PAGE 10 CAJUN ST. JOSEPH ALTAR May 24, 2019ommentator Vol. 57, No. 8 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 C FAITH IN BLOOM A flower arrangement created by Yen Tran Nguyen, a parishioner of Sts. An- Volunteer thony of Padua and Le Van Phung Church in Baton Rouge, decorated the church for Mass on Mother’s Day. Photo by creates beauty Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator

grandchildren. at St. Anthony “I say, ‘Thank God for everything you gave to me, so I can do whatever I By Bonny Van can, just tell me,’ ” said Nguyen, who The Catholic Commentator commutes one hour to attend St. An- thony. “So I go to school for flowers.” A typical Monday morning at Sts. The seeds of Nguyen’s part-time flo- Anthony of Padua and Le Van Phung ral career were planted when a void was Church in Baton Rouge finds a bevy of created after Sister Ngoc Tuyet Pham, activity, as volunteers scurry about to who previously provided the church ar- remove elaborate floral altar arrange- rangements, was called to continue her ments that were used during the week- education in Houston in July 2017. Af- end Masses. ter Sister’s departure, Nguyen noticed Flower pots are being reworked, an absence of blooms and, going out on and vacuum cleaners are removing the a limb, approached St. Anthony pastor final vestiges of flower petals, stems Father Peter Tan Viet Nguyen ICM (no and greenery. relation) about putting a single fresh The maestro of this floral sympho- flower and candle at the base of both ny is Yen Tran Nguyen, the flower ar- the statue of Mary and the statue of St. ranger at St. Anthony, and her troupe Joseph. includes a gaggle of volunteers who are “I told (Father Nguyen), at least one family members and friends of the flo- flower is alive at Mary and Joseph, ral designer at St. Anthony. one fresh flower so he’s alive and she’s For Nguyen, a beautician for 25 into floral design has become a person- children, two daughters and two sons, alive,” recalled Nguyen. “You know, years and owner of her own salon in al ministry, a way of thanking God who two of whom are doctors. Her daugh- if the church doesn’t have flowers it’s Greensburg, her unexpected detour has blessed her with four successful ters are both married and she has four SEE FLOWERS PAGE 8 Challenge for young Catholics

By Debbie Shelley er to “let go” of attending Mass. The Catholic Commentator “It’s not that they intentionally say ‘I am not going to Mass,’ as much as ‘I didn’t get around In a society loaded with “options,” it may to it,’ ” said Sister Renée Daigle, assistant direc- appear young Catholics are drifting from the tor and campus minister at St. Albert the Great faith looking for “something better.” But there’s Chapel and Catholic Student Center at South- hope that through listening, accompanying and eastern Louisiana University. challenging young Catholics to own their faith “They (young adults) are not under their they will walk back into the welcoming arms parents’ roof, so if they are going to church of the church, according to priests and campus it’s going to be their choice not because some- HATS OFF TO GRADUATES – Graduation season for the seven ministers in the Diocese of Baton Rouge. body is telling them to go,” said Sister Renée. Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Baton Rouge recently Father Tom Clark SJ, pastor of Immaculate “I think for some of them it’s the first time that ended. On May 16, St. Thomas Aquinas Diocesan Regional High Conception Church in Baton Rouge, said ex- they know that they have to own their faith. School celebrated its commencement at Holy Ghost Church in ploring options is “all part of growing up.” Therefore it makes them question. Hammond, after which students gathered for the traditional cap College-aged Catholics who consume their “Some of them may be taking a course and a toss. For a complete list of all graduates, please refer to the Grad- time with clubs, fraternities, schoolwork and professor is telling them all kinds of stuff. They uation special section in this issue. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Com- other activities centered around food, coffee start to question, and they might pull away and mentator shops, technology, sports, etc., may find it easi- SEE MASS PAGE 20 2 The Catholic Commentator May 24, 2019 | DID YOU KNOW Holy Spirit, Promise of Hope

By Dina Dow to break with the religion of Israel, showing the Church is a covenant community distinct Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! from Judaism, and is a catholic community Alleluia, alleluia! embracing all nations” (The Ignatius Cath- We continue to celebrate the joy of Easter olic Study Bible, Revised Standard Version. as we draw near to summer. The Ignatius Press, 2010). Rea- sacramental life of the church son leads, faith guides and is booming with extraordinary Life-Giving the Holy Spirit enlightens. events: ordination of priests and FAI H Faith is the truth. The Ho- transitional deacons, weddings, bap- ly Spirit reveals truth. Recall tisms, first Communions and confirma- the Catechism of the Catholic tions! The Sixth Sunday of Easter, together Church states, “Believing is possible only by with the celebration of the Ascension of the grace and the interior help of the Holy Spir- Lord prepare us for the coming of “the Advo- it” (CCC Para. 154). Our faith is a grace. The cate, the Holy Spirit” (Jn 14: 26-27), who will Holy Spirit calls us into faith-based action. enlighten our faith, invigorate our love and Therefore, we are constantly seeking under- fill us with hope. standing, meaning, truth, relationship, etc. Faith by means of reason and faith. St. John Paul II The Sunday Mass readings continue with writes, “Faith and reason are like two wings the Acts of the Apostles. We actually hear the on which the human spirit rises to the con- beginning of the Book of Acts, as St. Luke templation of truth. God has placed in the writes to Theophilus explaining the focus of human heart a desire to know the truth in a the first book, the Gospel of Luke, which con- word, to know himself – so that, by knowing tains the account of the entire life of Jesus, and loving God, men and women may also his teachings, passion, resurrection and as- come to the fullness of truth about them- cension. It ends with the promise of the com- selves” (Fides et Ratio, On the Relationship ing of the Holy Spirit to empower the apos- Between Faith & Reason. 1998). How am I tles to be Christ’s witnesses to all. coming to know the truth about myself, my After Pentecost the message of Jesus mission, my calling as a disciple of Jesus? Christ spread rapidly, as the apostles trav- How am I seeking to understand the faith elled across the land to proclaim the good each day through the gifts of the Holy Spirit? news. They encounter many who believe, yet Is this a priority? Am I witnessing the faith also those who are hesitant. St. Paul and St. in my words and actions? Barnabus, while preaching to the Gentiles in Love Antioch, faced the question of circumcision, Jesus said to his disciples: “Whoever loves a practice in the Jewish faith established in me will keep my word, and my Father will the days of Moses to indicate initiation into love him, and we will come to him and make the faith. A debate arises as to whether or not our dwelling with him” (Jn 14:23). Love mo- The Botafumeiro hangs from a rope in in it is necessary for the Gentiles to partake in tivates, reciprocates, remains and sustains. . The is one of the largest in the world. Photo provided by John Folse this sign of Jewish identity to become Chris- Love informs and protects. Love is acces- tian. sible, visible and central. St. John’s Gospel Guided by the Holy Spirit, St. Paul and tells of the final hours shared between Jesus St. Barnabus, travel to Jerusalem for con- and the apostles. They gathered in the up- Botafumeiro sultation with the leaders and elders. What per room for the Last Supper. Jesus has just takes place is the Council of Jerusalem in washed their feet, given the new command- If a smoking Mass can some- dusty and tired from journeying 49AD. “This defining historical moment in ment, predicted the betrayal and denial and times get under your skin, or in your hundreds of miles on the Cami- Christian history was convened to examine unveils his departure. He tells them to follow eyes or nasal passages, be glad that no de Santiago, gathered in the the status of Gentiles who were filling the him means to love him. Because of this, God the burner is a small one large church. The giant church. Peter, speaking as head and spokes- will love them and “make a home” in them and not the Santiago de Compestela is swung using a pulley system of person, decisively pronounces the decision (Jn 14:23). What? God is going to live within Botafumeiro. At 5.25 feet in height, ropes. It takes five men to swing that the Gentiles, salvation is through faith me? Yes! He already does! He dwells in us. the Botafumeiro is one of the larg- the Botafumerio, which travels in Jesus Christ. Hence, the council decides SEE GOSPEL PAGE 12 est in the world. from each side of the cavernous The name Botafumeiro comes cathedral. Other large from the Spanish words “botar” and have had similar-sized censers but “fume” which means “expel smoke,” many are no longer swung. according to The giant There have been a few acci- censer is located in the cathedral at dents involving Botafumerio re- | Santiago de Compostela in Spain. ported over the centuries. On The city is the final stop for pilgrims two occassion the ropes failed and Bishop Michael G. Duca Publisher Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager hiking the Way of St. James, or the censer fell to the floor spill- Father Tom Ranzino Associate Publisher Bonny Van Staff Writer and the cathe- ing hot coals. In one incident in Richard Meek Editor Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation dral, which contains the relics of St. 1499, during a visit by Princess Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor Nicole Latiolais Graphic Designer James, is a popular destination for Catherine of Aragon, the swinging weary travelers. Botafumerio became disconnect- The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680) Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian Thruway, According to tradition, the ed from the ropes by its hook and Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton Rouge, LA. Copy must swinging of the Botafumeiro flew out of the cathedral through a reach the above address by Wednesday for use in the next week’s paper. Subscription rate: $14.00 per year. POST- started in the 11th century when high window. No one was injured MASTER, send address changes to The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 14746, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-4746. hundreds of unwashed pilgrims, in any of the mishaps. May 24, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 3 U.S. bishops favor new rules on sexual abuse reporting

WASHINGTON (CNS) – U.S. those entrusted to their care. the Holy See every 30 days, and ming from an abuse of power. the request and the bishop sends church leaders welcomed the For this reason, the new doc- the investigation completed with The norms apply to reports of a status report to the Vatican ev- norms issued by Pope Francis on ument establishes a clearer set 90 days with some exceptions. “delicts against the sixth com- ery 30 days. May 9 giving clear direction to of universal procedures for re- Vatican offices are also held to mandment” regarding clerics or – When the investigation is the global Catholic Church about porting suspected abuse, car- specific timeframes and prompt members of religious orders and complete, the bishop sends the reporting abuse and holding rying out initial investigations action. “forcing someone, by violence or results to the proper Vatican of- church leaders accountable, say- and protecting victims and – By June 2020, every dio- threat or through abuse of au- fice, which then follows existing ing it confirms what they already whistleblowers. cese in the world must create an thority, to perform or submit to canon law. have in place and also gives them The new document, given office or “public, stable and easily sexual acts.” – The continued obligation a way forward. “motu proprio,” on the pope’s accessible systems” for reporting – Those who report abuse to respect civil laws regarding The document which among own initiative, was titled “Vos suspected abuse against a minor cannot be subjected to pressure, mandatory reporting. other things, requires all Catho- estis lux mundi” (“You are the or vulnerable person, failure of retaliation and discrimination – Those who reported sus- lic priests and women religious light of the world”), based on a compliance of abuse guidelines or told to keep silent. The seal pected abuse or cover-up will to report sexual abuse by clergy verse from the Gospel of St. Mat- by bishops or superiors, and cas- of confession, however, remains be told of the outcome of the in- and church leaders and provides thew (5:14). es of interference or cover-ups in inviolable and is not affected by vestigation if they request to be whistleblower protection for “The crimes of sexual abuse either a civil or canonical inves- the new norms. informed. those making allegations was offend Our Lord, cause physical, tigation of suspected abuse. – Procedures for carrying out – A fund can be set up by described as a “blessing that will psychological and spiritual dam- – All priests and religious the preliminary investigation bishops’ conferences, synods empower the church everywhere age to the victims and harm the that become aware of abuse or its include the bishop immediately and church provinces to cover to bring predators to justice,” community of the faithful,” the cover-up must alert their bishop requesting from the Vatican that the costs of investigations. said Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo pope said in the document, re- or religious superior promptly. he or a delegate be assigned to The document is a follow-up of Galveston-Houston, president leased by the Vatican May 9. The – A minor is anyone under begin the preliminary investi- to Pope Francis’ 2016 docu- of the U.S. Conference of Catho- norms go into effect June 1. the age of 18 and a vulnerable gation. If he considers an accu- ment, “As a Loving Mother,” lic Bishops. The new norms now stipulate: person is “any person in a state sation is unfounded, the papal on transparency and account- Other bishops echoed his sen- – Procedures for the investi- of infirmity, physical or mental nuncio is informed. The Vatican ability of bishops and religious timent, issuing statements and gation of bishops, cardinals, pa- deficiency, or deprivation of per- will have 30 days to respond to superiors. speaking out on Twitter about triarchs, religious superiors and sonal liberty which, in fact, even their gratitude for the pope’s ac- all those who lead – even tem- occasionally, limits their ability tion. porarily – a diocese or particular to understand or to want to oth- New York Cardinal Timothy church, including personal prela- erwise resist the offense.” M. Dolan described the norms as tures and personal ordinariates. – The definition of child por- a sign of the pope’s “desire to in- – Leaders will be held ac- nography as any representation stitute reform, promote healing countable not only with suspect- of a minor, regardless of the me- and insure justice” and said they ed cases of committing abuse dia used, “involved in explicit were a “much-needed and tre- themselves, but also accusations sexual activities, whether real or mendously important step for- of having interfered with, cov- simulated, and any representa- ward for the church universal.” ered up or failed to address abuse tion of sexual organs of minors The new juridical instru- accusations they were aware of. for primarily sexual purposes.” ment is meant to help bishops – When the accused individ- – Bishops and religious supe- and religious leaders around ual is a bishop, the metropoli- riors will be accountable not just the world clearly understand tan will receive a mandate from for protecting minors against their duties and church law, the Holy See to investigate or abuse but also for protecting underlining how they are ul- delegate a person in charge of seminarians, novices and mem- timately responsible for prop- the preliminary investigation. bers of religious orders from er governance and protecting A status report must be sent to violence and sexual abuse stem- Sister Benedicta dies Sister Benedicta Berger SCSC, Sister ministered Factory in Colum- age 97, of Merrill, Wisconsin, in the River Parishes bus, Ohio. died March 31 at Bell Tower Res- from 1963-1982, teach- Sister Benedic- idence Assisted Living and Min- ing religious education ta is survived by istry Hospice. Sister Benedicta and doing parish work her family of Holy Joe Skibinski, Agent (Harriet Louise) was born Dec. at Our Lady of Peace Cross Sisters and 24, 1921, to Frederick and Clara Church and St. Phillip Associates; sister- (Wolf) Berger in Columbus, Church in Vacherie and in-law Carol Berger, Ohio. St. James Church in St. Dublin, Ohio; many She entered Holy Cross Con- James. nieces and neph- vent in Merrill on Nov. 19, 1947, Her ministries also Sister Benedicta ews. She was pre- and celebrated her first profes- included parish work Berger SCSC ceded in death by sion on July 2, 1949. She was in in Mercer, Wisconsin, her parents; broth- her 70th year of ministry at the teaching at Our Lady of the Holy ers, Robert, Francis and Lee time of her death. Sister received Cross High School in Merrill, Berger; sisters, Mary Rita Berger, her early education in St. Martin and several other assignments Joanne McMullen, Helen Fadley and South Salem, Ohio; Font- in Wisconsin and North Dakota. and Lenora Kuhn. bonne College; St. Louis Univer- Prior to joining Holy Cross Con- Memorials can be made to the sity and Notre Dame Seminary, vent, Sister Benedicta worked as Holy Cross Sisters, 1400 O’Day New Orleans. a riveter in the Curtiss Airplane St., Merrill, WI 54452. 4 The Catholic Commentator May 24, 2019 New Roads native Sister Bertrand Lieux dies Sister Bertrand Lieux CSJ, a Lieux. Baptized Rita Ann, Sis- Charles Jerome, John Albin, J. Sister Bertrand graduated August 1976 Sister Bertrand was Sister of St. Joseph for 72 years, ter Bertrand is survived by sib- Edward, Theodore (Ted) Rich- from St. Joseph Academy in New appointed provincial of the New passed away at Mount St. Mary lings Magda Lieux Bonnette and ard, and sisters M. Lucille L. Roads and entered the Sisters Orleans Province of the Sisters Convent in Wichita, Kansas, on Ralph Lorio Lieux (Ellen) and Roy, Frances L. Dabadie, Sister of St. Joseph in of St. Joseph and Tuesday, April 9 at the age of four sisters-in-law: Meredith Beth Lieux CSJ. and brothers- New Orleans in served for six years. 88. Sister Bertrand was born in Lieux, Laverne Lieux, Shirley in-law Francis Eugene Roy, J. 1947, professing In 1982-83 she New Roads, one of 11 children of Lieux and M. Alice Lieux. Levy Dabadie Jr. and Charles perpetual vows in conducted direct- the late Joseph Bertrand Lieux She was preceded in death Bonnette. She is also survived by 1952. She attended ed retreats at the Sr. and Frances Azema Lorio by brothers Joseph Bertrand Jr., numerous nephews and nieces. Loyola University Jesuit Spirituality in New Orleans Center in Grand and received a Coteau. The follow- B.S. in Secondary ing year she worked Education, a mas- in community de- ters in Hospital velopment for As- Business Admin- sociated Catholic istration at Xavier Sister Bertrand Lieux Charities in New You make University in Cin- Orleans. CSJ cinnati, Ohio and Her next six an M.A. in Spir- years were spent as time for ituality at the University of San vocation development coordina- Francisco. tor for the New Orleans Region Sister Bertrand began teach- of the Sisters of St. Joseph. After family ing at St. Rose de Lima School in one year as Executive Director of New Orleans in 1949, taught and Development for the order in the was principal at Sacred Heart south, she moved to Cincinnati School in Grand Coteau and at and, until 2007, was Executive St. Rita School in Harahan. Director of Development for the She returned to New Orleans Sisters of St. Joseph Medaille. to teach at St. Ann School and She assisted on the mission St. Frances Cabrini where she advancement team at St. Jo- was principal from 1958 to 1962. seph’s Academy in Baton Rouge She was appointed principal and until she retired in 2012, when superior of Sacred Heart School health needs dictated her move and Convent in Norco. Sister to Mount St. Mary Convent. Bertrand spent a year at Mercy A Mass of Christian Burial Medical Center in Philadelphia was celebrated April 15 at Mount for certification in hospital ad- St. Mary Convent. Burial was in ministration prior to being ap- the convent cemetery. pointed assistant administrator A memorial Mass will be cele- and personnel director at Terre- brated at St. Mary of False River bonne General Hospital in Hou- Church in New Roads at a later ma. date. She was appointed admin- Memorial donations may be istrator at Terrebonne General made to the Sisters of St. Joseph from 1968 to 1974 and social at 3134 Hundred Oaks Avenue, service director until 1976. In Baton Rouge, LA 70808.

