' ~ ^r-^5 pln-r. I'.inzi-: \Vb.it d1 \X FEUD ; .'RICHARD EURBAGE. , MAN'S WEAKER I I'uur I'jlJ.s tli..i,k«H* 111 «»» Cb» ftorr Introd»<-«*P» mars tilat of HI»I«OJF VI«»«T , . Frura ll,r K«th.r. "* I j nori«*' --m!t «i a f" u^r a!«-rra- ' wnen Hi* Drclilon. * ... ,"rft ! -Old P.-U-r Conkllu. the clown " iald ACT Cr A-L.TTL.E CH!LD. ' The : a=J. a.' t cin.'U..utlit';4J.-"wu«.th.-flr»t to Rife •IK well n* n itn-nt "Initi-r. ana i] i lluu. II" jn-il h-li 1—1. :ir..iji.'.l-:it Several' ><>vnn '"Ity. re»litcut> . » ' an liin-rviiiliiK' iiud. Hpontanoou, bU. Minn"ii-''ir-..'!l"-.i tit P.!!» l.:l»:trrl'n''I"i rrNn'.S**.. Tsummone-» I to ''aiu'ie:i . on Tuenlav *i " • ' ' '*v:i- ' in'niiiiiMil,- tlif dnuKhtiT of . '• ' •'.:, '•»'" •'. " •la ui; i-..,-^-r uVS.-t:.,-r... I, a^'' i''J"['1j.^!.'"'mi-l:''t'''lN"". wh.Mi Ounklln . \VImt oa ••;IH!J I.4-I.| In.l'j. T 1 s : ici : ;ii.' hud n Inir-Ii nnil dluh-ult t LAURA ALTON PAYHE. i.,i:n •o'*i.i.w,ieu,he.u,,;>f'A,f rl F^e ,„„„•.,. -\t :j:L.;;!;;v.",;;""'"..!'"," ". • ?••••• ^«--r --r'-' * -'-?™'£ truiii .a :»:». I" '•"- >•'-"''*'1',* V* n'-i« 'f-l'*'!..!* I" ''"' ""I'lll "•"If1 ^pro In nil ts.-i; ^;-:!T*--. • •• : ; - ilr.iiid Miii:iii.lUv. '••••> r:A: Iit'i*. own father. • .' -, . • , <'.' tbe'l.-taii City Svuer'Company Wai ,, ,. („,.;..,.„, n,,., |..,,.-u ..-.^ Vny' •""-• ,"' '^ ''"." • " '"' '?,V' T ' < l|1< w ld .u« l:i t|eap| |^.|f,ire virei !iaiK-vtliir."i :'•-._ r-.l ..f K::-"- ".Vll.'ll Hh.-.,WllH,Hlxtwh ho 00,'j, h.-r .-;.— ti,.'.'! I;..I ---.«;• I 1 1 - ''--*, "' •"• The-uii u-»."t,r;,jit,t .i.y-.Mr. l-'vi:Cl.. — , . - ', ijn-i's f.iii.-jii.' ; •: :.,<.-, v '! 'a- -'•-. -t an •jiiiuo to bcr roiiin niiil without U. *iui.(ut, Blrji.'i>}" crjwd tiie dim- 1 l I V.ml of pminrntlmi wild to her *T« ti. .:•-. «!.•- t in.in- i,,-.. • -.;-— ,-:> !«•^I a^'j-rtaiu •* lu-iii^r tbt- r^-*er o^'iuj'-iny .,,'.'". ^ s t,'. ( ' , • , " • J' .', Vv*. x,'v».w!....''- \l . "•' - • -'' *' U -h tt - .. . ilno- ' [feiA f^:u hi -' owu l.l-t. 11'^ ^™-l"*» pled cherub, riittlnj- the.bald spat that , • :...--iow,. '•»"• • ,,,uit.s nnJ an ola. covered Mlll.iiink* your llrnt 'npiwarami »2 ni'S, h»-> » Will riciit t-i .'hirur-fir al f •• •proad like a, small Mil a Ins desert to y..v, -;, T-^-0^ M'oa "w^ •«'•*• .> on Siiturilay In 'Otvllo.'" • ! fi:"/..•! ^ir-i-r.-i I..:: n>im-i*lii a-li-'ii-J.T i.i.iy tiie •!<«•.dicY'""".'•• .... ' . •;.•• i i.--t >r-'l;- !•• *!.'• •-•'•: ;•: ;-.-.-r^ «u SENTINEL an oa«l* of tbick bloud'lutr oa Wnw'.yn"^"^".',' ' 11 pavi> iiiT .'Xiii-tly six ilny, fMl] ' .-,-1 ;'..• .::.. -' •:;.- .-.-r II.- w:n ;',•' „,,'.' i..-tc,n. a burin'! or two of,pcanutu anil • well sharx'J bead.. ' , ,»„„'.'.' ',', . ' *-*,*•'Vl" L-a^-eJ' I'i U'i- n'fr.-liiricot. buslnosn. nmllilt. 'I'll.'i-lill'l, li.'rrlilwl 1 _•• i .•-I —r-.'.' I'rit- pi» of \l|t- . ..' .,"'. -•.:...: ••'. \\ •:. •--. II ,;;,:.:. 1.0.17. . '•»VhltIock gwuaeci. , „;.•,."....•.:. ": ''', "*.ri ti(."foi;.iw.H: •!).• cirrus with Ills wucon.. M . j -i... i..i-.•••>.:.- v-','..i >:!..',i'... - M.-., ''•:..>;..:•-;, K. -i.ir.i • Mamrua*B pot mustn't be natijrnty,™ ^^ :, ,, „ ,' '•i'^- MM aaJ ervrv tjra.' tho t.'Uts'wor.! iiltchcd j .-.mill not Ii"«lbl.vd.,'lt-wliat*heubj N..\le-llnr.uiy K-'y - NIU- ;.:-e- ^--' • said the 'pretty widow, turnl-ic ,ber t!'(. .";.„,! ' t..v t'li'c ""••' ' '•' will ImiKwilhlf. «nt«!arrl|i-coqIaiS VOL. XXVIII. OCEAN CITY, N.J., THURSDAY, APRII. 4, 1907 NO. 1 V-A vr c*.tn jany . Iv.i.-r'w U; <-;.•• •>.-•' ';-[-- K'-- • brown t-yt-» apol./^<**lli1rllillrtl perfect li AriOK\»;yv. .,. '• But Uie dimpl'-J ivbt-ruli. other^vlw \. . , , , '.-',•'.'"-:': Wi-ir .i:.-5 !.:v.S.; Ja:r.,-i _i.-i-j *•', 8 to-U." coiu-uny of tie j N...t I-I.IV ~>. -iti !:.j:ry't . ;,•• \:•:?—* '£•*?* i'ii:'! :..'-.r In' th« KI.I**^ ' ';] n.«t,,lii tl[f Iimt HII'-II<> whim 1 am ml vl AW |# •! •>,.. ;U'fnre tlie .-.I'jrt IIi-i ..rli.-ial V I amt iu% , .Baby Mo'ffntt. who'had purposely and •...,.. ,*r , b'ttt/'v- '.: ".:i. '•• •u~:^. i I- •-•••• ORGA NO MORE EXTRA MONEY .• •'..• lauttj'iri/ini liiv •->.iinijti.ir ..f • :.. r...: ... jli^ j.-H-rr- A* an «cr..-r"\r*re not hi*-, 1 i«.-if.|-to phinei' my IIII'L'U'IT into tZ TWO MORE PAVILIGNS ON BANNER CROWD IN . nfu-r many lacl»»ll'llns* z he was j : -t 1 1 fast l.n-ift. I'll d;> "o In rf-nl i-aniMt" tl«? nwlic scat fs-i.-u]»!i?'l by Itinzs. for , , .... . \v-r.- ::'.;.:!;-v-i "•• * ;"-:•" T' "".""I h" O'Ul'!:. ' »'"-!• "» tli.-M""' '!' '-' 1 Th" frlBliU'iiKi'l Klrl'luid to makeQt --•'I' • '•''. 1 \'i,-c . i]ft!,..cii-fr "'..m*-i-i rt-A::^r'l, i • . ; .- •) \ -• -•*' ' r..-:;. \V...r! «l-o a >'.:'>v~-if!il-j..iir.u-r. TLv fa=o of ; ' Published Weekly at ATTORNEY and ' whom the Bad winivd a ' uYcuksl par-1 ,.,',,. .',,;.. •1A.: --,'• ,.j,oll-k. I.!J,> .lay ,l.v.-wa» hjrrouudcJ •"hyNlclan ana Nnrgeon, IV;- li.--, -.:.. ',J ^.i .,,. ; * .. . , i,. lu-.it of-it. -HIT «IH-I-"S< wan abatlm. FOR RELIANCE COMPANY t w ( ; >- ..- v:.-rr- :.-! "•-•• r :!.- j Ll« ol'fliflfi h-M a pwnilaent place ln ! COU NSELLOR-AT-LAWi WALK URGENTLY NEEDED CITY AT EASTER •tlallty from the, utart. only. snnsj-liNl; j.'it;... ', -"•- --"*• L.V aa-i-i- ;-r.,i:.!-i,:.-' I* 'Ilio Juloo.'- but ..II.'' llttli- pl.'.v of r.-allini toiZ \ OCEAN CIXV, CM. O..' • (B.|li!lliir, Mimier uml KKIUIIIIII-I- In Chnliei-'ry, : ..< .. - •••;•• •• • • •• !J.I:.'1 :— tb.>a*.r! • iti- "••'•n.'ilv 'dvlitfliSi-d i ' ^'. ., , ,,. _". ._ I A t..i;:_!.a> PI.,M.-I, i:>ir.>Ii)iini in Hie * " saiir-nii- l-iiurl CuuiiiiiKHiiinrr. N'olary I'ulilii-. • .- .- ;.-: I';.-- • .'-I'- i-.ir:- jv>>ci !r. h'» h"jior. d-J!«ted to one of i ' *:t? w-LrtlL...w..:.-r.'.i.I.IJ"r..n..ii. Th.ro in'tun: nt tho y atR'rtliou?tit. "Mam- ;."_. , . . . . ,. . :ireal:/ll.k* ll'f ifnl -i>.jei i-.-lii |-ali> ' ;.•',',.,',' • .;!;iT *;^#- V',«i i •.,•:•*':.• i":.:.'!'iit tliuro was R. CURTIS ROBINSON |>l|i|iu»lle I'lihln; lMU,liim«). Hotel Keepers' -Association Many Say TJhere Were More . • .. : : .--: ••'. :,:'. ;:- »-ri:>-:.'n-s late a* tli,>t!aie<'vf Charles II. A W i ri'tidliitlon tilNiti IHT fatir.Tforartlixt na 'ovi' Itlm-i.'* 'nt uhli-Ii.fr.nik rtnj . f..,..-..;.. ,i ..r ,-•... '-v '-; 'Tiie I'llil *i- l!;t!i,l.,i'nl t'J • xt.utnr ,' "' ' (' .:: !-MV«< ,V--i ,'•„-.'.,' v.-I'.IT t.i I." lui'l. In bl» Fire Organizations Should II.* .!.-.i!!.; whli-h was i>!\»t«al.!y the l.ruml uii'thiid. HIT Ii.-sjcmotu iti Editor and Proprietor ; Emphatic in Request to Visitors Than Were Here wholly uwiiiiiiil r>'v,'l.it!on ut &••'',.),,;,,. ,., -3 ,-r :,- : ..;, ,,:..>• ,:i;i, -I TOOK SEA PLUNGE u . :i.v r.;'-.t JjJ,".,.".:,'.',/ [„'. I;,».I.!,»1 tli.' Jresslnc t..vn ox.piNlic: she Inn! innde hernbu' JONATHAN HAND,~ HOTEL GUESTS •I -' --! •'- • I'W .»._ • • •-.'.'.-!''."• !-»•'.- ••••-- -:i}'-; I'j' r»ult oi i«iral>-'i:-. .»a:i-.-.l ts'-'poeu to 1 ; : • • Have a Show. •roiill «lutf:h".«'r th.> preiiy widow'-, face , .,,.. , ,,.,', *:-;.- !u --r-:. :.-l--i-l. ;' ;"' " - Tj. C. HUTCHINSON, M. D. City Council. ' Last Year. . iu ,•:!.*.-»., J^' •j'..i ._'.,,,. .,..;,?...,,„, i!,,. l.'arvbaclt' *li.. wiii 'iK'r-n'If.'n vlillil. Innocent IM • $V.oo Per Year, Strictly in Advance rivalod I sing*'. *r-';'!:.-'.-',*r! MORE QCAIL DIE " '.'• r','.'rVV.Mw""" :": ^^'~"" ""-• l:^ '. , V Jer. 'M-'» c time tiiero WUM 11 perfect Htre»m of club—him received about all the extra cloo* levity nt ll!s rivals i!i".-..::;2*nn». j',,.^ , '* '" |<»nl> T^f» Dnr:.-.:. if :.I.i- ^.<:iux i p,-,:: ..r'-.!,- r.-w j.J.iv.-r^ r,:iv>* f-vvr naO : :• I* «:• ":•.'••.,['.' '.'./;',\'j;.i V..':if .I,,],, tiie tub ho l.iiln; Hihlinii-1.- I*I.|I-|IIWI|I,., fc 'I'lio ImtflH reiirC'ciilnt wi'rV Hrrlvals wftli encli Incoming train But Bines, with n lms:y 3'!l.-u. " '" ••] Several Young Men Open the ! .*a:a it..: *•• w.;: ^w.,-_o:. i«-:<- a..o;: ,;;. ,',, „,..,,..:....,> ,i;,,! i!l,. |>r..;-crty I.'QJ- if li.T wlt-j. jnin nwny fnira him iai orricic ilooHH!—Till 10 a, m.,2 to 4 p. in. Association Entertained ' Alluntil ^tiliirttfiy evening. There were some lliuc to i-oine, judging from the lcavlns the <-h«ru"» dN«->i"-'i':iif. :* -.' "- 'i , * '!"'" *""' "'••t*'- ., i ,,. ;•..:,- ..•::,..! ;:... _•;..-,,.r:.;:."Lt ! tl." J --1 f.'.r-::i" !" I- «•• «•'•!! lik#J. J)y > tl to.H p. in. Itl-i'iiynt", WyninliiK, K11II1I11. I." 'he a':.".:•'..• i»:. i!i is'ii. .-: Miii.l.' for wlinlows 1111,1 ijimni, ff,^ ninny pei.pte on the bourdwalk on I expressions heard'at C'OUIICII'H meet- ! r CITY DIRECTORY. l 11111I. l't'|ilii, HIHI foiirHi-n •. Bathing Season in.This i: "• .i '"' '' 'u^M^''"r'i"-. ''/,''' \^'i',,"' •••" •"' ••"' ---•••"' •"••••" t^-^'t!,- ••mnvi-.-Tv •••: i:-ir :!::>. aiiJ all n 'illy trylnu- to I'-i.'np". \\'lii>u herfitlw jj. VOORHKKS .in Pr.etty Rooms of the •• 1--J-: Is- " »*1'-|'-.l'.j!'","t|-,;;!v. lfuv • siiini"'- fini* fc'rldiiy I'VI'IJIIIK, and i>n Saturday ing nu Monday evenliiR. •. .- • a!! • nt IIKI v.'iuulit hold nf IIIT, noretllul- CITY OFFICIALS > HOWARD BURT, M. D. im'jnlii'rH were in.iiltLMidiiiii-e Catiino Club. ' * City. • tb.' i~'-*t .ii'i-TtunliT h..' Ii.id j "~y\j J'.-: :. - 'l*htk rniiiiitilli't' mi enUTliilnNit'iii nluht there wa» 11 tlironi; like unto that The talk WUH caused by tbe receipt " IT i ili" wh.ili- thliii: iNiiimi. that Mtabt. I Mnyor^llwepb O. Otiiimplun. ever Uad. pven li* H «ii-< Ih-f"^' tin •'••--•••' •"*!;^.n"'.r«"r" '.'i..,i'l.-.l'ihi.t day. u Oonns«lk>r-at- JLaw, of in 1 evening In the mimmer time: . Kven Ilie llnniKhl .if an nreiin bath of n iiiniiiiunleallon from the fire ih" I111111I with whli-h IK- was mppoad' Pretfljeni ' l-'ouucll—.leo. U.. A'lHlil''. 809 Wesley Avenue. iiuule 11 vt.>ry fnvnriilile roiiurl mill llu- On a X'IIIL- mure i-lalntrutL- Until ever .H(".i-r .tb'i ir annul 'A- •...) -;i, t!ie *••:.'! '-••:!'- — '." "!••• - 'ij—-I. XI'? ,. A ^!.r--u I. i*-.ri-fi:l ni.in ln hl« bus!- ii' - ;;.-,• t!."ii :'" «'• li r,-/ul.iti-.l clrous c'uy Clerk—T. L*o AIIUIUH. .soeeiiiu* Wiiitlurti.' ni.d f«ir'h!« '-'»' ; fnif <|ji s j: s KI' N^t -*rr* "'jr 'i-'/trii -lit^i "'.--••r i.. t >"-• ..;:*>-•! u...:,Ti.. i»-.'-..;i::.^ I-.-<> .i^.tlrs. I!r.r!i;.j;"" W-il an estate I .. •«-':':!' •:* I--:-'. '••' -' •<>•• •••'• • HoW'-vur. TreHsarur—IriiH, ctmuipioti. Till li H, in. k ll.-:-; - ;i1 u;l v llow Culldctur— Nlebolun Corsou tiy h'nivl Kct'i'cr--' .Wnrmtkn, on- IIJ •eeii, and, ton, Ilifre WIIH a blK I »-> er««o nmrtal'to Mhlvur,,'. hut. -the Wulluee, secretary, aHklnK that Couu- - .•KV-',_'!r; ,«f ;!..- >-•!.' wv il :.-•' '• .-••' ''• ^-'' ^- '' . ' <; ir.-la.L-iivc n i-ry v.f i.uln. which6a Ciller t»r l'ollce -siumuel Senll. •17 Iiirli-l Sinn, .. lamilnli. orricK' HOUR*: 1 to » p." tn. ' nf Ilielr liibiir" ililrlnit i\\v KH«lt-r Imli- 1 A to H p. m. 1 prliikllim of HtrniiKorri I rather pleanint weather here 1111 Krl- I I.:'; • SUM f--r :i J.'.IV.T la ih.-vs,. day* to ..' ,•>,-^>.". ^ . ^ .; ,.* • ,-- -T.ii l"Tri'--' lire Used mi'Iii'ii'-i' t'^»l; for 11 «-ry of mep, and thi Hulldlnl£ InM|ieclor*-HertH'rl (.'.Snillli. ilnys. Ttit'y exiinv"*-" ! wrtl>-firl:i.ii itiu mie-t-- of Ilielr rc^lU'i'tlvf ell place a gun Qr-wuter beater In the Blasx JKIIIVM at his'own sn> Bell 'I'liono IT. I! -v • nit |.inl,M III di'iift'iilni; itpplatoe to «lrW!t Hup«rvli«ir—Witrreli \V. llr.'iwu. . In HI-, us mi Stiiunhiy evundiK. fc Tiie <'lty piivllliin, and the ItowiliiK 'day IIIHI WIIH i i ity rtolleltor—KX-J UUrie Jos. 'Clioiiil'"!!)). ll"l.r AI'IIAH. AM.KKW IT. 1I.MWKI.1. Ilic i'iinrle»|e" nxli'iiilwrii.v.lln.' riiilninil eaJ»?d mtMralily at |f|<- !•!-• ' ; ... f.'iTru'l'reIt''"•,'>i»V.'M.,'y"i"u-'-!" ^* •;;•\'"' .;••..':'";;;..!!;'"l>"-r^wv!;:r^'. ^''i'».v-i'i"'T^rvivt'r'hit ^ :h-il 1:1 :II-O-:T U.r*" r-.»--. ' '• w'v •'i:'1.-'-V •"• " • ' »• !*•"•' '• • ''~ I'**"' i-i».-: - ' )). V r jiitli.T* I .Immlit.T. .CJUllcllliieu—Ue:.•! i fj'-t 1-" 1 (il II A W wiiillli) .10 .--'••-"•: •: '"•'•• ^' •"•:•—•••• "I !I.I-;-M;V. i .•.V .'.'"'^. ;.:'",' •:,:''NJ;J;1 ::::'. -'•'" ' ,°" I n"-TVr'^V^,lvl n'f'..«-.y«r^, h;< crave Ti • Ini'i.lout r.'V.'.-iU- In Slallbni (ioilrey, II. A. W. w). -IM.| T N. GRISCOM; M. D. the deep hhivK.'it. So far IIM kiiou'n, >|iilreri-!ty wj>!ww":i'n> uiiiii. ilwrry. Ueudluy, Hurry VHIUIIII II. ^W'OFFICES The iiicni lwr« of I lie ii»>" • *. •.-•!»*. I. .-. ..:. 1..1- t!i" n.-t of ^M.IIPSOII. KMUITH STRAND WKriliKY AVK very ein|ihntlt' ti*4 1^ the iiruont riHinis of till* < ii-ltio Chih, on tlie • lie vaiiiieVille -entertainment in the v i.:ii;..-:.>. i:.a; Iturl".;-•.•." — •Td : -• . nil ii.-ir.-"i ut nil,' Tlu-re vaiM ' Boitrd ol tivHltti— lir.i:liarles K, KII WHT it >•»-••<"' vl.'ftn I.nt Illn:-< lt.»th I'honfH-U.-n, i:>; IiU*-r-Htute. 111. Ht'foiiil 11-Mir of ttit* nowliiHj <*n-lno, III, Ir.mie uud IhiKered iifjer the ] *""' ""-llereil liny Hi i-on>-ei|ifeni'i' mntcrluL ' . . .- •"—" ' '•• • ' ' =—«^—."..•.—in ..IJ, !•• in.— 111.- i'..r;, |..r n,.—. ,.,i..I., ;.. fc Hlt t>r. U. H. lCUIer. •-*eert'litr> ; Apgar'& Boswell, iii'iiwiiv'for Ilienvn IHIVIIIHIIM wlili'h K.->.vW. 11.'•''.I'--"-. . . • • . • K-* ItT "• * - 'mini.. Tt— . OU.U H"iir»t- Unlil IliuIlu.. m. KK i IUOK p. n ' that It wmiUl n^r.-r tu-'V'm*) a lill^ 1 IHritsK HllMilN il H ttiiil llit- tti're the |>IILM« K>ven u linw I., try the roller xkiiteo. 1—'i'trcT-tmrtieis ivvu- Iluiiy- fnnrrctliiiau II,,I., Hmitli, a membeT :•,.-- .-••;•:"..:.-• a:;. t.'.:n :f r!=ht-t!..iT N 1 • -.v. t!.- -Tr-'i.^-r- uiMitnn wlfh mi .-xtmiinllnHry pover »ucf Inp ur. 1. N. (•rl-i'oiii, .M>*«lhK No oil l IcI e ll NundtiNd y Hflernoiin. ('(iinu'il lut'. prniiil^Hl to hiivc erected reanry nnl.-»« n n.lra.-l.' !in|.[-n.;-.I. lu.rXK.lur; l>r. H, Hurt; IUTIH-II I'. Smtiti >IIUUY AVKNIJK UIHI KHil ITU HTItKKT Al lleiitieit S. C 'w, Mutnorn, MOD I I,M- lllll^lt'ulf'lltlllTC.'l'plloM. II was tiieKeneriilly expren.icd eiin- | Hurry Ktnilds, Jr., Win. y ofthe-Iteliunee, Natil that when the. 1 ;. s .BVV-.I;'.-! >'U: ; 'J: Their ,.,f iLv i.-iv. . \. of I.wiinr b.-rsulf In tin- .-motions of lor; ll.lt. Vnorlttt", suih III,I-..\.OCKN> 1 ITY, N. J. After 11 ueiicnil ilii-rii-sinii, it «»- BlUiV- wa« a l.ai-lH-3-jr. Itln^ * va^ h), ear I he •.-.irn I- "alir.. Int. in..-t- CHLOROPHYLL. • .Jr. "I,..'..,, .,..',.,,..:,.,•..,. ---f S\>iliu*K TherooniM, htiiid.i.iiu'.if lIii.'iii»tflvt'H, wrvntlve vit'W Hint tliere were fully iis! and blond' ami Laid, Itiaz« was l.' — :—i ' •",_••"•* * . .'' •'' ..... -...- ••'.' i!:! v W...-UU ttottrd ol KducHtiuu—Ur.' li. T. Atihoii 1 To T>l* Snb.lanre wt*re ulven n.lded lit'tiuty ' hy the nniny people liere on ^nttirdny 11 ii^lii Nearly every 'lie in the rlty kutv.wi* no means of "WU'IUIIR up. ' 'A gati I la-h "\er till- •-..'•:. ai.it I.I.I- re-l.'.t- 1-rrN.uent; A. J. Htutih. Vic* l-rf-Kl-r-n!; It. t OFFICES puviliniiH ure lit Twelfth IIIHI Kuiirlh • fnl—l|i fact Bins* *>••'* a «'L<,I* kwarm "Oh. II Hy. tin-!.:" " IBK nf KoninM>n H«or«t(*ry; itu-bBni It. >sii(»«, -x li., Harry* I.ott, w'ho.thlH yenr will leave • Mr* I!-.:.- '••• . : -V- '- .•- :i.-k 'f «"--*"!''" t 0R. CHARLES B.'RIDES KtrfL'tn nml the bounlwiilk. . tlonw of purple u'ld whin*, litri^i.' as ut tiie xtune time ht"t yeiir, while stove would not cost more than $80. of "B'n." II..' narrowly c-cai-oj tx-In; - FORCED TO EAT BOOKS. tufa *•• p^ .^*^. w —mv ^.-^ «r*; 1 I #w% t -•'. •:.•• w_n-...-> a: ria-> i '1.;<•:•• l:y 11-!s' •/ ir»s the most ::;r jlr-.-s;:.;,,..-' \;r- I• .yl,--She's tlie"Jetr' with a phy"»l.'lnii'"d.pliimn The ••nmpuny has a bath room 'ami a b«iaty, wltjl IlU I !l''J- r^'Ilir'lelld City nuperlulcudeul—i r«.f. JumtH M. Godfrey" .&-' Godfrey,. (iratillriilion »nH i-liiiwii nver the '1 liuitK iin.i l-'.n^ler Illie-.. Purple of the residents ilei'lnre.1 thai ln the irr-iT- rii1 I i. .::.••-• .-.•..•a-fuii a Hlrvcaa. This summer, as last, he will be Iden- and innoc-rar hlu* ^y<—. Ills slrj> lluitinn ll*-lnu« Wliu \%Vrt- report that nil of the memberx nf the nnil white |mper trliniiKnu-', -with the throng thin year was luueh Itlr^er* other faoilttlCH, but no hut water, and ...!.-.••! •.!." el. *: .jAacv ! W»r;.I. f--r u|-'^ tU* t.ul>«ia*.ce de^KiJ Uver*««r of the I'oor—J«-roinv the only tiling Ih.-it >un>,l him fro:n iljl '*.•-.:r- - V-y v:.r» IT-.-.. • t<» llpmur l.llrr»iur«. iiiiiiniM .11 \ ii.i uml .117 |iy ell'.-rl, on tin- I'lmndellen- In than Unit of Inut Muster." • | tilled with the 'inanaueiiieiit of 111.- tills is needed very much, • It inu't . find"'- '* ' . , . . . .^.'1 .';.-• •••-•i.'~t -li.rt--. T1.1' Oil-'- ; JU' • .•!i.iT..'.1*i'r.'-t.;'." acilvlty of flams, the S09 Central Avenue aHHut'lntlnii luul ptiiri tiieir propurtioii terrililf fate. Morvirtvr. Itllll-i was Arnnn-.- tlii- fTiTtvi-s-rhat nmtrlbrjtt l» the midiile til' the room*, helped 10 It was iinfoftiliiale in. ninny wa»'| liowlliiK Cash'io. lie l-< tall and. mil- iilc.f In return from,a lire In tbe winter ' "fihr Billy. CHURCH SERVICES. * Ut the net-en ry ex|ieimen. The nieiu- uonraln ficn'L No wnnap eouM IJC'-IJ tl,'- ib-stnietloil '•- ili-AWf-aaJ wat>-r i-r'-'-v*'*, cpon Firwt M. K-Uhurcli, corner fvuiriit uvt'inif , bern were pleaded, ton, to know tliat a tliat Sunday's weather was HO rainy: .. a barcaln «!!•• fartlier '!ri than COM! lii'n wrlt.-r, Ani.-rliii S.-arlnttl, there li here to wash oue'N IIBIICIM.- wt.l-Th ti." *-\i.rt-rii>' f't all llvitiC things (tod ttlifUtb Htreut, H«v. J. Wttrti liutnhlt.'. .number of Ineal biiHlneHM men hadthe Hrene. The hrllllnnre of HIL- and* ultOKelher illsiiKreeahle. In-1 ^Bllly BlnCT- Iii.-l'I"nptlly_ nniy -o-.-i RENTED THE STRAND '"i"> •<•'••y-i«-t <-. t n!i" v.-ry inrlwis .mi- that may beciHol U. 1>., put tor. [AMES M. E. HILDRETH !e wan heightened by tiie iniiiiy- Of the other* wlio took 11 plunge, rresldeKt AllaniH was uf the opinion j 1-j r.lt:::.a>'!y .•-.:i'llt!f.^«-l. Ouly In a MoruioiCH«rvice, 10.30; evi'ntnt^ H4-rv|i'«-t7.:ui. TRY very wliriiiRly aHslHted the amuii'lnlinii. loijlitedly It deterred large numbers | the ellmax to Bin?"' mw. But n>i->r- The Ideal Summer Resort bibli.ipliiii:iii. XII ri'f.-reilre Is intemW Tray-ur uitHJllnic. WtjUnemtay uvuiiiuu, ;..(•(. and then heat it quit'k retreat .for tliat It would bo cheaper to Ret a coal ^>-ry f"u' i::.!::;7'"-r*:iiil ;..r::.« ilwoIJ of in tli*. in!.^ tbut itin-i. destroyed b All bills were reported paid, and tliere eoloreil ilresseK of the young women as | from rouitni; ilowu from I'lifludclpiilp u 'niaalon on hi* t>:irt ronlj", ronvlm* lijs Hn. Kaic A. VonaK .Tukr. Holrl (i^-rlr;i•:;•;!,.-.U oi com- HUprfritnuuilviit. I" a. ha'atli'O in the treasury. ; i stove . • - frieadu of ili^ ahfiunltiy of .calling IZ11_• 1:111 • 1 nil elltiT.' .slitinu .if CaltetTl BEEF, IRON AND WINE they whirled iliroiiKli a "I'mil .lime-," in the mornliiK. und it Interfered t-nn- Dr. Hurry l-'oiilds. Wi lor Tbl. Maian. '. !..-H iii.i.af-i •!'•*" l.-.t ".-.-: -t.-ti,,-, I i Sox fr-'ij sli^;.;" i>.:s:~-utj-l» 'or from ^juifii uf TrUNteeH—1'ruHliU'Iil, U. It. Sliu—; linil si,ii,-n,tr, Mi^i.r i,n,| Kxi.i.iln.-r In llenszey I ('oiiiu'lliiiiin J, 0. Hteelmnn gave nix footer TSHIy.' "I.^xlii'ii 11.-ptMUl.it tun," but tohumio Mcretary, U.S. Mowrnrj irt-ii».uror, ••citrm- l-!\prL-i".liin WH-4 KlventotllL' IhnuKht ele .literal.ly with • tile comfort - und •^ % -r.. -•* l»r-'i;v away fr-'ia ih*? [ Th'.- "I.-:II. LJ-T t< tu-o>::.;':i!-!»-l. TJs* O, Aduiu»J l>r. H. T. Aiiirtttt, KIIWHW M. Kill- For a KprliiK Toiil<- ioue of his yntniK friend IHIIIIMK from voice to tile thought that If there wan " Bin •*' Im.-lx'lrtrri/w-wl wn* n cv>n.lltlo; J. M. <.'iHr,t«r >V • ' |..|iiL-s who Imvtf- literally devounO' that, Inrnl btlKlneMH luiiiKeH Mhotiid lie Kxcelleiil niiisle was furnished by plfa-mre or tho^e already here. . J 1 1 ton. Win. I*. HI bit, John MurtK, Irit s. I'ltuiM •- |i ; ! West IMilladelphlii. < rittanij. one of tiie Itadiiitf h'.tel-here, ' ity'.-r' i,,.ltr ' r:-. : J ", . J.,-.. ,. j • : -.-:;. • - T:,.- ^>U.« j.'jr]'".' of ni!' - Lfui •:!-.-'. '.-f • h'-.r": !;y:i' li^y .-.r.Iy I* -. '• "V'."i'V, MAT"( ITV! N. .1 anything like that to be (riven'out, the of nelili#r l-irili nor ' acl.Icvtfiovot—ll b.i.ks, , , ••• P puimnl/ed when they.i-Hii 1,'lvc the re- several pieces from the rotate Keu-I.. <|'ln> - ruin sprinkled . at Intervals ,- 1 ...-•'.., I." :i.-»-ii'-y «^.1 k.K.uj xh'j J <-o::-.j.r.-l.-E'I'-l »"JI,T. In tlilvf physical ifiH«M MtHitimiN-Huniluy iiM.niliii;, \>.M, .1. ' There- WIIK a Hliarp wind hlnwiuK at TTSII tbrn«t nr*-n him. X'nrlhz h!s evrv to Mr* Kale A. Youim.. u 'i.rotuineiit *' '*' • I • I -•"":«i J «i — . -t --i. i-.[:ti«v-'. -: Iv In f.'JT'i *II;II-II:IIM» Vls.-ontl compel!*! BOURSE PHARMACY elbles'Orehestr. under the leadership ; throughout the day, and In the even-, Ocean City Volunteers, No. l,of wblch ..,•-.. * .-. •.--•- -.- i.-iiT!:.-r.-I In in.- W. Huiltit, itutUT; M-jn.myc-\inum,;,i.,, .MIN. <|illreil herviee. • - latlon Into tliat 'Kta;«- tJ-.-r*,1 hail 1. caterer at Hrnad ami l'"|iar .[rcet-, "' !'•'•*> :»•(••-.• '.'. • 1—.;.- .:-. —*: .' two papal iI.»li'iMt<"« tn cat the bullrf K. Brli-U, leudur: l-ritlny t-vt-nitiUt toiMm^- /W OFI-ICES OF •'•• the tiuiot, aud must people on • the lie is a member, should have it. "'Ve OCEAN CITY, N. J, of llenry.KI'ietz, of the Syrr Hotel i;,tf i),t.re wasa sieinly downpour from •:-•.- :••• :!i" ••!.;; lr.-n of i..-:r broth- Uonuu, Jtfurttjr. TUew iuc«tllit[>t ur« nultt ut - The next mei'tliii* will be at Mrs. any one of a n maM" ami w« Mr.. Yi'ime,-'« h" da. K--'i."t!' -trr-i '-^;*T-i 1: .i.i ••-.. I',** *-i- ^. • •- •-"tiiiniiiileiitli;u whleh they bid boardwalk and strnnd felt IIOTII* t..o haven't even H buth," he added. tbecuurun." ' J RALPH L. GOFF, I'IIHIT'-I Imine, 1TLV7 oxford »trc.et, IhisL'liy. it,. iiLMiveiis. The air wait raw, and 1 Herbert R. Voorhees, Wlirl11 1 attired in street varh. that Blnr» wonl-date . • ;- '.:. V." 1-ai.O.-vva^-Crazy li a f"'.v i-u .-:-; '.i'.'c.i-:iT.;i.! uroai: 'llAN I 1 IMiilndelpiila, April ^Id. The rei-eptlmi was preecded by the (i,,,<"t. wlio venliired out dlseovered the.' happy to hare ^ndowod. with hnlf bla w e.ifils ninl |M.I.II'II seal. As Iliebollwu i'lr-it HnsKbyierli-ut Chim-li. W*j«*ley uvi-ntit I I. VS I II' Til .'AwlHiry AV.-IIII.*: GIVIL ENGINEER. * >f Hr. and Air. >. K. Ajer-.'uii'J iier . :«'''f murk-.. '.;. -. ; - ... .;-: f^.i ..f U," !u.-, .-.'f k.'.V N ' niisiiale, In wlileir.Mrs. K. Tinuiin/n. | weather hnythhiK b'lt eoinfortable j house, you know," retorted H. IJ. worldly ooil* but for hN • MPMSIJ-I u'rltti'ii "ii i'-irehiniMit, snys ttie St-ln- HUU HMV^ulM tttreft. Kt-v. II. T. i'K'«*i-llK-rry," I" Avi-nlli-i^. : I'IIE^ K.-ulu.-ky uml Atli.li- — • • •. - — [latroni' uill be of the'very bv-t rla— Siiiiet', I. ; . ,\'.-:..- -,.;ii,-r- -:ir!:. • i.-'-uii t'lly ..It on Tii.-.ititv-u 1 11.I 111- SdRVEYeR. l-'raiiklln 1 A JOLLY PARTY Smith, who then niade a motion that . Su-i: ii •.•.:••,:; .-;_ will !-.- "f a bricbi, BATHING SAFE AND UNSURPASSED piulur. Humluy wrvuv-. ni..uj u. tn. tutu • Kurd and, Krunklln I;.' \j |UV mornl.m found tlii- conilltloiis basbfolncw. ' NVVOT yet had b.» brf; ii:i»- ,\ryor|e;nr. n..t palter. It wnaalltlie . u. in. lTHywr lutH-iiiitf, WtftintfiJuy w.ir- • '. 'I'lii-.iliiv UIIII rhlir-.ili.> Kv.-ni ,1!- .lur- GONVEYANCEr. EASTER EXERCISES of people. • ' . ?™ • ' 't' t:l"l mii' ; ri-ini. -.-•:. - •;•-,, Kor.l a heater he purchased. . nlje to •crow hN illL-est, (Utf Ml H o'cltK'k. KlIIMlIrty Mt'tlO4tl J.-ttl )1. HI.' WlllliT. Jr., look part. Die opeoiin; unimproved. There was a flight fall . •II riiolii- .MII.MIi'l'llv. S.'. Ill I NINTH AND CENTRAL AVENUE, Mr na Mr. and Mr. Wiluier, wln»'lia\e^. v-i-i -1po*nl. th/>u^h he bad mrulf FINEST BEACH ON THE COAST A similar mi lute was related bj iti-.-lill I'lly, Nit. IS OCEAN CITY. N. J. I SI. •-:. Miiii€iu> HclioolClillilrrii Old lf ably conducted the .•ilraiid for a IIIJIII- '" "r;ii*a>l i-l.li- t-i •imci '•••.I-.I-.M; ..:. . . .'•.-•' .:•• -.V.IJ M •"-•IT.'-Iy uojirij- 1 BottrU of "iruHictM—K. I". ('uiUii'hi, prrni- ' wimil Hevrrai vimiom. uarm weatlier now, aud cold water almost ttnpcrfanmnn «^ffnrtR In ttmt «11- iflj.it II;.- su:.:.!: ,,' :- 7--.•!.-•;—1 fn.aj the oelrl.'h In Ills "lilsseriml.i .V Blbllo- d>uii Kiiiufimii Sinitii, -otT.inry; A. li. T'lty," t;oinpo.e.l l.y Mr. KloH/- } wintry wi'iither, eauseil a liusty t-x- • ' . ' - v \V-.!f i;.T.i-A- th" l.-fatK-n V«rr» Nlci-ly. f ' rectlon. ber'of y*ai>, ex peet'td tf>-lea-v,'thi> '*• fr."i:t i.'..•!!;. u-!.-:. n-fii; ,•.-:..., »nrfafv ..f'tin- I. ;'::.l i: wi:i oj.fear tli'-.-iirmn.'-i Mbrnrtini rails". (1750) «f liluerttrvMMUrt-r; l**"*l»i M (ivi-w, JON, itKciih Aiiioui' the duuee numbers were odiis of I'nlNigers and other visitors, As usual, the same Jolly I'row.il was was good euougli to wash In. ' ••:• '•-•• r "!:-. ,:i '.fl.'.-ji ihi* 1.::!" on».-s THE HOME OF THE FAMILY MAN Had i>»vld Cti * •liie t'lilldrt'ii «f tiie KIMI M. K. Thl« nwiiiM a j.Ity. for'BIni* wa hotel for the- cotniui* t-utnuier. but a*- tllty f..-ei -i 4-1 JMI -..Vna.r blotJ r>il. i'.i;«- t.> i;- i-r--;—rty of finor- an Austrian L-i-n.-ral who hud »lp»Jl MARRY M. RICE, severu]dtilk'ated to loeal iiote, keepers,. . . All of (hi- hotels that were open, and entertained al l-'uster time by Mr. and II. A \V. Kn.lth said that he had ililuitli Si-lmol ht'ld tliclrVxercl-ieK -in . undeniably ctit oot for a Benedict. H Mr.'KnRll.h, the ou iier. dcf»ire^ I" *e.\ t" A'.-;,' :•'• ''--eii-. ii'.te.f"r L-.««»I tbirini anil wliralttfO Cburcli of Die Holy Triniiy, iTutuxiuiit SEASHORE FURNITURE KEOISTEREP ARCHITECT as, for liiHtam-i', u two-Klep, "Tiie Jolly there »l-re nboiit lirteeii, did a ruslihig "-Irs N. S (jollnt their .ottiim', I'JiiVi gone over the house with the trustee**, U-n^'h "f Tin- r:iy< >.f I.L*!.: 'J'f th" T',o!<'t Em-«.-oiml,corutjr Klevvniti »irwl uiiii tvit tin-" fliiircli la-it Sundny iirterniMin. thonsfat all' worof-n angels and .all •>• >-J;:=Tl«ir tl.t- r.ilp-. .-ir.'l ..f ilio-.j.'vtruiii !:. »u-a u rjannt-r - imluvvu'jv, HuV^ Murtlu Al«n«r, ntlitl-it-r in Ilitviiii; the uiitt'rtiihiniL'iii III .till- t w babies ctiernlx. , youn(f,may bpy at the elo*-* of the' i.di 'rn.nr, Liri'iiHil't. Tii.- Tartars, when lm.iks fall tab otuirK', KtfV. II, Cook, vu-ur; W. 1'. t'nu^k', unge «f »'lo«ers," Wlieiitmaii: "polka.. , i-oniiic-lloil to relume wonl.l-he weather,.the time was made lively on of a small heater. At this point, H. --. . - :;.••> ••.;..;'..-I v r:," Ki-iji.^l ttj.-- a« xo i::.'ik" th'-iu t-oli:<-;'l" ^'::h rtxi-«r of MANY CHURCHES NO SALOONS l»y reader, MuriuuiC |>ntyfr uml »i-riiiuiu llU-inooli Wn» nil Ililioviilloli, uml it UMl As he StnHwl uptown on tbe mo *eaK>u, i*he wan Klven • the preferein-i-.' IU-'jM-*t. of j-V.' L-.'-SI I-. ilw N'.ujt.j th.'lr [Hissi-sslnn. eat tbeiu that tbej Gallaqher's IJ. Smith said to him, In a stage . - .•... v ... >• ..i.i.-r v.'Il-y !!.t-. tlj.- 1O.-W M. in.; even Ink *«rvi«'-j ut .T. -0 o'rlotk. Ct-tK IrlncJUon Avc, "rherry," Maker: wait/,-'tWnn't. Vni Kne-ts, M> crowded were tlielr hoii"es. the.hislili'.liy the compuiiy -wtiiKltiiz. mentons raornln; after hit pnvipltat •L..- r-I ••'•.!• 1. It I* l"y • xai;i.];:ii!..in of ni:-.-,v a'-'iulr.* tli'.- Kiiowli'il^e rontaliMil oa tbe drttt Siuuuy oi in** moiiih thf t'oin- 3 S. SECOND STREET - »PHIL». proved uell 1111 thin «i'i'a"fim, be«iin-t- : • •' •• ...-V•••t:,» .ti'.-Mr.':'. "i tl,e f:li.'tidly Coine Over to My llniise," I'l/ell, ii'inl . •-•.- irivhii!: reeiiutloiis and. pluylni; prnnkn whisper, ''second the motion." This tUjdit Blnpi hud n particplar ehfrjili ln l!?!jt wl.i'-h lias paiii-tl'ti.n.'Ui.-li a solo- In ili.-m. ' . uiunlon Nervti'ti will follow tuoruliir»t i'ruy*ir iiii.l i>uvt- .ii.iiiii-y. ... IS. J. HAD GOOD TIME ' '•"•'''i"*". IIIT >ui.'i.v -.-h';-.: •:;.-,,• t U l(Utu.uiht)rHuuda>'Mut7.»U VHoott. ( till!" dlsacrei'nhle Weulhur III tiie oil' one uiiother. The-i;iieslH were injiiiietlou the Second Ward Council- mind—a pretty., brown • ej-itl. dlmr'lo^l tl..:i oi i-!il.-,r"i>].yll." li"»'..v,.r. that Uao Spacious Bi>;ird\v.dlc. l-'ft; Band Concerts I) iriiiL; A S.in.tinavliiti wrlii-r. the nuthorof quadrille laiieers.'Smltli. •' ' ENJOYED SUPPER I'. .. .:'. ; ill,- fi;i;lt-..f 1'r.uy' Wolf sr.-.4;.-t li,*::rlii inf. 1;. p!,y.;.-al jjrop- vehhiK. Tliere was n program of presented with heutittful i-ouveuir.-* of man obeyed. cberab that be would hart* jzlr<*n hal n jiiiliti'-iil iu"ik. was e-unpelled to George W. Ernst 1 tile A ri Mi ! v l '1. ' ;. •: .: ti^r Th*-r»- ^'a*. not a ' *"< i-linns.. i..-Tw..en lu-liic belieiiilod or eat- Anbury uvtduue, bviwrttn ThirU-oulli uml W1XI/ BE MARRIED \VUHIIII>|£I<»IB CJimp M'-iubi-rii Hud 01 t w rr J GENERAL HAULING Iti'V I". H. llriiiiyalu, iiniil'.'iui udilrc-sH their ii|ipret'ltitlon to ttic- linst . and declured that there In work needed to balf to po«M^n tiie rhenji/i* protty, I''«.-liu;ht ct" the Vach'srh.in. Xiimeroiis Trains to MILT his maiiusi-rlpt I...II.-.1 In brotb. , koartMncli nm,icev. John J.sweitny. pu^iur. Automobile .-!•. ..u a --r.-":.. It i:i:.y t." '•-.-n Mtuw OP Hiflj-iKyt* ut \* <*V|»M'k, •'I'll.- utiiwii! wuu filrnlxhed by I'rof. be done uttlie Ninth street lire house- brown eyed mother. But. «o far every : N;i i.- Viiltuiir. wim wri'ie'siirae iplfj (iikiliri-y -".VIIIH'B* IIH- 'Hie niemhers iif Wushiugtou Cump, hostess for their i^'uerous hospltulity. TLe ujenjberr. of Wnli-.-lella I'ouin-il. <•':'•'\>- ''<•' '; ' '* '" •••!•• -* i. :"t- ... • ..' •'. • '• .. ••-- - ''•>• Wlii:" •';.;• , . and from 1'hiladeiphia on Two R;uKva*>'5.-.•' .- * i'liuli-;ilc r.ulk-r, I-Ilru-, liunl, riietrxt- Importers of >• Tl.:.: :!.-TC- ::ri' .'-V'-r..l ;,irr" luti-rruls II. II. I.nke, II. Y. Ijiikeiind Niiriiiun . The uuesls were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis work that must he done. The house glance from Mr*. J****!*" Mftffatt's TO l < •.atln's'ii-.-alnst iicriinril. ilujjc of Sat- Union THbumucle lUiptl^t <*liurt'h. Kluhlh IIII.I l'oiiliry.. .IVIIvli*** Niilliirlt <>lr|. \o. T.i. I'.'O.'S of ,\ , und tlielr wives cnUb eyes had pro.lu«-pf -!..-;:• li!i:.il> :n .*:.,•.-;.".-.r-j™, Tb* •trwtuud Wt^uveuuf, KL-V. .1. It. Unttjiioiu — IUO7 Arch Dnrl.y. ;• needs fouiidatkiiiH. f a ; u ! l Mr -iny. wii-.ri'-i all.iue.l t*-i> *-ntirte«y of Ku-lik-ni-f, li-MI Axhiiry iiVvuuv. Chester X. (indfrey, son of Couueil 11 iti I a very pleusiuit time at the Bis- M. Ivelly, Mr. and Mrs. Osi'nr V, ID having'(tood time- It. their. lo.iee." "", '"' " • ''"" * *' '"J ' • ptuttor* Huuduy wrIv|t-«s pit-ut'lnii-j II u* in. nate-efff^t of Jn«tantnn<*ou« y.aralj I'II' l.lti-l;i-"ii. but was f..r.-".l tn swallow lU'clliitlniiH were Kiveii by l''l*-lj Uvuo, the Misses May, June, Doru He was interrupted by Councilman 1 U f 11 1 H&dti p. m. I'.oyerniet'tliiii^.'ilu. k i ri.Uo lilies, 7tfi Street bel. Asburj and Wesl Aienue 11:111 mid >'rs. S.t'. (iodfrey, whn Is'I'uvine oh Kmlaj; eveniiiK lust, u-hei of poor Blniri* toricae. so that he oould rooal. at Interval-, and Iliey do, KK,. . J''"*'";' "* ". -''•"•"' M '" '"' This Summer will witness construction of Bridge across tho >V-",:\ i:i:.-"»k.'il. evenlui£. 'Uiticent or lite wmni-1 liurU-*' ll. stuull, Si.r.uii Stiilth. H-irvey A.hinw" II. A, W. Smith, who nuld the speak- ;r; HowMrd, clmlrnluu; JJIIII K. Truw-ur. ifru-- well kiifiwn lo .'iiiuiiy of O.-eali flty's ! they ob.wveil tiie lirth anniversary of. uiiit- Hessle 'Larson mid Miss Kelly only stanrr dpml> or bla«h and Ktnai- Lai-t Mouday ulelit ws»"iine'if the-t ' '" . ">• '••y t!> ••!. i'•:';• 1 ;.:.'!".tiv',-rted Into <;i!ll w,.r^.- was the fnte nf PbUJp Itnlh Miinri'. Mlnurvii AdniiiH. H.iwnrd • Bay to-Somers' Point, which will Increase Trnin ufer; M. Unrcm. tuaarttury. I re-ldeins. will be married on April j I he organization hy having 11 supper How" e uud' vMis" s''" Khnor l.tuler. er's remarks were Irrelevant—he was jcca»iqnic—;Vfter~their~~reKTjl& i BiiTrctti—Vlnliel—liuker-VmiKlin—M.—r- tinttulkhtgon the-motion. .I.,-. r:;.\ :r-;i:.;ii'I" to the pro- Service to Philadelphia and Vicinity. s he brlile-to-be Is Miss '-'.Isle. There were 7<> partakers of the meal, mi not the .first time )>y ncy o?. the memberri and their luii'bsnd-'. - ».,,,,, I . -.',- '• ! . .'..- :!; - Ili:..-' w-re mir- u I10 u-:i^ i-ninli.|iin.-.l not only to eat i ('lure 'Iliirmi.* rVrron, lonn Adiiinu! "'- '••.s,;.,:, :.L- t! !.!i.r..phyll. anJ Still muttering hl»objections,"Jake" ' - meam that Blnss bad performed tha 1 L !l1 t 1 [tiinplil.'i of U\< writing'', but aUoto siiliiirli • of wliii'h was prouoiilieeit line. > - - to tbe total number of lifty. K,uaHe.i '"' '"""'*|" ',"• ' '"'"' "* '!"" " v... :..'...! l.y .'. ..;r-..:- .-•:' "'..-la-ral -Mll-s SECRET SOCIETIES.. mid f.mr little jjirl-. They nil ut- Knynrd, of sher«'ooi Thro'tiRh trie neeiirytil j. M antdown. " . meta] .boHeal feaC It had lion at leas" .• u? ,ir _:l,t- .-•>:.:!it->:K oi f-uu- !-"-il'iL-siHi'diirliii: lil< r.'J'S«t. with or- The wedding Is to tuke' Mrs. llert Sihlth gave ii'reelttttlon In ' upon'the Boor, Jn true Iudian rtvle. '"."., lh'r •""' ";V""^ r*c'•"«• .;, 1 •.-.•>.- --.;.i u'i'..''*!'..i!!y !'••• —! i:i"" inllted thenl^'lves uitiuirHbly. . 11'iiil'inflphlft A: <'o.,frhnnrus J. Armstrong lius re a •emlweekly ocenrrence for. wnta i •I'-r-J tli.-it'il:.' tliivuliiu .I1..11M not«*« Ocfuu CHy IXMlne, No. I7lt K. uml A. M.. pliieeiUlhi' Inline of tile bride 11 inuiiiivr that won lippluuso. Kbeu- (.'ouiiclliuau Headley said that the and partook of "corn -and »veiil-H'." ''";»*:-'I<" •'•'>' ^•'••' :!" !=-' •Kv.of mecta wc-oua i»ud miirlli 'I'liurwiuy unliliif Dr. Itider. the Hiiperhitctidcnt, i» months past Earh time Flings vo-.ve jintll I." lui.l Jwnllow".) tti.'.hmt rmirti - nf vucli iiitinlt].4n Mui.«lnli! Hull. ^- M wild the Mlliinis.ou-the-Struiid. Tin Uellative nieoiliers, who have a club It u'an a lively M:i*loii. aii'i uin-l eli- ' , '^'"lt't- l"'-»i"«w'<-'r- are re'iuirwl . i'r;^-y U'- If, .M !.. ti J.- s.iw il... pur- Within easy access of Atlantic City and Mr . ,~ Wlllluln.M. lUnck: necri'iury. I'. M. TlinlHU- tt'o[klhK hard' In 'tiie' ItileriMt nf the puelmser W'IIH l''runk \V. Xlli'liener, of liouse-niit a lire huu»e—and are of the to |.la.eu Iilll hrencli ri-l.t^l t.".v. If J. llioru. . , . ' Iseipployeil by a liirKellrni in Minion,, muile ml address teeiullig with putrl- tbe'fool. But 1M- d .* t.-I'lur Jail-t..rn.«A hi- nth! to ::. .-7':-!.!•-'r-'-ty i.;.-l ::.^.I- ',f..r il.- other well-known resorts North I urollnu. - 1 otle tlioughts. • • . tbe point where the Inevitable mi'nta cf and iiHefnlneKH,' In the hotel iiusihess It).Atlaiitlr Cily. heed hot water. He' wax of the 4 )'.:.-! I.'an.N II- '. .r.--:r.<- l.'i.- ..-:-')«.f t!.- s-.r: ritt.'ifl.'nc IO It. and the Uceuii City i.odge. So. .W, K. «r I'.. uu*l" feat was copiously punctuated *wlth : onday evening . . ' M^X"" l", '**"? 1'« ""*^ ,.'!">-."'» i- ii"t, wantlr.e In this par- If Vuu Hrrl •> \V"..n.lrd OrltMlT Otf Ural uud mlrd MoUduy •NtnniK^ .if I'llili REMOVED TP CORNER opinion tlmt 11 little attachment could ^JlrKrltV •:;-r -.- :.• : R ! lit ;:.;•'.••:.- -i;!.J",!-ji;.-.i m mill lu K,or I", bull. Anbury uvmtli', mwr J tiuuiur:. ftt s i jry l^rtTrraofItTthfitat -HevemivMtnjet^-IVtJ.—ih»yit>l»-V-t.lnn»UHK -lic-mude-tu—pruV-lde-th,tt iieeeanary-hot uml M'fVrvd f"f resit umi the inuii "ill of.;,.- J.-.'-l". .-.::.1 !,.- ;;i:-l it ST tlj'—SV.'rs A w.Mihibil L-rii-.zly is a mean thlss of K. uu l b., K. lluw.urU 'i'liuru. abbckM) the pretty widow had she : the t!:;.- "f ;h» criu-liliioa some dropa water The Hetiatice Company has ' PERSONALS. ' lie I'luftil in the L'enenil ileliver.; " t.i riu-lit. ami. If tiu're Is u trtw bandy It RECEPTIONTO—— '-NEW—— beard It. • • " .of bi.^.I, f-H i.u-a j.i.tv of dark'preen- fi:--1 t-i ,'•.:. tJ." i-rui.- «, -th.» war- Is a pi'i-ity U'SKI thini.' to ellmb UT aw- Iol»Council,Ho. I'M. Jr. O. 11. A. M.< 111' been receiving the greater part of the Blntrs felt hU helj"le««n^«« bitterly ; ja-i'i-r tl.ji; lay at the foot of the cross. MIIIII'II'IMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMUIIIMI *v«ry TuiMduy eVtiliinic In K. uf r. null. Seventh and Asbury Avenue Wtu. K. p:.-!. , . tiling k'.-ts wroni' with your 6hoottnx tire department appropriations during So absorbed wan. ho In t'llJ th-nr.-lit a« i \'ti ifUto-t of Mr. and M rrf. U. K, 1 iiiriilii Just a Moment; Please 11 H.-hi if .-rl|ipliil, but I kuuw thertli MlHallle w. Luk», iwcretury. 0 Illtle in its lieiiittUdH, The other com- , deep (doom, enrflo^ed Bin^K' K"«1 r^s<-,l M ri-i.r'«-r.t tiji- blixsj of Christ, Large Gathering in* First M. 'Pretty Edifice, a Credit to Allen Scull Presented the " Ml«^. Marrett ^j-ent SalUrduy u ihii ilirfereiuv betu'tn'u a black or panies should he considered^ brijrht Jane momlnr. cad hi.'.ny w..!i,b-rful properties were bMwii bear nit'l n. grizzly: If yon meet frotecliod ljidne, No.iiU. A. l», It. <*'.. mei" E. Church Spent Evening ' Congregation and Gity, Lowest Figures to Metho- •.-. "Confoimrt. 'It?* he roijtim-l. "11 Palm Sunday wiili frieiid>.ln i'lilla. attrlt.ut.-l • t-. the nt-me. . It was • Moudutid fourtu Mou.tuy rveiilnli" l|l K.' Coiini'ilmali .Il.-ij, Smith's motion II- ;.:- w.:;..«• '..irl:' i.tvl. M-..I-. u l.liiei; U'lir face to fuiv uueipecWV r*. bull. M.W., Jobu \v . Hiuiih: lleconlr WALL PAPERS CITY AUDITORS sometblns doesn't hnpjw.n ««» 111"— .tbaush* t'i y.f-"r\c Its wearer fro:) The Early Spring is here, . Pleasantly. " Filled at Opening. • dists—-$a6;62it. was lost, • , r 't "\ !,.- "••lliy wir.-!;V:h. bu: ^•ive liln: rive j-eeouiU ami be will b* Wllb.rd W.Aauiuj. "Golnjt, colnc— cone!" . t Mr. aud Mm, Charje* Ktnii. of'tin- .rli.^ c ..I fonuue and to .'nit i.f«lii has- i1-'ri-*.'s. Mr. Hotel' Man, and it is KliluilliTrlbi', So. 'ii), I. 6.' It. M.. nlf-vi" ua,ker City, have oj>etie«l lheir,i.'i»t- i r.'-.i;y W „'.. -i;-,r.::.-. lay mi thvi.atik •tcli WbdnMduy tsVeiillll! in K. or I-. null MAKE REPORT! 1 ASSESSMENT MIX-UP same way anil «lyt- him-five sword* .given n. rciicjituiii. In the Kirst M. K. inpleie and IniiidMime I'resbyleriuii i'liiiri'h were received hy I hi''building tened his stepn. An nwtlnn, .'*ri-I bf' ; Lilt ler 1~ Wulluc«, U«ti|Kir ol rtfi-OMii. 11 tage here. f ti-.W!.:-r- < :a,v -r..-k. Tii.- I.•;...- ,:.f anil y.m will lie out of biisiuedii. _ • W'hilr.'h on Sunday nmrnlHB; last was 1 not to tcaw It? Turr.!ns:a'<":rnrr. br Crrot >Irn Il«v. K--T, •;,„,. time you were sending out Chiirell oil Tuewlay evening, when the ci.iiiiiilit.L- on Tfichili.y tiii^ht 'J'IUTL c'liv c'akii^ci^r '•'old tt«r Can MilUe came full n^in r. fnrrrll'nr fiv-.-ru- Ji:*^ Mr. aud Mr«. AVm. Haeel.of i'lidii- ..-"Kje tifst o(..'i"-t -ji S'Lyisleal methods Al.-.iu the most fasi'liiatlui: way '" '. Wa»lilu|Hon Cump, No; 75,1'.'p. H. <>i A> members ol' the congregation were _.• ' „ _ . • . I an epoch-marking event in the re- were fiinr iililder". The htds were lor r.-.- W- If K;.s «,;:::,:-:,...h but !:.• IIIV taUiU evory Krlduy ultfiil I" K.ul IM«»»' Thursday, March 28 as a table rr-'v \:-:- •';.-! ilonii t" t!u delplila. baye opened tht^r..i.ttaife in •Bh'-'Ul-l Is- :•> striiithten and erpand tbe your Booklets, Pamphlets, limit bear, whl.-h'ls cv.-n liettit than alluwed an opportunity personally to 'Year's Figures of Interest to ; ,,, , * , o.-euu Citv, uml uii a lirowliKton.''ei!!IIt'e. bWiest bidder. I'.'ni:-'' fy^ aifiriffil Mr-, Inw .|.,«r«l, uf Jer-ey Citv; ''"In ^ 'd 'i FrvMldetit, KucH.-il l, ililrivtt; Si't-rt-lury, l-.u ||( ! K Btl ry o • At Council's meeting on Monday thin city for a few ilaya. body.-.The Wf.rld uiliy In a broad, gen- nlclit worn. Is to trail him rlulntoM* - muud .v. id " meet the new pa-tor and tils wife | occasion of . more tluili .ordinary The liiilikr- mid Ibclr lli;iircs follow: over the unn«nal dlsp'oy »l hutiwb'ilil l'ft-l.li-!lt- nl ihi- W-'|:- r.,.avl Si'r- • •• II- •!•. .li.-l "l..w:ri.. i!,.- This Resort's Tax*- evening, City Clerk AdaniH reported eral way -|». iiH:ik'J Into tiro great "j h.iiii.' iitul.ii^'t'tilui lu brnud dnjfllgbt at from 25 to 50 per cent. Discount moment in the_ forward progress1 nf "-'rank Cooley ami family, of (icr- or. Folders. . Soon ufU'r the arrival of Mr mid i Allen Scull, i-W.mi; Jolin Marls, ^'J7V- lliiit'he |mfi received a communication goods spread bef»n> him. . •Mary Iiei-lier. in l*uier-.iti. a former cla-s,--—th- er.-i't ai^d the lnerect. the on bis uvvii iliw.rstep, lu It were, ltcnn^ Culup 19, V. O, or A.. ini*t» ovtirySillllrdiiy payers. manU.wu, are i-peiidlnij. tltt' Ki»'-U'V U7.SU p. lu,, in K.ul 1M.U1I. M. I'. Itu-u Mrs.'ltriliiyatehi the church, It \V, this resort. The Presbyterian eoiigre. |,.,-,,,.• j^^pi, (J . champion, ji J. ' ••Fifty' eeut»r bid n vo'cv lii tin |-re-i-lt-iti, Mere i:i lu-.in. j fe'.v'ilav- Ftrou? am! tin- -.v.-ak. The epoch .mak- bivilnii.', but evervthlnir must b* ]"»< Mcretury. from l>r. Charles K. Kdwards In refer- holldiiyr in tlic-lr i-ollaKc Il-'-J VVe-l ''HI.- I.!';.- •,: .- l'-..;.,-| Uj. n'ji.i -.:A ll,.. HdwurilH uiitiounued to l|ie nsJcm-j- Thee report off tth liee I'lly nuilllors wnt iu to be I'ongiHtulutetl upo.u i<"|(j. Sti-clinun,.i'^i),i!'itl. • crowd as the nut-tJ-nn-iT li.-lil cp nc ami. "ami eiiL'aL-eil '|Uarlers at'ihe ers—tl..- Cr.ittwi-::*, Luthers, Knpole- • rlRlii. 'Hi.' irr.ninii nilirbt 1»- covereil ence to tax bills received hy himself article. It wax wiiltln-kV vi.lif.' r.ln :-• ivenue. • ; onB. \Vi.-li;:.i'ti>:is, W'ashlnsnons and Wuli-Htullu CoUurll, N.i.lil. I*, or I'..!" hinge*'--there were almost two hundred preHi-nied at tin- iiu'i-niitr of i'oionion | pnsscsHlon of nn eiliticc thiit is a credit Tliei-e,.llg.iires do not iiii'lude tiie fur- id Itev. <'eorge Ileed for laud near fclber.iii/.ir tbe nieiiii.er- nf the nrjatii- -:I];;.-,.| -t. !.;•:; :.i;.l i..-M "i:t h.-r 1.:.-',;. t.. with a llcfit full uf snow, aii.l tbesno* *>v«ry Monuuy vletip *( VJU, in k.of I'. M • wrath namcxl up. anil iw.ffjr.* !:<• Y.:.' Websiers—uuve'-hi-vu men marked by The Sentinel Printing people present—-that everyone was ciMincil on Monday evening, but the 1 to the members and to the city, Illture, phiilihliig an I winiiows. Mrn. A.' M. MCCUIIIJUKII unit*-Mr-. ./ati.itit 'J'hey will >.e hen-'lurn.L' tiie • ra:-,j W'-lf t;;...\v ii.- -:ri-nj;li n-;N i.- •- ; oujrlit in be mt'ltiui:. Thi'U Ihe twlf Seventh and Pleasure avenue. ' time to think he. wax IIIIMIM f uriuM',\ a Ktrai.-bt uplne a«d a . broad, hi Eh. there toinnke tlieaeniialntaiieeortlie'l reiidiiiK o>(f thHiee .p»per. whli'whlelhi Is uuti-,n . -Tht, cliiircli Is buiil of Port Ik'pciKlt , . Tlie oltii-lill hoard will meet tills' Ifcltr, of I'iiilade)|.hia, are "peiiiiliL' stule(> A. );. Ktic-iltiiptiittii, . .' lilL- ',':,-'< ll ii.ii.-ht I.-"t l.i-t It;:• j '..'.I thi-1'. won't break, one bus j«, be very care- it developed tlmt I>r. Kdwards '.dwti cliftst. Tin- iiiasti-r(-d millions, the usually c'om|ilcle iiinl unite leuglhy gruuite. The interior iu saiid-l!iiishcd, BEalnst bis rival. I'IIB* In the !rr:;v r,i 1 ful, uml when bruin Is found, which l» CHURCH SOCIETIES. pustor and lils wife, anJ to spend a few dajH in the former,'* t'ottact- in !..i':r "f r-- -,-LN- !!.- .-.»• ill- i-t- ..rr.-r.-l MODERN PLUMBING AND HEATING evening for the purfiow of i.wned t\ tract of laud at the point' wu-dlapeiiKeiLwiih. with, polished chestnut wood. The "barcaln fever" nml \vbr. I-Mwards was as- seasor of varlnus'itrtlclM tliut \ri-ri. of Mr«. Joliuwin Honey, the ulft- of a At hi-' own re.|!ic-i, Ilev, Tlieo. one there may Iw two, anil, lo that eucn uiuutb. MrN. Kllzubotli OUllily. iiiVn ALL0WAY M. SMITH & CO. •W'.lf tli.- i::.-|.-I ••! :: [..•:|..-j;*pip.-. 'T-.u ; dim; Mm, Uuvlnln Tiiurui ireuuurtr; ar i'» front of the*pulpit, raeiiii? tiie - pen- auditors have given a very gum" re-Sunday sehonl room, somewhat as tnuc-h nee ta hlrn nt thnt p<-rl3,l of Philadelphia (jollce lieuteMunt, lin- of I'liila.lcliiliiii, ..wlib im- is prepared to do Your DECISION RESERVED sessed for liix original holdings and fj.r..-i-;iti-li." -l,i- -:•:•!; "Ji"iv si:;,;;.-" ] case, n\if must lu> abie to shoot fa«* . Carrie AdHlim, Heu'retury. • , . (Successors to H. A. W. Smith) , pie. unl o Dpened the Allen, .fqruiarly knou 11 a- : iiiHii.v frietiil- in this i.-ity, uht-re [.e* A- .V"u:j^- n,'iluri-t. ' t-ij.lt'avurlui; 'to Mm, Joun U, CJuudyiMUjwrluteiidtfiit Jim Mr. tteed was assessed for the part he, " f and Ktrulutit; and Implicit conadencela they slioilld receive inori' tltiin SW' rooms later will be separated by ii pair of wlnjr«. Hnd Hiiic< Inlereitrfii" ! .poiniii'-" a .-.rtinirj iimt.-cpwr ihut tho lor League. Cnrson.j. M.'Chester, Or. Itider Hi" Hut It NTIioutei>tc*>urt w'ili l-'uvor purchased, Mr Itued sent a check to the Oxford. ; . • . - * '' ^ ' j'lni- l.eeu ii vi-ii.ir fur a -i-.ire nr mure Work in an Eminently the Kuii.ri<> carrlw U atwut the l»t 811 ASBURY AVENUE, - OCEAN CITY, N. J. .... ' — "* . • t . i z -lit .1.-11.1 :;n i!!...".j;..';;'*: li'.-i-l .if -u...k.' .'iivity-;! Mr. l-iilnahla, while to the rluht of eucli, the aiiiouut tigreed to hi' pa"tutl I partition. With this partition- raised, the exchange «f wlnku IK>IWW>II Wblt dwriiy ..f'foa.-hluj M'.:I* mori" than cotu- 1 c- H.. iiuriuii. , . . Dr. l>'.<)wnrdH iu. puymeiit for his '•f jears, bu- u-en. L'lyeti a rie'.i rliiirre ffiiij I... |.|, 'I':,- I'.tti.. i.i... -!:..;.-'! at ^trtrk In trinle a • man can* postc* lock and the a-attJfinwr.lio raixlit havo Ijltlle Harvey Mart" uave a blrllKluy .peu-n:.'d lor l.y, tin-'-pn-ii.l of moiorluc ('"IWBYTKBrAN CIrO ill'». S3 v. MrH.' Ilritiiyatc Niooii'MrH, I-'il/.nbe-Ui le ttork'. Me.Smith'naii'd tliat the throwing the two rooms into one, ; by the J'liiliiilel|'hiH M'.-l-! < '^|iiiire, l ar- yuuV" :i-k.-! I'razv lit stop, him iiulckly. to wy v« « day bV«lilii|> of euub inontb. J't't'JtdLliM l deii, ou Monday, reserved decision hi own taxes und held Mr, Hee>l's check. barricade around Blnpi crew and ffrew. ild* . Thoije present were Tbeter 1'nuiit.y, i'a. .' • tlilukJiii:. Is directly in the.brain. It" w Then he uskC|l the city to make a cor-. itevetaH, Loalle HUKhen ai •! Harvev 'uorKi-jrfiw.cr, "the <-.|Uul. rtr. of wa-ti- Cr«..o; ireuuuror, Mm. Wllliui" h- "' L'oniilauis wlio went over Hie lionUs). Hie application of C S. ilarton, ofthi" "Gomg, goluit—concr nhouted the Drop into the.office to- really iu.t n hard fbnt, usunliy at abort.' latuHout aeuretaryi Mri.. Joi.. 1. Hmill; MM. 0. It. Itider. 11 It u'ns foiiiid necessury toiisuchuirH, 1 H-cifoii or the assessment. - : _ ".'fli'" <'I.-'I-i "f tii" L-r":it warrior Little ' •foff. • .. ' - -~- . . ; •....' M •lays of <-O;M-LI horsi-n." city, for an injunction against auctioneer: "Dirt cheap at that Sir. , ' »-^ — .• ~^ , rain.'", and It piitu him out ml*w UBI "ecrciury. Mm. T 1>« Aduliiu; Boil ' After, all hud met the,pantdr uiiii his lie expressed the thought Hint tiie lie seats cHine yesterdn'y- morning,! *P<-;tr." w;i< tli" itunui-r. • ' The ti'-.vt mor;iiiiL- li" CMid lu his bill. morrow or within the Mn.Trouttnub uml »lM.OIiurl«M'Mi'rt»i. , Kll Silver,'or Phlliideipliiii, ti) restrain M r. Kmathers', in answer to a query, ,BlneK. Her*. Sam. wheel this peram- ;. l*ut AMIIC-M In IIO^WM. * , quii-k,—l-'lelil ami Stream. udltors should encli he given $$> iliu'evcV .' The Hours - have Itnjuh Mrs. F. It, Scbtielder, ucc'mipaiiled I'ni/y- "V.'if liiu! i-:it>-ii til"' lin-ml -"of Junior Kudeiivor uooleiy lUetii^ uvtryrri wife;- refreshment* were served by the salil the collector was "privileged to bulator around, to Mr. Blnss." Streetv'Jjifrvlsiir Urowu desire- the "TO f""iiML- illl'i] htlll.lllJir.-MJ KhljlIU^S." ,-•. • . .' hext few days and talk dayarturuoou at i o'clocL. N. e. GODFREY;S the latter from hulliiliig over the side- by her sonu, Frank ii , Jr.", and John I.llt!..' S.-,ir ;ii.i! l.ml im-.I;".! tl»''p:j.c : members of the Luilles'- Aid Hoelety, xtru. • ' . .. •arpet (Itrussel weave, with Ingrain Perambulator! Heavens! " Hud he He- E^UI"! T!i'> I.-III'H'JHI f.ir ,m ex- ; Cbriutlau KndeuVnr- MOUloty lillii'tH line nt Klc-veiitli mid A'lhury, avenue. makis such corrections. • ' Edward,, Is ejijoyiut' a fifteen r"k<-n n tra- ' < ).riiiUl»-> tit itir 1'Dlpl*- , o clock Huimuy oveiiluiiii, mill their liHslaitintK^ . President lie alley.- lit "Tli" '-.liuru" for '(KW-V JS -J fhll'lln' a U Business House. 657 Asbury Avenue,.Spring of 1907, «as ftirnisiieii ihiritiK • the iiiinllltliig Hie excellence of Hie report, Letter ti£ Lewis M. Crease, . • l'r../\ Wtiif '.vitlU'tl i:it.| til" uj.-tu-y ; . WE CAN/HELP YOU, fnnl j.t.-.-'i i •• ;•• r.'v-'i.y |iarisli*htK* • Wolaan'B Obrlutiun Teniperunco U»J " a double store and, dwelling canter. Marrieita, Columbia and Hur- I •»")'"" th.ls intinbe (lone or the'a-be_- 'cud. Kir." wii--til.* ri-j.ly. •• "That tin- andoDoiulnutlouul, lafelH ueiul'liiontlily i>y l'rof; IjttUo'a orehesiva. -alii Hint people are not in the habit of To the right of the 'pulpit Is a large! \ ly around. ' ' ' on tin- •• . ;. i •.• "\! r.u'es" Hrl't IHi"r IVenldeut, Mm. Elliulbotb UrlcU; i-ol-reauoilil- nt'Kleveiitli ami A'sliury avenue, has Ocean Cily, N, J, rliburg. ... '• wlll Mot be earle/i awuy. -.Muuy |.to- ,'iU'l .1 °!t*!i-<.HIIIU ilioir imrceiDcni nliieil gliiss window, lu the i-entre of •Why. BUly Blnssr cried a laHEhinj fn.'!."l l:'s we'll .'ill ItV .-Ili'llll'-ili "P"1' 1UK iwcreliiry, Mru A. H. KunoK! reoorillli AND gon'o wit li ITI two fi't'l or t!u> slile-llne. Denr Sir: No man Is iu u position to ple art- in the Ijablt of ih-owliii! iheir n..'.'. Ill 'fV,"-.\»n V'tiiX. i u'bk-lj U SJ,I i-hillin'." — London EsJ- •jorelury, Mm. M. MUber; trouiiuref, Mru. ; feniilli*. iVhlch is u Itgure 'of Clirlst Iu (ietli- feminine voice at bin elliow. "What li.i-l,'^ l:, , i, 1\;,,| II ".|li:llltfiy ™ KverlDgbutu •ailed ro*. ' ' ' liillueuce'men with regard to their Wittl Paper Store Reino««-ct. 'pre^*;.', .* '. • htliltllug Ilinpeetor Herbert C. Smith 1 ta yon want with a. perambulator"/" ashe», over thi- back fence-tutu the 'romiii-iti ,sua:.r ^LMU'IIL', It.'I" I" """"' Counciliuiiti iieiidley wild Hie report semaiie. Another large window, fui - 'properiy more than you In that little Til" f4'I.-Ji.,l".ly iif nny hurana-.be* ] BW Io ll r fl Bings' exasperated eaze encountered Tbe Adainu Decorative Co. hue re- alley-. .' • - ' '. ' .- Vachtlneb's Aauoolutlob. Wllloii WHIM Line of House Furnishings '.". grained the fallowing, permltK during h)g the |ln!plt, eoutiilim 11 llgiireorthe " "" in'." r«iMii.-4 iir'tl.".' K-.'j'I'tiiin u'ull.-i-j- of |int,"i tiiiy n< i-nrboii i iv I'lmri-oali *i Anbury avenue u> Ira ull the moutli of Miii'ch: | 'f •• 6ulur« arc nlnioit the ln«t m-rrine wn'"C Man.' lie poi'iiwl out « J meeting will,b» beld luJuue. - earned moreihu" *•*•>•• While he was ioml Shepiienl. 111 addition to these troubles. Pity, If you don't know how B. Ohamploiru • former ice cream tlio liritlkh ii.ii^.niiii. It Is thu Irfkly, of ! IB A I'HOFKSSION, aud I ha've oiie of the bent., ; It is stated that while Vice Chan woman. By, her «Ide Mtonil (be pretty ff|s:lv c(.|i I-.-IK. ill.. i-AHOlHtM-tlM, I".' Ijevl Iv. Slirer, slure anil dwelling, are four deslgii u lnilou,s and a num- a mini uho «-:i^ l.urlcl !n' ji .wlmilow !,known.t N"n iiiiHllcini' U to utt.-ful In iif the opinion tlmt they are ei:tltlet! to ..•ellor Learning wllll'la-lii Ills ileelslon, to keep n bouse dry aud Bound, any .widow with the coveted cherub"cling- »Ioou, Seventh and AVbury avfenue. 1 Tbe Ocean City Iliilldlnii uiul ijian uunoel tiie work JH 'rliHhlb'g lu. double'hrlck building, I'Jlevcutli.uiid. All parents ulth i-lillilreil nintt tliau' j.-rnvli"!!" "'") "Ut "f ih" witnNtoui''nn ' '.-iiKi--! of ut'rvnu>i pr'-'^trtulon, 11ml there tli" \- :»..st j!i! ii..t'pm thi'iii twite*-. b tuoiii l'eoplis ktiuw it Buro, a» ii'iorc • money, he-wu'W-'iint see how ber of art gUlxs wiudoWH. 'The build- sort of structure, holme, jrtore, factory, Ingto her hand. ..• '•• • The firm annouuceii a bit; reduction.. 1 lion nieeu ueooueooua Huiurduuiurdyy of.. euub I it was intimated by hlln thai he would ilv'e'yfcurs of titfe, who imve never been thi- w.'st imiii; ..f-tin' S'II,. iti.^ipppr ' l« notlfinu fl-t- tlmt will no 'mli-iily rt- ipiln II .. rlwi I.II-IIINI .a rlliWn of frealdealfrealdeal . UeoruUoru e O. Aduiuu; hucroly Anbury avenue. . ' legally they can„ he puii'l luore. If ng Is .lighted by four-«lmndeilefs, • . warehouse, shop, burii, fetlce—auy Sings turned flery red and ale of line waif paper. Head' the niiu-'j.-s'Miii. ovi.lii.'iiititf that In t&t&w* Howard Tbbrn,. vor to wlHiifl, iriUfct .have Hielr' iiamts' Eeyp't. Till" nuiu inutf have- hnnttil • llf-vt* und tone a wuruout. ny^tt-m,. on- Joseph (.). Clllimplon, apurliiient omblnatloM ilxtures, "wHIi.Hta h.can, f«v«r the applicant r.tr the ...j..... sort or renee, except rail; 'with -paint. . wildly at h> hat or where bo supposed 1 > J Iliey- were paid extra, a biiil precedent idvertisemeut on the firm page. en'tt-red at. Kuperlnteiideut Stevens'; nlont: tin- I.. !il;u 'of tlio S'ilo VH-f(irc tlif 'ions an ui^'ful In all cn«***i of eouKh^. t!"ll- ';.! vl.s.ii'-...! n\yL <>n 'illlil fortHM house, Ocean' avenue unit I'lyttlouth Ilr. HllvcSilvefr wwas< represented by It to be, only to Dud that be wan fan- would be.established, .iescent lamps, The church has a! "'• " ^I'resented What paint? The paint that takes oillee fliirliiL' the (ir-t week of April! i tilli" of tli" "Mi-lti-'il niuniiiiW'ti Ulnff • colilu'iitid luilui'iiza. hi conBumptlon: lii.iL-iiesliin, .nf.ii'.. ji.'if tlip result •*•* I'laue^for Mrs. Mursliall. j Thompson \- Colu, or Atiunlli' City. nlng himself with It. Sloping .an' em- • 1 (jei|rgL> (V. j\diiuis lield Hie same hcutiiig plant In the Imnjineiit, fur' I least gallons'; for palut costs money, OHiem f-e, the children oaiinot uttetwi whird tin- niui"Uiii ji/.-i-k-sWii, U.fnro : 'IiiKoiualii. hyiliopliolilji, Kc-tirvy, p-avt'l li» sild. :in lt!",\|.ll'ealile tiili""' "^ "•-• *'' 1 barrassed bow, ho begnii to mop bin 1 1 K. J. Hiiiltli, iiltcriulmiK uud addltlo'ii View. • . ilnlied by.john It. Oroves,' and pnttlug It ou COHW twice aa muoh - The children of the First M. K: tli** linn* of Mo;ns uho wjm KUppo^i-il \ and kltulNs] 'liver complaints. Eaten f'un.l'r*'.. iri .:^ 11' KDvernUH'iit n'.illlf* * SHOEMAKER'S Hun Coiiilnut-cl. . . perspiring face violently. during tills teriii'. - I St^^L\^^<^'yJ:»^<-. M«H« m i Ttie Imp-Perfect to boarding house, Sixth und Ocean • To Hie right of tlio bulldhig, "as one as the paint. CVury 'Ithi-r' day, 'thfy ^""U have ir ll. IJ. Sniltli mid It wann more oiiin- abbath r^obool will bold their Easier to, liuvi'. ml.-il" I-:--}'iii lit li'iivf MaWi \ for. H..I-". -is well aa ivrtlrleiitM lo Anderson. Itourgeols' suit In eject- "Here's-yer. p'rdmb'la't'r," said Sam ctrai-liiL' nnij wtilti'iilnii' <-fft-ct on tht- piece of pipe sonie plumber has avenue. ' .. 1 •* * • • I*.' J.'r • Tlnri', v.-.:iv pr.-v'lous to tlmt I pnicI.-.' ...ii.| I'.e.M-ctleal clieiiil«try. B« plete report than the one of-last year enters the chureh, are the" library, That Is short ; but that's all; it lu-- Incanlcally, pausing.In front of Bines. celebration next Sunday afternoon, In- ment ilgalust linrt. I), Cliiimplon, l-urchimrd Old onlct- Huildiuir.' tlrin'.tw.. p^t'liUtorlc, mri->i. ont* tlK- coinpl.-xlonj . • • |inus.'.|- !TI t:.,. h-.u-iri miiw at'OweM STORAGE had the audacity to impose bit you' I. S. Champion, alterations nnil ad- Krank Huiatliers, representing City primary Hum, .whleli will neat - i-o:i- | eolU'i.'.. Ill . lieiiiieiil' ,;el|.|IWt dition, Seventh iimi Went avenue.' Solicitor Tli6in|isoii,, gave the opinion another wears short; but the oue' that thins..whichi wemeil. to him to hare ntiUK program, consisting of hymns iiui'rt'il, friim wlil.'h spt-iinu' tin. l-iirj-ji- j slioiil'd be immediately removed, children. pii-hVs room Wod choir I whli-h.wi«Ijiidln« tom hav histe . co.uSuturdiiye up , WUK Itttie of. i.'ii.bulldiiiit used- by the men • ' . Talrni. HOUSE that the city legally cannot pay.more The lalter leads into the choir 1 wears long Is the least-gallons palnl; greatly' Incriawed In size during Ita ud rec-IUtlouH, has beeo preparwl. iluti Ciii-i.' of. 1111-,1-iirllft. ilj-niiuliiK.. It j Get us to make the'change and Ovvu Vouf Home. rooiii, postponed until nesctSnttirdiiy beenuse , progress from' the anctlonecr'K Ktaud, • In eliurue of bulliilni; tiie new-, school; | Tilt- world is iiKviiy's rwnly to rwelve -ssCouncil passn new resolution, . leuft-gallons means pure and Btroug,_ k with tlii'sj- r.'iimti' tliu-Uu tlmt rljlx , Wlilm-u l'-itla and Went AVe., -, IL'H(IIKIIIH«.lrahle 'It'oillhlllrttnli Koi'ouil I'llU.'l "And a little rod rocker," exclaimed List of Uliclalrnetl letters i; tcriatlc ncol'tlile cfiiyc, with din n'oo- j was w-hipp-.iia: a Imriie or c 'is the rule here, and it's never us IIIID proceeds Turther Into the "Harry Secluy will- huve for wile al. taking care of property. Paint, ta ultUen, Think it over, tli«u call,«m 1 ' another. Eighth Btreet. A meeting will boon llthlc in.t^ uml .tnutriiiKcntu of flint p Shoemaker Storage House Cape May Court House on Thursday, in the Oceati City Post 4>nlc« for the Tl***,r-rtrnllwlt, . •to lu.nl t."ili,'.:,vy „ loml. violated.' Have us plumb for you. . UAItlty HKA.DIJKY, - <;r«eitcl Old frl«»i)u chill eh. , • worth a great deal more thau tt costs, "A doll—and a dolt carriage.** e beld. _ nt>out liltn. Tin'rclw of courxo, no in- lu Wvi huuemuut, ax yd In tin- April nth, '-H* head or lino horses, w«jk endluB March £51, I'.m": IIiiiiiimil-Klnce Walker Tlsrlis lubfr- portion •if Mies.* do you mipiMW*JJJ ^>r II.'(>* Archibald, of Tlpga, win uud the best coats least: Devoe,; ' "A'child's cot." KMilitl.iu of any fcln.l on tho jiots, LICENSBp rUCTlONEER, and"we'll guarantee it stays. For Iteal Estate Operator, Ninth aiid As llnlslieil *tute, is a lurgc room, wliluli 'workers and drivers, all prevailing ltc

