Port Orford Today! FREE! Port Orford’s BEST NEWSPAPER! Vol. 12 Number 12 Thursday, April 5, 2001 © 2001 by The Downtown Fun Zone The Downtown Fun Zone Valerie:
[email protected] Evan & Valerie Kramer, Owners Evan: ...........
[email protected] 832 Highway 101, P.O. Box 49 Brenda: ..
[email protected] Nancy: ...
[email protected] Port Orford, OR 97465 It’s That Time Of Year Again! (541) 332-6565 (Voice or FAX) http://www.kramerskorners.com Cranes are Working Leesa Cobb asked about the funding sta- Bill Oleson asked the commissioner By Evan Kramer tus for this level of commitment (the war- about having meetings on Friday after- rant). Office manager Kathy Sherbourne noon. He said the meeting notice need to The Port of Port Orford told her that a “letter of intent was on its be in the papers. Commission held a spe- way” and Cobb responded that is should The only other item on the agenda was cial meeting on Friday at have been here already. 4:30pm. Just before the one titled Personnel but before the com- meeting began Little Jo Dave Knapp made a motion to accept the mission could move forward into that one II, the Laskey Clifton changes in the warrant as stated. Attorney Bob Walters told them they had made a crane and a familiar site Tosh recommended the commissioners big mistake. Walters said his boat hadn’t at the dock for over a year, was seen being not execute any documents until they gone fishing that day because the cranes towed out of town.