We make time for you.

Our clinics are now seeing patients after 5 p.m. and on weekends. CONGRATULATIONS! – Deacon John Minh Vu celebrates graduation day, May 9, with his parents Kim and Cuony Mai Vu. Deacon Vu graduated cum laude with a Master of Divinity degree from Notre Dame Seminary Graduate School of Theology in New Orleans. Deacon Vu is scheduled to be ordained a priest for the Diocese of Baton Rouge on May 25 at St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge. Photo provided by Notre Dame Seminary May 24, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 5 Not ruling on apparitions, Bishop announces pope allows pilgrimages to appointments Medjugorje

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – doubts about claims that the not the mother of Jesus.” Parishes and dioceses are now apparitions have continued for Pope Francis said his “per- allowed to organize official pil- more than 35 years. sonal opinion” is that “these al- grimages to Medjugorje, Bos- During his flight to Rome leged apparitions have no great nia-Herzegovina, but it must be from Fatima, Portugal, in May value.” clear that the Catholic Church 2017, the pope told journal- The “real core” of the com- has not recognized as authentic ists that, regarding the Med- mission’s report, he said, is Father Brad Doyle Deacon Tim Grimes Deacon John Vu the alleged Marian apparitions jugorje commission’s work, “the spiritual fact, the pas- there. “three things need to be distin- toral fact” that thousands of Bishop Michael G. Duca an- con Vu are scheduled to be or- Polish Archbishop Hen- guished.” pilgrims go to Medjugorje and nounced the appointment of dained priests May 25. Their ryk Hoser, the pope’s apostol- “About the first apparitions, are converted. “For this there Father Brad Doyle as parochial appointments are effective July ic visitor to Medjugorje, and when (the ‘seers’) were young, is no magic wand; this spiritu- vicar of St. Margaret of Scot- 1 and are for two years. Archbishop Luigi Pezzuto, the the report more or less says al-pastoral fact cannot be de- land Church in Albany, and Father Doyle is a native of nuncio to Bosnia-Herzegovina, that the investigation needs to nied.” chaplain of St. Thomas Aqui- Metairie and graduated from announced the pope’s decision continue,” the pope said, ac- The decision to allow orga- nas Diocesan Regional High St. Michael the Archangel to lift the ban on official pil- cording to the English trans- nized pilgrimages, banned by School in Hammond. High School in Baton Rouge. grimages May 12. lation posted on the Vatican the local bishops’ in 1991 and The bishop also announced He was ordained May 30, 2015 Alessandro Gisotti, the inter- website. confirmed by the Vatican in the appointments of Deacon by Bishop-Emeritus Robert W. im director of the Vatican press “Concerning the alleged 1996, recognizes the need to Tim Grimes as parochial vic- Muench at St. Joseph Cathe- office, confirmed the change, current apparitions, the report provide spiritual accompani- ar of St. Joseph the Worker dral. but said care must be taken expresses doubts,” he said. Fur- ment and care to the tens of Church in Pierre Part and Dea- He has served as parochial to ensure the pilgrimages are thermore, “personally, I am thousands of Catholics who con John Vu as parochial vic- vicar at St. George Church in not “interpreted as an authen- more ‘mischievous.’ I prefer Our travel to Medjugorje each year, ar of the cluster parishes of St. Baton Rouge and at the cluster tication of well-known events, Lady to be a mother, our moth- Gisotti said. It also is a recogni- James Church in St. James and parishes of St. James, St. Philip which still require examination er, and not a telegraph operator tion of the “abundant fruits of St. Philip Church and Our Lady and Our Lady of Peace. by the church.” who sends out a message every grace” those pilgrims have ex- of Peace Church in Vacherie. Father Doyle’s appointment Therefore, he said, church- day at a certain time – this is perienced. Deacon Grimes and Dea- is effective Aug. 5. sponsored pilgrimages must “avoid creating confusion or ambiguity from the doctrinal point of view.” In 1981, six young people from Medjugorje claimed that NOW IS THE TIME Mary had appeared to them. Some of the six say Mary still appears to them and gives them Don and Carl of Mr. D’s say don’t wait for messages each day, while others say they see her only once a year disaster to strike. Tree removal is a highly now. technical, yet a delicate task that requires Diocesan commissions stud- ied the alleged apparitions from qualified professionals. Call on us BEFORE the 1982 to 1984 and again from HURRICANE SEASON and we will give you a 1984 to 1986, and the then-Yu- goslavian bishops’ conference FREE quote on any tree removal or trimming. studied them from 1987 to 1990. Mr. D’s also offers DEEP ROOT FERTILIZATION. All three commissions conclud- ed that they could not affirm that a supernatural event was occur- ring in the town. In 2010, retired Pope Ben- Call Today! edict XVI established a papal commission to study the alleged Never attempt to apparitions. The commission’s 225-292-6756 trim or remove trees report has not been made pub- close to power lines or lic, although some of its points structures, as this could were revealed after Pope Fran- result in serious or fatal cis spoke about the commis- Mr. D’s Tree Service injury and/or significant sion’s work. Don and Carl say THANKS to their customers in damage to your home or Pope Francis acknowledged that pilgrims to the Marian the Baton Rouge area for over 40 years of service! property. site deserve spiritual care and Licensed and fully insured support, but he also expressed 6 The Catholic Commentator May 24, 2019 Going to Mass in pain/ Ambo for liturgical readings only?

In a few weeks I will turn 65 As for the part about how sick you make announcements from the ambo when a penitent has fallen into sin but is years old. I have arthritis in have to be to skip Mass, the answer is prior to the start of Mass. (Previously, stranded in a distant land? What is the Qmost of my joints; in the early “use your head.” The Catechism of the these commentators always used the church’s teaching, can technology be spring, when it’s rainy and damp, the Catholic Church says, microphone of the choir to applied positively in this regard? (Abuja, arthritic pain can be unbearable. Is it “The faithful are obliged welcome parishioners and Nigeria) a sin to miss Sunday Mass, given the to participate in the introduce visitors.) No, a penitent cannot con- extreme pain? Eucharist on days of obli- I was under the impres- fess and receive absolution by When is it acceptable to stop going to gation unless excused for sion that the ambo could be Atelephone. The teaching of the church and watch Mass on television? a serious reason (for ex- used only for the scriptural church is that the sacrament requires (Also, since my total knee replacement, ample, illness, the care of readings, homily and the the physical presence of a priest. I can no longer kneel down; so how does infants)” (No. 2181). The petitions during the prayer Among the practical reasons for this one go to confession without kneeling?) nature and degree of the of the faithful. May the is that the seal of confession requires and (Brookville, Indiana) sickness is not defined, ambo be used for announce- guarantees absolute and strict confidenti- First, about the posture for so we have to figure it out ments before Mass begins? ality. Among the “philosophical” reasons confession because that part is for ourselves. (Wichita, Kansas) is that confession brings the penitent Aeasy. I have heard the confes- The God we serve and First, some defi- into personal closeness with Christ in the sions of people lying in a hospital bed, believe in is a person nitions. The word person of the priest. sitting in a quiet corner of a restaurant, of reason. How could a Question Corner A“ambo” denotes a In 2011, an Indiana company devel- even standing on a beach. Clearly there loving God want you to reading stand and is often oped an app that provided an examina- is no requirement that the penitent be suffer excruciating pain Father Kenneth Doyle used interchangeably with tion of conscience, together with step- kneeling. as the price for going to Mass? And how the word “lectern.” The “pulpit” is ele- by-step instructions for what to do inside In the parish where I served as pastor could you even pray effectively when vated and generally reserved for preach- the confessional. At the time, asked by for 24 years, we had a confessional you’re feeling that bad? A handy rule of ing and the Gospel reading. reporters to comment, then-Vatican “room,” which is typical in Catholic thumb might be this: Would I go to work And technically, you are correct: No. spokesman Jesuit Father Federico Lom- churches today. There, the penitent could if I felt this way? 309 of the General Instruction of the bardi said, “It is essential to understand opt for anonymity by sitting or kneeling Roman Missal notes that “from the ambo well the sacrament of penance requires behind a screen or if he or she preferred Our pastor has just taken the only the readings, the responsorial psalm the personal dialogue between the pen- could come around and sit and talk face- step of allowing lay parishio- and the Easter Proclamation (Exsultet) itent and the confessor, and the absolu- to-face with the priest. Qners called “commentators” to are to be proclaimed; likewise it may be tion by the confessor.” used for giving the homily and for an- “This is something that cannot,” he nouncing the intentions of the universal added, “be replaced by any application.” prayer.” Father Lombardi did suggest, though, Look for The reality, though, is that some that it could be helpful, in preparation he aThoLiC ommenTaTor churches are small and sparsely fur- for confession, to “reflect on confession T C C nished, with only one logical place for preparation using digital instruments as aT your LoCaL ouTLeTs inCLuding: both the scriptural readings and the aids, as was done in the past with texts announcements. and questions written on paper.” ✔ Affinity Nursing Home, Baton Rouge ✔ Oak Wood Nursing Home, Zachary And, as somebody who has been in This restriction against sacramental ✔ Anthony's Deli, Baton Rouge ✔ Old Jefferson Community Care, the trenches for a long time, can I make confession by phone or online seems ✔ Alexander’s Highland Market, Baton Rouge an appeal? If your pastor is like most par- to me to be a matter of church disci- Baton Rouge ✔ Our Lady of the Lake Regional ish priests today, he’s got more work than pline rather than a divine mandate ✔ Ascension Books & Gifts, Gonzales Medical Center, Baton Rouge and he can handle; the last thing he needs to that could never be changed (provided ✔ Baton Rouge General Hospital, Walker worry about is where the commentator the privacy of the sacrament could be Baton Rouge ✔ Our Lady of the Lake Physician stands. guaranteed). ✔ Baton Rouge Healthcare, Baker Group, offices with locations But I would add that the situation ✔ Benedetto’s Market, Addis throughout the Diocese Can a person request confession your question presents the physical ✔ Bohning Supermarket, Ponchatoula ✔ Reeve’s Supermarket, Baton Rouge from a priest by telephone in unavailability of a confessor already has ✔ Calandro’s Supermarkets, ✔ Rouses, Baton Rouge, Gonzales, Qa circumstance, for example, a solution: an act of perfect contrition Baton Rouge Donaldsonville, Hammond, Plaquemine, when someone lives in a remote village until the opportunity arrives for the ✔ Catholic Art and Gifts, Baton Rouge Prairieville and Zachary and seldom has access to a priest or sacrament itself. ✔ Daigle’s Supermarket, White Castle ✔ St. Elizabeth Hospital, Gonzales ✔ Fran U, Baton Rouge ✔ St. Mary’s Books & Gifts, ✔ Grace Healthcare, Slaughter Baton Rouge ✔ Hi Nabor Supermarkets, Baton Rouge ✔ St. Vincent dePaul Stores throughout ✔ Hubbins Grocery, Port Allen the diocese ✔ Lane Regional Hospital, Zachary ✔ Schexnayer Supermarket, Vacherie ✔ Louisiana Vet Home, Jackson ✔ Southside Produce, Baton Rouge ✔ Matherne’s Supermarkets, ✔ Tony’s Seafood, Baton Rouge Baton Rouge ✔ UPS Store, Coursey Blvd., Baton ✔ Magnuson Hotel, St. Francisville Rouge ✔ North Ridgely Healthcare, Baker ✔ Whole Foods Market, Baton Rouge ✔ Oak Point Supermarket, Central ✔ Winn Dixie in Hammond, New Roads

as well as your local church parish

ST. JOSEPH GRADUATES – Several seminarians from the Diocese of Baton Rouge celebrated their graduation from St. Joseph Seminary College in St. Benedict on May 10. From left are Joseph Bresowar, James Vu, Jeremy Lopez, Albert Blount, Mi- chael Graugnard and Austin Young. May 24, 2019 FAITH JOURNEY The Catholic Commentator 7 ‘Historian’ Father Uter celebrates golden jubilee

By Debbie Shelley century,” he said. “I recently The Catholic Commentator discovered that I had ancestors who accompanied William the Digging into history is more Conqueror when he went from than a favorite pastime for Fa- Normandy, France (to invade) ther Frank Uter, pastor of Im- England. maculate Conception Church in “I’ve (also) discovered that Denham Springs. one of my ancestor’s brother was Each time he was assigned to the Archbishop of Canterbury a new church parish during his just two bishops after St. Thom- 50 years of priesthood, he re- as à Becket. I was able to see his searched the history of the area tomb in the cathedral.” and presence of the Catholic Fond memories fill Father Ut- Church to discover the commu- er’s head of each one of parishes nity’s Catholic faith roots. In do- Father Frank Uter is pictured at the Canterbury Cathedral next to the tomb of a brother of an ancestor, Hu- he served, including his most re- ing so, he planted roots through- bert Walter, who was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1193–1205. Archbishop Walter was buried near the cent assignment at Immaculate out the Diocese of Baton Rouge tomb of St. Thomas Becket, who had previously served as Archbishop of Canterbury. Photos provided by Father Frank Conception, where they dedicat- by bringing his memories and Uter ed the church’s historical land- experiences from one parish to mark “the Gate of Mercy” during the next. Father Uter handed the letter Mauro Rubio was here from the most.’ the Year of Mercy, 2015-2016. Family and friends from to Msgr. Lohmann, who read it, Diocese of Salamanca (Spain), “It was a challenge to have This is why his parishioners different milestones of Father put it back in its envelope, smiled which is where the first priests them understand and accept come first with Father Uter. He Uter’s life will gather May 31 at at Father Uter and said, “Frank- came from.” that I loved them all the same. had originally planned to cele- Immaculate Conception Church ie, I’ve known this for a long Father Uter wrote about the And in time they realized that brate his anniversary on March in Denham Springs as he cele- time. I’ve been waiting for you to history of the cathedral in his and started working together in 1, his ordination date. But he was brates his golden jubilee. find out.” book, “A History of the Catholic beautiful ways.” approached by a woman he had “I think it (call to the priest- “And so the rest was history,” Church in Baton Rouge.” Ad- One of his favorite memories baptized, as well as her siblings, hood) was always in the back smiled Father Uter. ditionally he was a contribut- of the river parishes was the St. and whose parents he had mar- of my head,” said Father Uter. He has served as pastor of ing editor to the book “Roots of James Parish Christmas Eve ried and she asked if he would “Daddy worked for Exxon He St. Mary of False bonfires, held annu- celebrate her wedding. He said was a chemist and worked in the River Church in ally on the levee. He “Sure, what is the date?” and she lab. But he liked to do woodwork New Roads, St. celebrated Christmas replied “March 1.” and carpentry. A lot of times Joseph Cathedral, Eve Mass at Most Sa- So his own plans went on the he would go to the (St. Joseph the cluster parishes cred Heart of Jesus back burner until staff members Cathedral, Father Uter’s child- of St. Michael the and walked and vis- and parishioners pressed him to hood parish) and build this or Archangel in Con- ited families until he set a date to celebrate his anni- enlarge that. And he always vent, St. Joseph in reached St. Joseph. versary. brought me with him. I got to Paulina and Most Then he walked back He selected May 31, which know the priests a little better. Sacred Heart of to the rectory, rested is the date his first assignment In the fourth- or fifth-grade I be- Jesus in Gramercy, and celebrated mid- became effective at St. Isidore, came an altar server. The priests as well as parochial night Mass at St. Jo- as well as the Feast of the Visi- were really good and I respect- vicar at St. Isidore seph. tation. ed them. And it was about that Church in Baker “You couldn’t eat at “Mary went to minister to her time, I began to wonder if I could and St. Thomas every house because cousin Elizabeth. And as Mary be doing that.” More Church in Ba- you wouldn’t be able to approached, Elizabeth was filled That thought came to his ton Rouge. move,” laughed Father with the Holy Spirit and min- mind periodically during “four Several of the Father Uter holds “Little Frankie,” a baby goat named af- Uter. “But it was nice istered to Mary, which ended great years” at Catholic High parishes were ap- ter him that was born at the petting zoo at the 2013 Parish visiting with people up with Mary praising God for School in Baton Rouge and when proaching mile- Fair at Immaculate Conception Church in Denham and talking and relax- his goodness,” said Father Uter. he attended LSU, but “I was able stone anniversaries Springs. ing.” “And I think in much the same to fill my mind with a lot of other at the time of as- In addition to re- way over these 50 years I have things too,” he chuckled. signment. cording ecclesial his- been assigned and gone to par- Father Uter replied with a When Father Uter was as- Faith: History of the Diocese of tory, Father Uter said his idea of ishes with the idea of going to standard “CPA” when people signed to St. Mary of False River Baton Rouge,” a project of the a vacation is “going to do family minister only to experience how asked him what he wanted to be. in 1976, he helped plan the 250th Diocese of Baton Rouge Archives genealogy” which has taken him wonderfully they have been min- One day he realized, “This is anniversary celebration of the Department. throughout Europe. istering to me, and for this I also crazy. This has been going on founding of the Catholic Church He also captured history fur- “I’ve got it down to the 11th praise God for his goodness.” long enough. You keep telling in Pointe Coupee Civil Parish at ther down river in “Stones Beside everybody what you’re going to the Post de la Pointe Coupee by a River: A History of the Catholic be when in the back of your head French missionaries in 1728. Church on the East Bank of St. you keep thinking about the pos- Likewise, when he was as- James Parish,” where he served RESTHAVEN sibility of being a priest.” signed to St. Joseph Cathedral in at an important junction in their GARDENS OF MEMORY & FUNERAL HOME He wrote a letter to St. Jo- 1984, he helped plan the bicen- history during the clustering of seph Seminary inquiring about tennial celebration of the cathe- St Michael, St. Joseph and Sa- ® the application process and they dral and the Catholic Church in cred Heart. We make it personal. replied with an affirming letter Baton Rouge in 1792. “The parishes never experi- for a better farewell asking him to show their letter to “It was fantastic,” Father Uter enced sharing a pastor,” recalled Msgr. Herman P. Lohmann, who said of the cathedral celebration. Father Uter. “There were ten- 11817 Jefferson Highway 225-753-1440 was then pastor at St. Joseph Ca- “Cardinal (Albert) Decourtray sions during those first few years thedral. came in from France and Bishop about whom they felt ‘I liked the 2x2”’16 8 The Catholic Commentator May 24, 2019