: :•'>•..• ^k;h- •mvm

: " J. 8. Caterson, of PblUddi*!, do vu for a few daysl ™ ' m Av ,¥iew of Typical Wm. B. Currey, of rnuiw, wu» n visitor here on Ti)e»rl»yV . Muitln Steelroan IH homeo' tlon rrom his Htudlen at lluig • llev. Alpha Kynett and Philadelphia, were Ka John M. liamelt'and Duiii. ^ l Smday with Mr. l«»ruelf.wJ* 1

Kx-Ahcrlir Itnrrvtt anil w|fe M|. ten, were amuiiK Hie Ki|- • MrH. J H. Ooxcy', -jf u'UKuiiinug the "Wt'fk'x OCEAN CITY, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL II, NO. 2 Alirlen. - ', .VOL. XXVIII. Cnpti and Mrri.'.cirurlrs F wil Klklnn Park, were umoiigtbefil'l throng. •' '-• "*1 GREAT PROGRESS MADE SOUGHT TO KEEP CITY'S HIGH SCHOOL ., l>. \V. Pedrtek, »i OceanCity Sentinel JJy|ORGAN HAND-, _m T. ABBOTT', M;" D.r ! a vlnitor to IIIH collage, Mjjj)'j ATTORNEY and Chyniclan and Nargeon, ON APPROVED LIST avenue. Publl.hcd W.ekly at COUNSELLOR A. LAWi ON BAY BRIDGE WORK EXPENSES DOWN Mrs, M. A. Trainman, of OCEAN CITV. IM. O. r*, Manlier antl i Crianctiry, OFFICE—Corner Central and Eighth Street v'Court C'oinitii \"i»ry fubllc. lililu, was In her collage, Work of Education Board and. I'AHi; WAV «IM III' IIOI'NK, N. J. (Tlll».m Dr. I. N. Gri8com Opposed avenue. lO|l|H>MlUt I'llitllo' IlllllllillKM). OFFICE Mounsd Tom 1 to 8 p.m. I,arge Quantities of Material R. CURTIS ROBINSON tKrom u lo 5 p. in. Appointment of Addi- Superintendent Crowned MIHH Hlldrelh linn relumed fa, I Editor and Proprietor Received Here' During SHOW APRIL 9TH With .Success.' vinit to her sinter, Mr* N.A.CwH'1 JONATHAN'HAND, T. C. HUTCHINSON, M. D. BRISK CALL FOR . tional Health Official. nt Wild wood. ' the Pregent. Week. Ji.ob Per Year, Strictly in Advance ConnN«;|li ir < ai*Law, At tbe regular meeting of the Board. IlomceopcLtlitHt. Tlie great tank ot ulukhiK the hUKe At the meeting of the Hoard of A BIG SURPRISE of ICducutlou on Tuesday ' evening, Dr. J. F. f.urnmls, or 81.50 at Bod of Year . Solicitor, Mastitr III Chancery. Notary Public. PRETTY COTTAGES Health, on Tuenday evening. Dr. V. In IIIH cottage, JWIl No. -«a4 Ocean Avenue, Iron caiHMin.to carry the main channel City Superintendent J. M. Stevens JAPE MAY COUKT HOUSE,'VI. J. draw - of tho brl.lne acronH Ureat KKK li. Hlder moved that John W. Smith for a few days. OCEAN CITr, N. J. Htated-that Hluce comlug to Ocean Harbor Hay, between till* elty and „ . be appointed .Hanltary innpector, to go Some of the Oldest • Inhabit- <;ily, nearly four yean ago, he bad )r. H. K. Ayar», of (JynoK llouas:—Till 10 a. m.,2 to4p.m., Homern' Point IIIIM been aceompllHlie.1. 'Opve™1 More Fine Houses on duty from May M to June lnt on «lo H p. tu. ants Do Not Recall a • endeavored, to have tbe local BObools greeted many friends oa rh« I CITY DIRECTORY. OARKISON H. VOORHKKS The caHHlon, which l» 4ft feet deep am Taken for the Coming hair pay, and tie on regular, duty dur- placed on the "approved list" of high walk at KaHter. 25 aeroHH the centre, WBH conveyed to ing the moiitliHof Jiinc, Jnly,'AuguHi Similar Storm! CITY OFFICIALS • ' ' jq t HOWARD BURT, M. D. Summer Season. HCIIOOIH .by the 8tato»oarat winter hart a pretty go(Ml gruwp on Collector—Nlonoliw Coriuin ovritiK HOUKHE'! I III H |>. 111. ' euli-Ho.i unit the Krettt Iron'tube wits wV Hurleigli. , , ' the lap of Hpring. There wan u ratlicr been «ent a communication by State. Henry. l>. Hague, of PhlUdtijH-1 Vtour or J'olloo -M»miiel ~.'Ull. ( a to H p. tu. MrH. Kinliy T. KlluiKvr, or \Ve»l Dr.' (irlHcom Hald It would be well to enjoyed a Tew days iu his ootUttMl dlt lonpnotorHMlwrlC Boll 'I'bonc lowered to the bottom or the bay with- heavy fall of hall and nleet. - Siinday'H Innpcctor of High Schools Bevlerln- I'iiiludelphia, ban rented one or herlook into the matter or expense. MOI.T AI'UAK. ANIIKKU- (\ KOMW. out a mlHhap. foiuilng hiiu (Barr) that at a-meetlug r\iibury avenue. ' - CDttiiRen, Kr> Kiiurteeiith Htrcel. to a weather WOK decidedly The meadow land south or KiKhth • 1>(. Hlder replied that the cost and [>f the Bute Hoard of Education, beld Thomas.U. QuertiH, qr Phlltdelpiil N.. GRISCOM, M. D. Plilluilelphian.- Itain fell during, the aflHrnom: OFFICES ulreet haH been nearly tilled In by would be JiTO. evening, and Monday dawned in alast vjeek, tho Ocean C|ty schools had iipeiit ate* days In hlx cotun. ml l>r (i. W. Uniiihart, of Went Phila- KKJIITH S'l\ AND'WKrtliKY AV.E. ltlrtley'H blK machine^ Dr. (iriHcom Dialed that approxi- threatening looking manner. ' been placed- on tbe "approved list,"' Wexley avenue. S5dol HH««lth-Ur.Cli»rl«» K. K.IWuril-, delphia, hax rented Mrn E. A. Klrilier'H % 2!r;>nl; UOUr. U. Kld«r.w««riilHry: Harr> Apgar & Boswell, llotl. I'lioneH—Itwll, IV, tnlur-Htute, IIH. ' Many •••arloadH orpllliiK.eto,, arrived mately $400 won paid hint year. Tli JlujJi»g the day, lwiwever. the HUH Urecmey H^ultinr l'r're»«ur«rre»«: : J. WW Mmun Milk TOTttiiKe, Hut untlrnnd—\\*xT»lcy-irvcnuer- year, the reiirKanl/.ed Iltor; I t« U No oIHco UOIUH Suiiduy uflcriKMia, In the city thlH-week, and with thin eun.e out brightly .for awhile, but ThiH Information was received with cepted a position 11. K T5f«iitorlJr. U. H. Hurt: Morten tVHiiiiili, VHIIUKY A'VKMiKanii'KimtT'H STHKKT At Kttiibun c». CttrMuitV, Muuiuru, .MondayH, Dr. rr.iuh.iri and raimly have |a< |(||i|onal man'In T. I.ee Adamn .the OCKAN L1TV,-N. J. t-itiiL-MUuyM uudKiaurilHy*, 3.Wtof»-J0 p. in material UIHO came a lurge foice 'of toward' evening the air grew nome- much satisfaction by tbe members of real entate otllce. eiuuibini lD«peotori H. U. Vonrhni.,-Mon«- workmen. — . occupied thin cottage Tor several nea- j ,,„;„,, omixT and Hecretary, and the Ho lfl wlntt raw. The night wan iiioonlight the board. . ' • - Juiiien Macrarlane, of . "S^rd o1 l Educiitlon—Or. B. T. Abbott " • ' •• inpeaker waHortheopliiloii.th.it Mr. A. J. Hmllli. Vle« l'rt'Htilent; it. c L,AW OFFICES CHARLES B. RIDER It iHexpected that within a very Hhort wlieu rnont |ieople went to their bedn Mr. Stevens, speaking of the school . vtaaali occupant of his .collage, V«| ; HlLlmr.l 11. blllt'K. n. H. time the maxxlvo HUelVruw will be Massey .v Kdwardn have rented. AdaIUH WBB HUp|10Hell• „, Iook nfler but toward morning ralu began falling work, said be took great pleasure In . and Orean avenue. - u^ Jkn». Godfrey & Godfrey, placed on IIHBXIH. I'oHtmitHter .Stittou'H cottage, HI2 „,,„„ uf t,,,H w/,rki ,„ ordel. to kee aud before H o'clock HIIOW made HH recommending each teacher for re- City Wenley avenue, lo Paul A. Denuliton. , . . . . The biard-n yearly Mrn. Anna Conrad llrown, with ! I'lmrlCH A. Doe, of Uwvenn T of the Poor—Jerome K. KUKII. ItiMimu :il.',. :m; nn.l ;ii; The Htructural work pn the Hectlon OWI1 BXIH 11M H appearance, and HIIOW and rain fell election. , ov«r« a lawyeluyerr re-ldlnreld|g in (Jcrmantown. !Lpp, m ,.itlon IH only *7S0 MIHH Carrie W.'llrow'n, of Philadel- WUH u'jiouj; tlione* reglHtered u t!»| Itiirtlelt IIUIIIUIIK, :: ::. 809 Central Avenue of the bridge between Homerx' Point a|>1 roI)r nearly all day, \he wind being rather U. B. Stlten said he was satisfied Al«», MIKH Ann Cliauiplon'H cottane,.. r Haul he had taken all ot phia, were vlnltorn during tbe week, Itlxcayue at Kanter. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. and Hulnbow iHlandH IH beiiiR Dr heavy, Ihat.unleHs the salaries of the teachers CHURCH SERVICES. .. . . • ,,, -., 4- Ktt! We .ley avenue, to Walter •Mr. and Mrn, DeMott Shaw, of UVEAN OITV, N. J. pUHhed, and before IOIIR the tracks Wl B' into cnnxlderatlon. He added l.ate In tlie afternoon the HIIOWare Increased, tbe board will not be J. Carroll Hayes, a prominent jout{I V rst M. K- Uburoh. corner ctmiral Lewln, who IH eoiiilccled with the Hell. Mlllville, were among the houMeful or will be laid. TIIIM, it in Htated.' will that ho believed the revenue* would ceased falling, b'lt ihe rain continued able to hold all the members of tbe The Ideal Sitrmer Resort profenHiouul man of Went C'be>te>,ts| HD<1 KigUtb Htreet.- Uev. H. It, Hrun>uit>, [JAMES. M. E. HILDRETH Telephone t'ouipany In Phlladelphln. —l-KiieHtH-eut^itained by the \Vyomlng. tnt£ Hfrvk'n,;.:a» help the.work on thin Hide, an mipply un almost to-tax)., • - Bntll toward evening. Slant were present stafT.. n"recent Katlilu KUCHI. MorulQK«orvl TRY Thene people heretofore have been FeFruyer ui«dtl . WD«MU y UVUUIUK* T.:i" trai.iH can be run on the completed Health Olllcer AdauiH Htated that al viHlble .it night. ThlH makeH the \Viu. II. DclHrotli and. family,' o _ Fred. I.OIIK und fauiily ban »| nuh .uy Mtiiiooi, 2.»L l>r. ChHrluH ll, lCl.lwr Courisellor-at-Law Heuuh Haven Hummcr'vl»itorH. Dr. B. T. • Abbott spoke-at length IJU o vnaonu Boetlon. • — if tlie plumbing aud other feex would Heooii.l fall of HIIOW thin month. A along the same line. , - 'hiludelphia", opened the l.orulne turned to Ocean City after »|*mlin| i»rdorTrurtteeti— PreMlden ultil H^nU'ltor", MiiMltT tintl KxuliUlier ID BEEF, IRON AND WINE The same, linn ban rented IJ. It. • Oliiincery It IH re|vorleil that the overhead be returned lo the city, innkliiK-tiult. HiioWHtorm HO lute an the llth of. Aprl • Higher salaries are paid tea"cbers in Ninth and . Wenley avenue, owned b) lite u inter iu Philadelphls. »ec> li H. MoWier; trvi , , »£ I)i»b"rou'V° cottage, 70S. 1'lyinonlli l t»r- b. T. Abixm, Kilwuril M.nul inlii'i— No. yiT"(lfdin Htrt^I . For a f*|»pliiK Tonic trolley Hyxtem will he. need on the' a tidy little HUIII. lle«ul(l turther tha iiTHomethllig HO rare IIH to IUIUW con- tho northern part of this State and In ' Mr. nelnroth, during the KuHer dny \ . AdHUi i4.ti.bu, JoUu MuriN, iriiH. Chum . . CAI'K MAY CITY. S. .1 Place, to <>'.. K. /liuiiieruiaii, of Plilla- ('UHHIUH M <*umpbell'aud fimSjl ion, Wm brliiKe. Some pevplti were afraid the he had been doing nome liiHpe(?tiiu siderable coiniuent, which wan the J. II. Klnney und fumlly.'of Phlla OCEAN CITY, N. J, deiphia, who IH connected with the New York, aud an lucrease In salaries GREAT THRONGS FILLED have, returned from Atlantic IKJ.| thlnl>rall HyHtem would be In opera. lie would lie able to take cane ou Tuesday. attracts teachers. dflplila, were among the Kantcr vM «, hiuliu. letuier; Mondayevtutntf./.i't, Mr*. OFFICES OF' BOURSE PHARMACY New York Lire. careofthlit until May lHt. •vheic they npe.it the "inter. K. Brick, leuUur: ri.duy ^\'t)uiute. IUUUK" Hon.. /• . .... Kew of theclly'M reHldentx recalled a dipt. J. W. Lee argued against ln- torn who enjoyed themHelveH._ They Jonou, itMUler. Tuwt« ui «jilng»> ure tielti in AU>H Harry !•'. Stallion reportHthe follow- toectiarcb. , Herbert R.Voorhees, iR L. GOFF, Dr. Itl^er'H 'motion •»««' Himllar vixilatlon. Capt. I.ee said ho hiK salaries. He was- of tbe have a cottage ut l't'SS AHlit'iry-'iivei Domiiilck De l iu:tu A* ih'iiuirrtyortiiftiii T«it-ii»iv« un«l Krl- llrlglilon Plaee, to I'.'ll. Miihlenberg, I|II>M; liifMtiny umt liitirsdiiy Kvtnlii«w uur- CONVEYANCER by WIlmltiicloiiflaiiM. ception of Hr. V, K, E. for the llrnt lime. _ ' : v. 11 T. Cti»M)|l>«rry Itt-fitli t'tty, Nt>. !**» that while, none of tbe teachers bas Older Folk Looked on in Approval—Band Con- . John It. limvw, unit wife, atEuUf TrU. »f. Cliuuip>o», - OCEAN CITY. N. J. Hold to a party o"f men rrom Delaware, by l>r. Hurt/ memory a run back more than ancorc Mr-..II. V. lilliluini-yfr'iinil .'hlldrfii THE HOME OF THE FAMILY MAN drT'ia It. 'cull.fcecrMtitijJ , 1., .\i. I'I Albert Kogg'H eoltaire. Hit* Wenley of yearn,' Htated that ho recalled a asked for an increase lii salaries, be- JVN. 1. ntiuih I^UIN K. Niii til i ' (let Your' - wlio recently had a company incor- Dr. (irUeoni- moved that the board Dr, S. I.. .SumiiierH reached"h« avenue, to Walter S. Cox, a member |( ,ul, y,e ,lltB,lt|,m ,,f property ownern ' cert and. Hotel Association's Entertain-.. of I'lii'udclphliL. Took pn-Hc>>-iiiii o U porated. HIIOW fall iu the month or April about fell that something would have to be 'ciitrul uvenue home , Twi-iiiiitli uiid (Vntru AmoiiR'thone. Interehted are a _l>r. twenty-two yearx ago. , done or the school would lose a few of - • merit Were Big Features. L-Venlng.oii a nhort vl-lrto UN bmllt, 'SEASHORE FURNITURE REGISTERED ARCHITECT regular" here. o clean their ceHxpoolH ut leant twice a aii'.in.-, fur H fixv iluvivdiiirini! Hit" MANY CHURCHES Oburob of- tbe Holy Trinity* .'r WllliaiiiH, or Wilmington, who ha* Hud the rain not washed 'uWay the IIH best teacher).. Three teachers left Wtek. , NO SALOONS Cupt. J.S. WillelH Hiid Mn W.U cyi»coi>uitcorner fell«v'«utu Mirvet uu ! O| Kvery DfHcrliitloit ut • Albert Kogg'n collage. iii">- Wenley Forest Trfing Hpe.it Raster lu thin have returned to thin city from (n.li- U^iHVeo'iu, Ktsv. Murilu j\iituur, mku been here several tlmen . within the year. . • HI.OW, there dituhticss would have lere last year, being offered higher P. .1. Kurlc.v. un cxicn-lvc real c^tuti WilleN have returned home «ll«l tamtxv', KWV. II, Cuuk, vicur; W. i. avenue, to U .11. J. Honey, who ix a elty. • | den. l*y reader. Moruiu* prayer uud H i Gallaqher's laxt mouth. Dr. Itidcr oll'ered an amen.lme.it m-eii (.everal im-hei of.Ntutw to record salaries elsewhere. , operator In Camili'ii. oi-ciiplcil one o! fewdiiyt.'vl»iiwith rchitiVf. lot'ia- MMJ ki. tut; *v«otp(£ wervkt* ai ~,'Ui t - PHIL*. t»4t\ Hnddon Avu., MIII of tlie lute Receiver of Tuxes hut the clerk se.nl to property owners in Tuesday evening. On motion of Dr. Abbott, the salaries Mrs. R.E. English, of Philadelphia', Kdward. -Marshall, of iind don SpncittiK-Hoirdw ilk.' Fr*:«! Band Concerts D irlij^f uo tbe or^t rt«uoii> ui iue mouib ti 1*3 '• SECOND STREET A company to improve HeaMhore re-Itoiiey, of riilludelphlu. Mr. .Itoney IIIK cott.iucH, mi <'t'iilral avenue, al k-n. u mi Miivt* iiintit-y. . J. ml exlraet from the law bearing on of the teachers for tbe coming year. was down over Kanter. . i HelghtH, wan In town a few day* UM muDloo weivicu ^ut (ollow tuurtiluu uorth a'loiiK tbe New Jersey coaHt IIUH Ka-tcr He wan uccoiiipauicd by hi* Season.' Circat Fishing in"Ocr:an and Hay. .Tlut lOJJtbeundymti/JtO >'C!OOK j'ln employed under hi," relative, David IIIH HUhject were llxed IIH follows, per school we k- •' Jo^|il. llurnelt uud famllj, nil been chartered at the State Depart- COUNTY COURT . O. Maban, oT Peermoiit-Avalon, wan * family; • . ' 'Delight of thq • Yachtsmiin. Numerous Trains to .viartln, liiHiiruiicu CiiiiiiuUslniier of The auiendineul wan' accepte.1, and mouth, oil .the hosls^of a" nine-months' Dr T. J. KllhiKoruml wile, or Phlla- I'ultidcli, have been npeudlug * ((• I dU Augutttlne'H Kaumu (Juihuilc CJIUMMI, ' George W. Er-nst E. CLINTON & CO., ment at Dover, Del., where article-, of I'c.iilHyIvnrilii, with nllli-es hi ,1'lillu- . a visitor bere thin week. KdW'urd* V(IHH, u Htudcnt ut the ilu.VH. with hl» parent* or) Ocetn i» | Anbury avenue, UJIW^JD TttiriMtnttt uud < the motion puxHcd. . - . ' term: -, • delphla, Were vlxltorx heredurlilK tlit- ! and-from Philadelphia on Two Railways'. . GENERAL HAULING Manufaoturart and incorporation were Kranlcd to the At delphiii. He wiw here fora »hnrt tlu'ie TWO Muif«a for nitiiiiisc*.*" AiiitvMie John R. VanTlne. of Philadelphia I'hllailelplilii, ncoiiplwl tlit'lr _<)«uii were re(»eiit guet Pierce ItiiHincHH ("oilcgc, Philadelphia rourUfentU •IH.KUV. Juliu J.^w«j»nty, puxtor, " Aiitnuio'iile liuruKe. Ou motion of Dr. Kliler, it WUH Principal, *100 per month; asslstants, week. .-*..' ( of Mr. mid Mr< Hue, * llaiMOD HUD4uyt.ulUo'clut'k.. - . I lantieb'ity and Oeeun City Company. ont'e before. ' •lll<* I'UUMCM. was a visitor on Sunday.. avenue IOIIUU a fe« '(lay".' . . npent the. KiiHter linllilay- with hli WholvMile Itutter, KuUS l.ilrd, Chee>* Importers ol agreed thut tlie extract referred to be £70; ali grade teachers to start at $60 Mr. and Mm. Wm. Shriv'-er. . Out, of I'lillailflplihi, Mr». Hannah Allen ha» come down UDtun Tuberouule Hnptift (Muirfii, I'luhtli ; — 1OO7 Arch Htreet — $I!OO,INHI The nomliial IneorporalnrH TucMhiy, the case of Maggie II. Coin- till- city. This Summer will withoss construction of Bridge across tho I>lilu. wun tin Kanter visitor, optolil I •ire«iuQd W«^«i*\bDUu. Htv. J. If. HHUHKHI, lie>i|w«r, ir»u»- ' objectK.nf the new company a" w."- heard. ' . • ' schools for three years; f.V>, live years; rouil. ; . • _ IIuKraiit. lircuci,,. he deliver* li vinltors7~ -T"peiit-Ka>iter-wijh—til(r-a|irer7~M"r»r5l7 ciieHtH~ot-lhclr— parentH,-Mr,—und-Mrn-J ATexaifdeTToHter, of Pffllarlelpi7la7 liuulel Cluwell, Hcvellteenth and AH. I'li.lu, acoltuger, WUH ajnouglbe week') I estate mid Heu"hore COUHKIM and I'JIward . Pciilloek'H cottage. ">I)H iulsan.-e notice; Ty7 was among the Easter visitor*. - XV. W. Hell, of Philadelphia, wan j "pent KaHter ut the Ateleit. <' Itiiruett, UI'i'McealiaVfime. .' In fjivor of Mrs. 'Comfort MM! yearn. . bury nvt'iiue • viKltorn to this renort, wherenbehui [ amuhenieiit euterprlnert. Klevenlh Htreel, In (!. laid wig, or I'hllu T. I.ee AduuiH rc|iorted the receipt Ml of the present teachers, with tbe .J.I. Edwin Eerier,of Philadelphia, was amotig the many visitor* here- during Albert Fogg and family, nf Caiiiden, Mrn. i:ii/a' He'H uiid family, of ••nttage, SECRET SOCIETIES. dulphla. -Mr. ljudwig luia been a of 4i2 In pltimlwrH' fre».- -Koineof the l2Uuu.for)lr..Cumrtul.. '.... *.. • Mr ahtl Mrn. Tlioihan Cooper M c- Within easy access of Atlantic City and p . among the city's Easter visitors. the week. ' were iu their cottage,. Ninth- un I'Philadelphia, •occupli'd tiieircotlagc ucvitu City lAMi««, No.' 171, K, unit A. M., Runior-arKallraar T'.dward ItUHhay.uguiust ! <-ahiui, of I'liiliKlclplili. o"fiiple(l'tlielr Mr.and Mr-. E. P. liutley.of Pblli ui«cu MHMina bud luurtli 'i'burMliiy «vuutiiK». reappolntment. Tlie teachers .apply- James H". Linn, of Philadelphia, Wesley, during the holiday*, Nineteenth ,and Anbury avenue, ut . Tliere WUM Home little excitement but thin will be hlx IIrnt venture IIH a and he hiiil rcpiestwl them to appear the Hume conniany WIIH comincneeil' * O. H. Henry and family, of Pbila huiidHomc cotluge. Eleventh' and other well-known resorts ilclphiu, cotluge owners; Were In ton u 4-kLtiU iiiohtu. iu MILKUUIC uullt W. M ing were re-elected. greeted bin many friiudH here-during Mr*. Agnes Haggitrty add family, (if Kunter. • Wlllluui M. lUiuck; MviTi'tury* I*. .VI.TIUMIIUH among? local employeH of tbe WeHt cottager here, . . . before him In hlHotllce, yesterday. Judge Kudicutt held un delphla, were bere over Sunday. Allaiitic uveiiue. and entertained a duriiig the week,'und regiHteredutb J. 1'boru. - DECORATIVE CO. Oii motion of J. W. Lee, MIKS Mabel the week. ' _. ' . ] Phliad-lphlu, nrc In llielr cottage al Wm. T. Pringlf aud fumlly, of Jerney .t StaMhore Itallroad Company K. W. Iturlvigh gaVc.cxpreHHlon to evelilim session in order to llnlsh the Miss Eddy, or Philadelphia, was purly iifgiteMH,-. llncuyue. 1 {'. Imltarre was elected an assls|ant In Elwood Horn, of (ierraantown, wan i S.lxteehth and (.'entral.avenue. ie, were down over Hunter, Ocenn City l^odic'e. No. ttti. K. of I .* ult«t*t REMOVED TO CORNER early in the* Week, wheA It became >tow HI Hit; Wlivvrl)'. the view thut ll would be a good plan case-last nlt^ln. » • , ' among the cottagers here at Easter. Mr. uud Mrn. It. W. Rutherrord, or .Mr. uud Mrs. W. Shutter Smith, of ir»t uud tutrd Muuduy evtmmyH or uuuh JiistU;c Trenchurd WUH present nt the high school for the balance of the an Kanter vlnltor reKlntereil at the Hulph ('hi'-li'r nr I'lilliiili-lplilii, _ their cotluge, I.TI^.i'untrul m .utii lu K.of P. bull. Aribury uVeiiue. ueur nolHed around that -there wan a de- •MIHH Kll/alielli linker, of Keimell Lo dump the street dirt Into.the uu ; Thomas—Shaw,—of—Pblladelphia-| L PinnnieTpliiu, were, uuioug tlie cot- lie ^iiiinit^eetr^TTrr^tJitytoir-VniittnmuHkr Hie opening or court.: ~ prescuL-KchooLterm. Wyoming . ' ".vl»lted-h|» purctit". Mr. and Mr* J.uveiiue, of K.UU t»-.» K. Howurd I'noru. cided probability of u reduction of"flie~ K.|IIUTC, f'a., Who recently purchUBed" opened street iu front ol Uie.Heve.itli The appointment of a janitor was •pent several days In tbls city recently, Manter "Jai-k" Nuylnr, i.f Mlilville. hcVc over the Kunter duyw. built here, have temporary quarttnit force lu thiH nection aud al*o thut one' the Wuverly from MIJH llelsler, bun street railroad stution. .- In I lie Criminal Court, svvcr.il minor Wm. O. Moore and family, or Had-, M. 6'ht'ster. durinix tlie week . " tlie Klberou. • held over until the next meeting. George Hofstetier and Harry Nus», vl-itBil IIIK uncle atnl aunt, Mr. and They have u cottage ut Tlilrteentli and li.No. rii, Jr. o. U. A. M.. ineit- Seyenth and Asbury Avenue of the truiiiH would be withdrawn tajieli poHxe-islou of tlil.it liotel. .Mi"H The following bills were ordered cases were (llsposediif. ''• • • It. O. ItobliiHou Wan -re-elected don Held, were recent visitors to Mr. andAirH. It !•'. Whentlii:i>. :in.l iiy eVemux lu K. ot .1'. null. A"bury avenue. . • tUmi Kdlth Heudricksou Ktngto. **V:ry iUto horn nervice. The report of a cuititll- linker cumen to thin city hlKlily »pok*en IMbt. Ki'slier, of tliin city, wua fore- Hccretary. • of Philadelphia, were Easter vlxltore, tbiH remrt. (IfitiC'litcrH, nt Plilludblplilu, ui-rc at MrH.lt.lt. Nnylor, at the Klbcron, ut Councillor, paid: Ml-iueri IrencS. Kldridge, of Phlla- of .Mt, Holly, was among the tWJ SPECIAL SALE OF '. ment of the t'ruln cervloe WUH suld by of by muny wiio know her, who nay '!'• I Adnms, nrlary and express niai| of tlie (irutuf Jury. An application wan received from Miss Katberlne Hays, of West Phlla Jordan MathewH, or Philadelphia, the I'lfjiKidiirinir tlie lu-it wee';. Kat-tcr. • . MIHH Kmlly \V. Itenuett, of C'ape May Iclphla: Ktiiina l.oUlwlIurk, of I Innt- entn at the imperial, reoeutiyx- Uvetiti CUy Council. No. 10.XI. ot A., Adolph KdwardH, aKeiit, lo be InHh- e will more than . nnkum the Kood cimrgeti, ,$£>.. bllln, ami WUH dlHclmrncd j c-.tt'r.li(y. Imm, of Philadelphia, vlwiied their In^doiii - Pa., and May , itluke, of- | Just a Moment, Please I opened for the seasou. Ml -BiUlte W. LAk i ervlHor of druwlng. Miss Mayberryl of 'Philadelphia, vlnltors here; udelphlu, linn opened lier Itrl^litoii \ uflernoon. • . . J. \V. liee reported that he bad con- ('lilldrcn in HUH ciiy on Sutiirduy. uud (iermuntown, were gnextHof the (iar- Dr. (Jaylord, Mr. Jonen, Mr. Lt«B.' was a recent guest of Mian Olive Lear. Mm» Florence Cox, nf Orccnloch, I'laiieunltnue for a.brief Heuwiii. " j t*rut«€tlub l/Mige, No.tU, A. O 1'. W tracted with Harry Headley to place ^uiiduy,. ' ". • _ \ wood during Ihe'ueek. Inn Connor and Mrs. Ogden, of Pbll- in portion a flagpole at the school • at Mlsa McOaudless, of-Philadelphia, lias been the guest of !«-r xirtt-r,' Mrs, Mr. and Mr< Kdw, I'mvcll, ofj • louuiiuu tourtu Mouday evetiiu.- i WALL PAPERS udeljilila,. were among ithe gaeatii' *«*. i-Hll. M.W,, Jobu \V.. biiiulit .^ acont of?140. • was among the Jollycrowd here 3at.ur • Clyde Itaker und Iti-rt. ItichardH, of The Early Spring is here, STATE HOMOEOPATHS MAY GREA? PRU8E~ n. 0. uunieid. Kl.ior.i, vl>iled the forinerV brntlier,' Mrs. ri H. Scuttefgood at Easter. Wlltard W.Aduiu*. . ALLEN SC01L TO '* It wau agreed to Hell tbe old double' . day. • . ' ; IMillu'delpiiia,' 'have returned 'home COMMENCING . Robert Carson und family, of I'liilu Alfred, In thin city, over Kapler, i | reeently traiiKferml from Hrldjjeton t<. Mr. Hotel Man, and it is KttliutttTribe, No. '.fiW, 1- O. It. \1., HcutH'for llfty ceutx'eacb to tbeottlclulB W. B. M. Burrel) and family or afltr a visit'to the fumily of.Ccnrge Itev. Wlnileld-S. Haer, of Brooklju. of the Bt. Jame« A. M. K. Churdb. delphla, were among the cottagers ti'eo, Cr.tHHe npent u few duyH with ' AIu"ttWl11!1"i wtt14 greeted by hirf many e&cb Wudu^Mluy «vuuiut£ in K. o- Camden, were visitors here durlug the W. Kriikt. . • • who preaches on one Sunday t>"! LUl mt L. WtiUuCtf, keop«r ol ivt'on - HOLD eONVENTiON HERE FOR HIGH SCHOOL City Superintendent Stevens' report here at Easter , . hi* brother, further Keiiut'or Crc^ne,! I frleuilH here on Friday time you were sending out BUILD CHURCH howc-d au enrplliuent of_282";_percca- week: F Hummer hi Holy Trinity Churrb. Wm. HeliHZey, of I'lilluilelpliia, wuu aiid^'MjH. <'fCHse, during tin; week, i MUA V '-'ookc IIUH betll ii.'ifiipy. | Dr. J. J.Taylor,-a publisher, of I'lillu- WiuibluirtOD Cauip.-Nu. 75, I'. Thui-sday, March :28 tuge of attendance, 9S.71. ~ " . . Miss Ada rt Hhowed an unexpended balance city, at KaHter. . • • few ninlitliH ago from TIIO.J .holiday*. |>r. Taylor wa« one. or the muud A* tiourgeoU. . ' Ernst. backer, utid fumily urc. npcnditig.'a' • . at'from 25 to 50 per cent. Discount to Secure the Society's. -Amazed at Cheap Price ' of $li;,n:w :iO, of which $5,726.22 belongs or Folders. ' < .'union Thomas, and bin uunt,Mn. fry KMliird.i> Parsonage Contract Giveb I). P. Steiner'und wife.- of CiinidiMi, Hli.trt lime ut V»"\ t'cnirul avenue. ' ' " i priint' movcrn lu urging the boardwalk Ml CHiup lU,KO.or A., m to the bond account. ;• \ F. R. Whltealde. of Philadelphia, l-'aiinie Dlxon, of Alexandria, P> M. 1', Kllhti GOOD REPORTS of City's Building. occupied their cottage at Klevelilh and Frederick Mycrle, of Philadelphia, I rf ' the erected Hiicli.ii halldHOnie Hciiool blilld- vUliorHon Suttirduy und Siniiiny. • Very Houusy >U»p at ~M; lu K. ol I. WERE RECEIVED eil'ort to have the State Homoeo- Hecretary was Instructed to notify the Mm Gilbert Moore,'of Hadilmilield. Itrnwer, who had a nevere attack or v K. E. Binythe and wife, of Philadel- day'vUltnr. The Sentinel Printing liere and: they were delighted wttb, Hull. otllclal bourti of the Firm M.K. Church I11K. for HII little money. \ (iti has been occupying her cottage, '1JKM pathic Soeliiiy hold UH fall meeting company to place its telephone In the phia,' were among the city's J\aHter Mrn. K; l*.'Monrc uiid (iuuuhtcr und pneumonia and WUH couliiied'to a Uct'ali City. un Tiiewlnyeve.iInK, two H'etx of bltlu have Htoien the bulldlnn," outer otllce of Buperlutendcut BtuveUH. visitors. Wesley avenue. • "' Mr and MN, I). I.. Klnlier, or I'lillu- hOHpliiil in itlriHligtuiiii, Ala., haH HO In HIIH city next September.' MU* Kpuckuiau lire occupyliit; Mrn, MIHH. May Patton, of Philadelphia CHURCH SOCIETIES. foT the erection of'a new pareonuKC 'ThilH Hpokc one of tlie committee It wax agreed that when tbe board di'lphlu, Hpvut Heveral dayn In their far recovered an to be nble to leave the MODERN PLUMBING AND HEATING Annual Congregational Meet- . The HUbJect WBH Introduced by l>r. adjourned It bo. until the next after- Edward Aldrich, of Philadelphia. M"r and Mrn. (!eo Putterglll, of MoorcV c ittuue ou • Plymouth Plui.'e. Were opened. The bIilderHul.il IIIIIH cottage, .on Wenley uveiiue,. iieur House who, with .her parerltH, has be«n • FIKHT M. K. CuUKCit . from the AHbury I'ark Hoard of Jhli noon (Wedne»day), when the mem- spent Sunday with his family at their Avaloii, were vlnltorn here on Sutilr- lllHtltiltlllll. ' Ing of ^Presbyterians I. N. (iriucom at the uieeli.iK of the .IOJ. Schmidt und fumlly, of I'liilu- Keue.ith Hireet. v . . J patron .of the Klberou since tbe hot"* Monaay »v«nni Were UM follouu: m-atlon to Or. It. I'. Abbott, I'rc-iiilent bers would meet Architect Davln and ' cottage..' - * day aud Kiiliday, • Mr. un.i Mrn, Flnher I);iltym|ilc, of e«mi moaib. MM. iib uaiiily. i ALL.0WAV M. SMITH & CO. I'liourd of Trade on ThUrMlay evenhifr,- dolplilu, opuned their cnthiKC Tenth WUH II rat opened. Wan here a few d'J' nrwwuror, To build In October—John Martu, ""Well Attended. of the Oceun City Houril of KduciitiOh, Contractor Jon. Bteelman to look over . Miss Katharine Flag'g, of Philadel- Mrn, !•'. (ilni.'kerti of I'hiltiik'lphlu, I'lillaili'lphia, who have a cottage.at is prepared to do Your H«nl! Urn, LutVIUla Tuorn u.iil the Ideu met with the approval of the new HCIIOOI building, with a view Mrs. Joseph Baker, ol'Tiickabne, in and .\Hlinry.uventie, over tlie holidays. .luring the week. • i^rne AtfMiun, iwcraUiry. (Successors to H. A. W. Smith) $4,1117; Allen Bcull,$4,H10; J. (i. Ohain- an tlie doctor estcoried the mcinburH of phia, Is the' guest of MIHH Kmily j ii|icued her cottage here, tlie latter prrt'.Klevunth und <"entral avenue, •Were ., Mhi,John O. Uauily, nufcx The uiimitil conKrcKHllonal iiiei'tltiK tlie i.H-n.herH ofthe board. to ItH acceptance. 'Inlting her daughter! MrH. (itlHTown- Mr, and ..Mrs. IVaiiiel Mitnnlue lorLouguti pion,- $4,4411; ll.iKllHb'.it JohliHon, thecommittet) through the local Pon Here. " . "M ofliiut week, and remiilncd lu the city j mi c the Kunicr Ihrong here, They Work in an Eminently Sat- Mrs. John A. Eaner, of VirginW 81! ASBURY AVENUE, - OCEAN CITY, N. J. (if the I'reKbytt'Haii Cliuroh. • litriil on; There are nearly (WO ineniberH of the . The board met at the time appointed xend. In tiilx city. : ' Plilladel|ihiiii were In tlielr cottatre, ' l buildinbildi g on Aionduy"'urtcriiool"ftr n und, after a ' thorough examination, for Keverul diiyn, "• did iioiii.-ciipy thcircnttuge, but Htuyed Mrn. S, O. Newcomb aud daughter,of Krairr PBIMUVTKBIAM.CIIUHCII. . Tuetulay ovunliiK, drew the- luriitwt jstaie homoeopathic phy wlelmi W The uiemtierH .if the visiiliig. com. .'Miss Sarah Vunlillder, or HUH- 'I'liomuH Wiitlwm and wife, of I'lilln- I.Vi.'! Axlniry uvt'unci during the week isfactory Manner. • To.linluli atonce—Johu Marti), $4,- iiiclety. They met laHiVulfln Atlantic accepted the bulldiug. This doca not brouck Heights, wax a visitor here ou Mrn. KmiiiuSitiim.iiiu anil duiightcr, ui the'Kiitlilu. v llriHiklyn, N"..Y., and Mrs. FrankD. Ljutleo- Auxiliary koclety iue«lH *M » 242; Allen Hcull, $4^; KHKIIMII &Utteiidalice ever present at it fhnllnr mlttee were It-. A Til"tliig, Kliits Ijong- include the heating apparatus. . :lel|ihltt, have been upending a week in Mr--. Caroline doll', of Kldora, hii» Hlnc and daughter, ot ("ape *W Hay oVenloK or euu luoutli. I'reHliluil •Ity. • " . Htreet, city editor of the Anbury Park Satorday. .• MIHH Myrtle, .or ('nhnlcu, were guentH MTH, Itu'rticc itiil.Kon, Hinter or Hiram Mm. K.-C. We.lo.i; Vio»-lT«illaent.Mr». 1* & "JoUimm, *i,mu J O. Champion meeting. ' ' • , .'•If Oeeaii. City Oi)n tukecure of the The Hecretary WUH authorized to their cottage here, • . been vlxltliicr her, son, Itulitli IJ. 4toll', Crew, irenMurer. Mm. WlllUm If. *' [.Press, and'Dr. DAVIHIIU, chairman of order another carload of coal from tbe' of Mr, uud Mrn. John K, TowiiHcnd llurbco, who in well known to HUIU- Drop into the office to- City, liave been guestsor.Mr. anJ M» mnilo no cliauKe In hl« bid. Kucouragliig reports were received Slate (.1, A, It, Kncampnieht and tlie Irvlp Rapp and "Mike" VanOHten, l»m«ini worelwy, Mn. Jo«. 1. Wcllll! B»-I 1 the building committee. These gentle- Shoemaker Lumber Company If Mr. Kbciiezer AdaUiH, of Philadelphlu, civil tnglnecr, and family, in'lhiu.uity 'Hiring the week . ' A.J. Mmitb. • • . .. " . ' tint iwcrsury, MTU. I'.U* Adaiun; lUlllocuir rrom the tfiistte«, IHIIICS auxiliary, friciidH of the memberHorthat nrgaill/a- of Philadelphia, spent'their Easter hier viHitorH. and a prominent young A reHolutlou WUH panned authorizing men were uccoiupiiulcd by their archi- Shoemaker will furnlHh the coal at the spent several days here; returnlriK ; W.-Wright and C-he-ler li Shaw, • morrow.' or. within the ' . , M«.Troiiluiin »DU MM-Olmrlwi Mllrliu. IreiiHlirer and chairmuli of the Iliunice tloii, and undoubtedly It can. It in able, tect, K. A. Areiid. ' • vacation here. • . Mrs.. H II. flcattergood und IIUUKII' matron lu Went Philadelphia noclety, • Mri and MrH, Henry Kloeu, ».. Junior Endeavor Koolety lUBOli. overy tt the bulldiiiK committee to award the ui look after the comfort uud entertain- name price. . l)ome oil Monday. of Philadelphia,, occupied the. (-ottugt- next few days and talk d»yartHrDooo M •• o'clock* • N.C. GODFREY'S Anbury Park IH preparing to erect ;t tern, of'West Plilludelpiib|, wtru'lii t'liaperoned^ a " ItniiKe purty at tbe I'hlludelplila, who entertained" l coutruct for^the chtarch and puruouage committee r.ir the new ..-liurch buil.l- ment of (100 phyHlelaiiH,"' Hald Dr The following bills - were ordered Misses Hazel and I>ma RadolIHe, of V.W> Cent ml avenue during the week. Chrl«il»n EodoaVor hoflety nn«ii«.. " fotirteen-room building. The board of paid: . . • HylvanuH Murphy- liau removed their cottage, Eleventh und Aubtlry linwdtll coitage.' '". •' • , ' the matter over with us. . number of guests at tile Surl o olooK tiuboay eveniniCH. Uflcr making HutlHfactdry urr"aiiKc- Ing fiiiid. 'liiechiircli'" llniiiicesHliott' iriHcmn. "I WUH told by Commander education lu. Unit resort Iind heard Camden, were among the boardwalk from i JeHHe Couver, $5,18; J. Fields, promenadera. on Fifteenth Htreet, - ' . WE CAN HELP YOU. . W6m»n'« Ubrliitiuti TemiHJrai.U",' U '°, Oeeun City IIUH better tucllltieH for e(m- Ocean City High'School, tlie members eutertalne« ondenamlDBtlonu.1, raeet» •usiul-uibaiul AH vyHI be Keen by the above ItKurex, K- Smith wus rc-e'vutcd uecre- veiitioiiH than most of the other Heu" $l.ftU; Otto Thorn paou, _t2.80; Mrs. A. Walter Matbls and. William Hoyt, 1 Fraldant, Mm. Kllubotb Urlon; correHpopd AND PROSPECTS ARE: OOOO. turyof the coiigrugiitloii * for iinothvr [.of the building cnmmttl«t> decided to ttyr,*2; iHnircK. Hires, tSO.80; K: Wml). Sherrerd, of .Haddonlltld, hi-father -cottaKe, liSrt. Anbury iive* Scott, of Phlludelpiilu, are oecupylug iilnglliilil, ulirl family, In thlH city, cbunged by the shavlug. oif of W - ing HoretMry, Mrr. A. B. Kunolt: reooraln- John MartB WUH the loweut bidder. Hhnre reHortH, If we can gel theBtate couie in this city n.iil neu the new of Camden, were receut guests, .ot wax the guest of Mr. and M rs, Wm..i.ue. • . • • • • during the week. Utllor viHitorH In- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiniiimn heavy moiiHtache. Heapi»earsyoo«'' * worwary, Mm. M. MUDer; trBUMuror. MM. I The llrxt tloor'of the paruoiiaRe IH io year Homoeopathic Society here It Wo.iild ilinol. ., . ' Howard Thorn, fMM; New Jersey : Eugene Miller. the. h'aveTmoii cotiage.'.Bevi'iiteentli •Cnrlngbani T p be very desirable. These phyHlcluii« Scliool-riiuruh Furulture Company, ' E. Massey at Kaster. Mrx, A. lu Peilnock and family had and i'e.ltral aven.ue. •. • cluded Kurl Cuunliighiirn, MIHH Emma er uud—Home nay—better lookiug. be'of brick, the KCCOIH!! tlootl r hild the i After their liiHpcction, the memhcM .SIOS.tHt; \Vin.Bheppard. 16.50; Headley Line of House Furnishings :: could.help tills city very much " expreHHed theiuuelvcH in-highly Uatter- .. JcanerV. H. Rapp, of Philadelphia D, C. HlUegass; of Philadelphia, a pleasant time during Kustef in'their 'MIHH Mary Smith, or Philadelphia, Cunniiighumund MIHH I,I1IIUII Klekert, MN. Mark liigle aud son, Ma* of1 Yuhtmsn'iiAuoolutlab. Wl'llod ' Wllloti Full With HhliiRled roof. /I'he hoUde In tomutilcule, which »•«• very, much en President HievenH exprexHed tlie &' Adum»,.$s2; li. Curtis Robluuou,' •was among tbe cottage owners, bere pmldent: Mark l*ke, Monnury. Aunuai Joyed. A (|ii.irtet front the eholr lug teriiiH or the local school building $±;i2 "• was a visitor bere oh Saturday. He- cottage, Fourteenth and Central avt- tiau returned homo after a few iluyn' ull or Philadelphia. Philadelphia, opened their.euU«P ipMtlrig will bei held in June. fS A PltOKEijsiONi aud t have one or the be»t. •be ufCoJonlul btyie of architecture. - thought that the matter of Hecurlug uiid voictKl their asti>iiluhment over , during the holidays. has rented a cottage.' HHUeU . 1 Alien Hcull WUH the loueat bidder on MTH: ii. M, Cresse uud Mlds Alice' convctiilniiH for the city ix regarded an the fi.ut Hint the completed Htriicttire vl'slt to her Hl»ter,. Mrn, cjiurlen <». Philip K. Coleiiiali, of Plilladeiphia, (luring -the KuHter tfays; They **"•' 1 'the work li^rUHblug in. • 1 • Tbe Oceab Oily llulldlDif lAid 'Lokta uwmela ItUley gave it yovul (filet, UH did. Mr."purt of the labor of the board'H en- cOHt uo mure than $l'i,IUk). I'he blilhl- tetter to Edward M. Sutton, • ^Wk'j. , McDowell, of Narbertb, MIHH Ijlna liockwood of Kugll-h sltheiiH, in tliit. city. ,ttccoiiipanted by Mlis Begley, of PbuV know It sure t he clillrc-h kiaMKI TThl e tertainment coinmittee, S. H. Wenzell and family, of Phila- way u vlnitor here on Saturday,_ look- lion IUMU neooua HulUrduy of •uiib uionl li Kvaua a\\fi IJI>W1H K.Smlth.'iiiKl MTH Ing they coiiiomplnio erecting will not . OteaH City* N.J. ,'.'••' 'Opened his new 'bungalow, J80-I As- town, formerly aV'hool ^ts delphia. Mark, who; during,tbeu* flealdebt, Uoorgo U. Aduuia: neorolury, I' churcli IH tobe of HummelHtown Oun mtmiitloi n (if II. AW. Smith, the delphia) were lu their cottage here The family of the lule AiigtiutiiH lug for hotel ui'commodatlonH for iiiu Uowurd Tboro.. John HoHonlmllm WIIH heiinl IU'H yoen be of (|iilte<|ill(,w>"largge tllmeUHioiiH a» the Dear Sir: JICKJ'H honesty for you! bury avenue, at Easter. during tbe Easter days. tlie (,'ue-it of Ml— Oaudy a few fauiily for the coining HeuHon, Mr' WM. LAKE, C. EM two KeuHOhx, was a represeutsMV* ~ brinvimtotie, entertainment committee lu Dowdell, of I'hlladelphla, iiccupled Ada ItiinuK and HIrnoted to axcertaliu htwhetheh r tfiiH uuii- Hcluuil here iiud svlll ln' is doing a bandoome TliUrHday even I n (? last, uud ."took is the rule lierej and it's never lilg teruiH. U IS. Vale,' The. North citizen.. Think it over, then call oil fourth puge of ,thlH IHHUC. • ,. thing In ' holding these contldence- delpbia, has been- the goest or Miss In his cottage, 1S4U West avenue, dur- Kourteenth and Central uveiiue. . decided thut he was Just "'on American, Philadelphia. _, and during the pUHtor'H ah'en.-e l(. M'. : phia, opened their cottage, Ninth and quarters at the Klberou, 2tHI |ier lot; one-half can re some of the nreuto»t burgulnu to be 20 • First and Simpson avenue. . at their house durlug Easter. . teacher in the Stnte Normal School a\ No., 721 Aatmrg Atfemte, Ocean Citu U main ou.uiortgaKfa. Apply to fast uiid thoroughly Heu Wort by. • "For Kent" aud "For Hale" cards P. B.—R. Howard Thorn Mlla oat Prapa'rtlM tor ula. rant aud tbotougbly^KOBWortDi- ; Florist Uumuey Klectrliml Nluluirri) Co., Phll- fouud here on . the ea&ievt terruB. Burley and daoghtef | Mr. and Mrs. G. T/ Smltbeman, of Buinuel Cole and wife, or Camden, Councilman Oeorgo W. Cotirad and Trenton. •'••'•. * ialIjait.oHh.oit, JOHN R. GROVESS ABEli B. BOUJUti, may be purchased at this otllce. pjOnt. Huumey Electrical MaDornCo^ PAUL BULBS, GRASS, 617 Central Ave. Ocean City.N. , adelpfiltt. ' ' U-8t. Fhoae connection. '• adelphla. a- and CLOVER SEED. . . 839 Asbury Avenue: • 649 Asbury - - Ocean City§ N. J. \) s>r:

city and purchasing an article at n are neither Rockefellers nor Morgans. PERSONALS. Hole! Ocean City Sentinel DARBY'S Ocean City 5 Sentinel OAHWOOU. few cents' lower rate than you could REAL ESTATE MEN Iu former years, we have been familiar AGED RESIDENT SECURING STOCK JENNINGS' BAND TO BE HERE TO ADVERTISE KALMIA TRIBE Evertou Cor»oii,.'Ocenu City; K. S. Ocean City Laundry obtain It In your owu city? with most ol the resorts ou the At- THURSDAY. APUIl. 11, 11107. AMD FoauunED Ev**r THOUDAV "In either cane you arvKeltliiK cheap lantic coast, from Cape.May to Long Mr: and Mrs. A. H, Slckler, or Cam- Miniyon, Mlllvllle; Walter H. Hays, G. W. Slilrley, S« II. <)llvctt.,Phlladel- 656 Asbury Ave value for your money; at the Hume <•'ranch, and we feel glad and tliniik- den,.were visitors on Saturday. DURING 0. A. R. ENCAMPMENT plihi: .->. 1!- Saint, Woodluiry.' ' HAS PASSEDAWAY FOR: BALL TEAM AT JAMESTOWN 1 NINE YEARS OLD Klrnl-ulutM Work In Every I'lirticulnc. «R. CURTIS ROBINSON HAVE FULL SWAY WeBball be glad to receive ltciuHuf ful that In our later ones we arc able time It Roex to a JOKH, IIOUHO lu, t|ie • : . i. •». t , i Ilev. Dr. Cook und family have re- Ijiunilry collected Moocl«y« und \V«lnj«lur JIM prwtenl. Orleut, 6r.lt. goeii to swell llie _con"er» . * m ' .' . >• » • i to visit the i'aclllc, to see thedlHereiit turned from a visit to Philadelphia. OCEAN CITY* -1 - NEW JERSEY Mr and Mrx. «.- L.-UidVlg.-Mrx. C. to tlilH coniniunlty - ami our nJuilurn of Home millionaire lu a distant cltyt styles, manners and types. We will, A Kuuxt, Curl KuuBt, Clias 11. huust, R. Curtis. Robinson David Conard Had Been - <>ll- Mayor and "Fans" Hustling Money Subscribed by Ex Sher- Efforts Will-be Made to Giv& Members u. '•position. .Pleasant-Evening. ; ". Reading Coal rate* rurnlnbed on application. men. Perhaps It has never ocvurred when-we get a chance at them. We Cbnveyanping and A 1*0 Klndllui! Wood by burrel or cord. Job ... - •- .Test. ,\ J detphla,_\veri'_yi*ltorBduring the weed. A'I'dl.KN ' , , ' f tho writer, unt uuccHHurlly • k promptly done by experienced to you before In that .light, but Ixn't It got whiit-we ca'tne for—a ;chungo of l>»viil (-nnard.-fatuer of: MIHH h.'C. H«»t cottl on the murket. 2110 lbn. 10 - band*. TIICSKSTIVKI. ti. tn receipt of'the " K. A Kearney, llowurd "Dorlsx, u Several local bane ball enthusiasm, Former S1ierl.lt ltarrett, cif Camdeii, Mayor I'liuiiipiini, at I lie meeting of TIK* ninth unniverstiry cvfehratlou «if Ilia ton uuitrnuUM)d. llell or KntorprlM*. ' thu truth?" ^^^^^ • cllinatc. We escupehilai(cl|>blii,.n cottage owner In I Insurance K,>od fultli. . lusn amateur team thin j'car.'iironeok- Hiid, taken altogether, think ue hiive V. llliigliaiiKCiiiiiileii; K. Wurren umi e and, a general breaking down. ' KnterrO at Ibe run omce ai Oceun City city, who", w.ilh Mr». Test, ban-liee <••">•• .,.-.,• •••',- h'lg nto^'k HUbHL'rlptloiiH from the busl- Kncampment. lu June next, ban _•.-..,• .... /. „ * leenii t|lty at t|ie Jamehtown KNposl- large numUer tif the hieuibers and wire, MIXH Wurren, (Kean-I'lty. r Parents often think -'their HUH been compensated, and huve no kick • - *'."••. ' ••• •• ". '• -' • ' ""." • N. JM a** KvooDd OIHM ruall matter. Henry Gerlach, of Plilladelphlii, DOTS. lfj" Conard wilHat'lier fatber'N^bed- IICRH raeii arul piibllc-Hplrlted residentn Ion, . .. n . women-folk, to tlie .wigwam, wlierc a ulltEIJIAIID VUTTAUKH. especially PTOUIIHIIIK becauxe he won taking hi the xUrhts of California fn - \WoMIS(J.' Notary.Public antl Commissioner-Of Deeds ' otbeeu content with thi». He ban Interesting Article from Pen "IfnostepH huve been taken," he coming. * • ' ' ' waV< among yesterday's arrivals to tills do when dlHHolution.came*.' ' '" •r the city. ThiiH rar, theyitaVe mot done himself proud" In the way,he'| Tew hours Were spent,very pleusuiitty. to get to work young, wantn to leu .some time. Tlie. letter Ix ilnteit Sa •W. G. Manning, J-.K. Killer and of R.. Fcndall Smith, . . •uid, "It's about tliuu we were inovhiir How much better It In to take tli Theie are liolnen and home-*. W»j city. . . .' ••'• ' . •' Mr'. Cdimrd, who. wan aged 811 yearn, vltirmqch nuccenn, K IH n pleasure to ian hustled to.raise subscriptions for, The Ited Men huve one of the wbool and be earning, »ayx ; tl Monica, March iStli: wife. Mrs. K. K -Clark'"and two April weather ' * . ' —and uiovlni; promptly.' I move," brambles out of tbo path of your Men have wen aud had aalnl kindKI.KIsS since wewe I| , , iHa-ardaiiddauKhtor JNos. Tj-44-4^ Asbury Avenue ii monllin and IOIIIIJ-H, had been Hlek Cootity,.Eijgineer. . he continued, "that the advertising strongest ijrguul/utions Iu the" city, Most'people begin ut the licitiunii Mrrf s s al)Ser children, J. N'elson Wcpit/, H. J. Mechanic* are buny.. e|»)rt, but more Hubncrlptloiifi are band, with the result that ho hanv than to add tliornn to wound bis fee Jourual qf Kducutlou. Thin IH • uevt Mnynes, * hurles .MutlieWf, Klwood Tour nionthu, gradually falling durfni? 1 i-oiiiiiiiltce'tnke.tip tlie matter and re- We. are. about ending (or will in slurtetl out here. We may. rrom force ,,r Woodbury. are Kiicstn of Mrs, Wui. •eeded to Insure the attainment or the cuiyd I-1H) for muHlc In conse-' ' Ih the thli'teenth atiiliuil report of und they nlwuys observe, the triheV H0TSL a sign of Btreuglh, but always of wen of circumstance, have had .to stop at a, / iie. ' ' Horn, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred \\ . Ott, , ' OCUANCITV.N.J. April Hhowera are in order.' Ibat time, lie had been rather re«t- •ort ut the next meetliiK" inoiitli) our California trip, but pe a plann. DoubtlenH before a 11 other ucuce, Jennings' Sixth ltcglment 'the State Coninil»'slo'iier of I'ublle uirulversurleil liiu irtost lilting manner. nt»n. When a boy wantn to gel' Plilludelphln: Win. i.'ungle.v. A\ush- Th(B month IH PUHIIIIIK IIIOIIK. H. K: Stantou e.xpreHsed the opinion TUB Joint committee In. charge c swell hotel one-day, the next strike a liigton'; Kruiik Durby, Ocean I'll.1.; Joi lecn'on HiitnYday, but .MIHM l.'nnard did week, HiiltlclAnt money will have been aud,or Camdeu, oueof the lending HHIHIB In an Interesting article on hut perhaps money uilKht be H*peut 'The occasions nre ,|->oked forward to work liiHtead of.gettlnK ready lo wur hiipN it'is not to'i Iste to writu you tli - Mrs It. K. Kngllsh.or Pliiladclphlir. 1 tho matter In working earnestly, t< gingerbread and bologna lunch, which, l.orllndd., Ctimden. Money to Loan on Bond and -Mortgage Have you rented your coltiiKu"' not expeet that deatli woulil come, MI promised to warraut the' formation of UMlcal orgaulzatloiiH Ju thin section j "Meadow," Houdn In Cape May more advuntuKeoiiHly bjfc advertising with pleusnrable uuticiput.ton by those It I nd lea ten arrested development. meunderlngH of two ancient kid" wli WUH a guest of the Atgleu durliiK the make tbo State' G. A. II. Kneam; pecuniarily, put things even. We nre noon. 1 When It, WIIB neen that there in tlie I*liltu The program lucludeil a OPEN ALL THE YEAR l» not the fact that he does not ImO since stopped digging It out of the Mrs. Klleu Scudder, of Palermo State it' A U KiiouUipinuiit In men. ^_^__>__ stopping a ilny, a week, or, iu faet. Dan els. New York: .1"'- Sieelniail a> time, Mr. Conaril i|iiielly tireatheil his tlaynr, there were present liev. ii. 'I'. utertuln three buudx duriiiK the en-the- line of mud liiiproveiiient under reading by Mrs. l>, S. ."Nimpsonfvocul an much education an the other boyi ground ;tlie tourist Is ei'isk'r jtut ilon't | was it recent guest of. Dr. uiid Mrs. It. Hridgeton: It. H. i'iiiklium. K C \\ lille xpeukliiK 011 the nubjeet of InngaKoiirtluie,convenience, fnnoyiiii Ocean City June 27th and «Ui Illft. , ' • • • • ' Jaiwelberry, Wm. K. Uardlner and umpinelit. AppreelatliiK the fact Suite aid, tit the construction' of puhlli uilvertisluK," Mr. Stiintou sulil that H duetj Mrs. J S. Kush.uud Mrs. lnt committee and Couiliiiiliiler e supunite W or (5 encli, and that those at the Uklnn. Henry D M'Vire, of Hadilon- lewspapers- during* the months, of An excellent variety of refreshinentH : May Is large enough for Hucb a paper. whereas that Is the leant'part of It. maxim might be reversed', for we see tlve weaVnenH with many |ii-rs.iii». phla yeMerday .'morning, where ner ursli luluiid wuter-wnys. July and August ix useless. Ho GARWOOD HOUSE, 'Chen the beautiful lawns, with Iio druggist, was uniongthe-week's guest, Itlegner, It. 'J. ' McKtruwii. C K, Bungalow Cottages I'eetlng cniistltute a comiulttreorthe leld, who In Identilled .with MiHiiy were served, to' which all did ample Is a case of arrented developmeu favored half-page advertisements 7i» Central ATCHUC. and fruits, orungen, lemons, grapt some of the. rich of .'whom' we are; liuuncmiin and wife, Mr. and Mrs, Tlie' more or a true rrliwid you 'are vli-es were held In the I'^rlendn' Mej!t- r'bole lo secure subscription,). arge businesn Interests here—and also ."These inursli hinds.consist of vust usually, and this Is what, should b jit the Klbcrou. . . Win. MCCoac-h. David, MK'ourh and early In tlie year. These would be- 'The entertainment wiuiuiittec con- , WE desire to return our thanks ti rrult. etc , make one think It Paradise ashamed. .Their snobbishness, their, tbe more true friend* you will have.. hiK ll)iu>i! at Seventeentb und (ilranl Thin motion wan neennded by W. K in old-noldler—agree0, and •posits of soft mini. frei|ilw>ntly much better than small, advertise- OCEAN-CITY, New Jersey. treated- treated as a dlreaxe. . Ml s (iqrtrude Hurkley. of Phlladel wire, Chus. J.'Shoemaker, Miss (!. A THEY ARE IN GREAT DEMAND Hlsted ofj. S. Itush, N.T. l.nttoti und George C. Bartlett. Acting Genera or perhaps as near to It us some of u> manners—or rather, the want of them llarinan. Miss V. M. Iliiriniiii, I' Wm. 11- Hinlth,, at Lilt- I'louvVr iiveuue. The Interitient wan at West lardlner, and carried. roin another nouree $10 watt ruined. lenty-llvc feel In' r. II. 'I'.'AMx.tl—ami that you may Rain that vylileli |imiltw. "tirljrtrn—tt~dirhrrot—bclomrrtr A l.arter, orXewurk, \;icePres.ldenl -Mr-4- iihenter TrTnryinirbTrHlHrIHiiJrmntintn\-HTragreed Hhenll1—Barrel I—met—Mayor—<~lmm— May Countv tt and Central AWMUC • that is criminal.' It contributes to d bit ruugli. just to give "the Mrs wife. Miss VA/:/.ie Abbott, Ocean CHy :ltl/en—AIfteil'Cooper. of»the <>a/.ette of A. J. Cassatt and uevrspapei this chapter. I am probably getting of the American Klre Insurance Com p Coimty, 1'u., wui In theIron buxl- 1011. It W, Kdwardn and i'ouncil- liese res<»rls, us well us up to the OHILHCINOS— OCEAN CITV, M, J. ^ Mrx Kllen Scudder, Mrx. Kaimli a liuquency, and "In wlthlu the statut shaking up. but, although It was I ~an]l Mr. Crenne nuggested. thut the (it NVuU'r lltiut. Kvery llooln Thorou^lily editorjals telling of the lire aud worl my metaphors mixed. There are allpuny, was here yestcrduy. Sinlth, Palermo:-!!. II. Howe, Wash ened Hbadowx a IOIIK ,11-tii'iic-f uroiitid IIL'HS. -I'or u 'iiuiiilitir of yeurn, hu WUH It was stated that about &MHI will be IUII Headley, of.the jobit committee, lundurd required by the- Stale, is by ecrctary of the Hoard of. Trade write Ii|ilent ul tlie Iteiuent Com- reiplirol to enclose grounds, erect a 1 Wamdeu,-on Monday, and nhowed .0 means tin easy task, uud thteo Mr. cooper to llnd out wh'atarrange- ft sometlmen shows Itself In dlv?rtec unit the ocean iiultecalm. Von know John K. ICclley', of Philadelphia, ton: Kobt. <'. Khod"s. Hiiltlmore; Ml»i N'o Onler 'Ttio Sniull for MK«. KI.I.A IC. NjlVLOR, Prbpi ay.'vanla Railroad.' hotels, of course, then rooms—room Tbe makliifjor promls-etiM the i>»»l- iniiiy'x wurkH In riitliulelplijn. Ill- grandstand au, l-'laynll, i!il 1 (Jut our lump sum price"for furnish- pleasure that conductors on tb with everything nece'snry for hon-e- . A. (i. GllUert IIBH repainted Cha^. HvleiiVeM four ulitlilreti — MIHH (*ui|. he panteboardx will be transferable nmmlttee. Alno, Mr.. Harrett »»» uise 'setllemeut, aud lit tlie sumc Mr. Crcnse'n" suggestion took the lai Omitr»l Avonuv, OCFLA.N O1TY, N. J. ternity ctiap-i are the elect, but lilt the Tactile a mill pond, hut let mi his home In Tlugu-after spending a Paul Dennl-foii, I'ytiwyd: K. ,A ing nil the material for your building. , Pennsylvania Railroad's linen runuing keeplm; for a week or a month, Then inl, of tills city; Jo-e|>li Connnl.