Arthropoda Selecta 19(2): 85–89 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2010 A new genus and new species of corinnid spiders (Aranei: Corinnidae) from Southeast Asia Íîâûé ðîä è íîâûé âèä ïàóêîâ-êîðèííèä (Aranei: Corinnidae) èç Þãî-Âîñòî÷íîé Àçèè Jianying Fu1, Feng Zhang2* & Jomo MacDermott3 Ö. Ôó, Ô. Æàíü, Ä. ÌàêÄåðìîòò College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding Hebei 071002, China. E-mail:
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[email protected] * corresponding author KEY WORDS: Abdosetae hainan, new genus, new species, new combination, China, Malasia. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Abdosetae hainan, íîâûé ðîä, íîâûé âèä, íîâàÿ êîìáèíàöèÿ, Êèòàé, Ìàëàéçèÿ. ABSTRACT. The corinnid genus Abdosetae gen.n., of long setae just posterior to the genital fold, and has a is erected and described, with Abdosetae hainan sp.n. tuft of bristles in anterior to the spinnerets. The male from Hainan Province, China, as its type species. De- palpal femora are not visibly modified ventrally, but tailed characters of the genus are provided. One new are somewhat compressed laterally and keeled. The leg combination is established: Abdosetae ornata (Deele- femora have no dorsal macrosetae. The PME are not man-Reinhold, 2001) comb.n. ex. Otacilia. reduced in size. As no known corinnid genus has this combination of characters, we describe here a new ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Îïèñàí íîâûé ðîä ïàóêîâ Abdosetae corinnid spider genus, Abdosetae gen. nov., with the gen.n. ñ òèïîâûì âèäîì Abdosetae hainan sp.n. èç type species, Abdosetae hainan, sp. nov. îñòðîâà Õàéíàíü. Ïðèâåäåíà äåòàëüíàÿ õàðàêòåðè- In addition, the species, Otacilia ornata Deeleman- ñòèêà ðîäà. Óñòàíîâëåíà íîâàÿ êîìáèíàöèÿ : Abdo- Reinhold, 2001, is newly transferred from Otacilia to setae ornata (Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001) comb.n.