FLOWERS  tions come from parishioners who might From page 1 ask for special arrangements for signifi- cant occasions. quiet but when it has real flowers, it’s bet- During Lent, when the church deco- ter.” rations are low key, Nguyen spends her Mimi Tran, Nguyen’s sister and also a Saturdays working at her salon, donating parishioner at St. Anthony, said her sister the money she earns on those days to the told Father Nguyen that she knew a little flower fund. about flower arranging. “When my husband and I came to Ba- “He said, ‘Okay, you can try it,’ to let ton Rouge, we worked and didn’t have a him see. And, ever since then, he said, go high level of education. So we (did not) ahead and continue what you’re doing, so make a lot of money. I stay home and took she’s been doing it ever since,” explained care of the kids. We prayed, ‘God give Tran. me a good kid, eat and sleep, so I pray,’ ” “She does a great job,” said Father Pe- Nguyen said. “So when I need a job, I ter Tan Viet Nguyen ICM. “She spends a went to school and became a beautician. lot of time on Saturdays decorating the My babies, they grow up like normal. It’s church. I’m really thankful for what she beautiful, they don’t get in trouble, noth- does. A lot of time, families will stay after ing.” Mass to take pictures in front of the flow- She has passed on her passion for ser- ers, especially at Christmas and Easter.” Yen Tran Nguyen designed beautiful floral arrangements in honor of the Blessed Mother vice, encouraging others to celebrate the From there, a special ministry blos- for the month of May and Mother’s Day. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator blessings of God by doing good works. somed as Nguyen began taking classes “I tell everybody, I tell everybody on floral arranging. With an eye for beau- towering blooming branches on the altar. ers to sit on a table below an image of the in my family, I tell (all) of my friends, I ty and a skill for handling the greenery, She also color coordinates flowers with Sacred Heart of Jesus, with each color say, ‘you pray, you need to (acknowledge Nguyen’s arrangements are more than the vestments of the priests and consults matching perfectly those in the image. that),” Nguyen said. “(They ask), ‘What do just pleasing to the eye. They are also pur- with Father Nguyen to help set the tone Nguyen’s new calling has also been I have to do?’ I say anything, volunteer, poseful. for each Mass. a family affair. Besides her sister, she’s you know? Clean up the church … any- “In Vietnam, every flower and every “On Holy Thursday, I use calm colors also enlisted the help of her mother, Choi thing.” color has a special meaning,” stated white and green,” explained Nguyen. “For Nguyen, and family friend, Nhu Nguyen As her floral arrangements continue Tran. Easter, I use white and yellow for celebra- Nhat. The sisters’ husbands also join in to invite parishioners to experience the Nguyen has created arrangements tion. It’s a celebration.” the effort and Tran has asked for dona- fragrance of their faith, Nguyen’s words ranging from small bouquets for first Nguyen also created a floral arrange- tions from her three college-age daugh- and examples will also help spread those communicants to giant vases filled with ment using rich red, white and blue flow- ters to help pay for flowers. Other dona- seeds of faith. Crazy idea? Pels land No. 1 pick on a wing and a prayer

By Richard Meek Chicago on May 14, Baton Rouge sports given a six percent chance of landing the hattan. The Catholic Commentator talk show host Matt Moscona asked top pick in the NBA’s new lottery process. From his rectory, Father Alello, who longtime friend Father Michael Alello to “(Moscona) had this crazy idea,” said was not watching when the lottery order What began as a quirky idea among be a guest and say a prayer the Pelicans Father Alello, pastor of St. Thomas More was announced, smiled. two high school buddies reverberated would get the No. 1 pick in the draft and Church in Baton Rouge. “He “Look what happened,” he from Baton Rouge to New Orleans to New the opportunity to draft Duke megastar said that if (the Pelicans) said with a chuckle. “Let’s go York City. Zion Williamson. The Pelicans’ chances were going to win the NBA back to my prayer that was Hours before the NBA Draft Lottery in appeared unlikely, as New Orleans was (top) draft pack, get a priest terrible. Let’s talk about to come on and pray. It that.” was just that.” His social media account Receive The Catholic But Father Alello had was overrun with long-suf- Commentator in your a plan of his own, which he fering Pelican fans and friends mailbox every other admitted was initially a disap- offering their thanks and congrat- week—all year long. pointment to Moscona and others. ulations. “He wanted me to pray for specific Moscona even invited Father Alello to things and I went in and do what I do return to the show the next day. Natural- Subscribe Today! THE CATHOLIC best,” Father Alello said. “We don’t pray ly, given a chance to serve up a serving of Commentator for specific things. I said let’s pray that crow, who could refuse? ENCLOSED SEND MY SUBSCRIPTION TO: whatever happens is what needs to hap- “It was great, it was hysterical,” Father pen. Alello said. “It was 15 minutes of banter-  Check NAME ______“I got ragged off the air. Everybody ing back and forth.”  Money order ADDRESS ______for $14 per person in the studio said that my prayer stunk. Despite the frenzy and jocularity of per year. CITY ______STATE ______(Moscona) was disappointed. He said all the moment, Father Alello also stressed  I’d like to give ZIP ______I had to do was pray the Pelicans get the the spiritual side of the zaniness. a subscription first pick.” “Here is an opportunity to get the mes- —AND PLEASE SEND GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO— for an additional Not long after the show signed off, sage out in a market not used to hearing a $14 per year. NAME ______however, the NBA world was stunned Catholic priest,” he said. “Amid the goof- To pay by credit card, ADDRESS ______when the ping pong balls determining iness of the interview, the fact I was able call The Catholic CITY ______STATE ______the draft order bounced the Pelicans’ to invite people to pray, to slow down and Commentator at way, creating Gotham gloom in the Big invite them, to realize that God doesn’t al- 225-387-0983. ZIP ______GIVEN BY ______Apple and Bourbon Street bliss in the Big ways give us what we want, but if we are Easy. New York Knicks fans were all but open to what God wants for us, God is the MAIL TO: THE CATHOLIC COMMENTATOR, P. O. BOX 3316, BATON ROUGE, LA 70821-3316 certain the balls would bounce their way God of surprises,” he said. “Let’s be sur- and land Williamson in midtown Man- prised sometimes.” May 24, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 9 Volunteers honored during Mother Seton luncheon

By Bonny Van some of that load and be part of with a school. Some run to them The Catholic Commentator that educational process is what and some don’t run to them, makes any school, certainly our they admire them from afar, but Volunteers were honored Catholic schools, great,” said the the pastors that do have schools, during the annual Mother Seton bishop. “Any way that parents I want to commend them,” said Award luncheon May 7, host- can help teachers and support the bishop, asking pastors to ed by the Diocesan Home and them in their work, it’s just go- stand up and be recognized. School Association of the Dio- ing to make them better teachers Dr. Melanie Verges, super- cese of Baton Rouge. Twenty-five and free them up for the task at intendent of Catholic schools, recipients from Catholic schools hand. talked about how Catholic throughout the diocese were rec- “I commend the work of the school students had completed ognized for their hard work, sup- Home and School (Association) 200,000 student community Molly Kate Skupien, a fifth-grader at St. George School in Baton Rouge, port and dedication to Catholic for providing that kind of sup- service hours, recorded above is awarded 2019 Student of the Year for the Diocese of Baton Rouge. education. port that completes our educa- average scores on national stan- She is joined by Bishop Michael G. Duca and Dr. Melanie Verges, super- “These are the cream of the tion and takes on some of the dardized tests and how schools intendent of Catholic schools in the diocese. Photos by Bonn Van | The Catholic crop, these are the people that burden that schools have to take had completed strategic finan- Commentator make Catholic schools what they on now in this new era that we’re cial planning. She also noted the are because where would we be in, where there are different expansion of special education without our volunteers?” said needs of the children, which we services, with 200 students reg- Renèe Tullier, president of the provide, joyfully provide, which istered for the 2019-20 school Home and School Association. we can only do if teachers have year. And, she thanked members “Volunteerism is at an all-time that support.” of the Home and School Associ- low so that’s why it’s really im- “Today, I want to thank the ation for their assistance in sup- portant to honor these people Home and School Association porting Catholic schools. and to recognize them and try to and all those that are a part of “Volunteers are truly the get them to encourage others to that for your good work, for the heart of our schools,” Verg- do what they do.” way in which you support the es said. “They are invaluable Father Cleo Milano, pastor teachers, for the way you are that in achieving the vision of evange- of Our Lady of Mercy Church in ‘neighborhood’ that’s surround- lizing hearts, educating minds, Baton Rouge, prayed the bless- ing the students as they enter encouraging talent and embrac- ing before lunch was served at in their learning, and continue ing the future. Students achieve Drusilla Place Catering in Baton to support them and encourage more and reach higher stan- Rouge. He was followed by guest them into accomplishing that dards because of dedicated speaker Bishop Michael G. Duca, good work,” said Bishop Duca. teachers, administrators, clergy who talked about meeting the He also thanked the Catholic and parent volunteers.” alumni of a closed Catholic high Schools Office, faculty members Also honored at the luncheon school in Shreveport and learn- and pastors. were Diocesan Students of the Isabella Marie Bull, an eighth-grader at St. Jean Vianney School in Ba- ing of the important influence of “Every pastor has a different Year: fifth-grader Molly Kate ton Rouge, accepts the 2019 Student of the Year Award from Bishop the neighborhood surrounding a view of taking on a church parish SEE AWARDS PAGE 19 Duca and Verges. school, filled with watchful par- ents and neighbors who made sure the youth behaved respect- fully. “When you talk about the Hospice is About Living neighborhood, you’re also talking about the family and • We rely upon the intercession of our Blessed Mother to assist us in imitating the healing ministry of Jesus it reminded me about how im- Christ as we care for terminally ill patients and their families. portant, in the education of any •We call forth the compassion and kindness of our staff, who serve in this health care ministry, to respond to young person today, the place of the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of our patients and their families. the family … and the Home and •We believe in the sacredness of life from conception to natural death, and we devote ourselves to School Association is really an supporting patients and families through the dying process at the end of life’s journey on this earth and extension of that presence in a new life in eternity. school,” said Bishop Duca. The bishop spoke about how schools have evolved into pro- viding more than just classroom instruction, with many students receiving their only meal, or meals, of the day at school. “So we’re picking up some- The right people, thing that was before provided doing the right thing by the family and that happens for the right reason. SERVING PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS in so many different ways. So the work of a teacher needs the assis- • (225) 243-7358 tance of aids in their classroom, Notre Dame Hospice does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability or age in admission, treatment, ability to pay, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. volunteers who come to take up 10 The Catholic Commentator | May 24, 2019 May 24, 2019 | The Catholic Commentator 11

LEFT: The altar featured boiled seafood of many types, as well as baked breads and a number of traditional Cajun casseroles and desserts.

CENTER: Freshly boiled crawfish, crabs and Louisiana seasonings helped round out the decorations.

BELOW: Mary was at the head of the altar, which is pictured in the back- ground.

This unique statue of Jesus already came with a small net. But organiz- ers gave the Lord an even bigger net to better portray him as a “fisher of men.” Photos by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator

Cajun St. Joseph Altar

By Richard Meek tional several days after the altar had been taken Encouraged by the enthusiasm of Father David- Make no mistake, though, the highlight was the The Catholic Commentator down. “This is what I wanted.” son, Breaux, a retired florist, was off and running, food, which included approximately 40 pounds of She said the idea of a Cajun St. Joseph Altar has initially securing the façade of a Cajun cabin that boiled crawfish, 10 pounds of boiled shrimp, four Stuffed crabs were strategically placed, alongside boiled crawfish and been in her heart for quite some time. The parish had been used as a backdrop in a local theatre pro- dozen stuffed crabs and a dizzying selection of Ca- snuggling up to boiled shrimp. had not had an altar for more than 30 years ago, duction. jun desserts. The aroma of freshly cooked seafood permeated the parish hall at St. Jo- when Breaux was a volunteer assisting in the setup. “I started thinking of everything Cajun,” she “I was totally amazed and pleasantly surprised,” seph the Worker Church in Pierre Part, not unusual in a community where The idea of reviving an altar had been gnawing said, including borrowing crab traps and crawfish Father Davidson said. “It was a community effort fishing is a significant economic driver and its most popular pastime. at Breaux, but with a twist. Rather than the tradi- traps to adjourn the cabin. and that was the true beauty of it.” But what was unusual on this May 4 afternoon, a day when rain had tional Italian flare, she wanted an altar that would “(Fishing) was a big industry and that culture Following the vigil Mass, parishioners were dampened the area but certainly not the enthusiasm of parishioners, was showcase the area’s Cajun heritage. still goes on today,” Breaux said. “There are no more served a main meal of crawfish stew and potato seafood being the centerpiece of a St. Joseph altar. And it would be held close to May 1, the feast day pirogues, (boats) just a little bit more modernized.” salad, with some sampling food from the altar. All Forget the lava beans and pasta. This one-of-a-kind altar featured Cajun of St. Joseph the Worker, the parish’s patron saint. Along with the tantalizing array of crustaceans of the leftovers were donated to St. Vincent de Paul delicacies of all types, from crawfish stew to pecan pie, adorned by seafood “We had discussed the altar for several years and cooked in a variety of ways – Breaux admitted Society and area nursing homes. products and condiments of all types. nothing evolved from it,” said pastor Father Al Da- that she knew “exactly” who would contribute “People were amazed and already talking about While others admired the altar, Cathy Setton Breaux was beaming with vidson. “It wasn’t something I wanted to pressure what and that no one turned her down – the altar what they want to contribute next year,” Breaux pride. For it was her vision and hard work along with that of her “co-pilot” them into doing..” featured a number of statues of the Holy Family. said. “My goal was to bring the community together Wanda Oufnac and an army of 30 volunteers who made the Cajun St. Joseph “When (Breaux) came (about doing the altar for One statue of Jesus in a skiff was even modified like we used to, get this community working on altar come to life in an area where Cajun roots run deep in the fertile soil. this year) I was excited. I tried to hold back just to to have him holding a net as a symbol of “fisher something together.” The Holy Family stands above cooking ingredients for crab and crawfish, “I had a vision and it totally met my expectations,” said Breaux, still emo- see if it would evolve,” he added. of men.” Mission accomplished. part of the many items on the one-of-a-king Cajun St. Joseph altar on May 4 at St. Joseph the Worker Church in Pierre Part. 12 The Catholic Commentator May 24, 2019 Seniors’ advice: Savor final year of high school