-nf old to arraiige with Jennings' hand lo •lie will ultlislund the wash uud rorm or a motion, wliiiii wan panncil. digress at little bit and say'lhat'w Demurest,' Trenton: It. I Dlumeiit 13th St. and Haven Ave., Ocean City, N.J.I ' Htet/er'ft dwelling, on Anbury aveniie, Mayor Champion re<"illeil, with does not sboV that. Tbe data are Im- the cottage home cooking store, where ueek wlth'Josepb Iloothroyd.- . Open ull Ilia your. Hleimuntly locHled, out of Camden have been given orders have been living along shore the.e lasi Alloway: Mrs, K. II* .Muhleiiberg, K above Klghth Htreet. ., , ' Mnludelphju, uixl 11 HUD, In NebruNku nine enthusiuni. the visits of the LIC here on, tlie two days of tlie cue am p- [orm tides, us these ""roads uud liiarsh JOS. G. CHAMPION'S iipur the bt«ucb. with run ocvun vl«w. perfect at present, but there Is emiugto 'one "can buy, already cooked, any- Miss dura Itullock.of CollingswoiHl, (I, Muhleiiberg, Heading. Hid* are fre«|iientiy overllowed by llomu comforu. Write ror booklet. not to take hold of tbe arms of women few, weeks and ('iirluK that time tht I'ttSTHACIIIWI AMI! HVILDKHN, Hbould you need any prlutlni; itoiit', mil mie In ('iilKuriiiii. 'ahill Club, of Philadelphia, on iiieut, and that the citv would make SHERIFF'S SALE. to make It wholly probable that whe thing he may want to eat, take it tovisited her cousin, MIHH Iona_Adair>s, tieni. ' , LUMBER YARD. '. MISSKH I.KWIS & CONAIIU. _ wearing white shirt' waists as they wuid 'l'aeillc lias beeii rolling In call'at the .SKSTINKI.; Printing llH of roads con- i-lett. IMHII^II out of tlie Court of ('hum try, ribowTTMTat lu the last flfteen yearn, supper at any old time lie might wish. K. K. TOKUKHT ENGLISH & JOHNSON, FAVOR HAND'S BII,I, . keep them from falling. This order Is that we take It all buck ami Imv Mrs. James Chutthl IH making an brought here 011 each trip by this c the feature of the llrnt day of the rueted unilcr the State aid wus the Nt-u- Jt-rMt'V. on llntilnlilny or April, A. i>. WYOMING when rraterulty life has been extra Another fad— tlie cnfateiia—l will • . (HuccenHor* lo Aincl. I*. MotTl.1.) One-Price Store I C, In uvt'rt"!" «*IOI>MT wlitr^lli llrtl)|fl Ht,i*l- the result of complaints having been loKized. Arrived at Catallnu ul extended visit to her sister. Mm. Kzi base ball'club; be npokeofthe lengthy ncaiupment—Thursday. The coti- tin (irunde unil Holly Bench road, ..Hii, KKi-t-ntor nnliulitsl will Hiid Tt-kmuifiil 7*4 OCKAK AVKNVK * social and extra political iu elaniiM llattrd »f Trnclcr liidarHVH or Phllnt M. W'liWiInn, tlMfu^-d, tN i-oiulitni' PATTON'S SUN-PROOF PAINT . sent to the company's * offices by try to describe. It Is a large, prosper, Iliimnioiul.Jii Hrooklyn,,'X. V. HOUSE MOVING AND RAISING Hats and Gent's ball entbilHluHiH iire wiir'kiiiK hfay of thene vinltorn each time, anil llon and meetings or the WomenV >lloweil Inter liy tlie Marmora uud uess, much of tbe fraternity zeal li right, and spent eight duys there,'en CIIHIIUVI HeaHUre. ill, unil Aunn K; Krlf t ,vl vlr el »ln iirtMl,- All colors, ' Any quantity. Ocean city, K. J.i worqjn whose sblrt waists have been ms-looking restaurant, with many GODiraclors ana for a good club here Iliix "umnii-r teller Corps and l.ud'cs1 Au.vlliary leean City road,' and, on tlie l.'tilt of uilitllts. -I NlnUI uX|Kmtf lo siilt* ul ptiltlh- nylng each, one of them; alwuys some- . Chun, Xu'bb, who lias been employed Furnishingsl leclnrci It a good fprm of advertising dlcates approaching arrested develop tables, clean linen, nicely kept, one Oeneral At-its ri'Kiilur- niDiithly meellni,', the wii nil )h.i ycur ;: . Hot Wilier llcul. •Moiled by the coal-begrimed bands of thlngof Intero-t to be seen. The llrwt. ut Toms' Jtiver during the winter,' has 4'ou(rarlor 134O Aibury Avenue, . Tlie inside mnke of u i>ult Uif . Take a dhare or wloek or- wa«in ticket, leclty. In the event (if a nine being II take up a'couniderable portion of lulu. 1!HH|, the work of oiiiHirut'liiiK meat. ' It !s entirely clear already thu CITV Itnurd ofTrixle expres^eil ll«i'lf UK in May 13th, i'<)O7, '^harlM E. Ad«rn> WllUrd W. Aflmi . A. If. HILNKB. tbe conductors and brakemen. -Ide railed oil", which place yon walk returned to h'is nome in thin city. New Jen*e» tlie makliiK ur the ruination of )i- • or both. organized in. thin city, the Mayor •'rlduy. • ... lie. rlmd from Ocean View' to Sea Isle this Is highly characteristic of tin best aud main all ruction is the Murlui . Ill,, to wit, lit flliu (»',-|(H-k In tlie ulleriiuon Jarilefpf, Vhk-h are really the lH>ttoin Klwood Stcelman or Philadelphia, partH. The Mcietiil • Many a w'lte tbhikH Hadly about-all npoke lu favor.orendeavoring Insecure Kflorln are being made by-the Joint GHAS. E. ADAMS & BRO. high school fraternity, because one: I uieun). Kruiu receptacles take KDAI. BiTATK ANI> I fthn'r* HnmMi und H**moA^\inu; •: pin-clall>iut upon tliewe lie State dee.|ien the Innlde <'hanu'elH -« chnrrully Klvrn. fonif'-ueur find p|Tlt'b l I rom ('u|it> May to Hay Head. . I>»l«r. Ijl _ . ' '• HOTEL ATGLEN aa tbe Newark Advertiser paints out. clear' that one ran..see 'ull PHSS neuili tlie Hurfui-e. Tliat'a'wb to waxte In "the good old days of the luring tbe Slat? U. A. K iMicainp- I most ^very luliiiite.of the time on und wus built 011 the Utw of an 0I11, All 11 ml lot or pletv of irfouml wltntite. Ivluu fellows date uot -!ru»t themselves u Their puss in front uf a large counter, Mrs." Hlruin Sleclnlau, over Sunday. N. C. Clelland It \vu« |iureed, on niolion of former Furniture. Carpets, Malting and Bedding, When national. State, couifty and beueatli us he rides over In the K cun'l tiuy by luokx alone MnWil •lent here.the lust week In June. iatnrduy. ;i'he old noldiern umi their L'uusew'uy.—wlijrh hud been- used us a tul Wttiif 111 thv.i'lly oro.-eun Tin, In 1 h«- lulh anil Central Ave; win honors in the open contest, bu where good things to eat ure placed, Audrew P. Muloney, of" Pbllndel- Senator •"reuse, tlmt letters uriciiiK tlie oiinty of I'niKt Muv. itn*«i Hnitn ur Ni-vv Window Shaden. Etc' municipal officers are all placed to bottom boats provided by the native: REAL ESTATE BROKER ALLEN SCULL < lotht-w, ulillxt aH HtylUli aDdnrrnll Keferrlng to the nubject or advertl"- K'es will he taken out nailing ou roudwuy for more than twenty 'years, Irrs^y, iillnitH-rt-U .'^ In,section "r" on tin' seek It as a favoritUu) by means of >hiu, one of the nltlclals. ort,he local In.cut UH uny gurmentH wade, are Ml The i-ure«l way to liiuie 11 Hum 1* to •MIISC MotillieHstfrly you may want. Tliese are put ongus works, was it visitor oh "Tuesday. llund, .VKvnt 6O8 Central Avenue inoMelotliex—tlmtv why wegutruul a man hax 1,0' money even a womail lub, Hev, II. T. Canselberry Mpoke eel iinpervioiin toattacknikf nea nick- tid slx-teiiliks of u mile of tip-land .H. C.GOFF many of tliese high school fraternllle; plates und pluced ou your Walter. Sttiuuel Schurch, who, a short time heriJ of the cumiillttee who u'lli.hure fiiliuln-tl HIHI llilrly ft-el \l-bii wnjiiliw-eHieriy JACOB SCHUFF one set of candidates In ui» Interest In water was one luindreil feet deep, ye I OCEAN CITY, N. J. them with our name. cau run over him. of the visit or the Aildllbou bull tienn. 'Probably there will be bane bull mdwiiy. .""'.• are. • Then pass uii* tnspectress, who fook slin-e, wah again taken to the 1'iilver- Klorulh (tl. and Anbury Air IMIO witli thu meiiMiire. 'itlllUllllllU k.i,nlliwe»U-rly or tint! IKIInt In another set. With mauy voters tb t did not seem to be ulorc than ien, Ktalliililtt* cljwrriilly BlVeii, playcm t(» IIIIN city; of the friend* that amen, Held sports aud similar events 'The principle 011 which these rouds Irtnn or lirt-iollll ou the Kitltl AslmrV nv,itmi' THE PIONEER BAKERY. :IUH N over your "grvb" aud gives you Clothing for Boys Ala meeting, of the State Hoard of 'I'rlnr to thetidoptloii of thin motion, HE SEWARD "tall goes with the hide" In voting clear i- the water. It certainiy was u slty IiOH|iltal. is said lo be iniproviiig. Hiilljiluic frvcuil liy coiitruct or du>'. came with (hem and or^the subsequent i please and entertain the visiting rccoustriicteil Is us follows: lilrl.v 1'^n feel und of ilml ultltMektenilho: In No. 700 Asburi Atenue, Ocean City, N. J. . .Tenlb IN CHURCHES button, with price marked, after - Widow JoiieH SUIIM for Ho;a..'Ku-| Education, it wax decided to )>laru tile Mayor ('huiii|iion. whii Introduced the Jt'iiL'lh or ilfplli out* liiiiHlreil le -I Ilimt IH- ID a Presidential election, nations Crurnl sight, one scarcely to be de uubte-Urc*Mid | purchBse.ofa lot herc'und the erection icmbern of the gallant "old guard" Klr-t. a fouhdiitloii is laid nf poles Fr*-»h Itrratl, Vif* Hint i"n\ivn tUliy, Avddltik APARTMENTS which you go'to a table, eut, anil pay WlldwwMl tjlgh Sehmil oil the- apHiihjevt- , I'Xprt'Ji-ed the thought thut It U» H Ulll-el! |,fl Wltlt^MtrUfl. partisanship prevails, and the .ballot ueribfd tiuless to say one looks o was-II recent guest of the (iiirwoiwl, us REAL ESTATE BROKER JOHN MARTS miij KlouHeH. . * or a cottage thereon hy Harry l>. I.e- nit their frlendn. " nd .stringers ot siitilcieut urea to t ycvllfnt ut-t-iHunifHlntlonM for Hu^inV^H he'cashier us you go out. We mon proved ll»t for three yea »<>( ai'iidein nilclit he well to send lellerx to Senator '* 'in: tliehitnn- lot or r»le.vof urouiul wlih-li goes In unscratcbed, regardless of tb Bad-W«nlb«r OD Saadsy Iiii and Into uti Immense u<|iiurliim. wus Walter II. Hays, ,,f Philadelphia. I liaVt! wjiitM" for <-iittui!t?>* fritiii Cato, the club manager. upport the weight of Illliug soli mid iiril N. stuntonitilil Mury I-'. KIHIIIOII l»t Mun. rtlnuU* rwittiii ttnd ro4iiikH wllh, 'tumbled" to tins style "t llvhnr. j^Ml to ^t'ttMl, OrtlK'N Wullhi tin - Hats for Men and Boys work. II11I11I, A>->-i'iiitilyniHii Stllll- und (iov- . . . 01 Imieniiire. iluif-il I lit* Ihlrtv-Hrsl il>ty bHtli. .-. .-. Dlnlim Itooin. merits of minor candidates aud ques- frrred Wild tbe Atlvudunce. Aaron Stepheilsou and . family, of Contracting Builder TliL-I.ute»t und Nobbiest Bljlt.it I Tlie next meeting, which in likely to MOVED MANY TIMES iiiVeineut, together witli' ih.e aililed ill Alluu-I,A. l>. I-- . U. .or.li-.l III ill.' l'...iri[> OCEAN CITY BAKERY There were uiimy other" lillere-tlnn We could gel our meals ut "rational" \Vt'll "to faiiiniiuiii-iiti' w tl ll* lilt* if ' At a meeting of tlie '.'oilnty Iloiird ofi'rnor Stoke-i. Tlie bill ufkn for nil "l«-rk't.,>tNiv III I'ltpe.M ty ITnilrl Il6l|x>'. Ni-W Mlts. K. KIZKl.l.. tions. Municipal- elections are >., brlow Trnlii M. . mill Sufi in every Krudc at tbe lo I be at the. call of the chair. Now, Old IT«-Kl»ylerliin Church |M own the mcit'low crust. . 1 he sacrameut of the Lord's Siipl lironiiiiu hi this cu-ie, us Mrs. T. coiili ourselves_ciill forwaternieloii on tvtast prlMW. Mr. i'rex^e i-uid the bill ix it «ood ode lielr^.itnd ifHluii-, forever, siihjei-l day. the road leading from Five Milt! IteiK'b Owned toy Colored prople. 'Sccoi.,1, the sides ure protected wan administered In the First M. K not keep up witii a youni; fellow Ilk >r siime other luxury. Till* *wtlitn will lifbenelited, und the lUlmititili! reHiriellonsof tlielleeiiu GEORGE S. BltKEL, Proprietor to the mainland repaired; umi Ihi.' •oni .wush ' tiy'cur'lung and bulkheud- > , WKIM JJJ. j'j",' 1Aj, 1( MKItlUT.HIiorlll. LEHSOXTO PtRKNTt. Church on Sunday morning. In tli Mr. mid Mrs, John II. Keniiey have Men's Pantaloons HIS SUFFERINGS OVER Since It wancountructed, a few yearn RUSH ADVERTISING AGENCY ne,) took a walk up the moiintiiliis R U work will comuieiife m o(ii-e. entire Stutc will |my for the Work. I..1 AlTll IIUIl, 111:. NO. 8i5 ASBURY .AVENUE. • ir IUIII,")' fur Hi go, the frame building formerly ig throughout tiie entire iengtli, on Negligent parents In Middlesex evening, Jtev. K. it. Hrunyute, tl There is ah hu-lllii-d rullway, .but, u returned to Cermamown after spend- fiiilili; vii GEORGE R. BOURGEOIS & SUM Tin- Suellt-st. See our wlmluw dUpUj | Mayor Chuinploii >-iii;Kc*te!l to tlie (Ill.t llltSUUI.Kiil'rs.- 1-1'.'. I'.K. !S/> • Ocean City, N. J. >cciipled by the niember^of the Pren- otli-sides of roudwuy, uiul also by u 9:iL ANttury Avvnao . '•County received a . lewtou- fromJjuilge pastor, spoke briefly. Tho attendant.-* heumrleuus of a iteilrec (althoui;l CROSS-TOWN TROIXEY ing a couple of weeks in their cottage I Unv leAr«r HII^IIIIIIE I**** l>r. Arthur Adiiuis, of Trinity Hand und Stllle,. ~ I'HHSIIVTKKIAN. DONALD E. ALLEN ,«»•.!> he camp grouiKl. l-'rom there It wan ic ccrhing. School Superintendent, H. lirewste veathcr, the trl|> Wa" • very cnjnyulili • Ilion l» Clrculutluii. College, Hurtfiird, Conn., hhs been HIS Drexvl IIIIIKIIIIU-. •Muyor (.'hum|ilou spoke of Hie iivei Isaiah It. Christian, w'un called to III EshmitUM given. «rect«d by con- ATI,ANTU; flTY.S.J I Nlnt l>uyn. akeu to a lot on Wcnley aveiiife. be^ 'Third, ti new failure Introduced In- Willis, has been IpdUBtnounly laboring —The Mac'raiueutJiftlie-Loril'M Suppt, nid-itav ltd o'clock on Monday TLANTIC ICEiHlMILK COMPANY .MrirC'5rolli:o tr~\Wn7 mv"XTiTtli~St^reetTanll"a~l I tt leiaTerre" rlhtr-cttusltuctloirttf-the-Seu-lsle-road , to put an end to school children play- wan celebrated In the First Prenby aw mill. Our return . trip wu irculuteil miiong property owners on pa-t. . • '1 thi-J c:lty. He sulil lie would like to afternoon, lie resided at the-home of Sharp, died yeKterduy iiinriiliiK'ut liitr noved to a lot a few feet away. Then < a''lle" placed every eight feet under Ing truant by moral suasion, but 1 teriau Church ou Suuday morning, dlH'ereut from the going, The dayKighth street; . Samuel Schurch QHARLES L. HOI-MANN PRACTICAL HOUSE PAINTBI see tiie members of the" Hoard of Trade one of Ills duugliters, Mrs. John Mountain.Ice -«eemed—to-bave-Do--efl«ct-upoa-th» and there was a reception of members Itev. and Mrn. II, T. Casselb-WJifc-atHt Crtara- _ entertulnlug >Tr. Cusselberry's inotlier, ^ .^. REAL ESTATE: REGISTERED ARCHITECT j 645 Asbury Avenue,'. veiiuc, and from there to Seventh le centre line of roiiil, v parents or guardians of a number of Iu the evening, Ur. W. H. Uobson he 'owuershlp of ull thf property 8lie Imd been 111 only tiHie day lived for neven yearn; and .who \>an but shortly afterwards u storm cum* .\|rn 'Mary A. Casselberry, (>f Pliila- "•"•* AND INSURANCE heiphiKU base bull cluu, As ii buul . 1O14 Aabury children, so he resorted to the Court a medlcaJ missionary in China, wu l.M'KAN I'ITV, S. J.. Death WBH due tu |ilcurl-y. uilift'd t» devoled'to him In his Illness. Hehaif ud Ocean avenue, where It nerveil the "'These ties uio securely nplkeiiki*k. for r ' .905 WALNUT STREET ni.lrt mrnlNlii'u. iew church wuncouipleted. •ide curbing or biilkheiliiiug, and thus Judge Booraem, who. after .bearing pastor, Kev. H. T. Casselberry, und boardwalk in Ocean City, X. J., here- P. W. Shields has removed to Phila- BerVl'ceH will bo lielil »l - her riu- yearn ago, and during the lant Heveu around with blu.ukets for uiiy thu t.llie <>r Jlillli l.tli*i«» .1-i'lh1 Ifthe llourd of 'I'rndc. intmbL'rH Were the evidence, suspended sentence and gave an Instructive recital oMiis work delphia. His mot her ujid sister" have PHILADELPHIA' baud'n re'aldence, * Anbury A,v**nn«, oci< iti l'iiy N. J. J I|IM^M'. Hlcjcle I Saturday iiioriiiiig at Weyinoiith, southern section of Cape May Co'iiiity. UK up. I »'a* very anxious uboui r Electricians it'yi'U' 'l'ln i* uuu biislnesH men. Kii-o ball clubs have ssis't IK currying tht) uelglit, forming, a sutiiciunt guarantee to all. our .old patrons.- Oysters in AMD HCTAIL DEALER IN ' almost to overflowing, showing that he speaker said that lie Is the only ioardwuik. Itobhins' pureutx/ Mr. ulid Mrs. Dulil. Aiit-nded To.' where services will be conducted by a He leaven three noils and two daiigll- avenue, where the nieinbers of the lira. T. anil watched that lady very 821 Aabury Avenue, Ocean City, N. J: u.Iarce followlnK,und the city would n reality, nil llin|erKrouud trestle 011 .the parents realized the trouble that American or European phyHicluu uweli. • . Mrirulwnrk Ol nil lilmiu |>ruuiplly 1 mlnlsierfroju May's ljanilllig. tern—Jojin 15, of tills city; Inalah, ol colored .coilKreKalion will iheet und every • style. • Quisle luncli. Coffee Tea, Chocolate and uiosely. I was. afraid she might be- We iieVeby. agree that in caseinilch he advertised as In no other way. h'hich the stringers uud poles uic. the*!) was In store for them If they per within -260- miles 'of bis dMrlut. led ui. All uluiurliil unil work utiuruut* * Mark liake will have charge of the Flnhlug Creek; Samuel, or East Creek hold their .services. IteV; Samuel come charitably incline*! and want to extension Is made we will execute Dr. \\'.''K. Williams, of wflm.liigton, tll.t'll^. I ..Ijl ...: II; A. W. Smltli und Harvey.Y )lu'ce* In favor of look at the.subjolned list of numbers he same, between the lines of ciirbhlgi . under tbe law of New Jersey, liable to ue«tlon«, among them, "DomlMfioni ip to the cuspidore Tof course itu'asu OtKAN CITY. X. J., iiv li. JORDAN MATHEWSi COAL COAL I P. J. Hurley Han ••urcbaHed ii'i.oi Kldora' M. K. Ohurch, or which Formerly ol Atlantic City. lildrelh, of Wlldwood, are visiting Imse bull purk and urRe liil|: thu co«l ' uaomLMiTouH occasion. However Wll.r.lAM K. MASWHV, SHOEMAKER LUMBER CO. 629'aud IW1 Central avenue, ha» piir- of tierniuiitouii, have been visiting Attended To. tills resort, to be IIIHI'C'I on enveln|iw Plnmlien,' I'ermllM. ^7—l-'ourth and Ocean avenue. Jevutioh of two feet -above the' mean .. W.Tl. II H.nil II. I'roi.rl.eor . scribed by the Court, execution or the larent Hatisfactlon of UT» hearers. ifter enjoying (Vi tiie ride, we felt • Jl>H, I. St't'l.li,' ' " , chased a lot.on Ocean avenue, below sentence on negligent parents may. be their daughter, Mrx. Thos, Vouug, In OCEAN CITV. N J. TWBLKTH ST. AND WE8T AVE I contuhiinK the eorres|ioiidenie of lonil T, I.eo Adamn reportn the followhiU Ml—Sixth and Central avenue. . ' ilirli-water line. . • Office, No. 634'ASBURY AVENUE Dr. Dobson, who originally came etter Matisfied when we planted our It. W. KnwAitns-, Teuth street, rroui the lleacli Kro'nt riione, I l'J-I>. 711 Awlmrj Ave, Ocriui < ity. X. J. suspended. Tbe only Way to secure J. M. ('IlKXTKIt, tills city. , -IIH'-- men-, reporteil thut lie Iind plumbing perinltn grunted for month •I.'.—KIKIH'II and Asbury uveifue. "1'iie most siitisfnctory nmierinls for roui Washington, I). (.'-., Is j>urstiinnnumber elevens'" ou something AH yoii are alwayn Hiire o Improvement Company, through the 1 observance or the law by parents of KllEN'l-^KR AllAMit A: ^1 Miss Cuthurllie SeyTert has returned fxiiliiiiieil severui samples,' TbeKU In- ending April uili: 4H—City I'uvlllon. Hourdwulk. uvenieut foiiiiil thtlH fur ure oyster post-graduate course at the i'oly- errestrlal. ^UO'dH to the t"U 1 ItSIN RVKKVSTVliK''" (iio third rail). W..H.MITGHELL, • agency or Manxey & Kduurdn.",. -. cluded dtflisim of fancy I'liim shell!- , in \lloway M.Smitlv rorS4t» Asbtiry "M—Ninth and Oceull avenue. •hells spreud live Ijiclies deep und truant children is to make an exam pie llnlcPhlladelpbia. to her home in •tltlf city afn-r uu t think should say MnnethliiK "of • KAML'KI, H.'MAYliKltllV Mr. Karley. who han liwn ylsltiiiL' r of them In every district where they ubseut-e of severul dn>- \ M g nil. two eolots: a picture <-t >» >'»rht «ml a avenue, Albert Kogg, owner.- 'tli—Tenth uiid Aslniry aveniie. covered with * four hndies r. Cook, preached to a .cnngregatlou me.; you might think • I meuui ig of.the Hoard of Trade, former . Mrs, ttelwccu H.-'Hi,iidwiii nf I'hll. pleased with the. resort, will ktuild a Alderney Dairies the Intellectual but the moral training Ue-ldence: 7O4 Cent ml A v*^ a thousatiii. .The coininlttee wan «>»-• J*oliu N". Johnson, for Seventeentl (II— Sixteenth and Anbury avenue. ,velght, wliicli uitlistiiuds the wn"'h of lostly of ineti, ou_ account of the lligulur, but It's plural. N'i),.tliut senator i'res-c snid tliiit lie had notadelphiii, Ix oct'iipymg her -, ' handsome cottage before the Hummer of children, as well as tbe .welfare of aiTKAN'rirv. N, j tldiled. . ' , tiiiil Asbury avenue, Daniel Claweli •tiiriu tides, and does not hit 111> budly MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. eaiher, but. the attendance of mtn inUdo. . Mu'ltittiillnul. If you huve ilgtied.the petition, and he told, why tlirj*Ceutral iivemie,- Her sifter, Marble^ 1 . or uest year. Won't tie Here THIM Veur. Guaranteed Strictly Pure • the Sttfte.In Its. citizenship. On tiiotlon of II. V Stunton, It vym owner: . .vhcii the roudwuy is soli. from* storm ias been a gratifying feature of the le had not, Oll'rey, IH with iier.- Word'witli more HyllubleV'lchidly decided to ask-oi Coimcirs-AilvertisInK S. it. Coiiver, for Fifth" street neu The muliy friends of. Mr. and Mrs. :ldes or Uw ellecis of frost. * No u'nltiiiK'rur two rtt'fikh to know If you can net it: u'l' cull tell you ii Inter's services,, . "I^do not know," said Mr. Cresse, MoouniHUtx. MaUMileiiniK. Arl>ur Day To*iiiorrow.' oa'u It to express this luurveluiin pro- Mrx. W.m..K. Wondrow, of C CITY GAS LIGHT CO. c nittee Its HprltiL'. mU'ertluliii? boiinlwiilk,- for Charlen K. Wall H. t>. OollKherty and family, of West It WUH our Intention io complete iiiivo, •liurisnliiH in Buy and Oeenn front iirojicrtUw. i'liolcu cotliiuux fn PATBOMUeilOHEaTORES. The text Was I Cor., 15; 10. "Ity the luet. It is everywhere. Tilts pri'iduet 'that tiie railioaii ejimpuiiy desires to IIIIX returned home after u twu Htatuary Work, Cradle"... ' . Governor Stokes han designated . hUtadelphia, will hear with regret wile. Aluo IIHH for Invexiniuiit. mill for lin|irovement-the choice n =OCEAN CITY, N, J : pliilis. - i\Vner. ' . ' lie Sen Isle rouii tliKyear (IiHHii, but The community of lutereaf existing race or God I am what I am, aii( U'n. down Klghtli street. Since I have Friday, April iiiih,. as Arbor I>uy Iu that hecailH« of a.pressure of business i City."- • • Ajiply.tu • . the real estate aL;lirit'' He,, slie, It, visit in her duugiiter, Mrs, X. T. CEMETERY INCLOSUBES ..V vott'.of thiuiks wur extended tho Allowriy M. Sinlth, for Tenth am 'roiii the oiilset tlit work of co'ustriic- MILK _ between workmen and 'merchants In lls grace which was bestowed upon n ho foiiiiil In any locality or liny sil endn to nerve,, or anything to Ijiittoii. and family. ' - this Slate. He recommelidH ' thai eiiKaKeiuetitH Mr, OoUKherty will licit . •. ." J. M/CHliSTEU it CO., Hurlsl VaultH, Ur»ve<'ovi-r>' SKN'riSKI. fo,r ItseHiirts In UilverilsliiK boiirdivalk, ror W. S. Smith, owner,' loii WUH huhdlcupped by excessive AND 'small cities Is recognized by, theme was uot -iu valu; hut I labpreil ;ttlii, I do not know why I shou,ld. exercises appropriate to the spirit of be able to upend thu c.omhiK minimer ifii ca'u't'esuape, Have rend soiii K.dMli Hal'dU'lri und Mlxx Alum T the city. The, in lion WUH made hy Jnlt11.lt. ISroveH", for Anbury avenue, ruliiH and exceptioiiuliy higii tides, .'• ' '. O(F\N- ClTV, N. J Trades Union Advocate, of Trenton, lore abuuiiantly than they all; not here about tbe poor beliii* nlun »k that tlie roiid be inn ou tills s'reet. USE CAS FOR All klnduof C'eujclery Work the day be helcr In the public KL-IIOOIH, ... (Jeean .City. He Is compelled 10 Helix, of Philadelphia,, have returned Muyor t'liii'iiiploii. who spoke oftlie near, Kfglith street, for Joseph I.Hciill ivhich seriously delayed tlitf work. which says: . • but the grace of God which wax Ith us, but the real estate agent' l« There is no reason wliy I should usk COOKING that children be taught the value unit' build A. new fuctory, uiul this will keop ICECREAM lioi)ie after u short'visit to Mr. unit LIGHTING Work's at Pleasantvllle* NJ« t-ery credltiilile ii|ipeuruncf of the SKN- owner. •! ._ "The old meadow viiiiKewiiy was "Old you ever go to a union meet- with me." ' • . orxe than that, .it clings to you awl or It. importance uotiK-rrmitlnuMllli orrmi. llulillnlilillulill > ul culture. Also, tlie young HIIUUIII be Real Emuie TrmmfeM. Hummer. Ml'. DoiiKlierty and fuiully If you are thinking of purchasing With t*(ilti Internal Revenue Collector William thu yuur uniuiiu. ti>,,ls- pulrt ror on u NO SMOKE High tide for days in su'i'tesslou, re-nit-, ur»'il to uivu or your craft or • vocation—make' • a "Grace ^s dlvllie favor. It Ix an t idea that you arc a tourist with a" rely legJtiiuute for owners of busmesH ub lmpreiuied. with a proper apprefiation Hocent real estate tra'iinfern iu Ocea had City Collector Corsoii'H cottatte fol icOoaoli and wife und David Me ri-lisnnuble liioutllltllly mtilul.. I'lTfwIlTfwt IIuu rv No SMELL' Ktrfiiriilmr from me Houlli. ing Ina bed of mini and .slush, in a lot or cottage, you would do well harangue about Chinese exclusion; or etive principle. It Is God's love, It'tle capital. Talk' to u.stranger and Itex to netltlon for u trolley Hue 'down liulli'illliliurlli'illlirr . II in«nilinni, IHU'III , Inm i.n.l -IM No DIRT . oftbevorth of birds. City recorded iu the oillce of County Keveral- BeuHotiB. .' ' ' * Coach and wife, of Phllailetphla, were lioiisiHUIIW' sK rooillM, liiuttulhh , uiiiiMiiiDiiit-n r kMle to get have you seen him on. the street ctlve aud- Working, St. Paul Wan will to kiiow If you desire a vlgiith mreet. hinui>: iiotuhdi'iilil wmvr;ir»iit unri-iruii'iiii Clerk Way are «n follown: visitors here on Saturday. city' who huve.spent the winter in men to work In prepiirlug thu foiinihi- to consider several exceptional corner, pouring forth his maledictions leeply conscious of his personal debt largaln in real estate. Hide- in a "Therein every Indjuatlon that this rlAurs: fuiiv nirnluhwt; I i f.irj»-rnimil Appolnimeniii c»u»e Sori«rl»r. • .Ocean City Ueal Kstate und Juvest- Children Hapilic-d. 7th St. and Asbary Ave-: Just Strike a Match Tiirpon Sp.rinKS-Klu , liave left there tloiiHof the new roudwuy, and, owing upon the • concerns that bring these o grace—thankfully expresved here rolley car and you may nee a wheel of lie aem«H tlie bay Is merely the llrst K A. tietnnrent, of Trenton, Idcntl- hoiri^: will jtuy toe itMMl In UIIIH,,,, i,fmrdi- The appolntuielit or Hon. Kills inent »'«. and rhlllp II. S. Cake Three children,wore baptized In tlii r W. L. BERRY, for. their .home, in this resort. .Mr. o the xoft condition.of the old cuu>-e bargains that we have to offer slant-eyed individuals over to ourtud other places." . ' ' ater, above • which a «lgn protrudeH uk in a system thut will run on down iled' with .the Inter-State Teieph'one isri "\lUo\VA'lVi)'mwVi'ir),'a['il'N*'(-ii,iit,i| , Marnliall, Utlllwell H. ToWiiHeiid 'and Agreement for tho naic': and purcban r"lrst I're»byteriaii Church.on^ Sundaj •bores. In order to supplant the. fn-> hich KayH, "Tills- Beautiful BnNding \V KHlUliUtuli, Ik. (*, or U1\' It^lliihlt; lti'iil } It t oil writes: ','Vuu will, therefnre, wuy, the w-ork of construction could TKe'Hpeaker(dwelt upon theupostlo's becouMt, and Ocean City eventually Coin patty, -was a recent visitor to this manufacturing Jeweler, Aaron W, Hand an the.Cape May. nf lots wit, Kttt, Kill, Section A, ror th moruiiiK iust. Tho cerCiitotiywaH per: lint* Itroki'r, Oi'l-iih • lly,-N. .1 please dlscontliiuo-the SUSJ'IN'KI. from b*»carried du ouiy from (Oceull View before definitely deciding. .'. -.". telllgent American workman ? With- personal character aud career, showing 'ilefor^a'le. Apply to Smith JuiieH,' ; not u termlilai but u way station, in city, and reglHtered ut tbe UUcayue. ' NO. >3 SOUTH SECOND.ST.. County Board or Taxation ' caused, nu'm of.f«,()00. formed liy the pastor,' Itev. II, First National Bank out a doubt you have, and be had a he iteal . Kstate Man." 'fl.. lr:to A. H. BAKER his addr'eus. Have immensely eti- or niuliilanil terminus of the roud. tbe marked contrast between the hiiih event there would be' iio oc- much surprise In thin cltyt hi .no. tar a» •X)cean City Annociatloll to Occai Catiselberry. T It e llve-iiionth,M-o 11 AND ' :. right to be so doing. itore, buya pound of BUgar, aud the p'ro- Mr. und Mrs. Max A.' Kaiser, of G. THOMAS. Ptalladelptita. »••• oy«l receivliiK-lt liml heariiiK from " "Hy pirtience and perseveruuee, the CENTRAL AVENUE ilgoted, bitter, though' co,nhcleutlou», casion to run a spur to the boardwalk, Mr. Marshall u> 'cobcerueil.- It lias City Tabernacle AHHOclatlou.' tl child of Mr. and -Mm. IJBWIH.K. Smith MASSEY & EDWARDS. rletor will ank Ifyou wish to' buy a Philadelphia, were guests oT' Mr. and ...Undertaker'- and • Embalmer "home every week:" inaiiy dllllc'ultles «cre t)nully liver Ocean City, IM. J. "Did you ever go into the home or Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus, Saul the Except for local excursions to Ocean been ututed ^bat Mr. Murslmll, who Tract of land bouuded by, Vitih and _^ij the two children of Mr. and Mrs Met of laud. At the hotel table you Mrs, li. K. Smith oil Sunday, When 849 ASBURY AVENUE e«ime. The niailvvuy. Is now ready for tbl* workman, and there tbe llrst jupll of Uamalles, and Paul the Jlty. • , •' .'-••.- OCEAN. CITY, N, J.i has blii buBlueHB Interests in IMilladel- Sixth ftreetH, Anbury and Wealey ave- Harry V. Adams were baptized. CXPITAL $50,000. SURPLUS $25,000 ur ie«t a lady, .with- very, filrfammt tlie llve-iuonths-olil chili) of' the latter' No. 1O8 Market St., ilonnlTrollel «•'•'«•' .' the piiveiiieiit of shells und grave' thing to greet y° eye Is a catalogue postle to the Gentiles. Alt till*, the "I have no desire to obstruct the pbiaj will not nerve loug on the board. Ursy J. H, Hlidretn was received unnets, and uhe entertains you HO lliiulmweriiiidiijj.oi'uliilil. ••• In answer to,<||ierle's of meinbers'of uiid will,, be completed diirinpr the or some mall order house, a complete nworklngand the outworking of the ilroad iu anyof its wishes, hut I "see • — ~—^•v-- ' .into the church iiieinberHhlp. I,. M. CUKHMIO, l'r<-»l(lisui [raiidly that you are about t<> vote her 'the Itourd of Trade, lit the reKulur spring of 11107. . . , It. It, H'lTrKHi Yiee-l.'fWildi'Ot • ' buyers' guide, where you could obtain race of God. It was noted that sim- o reason why I should petition the Mrs; ti. IJ. Hlgbee and Mrs. Hauliiel Paucd EXmulnulluM- " OUJ'CI. Beautiful Cottage Sites. be must "eleRant," when, lo! the HiUfman, ot thin city, hiive-gone to PHILADELPHIA, MARK LAKE ik'i'tlnu of Uil« oreunlziitlon, Muyor 'Tho carrying capne(ty of ilie rolid . W. HCOiT V1ANU, Cuihler ~ anything from a needle with a patent r coqtrasU might tw observed . Iu ullroud to go down ' Klghth strict THE Minn Ethel Oi Norclim, ol thin.clty, rg ColislderuColislderubie coniplahip t I" I'p to Date In alt l-l«m ani J. KITH1AN TATKM,>«olloHur ik drops, and you behold the real it. Jlooro . . :md company had rails on Eighth IM'lY.N. • Norcum U the daughter of Jcweph P., imd.tlils at 1111 eurly day. cltlzeiiH of Cape Muy Comity will Imvb I.H. Chuinplou . K.H. HllU.. ' "And what Is more, he exhibits a aok. "In It IH all we have to show ere, for tenacity or eve-i pugnacity town during the week. Mr, Stct-hnun Fine Family Broceries. tion to aiviilt tho arrival or train* l'upern In the 'latent and most artlntli • elxewhere. ''••.-. ' ' IU W, &l«Md« . Jonapbl.Kflull . . tool or article of furniture' or some it the past, and all ou'r hope for in .tile irect, locomotives might be run onand wife have ugafn taken up their Norcuru, who In connected with the from (!«pe May. '1'renldciit Btevenn Htyleti,' Wo will gtmrantee the tbe way from some distant city and passive gift, We are - commanded to wlutar. •'•' • - Ocean 'City, tu ueur lu. rolml that a tbuu expericiictid by Ocean Cliy pco upper third decoration. I'anelei •eul .estate bgeuts. A Illtle'olf, eli'.' "• i HiiiHlliMi Orl*d,H*i«f, HutttiC tint) (JI*» Tb^ Right Itev. Hlshop HcafboroiigIi, 1:. v. coHmix. Prealdeni then got it a few cents cheaper than grow In grace; and we do' grow, If we of Iwiit quality. wWhfed wb*m »in* OCEAN CITY, N.J; Civil Kervlce exajiiliiutlon for cleric- pie on KHUtcr Sillnrdav. ceilhiKHoreut-oiitborderu. Kutimatlh Cleaning House! •Ifourd or Uireotom mast ToMdmy and N'o, one bustler had an awning spread MBtofunolalmed letter* remain Ing Mr.'und .Mw. . !>.• C. HlllexuHH,-of by euytpniBim. N* Jiwii tn weKJiit Krlduy ruoruliiK"- '• ' your local merchant could supply It. Of Kew Jersey, will preach and hold carrier for tin--local poVt ollk'O will be Is ut no ex peiiso to you alidiH a | leanu r use the grace already given—not other- verthe-ro6r( and, \vlt,h steps at the the Ocean City Post Ortice for the phlUdclnhln PLUMBER, ' J , who liave taken' OtU Htup in uhd mukuHtiliH'tlottH ftiinx tint \u*.t confirmation at Holy, Trinity Church WAN*KI>.—Vouug man, wife an to un, OUr price* cover every varletj Stop and examine • There R a great uiaiiy ltmtsies lit Obcnn City. for ItENT "Just here we would like to atk:wise It Is ours, therefore, to 'stir Up Ide, was ready for customers. eek ending April nth, IU07: • . ••"•™«"I»i"«». Fine Paper Hanging, Painting held 011 Sliturdny, April aitli. Appll- nix uiuuthH child (good) would Ilk of denlrable Wall l'aperu rrom H centi new cottage on Plymouth 1HT«OMI und ir«*(hB«i Mimtk In »»hiliid«lpUlu, ^ thin (Thurwlay) ' evening, at eight Housecleaning ne- , .. Some'R Cottages, sonic R Hotels. _ . BURBUR ; What Is the difference between bring- the-glft* that Is wlthlu us. Tbe most There are many placea to be Keen. Urdent bv inuli promptly Ultufctltxt to.7X11 STEAM AND GAS FITTER, A Select Line of eaiits will be furnished will, b ut.kn^y room aud board, June, July a per piece to $-2.60. Special d.e~lgns 1 Place, for the uumuier neauoii, were oodn tu tht) uiununt of jlo iind Upwitrd dit- o'clock. • All are welcome. AugUHt. Private family, or hotel the tiew shades or green; gray, tali ait Softie R'Stores, some R for reiitj • Dpit lies PROOF Vsnlts Ing 'these Celestials over to this'sanguineamong us all can uever pre- laby we would like to uee, aud when Uray, Mrs, Mary X.T.i^tton.utt.ie Ocean flty Fort visitors here ojrHuturday and Bunduy, I'atil Medary, 210. Chentnut rtreet brown, ir you can't come to tli cessities at the ' • • • ' Some R for snle> There R also '.•• . ' ' Kvory taaUity oomlittnt wllb n»r« buiklng oountry todoyour work for you at a diet what attainments can be made, e get home friends may ask us if we WALL PAPERS AND . Call ut once OilleeV . _' :„._ i> s, Antony, M; • They have been summer cottagerx Repairing a specialty. Philadelphia, I'a. • ntore, drop OH a card and we w;ill eal Bourse Pharmacy. Many low for sale without houses." ' ;, extended to oar pairoiw, * -'.'* Cheaper rate* than your fellow-country- or what things can be done for ChrUt ,ve neeu eucb and such a place, and INTERIOR DECORATIONS and nee what Hue Wall I'uper we have, with Hamplca. . • . FrUn, O. C. here.for ueverat heajiouH.'Mr. Hllle- ^Tubs and'P, , KOH gxi,B.-Oood Sail Yacht, 18 feet If you want any of these Oil the best terms; apply to Yoar uxsaant U reAeotfuliy •ollciie . . . ,'*niolj,o>qlddo It, and sending on* to and humanity through Ood'a abuu- o will have to say them nay. We urnbers and the prlceu will null all. >Huvc Sponges, Chamois, Keuedy, p, D. , gatw in a leading Insurance man In Headquarters for long, 7-foot beam. Apply to Win. H V ' B. B. BsilTH & SONS, . Trnvellon Letter* ol Credit good In Europ ^}./«vfl»e Wall,order house In a distant dant grace." Jour work done early, and we wlH nee . 1(M8 Anbury avenue, ROBERT FISHER, The Bourse, Ocean Cit or im«rlo»ror*»I«»tu«o»lrmte», . . SUTTOX, P. M. Jhat It l» Done HIght. B. It. BMITU & Btlte»r Beealey'a Point, V. J. , l,4t. etc. . Philadelphia. • , ••"•faction Otuaranteed. UP-TO-DATE SIGNS O8Q AHbur•y Avenne BONII, 1048 ABbury aveiiUe/ ofilce. mm AttUtic WukmuiUn ' Laaiwt POOR HANDWRITING. •'< ciTY BOYS ON THE FARM.* diKvm't follo-.v tliut I urn lleetiscil rn HINDOOS AT TABLE. THE, BAKER'S DOZEN. PINEAPPLES, -." rob, ln:t It does follow Unit if I am io CONDEMNKI) AS. FOOD Onr.of Ihr. rnuara Tlint Downed !V*I» 4 rraetlc* In Gullih PumltUl IL, nt Jntc* of ThU Pratt Is a QMt . .^ polmn at AVntrrloo. Brln*» Oow\ Reaalu. get ahead In tbe world I tuuwt mei*t Th Illltlirr Their Cmte the Mon ! »tory of Ita brlsln A«*ordln-i- «o th* NEARLY EVERVTHINQ ,WORTH EAT- . IrUamur llvri>mf> the Rakr,: ' j Dutch LrBend. . • ' Aid to Dls-catloa. , -Th'o nose of t'leopntra had a njarked Englluli lads of good family u, ^ H Gentlemanly ineti ,o!i. tlit'lr own ground.. For hi- - The word enzyme does not appear to I ntane*\'tlie Flint w'oolen UIIHH are sup- . ING HAS 'BEEN UNOEA A BAN. "In liidlii.V wrltea Sliluey Low, 'Toll-' Some perfous, luelutllui; a few ency- Inlluonce oil the destinies of the an- en Into Uie farm bolues of •—— Rlon, with what MX'IIIS H malign Inge-1 elopeillsts. ulv Inrllued. to think that hare any connection' with pineapple, cient world. The hniulw-jlilfig of Na-treated iu. all 'respect), -m ^ Jobber posed, to turn.'out woolen 'clothes. AH •\ -.;• ' .•.;.. iiully, IHIS,III-Ivi','are a^ciiri'd ,!»•.• nvent' nous of tjie same ilg.1 are l-'roni lli«* ^>.^>>* t.r' \«l:im Tl,«-rr klnn ei>iiiplli-ntluuN iiiiuiil the two" essential I heavy tines were (•oiisiilcri'd necivtKiiry gives to the luscious fruit tho remark- ton with tb.-lr KOINIM und dccolvliiK tin* hrstoriaiis. Innl. a. similar elTect li'.irli.ililfu l-'rull, Iiut fiiiR*tliiii-i nf i*iiilng ami marrying. Tho,; to •olinjei'ialaiKe ll«ht wi'lcutii and'tho ably digestible property which It pos- pulillc for unilu. Tin- public must get the evolution. I'f ithi" tiimlern wnrld. eujoy their play.' ut thu - |',>rl*lt,il«-,i -t*-.,!*, 1^1111 V «'U«*IHI^I«*M. aiiiih''o,ciiiiiiot take hl»,food without linkers, hi IIIIU'I- to liis'iire.full -wrtglit, 'sesses. The prevailing notion that pine- uci|tilring it knowledge of.i 0>pirriolit.'.lKW, by K. A. cvi-ii or get lurt. I it in .-oiA) of- the lie: did not' write; lie.'i*crii\\'led, Ity ''.Tilt- IVi-iiUnr ,t,'iii-r 11V ••Titli-mUui,." vlalioniti* pieeautliins ucn'lust pollution, 'took the piei-iiiitiiiii to uild nil udJI- apple Juice In excellent for thq'dlges- reoHOii of-this, aniotig. other causes, he iiuturul objects and their pulillc." "' • ' , t IIIIIV the blulier, his easte IK the ni ? .uipre lost Wnterloi. (Jrniicliy could not; read the world's work. ,, Miss Lacy Davis, twenty years old devil's Uoxi^n. i*ei*inis** tlilrti*i'ti was tbp Eut a slice of] the fruit .after' dinner,- Davis wlieu IK* hail linlslied. ;lii\ |iri'>i'iu r.i.ie iIici-»* II.IH lu'eu not tiuj-ilensoiue IlieVe ruli*H are. There are with <>Sictin>ss his diVclslvo nie,s*iage. The parent or. guardian wads theui' ' and the daughter of a .widow, was as- nuiulier of \vltel|e» who used torklo lay tlie doctors, and you will not suffer '•(irnnted, my dear, hut you ,«-aiiiiut wnly • fnrl>.i *.-. ii fri:;i. 'lua fm-hlililiMi tome ItVferlor caste^r,s iIn th,.,ve southMUU,s wh«MoW numb t Was It • "hat'iiWe enKiiKt-e" flvnttlo Is -> the farm home, much as be m|Z sistant bookkeeper and assistant cash- iiii-atn |iu\il \,*»ic *i.tt,:«- -. for tine rea- id-'to approach event ihi'lr broi-uistleks tp tbo "black muss" from' d'yspepshi.. • ' 1 • get over. tin*, fart thiit 1 havt* the i ure not "iippus! on), or "batalllo RaRneo" (buttle Is •mid him to a relative, anil foipS ' lcr of Ui« Flint woolen mills In the' a IOU wi' llili-thij' i»" ijiie' h:l\'i' fe>»i»lutely Jllstanee f Uie elect.' "*' Slitun.. The baker's great iiook In 1 money." within speaUiim "iwniii,,..- uO. w^ <..».* If you want'trt see what pineapple |'won)Jl •' • ' iwrsoual curt- nnd Ihstnictlaa tbat U ' suburbs of a certain western city.. It ivl'il iil tn IVI\ any mil all .kludx nf tto Al r Hbh ther tory of "Ami you will not return'ItV" A rcgiiliir taiile has luvn ib-iiwu up of j ff" -\^ llhiairy'liiirt another story of ran accomplish in the, way of' dlges- Grtiwliy rlmm* the lartor Blgnincanci* IH to rrnwlve from one who Is an tn- VOL" XXVIII. NO. 3 ' was one of tho datles of tbo cobbler to Iie^li. ti.-li. fowV, fruUs .and platttH. Its orlufti: OCEAN •QITY, N; J., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1907. *'l would lint deprive you of tin* faint* a ' what may he culled tin* ileferee,s of pol- tlou, you can easily test.lt on a pk*ce of and, not iu'llevluE It tieeossary to press lutisl Ktrii'uiier be pays a preialoa a SO to the bank ID tho'clty every Satur- Thui'i'lie iippli*. ihi* pear, the Kirii-wbe'r- Jjm Tlelersun' of Amsterdam waS;8, Unit iiwnlts you. The rliajieeH ure even lutfon. so Hint, while Home of fhei»i> low taw steak. The action of pineapple forward, arrived too late. -So mneli for iwiius of tfooo to tl/to) per amma. | day forenoon and .draw an amount suf- ry, the ipllnei*. th«* lieair.^th^tiuil-iti. the Komi cliuriliuiim. but nevertheless be per-mis can ]iolliiie n'tuaii'nf a higher Julci* *on"meat Is tn'mui>form It Into (Up ciul nf a li'ltiT. a- in*n s.troki> nr an linve personally known Be'venl •( ficient to pay tho wuge» of the'employ- up that 'llilti will III-IIIK Juti,ti rli-li IIIIM- Ut'k, the. ••••IHirilislls, "tin- wl»Kl|n.*cker, was afraid of being bewitched. On tho 1 caste o:ily hy actually touching him. Jelly and .then dissolve It when In the' Ihese luds, and all wore glad ot On, ees, and ho had never met with uny ad- Imtnl. I urn now. miltl ; to tnlci* my de; 1 llleglhli- sn-ell in an "a." ' ' . ' tl»»plui*oii. the Kuo*,e* tin. iltvr,.the bear, lout night of 10S4 no sat In bis hake- human stoiuueh. \ '' ' ltlj1 Mlnln tKirtun*. ""Tin* door will-IK? locked IH*- It Is In-:.I that hlacksmlihs, masons,^ Tills ijtw*s|!on >vas hnxighl /orward 'xpetrie*"*" * * " DEMAND venture lu so doing.' One was coming, the until' "inI tl|i* eel- these, to muuo h shop trj-ltiB td kei*p out the evil spirits MAY MAKE PARISH COTTAGES eunieiiters anil leather workers caa Place a slice of the fruit on the raw 111 II Jy/foRGAN HAND, #T. ABBOTT, M. D., . Q. A; R. ENCAMPMENT WILL however. hliul inc. uiul ynii ean't ralst* uny of ouly u few eiitiihleH. have becu avoid- by printing himself with; a glass of hy the writing utaster,, of the •'Met- OceanCitySentinel polhiti* ut ii ilu'piiii-e of tweuty-four meat us It lies ou a plate, ami. the up- Unit uftur rerereuei-s have tin* K:islii.r hluh I-IIUUL'II tu enaMe you nuinns, •ATTORNEY and ' ill us if iiiiwhiile-Hiiuii or positively ln- Koi"I. spirits. Isaien hail l«*en brisk. per surface of tbe steak wbcro -the There came n dny .when a stranger to'cn'.'p inn. .An limir lii-iici* tin* door fr-'t, tiHhly ilnrw.crs nt thirty-six feet "RoiticiuKor, .Vlesiiinld*." the master. •hang«r und inunvtury t Publiihed W«okly •»• * . Physician and Surgeon, JurlouH to health'ii'ud digestion. ' There wort* no customers In the shop fruit touches tt will soon become gelat- COU NSE"LLOR-AT-LAW. BRING MANY VISITORS HERE OF HOLY TRINITY SURPRISINQLY HEAVY recognized lilm ami tried to possess will In* milo-l.cil.'and yoli will In* at nuij eiiltlva; us ut fiirty-eluht feot. for the uioiueut, ami he* sat hack, medi- said tn-llllll. "the urell il"fi*:ll or the igrei*il IIIH)II, lads, should be »i^«irM AH we (ill k'hnw, tlie Jews have long inous. Enzyme; the active principle of OCEAN CITV. N.'O. . Hullcllor. Matter and Exaiulntir in Clianc«ry, OFFICE—Corner.Central and Eighth Street • r' •' himself of tub $'2.ri00. U» wcut.ofertbe libei'ry to MI, I. hope yon will ,uut while t,he piu'lnliK,' win* eat beef, have- tating on the gahti* lie would tuako on eni|ienir was due only to hl-i *jcrawllii-.' in the haslf) or bolng mie of tbtfug. had a liereilltary autlpathy to pork. On the Juice, can be obtained by throwing Mupmni-i Court ComiulMlouer, Notary Public ground from tho bank to tho mills and hlaiiit* u:i> Individually. . t urn IIH hon- a p^lhitlnii ranwe. of no less than twen- the . morrow,' when the fresh New hand. If ytti wNIi to succi**il In tin* liy, not as, guests or UH Huranwr tun*, ' -By- . Till 9 a.m. the other hanil. Hwlue'Hil>lsh wan high- l salt into the^ Juice, thus producing a I'AI-i: MAY »OIII«T HOIINK, M. J. Klt Bishop Scarborough is in Many of the Best Stunmer • laid bis plans, and a week before the est as other i;iou- no niori*. nn less. ty-one yanls ntul twelve Inches. Year's oaken were put on sale. He was world he cari'fyl of your ln*avy and uruors, Iiututn tnu cuuicuiee uand take tlielr ihi*, Much Credit Given Former j ly cHiii'iiiiil liy the mtcleut Greeks uud R. CURTIS ROBINSON (Oiipo«l» Public HulldlnKH).'•• 1 'event he fulfcertulu *Jmt tlie boodle Culiilliy to you." . - "The more'sacn-il a Hlniloo.ls the| stiirtliMl hy a sudden nip. An ugly wo* precipitate. { your light ••ir.ikeV Sn If Napoleon i>f .work iiml liliiy, Ine and tduj. Residences Here Have ltoiiiniis. This fact IH revealed by the Editor and Proprietor Sheriff IBarrett for His - Favor of Church Mem- Ami iu tr-llln-r her Htury 'a himiltvil more he Is woiTlitl hy his eiwle of table imiu pushed the iloor open. A good sized pineapple contains two had known h nv towrlte legibly or If ow. The lesH government the lid bu JONATHAN HAND, CHURCH MEMBERS • was bis. niiiiiy i-cfercm-vH toplK an a duluty bit TROLLEY LINE TO Been Taken. -. "Look here; MIXH DMVIH," mild the tlnii'H over -wlililn the ui'xt ten ilnyn ellipiette, The very hljih caste lirah- pints of Juice, a fact that gives an ijolj he hmt taken tin* trouhh* in il* so his "he better, except that he uliaU bjtu,, \Q. HUTCHINSON. M. D. Good Work. • • bere' Plans. , • of (mi.'. At the givat festlvul held ou- miiu oiii!ht to strip otr all his clothes "Give me a dozen New Year's cook- of what a Kll'-e of the fruit will do for tji.oo Per Year, Strictly in Advance Oouninellor- at-Law, . mill manager one Saturday forenoon, the uirl always, tisikpalns to nild; lo*,," she i-rli'.l In a shrill voice.1 ' desiiMidaiits would reltru today in is a geutlemau'H Bon fflioukL ' - There* will tie a meeting held by Several additional cottage rentals uually lu hnnur" uf llruieter roast pig and. If piKsHile, sit on the tloor whetn digestion. If ciioUeil. the pineapple . $1.50-at End of Year •Hoxntceo'pixth.iB't. June :*7tl] aud 28th of llilx year «lve. "I have word that Mr. Siimnou Is sick "II«* WIIH a niMn't-., liut'lie was a vthe shrillness of her voice did not Franci* and we should not have Iind In the right kind ot farm home,uj Kollcilor. JtMKir In Ch»ncerj, Notary Public, . authority of the HMiop In Ilolj ^ FEEL HOPEFUL are reported thla week, and among tbe \\\is the plei-i' de reslKtiiuee- In the bill he consumes Ills' foiHl. lie should not loses Its virtue hi this rcspecti It may prumlHO of being two of Hit* ,uri;ate»t' BE.EXTENDED and won't bo down this uiomlnjr. At 10 centliMimti.l I was really iiHliameil to meau anytlrlug to his slow Dutch mind. the republic', n IIPIHMIVS. historically he lad coming willingly, be atKmUtu No. 834= Ocean Avenue, renters are some, more people new to of* fare IKM-UH-',' the plje was th'esticred eat iiiiythlui; whli'fi 'has heen totiched ho nsked "whether the cinisi|inptlon of CAPE MAY COUKT HOUBK, N. J. days In the hlntory of Ocean (.'ity,- for Trinity Church thlti (FliurHday) even-. o?clock you will have to go to the bank ask him to £>'.'«• iiii* liat-k' tin* money." It only iiunoyeil him. •• i*stalil!slii-il todny t!;;u 1>HIMII-'' wilting ,vulctiuied, IIIH creature com fort! curd ' OCEAN CITV. Nl-J. , uuliuiil of lii'ineter. ..VrlstophiineH In by itn Inferior or a mm Hindoo or tlie'siuiiewhiu woody fruit Itself, is hen- . Lout; l>lHluncu 'JVIvplioni'. tllou will.tho brave old Holdkr tiovB of ,„ ,. — . , - — . ItiK, at 7 !iO o'clock, for the pur pone of Ocean City. It may not be amiss in . hi bis pluce. You ran go down on a IL'III. Ami ml siieh Kllcltt for. then left alone BO fur at mpm). KKICK Hooas:—Till 10«- m.,2~lo4p. m., Methodists Have the Sum of "The l*r'ii;>" iniikes oni* of the chnr- 1 drink water out of n,ny vessel similarly "Well. then, you tieetln't speuk so etU'lal or tint, for that can scarcely be niaster»wiis i orKunl/liiK a parlnh. All pentotiH, thls^,connection to sound' a note of. street car ami come bade In a hunsom." Llbnll.m. and I'rrfnnira. ' loud." salil .Ian. "I'm not deaf." Ihe fate, of empires.—T|-l -slon Is concerned. If lu* u tbe tt*jkt 1«p. iu, . .. . • the State o. A. B. Kt.can.p.nei.tiioi.i [•«»»• Ordered for Tracks on ucteiM hint that some nf the others • I detliod. As riie scale ilesit*nd» the rc- easlly'dlgestllile. things Vests GITY DIRECTORY. whether lueiubern of that, cotninunion , $17,000 in. Hand and warning to many people who have • Tbo young lady was rather pleased In. the IPuitliMis'tif tin- <:n.'eks Kgyp, ,"A ilozeu;"'she si-remiiLKl.. "Give mo sort, he will si Kin tit luto hlapltetli JJARRISON H. VOORHKKS. their annual convention in ttil» rexnrt.. Ba^" Front to "Seventh "Sllii'll nf roast "ilir." 'these jiiiiple un- j Htrletliins rela*; until at last we get de rurls.'-' or uot who are lntere»tel'\vh.> eaten frit'ly nf roast pin. Those who uvep. tin- sweeper, who \ls so wanting ' "(liie mnrv! I1 w'atit u ilor.eu." apple, hut, the properly of tin-Juice Is Uuu summer .when our boyi we* The Ot-euti City Kleclnv Itallu'ny- present. • -^ ' ' The truiiteeii of the Klrxt M. Kthe warning In, do not delay mnoh were not knuxwi u hir.idr**d years ago. nl of C'oimcll^-«.Je6. o, AduiuH. 809 Wesley Avenue. IUIUR blK lirepuratloiiH for till-evt nl. day in her llf<*. As HIH* iKmrdcu a cur weri: offering suerltlee In the. lemiile took part hi unotlier tli-ii-k niysiery or ' lu rethieuieiit That In* ean openly stroke so I'lfiitlvc that the eating of the fruit iiung »« Uud thr< c young Ud* »ua- Mu,..*r»-T. UnAitanw. , '., ' (.'onipiiny - hu-. plauol uii order for Holy Trinity Churvli.'a pretty edl- Chiftch -will meet thin evening and j longer, otherwise most of the -beat In front of the'rail! li good looking "Well. then. If you want another, go hut tliuiisaiids of yi-.irs iig)> some men Trewuror— lr»M. ohaniploo. ( Till u H. m. and the Civil War vetermiH here, UH of Vuleau. At tin; door of tin' temple festival, known us fue Kk'ustula, ab- a puppy iloir. unit tlmitly we* rench the Itself can do no harm and may even be ig them, i*omtiig rroiu cities ur], L'olliMtor—NttibotuMCorMOa ruIN for Ihe extension nf the line take formal action nu the award or cottages will be gone. to the devIL mi I get It." . " nnd iirillotiv had leai-iieil the art of lly- 117 Tlurkel «r«i-l, . < aliiaea. orrilMc HOURH:^ 1 to a p. m. . well aH the cltl/en-i generally, utll co- Ili-t- «t Kleventh and Central avenue, stranger about thirty years old got Cn on the ci-eat altar weiv laid l>uudle>i stained froiu i*i*rtulu food.uud, above' outcast wlln -an eat apy kind of meat •bencllclnl, IIIM-IIUPII as. It taken »ome iwus. We iHiught material oudiuli I'hldrof I*ollo»->^niuulHciill. ' i tt to 8 p. III." ' contract Tor a new'cliurch nnd pnrnon- and sat opposite her. Ahhoucli she The It-tir .left'iiu' shop, hut from that lug Impi'lly. which we have forgotten BSualDK in.peolor-Herberlo.Hiullh. ' operate In the work. •' of tlie.tnilk-y mml from tlie-nteam wax built about eleven years ago, by John B. MorrU, of' West Phlladel- - of saiidalwiMHl ami eiiiuamon. .rpon all. from lk'iins. whenever lie.ran get It aud."will even ulglu'.Ian hail ti-i.iitilt*. The shop seem- of the strength nf the Juke to dissolve overall giirments. all alike, trtumm r,~r, Hup^rvl-ior— Wurroli W. llrown. . Btll'l'hono , aRe made a little more than a week could*not say that ho ever glanced at drink out of a cup wli\ch has touched •irneglectit) -rhrlstlnii l|i*glsti*r. ' • W, IIOI.T AeilAK.. ANUUKW O, BOrtWKI.l. It Is expected that many of tlie IMIHI 1'itwlliri; nl I lie 1'nlnt of Iteuch to ••oiitrlbutloun from thoxe who attended phla, will occupy the same bouse be I thew tlie snerltlelnl iHiar wan str<'tehe.d. ed to In* hewliehiil. HIH rakes were It nnd HU prevents tlie stomach suffer- tustvfully, and broad brimmed tin* -4ol!i*llor—KK-Ju,a*£eJo*i. 't'liomiiMoa. her,'she hud several sly |HM PH at him cIlluuD—4ieorge u. Attuum, N. V. Seventh »treel. Aililitloniii l polex for KplHcopulian cbttrcb KervlceN aud BRO by the cliurch building committee. had laxt year, 717 Moorlyn Terrace, Uie lire lighted, paxtlls < of ll|i'eu."e A Kill u, us wu nil know, tulco are cs-other lips, t stolen. Klther his bread was so light Ing from the ton violent effects of Uie Hits, all ullkt*. with the name of ttx members of tbe Htate (1. A.'It. Kit and was quite favorably Impressed r II- A. W. nmllti. luoob C. stool L,AW OFFICES ' - •N. GRISCOM, M. D. . Uie wlreM.IIIIVU been rei'tHyed, and It IH were interexted In Hcelng the church Up to within a couple of days, the owned by Kdmiind Oawes, ot Fblla- throwu lu and the Kiuoke-ainl "UIIII-OUK tf-emoil lu Chlim and lu sonic part* of "I.i|eklly ' for tin* modern Hindoo that It soanil up the chimney or so Juice. .