 N Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89130 4885 S Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 900 N Martin Luther King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 2339 N Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 815 E Twain Ave Las Vegas NV 89169 5110 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 8080 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 501 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 486 N Gibson Rd Henderson NV 89011 4850 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 5999 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 2450 E Gowan Rd Las Vegas NV 89115 4325 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 6055 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 298 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 1197 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 2320 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 I-15 Exit 91 Moapa NV 89025 8000 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 707 Wright Brothers Ln Las Vegas NV 89119 3668 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89103 2081 E Sunset Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 249 Elliott Rd Henderson NV 89011 101 S Martin Luther King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 901 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89101 4799 W Lone Mountain Rd North Las Vegas NV 89031 2599 Wigwam Pkwy Henderson NV 89074 917 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 902 S Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 810 W Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 SR-156 Las Vegas NV 89124 5975 Emerald Ave Las Vegas NV 89122 100 Ville Dr Boulder City NV 89005 5255 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 7600 Westcliff Dr Las Vegas NV 89145 US-91 Jean NV 89019 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd Las Vegas NV 89111 3025 Las Vegas Blvd North North Las Vegas NV 89030 4775 Swenson St Las Vegas NV 89119 4475 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 800 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 1521 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 2337 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 2661 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89109 3713 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2010 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 2535 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 303 W Saint Louis Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 421 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 2610 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 4625 E Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89014 4204 Arcata Way North Las Vegas NV 89030 3527 Civic Center Dr North Las Vegas NV 89030 128 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 2735 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 1401 S Commerce St Las Vegas NV 89102 4212 Eucalyptus Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 6515 W Lone Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89130 2300 Pebble Rd Henderson NV 89074 4020 E Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 1845 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 228 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 101 N Mojave Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 4775 Swenson St Las Vegas NV 89119 3211 Meade Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 460 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 601 N SR-169 Overton NV 89040 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd Las Vegas NV 89111 4475 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 299 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 2404 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 4595 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 3200 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 4220 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 870 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 2535 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 1990 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 215 W Colorado Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 E Mesquite Blvd & Sandhill Rd Mesquite NV 89027 4155 S Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 4760 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 4530 Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 2337 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 1801 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 1961 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 Las Vegas NV 89125 1101 5th St Boulder City NV 89005 2831 Palomino Ln Las Vegas NV 89107 210 W Wyoming Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3100 Meade Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 2810 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 1601 D St Las Vegas NV 89106 300 W Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 4770 W Reno Ave Las Vegas NV 89118 3840 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89103 1132 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 236 W Utah Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 801 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 3568 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 5457 Cameron St Las Vegas NV 89118 6040 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89146 1080 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 Las Vegas NV 89104 Golden Ln & Prosperity St Reno NV 89502 3297 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 217 W Colorado Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 W Lake Mead Pkwy & W Atlantic Ave Henderson NV 89015 3355 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3109 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3 Shadow Creek Dr North Las Vegas NV 89081 Old Sloan Rd Las Vegas NV 89124 4030 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 4948 Mountain Vista St Las Vegas NV 89121 5488 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 3195 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 4511 S Buffalo Dr Las Vegas NV 89147 5300 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 6418 Vegas Valley Dr Las Vegas NV 89142 7780 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 3316 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 1112 S Commerce St Las Vegas NV 89102 2121 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 129 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 2100 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 2945 N Martin Luther King Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89032 160 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 2300 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 1 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 1011 E Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 8570 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 5395 Polaris Ave Ste 110 Las Vegas NV 89118 325 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 2741 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4700 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 3400 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3540 N 5th St North Las Vegas NV 89032 517 Eastgate Rd Henderson NV 89011 2401 N Hollywood Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 4001 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 901 W Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89011 413 E Gowan Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 3815 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3337 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 244 S Willow Ave Mesquite NV 89027 Logandale NV 89021 2200 Civic Center Dr North Las Vegas NV 89030 451 W Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 201 W Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 715 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 5005 E Carey Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 Kyle Canyon Sparks NV 89431 1505 S Commerce St Las Vegas NV 89102 Lone Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89125 3300 N 5th St North Las Vegas NV 89032 W Sunset Rd & Eastgate Rd Henderson NV 89011 SLOAN NV 89019 Las Vegas NV 89116 10811 E Washburn Rd Las Vegas NV 89149 Las Vegas NV 89116 4466 E Carey Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 4466 E Carey Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 8000 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 5385 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 6104 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89108 4805 W Craig Rd Las Vegas NV 89130 6390 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 690 Wells Rd Boulder City NV 89005 Lone Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89129 3823 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 1815 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 3823 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3555 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 505 S US-95 Searchlight NV 89046 2007 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89104 2001 Canyon Gate Dr Las Vegas NV 89117 1940 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89011 2901 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 1601 D St Las Vegas NV 89106 2277 N Martin L King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 4320 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 800 Rose St Las Vegas NV 89106 322 Lakeshore Rd Boulder City NV 89005 7800 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 2353 E Warm Springs Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 3950 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 1900 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 14 E Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 1438 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 8500 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89117 5691 Stafford Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 1453 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89011 1221 S Casino Center Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 7000 Bermuda Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 3770 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89119 32 Cromer Rd Laughlin NV 89029 4300 S Hollywood Blvd Las Vegas NV 89122 708 S 6th St Las Vegas NV 89101 E Mesquite Blvd & Dairy Ln Mesquite NV 89027 4325 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 918 Stewart Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 SR-59 Blue Diamond NV 89004 5111 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 3588 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 4100 Las Vegas Bay Rd Las Vegas NV 89124 3300 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3225 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 305 Convention Center Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 3799 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 5188 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 3260 S Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89102 3715 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 400 W Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 3425 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 6703 W Alexander Rd Las Vegas NV 89108 1080 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89145 9301 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 6101 Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89108 3785 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 851 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 3025 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 3615 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 7790 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 3780 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 43 N Sierra St Reno NV 89501 2885 S Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89121 3160 E Desert Inn Rd # 3-434 Las Vegas NV 89121 709 W Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89011 