(Mesyuarat dimulakan pada jam 9.21 pagi)

[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]



Tuan Speaker: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera. Honourable Members, Under Standing Order 12 (1) & (2) “Government business shall take precedence over private members business and Government business shall be set down in such order as the Government thinks fit and communicate to the Secretary”.

Four days that is today, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week are set aside for the daily one hour question time. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week shall be devoted to debate on Head of State’s address.

Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi pihak Dewan yang mulia ini, saya ingin mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga mendiang Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr Wong Soon Kai yang telah meninggal dunia pada 22 Mac 2017 yang lepas dan keluarga mendiang Temenggong Datuk James Jimbun Pungga yang telah meninggal dunia pada 18 April 2017 yang lepas.

Mendiang Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr Wong Soon Kai adalah merupakan bekas Timbalan Ketua Menteri , Menteri Kabinet Negeri dan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak bagi kawasan . Manakala, mendiang Temenggong Datuk James Jimbun Pungga adalah bekas Ahli Parlimen bagi Kapit.

Bagi memperingati kedua-dua mendiang marilah kita sama-sama bertafakur selama seminit. Terima kasih.


YB Tuan Haji Razaili Bin Haji Gapor:

Pokok getah menjadi papan, Cantik molek dibuat sepatu. YB Menteri tolong beri jawapan, Soalan saya nombor 1.


(1) Tuan Haji Razali Bin Haji Gapor bertanya kepada Ketua Menteri:

(a) Apakah Kerajaan mempunyai perancangan untuk menubuhkan Pusat Pengajian Tahfiz dan Fardhu Ain di kampung-kampung dalam DUN Meting Maro?

(b) Apakah perkembangan cadangan Kerajaan untuk membina Sekolah Rendah Agama RGC Beladin dan berapa anggaran kos yang terlibat?

Tuan Speaker: Hebat.

Menteri Muda Elektrik Luar Bandar (YB Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Beting Maro. Cantik pantunnya.



Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Beting Maro, Kerajaan buat masa ini belum bercadang untuk membina Pusat Pengajian Tahfiz di DUN Beting Maro. Walau bagaimanapun, Kerajaan telah menyediakan kelas Al-Quran dan Fardhu Ain atau Kafa untuk kanak-kanak berumur diantara 7 – 12 tahun di semua sekolah rendah kebangsaan di DUN berkenaan, DUN Beting Maro.

Dalam masa yang sama orang awam setempat boleh mengikut kuliah Al-Quran dan pengajian Islam melalui kelas-kelas Taqmer yang telah diatur oleh Majlis Islam Sarawak di masjid-masjid dan surau-surau di DUN Beting Maro.

Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Beting Maro di kawasan DUN Beting Maro untuk kelas Kafa disediakan di lapan buah sekolah rendah yang mengajar seramai 1,925 orang murid. Manakala untuk seluruh kawasan DUN Beting Maro di enam buah masjid dan tujuh buah surau, Kerajaan menyediakan seramai sembilan orang guru taqmer yang mengajar di surau dan masjid di kawasan DUN Beting Maro.

Berhubung dengan cadangan untuk membina sekolah rendah agama di RGC Beladin, Kerajaan pada masa ini telah pun meluluskan tanah berkeluasan 15.5 ekar. Cadangan projek ini akan dikemukakan dalam kajian separuh penggal Rancangan Ke-11 (RMK11) dengan anggaran kos berjumlah RM28 juta. Terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: YB Mong Anak Dagang, Bukit Bengunan ... (Interruption) Oh, ada soalan tambahan.

Tuan Haji Razali Bin Haji Gapor: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih kepada Menteri atas jawapan. Saya ada dua (2) soalan. Soalan pertama, apakah reka bentuk dan kemudahan disediakan di sekolah agama yang dicadangkan? Soalan kedua, siapakah yang bakal mendapat manfaat daripada pembinaan sekolah tersebut?

Menteri Muda Elektrik Luar Bandar (YB Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih Yang Berhormat bagi Beting Maro. Untuk soalan tambahan pertama, sekolah rendah agama di RGC Beladin ini telah dicadangkan untuk dibina dengan bangunan yang mempunyai 24 bilik kelas, asrama lelaki dan perempuan serta kemudahan-kemudahan lain seperti sekolah-sekolah biasa iaitu seperti kemudahan makmal sains, bilik kemahiran hidup, surau, kantin, blok pentadbiran dan kuarters guru. Dan untuk soalan tambahan yang kedua, apabila sekolah rendah agama RGC di Beladin ini siap kelak, InsyaAllah ia akan dijangka memberi manfaat kepada anak-anak daripada kampung-kampung yang berdekatan seperti Kampung Beladin, Kampung Pusa, Kampung Semarang, Kampung Tambak, Kampung Kalok, Kampung Meludan dan Kampung Terisuk. Terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat Datuk Mong Dagang, Bukti Begunan.


(2) YB Datuk Mong Anak Dagang to ask the Minister for Resource Planning and Environment:

(a) Has the Government issued any timber licenses for areas along the Kelingkang Range in Sri Aman?

(b) If so, please State how many licenses were issued, the total acreage involved and the expiry dates.



Menteri Muda Perancangan Bandar, Pentadbiran Tanah dan Alam Sekitar (YB Datu Haji Len Talif Salleh): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker, terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi . Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Begunan, Kerajaan melalui Jabatan Hutan pernah mengeluarkan 5 lesen pembalakan di kawasan sekitar banjaran Kelingkang sejak tahun 1997 yang melibatkan kelulusan kawasan keseluruhannya 7232 hektar dan kesemua lesen pembalakan tersebut telah tamat tempoh semenjak 2011 dan tidak diperbaharui. Terima kasih.

YB Datuk Mong Anak Dagang: (Soalan Tambahan) Saya ada dua soalan tambahan, Tuan Speaker. Nombor satu, berapakah jumlah keseluruhan kawasan Bukit Kelingkang termasuk yang terlibat dalam kawasan pembalakan. Dan keduanya adakah Kerajaan mempunyai perancangan untuk mengisytiharkan kawasan tersebut sebagai Taman Negara untuk preserve flora dan fauna yang ada di kawasan tersebut? Sekian, terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Perancangan Bandar, Pentadbiran Tanah dan Alam Sekitar (YB Datu Haji Len Talif Salleh): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Begunan. Seperti yang telah saya katakan tadi keseluruhan kawasan yang telah dilesenkan di dalam kawasan berkenaan ialah 7,232 hektar dan buat masa ini Kerajaan belum lagi mempunyai perancangan untuk mengisytiharkan kawasan ini sebagai Taman Negara ataupun rizab semulajadi ataupun Santuari Hidupan Liar, walau bagaimanapun kita akan berusaha ke arah itu jika kita mendapati flora dan fauna dan lain-lain atau mendapat permohonan dari masyarakat setempat. Sekian, terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat Encik Jefferson Jamit, Bukit Goram.


(3) YB Encik Jefferson Jamit Anak Unyat bertanya kepada Menteri Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan: Kapit mempunyai banyak hasil kraftangan seperti anyaman, tenunan, ukiran dan hasil rekaan manik. Apakah perancangan Kerajaan untuk mewujudkan Pusat Kraftangan di Kapit?

Menteri Muda Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan (YB Datuk Lee Kim Shin): Tuan Speaker, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Goram, Kementerian Pelancongan, Kesenian, Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan Sarawak belum ada perancangan untuk mewujudkan Pusat Kraftangan di Kapit. Walau bagaimanapun, Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia dan Majlis Kraf Sarawak sentiasa berhubung dan menunjukkan aktiviti bersama penggiat kraf di Kapit.

Pada masa sekarang, pengusaha-pengusaha kraftangan di Kapit menjalankan aktiviti mereka di kediaman masing-masing. Bagi aktiviti penenunan pua, Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia telah menyalurkan peruntukan sebanyak RM62,130 untuk membina bengkel dan bantuan peralatan tenunan pua yang diketuai oleh Puan Suzy Imbah di Nangka Entawa. Sebanyak RM120,000 juga telah disalurkan sebagai bantuan peralatan memproses bahan pewarna asli kepada Puan Bangi Anak Embol dan rakan-rakan di Baleh.

Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia telah mengemukakan cadangan untuk menjadikan Bahagian Kapit sebagai Pusat Kraf Tenunan Pua di bawah Program 1Daerah 1Industri.

YB Encik Jefferson Jamit Anak Unyat: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih kepada Menteri atas jawapan. Saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Yang pertama, berapakah bilangan pengusaha kraf yang telah didaftarkan dengan Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia terutama sekali Kraf Sarawak dan bidang yang diceburi? Soalan tambahan kedua, apakah aktiviti- aktiviti pemasaran dan promosi produk kraf bagi tahun ini, tahun 2017? Sekian, terima kasih.



Menteri Muda Pelancongan, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan (YB Datuk Lee Kim Shin): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Bukit Goram. Untuk menjawab soalan pertama tadi, bilangan usahawan yang telah di daftar di bawah Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia dan Majlis Kraf Sarawak, sehingga Disember 2016 ialah 224 orang. Dan bidang yang diceburi ialah tekstil, hasil rimba, logam dan manik.

Bagi soalan tambahan yang kedua berhubung dengan aktiviti-aktiviti pemasaran dan promosi produk kraf bagi tahun 2017, saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa pada keseluruhannya terdapat dua badan yang menganjurkan aktiviti pemasaran dan promosi produk. Satu ialah di bawah Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia dan keduanya ialah di bawah Majlis Kraf Sarawak.

Untuk aktiviti promosi dan pemasaran yang dianjurkan di bawah Perbadanan Kraf Malaysia pada tahun ini adalah seperti berikut iaitu pada 23 Februari hingga 6 Mac iaitu selama 12 hari, satu program di bawah nama Hari Kraf Kebangsaan 2017 telah diadakan di Komplex Kraf Jalan Conlay.

Pada 19 hingga 18 Jun tahun ini iaitu selama 10 hari kita akan juga mengadakan di bawah Promosi Kraft Malaysia 2017 iaitu Promosi Kraf Aidilfitri yang akan diadakan di pusat beli belah Sarawak dan pada 21 hingga 30 Julai 2017 iaitu juga selama 10 hari kita akan mengadakan promosi Kraf Hari Sarawak di pusat beli belah Bintang Mega Mall . Untuk bulan Ogos kita juga akan mengadakan satu Promosi di bawah nama Promosi Kraf Hari Kebangsaan yang akan diadakan daripada 18 hingga 27 pada bulan Ogos selama juga 10 hari di pusat beli belah City One Kuching.

Dan juga pada bulan November, kita juga akan mengadakan satu promosi, aktiviti promosi iaitu Promosi Kraf Regatta Sarawak yang akan diadakan di Tebingan Sungai Kuching. Dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang diadakan di bawah Majlis Kraf Sarawak sebenarnya adalah 15 bagi tahun ini iaitu untuk bulan Januari kita telah mengadakan satu pesta Tahun Baru Cina di Kanowit iaitu diadakan pada 13 hingga 26 Januari. Pada bulan Februari kita juga mengadakan satu promosi di bawah Country Music Festival yang diadakan pada 25 hingga 26 Februari dan juga pada bulan Februari kita juga mengadakan satu promosi di Kompleks Kraf Conlay Kuala Lumpur iaitu daripada 22 Februari hingga 6 Mac 2017, iaitu selama 10 hari juga. Bulan Februari juga kita mengadakan promosi di Dataran Menara Condong, di bawah nama Promosi Kraf Malaysia daripada 24 Mac hingga 2hb April. Juga pada bulan April kita telah mengadakan satu promosi juga apabila kita ada Malaysia Badminton Open di Indoor Stadium Kuching. Juga April, daripada 25 hingga 30 April kita juga mengadakan satu aktiviti promosi di Pesta Kaul Mukah. Pada 29 April hingga 7 Mei kita juga ada Karnival Pra Gawai Dewan Usahawan Bumiputera yang diadakan di Bintulu. Dan pada bulan ini iaitu 12 hingga 13 Mei kita ada aktiviti promosi di Miri Jazz Festival, Park City Everly Hotel. Juga pada bulan April juga, di bawah Harvest Festival daripada 28 hingga 30 April kita juga ada promosi di bawah World Harvest Festival di Sarawak Cultural Village Kuching.

Bulan Jun, 9 hingga 18 Jun kita ada promosi di bawah Promosi Kraf Malaysia di Sarawak Plaza Kuching. Bulan Julai daripada 14 hingga 16 Julai, kita ada promosi di bawah Rainforest Craft Bazaar di Sarawak Cultural Village. Juga Julai 21 hingga 30hb Julai, Promosi Kraf Malaysia di Bintang Megamall Miri, juga pada bulan Julai kita akan mengadakan promosi pada 20 hingga 29 Julai di bawah Borneo Cultural Festival di Dataran . Pada bulan Ogos, kita akan mengadakan promosi daripada 18 hingga 27hb Ogos di City One Megamall Kuching dan akhirnya pada bulan Oktober tahun ini, kita akan mengadakan ACC Kraft Week, minggu kraf di Bintang Megamall Miri daripada 4 hingga 8hb Oktober. Sekian, terima kasih.



Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat Dato’ Sri Huang Tiong Sii, .


(4) YB Dato' Sri Huang Tiong Sii bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Pengangkutan: Apakah status terkini pembinaan jalan baharu dari Sarikei ke Tanjung Manis?

Menteri Muda Jalan Pesisir (YB Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Repok, the Government is seriously considering implementing the new road linking Jalan Pasir to Sibu, Bawang Asan shouldering road to link Sarikei to Tanjong Manis as part of the coastal road connectivity program.

YB Dato' Sri Huang Tiong Sii: (Supplementary Question) Thank you Tuan Speaker, I have two supplementary questions. Question number one, what is the distance spec in the component of the proposed road? Question No. 2, how much is the proposed project cost?

Menteri Muda Jalan Pesisir (YB Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Thank you Ahli Yang Berhormat for Repok. The proposed road has a distance of about 18 kilometres, a type of R5 road which also includes a bridge crossing Batang Rejang. The estimated cost is about RM400 million. Thank you.


(5) YB Encik Mohd. Chee bin Kadir bertanya kepada Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan: Klinik Kesihatan Nyabor yang sedia ada diperbuat daripada kayu dan semakin using serta mudah terdedah kepada kebakaran. Apakah perancangan Kerajaan untuk membina klinik yang baharu?