••..' . , furm on the mitbauds. A urutiderHt- Urry Houdley, Unrry UMiulih, 1'. s. campmeut, with'their frienilH t'roiti with bis appearance: * lodlit, hut tile uuelent Egyptians, thesr* burdensome prohibitions and in- Mlss'^lto-to'i IMI, aren't you very p likely that ear- uill be riinnlnic on the Krow in tliU city. Tlie buildJtiK has church official*! liad Hiibsorlbixl utid lu delphia. • •. smells" nw lilch to lieuveii. Then heavy that the supports' of the oven of yotinguterH WIIH never «eea- OB 1 o'l Healtii— Prenldunt, l>r.'i'twrl*.ii K. [JUTHHT. ANUWBiLKY AVE. ttret'kM und Jews uhhorred mice and junctions nre nnlijei-t to certain con- l'i»uil.nr.illva- Iln|i|>ln£-«M. ttiileh lutOi-"-ii'd la the study of primi- Apgar & Boswell, Iliitli rhoiwH-lloll, 15; lutttr-HlHle, 11:1. dlHtauce, will bo here not-only on 1 at, the liettluhliiK of thu Itev. Martin hand the Hum of $I7,IXN) for the pro- Uu'wood. Sack has rentei bis cot- The check was promptly. caHUed at Into the'tnuer 4*oiirts uiari-heil the roy- gave way heiieath tlie burden/ Ills 1 i boyx had tliulr rtgular work, uo, MAHTKICH IN I'HANCKKY, , been Jielil lu truxt by " would nor touch mouse meat. Rats and venient, leunl tliTjons. Sweetmeilts, It If on* mil}' wUhi.,1 io In, happy this tive it-iii ' Mlsw I'le*i laud--'N'ot uLoh EeVAd»ill»;.Tr«»i4ui«r, Kuucli W. llurlHiili; i:« Hours- Until Illu. n). Krom tl to K p. m. Tburuday and Friday, but on Sulur- pohed churcti. • the bank, and with the money in heral proee*>ilou. |iriM'eded by lueeti* wlfi* liecaiiie deaf: his* children went tliotigh I never thought of such »tUii vSl c«l Iilil>oclor, IT. N. lliiuiinl Hun; No oltlce'tiouri* Hunduy Hfteriioon. Hllliltncr *,eiiMin. of Frunklln, I n., with the tnge*, ' 011 ' Wesley avenue, above \v«*r,* sin-iyi', |*.\ could h* e:i<;iy aceouipilshed, hut we He's dead.- rie*»elund Leader, AHtllTltY AVKNIJK ami KKlHTH TKK day and Sunday, an well, uiul eli'ortx reticule—the-jrfrl—readied—tbe-tlooi—to- LmuLmiiy be tak: -w-HU;—I1U—4-rm.lt*—took—whig* and aet-— ,s telling the visitors to go to 1 Memban uf Iluanl-Ur. Uluui.ll.Uia Al lt^at*i*n K. CdrHoii'H, Muinorii, MondnyH, TheuMeii-i.in ol till* I nil ley line In unilerHtundliiK that wheu the Many'of (he eliurch oftleiulH feel Kleventh xtreet, to Wm'. 8.- Jones, of anil wer*» nut to 1H> cateu on this ac- wls-h to IH* happier than oilier peopl?r| are being made to have-atirurtlmn-, in flnd an empty carriage drawn np as If by Hm^Kuiuller ultur tile klims knelt* en by anylioily anywhere.. Not long lled In the ^li of his rivals, lliree ttu*y wi'ri.*' ulwuyH' iin hai^d. TSrrrrsrom™n>rs«nM«rjr-f—- •--• ' (>CEj\-N.*'n Yi Ni .1. II plpnned wllli tin* outlook i'' count. Sn. too, tu sonio parts of Greece, and tills \* always dllllcalt, foe we be- W l awaiting her. • lu prayer. The priest, rTslug, uprln- ago the Itnihiuan pundits at Hennrea times th old winnnu returned, and I'nt f-ir si:/ • irtu-' '..'• an 1 "iirrow we work wan \<>ry IUVSHIIII;, iioii™d' ol Eduo»llon-Ur. B. T. Abbott, Out of the church'x total meiuber- "Keb, ma'am?" queried the driver, the- mouse watt the sacred animal of dei-ided that soda water Is not water lieve others to lie li'uiiptcr thun they 'l'n«?dent: A.J. Hinllh. Vlcul'roitlilulii: II, C ciatly and numerically, .It would be Harry F. Htanton ban made the fol- - l(lcd consecrated perfume over them eneh time was .directed to the: devil's 1 should never kiwv half Hie cmi there or UanvMtlnK. our owu buys Q 1 L OFFICES xhln of more than HIH) people, only. AlKillo,.innl mice wen* fnl.ln his tcro- are.—Mrmtes.jii !'!!. lJSDiM>n;n«cret»ry;iKii!* HrU B. sm«»,». a.. CHARLES B. RIDER. traii-furred to the care of the people lowing rental*! during- tbe laat few 'and next moment she "Was 'uiulde and and brought forth the golden boaUers within'the meaning of the act. so tb Is nhoiit u«.—I>lcl.-eiis ples. .Tin?, chosen p,*oplt_» were forbld- sjii'ti'iuin. At lust. In despair;'the baker workinl nil >;^: •-•.'•/ When lihdiop HcurborouKh wax In John Y. Kadcllfle's cottage,' 702 thoughts of something else that she did and tin- tortoise- after his kind." These Harden llullilluu- lhl*< city 1111 Thursday eveniiiK axt.'j rexpondhiR a» expecte?*•>$&*: "• ,:•••«! WeHley avenue, to Internal Revenue , not notice tho landmarks aloag • tho without, too): off bis brass helmet and the tr,-milling man to be more gener- trlji 1° town or to Uie umuutalni, ml i,li;K' ;: :1H _ . ..''I-t the church condition** were expli , some of the olllelaln. at leant, that. It Collector Wm. McCoach, of Philadel- Itut |M'opli* hiivt* nostiilhed from e*at- . POINTS OF ETIQUETTE. CHURCH SERVICES. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. , way. When the n.ack suddenly stopped In that .offered the iierfunii'd wine to ous in tlie future. -Thou he .vanished, m out- iH-i-u-iliin we took a four bom Io him and the 'hope*, and de-ire* of' «••• »* •' <|ue»U<>» nf.only a very Hhnrt t' nl'M.' K. Cburcb, corner cenlrul iivi. T phia . • : ' ' she looked out and saw that sue bad Ing kinds of tli-sh which.could uot be and ln.hu place stood the bag," wbo re- OCEAN CITV. N. j. lltl1 Vulran. the tire god. Previous to this Finger liowis are irit jmt oti the table loml of - I'iriulura to a tllHtnnt mrta anil Kl«litn -ilreel. ll«v. ,t It. lirunj •'.v. •"•"'•.'••'• .' '. Jft •'. • • v^S&. the iiiemlierH of tlie eon imitation '•"•« " •••<•' balnnce above thfe pro- , Jilnix Matthews' cottage, 710 Wealey • not arrived nt the mill. Instead of that 'called itiieloaii. For example, tilt* people peated her dcitiatid for one more cake. JAMES M. E. HILDRETH the orucle had deelured' that In- \\1A> until after the ih-ssert Is'reihoved. unii rninpiHl all nlclit.—J. I>. Kedsh freely mated. poxnl eiiciimbrniicex |H xubxcribetl. jiventie, to S. Schoyer,, a prominent she had arrived at a lone old bouse. of TheheH. us HeriHlottiH telln UH. ab-; Juu acceded, whereupon Bhe'exclalm- The Ideal Summer Resort Mor-JloK iterv.cei iICUtO ICUtO; qv; qttff jy|, • V." ,-•','. •, v ^ offered a llhatlon lu n cup of brass It Is the worst possible form fora <;kt*e|ilni;. I* ttyer tutHjitnifit , WeduettditWduy te evonintf, I TRY stalneil from •ilus'*p. What Is the mat- 1 •1!/., >-J ••';,• ^^m Ilinhop ScarbomilKhJieactlly entered I'lttMburi? attorney, wbo will take - standing alone on the block, and tho should IM» sole klntr 'of n^ypt. I'uc<>n- man to take a woman's arm, by*day or ed: "The spell Is broken.' From this tiuniuy HCbool. 2.W. Ur. Ouur lew li, Uii *•• C6unFellor-at-Law neighborhood wus one she bud never ter with mutMn chopH? Then, the an- time one dozen IH thirteen." Taking •up. rimuudeat. into the plHiiHiif the people, colncldeil BOTg LEGS BROKEN • poHHeHslon of tbe bouro wltblo a short sclously ISuiiiimi'tMitiii ' Innl fultllled night. _ . -•..'•. , o»rtU)rtU)f fTru»loeHlreln Tru»loeH-l're , . m; nmt Koitcllor* Muuter unit Kziiiulnerlu seen before. ' cIcntH us<*d io nlistulu from certain from tin* c>muter a gingerbread efUgy Chiuii-ery • _ <-'.:••,,••.-,<•• , ^^^M with tlielrvlewH mid expre«Hetl a deler- time .and remain until late In the. - Uie con'dltlon. and be .was therewith When leaving it ear a man sbould The ti'Hili'iii'-yto throw the kecrctMry* 11. 8. Muwrar; truuMurur. i*t*ort;i-< BEEF, IRON AND WINE She sprang to the. ground and begun vegetaliliiiT Inileed,' the ItomnnH sneer- of St. Nlcli.ihw", she made the subdued o. Adam*; ur. B. T. Abtnui, KHu'itrtl-M. MIII- Olttiv—Ni,.I'll Ilium sim't Halcm Calorrd *tlitii X irrp*wly'TKH- autumn. proclulmed'kliu:- . . precede ihe Truman, so ns to assist her IIKIWI wiinls ax fur bai'-k u» pooltile •:,•;,.•,:•.,,«,,'-^^M iiiimitlnii to anxlHt tlietuTn* their de- to question the driver, hut he wheeled ed nt those Kirj'iitlatis.whodld not dare Ii.:rcli::iau l:iy, ills band upon It and. inn. Win. li. t.lbb. JotiU MlUtH, Jru. 8. Cttulil- I.'AI'K MAV CITV. N. J For uN|trlug Tonic to <*nt onlnlis, li-cks or garlic, and yet if necessary. • IIIIH Krailually . Claren-je Olbboney's cottage, on and drove off without a reply, and out swear to give inoru liberal measure hi w. J, G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT the ltomnns iln-nwclv,-« wero superntl- of pnmmuit'luK "reviiiuie*' wltb tbi CIMMI Me-BtiitBH-Munduy u\oruiiii{, Mrx, deeiileil to form a parMi." ' . Tbo llrst Herinnx accident IIIIIOIIK Brighton Place, to K. • M. Halpaaa, of the bouse stepped the man of the In nddrossliig n- newly married couple the future. Since that time thirteen OCEAN CITY, N. J, *. Htultu. leader; MoutlHyuVuuiutf.M LAW OFFICES OF r~ LaM^KS'w un tLi' Unit Hyllalili*. liltqiittt BOURSE PHARMACY Vice .PreHldent and cashier of the - street car and raised his bat and bowed tlotM ahout whrit they ate or whnt they at it* weddlm: reii'ptlon It Is usual to has been culled n baker's dozou.—New* K. Brick, leader: brlduy cv«uiuii, In order to ciVmily uilh lite rulei or workmen ou tlie bay bridge occurred should uvohl ,-athiK. recently, howex'er. It WUH not UKce- Uonwu, louder. TiitM« m-uitutCH ure (VntPiinlnl National Bank, Thlrty- and smiled. congratulate" the groom and to wish York Tribune. ' inovburcb. . . RALPH L. GOFF, the i-hiiri-h, It l«"nece*iHflry to pre-eni a on'Monilay afternoon, when JIM. II Locul l'ominlll«*e*Wlll KNInfallHli lion to lii'nr tli« •wrlliT "rrvenu*,*ul Herbert R. Vqorhees, In his "Itoiiaui (Juestloiis" I'lutarch. the lirido great hivptilness. ilrt.AN i'ir\ : T.fli Anbury Avt'nilf; in.mortal to the l«l-hop. re<|tie«tliiK Hrown; colnrtMl. aged* H4 yearn, or Keiimd and Market Htreetv, Went Phil- "Where am I? Wbnt does tils Bureau of Information. it woulil In* interi'Ktlut: to have Itti, Flral l*reNbylerlH.u OliUruli, Weslt*y HVriiut. CIVIL ENGINEER, \ - mean?" .asked the girl. nRks, "Why ili> the Ijitlna abstain • It is n it Itiokiwl UHoii as gooil. form All.vsi'lc I'IT^': I'or. Kfiitui'ky ami Alluu- Itie nri!aiilzatinn ornpnrl-ih, aud-Uie • Siilein, wim badly hurt Itolli of-hl-i adelphia. " .'•—•'.'• The Joint committee for the li. A, It. . t'Ullll-tM' THlla. BATHING SAFE AND UNSURPASSED Kv-i »f ItK llti-mry m'ognltiaii. It hiiU HavtiulM Hir««l. Hev, 11. T. CitxHt-liwrry . tlr A vt-iiil«-«. SURVEYOR. ."If you will step Inside I* will •ex- Htrletly froiu the rlesh of-tho woodpeck- to announce a monl by the ringing "of piwtor, Hunduy Mervlcei, IU.M a. m, mm h Al iii-iim t.'lly iiltl<-«' answer Plutarch's a bell. Tlflh custom do**s very well for CONVEYANCER iiieiniiilal None of tlie .objects nf the ' hii faee xeverely cut. It wan feareil Thirteenth and Anbury avenue for im- badges—1*50 Houvenlraud 1.150 olllcl'nl much to <',.i whh the itppureut length of 'iiis in tin* In-it uencratloD, tad II lag Ml H o'clock. Muuuuy. Hcliool ^UII, m. liilf w'liui-r. ' -Taaaaaaaaaaal iiui-stlnti eorniily It I* necessary. to a railroad station, t>ut IH now seldom FINEST BEACH ON THE COAST UvwU T. CiiMM'ltK'rry. MUiwrluU'liileat- Hull I'lioilf AlliiUth-1'll V. Nn. HI 1'. . . NINTH AND CENTRAL AVENUE, "But I'shall not step Inside. Why did c.nticf*.' tjill-. ' In clear tropical skies, U not yi't iiniuy yt'urri HIIUV I heudl lifi-mi I'lty, Nu. Ifc. ' meelliitf Uii» evening. . ' for a time liy hi-frkiidi that he waxprovement. the carriage bring mo here? I shall not —aud twenty-live committee badges. have soin,.*"lili-ii of the p«*cultar custom ustnl lu private hour's. - Boardof i'rusuwi,—JIK U. t.'liiuii|ilon. |i) •OCEAN CITV. N. J. or ill. t!ie I'.ire.ie 1 at:iio>pliero of mouu- from -a Srnitlxli n'|in^i'iituilve -fba 14 ul UiiVtd II. -cilll.-iecriitiiry. I,. .M.I'I,' i . Tin- uiinten of iheeoniireKiitioii ImVe Internnlly Injured. In looking over IIIM bookH, Mr. Btan- stay, a minute." - • . The committee decided tosendout and hellef nilhsl "totenilsuf." There Is When takiiiL- a lady In to dinner or at ; Jon. 1. *«cull, itt'W I*- K.Sitillli I ltW'1 \tiUT n Ktage of soelety hi which p'-opleclaim tatuotis ciiiiutrics the tails of s.uch THE HOME OF THE FAMILY MAN mlilivKMhii: III" I'oiiHtltiirt'iitH, The [n6 heen pnriieuliirly active in bringing > "The .iiuiil wan Uliloudli.ig lumber tou dlwovered that,, up to thin time, * ' Bu( fbe did. The mnn stepped for- 4000 appropriately designed envelopes any Indoor entertainment a man offers liodlcs can lie traced much farther MAFiRY* H. -. • be family mark, they' religiously abstain MANY CHURCHES NO SALOONS Wh^n in»ii UTOW Kr,'iit frmn thetrrtffOM bare room and smilingly said: The ••\IICIISCS Incident to a wedding lu ineaii.-: iiidicutcs anything of their ebarcej Bov"" V. II. J. Cook, vicar; W. T. PrlUKI*. Inent In the cliureli wtirk during the.,ii|ktii htm. Companions promptly sent to members of the dlHerent Grand from eating. Tht^iiieniWrt* of tho tribe lay I pn*y«r nnu M«rniQii Gallagher's IIBH been doltig a big business In teatr . \ "Excuse me, please, but yon were are', with feu* exceptions,' tiorm* by ihe real I-iiu.il, uud It often huppenu that »l»-iit Haddon Avu., * full and « Inter Just closed ur« Mrs \ . went to Ills a-<-l-tanee. He was taken Army PosU lu the Stale. . ' ure dlvlilt'tl into VIIIUK or stocks, each Anil 11V rr>im.biillltYi< Into iiarltanienL jyjO 43 S. SECOND STREET - PHIL*. 4 lug cottageH, His recent rentals are . acting a bit foqllsb. You have asked ibnKe " which appear the loiigiist ore My ol tbe mouth Uu* Cum- T&e secretary of the committee was of which ttiki-x the uume of some ani- family of.the.lirlde. The groom's ex- UD ltu> Ortit H JUOJ.il.l follow luorutu^ pmyer « - - 1N. S. Summers, Miss Kdlth Summers, from utider ttlo luiiibcr and made ns foitowu: . several questions, and'I will now pro- penses. wUh the exception of flowers really 1'ie stiortest. Tills Is due to the SpacLQtis Boardwalk. I-Yoe Band Concerts During In tin* fiAlowlui; Htiiuia ot U ie mal, plant or ohjoet. an thei bear, the 1 ,.Mrs._K, W. Warren, Mls» Warren, Oiiiofortiiblc BH pos-lble until tile ar-. Dr. KlIinger'B cottage, 1857 Asbury ceed to answer them. • ' Instructed to ask t! railroad com- dlllon-iit. iliKiuiicc>< which comets hold 1 "U'VUM AH I)utM'heK, Mm. Spencer It. rival or Dr. It. Abbott, w • drewied "• nvenue. to J. X. lial|i»tlor, the Coving- ' "You are hi the suburbs, you were panies to put up iionterH In tlielr ushers, begin with the fee to the clergy- with re-i]iect,:to. tlie earth. While tho runluT lut;liiiii-f nf tile Miuue thing, be E. CLINTON & CO., 1'aht ('oiunmlider (-'tate. (i. A. It,.l.*'iii*iiiiipiiictiti and BO forth. Xo member of the bear Kivai.i, Mrs. ItulilsSmith, Mrs. Warren the Injurle.-i. ton, Phlladelpbla. , brought here to be robbed. You will be statlous anuounciug the encampment family would d'lrc to eat bear meat, man. ' *• ,..''. great etiuiet of lSiil laid a tall which Helight of the Yachtsman. Numerous Trains to uld..". ruriilKliin'K one of Ills uumeraa Manulaotuteu and stn-lelii'd uwt'.y more than I5.0DO.0iH) exumpli-M cij,iln- old viiIn.- aiulgiua'ti Snillli," Mrs. ThotnaH .YoutiR, MM. T., Krnwii da been bnardltiK at tbe M r. Snow's cottage, 1202 Bay avenue, detained, a few hours *aud theu 'set at at Ocean City. hut hi* hart no objection to eating buf- .ourtunu»y» ui iu o'clock. tlid.way of Hall* oil oi'enit and Ijny \vn'i-t< Unit inttny uf the peiiplenf till*-) and from" Philadelphia on Tw6 Railways, i Wholesale, llutter, KKKS, Lanl, ('I J.Thorn, Mr-. Clinrle»Slthfn*i, Mr-i. N. Inline nf Henry llectcir, whither lie liberty. Had the cashier gone to the mlle-i,' Its niipareiit length was five tile to Mru. Gilbert, or Lansdowne, Pa: It was decided to establish a b.ureuu falo Hteak. Kven the marriage law U Held xportH, etc.',' un Snturdav', Tin* ly IIIIVI* tk'-lreil uuil di-«i ii>iMed for tiu'.i s that'distance The groat Donatl and Poultry. T. liuiton, Mr»r^Wr-H;.-C'i)lli-'*M>nrMr«. j-Wan taken, and Word of IIIM aiciilent bank for the money be would now have of Information, through which .the liaKcil ou ihU liellef, anir^uo nlan whose A girl fiimigiii .hi 'Auu.-rlca Is by no My hnurw my own! UDloo Tul«-rnacle llii|JlUI L'liur.-lL. Kkl.Ui • — IOO7 Arch Htreet — w Cottage 1151 A»bury avenue to - •been In your"place. You will lie.held coiui-t. with u tall.which upjM'jiri'ii oply Mv (uulii. uiikimwn! tialw'MiVeuu*- Krv..j, li. Illiinuoi.r' ttsldeiiee, (UiO Asbury uvenue. railroads will give bxi'iirxlnirruli*-- to. i-ml •^t'ii'-iin^ pu l, uud tile olilelulM family tiaiin* U Wolf may marry a wo- menu-*, a irlti secureii. as regards either p-uior, Hunduy *H>rvic«s, prviicliluilil:: 11 u. iulu. ,. _. . ..- . ... S 11. Sealtertriiod, MNM Wrl|?ht and' sent to bin Knlein frleiid" * Lawyer J. B. Daly, PhlladelpbU. - old sdldleni and their frletidH .can half ns I i:ig as that of lSiil. wus real- My fini-r r,:wnuir in i-otit^ntt nttl llilHclty durlug the t-'Mciuii|niioitt. Hit- mini .will he* uiveii.. uiiHtlnti.il • blameless in this matter, and.you must man wlinJi' family name Is iilso.Wolf. Oomestlc wrvlci* or matrimony, IA This Summer will witness construction of Bridge across trie Tip-ii I,-:IVI.' on*- b«--un . . and.8 p. m. i*n.>erni«iiini:.soi'io<'U Kriiiuy- Office, 7th Sltsel bet. Asburf and West Aieniie Mrn. IC. II. ThomuH / ' ' ~ ' *"^* ttamuel HuBHell'H cottage to James arrange for hotel accommodation* ly ' .".i.i.iui.i.f i mllcK lu length. Th«" 5 link** fiifilH'lf miive. Miire. ItlookH see that you ore also perfectly helpless. Cermauy. on the other hand, thi* nils- i if lunik-Ml filnn ! * . ev«olnv;. UdicerH of Ibe board—I'httrU'* I*. . The paradeof the Civil War veleram- 4 ;--—.»"»- —- • ' • . !" Win. llrllturwiilir Acliullli-d. It. Homier, or Philadelphia. Mr. • prior to the encampment. In a petieral way ifniay be said that comet in' .1 • :i was only iilioiit 13.000.- Bay to Sorners" Point,'which will increase .Train I.I-.HU itii' lutiiiif.1.niunumeQt! Howard, ctiHll-iiiun; Jjbn s, Trowur, trctis* tbniiUli III*. cxlt'iii-lini would prove I can take the money from you. Ita\U*r trens;of a pru-pis-tlvi* eook anti the - arer; M, Uurciu, kticrviio-y. on ThurMlay afternoon will lie one nf take a sensible view of things. How The tluance committee 'will make an almoKt IIII our food prohibitions spring iKMi inlli-; fr un us, while iiouutl's was .u> iuir inVf-teiifiiL. a* It U'lll lirlni; Vwi> qun nuiiiiKiow'. - , TlicCaMc of Arthttr N.'l'nylor.of IMlll- Homier has been a Hummer cottager dune** of ii pro ipectlvi* hrlih* may feel Service to Philadelphia and Vicinity. —Xoieit nud Queries, the featurexot thetl. A, It. K.uiump -—much money (lld-yiwi dnlwT- appeal-to~the—cltl2en*4-ior_money,-!!**- from the _ extraordlnury custom gen- ut-Ieust-tfouiMfuies-us-roniuHvu-elreum— i f liny shore ilrurer till'l mote Jii«. (J. l.'liampinn ban purchu^eil a adelplim, an oceuli frmn Inlld owner for many HeauouH. * - erally culled toti'iiilsm. SlrTSwun, •who' stance that would account for Its ap- iiient. JertulliKw' fninniix liunlulll Inlini the'Ocean i-'ront Iteal l->tute i \, e, -aKiiliiiit W Illlnni KrldKeWater, Jan. B. McClellanV cottage, 1085 "About $2,000," sbe replied as Rbethete will .be couslderabte ex*wti Stlliuiiui; h'a-t iieell I'eacbiNl. "W*»ll, I Muunlrr C'IHIUM. * THE ADAMS vr wan jx uiU-iloiiiiry for nintiy years' In purelit lack of tali. The great comet of ~SECRET~SOCIETIES: " bonded over tbo reticule. will engage you. Hedwlg." says the head UiU parade, ; • ofCrnsir CelitraTaVrnuerto^rWalkerBrackln; Incident to brluglug the encampment the-Kouiiu .Free. trJtati*, thtu describes. tin- yrtr HWI titiil that «f-I«4a--e»*4k wiiohe urijurilutuuce witt VtxMu City lAdts** No. 171, I*', uuil A, M., I . ^ot U fortune, but fair pay rfor"tt •Vt%MJcTty. '---• •'-•' ; liHtHfrHii Ht th**. -i'Uw^ itf • tl Vyithin easy access of Atlantic City and exteudx only to "llttlti necks oo lawtM iwcoiiil uud lour Hi Tim r*4iluy t'Vt-nlu!'*, 1 l'aut Commatider (teorue liurfett, u ! 11....i Taylo/H land, W:BK hei of Phlladelpbla, day's work. Now., tlien. you have Rot the custom: If I wi"*rt'to ask .the Yeke hail a tall- of euurmnus length. -The "i viicb uiunib. ID MHHOIIIU liitll, W. Ml IHHipk* why they do not eat zebra flesh, ntnl as a pledge of good faith three b t tttakj William M, nancs; urrFlnry, H. M. Tliuluu , former h>herlM' of •Camdeu <"otinty, it h iv In Hi rt . mler , and will build a'bungalow Mr. IJu'dge Illlilreth at.<-'ape May Court Itulph TowtiHend'H cottage, Thir- to endure my society for nn hour or Tbat Hotel Trouble . - length of the lull of that of the hist irrlV' to til marks i~ri centsi areglvi.'n und receiv- evil of any I'liemlicrs of so delightful i J. Tborn. • 1 lltioiiK l.ClittinpIon hati received ttie contract , House on Tuesday. Bridgewaler; teenth arid Anbury aveuue, to Miss they 'would reply, "i'hljlla"—I. e., "It Is mentioned dale hiis beeu estimated at other well-known resorts CO. Well'kuown and luliuireil in till" i-lty, hertMl " i. und two, and I hope you will try to make Although' John Hrnwer, an deputy ed. Ity ui-ccjiiiiin f tills sum, lied- family. Itijt the shy .aud peawhl 1 Hnmbcr, of Catrvdei^. .—-' ' • ihe best of It" ' : a thing to which WL* have- an antipa- IKIi.niiii.iMiii inlleK—the longest of auy • Uccsn City I.odlte, No.' Wl, .K. of I ., liufl- \ where he hax been'a'xuinmer lepideiit ii'h- a trip i eit,' to build » buiigiilow for Councilman I who was aiip-ilued, WBH'repre»ented countable, was mill on guard at thethy," «r, tietter, "tt Is oh'e of the things wig binds herself to a|t|ie:ir at thv tluiti comet that.has yet Ixvh observtHl. The ''llule uevk*' hits some big brottan 0N1 kuil tutrU Monduy uVviiliiicx of tuuli - I Headley, on tlie -same tract,, above; by"A, C. Ifiw'well, or tills city. Frank The Henry cottage, ou tbe board- Tbe door bad been locked. He raised m tain in K.or 1*. hull, Antiury HV«ilu*>. n**iir [ REMOVED TO CORNER for many Hummer xeasoiiM, eoni'tivcd alk. Cumberland yesterday afternoon, lii which our fathers itiuKht u-i'nat to ear." ud ppliCce agreiirupou, and if shu fulls ' W who vigorously rt*sent any attempts walk, to Peter Ualllugall, United y H«tf«Dlb i,lrb«t. C*;.f liuylon Viiiikitiutr, k. the Idea of brhtRluK the Sttite C. A. It. — -«.- Hwond t-lrcet. ' % ' . Mmatlierx, of 'Atlantic City, Was a window, drew up another box and So It Hi'4*ms^ the wonl **bashUang** pry Into tlielr pensoual attulrii. Ma nttnued the Interest of Anderson Bourgeois*, it lu fulfillment of the contract, after nl- comet of III'SII liail- a tail '.H).liO«.tXW or U.nu^*i., K. liowura fUoru. Kucainpiuent to Ucean City tlii- viur. *n..il,.-r in—> r—r. Taylor's lawyer. Statex Avcouutaut, Philadelphia. -lowing—t-uuiUty-Lfuur-2-h.uucs—ta—elapse | have accidentally stepped Into'tbi "We may as well be sociable as', to was reported tiiat the trouble beiwetn means "tlit* pi'or'ile who have au an- a ml-be-acted-Ko—protuptly_alul_JivllllL| Jntiii .1 Itari-er hi»" pnn-lm^-il a lot I .- C«MC •Will.toe App«-»lea. | . '.»•- N. H. GofT« • cottage, 1205 Central ' without haying rcttirned the money, open Jaws of these* huge elutua atTo*~| loMcouncil, No7T2b,Jr. o. UT Seventh and AsburyiAv:eiiue slt'hereand sulk. Has.the thought ever Bourgeois aud Ira S. Cbamjilon over tipathy to tln» leopurd;" thu "basha- •very TuwaHV eveuiuK n> K0.1 r. " ibe buy front, below 'I'hlrteenth Tlie Ocean ITty Klectric IlaTlway: ~ H«-w«?r~l«im»e«€i: raVeiraeptoTUrsrWrlghtrofPhtladet^— she render-; herself liable to^crlmliiul Anlniat CtennllnrM. tide, anil tin* flauiti. IMIWIUB thdrjtt A ifeii tiucb Mklll that he accompllxlied hl»* occurred to you that you would bo ath' e sale of the hotel bad. practically lnmha," "tln«e who have an antipathy Councillor, UtiUrlM tUin|>xuu; a-et, ilirnuuli the aicent-y of II. K. Compiiny will appeal to a liiKber Tlie bill liitriidiieed during the pbla. ' prosiN'iition. Neniless to say, breach The perfect cleanIiu<*sH of some ani- have "lielil them, fust until the tliW Hmllt etr' object. Not only did he laud.the con- ' heroine some day?" •• . to ttie doc." ami the "Uishllimluiizetu.7 SPECIAL SALE OF been nettled. H. M. Cake, one ot tlie of contract under HIII-II conditions Is rose, wheu the *iuen were drowiui vention, with the a«>iixtauce of Com- taiiUin,. and is having plans drawn court «K«lu«against the verdicverdictt of tlloOO; ue»»ionn or the recent l.efclKltiture to \V. H. Hwline'n cottage, 1238 Asbury "I never erpectetl to fall .Into -tho "those who liavi- nn antipathy t, *he mals is a very iiotnbie circumntance OeeiD City Council, No. 10, I), ot A., iuwli* brothers to wlioui the hotel Wax KOIII; rart*.—ltar|ii*r's Ita/.ur. ' ' when we consider tliut nearly their Otlier men havt* reached rora. ttw™ •»r•»«r// TburduTbur;duy"BV«'iil"niy uvtiulnit' Ilini K. of VV. bull. mander * Alfred AtkliiH, but he foil- ira pretty bay vllln in tie built ibere, awarde lwipard'uud the yet such in the polish of their coating flaiii cl.i-c' -liut'iiliiir al-oniiitlc gums uuil «.ouucl nud founu Monday ovulliiii" IU K. 01 tlie.encuuipment; ' iue, j'hiluik'lpfii'a. ' *~ . ' ejieewdve damages, j the couiinutec room. tral avenue, to John Oreenwell, of .Kev. aud Mrs. H. T. Caswiberry ure aud limbs lliai we seldom Und uny soil foxc-tiutitites the men were drowiw- e. bull. M. U ., Jolm W.Hiiillh: ileooruer, WALL PAPERS dally papers will send reporters to In- woiwls; hi'tici' t!h* \ynfil perl'ltlni-! .which Pliiladelphla. Mr. Ureeuwell la well ' names. •. tiiUiiTlug to ilii-ni, .Ml tha beetle race, Some'of these .chimU that trap men u» WUlurd W. AdUUiii. , . terview you: They will publish .your taking.care of a little boy from Au- \s fi-otu the I.atlu per. through, fiiiniis. kuowu here. • The survival of antipathy to .certain the chief occupation of which Is cruwl- The Early Spring is here, found lu tile coral reefs of the PM1K COMMENCING picture. They will describe the color of dubou Whose mother Is. datiKerou>l^ BtnoU** of vap II*. From. thU ni-owe the KnimUTribe, N'o. tii, 1. O. It. SI.,. tuueil* . Cottage -109 Fourth street to Mrs. foods was fouinl muoui*; people as IUR lu tin* siitl ahout dirty places, ure. and Inillaii oceiitis. and thf m™ otj . ««ob Wiidueridiiy' ev'vulu^ In K, of 1', bull. your hair and eyea. pnilw your small 111 and whose father Is dead. The boy Idea of liicenKi" In pi-luiltlve' wiit*-;hip highly Hvlllzetl us the . I-'gyptlnns, the nniwlthsiaiiillilg. niinirkabli' for ihe Mr. Hotel Man, and it is tuit'd are pearl dlvoru. Th? flMn « ,| Ltu ler L. Wnlluc, l«»|»r ol record*. MAY HAVE EXHIBIT PUSHING WORK ON TROLLEY |LIBERTY BOYS •1 hlelaiiH, of Philadelphia^ hands and feet, tell how cooi nitd culm It was INeil liy ,the orientals long he fa Leonard Barrett. His mother wax 'jreeku and the Uomaiis. Qulte'a list r glossiness -iif thelt* uoverlUK and free- one of the tinge clants nametUB" Manuey &.- Edwards have rented. you were In fat-Ing the robber. You. a member of the Presbyterian. churcb: fore 'it lii'caim* Uiniwn to tin* western VVaihlnKton Camp, Mo. 75. f.'O. H. ot A,,' of uultua-ls whose tli.*sh van forbidden dom fr'im dellieiiii'Uis of uny kind, . time you were sending out . weighs twenty pounilx. and Sdded to i««u evurdry Fridafrlday UIKbul(£til lliui K.oK,ol I*I". IIHIIII . Thursday, March 28 Councilman N. C. .Godfrey's cottage, will be called one of the most beautltul wofld. Pin-.ple. *f ih.* caut.utHlz.-it It Iilrd.s. itfii uiiccaslugly uttentlvp to .tbe girbj In the Ktnt(\" ._ . ; lu Audubou when Mr. C'uHi-eluerry. might,IH.'drtiwji up. For eiaraple, hi tliat nfi* th** .">: of' the dead.-and later. In perfectly free from soil. Tile fur and or Folders. wvreutry, The same Urm has rented Wm. D. engaged you will have a score of op- theater-, a.dlsliifectunt 'ngtilus-t ihe'iiti- luilr of boasts.in a state of liberty and ' Side of Bay Will be' .\ Across Street From* Pres- WIlKon'B cottage, 1412 Central aveuue, H. F. . Btauton ban rented the cred to Ka. tlfi* sun god. Iloxvevor. the Vnnnlnil FUhM. , Wah-Mtella council'No.W), l>. or I'.. iiii*i» to Have, This Resort portunities to.become, so. You wlllre- plt'iiKiiitt, oilors.uf II crowded liiilldjiig. health are never tilthy or sullied with • very Mouuuy ulnep al T.W, in K, o( i'.-llall. SOON TO BUY FLAG to Ctuts. Frl-bmuth, of. Philadelphia, pi*ople' of' out* plae,. hail DO Kcruples I It lii not generally known that W celve- letters from ull over tht? Hhtte. Iteaney cottage, ~2A Central HVOI|II«, Fllny IIN-.III-1-S us thai incense was nut din.. Siiia* lilrds roll themselves In , • Represented. Sunk ,Soon« , " eat Location. to the Board ofTruHtees oftbe Flrni about eating, the forhlditea food of an- yawn. ,Tlii> wrlier nawii turboty«« a former cottager. « . As a heroine you will be pointed out employed In sacr^tlce until after the dust an I nccasloiially particular l>eu&ts ,\ pile-driver arrived at the root nf j At a uiceiliig of the member-" of M. E. Oliurcli, u'bich body will cl»e It other place, nild this often IIHI to re- The Sentinel Printing twice nml a eoiPonii*. the'latter beWj Ocean City will be privileged to Clenl, Chan. Bbaier's cottage, &42' . on the- street, and the reporters will Trojan war, when fragrant woods were cover tlieuisL'lves with tnfre, but thli la as a parsouage. Rev. K. H. ilrutiyute Ill^loiis dlspute-.-aniI.bud blood. on« of tile wldi'st yjiwii*. aivompUaW CHURCH SOCIETIES. MODERN PLUMBING AND HEATING have two fides of a HWIUKIII^ caliiiiei FOR NEW SCHOOL street on Monday last, and j 'the I.-iberty Fire Coiiipaiiy, ou Moli- .Central nvenue. has been taken by \V. follow you home and write lirtlelos on not fi'iun any liking or inclluntloc tor ami wife, wbo have been lu>unl|iiR applli*d to irlvi* un ag;v<>nlih' Mihell, Xw KiBUT M. K. CiiukCH , i tlie work . your old KIMJOH. AutDii^ the veyi'tahles tnho/H-d as by iiiiy miluiiil of Itn ulze. TbD ya« at tbe Janue*4tou'u KxpoHliion, iir It. Vanderherchen for the third ' with Mis FJI/.abetb Uolidy during tile an ancient uiglcal manuscript,It Is dl- •uirli ililiiL'4, Iiut to fret* themiielTea r Aid uieeui Brat Sionaiiy ev«uln'i 01. last couple of .ueekn, will take pos- food by the KuyptlunR may lie men- House of a tiirbot. belni; Kuini'tbliii! •*»* "^ which .photot-raphle VIOW'M of tit 1 fur the' caisson for the .'draw of thepou'er to puivhii-i' a lot on . Anbury your likes- and dlHllkot*. wbethej- jilcUln^ rectwl that lhn-t> grains' should In* tak- ''roiii ami yiitict's or to prevent tlie. bltea lr rtl •ami monlU. Mia, E!lEal»lli Uuliay, I'.'il- ALL0WAYM. SMITH &• CO. tloiiHl. tin* onion, ihi*-garlic anil the nioiily mvn, deKervuii.' l" *'- '*'1JIj lUoi! Mm. Utvluln Tnoru, lr«uiur«r; Mr- '.Uriotic Societies Will Order trolley bridge »n this side of tlie bay uvenue. below" Thlrteuiith Htrtet, for agree with you or glvo you boiiduchfi. session of their new home within a en, wl' three fluiror-s, and placed under of I!isecisv resort may be exhibited. A Inn, tin J, M, Chester A Co. have rented a few dayc. leek, i.ucliin says that thp Inhabitants WTlptloti, .V turbot'x .mouth is *™rj wwFieAduuia/Kbcrblulry,' • , ., ,,'. i . (Successors to H. A. W. Smith) . the coiiipaiiy'i-, lire likillse. Bongs may be composed and Kline In tbe thri'shold to keop uway evil Kplriiff , Mn. Jobn O. Ganay.uuptjrlnluadeut Jaa-| will be a place for literature lellliif National Emblem Within , wan begun on Tuesday. More in Ira 8. Champlou'u Hippo- your bonor, and It Is wi-tnin that of rvltiji(utn.ailon*il the linlou, Accord- ,, is prepared to do Your on- inn* xlne. nitlier «* if it bad I* lorl«ai[u«. , 'I The lot WUM iiuneil by A. W, which might come In the form of olTen Dull klnltlnR In RDBland. • 811 ASBURY AVENUE; - , OCEAN CITY, N.j; the beauties and advantage* of ,- The oalxson will be placed in posl- drome, ou the boardwalk, toMra. Mac- a brand of cigars will IH* named after Bill In DauKer, Ing to I'llny. tin* KityptlahH. USIHI to Innitml to ii vniiiid tlxil which some «* k Few Days.. • • , • Hfii'ry,. of Millvllle. mid tht* niilc WUH •Ive odoni. In tin- old * eoiiimoii us foottialt. A re-' reach bere from- I'tiili. .elphlii, A miM'tlnts of tho t'Dininitttstf'i fro u Tliree-llft'lisnrtlieplllnK. Is now In The boyn will move tlielr lire Mmit-e the door." that those Inimical.to the bill In the dal pokes fun at those \>hf> thought it Thumb* and Tt-mprr. half But. The ynwn lu..(rlnit at the W- Udl-x* Auxiliary noclety meetx Ilrxt Mob* i 1'. K Darby reports the following Legislature legalizing the.local newer mliider of tlils'Vxlut* In (he will of oui* iB lUy •venmn of «ucu uioutb.- 1'rtnrduui, burg, New York and Wuxhl'iiKtnii, I*, iVaoitlimtiiii <'iillip, Nn. ".I, P. O S. (if phuT over the Mnniers*' I'oiut.cliannel, from itx pre-ieut Inciiilnii, - with KOIIKJ" . bow the <'linlnn of wedlwK "will slt'on • .. • Drop into the office to- real, ui'iiiii •• uiiliinarlni) 6M* r**°r Mn-Troutuuui and Mm. Cbuflex Martin. - the caisson IVII the HomerH' I'olnt Hide now HiuiidH i>i owned by A ton, K..J. .-. eirect that the bill shall uot become a the liulttng, Tlie hull WIIH to bo ctVen Junior Kndeavoruoolety lubeM every ITI- :iet'lvals of totemlxto among the ttie girl of 111-" heart. Delightful a com But the y«M,i lioed on. work* throw" . oavartArnoon at 4 o'clock. ^ N. C. GODFREY'S Thl« WBH the information received IIHII been misplaced, ulnl that tills IJ. IJ. lligbee's cottage, 448 Aebnjy - to tlie tiow of. XVokllighntii to he hnltwl morrow or within the: Obrtatlab Kndeavor Mocltity m**etu lit 7 he HUbjt'i't nf ii purcliii'-e nf u lurt'e ll the lot live yenrx uir" for one tleman and not without honor and sen- the sewer company are Mettled. nnclont Gr«>k« lin>. very intere.sting. pauloii us she IH hefore marriage, will tin* luii-lc of. its bend. aUI*ndli* <" by tbe Board of Trade at UH * pec I a wniild iliiluy the • woVk for sever'ul year, with the-privilege of live yeiim, aveiuie, to C C. Garrett, of Haddon- In the market" place -liec., 21 of each pillion of the Hkull. and couiei o«t» o'clock tiunduy eveiilu^M " ' ,\ii'iL'rk-iiil llut> tur tlUMie >' IIIKII xi'liti'ul. timent.'* . • _•> Foralllon uiiiur-d ufter' animals .and she turn mif.ii terinngun't? Hi» canyear, tin* remaliw of the animal to be next few days and talk • mee'tlug lant Tlrn'mday night, l.iticr twlifl. 'I'llU Is denied by those at Tlie len«ee>;plro*i)n May Int. lleld, N. J,, employed by tho New "Yes. I am a gentleman by birth and ParcbaMd a Cottutfe. * plants were uot Uncommon. • One Athe- learn readily, way tile inrwlern agert, the Klllx, which open, «how the red nj WomsD'K Chrlatlan Temporu.lic« Uuloiii Business- House, 657 Asbury Avenue, Spring of 1907, from Alfred Cooper, a coiiiml->loni-r In HKiue uny, It lieuuiiit.' tiiiilurKtnn'l work there. The calnsotji was. laid a sold unit the proems]!* devoted to tbe, the matter over with us. hide, are Inflilted for II momeot •» uilanomlnatloniU, IUWIIH tieuil-iuonlaly, York Ship Bulldlug Company, of education, and 1 have my fair share of Wm. McCaddeo, of Philadelphia, utan genus, the Ioxlihu>, *had for Its and by l|ie fnldln» or her th.umlw. lie purchase of sines'ami stocking*, fop the and Secretary Lewla llryant were read 'iy nii-Miilifr" nf Iheue pulrbitlo •.ui'uniil- little out or its proper place, but this fetter.to 'W. M. Ranck, sentiment, but this Is a worldly matter then, with « kind of stretching «Wr Pi»iUdent:Mril. Elliabttb Brlon; corr-Wpollil. AMD PROSPECTS ARE -SOOD. Camdeii. • . • . " ' • through the agency, of Mamie.v '& aHM*»trn! ptrint th<" iixparagim, We" should take her* in'church anil wutel poor children, "Tin* wilt -w'ufl carried WE CAN HELP YOU. lo» awretaryy,MrV, MM. AJCB. B,, llunckiUJc ! rocordlni! by Secretary H. A, W, Mmltii, iiiiM tltut the member" f tin; itniit'l will nut iimterlully .Interfere with' tt^e Ot-.au Cityi IV. J. of Its imcU, HIP n»h flattenK ont W» "wotary•ftmlary, MraMr*. M. MllnerMilneri! ireauurerireuuurer, aw. I. 1 ' W. B. Johnson's cottage, 1346 An- . and must be dlseussed from a worldly mny He Hure that this plant WIIH tabooed her elrwely. • U'lleu she ern-we* hoi out iiht'1 W2?t, 'when the corporation I of I'Miieiitinn. iilijeitt- I" u Ilil',- uf tin standpoint You have read.In the pa-Edwards, has purchased from P. J. Untii. If tinuauully bored, 't' ™J2J BlybaKverlnx m . A, J. Hmlth wau of the opinion tlm caU'iilatlniiH of those In charKe of tile DearHlr. irweHBll Iteviwtnpamt bury avenue, to Mrs. A. Force, of as food to **vi*ry man. womiin ami child liaudM • ploiv'i.v he'sii'iii-ii t:• if'• 'If ,«la forbndo any more such celebrations. HI/.O thnt li wiii uuiil v>uiili| In* tire- your town, your rotul .won't Jiave HO pers, haven't'you, that the mayor of Farley, a well'known building con- of tho loxldue —New York Post itnelf by another yawn-E :: Full Line of. House Furnishings*.: It would be well, to have an enlarge! openttlon, ' , I'lllladelphla. folds lii!r rllrlil "thunib livnr ii.er. li'f<..'ft' YMbtmoD'n Aaaoolatloo. Wilton by.tbehie tinclullei—i II IU \£<'£ much freight to handle your city Is acctifCd or,Doodling and tractor in Camd'eu, the cottage H'JS) v|c<- vcf^a u If t!ie left g iej ovur -the Weekly. , ' pre.id.imi; Mark Lake, uecretury, bird's-eye view of Ocean City placed I j 11 I" said tliat there will lie a solid Lewis K. Smith's cottage, 446. As- •BMUug will bo beld In June. hl IUI l H It taken 10 Kallohtttn paint a fair xl/e that an effort will lie made to Impeach Central avenue. Mr." Farley bought right, she, las'a i|iiin!ii!i;liitr niliul. nmf- *r«-t-rtir Kii\**tl /lli-r. UFHOlATBiUNO IS A PUOKESBION, aud I have one of theueHt. a coiiHplcuoun poulttoli at the Jauied- feet. This WIH lulku>l over al I lie roadbed from the Island nearest to houxe, and tbut hivti^e won't want 1 I'oataafr Siamp Tonaae, - > feTBUINO IS A bury aveuue, to L>. M. Stauford, of him? ' this cottage and the oue'adjoining a A. number of ailments', some of them hi? win lie v.'iliklns a i-lialk line whei • A tah*.of :i ji'iralytie anil a strike of mnn of Mammoth BOB**- town Exposltlun, if potwlble, ax till: uud while ll H'II*I si(gi>e4|efl tllliiilty to-tlit- IKIUIHI near Bimier-l paintinguunln rni-."nir ltlyenrn. . Thai'K Ilirhlning-. For twenty-two years li 'wo- tbe'Ocean City illilldlnK and Loan io.«ucll.- UuoW,lt.« re. a« tlie work I* ru»hta *io. Hryn Mawr, Pa.' .Air. Stanford Is con- ' v "Yes." ' •.••'• [ couple ofyears since; .eztreniely dangerous, are comprised he's hers. It ill" rlL-ht CH» iiver- llii KKAL At wiiiie tltiie In the dlBtant p«» UoamMuneconeconaa Malurday ooff eaob mouth- U K would more likely be Keen by vlxitort tliut II siiialler Hue lie p°iifidiii»i.ull no Piilnt wlibrowork was ilrst lieuun. true lii H way) but peo.ple, ymi know, rather like frexli paint, Iiml they pnlnt nected wltb tbe general office of tbe "There are .two. aldermen under In- Under. the general head of postage left she \vill he 'a doclli-. nuciiiiiiluiii rniifi 'liail heen puraly/iHl, tiiullkie to ronmrkiible Ktutu of affairs e»"^" rtMldentMldent . UeorKU e U, AdaluaAdlu:: aeorelaryorelar i K than pictures In a cabinet or xiuiilai liellnite aeiinn wus tnjc«nr |t I-* rcpiiried, I'repiirutloiis are being made to IIII leave her room. One night when she Howard Tborn. • for iiothlnit hut lonku ieliix Pennsylvania Railroad at Broad dlctmeut and two' inore suspected, Revolution* stamp tongue.", said .a physician, Ing mute win uclciiowledu'i-J tlu> supit wliat ure now the bleak arctic happened to be iilime In (hi- hiiuse u arrangement, ' • ' ' * Another lut'i'ting will lie lu'ldvuthlii u ' «. Three or four compiiriitlvely inlld, for tiioiuia»a» • vored .'the Idea Hubmltted • by A, ... of the Hoard nf HIIICHIIOII* , „' |(|le v,,,, ^ |(J lialf Unit limb. Teli year-is a very Central aveaiie, to Bert: Sternberg, of, brolimr, JoijQ w. Hmltb, ubd lbau«li we can 'illiiilliig'thre-of tin* ligiiinliig. With •. '"Yes.". •.., . .. porsonn a week v.lHlt me with postage ir He (Hid *lo,noo.i;oo. liutidttMlii of thouKUtidB of hng» "J" SHOEMAKER'S Patching an Old Pipe Builtb, aud Dr. I. K. (jrlHCOtn Hald th denied m, Tue-day n.ur.iIng liiat the killmi,er> •bu t t,ertttlil|y 'uot by Maylong time for paint to wcur; and live rhlladelphla. " ' ... not UBdcratand wby on« no Heedful «bolllii an r'-ffrti't of whleli no'ohe had. liellevcd - __— Agent. b t J "Well, some of them nt least vii i Ken- stamp tongiies. They have A throat Itog-'fti «:::*-•- V.'I::'.;CH1 Inia the hilt of main; inqtitly of tile **"I) "" 1,^(5 % suKgeatiou *Wan very good, Imaril tiad ever ihwuj-Kwl Uie -\*e «r ,. , • *,», f. iHti't short.' • • ., . . l l r irtti t as.earty as ii looks." Repairs lf a( f the ull Mr. Darby also reports the.uie of tlemeii anil' nil biive more or luss uun- bd tttken, litill we bow •witb ifvbtleiiutmiliuilO'l her cnpnlili* "hi* struggled fnim her hwl (wcretary ocean City Build IIKKIHI I.O»O Awiocliulon. fid VoV?JuVRl E'«JV*" * '" lili-t-r, Whicli maUx-s the most frelirbt, a ll> troulilo'or a skin dlKuuue or a puimo-' •Xcd Hi?«l!li'.H, wlia lived the life of n J xt h roatnwl n|i mid ilown' til* valiej" W. SeottHaud utated tliat' he hai-iual.ly of the Hag h. I* presented by , , |fl * ,*IOW ,, afe lnforilied. • one ot NT. C. Clelland's cottageav 1415. to tbe will of tbe Muter, bellevlnic Him tt be ami io the Innsc of a neighbor, I'nrely ronl,i lurnl.holurnlnhbd or unrurnliil..d. lit**!*, Bori-JjBoniui., M°Irtit7ilf«Morti£J«« . U'ln*i*Wt" ?^?VL*!.d "">i«-Kallon pulnt'.' ft or lOyear-pami.' jjlll-Wlius und Merciful; then-fore, be It uemlheniili" !:i a ht:t ciglit feet ui|iiuro driiwn. Abatraotaol tltle-1 carefully pr«p«.?6alnjlMrtSmwii9 r ,!!! ,. ""•••' "-*rtn« niirurnll, mauy vl ewd of Ocean City, and theu tiuil slie're-tclied safety whM) tin* phict* omo->-Hlith .irwt knd Anbury »v«na«?l?«. ItoVzS, niornbuh •w^ity-i v tlie- four orcuiilzatliiiw referred tn Hut the lO-gullon puttit is the 10-year Central avuuue, to J. Neiran Wamtz,'*• them, on hail lust left was struck liy light- ii*Kr. «iwii Voaf Home. paint; and tile '.tl-gulloii paint is thewho Is u prdinlnent Hotel man of our heartfelt nympMltijr la UiU the hour i.f liU' phbJ Bulletin." '. ' „ Mas !,, where M'. lUigurs uutntner a Hiiddeti and awful change c^- HOUSE - v , y y He-iile, it u'imlil he ' "I—I guess not. iiut becauso anotbor nhig. The nnm In which sin* had Ilv<*d, for . ' • , .'."'. : . , . Board of Trado. luinilu, they say, ilell- o-year paint.- Which makes the moit Philadelphia and.greatly pleaaed with ; mnlc'loti, uud reoouiiiletld tillil to our III- llOUKIi Htlltl'N, llflW. ' ' «i long, was rent In two utid every- Some phliowiphefi! miy that the «£» Councilman Head ley WUH of tin a ilet-iileil breach nf KIHMI uiiiiiiiuri', io Iff dlgiiltled aud giveti you a frelRllt? ^ . uian commits crlmo you cauuot be ex- anlfb ftf-Utterfar - uoinftirt and luptMrt. It** It 12th and Weat Ave., clnuvi aecurlty to bwu youlj Ocean City, havInK apeot hl« flnit . ",V«I, wliat 'would yuu tin If you hud thing hi It was UIIIIIHI nr Kimiuhnl. "fell out of bulunei*" autl 'tlK«J . Repair or opinion that the plan to exhibit view i-uy the len-t. for-the bnnril. tiieiuherx Ask your pulht-ftealer which* he'd ' cuscd," replied the girl. - furttier ' * JIO('iiii,i.tii:V" nskiHl Itogers. BHIUIH of mlt.'M to the ttorth. Y home ai here last Bummer. ' ,, I have li«ro Komi) Jokes.** "You I'ower nf locomotion hud Iteeii i-i*st*nrcd. Oceau .City. W. J. of Ocean City at the JaweHtown l-'..v to illcliile ti> the ihiiiiiru the kind uf rather well, and which he could Hell "That Is anclont history," snillijd the Hcaolved, Tbut Iheatj reaulutlona be .pmad "liy Jliiaf," Haal the hc:-nrlf.after long thbi'Utiw', tler*f winter almost 1 poiiltlon lit excellent, and one that ui OCEAN CITY. most uf. Ask your painter which he'd nr' iiukeil the wlltor. "I ssJd I 'o tin* crlpi'le just In time to wive her Ali peruouu IIUVIUK Furniture iiriiu New Plumbing Blfi jo be given. • ' man. *fTbere has boen'u how deal on on our mlnutea und u' ropy atmt to our cogllatliji. "I'd II:IVI> tlilv hill liiilit.'twii ly fiwept over tin- land or tu» °T not coat much money. Tile city ha Itesldeu, your reaponulbllity an a real rather paint; whether good or bad brother ubd oue to euoh of tbtf local pupern* havo hum soini' Jokes." '(O!i;you have, life—Chleug i ..N'eWK. Wod of Merchatidliie to be xtored wl for the hist Ufty years. lu our haste feet larfci'r.' —I!, II. Murray's "lleury toilim nnd tlif iiitiuinmth aoi " folders aud bookletx that call be mm estate*owner makes you a desirable aim Is good for his bUBliiesn; which ' The Oceau City Yaobt Club members hunl at a, regular turctlnirof lolu Couiuill, there KOIHU Jokes. Wbut kind of J.okes' uve money by KoluK'tu the that ha& t6 be redone as soon as MrtXKV 'tit lill.AS'. —flftllO Hllii, i'2TM to get rich we have put prL'iclplb be- II, Uogcrs" III IltltUllll Life, there. . . igood paint, the IU orlA-gallon paint; Ho. US, Jr. o. 0. A. >!., held on the Mill day ol are tbftyV" "Now,, brii I new. Never Real wbflmerl' tin- irri'Ut Iteftatu ' "•• "r, to louu .nn build mid moriKiiite, tin - citizen. Think It over, then call on . were entertained - at Mr. and, M rs. hind uu. The motto of the .average l>u fmiiilifcd. You. Save nioney' em- On motion of Mayor Champion, il which pays most freight, aud which Ifc-lr Atlvanfntf-.*. tmiiwdrl t«. from wblih Ihcy <" " J Shoemaker Storage House HAKHY HUADLEY, Chnrle-j F. \Va)l's re»ldouoa,; El)lln» man today Is, 'Oot rich as fust as you March. A. I). 1UO7, been u^ed beforo." "c'ati't use 'em," subject of advertlBhig tbitj resort at tl proved Oceun city prnpeny -Apply pays' most wages. Which will you said the editor. "It takes our readers' TU* C.ljcii Slusnrl. ' '. rH liiftcr iimiiy n-iiioiiKlninccH nxtrii'iite tliein«r*lve«. In •!»' ''""J^ ploying us for new or" -old work. Jordtiu . >MiithewN, Fifteeulh nnd can und any Way you dan. but don't : joaivii w. Cox, Jameutown Exposition wan reform! • Heal Kutate Operator, Ninth and An-buy yourself, tho 10 gallon 10- year, or Park, on Wednesday evening, April too lone to gut.nuod to the. new ones. "A prcry irlrl, ovi-u If sin* Is poor, ivo mipimctuiilltyi-Mli'all.v. Mary, you There isn't any kick Coming on the advertising committee, with 1 Columbia avenue; 1'hllnilelphiu. ' CO-gallon ft-year, palut T lOili. A very enjoyable eveutngi was get caught at Itl* Wo haven't nuy use tnuxt try to' iu* more piiiii'tuul aluiiri bury avunuo, licit to tlre.houBe Who Good day."—Mllvvuukuu Buutluel. can hinu i.'.l tl.c attoutlou she wantH, tnitwr. riiied Into. Kfi'ilt ,,^ Htructlona to oecure vlewx uud tl Van HA i.t: - Sluop yueht, cotu'pletely Voura trul sen'ldg" the uiwil-i. Wiien they ur**' LICENSED AUCTION EER; THOMAS J. THORN wofk we cliafg.-*•*-ll-rriM Ol. •"' *•.. necesbary atnoiint of literature. fll onhlu uccdioiudiluliin Mist; K. jettr» past He'was sent to the poor- lato your inantcr blutues me. Miiry—' The board meeting wau preside dome of the greatest bargalin* to bi at Mr. and tin. Jaoob Bto' : Miss Etta Campbell eiitertalne<' _ "Yes.' there Is. ouly olio that can l uiry ttriHiot!! vy • '"«" ^ Florist v-.v,. «j . . fast and thoiotitrhlhhl y seaworthyh . Now York. *\houso end died there before you were In France there Is an Idea that If a beat her." ' . • • • ' Ah, well, mum, of course ( can go. but No,. 721 Asbury Aoenue, Ocean City, N. JOHN R. GROVES over by Vice President A'. I), ltarrowu found here ou the .earnest terms. P. B.—H. Howard Thorn sells bur bouse, 4518 Pine street, on Wednesday few of her young friends' oil Frlcfay flsherman counts the Huh he has caugfat - • . . ' .— •—3» •>•»• J lire iw fiv-l, n« wln':i they ••«•«• FAtL BULBS, CRASS . In tbe abbeuee of Preuldeut James M. i Jtumney Kleclricul NlulnlfrsCo., Phil- torn, I freely admit that becaase somo 1 "Who's thntr • .""'•••••' you're a pHuoner for' life*! — London 8UJVBDB. , 'adelpbla. ,,. «, ' • 6-8t. Phone oounectlou. evening next, at S o'oloolf. . '1 ' evening lost. PropartlMtotula. Boudiiiir h.nU .*« J.*L~.-. ... ^. . In., tlinutiir.iilt. of yi-iir*. »:••"; (. ' pain»lntt. . * . ' - ' tV president steaki the funds tt be will catch no more during that day. 1 BoudiB-j hoo«. tod cotume. tor Mot tu all part. oj tb. illy. Coi and CLOVER SEED. "A homely girl wlUi; tbo.coin. " Punch. . ' ' i ' . . phii"i nloii • tin* Ueim Hvi'r Jhe • Ocean City, N. J. lire iwrfec't lulueu of uiuuinwtb °w 839 Aobury Avenue. 649 lxa recent l»iiu«,'Uie Cuiudeii Post- Is giving more sentiment aud theology CHURCH SERVICES SHERIFF'S SALE. HOTEL* AMD CUTTAOEI. Ocean City Sentinel had a,Kood«word fur one of thau practical thought. Well, then,' Ocean City Sentinel Oupe-Muy - Couuty'a HOU*: ' Viet* SPRING SUNDAY listen to the practical side.of it: The; . Hrvirlacot-twritolKKri FBi-iiii.to.moJI- MISS RISLE? WAS AKE BRIDAL TRIP OF TEN YEARS OF Wliul' will nc oircrrd. Conurt-ltM- rei-led, imtued ool of llie Courl of Clmucerv. ~i*«l-rrm* Chancellor Leunilni- I* e»tabll»hl*i|-.u asNociatlolisof the Lord's house are an j r * " - imam M«xc Hunday. of N*w J«r««"-, on tb»arjd»yor April, BlA- t . record fur*.«Hpeetly ,deel»*loun UIMI ,IIIH Incalculable he.lp to the culture of 1WT, In u i-ermin CHUHH wh«r<"ln l|">;il«l *"'; " R. CURTIS ,ROBINSC>N~ ., "' . • KIKST M. 8. ' ' ' •liiHli,K-«H'Ulor»ftli«l»iil will and.TM»«nn"nt H0T-3L action In KriiiilliiK a divorce oir-huiid, IN THE CHURCHES religious .character, uml moral and, of IMUIIPM: Wli«aion, ae.-ru»«i. I" coml-iui- BEST GDESSER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO YTEDDED LIFE . Editor and Proprietor . •,Servit«.,wlll, be. held at the usual i.nl, nnJ Alini. K. Krlo« «l vlr rtaUi »"">r\ WOHIIBII be glad to resolve Hfinsof after hearing two wliiiesnoti, a few day* religious character is. the* »alj of the - UKI.t«, I «tmll.*x-KMe lo sail) M "" OCHAN CITY. - - NEW JERSEY newB autl comuiuiilcatloiiH of, ltiter,t'st earth. • • • hours— io.su a,ui. ag.l 7.80 p. m.—In R. Curtis Robinson , ago", probably han not been 'Hiir|>ii".Ned Large Congregations Were v*rnuu***i uit . ' , " to thlH commuully ouU our rvaUcrn Inter-Sute 'Pfatuie No in In that renpeot In, uny. of the. brunch ''The most fatal tulstake that man the Flrsj M. E. Church on-Sunday. There Were 1735 Beans In ommodore and Mrs. C.'H.' Mr., and Mrs. W. i. Gibb Cele- Present and Heard Their The pastor,- Hev. K. K.Jiruiiya'te, will • Moiuhiy, May 13th, 1907, everywhere-. : A IvertUement. In lonucolumn*, 5 cent" •chancery vou'rtH," But his JudKiuenl can' make In to furgetHod, and lo be- IwlM'wn th» l.oun* of iwel\# miti five o'.'lo.-!* . Pint Ca»t She Said . brate Jbnnivereary of ' .Ocean Ave: ,. ' per IIDB. nub IDMrtlon. Monthly and yenrly 1 A'll'coniuiunlcalloiiH nliuulil lie ur. Schertnerhorn Are Celebrat- V ASBURY AVKNtE ' • . • rate* farnUbedon application. lu. this or iu other CHWM h uot iii'ie*-' . '.Pastprs' Sermons'. come iudiflereut to rellt*l>n. Tin, , •preach. . .'*•',• .. .•.,'• l>. m..town, nl one ii'il.HK m Hie ..ll^rnomi KNOWS 1 .if MOII »luy, ..I thi! slierWI'i. iiltlii'. In I «i" toHi|iuuleil with the full name unii ,•'• ' : •. ,1750.. •' '•'•' ..•.. . • Marriage.- " •' Job work promptly done by Jxparlenorf* tinned. Me,hax the judicial faculty world's hlftory records*no more fe»r-j KIUST r.ltl->illVJ' -:illAN'.' Mny Courl lluu".-, I.'II"H' Muy •'•iii.niy, »*»' Conveyancing and . ing Silver Wedding. . Til*; local .•hiirrhei' w'ere well'lit- lietween Eighth and Ninth Streeta band* , .• .. . well developed, and, lkllh .fill mistake, nor w.ir-e calamity, tlliin I • Kev. H.. T.Cassel berry, the pastor **\ll lliui lot orplccoof irrouim "li.ii.t*'. I y I»»*" of tlie writer, nut iiL-cewiurlly Another excellent entertainment Surrouink-d by u niiiiib'cr of relatlven tended on •Hunduy. Subjoined .-an be. i.11.1 l>^lntf 111 the clly of . >i-*-iui t'itv, in in*" Commodore nnd uMrs-.. <'. Howard —HAS REOPENED FOR BUSINESS— will conduct the services and preach .'o.niiy »f .'HIKJ May, uii'l s.i.1." "i >*;* for -lublleatloii, but uu Kuariintcuc.i f WUM Klveii by.the Kir»t M.K Snbbath : OF THIS CITY and frlenilH,. Su|>erluteudeul Win. I.. • THUR3DAY, APKIL IS, JD07, the incrltM of a Kane, un .(iilckly form IIIIIM, and yet every age han Us pe.'Uli*ir] 1 cheruierhorn, of West l'lilladelphla, I'.iun.l report* ..if mine of the feniion* in the First Presbyterlali Church at Ji-rtwy. nunilM-n-il •»,In wi-noil *'.' "» I" * Insurance t • • • , * *". *. • • * iilulenJudgment und relieve" the »u — te'iM|vncy to forget l.od iind-retii*loii. plntvof kill* or tK-eiinrily A"^in'li*lli»iif ' •- fiiltli. ...'•• ' '. . .Seh.Hil lu thu ehurcli oii Thurnduy. 'ell known, HUiiiuier reHldcntH of (ilbb, .or the {li-enuCliy Water C'om- The bxisiness will be conducted*the same as usual, wji^ch is OPEN ALL THE YEA* delivered: ' . , ' •," '•""•'"•. • ',"'-'' 'x • ; the ii-iuil Jumrr. on Sunday. • lk>ii>iiiilliu uiM'isiliuoii ih." «iiiitlii-i.'".-ny enlilK luil There WUH a lurnc aU 1 puny, pud Mf*. < •ixli'ii.llni",'" Gas Ranges. • ••"- ilk. Everything .first-class. • Side entrance for ladies. laWyerx uud lltlguutn.'" • Christ, away with religion uud ing, Hev, J. J. Sweeney, the rector, kliulh or depth on.- hun.lrrd.li"'! lli>H !".- >n of the xuperliiteniient, Dr.'Chan. tted on Hut.unh\y lust and we're ac- Those preHeut were Mr. nnd .Mrn. age mortal will be glad when May on Sunday. la»t.- • , .. lute.1 line-i.^rull.-l wllliMihl Klrv.-litl. »ir.f I, rJ- worship!' Itut II Is -lot' possible to jot'l.'luting. . OCIJAN CITY, ISf. J- ' ' TaiituUzliiK weather. . I'liler. npatiicd by their youiiR, son, V. Ocean C'lty'.H fame haH spread to eumiiiK StepheiiHon, MIHX. Harriet Hours, "9 a. m. to 12 rriidniyht'. -.'.'.... ; . •" '.- comet-alooR. • . ' . In tlie eveuhlg, Mr. I'runyiile npoke Ion tlfiefll K-et wldr Klr.-rl. • eu ull tbeyear* llvr without religion and what religion • Heal eHtate men are b\iny. First 011 the program wait nn enter- Oklahoma, us Is HIIO«VII by the follow- llepheiiHon, Jense• Stcphen»oii,, Mr. I TIIK latent ehuritable ei)b-r|irl*e of from the leN't, ."Kor *HMI MI loved ihe llou'iinl N. siMlllnll uml Mury 1- Slnnlon li.v oward Hcherinerhorn, Jr. .. . Mr* C. OKTZKU TUB Five Mile Reach Journal han It stands for. We read of 'lost art,' *lo-t | l-*lr«f Alarm IIU'XVM. il.-t-d ol liiil.'iiluru, iliit.-.l lit.- lliiriv-llr»l .luy- Money to Loan on Bond and'Mortgage - AilvertlHe Inthe HKNTINKI.. . meut bjvthe memlierNor Harry II- They, .wilt bo ubhent three wee(i», ing letter recently received by Super- ml Mrn. . I-'d-iur l-'ernu-iou, Slr.i uiid W. F. WASHINGTON Helen (ioulil IH notable not only in world that He gave Ilin only begotten ul Aiiausl. A. I". I--. H-.-or.li-.l I" ilieionnn that It l» report**!tha t W. K Young la science,'. but religion of noiiie K'njl When you hear the lire-alarm bell, 1 uke's <:IU>.H, asklMed by a fpw oilier id while away will stop at-WuHhliig- intendent Peters, of the Ocean City .Irn. I Col In (lurretMOii, Mrn ('en. Hull, Itxelf, but for UH Miggei-tion'or ".way Son, thai whoVoeVer believeih in llliii i'I.Tl;'-olll.-.-nl i. ui»"M'..vl"..ilrt II" N."« Mirny htrannern In town tliei-e ilnyH, •'•.'