בס״ד PIRCHEI Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 2 Issue: 17 - כ"ב שבט , תשע"ה - February 14, 2015 פרשה: משפטים\שקלים - )מפטיר שמות ל:יא-טז( הפטרה: בן שבע שנים... )מלכים ב יא:יז-יב:יז( דף יומי: כתובות י״ב - מברכים ר״ח אדר )מולד אור ליום חמישי בשעה: חלקים 2 23:59+( מצות תעשה: 16 מצות לא תעשה: 8


for as , מִ צְ וֹ ת The second reason is to know how to observe the . מִ צְ וֹ ת all … וַּיִקְרָ א ְבא זְנֵי הָעָםוַּיֹאמְ רוּּכֹל ראֲׁשֶ ִּד ֶ ר בה׳ נַעֲׂשֶה וְנִׁשְמָ ע An ignoramus cannot — ֹלא עַם ָהארֶ ץ חָסִ יד ,(ב:ו) ּפִרְקֵ י אבוֹת teach us in חַ זַ ״ ל read it in the ears of the nation and they said, “All that [ מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה] and he … .be a righteous person .(ׁשְ מוֹת כד:ז) ”has spoken we will do and we will hear ה׳ they , ַנ עֲ ׂשֶ ה said ּכְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל that says: When ז וֹ הַ ר quotes a ֵ בי ת הַ לֵ ִ ו י We will do, thereby accepting responsibility The , ַנ עֲ ׂשֶ ה proclaimed ּכְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל upon themselves, and when they said ּת וֹ רָ ה of the מִ צְ וֹ ת accepted the מִ צְ וֹ ת We will hear. They accepted the , ִנ ׁשְ מָ ע before , מִ צְ וֹ ת to follow the because ּת וֹ רָ ה of learning מִ צְ וָ ה they accepted upon themselves the , ִנ ׁשְ מָ ע .entailed מִ צְ וֹ ת even before they knew what those Therefore, explains the . ּת וֹ ה רָ ל ְ ׁשְ מָ ה — ד׳ it would bring them close to ּדָ ַרׁש ַר ִ בי סִ ימַ אי: ְׁשָעָ ב הׁשֶהִקְדִ ימוּ יִׂשְרָאֵ ל הנַעֲׂשֶ לְנִׁשְמָ ע, :states (פח.) ׁשַ ָ בת in ְ ּג מָ רָ א The ,We will do and we will hear , ה נַעֲׂשֶ וְ נִ ׁשְ מָ ע said ּכְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל when , ֵ בי ת הַ לֵ ִ ו י ָאוּ ׁשִׁשִ בים רִ יבּוֹא ׁשֶ ל מַלְאֲכֵ יהַׁשָרֵ ת,לְכָ ל אֶחָ ד דוְאֶחָ מִ יִׂשְרָאֵ לקָׁשְ רוּלוֹ ׁשְ נֵיּכְתָרִ ים, דאֶחָ ּכְנֶגֶד even if it has nothing , ּת וֹ ה רָ ל ְ ׁשְ מָ ה learning of , ִנ ׁשְ מָ ע they were accepting ּכְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל Rav Simai taught: At the moment that — נַעֲׂשֶ הוְאֶחָ דּכְנֶגֶד נִׁשְמָ ע. ,would have said it the other way ּכְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל However, if . ַנ עֲ ׂשֶ ה descended [from heaven] to do with מַ ְלאכִ ים 600,000 , ִנ ׁשְ מָ ע before ַנ עֲ ׂשֶ ה stated could have been understood to mean that ִנ ׁשְ מָ ע the word , נִ ׁשְ ע מָ וְ נַעֲׂשֶ ה ּכְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל and placed two crowns on the heads of each member of and 1 [crown] in the merit of they were only accepting upon themselves the obligation to learn ַנ עֲ ׂשֶ ה [crown] in the merit of [saying] 1 — That sort of acceptance would . מִ צְ וֹ תas a means of fulfilling other ּת וֹ רָ ה . ִנ ׁשְ מָ ע [saying] not mean taking upon themselves the great of learning for its ּת וֹ רָ ה מִ צְ וָ ה 'asks an intriguing question based on this statement. R ֵ בי ת הַ לֵ ִ ו י The Simai implies that they received the two crowns because they said own sake. As such, they would not have received two crowns. in ְ ּג מָ רָ א wonders, “Would they not have received Thus, by saying that each Jew received two crowns, the ֵ בי ת הַ לֵ ִ ו י The . ִנ ׁשְ מָ ע before ַנ עֲ ׂשֶ ה they not , ִנ ׁשְ מָ ע before ַנ עֲ ׂשֶ ה placed ּכְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל is telling us that since ׁשַ ָ בת the two crowns if they would have said the words in the reverse order upon themselves, they also accepted upon מִ צְ וֹ ת only accepted the ”? נִ ׁשְ ע מָ וְ נַעֲׂשֶ ה — themselves to learn . Only by accepting this , about which מִ צְ וָ ה ּת וֹ רָ ה answers: The two crowns represent two different facets ֵ בי ת הַ לֵ ִ ו י The tell us ( ) , was each member of ּכְ ל לַ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל תַלְ מוּד תּוֹרָ ה כְנֶגֶד כּוּלָ ם ֵּפאה פ״א. חַ זַ ״ ל . ּת וֹ רָ ה There are two reasons for a person to learn . ּת וֹ רָ ה of accepting worthy of receiving two crowns — one in the merit of and one in ַנ עֲ ׂשֶ ה the greatest of , ּת וֹ ה רָ ל ְ ׁשְ מָ ה learning , ּתַ ְ ל מ וּ ד ּת וֹ רָ ה of מִ צְ וָ הOne is to fulfill the ִנ ׁשְ מָ ע of מִ צְ וָ ה the merit of the separate Adapted from: A Gut Vort (with kind permission from CIS)