Menteri Muda Pendidikan dan Penyelidikan Teknologi dan Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker dan juga Yang Berhormat bagi . Untuk pengetahuan Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Kabong, Klinik Kesihatan Nyabor memberi manfaat kepada penduduk seramai 5000 lebih dan kedatangan harian pesakit luar di kawasan tersebut ialah 60 orang sehari. Ini bermaksud Klinik Kesihatan ini diklasifikasikan sebagai Jenis 5. Untuk maklumat Ahli Yang Berhormat, Kerajaan belum ada perancangan untuk membina klinik baharu untuk menggantikan Klinik Kesihatan Nyabor yang sedia ada. Walau bagaimanapun, klinik ini telah disenaraikan di bawah Key Result Area, Pelan Transformasi Negeri Sarawak bagi tahun 2017 untuk dibaikpulih menggunakan pendekatan Strategi Lautan Biru bersama Akademi Binaan Malaysia dengan kos anggaran sebanyak RM95,000.

YB Encik Mohd. Chee bin Kadir: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Menteri Muda. Soalan tambahan saya. Yang pertama, berapakah kos pembinaan Klinik Kesihatan Jenis 5 jika Kerajaan bercadang untuk membinanya di Nyabor? Soalan tambahan kedua, adakah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak bercadang untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan pasukan Doktor Pelawat Klinik Luar Bandar atau menempatkan secara tetap seorang Pegawai Perubatan di Klinik Kesihatan Nyabor? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Pendidikan dan Penyelidikan Teknologi dan Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Untuk pengetahuan Ahli Yang Berhormat, untuk Jenis 5 Klinik Kesihatan yang jika dicadangkan untuk pembinaan di kawasan Nyabor, anggaran kos nya adalah RM11.5 juta sebuah. Untuk kakitangan dan Pegawai Perubatan, buat masa ini Klinik Nyabor telah diletakkan di dalam Program Doktor Pelawat Klinik Luar Bandar. Di mana Klinik Kesihatan induk adalah dari Klinik Kesihatan



Pusa dan tidak ada rancangan untuk meletakkan seorang Pegawai Perubatan secara tetap disebabkan jumlah pesakit tidak sampai 60 orang sehari. Terima kasih.


(6) YB Encik Paulus Palu Gumbang bertanya kepada Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar: Adakah Kementerian sudah mempunyai Pelan Pengurusan dan Pembangunan bagi Kawasan Gunung Buda? Jika ya, apakah komponen-komponen di dalam pelan tersebut?

Menteri Muda Perancangan Bandar, Pentadbiran Tanah dan Alam Sekitar (YB Datu Haji Len Talif Salleh): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi . Untuk makluman bagi Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Batu Danau, Kerajaan belum mempunyai perancangan Pelan Pengurusan dan Pembangunan bagi kawasan Gunung Buda. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, seterusnya kawasan Gunung Bukit Buda telah diwartakan sebagai Taman Negara Gunung Buda pada 18 Januari 2001 berkeluasan 6,235 hektar dan Taman Negara Gunung Buda Extension pula telah diwartakan pada 9 Jun 2011 dengan keluasan 5,072 hektar. Jadi jumlah keseluruhan kawasan Taman Negara Gunung Buda ialah 11,307 hektar. Dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesebelas (RMK11), Kerajaan Negeri telah memperuntukkan sejumlah RM4 juta untuk pembangunan Taman Negara ini. Dan daripada peruntukan tersebut, sebanyak RM500,000 telah diperuntukkan untuk menyediakan Pelan Pengurusan dan Pembangunan Taman Negara tersebut. Buat masa ini, Kerajaan Negeri melalui Jabatan Hutan dalam proses untuk melantik konsultan bagi menyediakan Pusat Pengurusan dan Pembangunan Taman Negara ini. Manakala baki sebanyak RM3.5 juta pula adalah untuk membiayai komponen seperti berikut; menyelenggara sempadan Taman Negara termasuk meletakkan papan-papan tanda di lokasi-lokasi yang strategik berjumlah RM400,000, membina bangunan pentadbiran berjumlah RM1.35 juta, membina 2 unit pos renjer berjumlah RM400,000. Membina jeti, bot beserta enjin beserta kemudahan untuk menyimpan bot berjumlah RM850,000 dan yuran perunding untuk membangunkan keseluruhan prasarana-prasarana di sini sebanyak RM500,000. Sekian, terima kasih.

YB Encik Paulus Palu Gumbang: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Yang pertama adalah apakah keunikan dan tarikan yang terdapat di Taman Negara Gunung Buda dan yang keduanya, bilakah Taman Negara Gunung Buda ini dijangka boleh dibuka untuk dikunjungi oleh orang ramai? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Perancangan Bandar, Pentadbiran Tanah dan Alam Sekitar (YB Datu Haji Len Talif Salleh): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker dan terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Batu Danau. Taman Negara Gunung Buda kaya dengan pelbagai tarikan yang unik dan tidak terdapat di kebanyakan tempat lain di Negeri Sarawak. Sebagai contoh, terdapat 17 buah sistem gua batu kapur sepanjang 36.8 kilometer dan di samping itu terdapat "black nest swiftlet" dan "flying fish" yang jarang ditemui di gua-gua batu kapur di tempat lain. Disebabkan keunikan inilah kawasan Taman Negara Gunung Buda telah menjadi tempat yang sesuai untuk para saintis dan penyelidik melaksanakan kajian dan juga boleh menjadikan tarikan utama para pelancong yang meminati kembara gua untuk datang ke sini. Bagi menjawab soalan kedua, Taman Negara Gunung Buda akan dibuka pada umum setelah semua kemudahan infrastruktur dibina sepenuhnya sepanjang Rancangan Malaysia Kesebelas (RMK11). Ini bagi memastikan kepuasan dan keselamatan para pengunjung terjamin apabila berkunjung ke Taman Negara Gunung Buda ini nanti. Kerajaan Negeri juga telah meluluskan peruntukan untuk membina jalan menuju ke Taman Negara Gunung Buda. Sekian, terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat Dato’ Mursyid Diraja Dr Juanda Jaya.




(7) YB Dato’ Murshid Diraja Dr Juanda Bin Jaya bertanya kepada Menteri Perumahan dan Urbanisasi: Apakah perancangan Kerajaan untuk membantu golongan middle class di Matu dan Igan yang tidak layak mendapat rumah rakyat termiskin dan tidak dapat membina rumah sendiri kerana tidak memiliki tanah, tetapi mereka mereka mampu membayar ansuran bulanan?

Menteri Muda Pendidikan dan Penyelidikan Teknologi dan Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi . Tuan Speaker, sebelum saya menjawab soalan ini, ingin saya membuat definisi mengenai middle class group ini. Mengikut Laporan Ekonomi Malaysia daripada EPU, M40 ini iaitu middle class. Iaitu pendapatan isi rumah sebulan dalam lingkungan RM3860.00 sehingga RM8319.00 dan B40, pendapatan isi rumah sebulan di bawah RM3855.00. Oleh demikian untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Jemoreng, program Kerajaan untuk menyediakan perumahan mampu milik bagi golongan ini yang berpendapatan RM4000.00 ke bawah ini adalah melalui pembinaan perumahan SPEKTRA Permata atau SPEKTRA Lite, iaitu perbezaan antara Permata dan Lite ini adalah dari segi reka bentuk rumah dan juga lokasi SPEKTRA Permata adalah rumah sesebuah bertiang dan dibangunkan di kawasan luar bandar. Manakala SPEKTRA Lite adalah rumah teres atau satu tingkat atau pangsapuri dan dibangunkan di kawasan bandar. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat daripada Jemoreng juga, Kerajaan telah meluluskan pembinaan rumah SPEKTRA Permata sebanyak 20 unit di Skim Pembesaran Kampung Matu dan 22 unit di Skim Pembesaran Kampung Igan. Terima kasih.

YB Dato’ Murshid Diraja Dr Juanda Bin Jaya: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Yang pertama; memandangkan Yang Amat Berhormat Ketua Menteri telah mengumumkan kelulusan untuk 42 unit, saya ingin bertanya kepada pihak menteri, bilakah projek ini akan dimulakan dan bilakah boleh diduduki? Soalan yang kedua; berapakah jumlah pinjaman dan bayaran bulanan yang akan dikenakan untuk projek SPEKTRA Permata ini? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Pendidikan dan Penyelidikan Teknologi dan Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Terima kasih Yang Berhormat bagi Jemoreng. Pembinaannya kita memerlukan pemilihan lot-lot tapak untuk membangunkan 42 unit rumah tersebut. Pihak HDC akan membuat temu duga bagi mengenal pasti peserta-peserta yang layak. Dalam masa yang sama kita akan memulakan proses penyaluran peruntukan daripada Kerajaan Negeri untuk melaksanakan program ini dalam masa yang terdekat. Untuk soalan yang kedua, jumlah pinjaman adalah sebanyak RM70,000.00 ataupun dengan kadar RM100 per kaki persegi. Pinjaman akan diuruskan melalui Mutiara Mortgage dan Credit Sendirian Berhad dan bayaran balik pinjaman untuk tempoh 25 tahun adalah sebanyak RM332.00 dengan kadar faedah 3%. Terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat Encik Safiee Bin Ahmad, Daro.


(8) YB Encik Safiee Bin Ahmad bertanya kepada Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan: Apakah status projek pembinaan Klinik Kesihatan Daro yang baharu bagi menggantikan klinik yang telah terbakar pada bulan Oktober 2015?

Menteri Muda Pendidikan dan Penyelidikan Teknologi dan Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Terima kasih Yang Berhormat bagi Daro. Ini mengenai klinik lagi yang terbakar di Daro. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Daro, peruntukan sebanyak RM35 juta telah diluluskan untuk pembinaan


BELUM DISUNTING 12 MEI 2017 klinik kesihatan Jenis 4 bagi Daro iaitu Jenis 4 ini boleh menampung 150 hingga 300 pesakit sehari, pesakit luar. Dengan kuarters dan juga, ini termasuk kuarters para pekerja dan kini masih dalam peringkat perancangan serta reka bentuk di bawah Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Negeri Sarawak.

YB Encik Safiee Bin Ahmad: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Terlebih dahulu saya ucapkan tahniah pada Yang Berhormat Menteri di atas pelantikan ke port folio yang baru. Soalan saya yang pertama adalah apakah skop kerja klinik kesihatan baru tersebut nanti dan berapakah jumlah kakitangan termasuk pegawai perubatan yang akan ditempatkan di klinik kesihatan tersebut? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Pendidikan dan Penyelidikan Teknologi dan Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Terima kasih sekali lagi Yang Berhormat bagi Daro. Skop kerja klinik kesihatan yang baru tersebut termasuklah pembinaan bangunan klinik, pembinaan kuarters 2 unit kelas D, 8 unit kelas F dan 16 unit kelas G dan juga pembelian peralatan perubatan dan bukan perubatan. Diantara kakitangan yang akan ditempatkan di klinik baru tersebut termasuk 6 orang pegawai perubatan, 3 orang pegawai farmasi, 8 orang penolong pegawai perubatan, 17 orang jururawat, 6 orang jururawat masyarakat, 12 orang pembantu perawatan kesihatan, 6 orang penolong pegawai farmasi, 5 orang juru makmal perubatan; maka ada perkhidmatan makmal, 1 orang juru x-ray; maka ada termasuk perkhidmatan x-ray, seorang pegawai sains pemakanan dan 4 orang pemandu. Sekian terima kasih.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat Encik Rolland Duat anak Jubin, Meluan


(9) YB Encik Rolland Duat anak Jubin bertanya kepada Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan: apakah perancangan Kerajaan untuk membina Klinik Kesihatan Julau yang baharu dengan kemudahan yang lengkap?

Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Meluan. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, Klinik Kesihatan Julau adalah Jenis 5, di mana kurang daripada 150 orang pesakit yang hadir setiap hari bagi menampung kedatangan ini sebanyak, jumlah penduduknya ialah 16 ribu orang. Pada tahun 2016, rekod menunjukkan purata kedatangan harian adalah seramai 120 orang sehari, maksudnya belum mencapai tahap kapasiti sebenarnya untuk perkhidmatan klinik tersebut. Oleh itu, setakat ini tiada perancangan untuk membina Klinik Kesihatan Julau yang baru.

YB Encik Rolland Duat anak Jubin: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalah tambahan. Pertama, adakah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak bercadang untuk menambahkan perkhidmatan lain selain daripada perkhidmatan pesakit luar di Klinik Kesihatan Julau? Kedua, adakah Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak bercadang untuk menempatkan seorang Pegawai Perubatan Tetap di Klinik Kesihatan Julau?

Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Terima kasih Yang Berhormat bagi Meluan. Untuk pengetahuan Yang Berhormat, klinik ini telah dilengkapi dengan perkhidmatan ibu dan kanak-kanak dan perkhidmatan pesakit luar. Perkhidmatan x-ray dan makmal masih belum dapat disediakan memandangkan tapak yang sedia ada adalah terhad untuk memperluaskan perkhidmatan tersebut. Pada masa ini terdapat dua orang Pegawai Perubatan Tetap yang ditempatkan di Klinik Julau maka sudahlah memadai dengan jumlah kedatangan seramai 120 orang sehari di klinik tersebut. Sekian, terim kasih.



Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat Puan Hajah Simoi Binti Haji Peri, Lingga.

(10) YB Puan Hajah Simoi Binti Peri bertanya kepada Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Pengangkutan: Apakah status terkini jalan pesisi pantai yang menghubungkan Lingga dan Sebuyau?

Menteri Muda Pesisir Pantai (YB Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for Lingga, the proposed Lingga- Sebuyau road project has been submitted to Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW) under Rolling Plan 3, under RMK11 for consideration. Thank you.

YB Puan Hajah Simoi Binti Peri: (Soalan Tambahan) Ada dua soalan tambahan. Apakah komponen dan berapakah jarak Lingga-Sebuyau yang dicadangkan itu? Dan kedua, berapakah kos projek tersebut? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Pesisir Pantai (YB Datuk Haji Julaihi Bin Haji Narawi): Terima kasih Yang Berhormat bagi Lingga. Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Lingga, projek jalan Lingga-Sebuyau yang dicadangkan merangkumi jalan raya sepanjang 30 km, jenis JKR R3 standard termasuk sebuah jambatan menyeberangi sungai Batang Lingga. Projek tersebut dianggarkan menelan belanja RM165 juta. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat Dato Ranum Anak Mina, Opar


(11) YB Dato Ranum Anak Mina bertanya kepada Menteri Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar: Siapakah yang dipertanggungjawabkan bagi penyambungan semula bekalan elektrik terhadap rumah-rumah kediaman yang terlibat dengan Projek Jajaran Pan Borneo?

Menteri Muda Elektrik Luar Bandar (YB Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat bagi Opar, pemilik rumah akan menanggung sendiri penyambungan bekalan elektrik ke tempat baru kerana pampasan yang dibayar oleh Jabatan Tanah dan Survei, Sarawak kepada pemilik rumah yang terlibat dengan projek Pan Borneo adalah meliputi penyambungan bekalan elektrik dan air ke rumah kediaman sedia ada. Di samping merangkumi pampasan untuk nilai tanah, nilai bangunan, kos gangguan dan pemindahan ataupun disturbances and removal allowances. Terima kasih.