By Bonny Van Ella Barhorst, a graduate of St. Joseph’s reer of Haley Bouchereau, a graduate of quickly,” said Barhorst. “The fun never The Catholic Commentator Academy in Baton Rouge. “I wish I Ascension Catholic High School in Don- stops and before you know it, you will be would have started making new friends aldsonville. saying goodbye to everything you have As seniors from Catholic high schools and broadened my horizons with clubs “Throughout the last four years, known for four years. Be as involved as throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge and involvement at school starting there were many ups and downs and possible, you won’t regret it.” clean out backpacks, donate used uni- freshman year.” many challenges that I had to face, but “Don’t try to rush senior year,” said forms and hang up their caps and gowns Besides all of the hard work in the the main lesson that I learned is no mat- Nicolosi. “Everybody’s all ready to gradu- from graduation, many can finally take classroom, seniors spent their last year ter what we face, because of our faith in ate and stuff but I regret trying to get the time to sit back and reflect on their enjoying the fruits of their labor with a Jesus Christ, we can do anything,” said through it so quickly. I think I missed out high school days and lessons learned schedule packed with activities includ- Bouchereau. trying to rush through the year.” along the way. ing school dances, special homecoming “The main lesson that I learned from “Focus on school because it is an im- “Make freshman year count,” said Clay events and graduation parties. Fitting it my high school years is that this time in portant year but make sure you are in the LeBlanc, a graduate of St. John the Evan- all in, along with studies and applications life is when you really get to learn about moment at all times and don’t rush it be- gelist High School in Plaquemine. “Fresh- for college and scholarships, can prove to yourself and what it’s like to be more in- cause it goes by quick enough,” said LeB- man year is very important when it comes be a true balancing act. dependent than ever before,” said fellow lanc. “I’m ready to start four more years to grades so study hard. If you start off “The biggest thing I learned is time Ascension Catholic graduate Madison of high school. I’d go back in a heartbeat! well the first year, you’ll be set for the next management between school work and Zeringue. “I felt like I was really finding I loved it!” year.” friends,” said Nicolosi. myself through every experience that I And finally, this note from Spears: “I would tell incoming freshmen that “With so many activities and assess- had and it pushed me to become the best “Rising seniors, congratulations for freshman year matters, even though you ments to prepare for I really had to learn version of myself possible.” the many accomplishments you have don’t think it does in the end with your how to prioritize my time,” said Derquisia For the Class of 2020, the Class of 2019 made already. The last year of high school GPA (grade point average),” agreed class- Spears, a graduate of St. Joseph’s Acad- said, “Don’t rush it.” is a beautiful time to continue discover- mate Madison Nicolosi. “It’s your whole emy. “Time is everyone’s greatest asset. “Seniors, you’re going to have many ing yourself and the person you aspire to first experience in high school. It matters, No matter who you are or where you come ‘lasts’ this year and they will all be bit- become. As always, stay persistent in your and you need to start working hard that from, we all have the same amount of time tersweet,” said Bouchereau. “Enjoy studies and encourage each other during year.” each day to do incredible things together those moments because they go by so your last year together. Senior year will “Incoming freshmen should be open for the glory of God.” quickly.” be over before you know it, so make your minded about high school,” advised Faith also guided the high school ca- “Incoming seniors, the year goes by time meaningful!”

GOSPEL  live in the hope of one day being with NOW From page 2 him forever. Jesus Christ, having en- tered the sanctuary of heaven once and The one who is love lives within us! for all, intercedes constantly for us as AVAILABLE! The doors of our hearts are open to his the mediator who assures us of the per- invigorating love at baptism as sancti- manent outpouring of the Holy Spirit fying grace overflows. (CCC# 665-667). Furthermore, Jesus explains to the The promise of Jesus is the founda- The 2018–19 apostle of coming of the advocate, the tion of hope, as “we desire and expect Holy Spirit, who will teach them and from God eternal life and the grace we Diocese of remind of what took place, reassur- need to attain it” (CCC# 1817). We exist ing them of his peace and return, and for eternal life with God. Every breath Baton Rouge preparing them to witness his pas- is one closer to this reality. We confi- ouge sion and death, the culminating act of dently believe, humbly repent and tell aton R Directory... love. This increased indwelling of God all what Christ has accomplished for B within us comes as his body, blood, their eternity. He commissioned us to ... a must have for easy access to the most current soul and divinity in the Eucharist, our go out, baptize and teach. This is the COMMUNION, with God and others. essence of missionary discipleship: listings and information on churches, clergy, religious, Hence, the Eucharist informs, pro- (GO) to evangelize/witness of faith by schools, diocesan departments and personnel, retreat tects, motivates, reciprocates, remains telling your story about how much God and sustains; is accessible visible and loves us; (BAPTIZE) invite others into centers, deaneries, institutions and organizations – central to faith. the community of the sacramental life right at your fingertips. Order yours today! Hope of the church; (TEACH) catechize/echo My associate director just popped all Jesus said and did. To place your order, fill out the form below and mail to: The his head in my office noticing the si- Our response is vital for those living Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 3316, Baton Rouge, LA 70821- lence (most unusual for me). He re- in a world working to silence the voice 3316 with a check or money order for $9.50 for each directory alized I was writing this article as I of God. Yet, his voice is ever-present. ordered. Or call to place on your credit card, 225-387-0983. mentioned the Ascension. He said You are his voice sowing seeds of faith, this is his favorite mystery of the ro- rooted in love to proclaim the hope of sary, the Ascension, since it promises salvation. Christ is the way with truth Number of Directories Ordered hope. Yes, indeed, there is life-giving and life. If you grow weary, remember, hope in the Ascension! The apostles he sends “upon you the promise of the Name look up to heaven “as he (Jesus) was father” (Lk 24:49), the promise of hope Address lifted up, and a cloud took him from in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of their sight” (Acts 1:9). Jesus Christ, life. Amen. City State Zip the head of the church, precedes us Dow is the Director of Evangeliza- Phone including area code into the father’s glorious kingdom so tion and Catechesis for the Diocese of that we, the members of his body, may Baton Rouge. May 24, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 13

EASTER LESSONS - Kindergar- ten students at St. Peter Cha- nel School in Paulina used their creative skills to make an edible tomb in which Jesus rose from the dead. The class celebrated Easter by having a “He is Risen” party the day stu- dents returned from the break, with activities to help them learn more about Jesus’ Way of the Cross and resurrec- tion. Students used a graham cracker as the ground, half a donut to represent the tomb and a small vanilla cookie to show the movement of the rock in front of the tomb. The students rolled their cookie LIFE SCIENCE – Seventh-graders at Holy Ghost School in Hammond culminate away from the tomb (and into science studies by dissecting frogs. Students learned about body systems and their mouths), then shouted how they interact with each other. Pictured, from left, are Claire Chauvin, Mag- “He is Risen!” after looking in- gie Elkins and Jennie Gay. Photo provided by Cindy Wagner | Holy Ghost School side the empty tomb. The stu- dents also gobbled up the ground and tomb as well. Photo provided by Amber Kilburn | St. Peter Cha- nel School

FAMILY CELEBRATION – Students at Catholic Elementary of Pointe Coupee in New Roads celebrated Grandparents’ Day. The halls were filled with hundreds of grandparents, great-grandparents and special guests. Students enjoyed showing off their artwork, religion fair projects and classrooms. Photo provided by Megan Girlinghouse | CESPC

Please give generously to the collection on June 1st and 2nd. Catholic Communication MOBILE CLASSROOM – Eighth-graders at St. Alphonsus School in Greenwell Springs took a tour of the Gulf Coast visiting sites such as the USS Alabama in Mobile, Alabama; Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport, Mississippi; Campaign and Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mis- sissippi. Students also participated in a service project at the Hancock County Food Pantry in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi and attended evening retreats and eu- charistic adoration at St. Augustine Retreat Center in Bay St. Louis. Photo provided by Cindy Ryals | St. Alphonsus School 14 The Catholic Commentator ENTERTAINMENT May 24, 2019

Motion Picture Association of America in a harmonious society led by a cheery games in the 1990s showcases too much MOVIE ratings: mayor (voice of Blake Shelton). One mayhem for little kids but is acceptable G – General audiences; all ages admitted free-spirited doll (voice of Kelly Clark- for other age groups, a lot of loose talk PG – Parental guidance suggested; some son) persuades her friends (voices of about transferring souls from one body REVIEWS material may not be suitable for children USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting Pitbull and Wanda Sykes) to explore the to another notwithstanding. Writer- PG-13 – Parents are strongly cautioned to classifications: wider world where they encounter flaw- director Rob Letterman salutes team- give special guidance for attendance of A-I – General patronage free figurines preparing to be received work and family ties while keeping the children under 13; some material may be A-II – Adults and adolescents and loved by children. The wicked romantic behavior chaste. But viewers inappropriate for young children A-III – Adults leader of this community (voice of Nick not yet initiated into the mysteries of R – Restricted; under 17 requires accom- A-IV – Adults, with reservations panying parent or adult guardian Jonas) heaps disdain on the new arriv- the Pokemon universe may feel both L – Limited adult audience NC-17 – No one under 17 admitted als and schemes to thwart their quest to left behind and unimpressed. Consider- O – Morally offensive be appreciated and cherished. Director able stylized violence, a couple of mild Kelly Asbury echoes the far superior oaths, vague sexual and drug-related “Toy Story” and “Monsters, Inc.” films, jokes, a bit of scatological humor. A-II; The Intruder outright psychopath. But the proceed- though his feature does offer a snappy, PG Screen Gems ings are otherwise remarkable only for singalong soundtrack. Brief cartoon A routine thriller for most of its run- the transgression with which they con- peril. A-I; PG Tolkien ning time, director Deon Taylor’s film clude. Benignly viewed vigilantism, at- Fox Searchlight becomes increasingly trashy before tempted rape and much other violence Hesburgh Sophisticated profile of the future ending with the justification of a pro- with some gore, semi-graphic marital O’Malley Creadon novelist’s youth traces his passage foundly immoral act in which viewers lovemaking, partial and obscured rear Informative, though wholly uncriti- from impoverished schoolboy (Harry are meant to revel. A prosperous San nudity, a scene of urination, at least one cal, biographical documentary about Gilby) to Oxford University scholar- Francisco couple (Michael Ealy and use of profanity and a few milder oaths, Holy Cross Father Theodore Hesburgh ship student and beleaguered officer in Meagan Good) plan to move to the Napa a single rough and several crude terms. (1917-2015) chronicles not only his long the trenches of World War I (Nicholas Valley and start a family. But the creepy O; PG-13 tenure as president of the University Hoult). Along the way, he bonds with owner (Dennis Quaid) of the charm- of Notre Dame but his involvement in a trio of precociously gifted peers (An- ing, ivy-covered home they buy has not UglyDolls cold-war diplomacy, the civil rights thony Boyle, Patrick Gibson and Tom reconciled himself to relinquishing it STX movement and shaping the changing Glynn-Carney) and falls for his future and keeps turning up uninvited. In a Based on the eponymous line of plush character of Catholic higher education. wife (Lily Collins). Though the Catho- performance that ranges from intense toys, this animated musical offers a Filmmaker Patrick Creadon’s profile lic faith that would help to shape the to over-the-top, Quaid grimaces and worthy lesson for children about the touches on a number of controversial grown writer’s vision is only represent- smolders as screenwriter David Lough- need to look beyond superficial appear- incidents in the once seemingly ubiq- ed by the caring but stern priest (Colm ery’s script has his character teeter be- ances for true beauty and goodness. Re- uitous cleric’s career and deals with Meaney) who served as his guardian tween plausibly pathetic widower and jects from the toy factory live together issues that may still divide Catholic after the death of both his parents, viewers. But he also emphasizes his director Dome Karukoski and screen- subject’s enduring love of the priest- writers David Gleeson and Stephen hood. Mature themes, potentially dis- Beresford successfully convey first turbing sights, a single mild oath. A-II; the buoyant camaraderie that led the Not rated by the Motion Picture Asso- band of friends to regard themselves ciation of America. as brothers and, in the poignant latter part of the film, the horrors of the glob- The Hustle al conflict in which they were eventu- MGM ally caught up and the toll it exacted on This spiritless, by-the-numbers com- them. Some harsh combat violence, a edy is a gender-swapped remake of few gruesome images, a bit of slightly 1988’s “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” which bawdy humor. A-II; PG-13 was itself based on 1964’s “Bedtime Story.” Two con artists (Anne Hatha- Long Shot way and Rebel Wilson) in the south of Lionsgate France collaborate to scam $500,000 Tasteless romantic comedy in which from someone they think is a tech mo- an out-of-work reporter (Seth Rogen) gul (Alex Sharp). Working from a script chances to reconnect with his former by Jac Schaeffer, director Chris Addison babysitter (Charlize Theron) who has relies on hit-or-miss sight gags instead since become the U.S. secretary of state of wit, and the story comes off as an out- and a presidential aspirant. She hires dated mechanical ride punctuated by him as a speechwriter and the two fall occasional attempts at crass humor. An for each other. Though the relationship implied casual sexual encounter, some is cheered on by his best friend (O’Shea crude banter, a single profanity, fleeting Jackson Jr.), one of her staffers (June rough language. A-III; PG-13 Diane Raphael) quickly perceives that his lack of looks and crass manner clash Pokemon Detective Pikachu with her elegance in a way that could Warner Bros. hurt her chances for the highest office. A 21-year-old insurance worker (Jus- A debased portrayal of human sexu- tice Smith) hunts for his estranged fa- ality and relentlessly vulgar dialogue ther, a detective who may or may not make director Jonathan Levine’s shrill have died in a car crash. He’s helped by film unsuitable for all. Skewed values, dad’s pocket-monster partner (voice of semi-graphic premarital sexual activity, Ryan Reynolds), a wisecracking crea- benignly viewed drug use, much sexual ture he initially dislikes but eventually humor, including sight gags, a blasphe- befriends, and by an aspiring reporter mous expression, about a half-dozen (Kathryn Newton) with whom he’s soon uses of profanity, at least one milder smitten. The first live-action feature oath, pervasive rough and crude lan- in the franchise that began with video guage. O; R May 24, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 15

1234 56789 11120 131 MAY CROWNING – With May representing the month of 41 51 61 Mary, students at Mater Dolo- 187 1 91 rosa School in Independence crowned the Blessed Virgin 02 12 232 2 Mary on May 13 during a May 254 2 62 Crowning event. First Commu- 287 2 92 nion students led the student body toward a statue of Our 03 13

Lady in front of the school, with 23 343 3 36375 383 everyone singing “Immaculate Mary.” Grace Finley and Gray- 93 04 son Gaudet crowned Our Lady 42431 4 44 with a crown of fresh flowers made by Finley’s grandmother, 54 64 Madelene Guzzardo Pisciotta, 74 84 409 515 who once crowned this very same Madonna. Photo provided by 25 543 555 Erin Mendez | Mater Dolorosa School 65 75 85

95 06 16


ACROSS 2 Amer. government agency 1 “Let the dead ___ their dead…” 3 Attaining (Lk 9:60) 4 Sweet potato 5 Trap 5 Meetings of bishops 10 Whirl 6 Swellings 14 On a cruise ship 7 Summer drinks 15 Warble 8 Title for clergy (abbr.) 16 Lawsuit 9 Dance slide 17 Opening pair? 10 Catholic United States Supreme 19 Certain something Court justice 20 Resinous deposit 11 Pope during Vatican II 21 Departs 12 Another name for Jacob 22 A priest wears a Roman one 13 Approaches 24 Laying on of ___ 18 “___ Dei” 26 Tries hard 23 Scraps of food 27 Jesus healed his daughter (Mk 25 Space 5:22-42) 26 Sport for heavyweights 29 Cut short 27 Cram 30 Patron saint of young girls 28 “His mercy is from ___ to…” (Lk 31 Parisian friends 1:50) 32 Prefix with watt 29 Spelunker 33 Ruin 33 Sunday talks 35 Cyberauction site 34 Diva’s solo 39 St. Thomas’ surname 35 “Able was I ere I saw ___” 40 Position 36 Sport 41 He is the patron saint of Poland 37 Very skilled person 44 Drinking glass 38 Nevertheless 45 Biblical territory 39 Sorvino of “At First Sight” MAY CROWNING AT SJA – Students from St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge participate in a May 46 “And do not bring us to the time 40 French World War I soldier of ___.” (Lk 11:4) 41 Another name for the area of the Crowning ceremony. Pictured front row, from left, are Addison Bruce, Trystan Tate, Derquisia 47 Beast Promised Land Spears, Catherine Contini and Olivia Clark. Pictured back row, from left, are Katherine McCullen, 48 Asian inland sea 42 Among Julianna Hill, Leanne Livingston, Kate Michel and Lacy Wendell. Photo provided by Mindy Averitt | St. Joseph’s 49 Catholic Fawkes of the Gunpow- 43 15th letter of the Hebrew alpha- Academy der Plot bet 52 “…begotten not ___…” 44 Favored 53 The ___ Heart of Mary 45 Brazilian ballroom dance 56 Expose to warmth 46 Commerce 57 Lyric poem 48 Cupid MAY CROWNING – 58 Last word 50 Southwestern Indians Noah Deshotel, an 59 Nat’l song 51 Urges eighth-grade student 60 Cut into small pieces 54 Dashboard ltrs. at St. Elizabeth School 61 “Good” queen of England 55 Science rm. in Paincourtville, plac- DOWN es a garland on a stat- 1 False god of the Old Testament Solution on page 18 ue of Mary during a May Crowning cere- mony. Photo provided by Kathleen Herpich | St. Elizabeth School 16 The Catholic Commentator VIEWPOINT May 24, 2019 Why be Catholic? When did Jesus pray?