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses

learned ר׳ אֱלִ יעֶזֶר גוֹרדוֹן זַצַ ״ל ,was born in Čarniany, As a youngster זַ צַ ״ ל R' Eliezer (Lazer) Gordon ד׳ אדר א׳ .in Kovno ר׳ יִׂשְרָאֵ ל סַלַנְטֶ ר זַצַ ״ל of ְי ׁשִ י בָ ה in the ר׳ חַ ִּי י ם of ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד a ,ר׳ אַבְרָהָ ם ׁשְ מוּאֵ ל זַצַ ״ל , to 5670 - 5601 had the inborn ר׳ גוֹרדוֹן in Recognizing that ר׳ יִׂשְרָאֵ ל סַלַנְטֶ ר זַצַ ״ל of ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד מֻ ְ ב הָ ק He was a . װָ ל וֹ ִ ז ׳ י ן זַ צַ ״ ִל 1910 - 1841 trained him ר׳ י ִ ׂשְ רָ אֵ ל , ר ֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה and traits of a ר׳ יִצְחָ ק בּלאָזֶר זַצַ ״ל, ר׳ ׂשִמְחָ ה זִיסְ ל זִיו זַצַ ״ל in Kovno together with ְי ׁשִ י בָ ה his as ר׳ גוֹרדוֹן in Kovno, but for this position and appointed רָ ב among others. R' Lazer served as ,ר׳ נַפְטָלִ י אַמְסְטֶרְדַ ם זַצַ ״ל Interestingly, twice . ְי ׁשִ י בָ ה in the ּגמַ י ִ ד ׁשִ ע וּ ר of Kelm, where he opened a a רָ ב left after three months to become the of a רָ ב was offered the position as ר׳ גוֹרדוֹן ,R' Lazer then moved to Slabodka where he stayed for six months . ְי ׁשִ י בָ ה In 1897, he prestigious city while he was learning and . ר ֹ א ׁש י ְ ׁשִ י בָ ה and רָ ב before finally settling in Telz, to become the After a being supported by his father-in-law, but his . הַ ׂשְ ּכָ לָ ה to help fight the influences of מַ ׁשְ ִ ּג י חַ as ר׳ לײבּ חַסְמַ ן זַצַ ״ל hired R' Lazer went to London on a fund- father-in-law refused to let him accept, explaining to his , ְי ׁשִ י בָ ה fire in 1908 destroyed the Telz ר׳ גוֹרדוֹן while there. He was buried in the Edmonton family, "Who knows whether we are sustaining ִ נ ְ פ טָ ר raising mission and was "? ּת וֹ רָ ה Federation Cemetery in London. with our money, or he is supporting us with his