YB Dato Ranum Anak Mina: (Soalan Tambahan) Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua soalan tambahan. Pertama, berapakah jumlah pampasan untuk penyambungan bekalan elektrik ke rumah sedia ada yang terlibat? Kedua, berapakah bilangan rumah kediaman dan jumlah pampasan yang dibayar kepada mereka yang terlibat dengan projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo di kawasan DUN Opar?

Menteri Muda Elektrik Luar Bandar (YB Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Haji Junaidi): Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Untuk menjawab soalan yang pertama bagi Yang Berhormat Opar, bayaran oleh Jabatan Tanah dan Survei Sarawak untuk pampasan penyambungan bekalan elektrik adalah seperti berikut; untuk penyambungan single phase ialah sebanyak RM5,500.00, manakala untuk penyambungan three phase ialah RM12,500.00.

Untuk menjawab soalan kedua, bilangan rumah yang terlibat dalam projek Pan Borneo ini untuk DUN Opar ialah sebanyak 309 buah rumah. Dan untuk jumlah pampasan yang telahpun dibayar untuk mereka yang terlibat terutamanya yang melibatkan pakej Sematan- Sungai Moyan untuk projek Lebuhraya Pan Borneo untuk di kawasan DUN Opar ialah sebanyak RM73,93,696.09. Terima kasih.



Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat Encik Yussibnosh Balo,


(12) YB Encik Yussibnosh Balo bertanya kepada Menteri Pemodenan Pertanian dan Ekonomi Luar Bandar: Apakah program-program Kerajaan untuk meningkatkat taraf ekonomi penduduk di kawasan pesisiran pantai Negeri Sarawak?

Menteri Muda Pertanian (YB Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Ismail): Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Tellian, pembangunan dan ekonomi luar bandar sentiasa di beri penekanan yang khusus sejajar dengan usaha Kerajaan untuk merealisasikan Pelan Transformasi Sosio Ekonomi Luar Bandar. Pelbagai rancangan dan program telah dan akan dilaksanakan bagi memastikan peningkatan tahap sosio ekonomi penduduk di kawasan berkenaan. Dalam melaksanakan program dan projek di Negeri ini, pelbagai agensi telah dan akan bekerjasama melalui Jawatankuasa Transformasi Ekonomi Luar Bandar Peringkat Bahagian. Jawatankuasa ini akan mengenal pasti program dan projek yang bersesuaian dan berpotensi untuk dilaksanakan. Untuk menggalak dan membantu penduduk di kawasan pesisiran pantai, Kerajaan telah memperkenalkan beberapa program inisiatif seperti berikut:

(a) Skim tanaman kelapa;

(b) Skim tanaman rumbia baru;

(c) Pemulihan rumbia;

(d) Skim bantuan input padi, skim bantuan padi Kerajaan Persekutuan dan insentif pengeluaran padi;

(e) Projek usahawan akuakultur;

(f) Elaun sara hidup nelayan; dan

(g) Skim subsidi minyak diesel dan petrol.

YB Encik Yussibnosh Balo: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Tuan Speaker. Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri dan tahniah di atas pelantikan ke portfolio baru. Saya ada dua (2) soalan tambahan yang menjurus kepada kawasan saya. Soalan pertama, apakah projek-projek ekonomi yang berpotensi untuk dilaksanakan di kawasan DUN Tellian dan kawasan sekitarnya? Soalan kedua, berapakah nilai bantuan yang telah dan akan dilaksanakan oleh pihak Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak untuk kawasan DUN Tellian pada dua tahun pertama Rancangan Malaysia Yang Ke-Sebelas ini? Terima kasih.

Menteri Muda Pertanian (YB Dr Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Ismail): Terima kasih Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Tellian. Ahli Yang Berhormat, projek ekonomi yang berpotensi dilaksanakan di DUN Tellian ialah seperti berikut:

(a) Tanaman kelapa;

(b) Tanaman buah-buahan;

(c) Tanaman kontan jangka pendek;

(d) Tanaman sayur-sayuran;



(e) Pemeliharaan madu kelulut untuk pengeluaran madu kelulut;

(f) Tanaman rumbia;

(g) Pemuliharaan rumbia; dan

(h) Skim bantuan input padi.

Untuk menjawab soalan yang kedua, bagi tahun 2016 dan 2017, Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak telah memperuntukkan sejumlah RM4.09 juta bagi membantu seramai 2,787 orang petani di DUN Tellian.

Tuan Speaker: Yang Berhormat Encik Chukpai Ugon, Murum.


(13) YB Encik Chukpai Ugon bertanya kepada Menteri Kebajikan, Wanita dan Kesejahteraan Komuniti:

(a) Apakah statistik kaum Dayak Sarawak terutamanya Iban, Kenyah, Kayan, Penan dan Ukit yang memegang kad pengenalan berstatus “Penduduk Sementara”?

(b) Apakah penyelesaian Kerajaan bagi pemegang sijil kelahiran bertaraf “Belum Ditentukan” dan Kad Pengenalan Sementara (MyKAS) untuk Pribumi Sarawak?

Menteri Kebajikan, Kesejahteraan Komuniti, Wanita, Keluarga dan Pembangunan Kanak-Kanak (YB Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah): Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Murum, statistik pemegang kad pengenalan berstatus “Penduduk Sementara” bagi Kaum Iban adalah 347 orang, Kenyah 439 orang, Kayan 29 orang, Penan 27 orang dan tiada atau kosong untuk Ukit.

Bagi menjawab soalan bahagian kedua, bagi pemegang sijil kelahiran bertaraf “Belum Ditentukan” dan Kad Pengenalan Sementara (MyKAS) untuk semua penduduk Sarawak termasuk Pribumi, bukti berkaitan ibu bapa perlu dikemukakan bagi menentukan status warganegara atau bukan warganegara. Dalam hal ini, penentuan kewarganegaraan seseorang individu adalah berdasarkan kepada Bahagian III Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang antara lainnya melihat kepada status perkahwinan dan taraf kewarganegaraan ibu atau bapanya semasa kelahiran berlaku. Dengan adanya bukti ini, maka baharulah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara akan menyelenggara sijil kelahiran kepada status warganegara atau bukan warganegara. Berdasarkan Peraturan-Peraturan Pendaftaran Negara 1990, Kad Pengenalan Pemastautin Sementara (MyKAS) hanya dikeluarkan kepada pemegang sijil kelahiran dengan status warganegara belum ditentukan.

YB Encik Chukpai Ugon: (Soalan Tambahan) Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Datuk Menteri di atas jawapan tadi. Tuan Speaker, saya ada dua (2) soalan tambahan seperti berikut. Yang pertama; berapakan jumlah operasi Pasukan Petugas Khas (PPK) yang telah dirancang bagi tahun 2017? Yang kedua, apakah faktor penyumbang kepada isu ketiadaan dokumen pengenalan diri penduduk di Negeri Sarawak terutamanya Pribumi Sarawak? Mohon dijawab, terima kasih.

Menteri Kebajikan, Kesejahteraan Komuniti, Wanita, Keluarga dan Pembangunan Kanak-Kanak (YB Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah): Tuan Speaker, saya jawab soalan tambahan nombor dua terlebih dahulu, iaitu apakah faktor penyumbang kepada isu ketiadaan dokumen pengenalan diri.



Antara faktor penyumbang kepada isu ketiadaan dokumen pengenalan diri penduduk di Negeri Sarawak adalah:

(a) Ibu bapa tidak mendaftar kelahiran anak dan sebab yang diberikan adalah tempat tinggal jauh dari Pejabat Pendaftaran Negara Peringkat Daerah;

(b) Disebabkan masalah pengangkutan; dan

(c) Disebabkan faktor kemiskinan.

Jadi dengan itu kelahiran anak tidak didaftarkan.

Satu lagi sebab ialah didapati bahawa sikap tidak mengambil berat untuk mendaftar kelahiran anak sehinggalah didapati bahawa apabila anak mereka tidak dapat mendaftar ataupun mendapat kemudahan-kemudahan yang disediakan misalnya kemudahan mendapat pendidikan, kemudahan untuk mendapat bantuan yang disediakan oleh Kerajaan untuk rakyat kita yang miskin, barulah ada kesedaran dan ada kesungguhan untuk mendaftar kelahiran anak mereka.

Tuan Speaker, sehubungan dengan itu, satu pasukan yang dipanggil Pasukan Petugas Khas telah ditubuhkan pada 26 Ogos 2015 bagi menangani masalah penduduk pribumi yang lahir dan menetap di Negeri Sarawak tetapi tidak mempunyai dokumen pengenalan diri. Pasukan Petugas Khas ini akan berakhir pada 31 Disember 2017. Sehingga Disember 2016, sebanyak 63 operasi melibatkan 15 kawasan Parlimen dan 28 kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri telah dilaksanakan. Jumlah permohonan yang diterima ialah sebanyak 4098 permohonan dan daripada permohonan tersebut, yang telah diluluskan ialah 2884 dan 1214 permohonan telah ditolak.

Untuk menjawab soalan tambahan yang pertama, berapakah operasi yang akan dijalankan pada tahun 2017, untuk tahun 2017, sasaran yang telah ditetapkan oleh Pasukan Petugas Khas ini ialah 50 operasi dan sehingga 30 April 2017, sebanyak 23 operasi telah dijalankan. 526 permohonan telah diluluskan dan 243 telah ditolak. Ianya ditolak disebabkan antaranya:-

(a) Kelahiran didapati tidak berlaku di Negeri Sarawak;

(b) Tiada perakuan daripada Penghulu atau Ketua Kaum atau Tuai Rumah; dan

(c) Ibu bapa yang dicatat di dalam Sijil Lahir bukan ibu bapa kandung.

Terima kasih.


(14) YB Dr Haji Hazland Bin Abang Hipni asked the Minister for Industrial and Entrepreneurial Development, Trade and Investment: What are the reason for the slow growth of private investment since 2013?

Menteri Muda Industri dan Pelaburan (YB Encik Malcom Mussen Anak Lamoh): Thank you, Tuan Speaker. For the information of Ahli Yang Berhormat for , the World Economic Report released by IMF in October 2016, stated that several serious economic challenges caused global economic growth to remain slow at the projected 3.1%. Among the factors affecting the global economic slowdown are the prolonged low oil prices, uncertainties caused by BREXIT, switch and economic trade policies adopted by the new



President of the United States of America, and the low commodity prices. In such a scenario, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) announced that the global foreign direct investment fell 13% to an estimated USD1.52 trillion in 2016.

Against these external domestic challenges including heightened vitality in the financial market and the significant under performance of the ringgit, the Malaysian economy registers a modest growth of 4.2% in 2016. Moving forward, private investment in Malaysia is projected to remain stable supported by ongoing and new projects in the pipeline especially in the services in the manufacturing sectors.

Recent MOU with China and India with a combined investment estimated at about RM300 billion will boost private investment activities in the country. At the State level, Sarawak continues to receive investment, both foreign and domestic, in the manufacturing sector totalling RM34.3 billion since 2013. This represents 13% of the total investment in the manufacturing sector in Malaysia. The government has put in place various activities to stimulate private investment such infrastructure projects, telecommunication and housing projects. Thank you.

YB Dr Haji Hazland Bin Abang Hipni (Supplementary Question): Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri Muda. Economic growth depends on two components, i.e private investment and consumption. However, due to the drastic drop in the growth of economic investments, we need to ask:-

(a) What has the Ministry done to promote investments in Sarawak?

(b) What are some of the incentives to promote these investments?

Menteri Muda Industri dan Pelaburan (YB Encik Malcom Mussen Anak Lamoh): Thank you Honourable Member for Demak Laut. Tuan Speaker, for question number one, in addition to the joint promotional efforts undertaken by the Ministry with the federal agencies such as MITI, MAIDA, MATRADE, we also engaged directly with potential investors through overseas investment promotions, domestic investment seminars, business meetings, dialogues, expos, etc. This is because the State is not only competing with other countries in the region but also with other states in Malaysia for the same investment.

For question number two, there are many incentives offered by the government to promote investments such as pioneer’s status, investment tax allowance, reimbursement allowance offered by the federal government. To complement these incentives, the State Government also offers incentives such competitive priced land with flexible term of payment, power and water tariff which are among the most competitive in the region. Thank you.


(15) YB Encik asked the Minister for Local Government on construction of Lawas Hospital:

(a) What is the status of its retendering?

(b) What is the percentage of the allocated budget that has been utilised?

(c) What is the percentage of its completion? and

(d) What is the new expected completion date?



Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Terima kasih, Tuan Speaker dan juga Yang Berhormat bagi Ba’Kelalan. Dia ada empat soalan di sini;

(a) Yang pertama ialah mengenai status of its re-tendering. Tender untuk Fasa 2B projek Hospital Lawas telah dibuka pada 4 Mei yang lepas dan dijangka tutup pada 1 Ogos 2017;

(b) Mengenai percentage of the allocated budget that has been utilized, setakat ini hanya 12.3% daripada peruntukan keseluruhannya yang berjumlah RM228 juta telah digunakan;

(c) What is the percentage of its completion? Untuk Fasa 1 dengan kos RM2.4 juta, Fasa 2A dengan kos RM2.5 juta telah siap. Manakala Fasa 2B dengan kos RM2.4 juta yang telah saya maksudkan tadi sudah di-retender dan Fasa 1 dan 2A telah siap dengan sepenuhnya;

(d) What is the new expected completion date? Proses pembinaan Hospital Lawas dijangka mengambil masa 36 bulan, Namun demikian tarikh siap projek ini akan bergantung kepada kelancaran retender yang telah disebutkan tadi. Terima kasih Yang Berhormat.

YB Encik Baru Bian: (Soalan Tambahan) I wish to record my thanks to the answers from the Assistant Minister. If I may, Tuan Speaker, to ask two additional questions:-

(a) What are the reasons for the retendering of this project?

(b) Whether there is any plan to have a resident specialist allocated to Lawas once this project is completed? Thank you.

Menteri Muda Perumahan dan Kesihatan Awam (YB Dr Haji Annuar Bin Rapaee): Let me answer the second question first. Mengenai specialist yang akan dihantar ke setiap hospital, dia banyak bergantung kepada kapasiti ataupun jumlah pesakit yang ada.

Pertama adalah dari segi bed occupancy rate. Kalau bed occupancy rate nya tinggi maka memadai untuk pakar dihantar di kawasan tersebut. Walaubagaimanapun, Pakar Pelawat memang senantiasa dihantar di setiap hospital malah di Hospital pun adanya Pakar Pelawat.

Untuk re-endering, I would like to apologise, Yang Berhormat, I do not know the clear status why the retendering has been done but I can get back to you on that matter. Thank you very much.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, question time is up.



Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan E-Perdagangan dan Menteri Kewangan II (YB Dato Sri ): Tuan Speaker, I beg to introduce the Supplementary Supply (2016) Bill, 2017 and let it be read a first time.




Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan E-Perdagangan dan Menteri Kewangan II (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Tuan Speaker, I beg to give notice that the Supplementary Supply (2016) Bill, 2017 be read a second time on Tuesday, 16th May 2017.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, the second reading Committee Stage and third reading of the Supplementary Supply (2016) Bill, 2017 is set on Tuesday, 16th May 2017.


Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, I had received a Ministerial Motion under Standing Order under 23 (1)(a) dated 11th May 2017 from the Honourable Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce, Minister for Finance II and Honourable Member N53, .

Before I call up the Honourable Minister to read his Motion, let me lay down the ground rules. The proposer shall speak for 30 minutes, the seconder for 20 minutes and the first speaker for the DAP 30 minutes, the second 20 minutes. If the second speaker is not the Member for , I will ask him to have a say based on the rules of natural justice that he has the right to be heard on the principle of Audi alteram partem and later on I shall ask the Honourable Minister to do a winding up.

Tuan Speaker: Can I know who from DAP shall speak? Can I know? Two person, and where the Honourable Member for Pujut? Is he here?

YB Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Tuan Speaker, the Honourable Member for Pujut will speak, he will defend.

Tuan Speaker: He will speak?

YB Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: But Tuan Speaker, before that, I think he should have more time for the Member of Pujut to prepare himself. That's why I think this should be stand down to another time. So that he given ample time for the Member for this house also to have enough time to prepare apart from the Minister who have so much time to prepared for this motion for all this time. So, I think it is only be fair that’s first of all before he even enter in this speaking that he should be given ample time to prepare and I asked that Tuan Speaker, if you allowed that to take place and we can stand down this and let them prepared for that.

Tuan Speaker: This matter has been heard in court and involved the very person of the Honourable Member for Pujut. Surely, he is prepared for this, because this issue was spell out in the election petition. Therefore, he must be prepared that the election petition was thrown out on the preliminary objection but the substantive issues were there. It has been raised. Therefore, he is prepared.

YB Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Tuan Speaker, although that he might been prepared but still you know, he has, the document is not here, he does not know that it was today that he was to argue on this motion. So, if at least, Tuan Speaker, if you could call a break, that he can have half an hour for him or one hour for him, so that we can continue this after, he is comeback to, on this issue.

Tuan Speaker: This application is under Standing Order 23 (1) (a), it is Ministerial motions. Therefore not in this notice, it can be debated there and then. Now, let me get the name of those who will speak.



YB Encik Wong King Wei: Tuan Speaker, ya, he has noticed that the announcement by yourself to the press stating what are the motions that tabled by the Members but not this motion, but contents of this motion was not been announced publicly, therefore this caught the Honourable Member for Pujut by surpise. Ample time should be given to him and also discussion among us,as to who we speak on behalf.

Tuan Speaker: You sort among yourselves, who will speak. I shall ask the Minister to proceed with the motion. The Honourable Member Minister proceeds.

MenteriKewangan II danMenteriPerdaganganAntarabangsadan E-Perdagangan (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Tuan Speaker, this is a Ministerial motion understanding order 23 (1) (a) to be read together with the standing order 32 (12). Standing Order 40 (10) and Article 17 (1)(g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak. Tuan Speaker, pursuing to Standing Order 23 (1) (a), I moving the following motion:

"WHEREAS Article 17(1)(g) of the State of Sarawak Constitution states that a person is disqualified from being elected as an elected member of DewanUndanganNegeri if he has voluntarily acquired citizenship of or exercised rights of citizenship in and has made declaration of allegiance to any country outside the Federation."

"AND WHEREAS by way of Statutory Declaration dated 22.4.2016, Honourable Member for Pujut declared that he has NOT lost the qualification to be elected as ADUN in breach of the Constitution."

"AND WHEREAS Member for Pujut acquired the Australian citizenship on 20.1.2010."

"AND WHEREAS Member for Pujut declared his allegiance to Australia at the time of acquiring the citizenship."

"AND WHEREAS Member for Pujut exercised his rights as a citizen by registering as a voter with the Australian Electoral Commission."

"AND WHEREAS Member for Pujut was declared bankrupt twice in Australia."

"AND WHEREAS Member for Pujut iscompletely unqualified, unfit and untrustworthy individual to be nominated and elected to represent the people of Sarawak."

"AND WHEREAS as a result of his voluntary acts, Member for Pujut has ceased to be member of Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak due to the breaches of Article 17(1)(g) of the Constitution."

Therefore it is moved that this House hereby resolves that:

"Member for Pujut is disqualified under Article 17(1)(g) of the State of Sarawak Constitution to be a member and has ceased to be a member of the DewanUndanganNegeri Sarawak forthwith."

Tuan Speaker, I shall proceed with my speech. Tuan Speaker and the Honourable Member of this August House.I moving this motion, understanding order 23 (1) (a) to be read together with the Standing Order 32 (12), Standing Order 40 (10) and article 17 (1) (g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak. Since there has a reason, a very importance question


BELUM DISUNTING 12 MEI 2017 under article 19 of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak on whether a member of this August House has ceased to be qualified for the appointment of Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak. Article 19 of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak reads, if any question arises whether the speaker or a member of Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak has ceased to be qualified for appointment or election as such the decisions of the Dewan shall be taken and shall be final, provided that the article shall not be taken to prevent the practise of the Dewan postponing a decision in order to allowed for the taking or determination of any prosiding that may affect the decision including of the removal of disqualification.

Tuan Speaker, it is clear that this Dewan has the power to decide on the question that I have raised by way of my motion and in particular making reference to the Honourable Member for Pujut were I stated he has ceased to be qualified for the appointment or election of Dewan Undangan Negeri due to the following importance facts that are supported by documents. It is come to my knowledge that the Honourable Member for Pujut had obtained an Australian Citizenship before being elected as a Member of Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak.

The qualification and disqualification of this Dewan are expressly provided in Article 16 and Article 17 of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak. Article 16 of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak states, I quote, every member of or over the age of 21 years who is resident to the State is qualified to be elected as an elected member of Dewan Undangan Negeri unless he is disqualified for being a member by the Federal Constitution or State Constitution or by where or by any such law has I mentioned in Article 17. While Article 17 of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak states, I quote:

(1) Subject to the provision of this Article, a person is disqualified for being elected as a Member of the DewanUndanganNegeri if,

(a) He is and has been found and declare to be unsound mind;

(b) He is and undischarged bankrupt;

(c) He holds an office of profits other than that of native chief;

(d) Having been nominated for the election to either House of Parliament or to DewanUndanganNegeri or having acted as election agent to the person so nominated he has failed to lodged any return of election expenses require by the Law within the time and the manner as require;

(e) He has been convicted of any offence by a Court of Law in any part of Federation and sentence to imprisonment for a term of not less than one year or to a fine of not less than Two Thousand Ringgit and has not received a free pardon in respect thereof;

(f) He is disqualified under any law relating to offences or in connection with election to either House of Parliament or to DewanUndanganNegeri by reason of having been convicted for such an offence or having in proceeding relating to such an election been proved guilty of an act constituting such an offence or;

(g) He has voluntarily acquired citizenship of or exercise rights of citizenship in any Country outside the Federation or has made a declaration of allegiance to any country outside the Federation.

My Motion is in reference to the breach by honourable member for Pujut of Article 17(1) (g) of this Constitution of the State of Sarawak that states a person is disqualified to be


BELUM DISUNTING 12 MEI 2017 a member of DewanUndanganNegeri if he has voluntarily acquire citizenship of all exercise rights of citizenship in any country outside of Federation or has made a declaration of allegiance to any country outside the Federation.

The documents and facts that support my motion are as follows:

(1) Disqualification

Disqualification acquires citizenship. Upon obtaining information that there is a possibility that Honourable Member for Pujut had breached Article 17 (1)(g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak, I had written to the police to enquire on the status of the investigation in respect of the report lodged against Honourable Member for Pujut after the last State election. By a letter dated 4th May 2017, the Director of Criminal Investigation Department of Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) Datuk Seri Mohmad Bin Salleh informed me that Honourable Member for Pujut had acquired the Australian citizenship on 20th January 2010 but renounced it on 4th April 2016. I have enclosed a copy of the letter from the police as Tab "B".

It is very important for all members of this august House to take note that on 20th January 2010, Honourable Member for Pujut had acquired a citizenship outside the federation of Malaysia. I state that in acquiring the Australian citizenship on 20th January 2010, the Honourable Member for Pujut had expressedly breached Article 17 (1) (g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak and is disqualified from being a Member of this august House. Honourable Member for Pujut had failed to inform of his disqualification and exercise deceit on this august House. In fact, Honourable Member for Pujut was disqualified from being elected as a Member of the Dewan Undangan Negeri pursuing to Article 16 and Article 17 (1) (g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak during the election on 7th May 2016. Honourable Member for Pujut never informed the Election Commission of his disqualification and had these materials and had hid these material facts from everyone.

During the nomination day on 25th April 2016, Honourable Member for Pujut make a sworn declaration that he has not lost the qualification to be elected as ADUN in breach of the Constitution. The sworn declaration by Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pujut is enclosed as Tab A. It is now clear that the sworn declaration by Honourable Member for Pujut was knowingly made hiding important facts. I said that Honourable Member for Pujut had made a false declaration to the Election Commission on 25th April 2016 to deceive the Election Commission to enable it to permit him to be able to stand for the State Election on 7th May 2016. And this is a very serious offence by Honourable Member for Pujut.

At all times, Honourable Member for Pujut knew that if he had informed the Election Commission on 25th April 2016 that he had acquired the Australian citizenship on 20th January 2010, he would be disqualified and therefore made declaration without disclosing the truth of the matter to the Election Commission.

(2) Second Disqualification: Exercise the Rights of Citizenship

Ahli Yang Berhormat, the Honourable Member for Pujut had also breached the other disqualification as stated in Article 17 (1) (g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak namely the Honourable Member for Pujut had exercised rights of citizenship of Australia.

During my course of enquiry, I discovered that Honourable Member for Pujut had exercised the rights of the citizen of Australia by registering as a voter with the



Australian Election Commission. A copy of the document to support my statement is found at Tab D.

Pursuing to Section 93 of the Commonwealth Electroral Act 1918, Honourable Member for Pujut must have acquired an Australian citizenship to entitle him to exercise his rights as a citizen to be registered as a voter with the Australian Electoral Commission.

Section 93 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 reads as follow:

Persons entitled to enrolment and to vote:

(1) Subject to subsections (7) and (8) and to Part VIII, all persons:

(a) Who have attained 18 years of age; (and shall be entitled for enrolment)

(ii) Persons (other than Australian citizens) who would, if the relevant citizenship law had continued in force, be British subjects within the meaning of that relevant citizenship law and whose names were, immediately before 26 January 1984 (shall be entitled for enrolment).

(A) On the roll for a Division; (and also shall be entitled for enrolment).

(b) On a roll kept for the purposes of the Australian Capital Territory Representative (House of Representative) Act 1973 and the Northern Territory Representation Act 1922, shall be entitled for enrolment.

A copy of the Section 93 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 is available with me for everyone to read.

Tuan Speaker and Honourable Members of this august House, the document that I have enclosed in Tab "D" clearly proved that, the Honourable Member for Pujut had registered himself as a voter with the Australian Electroral Commission. Pursuing to Section 93 of the Commonwealth Act 1918, Honourable Member for Pujut could have only register as the voter since he was an Australian citizen. The document is therefore evident that the Honourable Member for Pujut had exercised the Rights as an Australian citizen to register himself as a voter with the Australian Election Commission.

Tuan Speaker and the Honourable Members of this august House, it is basic rule or thumb that one only registered himself as a voter in the country because he wants to exercise his Rights as a citizen of that country. Honourable Member for Pujut was at all material time and had shown at all material time his love and allegiance for Australia. Honourable Member for Pujut is not fit or is not qualified to identify himself as a Sarawakian or Malaysian or represent the people of Sarawak as a legislative Member since his love, duration and allegiance was always for Australia. It is now clear that the Honourable for Pujut has breached the other disqualification as stated in Article 17(1)(g) of the Constitution of Sarawak namely Honourable Member for Pujut had exercised Rights of Citizenship of Australia by registering as a voter in line with his allegiance to Australia.

Third disqualification, declare allegiance to a country outside the Federation of Malaysia. This now brings me Tuan Speaker, to address on other disqualification of Honourable Member for Pujut namely his undivided and unequivocal allegiance to Australia and not to Sarawak or Malaysia. I state that Honourable Member for Pujut has breached the other disqualification as stated in Article 17(1)(g) of the Constitution of Sarawak namely



Honourable Member for Pujut had made a declaration of allegiance to a country outside the Federation of Malaysia.

Tuan Speaker and Honourable Members, the simplest definition of the word allegiance is that a person giving his undivided and unqualified love and loyalty to a country he is living and has given him citizenship. In Malaysia, young children are taught at their young age the meaning of loyalty and live with such loyalty to Malaysia. They never betray their loyalty to Malaysia. Every child is taught to be loyal and give the allegiance to Malaysia. We have Rukun Negara being taught to the children to instil their allegiance and love for Malaysia. We recall the five important principles in Rukun Negara:

(a) Belief in God

(b) Loyalty to King and our Country

(c) Supremacy of the Constitution

(d) The Rule of the Law

(e) Mutual Respect and Good Social Behaviour

The important word, Tuan Speaker, is Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara, Loyalty to the King and this Country.

Honourable Member for Pujut never had the basic loyalty and allegiance to Malaysia. At all times, when Honourable Member for Pujut obtained his Australian citizenship, Honourable Member for Pujut had declared his allegiance to Australia and not to Malaysia. This is in breach of Article 17(1)(g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak namely Honourable Member for Pujut had made a declaration of allegiance to a country outside the Federation of Malaysia. The copy of the declaration of allegiance made by an individual to Australia at a time of enquiring of citizenship is found at Tab "C". This is a declaration of allegiance as stipulated by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection Australian Government, that every individual must make at the time of acquiring citizenship.

The declaration of allegiance and the Honourable Member for Pujut had made to Australian country have been either one of the following. One, I quote, "From this time forward under God I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights and liberties" sorry I read that again. The "people whose democratic beliefs I share whose rights and liberties I respect and whose law I will uphold and obey". If he believes in God. If he doesn’t believe in God, B, "From this time forward I pledge my loyalty to Australia and the people whose democratic beliefs I share whose rights and liberties I respect and whose law I will uphold and obey."

Tuan Speaker and Honourable Members of this House, Honourable Member for Pujut had made his undying loyalty and allegiance to Australia and his people whose democratic beliefs the Honourable Member for Pujut share and whose rights and liberty the Honourable Member for Pujut respected and whose law Honourable Member for Pujut agree to uphold and obey.