e seldom see the hid- he week ahead looks busy. After two Masses make. Before choosing his disciples, he prayed. In den hand of God at on Sunday morning I will be headed to St. his agony in the garden Jesus prayed to under- Wwork in this world, TJoseph’s Abbey in Covington for a day and stand and accept the will of his heavenly father. but God is always active in hu- a night with my priest support/prayer group. We He feared a painful and shameful death: “Father, man history. C.S. Lewis always have been doing this for years. It is a good thing if you are willing, take this cup away from me.” stressed the fact that, “The to do. In the Gospels it appears that Jesus thought But several hours of anguished prayer brought Church will outlive the universe, so too. He often took his apostles off to quiet him to a resolution: “... not my will but yours be and because of this, the individ- places for prayer. This must done.” Having grown old, I have ual person within it will outlive have impressed them because shared a lot of those kinds of prayers the universe.” I’ve been asked to they asked him to teach them with friends now ill and knowing repeat this column, and here it is how to pray. In response to their life is coming to an end. It is with few improvements ... their willingness to learn, Jesus sad, but also a wonderful opportuni- Everything that is joined to taught them the “Our Father.” ty to appreciate the wonderful graces the immortal head of the Mysti- Spirituality When Jesus did pray, we see that God has given to those whom cal Body of Christ will share his the humanity he shared with we loved most and who have shared immortality. Lewis insisted, that us. He blessed food humbly, our life. if we do not believe this truth For Today thanking God his father who Jesus prayed with his disciples we might as well “relegate the Father John Catoir provides for our most im- and friends in synagogues and in Christian faith to the museums.” portant needs. In times past, the temple in Jerusalem. As man, he Neither individuals nor communities can inherit eternal people ate to sustain body and offered praise and worship to God. life unless they belong to the Mystical Body of Christ. soul. Today we research food, He chose to live by the command- The secular world is blind to this truth. experiment with endless diets, ment of Exodus 20:8, “Remember to Lewis debunked the un-Christian notion that each and even become anorexic keep holy the Sabbath Day.” Jesus one of us starts with the treasure we call the “person- trying to avoid the weight that Another demonstrated that our prayer lives ality” locked up within us, and life is about becoming modern food produces. We give should include formal community famous. He scoffed, “But no one who seeks fame or origi- too much thought to nutrition Perspective worship services. In the Mass he in- nality for its own sake will ever become either famous or and too little to saying grace. vites us to offer this type of worship original.” This simple prayer can be our Father John Carville together with him to God. When Considering the truths of the Gospel, we know that regular way of giving thanks for we think of all the Mass is, we can the true goal of human life is to abide in Jesus Christ, the goodness of creation and understand his command: “Do this and attain heaven. We are called to tell the truth as we the goodness of the creator. in memory of me.” The bread and wine become see it, doing our job as well as it can be done for the Jesus prayed when tired and weak. Exhausted not only Christ’s body and blood but also our work’s sake. When we succeed at this, originality and from the crowds that sought after him, he often new Passover meal, an assurance of his pres- sometimes fame will come unsought. Only in Him and retired to deserted places to pray. He needed to ence, God’s real presence, in our life as we join with Him and through Him will the goal of eternal life be alone with God to renew his energies. Jesus ourselves to him. As we share his prayer and his become possible. prayed when he felt overwhelmed by the sadness sacrifice on earth, we are promised a share in his The time will come when every culture, every insti- of his friend Lazarus’ death. His first reaction to resurrection in heaven. tution, every nation and the entire human race includ- hearing of the death of his cousin, St. John the At the Last Supper Jesus prayed for his friends. ing every biological life form in this world will become Baptist, was to withdraw with a few close friends Every Mass offers us the opportunity to do the extinct. The solar system, and the billions of galaxies in and pray. Prayerful time with God, strengthened same. The liturgy we have been using since Vati- outer space, will all burn themselves out and disappear. by the presence of friends, can give us the cour- can II has included the Prayer of the Faithful. It is Nothing is eternal but God, and those who share his life. age to carry on even after sustaining great losses. a beautiful prayer that binds us together with God Immortality, which is the gift of living beyond the lim- Emotional times can drain us, so that we don’t and with each other. We should use it as often as its of this world, will only come to those who belong to feel inclined to pray. However, that is often when we can. the inner life of God. This gift is bestowed on us by virtue we need prayer the most. I was very impressed by of our membership in Christ’s Body. By belonging to his the number of French men and women who came FATHER CARVILLE is a retired priest in the Diocese Mystical Body, we come to share in His eternal destiny. to Notre Dame Cathedral while it was burning to of Baton Rouge and writes on current topics for Lewis maintained, “Our immortality is directly pray rosaries and share their grief. The Catholic Commentator. He can be reached at related to our union with Christ. Baptism makes us an Jesus prayed when he had big decisions to [email protected]. organic part of the Body of Christ. The Mystical Body of Christ is a metaphor for the cosmic Christ, who pervades and penetrates the entire universe.” Metaphors helps us | to explain the unexplainable, which is the very purpose Pray for those who pray for us of all theology. Please pray for the priests, deacons and religious women and men in the Baton Rouge Diocese. “Therein lies the maddening ambiguity of our faith as it appears to others. As private individuals, as mere May 30 Rev. Ju Hyung (Paul) Yi Br. Noel Lemmon SC Dcn. Michael T. Chiappetta biological entities, each with a separate existence, we all Dcn. Thomas D. Benoit June 4 Most Rev. Robert W. Muench Sr. Carolyn Brady CSJ appear to be of little account, but as members of the Body Br. Dwight Kenney SC Dcn. Claude H. Bourgeois Jr. June 9 Rev. Richard R. Andrus SVD of Christ, we are assured of our eternal self-identity, and May 31 Rev. Gerard F. Young Sr. Rosalind Barbeneaux SSF Dcn. Randall A. Clement shall live to remember the galaxies as an old tale.” Dcn. Mark T. Berard June 5 Rev. Howard R. Adkins Br. Paul Montero SC The Catholic Catechism defines membership in the Sr. Barbara Arceneaux FMOL Dcn. Jerry W. Braud June 10 Rev. Joey F. Angeles Mystical Body of Christ as extending beyond the mem- June 1 †Bishop Robert E. Tracy Br. Roger LeMoyne SC Dcn. Samuel C. Collura bership of the Roman Catholic Church. Then who are the Dcn. Willie M. Berthelot Sr. June 6 Rev. Donatus Ajoko Sr. Judith Brun CSJ members? All who sincerely call Jesus the Lord of their Br. Clifford King SC Dcn. Stephen G. Brunet June 11 Rev. Charles A. Atuah MSP lives are certainly members, and Jesus established the June 2 †Bishop Stanley J. Ott Sr. Sandra Blanchard CSJ Dcn. William Corbett Catholic Church to bring us all home. Exactly how? That Dcn. William B. Blair Jr. June 7 Rev. Michael J. Alello Br. Marcus Turcotte SC is something hidden from our eyes. Sr. Kathleen Babin SC Dcn. Barry C. Campeaux June 12 Rev. J. Cary Bani Why be Catholic? Everyone must answer that for June 3 Most Rev. Michael G. Duca Br. Malcolm Melcher SC Dcn. David L. Dawson III themselves. Dcn. Daniel S. Borné June 8 Rev. David E. Allen Sr. Lan Thuy Buin ICM May 24, 2019 VIEWPOINT The Catholic Commentator 17 Who goes to hell and who doesn’t?

ell is never a nasty sur- If there’s anyone in hell, it’s even as his deepest want is to be mate longing is still to be inside love can encompass, empathize prise waiting for a basi- because that person truly wants with his mother. We know the of that circle of love which we with, melt down and heal that Hcally happy person. Nor to be distant from love. feeling. at that moment seemingly hate, hatred. Our love should too. is it necessarily a predicable But can someone really want Hatred, as we know, is not hate because we feel that we’ve Christian hope asks us to be- ending for an unhappy, bitter to be distant from God’s love opposite of love but simply one been unfairly excluded from lieve things that go against our person. Can a happy, warm- and from human love? The modality of love’s grieving and it or violated by it and hence natural instincts and emotions hearted person go to hell? Can answer is complex because we’re so this type of dynamic peren- deem it to be something we and one of these is that God’s an unhappy, bitter person go to complex: What does it mean to nially plays itself out in the be- want no part of. Thus someone love is so powerful that, just heaven? That’s all contingent want something? Can we want fuddling, complex, paradoxical can be very sincere of soul and as it did at Jesus’ death, it can upon how we un- something and relationship that millions of us yet because of deep wounds to descend into hell itself and there derstand hell and not want it all at have with God, the church, with her soul go through life and die breathe love and forgiveness how we read the the same time? each other and with love itself. wanting to be distant from what into both the most wounded and human heart. Yes, because Our wounds are mostly not our she perceives as God, love and most hardened of souls. Hope A person who is there are differ- own fault but the result of an heaven. But we may not make a asks us to believe that the final struggling honestly ent levels to the abuse, a violation, a betrayal or simplistic judgment here. triumph of God’s love will be to be happy cannot human psyche some traumatic negligence with- We need to distinguish be- when Lucifer himself converts, go to hell since hell and consequently in the circle of love. However tween what at a given moment returns to heaven and hell is is the antithesis of the same desire this doesn’t preclude them doing we explicitly want and what, at finally empty. an honest struggle can be in conflict funny things to us. When we’re that same moment, we implic- Fanciful? No. That’s Chris- to be happy. Hell, with itself. wounded in love, then, like a itly (really) want. They’re often tian hope; it’s what many of our in Pope Francis’ We can want reprimanded, sulking child who not the same. The reprimanded great saints believed. words, “is wanting something and wants distance from his mother, child seemingly wants distance Yes, there’s a hell and, given to be distant from not want it all at we too can for a time, perhaps from his mother, even as at human freedom, it’s always a God’s love.” Any- In Exile the same time. for a lifetime, not want heaven another level he desperately radical possibility for everyone; one who sincerely That’s a common because we feel that we’ve been wants her. but, given God’s love, perhaps wants love and Father Ron Rolheiser experience. For unfairly treated by it. It’s natural Many people want distance sometime it will be completely happiness will nev- instance, take a for many people to want to be from God and the churches, empty. er be condemned to an eternity young child who has just been distant from God. The child even as at another level they of alienation, emptiness, bitter- disciplined by his mother. At bullied on the playground who don’t. But God reads the heart, Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, ness, anger and hatred (which that moment, the child can bit- identifies his or her bullies with recognizes the untruth hiding theologian, teacher and award- are what constitute the fires of terly hate his mother, even as the inner circle of “the accepted inside a sulk or a pout, and judg- winning author, is president of hell) because hell is wanting not at another, more inchoate, level ones” will understandably want es accordingly. That’s why we the Oblate School of Theology in to be in heaven. Thus there’s no what he most desperately wants to be distant from that circle or shouldn’t be so quick to fill up San Antonio, Texas. He can one in hell who’s sincerely long- is in fact his mother’s embrace. perhaps even do violence to it. hell with everyone who appears be contacted through his web- ing for another chance to mend But until his sulk ends he wants However that’s at one level of to want distance from love, site and things so as to go to heaven. to be distant from his mother, soul. At a deeper level, our ulti- faith, church and God. God’s The women who stayed

he women were the ones who stayed. I regret to The women stayed at the foot of the cross. They did straight. The women who stay after class with the say that I missed this for most of my life. not desert Jesus. They cared for his beaten, bloody body. student who’s struggling. The women who stay up late T I don’t just mean that I missed this in Scrip- They went in the dark to anoint him at the tomb with oil with the teenager who needs to talk. The women who ture, although it took me decades to realize that women and spices. They stayed faithful to the daily, loving work stay at the bedside after everyone else has left the stayed at the foot of the cross when of caring for others in body and soul. hospital room. almost all the men fled – or that women During this Easter season, the women have They are Mary and Joanna and Mary Magdalene were the first to discover the Resurrec- settled into my heart and refused to leave. and Salome. They are every unnamed woman in the tion in every Gospel. Mary Magdalene and Mary his mother: bear- Gospels, every friend of our Lord whose story was never I mean that I missed it everywhere. er of good news and bearer of God. Joanna, told. They are the saints we know and love. They are the The truth that women’s work and Salome, Mary the mother of James, and all reason many of us have faith in the first place because witness are too often overlooked and the unnamed women: the ones who stayed by our mother or grandmother or godmother or aunt or unseen. the cross and the ones who went to the tomb. teacher or sister taught us first. I’m embarrassed to admit that I The women of the Resurrection have led The world spins on, but the women stay. Imagine didn’t grasp this reality until I became me to ask how I can stay faithful to my family, how different the story might have been if the women a mother. Until the hard but holy work to my work and to all the places I have been had not gone to the tomb while others slept, had not dis- of parenting made me realize how much called. covered the body gone, had not listened to the angels or faithful love and service from women Throughout human history, women have had not run to tell the stunning news of Christ’s resur- had made my life possible. often been in the shadows, not the spotlight. rection that changed everything. How my mom sacrificed late nights Mothering They showed up on the margins but didn’t get From birth to death, women are called to stay faith- and early mornings to care for her five to write the stories. ful – then and now. children. How my aunts gave countless Yet every Gospel tells of their faithfulness We would not be here without them. hours to tend to my grandparents at Spirit at the end. How did I miss this? the end of their lives. How my teach- Laura Fanucci Because, quite frankly, I missed how the FANUCCI is a mother, writer and director of a project on ers, coaches, doctors, professors and women stayed in my life, too. vocation at the Collegeville Institute in Collegeville, employers – women who helped to shape me into the Now I’m trying to notice them everywhere. The Minnesota. She is the author of several books, including woman I am – have done their work with the same women who stay after dinner and do the dishes. The “Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting,” faithful commitment. women who stay after Mass and set the hymnals and blogs at 18 The Catholic Commentator COMING EVENTS May 24, 2019

Summer MAT Courses – Registration is now being sponsor a married couples retreat Friday, June 21 – Goodwood Blvd., Baton Rouge, will sponsor a Bless- accepted for summer Ministry and Theology Courses, Sunday, June 23 at the St. Joseph Christian Life Cen- ings Mission local mission trip for students entering offered by the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis ter in St. Benedict. For more information and to regis- 10th – 12th grade Tuesday, June 18 – Sunday, June 23. of the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Basic and intermedi- ter, visit or call 504-830-3700. Participants must register by Friday, May 31 by visiting ate certification levels are available. Register at learn. For more information, call the St. Marriage Enrichment Retreat – A marriage en- Thomas More parish office at 225-275-3940. richment retreat, “Hold Me Tight,” will be held Friday, St. Joseph Fair – St. Joseph the Worker Church, May 31, 3-6:30 p.m., and Saturday, June 1, 8 a.m. – 5 Pentecost Fest – A Pentecost Fest will be held Sun- 3304 Hwy. 70 South, Pierre Part, will host its parish p.m., in room 206 of the Bishop Robert E. Tracy Cen- day, June 9, 4 – 8 p.m., at Our Lady of Peace 13281 Hwy. fair Friday, May 24 – Sunday, May 26. There will be ter, 1800 S. Acadian Thwy., Baton Rouge. For more in- 644, Vacherie. There will be food, bingo, music, a water- food, live entertainment, bingo, auction and cook-off. formation and to register, email Elizabeth Schroeder slide for kids and cornhole tournament. For more infor- For more information, visit at [email protected]. mation, visit or call 225-265-3953.

Third Order of Mary – The St. Agnes Confraternity Engaged Couples Retreat – Engaged couples are Pentecost Mass – Father Anthony Odiong, pastor of of the Third Order of Mary will meet Sunday, June invited to a retreat, “Called to Love” Friday, June 14 – St. Anthony of Padua Church in Luling, will celebrate a 9, 3 p.m., at St. Agnes Church, 749 East Blvd., Baton Sunday, June 16 at the Bishop Robert E. Tracy Center, Pentecost Mass with healing service Sunday, June 9 at Rouge. For more information, call Karen Mollere at 1800 S. Acadian Thwy., Baton Rouge. To register and St. Joseph Church, 15710 Hwy. 16, French Settlement. 225-272-5915. for more information, visit Praise and Worship will begin at 1:30 p.m. and the Mass will begin at 2 p.m. Father Odiong will pray for the sick Willwoods Retreat – Willwoods Community will Blessings Mission – St. Thomas More Church, 11441 after Mass. For information, call 225-698-3110.