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standards. However, he ּכַ ׁשְ ר וּ ת were too tired to maintain scrupulous וְגֵרֹלא תוֹנֶה … ּכִי גֵרִ ים הֱײִתֶ ם בְאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם … אַלְמָנָה וְיָתוֹם ֹלא תְעַַ נּוּן. You shall not hurt [or oppress] a stranger — you shall not cause pain told his family that his real purpose for the order was to protect the .workers from being exploited and overworked .(ׁשְ מוֹת כב:כא-כב) to any widow or orphan is not referring only to these To enforce this order, R' Gordon ruled that any bakery owner who ּת וֹ רָ ה that the מְ י כִ ל ְ ּתָ א quotes the רַ ׁשִ ״ י ּכַ ׁשְ ר וּ ת specifies the widow and orphan as they disregarded the order would be deprived of his community ּת וֹ רָ ה specific individuals. The are usually more venerable and are easily pained; however, one must certificate. He disguised his true reason for issuing the law because at not cause distress or pain to anyone. that time it was normal business practice to take advantage of those who were poor and less fortunate. מְ פֹרָׁשִ ים as a convert, the גֵ ר usually refers to a ּת וֹ רָ ה Even though the explain that this also refers to any stranger, even a fellow Jew Although it was common practice in the marketplace, he noticed who is a newcomer to a neighborhood or school. The punishment that some Jewish storekeepers used worn and inaccurate weights is severe. and measures. He issued an order requiring them to exchange their weights for new ones. To enforce this order, he personally inspected is written in the singular ּפָ ס וּ קfurther points out that the first אִ בְּ ן עֶ זְרָ א The the weights of the market vendors, forbidding them to use the old to [ ֹל א תְ עַַ נּ וּ ן] is written in the plural ּפָ ס וּ ק while the second [ֹלא תוֹנֶה] form inaccurate ones even when non-Jewish customers made purchases. imply that if the community allows even a single one of its members to related that when , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Gordon's son-in-law, R' will punish them all (based on commentary in ד׳ ,mistreat the helpless non-Jews came to Telz's market, they would ask that their items be .( מָחוּ ׁש the ArtScroll Stone ".s scales' רָ ב weighed on "the that ( בָ בָ א קַ ּמָ א י ז .) ְ ּג מָ רָ א brings the ( תאַהֲבַ דחֶסֶ קחֵלֶ ב׳ ּפֶרֶ ק ד׳) פֵחָ ץ חַ ִּי י ם The The gentiles came to respect and honor R' Gordon so much that they says that those who are respected for their learning and also perform would also ask him to bless them. They attributed their success to his that are found regarding ְ ברָ כ וֹ ת kindness to others in need will have the blessings. When R' Gordon met the governor of the Vilna district he fed all the people who were starving — his fellow countrymen י וֹ סֵ ף . י וֹ סֵ ף blessed him with success. Years later that governor became Russia's and also his extended family. He was therefore rewarded and given prime minister and he told his close confidants about the personal . עַ ּמִ ם י יְ נַ ח ּגַ יַ חְ ּדָ ו :that his enemies would fall before him, as it says ְ ברָ כָ ה the blessing he had received from R' Gordon. and was respected and loved by Jews חֵ ן of ְ ברָ כָ ה He was also given the and gentiles alike. On another occasion, the local council listened to R' Gordon when he protested the meat tax that Telz's Jewish residents were forced to * pay. R' Gordon insisted that this money not be used for churches or was involved not only with gentile schools, and he convinced the district's authorities to allocate זַ צַ ״ ל In Telz, R' Eliezer (Lazer) Gordon and for shul מִ קְ וָ א וֹ ת but was also deeply involved in communal affairs. The large sums from these revenues for the building of ְי ׁשִ י בָ ה the amendments he instituted in Telz reflect his greatness of spirit and maintenance. . מ וּ סָ רhow he was influenced by his study of combined with assisting ּת וֹ רָ ה R' Gordon, who lived a life of teaching bakeries employed men, women and even children and understanding the pain of those less fortunate, merited to be מַ ּצָ ה ,At that time .יוֹסֵף הַצַּדִ יק of ְ ברָ כ וֹ ת during the day and throughout most of the night. Deploring this situation, blessed with the bakeries by 11 מַ ּצָ ה R' Gordon issued strict orders to close all of Telz's p.m. His official reason for the order was that after that time the workers Adapted from: Yated Ne’eman (with kind permission from the publishers)

of Questions the week רש"י Chofetz ChaimMoment ספר ח״ח הלכות לשון הרע כלל ו׳ סעיף י״א