Tuan Speaker, Honourable Member of this house, it is clear that the Honourable Member for Pujut was never loyal to Sarawak or Malaysia but trusted and believe in a democratic Australia the rights and liberty of the Australian people which he had great respect and whose law he agreed to uphold and obey. Having given his allegiance to Australia, Honourable Member for Pujut had breached the express provision of Article 17(1)(g) of The Constitution of State Sarawak and his a completely unfit, untrustworthy


BELUM DISUNTING 12 MEI 2017 person to be a member of the respected and honourable Dewan Undangan Negeri. In addition Tuan Speaker and Honourable Member of this House, I’ve also discover that the Honourable Member for Pujut was declared bankrupt twice in Australia namely on 29th June 2012 and on 11th September 2012. A copy of the report from the Australian Financial Security Authority is found as in Tab E.

This definitely goes to the credit standing and credibility of the Honourable Member for Pujut to be a member of this honourable House. The sole object and the purpose of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak is to ensure that the true honest and natural born Sarawakian or Malaysian whose high integrity, good credit standing and with upmost unquestionable loyalty to Malaysia are appointed as member of this Dewan Undangan Negeri to carry out the duty as the legislator and protected the interest of the rakyat. Honourable Member for Pujut definitely does not come within this object and purpose of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak. It is evidently clear that the Honourable Member for Pujut’s loyalty to Malaysia and Sarawak is highly questionable and doubtful.

In conclusion, I would like to state that the Honourable Member for Pujut has definitely breached 17(1)(g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak that states a person is disqualified to be a member of the Dewan Undangan Negeri if:-

(a) He has voluntarily acquired citizenship of;

(b) Exercise right of citizenship in any country outside the Federation;

(c) Has made a declaration of allegiance to any country outside the Federation.

I have shown to this august House that honourable member for Pujut had acquired Australian citizenship on 20th January 2010. Two, Honourable Member for Pujut had exercised the rights of Australian Citizen by registering as a voter with the Australian Electoral Commission. And C, Honourable for Pujut had made a declaration of allegiance to any country outside the Federation of Malaysia.

I said the Honourable Member for Pujut is completely unqualified and not fit to be nominated or elected to represent the people of the constituency of Pujut, Sarawak and ought not to have been a member of the Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak. In fact, Honourable Member for Pujut should not be sitting in this Dewan and his presence is tarnishing the good image and respect of this august House.

Tuan Speaker and Honourable Members of this House as a result of his voluntary acts, Honourable Member for Pujut has ceased to be a member of Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak due to the breaches of the Articles 17(1)(g) of the Constitution. I therefore would like to request all Honourable Members of this House to support my motion that Honourable Member for Pujut is disqualified under Article 17(1)(g) of the State Sarawak Constitution to be a member and has ceased to be member of Dewan Undangan Negeri forthwith. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Seconder. Member for Mambong. Member for Mambong, you have 20 minutes.

Menteri Muda Pengangkutan (YB Datuk Dr Jerip Anak Susil): Datuk Amar Speaker and Honourable Members of this august House, I am in complete support and seconding the Motion proposed by the Honourable Member for Bawang Assan under Standing Order 23(1)(a), to be read together with Standing Order 32(12), Standing Order 40(10) and Article 17(1)(g) of the Constitution of State of Sarawak, there is a critical question under Article 19 of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak that this House must decide whether the



Honourable Member for Pujut has ceased to be qualified for the appointment of the Dewan Undangan Negeri.

From the documents that has been shown to this august House it is clear that the Honourable Member for Pujut has expressly breached Article 17 of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak. It is abundantly clear that:

(a) Honourable Member for Pujut had acquired Australian citizenship on 20th January 2010;

(b) Honourable Member for Pujut has exercised rights of Australian citizen by registering as a voter to the Australian Electoral Commission; and

(c) Honourable Member for Pujut had made a declaration of allegiance to any country outside the Federation of Malaysia.

This is express breach of Article 17(1)(g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak that disqualifies Honourable Member for Pujut from being a member of this House that is the Dewan Undangan Negeri of Sarawak.

In addition to the matters raised by Honourable Member for Bawang Assan and in support of his Motion, I wish to add this very pertinent fact that I have discovered lately. At all material times Honourable Member for Pujut was never keen or interested to be a rakyat jati of Sarawak, but was only interested to stay, serve and give allegiance to the Australian people and Government.

Menteri Muda Pengangkutan (YB Datuk Dr Jerip Anak Susil): In support of my statement, I would like to refer to this Australian Immigration Review Tribunal Document for case No. N95/01992. This decision states that the Honourable Member for Pujut and his wife’s application for Permanent Residency of Australia sometime in the year 1995 was rejected by the Australian Government. The most important fact of the case as reported will show that Honourable Member for Pujut was never interested in being a true Sarawakian and to serve these rakyat of Sarawak. The most important facts as reported are:

(a) Honourable Member for Pujut first entered Australia to attend Randwick Boys’ High School to do his high school certificate in 1985 with a student visa;

(b) Subsequently, Honourable Member for Pujut enrolled at the University of New South Wales in Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Course commencing in March 1986; and

(c) Since Honourable Member for Pujut was from Sarawak, Malaysia he was awarded a Commonwealth Subsidies Overseas Students’ Programme and he completed his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery at the University New South Wales;

(d) Number (iv) which is very important Tuan Speaker, the subsidised programme is a long standing aid and assistance programme by the Australian Government for Developing and/or Third World Countries;

(e) The success of the programme was dependent on students returning home, returning home, returning home to their countries and serving the people of the countries and in the development of their countries. These was the main objects of the Commonwealth Subsidies Overseas Students’ Programme namely to enable the privileged and qualified students who had obtained their educational



financial aid under the programme to return to their country and serve the people and the country and to qualify under the Commonwealth Subsidies Overseas Students’ Programme, Honourable Member for Pujut must first satisfy that he is coming from Commonwealth Developing and/or Third World Country and upon completion of the study he return to serve the people and the country.

As reported in the decision Honourable Member for Pujut and his wife had immediately applied for Permanent Residency of Australia sometime in the year 1995 after the completion of his studies. When the Australian Government or when the Australian Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs refused to grant Honourable Member for Pujut and his wife permanent residency, Honourable Member for Pujut and his wife challenged the decision and appealed to the Australian Immigration Review Tribunal. In the end, both Australian Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs and Australian Immigration Review Tribunal refused Honourable Member for Pujut and his wife application for Permanent Residency.

Tuan Speaker and Honourable Members, it is common knowledge that Honourable Member for Pujut never return to Malaysia to serve as a doctor but continue to practise his medical professional Australia for his entire life until last year that is more than 20 years. In support of my statement, I would like to show the Honourable Members the report in the Argus Media dated 20th March 2015 which clearly stated that the Honourable Member for Pujut was a community fixture in Kempsey Australia where he operated his practice the Kempsey Skin Cancer Clinic for nearly 20 years, it is laid on the Table here. It is clear that Honourable Member for Pujut never returned to Sarawak to serve the rakyat as stipulated in the Commonwealth Student Aid Programme but remained in the Australia as a citizen to only serve the people and Australian Government and take care of his financial interest.

Tuan Speaker and Honourable Member there is more than enough evidence before this august House to show that Honourable Member for Pujut has breached Article 17(1)(g) Constitution of the State of Sarawak namely:

(a) Honourable Member for Pujut has acquired Australian citizenship in 20th January 2010;

(b) Honourable Member for Pujut has exercised the rights of Australian citizen by registering as a voter with Australian Electoral Commission; and

(c) Honourable Member for Pujut has made a Declaration of Allegiance to any Countries outside the Federation of Malaysia. This is express breach of Article 17(1)(g) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak. The documents that I have now shown further substantiated that the statement that Honourable for Pujut was never interested in the welfare and the well-being of the rakyat of Sarawak but more interested in being Australian Citizen to take care of his financial interest.

Any ordinary and humble Sarawakian would have immediately return to Sarawak upon completion of his subsidised self studies under the Commonwealth Aid Programme to serve the medical needs of the rakyat but Honourable Member for Pujut failed to do the same thing since his interest was to become an Australian citizen and serve the Australian people. I state this, that this is the reason why Honourable Member for Pujut had obtained the Australian citizenship on 20th January 2010.

Tuan Speaker and the Honourable Member of this august House, I state that the Honourable Member for Pujut is completely an unqualified, unfit, untrustworthy individual to be nominated and elected to represent the people of the Constituency of the Honourable



Member for Pujut, Sarawak and ought not to have been returned as a member of Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak. I completely support this statement of Honourable Member for Bawang Assan that Honourable Member for Pujut should not be sitting in this Dewan and his presence is tarnishing the good image and respect of this august House and Sarawak.

Tuan Speaker and the Honourable Members as a result of his voluntary act Honourable Member for Pujut has ceased to be a Member of Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak due to breaches of the Article 17(1)(g) the Constitution. I therefore, urge the Honourable Members of this august House to support the Honourable Member for Bawang Assan motion that Honourable Member for Pujut is disqualified under Article 17(1)(g) of the State of Sarawak Constitution to be a member and ceased to be a Member of the Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak forthwith.

Tuan Speaker: Members of the Opposition. Anyone wants to speak? Honourable Member for Pujut.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Thank you Tuan Speaker. It was a lengthy Motion by the Yang Berhormat Minister and the Honourable Member seconder. The allegation is purely slanderous and malicious. Over the past twelve months since I have been elected I have been bombarded by Members’ of by my Opposition who was an ex- member of UPP who are not happy that I won the seat that I represented, I am the elected representative for the people of Pujut. The allegation, ya I will come to that, just be patience, the allegation, the what so called evidence from here is either a letter from the Government and all from the internet print out. That is none of these is so called evidence comes from Australian Government to prove that I am an Australian citizen or anything. Let me come to that gradually.

Just talk about bankruptcy. I will come to others later. In the bankruptcy said that I have been bankruptcy twice within a short period of three months. Have anyone in this House ever heard of somebody who have been bankrupt twice within three months? How do you do it? This is a print out from the internet, spent AUSD15 to print a useless evidence that said I have been bankruptcy twice within three months. The first one on the 29th of June 2012, the second bankruptcy on the 11th of September 2012. No bankrupt, I know it is no bankrupt, so it is not, it is not, it is just purely allegations, all these evidence doesn’t come from you, I know it didn’t come from you, you Sir.

More things, if I am bankrupt how am I going in enter Australia and leaving Australia freely? If the Honourable Member for Bawang Assan mentioned all of these, I challenged you to mention to make these allegations outside this Dewan, don’t hide it inside here. You can repeat your allegations outside the Dewan. Second thing, about my pledge to Australian Government, it is only print out from the internet, where is the evidence I make the pledge? A piece of paper as so called evidence.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Another evidence that represented that I am a voter. If I am an Australian citizen, I am a voter. On that letter, this constraint stating evidence. The letter say that I renounce my Australian citizenship on the 4th April 2016, but the evidence that the member presented that I am qualified to vote in Australia, I am an Australian - register as Australian voter print out on the 10th July 2016. More than three (3) months after my renunciation of my citizenship. So I am still a voter on that day. So I think all these allegations and evidence is purely nothing of so called evidence. It will not stand in court, it was nothing at all. It is a fabrication and all this was did not come. I don’t think it was come from the Member of Bawang Assan. I think it actually come from the sources from my oppositions during the election from the Pujut candidates.



In the past 12 months, I have met so many of them, so many whenever I do something, whenever I say something, the members from the Barisan Nasional always came in and attacked me. I am the only members of opposition in Miri, and I have to face the City Council, Sarawak Government, UPP members.

Tuan Speaker: Order. Order.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Whenever I say something, I made allegations, they just pushed aside saying that you just worry about your Pujut. Don’t worry about , don’t worry about , don’t worry about Baram. I am the elected representative to represent Pujut and Sarawak. I do not conform to just Pujut area. If I don’t voice out for Senadin, Baram, Piasau, who is going to voice out for them? Certainly not for the ... (Inaudible)

Staying in Autralia for many years, I am sure, there are members of this House who has residing in Australia for many many years. Including members of the Government, members of the Cabinet who are permanent residents of Australia, of New Zealand, Member for Batu Kawa has been staying in Australia for 17 years. Why did the Member for Bawang Assan not mention about this? Why is not member of Mabong mentioned about this? The reason, the reason I was residing in Australia after my graduation because I was not able to stay here permanently. My wife was a foreign citizen. I was being told at that time, in 1991 that if I bring my wife here, she will need to go at, to move out of the country, to get out before re-coming every three months or every 12 months.

Tuan Speaker: Order. Order. Order. Order. The member must be heard. Order. Please proceed.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: And from your conversation for a Member of Mabong, it look like to sit here inside this house is not serving the people of Sarawak. Only working as a doctor, only working as a lawyer serving the people of Sarawak. I wonder why are 82 members are sitting here for. Are you not serving the public? I am here serving the public. I am here serving the people of Sarawak. Why? Why are you saying that I am not serving the people of Sarawak? I think I will leave the rest of my speech to my colleague.

Tuan Speaker: Wait first. I am checking your time. Okay.

YB Encik Chong Cheng Jen: Is that all?

Tuan Speaker: Ya.

YB Encik Chong Cheng Jen: Thank you Tuan Speaker. It is very sad that having had your goal. At the court, the Barisan Nasional now, come back to this House, in the second attempt to try to disqualify Honourable Member for Pujut as a Member of this House. Knowing that, knowing that they could not succeed in court, they come back to this House with a full knowledge that in this House might is right with the brute majority that can carry through whatever motion tabled by a Barisan Nasional members. Let me go through with this, the so called evidence produced in support of the motion by the Minister. Such evidence would be thrown out by court, would be thrown out by court. Anyone trained in law will know that. That is why, and that is why today we see a person, the seconder, the proposer, the seconder from UPP they are not trained in law.

We are arguing a point constitutional law, a point of constitutional law and why is that not, and there are so many lawyers from Barisan Nasional and none of them are willing to stand in this House even to support this motion. And you get your UPP member, even the other members will not want to argue your case for you. Other members from other parties


BELUM DISUNTING 12 MEI 2017 are not willing to argue your case for you, no lawyers willing to argue your case for you. Why? Because this evidence cannot stand.

Let me go through, Tab B, the so called police, police letter to say that I quote “I wish to inform that based on our investigation regards to Miri report 6277/16 and confirmation in writing by the Australian Federal Police, we are only able to confirm that the above named individual name Dr Ting Tiong Choon and NRIC 651031-13-5119 had acquired the Australian Citizen from 20th January 2010 until it was renounced by Dr Ting Tiong Choon on 4th April 2016."