3100 S Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89102 2400 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 4450 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 1594 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 2841 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 3660 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 3820 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 2300 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 101 Convention Center Dr Las Vegas NV 89109 827 Temple View Dr Las Vegas NV 89110 2101 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 1524 Pinto Ln Las Vegas NV 89106 3667 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3311 Meade Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 4950 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 US-95 Boulder City NV 89005 425 E Windmill Ln Las Vegas NV 89123 300 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 4600 N Hollywood Blvd Nellis AFB NV 89191 3735 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 3407 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4190 E Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89014 1000 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 Las Vegas NV 89127 3000 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 1625 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 Moapa NV 89025 650 US-95 Las Vegas NV 89106 1901 White St North Las Vegas NV 89030 6104 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89108 7100 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89128 4400 N Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89130 99 S Martin L King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 2125 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 530 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 1000 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 3812 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 2306 E Glendale Blvd Moapa NV 89025 2816 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 130 W Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 198 N Pecos Rd Henderson NV 89074 4850 Camino Al Norte North Las Vegas NV 89031 2700 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 SR-164 Las Vegas NV 89123 4101 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 2021 N Buffalo Dr Las Vegas NV 89128 1500 Foremaster Ln Las Vegas NV 89101 4801 W Bell Dr Las Vegas NV 89118 4995 Judson Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 1821 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 3715 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 1500 Foremaster Ln Las Vegas NV 89101 973 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 1600 N Martin L King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 4150 Smiley Rd North Las Vegas NV 89081 2880 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3850 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 430 Eastgate Rd Henderson NV 89011 795 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 3525 W Hacienda Ave # C Las Vegas NV 89118 155 W Imperial Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 800 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 5785 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89142 1501 W Carey Ave North Las Vegas NV 89032 4501 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 2 Goodsprings Rd Jean NV 89019 4747 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 3000 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3595 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 Building #5 Black Mountain Las Vegas NV 89101 Las Vegas NV 89103 401 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 3475 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 2905 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 6855 Bermuda Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 4180 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 18 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 4371 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 3535 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 4000 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 1 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 12 E Ogden Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 300 N Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 4100 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 101 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 5110 Camino Al Norte North Las Vegas NV 89031 6510 S Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 10101 Banburry Cross Dr Las Vegas NV 89144 2001 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4770 W Nevso Dr Ste 5 Las Vegas NV 89103 120 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 3475 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 8590 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89128 8590 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89128 9155 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89139 600 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 301 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 3260 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 3965 N Martin L King Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89032 Lee Canyon Rd & SR-156 Las Vegas NV 89109 Jean Prison Rd Jean NV 89019 7951 Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89128 720 W Owens Ave Las Vegas NV 89106 7771 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89147 1777 E Warm Springs Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 I-15 & Goodsprings Rd Jean NV 89019 I-15 & SR-161 Jean NV 89019 3675 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89147 Highland Dr & Capella Ave Las Vegas NV 89109 4115 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 7300 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89129 8601 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89117 8597 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 4501 E Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89014 251 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4747 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 9350 Sundial Dr Las Vegas NV 89134 3100 N Tenaya Way Las Vegas NV 89128 130 Par Excellence Dr Henderson NV 89074 4350 E Carey Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 4919 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 110 Cold Creek Rd Indian Springs NV 89018 9111 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 3201 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89109 3121 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89109 3186 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89109 300 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 4915 N Sloan Ln Las Vegas NV 89115 241 S Rampart Blvd Las Vegas NV 89145 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89169 2 Kyle Canyon Rd Las Vegas NV 89124 2421 Stewart Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 4004 N Tenaya Way Las Vegas NV 89129 7500 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89129 7650 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89117 5001 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89130 4801 S Pecos Rd Ste 2a Las Vegas NV 89121 6720 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 2601 Wigwam Pkwy Henderson NV 89074 4207 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 300 Auto Mall Dr Henderson NV 89014 4728 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 4701 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 4665 E Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89014 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 4885 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 370 N Sandhill Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 325 N Sandhill Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 4150 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89147 5780 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89142 6995 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89147 6430 Procyon St Las Vegas NV 89118 5250 Hafen Ranch Rd Pahrump NV 89061 631 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 1620 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 4895 E Craig Rd Las Vegas NV 89115 30 Miles SE of Tonopah Tonopah NV 89049 3520 W Oquendo Rd Las Vegas NV 89118 6495 S Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 1465 E Windmill Ln Las Vegas NV 89123 7000 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 6115 S Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 200 Mesa Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 2151 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 3337 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 1200 Kitty Hawk Dr Mesquite NV 89027 3680 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 5995 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 500 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 2395 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 Las Vegas NV 89111 3500 Exec Terminal Dr Ste 100 Henderson NV 89052 243 Lakeshore Rd Boulder City NV 89005 1465 E Windmill Ln Las Vegas NV 89123 5665 S Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 4150 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89147 4551 Devlin Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 Nellis AFB Facility 589 Nellis AFB NV 89191 3000 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 5560 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89156 5075 E Washington Ave Las Vegas NV 89110 1625 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 3 E Lake Mead Blvd Henderson NV 89015 2200 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Henderson NV 89052 7280 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 4620 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 5680 S Pecos Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 6525 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 5685 Mountain Vista St Las Vegas NV 89120 2404 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4730 W Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89032 2000 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 1412 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 4270 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89121 5893 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 222 S Martin L King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 7801 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89117 7121 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89156 601 W Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 4620 E Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89120 Las Vegas Blvd & W Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 3600 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 Blue Diamond Rd & S Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89139 1190 S Sandhill Rd Las Vegas NV 89104 2621 Western Ave Las Vegas NV 89109 3315 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 4480 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89147 3852 Pioneer Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 5631 N Tenaya Way Las Vegas NV 89130 6085 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 2400 Moser Dr Henderson NV 89011 335 E Arby Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 4005 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 2950 Ronemus Dr Las Vegas NV 89128 8615 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89147 6680 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89156 5875 Polaris Ave Las Vegas NV 89118 3520 Blue Diamond Rd Las Vegas NV 89139 3051 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 4141 Swenson St Las Vegas NV 89119 4495 S Buffalo Dr Las Vegas NV 89147 1601 W Oakey Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 5576 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 7310 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 1003 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 3225 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 1381 W Warm Springs Rd Henderson NV 89014 230 N Moapa Valley Blvd Overton NV 89040 3520 Blue Diamond Rd Las Vegas NV 89139 3120 S Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89102 3200 S Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89102 234 N Arroyo Grande Blvd Henderson NV 89014 2828 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89104 2810 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 3550 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 7000 E Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89122 5775 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 3280 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 2886 S Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89121 8490 Westcliff Dr Las Vegas NV 89145 6109 Dean Martin Dr Las Vegas NV 89118 Valley View Blvd & Viking Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 901 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 5705 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 8725 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 4175 Arville St Las Vegas NV 89103 2914 W Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89032 61 Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89024 2745 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 3928 Chang St Las Vegas NV 89110 8635 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89117 S Maryland Pkwy & E Pyle Ave Las Vegas NV 89183 3600 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3870 W Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89118 1500 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Henderson NV 89012 3399 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89117 3711 S Fort Apache Rd Las Vegas NV 89147 5095 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 1015 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 3131 Olive St Las Vegas NV 89104 901 N Buffalo Dr Las Vegas NV 89128 2350 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 9300 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89123 1590 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 4895 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 820 Valley View Dr Mesquite NV 89027 3190 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 6050 Smoke Ranch Rd Las Vegas NV 89108 1100 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 1591 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 4401 N Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 2890 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89121 3633 Tyndall Ave Nellis AFB NV 89191 1080 Whitney Ranch Dr Henderson NV 89014 1220 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 8925 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 1101 S Fort Apache Rd Las Vegas NV 89117 4350 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89147 601 Eagle Ave Jean NV 89019 5900 W Rochelle Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 5812 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89142 971 S Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89015 9192 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89129 3300 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 905 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89101 6400 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 4070 S Buffalo Dr Las Vegas NV 89147 7301 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89128 201 N Pecos Rd Henderson NV 89074 1220 E Pebble Rd Las Vegas NV 89123 4110 W Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 4120 W Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 400 Fremont St Las Vegas NV 89101 9345 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89123 205 E Harmon Ave Las Vegas NV 89169 400 N Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 75 S Gibson Rd Henderson NV 89012 2900 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 9692 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 700 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 3655 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 4510 Vandenberg Dr N LAS VEGAS NV 89031 3020 Needles Hwy Laughlin NV 89029 3887 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 105 Palm Gardens Dr Laughlin NV 89029 1400 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Henderson NV 89012 10611 S Eastern Ave Henderson NV 89052 3670 Paradise Rd Las Vegas NV 89169 3965 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 10980 S Eastern Ave Henderson NV 89052 11061 S Eastern Ave Henderson NV 89052 5030 Cameron St Las Vegas NV 89118 300 E Warm Springs Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 4472 Donovan Way North Las Vegas NV 89081 405 E Silverado Ranch Blvd Las Vegas NV 89183 7171 W Ann Rd Las Vegas NV 89130 980 E Warm Springs Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 3585 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 920 N Buffalo Dr Las Vegas NV 89128 2490 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Henderson NV 89052 9011 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89147 8816 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89123 5325 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 10530 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89123 1 Katzenbach Dr Boulder City NV 89005 10 E Mesquite Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 4380 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 6660 Vegas Dr Las Vegas NV 89108 4240 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 1571 N Buffalo Dr Las Vegas NV 89128 Las Vegas NV 89161 1920 E Serene Ave Las Vegas NV 89123 1680 W Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89014 804 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89119 801 Veterans Memorial Dr Las Vegas NV 89101 6698 Sky Pointe Dr Las Vegas NV 89131 3355 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 3165 N Moapa Valley Blvd Logandale NV 89021 8215 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89147 2901 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 2014 W Ann Rd North Las Vegas NV 89031 9991 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89117 4880 W Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89118 863 Canyon Rd Boulder City NV 89005 1665 Nevada Hwy Boulder City NV 89005 2935 W Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89032 5700 Sky Pointe Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 3320 Las Vegas Blvd N Las Vegas NV 89115 3695 S Fort Apache Rd Las Vegas NV 89147 790 N Gibson Rd Henderson NV 89011 8835 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89123 1420 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 6000 Sky Pointe Dr Las Vegas NV 89130 1200 N Town Center Dr Las Vegas NV 89144 5556 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 2104 Highland Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 210 N US-95 Searchlight NV 89046 1343 E Silverado Ranch Blvd Las Vegas NV 89183 7095 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89113 6989 N Buffalo Dr Las Vegas NV 89131 6595 N Hollywood Blvd LAS VEGAS NV 89115 9705 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89183 4480 E Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 4480 E Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 350 E Basic Rd Henderson NV 89015 201 S Stephanie St Henderson NV 89012 4364 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 8080 W Tropical Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89149 4615 E Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89104 1395 E Lake Mead Pkwy Henderson NV 89015 2401 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 4401 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89110 1670 Pinto Ln Las Vegas NV 89106 10000 S Eastern Ave Henderson NV 89052 2065 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 8132 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 7591 N Cimarron Rd Las Vegas NV 89131 6515 E Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89156 4040 Pioneer Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 7175 Spring Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89117 4161 Saint Rose Pkwy Ste A Henderson NV 89044 2979 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 7295 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 4800 W Craig Rd Las Vegas NV 89130 6451 Boulder Hwy Ste A Las Vegas NV 89122 791 Marks St Henderson NV 89014 801 S Pavilion Center Dr Las Vegas NV 89144 500 Conestoga Way Henderson NV 89002 4095 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89147 1195 E Pyle Ave Las Vegas NV 89183 3315 E Patrick Ln Las Vegas NV 89120 4100 E Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas NV 89115 2836 W Ann Rd North Las Vegas NV 89031 3250 N Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89129 4321 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89103 780 E Pyle Ave Las Vegas NV 89183 1537 N Boulder Hwy Henderson NV 89011 2343 W Gowan Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 1900 S Casino Dr Laughlin NV 89029 8410 Farm Rd Las Vegas NV 89131 2412 Windmill Pkwy Henderson NV 89074 8400 S Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89139 601 Marks St Henderson NV 89014 9430 Peace Way Las Vegas NV 89147 7191 W Craig Rd Las Vegas NV 89129 4708 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 401 E Horizon Ridge Pkwy Henderson NV 89002 9611 Trailwood Dr Las Vegas NV 89134 3260 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 4575 Statz St N LAS VEGAS NV 89031 670 US-95 Searchlight NV 89046 10490 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89135 330 S Casino Center Blvd Las Vegas NV 89101 5325 S Fort Apache Rd Las Vegas NV 89148 9415 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89147 3870 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 1155 E Twain Ave Las Vegas NV 89169 1200 W Warm Springs Rd Henderson NV 89014 9380 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89147 13890 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89139 5310 Sloan Rd Las Vegas NV 89124 3301 N 5th St North Las Vegas NV 89032 1501 S Martin L King Blvd Las Vegas NV 89102 5725 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89113 Blue Diamond & Valley View Las Vegas NV 89139 3970 N Tenaya Way Las Vegas NV 89129 3480 S Hualapai Way Las Vegas NV 89117 3475 W Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89118 8080 Silk Purse Rd Las Vegas NV 89131 845 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89107 Needles Hwy & Bruce Woodbury Dr Laughlin NV 89029 8120 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89123 490 Horsepower Cove Rd Boulder City NV 89005 1450 W Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89030 3602 E Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89110 6600 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89146 300 W Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 8425 Centennial Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89149 9390 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89147 2680 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 6500 N Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 715 Clarkway Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 220 W Sunset Rd Henderson NV 89011 26 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Henderson NV 89012 7300 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 2255 Las Vegas Blvd N North Las Vegas NV 89030 9260 S Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89123 9487 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89123 31900 Las Vegas Blvd S Jean NV 89019 9300 W Sunset Rd Las Vegas NV 89148 4610 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 6915 Blue Diamond Rd Las Vegas NV 89178 6420 Smoke Ranch Rd Las Vegas NV 89108 7701 W Washington Ave Las Vegas NV 89128 3821 N Fort Apache Rd Las Vegas NV 89129 201 N Stephanie St Henderson NV 89074 4505 S Maryland Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89154 3850 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89103 9010 W Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89147 96 Via Antincendio Henderson NV 89011 1550 Amador Ln Henderson NV 89012 891 Coronado