*Chaim came home with an interesting story. “Someone told me that he 1. What is the connection between a father and the beautiful followed Feivish all the way home and found out that he really lives in season of spring? to ’ מִ צְ וָ ה‘ luxury. He is a faker and he doesn't need the money at all. It is a spent six days in מ ֹ ׁשֶ ה What do we learn from the fact that spread around the ‘facts’ so that others should stop giving him money!” 2. ?מַחַנֶה ׁשְכִ ינָה His father listened and believed the story. The next day, when he saw preparation before he entered the Feivish sitting by the shul’s main entrance collecting money, he slipped

in by the side door to avoid Feivish.

ים ׁשִ דָ ּקָ הַ ׁש קֹד ֶ א רָ קְ וַּיִ ד״ה … ד״ה וַּיִ קְ רָ א – 24:16). – ( ] the entering before seclusion

א מָ וּ י א רָ מָ ּג ְ .ג ל וֹ ד גָ ן הֵ ֹ ּכ ֵן ג must spend 6 days in in days 6 spend must a that here from learns ) (

The] ?מְקַּבֵל לָ שׁוֹן הָרָ ע the fact that he was מְ תַ ּקֵ ן Can Chaim’s father easily be

ה נ ָ י כִ ׁשְ ֶ ה חַ נ מַ חַ נ ֶ ה ׁשְ כִ י נ ָ ה 2. required a prior six-day separation. separation. six-day prior a required

*Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations. the entered Whoever does not believe the story. the believe not does

ע רָ הָ ן וֹ ָר ׁש לָ ה לָ י חִ מְ ִיל Feivish. However, once the the once However, Feivish. or clearly show that he he that show clearly or ask must one repeated, is

יב ָאבִ הָ חֹדֶ שׁ ד״ה חֹדֶ שׁ הָ ָאבִ יב

23:15). – ( fruit its ripen to months the of earliest

ע רָ הָ וֹן ׁש ל ָ ל ב ֵ ק ַ מְ ע רָ הָ ן וֹ ׁש לָ ה לָ י חִ מְ ִיל from from ask not need and mind his of out the push must He . being

ב י בִ א ב א The springtime is the ‘firstborn’ and and ‘firstborn’ the is springtime The . is word the of root The 1. ן ּקֵ תַ מְת ק : : Answer be to easy relatively is it story the repeated not has father Chaim’s as long As

.should learn both יְ א רֵ ׁשָ מַ יִ ם a ; ּתַ ְר ּג וּ ם especially if one does not understand the , ּתַ ְר ּג וּ ם for רַ ׁשִ ״ י One may substitute .1 .three times instead of two times ּפְ ס וּ קִ י ם he should read those , רַ ׁשִ ״ י with no ּפְ ס וּ קִ י ם then for those , ּתַ ְר ּג וּ ם for רַ ׁשִ ״ י If one substitutes Halacha 2.