Tuan Speaker, this letter rely on a piece of information from the Australian Police, Australian Federal Police. A letter but where is the letter.? Something in writing from Australia alleged to be in writing, something alleged to be in writing from the Australian Federal Police. But that writing is not produced in this, in the motion. Why is it purposely left out? Had the letter been produced would it have proved otherwise? Tuan Speaker that is No. 1. Even then, even then, why I say such evidence cannot be an evidence that will disqualify a member from this House which is a very serious, a very serious matter. Those are all hearsay. The police officer, the alleged letter signed by this police officer that is not going to come in to be cross examined, to testify. We are only taking the words of the Minister.

No. 2 Tab C. This is a standard printout from a website. It doesn’t say anything about Pujut making the pledge and No. 3 you are enrolled to vote, yes. Honourable Member from Pujut has pointed out rightly, rightly, your own evidence has contradict your own self. On the one hand, your evidence shows that he has renounced his Australian Citizen in April 2016. On the other hand, you produced an evidence to show that in July. 3 months after the alleged renounced of the citizenship, Australian citizenship that he is still a registered voter. And No. 4 Tab E. This doesn’t show that he is a bankrupt. And he is not a bankrupt. Where does it say? Where does it say in this form that he is a bankrupt? There is nothing in here to say that he is a bankrupt except the words of mouth, the allegation of Member from Bawang Assan. And if he dare to stand by what he said he should repeat outside, outside this Dewan and don’t hide inside this Dewan. And anyone who has a little legal knowledge would know a person could not have been made a bankrupt twice within a short span of 3 months. Common sense will tell you. And the person who made such allegation calls himself a law maker.

Tuan Speaker, on the submission or debate made by Honourable Member for Mambong, he seems to question the allegiance and loyalty of Pujut to Sarawak on the four facts. On the facts that :-

(a) Pujut has gone to Australia to study, entered Australia with a student visa;

(b) He studied medicine;

(c) He has been awarded a scholarship;

(d) After the completion of his course, he remained and practiced as a doctor in Australia for 20 years before he comes back to Sarawak.

I don’t know whether such a submission or such a debate or such an argument is taken deliberately and also along it they are taking a swipe against their competitor SUPP Honourable Member for . While you are attacking Pujut at the same time you take a swipe and attack the Member for Batu Kawah who has gone to Australia to study took up medicine course, I don’t know whether he was on scholarship or otherwise but he practiced in Australia for 17 years before he decided to come back. If that is the fact to show


BELUM DISUNTING 12 MEI 2017 that Honourable Member for Pujut is not loyal to Sarawak then such a standard, such argument will equally be applicable to your counterpart in the Cabinet, Member for Batu Kawah.

Tuan Speaker, to disqualify a member from this House is a very serious matter. As such matter ought to be decided by the court. And could not be by way of voting in this House for as we know all these years in this House as long as a motion is tabled by a Barisan member, Barisan Nasional member in this House it will be carried through because of the mere majority they have in this House. As long as a motion is tabled by the opposition it will be defeated. That is where brut majority rules. Brut majority rule and that defies the fundamental principle of justice and fairness.

Tuan Speaker: Let the member be heard, let the member be heard.

YB Encik : If we are so sure that he has contravened the provision of our constitution take the matter to court. Let the more independent body to decide to make a decision to adjudicate on the matter whether he has been he has breached the constitutional provision and thereby disqualified as a Member of this House. We should have an independent arbitrator to decide this matter and not by the brut majority to bulldoze the whole motion over. I am the victim but to a lesser consequence. I have been suspended many times. Many times, why because you have the majority in this House. You just take a simple reason and you can kick me off or suspend me. You have the majority. So this is a place where majority rules. But for a matter as serious as disqualification as a DUN member, he ought to have a day and a say in a court of law, where the decider, the person who made the decision would not be bound by the weak system, would not have any political consideration but purely deciding the matter on the point of law.

So Tuan Speaker, I see that the motion here which is, which is not supported by sufficient evidence and it is all hearsay evidence. Today it can happen to Pujut. Tomorrow it could be another some make up internet printout documents to make allegations against any Members and where is justice? Except BN against opposition. And I think for Pujut, for Pujut, he stood election. He stood election in 2016. It’s a fair and square fight. UPP candidate lost to him by a majority of two thousand plus and that is even with the popular tag line of Adenan’s Team. Even with that BN lost in the election. So I think to disqualify it is my view that to disqualify Member for Pujut by just a show vote, show a hand, a voting in this House without resorting to the court of Law. This is a travesty to the justice and also this is an act against the voters of Pujut who the majority of whom has voted for member for Pujut to represent them in this House.

Therefore, I would urge this House to reject the motion on the grounds that I have submitted that I have debated and on the grounds that such evidence are pure hearsay evidence which could not stand in court. Thank you, Tuan Speaker.

Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Pujut, you raise doubts on your status as a bankrupt in Australia. You realized that the Australian Government runs website on departments and agencies. One of the agencies is The Australian Financial Security Authority. If you press it, you click, those are the names that are bankrupt. Instead of using the word bankrupt it is called insolvency, is bankrupt. So your name is here. In the insolvency index of The Australian Financial Security Index, your name appeared. The date appeared. Your full name appeared. Do you challenge this document? You think it's fake? Do you think it's fake? The Australian Government is running fake website? This is your name? Insolvency means bankrupt. Yeah.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Insolvency does not mean bankrupt, Tuan Speaker. I can ... I can …



Tuan Speaker: Why does your name appear? No, hang on. That is not the main issue anyway. I raise it just to check whether your name appeared here.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Tuan Speaker …

Tuan Speaker: Ok, now let me move to the next point raised by the Honourable Member for . Ok, No. You said that you acquired the citizenship and renounce it according to the police letter ok. Article 24 (1) of the Federal Constitution, I read to you. If the Federal Government is satisfied that any citizen has acquired by registration naturalization or other voluntarily and formal act the citizenship of any country outside the federation the Federal Government may order may by order deprive that person of his citizenship. Which means the moment you acquire an Australian citizenship you are deprived of a Malaysian citizenship. You cannot have dual citizenship for Malaysia. Australia, yes. This is article 24 (1). Agree you renounce it but Article 23 (1) Federal constitution any renunciation must be registered in Malaysia. You cannot just unilaterally renounce it. This is the law. You challenge this law? Pujut.

YB Dr Tiong Tiong Choon: The allegation is by this letter only. Where is the source evidence? You can’t just have evidence just from a letter like this. It doesn’t stand.

Tuan Speaker: The entire integrity of the Police Force is written on this letter.

YB Dr Tiong Tiong Choon: It’s just like the allegation said that because my name appear here, so I am bankrupt twice in three month.

Tuan Speaker: I shall call Member for Bawang Assan to wind up.

YB Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, why so much as if we ask so many questions, you don’t allow for us to answer to your question .... (Inaudible)

Tuan Speaker: Article 24(1), 23(1) is clear.

YB Chong Chieng Jen: Yes, you want to listen to my struggle to your interpretation on Article 24 ... (Inaudible) ... On the mic ... (Inaudible)

Tuan Speaker: Okay ... (Inaudible)

YB Chong Chieng Jen: Ya. You make an interpretation of Article 24.

Tuan Speaker: Ya.

YB Chong Chieng Jen: You make an interpretation of Article 24 of the Federal Constitution. That is your interpretation and that is not the final interpretation if you, so long as if we go outside this House, it will not be the final interpretation. The word used is the government may, the government may ... (Interruption).

Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa.

YB Chong Chieng Jen: Yes, yes.

Tuan Speaker: With the greatest respect, this matter started in the election petition. You used the preliminary objection so that the substantive issues could not be raised in Court. Now you say is to be raised in Court. Why did you raise preliminary objection? Is should be


BELUM DISUNTING 12 MEI 2017 paid by cash, not by cheque. Copies should be said be left in the Court. If you did not raise this preliminary objection, this issue will be determined by the Court.

YB Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: Because these issues were not being able to be raised in Court, it is raised in the Dewan.

YB Chong Chieng Jen: Yes, Tuan Speaker. Preliminary objection in election petition goes to the jurisdiction of the Court to decide the matter in hand. If you do not comply with those objections that we have raised, those technical points, the Court, the Election Court has no jurisdiction, jurisdiction to hear. But, that does not deprive the government from taking out another action for a declaration that he be disqualify. Not under Election Petition but under the normal High Court jurisdiction. But you chose to come to this House where majority will rule, might his right to deprive the people of Pujut, their rightful voice. There is law making but no interpreting law. Interpreting law belongs goes to court. You now want to interpret, make law, interpret law and execute law, all three in one, like 3-in-1 coffee ... (Inaudible)

Tuan Speaker: Okay ... (Inaudible)

YB Chong Chieng Jen: You go to court, you go to court ... (Inaudible). Legislative body, yes. Legislative, ehh, Minister, Minister, Minister ... (Inaudible)

Tuan Speaker: Okay ... (Inaudible) ... Okay ... (Inaudible). Okay, okay. Sit down, sit down, sit down.

Tuan Speaker: This matter, this matter is about the membership of the Dewan. Under Article 19 of the State Constitution, “the Dewan has the rights, has the final say on its membership”. Standing Order 40, “Nothing in this Standing Order shall be taken to deprive the Dewan of the power of proceeding against any member according to any resolution of the Dewan”. Standing Order 40 (10), Article 19 of the State Constitution. I now call upon the Minister to do his winding up ... (Inaudible) ... Okay. I will ask you one question before I put it to the vote. I will ask you one question ... (Inaudible)

Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Tuan Speaker, Members of the opposition particularly DAP, ought to have scrutinize the candidates before they put up the candidates for the State Election. You cannot just source or scout for any candidates. I know you want a professional, you want a doctor or a lawyer, and therefore you quickly chose one without doing any researching, without any researching of his background. Now, you live to regret. I asked Honourable Member for Pujut ... (Interruption) ... No, no, no. Sit down, sit down.

Tuan Speaker: He is entitled to fifteen minutes. He is entitled to fifteen minutes. That is the rule of the debate. He who speaks first speaks last. Proceed. Proceed.

Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Sit down, listen to me. As has been pointed out, that this House has the right to make this decision. Now, I asked Honourable Member for Pujut, did you acquire Australian citizenship? Did you? Answer me ... No, you answer me. Did you acquire Australian citizenship? You answer that You answer me.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat for Pujut, you answer.



Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Did you acquire Australian citizenship? It is a straightforward question.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Tuan Speaker and Ahli Yang Berhormat for Bawang Assan and all the members in this House. I came back to Sarawak a few years ago. I have all this time intended to come back to Sarawak.

Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): No, no, no. I want you to answer my question. Okay. Did you acquire Australian citizenship? Yes or no. Simple answer. Yes or no?

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Would you ask any other members of this august House, do they have citizenship in other countries?

Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): No, no. No. I asked you.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: I don’t have to prove that to you. You need to show. You make the allegations, you need to tell me that I have Australian citizenship otherwise you need to ask all the other Dewan Members whether they have other foreign citizenship. Do you dare to ask our Honourable Member for Batu Kawa whether he was an Australian citizen? So, I think ... (Interruption). Just listen to me. You have plenty of chances.

Tuan Speaker: This is not a motion against Honourable Member for Bawang Assan. This is a motion against you. Did you or did you not acquire the Australian citizenship?

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: That is not the Motion, that is not the Motion.

Tuan Speaker: That is central to the Motion. Did you or did you not acquired?

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: I said it many times. All those evidence presented by Honourable Member of Bawang Assan, a lot of them are not evidence. No one in the right mind will actually believe this sort of evidence. It is contradicting.

Tuan Speaker: Proceed.

Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Tuan Speaker, let me. You see he did acquire an Australian citizenship on 20th January 2010 and this is a letter from Criminal Investigation Department, Royal Malaysia Police, Bukit Aman. I don’t think this is hearsay as alleged by Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa. Tuan Speaker ... (Interruption).

Tuan Speaker: Proceed, proceed. No, no, no.

Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Tuan Speaker, by acquiring Australian citizenship ... (Interruption).

Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa, no obstruction. No obstruction. He is winding up. Let him. Let him. No. Honourable Member for Pujut did not answer. Proceed, proceed.

Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Don’t try to mislead this house anymore and don’t try to confuse anyone. By acquiring the citizenship. I will do that, I will do that. I will do it. I will do it.



Okay, I will do it. Don’t challenge me. You will only get into further trouble for him. Don't do it. By acquiring the Australian citizenship, Honourable Member for Pujut has made the pledge, made the declaration of allegiance to Australia. This is clear. Australian citizenship pledge. In becoming Australian citizen, he must have made the pledge before he is granted Australian citizenship. Alright. No, no. No. I said you ought to do your research before you pick him as candidate.

Next time I will advice you, don’t pick him at the last minute. Three weeks before election, he renounced his citizenship to come back to contest. I would like to tell this august House, that I have concrete evidence that Honourable Member for Pujut had acquire on Australian citizenship on 20th January 2010. Honourable Member for Pujut had exercise the right of Australian citizen by registering himself as a voter with the Australian Electro Commission and Honourable Member for Pujut had make a declaration of allegiance to Australia and on that score, you cannot run away. You will be disqualified from this Dewan.

Tuan Speaker, there is no need for me to repeat what I have said, what I have explained. It is clear that Member for Pujut has committed an offence under the Article 17(1)(g) of the State Constitution. Proven beyond doubt. You cannot say that evidence produced here are hearsay. You can say it outside the court. You go and tell me and tell the members of public outside the court. What I have produced here are mere hearsay. You say it outside, alright? You must know that the minute he acquire the Australian citizenship, his Malaysian citizenship ought to be terminated immediately. You know that. You know that. Now you talk about going to the court and so on, previously has been mention by Tuan Speaker, the court ruling in favour of Member of Pujut was on technical ground. Technicality ground. Substantive matter has not been raise, has not been debated and so this House has every right according to Standing Order, ya, Article 19 (interruption)

Tuan Speaker: Standing Order 19. Article 19.

Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): 19, Article 19.

Tuan Speaker: Article 19.

Minister for Finance II and Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce (YB Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh): Article 19 of the State Constitutions. This House can decide on the matter. I raised in my motion. Tuan Speaker, I would like to call upon all Members of this august House to support my motion that Member for Pujut be disqualified as a member of Dewan Undangan Negeri.

Tuan Speaker: Member for Pujut, that is all for the debate. But before I question to vote, I want you to confirm whether there is currently a proceeding against you on your Australian citizenship? Is there a proceeding, currently now against you on your Australian citizenship. Is there?

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: I think there was a police report as ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: No, Proceedings.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: No.

Tuan Speaker: Is there any proceeding?

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Not that I am aware of.



Tuan Speaker: Can you confirm? There is no proceeding against you on your Australian citizenship?

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: I am not aware of any proceeding against me regarding citizenship. I was been told even though only in private that, that case has been closed.

Tuan Speaker: Okay.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: But I don’t have any evidence of that.

Tuan Speaker: Okay.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: But certainly, nothing.

Tuan Speaker: Okay.