..' Formerly of Atlaluic City. •'.' slated fortho pomtlou of clerk of the men must have. Therefore, we readily^ look ut the subjoined list of numbers Jer-.-.v. ui HOOK or IIMHIH NO \vutv* — 111K r.iIkH TIIIH was followed by a m,-l>. C, Klclimond, Newport Newu OUH Company: J ' ' •. IIIHH Mary.Hull', Mrs. Kred. Williams, GARWOOD HOUSE, in which Ihe city' HIUIUH may be f.ho'ut.1 not perl.-h', but huve everluni- uri.nl.••I i.iiil.oiivf>.-il into III-" siil.l. Ann" h. tlooil jlrlceM are beliiK pal.t .by cot- county board or taxation, aud the tneaHUrubly clears! of a large cliisw nf see that religion In an es-emi'il element j of UrcMuiNes. and you will ascertain Krl.-». hrr hrjr- Hint ii»lini-. f.inv.r. "j'^'"'''!. tetty Heleetloii Klven by Prof." Lake'H nil points In North Carolina, Smith Will you.kindly let me know what f I'eterHliuri*; Me and Mrs. Warren 71a Central Avenue, ng lire" tane-roiiterti. '. • _ paper says tbat surely be IH entitled to of our,Innermost being • J the loeation of the lire: I'hestru. urolinu and Florida. ' • price you charge for coni|ectlng gun iiiilli unit duu|*hter, Cutliurliie, MISH OCEAN CITY. Now Jaraey. pemoim who, belpleHH (here, might hi "In this text," wild Mr. llruuyate, (-'lly ~A*Ko.'i>.lto']. , i It. ' "Man han need ot religion, and It i-* j. PI—Second and Asbury avenue. A tender coUHclen'ee may be one that .Aiiet u|i Invocation by the puhtor. Mr. and Mrs. Schenncrhorn were runges |u your city; UIHO, the cost of "tile AIIUIIIH, MIXH Mny AdiiniH and llellliUini' UH-HMOU. All lb« LaUat tm- a different environment become In- "we havc-an epitoihl/ed g.wpel, and II ' • \Vll;t,IA.M ll.llltllilh.SIHTlIt. • ov«in«nu. Houu UeaUxl U-roaibou-. duntrloiiH and Independent. Misn just thin tliat the church sinml- f..r or IS—Fourth ami Asbury avenue. , liul.d Ar.rU luih. I«J7, In little until. • . ' K. It. llriiivynte, tliere wan an tarried In the Kaston church,by Mrs. rubber tubing; und whether you can IIHH Nellie AduuiH. lie ytuir. . THEHK were not maoy contain^ most of the cardinal duetrlnen i.u«kllKv (innklll, sol'rs. .11'.'. IM-.IV> ..THE PIONEER RESTAURANT... Gould haH purchased near (Ireeley, In should stand for. Kvery cliur.-h spire [ -T—Fourth and Ocean avenue. The Btraw hat will xhnrlly IIIUHMIIII iHtriiineiituI duct by MIHXCH Ktta >cliermerhoru'H futher, Itev. I'.dward connect two ga« rangeH from thu - one Mrs. (ilbh received weverul hund- MKU. H. OAK WOOD, Prop. lu this city on ".Friday lam—Arbor of our holy'reltt"l.in. I want'you, jii*t» - . - W.Tl. 1«. N.T11IH. iToprl.K.r ; a tract of 100,000 acrei. She points to' l*od, and eveQ' .cliurch call* •Hi—Sixth and Central avenue. ' out for keeiw. ' . • • umpbell and MarKBiet .Parker. ownsentl, .who has been a retired H pipe? . . nuie pres'euiH.- Day—but there should have been. for this evening,"to put the lilble und In ready to expend * 100,000,fur iuiple- our attention to humanity'* uce.1 of •"•">—Klglith and Anbury avenue. Don't expect to- llml h<>r»e HBIIH' In fH-Allce Itl-Iey sang a HOIO In he.r ilulHter for Houie yearn and In now In case you have on hand Has TlieeveuinK WUH Hpent very pleaHant- •hone, 1112-U. 714 Anbury Ave., Otran < II.V, X- J. THE ELBERON Nothing »o helps-trie appearance of a all.forms .if revelation out of account meulB, seed and feticiug. The laud in (.iod ami .religion, and,every churt-u.. , 4.S—city Pavilion. Iloardwalk. N. C. Clelland 'tinl ellentlve Myle. " IwndliiK the autumn of life ut the ranges and hat plates, will you please. -, uud the '"tier.iM wished thu couple . (Kormurly the Krumelt) aeasbore city a* beautiful trees. Plnut altogether, and lake two or thtee ot mi automobile.. > to be Hold iu HIUUII tractH, and the its people' and its ' building should •iJ—Xinth andVjeeau avenue. Wm. .Campbell Ku\'e a r«cltatl»n, nine of another daughter, Mrs. Mary forward a* catalog nhowlfig htyleH and nuiiy huppy retunlHof theduy. OYSTKRS IN KVKKY STVI.K •:iitblb and central Avenue a tree. •> ; ______"' the principle* of ChrlHtiaiiity,'aud ask REAL ESTATE BROKER:: THAT TAX QUESTION Strawberry (?rower« look for u dime buyen. who prove, themnelven worthy stanil for and wor.k' for the higher •l*"—Tenth ant" Asbury avenue. lnext there WUB UU excellent duet ownsend Rush, lu thin city.' At the giving prlce«7 '. S'r. und Mm. Ulbb were niurrlc.1 in OtEAH CITV. N, J. " ./*" whetherorn.it lhe>c conimeud them- Irfuini. NeifotlHt«il. improved or t'n- * . crop till" Beaw^n. _ , Ulnner'Nc-rvlce SleaK at all Hour* Hot WnU.-r Ileul. Kvery Koom Tboronxbly will be allowed ea% terms of payment. spiritual life of the i-nmitmuity ami TS—Kleveiilh and Central avenue. II. II. 1.like unil Miss Uisley, me of her inar'rluRe, although very YOUTH truly, • ih elty by the Itev. (ieorKe Keed, a ASSKMUI.YMAN STILLK, of thin selves to your judgment, looking at 1 liii|>rov.-.t I'roin-rly for Keiil. Kul>- or Can easily be settled by building Some of the eohnty w!hiu>N will Heaua t*he .uatiiin. Woe to the peoplei who. SL —Thirteenth and Anbury avenue. The iindluiii-c wns dellRhteil with C. omig, MH .Schermerhorii had been (Miss) S.VK.VII WINIH.K IJ.VNKI.H, -. nrnicr pu.slof of the l-'lr«t M. K. Kcsjin.l private parties catered tout »hort uotice. county, judging from "crltluiHuia In They will have the advantage of In- ilicui .''ille" apart from revelation or Kxclmnife. >. -tIMH. ICI.I.A K. NAVLOR, Propi forsake tiod's' altars for iiiamiuon^s HI—Sixteenth and Anbury avenue. close next mouth. .niierSlioemiikcr'sviiilliiNolu.iiluyed Ktlllwater, Oklu. 'hur.'h. ., ! • , ice Cream and Hoft DrinkM all the year. some of tbe State paper*, "put lite foot struction, with uccei's'toa library', uud prejudice. We propose lo lake'jiisi *Kle««-nll> HI. and ANtiury A»« member of the Huston t'hurch for a golden cnlf, to the- people who are The oynter planting SI-IIMOII liruliif th article feeliiiK and skill. • Miss l.undls in director of,the De- • ID W by. voting with the I>emocrat» the sanitation of the truer will be doetilnes hy which to te*t the Bungalow Cottages umber of yearn. , • • PERSONALS; . VIONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. . THE KATHLU becoming matcrlall/.->. Wilson, "of Mlllvllle, wax I keeping In atep with the march ot IT In only within lhela»t few years- i-ide the .'iie-illon are: The Personality <|UeHtlou of liaNe ball fairs '• MlHHtCH LKW1H 4 OONARU. 'saltness-,' han its light hid and forgets ,bers of riilladelphla's minor judiciary they have aiiythlni; of this kind to convenient little summer hom«s and will \»: pleased to submit', I'lieJieunx were in a pint can. Mins leeessury tn eoii.-: from l'liiladelphla Mr. Petern nayn the compiinj- can j: M.-CHESTER & CO., • progress by glviug out tbe contract* wore especially within the la*t two— of <'oil. the Trinity, and the Atone- •ell. Read J.i". '• Scull'H lulvertl-ciuunt isitor here yesterday. ' . its message, I.et us more, and more lice ItNley mude the best KIICHH, and iy Way of Somers' Point.' fulllll all of, these requirements, mid . • • . OCEAN CWV, N.'J. for a handsomechu'eh aud parsonage, "that tbe opening of the reneryalloiiH ment.' Tlic.lo.'triiie of the Personality (hem upon request, . •'" • • •• '.".'. • . , Miss Jeun Muckllu, of I'lilru.lclpllla. WYOMING love her gates and her fello»ship, iu tbJH IH«U« or tin: SKNTiNKl. Ie u'«< uwurded the prize, a bracelet. CoiumiHlore r-eheriuerhnrti, who will be pleaded to do HO.. '"hen erected,'" the^e building*' will han wrought any considerable change if Hod wu- iimri' or l.'.s 11 ilii.-lriiu' .if ta*a recent visitor here. -: There; R a great many: houses in Ocean City. inure atld—more—have—a—seiiHtjf. N'otliliig in worthy yiiur .•oin|iio-t »s MII ••locniloiilst of note III tile old Incidentally, it may be stated I lint 7>4 OCKAN greatlyenhance the beauty of this In the Indian's condition.. He con-all religious., The doctrine of the -Jume*—Hi>-teiv-">f—l^nnvlUe;—w* Sorac-R-G6ltaj^rSOiiie-R-H*)ttlrf^---p Mrs. M. Tiedermuiin, H. J, Itor/n.er, i not try your mettle. la.v-H 1 und, by the way, he Is.now one the eompuiiy IH recelvini" tunny ordem resort. tinued to receive his ralious aud live Trinity exlsit.-.' lung before <,"hristi- revereii.-efor <'.MI'S people and hou«e ". '•£" beiin*ln the-ram Mh<.-> HIslcy'H ecent visitor to tliln'oily. . . Ocean city. M. J.i Wm K. Ludwlg*. IMilludelphia Alreudy 1 huve uniulrl.* lor liou***-. lo n-nl Tlie lly .IWherman IMIII'I li.ipe fur irtheyoungeHt-looklug benedicts with for ItH.tlne ITUM miiKen, w'hl<;h ure ..11111- R stores^ some R for rent, in much the same way as of old, ouly unity. I o .fact, rial.i taught It ni.i>t ST. AfllfSriNK'.S, -^u^r ll»l will! mention'. Si-nn(rauce of the, present Indian com- ire or less, and of all Ihe princpal church on ^suuday morning. 'The Mrs. Thomas Hammer, Mrs. K. S. but li<>»' much of a fact a mini K ii'inliers of the Sublmth selio.il. and people talked or "the city beautiful" a ••••II Urllil.lu. l"» PREPARED AT SHORT NOTICE Ie Is ii nephew of Kev. Win.. It HAS SORE HAND ills a vlnitor here on Sunduy. missioner, Frauds E. l.euiip.' .upon igiotist.iH very lurge and pr.iinliieiil rector."Itev. J. J. Sw'eeuey, announced llrudshuw, I'htladelphla. It in luipo"Hlble to Ko lip'H tliulit <>T i.'lr friends, uml .'oii.|dcrnble de- ROBERT. FISHER, . The Bourse,* . Ocean City HOTEL ATGLEN year or more flRO,bu t there the matte' that mass will, tie c-lebniled ut 10 rved priitse'.'i. «iven |ir. ltldur. for k'ooif l>. I'., Ilrst ,1'resi.leut of the Dr. W. li. 1.1111 it, *f lMilludelphla. otllce a radically dlll'crent policy wa» Kcvv. Indeed, we see tlie .'principle WY.IMINCI, rtalrn wltlmut HteppliiKon lt«f.iit. •' •-- ended—just'like a great many other o'clock every .Sunday morning. ' . Samuel Schurch s ellorts 1H0111* llil^ line pn.l IIIH icean ' City Assoelutlon. Dr. Woo HIS a visitor dtirln')- the week.. . Nlntb and Central Ave. inoe|iled. This new movement aim* at llie Atonement curried uu every- Ii. I! IHsbrnw and uife. H. S. I3th St. and Haven Ave., Ocean City; N. J. The went' Hbifter IH not tlie only things. • the 'substitution of Independence and REAL ESTATE': : * iuiide.1 interest In the welfureof the Iso wus the lirst pre»ldent of the rowN Much Hiconve'iile'iice. John' Wilde, of Maua.vunk, wnn where. . , ... Hlghler und wife, Hidley Purk; K. W. fellow.u'lio has to Hliift for lilni-elf. Open April •, 1OO7 - freedom -for segregation and charity. Mcrltfllnn Monutnenl D«dlvutlon. AND INSURANCE • KK A.VK Illlllimv. hool. ' '. • • itlvatc rullroid to this city which A j4iuull Hplinter ki the buck oflil Beautiful Cottage Sites... ^ XT should be the aim of every busl- •In thi-, our day, we have no •littl- Warren aiid wife. Miss Warren, Ocean iiiont* tlie wcek'H I'jHltorH.lieru, Kvery inducement Is being offered the I.'iiveruor Stokes llu~ slgneil Senate 7(H istinrj 4ve., Ocean City, N. J. Vou cun't alwu.VM make dot li OII.IH fterwurd wan turned over to the left hand IIUH been CUUHIIKC Arthur D. " ~ ne«« man In Ocean City to make the ctilty. in lit'llevlng In ii.nl as » furee or City: Osc'ur I). Thompson. Miss Mendel's C.hus. K, Weiss, of ('ermuiitown; High Ground. Lou CJruded. MtreetH and, Kldovvalkw. Graveled. , H. C. GOFF able-bodied Indian to go out inthihc bill No. 141. The law provides for the 1,'otiiitfL'M un«1 l-timrdtliu Hem*-?** for rent. meet by xtretuliliiR tlie linimliiuiliin. FOURTH SEASON HERE 'e'liusylvuniu Uuilroud CoiApuny* HtirroWH eM. "Will lie lanilHome residence ul Twelfth and When Mr. Harrow* retired on Suttir- avenue and the Ocean, aud Fifth and North HtreelM. - • .'history or.the veteran soldler». The the sense in w liieli a hiimau being ii- a IIAKWlMlll, " ihla, WUH In towndurlni? the week. Phtlfulolpbta -.Wlcotilfcl l>> M«n>. ,'eiitrul avenue. Mr. Hcbermerhorr. Apply to any real eHtate agent. Investigate before—purchasing APARTMENTS with him. It is the jiollcy of labor person, (.'hrisilauiiy teaches Unit tiod statue to tlie memory of Major t.en- C L_. LAKE Hats and, Gent's Dealer* are alriMiily Kettint! in ttieir «lny iiiKht, u'liparcnily tliere wim noili- commute* to-worklug hard to this Miss'.Mury A. .Stepler, Salem; ' Wui. cooifaclofs anfl Builders us been' Commodore of the Ocean Jured W. Uarliui-toii, of Purlin-*, Kx.vflenli.r«-oiuiilfMlutlonM for llualnewi, aud citizenship as agalnst-the ju> 111-y eral ISeo'rge Krlnlou McClellau. Army U\\* Vk'Toiiti with IIIH huiid. PurliiKth elnewhere. • •.'•.'• - "~. ' end. Ol"e|the memben every assist- i Person, and mil u mere law or Knisell, (amden; O.AV. Shirley. W. •upuly of coal'for the next wmier Itev. Hufiw ('. Zurlmaii. I>. I).. Mvlt. HIiiKlr rooi.iH und rooms wltU , ot rations aud nouentity. of the I'nioinac. of the olllcern and ...REAL ESTATE AGENT... - " . Furnishings Ity Yiichl ('lub for several yearn, um * hi* U'UH awakened hy sever •al, WUH U recent |-ue»t o{.tlie Kutliln. force. .Skepticsay you neversee < Jod. 11 Hays, Philadelphia' Surah Corson, iiibur) tveaue, traile." * ;' luUter at thu Ilel.li.'lheri' Iteforin'eil Imth.. .'. (.% JJInlnic Room. ance possible. ______\ • men' now living lu Mew-.Jersey who AMbury Avenii*., iH-run l^lly. N. J. ' Tlie iiinltlu make « nnd H+m6*i*Ut\g •.•^clalt>. youro-uu allalrn lliaii to tile ullair'< ot Ocean City Land Company State under the. immediate command put upon ttieoe parts. Tlie mvrelof lUin-eof Mr. John II. Davu, -4'J-i At lie proud owner of the Artlo, hund WUH greatly swollen. ' Illood Mrs Joseph J. Kurlcy.'of i'hiludel accumulation of. facU, nor- even the year for the salt-water !l-herle» of the fact that no person* is ever-seen by Mlllvllle; P.'Varlcy, Itultimore ,ollieM. " K. V.COHHIIN. preHldenl of < ieuerul McCI-lIan between July '£>, luiii; wear an.l Hliape-hoMln|-.l|e', Jr.. l>r: W. II. Long. ALLEN SCULL tlie only one VVIII.'IIUH t*i «i't itiiun in ;r.ioii) of a i|Uartcr of a century ngo. ''the accentuation of the strong |K>tntf| providing for au'eJCei'UilveVoniiiii-slon tl.til the Imdles nf people i-li.-tntre en- t'liithei-, « lillft i.» i>lyll»li ami corttrt i*l.-nine vl^n..ir to our, i-ity, ' . I.. 11. I'lilrlumb, of Wilmington, i «:i I Aubnrjr Avenue • . 11". <"'. Tliur-duy, May •", UMiT, at two .Miss W. P. Nel-mi. Miss Wnlte, It. Money forJtortgages... in flit IH uiiy tturmeutH 'niti.ie, are lid* 1'iirlim the pant .whiter l>r. /.urtuiau the Htreugthenlug of character. At to have charge of the State lisherie- tirely lii sePfi years. A i-,irp-e weighs Contractor and Builder lei., WUH aimuil' Ihe week's vlHlton o'll.ick In the afternoon. Hugy, Minn I. V. Brown, Miss Jeuii tor tiullt In lilt? wear-telllliK •parU I bit A Uia'n U wUu it.lic* Ictirn-* tr.tni III- If you are thinking of purchasing • ' Ocean City, N. S. the ' bottom as foundatlou or sub-was killed by-adverse vole in the exactly tliexauie.il> when llie iier-i>u 60S Central Avenuo ml hl>- fumlly have met uitli IIIIII>IIII-1 SHERIFF BRIGHT HURT ORIENTAL DEGREE iiere. . Miicklin, Miss Hour, Miss Katharine JORDAN MATHEVySi OCEAN CITY. N. J. - -int.-t clutliL*'- -tlnii's why \\»• KiiarBiitee, own experleiM't*; ut^er. If lr..ii! stratum of the human character in the Senate. The ilr.li trust, which control.- - iilive. Hut the hand does nut tlifiu \\tthour nume. ^ lllii'tli.n. • III- vtlfe'ri niotlier, Mrs. Mr. uud Mrs. (ie'tr(*o V. Sehock. of Hour, C. It ,'Suiytb,. J, S. .Meu.ie, <". S* K.tor. iTiili HUtl ( oluml'tK AVehtl*-, auotlii-rV. a lot or cottage, you would do well power of self-coutrol. the pound.uet Industry," will coiitltiue return y.uir grasp, nor does ihe ey,: K»titiiitif* rhrorfnlly K>vfti, HI, ilu-.l, .111 January .".nth, und 111-. hlludelphlu, were In town u few days K. Weiss. 11. |,. McCnllough, llaiilei l'Uil,AUKl.l'll!.\ KUtldliii;^ «• rti-U-d dy taut rue t ur titty. Mud I'lcrcr Hlruuyrle Wllh u lira- Viflior* 10 toe liili'Mted t» DARBY'S to cart Xe»* Jersey llsh to New York Otis Tnviiisend, arciiltei'l for Jon (I. tr'tH'»Til. rlt*oii« *' the l.tii-ul courl. Hluce. *-* to consider several exceptional MUCH to the regret or many people, and wholesale It out at trust price- to per»on l> gone, and therefore a per-oii Chatiipion, .-ontraclor and builder, Whliiw J.inert Sultx for Hoyn. Nw- It uill pay you io u.lvuril^e It In tin ith. Mr-. Xurtliian ami her ulster inysterlesof the Oriental Court, U.S. UtRbter'mill wife,.of Itldley Ocean City Laundry Hell, Frank ("'. (irier, J. Murray tfrier, JOHIN MARTS ('••Ik, liii-tt-r Krnwii, Ouulile-llre«atid Win. Simpson, colore.1, of • t'u'pe Tiie the Jury In the Thaw case failed tit New Jersey dealers. The -consumer Is luvl-llile. / I li:i~'drawii'.lietw-eeii thirty and forty HKSTISKI; Irv' Innniii, .were vury low "ill I'. A. ,M., will he revealed to u Park, wore recent, visitors to thin bargains that we have to offer 1 Chan 1|. Iliifkley, John P. Jordan, llllll I'.lutlM-. . .liiy, c.mvli'ied_of ussutiltlng his, wife Jr. 6. 656 Asbury Ave agree, and the probabilities are that In this State will continue to tiuy plans for biingalow». .ueurly all of .'ph..1.1 fever, uud the dui-tor himself 'If you liflleiv that there was a Philadelphia: It. C. Sielier. Atiatltle Contractrnfif Builder Now i- tlie Hint- to pliuit your "prlim tid given ten ye.»rs at .hard labor by number.ifcuiididute-i i i tillsrlty next sort. . . 'lrHi-cluHH Work in Kvery Harticulai. tjie public, later on, will be intlicted twice aiid thrice a fair Vtilue for li-h. | whl.-li CHII lie built at dlU'ercut I'o-i. >.nily rc-.'i-iilly ru.'.tVcre'd fnnli jineti before definitely deciding...*. .*. per-ou in every hniiiuu liod.v. have City; i'has. Myers, licean City; II. Kill.' I'nlluUM K i.|wlHlt>- * Hats for Men and Boys uJvertlHt'ineiitf iry.m ul-li u. reupiui ndue Illldreth. attehiptertwu?nt. aiMl a large.part of the product of the ll not the same rea-.nr for t.ullevIIIU K.tlliiiir- ••liri-ffillly lirrlil-h.-.i Tilt'l.titol uml NnlibleKt Htyle« In abiimtunt liurvext. all ut Cupe May Court llouseon .Moil- Tlie Oriental CoitrtH of Tuckahoe uUHamoni; Suinluy'H visitors to tliix Harry ('handler, V'liielund. Itlii.'k. llf.iWH,' Nviter, ,'MniiM! I>«b)'i nit Hi./.irtiuati uml family will h» EIG A anddolngfortblsfe'lfou-. Fortunately, llsherles will continue to be u-ed for that behind thi'-inattcr of the iinKvr-V ! book w itli the e-levntl.uis ami >pe>ill- Seavllie-uiid I.iuwood ureto be present «II«H- HV.I \1>., hvluw T.>H1. M. . uiU.1 Soft iu every >jra.lf at tile Ipval '1'heOcean i'lty ItiiiMInt- uml I.IIIIII ilny night, . ' WIASSEY & EDWARDS. CENTR AL°A.ENUE: HEADLEV there may be -a respite for a few ferlill/ers lii order llml there >-lm!i he i I'alloiif- for eui'li. 'Tiie Uoii-e« are all ( rt'iilly In'tirlll.-.! by ihelr Mij.iuru 4i Mr. und Mrn. I;.'It. hisbrow, ADAHH there i- -.-'IVr-oii','" a-ked _\lr. \triui- ^'-M. i',-. «att aVitirni Aw. . if the yate. "IiljinU yon have" he -al'i. Men's Pantaloons 'IkKtSatunlay nitflit. .• tteinptr>»'hil;nliiL- tlie love, .tlv Cliuinpniii 1- milking a' -pwhiliy ••'( Lcliuni.ti". Misn-M. Force, Jordan Tlie Sw'flle-I. See" our w inilmv .linjilif after .the regular session of lota Mrs. Thomas Hummer, of. I'hlla'iel .Ik-ttt t'out un the iilHrkttt. '£ZU> Ibtt. to wlileh urrlvoit In tou'li soiiit* tiinf ut".*, QUAIL' MAY BE SHOT ell'ortsfo subilue tlie desperute prisoner thu tun KuurMiiWMl. Uellor Kbterprl«e people of Xew Jersey. They will ptiy ajlei'tion, the tender li.ve w Ith'w.liii-li building liungal.iwv. Mm hew v W. ('. Merkle, J. S. Me Carpenters and Builders (it'iil!'' Ktiriii-hlnu . Council, Kefre.-limenis will deserved plila, was 111110111- the week"H.|-uests ul "phone. -• • M'a.'.tireH.-e.l tlilr. vvet.'l'. Mr. Bright had one of his lian.ls TnB Industrial Hjhoor may be justly many thousand* of dollur»'to the trji>-t 'Jrulli ami wire. M..iuoper. }•'..' C. b the Atglen. * .• (!oi| Is working the ptieu-iiiiciia of tiie IICKAV i'lTV, >. J. Mendel's One-Price Store 'lir.-( - null *r«ik. Alines, Pliil.iiletphla; lico.lt, "Irown, Charlen Si'liock, \v ho liti.1 11 'iiii"lil •JolniC, (tell, l-'ruhk (S.'Drier am —-and-valuableof-all-the-niore-moderu- ThU-bJIt: ' .—— 'This is from tile Five Mile Hieioli Wright. Soiiicrs' Point; .1, II. Estimstwl icivwi. nUlldlliKV prrcfrd by .-un - I*U*> Atla'titli-Avenue, •jonltlon ut tl-e Wert JerMj.v> •r.nniil J. Murray (irler, or I'lilliidelphla, were JOS. I: SCULL, 651 Asbury Avenue features of educational development. Sun: "hie .Sea, l-le City Tiini--uy- 1'alrl.aiilli, VCllmlllglou; John V. Had- A'll.ASTHMITV.N.J. 7ielirt*ii>r<."lfy7"'m''"l.Veirlaiil"ntl^—- rei-ent-v-lHitorH.. r. ATUNTIC ICE «!S.MIIK COMPtNT yatc~iii.| that the church tanulit' It, lilt l.i.'ul spnii-iiRii ' limnicd thai 'I'liu HUH in ejectment brnut-lit hy The marked SUCC-^H which has iu BTATK'H' PKOPI.K THR(FTV. thut 'every lover of Im-e liu'll is jn- .-HU'e. Tim-' Harris. Cumdeii;. Mrs J. A, It. Ariilsiroui'.. of the Hoursi DEALER aud lie th.MiL'ht th\it .''iniinoti -i-n-c QHARLHS i-. HOFMAXN PRACTICAL HOUSE PAINTER • t'oimHency IH ii Jewel- tliv litrlj* ap- 'enat.orJ.Hoyd AVIH' hill to- nreven Mrn.' Walter II. lluyn Ui*uln>-1 the Ueceut real e-tute. traiiHferu in O.'ean l!LPocono Mountain Ice - almost every instance accompanied tere-ted iu tliedoiim- of tlie|irofc»|oti- A. UiliL-liln, Atlantic City: Mrs; A. Mittrinucy, In upeudlni* u few day* ll New Jersey Is n small Stale, when lUld *ui!ge»t )t.,'Uook. at liod us it preciate, but 4uot 10 the I'Mi'iil .il City Wewer (Joiftpaiiy I'liinenp City recorded in the uillce .of County ul oriruitl/ution*. lint locul-intcre-l. I* Hiiseh, Nt-w V.irk: Ii F." Smith, REGISTER ED.ARCH ITECT ,645, Asbury Avenue, >li.ioiluL'iiif .piull- lor three yean •hiludelphiu und vicl'i'lty. Pure Aldsme- Milk and Cream ' - • their establishment Wmti abundant compared with some'Others, but lt»-_ lettiiil- It take the plu.-e of a -ollinirc Clerk \V-uy are a-i fiillown: for.'e. _'To Ihilik iif a forre properly. iL'ii.iiuliiiiuxly i|efeute:AN » ITV. N.-i. Wm. It. l.ildwlk-, of l-hlludclpliln IIU- niu-t think of It under three forms MUs Anil T. l'urdoil, wli." ille. n"t hour- '<< the A>M-inlily. Then Muy Court I1UUM> oil TliUmilay -last, State of New Jersey (by ripurlai a need which could not have been' ought to attract the nlteulion of the Witnts to.ku'ow whtit ihi* county ici.nis (•tMirgeP. Itmuii, Hli/ubeth: Charles uii- m town durlm-.the week, an Lots and Cottages —the force potential, tlie force actual., recently In tlilx city, ut the' luuiic <> lawyer <'ole, of Thompson" At Cole, I'ltuiiiiinniiiueri') to S. .Wesley l.uke ure Koiuir to do this year. We cun'l Ituehr, Cleveland. 905.WALNUT STREET K-lluiittt-- PTiniKIU'... . *'. leu' I;: v.iif> uu'nliHi.ilii- ineiiuiire.-uiii In any other way nuder existing con- whole country. Deposits In the Mty-and the force '.-outluual d uuiiii- ">7o. ICipurlun Ijiinl oil feet front be. 're(*l-tered ut the Imperial, ' .. uiiswer for other sections of the county, IIUU* tiomt* fr-miilhi: tlii- *»f--t(!i. litthituli)'- in PHILADELPHIA - I-'MII Ui.nt-. ol Join, I.III-IIM .\ (W« MM. Kiifiix S111HI1, left an t'stitte • lily three lor It. repre-e.ntini*the ntnver coiiivuny, de- dllloas. The apprentice system, as It lugs'banks have lucreased wonderfully fi'-tcl illiu-elf by, the liicarnuili.ii. • ,. • . KATII'.L". "'• * - ii roil ml, io U* pitlil'dir on 11 vt-ry Hired the cui'e to KO before 11 jury. '(ieo. Ulnnlni" on Miiitliwent wide of Twenty- Mrs." II, II. Murshull. ol""'uckuiioe, but the Five Mile Iteucli resorts iire i|** in-i'Dttily r-f*uiul. FVr(»-ct.lo t-vt-ry \itmt-li.-( Kli'.. i.t our smr^. • valUeil at *-!,«<">• III'OUII t'ity (StitiirerH are -i-h'liii -has been practiced In thl» country-for- lu-tbls-State-du'ring-the-paiit-teu-ytJar*, A. C Cll'uinlwr^, Win U Clo.Mil.prs coiilinel for the plnlntlll', third Htreet. WUH ihe nueHt of her dulhihter, Mrn. K, |ng more than two hundred years, and and now we find that the net KhlAV Sir* W J. McCouius', Miss Comber, ImU'-*' •• r'M*tn>. Kitth, •.titiiiiit-r uiirh'-il. i*u>. SaruliTioriier et vlr to Ueatrlce i\. (.'orsou, in tnii ajcLdLRent per-.i. does wrong, he should ..utTer. | iu llie ^ lm|| ||ne/ vlaiiiied'tliHt only point* of law were Ocean Gitulceana GoaiCo. rnUKfl hut uuUVolil miter; trmtl tHifi-liou (null what proiulDently In tlie new* i-.il- efi'iit of tlie hill. much longer Iu England and other laStyear made."by the building anil Ml-s Louilen; Miss Mct'omas. Mrs. K. ti(Kir-j; fuiiv- rurhi-iiii-.]; iniiu fir iH-runtn^tn ljUttoii. il^'>. Iteglu nortliwest line lhat seems plausible, righteous und] •. iimiiH of the I'lilladelphlu puiierx ilnr- to be (ieolded. Jud|-e Kndlcott re- Mrs. I'.lnoru Johnsjin, of Caiu.len, I European couutrle*. Is virtually a loan awrtocIatloilH was more thun four Ii. Thoums, Mr. and Mrs. '(i. W. tioutt*; will imy, tor Kt>«-ll in "titii'r.r-r ito-trdt-r* of Hay avenue .Mi feet northeast ' A, j; SMITH, PROPRIETOR eipiltable, but it is not true-.to ex|ieri- ctii<-r HCUII in i.ut-u. tcnii" wilt t-uriiri--*- v Ifltl tlilldrou ferred the mutter to JiiHtk'e 'I'renchard vinttini! her mother, MrH Charles thing, of the past, says the. Stale niUllou and a half dollars.- Wagner. Muster Fred. Wagner, P. H.I.'.O. IIOU'AKH luwiifrl, 'Jritii N.t'iii-hiil t*i. 812 Asbury Avenue, Ocean City, N.J. 1'iiiriuu' l-rontjUly AMi-lult-'l To. Tenth street, i> by ltkl feet. WHOLI-BALC AND HCTAIL DCALCR IN • ence and ou«ervutlon, All upward Chief Scull was lii liiu-k recently. U'luililuntou.lK *.*•, «r um U^iitii-lf Iti-til VM- .•Now IH the time 10 net your jnti T. Wlf-tur Itroivn, Jr.. of thin city for 'illH|io»lt)iit> nt the next'term of '.Miller, in this city", for u few days. Gazette. The Hgures mean, of course, rhiti •V.luiiii-on uud family, Kllwood Hea- imt* Hruuft, Of. un t'tiy. N. il - Klm-trU-Hl wurk "I nil kln.li.'|imiiii'il) m- .Huny I". Siaiiton et us tn Daniel FOR SALE movement uiid betterment Is, made by ) While walking near Twelfth ami the. Ivndedl.i. All un.lurlliluil.l w.irk tftiiiriiiil^d ; Uoiie. Call at the ^^N IINI-.I ivlio ulkxcs thut three 'if ,hln clilldrei: court.. .' •- Minn Vuleltu I'ouKherty-hiiH returuei wuge-eariiers'lu Xew-Jemey are taking coi'k,.ltobertu Frlshmiitii, "Miss Jmo- utrlctly rll-Hi L-IMHI.. . . Huggarty. *l40i). Premises north good pel'iple' siilTcrlng In the plaee of | buy,' he found a half doiliir. A .ittle .IarKcry', MOWH &»<\ ,\Vlllle, wer to her home in I'lilludclpbiu-urter H z< . . WITH the funds of the 'State de- care of ihelr earulugn and laying, a iruiie I'ri-hiniith, F. H. Dowdell, Mrs. larl-si* E. AcUmp Wlllard W. Adami : Houue, anil a»k for pricenfn "Here Will. »«•» Ilrltlf. west side of Pleasure avenue. 'I'l-'t feei 11 room iioulili' C'>tt:i'|;i", ftt.ll ' ' 'J choice lots.on Wesley uveniie bud ones. The Atonement wa- an{later, near the Cumberlaii.l-'IIotel, he COAL COAL ^Idmippcd fnim O.-eun City feet. If lot, nice jimrlK's, lint anil ttnlil for sale: price. *i'J."> each. Infusion of giuuiuess aud power which discovered another half dollar While 6. 0. Adams. W. W Adams lii«t. lui" ••"cured'u writ of habem I). Hurry •.Cliuiiiller," or. vineluml ' banks, ft cannot be said that there baa The pant ien years have been huppy wife, Kdwurd l'ennoc<, wife, children (SuccuMiion. to llakrr £ AdUbS) Tbe \V.. i.'.'.T. I*', will litilil u meetliii nun uitd Mm. X. C'. Godfrey, und Ills feet to.riparian comiiiUslimers' bulk, human beingn i.-oulil assiiiiulate. ami nhaUlug iialids with himself, he rail COAL wus a visitor here the latter .purt i w.'itor, COIIIIOI'IIMI wit II sewer. been favoritism by the State's finan- yearn f.\r the working people of * this- and maid, I>auiel (.ialliigiier, Mary'A. at the linuie of.M—: Martini. Lake, 01 in the l'lillu.lelpli)ii cmirt", o bride', who WUH Minn M. Hlnie Hnyeurt, beuil Hue. ... so be cleansed from nin and restored to across a gold chain. Tlieit herecelveil Furniture. Carpets, Matting and Bedding, GEO. 0. ADAMS & BRO. lust week, und registered ut the IU Ki.'iitctl, |i:tyiilK.l-'! I't'f wilt. I'ri.ro Ijot (in Ct-ntml"n-t•••itiit' ill I'i.l'l.v- cial officers.' The Bhowiug Is remark- snuir little .Stale. Its Industries have ^luiririre.'L. P. Nelnou, F. <>. Nelson, Anliury avenue, below Kieventh j-trt't'l 'U-ritur Mr. and Mf-. ICubert l!..Haiuei of Sheni'ood, Went liliiludeiplilu.'who rlKliteou-nes-n. • . ' ; a money order fcotn Scr.unti'jii, und, to Window Shades. Etc. COAL- COAL r cuyne. ! •?IHIM1. Ti-iliis to (4iiit.' til'tli'street; pi-ice. fH-J't. . BEST .\ COAL able. In Penntiylvaula, nays the been ruunlug, many of them night I'liiludclphiu; Jare(l W, Ourllugton, PLASTERING, RANGE SETTING next WeiltieMlay ttfternooii. r.,ciiii-;iu^»fiheclillilren.llvln«utl- ii were .nurrled by Itev.."Or. C.J.-\V. Izer II4»VM tApliinliiiC TopN, Newark Advertiser, there are politi- cup the climux, Jume- II. I.inn pre- 7tn £• Astiury avenue. Ocean City. N.J l.'h.ml l.'ine. tleriiiiintiiwii, anil-Mrs • Mrs. O. It Siiiier, of CurllHle, i>u., •piiM-a;i and day, aud wages have been as high Mrs. J. W. Darlington and child, Huy ynur Coal froni tlie ftsbt, Smith hui- MII.I hix ^t»re pro) on April mill, npent u few days. In Topn hiive mude ihelr uppearuuet .".(> (Vet ill' oc.ciin front ln'twi'i'ti cians' banks that hold the great bulk "Honoring tc. Etc.. '; tSu*-:iirlt. Muxwell, iulilre«-( uiikimwi IIUH returned home after Hpendhrt! a as in aiiy part of ih'e'country. I>iirluiir; AH. Slckler and wife. Miss erty at Fourteeiitti umi Anbury avi Ililn city lu-it week. They will reside In the Hhop windou'H. The boyn eleventh and Twelfth at•I'l'tsi, with •• \ liciiiiliful lot oii. r.rt'.'htiiii or the State's deposits, and the s\ibje.'i of Itev. 11 T Casselberry's <.'hlef Scull- found the owner of the All Work In Mason Line Promptly pr.uiure the i-riildfeii, »r -hovv.cutiv few duyw ur her uottuKe ul 1IMK Centml But it Ix what Is xaVed, not what is C. A. Huilllier, Cumdeii: James Foster, SHOEMAKER LUMBER CO. liuetoa IMiilailelphlan, wl.o will nit 111 Marion, X. C At the wedding the found reudy'for them, but theold-tiui favoritism In that State has been -w serniofi in the First Pleshyteriuii gold chain. . . "' Attended -To. • . • hy they nhmild not. The writ Wn 'uveuue. 1 . J'ilice, tlixHH) li-ef. can lie tiouirlit earned, that counts. 11i* B grutlfyltm ntiiivillt*; Jesi.|(v Itttrlio^t.Mi, 'AnueJ. 1 duct 11 buktueHH tliere thU uiiiiiiner. brideninalilM were Nrl-M'Cluru Ubdfrey top thut U'IIH spun with a whip seems barefaced that the appropriations for Church oii Sunday morning. HI* text IRA S. CHAMPION OCEAN ciTy, N a. TVVKbrTH Hi .' AND. WEST AVE. I Itlchaid Shcvlln and family,huve at a U;ll^;lili; )>iicc uu applUMtioli- evidence of thrift, an the Trenton State -Will Qiill llUMI.Irnn Hcrr. Darlington, Media: Epima L. Super, liiuhti.' .111 April -Uh . "' " uiid MlHit Murtu.Knyeiirt. l>r. K. J. to be uiitont;- the iiilHHlnK. I'erhupH no tlsuri'i pficr «u was II, Chron.r "J4;'-l-r,,'i:t: "J.m-h FreeluiMer Win. S. Ji)lm«)ii liu ' public school districts have kwen with- Gazette says, when We see In the re- # W. F. Washington, whu bus been (.'arlisle. "'"An you nrc always HU«" "f l*etUn« Klopp, of -l''>n|- Uruli.-h, wan. be-tsport Is more populuv* uuionv; the I returned to I'hiludel. bin after n|*liU- .Ijot oh A»il>niy avenue, nicely Office. No.'634 ASBURY AVENUE was iikliided to repuir the House ot the bad bis re-ldeiu-e. on Anbury, avenuu ••nrclu.^.-rt.u CMU.it" held, for months ID order that they portH of the Having* banks anil tl:e conducting a ttr.st-clasn oyster Ijnnse Alderney Dairies •^!40 IMIUUCIH to the Mil mull. Mr. und Mr'.-tiwlfrey have tire Lii'iKester* thun. iop-splunhi);, und 'Ini* u short' lime in their rexldeiiee m Lord, * * and *-ee that ye haxifn the '•.W.H. 'MITCHELL, near Thirteenth flreet. repuinii'i M *:. C. 11. Sliwiiiuker, vl'm, u ft' jii-.uli-il. H'lijr'xi'li'wiilk; [irici-, *tob. t» looln cottiiiie mi'West iiyentio might be loane'd out at a profit by the building a"ud ioau t*»»oclutI<>iiH that In lliis ciiy fur nome lime, will dis- r Ui'-it wi»lienof liiuny friend*.' - untie IH more undent. 1'ii-tufe.Hof topn thlHclty. •'.'•..'•••. uiattcr. - " So the. workmen wrought List of unclaimed letters remaining Guaranteed Strictly Pure whlcb luipibvei. the appi-iiriinie >.f il •liiv» sln.i-, piirnhased H. C. Itlu ;t ii'ttson Itay nv»'inn», «i>ie .">(K 11." near roiirteeiiih sliceuii City Post Olllee for the houne. .ittiii-e, on * CoiupHn}'. the iiyriintidH of Kiiyit. ' ami ure feet; price, &HHI for tln sarety of the deposit. set tbe house of (iod in* it hi stult- und week eliding April'loth, KHIT:'~ The lime Is now approaching « he Vntli- i-tici'l. tlimngli the iigeiicy of WHIIH or!Hpeudiui*Vevenih their hun reined a store iu A'tlautlc-'.City, IntheHiiltofK.h'.ttid ItUHhuy. orihln pHlnled .oil the 1 trengtheued ii." I. .Suml., •": ;-t(l: MEN. • ' : VO4-Central A'vt the population-. MUOIIIII take >• c Clcll-md, IH hiixtng lierhouKe-l Olu" nf tlli^ lilli'Mt 'Jiitl'l"-/'" nil I III' tiiltnl.v'.('oivim Tl'llrt OF ALL KINDS CITVB MEW SCHOOL. where he will .engage in the light IMmpeil. The top THE sjgns are gathering that Amer- Them.-that ho.iior me I will honor." Illuir, M.J. ' : liC'KA.N' CITY. N. J ' toward preparing for the nunimer fan 'L'.ioil' - removed 'ffrom"' MrWit-etiiii.li'ltyMWlti I . aitulii't-t the •»'•«»» City. Klectric V N(<»4-k. IiOW Frlt'ea lunch restaurant business, Mr. Wash- but top-H|i*nu!m- I .the llr-t of the i •)»'•'•• -' "I'dclille, »r Cunldcu. for Aiih> ut 'a biii'-JTiiin. Iti'iiutil'iill.V sihiati'il cnriiiM' ica realizes that it has been going too Tiie Hoard of Education's formal Mr Cun^ollierry «iid lu part: "There AND " Marble and Granite Works. liou. WelUkept yardH anil III'WIH Mr aiid Mr- •'hoi'iimUcr uiid family Hallway Company, for injuriesulle|-ed ington nays hln. children are ill At- KlWAitii M. Sfrriix, P. M. nprliil" sports uf boyhood.', owner of 11 iiumberof properties iu ruttllKC I'm'siiln: ,|ii'i'"i", *.'tO(Mi. Also «-ottillrr itli h I'lyiuiiutli I'liicc I'm sale ul 11 Imr^ain. to aim hlin leave. from the Ocean Cliy Post Ottlce an OovernorStokeHThurHiluy uppr.ive bii-lne-H—tlie .III the <.'upe Muy C.ouujy Circuit I tSet our luiiip Hum price for funiltih- ness and have oftentimes been-'won at admitted by. oiticials of,the Htnte * ESTABLISHED iSBi CEMETERY INCLOSURES term of court, Itunlmy WUH awurded temple »' peculrur dwelling follows: ' • r the foliowiiii: meiiHUre: Miikiiil"- Lumln'r.Co. ("ourt on KriJuy. while the ^HIIHI Wildwood-, visited Mr. Cordery'n ini" all the uiuteriul for yoiir building. . the expense of character aud reputa- Hoard of Education,, who are iu a With Told-uoriititf ij-r-w tltU y-Mif, iitil 11.* fV.uoil tiiiiiiimen. The Supreme Court iimtber, Mrs. llurriei S. !,uke, In this pluce. Cold-hearted men tell us the Ail Mid Hellr, ' ' tmr^d to mlvv hettwrt-ervlew uivw ihuu lu iltt Kurmi VailltB, Orave Co\'#t-' open ueauoii for reed blr.lu frnni : 1I1111IHK1' suit of HdKar Woodruir uinl tion. Our frenzied haste has led to position to know whereof they npeak. church Is no mure tiiauuny other muss t»wt. . • . neiit ihe cu-e buck 1111 the (-rouiul of city, over Sunday. . . JOS. G. CHAMPION'S Chief of Police Scull has in his A M, I-. 31. A M, 1'. M; USE CAS FOR All klntl» of t'eult>(«ry Work .. teniber 1 to Det'etutier III, HIHI ""prohltii wife iiuuliiHt the Went Jersny Hallroud. • Innumerable lamentable disasters, and If this were not sutllctent;' the spon- of stone und brick und mortar. Soiiip i> :to ;[ ^*| . " tl.-Ui 1.40 l-el'i'iruJmli-e Ilildreth uiidujurv In contributory neKllKetiee • * |io-..trisioii an old relic in the nhupeof COOKING I»K h\intln(i after -unset ami befit Couipuiiy WUH belli"- tried, cmiimel Miss Hour and Miss I'tithnrlhc Hiiur, LUMBERYARD to-day there Is an Inclination to' apply taneous and etithusluHtlc words of poetrf.'too, huye mucli to say ubik'ut ">.:'n li IH1 T 00 Works at PleasantvilleyW.-J. tin" Cape. Muy County Court, on Mini. a i- certlllcate Issued Iu the suuimer'of U L*it . 9.uO • 4.S.') 'LIGHTING . nutirUe. • wit lid rew to ah outer room uud ell'ecteil of West IMilludelphia, w|io spend a braise from a delegation of. the-mem- •rorsiitplui.' (iud in Held, und forest, 11.011 7th St. and Asbary A\e •HEATING ' HltVf Contract for l'ttli ami .Haven Avenue the brakes. The consuming desire of n.:to .. ue iluy, vviii- lieiifl the appeal of tbe «. 1H7H by the Mechanics' and Furmers' The aKltution ol tlie horoiiKli M ' a wettlenienent for *i}i)**Kuultu " (HHCCWWOI- lo AUKI, l>. HrULL) muverrielit' on iiie purt of both the Ouiiideii, hi Muy hint/Mrn Woodruir HoU'iiiun will return to their liomen In HricU s(nre anil dwelling on Ashury avenue, 'wil.li jiiitli. electriir All colors, , . Any i|uautlty. expansion has not always - meant the members of tbe local board to feel temple.' ' ' ' uttM Unnnt of Heultboro.-t-un City: \ Tbu M^iioe u re««rvj»a tor or Ihiu city," 11 verdict of -L" "" '•'"•'I dwelllfil-H ut Eloventl'i and Anbury the note, "agreed to pay the beurer #} ^«'. /il Thui »-vt«ry pwvy vuuli uud ft-v-ti- •dvoeateH uud opponent* of Itu-orpiirii- ftlu betniiu punnetiKtir ill the-overturned thln'Hty to day after Hpeiidiui- a t-oii|ile |ij,),t. hot at|(l ciilil waiei; #•.'."» per luolilll. ' " . * genuine prosperity. The gospel or that they have, labored wisely uud "We. recoguize the great truth nf 1 p'wtl willrtt UIH llliift** of tltld -i-liy »ii duy of June ami * 'W.-.L. BERRY. j oilier Jury. » hnd heiird t' -''-", ^ "lrilL.t fur'the plunibliii- in the new M. ..."' • '. . ' '>f^ek«l,il>ownlum,.wn. | , ,(„,.,.« ml,l apaitmei.ts on Ihe ISnaiawaik. every c.mvenren.-e. would have a reveuI . himself unywhere und uhy uu )n t»**iatf iht* ilr-4t iliiy at &ovvmkt*r, lit General t'oulraclor ' • walk*. the gospel of moderation. -A breath- I when tried' •.efure-JUHlke of the "l'eue *e .;, Church, "'III keep the llrm btiH.u, „.... , • ~ .....ri»i -H^.-II.IU' ' Mrs. S. IJ. SummerH him i»K-en up " ' it may be proud—a school lioune com- time, but iliiit is not uiiillclent reasoii i'Mi'h HIKI fvvry yetir-) uml tu-ofiua tttni-fufu'r :. CITV .- • Mew (era. Manufacturing Jeweler, ing space would be thrice welcome. > ii»t in tht*Jutlinnfiii of tli* itotinli Ule --IHIII*- :aiiii><-iiHalil cottars it. all paPts of the city: rental, SlLMtii 4TMI, First National Bank plete in every detail and erected at a for not regarding a place of Clujstiuii Kiiy new. work thut comen UIOIIK, Ink will be held by the uiemberH of berHelfn(.d.luui-iiterdurh>Kthf-vluier. We lmvc il special liiirfjilin inii cuttaKe \vit-li six lieil-i'(io'm«, linth, hi.this city u few days nince, .repre- ojiiti'on of (tie (*roj*i' ortlitr* at llilu llOHnlt AH. BAKER • Kndteott littH.uiiproved the h- In'ir wlii be held by the memhem of herself and dttim'Mer.lurlim the winter. , .,, JJ.^.J,,! bartrain 1«.« cottaKO Wit-li six Iieil-rooms, liatli. ' BAYS the Bridgetou Pioneer: "Seu- raln'railm expenditure of money in worshl|r with ' peculiar . reverence iiliv privy viitilt iirt^Mp", W( 1 ( ft v senting u Salem buWiuens llriiu 1 bis atid nt-vti -i-ituiilnift lu unier, to G THOMAS fort of lUry- H. I>ou(-la»H. Arthur 1» ! I'ic li-ilil; can he.routed li»r a liinj>; M'lixitii: price, *L ((i); these times or high prices for building There ure.a nuinber'of reasbiiti why u prwvtm or K«r''Mne»«p«ol«ltv. ul1 w one ot the " •" -' Hurry (1. Steelmun, of L nioiilow|i, ' ri'.e " Ocean Gity, N.J. material. pluce culled a church Is necessary for ,..lvy •jThe Omly •a , wl.Ir head.|iiarler- ut- I'ltlxbiirUv: Hotel lor rent, -il nviitisj. everj; CKUveittence; pi-ire, *ii{i(l. •' , - made an. effort thin winter to have itny iiremi^fW uj-^wi-uhlcb ttiw ttula iirivy 849 ASBURY AVENUE, DiUwlouerH to udjuut. delin.tueiit tu^ti- llr»t hoys ein-uired lu However, Miss Stepler trunnucted the; vuiilt or iv^i4f **l N lii*-mt-ti or tmloint* uhliluiittll ilteil u short tluiB 'a, u. former Mayor or thU city, • CAPITAL $50,00a • SURPLUS $25,000 'each Wednesday Iu November of each Colucldeut wltli the ui-ceptuiice of (UBBK .huiiiair lielugn.. Flrnt, because No. 1O8 Market St., .. OCEAN CITY, N. j.i • " Heportir In thW city, 1 1 V. li. Kupllnh wan In Culli- •iienlbern and frlendH are invited, to Hotel with '!!>•• liiNl-rd.oinK, electric lielU. cvi-ry cnnvcnieiKM' llrms ulfulr's wltli bubiuesH-like wblllty.i I'lllluuiuwfcrwliliiyo, nill In thin city, and ilxed their onmpennu- With tt coi'i- vlttlfed relutiveH Itere'thlH week. . I ' year an open season for the Killing of the Hew'building come* word from , I'uriitst and good men huve ulwayw ttikiti lunii-f iu uriuni; to thut uiiw-t rroui Hinc'e in .ciilll utienrt the meeiluK. Tliere will be un and then'left for her liome. Shuj tlon at" tI"*W euuh for hoiiKlauH uml I'aclllf <"uu«t yesterduy, beluK Huuihiftncl to price, U M. CliKHHl', PreiWenl,' . deer.. The1 Legislature did not took the Btate Board of I"*ducarlorf that the felt the need of such H place.' Nuture'n" iianiiiii. hi' '•vent to the folli)Wt>il by r-e U i'eiiuoi'k anil wife, with 1 ^ LAKE • HtirrowH Hiid *L!UU forVornoil. I WUH uppeur, with biH bookH, before the i |{. il. H'rrn->1, Vloa-ItcaldBnt ' high school han been placed upon the llrst temnle could*not'have beeu inore wivh privy .vuinl orMt-^-Jtwiol, wltblu two PHILADELPHIA, lust May- ••riiewuineofblndeatli ! their ohildreii and itiiild,'<>r (ieriiiun-j with much favor 'Upon the. measure, old. membern of the Stute »«iird of 'Tuxu- frenhuieutn. W, HUOTT VIAND. O«.hlor 1 "approved list " This uiiuounceimint inagolHc-ent than when ail afillcted •THE heart dlHeu-e. He - town, have" been spending 11 .few duyn | • but Benator 'Haud'M bill was even Conflriuulloii H«rrvlc-«-»- tiolv. The bourd heurd-lite uppeul of . J. KITHIAN TATEM, Hollollor in a source or gratlllcatloil to the Hoard Job cried out, '<>! that r knew where 1 Undertaker and E 1 ' Tuaciini* io' Me«l. " ' 'In th eily,, where they hiive a ciii- > *mor6 objectionable than merely to TalkluK with some friends a feu- ol BobihJaruyior .' Coiitlniiatloii i-ervlcoj were li'el.l In Telly hiid a number of iriendn in thin r VV. Mimluiul', who objected ii» the DIRECTOR81 • of.I-Mucatlon, but It means more thun | might IInil Him thai I might come •i'lie. Cupe Muy Caimty TeuuberH1 tui-e. * "open the season. Bis bill provided that days sluce, J>'r._ Cliurlea J-*. Kdwurdw Holy Trinity I'. K Oliureli,'iiii Tliurn- city, who •vllUu.'urof.blH.dcutl. will) tin hU lotn III the vleinlty kAI.CreHrie ' ' Obtu, Uatbei,u thlatoClty Superintendent James M. even to .Ills neat,'nor when Abraliam iitur.ifrei-UHi'iiiHi liii/beulth 'lawu In* ytrlt-lly AHHOcltttlun will hold a epnveiitioii ut. Mr. und Mm. A.l>. Sildhatu Injve J. M. Cheater W.E. Money ''persons who owned preserves could spoku of the need of a drlvewuy' near eul'arc-.-.l. By ortltror ibe lUjurd ai Huultli. IL U'. l-jlw»rd< Jwwpbi.Hcall Jersey members. - They understand to place the school In the poNltion.lt Journey with bin Kreut sacrifice to Mi. shore, of the city, down to Fourteenth X C clelliind. the real i'sl«te broker, oftlieaitb In tbe Hpincopul i'liurch."an.occupyllU!; the eottui«e M'Hi Central H. we«ley L*ka It Howard Thorn jACOB SCHUFF Alwtty^Ueir«Mlieiiii,nd beat ioiwlouud Ii, luttruc-tlvu Mermon. The oIKiir KUII|{ Mllll'l.'H- <|uieUly iU!i!OtnniAilutotl ut thin otlleeV Wt* have •hioitL'.v in Hliiilll or ho or rich fellows have 'come down ih occupies to-duy. |Morluli. It Is partofbtjr very nature jitreet • . tl at' Klevcutb aiid \Kb.ury iivenue, re- A reception will follow the lecture. uveuue. KlluiH.Mttn.bull ' Daulot 8. Hloelmmo papeer iiu'iiKlmiiuiiKlm; ddone ihln amounts wniting for iny^t-tlnfilit.' .. _ •.-,'"' ' "• South Jersey and leased thousands of The Btate demands that her children tbat 'we reverence someone spot where Kull tlKVOredTiiioi.cli.ili.DbniiKiu'ol vua 752 ASBURY AVENUE nortn the wile of tbe oottage 14I-. Ce». Have Mr. uii'l Mm, Wilbert Suck opiter- teal's H. I.udUlu. . THE PIONEER BAKERY. Hugttrtaf jtliKrudiw.CuuiiiHl Krultu, I'lnk iiiouth. Have it done rlulitllt - 'Hv'Havee In In. ; •hall be given the best educational we meet-wlth Uwl.und HIH people', -Will Go lo EoroiK, *ylam. ItaUlbItaUlba,, Urlwl lll«*r, Hutl«r •.lld'li I. N. JOHNSON, "d ivemie i" a J'hllu.lelphlu t«irty. tallied Mr. und Mr» Jucnb Crundoll, •' acre*or land which have been stocked No. 700 Ajkuri A.enue, Ocean Clir, N. j. Ifillia Of beat i|l|»llty; w'lll "I"Sd . OCEAN CITV, N. J- done l.j B. It. • tfllllttl .to Soil*." Tilt a of Ulreotora meat TUaaday and I> Clarence Glbboney, of Piilluddl- Of beat i|l|»llty; & l»u«y aw hee« but out. a wuye Cleaning House! " by the State' for deer. A single strand facllltlea possible. Thoaoib charf-eof <.\ve uotice, auuin, that the bible ,r. ^idln« by cu>u>m«ru. No I.MU in w ' A meeting of the uieiiibern of theAlHoMr, . Clellnnd IIU-HUonM ueeouiitheeottaKl ofe ( of "Atlaiitle City, ut tlielr home ut phla, wus a visitor here on Tuesday. oburved to purobiuvni, PLUMBER, iipj C. • trul .avenue, miike room ffo r inure ordemrdern. •Call.and Krlduy Dioraltlgil. ' . "of wire ha* beenrun-about the propw..r . «oe education ortne youth or Oceah alvuays speaks of building, repairing or rJ$S3KS'"~ " •' Htoplniind muke»Bleclloiik( ,i,, the beat V. W. C. T. IT, w;lll be held to*, of Cumilch, ID Stop and examine Thirty-fourth nireet und Anbury uve- Having recently rented his cottage, on rl Fine Paper Hanging, Painting Iturcli.j I". lUiiKhmn 1" their new ekclunlve putternn. over W RENT " etly.'which tadwlgnateii a fence, add | ^"y^ have obeyed, to the- be»tortbelr carluit for Uod'u hou«e an acts or piety lttril««tllBdlr««h.»il Mock III lUilhld.ll.hllt "iuorrow evenlog at the hiime of Mrs, nKteeii IUIIC'H of paper hmif- la«t week uue over Hunday. . . . ^ H/lgbtoh Place,, .Sir. Glbboney and Order" .by mull promptly attended fa^All A Select Line ol • nil ocean City purly. Housecleaning ne- BUBBIAB ''•thto'vaat dotnalo to Myled a'private abllitj', the iDJunctlon of the State ^avld w'a« ami.Itl .us to.'build"'the OCEAN CITY BAKERY KOoda to tub amount or ila und upwurd de! STEAM AND GAS FITTER, H, M, Hodinc, A full 'attendance. > | III Hotel Kulrview. Cull Hiouml und I MM Jt K. tl\tid und youiiK duiiRli- -"lywaerve. The'nuMnea of the people Therefore It Is that tbeHKSTJN'Kl/cou^ temple, but It Wan lert .to Soioniou's family will taki* a trip to Europe. it PROOF Vanlli (Huc-ceJ»or li Kj A.Hciiock.) ivdrwJIreeot otiuriie ut uuy ruUroudatutloii deaireil, an • business of inuch Im-'i I.*,.II MA! »"—N'eiirthe Bay fro)it, be- " ew tbe itfagnlllcent dlnlnut room. cessities at the ter. buve returned to their lunge lu ;ftftl jUwt tol* w au IippoultioD.. ..They' frratulateu tbo meoabera of tbe Hoard Hninr.#)iri r«!if.i ..u Uu ..r/\u;.iirt.v^..n • They will nail Muy Int. , . iu Aiiuntio or Cape Mny couoiy. ""*»o" WALL PAPERS AND Every iaellltjr eonalataot with iata banking 1 4 Repairing a specialty! * KlliV0 t ( ' thin city after buviiiK n|ieut the winter JOS. I. SCULL BREAD, FANCV CAKES anil PIES porta'ui-e In to be tra.'ii!iacted. ellondcdlooorpatrona. ' feel that the State should not buy deer B""""" "'*™ ~** ""r" ™" "" •"*"*".• ""»•>• spienuia reign, UH IU crowning event, INTERIpR DECORATIONS wti'11 'I-IMIIU «»'' " "liuiu iue1 Bourse Pharmacy. and itocl-r theae placen and then allow ?' i««ucauoii ana Huperlu|eritleot ' erect the great aud wotiderful Bath .Tubs and Plumbers* HAI.K.-A jatll- four- with Mm 8. M. Shelley, another, of Your asoonnt la napeetloUy •olloita . tu FOR SALE.—Good Ball Yacht, 18 feet GEORGES, BICKEL, Proprietor HiO"W" h In Koud comlltion. Mm. Hand's duUKhtern, In KlUubelh, the atock to become a part of tbe Stevenn upon |be successful fruition of temple. long, 7-foot beam. Apply to wm. H.l Supplies. Headquarters for . ton HALE.—Boarding.' hoUHe, 3) cotUBe: • l liorne Sponges, Chamois, Traveller* Lettara ot Oradlt food In Swap NO. «.5 ASBURY AVENUE. . wait, oil mortgage Frliitl.il? , Houne, 651 Asbury Avenue or imorlo* (orwula at naual rmlaa. private preserves." their lubors. | "nut some suggest tiiat the preacher Htltes, Ueesley's Polutj N. J, l,4t. -j —r.~g rooms, CeutruT avenue uud Ocean City. N. j. sallafuctlon anaranlecd. UP-TO-DATE SIGNS Mblb street. Adlfre*n tile HKSl'ISEI. OceauCity,N. J. etc. • A.UiUc Wcxkta.ll.blp Low.ll oalco. • 40.* MOSLEM WOMEN. A JOCULAR MCINARCH. lii' <;iMccrucd a slender young THE COTTON PICKERS. ORIENTAL FRUIT BATS 3AY FASHIONS OF THE PAST figure. • • Tbelr rropvrtir Rlabts and THE.PENSION OFFICE ,_„. ,hr Terrible HndCoW Blood** "Jennie!"- -.'•'. Ktltati WIHI Are lh» Drat Worker* Thvr Denoppil 1'poii Orcharde With Dandle* or P«*t, Cenlorle* "Wwrtd lu Curry OH Daalnvaa. 1 Votlon. Abo.1 Je.«ln«. Art tlir Brut Singer*. De%-knlallna Fnry. . Make Solomon Look >ad. The pre.valent notion .tlmf Mlm [His Magic Her eyes were quickly raised, aud lu HUMOR THAT SPICES' THE ROUTINE the' Iilui> 1i:ir!e or wliittitluoss wus uu "The cUniuplun neisVo cotton picker The III.: oriental fruit bats, or flying 'Compared with the gay apparel worn mediiti "omen are very materially „. ' .' WORK OF "I HE OFFICIALS. exprcHsloii -o,' upuvul. 'Her lips qulv- of Te.vus ." . • lilleulloitM t'ur l';i> luvitl" Tlrttl'llnve sp«fn> iiW Hjiriy lite un tlie f«rui.;"el»e oranges.;' are espei»ly.lly fond of UKH. The. blulrop of Ely In ,the fourteenth There wu no n;iHiy'cr, llcrn IliinUi-.l In >,. Jl.f Urproornln- te coi'utl not- pick thnt much cottou'ln aud guavaHitud are a'deHtructlvo pest century had a cnango of raiment for 'quite crroiu*oiiH. Ift gem+al term, II' . OopyrloM. UW5,1,0 K. O "Je'ssli'.-t.id joii l.i'.'p'III.V house for BO' »hurt u tlmt*! . -, • to orclmrds- and gartlens. In homo every .day In the' year. Tbo Ea«l of "wouian'K* rights" In reVpeet to prop.' parts of Java, Tor example,,no delicate Nortliumbe>luud boosted no loss than erty aud mnlprlnl iKisseKslons of p».' me. Just been'UHu* you l'»'Uf sorry for If hi* dartnl to do so the coinUilssloner "*V_ i:«»|>t>rt from, tlio W'nxabnehle dls- meV" '. , trltl MIJ'S liljj, lif»t tlny's oiinUi • Tbut'n pretty ing the trei's'wltli nets "and lighting In Queen Mjiry's time tho.wardrobe territted creatures j stuoin; MoliumiiUHlun people n,n<] ttrt bells In the old'church tower tolled tbe i> u drllglitfitl volntiie. putting tliere- it ^ IW cuiun-.hi'uivr. • pood" cot ton pd-kltit;. • I. dnre any beult the nightly rorayN of .ImndH of of a bishop luuHt hnvo beep the envy and «o pri'vnllcd -for pinny centuries. ^ ' death ot tlio parents of John I«»ter 1 "WiiH'it heiMiiHir-you eiiiv--|iowV I HUfiU'ii '••»' Jlii' " while lio.wm rviichlnK |:alougs. ' • ' ,. of Boloiuon for, the variety nnd costll- fiu-t. .Moliniiiinedun wouiuu, wtaetliq his spacious farmliouso burned to tbe must know. Jessie."*-, • , • tr^e.tuii- to his ollh-e. Some of 'iiios.e for tliU ret'iMil. * Nt> tieuro cun* pick They 11 \vi» and truvt'l lu. vast compa- nesH of Its contents, nnd oven a slmplo Finale ui° married, nrtj hl>solu|Biy tret VOL. XX VIII. OCEAN CITY, N. J..THJ IRSDAV,. APRIL 25, 1J?O7. ground. 'Ho built a temporary homo "I', IIIW'II.VH cured, .l.ilu'i. lilit I '.dli]:i'l. lers heliing to tin; ."to,i, g-.ml to kocp"^ cot Ion without xlnuliiK' Wbeuove r you Ules. roostliu: hy duy ou chosen trees, village . p'rlcs,t wore "11 vestment • of lu respect To-l«r<>perty relutlomi. TIMJ E NO. 4 STho w.»«M son.ettmes send each of. out of sight of tho, charred rulna of tbo kuow it uuttl'I beard how III kept your SH; nii.l .llicy Hull tliulr wjiy out liito see ii tit'uli) IIIIIIIIIK'UIK suck op andwhere (hey hang by one bind leg, each crimson satin, n • vc8tnnjnt..of_ crimson limy Inherit., buy and sell nnd ncqoln old bomo. - In .tllo heart of tho woods hoiiHO wan, unil. I voiild mil .hear thar- thi. world, where, they add a gr.od deal down f'Otttm rowu In ., OUTDOOR SPORTS DURING COTTAGES FIND' - ho took up'his abode! He kept his through the woods aiid'did tlu> work. utlon of huslinnds. panatl, hearth In u'ornilt fashion, but,ho was RUiiset they lly nwuy to their feeding ' ' " Published Weakly »t . " ." ATTORNEY and . .working* /or .von.", ; for a IHMISIOII. . T1n>y Hi^in {o tlihik staple .; grounds, scattering uver n wide area. blazo of crimson tho other would bo tirniliei-s or oilier, pi'mons tlmn thot» I'll) siclitii nn«l Nurgcon, not as groflciont lu housekeeiilug duties that ull they have to do IH to send an trlcHed out In green, blub or yellow deslcuated hy .themselves, sluiuld they COUNSELLOR AT-LAW, STATE Q. A. R. ENCAMPMENT READY TAKERS THIS CITY AND CAMDEN "I'll sturt out liousi. tmlldluu.touinr 'Slnirlnu Is a purr of tbe Kanie. and Where,11 llg tree or luiiuinu tblckut > - OCEAN CITY, IM. J. h.iliuitiir, .1l.i»i.T mid KxHiuii,..r In CI.KIH-.TV, BB in the tilling of his soil, and It was J0 OFFICE—Cornaf Central and Elghtb Street row, dear,1 We'll have u big one up ou [ilicattoii U> the pension otllce and wben yiiU-thi'ln netiro wlio betftus to uttrai'ts 11 crowd the .naighest lighting without auy regard for. harmony or ug tlieH. ., • "ti'i: )t.iv iiiriir IIOINK., H;J. , I Till (111. m. Stories most distressing to tno kindly OFFICE HOURS 'A Krotn I lo » p. m. Unabated Demand for Sum- "John!" • ' • turn mall. ' ' over tli<* row ybn'mny kuow thereby KcreAiiiiui;. elawhiir, hltlug and Strug, . Even an Into ns the middle of tb» The "wukll.".or huHliu-ss mtorney of B. CURTIS ROBINSON Local Committee Busily En-1 Atlantic's Boardwalk' Only 35 country folk were told of bis making. ( Kroiu it lo tt p. in. After u hnppy sllenev slie-'sald Hbyly: Soon lifter tbo closo tif tho civil war that you Imvi-n KOIHI blind. The negro, ullug 10 seize souiethlng and get away elghteeuth ceutury a dandy would The «'»ir. IHMIIS one day illssntMlwi a wouiuu. Is n very frwiui'iit persooagt Editor and Proprietor mer Homes in This a clean sweep .occasionally through his gaRcd Planuins: for Visit- . Minutes Away Wben Trol- "John.' IH my plu Mill at your ta- there- enme to tbe pension office hi aa u ru!e. works by music. In no other to 11 secure retreat to enjoy It. There dress "blumeif In a vivid green coot, a with ii-Ji-st piiiinil over the .princes In all hiislni'ss affairs, uiul IK. Is often JONATHAN HAND, r-or . boose, tho accumulations landing on CUMBERLAND TO Pretty Resort. TRESTLE MAY BE ble':" Washington the following unique' and line of activity u the fact so noticeable he,lianas lty one foot. and. grasping the waistcoat of scarlet, yellow breeches b," • I..' boiling .