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3

הִ לְ כ וֹ � ת שׁ ְ נַ יִ ם מִ קְ ָ ר א וְ אֶ חָ ד ַּת רְ גּ� � וּ ם Program שׁ וֹ בָ בִ י ״ ם FocusonMiddos of מִ צְְ וָ ה - program שׁ וֹ בָ בִ י ״ם 6th week of :contest ְ שנַיִם מִקְרָא וְאֶחָ ד תַרְ גּוּם successfully influencing the there are now over 100 , מ וֹ צָ אֵ י ׁשַ ָ בת ear Talmid, With new faxes arriving around every 20 minutes on town council not to pay him for boys entered! This unique program is dedicated to strengthening and training boys in the ּפָ רָ ׁשָ ה Boys from 1st & 2nd grade should complete the !ׁשְנַיִם אמִקְרָ דוְאֶחָ ּתַ ְרּגוּם of מִ צְְ וָ ה In 5633/1873 the Russian beautiful , ִׁש ִ ׁשי 6th grade until , חֲ מִ י ִ ּ ׁשי 5th grade until , רְְ בִִ י עִ י 4th grade until , ְ ׁשלִ י ִ ׁשי 3rd grade until , ֵ ׁש ִ נ י since until רָ ב his first three years as authorities insisted that all Below are the current contestants, many . ּפָ רָ ׁשָ ה D his father-in-law, who had been 7th & 8th grades should complete the entire .Hebrew teachers, complete very wealthy, had never taken with more than one entry , מְ לַ מְ דִ י ם an advanced course of secular a salary. Grade 1: Yaakov Mordechai Schacham, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Yehuda Leib studies by a certain date. As the Solomon, Mosdos Ohr Hatorah, Cleveland Heights, OH; Chaim Ozer Falik, The R' Spector, however, was deadline neared, some leading Cheder, Brooklyn, NY; Duvi Gersten, Torah Institute of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD; eager for R' Gordon to serve Shmuel Yitzchok Rothman, Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway, NY; Moshe Shmuel Guttman, Ari Korsinsky, Dovy Levy, Avigdor Muller, Moshe Yehoshua Stern, Shmuel , מַ ׂשְ ּכִ י ִ ל י ם reform Jews, known as He had his . רָ ב as Kovno's vocally demanded that the decree Wertzberger & Yitzy Yaiche, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Brooklyn, NY. secretary, R' Yaakov Lipshitz, be officially enforced, and that every Grade 2: Chaim Duvid Halberstam, Bobov Yeshiva B'nei Tzion of Toronto, Canada; collect enough money to cover Akiva Lowinger, Lakewood Cheder, Lakewood, NJ; Aaron Bunim Kohn, Mesivta hadn't met the מְ לַ מְ דִ י ם whose חֵ דֶ ר R' Gordon's salary for three Tiferes Yerushalayim, Lower East Side, NY; Ezra Haber, Avrohom Netanel, Yeshiva requirements be closed. Since not Ateret Torah, Brooklyn, NY; Chesky Burstein, Yonah Fogel, Dovid Lang, Moshe years. However, three months had enrolled in such a Boruch Mahpour, Rafi Mordechai, Shalom Yovitz, Netanel Mostavsky & Zecharia מְ לַ מֵ ד a single later R' Gordon accepted a Soffer, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah, Brooklyn, NY; Ezra Kassin, Yeshiva Bais Hatorah, course, it was feared that all of the of Kelm, because Lakewood, NJ; Yosef Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga, Brooklyn, NY; Shloimy רָ ב position as ,in Russia would be shut down. Levitansky, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, IL; Chezky Fasten, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath חַ דָ רִ י ם it offered him a greater Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok Zonana, Yeshiva Yagdil Torah, Lakewood, NJ. Grade 3: Yehoshua Indich, Mosdos Ohr Hatorah, Cleveland Heights, OH; Ephraim . ּת וֹ רָ ה Although R' Eliezer (Lazer) Gordon opportunity to strengthen was still a young man at that Before leaving Kovno, R' Gordon Gersten, Torah Institute of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD; Ari Belsky, Mordechai Dovid זַ צַ ״ ל of , Beylus, Shimon Dahan, Moshe Gelb, Shmuel Gorbulsky, Eliezer Halberstam, Noam ּגְדוֹלֵי יִׁשְרָאֵל time, the returned all of the money he Hershkovitz, Menachem Manis Lang, Zevy Shilman & Eytan Weiss, Yeshiva Ahavas ,had received from R' Spector. Torah, Brooklyn, NY; Shmuel Aron Rabinovitz, Yeshiva Ketana Bensonhurst, Brooklyn , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Yitzchok Elchonon Spector and NY; Shloimie Zalman Zvi Aron, Yeshiva Ohr Boruch, Chicago, IL; Chaim Sender זַ צַ ״ ל R' Yehoshua Leib Diskin just look at the , ּתַ ְ ל מִ י ד My .chose Broide, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, IL זַ צַ ״ ל R' Yosef Dov Soloveitchik contrast. Those who are far Grade 4: Avigdor Yechezkel Mitnick, Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, Brooklyn, him to represent them before the ,NY; Yitzchok Zev Solomon, Mosdos Ohr Hatorah, Cleveland, OH; Ezra Sasson , חֲמַ ֹל קֶ ת live to promote ּת וֹ רָ ה from government. They sent him as their Tashbar, Lakewood, NJ; Eliyahu Falik, The Cheder, Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Chaim division, while those who are representative to go to St. Petersburg Sopher, Torah Institute of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD; Yitzchok Meir Kassin & Simcha ,will travel Abraham, Yeshiva Bais Hatorah, Lakewood, NJ; Dovid Braun, Yeshiva Darchei Torah ּת וֹ רָ ה and His ד׳ close to י וֹ סֵ ף to try to annul the decree. Like and will pay Far Rockaway, NY; Yitzchok Lew & Yitzchok Meir Rabinovitz, Yeshiva Ketana מַ ְר ה בֶ ׁשָ ל וֹ ם far to be he found favor in the eyes of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY; Bentzion Schacham, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Avrohom , הַ צַ ּדִ י ק money they do not owe, so as to were Zonana & Avigdor Miller, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, Lakewood, NJ; Mordechai Boruch מַ ׂשְ ּכִ י ִ ל י ם the authorities, and the prevent even a slight possibility Chopp, Yeshiva Spring Valley, Spring Valley, NY; Mordechai Pichholtz, Aharon shocked and bitterly resentful. of ill feelings! Ginsparg & Yehuda Banker, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, IL; Naftali Czeiler, Ari Due to his success in this endeavor, Einhorn, Moshe Grunwald, Zev Lapidoth, Elimelech Lebowitz, Dovi Leshkowitz, Chanina Mayerfeld, Ari Newman, Simcha Plotzker, Dovi Rovt, Naftoli Scheiner, Ari !יְהִ י זִכְ רוֹ ָ ברוְּך .held their grudge and Schindler & Shimmy Stahl, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Brooklyn, NY מַ ׂשְ ּכִ י ִ ל י ם the ,Your ,Grade 5: Aryeh Teichman, Bais Mikrah, Monsey, NY; Hershy Friedman, Clifton Cheder ֶר ִ בי ְ ביְ דִ י ד וּ ת tried to harass him when he became ,of Kovno after his father-in-law's Clifton, NJ; Reuvein Kassin, Yeshiva Bais Hatorah, Lakewood, NJ; Mendy Reiss רָ ב Yeshiva Karlin Stolin, Brooklyn, NY; Tzvi Landsman, Yeshiva Ketana Bensonhurst, Story adapted from: Yated Ne’eman knew that Brooklyn, NY; Refael Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga, Brooklyn, NY; Yosef Zonana מַ ׂשְ ּכִ י ִ ל י ם passing. The (with kind permission from the & Shlomele Miller, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, Lakewood, NJ; Binyamin Lazar, Yeshiva R' Gordon no longer had someone to publishers) support him and needed an income. Shaarei Tzion, Edison, NJ; Moshe Hirsch Papoff, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, IL; Yedidya Grant, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Brooklyn, NY. They tried to make him resign by Grade 6: Akiva Kagan, Bais Mikrah, Monsey, NY; Nochum Jordan, Degel Hatorah, Spring Valley, NY; Yosef Braun & Menachem Rothman, Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway, NY; Tzvi Shnurman, Mosdos Ohr Hatorah, Cleveland Heights, OH; Yehoshua Reidler, Torah Institute of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD; Dovid Abraham, Yeshiva Bais Hatorah, Lakewood, NJ; Simcha Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr Shraga, Brooklyn, NY; Boruch Heineman, Mordechai Nahem & Moshe Nahem, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim, Lakewood, NJ; Chaim Eli Shain, Yeshiva Ruach Chaim, Brooklyn, NY; Binyomin Levitansky, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, IL; Meir Yehuda Lapidus, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Brooklyn, NY; Yehuda Fine, Yeshiva Toras Aharon, Lakewood, NJ; SageSayings Nechemya Schechter, Mechina Leyeshiva, Gateshead, UK. .Grade 7: Eliashiv Portal, Bais Mikrah, Monsey, NY; Yehoshua Donn, Nochum Epstein, Eliezer Kaplan, Mordechai Kornbluth & Yisroel Eliyohu Zell, K’tana, ,became aware Brooklyn, NY; Avrohom Simcha Falik & Levi Yitzchok Prosky, The Cheder, Brooklyn זַ צַ ״ ל When the 17-year-old R' Elya Meir Bloch NY; Aryeh Leib Levy, Tiferes Elimelech, Brooklyn, NY; Yitzchok Lensky, Yeshiva , זַ צַ ״ ל of his grandfather, R' Eliezer Gordon ּפְ טִ י רָ ה of the sudden Elementary School, Milwaukee, WI; Shmuel Friedman, Torah Institute of Baltimore, he broke down in uncontrollable tears. His father, R' Yosef Leib, Baltimore, MD; Aryeh Leib Perlman, Yeshiva K’tana of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NY; comforted him, but then pointed out that crying must be honest, Dovy Akerman, Yeshiva , Staten Island, NY; Boruch Shalom Goldenberg, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, Brooklyn, NY. ,Grade 8: Shmueli Heber & Menachem Hochberg, Torah Institute of Baltimore מ ײַ ן“ ,not exaggerated. He thought and agreed and would say Baltimore, MD; Shlomo Z. Braun, Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway, NY; Shimi טאַטעֶ האָט מִ יר אוֹיסגעֶ לעֶ רנט אַז מ׳דאַרף נִיׁשט זײַ ן אַ רֹא ׁשיְׁשִ יבָ ה, אָבּעֶ ר מ׳דאַרף זײַ ן Friedman, Yeshiva Ohr Boruch, Chicago, IL; Alter Gershon Chanoch Henoch Aron, My father then taught me that I don’t have to be a Yeshiva Ohr Boruch D’Veitzen, Chicago, IL; Menachem Greenberg, Yeshiva Tiferes — אַ ן עֶ ר לִ י כ עֶ ײִ ד ! .but I must be an honest Jew!” Tzvi, Chicago, IL ,רֹאׁש יְׁשִ יבָ ה program, please send a fax signed by a ׁש וֹ בְ בִ י ״ ם If you are interested in joining this special Source: Echoes of the Maggid (ArtScroll) parent to 718 506 9633 – include your grade, name, school, city & state, and your contact . מִ קְ רָ א וֹ ת ְ ּגד וֹ ל וֹ ת חוּמָ ִ ׁשי םand fax numbers. You will be entered into a raffle to win a beautiful set of