YB Dr Ting Tiong Choon: Can I say my ... (Interruption)

Tuan Speaker: No. I’ve given you the opportunity. I shall now put to the vote. Honourable members, those who are in favour of the Ministerial Motion, in the name of the Honourable Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce and Minister of Finance II. Those who are in favour of the Minister’s Motion please raise your hand. I’ll ask the Secretary to count. Sudah? Honourable Members those who are against the motion in the name of the Minister for Finance II. I can see your hands. Those in favour of the motion, please raise your hand. Those in favour. Ahli Yang Berhormat, those in favour of the motion in the name of Honourable Minister, 70. Those against, 10. I hereby declare, that the Ministerial Motion in the name of Honourable Minister for International Trade and E-Commerce and Minister for Finance II is approved. The Honourable Member for Pujut, is hereby disqualified under Article 17(1) (g) of the State Constitution of Sarawak to be a Member and ceased to be a member of Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak forthwith. The Dewan is adjourn. The Dewan is adjourn till 2:30 pm.

(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 12:09 tengahari)

(Mesyuarat bermula pada jam 3:05 petang)

[Tuan Speaker mempengerusikan Mesyuarat]


Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I would like to announce that the Minister’s replies shall take the remaining three days next week that is Thursday 18th, Friday 19th, Monday 22nd, May 2017.

Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat pursuant to Standing Order 60(1) I have appointed the following Honourable Members to be members of Standing Orders and Selection Committee for this session. Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Amar Abang Haji Abdul Rahman Zohari bin Tun Datuk Abang Haji Openg, Yang Berhormat Datuk Amar , Yang Berhormat Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Jemut Anak Masing, Yang Berhormat Datuk Amar Haji Awang Tengah Bin Ali Hasan, Yang Berhormat Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh and I as Speaker shall be Chairman of the Committee.




Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I had received Notice of Motion under Standing Order 45 dated 28th April 2017 from the Honourable Member for Batu Lintang. I shall call upon the Honourable Member for Batu Lintang to read his motion.

YB Encik : Thank you Tuan Speaker. Tuan Speaker, I humbly and respectively seek leave to introduce a Private Members Bill in our Honourable Dewan that will commence, that is today, the title of the propose Bill may be cited as Citizen Initiated Referendum Bill 2017.

The object of this Bill is to enact an Ordinance for the holding on specific questions of Citizen Initiated Referendum, the result of which referendum will indicate the Bills held by the people of Sarawak on specific question but will not be binding on the Government of the State of Sarawak.

Tuan Speaker: You proceed.

YB Encik See Chee How: By way of introduction Tuan Speaker, the explanatory notes states this Bills seek to provide for the holding on specific question of Citizen Initiated Referendum, the result of which referendum will indicate the Bill held by the people of Sarawak on specific question but will not be binding on the Government of the State of Sarawak.

Part I of the Bill deals with preliminary matters, Clause 1 provide for the short titles and commencements, Clause 2 contains an interpretations and definitions of words and expression used in the Bill, while Clauses 3 to 5 are provisions relating to the administration of the Ordinance.

Part II contains provisions relating to the petition seeking the holding of an indicative referendum which shall be presented to the Dewan Undangan Negeri. Clause 7 prohibits its presentation of an indicative referendum petition which relate to a matter that is or could be or could have been subject outside the constitutional and jurisdictional purview of the State of Sarawak.

Clause 8 deals with the content of an indicative referendum petition, while Clause 9 specifies the proposal to promote indicative referendum petition with prescribe fee. Notice of the proposed question shall be published pursuant to Clause 10, Clauses 11, 12, 13 and 14 relate to the wording of the question and its determination. And the provision in Clause 15, deals with the form to be used for the collection of signatures to the indicative referendum petitions.

Clause 16 makes provision for the public notification of the determination and approval of the wording of the specific questions in the proposed indicative referendum to be put to the voters. Clauses 17 and 18 concerns the promotion of the indicative referendum petition and the collection of signatures in complying with specific requirements within a period of six (6) months.

Clauses 19, 20, 21 and 22 deal with the receipt certification and determination whether the indicative referendum satisfy the requirement, interior, the signature of not less than 10 percent of the eligible voters. An indicative referendum petition that has been certified correct shall be received by the Speaker of Dewan Undangan Negeri for presentation to the Dewan pursuant to Clause 23 of The Ordinance. The Minister shall then appoint the date of holding the indicative referendum under Clauses 25, 34 and 35.



Part III provides for matters relating to the holding of the indicative referendum under Clauses 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 of this Ordinance.

“The provisions of the Elections Act 1958 and of any regulations made under that Act, as far as they are applicable and with the necessary modifications, apply to the indicative referendum as if it were an election.”

Part IV contains provision relating to the publicity of the indicative referendum. Clause 42 limits the expenditure for publicity and advertisement and Clause 43 requires advertises to submit return which are open for public inspection under Clause 45.

Part V of The Bills relates to application for enquiry to conducts of the indicative referendum. Clause 46 provides for Part VII of the Election Offences Act 1954 and the Election Petition Rule 1954. As far as, they are applicable and with the necessary modification shall apply to a petition for an enquiry under Clause 47. Clauses 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 make provisions relating to the content and form a petition for inquiry, times, process and matters to be enquired into at the hearing.

Clause 54 relates to the decision of the Court as to the result of the indicative referendum. Part VI deal with offences, corrupt with the legal practices with regards to the holding indicative referendum. Clause 56 provide that Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the Election Offensive Act 1954 and all other offences relating to election to the and to the Legislative Assemblies of the States specified and as provided under any Election Law presently chargeable and enforceable as far as they are applicable and with the necessary modification shall apply to the holding of indicative referendum.

Clause 7 concerns with the prosecution of any offence under this Ordinance. Part VII contains miscellaneous provision; Clause 58 provides that two or more indicative referenda maybe held at the same day. Clause 59 provides that expenses incidental to the holding of an indicative referendum shall be paid out of public money save for the expenses incurred in preparing a proposal to promote an indicative referendum petition at this promotion and collection of signatures. Clause 60 makes provision for the Minister to make regulations. Clause 61 relate to the Rules of Court prescribe in the Rules of Court 2012 and Clause 62 provide that this Ordinance shall not affect in any way the right of any person to petition the Dewan Undangan Negeri. Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, this is an application for leave to introduce a Private Member's Bill under Standing Order 45.

Standing Order 45(1) states, quote:-

“Any private member desiring to introduce a Bill may, subject to Article 24(7) of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak, apply to the Dewan for leave to do so, stating at the same time the object and leading features of such Bill.” quote ends.

Article 24(7) of the State Constitution states, quote “No Bill or amendment involving expenditure from the Consolidated Fund may be introduced or moved in the Dewan Undangan Negeri except by a member of the Maljis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri,” quote ends

The proposed Bill introduced by Hon. Member for Batu Lintang will involve expenditure from the Consolidated Fund among others, on the other hand, the appointment of Directors, Deputy Directors and Officers, etc. as stated in the Draft Bill. Therefore, as the Hon. Member for Batu Lintang is not a member of MMKN, no Bill, which requires expenditure from the Consolidated Fund be allowed.



Further, the proposed Bill is not in the form of a Motion as required under Standing Order 45(2) which reads, quote “Every such application shall be made in the form of a Motion, and the member making such application shall at the same time deliver to the Secretary a copy of his Motion containing the title of his proposed Bill,” quote ends.

Hence, the proposed Bill fails to meet the requirement under Standing Order 45(2). The Motion also exceeds the 250 words allowed. According to Erskine May Twenty-Fourth Edition page 398, only 250 words are allowed.

Standing Order 24(4)(b) quote, “If the Speaker is of the opinion that any notice received by the Secretary infringes any Standing Order or is otherwise out of order, he may direct that it is returned to the member who signed it as being in his opinion out of order,” quote ends.

The clauses of this Bill intrude into the exclusive preserve and domain of the Election Commission Constituted under Article 114 of the Federal Constitution. It duplicates the role and functions of the Election Commission and conduct of the Election under Article 113(1) of the Federal Constitution.

Clause 28(3) of this proposed Bill states: “The indicative referendum is taken in the manner prescribed by the Elections Act 1958 for elections to the Dewan Rakyat and to the Legislative Assemblies of the States.”

Clause 28(4) goes on: “The provisions of the Elections Act 1958 and of any regulations made under that Act, as far as are applicable and with the necessary modifications, apply to the indicative referendum as if it were an election.”

Under Clause 29 the State Minister is to issue the writ of the Election. The writ must notify the Election Commission and Returning Officer for each Electoral District pursuant to Clause 30.

Under Clause 31(1) the Electoral rolls shall be the one prepared under Section 9 of the Election Act 1958 and under Clause 31(2) of the Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations 2002 shall apply with modification.

As the Honourable Member for Batu Lintang is well aware that Malaysia is a Parliamentary Democracy based on the Westminster Model. This Bill however seeks to unconstitutionally adopt the Swiss Model of direct democracy where the Swiss Constitution can only be changed by way of a Referendum.

There is no provision, neither in the Federal Constitution nor in the State Constitution that allow referendum. The Federal and State Constitution only allow election. Decisions are made in the National Parliament and State Legislatives based on a majority decision.

This Motion before us seeks to jettison the Parliamentary system currently used by the Westminster Parliament in Britain and the Commonwealth and in many other Democracies in the world and not and opt for a Direct Democracy based on a Swiss Model.

This Motion has not obtained the written consent of the Minister for Finance under Standing Order 23(5). Referendum is the process of submitting a law to the popular vote. In 1847 this is in reference to the practice in Swiss politics.



In Latin referendum that which must be referred; literally, means that to be brought back. There are many types of referendum such as:

(1) Mandatory Referendum

(2) Optional Referendum

(3) Federal Referendum

(4) Legislative Referendum

(5) Constitutional Referendum

(6) Cantonal and/or Communal Referendum

The financing of Referred Referendum is by no means cheap. One political scientist, Claude Longchamp wrote the financing of referendum campaigns can be up to “around 100 million francs (Swiss francs)”.

Therefore this Motion requires the consent of the Minister for Finance under Standing Order 23(5) because Referendum incurs astronomical costs. It involves an election amongst the population for every division to be made instead of allowing Parliament or State Legislature to vote on established constitutional basis.

Election is a federal subject, the machinery of Government includes “Election to both House of Parliament and the Legislative Assemblies of the State and all matters connected therewith pursuant to Ninth (9th) Schedule (Article 74,77) 6(a).

The roles exacted on the Speaker and the Secretary of the Dewan are ultra vires the State and Federal Constitutions.

I shall now put to question to vote as to whether Leave be granted before you proceed.

Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, please raise your hands for those who agree that Leave must be granted to the Motion in the name of the Honourable Member for Batu Lintang.

Those who agrees Leave should be given, Secretary to count

Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, those who believe Leave should not be granted to the Honourable Member for Batu Lintang.

Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, those agreed that Leave should be granted to the proposed Bill by the Honourable Member for Batu Lintang – 9.

Those who disagree that Leave should be denied – 35.

Leave is denied. The Motion is dismissed. (Applause)

Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, I have received a notice of Motion dated 28th April 2017 from the Honourable Member for . I shall call upon the Honourable Member for Pelawan to read his Motion.

YB Encik David Wong Kee Woan: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. Whereas despite inheriting the best tradition of Westminster Parliamentary system, Sarawak DUN is commonly seen as nothing more than a rubber stamp, unable to check and balance the ever expanding


BELUM DISUNTING 12 MEI 2017 executive power held by the government of the day. Whereas the much needed democratic institutional reform are needed to restore the importance principle of the separation of powers among the executive legislature and judiciary to ensure the independence, credibility and integrity of our national institution. Whereas parliamentary reform should be the sole prerogative of the Parliament and not on contingent on the State cabinet’s approval.

Tuan Speaker: Honourable Member for Pelawan. The Secretary did not sum up. It is not 35. 35 plus 23, 58. So it is nine against 58. 58 Members did not agree that Leave should be granted. Please continue.

YB Encik David Wong Kee Woan: Therefore, it is moved that this House hereby resolved that the Dewan Special Select Committee which includes Members of the Opposition, chair by the Speaker, to look into DUN Sarawak reform as following:

(1) Removing the restrictive Standing Orders in ensuring greater impartiality by the Speaker.

(2) PAC should be chaired by the Member of the Opposition.

(3) All questions regardless whether they are for oral reply or written reply should be supplied with answers.

(4) Scrapping the system of constituencies, the government term for ADUN, and rephrasing it for ADUN office and administrative, including engaging officers and staff for the ADUN office.

(5) Live cast of ADUN debate to ensure that the rakyat know what their representative are doing in DUN.

(6) Increase the session of the meeting to three per annum and increase the number of days of sitting for each session.

Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat this is my ruling.

Standing Order 23(4)(a) reads as follows: “A Motion seeking a grant, charge or expenditure of public money shall not be proceeded with, unless the recommendation of the Government thereto is signified in writing by the Minister charged with the responsibility for finance.”

Standing Order 74(1) reads as follows: “The Dewan may, at any time upon a Motion made after notice been given, appoint a Special Select Committee for the consideration of such Bill or matter as the Dewan may refer to the Committee, and to report thereon to the Dewan.”

Standing Order 74(2) reads: “Every such Special Select Committee shall consist of not less than five members. If any member ceases to be a member of the Dewan or if for any reason unable to act as a member of the Special Select Committee, the Standing Orders and Select Committee may appoint another member in his place.”

The Dewan has to appoint a Special Select Committee first before the committee can consider the resolutions of the Dewan.



Standing Order 69 clearly stipulates the mechanism to address issue relating to Standing Orders, and it is the duty of this Standing Orders and Selection Committee to consider any report to the Dewan any matters relating to the Standing Orders which may be referred to by the Dewan to nominate the Chairman and members of the Select Committee.

Tuan Speaker: This Motion inter alia alleged impartially by the Speaker when presiding the sitting, is misleading this august House. Therefore, this Motion also ought to be rejected under Standing Order 32(12) as it is deemed to be out of order or to be in contempt.

The Standing Order of this Dewan is derived from the practice of Westminster Model and is guided by Erskine May’s Parliamentary Practice. This is in tandem with the practice of Dewan Rakyat. The Motion does not condescend into particulars, namely, which parts of the Standing Order are to be repealed or replaced, and to nominate the Standing Order of which commonwealth country is to be followed as a role model. To allude that the Standing Order is restrictive and impede the impartiality of the Speaker violates Standing Order 32(12) as it is misleading.

As for the resolutions (2) (3) (4) (5) & (6), these can only be considered only if the Dewan agrees to the appointment of the Special Select Committee with these specialised terms of reference.

Whether the Dewan is a rubber stamp of the executive depends on the size of majority the ruling party commands.

There is no parliament in the world that is subservient to the dictate of a tiny minority when the ruling party commands an over ruling of over 2/3 majority.

In an American Presidential System, the Executives are unelected and are in the White House. They are not members of congress or the senate.