Center Dr Henderson NV 89052 2401 Atchley Dr Henderson NV 89052 1180 Military Tribute Pl Henderson NV 89074 2865 W Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas NV 89032 2920 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 1020 Hinson St Las Vegas NV 89107 3440 W Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89118 3061 Saint Rose Pkwy Henderson NV 89052 14 N Sandhill Blvd Mesquite NV 89027 7730 S Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89139 7105 W Ann Rd Las Vegas NV 89130 Las Vegas NV 89111 505 S Main St Las Vegas NV 89101 10120 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89147 8096 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89113 3900 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 3770 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 3950 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89119 190 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89109 4723 W Hacienda Ave Las Vegas NV 89118 4700 W Ann Rd North Las Vegas NV 89031 10076 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89117 3650 S Town Center Dr Las Vegas NV 89135 6390 N Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89149 7325 S Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89139 785 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 4895 Wurtzsmith Ave Nellis AFB NV 89191 1030 J St Las Vegas NV 89106 430 N Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 6549 N Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89108 490 Horsepower Cove Rd Boulder City NV 89005 6480 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89113 6030 Centennial Center Blvd Las Vegas NV 89149 Beaver Dam Rd & US-93 Caliente NV 89008 2355 E Centennial Pkwy North Las Vegas NV 89081 3380 Saint Rose Pkwy Henderson NV 89052 4485 E Lone Mountain Rd Las Vegas NV 89115 2800 E Tropical Pkwy North Las Vegas NV 89081 7405 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89113 10886 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89135 10890 W Charleston Blvd Las Vegas NV 89135 10590 Southern Highlands Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89141 330 S 3rd St Las Vegas NV 89101 220 E Warm Springs Rd Suite 111 Las Vegas NV 89119 6875 W Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89118 4620 E Flamingo Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 4309 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 Jean NV 89019 6050 Centennial Center Blvd Las Vegas NV 89149 1787 W Lake Mead Blvd Las Vegas NV 89106 805 N Mojave Rd Las Vegas NV 89101 6460 S Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 7009 Aliante Pkwy North Las Vegas NV 89084 7110 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89113 2621 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89104 5780 E Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89142 975 Welpman Way Henderson NV 89044 Apn: 25003401001 Searchlight NV 89046 6610 Ullom Dr Las Vegas NV 89118 1420 Paseo Verde Pkwy Henderson NV 89012 911 Ridge Pine St Las Vegas NV 89138 335 W Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89032 551 Courier St Henderson NV 89011 6490 Boulder Hwy Las Vegas NV 89122 7155 Grand Montecito Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89149 60 E Arby Ave Las Vegas NV 89119 7135 Gilespie St Las Vegas NV 89119 70 E Centennial Pkwy North Las Vegas NV 89084 4985 E Desert Inn Rd Las Vegas NV 89121 4040 Marina Lagoon Dr Laughlin NV 89029 5100 Stafford Dr Nellis AFB NV 89191 5180 N Lamb Blvd Las Vegas NV 89115 5675 S Grand Canyon Dr Las Vegas NV 89148 5180 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89081 6985 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 1600 Industrial Rd Las Vegas NV 89102 9755 W Russell Rd Las Vegas NV 89148 7212 S Jones Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118 2680 E Craig Rd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3880 E Deer Spring Way North Las Vegas NV 89086 7100 Arroyo Crossing Pkwy Las Vegas NV 89113 333 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89101 2920 S Nellis Blvd Las Vegas NV 89121 425 W Centennial Pkwy North Las Vegas NV 89084 355 E Silverado Ranch Blvd Las Vegas NV 89183 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd Las Vegas NV 89111 5685 Losee Rd North Las Vegas NV 89081 3540 E Lake Mead Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89030 3810 Blue Diamond Rd Las Vegas NV 89139 70 Falcon Ridge Pkwy Mesquite NV 89027 3131 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 1797 E Cactus Ave Las Vegas NV 89183 8095 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89139 1051 Desert Foothills Dr Las Vegas NV 89138 2691 W Sahara Ave Las Vegas NV 89102 3292 Gold Butte Rd Bunkerville NV 89007 10452 Decatur Blvd Las Vegas NV 89139 4280 Warm Springs Rd Moapa NV 89025 3320 Novat St Las Vegas NV 89129 8050 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas NV 89139 6130 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas NV 89103 8390 N Decatur Blvd North Las Vegas NV 89085 735 S Buffalo Dr LAS VEGAS NV 89113 3366 Saint Rose Pkwy HENDERSON NV 89052 250 W Craig Rd NORTH LAS VEGAS NV 89032 3330 Novat St LAS VEGAS NV 89129 12501 N US Highway 93 NORTH LAS VEGAS NV 89036 1 CREECH AFB RD INDIAN SPRINGS NV 89018 3850 E FLAMINGO RD LAS VEGAS NV 89121 4720 FRANK SINATRA DR LAS VEGAS NV 89109 2343 E. Warm Springs Rd LAS VEGAS NV 89119 5530 N. Sloan Lane LAS VEGAS NV 89115 7736 Eastgate Rd HENDERSON NV 89011 Tonopah NV 89049 Luning NV 89420 Schurz NV 89427 Luning NV 89420 US-95 Hawthorne NV 89415 US-95 Hawthorne NV 89415 SR-265 Silverpeak NV 89047 975 E St Hawthorne NV 89415 1300 Front St Mina NV 89422 US-95 S Hawthorne NV 89415 SR-3a Dyer NV 89010 551 E 6th St Hawthorne NV 89415 405 E St Hawthorne NV 89415 2 Nivloc Rd Silverpeak NV 89047 624 5th St Hawthorne NV 89415 5th Ave Goldfield NV 89013 1st Ave Luning NV 89420 450 L St Hawthorne NV 89415 E 5th St & E St Hawthorne NV 89415 Goldfield NV 89013 Goldfield NV 89013 SR-264 Dyer NV 89010 S 4th St & South Ave Goldfield NV 89013 US-95 Mina NV 89422 US-6 Luning NV 89420 E 8th & M St Hawthorne NV 89415 US-95 Schurz NV 89427 US-95 Hawthorne NV 89415 701 6th St Hawthorne NV 89415 404 E St Hawthorne NV 89415 1st Ave & Nevada St Luning NV 89420 540 F St Hawthorne NV 89415 7th St Hawthorne NV 89415 300 O St Hawthorne NV 89415 812 Sierra Way Hawthorne NV 89415 331 Cliff House Rd Walker Lake NV 89415 Mina NV 89422 11th St & US-95 Mina NV 89422 Silverpeak NV 89047 Euclid St & Ramsey St Goldfield NV 89013 Fish Lake Valley Tonopah NV 89049 110 N Columbia St Goldfield NV 89013 Mina NV 89422 792 E St Hawthorne NV 89415 US-95 Goldfield NV 89013 826 Sierra Way Hawthorne NV 89415 A St & 8th St Hawthorne NV 89415 Hawthorne NV 89415 Hawthorne NV 89415 Hawthorne NV 89415 E 6th St & C St Hawthorne NV 89415 A St & 5th St Hawthorne NV 89415 901 Sierra Way Hawthorne NV 89415 US-95 & 5th Ave Goldfield NV 89013 901 Sierra Way Hawthorne NV 89415 SR-264 Dyer NV 89010 3rd Ave & US-95 Luning NV 89420 588 E St Hawthorne NV 89415 US-95 Schurz NV 89427 US-95 Mina NV 89422 E 1st St & A St Hawthorne NV 89415 Mineral Luning NV 89420 1005 5th St Hawthorne NV 89415 SR-23 & US-95 Luning NV 89420 E 5th & K St Hawthorne NV 89415 US-95 & US-6 Silverpeak NV 89047 US-95 S Schurz NV 89427 US-95 S Schurz NV 89427 Beatty NV 89003 1101 5th St Hawthorne NV 89415 SR-264 Dyer NV 89010 825 E Main St Tonopah NV 89049 847 Frontage Rd Walker Lake NV 89415 505 Mica Way Silverpeak NV 89047 503 C St Hawthorne NV 89415 Mina NV 89422 US-95 S Schurz NV 89427 US-95 & Franklin Ave Goldfield NV 89013 Mohawk Ln Silverpeak NV 89047 1075 US-95 Hawthorne NV 89415 Stoneberger Ho Dyer NV 89010 Triple T Hq Dyer NV 89010 Ro Ranch Hq Dyer NV 89010 Franklin Ave & Crook Ave Goldfield NV 89013 3000 Industrial Loop Hawthorne NV 89415 S Stewart St & 8th St Carson City NV 89701 111 N Curry St Carson City NV 89703 111 N Curry St Carson City NV 89703 604 W Musser St Carson City NV 89703 1515 US-50 E Carson City NV 89701 701 Elizabeth St Carson City NV 89703 6373 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 US-50 Carson City NV 89701 340 N Minnesota St Carson City NV 89703 Carson City NV 89701 E 5th St & S Stewart St Carson City NV 89701 1498 E William St Carson City NV 89701 1498 E William St Carson City NV 89701 202 Corbett St Carson City NV 89706 108 E Proctor St Carson City NV 89701 217 S Curry St Carson City NV 89703 100 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 705 N Division St Carson City NV 89703 2310 W Washington St Carson City NV 89703 E 5th & S Stewart St Carson City NV 89701 1301 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 567 S Richmond Ave Carson City NV 89703 4451 Numaga Pass Carson City NV 89703 2500 N Carson St Carson City NV 89706 Brunswick Canyon Rd Carson City NV 89701 Lassen Dr & Menlo Dr Carson City NV 89701 369 Arrowhead Dr Carson City NV 89706 3300 Butti Way Carson City NV 89701 4880 Cochise St Carson City NV 89703 5 Lane Cir Carson City NV 89703 4340 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 42 Century Cir Carson City NV 89706 4962 US Highway 50 E Carson City NV 89701 Nye Ln & US-395 Carson City NV 89706 Long St & Carson St Carson City NV 89703 318 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 4501 Numaga Pass Carson City NV 89703 813 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 841 N Roop St Carson City NV 89701 123 Tahoe Dr Carson City NV 89703 120 E John St Carson City NV 89706 180 Tahoe Dr Carson City NV 89703 Carson City NV 89701 100 Pratt Ave Carson City NV 89701 Curry St Carson City NV 89701 711 S Carson St Ste 1 Carson City NV 89701 612 W Winnie Ln Carson City NV 89703 401 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 US-50 South Lake Tahoe Carson City NV 89701 1881 Quail Ln Carson City NV 89701 1003 N Curry St Carson City NV 89703 8 Lane Cir Carson City NV 89703 3050 Old Clear Creek Rd Carson City NV 89703 1003 N Curry St Carson City NV 89703 500 Block, 5th St Carson City NV 89701 201 N Carson St Carson City NV 89701 220 N Nevada St Carson City NV 89703 600 N Richmond Ave Carson City NV 89703 750 E King St Carson City NV 89701 6 Crest Dr Carson City NV 89703 217 Mountain St Carson City NV 89703 S Carson St Carson City NV 89701 Warehouse Way Minden NV 89423 1435 Industrial Way Gardnerville NV 89410 1182 US Highway 50 Glenbrook NV 89413 50 Main St Dayton NV 89403 18185 US-50 E Dayton NV 89403 604 La Fond Ave Dayton NV 89403 Virginia City NV 89440 Kietzke Ln & Moana Ln Reno NV 89502 1735 Riley Ave Reno NV 89502 1297 Brenda Cir Washoe Valley NV 89704 77 N Maine St Fallon NV 89406 Austin NV 89310 SR-306 Crescent Valley NV 89821 North Battle Mountain Battle Mountain NV 89820 1110 Muleshoe Rd Battle Mountain NV 89820 Airport Way Battle Mountain NV 89820 Austin NV 89310 SR-305 Austin NV 89310 305 W Fairview St Fallon NV 89406 I-80 Winnemucca NV 89445 10th St & Bush St Carlin NV 89822 375 W Idaho St Elko NV 89801 399 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 Elko NV 89801 1301 E Avenue F Ely NV 89301 Carlin NV 89822 Old US-40 Deeth NV 89823 852 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 Carlin NV 89822 Rural Eureka NV 89316 1400 Mountain City Hwy Elko NV 89801 Elko NV 89801 I-80 Ryndon Exit 314 Elko NV 89801 SR-278 Eureka NV 89316 Elko NV 89801 Emigrant Springs Carlin NV 89822 SR-278 Carlin NV 89822 Elko NV 89801 215 12th St Elko NV 89801 Elko NV 89801 2211 N 5th St Elko NV 89801 415 5th St Ely NV 89301 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 801 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 1510 W Williams Ave Fallon NV 89406 Lamoille NV 89828 2035 Last Chance Rd Elko NV 89801 2035 Last Chance Rd Elko NV 89801 777 Idaho St Elko NV 89801 1230 Aultman St Ely NV 89301 110 Broadway Alamo NV 89001 Caliente NV 89008 Main St Caliente NV 89008 154 W Gretta Ln Indian Springs NV 89018 444 S Highland Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 845 W Bonanza Rd Las Vegas NV 89106 900 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 900 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas NV 89106 123 E Washington Ave Las Vegas NV 89101 2755 Las Vegas Blvd S Las Vegas NV 89109 Hawthorne NV 89415 Directions