-onlents of « soup culled Into court to aimwer for hU aU- ors* Entertainment. i ley is Finished. tho back door step or vanlshlug through as In the cuttoti pnnb." Here Is where uud blue HlnrkltiKR. $1.00 Per Year, Strictly in Advance "It Is; It always will In- now, Jesslo." 'tU'iil application for u"pcini!ou tuut fruit he has secured In the CIIIWH and husiu. TI«....*«>IM •••r.;.;'U i;«i»-Tj inlnlstratlon. CIIIMI hy tho woman pn)., 1 There u us another steady deuiunil cracks of tho floor: also of a weekly the'uetrfo itmst Hint tf be would meet 81.50 »' End of Year ' Tliejilllit t-ntlilliilli'L 1111 the SStntt'< • From the Atluntle City boardwalk "Then. Joliu, need we walfr Muy 1weut.tlw roundHHif the ne opposaMe tliuml> of the other, he hustl And the gentleman of a, few years to retreat from tlie tuhl-. but theprletor, who IH not reiiulreil, if Bb* b* for Ocean City cdltuKUs durhiK the washing or dishes and a pork and po- uiih nny Aitlsrnrt'orc uieanure or suc- later wore, among other vajrnrles, » Jyrunt strnek hi... vvl.h « k.l fe and b. A. It. Khi'iiiiipiiit'iit IS IIIIIIIIIIK uwkly I BE IMPROVED DONE AWAY WITH to Oceun City hi thirty-live inhiutea in como to you lu till- dear little house years ago: * ly reduce) it to lumps, with which h« of full iige. to hnv» the <'oiisent of Ur CA1»K MAY (OUKT'HOliHK, N. J,No. 8-J-t Ocean Avenue, ln.Ht.week, and u number of people tato diet cess It Is no loud, discordant uowllaff coat or light green, with sieevos too inec-tliiKx 11111I ni'tlilii; iirriiiiKi'iiii'lit": to be the Kchedule time of thoBhore where 1 have IH'CII so happy? We can OomnilssloiuT of IVHHIOH HtulTs his ch(M*k pouches until they he. fell senseless to Hi.. Moor. Ur. Aruolph b.islmud or guurdlnn. nn In Europe,-to " OCEAN CITV. N. J. They* hospitably opened their doors either. It in uiuslc tlie'llkc ot which small for the nriun an'dbnttons too big !.tmiHii-li.tiiT i', ifniioiif. 1 rented homes In this resort lor the wnteh the building 'of tlie new out. to* t-M« in.my >vun* J'v»« irli-d vuln conif' iMsttMuled Hk,. Uiose or a monkey. was liistiintly 'ull.ii: - - sue nnd •»' sued nnd perform all tt» IIH--HK llouits:—Till lo it. m.,2 to < p. in., purleirlfil for Hit t'ltlirrltiitiinoiit ol'llie. Kant Line when tho Ionic trestle bridge and.then- services to Uie sole survivor you cannot hear at any other pluce or for the sleeves: a pair of tine-Manches- inihiK summer. . gether." " '""'... hmiir-i prnilnii "(A obtain Later he c|iews and swullows tills ( their rooi.ts Iri.lepeiidont of sex or innrltitl relation. CITY OFFICIALS [S| t HOWARD Iib'RT.M. D. tlilwejty .linn'-Till utiil 'Jsih cottHRe lu'the reurof Dr. Hldef's renl- magic circle which no one ventured to Wrnt to tin'- from tho union to nave * luellou*. KnothUi:;. ami all the while the of bnlr Ix'hhid larger than.the head open in June. Steamboat I,anding>- ThUUtlie unnotineonieut made by A writer in Chuuihcrs'.Jouriiul mutes 1 and. .says 'i'lelu>ll, >ii«H»k themselveii ""so' Ininl." replliHl tlie 'other, ."that The only disahlllt)' ntteudlag tbest, ileuco for tlie "lluiiner. - ' . cross. .. . And uhllwt KTIKIIH" '! In ttnovo salil Iltfht negro's luxly s\vln^H to and Tro over( Which carried If: a hat not larger than Uuyur—JuMtfpli O.t'immimm. The i-niuiiiitlii' I111N lii't'ii liiviiriilily . Superintendent Nell', of the Atluutlc thut the belief In obi, or. as tbe follow-, FrvMMeUl ufl-uuuull—tieu. u. AUIIIIIN, 1 a xvbol SluU'tooli half my nltiht tbe rottiin row as with his nimble fln- uloii'r tlr.' le-anelies. 'si'in'ialillug ulwut a Blipence. . , ' oulv ti«d uud jour nmji'slj' eun re-.vomen's property n-liitlons Is In •»>' 809 \V<-sli:y Avenue. itii|irt'K-i'il with the slitmL'-lloii iniiilu 'M.-sr>-. II. M: Cuke- und Ki'lwiiril K. Mrs. (7. 1. l.uko re|Kirls the follow- 'I he lieKhitdiiK of work on the He was too: busy through tho. day 1 : r Oily Clerk—T. ijee Adutux. -..'.i>»'l li i;... ;ity and tjhore Itnllroad. . • ers of this fetichIHUI cull themselves, Not cmitont by tiiklnu an Ky«- * • haild over h llul wlih soiin* speed, bit store nun t<» uf". ««•••«• ""< " •liilrfuient by Inlicrltauce. i Their MZ: CnUu were in town mi Kriiliiy laHt, trolley road extennlon from the Hteuru- and top tired at night to feel lonely. f"r« ho jiulls the long white locks from Tmiutur«r^'IniH<;huinpiuu I Till l 1 liy dinner Sin-rill' lliiiri'tt.'iil'Ciiiiiilen, : ing rentuln: • . . obeuh. N us rile unionir the iiogrocH of \h\* tr^tM'h'irmtn Mtuill.In.l*Ju*tilnn by ... It wiiH'a ciunmon thing In tho^early . 'J'hu llme/roiu-tlu'-boardwalk, ami the hnll. Iiixr i.'iicli -iiiliiT s....verely. striking.out bn.allies." ... . , ... , and sin-la) condition throw about then •O7 llurlltl Vr. -1 y». in. boat laudiiiK to-Seventh Htreel-lH only There!was aBUprpmo reason why John took my Ky« Hrow t'lt'iifof tho bono •part of t!u> eluhieoiitu conrury for c rulutlvu to the tioliliii};* of niililoor iiiruiiKinu for the iipeilini,' of the Cum- t.'o'ttuKo :iltl Beventeenth street to Mr. VlrKlulu uv'enuo 111 Atlautlc City-to tho \yest IiidlcH us ever. Though the and l^-fi me uu um-onmiouM IIH a xtone with tin- lo;i; claws of the Hi 11 inh. Ivan 4.xpn««itl hi" co.itempf,. called certain restraints, hut solely as to toe- UtilldiwC lnN|KJctor—Hvrl>ert O. Sniilli. t li III H p, til. a <|uextion of u Nhort time.. ' preferred his Holltary, life. "I hnve(kiiown a crent many cotton man of fashion to spend several hours i 'Phone , HpurlH IIM one of the dirm- of c-nu-rliiin- lierliinil 11 xliort tlmu livdire Juno J7lh . It. Phillips, of IMillailelplilu. KOIULTH' Point will be cut to twenty- . negro hi the Antilles Is removed many burnliiK a birKfr uf (.'ryMtiil Clear fhrlckliur and ••ackllnu'wlthont Inter' Uie deceased ravorlte n dog and eon-i-.-ssloii and Inherttiiiict*. There are so rtirwi Huporvlwor—Wurren W. lirttwu. • W. lltii.r AI'...Cu.. • One night when bo came homo irom from X\\f law1 n«>m» to tlm Kivr . plnnttM's \\^io would'no't blrea ne^ro dally In the hands of hl» yalot Among I'llyMolmllorr«y Hollulior—Kx-JuUtf— Kx-Juu^tej JOMJOH.. TliouiiwunThoitipHun.. ' I'.IIIIHWKI.I. "inent for 1 lie vi^ilor- -tiie llr«t iliiy or.llii! Htutc (J A. It. Wni. .Uliew'H cottttfr.e,. UBS West Henry I). Moore, Win. (I, Moore generations from the orlglnul African. Vestrli'tloiiH us to purchase aad ill* 1 live inlnutcn and teu uilnutex will be tho fields he paused on his threshold but thankH to KO»I my life win* wpiired mission." . the many operation* which took np •tlnm-d his nnnwiiieiits. ^n.innlttiiHn—GiMiriru O. • AilaiiiH. N. t . and Wni. D. Kherrenl. oir.ilnlMof the It seems thut obeuh cuuuot lie erudient- cotton.picker unless he was sntlmied ami' general' ndiu.iilHtratloa'. In tb» I 1 AW It IH |>ox.-ll sat ut tnblo. odiSer, 11. A. w.- Kiuiui.- iiwoii csti-.il J N. GR1SCOM, Ml, D. :oiiHunie,i>row but Slltfljt Scared that the nt'uro-hiiuu an he worked. .It Viiirlil ('lull will I10I1I n -|ii'il:il rei-iiitii •hlladelphla. rnllwuy vompuny, ueeoiiipunted by formation wrought. Ills camping out dernl more violent liy -the disgrace, beard and the proper perfuming of the the wnywivleef Starltwi. Horls Tltof, Bjile of liiml thf husluiud remain! u. Sn.llirry Headluy, Hurry UMnillli, li. s, limjc unil well-known hotel lo HIIH city. The present ruti from the constant - use. of poisou hy those who iin»l otn' !•;>•*• wiw |t*ft to me IH *, curiouii lliliiL- that pickers or this .tm»un. .— •:._,- ..^ Kl'tillTII ST. A.NIi WKSI.I-iVAVK. Civil KtiRlneer Atmore,' who IIIMO IH n place had-become a cozy llttlo home. for to uTinht uiul ri':«ri*o*Hrp ^r fully-dlsslimteil 'halilts In which the garment-;, t!*.;' pnlntlus of the face and npiKMireil.how.'il in the ground nnd sa- entire Htrnuger: ho does not Join la ti» Apgar & Boswell, on Siitnnliiy, .linn'-nth Mi.^r- i..iu| AIHICTHOII Hour- colliiKC, lltVi Anbury Atlantic City boardwalk to tho bay wero or tbe obiiih tbut the Bngllsli type have more time for the humorous H'.lll I'l - It'll. IV. Illlisr-rltlllv. ll:l. railroad eontrnetor, were in HUH tiity Everything, from the sanded floor to 1 hop«» ,tbnt with that Ky<» to *••«• the day huts Indulge during Mhelr iioctiirual anointing wllli oils, tinctures.' ossencoB luted, him after tlie .•iwwiniiry.iiiiiuni'r. di*"Ml of «>iivi.yiin<*» or participate la M." Znrn ' mill liy 11 I iniee M ^J ne. to \V. A: Illuttuer, or I'hila- cotmuineH thirty-nix' luinutcH, no that gov'cniinent In "Jaliiiilca did" Its lH*nt to when unk.-l Sam tilt Crlpplu* wilt Pay. 'baiiTerlnc nutl Jawing HO. common till- price. Itut In rt*sp«*ct «>f Inherltanre I^H UsK 111*11.iMNd, «.lti.'i' Iliitirk I: itl II Illu. til. l-'n.l.i l[ 10 K n, ill. on 'I'liewlay and went over the Krouud tbe tinware on the pine table, wus as • >\peillt|iiiH,'- for. aci-irdlng to Fran nnd poniiitiisns."—New York Herald, "liml sine tliee. my dear'waywoili'. So ..III.-,- f,,.NI. .-II..1I11.V uniTliiMlll. Cuke rlieiitiiileCiikelHiiHyiioiiyinfor Wphlu. 7 , ', 1 anjaiiu thU clasK than the men who i'.S WKN, I, titil Kldllill STKKKI regular putroiiB of the .Shore Kant l.lne d- suippr.w^ IT, l.nt pw priK-tleos'wi-'n. por >fin*ii ni"!'*' r*. *'**"* \r* **"* l^ttor gent els I»uv -aiul ntlier oliserverH. "they Tlimi ili-~i-r\'.--l ii |ir.»i.r of my favor." tin* rights of women are relatively la- '"'KAN »ITV, N. .1. At It^iil'tli N. rt.rhiii)'^ MuiiMiru, Moil.tuy.4, of thi; proponed exteunion. eleitu mid W.ilni-'l.iv. i.ii.i smiMilinB. :iuii...-...ai [..in. iltill. ll« <|n oilier MieilllirVs nil Hint I* ItliElwIufM mill i-dtiiplfte In •V^III. .•JIMI.'H' cottuKe, 1'W t'entrul un readily reull/.o what up IncreaKo ddiscontinued, only ciiiu-oulod. Obe'nh in to tlie eommlssloner of i>eiiHions by nn work in slleni e.—The ulucriii: negro' nfleu |>IIN4 ilie nlulit ilrlnklng tlie tod- II.. velr.ed a l:nlie and ''i:t »ir an i-ar.fWinr-t.) IIIOM* oflllOll. water could, make it. At the windows does not wurk IIH hard, as a matter of It Is tin' f'.'lvl' :l e or.posterity to •:.•! „_.„ ol Edacftilon—Dr. U. T. At>U vitiue.'to u I' lorlilu purly, IrlenilN ol pure fctt.-lilsin, und the rites nre utapplicant who had contracted blood dy fm'ni Ilie'eliiittles hi tin* iwonnut Tltof ihaul.e 1 t!i'.. e'- r for hi" gracious Sonx Inherit ono-hulf, following remarkable trees, whli'h rcsiiltH 4>Ulu.r In tholr re- favor and, wl'lie 1 him a happy relgu.- i|iiiirliT. vrlvmt «iuly onet'lRlitb, but It KubtnHoin KvoiVlurv; ltu-liurr. Wlicro there. In more tton Godfrey &. Godfrey! V I >ontiKt'« -entiilx: Another ini|K>rtant iiiinoiineeinent run more smoothly, and so he accom- uvvr^er of tlie Poor—Jt*rumv S. U\\»U. • here within u few weckn. of golden batter added their touch of bold the natives fust. Viuuloo worship, hens fir u-i-n I cum buck from the ,frunt. ication or In liehm found.the next duy nue wife (uiul t' • Mohninniedan law, • 'ollaice H-JH Ceiitnil uvenlle to Dr. In' that the time froui C^imdeu to still existing iiiiiong the IAIUIHIUIIU nu- Th*» «'K was not KOO*1 wen >-ou send my plishes more In the end than the <]u!ct I . . - liuilkil llmiiliuii. :: :' , • It in Halil Unit Mr. .Moore eoiitein- domesticity. . . nt tlii> foot of "ili» tri-cx. sleeplug on* Fill.'iw'H rmiri 'llii> y- Inh <>r (|uartcr. u. S09 Contiul Avirnuc e. Archllmld. ofTioKu. Dr. Arelil- Ocean City will be practically the * pt'nsliln 1 want the Ot'L'd mailo. son my fellow mill* has some tfme for the fool- ATLANTIC'CITV, N". J; plaleH the removal of. the treHtlu In a haze of wonder John mechan- tlves.'ls the obt'iih, only wltli another wifo cun't Ki-l none ot It. Sho throdd tho tlie eiteeiH of their midnight dehnuch." lli>> iu>.i> muy '«'. must tie dlntrlbiited CHURCH SERVICES. ish talk or the cotton patch.beslden."— mill IIIIH u niiinlier of warm frletiilx over which the i'iir« HW'IIII; from Hauie UH to Atlantic City,whuu through ically filled the kettle, lighted tho flre niiine. and I'vpn the white mnn will put eg. Sho war *u rcbbel. - Krui'st Ingcrsoll's "l.lfu of Mum- pru ruin iiiiuini; them all. Tlie wife b K.r*t At. K.Oburclif corner ceninil uv •» i:.\> 1111, x. j. New Orleans TluicH-I'cmocrat. and Kinlilti «I reel. Itav. K. It. Untn iere. They will be ({lad to welcome electrleul tralux uie put on In June, and prepared bis evening meal. Then, faith In nn absurd rabbit foot There Kqnally nppcalltlg and -remarkable, nml«." ulliiu-eil lint umM'lRtith "hi'n there ut Klrnt Hlreet on their way lo the Hteiiin- •"''"• 'JAM KS .M. !•;. 11ILDRETH 1I111 buck for unolher >eiiHon, and viu the uew bridge. * . - . he went Into the adjoining room. This, In 'with 'negro conscrvutlsui drond of »-i« aii'itlwr letter nent to tno pension i:hlMn'n, lM>i-niiiu> the mother will ihtn aoi"uiuie»wrvlco, laax eveutut; hfrvlcctT.^ boat lu. lot?. Should the Irextle lie «oil*> Wblfe. . ' ~~ All ArtlMf'n Ji.kv^. Pnyer mtwlluif. Weiinenauy uvttiittiu.T.il .-." ' Tiev ~ ' ronii-e him Kieut nport with the ' too. bad boon touched with a mogurftbe man .or wouiuu -who cnu work obe- The Ideal Summer Resort to n ili'Bri-e In the iuluur vblld'a Inherlt j Bballabandoned«jOIle,|,, ththe .ar• urn wilwilll bbee ru runn dowilownn LH HOOII UH the bay bridge IH llnlnhed i»nW In which the applicant hft forth On a re«*iit visit to America Uev, V. noiutnn Hunt, who l.ogiin lift* OR n Huaiuy Htiboui. iaa. Dr. CUnrlv^t. Uiilv wand and arranged In as orderly a nh. Whon the <-olorpd race- bus been his cluIniH to a pension In this wise: nuee, niiil. IIKIIIII. children nre bousd, iup^t lDi«ndeoU through electric trains will bo put in B. Meyer related 7au lu.cldent wlilch elerk'l'i uu nili'iliiiHN'r aud estate agent. i.lel "oneiKir, MII-II riiti.t Kxilnil.ivr III Dr. K. K Cor-onV e.ittage. Firth and , tila>l>kon uveIulfc |o See()I1(, ^tree, OIld fashion as a hospital ward—tbo .win- Ieft-tollttM.lf.~nn In Haiti, voodoo wor- rtr-«non n* raimlile, to eontrlbnte to .OttrdofTrUHteett—I*ren|(le«i!, J, U ,>*ritlil BEEF, IRON AND WINE Ti • wtiy I sot mv War -InKery wiu a deeply moved'those or tlie small com- wits eaUsiautl.y tlriiwlng portraltH-wliej) bvcrettu-y. 11. S. Mou'rur, irvKKurt-r, liciriu . I'ljiiie-ery leiitral aveiiue.,to_:Vlcxaniler-Hloaii.I|,lt.1, ,„ ,,aJ.;ve,,ue,-H«wever, before uer vice betweeu Cuuideu and. Boinern' dows curtained In musUn. the bed cov- ship Uoiirlslira. It Is by no means a tbe Hii|>pnrt of the mother. Further- U AdttW: 1". B. T» Abbott, Kdwiiitl M.M1 ketchtn «C a h.-ff. The. Ilojc war wanted pany which heanl It. he should have iH'eu drawing up lenses, For 11 > pi-iui; Tonic ' ' 1'olnt und Ocean City. The tralnn ered with a spread and a llttlo slllc huriulesH lielief. lwiiuse the olwuh V• ir by our o.ipt'iln or ftircKe. W»> wiu* chusln more, there IH Inviirlahly u dowry pi» tun Wiu. ('.tilbb. Juliii MurtM, lru H. I'IIUI • ' "II No. ill liei-iili Vllei-I • r Philadelphia. - ' Ithlw U lioiie.' |wriiil»»lon u- uve lo n Oneihiy !n his ivnstora'l jtisltation he nud in I.U f'lh.seh profession hi- wus lty. Will leave tho main lino 11 nhort din- Is skilled lii tho making of polKOt "nilil • hnfr unil *U rruwU'U throw a hole vldud liy lliV liiiHliund ut tbe time o£ one of W. Hhaller Kmlth'K »I"V^; l)e re(.elvt<1 fr<)tl| „,„,.„„ ' lined workbasket adorned the table.. I t-ii.t I w.-r.v '^.Ul the Hire of the hos never slow to selz** the Hying moment... iieiilK.'ou the bourdwulk, .to M. K. Hvos b.v th(» salo of. them. If tli-- poi- cuUed up.iu a washerwoman of bis m'B. wblih remu]ji» luvlolate tt •. BOURSE PHARMACY The extension of the trolley line will air.-e above the 1'leuHantvllle Htatlon . When ho sat down to supper ho was anil trk'l to ii. He found her UnMiIni; "I won't buy your oTanufS." he said to' iJ^AVV Ol _ IVUIIH. : son adiulutsf«.rcl ihhllt tlie hOK had IIIUIL- iipuTi Hie Hue In tbo little yard flee In sein-el. of n iM!^tmu,.|-.-"Vnt I'll uHt week were an folioWH : through hl> recollectiou his mother's negro, but only the Influence of a mag- been w>i\ liy the buHbnud' even foe 1 v : when the ctiteituiniociitH arc given doll fuctory. The dash down the nothln'to.do with my lino of duty, for I they Ii4{>rcs*cd him IIH uuusually cleau pulnt jour'portrait'." old. Iliiuiiuli wus Flmt I'reitbyieriutk Oliurcli, VV'u^iey uvci :A r!,U'.'..'-'.\V.'.'. .;,-"il ';.,il,i:;"i',"i..i AH,.,,.: CIVIL ENGINEER, Itev. H, <•. Cirovert' coltiii-e, Klfth mill friends uud neighbors; but. though the ical spell. ' ' Tiitully mi-i^sltlen It renmlnH a d«bt Mild rtuV«utH Htrc«t. H«v. 11. T. lUr-NcllK-r at tlie club hoii»e In tlie evening". brunch Hue will be u nwlft one, for did nol Heidi the hOB. \Vlch »ho never and white. 'm deliglite.1. mid 1liei*4'ii|Hin she WUH put 1.. A>.| ! 'eutrni avenue, to T. li. <*ll'e*ple, of bouse cleaning and the bread and but- BATHING SAFE AND UNSURPASSED iiKulnHt the extute unil inunt be ptll PMtor. Hunday M>rvU'e><( tu.;iu ,u. m. un A( mi rnymiir.'on TIII-MIIIV. mill Kn- It IH |HiHHible thut, next yeur. 'the there IH not U Htrulghteror liner ntretcli wus (.'nut, so ulczo st-nil ulonif tny pension. **An iiiM'iiiunioiily line WURII you'are ou p:tper. lii her Imlili UH HIU- llv.il. her uTai. Fruyer iue«ttiirf, Wetinf^diiy «'V ilni >: 1.1.-•In) 1111,1 ll.i,V»,IH) I'.v.'iilniis ilur ; .'tor might suggest the buxom matrons Tp Ix'fore ilMtrltmtlim to the .other heln , log »t 8 o'clouk. Hutiduy HOI.OOI. J..ai i.. eONVEYANCER nller, I'u Mr jOllleHpie IH coihiccliMl of railroad unywhere. < . Out* ngtHl pensioner hud. evidently hanuliiL- out." he s:ilil. and the woman basket .on h<*i* lieatl itud uu oi'uuge Ui ! trojley line will bu i-xtendeil to I'our- of bis acquaintance. It was some way The u'lfe Is nut utilised to ••uutrlboto ti«v. 11 T. tuut*elbvrry. Huwt-rinieniltMH "n.-li I'V.ni'.'- Ailioiii.-rnV. MI. ill 11. . i - NINTH AND CENTRAL AVENUE, .'lib the 1'rcHbWl Steel Car I oinpuuy, The earliest contrivance for keeping, mile n serious blunder by iuklug modestly acee[>!i>d the compliment as ber bund. I'm one liieliU-nt of Mils I.- leenth street. ' " borne in upon bis slow'working brul.i FINEST BEACH ON THE COAST from her Maturate *'Htnie for the mftbv ' .I.-MII. I'IIV, .\... 1». - ' OCEAN CITY. N. J. , ! time was tho hourghiHS, whlMi, of tin- Uuto htuiself n wife In bis old uge. -for 3UMI mid shou'«tl some holiest pride lu dloim yei iinihlt4iiiii-ii|l.»ettreiitry; I', M. «'.**• i-ur IMIIHbufK. lie in a ne»t*uii, I»«*MI- K.".^IHtin i W. II'. IJuyH' eottuKe, 4HI t'eiitrul at the beginning of the present century THE HOME OF THE FAMILY MAN bunil IIIIH u>te marrUsl him The niliilstep-tftepped liislde and talk- auiUMeuii'iit. Tlti- wlmlovvs In his room E venue, to IIUKII LeMley uno«e ube. nuf FMMIOUHTIHH lenr will Not Knd ed "with "his parishioner while »tbe were iiii.de of ground g!:ts-i. uiul us he Cliurcti of llie Uoiy Trlully. l'nili->.iuiii SEASHORJErFURNlfURE! "^"Z,, "i,,m!S *! erinuntowii ' to one of Out slmplo farm wives, thore reading desks lii thc'Kutrllslrcharcbcx. lu tho cum?: MIMIIIIMIII .II milt aitnlnxt him for lt> !lfrN. A. I*, llroiwit .Now llwnrr ol t'nlll June. * ' . brewed -a <-up or tea. Meantime there hail 'llttlc'ln do lu- K|H*llt lilui-ll of \f\ti bmftVOIMii, corner KltivenlU Mtrt^'t utiil t'fii- . • "'I l.v.-ij Ih.u'rli.lliiu HI • ' ; Knoch Iturretl'H eottace, Kilo Central was still that worklmsket lined In del- On the pulpit of the queeu's chapel at n'Htl'tiitiiin: As for the daiiiihten. It It •nilnvou'ie, Kev, llurtlu AUimr, mini.I. r 11 tear Ml*tt-r Onvornmont, Piezoto Ax up came a Hurry of snow, "which soon time In dn.wlns.- iUi-> upon ||>! rougl.iMi' venue, to John T. Kfowii, of I'lillo.- - Wril-Unowil Hnlrl. Heually, the Ocean ' City public icate blue to refute tbe theory. No! Wluiljor there Is n twenty wluute - pt-nKhuii papcrs.no' un my wlfo cunt MANY CHURCHES NO SALOONS |ii't>^ii!iie«l tliiit. they require le«4 tluui dtmrgv; H«v. ll«rbrcl J. Cook, vlt'ur: VV. T> paxsted.' 1 kiit when tlie .minister rone to CHJ siirfnec. A hint of Ink xuillced for tin- rrlntfte, l*y reader. Morutu 1 iiriivt-r uiul >.>-t • Gallagher's j \V - II, l>clsroth, Ihrough the ngeucy HchoolH OloBe in Muy for the Hinuuier , The workbasket would have convinced glass, which time the orator for. the iw my twultv d(tlt>rs u raunt when X the KIHIJ. uiul they may reumlu under moo, 1(UU) u. lu,;eVeliluie Hervlcv' 7.i.*>•».=? I titciLloii Avc I'lphia, 11I1-0 new here. 4 urn ilt-d. sho say Hhe murry*d mo for loV CO the KiMimd was white, although tbo bully. :lllcl Mimie lje|)eute pl'liell Strokes A3 S. SECOND STREET - PHIL*. of N< t; .vacutioni but thin yeur tho Heiudons any lory, as It did John, that a young Sunday Is advlseurhnK *>ut now X air was rlcnr. . for the whiL'-i. iitul ut a dlsfaiii't" ilii' Hi'- mtinloniierVlcv Will follow morullli: linl^vr will njit end before June 14th—perhaps - woman—one with a dormant shade <' no it'was for to Kit my penslmn on her- of-the family even after tlio lireaklm Kl 11UU, olber 8uod*yn ul K uu VCIOL-U. entulH ulnce the IUHI li-Hiie of the_ .'oraliie.l>'lmlmnd Central aveirilo. to "Ah."'wild I>r. Meyer, "the clothes ci').tloii WIN perfn-t. liny liy day the Spacious Boardwalk. Froc Band Concerts.During coquetry—had entered his borne thnt mans, was Invented by Sclplo Kuslca self by iwliur my widower HO plere k-t up-of tin- Inline.. Kitrihermure, sboold Mrn: A. IVItrown, wife of Wurreli'W. later. . Tills IK due to the fact that the my ponshuti .'nd with mo but plezo dount do not look as white as they did!" ' ntinihei' liieivusi'd, ^ud one nioriilug his day. ' ..- 15S B. C. and toothed wheels were In- Season. Great 'Fishing in Ocean and- Hay. The Uiej; iniirry (uiul niarrluK>' I* uuiveml Ceorge W. Ernst i E. CLINTON & CO., j liKI'A'ltTMKXT COMMANDKU A'l'KIXS, Hrowu. one iiili tiltil GENERAL HAULING VVh r-c v< ill' mivc t trcuti Cuy Si uie 1; 'A. It. KncHiiipnieiit. known rCHlclentM. becmiHeof the unavoidable delay lu isnl by Oteslbliis" alxiut HO u. <". The clothes are nil 'rlullt. but what can window un.I e.vetiiliiiisl: "I can't make .D.eligju of the Yachtsman. Numerous Trains to koorUMUth utu,Kev. John .l.^uei'tu-y. PUMIUI. Manu'acturers anil , DDIIQIIEQ j rul uvenue, to (leofge (.), Kuibtck, of basket-would adjust themselves to but U hotter, now than I can siund. So when ceive n dowry from their hunband.— M*u OD Muuduyn ut 1U o'clock. Aiitotno'iiU. linrnue. The hotel, wlilc < will he miinugtMl the completion of the new building, earliest couipleteclock of which there end word llLtl. t -urn no mbur thon twnti stand irzJtliNt <: and from Philadelphia on Two Railways •.-••' uiul I'oiillry. mo rt r trect tailoring llrm. Mr. Kmblck by Mrn. Itrowu,will heopeiieil on May could not have been. Buried In bis Union Tulwroucle lluptlKt Chiir.-H. Klulnh ! ceu mechanic' in the thirteenth century. PelUlhUM l» ShUt Uff WllltCh It IS X"-T ]USI — IOO7 Art-ll SlM'el— •' J dcllnlle ih'i'Klon liu- lu-itn ri'iii'lii'd. . ; Imve heen liicntlllcil with thin IIUHI- t mude up, •- • memory was the love of one wouiuu. ami urori- tiles."- And. inking, out IIIH llrccliiad.WeMtifcVbnuf. K*v. J. II. Itiiiijilnii, Iti-i.l.n,.,-, ii',11 A^imry iiveinif. •an been coming to Ocean City for a ••'' »' Mr. Itrown WUH born uud ruiMeil The most celebrated ijui-k.ln th».w6rlil desserts for murryln iur money an In a ITiiNlnl rnrd Urnfin. iKinilkeri-lil.-r. lie iiiteuiptiil lu brush t-A. -" ; li In MIIII liuii HUH. I'ouvfiiti h li.il-{ ne>H for ycurn, umi their iilcniiiy IHUH- lo eI There will ho no irrailuutlug CIUUM* who had .said him nay. o, 7th Street bel. Asburi ^nd West A.enlie umber or yearn, usually nt Ing at •» «••«» • - «u»ihie-H. and therefore l» Is that of Uie <'athedral at Sinissliurg. Mc"ruh£enury splrrut. Anil so It reutalm-d for an Austrian Uietu iiwuy. - . Plrcadlllr- ' Ion- will he sci'iiicil for •li^lril.iiilou. to .-uriutcl with two of the bent Inistelrltw IIIJH yeur, an nearly ull of the boyH und He roused himself from his specula- This Summer will witness construction of Bridge across the eveolDtC. OIHceni of th« uiunl—t'liurit hote- l- - • thoroughly inialllled.to cuter to the which teiu not only the hour, hut the (Jnu'duy* there, cam*, to 'the {icntdon to t'l'iMler postal card's of a most ac- IVrhupx liiere Is uiuolig the great UowHitit chttlrrmin: Jouu H, Jrowur, t * iidviM'tKc tin* rc^nrt 11111I hrltn; otliir In ('upc Muy. .'ou^rerir- llnll nud the needHof the public, hi which work he glrln who were tu the CIUHH that would tions^ . ' . day of the week, .the nioutb. the' day.omce. u very old uud suiidued. looking .Thr O.|irr>'. , Bay to Somers' Point, which will Increase Train euplnils of civilization no more cele- uer; U. Uttrciu* wwrtuiry. OxlMirn CorHon'H cottage, tlW! AHbury cepttilile Kervli'e. The new-order of • • • I'i'.iivemioiH tn ll.l< rill1. • , , Stockton, umi the Noriiiniidie hi will UHrtlxt IIIH wife. The public In have llulHlietl thHyear waned attend- "Whoever It Is," he thought grimly, of the mouth and the year. It coutalux mun, who i-ould seuni'ly totter uloug the nilii^Mter.of.posts ami teleiiraplm Allusion 1* often made, esipm'tally In hrated,' no more r>«mutlful-*str««t thin venue, to FrailclH (l.dallauer, a law- Service to Philadelphia nnd Vicinity. I ill itimcrul oi'ili'l^ i«-tiiiil lty .lii'purt- • Wii-lihmliiii. DC, . UBBUriil ufu ItrKt-ch -itiihle ulul ull theing HCIIOOI u yeur or mure Kljii'e, taking - "will soon be disclosed. The folks 'n~1rl with tbe help of two cane< lty hln side will riiiiiTiii'ti'l h'-elf to ttll Americans fasliliill jiinniljls, to "osprey" feiitherS. I'iecinlilly. The origin of Its numo It cr, of Philadelphia. ' Mr. (lallager IH Inlellt ('oiilliimnh'1' .'Mlieil Allilll», l-Mviuril K. I'liku, ol' i'hilndelphlu, u i comfort* of home-life. The Loruhte IH up their .lutieH of life lu the.'world. ~TaboaCbere arernorUuTklnortharhlde van a verj' rol»u**t p and cannot he adopted here tivo Hoon. "i^WirrwiJrii^iitiS'iy" ntltritlsputedriilthouglrtbe-interpret*- -SECKET-SOCIETIES^ Couuelluiun. ' • of ungels, suluts anil nnimnlx. which their light under a bushel." reliant younii Wotnnn of j»erhupa thirty Sums miller *'.'.MI can ite tran-"nl)ted baiidlisl aluxit thun this lilnl nniue. lion dl'ra by the Hou. K, Hyng, one* t'liy Uxlise, No. 171, V, umi A. M., iiiiilcr iluk; ol April 17th, it I-. uu- i*eull^lly~locat«*4i uniriiaH clgiitceu bed appear at regular Intervals, and >' Irving HIITH cottage, 704 Anbury He looked dubiously at tbe supper year* of a^o. When tiouie one. went to any part of the Austrian empire. The Koiiiati ntltlioi- IMIuy's "nsslfraga" Universally known IIH "I'oodle" Byii» _n^i wcontl uuU lourtUTliurKduy uvtMiluu^ R-CURTIS ROBINSON iiuuni'i'ii to thi'int'uihers ol' the (..A. willhuvc the inuiiUKCiiicut of the roouiH. FIRST SAILING PARTY table. It seemed to him that be wus -.-rowd always assembles at the hour of With in easy access of Atlantic City and ur ei4Cli 111011II1, lii MIIMOUIU hull, V,, .M venue, to Joneph Scolt, of 1'hllailel- forward to auk what wan wanted the TLe Kcmlcr'ailixes Ktautps to the card (lMiiif, hreakeri has luii>n identltletl with ou iteeoiint of tlu. ctirlluess of bis balr, Wlllutm M. luuck; Hecretury, 1'. M. 1 huiiiii- It. 1.1 the I.L'pnrin'ieiit of New Jersey .'iiiiil.erlund lie IK uu experienced under obligations, to restore things to coon to witness the processjou of au- hla. •"-•.•-'. youuc woman Httltl;.^. . to ihe-reiiulriul 4Uiiouut,..piu*!i-tiio ordi- the_,liuniuerge.ver, .a. yiiltiire that Is re- will serve us' well nn uuy oiber. JH»_,'._ J.rhoru. - tl'Ht-'i'lHHilrt"-M. K. IHH* I'.h-t,-. M41- -".,- uiuii,. uud imiliit hla. diicciiou thin the order In which he hud found them. tomatons utTbuTtlme. " " • •-; — . other well-known resorts John T. nailcllireH ktiire and dWelt- PRANKED SUPPEK V'ou•• ill ^Kllki 4.Jjlk>l. "We.ll. ril^Just ti-11 you.. This la my nary 'postage and a trltte for commls- puted tu lireak up liones too big for It held thai rather mon." thun two ceotn- of .'UIIIIIUII, with (lie him,I ol-tliu lioiel will he nhly conducted und tuke Clumsily he washed the dishes and set 0«»nCiiyI^dij6,No. K. ..rl>..iii.ii- itig, 7I» Anbury avenue, to Thomas TVelMou Hooy. . UHbuml, anil we ain't frettlu^ enough slun. Tills curd can' be changed Into to devour whole liy dropping them rte-i ago it' WUH' Charles II.'s bablt ? (I 11.front runk unions the hntelH of the "the room to rights,. half augry wltli w I Third Ki'Uiineui, \. ill uci u- escort for. elurly . enKloii—thut'rt what *e ulw't. We*re cash at any poKtotlH-o,' or, if so In-from a height.upon rock's. Hut tiotli when he took his morning's walk la - i.K.o?l .KmLuyXiiVw,ViSii I .exile. Mr. and lira. I.. SI. Orc-MHe Huttr- The yacht Hulling Heunon lu Ocean himself for doing so. • Me»«nib «r»ei» ,0.»:.,*l>«yiou Viiiiuiiiiiii; K.' tlie puntilf IH'-I,- 011 Thin-iluy, Jiuie I'lfy. Ii IH|lie InrKcst hotel litre, uud Sounds " of, tuuslb coming rror- the ettlutf only $10 a uiunth, nnd we kuow structed, tlie postman who delivers it "ostilfrage" mid "osprey," n newer the ijrcen p;trk to buy some cuke* or orK.«uuah.,K.liowi»-d I'luirn. lulti u f^t;%v t-"rlttitd*4. ' City for the year 11M)7 wuH-imiugiirated ' They'll be_U>avlmj me a kitchen .NOTAHY PUBLIC AND ^Tth. . • • , under Mr. I'uki-V UKHIIIUOUH attention cemetery in the mtildle of the night a man that wawn't In the wnr. hail'an will also at the same time hand over fonn, came'to bj*. applied to iiuito uu- turnovers from un old woman with . $6000 DWBIvtING Mr«. IVIWIH M. Cttitue observed her on Suturday lust, u'hen Capt. Xelnoii apron anal «~~aisH IOUK tirt my humtand wan nnUd rdn" fgef iither .bird. niu~nsiniIuv'K~WhTcu~ls- ThfCi'iitriil linilriuid ill New JefM'y lo tho iit-t;((snf |I|H putroiiH we inh^lrihblftbSl its money value. "whom lie exeliaiTge prescut site of Apslcf kjmltn, neoretury. City to llii- i-ll.v on the inoriiltiK of HIIMI it ever IIIIH liiu'l in the yearn of to that fiff^er or more." feathers, or ulgn'tiert — do n<*t come Tuesday evening. -A plunked BIIIIII In the party were C. IJ, Ikultoln; a floated upward from bis evening pipe selves oue nlglit behind u'tomhstoue In bnve been woniierinir *liow to send M Uou"4.. TheHi.' enkes were culled, "pick* tho UTIli, Mii|i|ilni! lit iiiiVt oftlielni- he saw a vision of a hourtli uud home order to luvcHtlgate. Tlicy usw a young from tills bird, lint froni the egret, or Ocean City Council. No. 10. t>. ol A., iiiii-t- •-. The SKNTINKI. IIUK -been informed Hiipper WUH nerved ' -. • Htiminer resident, upd 1'. M. Metiee, One npplleant W:IH wUHnK'to- pive the cents In eiisl) 10 the publisher of a lit- ndiN." itml from tills circumstance tbft v«ry Tburiiuay evening In K. or P. tnill.; Nos. 744-46 Asbury Avenue. portunt i-liitioiK' lietwii'ii -the. two The .MtHHW, Cnki* will iiiiike several presided over by a goddess: youug anil lesser wjitte lieriiu.. ^ ev«ry buruay vening I that CiiarleH I'tildle, architect, oMKH both of i'liiladelphhi, and' M1«H tSould tradesman clilub over "the cenictcry most* palpable proof of tho j;enulnenes*t tle periodical who needs'the money. fuuhlotiiilile wi'Htvrn artery of Londoo Mllallj lll B W. ttakek , MJOrelaryelry . i polntrt, itini reui'lilni; (IIUMIII illy lit iiiipr

fair. But bis pipe went out, aud be •' South Fo'lirlh' Hlreet, Philadelphia, Ix wall, pull n violin frum-urnlcr UIH cout of his injuries, for'ho wrote as follows: Ky this device I could.stlcli 60 cents' • was stipiMM'd liy' "I'oodle" Byng to Mrrt CreHneWcre Mr. uiid_ Mrn Cole- .und MIHH VVunior, ulwi. of Philudei- 1 awoke from. hhi_drcanin. ; h nnd, stiiudhig over r."liewl> phla. Thfy were out tlie'greater The early dawn, with the sounds of grave. 1H>^1II to "lay tlio "Uotii.niiiiu words without meaning are • •condamirourluMouiluyevFiiliii-ii.lii K.m ' t war t ftm willing to rome on tht-r© andwith a cent et\Tra for.the Kovermiient'd ashes' re|u>S4> In St. Jumps' rhnrch, <•. ball. M, W., Jolm \V, Hiinllii |Ce«irilt>r,. of tin; liepuilinctii of N'fW JerM'y, ('•. iiiornini; In tlicir ii'iitnniolillt*. They built here at a c"Mt offiWIU.- C. Learning, null Mr. uud Mm. \Vportion ot tho,(lay, uud repork-d hav- you or uny Onu *-\nr can lay their fineur charing; found John Htitrdy and pruetl- Girl," . Tfior lluteiml.to the IMUI and commission, nnd have the matter end- uaed a person's vocabulary must be which sir Christopher Wren reicanW WllUrd W. Adumv. ' j The name of the mail for whom the Kcottllund umi duUKh'er, CVi'cliu ing hud u Hplendid time. 'col agaln;-yct as he Went up nnd down- then went-up to, the rnnu, who said he on the bullet imlx-dd.'a In my buck wt»lch bounded by his 'knowledge. Many A. It., utiil Jll'lm- Ailvoi'uti! (ieoruc 111:1,le the trip from I'liiludclplllu til ed.—New York Prexn. . "• ns' oue of bis most- successful stroc- : IIUIIK nre lieliit; made IH withheld for through the furrow* all the gray, sun- m-j whi'h I Htonp or lay "on It and years uiro I was tvuchlUB-,a clniis of The Early Spring is here, . Kkiiulu Tribe, No. ill. I. O. U. M., I... .1- Hiirrcii were here in I'-mi-iihiiliun with ilil~ city in tiielr 11I1I0 In ie>u< than Mrn. I.euiilinu mill MrH. Illuiil lire Tiie party reglxtcrcii ut the Hiscayiio bad liwn ployisg over tbi> toiiib of his which It hurf tiroiicfht On p«rmnenc dU* tunM. not fur .from the gruve of l^t; eaon WedUeMluy eveuluu lu K. of 1*. tiiill.'i less day bis ihougtitH eagerly turned to poor children lu the school connected LUtier U.WuJIMe, keeper Ol reuordx. 11 oiilimii'.loi. I-VMUIII PIIL'4% ' three liourn. he present. , HlHterHof Mr. t.'reiMe, during tiielr VIKU to thin city. bride, W'lio hint diJO*I> dlfihonoriul Iiou4-H reppse beDeauk hwldet 1 a n-pN'Vu^tatlve In the ranks, nud" Lin- I asked 'the children wh^t the men •uun§|^||S^^^d A. ^^ ^'^.SEWER COMPANY HADV WOMAN ESCAPED THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS latch. Tbe name order prevnl.lort; tin the* rjiimf. A doctor hero will go hit* af- llii- communion table.—London T«l«- Krrnti.- tmir 1U*\*yn. fydavlit that ho liitn laved hla flnk^rs on were throwing up info fhe.enrt. They "cloth laid, for Kii'.ipor.uud In the renter coln wan no i'Xi.'ii'tloii to tlie rule. -At your Booklets, Pamphlets, CkUiu iy, i-. 0. of A., liiwtw eVtJry Snliirdu> of the little round .table was a glass Of the unfortunate -Anne Boleyn. tho bullet WIL-^I 1-utn proud of OH Hears of that time tiicre'.wns.a minister named hnswcnil, wliiiout a'moment's hesita- U7JU p. ui., lu.K.ui 1'. hull. Mi '»'. ltu~». filled with flowers, not the sweet smell- who wus the sinrond.wife of,King Hen- Wur wherf I lit nnd bk-d for my rountry Staples in Washington, one 'or wbo-ic tion, "Mild!" It then occurred to me •ecmuiry, . ' .' | RIGHT TO CHANGE RATES POSSIBLE DEATH FOR FINE WATER SERVICE wich It ta America, und Union foruvt-r. 1 or Folders. . - ing gardes flowers nor the- stiff hlopir- ry VIII, of England aud who was be- sons, then nc'M nlneti'en, had a desire' for tin drst time-that these children Wt-lllnicfon'M Vmully. % —Now* York 'Jrlbiuu* "W»h-Hmlla L'ouuiill, No. ID, II. of I'., hii'i'l- of house plants so popular In country headed In 1330, n writer, snys: "Even to co to the front.' Lincoln Heard of hud never seen a haytleld or tfoe ca'rt- .nifiug tin. portraits ut the Boral tiv'ery Moniiuy wleep &t T.HU, in K. nf I'. Hull. ! homes, bat a hniuiful or (lowers of theat this dlstuni-o of time she- rises be- How «.. Fir* Ht*y Start, him and. after a conference, selected lug of" inly, imt the Scavenger's cart, ....ideiiiy• tiiure'ure some which coold Vice Chniiecilor Garrison's JMrB. Isaac Norton, Struck by Work of Irarifoving Local wooi • fore us us u living, breuthlng woman The i'iir»»* with which u (lie..may be him as his ri'i'iresentiitlve, nnd lie pVov- enrting mini, they wer# quite familiar ti'll stories, some with little touches to with, aiul Hence they spoke within their reveal tlit" Idiosyncrasies of subjects MODERN PLUMBING AND HEATING a Car, Not Seriously . Btartisl nmlihc tiptwreutly Inexplicable ed worthy, for he won* honor on the The Sentinel Printing] . Opi'mon til Suit I}rout;ltt . Company's Plant is Being The week went by. each duy nrt'ut in of Ili.-nh and blood. Khe wus witty, pus- CHURCH SOCIETIES. sluiiate, vivui'lous'' nnd moody In turus: ti Vllh niay proilnce olio aru field. He siirvlveil jlui war and dually knowledge.-London Noted and Que- no less thau of painters. Is tue.starr BASE BALL FANS; TRIED TO KEEP bard, eager labor, his iliouglits n ml ries. • of Lawrence's portrult of thi'.Iiiu.e°-- hiKBT M. K. Ciumi'ii by Albert-Foftp;. • "•! Injured. • Pushed With Vigor. ' Dopes concentrated ou the evonLun BIII- WHS <^K»iirlally vurlitble aud Jour- both emphiiKl/ed by u linpiM-iilm,' In an died (n KtroudslmrK. I'll. The Instrl))- Ladlu' Aid meelii Unit Mommy i-veilliij i I AL'LOVVAY M. 5MITH & CO. ; Wellhigtiiu commonly kuowuJ The hour. Alwuys ho found bis little hoiii' iinlliT.-. After *lu*r'HevutloD to'tho uptown housit* him wej'k. The- ihintrt'j*H tioa on tlje stoue over bltt (rrave reads House . *uu moutb. Mm. tCUzubelb liumiy, i-.v-i- h'otlowiuu i*. lite opnrliui of \'\ve Mr», IKUIIL' Norton mude. u narruw The work of lihproving'Oeean Clty'H ddm; jirii. Lavimu Tnorn, ireaMtirer; Mr-. - • ;Successors to II. A. W.; jsiitlthi • t of the liousf wan KPUUMI in the e?ctiku* H» follows: "J. Rifnimerfleld Staples, • Th, W.,,J "Tor." ... duke had only one vanity—bis *rW excupe from death ul noon on Tueuduy, QUIET well kept, the tuble net with 8omi> deli- thronf. .sin... biwamiT vindictive and t Carrie AduulH, iiecretury. , ! (.'Imncelior '(furil'-on ill tlie Mill'; ARE ENCOURAGED WEDDING water mipply IH now being carried on was like Hteel. Npw, when'he wa« . cacy, and everywhere wuu the-Invisi- cruel, hut shu had .many charming wloii ptirlor 111 tlH-'iiriiTiioon alone au«1 a private of Company C. One Hundred Why Is the word "tar" a synonym MM, Jobn O, Ouudyi wuuel-luieuuulll Jll|l- j brniiKlit by .Vlhurt I''OL"IT iiirultii-t the, She wax Hirui'k by a Heading Uallroud with, murked uetivl'ty, and within a , 1 given the sword of stai.e to cany « or League. ' I 81! ASBURY AVENUE* - OtJEAIS CITY, N. J.' j ble, invincible touch of a womuuV qunlltliK. While owuttlng lior doom at porfwtfy njiilet, tvlii'ii wUhout wurnlhjr and 8ovchty-nlx»J •reKlmeni, V. V.; al.io for "sailor':" Some dictionaries say is prepared to do Your car. Auldu from a Hevere Hhock, «he Was llU Inllnlte Il4>ili-h.t thut be wM .Ocean <"lty Sewer t'liiupiu'iy relntlvo |* few u'uekH tlie hiiprovemeut» planned, 'hand. the To_\iw slio wan wretched and mor*. a huimint; iMiolc^helf bWiUe from Ha fitK- a member of the Second regiment, D. that the' allusion is to tlie seamaa'a ill.It' to carry It upright. All hlsprede- flutiT PUKHliV-rKKIAN C'lflTKC'll. . \ to the i.iiiii|iii.iiy'H I'huriren. which ^uil Number of Subscriptions Re- ua only Hllghtiy Injured, and in get-Millville Young Mail, and At- ut uu eicpeudlture of many thoiihund* tobliiK^ aud Mllppcd'to the floor. On Its C^volunteeni, an KUb«tltt|ie of Abra-' tarry hands ami cinches—the ''savour He might ee illy have come home uu ry Id (urns, wonietlmes Imitating-her Work in an Eminently Sat- cciiKors hud, had to slope It toward ths Lkdiea' Auxiliary uocleiy luetitx U r-i Mini- nL'iiiii-t Mr, |*'oii|!: I Ing ulong very well under the cure of of dollurH, will ho cojiipicted.^Tlie pur- way 'itHtrtiflt a Minall nibto Htanared to «tep up on the An employe of the Inter-Stute Tele- the moutliH of July und Aiigu>w- directly after dinner, i!o\\' off, one -touehUii; the. lli;ht Tlio waiting. InVaiit had UpHet. the garded as • much more probable Unit uuitii«i:retury, MrM, T I^MI Adiitiiu; i-olUit'tor.', • The 'Kvii'tk'niuii' liiteresteil In the "tar" . Is short for "tarpaulin,"- since as Lawrence pofntt-d • out; (but as » Mra.'rroutuian nud Mrn. Churl*'*! Marl 111. trueku to avoid u pool or water 011 tiie phone Company from' Mlilvllic miuiu till" report IH crowded wltli vlnliorn, and tity of the one who wished to do bcr sometimes dwji In her devotions. It is tf tieurr wlilih had hunk froin'the photographer's chair, kicked u bole In Drop .into the office lo-" : muttei- of urt It would never do: that Junior Undeavor Mooleiy Uleel* evul-y rrl j N. G, GODFREY'S Al.n I'oniiuilou of u luixe Imll eluh in tldri good deeds In secret the same Annu to tho last—blgb •spirit- table, vvfu.'li fell bhi/Ini; uKalnKt the tlie paper rocks aud made faces at the Clureiidon iindother wrlterH colloquial- t ujrantrnoon at i o'ulook, ' tiy for the enitihiK Helicon Imve re- Hide of the roud. JUHI UM uhe waH ttbo(it to Ocean City u few dayu ugo and WUHwhen heretofore the u'utcr I'oiupany's ly use "tarpaulin" to Hlgnlfy.a seaman. .morrow or within the the'sight of u uiau-'iierennlslb' •* "J' Obiliitlau Kudtjuvor mxileiy uli«t« III • , ed, mitt'iinonnble. with highly strung luco rurtalu near by.. The frightened little hli'd,iy)ilch Is supposed to hrlne a tfclock Uubaay eveuluicM, ' • . ceived qulie ti niluilier ot Httlir-eriplt o Htup, the carH, which were' being one of the principal IlKtlrew In a mar-plant linn been tuxed lo ||H utiuunt Suddenly a bright idea. occurred to Of course, mis ultimately gets back to liui u sword from bis jvrlat yvould **• ^ nerti'S and u good (Will of- courage nt Scretiiim of thy mlwtreW hmiiKht a werv* Millie to'all .vi.iiuusiefs when'they aVe Business House, 657 Asbury Avenue, Spriri^of-.i907, unil ' ' '•('"•"'I'l'-'ii'M-. rilled, cunie buck imd uhe wan ntruck riage ceremony perforiupd by. Itev, K. cnpaclty. John. The next morning after break- tar. a' tiiriiaiilln Iwinu it tarred "pall- next few days and talk Ogue'those who'looked' ut hla picture. umi they feel eoiikideriihly euenuni fast he reset the table for bis evening the back of bur tendotiiy ('.'he Ly«- (tnt, and H turtk t-nirtretk* iiu-anur.-*; ou bavins their plctiires lalieii, Tim duke Insisted UIKJU having B» Woman'a Chrlullan Temperance Union, < 11 their ultortx. by the llrrtt one und knocked to theII, Hruiiyate. . Tiie couple reiiilented The improvementH eoiiNlHtH of the . lug." or covering •ttliu Hauie word aa . . the rnatter over with us, onaaDonittiiitlonal, lueetu Uelill-uiOillhiy. | OCKAN' ('IT*.' Si:«li;u I meal, taking pains to make It look as It terlcal." ' the tmrt: ot the t ' o wiWnen to e^tlu* "Isn't he too..elite lor u'tiythliiK*?" way,' LiiwTctii'o did mnuusu to smur • rnnliieni, Mm, KlliHtxth nrlou; correuiioiul. • PROSPECTS wide of the trackn, Khe MiyH there wan Mr, Itniuyate to keep the'mutter 11 liiHtallutlon of u CroHH compound du- ' 1 ' Mayor 'Champion, u-hu IK working had each, night of the preceding week, KUIKU the rapidly Vtprouillh^.fln . flud cbli'jieil the pioiiil iiioiher. "And Just WE CAN HELP YOU. Kte hi a cushion. U|ion which the doW lag wcreUry, Mr». A< B. K»noK!.r«l'ordlii|! CII.MI'ASV/ I "»retary, Mr*. M, Mllner; treauureri Mr*, li witli etithtiMitiMiii.for the wueeeHH o'ftlii ilo oite'ou the car to Hound a Wu ruing Keeret, HO he xiuillugly declined plex air ciiiiipreHHor operntlng cpn- even to tbe flowers, except that two Sword* aud Beards. Utu rotjtii haiiii Urituuanted, na It.hud tothhil: 1 call him TootKle." * set'iuH to r4"Ht his elbow, but,-close. •*"•• Sure or"lll» Obolr. . . pn^ed. duly. uud-^tlirotiKli who^ to her. . . veai the miinex, . • deiiHliig, which will have a capacity 1 covers were laid and two chairs1 set at, Atone tlme'lu England all "gentle- born all tue niorulnu' and would bare '"Toolslii." urimted the lni|iatl -tit pint'. amlnutliiii Hhows tliut arm and ciUhloD :: Full Lihe of House Furnishings :"'. llefi'llillinti'i ' _ :. A peppL>iy New biugluud pursuu who The woman WUH taken to her home . From another noiireu it IIUH been or INMI cubic feet Tree air per minute, - opposite sides of tbe table. Wonld she men" wore swords as well ns'beards, been >nffuiii fifteen mluuten later, it tOKmpiurr. "(Cm! I'll call hjtil' <"od do not meet.-London Sketch. - , • Vacbtmon'K An»ouhilluu.' Wlltui) 'Wilh'ts rlM. peniiiwKinii"u'iiH> reeeived.froi was disturbed by his choir- during pnaideni; 'Mark l-uke, KucretHry. AIIIIUKI iluurd lit! hill, iiti'-vter, ic'plii'iiili'in Would havebet'U a ea«e of tlr^ depart- Usw OH."- ' • l'|>ll(ll.STHUIN(.i IS A i'ltoKESSiONi-uti.tl lmVL'.ini.M,rtl.i iiwt. lien y ll.^Monre (<) iwu hi* liilld uti tin and Or Abbott Kent tor. He' found learned llmillie young imni'w name when operating at ItHiuaximuui'oapao- *-tf It were sno—accept the unspoken and tbolr hiihlt of drawing these Weap- prayer time 4iot 'veil with tlieui. when •neellng will be held IU J Uue. ' U ( uild proofH.lil open court. Invitation and ull'lt Implied? . ' • •ons to settle tlie most, trivial disputes ment HiUM'or^o hiivo yavot] tlio ifoUtie.— "WUy'vu. slrV" . , l.uy Hide, nhoyo ICIuhtli Hreet, llii that mm Hlde'of her back, neur tlie hip, iKdimde Town, of Mlllvllle, w.hn wiiH'ity, fiirnlHhing ail- at a forty-pound, he gave .out hlx closing hyinn by .add- IN-opl.. linow It Hiiro. ..« the *iix^\» ruslilnj; In. .. ' '/ Is said to have hud much to' do 'with' "Itecausc lie IH SO harii to take."-' • Tbo Ocean City UulWInK and Uiiiu imuoclif ! ured n hun'ch of Kiiliserllierri, HH'HIK WUH brillBcd, an wan otio of her ktleen, •trouble mnn" for tlie couipuny ht-re, I preKBiiru totho witiare Inch, . Thlaalr Wbea he came home In the late after- ing, "I hope the entire, congregation r l''nr il« For Illin.'^ . Kor Dufeiiduiil ordvr Vour B*riMii»ie Mo«v. the, after all! - , . ' '. ers" wore .their beurda cut and hacked lienrd them liiumulng It durlnic the' that, even the .hutiibleiit noldler amonf luntlcClty. * . ' . . | und driven the water to the surface to ors ,ln tliOHo iluys Is .ii "cutidldutt.." ac- "You. iniisl i.diiilt," said the eun, A'lthoiiKh riiiil|ii.n.lK-fly fcw of the He opened the door. Tbo room was In most' outlandish shapes, trying to pruyer." . •' •' ' tlie Freiieh Imil oue or Uio(« prte)O«»- (U'ltmsiiN'. V *'•! .' ' ' Von help the printer by bringing.In WM. LAKE, C. 1 ntHltictw men irtitl I-IIIZI'IIH have bea ii ~Z,T~~""~ " 'labaHln. Thln'bu«ln. now In the !pro- empty, and the table set as be bad left convey tbe impression that they were oordlnc to tiie true etyhiologicul sig- "that |ny -ilh-'iiueestrj' .d'uteu 'hack Ocean IJIly,'th •llii year IWKl, »'u«'« your order for Hummer printing before Tlio victors, hnwover, fell to qnixi* upjiroiieheil'ln refeieiiee to KiibM:rl|i JvCtter to Nicholas Cor son, ^^ of eoiiHtruetlon, will have a c bad men. who had been In many ter- nltleaHre of tlio word. "Those who mueh further Hum y.ojir diilltliter's."' IwrouKlii. ImvliiB (»'t'ii .Ini'orpornlud the riiHh -of the neuwiii IH here. Vou It, but there wore the same traces of A Curio.' •_'. / ' • l»ir. niidj ill fiH'iliic bw-omlus rite W SHOEMAKER'S •* • Ouan City,1 ft. J. . ' " rific sword combats. >tood ror olBce 111 lilli-lent Home wero "Yes," replied. Hie girl's rich.old fa- ol Patclring an OId Pipe IIIIIIK, thi.Ke who hiive heen (.ee'n liuv lty ot about oT>,000 Rallous. Tho water ' 'housekeeping. Suddenly he looked at Hj'ggy r'ruppi* - Yes. I met the Real Bs>tate the French nfmy In consentienc* under the Scii-lile'Itoroui;!. Ai-I (den, fun JiiMt UH well hiive your .envelope*, known UH "cnndldiitl" iK-rauKu It was'ther.' "We iiln't. iMtett nble to trace uiiliMTlhed pruin|.tly. Thtwe iiiel'udi Dear Kir:. The cheekiest friiild In all will then be conveyed by a twelve-Inch the table and started- • By the side of cliawmlng Mlus I'lnuher when she wus tluwe (lUiii-relH over t.he'prisoner*, D^, isn't as uasy as it UmUs. Repairs .Htttt. vol. l,|i.,iVI.) (in Ihu .twenty- tilllH, uoie.iieudH and cardH printed lu customary for them to.'weur a white ours hack any farther than u certain ihf fidiouiuif iniliiud: paint In paxtejiiilnt 11 ere'« one. main, wlilch'huH junt been completed, Uie plate be had set for her was a flow- UT on her tour, nnd .ulic iiHkitl me for uiy Guimcltn .ordered ull the captives to M STORAGE .elBiitlulny of April, iww, tlio foiiucl April or Muy an In June or July. toga ("cuiiiildus." white)' us soon us roiilter who nun hirnged In tAIM. .Vow,. in' i)tiitiil.iiii(,'.tmist lie lUmo rij,'ht to buwyer Arley I.. Miigee, Dover, Dei., er^ a wood, violet, '.He had given her a A lawyer was pleading a case before picture, weally. MIMK Taba«co-;Ycii, t buti.-lierwl, and tho bnital order «• • Muyor -Chumplnn,- Ipll); -W. , H, to the prcnent pumping plant. their cuiivuiM hud liefciiu. Tbe Latii I, b'posc yon liavc u cU'iii" record right of tUo Hiili-I bnrntlKli pu«,i-cil ull iirdln- bunch of those blossoms once and shy- a July the other day. The party on the heard .her say sbe.wus iiillw-tlug pic- filrried out, . ... 'last. It's 'u'tNtinn' nullify jKiyinj^ Mu^ey; W, If- W. 'Kilward*. #10; H painted IIIH IIOUMC four yearn ago with Thw method, of pumping water, for "caavaiiiiluu," too, -WUB either "um- back to tlio npe. IntvOii't you?"—Chleu- HOUSE aiice, over ihu veto of UH Mityor, deul . -. owu Vour Home. , ly told her they were the color of her other side had a reputation for stingi- tures of all iUit curlouu olijei-U she fun 1 R.' Stanion, i-in; Dr.' I. N. ClriKcoiu pttHte paint ut u.cont of'$44' for paint bltuB" or •"amhltlo," according to it»Co ftecord-lleriild. . •: " • Tor ..',••' liiB'Wlth .tin Ocean (;iiy Sewer ('on\. It'x (llgultled auil.Kive« you a dell' While Hoinewhat more cosily because eyes. This was her.ullawerl All tbeness1. "Why, gentlemen of the Jury," acro»« lil tills cbiintry.—t.'blcugo News. •A Cautloui LOVCT. . I'-ith aoii Weat AVe., Jlrt; It A.W. Amlili, W< A. V. anil pn for labor; total $105. Tiie house association with or frwdoin from brlh, puny. The orlitlnul ordinance, uw I11I1I eliiiiH nenne of security to own your or tho neceHHlty of handling It twice, room—the poor, plain,, empty little said Button In bis speech, "if an ant A cojTosnoiideut of tllo Loudou GUH* well, Jin; j. I', i'ox, SKI; II. II. Lake, got Hlmbby in two yearn; then ho and corrupt practices. Both mewit Ocean City, N. J- Repair or before the"Mnyiir, uetud upon hy him' when lined In counectlou with a baain room—seemed, filled with the radiance would carry a grain of sand off that i>e«iulll; {•:, A. Ciir-im fill, mid iWtinilute good kind as opposed to "am_ to lie li luinRboeiier." - New Plumbing complainant intioiliieed liiio f\ fect aeration.' Tlil» 1M all that ban been When fbe sun bad slipped Into a gold the suprejne court and back." t that you und your husband always berlptlou of iiii eiiKuKeiuliilt rinirbeWO Mveuioney'hy goltig to the • KlItloll.'lflK. ^ ' • '••••' ItekldoH, your renpoiiHlhillty uu a real 'WH, ll'unto uulut$HWi; Devoe $-18,] and crimson setting John made .his which always Implied' dlshouetty and "How do yoii kiiow?" ' • Junt IvoUL-ht. lie wiuited It.lnucribea. Hint Ims to lit- luiliino' as soon astheordliluiiee hook ni theHiiiil b< emate owner nlakea' you a de»lrable - It In like fitting hog'x uu -milk ] needed to muke the compuny'u oupply. "Everytllne lieKtoiis work for a nilil' agree auout'iivcrytbiiigT Mm. Rutck— way throuijh the woods and came oat A woman wus charged with stealing nnfalrQosS. - ' "From Ik'itle lo Maud." Ad he Ktt•» The clerk l», hy llie htiiliit'l in n\ie»- A mm.lit r uf $A .HiiViHiirltitluiiu uu c-lll/en. Think It over, tlieu call ou Water, -tunic painp t Is i whitewunb. perfect aud give the putroim absolutely uto he trlt'i t:> put the illtchfork behind Always—excupt,, of course, now and finished. You save money'Cni- Into a, meadow. Ho followed the path a dozen caves qf silver. She appeared "Shopping" Wan certainly a then, when he's out of humor or pig- turned iiaek and uilded aK.att «"•; Shoemaker Storage Hoifse ; tloii, rei|Ulrt'il to keep »iich it iin'ok, Ih Miverul HfiiKcin tlckelu/ui j.1 eueli. IIUV Vouru truly, pure water. • ' . tils'ear."~KIleseMde'Blatt«ir'. • • 11 HAllftY HEADLEV, that led him Into a; shaded lane, thon before the second; Judicial ecnlnber. word until past the first quarter of the hcuiled., or KOUlL'tlllni: ,of, that Sort.— tbouubt, "I shouldn't—ah-eut 'Sin' ' Iiloj-ing us,for new m old work. wllloh he l-> to rci'ohl tliuonlliiunceuiiH lieuu dlMpowed of. F. \V, DKVOKACO., . Real ICntute Operator, Ninth and An 22- Mewi ou K'oiirili l*aice.-' - . . tnroogh un orchard until '.he came' to Bald the Judccj. "Come, tell us thenlneteouth century. Bee's Dictionary too deep, don't you know." Tlterc isn't ftuy ticU comiiiR, on putued, I-'rom tlilk i'.\lillilt,'il . 'New York. A Friend In London • AiiHwi'rs. bury avenue, uext to lire boujte who , P. S —It. Howard Thorn noils our Tho attention of the readers of the the little brown farmhouse—all' sweet, truth." Bald the wnman: The .truth, of Sports and Blung, pnhllslied in 1825, THOMAS j. THORN that the borough, liy ihu nrdlnuiict' in l-'nit H\\,v. — Sloopyuciit, ei fix ping—Among women going about from there's lloihlni: like a friend In need! . Florist flint mid ihomuKlily HBII worthy Home of the greatest bitrgaluH to be fourth puge of this lHBue. 'been shut pat from them far two able* to resist, the temptation. Consid- Miss Aalclium-Aiid do j;ou pulnt ' Slle-..IV> you know I've Induced H In the i-troi-iA ill the wild Fou BAI.v:.—Good Ball Yacht, IB feet er, your *ouor—they »1| bare my Intshop to abop; buying little articles per- Samson—I don't agree with you, Ho^snothing but aulmul picture* every day? No. 721 Asbury Aoenue, Oeeati City, N. j himlKinil, to five up elKiirs? "*t , PAIX BUtBS, GRASS JOHN R, GROVES Htininey Kleetrlcul MuiiurruUo» '"'ill found here' ou the eaaleet teroiM.. loug, 7-footbeam. AAppl) y" to Win. H. haps.'perhaps not, but.always pi generally a thuuderliii; nuisance, for T Kourtll udelphlu. '. ' ' B-St, ___. stood open, and be .went thilsP—L'Independance IXoumalne Ba- Mr. D'Aubur—Well, ou r^Wuyn I paint that Bo'r \v"ell. I'vu known UD> '"'• and CtOVER SEED. Pbotie counectlou. ' ' BUtcii, Beealey'b Polutlut, tN.J. l,4t. 'FAMOUS 'JAPOLAO at Godfrey/H. about great quantities of goods,'* be'a Bure to want to borrow something. Asbury Ave., - ~^)cean City, N, J. Jnto long, %»r roomL , to..fte_duakj: Charest . . • flflh.—Clevcliuid Leader. . iu, cliy. Co.. "even yc'aM. and. I never saw him «•'" 839 Asbury Avenue. Dp one.—Ilhjutrated Bit*. 649

..'i'S'.t'l/iVt.'j'&i I ..