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May 24, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 19

AWARDS  and religion and they asked a lot Pennsylvania on a full scholar- in Independence; Jennifer Taffa- ton Rouge; Donna Carville, St. From page 9 about subjects.” ship. ro, Most Blessed Sacrament John the Evangelist School in “I think it’s a great honor be- The 25 honorees of the School in Baton Rouge; Paul Plaquemine; Johnny Cieutat, Skupien from St. George School cause I’m really excited that all Mother Seton Award are Rachel Catalanatto, Our Lady of Mercy St. Joseph School in Poncha- in Baton Rouge; eighth-grader the hard work got to pay off, and Broussard, Ascension Catho- School in Baton Rouge; Jamie toula; Dan Boudreaux, St. Jo- Isabella Marie Bull from St. Jean also it’s just a great title to be lic School in Donaldsonville; Haymond, Redemptorist St. seph’s Academy in Baton Rouge; Vianney School in Baton Rouge; able to have,” Stepha- Gerard School in Baton Rouge; Stephanie Mayeaux, St. Jude the and senior Kashish Wadhwa said Bull. “Volunteers are truly nie Riegel Bobbie Hunter, Sacred Heart of Apostle School in Baton Rouge; from St. Thomas Aquinas School “She was Woolverton, Jesus School in Baton Rouge; Lori Steib, St. Michael the Arch- in Hammond, who was unable very happy, the heart of our schools.” C a t h o l i c Regina Leonard, St. Aloysius angel High School in Baton to attend because of College Ad- s u r p r i s e d , High School School in Baton Rouge; Kristy Rouge; Michelle LeBlanc, St. vanced Placement exams. she was hon- Dr. Melanie Verges in Baton Ponvelle, St. Alphonsus Ligouri Peter Chanel School in Paulina; “It’s been a really great expe- ored (to be Superintendent of Catholic schools Rouge; Me- School in Greenwell Springs; Danielle Callais Waguespack, rience and I’m really glad that I selected),” gan Sand- Claire Blanchard, St. Elizabeth St. Theresa of Avila School/ got to do it,” stated Skupien, who said Jyoti Gagneja, mother of ers, Catholic School of Pointe School in Paincourtville; Paula St. John Primary in Gonzales/ said the hardest part of being se- Wadhwa. Wadhwa’s mother and Coupee in New Roads; Pat Northern, St. Francis Xavier Prairieville; Michelle Trapen, St. lected was the interview process. father, Parveen Kumar, attended Clough, Holy Family School in School in Baton Rouge; John Thomas Aquinas High School in “I had a lot of interviews to get the luncheon to represent their Port Allen; Greta Foster, Holy Edwards, St. George School in Hammond; and Christine Ho- to where I am right now. They daughter who will be studying Ghost School in Hammond; Tina Baton Rouge; Cherie Hardouin, sea, St. Thomas More School in asked a lot of stuff about school pre-med at the University of Johnson, Mater Dolorosa School St. Jean Vianney School in Ba- Baton Rouge. Classifieds Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

In sales employment advertisements, the ad- Diocese of Baton Rouge vertiser must name the product or service to PLACE YOUR Catholic Schools Office be sold. Ads must state how wages will be paid AD HERE. (salary, commissions, etc.) if money is men- St. Michael the Archangel High School CALL 225-387-0983. tioned. The ad must also state if there is an in- Credit cards accepted. President Opening: 2019-20 vestment required. St. Michael High School (SMHS) seeks to fill the newly established position of President to serve as the chief administrative officer of the school. Accountable for the overall operation of the high school, the President will work cooperatively with the Principal in ensuring that Catholic identity remains strong at SMHS. Directly responsible for the external affairs of the school, the President is charged with all aspects of financial vitality and management, facilities, advancement, community relations, and governance. As the chief spokesperson for the school, the President provides visible, personal leadership to the school community and articulates and IMMEDIATE OPENING | SUMMER 2019 promotes the high school to the school community and the external public. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR | School Food & Nutrition Services Founded in 1984, SMHS is a nationally-accredited, co-educational, college preparatory diocesan high school located in Baton Rouge providing students with a The Archdiocese of New Orleans School Food and Nutrition Services administers traditional, comprehensive Catholic education. With a passionate, experienced fac- the Child Nutrition Program for 63 cooking kitchens and 11 satellite food operations ulty and a rich and challenging curriculum, SMHS provides the ideal environment dispersed throughout 11 civil parishes which provides nutritional support to 25,000 for students to achieve their full potential. Students are encouraged to work hard, to students. The Executive Director of School Food and Nutrition Services will be dream big, and to see academic success as an exciting and worthwhile pursuit. responsible to oversee all aspects of the Child Nutrition Program operations for the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Baton Rouge…. Archdiocese of New Orleans. School Food and Nutrition Services of New Orleans, Inc. Evangelize Hearts, Educate Minds, The ideal candidate will possess the following knowledge and skills. Encourage Talent, and Embrace the Future • Knowledge of Child Nutrition Program and food safety regulations. Basic Requirements and Preferences: • Knowledge of staff management and labor relations. • Practicing Catholic with Advanced Degree • Ability to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences. • Minimum of Five Years of Relevant Experience • Ability to assess program needs, develop long range goals, and annual objectives. • Experience in Donor Relations and Cultivation, Alumni • Ability to apply the principles of financial management in the development and Outreach and Planned Giving monitoring of annual program budget. Full Job Description and Requirements available at • Ability to utilize technology to improve program quality, service and efficiency. • Ability to develop effective interpersonal relationships. • Preference will be given to those who follow the tenets of our Catholic faith. Send resume, copies of all college transcript(s) showing degrees, and three letters of recommendation to All candidates must meet the qualifications. SMHS President Search • At least five years’ experience in food service in a commercial or institutional setting and two years’ experience at the management or administrative level. Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Schools Office • Pass a criminal background check P. O. Box 2028 • Bachelor's degree with a major in one of the following subject areas: food and nutrition, dietetics, business, hotel and restaurant management or related field. Baton Rouge, LA 70821-2028 In lieu of degree, 10+ years of relevant experience required. Applications will be considered as received. o PLEASE REFERENCE FULL details via our Archdiocese of New Orleans JobBank The schools of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, admit students of any race, color, nation- al and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made Posting at Qualified applicants will submit a available to students at its schools. They do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national letter of interest along with resume to [email protected]; Please include your and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and name in subject line. loan programs, and athletic and other school administered programs. 20 The Catholic Commentator May 24, 2019

MASS  of this. From page 1 “And we don’t understand the richness of what’s there to feel like ‘Oh this isn’t something recognize it. Actually this expe- I need.’ ” rience and this pace (God’s) is Father Clark said a young per- what I’m created for – not this son’s commitment to their faith (phone). There’s this disconnect and Mass attendance while in of ‘this feels boring’ but actually college is proportionate to their there’s just a misunderstanding parents’ commitment before of what’s happening here.” they even get to college. Those Before giving into what ap- things that the family found pears to be a dismal picture, most important is most likely go- there is hope and success sto- ing to be most important to the ries in reaching young people, young Catholics. according to Sister Renée, West “The ‘nones’ (those who have and Father Mike O’Rourke OP, not identified themselves with director and chaplain at St. Al- any religious affiliation) is said bert. Father Andrew Merrick, pastor of Christ the King Church and Catholic Center in Baton Rouge, celebrates to be the largest denomination New chapters in young peo- Mass at CTK. Priests and campus ministers in the Diocese of Baton Rouge say accompanying young Catho- of young people. And the largest ple’s lives open the possibility lics and helping them make the faith their own is a way to keep them connected to their faith. Photo by Richard denomination in this country is of looking for something deeper Meek | The Catholic Commentator former Catholics of all ages,” said than what the culture offers Sister Renée. them, Father O’Rourke noted. ing. At St. Albert and the Martin recognizing one doesn’t have all Technology is a great tool for “A lot of people I see leave (the “This generation doesn’t have Luther King Jr. Center on the the answers, West said. evangelization and catechesis, church) do so until they get mar- boxes that they put people in. I campus of Southern University, “It’s catechesis for ourselves but it also poses challenges in ried or start a family, and it’s a think this is where some of the there are retreats, Bible studies, and them,” she said “develop- that compared to what’s avail- kind of life change that gets them questioning comes from,” she food, socials, help with studies ing and recognizing ‘I’m helping able on various social media, to rethink all of that, not just ‘all said. and other invitations that draw someone walk,’ helping someone some young people may find right. I’m to spend my life with And the fact that young Cath- the students in. else to develop their faith, say- Mass and silence “boring.” this other person,’ but ‘Okay, olics are seeking the truth and According to Father Clark ing, ‘I’m not done. I’m not going “There’s something about be- what’s this all about?’ ” said Fa- asking questions means they and Wilfred Johnson, campus to know all of it. Let’s walk to- ing connected … ‘I don’t have to ther O’Rourke. “It’s just those haven’t given up on their faith minister at the Martin Luther gether.’ ” be alone as long as I have this,’ ” kind of events that make them all together, according Father King Jr. Center, there is a bus Father Clark agreed. said Rita West, campus minister review things.” O’Rourke, Sister Renee and that comes to pick students up “We have to be with them, at St. Albert, holding up her cell Sister Renée noted that the West. for Sunday morning Mass at whether they are attending Mass phone. “We need that solitude younger generation of Catholics “There are a lot of students Immaculate Conception and or not so they can develop that with the Lord and not the pace are non-judgmental and accept- open to having dialogue and ask- sets up a booth at the student relationship,” he said. ing questions and really listen- center with information and The priests and campus min- ing,” said West. Bibles. isters were optimistic not only

She said it’s a healthy dia- “We have to go out to where about the ability of young people logue in which, rather than ask- they are,” said Johnson, who at- to “find their way home” to the Give the Best Gift ing in an accusatory way, they tended Catholic schools as well church, but to guide it. say, “What’s your response to as Southern and connected with “I don’t think this is a lost of All – Yourself! this?” MLK because someone “told him generation,” said Sister Renée. But the church must be open it was there,” something which “And I think that if we really Every day there are people who are praying to listening to young people applies to today’s young Catho- do have ears to hear there can rather than “laying down the lics. be some leadership in this gen- for a miracle – just an everyday miracle – like law,” Father O’Rourke said. Catholics can invite the eration helping the church to be- a hot meal, a prescription filled, a warm bed “We need to grow ears,” he younger generations to take a come more of what Jesus Christ or a decent pair of shoes. You can help. added. fresh look at the faith by living calls it to be.”

The campus ministers and their faith authentically along- Johnson said, “We have to Volunteer Opportunities: priests said people must also side them, emphasized Sister help them see what they can be-  Staring’s Star Organizers – Help us organize not overestimate the power of Renée. come.” clothing and shoe donations for needy families invitation. This involves humility and at our Staring Lane St. Vincent de Paul Store.  Dining Room Volunteers – Help with our NCEA HONOR – Jack Nelson, pic- bags of hope program and meal service at the tured left, principal at St. George St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room. School in Baton Rouge and winner  Pharmacy Volunteers – We have a volunteer of the 2019 National Catholic Edu- job for you helping us in our charitable cational Association’s Lead. Learn. pharmacy. Proclaim. Award, joins Dr. Melanie  Manna Givers - We need individuals or Verges, superintendent for Catholic groups who can bring in a purchased or schools in the Diocese of Baton Rouge, and Father Cleo Milano, pas- prepared supper once a month to our shelter. tor of Our Lady of Mercy School in  Many Other Volunteer Opportunities – Baton Rouge and also a winner of Waiting Just for YOU - Visit us and sign-up at the 2019 NCEA’s Lead. Learn. Pro-, for a heavenly volunteer experience. claim. Award at the NCEA conven- tion in Chicago in April. Photo provided by the Catholic Schools Office THE CLASS of 2019

Special Supplement of The Catholic Commentator MAY 24, 2019 2B The Catholic Commentator CLASS OF 2019 May 24, 2019

CONGRATULATIONS TO the class of 2019

The Class of 2019 was offered admission to 114 colleges and $19.8 million in scholarship money was offered to 68.46 percent of the universities. Class of 2019 (does not include TOPS information. TOPS data is not yet available for the Class of 2019). 119 seniors dedicated 50 or more hours to service during $ each of their four years. Appalachian State University Howard University Rochester Institute of Technology University of Colorado Boulder Arizona State University Johns Hopkins University Rollins College University of Colorado Boulder Leeds Arizona State University Barrett Lehigh University Salem College Honors Program Honors College Long Island University, Brooklyn Samford University University of Connecticut Arkansas State University Louisiana State University Savannah College of Art and Design University of Denver Auburn University Louisiana State University Southeastern Louisiana University University of Georgia Auburn University Honors College Ogden Honors College Southeastern Louisiana University University of Georgia Honors Program Baton Rouge Community College Louisiana Tech University Honors Program University of Houston Baylor University Louisiana Tech University Southern Methodist University University of Kentucky Belhaven University Honors Program Southern Methodist University University of Louisiana at Lafayette Belmont Abby College Loyola Marymount University Honors Program University of Louisiana Monroe Belmont University Loyola University of New Orleans Spring Hill College University of Miami Bellarmine University Loyola University of New Orleans Spring Hill College Honors Program University of Minnesota Boston University Honors Program St. Edward’s University University of Mississippi Bowdoin College Marymount Manhattan College St. John’s University University of Mississippi Sally McDonnell California State University, McNeese State University St. John’s University Honors Program Barksdale Honors College Long Beach Millsaps College Stetson University University of Montana California State University, Mississippi College Stevens Institute of Technology University of New Orleans Northridge Mississippi State University Texas Christian University University of North Carolina - Charlotte Case Western Reserve University Mississippi State University Shackouls The Ohio State University University of Notre Dame Centenary College of Louisiana Honors College Toccoa Falls College University of Oregon Clemson University New York University Trinity University University of San Francisco College of Charleston Nicholls State University Tulane University University of San Francisco Honors College Colorado School of Mines North Carolina State University Tulane University Honors Program University of South Alabama Colorado State University Northwestern State University of Louisiana United States Coast Guard Academy University of South Carolina Crown College Oklahoma State University United States Merchant Marine Academy University of Southern California Duke University Oklahoma State University Honors College University of Advancing Technology University of Southern Mississippi Duke Kunshan University* Old Dominion University University of Alabama University of Tennessee Emerson College Oregon State University University of Alabama at Birmingham University of Tennessee Chancellor’s Honors Florida International University Panola College University of Alabama Honors College Program Fordham University Pennsylvania State University University of Alabama Randall Research University of Tennessee, Knoxville Franciscan Missionaries of Our Pepperdine University Scholars Program University of Texas at Austin Lady University Providence College University of Arizona University of Vermont Furman University Purdue University University of Arkansas University of Virginia Georgia State University Rhodes College University of Central Florida University of Wisconsin Georgia State University Rice University University of Charleston West Texas A&M University Honors College River Parishes Community College University of Chicago Wichita State University

3015 Broussard Street (225) 383-7207 Four-time U.S. Department of Education SJA has a non-discriminatory Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence admissions policy. 1991 1996 2002 2016

1991 • 1996 • 2002 • 2016 May 24, 2019 CLASS OF 2019 The Catholic Commentator 3B St. Joseph’s Academy 2019 graduates

Barreneche, Anne Lewis Barton, Cangelosi, Olivia Catherine Car- Claire Elizabeth Bass, Phoe- roll, Madison Claire Cefalu, Julia nix Alyssa Beauvais, Alexandra Rose Charleville, Delia Marie Ann Belanger, Ashlan Louise Chiasson, Olivia Paige Clark, Belanger, Brooke Elizabeth Sydney Lynn Clebert, Mary Bell, Logan Payton-Taylor Bell, Marguerite Cloutier, Rachael Emma Elizabeth Benton, Kirby Noel Coates, Victoria Claire Col- Elise Black, Abby Frances Blaize, lier, Catherine Claire Contini, Margaret Claire Blouin, Tay- Elizabeth Corinne Cook, Tor- lor Danielle Blouin, Ella Grace rie Rayann Cook, Anna Reese Bollinger, Anna Grace Borne, Couhig, Catherine Marie Couvil- Anna Elise Bowden, Karsyn lion, Tori Ann Crockett, Cammie McCall Bowen, Summer Marie Marie D’Amico, Marie Claire Bowen, Adelaide Claire Brad- Dalmau, Emma Catherine Dan- ford, Claire Elizabeth Branch, iel, Danielle Elizabeth DePierri, Madison McCall Boudreaux Anna Claire LeJeune Emily Anne Martin Callie Harper Braud, Tysyn Emily Marie DeSoto, Olivia Jane Co-Valedictorian Co-Valedictorian Co-Valedictorian Minnis Brazier-Carter, Brook- Devall, Kathryn Grace DeVillier, St. Joseph’s Academy, Baton and Emily Anne Martin. Lauren Diane Arceneaux, Bai- lynn Langdon Brock, Annabelle Raeann Lee Didier, Amelia Au- Rouge, held its graduation, Sun- Also included in the Class ley Phoebe Ardoin, Katherine Catherine Broussard, Paige try Dittmar, Anne-Marie Dizor, day, May 19 at the Raising Cane’s of 2019 are Lily Ann Abadie, Grace Ashy, Madeline Nicole Catherine Brown, Rylie Caroline Caroline Catharine Dolese, River Center Arena. Cameron Elizabeth Accardo, Ballew, Alexis Marie Barbay, Brown, Addison Camille Bruce, Claire Louise Edwards, Rachel Named as co-valedictori- Madeline Grace Acosta, Julia Claire Elizabeth Barbera, Ella Mackenzie Grace Bynog, Cece- Marie Edwards, Mary Helen Ei- ans were Madison McCall Bou- Kelly Akin, Claire Marie Alfon- Elizabeth Barhorst, Lauren Ash- lia Kate Callicott, Sierra Nicole serloh, Emma Kathryn Englade, dreaux, Anna Claire LeJeune so, Anna Katherine Andrishok, leigh Baronet, Gabriella Maria Campbell, Catherine Elizabeth SEE SJA PAGE 8B

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Valedictorian Madison Frances Nicolosi, left, and Salutatorian Shelby Gulf Coast Bank. Angelle Cheramie Stop by and meet a St. John High Relationship Banker Old Goodwood Branch 7235 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge 70806 School graduation 225-932-7272

On Thursday, May 9, St. John cher, Katie Marie Carville, John Perkins Branch the Evangelist Church in Plaque- Miguel Courtney, Zachary Mi- 13906 Perkins Road mine hosted the 2019 graduation chael Dorsey, Devin Catherine Baton Rouge 70810 of St. John High School. Durand, Abigail Marie Falcon, 225-763-2000 Named as valedictorian was Ashlyn Grace Gomez, Caleb Madison Frances Nicolosi and Scott Kleinpeter, Clayton Joseph salutatorian was Shelby Angelle Wilbert LeBlanc, Sarah Grace Cheramie. LoBue, Beth Renee Marcantel, Other graduates in the Class Lakyn Alise Morales, Lauren of 2019 included Preston Paul Theresa Pearce, Justin Ray Riv- Acosta, Peter James Anderson et, Gracie Ann Romero, Devin III, Kayla Nicole Arceneaux, Jacob Romig, Kaylee Renee Sad- Collin Peter Barbee, Brandon den, Sydni Marie Schnebelen, Michael Berthelot, Adam An- Adam Joseph Theriot, Jamison drew Blanchard, Bryce Michael Leo Traigle, Trévon Joseph We- 800-223-2060 | GULFBANK.COM Bouquet, Benjamin George Bu- ber and Alise Jeanne Wille.