NW Corner Bath St 3 Mi W of Silver City

Corner Caroline G & G Transmission / Dial One Roundhill

Med Security Prison

Corner 5th and Salaman

@ Hwy 50 East SE Corner Hwy 50/Lassen Dr NW Corner Clearview Dr

Corner College Pkwy

Snyder-South Lift Interceptor 1/4 Mi So Int US-50 & SR-28

11 Mi WSW of Wellington

2 Mi E 0n Buckeye Rd

SW Corner at Elk Point Rd

End of Kahle Drive Near Round Hill

@ Pine Nut Rd

In Front of Raleys Po 2415

At Stateline

Judicial Law Enforcement Center

Tahoe Service Center 1/4 Mi N of Elk Point Rd

East Peak Lodge Area

1/4 Mi S US-50 & SR-28 Intersection

Carson Valley Shopping Center

100' S of Guest House, 100' N of Carport

Marla Bay

NDOT Maintenance Station In Westwood Park At Jacks Valley Rd

SW Corner Hwy207

8.8 Mi S of Fernley 9 Mi W of US-50 & Hwy 95


Lot 11 Block 94 Main St MP 2.50 MP 3.00

22 Miles E of Reno I 80 Mark Twain

Corner Front St W Side Hwy Alt 95

Hwy 40 West

Snyder-South Lift Interceptor 90 Ft From Mainline, South Side 10 Mi NW of Reno on Peavine Peak

23 Mi SW of Reno on Mt Rose

@ Boomtown Silver Legacy Hotel Casino

MP 68.6

Corner Kirman

SW Corner Grove St North of SR-431 1 Mi E of Wadsworth 17 Mi E of Reno

24.5 Miles N of Reno

4.5 Mi SSW of Empire Mustang Dump

Corner Virginia Corner 7th Corner Pyramid Corner Atherton

Corner 7th Corner Kirman Corner 7th

Corner Vasser Corner Hunter Lake Corner Peckham Corner 9th Corner Atherton Corner Hunter Lake

I-80 & McCarran Mt Rose Mtc Station MP 15.39

VYA Corporate Yard

SE Corner Grant St

MP 69

Corner Plaza St Apn 11-191-09

Tower Building Idlewild Park LPG Plant

Adjacent to Huffaker Hills

North of Carson City Corner of Wells Ave Corner Vista Blvd

90 Ft From Mainline, South Side

Main Campus- Bldg 51

Stead Area Stead Area 25 Mi N of Gerlach

MP 60

5 Mi NE of Wadsworth

Rac Surface Lot. Area B Ste. A5 Rac Surface Lot. Area B Ste. A3 Rac Surface Lot. Area B Ste. A1 Rac Surface Lot. Area B Ste. A4 Rac Surface Lot. Area B Ste. A2 Damonte Pit Miramonte Pit

UNR Main Campus

15 Mi SE of Battle Mountain 17 Mi W of Winnemucca 15 Mi SE of Lovelock 36 Mi SE of Lovelock

20 Mi N of Fallon

I-80 Mi Marker 129; 25 Mi E of Lovelock

I-80 & Exit 151

West Side 20 Miles N of Golconda ESU-Unit ESU-Unit

ESU-Unit ESU-Unit ESU-Unit


30 Miles on SR-305

11 Mi N of Fallon on US-95

14 Miles SW of McDermitt

13 Mi E of Battle Mtn 10 Mi SE of Battle Mtn 20 Mi SE of Lovelock 13.2 Mi W of Winnemucca 2.8 Mi SE of Winnemucca 4 Mi E of Battle Mountain 20 Mi E of Parran 2 Mi E of Battle Mountain

19 Mi SW of Lovelock 2 Mi SE of Austin

3.8 Mi NW of Winnemucca 2.5 Mi SE of Humboldt

7 Miles NE of Exit 194, I 80 20 Mi NE of Exit 194, I 80

Sierra Place

2 Mile West on Hwy 293

Corner Haskell St MP 417.3

18 Mi W of Battle Mountain Junk Yard MP 81.50

MP 43.72 MP 51.85

East Ditch East Ditch - Wildes Rd

Airport - NWS Building

Winnemucca Municipal Airport

Sexton Mill

95 N, left @ Orovada on Kings River Rd Until Pavement Ends, 4 Miles Burns Bros Travel Stop

@ 11th St

Lovelock Beacon

8 Miles NW of Orovada Off 95 West of Winn I-80

At West Interchange La-24.10

11 Miles North of Orovada 1.1 Mile West of US-95

14 Mi E of Fernley

35 Mi E of Fernley

Corner Main St Corner Lay St Corner California Rd Corner Banak St

Alexander Ranch Bottle Creek 17 Mi SE of Midas 5 Mi S of Paradise Vly on Hwy 290. 1 Mi down Rd Off Hiway.

Farm Dist Rd, 5 Mi E of Fernley

25 Mi SW of Battle Mountain

US-95 A & I-80 Exit 46

Approx 30 Miles W of Austin 41.35n 118.10e

Approx 50 Miles E of Fallon

25 Miles NW of Winnemucca Off Sand Pass Rd

Adjacent to Lahontan Reservoir 40 Miles South of Winnemucca

15 North of Main Line 75 ft South Side of Main Line Main Street (Downtown) 40 Ft North Side of Main Line MP A-461.38

At US-95

60 Mi East of Fallon, NV

Code N45f 8 Mi N of Elko

25 Mi SW of Battle Mountain 6 Mi W of Wells 24 Miles E of Wells 32 Miles West of Elko

S of Jiggs

Baker Ranch

1/4 Mile W of I 80 & US-93

Bullion Vortac 60 Miles N of Ely Hwy 93 Lages Junction 12 Mi NW of Hwy US-93 A: 20 Mi N of Junction of 93/Alt93

15 Mi North of Carlin

17 Mi W of Elko

5 Mi NW of Kimberly SE Of

S of Jiggs to Foot of Big Bald Mtn

Ely Airport Adams St Between Central Sup Bldg & Gohde School

MP 94.96 @ Milepost 11.8

MP 16.77 at Emigrant Pass MP Eu-36.74

MP 19.54 Wp-11.79 MP -77.88 El MP 98.88 Pequop Summit MP 35.48 NW Corner MP 91.5

Schell Creek Division HNF White Pine Div HNF Railroad MP 534.5

O'Neil Home Ranch

15 Mi North of Carlin

Hwy Dept

43 Miles NW of Eureka 11th Between C & D

72 Mi NE of Ely NV

1 Mi N of Carlin 8 Mi W of I-80

60' W of Horse & Cattle Camp US-93 (.5m S of Jt US-93, H&C Rd) NYTC Campus-3 Mi E- of Elko

12 Mi East of Wells

50 Mi So Ruby Valley

Baker Elementary

3 Mi E of Baker 33 Mi NW of I-80; Exit 254 NE 1/4 Sect. 4, T36n, R49e,ndb&M FR-459 MP 5 (N Side of I-80)

34 Mi W of Elko 7 Mi N Eureka


11th St Between C & D

Corner Fourth St

4 Mi NW of Lund on SR-318 Carlin Tunnels

2 Miles W of Eureka on Ruby Hill

60 Mi N Elko Hilltop Site Lee Area

Elko Mtn Microwave Site

20 Miles SE of Elko on Lamoille Hwy

200'e & .6 Mi S of Intersection of 221 & 278

Next to Machine Shop & Barn

5 Mi S of Mountain City

Miller Basin/Steptoe Valley

20 Mi East of Elko

26 Mi N of Elko on SR-225 20 Miles N of Deeth

14 Miles N of Eureka Landfill Site

Jiggs Unit 14

Corner Hwy 93

40 Mi N of Deeth

28 Miles S of Ely

15 Mi West of Wendover, Exit 39

12 Mi SW of Mtn City on Trail Cr

130 Ft Off Mainline - South 30 Ft S of Mainline South of Mainline (21 Ft) North Side of Track Near Cutoff 20 Ft Off Mainline Track North 45 Ft North of Mainline Summit of Elko Mtn 8 Mi NE of Elko