thing which the Dunltoa could steal, PBRSONAI.S. Malic* to Haaiebold«ni. • ADMINISTRATORS SALE. their gods the kind, that could be Ocean City Sentinel Tb« MunlioD or houwholdorn la oiled to Ocean City Sentinel trie following extroct from ibe Hanttur/ Cod* By vlhuo or tn ordvr ot tb* Orpbua' Court GOOD WEATHER FINE FISHING ON Br virtue ol a writ ol Fieri Fsclaj to owd^- N.CCLELLAMD MUST KEEP INSIDE CHURCH STARTS o(lbo Board of tienllb of UenoCity: stolen ' • ' oflov county of Car« MHy,m«(l«oD ib«i«Dib M Iss Rutherford spent Saturday and rrcfed. luued out of lb«i Court of Cti«nniry, He?. M Tbal every privy vault and <•««••. PjtVTtD ADD PUU-nllU KVKT TBOXWIT •-Now,, all this Is parallel to the le or New JenWT.on lM«»', 1907. d«y or April, A. l> 1907. tbsnubacribsr.wlmln- Sunday at Cape May. ° 11 pool wiihln the llmlla or Ibla oily Hull be lurator or ibo Mali or Joupb W. Ooldlng, IlKlon exlullng among nouie peopt« 1907. Inacertsln cauM wherein. tJaalel.oleei* cleaned, and tbe coaienu ibereor reinovnl. droeucd, will »«|| in pabllo vepdutou . R. CURTIS ROBINSON FILLED CHURCHES PACIFIC.COAST Jordan Mathews, of Philadelphia, nmi,?:MVutororthelast «lll«»l,'«'™5» GIVEN SURPRISE STREET'S SIDE LINES TO FORM PARISH »t leant oiiue before Ibe tint day-of June Hnd of Pillip M. Wbnatoni Ueoeawd. l»."""^"i?; to-day, the Danllex mid MIcaTi aru r . We shall be glad to receive' ItcniH of HiC In Iwloretbe dmt dHy 01 Novemlt^r, In Wednesday, May 29th, 1907, ''•'•• . .' ~ ,' Editor and Proprietor was in towu on Sunday, * I unu and anna K. Fries et vlr etaU areae- and connnunlcatlonB of Interest «MC!I aud evrry yenr,nlul-iui orten iberewtier «t one o'clock In i lie Mltertiottn. nc*bo Kurro- types that exlnl t -day. Hut let UH lie ftrfSanl". 1 ibau e»po.c to .ale at public w*i\a Ihejudutnent or tbe Hoard, tbe name tfHle'M iiRtiv lu t'wpe Mny Ouiirt MOUHI. N. J>« OCBAN CITY, - - NEW JERSEY clear ax to what conntllutei a god Wl.lllam U. Moore, or Haddonileld, ;,; R. Curtis Robinson to thin communitit y andd our dreaders in«yM»«m neceKwiry, and -vbenever, I* tlie' All ttiHl CUHMID Intel uf lHi>d Hud niHtutt, Hlt- Inter-State'Phons Mo m Luge • Congregations Heard John Test, 'Disciple of Wal- His Bible JClaBB in Presbyter- Vice'Chancellor teaming De- Many Sign Petition TJiat Will opinion of tbe prti|,er offlcer or title IIONrd, imti«Uliiu iiDd Ii liitf in Ihe Townihtitof Up- Tbat which hulilHa mipreuie place in was a visitor ou Tuesday. Monday, May 13th, 1^07, . everywhere. ; . -. any privy VHUII or ceiwpool Hball be olteimlvo per In Mild • onnty ol i%*pe May, tulJolnluR between the nouraoflwelve und nve o clooK and need cluitiilnK, In ordur to prevent or Ocean Ave. Adverttamonta In local oolumoa, S nou Strong Sermons and Bx- ton, Bentjs Warning to rn ian Sunday School Pay's cides in Favor of C. 8. be Sent Bishop Scar- . ihe iHndN of Kuther WlittMton, ftirint-uu-Oor* one's love and devotion IN the god we Miss Olive Lear visited relatives In p. m., to wit, at one o'clock In I be »«« ."?S All communications bhould be niV at'MeH nultianee, the Owner or oecupler or KOD, Kxm YOUOK, JatueM HHthorn and other*, P«r line, eaob tnaarllon. . Monlbly and yearly of said day, al the Mbarlrln oltloe, In Cape BOATWOULBHT any premtMM niton wliluu.tbe Nald privy > > . • '' cellent Music. wowhlp. i It iu ay bo any aud every- Genl. Warren. . Him Visit. • ' • . borough. twtnic Ibe mime tintnil"t.'Hc< onvt yiHl to thewuld ratoa furaUDed on application, ' Atlantic City over Sunday. ,. May Court Houw, Cnpe May County, New Conveyancing and compauled with the full name aud BartQn. vault or ceiwp- ol In lorated or beloniiH utiull JoRepb W\ Uoliliuu, d**i eMtictl, by deed from ' Job work promptly dona by axpultnord thing which the world Is Hcramhliu'g cleanae and remove tbe conlenIK Ilivverrom Jietween Eighth and Ninth Stneta The focal -churches were all well KDITOH THK HKNTINKI.:^TI)O not use ; Capf. William Houck," of Cancden; J address or the wrlter.-.not liecoHsarlly K. U. Clullirtid, "the real At a well.uttended meeting of-tho Ken* Ooldlov. nwirded In tbe Clerk'* ottieeof band*. . • afier—wealth,, pleasure, nordld imi- *\l*?i e»latc Vleo Cbuucellor Learning IIBH glveu iip^nootlct* In-wrlllnc 10 tbat elTeol fram theimid Couuiyot t'ttpe M>y,tD Deed Hook- the word "Tenderfoot" In'pur ruse iXan a visitor here ou Friday. d b : forpubllcatlon, but ana Kuuruntecof broker, and IIIM wife were given a moxt 'WAIT FOR THEM inenibcrx of Holy Trinity Church on I bin Hoard, and every Huoh'owner or occupier "X", (mite ITrt.Ao ^tndcontMiDlnvIn all itbuul tilled at the service* on Hunday limt , . . . an opinion lu favor of C; 8. Burton, of .wnoMtiull neuk-ct or refuim to el-mine any two hundrvU unit »ev*mty «||[IH ucrr» utureor THURSDAY, 5. 1807. Mu {im • • • .\ \ nsu ranee ,*•• OPEN. ALL THB YEAR Following are report- of Aome of the ' ""> "' •• I-"t™"Ke how great •We have "tumbled" to tbe customs u id Ml«s Kuima Corsou spent Friday JeniSy. numli?riirwl.lii section ( good faith. enjiiyable'nur)irl>rlvy vaint or crimpotil, wltbln two teH«, Hiid eocunitiwrOd b» n,ftmi lilDr'UHicti of ukc <>r pfnu or loin ofltraan Clly A»«I"'I«IHIIK • • lay* aflerHUob wrtlt) n uutlce ban uveii utveu, live Hundred dulliiniHbd net rued lot«rttwt in ' Unlored at the l*oal omco at Owi.u City, sermons delivered by the |>a»tor»: » *"• »"""> "\ "* ""' '" ""' » almost adopteet*ond mprtuuKt*uriwu KIKHT M K |few>"«nlHof lace or ribbon, or broad- Dr. Arthur Hartley,of Philadelphia, hundred und Ililrty f«-t (l4l| "» " , ?' !"'!{' '•T"~TT DOTS:;-; '- plila. Harton claimed that the doctor Tholio.llU or the-cltii i tli»l the bund red ttod forty-four doilur* und iliirty- clot u um1 • THE IMPERIAL. »TheKaceofJe»u»C'i,rl«t" wi.- «'b- L - ^ »-t»'. «le«r that many styled "vets.'' bf course, soiuethlngx from lhiJiioulllwrsl»rljr line oIKIeventhMrret., Hiindny rfchool .and a .Tew other Three Visitors Who. Were '1'he nieeliiig was presided over by inltury.«onduton or the clly be kei-t at ai* clKbt t^entu und uucrued lutvrtwi 10 dutu of one • ONE may have a touch of "frouzled was a. visitor here on Saturday- l.'nliliilnlut soulliwemerly. of tbat pollll.In wati bulldiug.ov'er the Hue at Kleventb 1Kb a Miundard aa «tKMMlb1u, and Ibe Board hundred und 'oriyutithlnB» Ilr»t In their live-; are entirely dltlereut from our Kantern ironlor nrendib on Ibo sulil A«Uurj» ajeniw frleudH. • * . , •and Anbury avenue, where the Phllu- tlcif.-K.'\V. Wuxreii^ Tile-Hccrctary M illm-ted tbat the hrnllli lawn be nlrli-lly ivnu* toiietlier wlin tbe tuxe« for HUB year 115 CyNTRAL, AVK, , OOKAN 01TT, 1J J finance" try lug to pay £00'worth of Harold Kynett, Jr., or Philadelphia, thirty (W) roet anil of that wlrtth "*t*o;,l'!;'[J" Nos. 744-46 AsBu^-y Avenue Advertlne. ". '. '%eft"Here. - forcMl. liy order.ot Ihi- IKmrd ol Health. HIM, unpaid lor.tbe«umoftltieen dolluritund sermon in the First M..K. Church on , bul sooner or. later these god» are ways. For lustajice, there Is no Sun- lu delphlau IH erecting two eto'reH.aud was ThOH. ilcnhvtt. . Itev. Dr. Herbert debts with a (5 bill. , • . •• stolen from us. We may clinK lo was a visitor here ou Saturday. lenulb or doptb one Iiunf •,- Backward spring. • ' NotwitbHtandluK hlx exteuslve bUHl- T. LKK AHAMH. forty Mrn. \Y. J. Gramineld, or Plillailcl- J. Cook,; the vlcur, and. Wm. T. ' lleallb Udlrer. JUI.IdH WAY* AdmlulHtrntAr. them, but won they must go. • Mrs. S. L. Summent has returned' to u Afieen feet wide ulreet. , ; • ' OCEAN CITYi N. J. *' ' ne»n hi tbe real tulale line, Mr. April vl, IU07. • 4.-X&1.1*. K.»ij.W Up«n «ll Uxi >-«mr. Cor.,4;U, andlsa., SSf;i. the naked c.ve. Everything Is opep, . c'ottages'are RiiliiK- > • phla, and Mrs. I4. J. A«»entielin and Ingle, lay reader, pf Luiirdowne, a llelnii UU>«BBIO lol or plei'eof Krouwl »W Hi ('lellund Iliidu time for aud much Following IH the opllilon of the Court: Mr. aOICTZKU . I'HKJtK areo.no hundred and ninety "Notice, soiiio of the' D'anlles that everything goes. Workmen are em-rrom a few days' visit tu .Philadelphia. HowsrU .N. Htanton and Mary K. Hunlon bj, daughter, MIHH Julia, of ReuKonhurHt, rlM E, Adam* .WUUrd W. Adami "In all the ages," said Mr. Itriiu- deed ol Indenture, dated the thirty-ant di»> Money to Loan on-Bond and Mortgage . More snow. In April. lileuftiire.lu Hunday Bchool work, anil IS CHANCKUY OK','NKW JJjHHRV. cottager here, were hi attendance. clocks lu PenuBylvanla'H new Capitol.' woulUd steal uwuy from us tlietrue and ployed as usual. You see them 011 Walter Dothard, of Narberth; was OIAUIIII»I,*V. 1J.!»-. lUi-ordi'd In the County N K. K. TOBBKHT yate. "men have wondered wh.it our! *"1 "'""'"""' "•""' "' >"}"'™ >"? "• • Boys are playing marbles. the member* of his lurno, bible CIUKH lietweeu * lirooklyn, X. Y., will not noon (orget A petition to the Hlxhop, which had CHAS. E.ADAMS & BRO. luer 1 lH t |1anlte Clerk's Mllca ut Cllpe M»y OUirt llou»i-. N«'W : (Kuccwuiont u> AKKL i>, Hcni.1.) GARWOOd HOUSE, 'Tlmo la certainly money there. . Saviour was IJke. What the ey«.'i "^ "^ , ; , '7 ."' buildings just the same as oil week among the resort's visitors on Satur- L'llAKM-»8. it.VHTllN the vluit they made to Ocean City been prepared, was read. Afterward, (BDOOMMII to 8«k«r ftAd*n^ ) I1W wll Jer-ey, lu llouk or Deeds No. piul*» — Fierce weather ou Friday. . ex peileuce great. Inlerent iu hln clmf were'like which could pierce and | ^, , ° """A ."*r "T "'!! days. Poor worklugmeuj? No, they day. . • . t granted undranvejed .11110 the Kald Anns K. and Ou ^blll for from Atlantic City on Saturday after- ' . ' D««Iara lb 7is Cenlnl. r'rli's. her heirs and u«»i>!n«, foreverysubjoet und .cntertalnltiK ex|iOHltlon of 'the* the paper wan Klgncd. The petition HOUSE MOVINeAND RAISING THE Star of the Cape Bayii it Isn't i».,ki.>trouble thue I.U.F,beart^a o.^r....,.f men, . \vi,.,t i >...11 bible, the word\ of IJod;. They advmice like it. They want to work. 011 Sun- Mr. and Mrs George Hayday, of lothecondlllonnandreMlrlcllouHor Ilietlcesu • April Is on tlie houie-Htretcli. KANXIKA. IJAKTON, Injunction. noon. '• ... • und thu naiiicH of—the vlgiicr* at thu 'arallnre. Carpels, Maltlag ind Beddlat, OCBAN OITV, NswMnW. • bible lexHoiiH each Habbalh Hay. CoOipl'tH .going to print utale news any more, niuuy new and strange theories day; they get fl- for It. Carpenters Ciiy A»«K.lui.o0i.|A>.t H 1|ltuJIITiH1,erm.. I Building contractors are buity They are Htopplug at.the Hotel Sca- Window Shades, Etc Oeneral Contractor Ik'llglitlul LAcaUon. All tbe uoeM lm- couuteuanee wan like, the radiance •Soiners' Point, were In town oil Tues- Until Mr, aud Mrn. C'lellaud were mi TInirMluy night follow: ivemenu. UOOM ' Heated ttarongbmt. Vuted Anrll llltb, 1IW7. • , „„' and Opinion. 22 AHlmry avenue.Ocean City.N.J OCK4N CIXV Mew Jersey The readers are to bo congratulated. from wlilch ha« made another and a the book, and then call It 'new recejve of lliiu general strike. Saloons are wide open Seavllle. was a visitor to this city Sat- Kxchaoife. . * lbl» month. within ten feel of the.front line of nald or tlilx reKort, vvhi-n they axccrtalned 0110 clergyman, tiuil we feel that ihe opinion that the Koonevelt man Inbut what of HIH |wrw)i>? Here blHtory \lr«. II. T. faHxelberry, Mrn. M. A. Iklnner Service .MealN at all IIonrM un ordinary mini, thinking becaui-e all^lay Sunday ami croud* Nil theurday. , " , Klev«nlh HI. and Anbury A^e. avenue, nor within four feet of the Hide that the IIIHI boat over for the day wax financial iidit!oii ol. the parish now ...Cape_Msy Crinks nil the year. ' - liuuiaiiily they »uy lie cannot be re-general throughout California, but is11 few rin With' the I'M tVintrnj ^Avenue, OCEAN CITY, N. J. ing in Home sections of the county as to reveal the lineamentHof 111" face, Heud tbeHKNTlNKi. to your out-nf- Kan.i!k, Mrs. Krunk. ZleRler, Mr. und IOIH, then a building may be erected doctrine, discipline and woridilp of thu veuleu In Ills divinity, and all that i« particularly noticeable In Lo* Angeles .Kullilii. - ' ' - THEY ARE IN GREAT DEMAND on any part of the lot or IO|H theliiuillug, only to dim-over that the boat last fall. * or the outline'of HIH form. ' Two - REAL ESTATE BROKER l*rote*tnnt Kplm'opal-Churffli utul to Open all tbe year. PlewMuitly located, left Is a benevolent and kindly man. towu frlendM. . . ' ' . Mrn.' John HoHenbuiim, Howard 8hoe- owner thereof may ilexire, witliout tie under the name or (tThe Church of MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. traditions have couie down through —"City or Angels."' No, not now. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Allen, of I have n»|Uests for coUuKes from liad cant .its lines uud the engine hud -near tbe beuobtwltb rutl ooean view* - Btate •'• A. It. KiK-aniiinient here maker, .Mm. l>. 1*. CreMMWell, William regard to the inlervenhiK line or Hue*, tlie Holy Trinity," uud Iu every way No waiting for two weeks to kuow If you can get It; we can -tell you at Homo comfaru. Writs Iter booklet. WK'VE bad a mo»t uuumially cold the ages-renDectluK C'lirl»'t'M 'perxona Some, like Mur.v at the tomb, only She lias not .only lost her prestige but Frankford, were visitors here during tSAM) to HXAM. Owners would do I have prepared plans (or a number of these artistic and been Marled, well 'to communicate' with me if liykef.J. I.. Halter,-M Us olive Lear, provided the xaiue in not built within xiihjeot lo the cunonv of the (ieneral once. HargaluH in Hay aud Ocean rront pro|>ertles. Choice uollages for ' MIBHKB LEWIS ACONAAD. know Him In 11 Id humanity a'nri cry is guining a reputation ror wickedness. tbel»it.week lu June. lour feet of the outxlde lintM of.xuld Until ladles and the girl cried to the ' and 'wintry uprlug, but there Is con'appearancei Some of the father* uf the week. they have anything or this kind to convenient little slimmer homes and will be pleased to submit Minx Itulu. Kriiht, Mixx Kthel Korciim (.'Hdrcli mid the Dloccxeof New Jersey. sale. Also lots forInvestmen t and for Improvement—tho holce or . • Holatlon in the thought that nuob tbechurcli have declared that He WUHas did *he, 'they-have taken awuy uiy In the stuui|iede from Sail Frunclwo, • Naturally, a HpeukluK likened can'I lolx. nor within ten feet of the front captain to ntop and take them aboard Ocean City. ' . Apply to • Walter II. Hays. or'West Philadel- svil anil MIHX Mury YOIIIIK. linen thereof), and ulxo that uo build- . ItlthllK M. SMITH, Lord, 'und, I know -not where they after the earthquake and- fire, LOM them upon request. • " , - ' • • . , be a aludy In Mill life. the bout, but they nay the captain M.MIV I'l'KiMt.N SMITH, WYOMING weather will BOOH be done with, and divinely beautiful; othent have »|K)ken phia, was a visitor here on Saturday Intc, or any part thereof, erected upon . . J. M.CHESTER & CO., have luid Him.'. They failed STKI.L.V IJI.KM.A WAIIUKN, . ere long llHblng and nailing will be the.of Him" In the -worda of- the prophet Angeles got the "rlir-raH," anil there l» So woman IH really fond of 11 man , p simply grinned at them. 7*4 OCEAN AVKMVB —"rlul—Iw-tml-afraltl-i—A—bible-t tntt and Sunday. '• JR_IL -BUNGALOWS-POPULAR—! tin r lotn^_M.haU be^ uned—orJ j . . OCEAN CITY, N. J. order of the day 4u this aectlon. Isaiah, 'He hatb no form or comeli- a lough element in that fine >city at l'ouit.tiii|ilutiU)£ rtnutntfE your (or ii\ who won't argue with her. ' • occupied as a livery or sales stable, CYNTHIA ClllltillN KWAS, . can be stolen'is not the .word of God, Kobt. 1!. Nuylur,'manager of the , ' ' cum 111 tc »>«*iiN lug extablixhuient, noap, candle, giue, •I'KIH'V AV..SIIIKI.IIS, Some R Cottages, some R Hotels. IH not a Chrlxt worth having. Put phi.a tills week, breathlug»pell theiiediiyH. " starch, laiu|>-black, jtoudrelte or llnh- sought a stopping place for lh<» night IIKI.KS \t. WltKIIIT, Church have taken a step forward In tiful man." characters. wry lo l^ifrfuniiriit Dwelling!*. Some R stores, some R for rent, your truHt iu a living, abiding Uod. ' Mr. and Mrs. John It Kendrick and DONALD E.ALLEN One way to avoid (tettliiK hot under guano manufactory, Hlaughter-houxe, Tlley^were directed to the (lurwood, liKOIKIK WllKIMT, , asking their bishop to form a parish Mr. Brunyate then continued bio • We have visited several resorts on AH IMIIIKUIOWH' are growlni; quite piggery or tannery. Nor nliall any KlIASK S. IIOKUK.N', ' Some R for'sale. There R also Kuthroiie Him Wlio wild, 'Lo, I aiu HOD, of Philadelphia,.were visitors here H.IM'llreavl Hul'dlilK, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS whence they telephoned to friendu lu In this city. .The move Is largely due sermon iinderfour heads. First—"Tne the ' Pacific Coast, including Santa the collar IH not to wear out*. popular in this resort, the following building be used or occupied as o drug MliX. H. V. SlJIAX. Many lots for sale without houses. u'llh ymi alwajr».'_ Kutbrone Him curly In the week. . •••all l P PREPARED AT SHORT NOTICE store, without tlie written consent of to the woman-folk ol'the eougregatlon Spirit of Contempt Blluds to Beauty." Monica, Ocean Park, Venice, Del Hey, Mauy a woman'H Idea of beiiiK urtl»- from the pen of M. 11. l.ii/eur, in In- Atlantic City. MIKS lOi.iz.Mitnn Sr.K.vx, ' f you want any of these on the best terms, apply to HOTEL ATGLEN who Huid.- 'I'aui tbe (iood Shepherd, the said party of tlie tirst part hereto." In the evening, having seen the MllS. J. lj. IlKAhl.KY, They are bard and Intelligent workers, Second—".Men Miss the Beauty, Too, Itedonda aud • Long ^Beach. What : Hev. Cliarlcx \V. Hrunley, of Swarf h- • lie la uot to kuow how to cook. itoorx and Out, will be of Interest: Ninth and Central Ave. my" nliecp hear my voice and they more, Hu., a property owner here, was Samuel Schurch The act sought to be enjoined con- humorous Hide of theaflalr, they "took J LAUAS IlKAHI.KV, ROBERT FISHER. The Bourse, Ocean City •and we congratulate them. of the Critical" Disposition." Third— attracted us .most was the Hsblug 13th St. and Haven Ave., Ocean City, N. J. Very.large congregation In the Kir»t In the ueKiniilnt; wan the barn. ItKlflllA IIKIM, ' follow me,' and 'I give uulti Ilielu iu town on Thursday. REAL ESTATE::' sists of tlie violation of thut part of the u" the boardwalk, and purchased it "We May Miss tbe .Beauty TII-OIIKII Kverybody goes lIshlnK—men, women M. K Church Sunday evening, " 'erxoiiHof niuull mtaiw, when they KMXAIIKrl'XLllKIM, Open April 1, 19O7 eternal life.'" AND INSURANCE «'«STHA«T1»HI» AND HIIILDCHK. ', covenant prohibiting tn"e erection of • umber of poni-card views of Ocean Mllh. KK, C11I.I.IK.SII.V, WE agree wlth'one of our exchange* Ku vy." Fourth—"Preoccupation and I'lilldren. Some of the youugsters Mr. aud Mrs. TIIOH. It. Fort, Jr , or llrst eame to California, often found It : 701 isuory he., Ocean City. H. J. ; When a uittu talku In 111* ejet'ii lil- a building within four feet of the Hide City. They returned to Atlantic City OWKN J. MfCASN', H.COOWV when It say: "We want all the May Blind Us to Beauty." are adepts with tbe rod aud reel. I'hiladelphla, Were visitors ' here ou Mendel's lexln0>le to put nil their money into FINE EXHIBIT CottutfeM und^IUwrdlutc HOUM«M for rent. wlfegenerally dev'elopn iimuiunlu. line of defendant's lot. on Sunday morning. MAIIV THOMAS KAUI.KV, Beautiful Cottage Sites... 3OS Santli Some llshlng was unique, and,r having land and the young orchards which 1". II. DOUKKI.I,, , legitimate local news, and to learn all As a carpenter, Christ was treated Saturday and Huudny. itiipruvtM] und uulmproveU pro pert let* for ENGLISH & JOHNSON, The valut* o'f knowledge (lepenils THE SEWARD Iu the year~187ll the tract or laud K. 11. TIIOMAH, High Ground. LoU Graded. BtreetH aud Hldewalka Graveled. Tcntb lure** •**.«>• , . - _ were to make their forlunex. They the good that can be said of your with contempt. The |ieople were look caught on to a few uew deplgus., you -Mrs Annie A. Kurrctt, of thinI city. One-Price Store all buildlugH ror the circulation ol air Will tttr Mliowo HI JllHlrMluwil by may Inform my old friend and com- more upon quality than i|uuntity. - decided to live themselves- III u siuall which now coinprl*e» Oceau City, and tlie preservation of view and lire TlloMAKj TlKHtN, Many uew buildings, already erected. Plot lying between Atlantic APARTMENTS . ' nelabbor, bat If you want to give him ing for a king. Contempt bltnds to Is visiting her daughter. Mrs.-'riiiuiias Mils. TKIIMAS J. TIIIIKN, ThU Millie. rade, Geueral Warren, that he must CM. LAKE Hats and Gent's Hamuel Hchurch IH repuinthiK hlx ntructure which should be the barn of Cape May County, wax a wild beaeli protection for tlie enjoyment of all peo- fe.xc«llenl accoromodatlooN for Botlno a'rub'or 'roast,' please attach your beauty. Contempt springs from luck~| -Nicflure, at Port Elizabeth.' contractors ana Buiiflers ple, aud thut over 7000 lots have been , 1JI>I'IIATS«IIK(I, % .J..U. Htrattbn a'ud Miss Mildred ...-REAL ESTATE AGENT... Furnishings Association and laid out hi ntreetn and sold hy the corporation and that no lot Apply-to any real estate ageiit. Investigate before purchasing bulb. .-. .-.* Ulnlng Room. we'll"band"lt to him." Men see no beauty iu < 'brist because Jamestown Exposition, which opens Speaking of deiiigus, I will .refer - 124O Anbury Avenue, - .' - It usually payH to attend more to at first' coiiHtructe»e- or the In 'woman's headgear. If Mrs. Test dejieiida on the amouut of tailoring otbern ' • • ,. anil with st»Hs, inaiiKerx and other AUTOMOBILE speeding has become . Mis. Win. F. Gardiner and soim, l^>tM for Male. .Collude* torrent. Heaahore Komet and Hamod'UiiK apprclally- iutK upo n tbexe parla; pThRe «eerd'« end the covenant lu question, with •nenlH are controverted. Cumin: IC. llATM-nKUi power. There are men who detect features w'ill be the fhowiiig.under.tlie lakes any on Kast, she will 110 doubt CorreH|K>ndetTi.'e Mollclled ::: 111 KstlmattMt chn-rfully HIVMH. neaih the nurface. That's why no It IH UO matter whether you push or like 'The human tenant TirnMAK Viii-Mi, so common that bow rapidly these ; niiK wear and Nliape-holrilnRlleilx- other covenants, was adopted by the It Is also contended on behalf of de- flaws lu tUe rainbow aud the presence head of social economics.In the build- startle, feiu.liiluity. I've seen her Willie and (Jeorge, have returned from — ran't- 't luiy.bbuy .byy looklookss alonalonee mcflacfl generally decorated the carriage ho'ilHe JOII.V'DATKCIIKII. ' Ocean City Land Company RUSH ADVERTISING AGENCY machines even ordinarily move Is only h th f Tht' h pull, junt M>you areln harneHM hulpluj; association and Inserted in all deeds lendanl thut there ban Iteen HUI:II a de of vicious microbes in ' the purest Ing for that ilepar.ment. -Till- will wearing a sun-bonnet, the proportion a visit to relatives lu Camdeu. , uiillHt ax Htyllxy h and rorret uith liiirliip or ."Old Coverniiienf parlure from the general scheme de- Wll.l.l.VJI T. I'MINdliK, * K. V. COBaoN, Premdenl now and then fully realized, as when, ALLEN SCULL > in cut'aH any garmen|M maded . ireUfU* the town aloiix- made by it ax a part of a'general . l-'.l.l/AilKl'll M I'llll.lM, •31 Aabnrv lT»a« atmosphere. These critic are the scav. Include the exhltiltMof the Department of a Window awning, and • of the Thomas Cooper McCulian's family Java'* coflVe liagn, lielil iu place by signed to • be preserved hy the re- for instance, we read, that In Glen Money for_Mortgages... Icr built In the wear-telllug parU Ihil ThoUHatidHof Hiilpe on llielr Vprlntt scheme adopted by it for the benefit of strictive covenant as 10 amount to a Wll.l-IAAI II. Col.l.lsSoS, engers and foul -vultures that feed on of Banking and liiHurnnce, the .Stutc vintage'or '4N. came down from I'hlludelphla on Sat- Contractor and Builder xplll linmi>i>i>ittrl|i«, and till*, with a Ocean City, BT. Ridge, N. J., one of them ran com- titOHiolotlieH—that'* why weguaniiUt •uilnratloiiH, are appearing oil tin- l-'upu tlie entire tract with the purpose of waiver of the right to UH enforcement. A copy of the above petition IK being the spoils ol character of those who are Hoard of Health, the Department of Have not seen a'blt or anthracite urday bud enjoyed the sea air. 6O8 Central Avenue llielil wlllKiur nuiue. rotlgli lireplace, 11 fuw nice plecen of circuluted uniong I'lillailclplnuiix \\1K pletely over a dachshund lengthwise JORDAN MATHEWSi May County beacheH. securing, among other things, a »pace The record dl"closesthat the territory lufinltely better than themselves. It Labor Stnllxllcrf, the Department of since we arrived—lu furl, there Is no OCEAN CITY. N. J. fu'riiiturtf und tlit* HIIUIIOWH of the extending from Kighth to Ninth street spend the wuiiimers here am] an If you are thinking of purchasing before it could be stopped. . Allen H. Corson, of Philadelphia, te* ebwwrfuHy tfivfcii, ' • Clothing for Boys •. of at least eight feet between all build- interested In tlie church's welfare. Is tbe principal of envy to be destruc- Cbarilie* and Correct!' n«, the School coal heie. However, "God tempers N. K.C'or. I5th and ColumblH Avenue, "Mre. \V. B. Ijynnli, cif Tawiny, will ruflerx overhead* mudtt a really de- in Ocean City has, in recent yearn, be- DARBY'S was a guest of his father, Nieliolas K** erected by cootntc^ or day. Widow Ji.ntH HultH for itoya. Soi- ings to alford light, air, view and Ore come the business portion of the city. It Is Muted that one need not necex- tive, and Its fires burn until Its work for the Feeble-Minded'at Vlneland, the wind to the shorn' lamb." There agilu run tbe Moore Hotel ut I'urty- Ivlng room. Tlie great bam a lot or cottage, you would do well ' GOVERNOR STOKES appears to be Corson, In this city on Sunday. Or60r>7tli HU, Ocean Ctty.N J folk, ttUHter Itnvwii, Uoubte-BrtuUil IlKlltfu ig g protection, . In that territory the covenant In ques- sarlly he a member of the Kplscopaf Ocean City Laundry Is accomplished. Envy blinded the the Slate School for Olrlti.' the Itoy*' Is plenty <>r oil and wood. The oil- anil HloUheM. * ^ Diutb ntreet thin Hummer doors were itent-rnlly left open, giving tion IIUH. been frequently, violated. Church to xlgii the petition. . booked to deliver an address at the Mrs. II <;. Archibald, wife of Dr. JOHIN MARTS The lot ifow .owned bycomplalnaiitx to consider several exceptional 656 Asbury Ave! eyes of tbe scribes and pbarlsees Heforiu School at JaliieHburg, aiid tlie well, therein oil to burn. There arc A new law maken the peiiiiliy fur ail outdoor el!eel very grateful to the Some twelve buildings Imve been there The otlloiuls_ of tlie church \ven formal opening of the summer agricul- 11 C. Archibald, of Tioga, Wax a Hats for Men and Boys Wax conveyed by the Ocean City AHSO- erected in disregard of the covenant—._ much pleaded til see Frederick Itapp tl Work In Kvery Partieutai. Men are so feverishly busy these days, Industrial S for Colored Vouih plenty ot oil wells iu the heart or the • kidnapping children lu New Jer^y lovers of the nun uud space. . '. tural .school at Cape May on June 28th vlslior to this resort on Saturday.- Contracting Builder The Lxtot aii*?clttity . forty yearn In State prlxon The ne\i nfep wax to luilid only the -some us to the hide Hues. But the lor tbo firaient. While be la down this way, wby not Mr. and Mr-. Cllus. B. WWMI and Itlack, Broun, Keller, MouaeDrrbtt February Hd, 1HS.1* The lot now Itupp ami. Ills Wife Were among tli they often miss the angel at the door In the .Stale's exijiblt building will urouud. It Is a thick, black, heavy |£Htlniit(«Mch«urrult/>iunilMtii'0 by 40 f'.et, the be-IAll locomotives out here are oil Tbe State Board of '1'axution took , which were lacking In tory there are now KtJO dwellings, of covenant are tillered within u distrlc Cltiitoii Ii. Sharp, of Millville, The Sucllei-t. See our uIndow dbpUj Tlie deed held by defendant expressly wlilch X'iO ure residences. Is essentially In which three luin<'rcd and eight; Also KIndlln* Wood by barret or cord. dream. lcH.''ation In the building. burners. 111 u. railway run across the GEORGE H. B0DB6E0ISS SON off $-JO(>tl from tlie au-ieHHiueiit ol the llr»t form." U4Mt ofiul on tlie rnHrkiit. 22J0 lba. u> • THE" SENTINEL this week takes liiK (iuodf. recllen that the conveyance IH subject tlie residential piirtioii of the city, uud buildings are creeled, • ' The educational exhibit will he in continent they -u>-e both the oil and vl-ltcil his parents. Mr. and Mrs. I.nter. truvelers from distant jundx thtt ton Ktianuite«)d. Bell or KnUrprlae . pleasure In presenting to the view of HOLY TKISITV. Mendel's One-Price Store tXJO.OOOon the Cape N'uy Heal K-tnle to the operation of the covenant above that III that territory tlie coveiiulit has 1 think it clear "that the e<|iittabli 'pbone.* "Dead to Sin; Alive uuto Uod" wa> Mailed In the Kducatloiial Biilldlni;. coal.burning lukey. substituting one Ai|inlla Sliurp, In this city, on Hun- Carpenters and Builders noticed the resemblance between these been preserved. Tlie side lines of tlie . Its leaders a. picture of Commander • ltii') Atlantic Avenue, Company'H pro|>erty. , referred to. right or i'oiiipiuluuiils to enforce'till Omen ud Vsrd. TENTH and WHrr the theme of Rev.-Dr. Cook's sermon It ulll include a showing fruni tile ror the other as they pa>. J, 1 wldc-sprcadlng one-ntory hoiisex and liitH In i|tiestloli are on Kleventh street, restrictive covcnuiil tins, not been tn»t Alfred Atkins, who cast the deciding ATLANTIC C1TV.N.J. C. Erueut Dechunt, HupervUiMK prlu- 'i'.he northeasterly 'line of Nlntfi which street rmiH northwesterly .unit In Holy Trinity Church' on. Sunday Stute Nurulu! and .Mode) Si'liools,the parts or tlie country where each or tlie Mrs. K 7, MillH. of Cape M'ay.Court the Knst ludiaii '•hnugalou'," and Kven though it should he concede* vote In favor or Ocean City as the tiuildloica «rncc«d by « I'lpal of the I'ape May 'HUIUMIIH, IIIIU rf- Htreet foruiH the Houthwewterly hide soul lit'iistcrly from the ocean to tlie that Ihe twelve violations or tin evening. His text-wan from—llom, ii; public scliouU or Trelllolii two couiiiHKHtleM I* tlie'cheapy-t- Fur ii?ilJUK_her_f«! her, JOS. I. 5CULL.•.•<&•! Asb'ury Avenue ATLANTIC IGEMIWILK COMPANY — .-. =—meeting placfftbis-yearof the State Gr ~»lgneoTto~aecept~fhe*|»rlue|—ulHlil|mf iiuy, .- , "eoVL'mmrwhii'lrhnvc-beeir-periiiittef II: '•ReCkbu ye a)so yourn;lves' to be with tlioKe of the rei-l of the -Stale". road-making, it Itfall right. They ''«y, In this clly dm- to lie U'oipnrury, iiut, ptitthiKon wide ill wlmt IIIIK been dclhkcd' as the bus[ DEALE A. R. Encampment. Commander Haddonlleld HCIIOOIH. tlie lot owned by defendant Is next or the territory referred to in I lie ^>_Pocono Mountain lea dead Indeed uuto sin, but alive unto Tlu; hlHtorical exhibit, which rin» up the dirt, then roll, then apply a QHARLES L. HOFMANN PRACTICAL HOUSE PAINTS vera>)duM and a'liu'nllkil name, sprang UH the residential portion of ilic Intel ness r Nint' Atkins toan , affable man—as affable oeeaiiward of that o»ne a . Plilladeiphla Wltdwood will hold a wpei'lul elet> up lii every direction ax intentional TlieuiiHWerihgulliduvllHpoln.t out six Pure Aidernai Milk anil Cratm as he Is-good looking. • _ ._ .REGISTERED ARCHITECT . J . 645 Asbury Avenue, tlouou -May HI, tovoteou tlie |iropoMl- plaliiailtii. ' iniildiiigs within the territory between nient, in that district, or the orighla ibese words," said 1'r.Cook,' re piacsit-in tlie 11 rvtui^ lltiiiUiiih. "" Illlo the dlrt~~??exTra"tfauTpTiTir'lo«'ii I pTiiTn TiircTiased homes. ' . *• • . •. *• scheme' TfcFTgncri - trr he-prcservetl--b.' ortloe. 1014 Aabury Jkv • _ (M:KAN 1'ITY, N". J. A building ban beeu erectwl on' the Ninth uiid Fou"rlcenlh~.streetx wlitcti filar to all Christians and bible readers The Jeraey goii roadH exhibit will uiaken u crust HOiuetlilug on the order PLAHB. •F(CiriCATIONa«NO«iiFCNlMTENOCNCC tlon to lrt»ue HM 500 Worth of linnd* for the covenant, It'dnes mil follow Iroi OCEAN' CITY ti."i'. ~ ~ IT is td be hoped that the municipal erty in this city, nun at the Klberoii lot ow'ued by complainants and that ure cluimed to be located contrary to be located near the lunteimi prexeutH- of asphalt—a tine roail for driving or municipal linpro\eineiitH, TEACHERS' MEETING ' • he reqilireiueiltHorthecoVeiiuul. One that fait that tlie right ti. the enforce-' bois areapeclally so to churchmen. They are a few days ago," . • '• . . 905 WALNUT STREET j lv«ltiiiuu-* l-'uriiitibeu, authorities everywhure will take steps A rnre ontM>r'unity lOfitwilrt* u irtiuiiudtl building is located 011 the lot.In con- of tliese is oil Ninth Htreet and UII-nieiit orVlie c. O Iliirr tendent or JMibllc'SCIHIOIK here, and streets and are adjuceut to the terri- A. J. SMITH, PROPRIETOR preceded it. The whole Thaw-White Hichurd It, Hadcli'lf, of Miilvllle, ti »mr;wti;wtil pay ior ttHflttHfli In "uniiipr boirdw view and air to complainants' lot to utory which IIIIX been referred 10 ax tlie well modify thu needs or one pdrtioi other service rendered, is ouly us Another exhibji will present all the this- suit. It does not brunch out, leritiM Will *-Utpnne vou. A'ldr*****', ., . Electricians Itli'ycle rir.i untl Kllupllni. Hlc,ile K» Will leritiM Will *Utpnn ban given uot ice that the pupllx'- ex- l'rof. •Derliallt, of. Cape May, greater degree than would be the case business section of the city, and it Is of 11 city to sni-li an extent as to Indue WHOLCSAIK AMD RCTAjLOfAllR IM .episode Is unwholesome, in every rsew "Jei>oysiiui'mer reports, outlining spoilt a few days this week with Mr. l. n. HoU'AKIi (owner), *J>iKJ>iK.. N. 4.'u»ltnl HI., 822 Anbury Avenue* Ocean City, N'J. |>ulrlni; I'rfimi.lly Allvnded To- 'sounding brass and tinklingf.vmbals.' but grows up tall,' .reaching t> height U'hU'hluutol U , orii'iv KlilKclii.l.ll e HHtull *U •mloatioiiH under the county cour»e of < the spelling reform movement munifest thut any violation of the the abandonment of tlie general pl.a aspect,'and Its presentation as a means unit MM. W. K. Muisty. The latter tu tTtly. N. J Kiectrlcul work ol nil kitill* urornpily ut- If the, building Nhouid be erected In ud to thut porllnn Without any Inle FORSALE But when we study the. Words, which liie advantages ot eacli. •' of rrom fifty to seventy feet in six * |lroU*r**d tr»+ of Clmrrli of Cape May. Miss Ktliel ltourgeoiw A Sooy for comptuliiauts. averred-that Ihe porch UOHIH of tlittt •Terms toHiiit. l»i-i<'«-, *lLfi1.' ing purpose, but an excellent fuel. rrle'n'ilH here u rew'days Hliice Mr. hl |U*Mr«rt on Huhdar ' PLASTERING. RANGE SEHING More than !>00 deleguteH nree^pL'Ctepular Buy your Coal from tbe ' at the annual HenHlon of the i-miven- Thompson .v Cole for dereildent. Twelfth street. 'Astotlils building it referred to, ' • • . i(>. foot of occuii.front liotwocn cold and heat. They gain e'tfect by tend, as a delegate, the fourth annual Pasadena, Cal. JiHIN THST ', BRICK LAYING. Etc., Etc. Cap- Muy schools, will' r«'ail a paper create a sympathy for him. Hucb biiKiuess man in Chester. . tlou of the Epwortli lieague of the taming, V. C. may be said that'll IH by no means AH to the territory sonilme-terly of tbe law of contrast, for could auv^ two convention of the New Jeri-ey Kaukers* OCEAN CITY BAKERY relullni; tn art in the schools, ' certain that the location of the porch •vt'iith iiiui TwelfthHtroi'tx/witli A hcuiiiii'il.l lot on Jilayscan work Incalculable harm to All Work In Mason Line Prompt!) SHOEMAKER LUMBER CO. • New JerseyCourerence In Millviltv.on When an owner of -11 tract of. laud Ninth street which has bet>n delltied WOOD tblligs be mure uullke. than death and Association, tu be held ut the Hotvl " PERSONALS. Cupl. L, U, Keckell aud duughle'r, IV, S. C.' Shliiuuker, or tin. Weif losts as [diluted out. operate* us a tiu tlie rt^idi'niiiij dls^riot," 1 eiitertulu ipuriun ii trills, for Halts at a low f'i'itr CUM In1 IIOIIL'I the young peViple of tbe land, aud BREAD, FANCY CAKES and PIES Attended To. lays it.out into nticcl» and loiu. uud violation or the covenant, lint with- l'lucc v life? See It in tbe revival of nature, Chelseu tomorrow and Saturday. Mrs Wllllum lloutk, or Cauideii, •TVVKLHTH HT. AND WEST AV'E. April SO, May 1 and 2. ("hester.. State- Normal School, will the ylf"' tlnii tlie'slx'vioiiillo'iH or the * their ^oppression from tbe outlet will ' .. OCEAN CITY. N J. • ailopts a restrictive covenant of tlie out determining that j)Uestion it will coveiiulit pointed oiil by defendant :111c: piiei- on uppliciitidii: ' lit a l piicc on itiiplicutiol when tbe warm spring-time supplants Carltou (iodfrey IH |-re»lilt'm or the fame down Sutlirduy uiid opened their . Puplln iu the MtthiMliHt Kplxiipul lecture Friday . eyeiiinit. After tlie nature of tlie one now iu i|uestioii,with Office. No. 634 ASBURY AVENUE surely prevent the spread of a dan- 'Alexander Foiter, of-IMiilndi'lplim, GEORGE S. BICKEL, Proprietor An you art1 alwayn Hufe o (j be .observed that the' locution of tlie cuiiiint be considered as Mulllcleut Lot on Aslmry avonno,- niwly the cold and Inert couditloiiH of Icy axsoi-latiuu. cottage ror a few weeks' sojourTi. NO. 815 ASBURY AVENUE, Buuday w.-bool at Knua were eut-li lecture, the Five Mile iieucli'Teacliers' a view to i-eiuire the deliiied conditions Steward building, like the two build- evideuoe to iudlcute tlie uhuiidoniiieut • geroos polaon. was a recent vMtor. • '.'"'. U24O pouudB to the ton - winter. See it In the'.difference be- .W.'H. MITCHELL, ' given a |iackage of flower weed, wiiich mi Will tender a reception to named ill the covenant, for the benellt ing* already referred to. Is on streets ot the original plan in the district -adtitt. tin;* aiilewulk; pri<'oy *4(IO. oiii < i>ttil;;«' oii'WcHl The coliventlnii will be called to Kdward Sto'uehill anil fnniily, of Mrs, A. 'l\ ItUle'r, .or Trellton, is Ocean City, N. J. of the entire tract which he neeku to ngs already refere . RAILROADS generally pay dear for tween the lifeless clay—beautiful, it a guest uf: her sim. Dr. Chas. it. Klder. they are to plant for the pilnuiHe of iy association. ithtr Hum ilmt on wlilch p where nearly four -hundred buildings order at.'! o'clock lo-liiorrotvurieriiooii. I'liiladelphiu, were visitors Mere over develop,-uud lUKerts'the coveiiulit in 1 have been erected hi conformity to the 3 lolKOll ISliy UVtfllUL', HV/.ii aO.Vl l."> l-'uutti'i'iiili . stivcts i>ri*'<;. BRICKLAYING - PLASTERING •upplylug the church,and xchool ulili unts property is located, und Is uior- their ovemlgbtH. According to the may be, as the sculptured marble, and The. uililrenrt of U'elciinie u'llt be de- The latter's sister. Miss Kihabetb all deeds as a Hurt of the. deliiied plan.- Theoxtremcly small percentage BUILDING MATERIAL Sunday. scheme and UH UII exaction from all tlian a block distant und in no way ot; priciv *:»00 for the tl fiM-niK to xiiit. Atlantic City Press. "The West Jersey as cold—audtbellvlug person full or livered by Mayor Stoy. Hon. It. H. Rider, of Trenton, also iius been spend- : JOBBING fl SPEUIflLCT " 0. J. HAMMELL flowera during the Hummer. • ttit'ects the desirability of complulii- of the breaches or tlie covenant which Andrew 1'. Maloney, of Philadel- BIRTHDAY SURPRISE puruhuuerH ror tlie - benellt of eucii Railroad Company. Is being made to •lie warmth and activity. Mlucli. of Brl(igetol), will 'make the ing u few duys here. IRA S. CHAMPION Kteildeii'ce: 7O4 Centj-iil Ave ailts' property. The fourth building defendant hit-.' pointed out rather OF ALL KINDS purchaser, the equitable .rlirht to. tlie • ' • On« of tliti 'llnost cotui^'M f»i this tiiiiuly-f'oi'Mm Tfiii't phia, greeted hi* trends, here during '. '...,.,.....:j.-., atlldavlts teuds-to the establishment of the fact pay a pretty penalty for tbat electric . " 'Reckon yourselves dead unto Hill.' Bpeeches will be made by bila-.| Advertise! J ail here- to tile preservation of the Suuutiir Cieorge'Ji Hil/er, und (ietirge law Kltiileiit ut Cambridge, has been MouumeutH, • Mrs, CliaH, K, Xabb 'was given her ditions named, the benefit to be says. . -. cliase, ulthough tbe covenant may, hi within' I lie residential district is one able right of coi!i|iluiiiunis to the en- ig nil the material for your building. paid all tbe damages It could have gracious. Helper by His holy-spirit. ilayn un iiccount of llliieuH, han re- ID aeasoliH dull don't Hit and drcum M. Back, or Xew York; Governor' delfiTilu, were in town a few (Jays the - Burial VaultH, 'Grave t.'oven- . , The surprise wus arranged by mem-terms, o'nly bind each purchaser aiid now under construction at Kleventh forceuieut or liie covenant hi question built a bridge that Would have been Ifwe.want to be 'dead Indeed unto turned to liix work at'tlie bunk USE CAS FOR . All kltidK of Cemetery Work About Home hot-air, get rich s-chuiile his heirs uud uHHigiin. ' street und Hay avenue, winch imild- is not liilpalrtNlby tsoluted breaches n( JOS. 6. CHAMPION'S StokeHuiid Dr. Frailclu 11. (Jreuue, of latter purt or lant week. They -Were : :: sin,' His grace Is always available, licrn of U'uli-Steila Council, Degree of lug is being erectel on the line of the covenant in locations where such •.••.;, ' :«>.; • -. positively protected, Bucb as spans tbe tile State Normal Scli'ool. Freaenck <;. ftchcu, of IMiiludelpiilu, AND . COOKING tiet up and hustle on this theme— .It Is urged on beliuir of defendant :: and It Is Sufficient. 'Dead Unto sin,' a getting Mr.'Happ'H hotel property Oil I'm.-ahoiitax, ':, Kleveiith utrCet The map tiled'by de- breaches cu.H. In uo way be 'said- to LUMBERYARD Delaware River for Instance, where a A busiiiesH Hen-ion will be held, on a member of theyachi club and a xum- LIGHTING Works at Pleasantville.N.J. . Advertise! thut the present amended hllj uud uu- fendant does uot disclose Bay avenue. aflect the desirability ore(>itiplahiantH' growing Insensibility to Its seductive Ki Ntreet ill rcudlncsM for opening. Tlie evening, wus ujietil pleuHa'ntly nexed allldavltx do not a (lord xufllcleut 3ili and. Haven Avenue • iralu leaving the tracks could not be Saturday. In tbe evening there ix to mer cottager, u-as in town a lew, tlayn HEATING If you'd have people know your store, It IH evident that tills structure must property. It- Is not to be- expected c'arms, Is much. 'Alive unto God' IH ICECREAM by uii, refreshments In ubunduiice evidence or the ccndltlonx above be.many blocks dtataut rrom com- that the courts will be appealed to for damped Into the waters below. It Is be an luforuial dance. Hlnce. Minn Joueptiltie Hnlnyatc, of Treii NO SMOKE .Advertise! stated to warrunt tlie fsHUaiice or tile more. Dead unto many BIUH, If not . ESTABLISHED 1881 being served before the purty ended. piutuuiiu' property. The sixth viola- the preservation or the general scheme FGRRENT .uot always good business to try and Mis. \V. H. tiraham', H. U, lienlictt toil, where Hhe teacher lu the State . NO SMELL. Tell them that you've got KO<«IS- galore, prellmmury Writ nought. While the lii loculltres where u voinplulnuiit Is PATTONS SUN-PROOF PAINT dead Unto sin, Is we'll. It Is glorious "NO DIRT Those present included Mr, and Mrx. tion or the covenant referred to ax .save a penny on the start and pay To Improve ijVoudblue Mlr«et«. - and MIKH Owens formed a Wilming- school, visited her parents, KeV, and Wlt.ll Cold siorauti new ibia year, utn'r>r« Advertise! amended bill aud allldavlts annexed within the territory defined at resl- without interest. It Is only when the Here Is a good foundation to build bar«d to give letter iibrvice'uow tbau in tby C. 1-'. Nubh, Mr. und Mrs. N. Carlson to it are not as explicit In details us ltriok Hrorc and tlwolliiij? mi Anbury ayt'imo, with luitit, electric All colors. - Any quantity. : ' thousands In tbe end for a bit of care- Woodbine, the Independent Jewish ton, Del., party at the Wyoming a few Mrs. K It. Brunyate, on Saturday and TbU«paoel«re««rvfH] tor J Don't mope aud let Hustle & Grow, dentul IH U building occupied by N. (.'. Interest or a'property owncr.lH nilecled upon. Renunciation "must come und dutighter, Mrs.-C. Welslcr, Miss might be desired, I entertain the view Clellaod, which in . situated on the lessness, a thing tbat could have been community Incorporated three years days ago. •' ' • '• Sunday. She VI.HH accompanied by- Just Strike,a Match Who advertise, get all the dough; that the averments are uulliulent to that,' lu my judgment, he can be li^ht, liot ami cold water; 425 per month. - . * first/' • W. L. BERRY. lailu Welxler, Mrs I. Hill, Edward' corner or Eleventh street •and Anbury reasonably charged with tlie duty of averted for a small sum. The sad ago, haa voted to give $5200 for the Mr. atxl Mrs, Uriah Y. lle«« have Profs Dii'nin and Meredith, of At Adopt the magic word below— bring complainants'- caw within the avenue. Thin bul'dlng fronts on a Now Htores and apartinontu on tho BtiunUviitk, (tvery coiivi'iiien'co. Dr. Cook emphasized the fact that - FIIMKRAI. UIKKCTOHH ' Itushuy and wife, M_r«. II, Hlckman, rule stated. The umendeii bill show's applying to tlie,court for the preserva- • part of M. all Is that almost seventy Improvement or the streets, Tbe been Hpendltig the week with their ialltlc City. . ' • . 7th St. and Asbury A\e Advertise? ' street in which coiuplalnantH are not-tion of (he general sx'hpnie. Tills view ono cannot stop with renunciation Manufacturing Jeweler, t t the purchase of the orlnlual tract by I'nriilrtlii'il cottUKCrt iu all JiiirtR of tlni city; routiil, (fl'i-t to tMiil people bad tosacrific e their lives to Woodbine Land and Improvement daughter, Mrs. Barah A. Flowers, In —Huklneui Mull's Magazine. Mru. Sophia Campbell, Mrn..J. "'"'- " luterented, but the.tilde of the bulldiug Is forcefully eKpressed by-Vice Chan- . NO. aa SOUTH SECOND ST.. tii« Ocean City Association mid UB sub- IH OU tbe opposite tide or the uame First National Bank , put this plainly before tbe railroad.*' Tbe'two Vows of faith—something Company Will also spend $8000 lu im- lJrldgeion. A. H. BAKER uiid \V. Crammer. ' divlrilon Into lots ror Kale aud the pre- cellor Kuiery in Morrow vx Has el \V« liave a RtHtciur bargain in u oottujjo' wiih^six Ivoil-roomri, bath. definite to believe—and of obedlenc'e— NOTICE TO LIMIT CREDITORS. Pblladelpbla. •>••' ; ntreet ou which complainants', prop- men (N. J. Oh,) ill All: Uep. HM), H71 proving the streets, so that together G THOMAS ' -HIa Houw. paration and tiling of a mup (mowing erty IH located, and one block ocean- OF '•." Mr. aiid Mrs. Colemali F. Learning ...Undertaker - and • Embalmer. u vr(t,.li>corDor»lt;. and"I concur iu the conclusions there liljlit; caUjbt) rented for a Urn!; Hfitisoii; i»riro, ^aou. * . something definite to do—must follow. over $1H,000 will be spent ou the Im- ntntiiot ljv«ilu Miiry i!or»ton, Anderson Bourgeois- Is making the lotHthtlH deilned and tbe adoptfou WHrd thereor., . i SAYS the Trenton True American: and soil. Dr. Lew In 0. ..Learning spent The 'certlllcute ot lucorp^atioli of by that • corporation of "a geueral mated by the learued Vice Chancellor To treat life as one long holiday Is to provement of tile streets. . v lir-Muuul ID the nrd*»r of K. C. Hvwlii H 849 ASBURY AVENUE,' Dumber or Imp'rovemeutH to Ills cot- , It Is aluo clalmtHl, on beltulf of de- Hotel for rent, iiO'TdoinHj every coiiyunio.nee;.i>licV, >fOM), • Tbe ueajspapers of Atlrntlo City go so a few days this \yeek at the home of rutfuiH off tbtbee rouDtrouDtyy ooff <-'apt <-apttt JH**JH**yy muiltmuiltii the Star anil* Wave I'ubllnhine; Com- building scheme ror the purpose of It in pomted out'that tbe front of Ocean City, N.J. far as to admonish certain reformermaks e llf&a burden: When duty fol- U19 twulfclulfcli day Ol ApriAprill , A, u/lltUu/lltU77 , on No. 1O8 Market St. J * ' OCEAN CITY, N. J.I tage at Fourth and Wesley avenue Hecurthg the unobxtructed view and tills building violates the covenant In fendant, that complainants "are lu Hotel witli U0 biid»roomn, lilcctrln bollK, evoi-y Beuatoraud Mrs. Lewis M. Orense. pptlt'iitlon or liii Callwuuuuftirvdd»y pany, of t'ii|« May, WUH recorded laches In permitting the building of CAPITAL $50,000. • SURPLUS $25,000 - in tbat city that any attempt bn, their lowed bv love, comes first, true happi- . PleuMd .Wilta Ocean Cliy, jyiil Th^bouHe In balug raiiied eighteen light and air," and the adoption of the question, aud thai at tbe Hide or the ; urtdtt Ol -Mlild exhibit lollie April i)th, 11117. Capital stnek ^,000, restrictive covenant now In nuestton residence portion or tbe building brlok defendant to become partially erected price, *t:JWr. ' ' ' -part to enforce tbe Sunday liquor laws ness follows of her own accord., John h. Price and Win. B. lUiikln, Albert Eogg, of Camdeii, Wan In tiiU Inehea aud a cutneut floor has bee'u before the bill wan filed. I think coin- uubn-- ' outb or urHrrdatlon ibblr 250 Hhureh a $i(W eacheach. IiicorporatbriiIiieorporatorii!; and the iuaertlon of that covenant iu steps lead rrom Ibe bulldiug to the L. M. oitKHHK, PTMiaent ,' ' ' Will probably send AUantlc City info FIRST PKCSBYTEKIAK. n or Prospect Park, Pa.| and P, H, city yesterday, looking at the progress tilullil w i.Dd d'liliinilK u^ulnit Ibo uatute 61 lutlll PHILADELPHIA, . placed.In the basement. The brick- plulnuntx have dolie all that can be '- •• - ' -' »l«ll Hullo. f\6 iibaren, ail deeds which have been executed by Hide line of the Htreet. aiid the' porch U. II. HTITEM, Vlee-Pfailaant being made on the, brickBtore building u^^^^iw^r^^-fc^ THE Itohert the corporation- The atllduvlt of S. enerouohcMon the building Hue. Com- reasonably required of them. Defen- . decay, attributing to a slml'ar reform The subject or Rev. H, T. Ctassel- Raukln, of Philadelphia, friends of Work win done by George" O'. Adamu Hand, «t Bhurea, $500(i; dant Is not a resident or tills Btate Wi HOOTT UAMO, Oublar movement In Cape May the misfortunes J»erry'a sermon In the' First Presby- Genrgev W. Shirley, one of Prospect being erected south of hls.girage, near '*"""- bitrnid oiuiuy action unulnut ihe nub- aomdqn»rt«r.olHODtbJ«rMyloi Undertaker and Embalmer 4 Bro. ' Aaron W. Wealey l^ake, annexed to theplainants. ' properly IH In UO way I . J.-VlTULANTATKM.KoIioilor • The cottage has bceu re- James Mecruy, i!0 shares, $3000. amended bill, sets fortli that tbe cor- affected by the rront encrouohiiieut ComiiluhfuntH promptly gave notice t< terian Church on Sunday evening was Ninth street. , . — •.— April I.'. A. U. IW7. the roreinau uf tlie work that thel OIRCCTORSl ' . that have overtaken tbat resort. There Park's leading citizens, Were visitors HSU>UCMTKA>i AVKNUH Painted, poration wan organized for tbe estab- and .while the porch and steps, at the ••The Stolen Goods,'' Text: Judges, Miss Vera Hiultli and Mrs, Laura MAHTUA H. K-AKE, • .— • • . - rights were being violated und the bil UM.Creus Oha^M«lhe».« Is jio attempt todlsgulse the truth,and here a few days ago They were AdmluiMlrsir lishment of a CbrUtlau seaside resort Hide or tbe building may operate to Money to Loan on Mortgage J.M.Obe.ter W.E.UWQ ' 'Pboafc INI) OUKAN OltY, N. J 1 MiilL frwui Wvwu IKMrukrt. Was thereafter lltcd»us (inlckly us Ii ; yet when Judge Trenchant charged an 18; 24: "Ye have taken my gods, and much pleased with Ocean City. Mr. Passman, or Atlantic Oily, are visiting I " EBTEV organ for nule, t-heapi ca»h. uiid that the corporation Inserted the violate the covenant. It It*. tnaulfeHt E. V. C-or»on, H.D. Mooro i • what have I more?" _^ their parentH, Captain and Mrs. Lewis ' . AliUOUIICeiueilt lu mutlii III tlie ail- t p td that any violation there may be, IHcould be procured • w I.B.Ch»mplon. B.B.Stll«il ', Atlantic City graud Jury to. Indict tbe Price desires to purchase a property In Fine Faraily Groceries. Adam8,.722.A»bury avenue. il In l iirti«« dusiriiig ihoiiey for improvement or other purpottes can li« Bmlth—"Mtsa Btattirls recawfiug rrom JT HI.U.TIBEKH coluiuus or* th'^e ^L'\."l.|V^I>|, In question deeds A -preliminary Injunction will lie R. W, KdwunU JOKpbl.Boall ' . • . breakers of tbe Sunday laws not a slu- •HrrCasstlberry said In partf ~ tblv resort. • III Ii. »..IH>MI»IH'C wllli thp Alwayatbilrrallisatabd bnt to Iw lijlind Ic V 'rttrt at tliia-oitiec.. • .Wei 'li B. W«l«y L»lt» • B. Howard Thorn \} gte violator of tbo*e laws wasindicted. "In this story of tbe Danitea steal- her recent operation, her friendH will' furolnheurolnhed 6 roor m cottage rear 0-SI Aa-thai ij, tr~rnr«m,TOVTT-«—^_ might be uio,» .„... or Oie uiuunded bill. •~—iJiISHi BarihUI l>«al»l a.Bt^aSmn~ m cottage re residence, aud that the object of the necessary to' intelligently determine ftThe iwroltoiof Atlantic City's law Ing Micab's gods, we get some idea or Get your paperbauging done bv Hie be pleased to hear " Kull nuvoredT«u«,iiibicellri.iidil ol L'onixi, 752 ASBURY AVENUE *>ury avenue. Aptp''y «. C. OodrreOdry will nerve milk rrom the WaWu Dairy whether complainants' right toenforcc targe. iiinotmtH waiting lor inventineiit. l^UoH, Ladlalo. ADA>irt DECOKATIVK CO., now ut DAIRY FARMS Huuurtfor HlltfriidtMt, C'knued KrtllUi IMakltui I. N. JOHNSON, corporation wan to make It Impossible -••• breaking are serious, so serious that It the state of religion' which, existed Hftew, Ililnln., Drl»d B**r, BUtlir" nd lirdl .—^8 ft. taunch.tl Furma, Tills milk in noted' ror Its tills covenunt ugulust defendant has the corner or Seventh street aud An- Mnln Ollte.- and . . OCEAN CITYi N. J' . *o» eAiiBOiiBAI'.—^8 ft. taunch.t for the city to be built up wild aud to , Cleaning .House! •Hoard or Ulreotor« meet TnsHliy , u| Is. almost Impossible toconvic t any,'about a cebtury after Moses had con- V1J M. a-4«• rbiladelphls Hnm« or Ixmt quullly, Wvlubud viheatnir. a. OlobeKugluegoodeotidltlonO . J M. M- been lost- Kroni the review It will be bury avenue. Finest- Hue or wall Your property for sale7 It will sell Tbiuied by cuntpiuem. No KM. lo wernht purity and excellence. secure a Hpace or eight feet between observed that there have been no Kriduy mornliiKil, ' ' ,••*".,: • • • " " ntw. I quicker aud for a better price If ' • Hraurb OOMI . ' onurged to ptirctuuugN. """ PLUMBER, Sharp, 2JM2 HIcbinoudM. l'hlla. I»U, papers ever shown iu Ocean City, and Fine Paper Hanging. PaintiRg ' • 3-1,7l.eow. ttmllli'x. violatlotiH or-the coVeuaut'whlcii have Stop and examine rorBSMT papered In an up-to-date manner. iirSiar HuliUinir. A'll.nllo illy Htoplnund niuksiHsitiotlaniifrom tbe bMt w . n W8 liEe bo deep 8 at prices that ounnot be duplicated... larKMl.and lre.be.tl.took In I'WIUdlliiWfc A few more or those barguhm we lu any substantial way affected the cannot afford to permit any couoty or, ? ,? ,'j >, "* . .™r * . The ADAMS DKCORATIVBCO are 1 * Have your paper huiiglng iloiietliln Housecleaning ne- BUR8UR) * hoId .-. .-— —y- r,7 ,.-.-r —., We beg to announce that we have Orders bym»ll promptlyattended10.^All STEAM AHO0AS FITTER, - , A Select Line of The tlneBt paiierban'glng ever doue meiitlotied lant week; 80-deiit good* property of complulnuuts, and but any municipality within it tonullif y r Mol-worahlp had upon tbe people, FOR BALE—Near the Hay front, be- tbtb e ones to see; the' y will db it better arranged to have our milk delivered by good* lo tbe moonlit or (Tie • - - mouth, lluvu it doire right. HaVeU helling at neVeu and eight centH.-Hoiue two possible violations upon tuekireetu PBOOFWinltt" ltsstatntea. TbeGoyernoreannotcou- not tbat It wasan altogether heathen tween Tenth and Kleventh streets and at a lower price than you can net i'. . » ^>na>unw ) ai anyn WALL PAPERS AND • w .Ocean City ban been done by thedune, by It, It. Smlib & Bonn. Tlu tob» If they are what, you waut, you cessities'at the ut ay ooanty ADAMB DECO It ATI VK CO. Call aiid Every tselltvy cOMlnlent with ufe banking *3i^'B sktenUy require the aathorlUes of one sort, nor that they bad entirely for- several cheap lots suitable for summer eisewnere.elsewhere.. uaCallu anaud see tnematbemat thethe: • „-,JtH^ t^' 7 . Repairing a specialty, boys ure buuy.au been, but cau alwaye can get at muoh leiw. we will e»tlnjate JOS. I. SCULL exUndMltooarpUroiuk ,... •, , •'_,,•: INTERIOR DECORATIONS , We our uew more aud show room at Bourse Pharmacy. ;ooonty to enforce the law«,«nd permit __*,»„ ,h»_ „.. .„ >Ai'niJt.». n_!* cottages; t2ft> per lot; one-half can re- corne__...^_-. / (lu<<~'-y ;/ri,:-:;-:^:;rr;A v.;;••• ;'.•.•••;•..,-...' thathat wat was admirables admirable, stil, still Itl waIt was somes some. . 617 Central Ave. Ocean Clty.N. J, bring them, ' . . [Milk and Cream. •. • UP-TO-DATE SIGNS iu Hotel Falrview. (Jail around uud uue." Open eveulngB ek. ofllce. 45. : etc. MUsractlan °—iinitita. P'lce«. are bringlug lota of bUlncnu view tbe maguldcent dining room. ^ 0 Artl.Uc Workmuatalp' ' LowMt - ,«h»e days. Worn doue quickly • - >* ' ' . ','.''.••.•;,'' "•'•'"•y.'v"'., '• '11 • •-' ,,'•,, *'*'•'• •..'''\ ' aisss