GCB_BeSmart_Commentatorad8490.indd 1 4/15/19 4:16 PM 4B The Catholic Commentator CLASS OF 2019 May 24, 2019 Catholic High School 2019 graduates

Catholic High School, Baton Boudreaux, Brennan Michael Jensen Alexander Crifasi, Chris- Rouge, held its 2019 commence- Bourg Jr., Byron Joseph Bourg topher Lawrence Cronin, David ment exercises Sunday, May 18 Jr., Brandon Paul Bourgeois, Winters Culotta, Evan Jacob at the Raising Cane’s River Cen- James Beauregard Miller Brock, Daigrepont, Cameron Lee Dart- ter Arena. Jack Nathan Broussard, Chris- ez, Grant Matthew David, Isaak Kyle Anthony Becnel was topher Joseph Brown, Gabriel Etienne Dawson, Parker Henry named valedictorian and Ed- David Brown, Karsten Alexan- Delatte, Ross Joseph DeNico- ward Grant Alumbaugh was der Brown, Zachary Richard la IV, James Couto DeOliveira, Kyle Anthony Becnel Edward Grant Alumbaugh named salutatorian. Browning, Benjamin Michael John Andrew Dial, Carter Lew- Valedictorian Salutatorian Class of 2019 also included Brumfield, Collins Edward Bry- is Dicharry, Tyler James Didier, Joseph Gaupp, Cade Edward James, Ian Lee James, Benjamin Grant Edward Adams, Luke ant, Adam Joseph Budd, Thom- Francis Vu Dinh, Lucas Dante Giambrone, Cason Luke Gomez, Lewis Johnson, Colin Michael Christian Anseman, Hunter Jo- as John Bunch, Brooks Alan DiResto, Francis Huu Tho Doan, Matthew Scott Goodson, Rob- Jolivette, Steele Parker Jones, seph Antie, Murphy Martin Jay Burgess, Donald Jamal But- Hunter James Doiron, Allen ert Andrew Graham, Christo- Nicholas Miller Judice, Stephen Arcemont IV, Jaylin De’Sean ler, Jacob Alan Campbell, Jor- Charles Duggar, Paris John Du- pher Anthony Grant, Jonathan Luke Kadair, Samuel Patrick Armwood, Yusuf Rasheed At- dan Darryl Candilora, William Vernay III, Daniel Garon Dyess, Kramer Greer, Jr., Hayden Allen Kane, William Cooper Katzen- kins Jr., Shane Michael Aucoin, Matthew Carbo, Houston Kent Connor Matthew Eisenbraun, Guidry, Ryan Jacob Harmon, meyer, Clarence Barton Kemper Miles Gregory Aycock, Alex- Carley, Jake Aaron Carpenter, David Hall Ellison, Holden Alex- Collin Michael Hedges, Spencer IV, Sean Patrick Kennedy Jr., ander Reid Babin, Paul Daniel Carson Joseph Caruso, Nich- ander Farmer, Jashawn Thomas Joseph Heitman, Tytan John Frank Marion Kerr, Landry Al- Balhoff, Walter Matthew Ball olas Gerard Castel, Jonathan Ferrand, Charles Reed Fontenot, Henley, Patrick Michael Herry, exander Kerth, Jonathan David III, Truett Lee Bankston, Caleb Lee Castille, Cole Michael Ca- Edward Guy Francis Jr., Jacob Briggs Nathan Hinton, Le Ngoc Koch, Kirby Pierce Koch, Clifton Lane Barber, Eli Paul Barbin, zenave, Wesley James Charlton, John Frazier, Benjamin Joseph Ho, Mitchell Thomas Honore, Lockett Kurzweg, Brennan Ty Thomas Allen Baxter, Robert Raymond Lorio Chassaignac, French, Aaron Christopher Brandon Edward Hubicz, Tyler Labatut, Michael Joseph LaCour, James Birke, Joseph Scott Black Hunter Stephen Chauncy, Luke Fruge, Jack Thomas Fuselier, Charles Humphrey, Benjamin James Allen Lalonde III, Charles II, Conner Joseph Blanchard, James Cockfield, Gregory Davis Joseph William Gagliano III, Louis Hupperich, Nolan Gilbert Edward Landry, Collin Anthony Ryan Joseph Blanchard, Everett Cole, Michael Voorhies Conger, Garrett Hays Gamble, Maxwell Hutchinson II, Philip Anthony Landry, Edward Barker Landry, James Bonner III, Joshua Paul Alejandro Sebastian Cordova, Jameson Tench Gammon, Lance Hymel, Benjamin Thompson SEE CHS PAGE 8B May 24, 2019 CLASS OF 2019 The Catholic Commentator 5B St. Michael the Archangel High School Class of 2019

St. Michael the Archangel erine Helen Cazedessus, Claire High School graduated 138 Elizabeth Cazedessus, William students May 17 at the Raising Roger Clark III, Jace Christo- Cane’s River Center Arena. pher Clark, Whitley Grace Clark, Named as valedictorians were Anne-Marie Margaret Cobb, Anna Sarah Crifasi and Judy Jake Douglas Cobb, Madison Ngan Vu. Named as salutatorian Leigh Collier, Ryan Matthew was Beau William Saucier. Collins, Madison Noelle Co- Others included in the Class meaux, Mark Anthony Cook, of 2019 included Eunice Mer- Chandler Ray Courreges, Kinsey cy Aggrey, Jacob McKenzie Michelle Davis, Michael Antho- Akers, Maxwell James Alfred, ny Degeyter, Wallace Samuel Peyton Matthew Anderson, Dupeire Jr., Brett Patrick Emick, Gabrielle Marie Austin, Olivia Kathryn Anne Ensminger, Alex Mae Barrilleaux, Presley Isa- Michael Ezell, Ellen Audrey Far- Anna Sarah Crifasi Judy Ngan Vu Beau William Saucier belle Theresa Beaugh, Emily gason, Alexis Marie Fernandez, Co-Valedictorian Co-Valedictorian Salutatorian Elizabeth Bergeron, Danielle Andrew Joseph Ferrara, Wilson Lee Blanchard, Emma Aline Eric Fields, Jacob Daniel Finley, Hebert, Ian Michael Hitchner, McLaughlin, Zachary Lee Merci- Stephanie Marie Schiro, Kenne- Blanchard, Devin Daniel Bou- Bethany Reagan Flauss, Antho- Hannah Elise Hoffer, Baileigh er, Hannah Alysce Metz, Carson dy Jordan Seelbach, Christopher dreaux, Leah Marie Bourg, Al- ny James Fleury, Carley Jewel Nicole Hughes, Amber Yuwa James Morain, Luis Sebastian Michael Sehring, Nathan Thom- yse Ranee Bourgeois, Madeline Foil, Andrew Lawrence Gainey, Igiede, Chandler Jamal James, Morales, Ashlon Anna Morris, as Seidenglanz, Shania Gabrielle Claire Breaux, Jeffrey Dale Bri- Lance Cole Garafola, Donovan Caroline Mitchell Johnson, Garen Edward Moutafian, Nareg Sims, Megan Frances Smith, gnac, Dylan Pax Britt, Caroline Michael Gegg, Brenden Todd Gil- Zachary Nicolas Josephson, Paul Moutafian, Alexis Noelle Madison Michelle Spinosa, Vic- Marie Brown, Brandon Daniel ly, Ty Joseph Guidroz, Andrew Luke Bernard LaFleur, Avery Mouton, Anna Renee Neupert, toria Rose St. Romain, Alyssa Bull, Adam Ellis Callegan, Ga- Dale Hackney, Edward Charbel Catherine Landry, Kaitlyn Layne Jenny Nguyen, Paul Dai Nguy- Brooke Stevison, Caleb MacKen- brielle Elizabeth Carlos, Bren- Hage, Kinley Claire Hagmann, Landry, Sara Marceline Lavasti- en, Tai Minh Nguyen, Alejandro zie Stewart, Bailey Ann Sunseri, nen Harley Carr, David Randall Ainsley Elizabeth Harrell, Isa- da, Abigail Marie LeBlanc, Leigh Reyes Oseguera, Lyndon Gerard Katherine Paula-Marie Tanner, Cashio, Charles Hunter Casma bella Josephine Haydu, Landon Evalyn LeBlanc, Payton Thomas Pace, Miranda Theresa Petty, Julia Abigail Titus, Hayden Jack Jr., Paige Emily Cassano, Cath- Joseph Hebert, Michael Charles LeBlanc, Rachel Gabrielle Lem- Walter Hayden Phillips, Chris- Toney, Camille Elizabeth Toups, oine, Adriene Jolie Louviere, Al- tian Antoine Redden, Jaren Elizabeth Jeanne Trahan, Mau- yse Marie Mahler, Ryleigh Ash- Thomas Reimonenq, Amber Ma- ra Gabrielle Travieso, Matthew ton Manuel, Taylor Alexander rie Rivet, Jake Numa Robinson, Thomas Tucker, Marc Andrew Marcello, Emily Claire Martin, Lance Dauntaye Robinson, Jar- Tullier, Emilie Ann Vidrine, FRANU spring grads Sarah Elizabeth Martin, Nich- ed Blaine Romero, Tyler David Hannah Dieu Vu, Gina Alexan- olas Octave Matherne, Lauren Rube, Dominic Christopher Sag- dra Ward, Jamonda Erin War- Approximately 170 Francis- Bachelor of Science in Biology Marie McKinney, Skylar Renee ers, Grace Anna Belle Sanford, ner and Samuel Cole Woodard. can Missionaries of Our Lady Jason Lowell, Magan Adams, University students were con- Jozscef Bermudez, Amanda Gib- ferred masters, bachelors or son, Emily Loup, Brett Ross, The graduating Class of 2019 at associate degrees during the Bailey Saucier university’s commencement ex- Ascension Catholic Diocesan Regional School ercises on Saturday, May 18 at Bachelor of Science in Clinical the Raising Cane’s River Center Laboratory Science had 48 members. Arena. Payton Mitchell Master of Health Administration Bachelor of Science Chelsea Fields Carter in Health Sciences Delayna Arnold, Viktoriia Leigh Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies Bachelor of Science in Health Justin Allen, Madeline Service Administration Beard, Lauren Billingsley, Al- LaBrelah Hutchins, Gabrielle exandria Bloise, Elizabeth Albarado, Lindsey Falcon Blough, Lauren Bourgeois, Eleanor Brandon, Jenna Bachelor of Science in Nursing Bumgardner, Amy Ali, Casey Erin Felton, Gwenetta Town- Corner, Danielle Derbes, Krista sel, Trina Bob, Michelle Byrne, Dooley, Kaley Duplantis, Val- Steven Chronister, Robin Easley, erie Erath, Jonathan Fletcher, Julie Everhart, Dawn Hamilton, Sierra Herbert, Mamie Keller, Jenna Harris, Elizabeth Harris, Laura Knight, Danielle LaBor- Victoria Holt, Amanda Larkins, de, Matthew Navarro, Lexi Sharon Lind, Mandy McCarroll, Parr, Ryan Ring, Kari Semmes, Yomaira Mesquita, Thai Scal- 27 Honor Graduates Jacob Shaw, John Teal III, Jen- lions, Demeka Underwood, Leah nifer Warner, Harold Zylicz II Zermeno-Corona, Keisha Roch- Anticipated TOPS Scholarship Awards – 71% of class ester, William Brignac, Alexan- Bachelor of Arts in Liberal dra Bates, Rebecca Baygents, TOPS Award total – $754,067.07 Studies-Psychology Jordana Bourgeois, Leighanna Total Scholarship Monies Awarded to the Class of 2019 Deonna Hawkins-Jackson, Buie, Katie Cazayoux, Savannah Beverly Holmes, Susan McDaniel SEE FRANU PAGE 7B $1,091,552.07 6B The Catholic Commentator CLASS OF 2019 May 24, 2019 Catholic High School of Pointe Ascension Catholic Coupee Class of 2019 Class of 2019 graduates

Bailey Morgan Chutz Olivia Brianne Beauvais Julia Catherine LeJeune Madison Anne Zeringue Mason Anthony Zeringue Valedictorian Co-Salutatorian Co-Salutatorian Valedictorian Salutatorian

Catholic High of Pointe dall James Andre III, Sarah Kathleen Day, Ethan Joseph Ascension of Our Lord Barber, Rodney Paul Blanchard, Coupee graduated Saturday, Elise Andre, LeeAnn Marie Elliott, Charles Hayden Fabre, Church in Donaldsonville was Dakota Michelle Bonadona, Ha- May 11 at St. Mary of False Armond, Emma Louise Bates, Kaitley Dielle Fisher, Tatya- the location for the 2019 gradu- ley Clare Bouchereau, Armani River Church in New Roads. Peyton Juwan Boone, Taye’Aya- na Rebecca Lynn Fontenot, ation of Ascension Catholic High Malynn Braud, Stephen Mark Named as valedictorian na Ja’Zair Briscoe, Brock Ellis Duncan Joseph Fremin, Emily School on Saturday, May 11. Breaux, John Michael Brous- was Bailey Morgan Chutz. Bullara, Cameron Clovis Burk- Claire Garon, James Norman Twins Madison Anne Ze- sard, Alex Michael Cedotal, Al- Named as co-salutatorians staller, Emily Ann Cazayoux, Garrett, Grace Cecelia Gosser- ringue and Mason Anthony Ze- den Jude Charlet, Nydia Maude were Olivia Brianne Beauvais Reagan Elisabeth Cazayoux, and, Andrew Japeth Grezaffi, ringue were named valedictori- Marie Cooper, Dillion Jay and Julia Catherine LeJeune. Jacqueline Presley Cicero, Lay- Katherine Elizabeth Guidroz, an and salutatorian respectively. Davis, Brooke Alise Delatte, Included in the Class of 2019 ton Zane Cline, Jacob Brian Alonza Vivionia Alayna Hill, Also in the Class of 2019 were Janet Diaz, William Richard were Omar Gregory Aguilar, Cloughley, Sethan Scott Dai- Samuel Alexander Hymel, Kirs- Isabelle Cecile Abadie, Ethan Jo- Dunn, Ashlyn Nicole Falcon, Jilyan Perry Allement, Ran- gle, Dylan Claude Davis, Ella SEE CPC PAGE 7B seph Arceneaux, Jamar Dontrell SEE AC PAGE 7B St. Michael high School This year, our 138 St. Michael Graduates: • Were accepted by 51 different colleges and universities • Received 4.3 million in scholarship money (not including TOPS) • Recognized 55 academically honored students • Earned 119 college credits (LSU), saving $48,000 in tuition • Volunteered over 5,700 service hours • Signed 8 college athletes in 6 different sports

“As I think back now to the incredible high school memories I’ve gained, I know now that St. Michael has been more than a school to me, it’s been a home.” - Beau Saucier, SMHS 2019 Salutatorian Congratulations, Class of 2019! You make us Warrior Proud! 17521 Monitor Ave. • Baton Rouge, LA • 225• 753• 9782 • May 24, 2019 CLASS OF 2019 The Catholic Commentator 7B