Rydon Unit #1

South Spring Valley At I-80

6 Mi SE of Beatty

Near Currant Summit 38 Miles SW of Ely 80 Mi W of Ely 5.2 Mi S of Mercury Campsite Hiway 376 MP 54 East on Driveway 1/8 Mile

22 Mi E of Pioche on Mt Wilson 22 Mi E of Pioche on Mt Wilson 18 Mi NE of Pioche on Mt Wilson 18 Mi NE of Pioche on Mt Wilson (Wilson Creek)

At of Tonopah Airport

Block 64 Lots 1-4

1 Mi Up Smoky Valley Rd

MP 438.4 MP 454.8 MP 484.2 MP 459.6 26 Mi NE of SR-376, MP 61

MP Ln 40,96 MP Ny 60 Ny-53.36 Blue Jay Maint Sta US-6 Ny-65.80

MP 3.46


Lincoln & White Pine County Line (Geyser Springs)

Quinn Div of HNF Area 10

Small Mining Camp

25 Mi North of Tonopah MP 54

Airport Rd 1 Mi W of US-93 County Courthouse Take US-93;Turn Onto SR-322; Go 1 Mile to Camp on Left Shop Complex Corner Friday Rd

E Side Hwy 93, S of Intersection With St Rt 318, 8 Mi N of Alamo

E Side of SR-318 3 Miles N of Hiko 30 Mi S of Lund 74 Mi N of Las Vegas 9 Mi S of Scotty's Junction 300 Yds W of US-93, 1 Mi N of Panaca Y Jct

South of Hwy 375

SR-319 (N Side) 1.7 Mi E of US-93

Spring Valley

I Mi S of Alamo on Hiway 93

Coyote Springs MP 8.5 US-95 26 Mi NE of SR-376, MP 61 Death Valley Junction 1/2 Mi N of Alamo Erie Main Street Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range, Building 810

Death Valley Junction

55 Mi NE of Tonopah 12 Mi N of Hwy 6

Jct Hwy 95 & Hwy 373

At Clover Creek

@ Boothill Dr Off Hwy 39 7.5 Mi N of Goodsprings 15.5 Mi SW of Henderson 14.5 Mi N of I-15 40 Mi NE of Las Vegas 10.6 Mi S of Jean 12 Mi W of Searchlight

Hndn Poleyard

B/City Henderson

North 3


West 6 Mohave Generating Station Sunrise Landfill

Corner Jones Blvd

20 Mi NW of Goodsprings Mt Potosi 10 Mi NE of Nelson 13 Mi W of Mesquite; 8 Mi N of I-15 10 Mi NW of Goodsprings 13.5 Mi West of Mesquite 1/2 Mi S of I-15

15 Mi NE of Las Vegas on Old Salt Lake Highway E St Between Pioneer Chloralkal and Kerr McGee P 2 Mi S of Overton-Meads Hwy

16 Mi SSE of Las Vegas

Los Prados Golf Course Top of Harden Pk (Black Mtn) MP 1

45 Mi North of Las Vegas

Corner Titanium

No Such Number 1/93 Corner Highland Corner Eastern Ave Corner Charleston Blvd Corner Vegas Plaza

Corner Horizon Pkwy

Corner Nellis Blvd Corner Antelope Corner W Flamingo

Corner Stewart Ave

Corner M L King Corner Jones Blvd

Corner Tropicana Ave

Corner Bonanza Rd @ Water St Corner of Basic Corner Dauphin

Corner Eastern Ave MP 363.2 MP 393.0 MP 383.1 Near Nipton, Ca

Lake Mead National Recreation

Boulder Beach Main Yard Echo Bay Main Yard

I-15 @ Blue Diamond Rd NE Corner Upland

2.5 Miles West of Kingston Rd In Sandy Valley

Boulder City Maintenance Yard Angels Peak - Mt Charleston

Mt Charleston Rose St Emergency Entrance

East Airfield, N-Y S-Y

Corner Edison Way

At Tropicana MP 0.10

MP 5.10 Mountain Springs Maintenance Station/SR-160 @ M.P. 21.30 MP 18.47

Indian Springs Air Force Aux. Fld Hoover Dam

10 Mi S of Searchlight 25 Mi NW of Las Vegas

N Corner Boulder Hwy 2461 S Buffalo Rd (Lube)

@ Annie Oakley Dr

Hwy 169 Shop Facility

12 Mi South of Searchlight


Boulder City Red Mountain Campaige Place Parking Lot

At Primadonna Hotel & Casino Sunrise Mountain Landfill

Bmi Complex

Boulder City Red Mountain

Arden Cima Subdivision MP 322.4 Bomb Shelter

Corner Jones Blvd Corner Meadows

West of TWA Cargo Operation

NE Corner W/ Harmon Av Corner Mt Vista

Mt Charleston Hwy to #39 to #180 L-Shaped Property 123 W Imperial

15 Mi SW of Las Vegas

Buffalo Pit & Mill

Hot Plants 2 Mi N of Logandale

Chemline Quarry Broadbent Facility

Arville Facility

15 Miles South

7 Mi W of Searchlight Bravo Inc./R & R Concrete

Main Street Tower

Corner Blue Diamond

Tonopah Test Range (Classified Facility)

West Side of Airport West of Old Lighting Vault

@ Russell Corner Russell Rd Corner Harmon Ave Corner Pyle

Corner Serene

Corner Pebble Rd

Corner Sloan Corner Wynn Rd

At US-95

@ Walnut Jct Hwy 95 & Hwy 163, 8 Mi S of Cal Nev Ari

At Las Vegas Blvd @ Main St

@ Grand Canyon 42.5 Mi NW of Beatty 18.5 Mi NW of Luning 4 Mi NW of Schurz 11 Mi NE of Mina 6 Mi SE on US-95 6 Mi W on US-95 Silver Peak Operations US-95

56 Miles South

Block 58 Lot 17 Block 39 Lots 13 & 14

US-95, Mi 15.7 Montgomery Pass, Mn 8.3

Silver Peak Operations

Smith Ranch Between 8th & 9th Streets

Between C & D Streets A St Between 5th & 6th St

Mile Marker #8

At Sp Tracks

SE of Hiway 23 & 95

Walker River Indian Reservation Walker River Indian Reservation 37 Mi NE of Beatty Near Tonopah

MP 11

Hwy 95 & Walker Lake

Northwest Corner Old State Archives Library

At Bridge

Fabrication Yard Siskon Property Corner Moana Ln

Toquima Range

Toiyabe National Forest

10 Miles E of Winnemucca on I 80

Mine Maintenance Facility

Elko Armory Oms

6 Miles S of Carlin Pine Valley Oil Field 2 Miles NE of Elko

Jerritt Canyon Mine

Lamoille Residence USDA

Delmar Valley Cattle Ranch K: City Directories

No documents have been associated with this appendix. L: Prior Reports

No documents have been associated with this appendix. M: Title Records Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89149

Inquiry Number: 2935852.8 December 03, 2010

The EDR Property Tax Map Report

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 800.352.0050 Environmental Data Resources Inc www.edrnet.com EDR Property Tax Map Report

Environmental Data Resources, Inc.'s EDR Property Tax Map Report is designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential environmental conditions on a target property by understanding property boundaries and other characteristics. The report includes a search of available property tax maps, which include information on boundaries for the target property and neighboring properties, addresses, parcel identification numbers, as well as other data typically used in property location and identification.

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice

This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2008 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 2935852.8 Page 2 Asset# 10267F006 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89149

Inquiry Number: 2935852.7 December 07, 2010

The EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report

440 Wheelers Farms Road Milford, CT 06461 800.352.0050 Environmental Data Resources Inc www.edrnet.com The EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report

The EDR Environmental LienSearch Report provides results from a search of available current land title records for environmental cleanup liens and other activity and use limitations, such as engineering controls and institutional controls.

