ABCD Yellow Sale 2011
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ABCD Yellow Sale 2011 March 01 - July 31 Abstract Harmonic Analysis 2 Abstract Harmonic Analysis A. Deitmar S.G. Krantz A First Course in Harmonic Explorations in Harmonic Analysis C. Cabrelli, J.L. Torrea Analysis With Applications to Complex Function Theory From the reviews of the first edition: "This lovely book and the Heisenberg Group Recent Developments in Real and is intended as a primer in harmonic analysis at the This self-contained text provides an introduction to undergraduate level. All the central concepts of har- modern harmonic analysis in the context in which Harmonic Analysis monic analysis are introduced using Riemann integral In Honor of Carlos Segovia it is actually applied, in particular, through complex and metric spaces only. The exercises at the end of function theory and partial differential equations. It A collection of invited chapters dedicated to Carlos each chapter are interesting and challenging..." Sanjiv takes the novice mathematical reader from the rudi- Segovia, this unified and self-contained volume exam- Kumar Gupta for MathSciNet "... In this well-written ments of harmonic analysis (Fourier series) to the ines recent developments in real and harmonic analy- textbook the central concepts of Harmonic Analysis Fourier transform, pseudodifferential operators, and sis. The work begins with a chronological description are explained in an enjoyable way, while using very finally to Heisenberg analysis. Within the textbook, of Segovia’s mathematical life, his original ideas and little technical background. Quite surprisingly this the new ideas on the Heisenberg group are applied their evolution, which may be a source of inspira- approach works. It is not an exaggeration that each to the study of estimates for both the Szegö and Pois- tion for many mathematicians working in the fields undergraduate student interested in and each profes- son–Szegö integrals on the unit ball in complex space. of harmonic analysis, functional analysis, and par- sor teaching Harmonic Analysis will benefit from the Thus the main theme of the book is also tied into tial differential equations. Apart from this contribu- streamlined and direct approach of this book." Ferenc complex analysis of several variables. With a rigor- tion, two different types of chapters are featured in the Móricz for Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum This ous but well-paced exposition, this text provides all work: surveys dealing with Carlos’ favorite topics, and book is a primer in harmonic analysis using an ele- the necessary background in singular and fractional PDE works written by students and colleagues close mentary approach. Its first aim is to provide an intro- integrals, as well as Hardy spaces and the function to Segovia whose careers were in some way influenced duction to Fourier analysis, leading up to the Poisson theory of several complex variables, needed to under- by him. Specific topics covered include: * Vector-val- Summation Formula. Secondly, it makes the reader stand Heisenberg analysis. Explorations in Harmonic ued singular integral equations * Harmonic analysis aware of the fact that both, the Fourier series and the Analysis is ideal for graduate students in mathemat- related to Hermite expansions * Gas flow in porous Fourier transform, are special cases of a more gen- ics, physics, and engineering. Prerequisites include a media * Global well-posedness of the KPI Equation eral theory arising in the context of locally compact fundamental background in real and complex analysis * Monge–Ampère type equations and applications * abelian groups. The third goal of this book is to intro- and some exposure to functional analysis. Spaces of homogeneous type * Hardy and Lipschitz duce the reader to the techniques used in harmonic More on spaces * One-sided operators This book will be use- analysis of noncommutative groups. There are two ful to graduate students as well as pure and applied new chapters in this new edition. One on distribu- Available mathematicians interested in new mathematical tions will complete the set of real variable methods developments in areas related to real and harmonic introduced in the first part. The other on the Heisen- 2009. XIV, 360 p. 26 illus. (Applied and Numerical analysis. Contributors: H. Aimar, A. Bonami, O. berg Group provides an example of a group that is Harmonic Analysis, ) Blasco, L.A. Caffarelli, S. Chanillo, J. Feuto, L. Forzani, neither compact nor abelian, yet is simple enough to 978-0-8176-4668-4 C.E. Gutíerrez, E. Harboure, A.L. Karakhanyan, C.E. easily deduce the Plancherel Theorem. Professor Deit- Kenig, R.A. Macías, J.J. Manfredi, F.J. Martín-Reyes, mar is Professor of Mathematics at the University of P. Ortega, R. Scotto, A. de la Torre, J.L. Torrea T"ubingen, Germany. He is a former Heisenberg fel- low and has taught in the U.K. for some years. In his More on leisure time he enjoys hiking in the mountains and Available practicing Aikido. 