FRANU  Peeples, Paige Pizzo, Andrea Rachel Buford, Reuben Cheng, CPC  AC From page 5B Ramirez, Brittni Ray, Bria Rivet, Emily Cronin, Taylor Dietz, Abigail From page 6B From page 6B Emily Roth, Hala Salameh, Emi- Fontaine, Ashley Gough, Nicholas ly Salles, Alexis Sembera, Laurel Gough, Gabrielle Kimble, Avery tyn Nicole Jarreau, Brook- Matthew Brian Foster, André Cowart, Lauren David, Tina Da- Smith, Kylie Smith, Christina Landry, Lance Lognion, Amber Ma- lyn Paige Kauffman, Walk- Lloyd Giroir, Marie Cecile vis, Holly Diez-Leblanc, Julie St. Pierre, Alison Torregrossa, ronge, Emily Moreno, Jalal Musleh, er Zane Glenn Kelly, Lanie Grisaffe, Alex Charles Gros, DiGiovanni, Shelbi Dykes, Ga- Tori Whaley, Kalli White, Jessica Christopher O’Neal, Jennifer Over- Marie LaCoste, Denton Joel Parker Reid Hales, Richard brielle Fasullo, Keri Frederic, Winfrey, Robert Wingert man, Marshall Peak, Shelby Riley, Lagrone, Camryn Nicole Alexander Hebert, Cody Mi- Kelsey Galvan, Allison Guerrero, Abby Robicheaux, Kylie Scioneaux, Lamkin, Kailynn Catherine chael Jacobs, Trevor Reece Sarah Hooge, Samantha Hoover, Bachelor of Science in Brennan Sibille, Leah Tate, Taylor LeBlanc, La’Keisha Cheryll Johnson, Mason Slade Klack, Emma Hopkins, Natasha How- Respiratory Therapy Terrio, Hannah Vidallier Breneé Leonard, Emily Kay Jessica Renee Laiche, Aaron ard, Macey Jameson, Kristen Tammy Brown, Amber Dar- Major, Katherine Elizabeth Joseph Landry, Andrew Jo- Jarreau, Hannah Jones, Logan bonne, Stanesha Dimes, Angela Associate of Science in Marsh, Kaleb Joseph Mc- seph Landry, Elaine Michelle Jones, Hayden Latour, Brooke Jones, Hannah Kimball, Michelle Radiologic Technology dowell, Darby Brooks McIn- Landry, Lauren Elizabeth Leblanc, Brittani Lemoine, Kio- Moll, LaRiene Orillion, Taylor Paige Arcement, Brooke Can- tosh, Karson Claude Moore, Landry, Morgan Katherine na Lynum, Hannah Maier, Elana Weaver, Rondela Winchester natella, Paige Clayton, Katherine Alcevia Novalyn Lodaleiska Lavigne, Brianna Lee Lee, Marrero-Savoie, Dustin McLin, Denham, Brandon Dufrene, Victo- Rayford, John Reid Riv- Julia Camille Lemann, Jacob Elizabeth Meche, Brandy Nel- Associate of Science in Physical ria Ferrara, Marisa Foti, Crystina et, Lauren Nichole Rivett, Ray Matirne, Meredith Ce- son, Tina Nguyen, Amy Niko- Therapist Assistant Henson, Meagan Hood, Marissa Paige Nikole Saizon, Victo- cile Medine, Michael Joseph laus, Mary Ohlenforst, Morgan Kiley Bernard, Jamiee Bryan, Humphrey, Alicia Jaime, Kelley ria Ariana Samuel, Kinley Medine, Layne Elizabeth Parrino, Sydney Poché, Karlie Re- Royce Self, Olivia Katherine Melancon, John Lucien Mire, itz, Whitney Richardson, Heather Shoemake, Jenna Cazayoux Caroline Alexis Rome, Chase Smith, Alaina Varnadore, Kaitlyn Smith, Wyatt Anthony So- Derelle Southall, Reece John St. Thomas Aquinas Vince, Sunny Vu prano, Dylan James Torres, Templet, Jamil Arell Truxillo, Preslie Camille Tuminello, Catherine Anne Villa, Cody Graduate list is subject to change. List Jordan Wathaniel Variest, Jude Waguespack and Hunter 2019 grads provided is accurate as of May 15. Justin Thomas Vosburg. Michael Walker.

Kashish Wadhwa Rachel Camille White Valedictorian Salutatorian St. Thomas Aquanis Dioc- Madelynn Noelle Henry, Adam esan Regional High School, Joseph Hetzinger, Caroline Hammond, held its annual grad- Elizabeth Ingraffia, Lily Mae uation ceremony Thursday, May Inman, Bryce Anthony Jones, 16 at Holy Ghost Church also in Garrett Davis Kern, Claire Eliz- Bottom row, from left: Katie Marie Carville, Kayla Nicole Arceneaux, Ashlyn Grace Gomez, Valedictorian Madison Frances Hammond. abeth Krousel, Kristina Alex- Nicolosi, Salutatorian Shelby Angelle Cheramie, Clayton Joseph Wilbert LeBlanc, Devin Catherine Durand, Collin Peter Barbee, Graduating as valedictorian is LaCoste, James Millander Caleb Scott Kleinpeter, Devin Jacob Romig; Second row: Sarah Grace LoBue, Sydni Marie Schnebelen, Lauren Theresa Pearce, was Kashish Wadhwa. And sa- Laine, Alexis Nicole Lee, Pha- Kaylee Renee Sadden, Abigail Marie Falcon, Adam Joseph Theriot, Jamison Leo Traigle, Adam Andrew Blanchard, Benjamin George Bucher, Bryce Michael Bouquet; Back row: Beth Renee Marcantel, Alise Jeanne Wille, Lakyn Alise Morales, Gracie Ann lutatorian was Rachel Camille nuwat Lekdee, Jalyn Marie Le- .. White. vias, Andrew Joseph Loyacano, Romero, Peter James Anderson, III, Tre'von Joseph Weber, John Miguel Courtney, Justin Ray Rivet, Preston Paul Acosta, Brandon Michael Berthelot, Zachary Michael Dorsey.

Also graduating with the Logan Garrett Lucas, Kenneth Class of 2019 were Ashlyn Elise Jude Mayeaux Jr., Sadie Camille Alack, Katie Michelle Amos, McGowan, Elizabeth Joanne Joshua Blaine Archote, Brock McRae, Victoria Leigh Perrin, Patrick Barringer, Drake Alan Lyndsi Marie Pierre, Madison Bartels, Abigail Rose Bates, Jane Plaisance, Parker Nevaeh Brynleigh Madalyn Berthelot, Ramirez, Michael Joseph Reid, Lauren Michele Bittola, Marley Blair Logan Rodrigue, Jacob Claire Bohning, Rachael Marie Braden Romero, Kylie Rae Ruiz, College acceptances to Baton Rouge Community College, Belhaven University, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University, Breaux, Blake Daten VandeGrift Cade Andrew Sampey, McAu- LaGrange College, Louisiana College, Louisiana State University, Louisiana Tech University, McNeese State University, Millsaps Brewer, Parker Timothy Cos- ley Elizabeth Sandage, Kaleigh College, Nicholls State University, Northwestern State University, Queens University of Charlotte, Remington College, River tanza, Ryan Thomas Dawsey, Susan Scallan, Dane Descant Parishes Community College, Samford University, Spring Hill College, University of Louisiana - Lafayette, University of Louisiana Andrew Keith Dawson, Justin Schmitt, Brock Sebastian Ser- - Monroe, University of New Orleans, University of Southern Mississippi. Military enlistment in the United States Navy. Michael Deliberto, John Ross pas, Samuel Henry Smith, Caleb Donnes, Baylee Elizabeth Fal- Blake Stewart, Luke Christo- con, Brandon Thomas Falcon, pher Sweeney, Chelsealyn Nicole Bailey Nicole Fugarino, Kyler Vallery, Kashish Wadhwa, Zavi- Mikal Gagliano, Zachary Lee er Renee Weary, Rachael Ca- Gore, Caleb Matthew Gover- mille White and Madison Aimé nale, Tristan Lawrence Gulotta, Wild. 8B The Catholic Commentator CLASS OF 2019 May 24, 2019

SJA  Ledoux, Hallie Marie Legendre, Grace Romero, Hannah Christine Roppolo, Johnson Taylor, Alexandra Aline Thibo- From page 3B Ann LeGrange, LeeAnn LeMaire, Leanne Ashley Maria Ross, Margaret Rose Saia, deaux, Anna Marie Thibodeaux, Delaney Adams Livingston, Rhys Kathleen Lo- Elise Claire Saloom, Audrey Levert San- Louise Thompson, Madeline Emma Tol- Caroline Aden Ethridge, Eleanor Cather- piparo, Abby Elizabeth Lorio, Kennedy ford, Ploy Sanguanruang, Ainsley Joyce er, Aliya Katherine Trapp, Katharine Jane ine Fahey, Ava Paige Falcon, Grace Marie Courtney Lurry, Lindsey Elizabeth Lut- Saucier, Lauren Michel Saunders, Grace Trussell, Margaret Holland Turner, Ma- Fetzer, Alexandra Leigh Fields, Juliet gring, Skylar Renée Mancuso, Monique Olivia Sceroler, Beatrice Claire Schex- lorey Marie Uzee, Olivia Claire Varden, Claire Fontenot, Mallory Alexis Fonte- Helena Manuel, Catherine Rae March- nayder, Ainsley Claire Schulte, Savannah Hannah Grace Vautrot, Julianna Venezia not, Camille Lauve Fremaux, Katherine and, Elise Marie Marchand, Aalaurian Kay Schweitzer, Jasmine Angelle Shiloh, Vigilotti, Lauren Marie Vukovics, Ash- Elizabeth Frens, Madelyn Ashli Fuse- Martin, Kylie Angelle Martin, Katherine Taylor Belden Silvey, Priya Alonsa Sin- leigh Elizabeth Ward, Rachel Anne Weav- lier, Mary-Margaret Kathryn Fussell, Elise Mascari, Maryn Alise Matthews, gleton, Peyton Lynn Smith, Presley Ann er, Isabel Cecile Webre, Julia Kate Welsh, Anne Marie Gahagan, Elizabeth Fran- Andrea Gabriela Matus, Katherine Claire Smith, Sarah Grace Smith, Emily Elaine Lacy Clare Wendell, Logan Marie West, cis Gaspard, Kaitlyn Ann Gaudet, Drue McCullen, Emily Maria McLemore, Syd- Sonnier, Ashlynn Hope Sorrells, Derqui- Sheridan Jane Whalen, Dmyri Loren Elaine Gautreau, Juliette Élie Gautreaux, ney Shanté McPherson, Sydney Marie sia Jamese Spears, Tanzi Olîve Stafford, Williams, Kaitlyn Elaine Williams, Carly Chrismry Shadeyo Gboloo, Ashleigh Melder, Aislinn Claire Methvin, Sydney Kate Ashton Stanford, Caroline Olivia Summer Williford, Parker Alaine Wilson, Sloane Gillem, Hannah Katur Gonzalez, Elizabeth Meyer, Kate Elizabeth Michel, Starns, Claire Marie Surek, Mary Morgan Taylor Lauren Winters, Grace Clara Wis- Catherine Sinclair Green, Anna Grace Kayleigh Nicole Mims, Madison Claire Sutton, Margo Rose Tassin, Alayna Grace dom, Mary Katherine Womack and Lau- Hampshire, Julia Laurel Henderson, Mistretta, Hannah Michelle Mistric, Tate, Trystan Liana Tate, Camille Ellaina ren Ashleigh Young. Lauren Gabrielle Hendry, Rebecca Caro- Braeden Nicole Moore, Mary Ellen Moore, line Herin, Julianna Landry Hill, Chloe Maurie Lynn Morris, Grace Elizabeth Maria Hoang, Morgan Angelle Holland, Morrison, Lauren Elizabeth Mulhern, Haleigh Elise Hooks, Gracie Jane Hufft, Josie Michele Musso, Anna Catherine CHS  Ecuyer Rigby, Jared Anthony Robbins, Francesca Marie Hunt, Corrine Michelle Myers, Mikaila Anderson Nadeau, Alex- From page 4B Nicholas Edward Robert, Diamante Me- Hutchinson, Maddie Elizabeth Ieyoub, andra Macé Nelson, Faith Elizabeth Net- gel Rogers, Luke Hayden Romano, Car- Samantha Marina Ishak, Erin Rylee tles, Gabrielle My Anh Nguyen, Morgan John Phillip Landry, Thomas Payne La- ter Byron Rome, Joseph Patrick Romero, Johnson, Danielle Brianne Jones, Mery Kate Noel, Caroline Elise Noto, Morgen noix, Reece Jackson Lantz, Carter Vin- Garen Michael Rounds, Chandler Kyle Kaltakdjian, Breann Micah Keowen, Kelly Kristina Nunnery, Grace Marie O’Neill, cent LeBlanc, Conner Nicholas LeBlanc, Row, Forrest Gerard Roy, Robert Grant Ann Kimbrell, Catherine Elise King, Mel- Madison Elizabeth Ogra, Kate Elizabeth Logan Conrad LeBlanc, Luke Andre LeB- Ruffino, Michael David Ruiz, Kaden Har- nisha Kelbreia King, Emily Marie Kuku- Palmisano, Elizabeth Mary Pennington, lanc, Parker Douglas LeBlanc, Joseph ris Ryan, Allison Jacques Sabine III, Ca- ra, Grace Mary Lachney, Baylea Nicole Jessie Jon Petite, Madison Jade Pittman, Patrick Lefeve, Christian Paul Leger, Pat- leb Eric Sanders, Jared Michael Sapia, Landry, Eden Camille Landry, Katherine Gracie Joy Poe, Lillian Lawrence Pow- rick Thomas Lemoine, Jack Irwin Lieux, Dylan Cole Sarrazin, Nicholas Vincent Elise Landry, Kelsi Anelia Landry, Del- ers, Anna Claire Blanche Rabalais, Lydia Jacob Young Limbocker, James Thomas Saurage, Sayer Donald Sauviac, Harri- aney Elise Langlois, Lauren Elizabeth La- Theresa Richard, Grace Eliza Richard- Lindquist, Beau Anthony Lopinto, Wil- son George Say, Jake Allen Schexnaydre, perouse, Courtney Elizabeth Lawrence, son, Myah McKensey Robichaux, Ade- liam Iversen Lott, Michael Tyler Machen, Richard Merlin Seeling III, Brayden Jo- Natalie Grace Lazaroe, Amber Elizabeth line Kempton Roemer, Alyssa Michelle Carson McFarland Mack, Jack Alexander seph Seguin, Connor Nash Shamlin, Ju- Maddox, James Gerald Dodd Manning, lian Michael Shattuck, Andrew Norton Cross Joseph Marchand, Gregory Luke Shea, Conner Reece Silva, Noah Jeffrey Martin, Harper Gerard Massey, Ben- Silvio, Jacob Louis Simon, Barrett Nicho- ton Edwards Mathews, Mason Mitchell las Simpson, Keith Singleton Jr., Darryl Mayes, Mason Anthony McClatchey, Ty- Michael Soignet III, Kamden John Spies, won Willie McDowell, Colin Michael-Jo- Marshall Francis St. Amant, John Allen seph McGlynn, Daniel Joseph McLean, Stall, Parker Lawless Stanford, Andrew Seumas Michael McLean, Britt Steven Walter Stassi, John Patrick Staub, Seth McLindon, Joseph Warren Lassiter Allen Stephens, Matthew Garrett Stigall, Mengis, Andrew Steven Mertz, Jonathan Fremin Patrick Stonaker, William An- Pearce Mestayer II, Brian David Miller, thony Strother, Garrett Joseph Tassin, Brennan Michael Mouton, Jake Anderson James David Tate, Coleman Porter Tay- Netterville, Stephen Seth Nezat, Justin lor, Grant Joseph Thibodeaux, Hunter Khang Nguyen, Brandon Thomas Nguy- Patrick Thomas, Francis Clay Thompson, en, Joe Trong Nguyen, Rhett Christopher Alexander Doyle Tilley, Hayden Clement Nicosia, John Taylor Nikolaus Jr., Daniel Toups, Anthony Thien Tran, Philip Jus- Andres Occupati, Christopher Matthew tin Tullier, Matthew Thomas Tully, Evan Odom, Philip Thomas O’Neill, Quinlan Hollis Venable, Zachary Brian Vicari, Daly Ostrowe, Kevin Joseph Oubre, Eli- Samuel George Wagner, Nolan Ryan Mi- jah Mason Owens, Jude Francis Papil- chael Waguespack, Ethan Michael We- lion, Samuel Carter Parker, Cody Ryan bre, Murphy Walker Welch, Benjamin Patriquin, Daniel Joseph Peeler, John Elliott Weller, Matthew Walker Wester- Joseph Perez, William Charles Perilloux, field, Samuel Cornelius Westra, Henry Brock Wyatt Perry, Joshua Orion Pforr, Jackson Whitehead, Lyndon Paul Jude Kylle Nicholas Broussard Poiencot, Parker Wilbert, Jack Thomas Wilfert, Andrew Thomas Politz, Anthony Earl Ponton Jr., Martin Wilkins, Caleb Juel Williams, Jarred Patterson Pourciau, Collin Michael Roderick Unselle Williams, Isaiah Pat- Prescott, Joseph Martin Price, Thom- rick Wilson, Tyler Nash Wilson, Logan as Michael Prochaska, Andrew Miller Christopher Wingerter, Stephen Andrew Purpera, Elijah Jude Acosta Reames, Wolf, Daniel Joseph Woodruff, Michael Cameron Joseph Richard, Landon Paul Gregory Woolverton and Cole Johnston Richard, Stephen Milton Riecke, Briggs Wright.