A network of professional, trained researchers, following established procedures, uses client supplied address information to: • search for parcel information and/or legal description; • search for ownership information; • research official land title documents recorded at jurisdictional agencies such as recorders' offices, registries of deeds, county clerks' offices, etc.; • access a copy of the deed; • search for environmental encumbering instrument(s) associated with the deed; • provide a copy of any environmental encumbrance(s) based upon a review of key words in the instrument(s) (title, parties involved, and description); and • provide a copy of the deed or cite documents reviewed.

Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments.

Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice

This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction orforecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2010 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. The EDR Environmental LienSearch™ Report


ADDRESS 6660 Grand Montecito Parkway Asset# 10267F006 Las Vegas, NV 89149

RESEARCH SOURCE Source 1: Clark County Register of Deeds Clark, NV


Deed 1: Type of Deed: Deed Title is vested in: FDIC - as receiver for SouthwestUSA Bank Title received from: Nevada Title Co Deed Dated 11/12/2010 Deed Recorded: 11/17/2010 Book: NA Page: NA Volume: NA Instrument: 20101117:03310 Docket: NA Land Record Comments: NA Miscellaneous Comments: NA

Legal Description: See Exhibit

Legal Current Owner: FDIC - as receiver for SouthwestUSA Bank

Property Identifiers: APN 125-20-711-007

Comments: See Exhibit

ENVIRONMENTAL LIEN Environmental Lien: Found ¨ Not Found ý




CLIENT INFORMATION Client: Environmental Data Resources Report Date: 12/08/2010 Client No.: 12010 Index Date: 12/02/2010 Address: 440 Wheelers Farms Rd Order ID: 012-201-1-2074 Milford, CT 06460 Client Ref.: 2935852.10 Contact: Ashley Crotty PO Number: N/A Phone: 800-352-0050 Delivery: [email protected] CURRENT OWNER INFORMATION Current Owner of Record: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver for Southwest USA Bank Current Site Address: 6660 GRAND MONTECITO PKWY LAS VEGAS, NV 89149- County of Research: CLARK LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL VII:


NOTE: Ameristar does not represent that the above legal description, acreage, or square footage calculations are correct. We have taken this information directly from a document recorded at the courthouse. PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 125-20-711-007

DISCLAIMER: This report contains information obtained from public records, and being that our company is not the primary provider of such, Ameristar cannot and will not, for the fee charged, be an insurer or guarantor of the accuracy or reliability of said information. Ameristar does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, currentness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of services provided. Further, Ameristar’s sole liability is limited to the cost of this report only. Ameristar is not liable to user for any loss or injury arising out of or caused, in whole or in part, by Ameristar’s acts or omissions, whether negligent or otherwise, in procuring, compiling, collecting, interpreting, reporting, communicating, or delivering the services or information contained herein. THIS REPORT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT, OPINION OF TITLE, TITLE COMMITMENT NOR GUARANTEE, OR TITLE INSURANCE POLICY.

500 South Nolen Drive, Ste 100 Southlake TX 76092 Phone (800) 920-9270 Fax (800) 920-9271

Page 2 of 8

DEED / OWNERSHIP INFORMATION Search was performed from 12/02/1940 through 12/02/2010.


DATED: 10/13/1953 GRANTOR: Harry Cobb and Sonia Lubin Cobb GRANTEE: Stan Irwin COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 416301


DATED: 05/14/1962 GRANTOR: Louise Addessi, who acquired title under name Louise Fletcher GRANTEE: Louise Addessi COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 360.290924


DATED: 03/26/1963 GRANTOR: Stan Irwin GRANTEE: William O’Dell COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 431.347927


DATED: 09/16/1971 GRANTOR: Louise Addessi GRANTEE: Ann Chamerlain COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 163.130081


DATED: 09/16/1971 GRANTOR: Ann Chamberlain GRANTEE: Louise Addessi, a widow, Anthony F. Kiraly and Alta B. Kiraly, husband and wife COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 163.130082


DATED: 06/03/1975 GRANTOR: Anthony F. Kiraly GRANTEE: Alta B. Kiraly COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 523.482375


DATED: 06/03/1975 GRANTOR: Louise Addessi GRANTEE: Alta B. Kiraly COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 523.482376

500 South Nolen Drive, Ste 100 Southlake TX 76092 Phone (800) 920-9270 Fax (800) 920-9271

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DATED: 06/03/1975 GRANTOR: Alta B. Kiraly GRANTEE: William Steinbarth and Sandra Steinbarth COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 523.482377


DATED: 04/02/1976 GRANTOR: William L. O’Dell GRANTEE: Winchester Properties COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 609.568659


DATED: 03/08/1977 GRANTOR: Sandra Steinbarth GRANTEE: William L. Steinbarth COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 715.674358


DATED: 05/02/1977 GRANTOR: William Steinbarth GRANTEE: Bernard F. Murphy and Nancy A. Murphy, an undivided ½ interest COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 733.692992


DATED: 11/14/1979 GRANTOR: Winchester Properties GRANTEE: Douglas E. Simms COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 1147.1106295


DATED: 01/11/1980 GRANTOR: William Steinbarth 40.1891% interest GRANTEE: Bernard F. Murphy and Nancy A. Murphy COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 1172.1131545


DATED: 1/11/1980 GRANTOR: Bernard F. Murphy and Nancy A. Murphy 40.1891% interest of an undivided one-half interest and William Steinbarth 59.8109% interest GRANTEE: Susumu Murashige COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 1172.1131548

500 South Nolen Drive, Ste 100 Southlake TX 76092 Phone (800) 920-9270 Fax (800) 920-9271

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DATED: 04/27/1982 GRANTOR: Bernard F. Murphy and Nancy A. Murphy GRANTEE: Ida L. Kamph COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 1557.1516634


DATED: 06/25/1982 GRANTOR: Ida L. Kamph, also known as Ida Kamph GRANTEE: Meadows and Co. COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 1585.1544758


DATED: 12/29/1988 GRANTOR: Douglas E. Simms GRANTEE: Winchester Properties COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 881229-992


DATED: 04/10/1989 GRANTOR: Winchester Properties GRANTEE: Kapedo Developers COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 890410-236


DATED: 11/22/1989 GRANTOR: Meadows and Company GRANTEE: Bernard F. and Nancy A. Murphy COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 881205-728


DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: Randi Doroshow GRANTEE: Steven M. Doroshow COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-355


DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: Lisa Kaercher GRANTEE: W. Allen Kaercher COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-356

500 South Nolen Drive, Ste 100 Southlake TX 76092 Phone (800) 920-9270 Fax (800) 920-9271

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DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: Peggy Pettis GRANTEE: James E. Pettis COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-357


DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: Kapedo Developers GRANTEE: Steven M. Doroshow, 1/3 interest COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-358


DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: Kapedo Developers GRANTEE: James E. Pettis, 1/3 interest COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-359


DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: Kapedo Developers GRANTEE: W. Allen Kaercher, 1/3 interest COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-360


DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: W. Allen Kaercher, 1/3 interest GRANTEE: Cir. Corporation COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-361


DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: Steven M. Doroshow, 1/3 interest GRANTEE: Cir. Corporation COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-362


DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: Cir. Corporation, 1/3 interest GRANTEE: Ali Fayeghi and Shanin Fayeghi, 1/3 interest, Saeid Behnamjou, 1/3 interest and Ali Akabar Karim and Mahin Mostofi-Afshar, 1/3 interest COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-363

500 South Nolen Drive, Ste 100 Southlake TX 76092 Phone (800) 920-9270 Fax (800) 920-9271

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DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: Cir. Corporation, 1/3 interest GRANTEE: Ali Fayeghi and Shanin Fayeghi, 1/3 interest, Saeid Behnamjou, 1/3 interest and Ali Akabar Karim and Mahin Mostofi-Afshar, 1/3 interest COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-364