Mgli1 ..<•..-.;,!, i SOME FIRST OCCASIONS. VIBRATION. nubjectlng himself to any claim for •THE FLAGEOLET. ' • . • damages on tbe.part of the defehdaut. PHYSICAL DIRECTORS TO HAD RIGHT TO nitlt'-li Wif* "(I HOTEL KEEPERS Tli.' II Tbe defeudaut, o"u Ux. part,' was it Hn« AlniD'o Iti-ou Ihr l.nve Milt nnd I'fnelrallun. Of til.' >A|MI<*lM*' l.lllllltl. iii I*:i. bouud to rurulsh the' service at the •r Imllt In.. I'.iiK l.in.l ' Tlie wondi'Vful fori-i- of vlbrntloj k CONFER IN. OCEAN CITY CHANGE RATES rates specified for any yearjt xerved The tlam'olet Is of, |i"i-utuir 'interest ', Tli rccognl/.^l In all lls power br (M HEAR REPORTS to,Amcr-leii|is, us [rum Ilino hiiiueino- il|.|' 'H-...I in IM'i the couiplalnaut until It gave due;* urcliltis-tH mill' bulkier*. It Wo^J, i!: th- ilrst, Illt'li- 'rial It ban been "Hie nieilliiiii .through I II uiiitisf llii'in If they Wen* told notice of a change of rates fur an en'-j • ~~[ .which the. Inillan yoiuli courteil tlielr | (C'oiillunu'tl Iruiu First l*ii*«.>.) UI'OHI solidly tnillt of Ilii'lr wall Mayor Quunpion Will Assist Uing year, it bad the right, up to More.Pavilions on Boardwalk sweethearts nt if tllstuuco when they , Pin- ,L' III" ri'tfii "I I.I|MIIIII tlw <'"» be- Injured by "the rintliiuniM tv,,™,. newer company', aud in the elgllth the limit authorized by the oidlnaucu, werO so unfortunate aa to bo uniiliU* In Entertaining Guests of ,i7 i:,r:l.|inl tin* pViii-lliv of vm of u bow acroHH u violin. Of courtik [ih thereof provided an follown: to.chauge the rates'. It wax iiot'bouud Are Anticipated—New to pain U;personal nmllene#. OUTDOOR SPORTS V Mll'lUlllfi l^'^illi' would takoyiiirH of |ilnjln({ tolou, • , F* K« B« JK • itt* C» A* '•That the »ald company cliaige aud by a dellnlic binding contract |>cr- Members Elected. .'. Tho loyo or cijurtlilk' lime of the .Vpn-' ' I..H.I \i..|..m.. ..ilnTvyi^-,Sir JHIIII ninsoiiry nnd' tinnier Iron, •ullect hi advance for the use or wild cho IH. uiurte of n-roiiii.) slb-U of cellar Ocean City will entertain' the petually to serve at the' rates iilen l.'lllilii'. I,, u.ii tlii'.llrst- pj-rsiin lu KnK therf im; factH on rei-ojjl •.,„,„, newer service UK fol IOWH: For, hotels or . Tin- Hotel Keeper*' Association met about tWtMfij-r.mir lni'lii''ti lull!-'. KP"t FOR ENCAMPMENT tioncMl In |hc.papcr writing. • hiiul t< li.iv.. liis'plioi"i;r»pli tuken. - "tlitit Hiieh n result has oc-iirred. members' of' tho • "Tenth - Aunual boarding ' houses, seventy live ("•">) on Tuesday evening at the home ot luniilhwls.' iiml liollon-.'il to rorm nn nlr llrsi '-'.\\\i w'us bmiiBlit film Hlnce the uoniplniuant fnllx to prove 1 Tli- tlfst i-lnss lialik'shlp a limn moy fcj Physical 'Directors" Uoufereuce" ou cents per. aiiniun for each Bleeping Mrs. -I.,, Haker, 1727 Oxfortl street, challllier. ,.\ Imlr Irf IhU'li' .nti i-.U'll i'ltli? s NO. 5 that the chargcx, were unauthorized, lo ilre.-.v liy liiiiiniis In II -"' tlu> vinrntlmiH of n violin tfaongti U VOL.XXVJII. OGEAN N. J., THUKSDAY, MAY 2, 1907. Friday, Jane 7th. , ' '/Continued from Kln.1 l*nrv.) . ' •rooiir not exceeding thirty,' and llfly lMillnilelphia.... In tfie absence or the or thin ill:i|.lii:i.-:iii miil n sliuflow nlr he fallM to make out a. caxe. ami blx It, C. . 'Ill'1 lirst iiimbli' di'i-kiil slil] oujy iiot In*.nlilo to.htiir the.mmlc, h Toe following correspondence be- (.50)' centH' per anuuin Tor each addi- president and secretary, H. A..AV. puRsnuo cut. h-o'm lo tin? oilior. the local committee of the State (J. A bill lllllMt benlxmla'sed, with eo»t«.. WJW lin-ll •'• Tj riiin*. 7M'I I'- <". is- ike n'gilliirltv of Ike vibration, * tweco Mayor Champion and IX J.R. Kncampment,- a few we«kM ago tional xlefplng room over H»II1 number; Smith acted"a» president'ami Mrs. C. Aliovo It :l I'li'iot' woiKl.lH-pluocil for ,,,,:,.u i|..']i ilf III ivlilch tells. .'The'phtyer N "not afteetid the purpoii' ol' v"v\'i-lu;.'. ili.r upper IIOIL' •.iii.. MI-i "!' ATTUHNKVN-AT.I.AW. DeRounse, Chairman o't the Junlof De- Rev. H T, Casselberry kl'.idly vol private dwellings or eotlUKcH, soventy- K. llaag UH Hecretary. .'"..' • ih.illl. I." liy tlirm. ror he IH it flexible objectnj and tin- iilrrliuiiui'l., Tin" I'.p I-" nindi" Illllll '"»• • .ilillla.-.l.,'- BRIDGE BUILDERS MAKE partment of the PeniiMylvaula Jtall- llve (75) ceiitH per aun.uiil for eucli FOUR INITIATIONS i,I ,ii..><-il li.v .'mi tlv.. wjiyto motion. . • . COUNCIL TO GRANT FRANCHISE unteered to entertain department chap- The roll-call Hhowed nine house* or u tliln »l:i'.-i »t lead iin-I the wliok- I, I,..I .l..".l II T HAND, . •. road Y. M. O. A., la fully explanatory: room not exceeding ten, und llfty (50) T. ABBOTT; M. D., lalUH during the wtwioiiH or the en represented, with an attendance or bouu.l loui'lb-.T wllh- n sjeiiiler' th.in* lively one' ku^»WH Hint n squad tf OceanCity Sentinel. ceuU per annum fur eault additional Mt-lubrra or Oriental courl ii ATTORNEY and PHILADELPHIA, April 18th, 1007. caulpmeut lu' thin city lu June next. fourteen. ' » . • , ' In Ihe'tul^ part or-bmly of )lii! lnstru- Bol.lli-j-s or any, Imdy.nf jnarchlng oa, PublUhed Waekly at and Hurgeon, FOR EIOHTH STREET TROLLEY PROGRESS IN THE BAY Mr. O..J. DeRoune, - room over said number. »'•.*•! u &r«*nt Time. metit are placf.il six Ilii-'cr lioli"*, a •I »l! break Hlep In croHslug a lirldje, gj COU NSELLOR-AT-LAWy Mr. Caiwelberry ban received the fol- The minutes o.". tlie IUHI ineellng.Mlt tkillcllur. Mulir'Md K>ainli»ir In Cluottiry, T i ,i. i:.u nftiit.'r wttnt ItH HIM' nnd stmnn*!..— • .OCEAN CIXV. ru. J. OFFICE—Comer Central and Elgbth Street Chairman Junior Department, .' lowing answers lo bin luvllullon: l lider tlie Borough Ac aforesaid, It The members or Oriental Court,- No. tlie Wyoming, -were read 'ami ap-condition tbal points 'iiuinlKiiikubly,,to -,| .I- Su|>rfiut> Court (."umtiilsiilciiior. N0M1M17 l"ubllc tho lutluenru ot contact with tlio wlilto be. riir'ninio could .wltliHtiiiu ._, , 211 Broad Street Station, KEI> BANK, April 17,1007. wan nei.-eHi.ary, before, the ordinance lajj, Jr O. V.'A. M , hud an Inlerpst- proved. • • .'•'•' -»y- .. AIT. mniHinr I n. j. fTlllUu.ni. man. • • •tiims 'or thin rinMvrtiM action.' '„ Mud-diggcra und Pile-drivers My Dear Mr. Deliousse:—lnconver- Rev. aud Dear Brother Cawelberry: becuuie eli'eclivt), that it'be published Ing .xexxlon In their lodge room pi Henry Klodtz, clialrinuii or the Action to be Taken at City V l>li;i'» ll.''"l tin- iri'iul of n ilnu iniiy iiuike a bridpi R. Tuesday evening last, when four men Tto flUReolet. us OriUnnrlly nniler- CURTIS ROBINSON Are Being Fashed to .. aatlou wltH Dr.H..L. Cbadwlok, Phy- Your kindly and unmerited Invita- foj two wt.'ks, and HUeh publication Kaster reception,, gave au itemized .-.u was nil* Governing Body's Next stood. may be ili'<'-rll«'d ns a whls)l« slinj' KIOII brlilcen dngH tiro not iv $i,oo Per Year, Strictly in Advance Several more mud-dlggere aud pile- - several dayn ago regarding tlie uneo exact copy of the ordinance us II ap- There were visitors present fr.iii) Ilomoeopo-tliist. II U Mtuteil Unit I'oiiuoll, nt lln imi-t- or the G. A. It.' wan received to-nbflit. wii'nr t'lu-i- k't lllln'1 Ii,. I ;\ i unli** curried lu tlio arnu of $1.50 at End of Year Hollultor. Miulnr UiChr.iici.ry, Notary I'ubllc, FOR COTTAGES ilrivers huvo rouohedbero dQrlug the 1 IN OCEAN CITY ALONG COAST our cltib house by the "Teuth Aunua It Rive* me the largest degree or pears in the ordluuiioi: book. Tuckahoe and rieaville. Altogether il f.ir tl"> i; •!- IIK ' ii',-!,.•>. mi.I Ilill- Ilielr owners liiK on next Momluy nl^lit, ulll unml II. A W. Smith gave an encourag- \ve|-i» .-iinwtn i-ii>il «it!i i tJAPK MAY. COUKT H0U8K, N. J. No. 834 Ocean. Avenue, week and are at work In the bay on Physical Directors' Conference" to In there were about forty member* of the • lu imr- 'ili III- s_lllli-r a franclilhO |ierinitlliiK tl»« runnliiK or pleasure to accept gladly aud thank The complainant hi 1SICI was- the ing report in regard to new pavilions pul-po^i' ol' ,i pi«l Illustration of the power of OCEAN CITY, N. J. tliu new bridge which IH to connect III in-r i i In I.IIIII! m-iMii.u ri'U-|iiuiiii.. held In thin city JuneSdto 8th, tbe< fully your generous iiivltatloii. owner of certain houses lu the borough orguni/.ation 'in attendance, and funon the boardwalk. li.ouy. 'lit.- . inli'i' or vIl'rutlDii cull be found In tho Gteo> trolley earn on KiKlilli xlrctit from llu- 1 tli- . ,'i.iiiii; i.l Orriuic lloum:—Till 10 a. ni.,2 to < p. m., Interesting- Time Promised Ambitious Project That Will No I,etuP in Demand forf this elly with BoinerH Point and give would be glad to accept our lu vltatloi As the Council of Adiulnstratlon, (!. of Ocean City. In ISfl."> » writing wan WUH tlie order of the evening Mrn. Young! the manager of tin trlpli' tki-.'.-o' v.'.iM-tnl;* wli'h olwiTvittory. It stamls i rt to» p. 111. * < bnytntliu ncvuii. It Is HUIII tlmt tlil- 1;.V. olli' Summer Homes in This .(iilcker uud more frequent train oor- to bold the last session on Krlda; A". K , meets early in the evening or executed between the complainant, At the conclusion of the initiation, Strand, WUH proposed and accepted ai en out i' anil da-Ii lieaillnng to the bottoo, Till', li'iilli anliinil . 1'onnxylvuiiln A trolley i-yi-tem cm Uiet-'Unxt to I'lin- Tlierc were many Inquiries by teller Kreiit nelivity uud those In charge of House. .» "meeting being a member or the coun- IIIH houses UH his agents,unil the wujir 1 l*ii*l lent of Couuult—t»ut>, u. .\ hill to »uch antt. Twnurer— ImK. I'liuinptuii, Till II u.' in. week, allbbifk'li thcie' v\'tt-i "u sliRhl' •JOT MUrU. I Mnrl, '. IK-I'I in I'lilliiili'lphlil rriini .IIIIIL-'llilnl luiilh; NlKliluniix to i.'u|iu Muy Is un bridge' completed ~and In 'rupulriic'r . Ing session on Friday, June 7tb, be ai before noon of that day. 1H as.follows; The subject of placing an udverth inc of a tin t in t-'n lo\*- nml suft. i.V .[ .i-iiri i, ti'itt tliatMlii'HelentlstH of theobttn* i^ulltfvior— NluliulitH t'orMoti . 1 ui'if P. m; .the fruin.iil.se.IIIIH IICCII unintt-il, tlii- Flllecnlb Allnlvriiutry Will tie C'llldf Of I'OllCW -HHIIIUwl Nfllll. • t It to H p. III. to thuvlKlilli, IIH'IIIH vi'. Tim Friday iiinbiliotiH project tlmt will bu rfilli/eil rullinK oil" In the aeltinl number of order HH iptlekly as possible. Work an open oue, and that an Invitation Ilelng aiwured tbat the hospitality iienl or their IIOUHCH In a half page o nnd In* .lo -!'" I!!.- !l.'V:;y '.Vll'.-ll I.«'dll. ..I 1,,-i «'.\ n; tnf-y lire iinali.le to carry nn then* op. work «t Itiylnii'truckN in: KiKlitliHtrvyt APPLICATION l-illt KKWKII ATTAlll- Obactvi-d In May. ' HuildluiC luiipector—tlurtwrli'. Hiuitti. Bell'I'liollB thiy HI—»>1IIIIH \t ill lu> in i trt'tin MIIUC* iluy, anil reutuls reporteil. ' liurd UH they may, however, It will be you offer me under your roof-tree can nuil lit-"*n I it:!-i I- siTvattiiut. wliteh ilejH'iiil niiontbftnfe MrwlWupervT-or-Wurivi. W. Hniwti. l'ilAK. .\NI>IIKW i will lie Bturtetl uiiil"tliv Hue i:oin|ili-U'il u not Cur extended to residents of Ocean City ti . M-KXT. •The meml)er» nr luta ClurUor— Kx-Juu»;o Jo*. Ttmm|»M>h. •Wllllain ShiiW, of Cuinilen, bus Home little time before Ocean City and of th • ^iin-- M- -.- !'a^l.-u.. I |.ij..|lfi'f. H i iinnli^s suite of n truy-of maanr. by the time tlie liriiluc tmllcy nuil !<• Illy. Helei'lrmilin w V) ill k'tive - PIIIIIIIIL'I* Mutant » IIIIIIIL'iiinoiliitol triitlle. TlieHoutRurn Sinners' Point nro connected by.rall. national Secretary of the Pbyslca edness through which It in propo»e, I Ilillh rlinllMt-lla'll, l.ii llllir>llKl<>,ll:i. . nirosH the Imy i-oiimrllni,' iJivim I 'lly j A pulilie nteeliiii! « ill be held III hereby agree* to allow Smith A:Thorn the llfteenth anniverxary of the lodKe, • 'I ol "ill wlio liiive ciii!se<] It have tieeo aakn ii»*;TreKNU.vr, KIMH'II \W iturh'i^li 'j Mllli-«t llmirH-' Until lllu. in. Krom lltoH p.in. roiiH Inli'tH from tliti he»,-mo. Ilr. VV. .A. Spremier, of rfimdeii, more, iindohblolly will occur, but of the Philadelphia Association, arc ti. A. It. and Hlxty-two year" Smith being' hppolnied ,to attend .t Mnllval Iii»|W4'U)r. t'r, N, llnvviirtl IIiu i Itlll'USK lli:il,IHSII, No ikttli-tt IIUUTM Knnduy iitlernoonj to U'ake uttui'huieiu to the fnuln fewer >:l ... tli.. for hours," n( U^tnl-Or. CI.»N. Ii. m.i.r m. . AVKNIIK unil Kli.ll III HTItWI' , >-(ihiI iluneH anil .pine tmrreiiH. with his family will enjoy seashore everything possible \» being done to • member of tue .\ew Jersey lira- the Horn. "I. leil. ; down for the evening sesslou. D pipe. Owner of pro|ierty, accepted Invitations to attend. prompt 1. A Mill inon'youiliTful Illustration (it |ir. 1. N- UrlH4-uii«; MuuTlitry Ni'urlyiull tlio raflrojiil.lrifcvcl Minth ol Tire helethlH riuniniei—Ttiry toTiteTtirnto muttcrsT—ATI—oxtrnipljr-of— ference M. E. Church. Vurlous Inters with li. A. It. new eron'. ii! Fisher, who was largely responnlbli Albert 'Fogg. * * Full number AIMOIIK tlie»e are State Councilor vllmiil'in It lu tlio liuiimn throat 8U- Cuincli-n i>-In mill rrmn Hie few inrKC locateil at HI I Cent nil avenue. • Itilek work WIIH the HtliiiR III of North OAHKIKI.II, N. J. April 11», 1007'. ml. cri'.l 'J l:i;\ Is fill for the introduction of systematic of Nleeplng r rooii>» In all. A very xoclnl'eveuiug was enjoyed. nmnliiT liy niciinii of which a 1004 State Councilor, aud State Council ed, d-^' nily AilnntlfT K'ity. l-iirllur uii|> tin- cotlageH, IIS West avenue, to Mr. On the Sinners' Point side, the work much for your kind Invitation, but It At the close or the meeting, refresh •1:1. .!.-•!. ..>-.'• -ill•I'.- ran l«> priKliici^l. Till* In a "oundDCT. " **^ny nuperiul«utlt)Ut—Vrul. Juith-** M. Mew York City, will conduct a dla Sewer to be li««l at the following Secretary, Win. II. burlc.l ii Godfrey & Godfrey. i-itti^ , froiti Sen (Jut ilow'n, the iilmnii.'^ Stem, or I'bilmlelplila. Mr. rfteln i~bus so fur progressed that the men are" ilents, provided by the hostess, wert or iHtil In HJii'iiUtnK. 1'Ut la fonod h ••I!)ontiwt'-« suasion on the value of physical cul would be Impossible for me to remalu ratex |>er auiiuui: ' ^uvcrieror tlje foor—Jfroiiii»s. Uiifh. UIUHIIH ill 1, :ilil nml ,-IIT served, after which the meeting ud 'llurtlfit itnilillni:. :: ::. for ii trolley ron'l in p«y t-xpen^'H in the nuthor of the "Slein SyMein or ready to plaee the draw in position tare in connection with the publl overBiinduy.at the time of the en- IIK'II'M \-iil<.<.)4 hr mi pxtrt'int'ly low nf. S09 Central Avenue All Nleepuii: rooms *eii*on urejn^l UH ilnblollH, Shortluind" nml l< the principal of a when II arrives 011 tho ground. school system; and Mr. Douglas wi campmeut. • ' • CHURCH SERVICES. * ATLANTIC CITY, N.\J. hotelx or boarding hou*ex, }0.7.*» each. next nieeting will be held at the horn tin- Iniiiiiin vok-c—Hint IH. K In altlMimo • *MJS-:AN 1. KUCUurcli,vornorouimi uvfiiiit- All i.l^e|ilii); rooinxoverSO.tO.'iUeach. .Hritf Flakm 1-rll on Moruliiic o -H t'liiisi-il liy J.'KH vll.nitlous perstc «DJ KUhlh "treel. Itev. 1-- K. Itn.ioui.-, Mrurleil a trolley line toeoiiiii'ul Allan V. I*. Ilummell,. of Ciiinilen, ban Christian Association has In the de- KUIIKNKHILI,. 1HI1 Venango street. Philadelphia. ' JAMES M. E. IHLDRETH HAS LEASED HOTEI, All sleeplnn r'Kim^.of II) or under in April J9th oii.l. Tills, ton. IH vxcoptlonsl, bebf P TIt¥ ' • tie: City, uitli Ocean 'lly, on the oilier leaned and will occupy 71'^ riyiiioulh velopment and control of atbletlcH I The latter IH pastor ot the Kiri-t He-' ji|orJlntt:»M)rvlce.HW«>} evcutim nf rv'l*v,7..ai •rii'ate dwelllngx, tO.7'> each. Those wlio happened to be up abou only iilitiiluiiliU' In llio lil^blj culUntd * 1* ttyer mtwtlUKi Weuutjftdity oveuini;. T,.i". »lile of I-V'K ilurbor Inlet. The trolley IMiiecthlHHeiiHin any community. Both of these formed Church at Uarlield, X. J. ".CounscIlor-at-I^aw •liiiiU-l (iiillitichpr HellreN from All sleepingroomxover 10, {O..10each. SCHOOLMASTERS MEET The Ideal Summer Resort fpniiili* or lioy voli^s. . Himuty (tuliool, tiHJ. ()l>r. Ctmrli" K. itiiKt, o'clock on Friday morning BEEF, IRON AND WINE I i-iin be exteiMloil to Avalon anil Ken Wlllliini Hoover, or Cauidt'ii, will be MnnaicrniMil ofllle Lutayctle. gentlemen are leaden'In the work or I do hereby make appllca- It I* simply tho voval chords width niiii; uliilSiMll'lliir, Mii»1t-r iiml Kxioiilii..r In .. ra- arge Hakes of snow"' falling from tin ""."oirSof KSli^l-wl^nt. I. W. s slel ity,>ros>.|i 1 Inlet wit li. iimoiii; the Hiinimer vl-ltnr« and will ill- furniture buxltieMH In rhlladel- the association, as well an strong pla Heiir ••••t-rvKlluK Atldrt-snen nnc vlliniti'. not the thmnt. In the lows" »e«:r«tury, 11 H. Mowrur; irvuHiirt'r, ..i-m <'lmtir,.ry , For nt> prliij; Ton !<•.' JUDGE THOMPSON HOME Ion fur a «wer attachment ax »IH> e; leadeu-lin>kiiu: *ky. Tlie -iniw »lorm u AU»m*; ur. tl. T. Aiiis»u, Kilwurii M.r%i !•—N».:n mi Slni-l • nit ililtli-ulty. . To reneli AIIKICSCII, he loi-iiteil at Iil" < VntriiUa>'cinu;. I Ilia reipijring no niilch of MIH* time; form speakers. nnii-< ilii> u lioU- li'iiKtli nml thlckoen -KIII.'WIII. I..IIIUU, Jobli Mun>, Ins I'Hui UIHI do grunt periuUHiou in euler It" instated, begun at three o'clock au Kr-tfl«cl OlllvtrrM. CAI'K MAY CITV. S. .1 A'H.IW.HHI und Holly lleni'h, TOMII l-jlu In M. SOOV'H co'tliu;!', I.'MI WOHI Will It be possible for you toarrangi nf tin' vonil cfionlx iin^ iwt^l, the tbia UIUU. Uaulel (lallugher, ow'ner of the l^afay- Had Plnunl Time* With Hoim premUen for. all purpusen relutlug to 1 continued for two and one-half hours. The South Jersey Sclioolunisterx iilai-M lu'Ins rnipiityi'il for the hlgbest Ci»~< M«»IIUK»-+ «II'I»>' iiioriniii!, ".Hi. BOURSE PHARMACY end's Inlet iiml llvreforil Inlet nt theavenue, ulll he o'eeiipli'd tlri><- niniimt elti< .Hotel, Thirteenth ami Central to secure a ball of some kind In thi Association held its sprljig ineetlni! li *. Hmllii. lr»«l«r; MumlHyovviiinv.i.li. Mi>. NturSllvcrl'lly. sakt sewerage, and do agree to cun- The rain i|Ulckly melted the snow. n}U<*t. Thim In Hpi'iiklni; for a mlsiits Ilil of "Seven-VIllu Iteaeh" inli-t lie Hiimuier by Iho Itev, Verpilllot, or heart' of Ocean City, and al*o tbi Vineluud on Saturday, at whn.li there K. ItrleU, lc»U»r; t'rlduy vveuiin:'. ••««im~ jL,:\\V oi-iiciis OF' avenue, thlicity, hn" decided to retire, City Solicitor Joneph TliouipMiu, form to and comply with all laws, Friday was one of tlie most disagree nr iwn, thot-.» M mitlli'lcnt vlhratlon ».. L'orwin, lo«d«r. Tlltwe in ^IlliliH mr lirld 111 riilKeil, "ml tbero reniuln Turtle I Jlrt \Ve,"t'PhlladeJphln, who "•ill the presence of Mayor Champion towel was a larite attendance. James M. DCEAN CITY, N. J tlie uliurcb. RALPH L. GOFF, from tlio aclive uiaiiagement of HIIB who spent several nionthx with hU resolutions, rules and regulHlioin. able days experienced here in a Stevens, or this city, was among those p'nili'ritl In ilic thrt»at. were Its WBQS Herbert R. Voorhees, nlet nml Col un.l AIIIIII- lefore Scwell'H Point ul t'upcMuy euu TIIIK ucnlleinuii and his wife spent coiidiicteil thu liiifuyetto with marked- am Inclined to believe this will be ranch near Silver City, In New Mexico, hereafter be enacted relativeto.the Ui-e parluient or Public Instruction, told flpxlliio. tn uhAtti*r mill ilo^troy It ET7 »ua rwvwill* utrerl. IVtfV. H.'lV **H"-.«MU'rry SaRVEYOR. Ai < I'-••it ft rii>"»'rii.-.- mi Ti I...II11n"» mill I'll- iu reuejte.1. Hut u lurge purl of thelast hummer in l-'riiuee. They are helpful. to the' athletic Interests of or •The Practical Work or "Public cry niliiiitt* w«> H|H'iik^tli*» vocal diocdf ptutur. HuuUuy MTVHVH, iu.:ai it. ui. UIMI > "in re-H HIMTO he |iilrchn»cd it In 1R93. has returned home. The former Judge of sewerage. * » »• . Schools." Also, he spoke of the lilirh p. ui. Iiri4y«r ut^fiiutf, WvtluvHduy vwu ' CONVEYANGEB INTKItlOU VIKW OK II ilv CASINO i'l.i l.i I;<|I!\IS, 'OUHUIH of II1I11I iiieutlows nnd iiiueh pleased with (leeuii < lly. ,. Ocean City ^as well aa a card for oui BATHING SAFE AND UNSURPASSED vll.rnt.. rrniii 'Jii.mMi to 411.000 tlmes^- lug. ttt » u'flotfk. .Humwy Mt-huui i.K»i>. •». The hotel IIIIH liven • leaned to Mm. says be never enjoyed better lieiilili (Signed), AI.IIKIIT Kmid, school on the approved list. l>r W K«JV. H T. UuH-wliH'iry.HiHH'riiilt'litltriit iii it I' Allidilli ifi. Nil. HI Ii. NINTH AND CENTRAL AVENUE, Where VVuitieiiV Itruiii'li tule truiiHfers In Oeea A. lialdwin adilresned- the meeting oi tkwrU uf TrUNic«*>".lti-.«•. t liiiiiit>i' lly the ninth section <>r the onlln- City recorded in the olllce of Count, lr*»Mur«r; J»w. L »*t-iiii, l^ui« K. sin.lli T liy rail with .Sonlcrs' 1'oilit unil AI- ril,y nn I'Viiliiy I'Vi'iiiiiK. Several yiiod The work of liu|>ir. Italilwlu is principal of the AV.,inri.'M IM*V of I'slr Mfi. Houghcrly, elienileals, on South Kront hiivii a large circle of frlemla aud well- have under their control. It cou»|i.th aiice It Was prov|,i«| that, if the ctjui. Clerk Way are an follows: Hyutiiitsf Muss 1 State Normal Sclinol HARRY. H. RICE, hiiitluCity evolved into uellon-on tbe ^lieaki'r^ IIII\I- liei'ii MM-nn-il. 'Th*- ies on a)ia.'e iuSoilih ler«-ey. A line PHILADELPHIA, April 19tb, 1907. THE HOME OF THE FAMILY MAN 'I'lie Illiistiiiuis iiii-n lu liUtorj who -tree!, Philadelphia Mr. houKherty'H wlnherH In Philadelphia, and who * of several tbounand acrex. and they pany did not change the outlet of its Anna M. KomhoH'to Kale Slxsmit SEASHORE FURNITURE pnrt.of Slern A: Silverninu, I lie pro-1ni.-'.linu, II i~-anliiiiilii't-il. will be. pre- nid now I'ouueelH Cupe Mny with riil«|>elug the meeting for Die elee wer.' ilNilnpi)li.|i.'ii an much for tbe OtiUrcb «f tbe Holy* Trinity, i-rout-iu KKOISTfiKEU ARCHITECT • duilghter. Miss Viilcttn, has a number have complete knowledge of the re- • 'Dear Mr. Cbamplon: Will you nol have stocked It with cattle. William, and Cecellu Itomholl'. $1. ' Lot Sir of Kvcry iM-KiTi^ilnn ut * sewer* before the expiration of ten tl^|i «fiillicers, the foMinvhiK were re faM'luutl.iu wlil.li tlwy t'xurcl««d orer hpisK : Gallaqher's lloard'of Trade ealle.1 upon 'this linn. < ti'i.i-^iiin ui* iniportiint V trolley would follow llie.ceiiu front MANY CHURCHES NO SALOONS mou, IO.HU i4..m«;vvt*uline Hwri'ltt* T.i»t%l«»* . 64K HfiUcloii Avc, tiivcn to llu' li C. F. dK'leli; Treasurer, Silas C. Smith 43 S. SECOND STHeET - PHIL», ' Mrs. C. I,, l.uke tins retttiil Mrs, Mr."(iutrugher In having the hotel open'"our club house for the accom proved wonderfully aud it now enjoy- ates, us provided In paragraph S, A. Mclaughlin. Jl._ Lots I17:> UII >.lKliliIeaiit In iippeiinince. Julias Cat.' O tithed rut K tt'tluy ol lur Itutlilli tlir ('tl The iihjeYt oil lievl.it ol ihei'iiininillee fliy-ieal lii|iti'- for 11 jinieli •Otorler dislunec. Other I -uv*- ii.iiiii'y. C;<>lllnt£H\voocl. - .- " J- j l.leleiui. Molirluu's eoijaire, nt Seven- repapercd.iiou' batliKliiHialed, electric modatlon of tbese gentlemen, of wboc ing perfect health. Dr. John Thomp- wenty, per cent. The teu ySars 075. Section A Nur wits u very III fiivorer. Alex- period expired hi MKM. The company Hani-nli X. Heisjer to Kllzulieth II . At a special meeting or the-Ladles Sp.icimw IJti.inhv.ilic. TY Bdii'l Conci-rts Dirin" lioulitiu ami lUliini.'.' le-olaie wusles Allaiille and Cupe, . , I:IIIII- In Home, tlrls of his own *t> George W. Ernst : of un Up-to-date eltu'ructer made. The connection with this conference, am Atlantic City Hospital and whdid.uoo t change tlie outlet of It* »e A er«. linker. tlI/>00. Lot 747, Sectioii'C'. Aid Society, held last evening. It «m iwumu t E. CLINTON & CO., Sceouil street, then- beiui; eiirieui JI The ilclci.Mli-- «ill .IHIII t.> tlii- • -11> Hay State-aided Improved .'r.m.1- u«- nliiler (Jla-s, of I'hllndelphln. Season, (ircat I'is Oc-an and K;iy% T-ln: ^lulieih fur him and uiuture .vomen ' g lleiiry Soniers; of <;iiakeri..wu, I'n., wull between the exchange aud the Mr. Bartlett's and my thought wa Joined bis-brother, William, a moiuli lu VMA, therefore, Die company was Frederick C. Michueisou el ux t decided tn hold the urinual-struuberrv tVvbUry HVVUW " GENERAL HAULINfJ. report to the i-IIVi-l Illitt the-road ii- life, une-l- of tin- Viiii-ylvanliIy i ijremi e more than one hundred miles festival . . uiiiiiiier"wcrti Sir I'lilllp 8Ii\pey, plain iiml 1'iinlir.v. impotteit oi. DnUdnLO Hull'- IIIIVI- U'l'ii -ciiireil fur llfly The lve iiille^ ol* these n>uds, uud Mnu- Hotel Arrlyui ami from I'.iil.tdelpl-iin on Twit Nailuuys, •. .. Union Tttbwr'imclb l(.t|«ll>.i. ,'hiiivi», Kmlilh itiKs*.between ttie linn abovi' mill' Souiers and fniiilly will oei-upy (be and exchange. Mr. -Oallaghor and City If one of the oessioDu could be a paragraph's/less twenty per cent. John Levering, Jr., et ux to (leorgi tillnost to uL'lilK'ss; .I'niil Scarron. tl» ' — I«M»7 Ar«>li Klrvel — comniiiiei- niiilve-. iiiiiioiiiiet'niiuit ihtil itioiitli iiearly one hunilre.1 miles. I.MI'KUIAl.. itr««t tiuJ Wnl aVvUllr. 10'V.J. It. Itiiiniiuti. iii'-lili'in-i', li-'nl .\>4iiiry uVHiiit'.. tloiieil and the Joint i-oniitiltje.i, file house this summer. lie -hits been family will live iii the hotel thi*. public one, Do you think It could be A. and Kdmund A. IlourgeoiH. jl Im ronile p.H>t, a cripple; Voltaire, tuunlt. tuuiior. rtuijtitiy nfrvicfw, ,m\irnii!C II «.in all of (lie •ti'li-L.-:iu- who ile~lre to These ro'mls nre uway frotn tlie oeean CHURCH SERVICES UeRlunihg " in llWli, the i-ompanv. M. K Smith, Miss Lltieubcrg. nod H p. m. l'iwy«r mrfHiiKiMnMi^'i.ut-lii.- k Il-'rntiv- rntt> Ollice. 7th Street bet Asburi" and West Aienue, city oiilelulH in •thu,eouinilllee t'nve visitiiiK Kurope every suniiuer during -nin'iiicr. •...•.*' arranged to bold It in the Auditorium, Lot 47.1, Seetio)! 1>. tukulily ii^'ly, and Itousseuu. wboM itrd-i hurl.-. II. remain ovc-r on Sniiitay w-lll he acconi.- front. A trolley sysieiu along the rendered bills to the complainant fiir Philadelphia. tvcnlu*. • OltKfO. of cUf the I)mi Hie positive, us-iiriiiiee tli.il tlie lust seventeen yearn. or can you suggest any better place, KxeciliorHuiid trustees under will oi This Summor will witness construction of BriilijcTaci-oss the piaiui'MN .were awkward an his fact Howard, clmtriiiHo; 4 inn K 1 nimlateil.iil I lie ivunlnrclnli mle. I'be im-t u III hut; the oeeun front, uud for Wnal ^Vlll Be offered Couicr his sewer connections for the private Uler; M. UMriiitt. M>crtii*r>. they Woiiid do all wltlilit their power LAUNCH ASHORE and do you expect to be there on Fri- •Bay to Soniors1 Point, which will incronso Tfnin wax pin In, wlilli' Jolm.Wllkes, who Old bou-ex or cottage*owned by him upon K/ra It. Luke, dee'd, to KllleH. Kee- F. .\V ICeurney,'J.'\V. (iuiuii, Kllu l'enn>-ylvaiiiii Uiilli'iiinl V,. M. ('. A. ousideriible diNlaltees traverse the day evening, June 7tbt" tlouM Mexl snnday. tin' powiT. to su.liJiiBiite nny wom»n to sei'iltf the riillmiye.imi.utiy 11 f'ruii- thebasiH'ofihe-uumberof-roomsTiitP" _S o_EvicQ_to_EJii I atl ol pliLL;til t!_Vi ci i > 1 ty. b:i^ a piMly n in I rohVeliiellt el lib ••tiliig of Hands that fencicelie Iin Ilit'llui - , .ji;|| K i ,ojiiMi!ljidet|>htn. K1ILST M. K. p '(•lil-e to lay irneks on l-'J^lnh sheel UM MrU UIU|t t U Yours very truly,, tlon L ^ phla; J. ti, Stratton, Mis* MlldrMl SECRBT SOCIETIES. lioii-e in Ilil- I'ily. lieilueeil r:ile- ut ninliiltind "from tlie »e.i. 'I'lie talued in each- cottage. I'p to that uii-s', IVIK inlmliti-il liy hlx own show- und lo run trolley ears utoiu; that Ihr ll.iy Hide. • O. J. DEROUSSK. Service* will be held at the uxua Strntton. J, |>, Collins, Canid hotel- in Mil- elly will lie- -i-ru^eil for time, and durinirthe ten year* |>erlod . , Haw nuniell. C Kldridge, Colllugswood: Int.' to IK' tilt' UKlU'Ht mini la fengtaad. lOT.il I'liy I^MIKOI NIK 171. V. "ml A. M.. thoroughfare fri t-iicli iiiulitli, lu MiiHmne liull, H. ™ extent of tlie New Jersey seai'oast I'lyiuoiitli I'laee, owntil by. John Itros,, went ashore on the strand'near •bill* had nhcayir been based upon the Within easy access of Atlantic City and WIIIIHIII M. IIIIIK-K; nn'rflury, I'. .M.,Tliiiuiv Unit u trolley Hue. on Klulith street mid Miss Gaudy. • teachers In th J. 1'butu, . . „ . • • • SetHmif Htreel, on Tueiday morniiij;, The pastor, Kev. K. H. Brunyate, wil Mffam Enslnvi, l>r II.' I.- t'liwfaii'li. ••httiriituii: Hr i'oiui. Mr. O. J. DeRousse. Philadelphia, Pa. liumber.or Hleeptng-rooms"in each of public Kchool, and Mis* EmmaCor-nn J. Vj Klde-r, Clms. Muthen-s, l>r . -I will be of Imiut'iii-e beliellt to the elly. (tlic cottage IIIIH •ea«nn. lie IIIIH been where II WIIH illHi-ovored liy men from preach. *' * Arllmr Hartley. Hiiuh Lesley, I'blln- other well-known resorts Tin* Mti'ain I'II^IIIL* coi.*K buck to Hero . uctuiiClly IAMIKD.'NU. iil, K. <>( I'-, I»."IS'- Kvnns W. .1. iVoiiiieiinil W. I', Dear Mr. DeRousse: In reply to xtich private houses or cottages. daughter of City Collector. Corsoii, Con veyancing 1 Insurance asitwiioU', opposition to the rtinuini: 1 I vl«|tiug Ocean Cily.uH.a cottager; for a tlio l-'ourlli street life-saving utatlou. • FIKST I'ltfMltVTKKI.VX. of' Aloxiunlrlii. In tho third centntj iir.1 unu mini 'Monduy eii-iililii» ill llnllnmn,-cci'el:ir.v-lrea"iiiei . delphlu: It. F. Speer; Sea It-leCltv; It. .. ..• ...± ..^ — • .^ .± .^ • \fl^ 'I i holLriiLJilll I.f yours of 19th lost., It will be a pleasure m .ulh lu K.or I', hull. Anliury HWinir. of curs on lOiKhtli sUeet Im-" been It I* the contention or the complain- vlslieil IMiiluilelphla on Friday anil li J. Hoiliard, Nurberth; Miss it'. Oueus ». C. I'.caiiwi, 1111 Italian, In 1(K», made Tito bowling alleyH lu NVilliimi < 1 ' nniulier. or years. Mr. Tlionrpson - 'I'he IniiiH-li Is usew Btuuin agalut NOTARY PUBLIC AND walk, eoiitlnue to drnw liiuliy vlMitors i .„... ,I,,I,.I,I,, to make yourmeetlngTit Ocean City, TI ••rs^-B-Heiiiietl7 ulio-e liontes lir littiil me They^emlses~roT'IiaTBe-liiiU-fo"reacir Klug Lear" They were mucl "vmirinmTt—tlniir~uia"de~"a—w-iieel~spbv 1 UUaUi;1 1111L 4iit(;lue,vote.^eii(;u(!i.il-lu-thu-oueratlou— n tbe .First Presbyterian Church at lolulolliii-li. No. la;. Jr. II. U. A.M., liiift". ubiiltliiK that street. . svuimmpsr^spcntBlly^ir^imrr-T - l' —r^r^ r-^^. Jane'7th, a success and a benefit to house any more- than seventy-live K ATM I.I.'. Tlri' first lii-tiMl »toam ^engine wu COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS . k I hi* I'ii-i >l. !•; Miuivli wus lield oi pleased with the presentation. Tin •vary rutnuiuv wvelilng lu- K. ol K null. .lays The ulleys ure the be-i.to be; • A., „.„,;„.;,„„ •,,„« v.-»r. or eonsiruetliiK ttie brldKO In the buy. Ocean City as well aa to the dis-he usual,hours ou Sunday.. According to report, ttie t etkn>y|. \ M.nidu.' eyeuliur, w ben a eomniittei uentH-per.HltwpIng room less twenty teacher* have been stuilyiug Shakes- Mrs. K. II. Thoman; Overbrookl.A, iiiiuli. Jiy rapialu Savty. "au EngUib- OOUUL-Illur, Otaarlen H*lli|W4>u; A lr«.il K. Viililu Itallroud ('oiiipullv, who-e inalii i loiiud III this section of the State. .,. „,..,, , •, i...... It broke from tts'uioorhiKH diirini; tinguished visitors you may bring. ST. AUOUSTISK'S.' (i. Chambers, Alexander Foster, .Mr. nian, tii .wliiiui. lii 1009. a-patent was v y wu* appoiuteil on eon-iiiuiioit itud by Among the patrons Hiero Is niu.'li j .C. K. VV llmer. of l>hllaileipl.iu,.u lio, per ceut. The complainant.fee!;* to pearf's works during tlie last few depot here is In proKlnilty to the buy jInWs An ciileriaiuitieut i- talked til tlie uiKht unil ,tiiHse. meat in every way possible. owner or tb'e.ltowlliig Casino, In this (Just a Moment, Please!) .tt-coudiiud fourtu .Momluy uv-fiiliiijii .III K. lit Iftlic I'eiinsylvuiila ituilioiui C.III- tallied the word "sleeplnK'"before the f. bull. M.-W.. Joliu W.Siiillli; |[rt-ofU«, ''Mrs. C. I,. l.iikeliiiHsolil Mrs. It. O. , . ' "*" * ' * • . Mr. anil Mrs, W. K. W'ashliiKtou Unbent* Voloa lo icearicHiilzc la liiilimti-y anil Kurlnty". was the In- puny has niiule tills .nurri'eiueiii, itow , Sherill' I'.iinlit in»l Mi-. UriKiil, ol Yours very truly, city. Is busily eugageil in the genera J, C. Wilson, WuHhltiijI.iii, I). ('• 1 WilUrd W. Aduint. :'•'*>'• •••"'• UnulwiiyV .-ottnge, WXi. Centrul uve-1 ••• »••«•••«••-•» "• MinHiiM.r... Tbe Ushers' Uulou of the First M. word *'roonk" or 'rooms" in the para- flptitli'm- nf tli'it 'KiiWlixbuittu Jame* lines a Itii'iil eoinpiiiiy bun • lu HieI'ap' e May ('oiirt lluu~e, were'here ii treturi.ed.to their loruicr home In At-, Jos. p. CIIAli PION contracting business lu Philadelphia Kred. Jtu(ip. Jr., Hossiter Itapii, Mrs nue, to VV'uller Cliiiiidlcrj of I'liiladel-i . H- Uaiikln \Vittt, aiul tin- flrftt.inik'ut bears date Kaliultt Tribe. Mo..'ja). I. O. It. M., lili^li. Kruiitiu^ of 11 franchise Ui. tiperute u short Unieoii I'Vniay. on their ivnv . liiiilie City yesterdiiyo iifternooii. Ocean City, April 20th, 1007. He has just completed tlie contract for ._ The .Early Spring is here, of Jirtii'iVWSlk • ocb Wedneaduy el'eulug UI K, ol I", hull. trolley liiie on Kluhth.'siioi-I'.' .VtliHilii! i'ity, « liere.HieSiale banter pliiit,. Mr. I'lmiiiller will -make nyoiing man well known In.many of "private dwellings or cottages.. He Waller H. lluys, Jan. Ueedy. I'lilla- LOI ler U Walluce, keeper ol rtcorUn. uiiiiiiier of itnprovenfents to Hie eot-.1 iieean < Ity's rc'i-ldi'ii'i-. is In hiiblnew There Mr! \Va«h(ilEtoli, who has a 'here In talk of forming a glee club. erecting a "large factory building'at ThlV is n .juestlon proi'oni'-l.li byj were In se--ioii. ShetiM' • ltrli»ht argues that wince the paper Upon lelpliin: Mrs. L. J Assenhelm and . Ig i ,iagage asi|iilekly'Uiw pikya H posnilile,'Uii|, d will ill llaliimiire. Mil., where he hn- - host of' friends, will 011*^11^0 hi tho 'here Is plenty ot good material for Ihinrbter, Julia. Itrooklvn, N. V.' 'sfiverul people of air In.pllriti' .l.tfun'l Idenlllled ullh.tlie Cape May.Courl wenpv the hoiiue, wllli liin family, j largo ntoie. Hi- l'rleiid> w III Ke'ulad which the orli^iial ordinance' was Tenth and liiittonwood streets, and Is Mr, Hotel Man, and it is WnKhlnglon C«mp, No..7f», C. i>. H. ul A., oyster business—» husluesH In which; A COLD MONTH to loan oh Bond arid Mortgage.^1 itiihd. ,•.'-, doing well. thin among the members ol the union. building another at Fifteenth street learn Hull he J* printed' or written h,a* been lost, be Ifaiiklli, Prospect Park; K. William- Fre«ldeiil, kuochL. Hurleit; Mcreiury, Ml lie wits occupied before eoniliiK to A well-atteuded meeting waH held on and VV time you were sending out. •••" W«» Equaled only In hue the right to Introduce evidence; oj son.-(i. J, Still, William H. Still jm, mimd A. bourgoou. i.i'euii City lust'full. • "'.'.•. Monday eveu'lng. Much litterest was I' Scott. Millford, Del. X874' ana- 1875. evinced. Another meeting will be a secondary nature as to the contents • Cululi 1», V, 0. of A., iui*ls evHrV I Liquor l.lcenHe Vtreti. your Booklets, Pamphlets, «l 1JU (i. ui.i lu K.'or I", liillI. M. T. Ktl«u, .H-L-piilmtnif ll*e llrfielsloii. The cold weather that has prevailed thereof.- and he called two of the . • Hl.HKItllN". PREPARING FOR' 'LONG ILLNESS held next Monday evening lu h. A. •ecmuiry. ', . *' TWO HEW ROADS THIS CITY HAS At the recent term'of Court, Judge Stanley M.' illrsh, J, H Kllerman, Tho r.rlk'liton Hotel, U. It. Ktxiy, ' almost continuously during the tint Corsou's office, wheu plans for themeuihern of the Itorough Council, who . or Folders.' . Were members at the time that the. or- lilldrelh dlnpoked of applications rpr John J.-Kurger, Mrs. H. <;. Arehlbuld 'WnhHtolln Oouucll, No. 1*1, !>. i.f. I'./liLfls proprlelor, is behlK repnliite FOR THE" COUNTY! A GOOD CHANCE veto.'oii the aJth ofiApril, 1WW, to en- He Kranteil 4t>, refused .10,. and per'Mut.'lure, Charles S, Wood und wife, and doiibtlesa will be npVreclated by ' cedented, according to the recortls of • Repalutlnic Coltiitft-. p, MODERN PLUMBING AND HEATING d milted .Vapplicatioux.io be withdrawn Miss Muriej M. Wood. A. It, Waln- CHUKCH SOCIETIES. Hie hou'l's ihniiy pulroiin, whoso com- the Atlantic City Weather Bureau Mr. and M;s. James II. Jurman, of deavor to prove that the word sleep- vriKlit, Phlludelpblu; Mr. mid Mrs. I The Sentinel Printing Miss Mabel Downes Will'be : witliout considering them oil theli Will Give Autos Great High-; Probably* Will ' Get State fort in nlwuys studied by Mr. Hooy. office. '•'•'• ' '•'' •' . • 'blladelphla, were here duriiig the ng" was in tlie original paper, Jeo, Hayduy, Soiiiers' Point; J. VV PIKSI M.. K. fllUill'll . Hotels Will be Ready for merit's Xhe fee Van fixed at J-VX) lit L»dle«- Aid iile«M dr»; Mottday evvultl J • ' j ALLOWAY M. SMITH & CO. . Buri.ed in Philadelijlun • It Is necessary,' however, to go back 'eek, and now the cottage owned by At thah t timi e hthe council consisted of tuilham, Allouuy; Win. C. Hollkluy, way Between Carnden and ' . Homoeopathic' Society's' Crowds on June 27th Ca|ie May. S'236 at Angles'eu and Holly WashiiKituii, I). C ; Bamuel Koth eun nioutli. Mr». KlUtalwili'iuiiiiy.l'"'^- llo'iki-cl'01 Trade M«r«llnir. - ' to April or .toe years 1874 and 1876 to five members, •' . House (Successor.* to tl. A. W. Smith) • • To-day. . . . Irs. Jarman'x father, on Sixth street, h ' Heading; Jus-Jones, William Jiowly. Cape May^ Autumn .MeetiaR'. • Thu rc^ulitr meeting of tile Hounl of find parallel cases. April of both ' Herore tbecimiplnliiani can prevail, Bench. at Sea Isle, and'MoO at Carrie AdutiiM, aucruuiry. " , and 28th. purchased from Mrs. Bauer, Is 'being Italtlmorc; L. It. Camphell, Camilen: -Mn..joiiti u. Uiiudy, HU|Htrltit«iid^ut Jtirt- Mr. und Nlrs. .Albeit N. IIOWIIVH Titiile will ho hold In Couiioll ctiuluber it must be ItrHt settled lu'hlH favor us Tllckaboe.' Tlii' plilliH uiiil H|iL'i'lllihitions for Hit' There appear* in be every Indi. u'lnu tlie coinnilttee having in eliu.rKe the yeare mentioned was an exception- repainted and otherwise Improved, I. F. (irumbeiir, Lebanon; Mr. and or L«Hi{u0. - . ' : Mrs • Jos. I. SciiiU Ocean City; C. H is prepared to do Your- (iOKlien roml liiid tho Tm kitliot> j-ond, that •OI'VIIII Clly sland- ii very good i^entenis fur the- t'eeepiiou'und Iiltve the deep i-yiupathy of their ul K o'eloek tills (Thursday) evening. ally cold month, tbe temperature for a mutter of law that tlm oillclal record Conlirmniloii Deed. The family iprobably will open the Kl'wcll, Toms Itlver: KlKHT PKItHHVTItUIAS'i'Hl'Kr". 111111I0 liv KnKlni'cr It- I'Viidnll Smilb, ofn'eiirltii; IlieStuif.llouioeo- friends lu Hie a nlH-i Ion iueiir red through A lnri>e ultendanee of tliu mentbers IH April, , 18££ l hhavinig . averaged 4 42 oftlie eoliteTitH of au ciiactmeiit may of tlilHt'lty, in 111" ibtiiul tienl uiid i'iir«' 1 Soelety's ' fiill • .'nieetiiic ' ^tli 'liiljiinent oftlie delei^aies to tbo cottage in a few weeks for the season, Among the conveyances reported Work in an Eminently Sat- . LtidteiT'AUXlllury Hodlvty lilttts lirsi .M(ni'. of tlilHtlty, in 111" ibtiiul tienl uiid iiir«j luitlluitlilii ly riill .niii the denth of their ilauirliter, Malu'l II., desired, Mutters of Importance -will degrees, or 6.6 degrees below the be'varied by parole evldeuie. It'ls d»y «Veiili>K of auili iiiuntti. I'rtwi filfl l nitullior, havhaev livelnn iiji|irovt'ifj|rovf- by Si'iiti'iiibi'r; ni-xi. !. • > • Iiiiilli was due lo It may not. Klnniulletd VH. Hoard of H. ClenieiilliiH. Dr. K.'.K. McUIII . "YIK," ailiiiliti.il'ilin ili'iliiinii'r. '"tUere. IKIDIOD; stiorelury, Mrs. JOM. I.Hi'iill; . and 'JSth, are spurlnu Uo ell'nrls 10 Monday nioriiin on record for the period, 1874-1006, CClayl . *I CliCAulirmatlol n ddeed for l*nt XH-relury. Mrs. T tJio Aililnl« rolli'itiir*. . NeW HUUHVH, Kdw. K. Mc(illl, ilr... Andrew P. niv 11 -uri'iii iniiiiy «kliw In'iriy Iw* nuke the oei'iisioii^t ^altt'oire. pulnioiiury troubles,. Shv »IIH i'on- inclusive. "Tbe'temperature during Cave Lllc for Her Father, Chosen Freeholders iir Middlesex Maloiiey, F. M, Mugee, Thus. Il, Fort, Mnu rroiiltuun uuu Mrs. L-imrk-M Murlitii eo.ua undivided one-fourth part or in^w." • . - JbDIor kludo^vorHoC'luiy ttlMils HVvry rri N C. GOPFREY'S ••elous until s oVIiiek on Sumliiy nl^hi. it is .reported Unit "one or two more, the first twenty days of the current Couuiy, «5 Atl, Itep., K90 (S ip Ct., Jr., Mrn. TlioH, i{. Fort, Jr., Xorniall .. • • Drop into the office .to- In lulilltiiin in tlie la-'o deleuittes to 'Mrs. J, Splcer. Learning, who was Beexley'd-.' Point hotel property 1 "Wliai .|M your IIIII'?" ii«k«l the port- . ,\id Mrs. TIIOH. Cooper Cbrimiuu KhdttHVnr suI-ltJiy l*lL*ttlw ut ' 7 ie .iiiiveiillou, it is expeeted Unit terribly burned at her home in Cape Henry Clay In Director or the Depart- McCuhali,' Mrs. ITIIOH, iieslte. Alien • . • morrow or. within the' ly iMi-.tfcimci:.. » ..'•',. o clock HUbUiiy bVeillU^s, I1111I been au iuviilhl lor --eveinl yearn slurlcd within a short time It Is also Kveu were the law, otherwise, I do Business .House, 6&T Asbury Avenue, Spring of 1907, veral tliiiiisauils of visitors ulll m--- li- May on Mouday,' died on Tuesday ment or Public Surety, Philadelphia, M c< i 111. Kbenezer ' AdauiH. Hay P. next few days and talk "I.riiilmi'," aiiKuvrod ihn druuiuier aa 't'rtor't^ -^oliiiX iulo Hei'lfue, sbe wtis a slated that plttitHUrcbelnii prepared for , Dalljr. Weaibcr Forecau. not think that the complainant^ lu Ulewlne. Jus, fiurper, Wm. T. Itrowu WOIUUU'H curUitun lVi.iiv«rHi.i'« L'tllnii, ihipitliy lite old soldiers. In* uutli'i-, afternoon. Bbe was- prominent In •ll«"' Ilulttl'tl II ffiwll |NI|HT COtliU.ttUll.-" prvtty iz 1 i^l 'and -popular untoiiL-: her'ttvo or three; iMittnueH to bo built Iil the this cane baH prove!) the fact for w-iileli and wife, MISH Itrown/VVm.T. Itrowu, nndeauuilnullouul, tueeiu uuiul-liiuiitliiy. •iitioii.of IIIIJ tri'iit i-rnud, iu iiddltlnii' The National Weather Bureau has social circles lu - Cape May and bad a New few** Iti Cnnrctl. the matter over with us " ''Illl'IIUft N'l'U'H. ' • Vniildebl, Mm. UlluibtslU Ure-s! correHt«jn.l yBospects ARE fall.- . • • ' Jr., Frederick C. Hcbeu, K, W. F.merv, ArvlD yoiinii friend", oi *\vliniii slie Iiml made arrangements'with the Inter- he contends. • The new pews- are IIOWJIJ position ln» »«creuirjt, Mr.. A..B, lluncu: recurdlui! 1 tho reiiular number of visitors tiere j number of friends here. -A coal .oil T. L -VVIIuon. II. SyrorH,.C. (}.' Dlokiii- ./WE CAN HELP YOU, McitUry, Mr«.M, Mlluur; truusuiror, Mrs, I. ii.iiuy', iilil forlhelasl few years slie lei state Telephone Company whereby Thin leaven ror i-ontMeratlon the I titul lime' of, It'e year -lite hei;lii-1 [amp exploded and she received her ill the First I'resbyterlan Church. HOJI, VV. H. Turner,.Philadelphia; H. He Letter to *Benj. Bard, • nrr runcvi • Full Line of House Furnishings Hill!; of Ilii'Vu.iiniei' *.en»un -ulloftlie, kt'|il to Iter liunie prnelli'iilly; ciui. the forecast of weather for the next Tatal bums while trying to'save her queHtlonas to whether or not theThe pew's arrived too late to be put in U Itarcroft, Lambertvllle; . H. C. •'• Ocean City; N. J. ' Sleber, It. T. Moore,- Atlantic City; I VVViit Phlliiuelpiiia family wa» » Yucbtuiell'ii AKMOointlou. Willoii Wlllfl.-, will be opeii for ittu reeeplton.of: ' JMicceedlng thUty-«lx hours will be re- written paper dated June .15, lK!)."ik U the church when the edifice Was Prenldonl; llurk liUku, wjcrutur/. . AMIiuul , Heni* Sir: The cost of a Kallon of Father's life. Mr Learning was badly Chun. y. Wuil, KlkliiH' Park: H, Bnrk- MIM'p one nlKht, tnikiuir about the en- rviei'H Uere held al'llie liiiu-e lai-l contract'between the complainant and' maetlbK will be bula lu JU110. palut put'iui- Is abmit •f.'i, no 'mutter • ported to all the exchanges- of this tiurned.' • opened for Worship, and the man who hardt, .Switzerland: <) VV. Hyde," *..t.'eiiii'iit of { j^g daughter*! e^'enlnix. 'i'lit'-e were rondiieleit bv 0Il0 0 S|it'rlltl elites will.lit1 civt'U by company at ten' o'clock every morn- defendant or HUCh a nature and kind, was to do the work did not come back Toledo; Baml*. Gordou, P. M, Lalie- whose weddlui; yrna soon to be. TM ""-Mhe Itev. 1I>T * iissi'lbvrry.. • '. ". wliiil |ialnt yon buy. • Tbe Oceiib City llullillbit mill \Ja*n luurtwlj.; see ' I'he body «us--.I'lil -to riillndflpliin logv -Any subscriber to tbe inter- ttamtiel acuurcb House Aic»ln. and of HUbh duration, that the de-again Until the latter part of last w«ek; bart, New York; H,' M. Cake, E. K. ni'cro jiei-vitnt; who acted as waltres* tloo nib«t»wiuoua Kuluriluy of oucli liliuilli' rullnmil>. tu |muueili»i'r>i from nil llHlKulliiiisDovoe put-on $ MO riuliUiit. Ueorlic 'i. AUulim: uocrotury, If , liv I'udi'rlaker Murk I.MU- llth tiioni.- state Telephone Company cau call up Samuel Schurcb, proprietor of tbe fendant, under It, lit bound to continue Cake, .Washington, U. ('.; C. L. I)u- Iflunilreuii; etc., Imd just brouglit'lnto iiK of iiii'M KiitU. i. ! 1 liols, Cauiden; G. K.Hchmlck, Head- i -tiowuril TUoru. 1'ii-u "itt. tlie iiitornu'iil 10 In al Mount Bellevue Baths, who has undeirgoue , Fool Broken. tl» dliilni; ronin the drtnwrt, when on* In th.N Kxiieof llit'^ Sany t(me, (Jay or night, and get the to funiNh service at the rate (Tf i»(?. I Vi'riiuii'lViiu-U'ry. ' PJO. 1 "' iiext-to-lliiit ' " UUO several operations to' a Philadelphia ' A colored man named Williams had of tliij tlri« nuked, "Vircinla. ' if MHIIl' Of till- |l|lll>t''s Ol' latest on the weather conditions. seveuty-flve cenbt per sleeping room •rest; '{-\w reninlns (epowjd In a v> lilteeiii-' »ext -./. hospital during tbe last few mouths, one of his feet broken by apiece of WM. LAKE, no™ Killtb'ti Ilitnep?" "Ln'wstt I lo tin- liniiid Aiiny men mid IIK-II lii'lH tioMsed plush eusket, satin lined, with for each ot the houses or the com- i in • -U0 r -t know, boni'y," itho replied. • "Hi** t nreiHlUer hnndles. Tliere was a eluvium neMt-to-that. Mayor Scott a cottager. returned from Philadelphia a few days plainant lu said paper mentioned. lumber railing upon It while he .was vOTICE TO ABSENT HEFEKDANT Patching an Old Pipe nr Hit' \V. U <". iiiid Aiictlliiry l.MV 750 SHOEMAKER'S •next ' ago, bis condition much Improved at' work on Tuesduy. The lumber b(Ktn In <](. U'IIMII ylt." { Kniuud box fur llicM'^skel, ' Mayor A. J. Scott and family, of t think the effect or that paper writ- Real lint nextto-that •son His general health Is first clans. Mr. wau for the new bridge. Dr. Orlscom iK" CHASCKHV OF NBW JKItHKY. Hancock City, Mich., will occupy Mm Ing and the conduct or tlie parlies was ' •••» CrSnip. ' 880 . Sohurch'a many friends were glad to STORAGE to ' next BanvUle's cottage, Second aud Anbury to license the complainant to connect treated the Injured man ' tightened hi* w* HOUSE kiuH Hi'iiKe of wmirliy to .own your .1000 •"«•" lioxt-to-that Homoeopaiblitti* I'MVorTtai* city. Miss Jennie Willis, Bitter or Flrma'n two holes. - • > home at ' mayor of Haneock, Tbe SENTINEL (Fogg v». Ocean City, (US Atl Itep., iiuitinlujnuut iilld Jtillri .MtiAI«*!.*riitid"y'6li and iimuii'. IlklH for work on IIICHO now rr.'mi the Hoard or Triulu, In •Jin '"Ili+e In whori> It usually takes ae.'f Av«., Repair or OOKAN CITY.. [lon't roritet the AdaniH Hci-ohillve next lifer tii ^ * ^y tt^ and Dr. I N^tirlscom, who, ^"s a com'885;Bup. C't, 1007). That there wua Willis, of thU city, has left the Ka»t nil olliersurt. il^rHiiiiUDti., you titv rc-iiuo-tHl roudu uroiuiw bt'liiK usUeil' by the via'rKL'lli'itlly imitsiii? tlio '• - — llflO LI umuiur, pl.imi, iiiiswvr or dviuur to inu titli ho oxiiliilnml, iiiittlnir Ills coucave|,et<>n'' , your reH|)on«llilllly un a Kill <."o., corner Seventh undud Arfinry.y., , havhaoo next-to-tiiut mlttee from the Board of Trade, Is en- uot coiiHtituted thereby a continuing rnr Klgin, , where she will In >r siifd notitriiiliiutii t.u or isif.iio Iliti tiv»ufy> Cu|io May County Hoard of (.'IIDKVII inVnilil-rH of.lliu Miclvty lo.HiM'iiru tllt'lr Tlio i,troii(;o«t paint Is. tlio oue that • family. IM liny ol Jlltitt neKt- or tliu Mild bill wl I IH* ach,—St.i.oulB (ilut All |H>rwiiiH liavlng Kurniiiiru or uuy KreuhulilvrH, wliluh mot nt (.'u\ui Mny ner IUUU^B you a deulrable thth e lurKfltt undd bebe»ett tMloleMlocled muck of >x • eavoring to secure the rail meeting of contrnct |of perpetual duration; that tiie'?uture reside with her brother, New Plumbing ruvoriilileiNiiitiii.ti>rntliiii oroevntt t'lty, h k takes least gulloilH; le"a»t gallons to -luU ~r.Mt!rcliuudh* to bo stored will •Court JloiiHtfycHtenluy, • t'lll/cn. Think it over,-then call on • Witlll • paper*, nnd at the lowest prk-en. For those who want really line lie State Homoeopathic Society for who Is a minister or the gospel, HH d bill is t\Httl Ui foreclose u liioriuiiue fci'ln hlrlily I'liuinmKi'd. llu IIIIH rc- HAKUY HKADLKY, '.' Over llfty ttyluJol bed room pujierH In Tu eil'eot the arraiiKemeut between the lv«n |,y .lolili M -Ale«"« uii.l »lur Hr^i II. Ou.tlit. Hufe Hld». . uveknoney by going to tlie Unit' 1ms to .be i-edonte' as soon as It linn baon deciileit tn" be(?lll worlt buy; least Kallons to paint; aud the 'paperhanglng—something that no one ( U Iteul Kuliite (>|iorutor, Ninth and Ah-Htock. I'uperu for every room, many his city, is receiving encouraging re- purtien wa« from yeurto yeur. Under IOAIB^»U, Itlii wlfv, lo oil" ('liMrltik HIlMlur, Iiidt'iit-Tlieii Imtv uiucb" doe* tM on both of ttie roiKlH ut isnw, but ti o uelvi'il ninny letlcrx from tlio iiiL-iiiln-r atnuiKent pitlnt id the one that wears else baa— or «an get— aee tbe ADAMS tiuclainjed (.letter*. ' finisliai. You save money em- bury nvenuo, next to tiro houue .who oftliem ul leHH than liulf tlielr value. lles from members of the society. the ordinance the rates were to be paid milt «,I,I,. to1.for CIIHII? Tiillor-Fifw. Tuukulioo nm&<%, oil lundy innfltH. yiudeiit-Anil If |iilld for W Illllll JULIU iii'ilii uni*n 11 \iin UII htiui _ « * Hplendld IlKlit. Open tilt nine o'clock, '1'lieno lesnoliH are UHefu-I, li III. L'lly of (Jcuu City, CiltMj UUy (loHhe(Ii n roud li to bo 'lln'Hiwllu'tnied byby ! Culfulll iiieotliiijieoiliiKK. . HOino of the Kreateut barKahlM to be VtbMf best work >n tbe town. They ill South Jersey members. not bound to connect, or to contlaue a Weekending AprH 20th, 1007: •>iKliiltini)iiti.i Tailor- A hundred mark* There-isn'.t.aiiy kick coining 01 > «reyt Otitobef *'-titi ilM)7t * \ * riiit't'tnii »nu ^.UIIU om^ wcrm.iuu uH «»' -found Here ou. tlio easiest turmr. - Voutu truly, wl« advise you as to style or design, A rut yoni Mnrifafttt lit Mrrit -only In Mint tuni> you will hnve to ,. r K«u HAI.K'.— Bloop yacht, eomjiletely counectioo once made. It lie oliose to dttiendunt boouuxe HM tbji w THOMAS J. THORN. wofic we charge for." , • ThU w ork, when cotuiiluiwl. will lilt 1 plruutH.ror the pleiwiire of uiilerluliiltiK Phoue connection. F. W. UKVOB A CO., •> or will follow year Ideas, or will take MONEY TO LOAN.—«l(jOO and Kistcr Mht. Harry tiuvu pay.half down.-'l-Voni the Oerfiiun. 1 furulHhed; cabin uocommodatea ulx; *• anttm charge of work and guarantee act Upon tbe license, he gpuld do HO, bn. M<*Al«e*m you clului ( LICENSEp AtJCTlONEER, the broken'Ink ror ttutoinobllo ' - tmvul'the memhorH. of thu wiclcty. Since St ' ' , . Now York. loau oo bond aud Uiortgage, m Lee, Mrs, Minnie . • iU»reMt.ln ttuld luitaor iioni« Florist frowcumdeu to faiie May. >lt will lourulntj thut. nvviui .'ity SWJUH tlio l-'oll KAI.I: t'llt.vi':—A Becoud hand font uud. Uiorouluiihi.. l y Heawortthh WWrtlettoa; they have a special line of roved Ocean ..City property. Apply aud then became boiiud to pay the iVittd April 'JO, 10W. . fr P. B.—It. Howard TUoru sails out roved Ocean ..City property. Apply • ' ' MKN, . . niewi, nin'Hslty <'iul« curiositcuri y GROVES make a line stretch' of roud for OWIIOM convention, Lapo.Muy lias witlulrawn coal raiiKo; aluo a KUHolliie Htove Ituuiuev Kleclrlcnmll MMaliUfhiCo>a i Phi •A'flWHfftWi'ffll draperlea* andt bangluga to ordan:'- Mathews, FUteentb and ratea Hpecllled in the paper. He could JAMKH M..K. HILUltKIll PALL BUtilS, GRASS JOHN R. make a line* ii: dn:' Mathew FUteentb d Itriey, Mr. , Hollultorof tbM No. 721 Asbury Abenue, Ocean City, Rl' luu,. and' no Kouiii'r ui'tf WWe siip Ill ruv'or oftlilw runort. Apply V-l Anbury aveuue. udelphlu. . U-St.I palut. *JiMI»eli&tfi «>.... >• • ^ilumbla avenue, Philadelphiadlphia. • - We siipp of ulltoH. - KDWAHDM. BUTTON, P. M, lUi ovt'trytliltiK thatt inituro can *•" and CtOVER SUED. - Ocean City, N. J. inand 649 Asbury «.«, H. »? vasr • nand tlinii w» ult .dowwu to contrivco e if 839 Asbtiry Avenue. or Uflclaflcla!! apiwtltetfJohnBohnn " '
