| Rock | | Port Isaac | Camelford | Port Isaac | Polzeath | Rock | Wadebridge 96 Mondays to Saturdays except public holidays Mondays to Saturdays except public holidays

Wadebridge bus station dep 0835 1235 1505 1735 Smugglers 0721 0931 1346 1616 Wadebridge The Platt 0837 1237 1507 1737 Delabole Westdowns Road 0725 0935 1350 1620 Wadebridge school 0840 1240 1510 1740 Pendoggett Cornish Arms 0732 0942 1357 1627 Fourways Inn 0850 1250 1520 1750 Port Isaac church hall rooms 0738 0948 1403 1633 Inn 0854 1254 1524 1754 church 0746 0956 1411 1641 Rock garage 0857 1257 1527 1757 Polzeath beach 0757 1007 1422 1652 The Mowhay 0902 1302 1532 1802 Trebetherick opp The Mowhay 0802 1012 1427 1657 Polzeath beach 0907 1307 1537 1807 Rock garage 0807 1017 1432 1702 St Endellion church 0918 1318 1548 1818 Tredrizzick post box 0810 1020 1435 1705 Port Isaac church hall rooms 0925 1325 1555 1825 St Minver Fourways Inn 0814 1024 1439 1709 Pendoggett Cornish Arms 0932 1332 1602 1832 Wadebridge opp school 0824 1034 1449 1719 Delabole Post Office 0939 1339 1609 1839 Wadebridge The Platt 0827 1037 1452 1722 Delabole Smugglers 0943 1343 1613 1843 Wadebridge bus station arr 0829 1039 1454 1724

for connection at Delabole Smugglers to Camelford and see route 55 on pages 142-143

this bus continues to Camelford & Bodmin as route 55

this bus starts in Camelford & Bodmin as route 55 Wadebridge | Port Isaac | Camelford | | Bude | Tintagel | Camelford | Port Isaac | Wadebridge 96 Sundays & public holidays until 20 October 2019 and from 5 April 2020 Sundays & public holidays until 20 October 2019 and from 5 April 2020

Wadebridge bus station 0920 1120 1320 1520 1720 Bude Strand 1005 1205 1405 1605 1805 Wadebridge The Platt 0922 1122 1322 1522 1722 Widemouth Bay Manor 1013 1213 1413 1613 1813 Wadebridge school 0925 1125 1325 1525 1725 Cross Roads 1016 1216 1416 1616 1816 St Minver Fourways Inn 0935 1135 1335 1535 1735 Wainhouse Corner garage 1020 1220 1420 1620 1820 Tredrizzick Pityme Inn 0939 1139 1339 1539 1739 Crackington Haven Cabin Cafe 1028 1228 1428 1628 1828 Rock garage 0942 1142 1342 1542 1742 Higher Crackington Post Office 1032 1232 1432 1632 1832 Trebetherick The Mowhay 0947 1147 1347 1547 1747 Tresparrett Posts 1035 1235 1435 1635 1835 Polzeath beach 0952 1152 1352 1552 1752 Boscastle car park 1045 1245 1445 1645 1845 St Endelion church 1003 1203 1403 1603 1803 Bossiney bus shelter 1056 1256 1456 1656 1856 Port Isaac church hall rooms 1010 1210 1410 1610 1810 Tintagel Visitor Centre 1101 1301 1501 1701 1901 Pendoggett Cornish Arms 1017 1217 1417 1617 1817 Trewarmett 1107 1307 1507 1707 1907 Delabole Post Office 1024 1224 1424 1624 1824 Camelford Methodist Church 0919 1119 1319 1519 1719 1919 Delabole Smugglers 1028 1228 1428 1628 1828 Camelford Clease Road 0921 1121 1321 1521 1721 1921 Camelford Clease Road 0838 1038 1238 1438 1638 1838 Delabole Smugglers 0931 1131 1331 1531 1731 Camelford St Thomas Church 0840 1040 1240 1440 1640 1840 Delabole Westdowns Road 0935 1135 1335 1535 1735 Trewarmett 0852 1052 1252 1452 1652 Pendoggett Cornish Arms 0942 1142 1342 1542 1742 Tintagel Visitor Centre 0857 1057 1257 1457 1657 Port Isaac church hall rooms 0948 1148 1348 1548 1748 Bossiney bus shelter 0902 1102 1302 1502 1702 St Endellion Church 0956 1156 1356 1556 1756 Boscastle Bridge 0912 1112 1312 1512 1712 Polzeath Beach 1007 1207 1407 1607 1807 Tresparrett Posts 0922 1122 1322 1522 1722 Trebetherick opp The Mowhay 1012 1212 1412 1612 1812 Higher Crackington Post Office 0926 1126 1326 1526 1726 Rock Garage 1017 1217 1417 1617 1817

x x x x x x x x x x Crackington Haven Cabin Cafe 0930 1130 1330 1530 1730 Tredrizzick Post Box 1020 1220 1420 1620 1820 Wainhouse Corner garage 0938 1138 1338 1538 1738 St Minver Fourways Inn 1024 1224 1424 1624 1824 Poundstock Cross Roads 0942 1142 1342 1542 1742 Wadebridge opp school 1034 1234 1434 1634 1834 Widemouth Bay Manor 0945 1145 1345 1545 1745 Wadebridge The Platt 1037 1237 1437 1637 1837 Bude Strand 0956 1156 1356 1556 1756 Wadebridge bus station 1039 1239 1439 1639 1839

for Monday to Saturday journeys between Wadebridge, Camelford, Tintagel and Bude see route 95 on pages 166 -169