DATED: 03/16/1990 GRANTOR: James E. Pettis, 1/3 interest GRANTEE: Ali Fayeghi and Shanin Fayeghi, 1/3 interest, Saeid Behnamjou, 1/3 interest and Ali Akabar Karim and Mahin Mostofi-Afshar, 1/3 interest COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 900316-363


DATED: 05/28/1991 GRANTOR: Saeid Behnamjou, who acquired title as a single man and Farzaneh Behnamjou, husband and wife GRANTEE: Ahmad Behmanjou, 1/3 interest COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 910528-346


DATED: 07/31/1992 GRANTOR: Ahmad Behnamjou and Esmat Jourahchian Esfahani, husband and wife GRANTEE: Ahmad Behnamjou, as Trustee of the Behnamjou Revocable Trust dated the 10th day of July, 1992 COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 920731-998


DATED: 05/06/1993 GRANTOR: Ali Fayeghi and Shanin Fayeghi, husband and wife, Ali Akabar Karim and Afshar Mahin Mostofi, husband and wife, and Ahmad Behnamjou, Trustee of The Behamjou Revocable Trust, the said Afshar Mahin Mostofi being the same person as mahin Mostofi-Afshar GRANTEE: Mark S. McInosh COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 930506-321


DATED: 05/06/1993 GRANTOR: Mark S. McInosh and Mary F. McInosh GRANTEE: Mark S. McInosh COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 930506-322

500 South Nolen Drive, Ste 100 Southlake TX 76092 Phone (800) 920-9270 Fax (800) 920-9271

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DATED: 05/06/1993 GRANTOR: Mark S. McInotosh GRANTEE: Silver State Holding Company COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 930506-323


DATED: 01/10/1997 GRANTOR: Susumu Murashige, ½ interest and Bernard F. Murphy and Nancy A. Murphy, ½ interest GRANTEE: American West Homes, Inc. COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 970110-1522


DATED: 02/03/1997 GRANTOR: Silver State Holding Company GRANTEE: Ruby River, LLC COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 970203-1074


DATED: 03/02/1999 GRANTOR: Ruby River, LLC GRANTEE: DJ I, LLC COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 990302-56


DATED: 11/20/1998 GRANTOR: American West Homes, Inc. GRANTEE: TC 152 LLC COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 2 INST. NO.: 981120-2311


DATED: 12/01/1999 GRANTOR: DJ I, LLC GRANTEE: TC 152 LLC COMMENTS: Being a section of the subject site. Portion 1 INST. NO.: 19991201-2004


DATED: 08/03/2004 GRANTOR: Montecito Town Center LLC (Formerly TC 152 LLC) GRANTEE: MTC 118, Inc. COMMENTS: Being all sections of the subject site. All Portions INST. NO.: 20040803-4310

500 South Nolen Drive, Ste 100 Southlake TX 76092 Phone (800) 920-9270 Fax (800) 920-9271 Page 8 of 8


DATED: 08/03/2004 GRANTOR: MTC 118, Inc. GRANTEE: Spinnaker Homes VII LLC INST. NO.: 20040803-4311


DATED: 10/08/2008 GRANTOR: Spinnaker Homes VII LLC GRANTEE: Spinnaker Homes VII LLC INST. NO.: 20081008-1044


DATED: 12/29/2008 GRANTOR: Spinnaker Homes VII LLC GRANTEE: Spinnaker Homes VII LLC INST. NO.: 20081229-2321


DATED: 11/17/2010 GRANTOR: Nevada Title Company a Nevada corporation, as Trustee GRANTEE: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) as receiver for Southwest USA Bank INST. NO.: 20101117-3310

500 South Nolen Drive, Ste 100 Southlake TX 76092 Phone (800) 920-9270 Fax (800) 920-9271

N: Other Supporting Documents

No documents have been associated with this appendix. O: Quali®cations

Ann M. Saia Professional Assessor

Education: B.S., Geology, Tulane University, 1994

Licenses/Registrations: Nevada Certified Environmental Manager, EM-1896 OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 HAZWOPER

Years of Experience: 15 years

Summary of Professional Experience

Ms. Saia has 15 years experience in environmental consulting including Phase I environmental site assessments of residential and commercial properties and parcels of vacant land in the Boston area and the southwestern United States. The assessments were completed for a wide range of financial clients, attorneys and real estate companies and included site reconnaissance, records review, personal interviews, aerial photograph review and report generation, in addition to collecting asbestos, lead- based paint, lead in drinking water and radon gas samples for laboratory analysis. She has also conducted Phase II subsurface investigations including the drilling and installation of groundwater monitoring wells, soil and groundwater sampling and analysis of laboratory data. In addition, Ms. Saia has managed leaking underground storage tank projects in Arizona, Nevada and California. These projects included obtaining necessary permits, interacting with local and state regulatory agencies, initial assessment activities, quarterly groundwater monitoring sampling events, preparation of quarterly monitoring reports, remedial action plans and closure reports. Ms. Saia’s diversity across public and private industrial environments is a major contribution to Global Realty Services Assessment Companies Contractor team in the Southwestern United States.

RICHARD G. LEVIS RELATIONSHIP MANAGER OVERVIEW Mr. Levis has over fifteen years experience conducting, managing and serving as a client liaison in the environmental and engineering due diligence and real estate transaction services industry. Throughout his career, Mr. Levis has dedicated himself to providing technically‐sound and practical solutions and superior customer service to his clients. Given Mr. Levis’ broad technical background in both the environmental and engineering fields, he has been able to successfully develop a repeat client base including high profile lending institutions, national and regional property owners/private investors, and REITS. Mr. Levis combines an expertise assisting owners and developers with their acquisition/disposition due diligence needs (equity work), and knowledge of lender due diligence requirements (debt work) for Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and insurance company lending platforms. Mr. Levis is intimately familiar with the due diligence needs of a wide variety of end users that have differing risk tolerances. Mr. Levis also has extensive experience completing, managing, and coordinating various due diligence projects under programs including market rate loans, small loan programs, and tax credit deals across the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada.

ENVIRONMENTAL  Mr. Levis has performed and managed hundreds of Phase I and II ASSESSMENT environmental assessments and Regulatory Compliance Assessments on industrial/commercial/retail/multi‐family properties for private investors and major lending institutions.  Mr. Levis has completed thousands of technical QA/QC environmental reviews on all types of commercial property nationwide to ensure technical accuracy and compliance with current regulations and client‐ specific scopes of work.  Mr. Levis has managed thousands of environmental projects from proposal issuance through project completion which included extensive client communications throughout the duration of the project. PROPERTY CONDITION  Mr. Levis has performed and managed hundreds of Property Condition ASSESSMENT Assessments on industrial/commercial/retail/multi‐family properties for private investors and major lending institutions.  Mr. Levis has completed thousands of technical QA/QC engineering reviews on all types of commercial property nationwide to ensure technical accuracy and compliance with current regulations and client‐ specific scopes of work for both acquisition and financing purposes.  Mr. Levis has coordinated over one hundred acquisition due diligence projects that included the use of specialty consultants such as roofing, building envelope, MEP/FLS, vertical transportation, accessibility (ADA and FHAA), and parking consultants. EXPERIENCE LANDAMERICA Client Manager

ASSESSMENT  Responsible for the timely issuance of environmental and property CORPORATION condition due diligence reports to a variety of clientele including on‐book and agency (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) lenders, life insurance companies, REITs, SBA lenders, brokers, and property owners for acquisition/disposition due diligence.

 Served as a Single Point of Contact for environmental and engineering due diligence products, appraisals, cost segregation studies, ALTA survey coordination, and title/escrow services from initial engagement through final delivery. Initiated frequent and proactive client contact throughout the duration of and subsequent to each project’s completion to ensure client’s complete satisfaction.

 Conducted sales and informational seminars on environmental and engineering due diligence products and expanded service offerings to both internal and external clients. PROPERTY SOLUTIONS Regional Manager INC. . Responsible for bidding and timely issuance of all west region environmental and engineering due diligence products. . Trained and managed environmental technical staff and administrative staff in Irvine, CA office. . Conducted all environmental technical reviews (Phase I and II ESAs, etc.) and interfaced directly with clients.

AFFILIATIONS Member, Columbia Corridor Association

EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATIONS . Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Lehigh University‐Bethlehem, PA

 AHERA Asbestos Building Inspector/Management Planner