2009. XXII, 196 p. 13 illus. (Applied and Numerical Harmonic More on Analysis, ) 978-0-8176-4531-1 Available 2005. XII, 204 p. (Universitext, ) 978-0-387-22837-2 Algebra 3 Algebra is Professor of Mathematics at Universität Osnabrück. Joseph Gubeladze is Professor of Mathematics at San Francisco State University. More on Available 2009. XIV, 461 p. 52 illus. (Springer Monographs in Mathematics, ) 978-0-387-76355-2 J. Elias, J.M. Giral, R.M. Miró-Roig, S. Zarzuela Six Lectures on Commutative M. Bronstein Algebra Symbolic Integration I Interest in commutative algebra has surged over the past decades. In order to survey and highlight recent Transcendental Functions developments in this rapidly expanding field, the First edition received rave reviews The second edition Centre de Recerca Matematica in Bellaterra organized offers a new chapter on parallel integration Includes a ten-days Summer School on Commutative Algebra additional exercises in 1996. Lectures were presented by six high-level spe- cialists, L. Avramov (Purdue), M.K. Green (UCLA), More on L.N. Childs C. Huneke (Purdue), P. Schenzel (Halle), G. Valla Available (Genova) and W.V. Vasconcelos (Rutgers), provid- 2005. XVI, 325 p. (Algorithms and Computation in A Concrete Introduction to Higher ing a fresh and extensive account of the results, tech- Mathematics, 1) Algebra niques and problems of some of the most active areas 978-3-540-21493-9 of research. The present volume is a synthesis of the This book is an informal and readable introduction lectures given by these authors. Research workers as to higher algebra at the post-calculus level. The con- well as graduate students in commutative algebra and cepts of ring and field are introduced through study nearby areas will find a useful overview of the field of the familiar examples of the integers and polyno- and recent developments in it. Reviews "All six articles mials. A strong emphasis on congruence classes leads are at a very high level; they provide a thorough sur- in a natural way to finite groups and finite fields. The vey of results and methods in their subject areas, illus- new examples and theory are built in a well-motivated trated with algebraic or geometric examples." - Acta fashion and made relevant by many applications - to Scientiarum Mathematicarum Avramov lecture: "... cryptography, error correction, integration, and espe- it contains all the major results [on infinite free res- cially to elementary and computational number the- olutions], it explains carefully all the different tech- ory. The later chapters include expositions of Rabin's niques that apply, it provides complete proofs (…). probabilistic primality test, quadratic reciprocity, the This will be extremely helpful for the novice as well classification of finite fields, and factoring polyno- as the experienced." - Mathematical reviews Huneke mials over the integers. Over 1000 exercises, ranging lecture: "The topic is tight closure, a theory developed from routine examples to extensions of theory, are by M. Hochster and the author which has in a short W. Bruns, J. Gubeladze found throughout the book; hints and answers for time proved to be a useful and powerful tool. (…) many of them are included in an appendix. The new The paper is extremely well organized, written, and Polytopes, Rings, and K-Theory edition includes topics such as Luhn's formula, Karat- motivated." - Zentralblatt MATH Schenzel lecture: suba multiplication, quotient groups and homomor- "… this paper is an excellent introduction to appli- This book treats the interaction between discrete con- phisms, Blum-Blum-Shub pseudorandom numbers, cations of local cohomology." - Zentralblatt MATH vex geometry, commutative ring theory, algebraic root bounds for polynomials, Montgomery multipli- Valla lecture: "… since he is an acknowledged expert K-theory, and algebraic geometry. The basic mathe- cation, and more. "At every stage, a wide variety of on Hilbert functions and since his interest has been so matical objects are lattice polytopes, rational cones, applications is presented...The user-friendly expo- broad, he has done a superb job in giving the readers affine monoids, the algebras derived from them, and sition is appropriate for the intended audience" - a lively picture of the theory." - Mathematical reviews toric varieties. The book discusses several proper- T.W. Hungerford, Mathematical Reviews "The style Vasconcelos lecture: "This is a very useful survey on ties and invariants of these objects, such as efficient is leisurely and informal, a guided tour through the invariants of modules over noetherian rings, relations generation, unimodular triangulations and covers, foothills, the guide unable to resist numerous side between them, and how to compute them." - Zentral- basic theory of monoid rings, isomorphism problems paths and return visits to favorite spots..." - Michael blatt MATH and automorphism groups, homological properties Rosen, American Mathematical Monthly and enumerative combinatorics.