In a Parliamentary Democracy based on Westminster model the Executives are elected and they are members of Parliament.

The leader of the ruling party is the leader of the majority. A senior member among them is appointed as a whip. When voting takes place the whip ensures that all party members vote according to the wishes of the party.

Call a rose by any name. This is the Parliamentary system based on Westminster model. Where the majority of the ruling party is wafer thin and when the party wins by a whisker then the leader is a lame duck Prime Minister or Chief Minister.

Motion is dismissed.

I have received notice of Motion dated 30th April 2017 from Honourable Member for Pelawan. I shall call upon Honourable Member for Pelawan to read his Motion.

Y.B. Encik David Wong Kee Woan: Thank you Tuan Speaker, the Minister of the local Government in Sibu, has voiced his displeasure that Sibu with the population of 240,000 has more than 130 community leaders, while Miri which has a population of more than 300,000 has only 28 community leaders.

WHEREAS the local community leader as a Kapitan, Penghulu, Pemanca, Temenggong are paid monthly allowances by the State Government, their appointment must be transparent.



WHEREAS the community leaders are appointed to serve the rakyat in the community regardless of the political affiliation, they should be apolitical.

WHEREAS the current appointment system has been much criticized as a system for BN component parties for political reasons and thus lose its credibility. Therefore it is moved that, this house hereby resolves that;

(1) All community leaders to be appointed must be apolitical, those who belong to any political party must resigned from the said political party immediately;

(2) The community leader must be literate in English or Bahasa Malaysia, so as to be able to serve effectively;

(3) They must take turn to be stationed at District Office or the Resident Office to serve the rakyat;

(4) Their appointment must only be through the recommendation of local NGO such as United Chinese Association or Persatuan Tempatan.

Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-ahli Yang Berhormat, The appointments of Temenggong, Pemanca, Penghulu and Kapitan are governed by the Community Chiefs and Headmen Ordinance 2004.

The Appointing Authority for such Chiefs and Headmen is the Yang Di-Pertua Negeri.

Section 3 of the Ordinance reads: “The Yang di-Pertua Negeri shall, by notification in the Gazette, designate any person to be the appointing authority for a Chief or Headmen in respect of the whole State or any administrative area or for any particular community in Sarawak.”

To suggest that their appointment must only through the recommendation of NGO such as the United Chinese Association or Persatuan Tempatan is diametrically opposed to the provisions of the Ordinance and a flagrant violation of the Ordinance.

Section 4(1) reads: “In exercising the powers to appoint a Chief or Headmen, the appropriate appointing authority shall consider but shall not be bound by any recommendation made by the Resident of a Division or the District Officer of a District, as the case may be, in respect of which the Chief or Headmen is to be appointed.”

The tenure of office is spelt out under Section 5(1) & 5(2) of the Ordinance.

Section 5(1): “A Chief or Headmen once appointed shall serve at the pleasure of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri and his appointment may be terminated at any time by the Yang di-Pertua Negeri.”

Section 5(2):- “Subject to subsection (1), the term of office of a Chief or Headmen shall not exceed four years, but he is eligible for re-appointment.”

The duties are governed by:

Section 6: A Chief or Headmen shall have the following duties. So it is spelled out in all the duties of the Headman under the Section. The latest decision by the MMKN dated



27th April 2017 states the appointment of the Ketua Masyarakat, Temenggong, Pemanca and Penghulu and Ketua Kaum shall be decided by the Resident of the respective Division. Unless and until this Ordinance is repealed and replaced the resolution of the Motion are immaterial and inconsequential. What stands is the Ordinance and its provision unless this Ordinance is repealed and replaced. Motion is dismissed.

I have received notice of Motion dated 30th April from the Honourable member of Tanjung Datu. I should call of Honourable Member of Tanjung Datu to read his Motion.

YB Encik Chiew Chiu Sing: Tuan Speaker it’s Tanjong Batu. Tanjong Batu. Member for Tanjong Batu.

Tuan Speaker: Sorry. Sorry Tanjong Batu.

YB Encik Chiew Chiu Sing:


(1) The Honourable Chief Minister is committed to develop the agriculture sector in the State where one of the major initiatives is to create food basket in rural areas during his first 100 days in office;

(2) Sarawak being primarily potential agricultural State with such vast land area;

(3) There are many enterprising entrepreneurs who are interested to venture into small scale agriculture farming;

(4) We should not limit agriculture development to growing oil palm and oil palm only.

Therefore it is moved that this House hereby resolves that;

(1) State Government demarcates areas of State land through all division of Sarawak and allocate five acres each to all those interested and able entrepreneurs to do agriculture farming for a period of sixty years.

(2) The land so allocated must be accessible by Government roads;

(3) Work on the land so allocated must start within one year or the land will be taken back;

(4) An agency be set up to in charge for the success of the whole project.

Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Honourable member for Tanjung Batu. I should not be confused. This is my hometown... (Laugh). Ahli Yang Berhormat, Saya telah menerima Memorandum Rasmi bertarikh 3 Mei 2017 rujukan 92/KPSAS/P/1-3/4/2017 daripada Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian Perancangan Sumber dan Alam Sekitar sebagai maklum balas terhadap usul yang dikemukakan oleh Yang Berhormat bagi Tanjong Batu.

I did not translate this because if I translate the meaning may shift so I give it totally what I received.



(1) Setakat 31 Mac 2017 Kerajaan telah memberi milik tanah untuk tujuan pertanian seluas 1,938,636 hektar di bawah Seksyen 13 Kanun Tanah Negeri (Cap. 81). Selain daripada itu, pengeluaran geran untuk tujuan pertanian di bawah Seksyen 18 Kanun Tanah Negeri telah pun dilaksanakan di mana sehingga 31 Mac 2017 seluas 298,110 hektar telah dikeluarkan surat hakmilik untuk tujuan pertanian.

(2) Di samping itu juga, pengukuran tanah NCR di bawah Inisiatif Baharu yang dilaksanakan sejak Oktober 2010 telah pun berjaya mengukur lebih kurang 767,729 hektar tanah NCR yang digunakan untuk tujuan pertanian. Daripada jumlah 767,729 hektar tersebut, seluas 619,761 hektar telah pun diwartakan di bawah Seksyen 6 Kanun Tanah Negeri yang digunakan untuk tujuan pertanian. Oleh itu, isu mengenai keperluan untuk pemberi milikan tanah untuk tujuan pusat pengeluaran makanan (Food Basket) sebagai mana yang diusulkan adalah tidak relevan.

(3) Tambahan pula, dengan inisiatif Kerajaan melalui agensi dan jabatan Kerajaan seperti Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak, SALCRA, Lembaga Pembangunan dan Lindungan Tanah (PELITA), pelaksanaan aktiviti pertanian yang juga menjurus kepada pengwujudan pusat pengeluaran makanan (Food Basket) telah dan sedang dilaksanakan secara komprehensif.

(4) Kerajaan telah pun mewujudkan Kementerian Pemodenan, Pertanian dan Ekonomi Luar Bandar (MOARE) yang dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyelia dan memantau aktiviti-aktiviti pertanian khususnya yang menjurus kepada pengwujudan pusat pengeluaran makanan (Food Basket) di kawasan luar bandar. Oleh itu, cadangan yang diusulkan oleh Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi N.68 Tanjong Batu agar diwujudkan satu lagi agensi lain adalah tidak perlu.

Berdasarkan justifikasi-justifikasi di atas, usul ini ditolak.

I believe Yang Amat Berhormat Chief Minister or the Deputy Chief Minister and Honourable Member for Bukit Saban may deliberate and elaborate on this in their winding up.

Ahli-Ahli yang berhormat, I received a Motion dated 30th April from the Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa, I shall call upon the Honourable Member for Kota Sentosa to read his Motion.

YB Chong Chieng Jen: Tuan Speaker, I believe there is some error in the photostating of the Motion. If you refer to the photostated copies that is laid on the table, the last three paragraph, the resolution refers to other Motion that will be tabled by my learned friend from Padungan.

Tuan Speaker: You can correct and the Motion stands corrected.

YB Chong Chieng Jen: All right. I just read out the corrected version of my Motion.


(1) On 6th May 2014, this august House unanimously resolved to pass the Motion tabled by Honourable Member for , which requested for a



review of the Sarawak’s entitlement to oil and gas royalties from the current 5% to 20% on the value of the oil and gas produced in Sarawak;

(2) Three years have passed, yet the State Government has failed to carry out the said resolution and has shown no urgency or will to implement the same.

(3) Resolution passed in this august House are not to be left hanging indefinitely. Such resolution ought to be given the highest priority in the agendas of the State Government and not be delayed, altered or defied by the State administration, least the dignity and sanctity of this august House be compromise and its resolution be reduced to mere political propaganda of the State Government.

(4) Moreover, every single day delay by the State Government to implement the said resolution entails revenue lost in millions to the State of Sarawak.

Therefore, it is moved that this House hereby resolves that the State Government be reprimanded for failing promptly carry out the resolution of this august House and that the State Government be given six months from the date hereof, to implement the resolution passed by this august House on 6th May 2014 for the review of Sarawak's entitlement to Oil and Gas Royalties from the current 5% to 20%.

Thank you.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, the Motion referred to is dated 6th May 2017 in the name of the Hon. Member for Semop reads:

“To increase the said royalty payment to 20% or if deem preferable and reasonable any other form of arrangement to the benefit of Sarawak State so as to accelerate more development programme particularly in the rural areas.”

Therefore, there are 2 separate issues to the Motion.

The first is the increment of oil and gas royalty from 5% to 20%.

The 2nd is or if deem preferable and reasonable any other form of arrangement to benefit Sarawak.

The Motion did not state 50% to 20% only.

They must be read disjunctively not conjunctively.

This august House had unanimously passed the Motion on 6th May 2014. Three years had passed.

Although the oil and gas royalty has not increased, the State had received “preferable and reasonable any other form of arrangement to the benefit of Sarawak.”

The success or failure of the Motion is not measured by the scale of time alone and increment of oil and gas royalty alone.

The crucial and central question is whether oil and gas prices on the world market have sky-rocketted?



On one hand is, if the answer is yes and no oil and gas royalty has increased the Motion has failed on the 20% not on the other benefits. On the other hand is, if the oil and gas prices on the international market have remained stagnant and abysmally low in the history of oil and gas prices then the Motion has not failed.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. There is a silver lining to the clouds.

Because the increase in oil and gas royalty are intricately interwoven with oil and gas prices on the international market and not to the time frame of the Motion although there was no time frame expressly and categorically stated in the Motion.

In the words of YAB Prime Minister: “Now is not a suitable time to consider increasing the oil royalty for Sarawak. This was due to the massive losses in the country’s revenue caused by the significant drop in global crude oil prices. The national revenue is in a critical state, having lost RM40 billion. But we will try to support Sarawak’s development needs and we have approved more allocations for the state, on top of what was provided in the 2016 Budget.”

In the meantime much water has passed under the bridge under the leadership of the late Datuk Patinggi Adenan and vigorously pursued by the current Chief Minister in lieu of the increase in oil and gas royalty the State has benefitted from the following projects tanamounting to almost its equivalent such as the approval of RM3.5 billion projects to be carried out in Sarawak and Pan Borneo Highway project.

It ought to be noted that the Chief Minister has on 20th April 2017 made a clear and unequivocal statement that the State Government will continue to pursue 20% in oil royalty from Petronas but while waiting for more favourable conditions, the State will focus on enhancing local participation in the oil and gas industry.

This issue will also be addressed by YAB Chief Minister in his winding up speech.

To push aggressively for the bargain regardless of the friendly ambience among the parties may jeopardise the on going negotiation.

To publicly disclose every single detail and every step of the negotiation is akin to disclosing the card you have in the game of poker.

As long as the State stands to benefit in lieu of the 20% oil and gas royalty and more benefits are to come to pronounce the Motion as a failure is to ignore the gargantuan projects and visible benefits the State reps. This remains so until the prices of oil and gas climb steadily on the international market.

Motion is dismissed.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat, I received Notice of Motion dated 30th April 2017 from the Honourable Member for Padungan. I shall call upon the Honourable Member to speak on the Motion.

YB Encik Wong King Wei: Thank you, Tuan Speaker. My Motion read as follows:




1. It is imperative and urgent for the State Government to improve mobility in the various cities and townships by providing alternative transport methods in order to reduce Sarawakians’ reliance on private cars or motorcycles.

2. The Chief Minister has openly announced that the State Government’s intention to implement Light Railway Transit (LRT) and electrical bus system in Kuching, Samarahan and Serian.

3. It is necessary that public transport master plan be produced, as improvement of public transport system must be done in a holistic and not piecemeal manner.

4. Views and opinion from all stakeholders, including from elected representatives (both Government and opposition) and experts, must be sought and considered in designing an ideal master plan that is tailor-made to suit the particular situations of the city of Kuching and other townships in Sarawak.

Therefore, this House hereby resolves that the Sarawak Government establishes Sarawak Public Transport Consultative Committee, in short SPTCC, comprising members of this august House from both Government and opposition and also experts in relevant fields to study and design a public transport master plan within six months from the date of this resolution for the Government to implement accordingly.” I beg to move.

Tuan Speaker: Ahli Yang Berhormat, This Motion directly seeks a grant, charge or expenditure of public money and hence it is out of order as it infringes Standing Order 23(4)(a) which reads as follow:- “A Motion seeking a grant, charge or expenditure of public money shall not be proceeded with, unless the recommendation of the Government thereto is signified in writing by the Minister in charged with the responsibilities for finance.”

The Motion does not comply with Standing Order 23(5) which reads:- “A Motion which, directly or indirectly, involves any such grant, charge, expenditure, release, remission or compensation shall be treated as seeking grant, charge, expenditure, release, remission or compensation, unless the said Minister signifies in writing that it does not go beyond what is incidental only and not of a substantial nature having regard to the purposes of the Motion.”

This issue will be addressed by YAB Chief Minister in his winding up speech.

This Motion is dismissed.

YB Encik Wong King Wei: My Motion only touch on the setting up or establishment of a committee without seeking any grant or involving any expenditure, Tuan Speaker, yes, whether directly or indirectly does not ... (Interruption) ...

Tuan Speaker: It indirectly because that committee will dwell and incur expenses. Anyway, the Chief Minister is the one who initiated LRT, electric cars, digital economy, he will dwell into this.

YB Encik Wong King Wei: My stand is that, put this Motion for debate so we will gather a lot of ideas and it will help the Government to implement a better master plan.

Tuan Speaker: Because it will go into the expenses and it will incur expenses. That’s why I do not allow the Motion.

YB Encik Wong King Wei: But I didn’t seek for the expenses expenditure.



Tuan Speaker: Ahli-Ahli Yang Berhormat sitting is adjourned until 9.00 am Monday, 15th May 2017.

(Mesyuarat ditangguhkan pada jam 4:03 petang)