WAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Meeting August 6, 2012 2:00 P.M. Room 700, Wake County Courthouse Meeting Called to Order: Chairman Paul Coble Members present were: Chairman Paul Y. Coble, Vice Chair Phil Matthews and Commissioners Joe Bryan, Tony Gurley, Ervin Portman, Betty Lou Ward, James West Others attending were: David C. Cooke, County Manager, Susan J. Banks, Clerk to the Board, Scott Warren, County Attorney, Denise Hogan, Deputy Clerk, Johnna Rogers and Joe Durham, Deputy County Managers. Pledge of Allegiance Invocation: Commissioner Joe Bryan Items of Business Approval of Agenda County Manager David Cooke asked to remove item #9 from the agenda. Chairman Coble asked to pull item #7 from the consent agenda for discussion. Betty Lou Ward motioned, seconded by Tony Gurley, to approval the agenda with the removal of item #9, Wide Area Network Infrastructure contract from the agenda and remove item #7 from the consent agenda for discussion. The motion passed unanimously. Approval of the Minutes of the Commissioners' Regular Meeting on July 2, 2012 Tony Gurley motioned, seconded by Phil Matthews, to approve the Minutes of the Commissioners’ Regular Meeting on July 2, 2012. The motion passed unanimously. Proclamation Honoring Dr. William Weston Hedrick for Providing Over 50 Years of Medical Care to the People of Wake County 1 Chairman Coble said that Dr. William Weston Hedrick for providing over 50 years of medical care to the people of Wake County. Chairman Coble read aloud the proclamation. Betty Lou Ward motioned, seconded by Tony Gurley, to approve the Proclamation Honoring Dr. William Weston Hedrick for Providing Over 50 Years of Medical Care to the People of Wake County.
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