
US History Unit 2 HW Packet ______This is not just your homework it is also guide as a study tool for both the section quizzes and the unit test. It is very important that you know more than just the definition of each of the terms below. Understand the impact each of the terms had on other events and their connections to other events. Make sure you know the “who, what, when, where, and why” significance, causes and effects, etc. for each term and answer the main idea questions as completely as possible (this means more than a couple of sentences). ______

Chapter 5, Section 1 Sand Creek Massacre Wounded Knee Massacre Dawes Act Battle of the Little Bighorn Chief Joseph Homestead Act Sitting Bull Geronimo

Main Idea Questions: 1. Why did the government adopt a policy of Americanization? 2. What motivations brought settlers to the West?

Chapter 5, Section 2 Laissez-Faire Gilded Age Haymarket Riot Social Darwinism Sherman Anti-Trust Act AFL Trust The Great Railroad Strike

Main Idea Questions: 1. List the primary industries that combined to fuel the 2nd industrial revolution. 2. How did railroad expansion lead to standard time? 3. Why was it difficult for the government to place restrictions on the trusts?

Chapter 5, Section 3 Chinese Exclusion Act Tammany Hall Lynchings Settlement House Boss Tweed Booker T. Washington Social Gospel Populist Party W.E.B. Dubois

Main Idea Questions: 1. How were the new immigrants different than previous immigrants from Northern Europe? 2. How did political scandals lead to reform in the late 1800’s? 3. What types of segregation and discrimination did African Americans and other minorities encounter?

Chapter 6, Section 1 Jacob Riis Triangle Shirtwaist Initiative Progressivism Company Fire Referendum Muckrakers Robert M. LaFollette Recall NAACP 17th Amendment Upton Sinclair-The Jungle

Main Idea Questions: 1. What issues did progressives focus on and what helped energize their causes? 2. Outline the key workplace improvements made by the progressives? 3. Explain how minorities fought injustice during the .

Chapter 6, Section 2 Prohibition Susan B. Anthony Women’s Christian Temperance Union National American Woman Suffrage Carry Nation Association 18th Amendment 19th Amendment National Association of Colored Women

Main Idea Questions: 1. What opportunities did women have for education and work outside the home during the late 1800’s 2. Explain how religion played a key role in the establishment of the 18th amendment. 3. Why did women object to the 15th amendment?

Chapter 6, Section 3 Upton Sinclair John Muir Bully pulpit Meat Inspection Act

Main Idea Questions: 1. How did Roosevelt attempt to regulate big business? 2. How did the and the regulate railroad corruption? 3. What was Roosevelt’s philosophy about environmental conservation and how did he carry out that philosophy?

Chapter 6, Section 4 Woodrow Wilson Alice Paul 16th Amendment Federal Reserve Act 19th Amendment

Main Idea Questions: 1. How did Taft’s approach to progressivism split the Republican party? 2. What was Wilson’s New Freedom reform plan? 3. Explain how tariff reduction led to the implementation of INCOME TAX. 4. How did women gain the right to vote in national elections?