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Since we only discuss 1-3*

בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

The boys in Yeshiva streamed into the Beis ...But their beloved Rebbi did Midrash, all carrying seforim, some with pen not arrive to give his shuir. and paper to take notes on the . Rav Baruch Ber was going to enter at any moment.

Chaim, let me Shlomie, this Did anyone see chap arain a rashi is where your love for the Rebbi earlier It’s not like while we are waiting torah really shows… OK, today? Rabbeinu to come for Rebbi. let’s chap arain… which late... Rashi?

Time passed and the Rebbi still had not come. The The two talmidim arrived at Rav Baruch Ber’s talmidim grew uneasy and started to worry... house and were shocked to find him learning with his feet wrapped in a towel… I think maybe we should go to Oh! why didn’t Rebbi’s home and check to I’ll go Rebbi come to Shiur see if everything is all right. Uh... Yes, too… today? Is everything I’m willing to go with everything is all right? someone else… fine... …but why is Rebbi sitting with his feet wrapped in a towel?

The rest of the bochurim sat and learned while they waited for their Rebbi…

Earlier today a poor person came to my house collecting tzedaka. I noticed his shoes were torn and didn’t even cover his feet... I called the cobbler and iy”H I will have another pair tomorrow… and I’ll be giving the Tzaddik, I have A broche oif shiur tomorrow! But I gave the no money, but here dayn kop! Thank you man my only pair of shoes! are a pair of shoes so so much! You should your feet won’t be be zocheh to all the cold! Brachos!

’of the Rav of Slutzk, R תלמיד R’ Baruch Ber Leibowitz was born in Slutzk. He was a close ,from a young age and at 16 he went to Volozhin עלּוּי Yosef Ber Soloveitchik. He was an ’of R’ Chaim Brisker. He married the daughter of R תלמיד מבהק where he became the Abraham Zimmerman, whom he succeeded as Rabbi of Halusk. In 1903 he was appointed head of the Kneseth Beis Yitzchak Yeshiva in Slabodka. During World War I, he left to Minsk and then to Kremenchug and Vilna. In 1926 ישיבה Slabodka and relocated the in Kaminetz, where it continued for 13 years. In 1939, he fled ישיבה he re-established the .ש״ס on ברכת שמוּאל to Vilna. He authored ישיבה with the

ה‘ כסלו For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval 718-395-9794 5627 - 5700 1867 - 1939

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