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"1 il 1 Daily Press & VOLUME I. HONOLULU," HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 26, 1886. NO. 152. TERRORS OF FETICH. IJrflfccmoiwl (Entus. Uitemcsc GTartue. gJusjttcfis (Satins. Btsunmce Notices. hipping. shipping. 8UPERSTITIONS OF THE NATIVES OF CLARKNCRW1LDKR VOLNEY VAILLANCOURT --s B. WILLIAMS, HUST..CB) ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT, PACIFIC NTEU-ISLAN- D THE CONGO COUNTRY. ASHFORD. ASHFORD. c. Life Insurance Company, I r WITH BOLLES & CO.) ft A SHFORD & ASHFORD. Importer and Dealer in fORMERI OF CALIFORNIA. Furniture of Every Description. Also Wholesale and Bctall Grocer, S. G. WILDER, AGENT. Ceremony Performed by the Man Wlio Attorneys, Counsellors, Advo- Assets, December 1884 $11363,000 riinviiTBr.) Solicitors, Upholsterer anil Manufacturer. mi, Kino Street ..Under Harmony Hall. 31, STEAM NAVIGATION cates, Policies issued against "Makes Fetich When Its Powerful I'roetors, Conveyancers, Etc. Furniture Warerooms No. Fort Street. Work- Accident for one day up to lit Ship stores supplied at short one year. f Alii In Invoked The Crowning Offick "Honolulu Hale," adjoining shop at old stand on Hotel Street. All orders promptly Family, Plantatior and 20-- notice. New goods bv every steamer, Orders from 1 vr attended to. 33-3- 03 Act, or SenL the other Islandfaith ully executed. (Limited.) alfred magoon. reiepnone no. in 8 TJOSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. & COOKE, C. BREWER & Co., New Route to the Voloano llloston Hcrnld.l fASTLE NOTT, THE BEST ROUTE &U JOHN Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Lfko aboriginal people, the Congo attorney at law. Shipping and Commission Merchants, Via blacks aro very superstitious, but to what 310-3- To the Keaiiliou. 41 80 xuij copper aneei j.ron n oriter, extent they bolievo In a futuro state can Merchant Street, Honolulu. No. Kino Street........ Honolitli aia uo-ty- "Stoves hnd Itanges. conjectured. They r TREMEN BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. ROUTE AND TIME TABLE only bo bellcvo la tho all kinds, Plumbers' ttock metals, house furnish- existence of good and baa spirits, which IMPORTERS AND DBALERS IN of and Yolcano of Kilauea, "TNR. A. McWAYNE, ing goods, chandeliers, lamps, etc F. A. SCHAEFER & Co., Aeents. T JG KINA O they believe are all tho timo hovering GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 8 Kaaiiumanu Street Honolulu KIN& around, and one of thorn dies they Also agents for the Commands when Agents for Dresden Hoard of Underwriters. Via Piinaluu, Hawaii. Leaves HONOI is PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. ULU, H. I. at 4.00 o'clock r. u believe that his spirit or 'Soul seized Vienna Board of Underwriters, each week. upon bad spirits, Office and Rrsidenck 34 Alakea street. The Hitchcock & Company's Plantation. Touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena, by cither the good or the For the Hawaiian Islands. 310-2- 61 carried away to become one of them, Office Hours 9 to it a. m.; 6 to S p. m. The Alexander & Baldwin Plantation. T E. WISEMAN, Maul, Mal.u tona, Kawalhae, Laupahoekoe and Hilo, arid R. Halstead, or Waiafua THE NEW AND STAUNCH 350-3- Plantation. Hawaii, and will make two trips to the Volcano each llence, when a uatlvo is dying, his friends A. II. Smith & Company, Koloa, Kauai. FOREIGN MARINE INSUR-anc- BRITISH IV. month, leaving Honolulu on the first Monday foilowinf come around, fire oft guns, and make L. J. M. Alexander, Haiku, Maui. Ileal Estate Broktr and Employment Company. (Limited) Simr. G. Hall Mainland) QEO. BABCOCK, The Haiku Sugar Company. the arrival of the mall steamers from San horrible noises, for tho purposes of fright Bureau. TItEO. H, DAVIES, AGENT. Capt. BATES,... Pursfr SIMERSON. Francisco. The Kohala Sugar Company When the steamer arrltes on Monday the KINAU wil ening oil tho evil spirits. What effect this Teacher Piano-forte- , plantation The above acent has received instructions to re. of the uamakua Rents Rooms, Cottages, Houses, and sells and leases LEAVES M. leave on that may have on the good spirits is not Address, Kidgdom. Employ- duce the rntes of Insurance between Honolulu and HONOLULU AT 3 P. TRL day. care Messrs. West, Dow & Co., The lnsurance Company ol San Framcsco. Real Estate In all parts of the in MONTHLY Orf stated. Union ment found for those seeking work in all the various Ports the Pacific, and is now prepared to issue poll PASSENGER RAINS will connect with the No. 105 Fort St. Honolulu. The New England Life Insurance Company of Bostoi. cies at the lowest rates, with a special reduction on ' religious branches 01 business connected with these islands. Friday, Feb. 26, touching at Kinau at Mahukona ' Tholr ccromonics aro not of a Residence No, '1 he Blake Manufacturing Company of Boston freight per steamers. 310-2- n Emma street. 337-2- Maalaea Maul nature, D. M. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. Legal drawn. collected. ........about no. m Th. KINAU WILL TOUCH propitiatory or for tho purpose of SST N. B. Documents Bills Kailua, Hawaii. m. at Honokaia and The New York and Honolulu Picket Line, Books and Accounts kept, and general office work about to a. watdlng olt danger, disease, eta, and here COM-pan- y noon. Paauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengers if a T M. WHITNEY, M. D D. D. S. 'the Merchant's Line, Honolulu and San Francisco solicited. Commissions mod GENERAL INSURANCE Kea.akeal.ua, Hawaii......... ...about plays part. They transacted. Patronage FORTUNA of Berlin. And other Kona ports, arriving at Funaluu at 6 P. M signal is made from the shore. the fetich an important Dr. Jaynes & Son's Celebrated Medicines. erate. like the Itooms on Wilcox & Gibb's Singer Company. of the day after leaving Honolulu. On the following The steamer do not mako human sacrifices Dental Fort Street, Manufacturing yr & KINAU will make the Volcano 53-i- F. A. SCHAEFER Co., AGENTS. morning, M Trip, Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines. 310-2- Honolulu, H I. 5 A. she arrives at Honuapo. Asbantes. but when they want any favors Honolulu t II. I. above reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morning, giving The Insurance Company, has established a Re tu mine she will leave Kan at o A. M. on Thurs the invisibles they bring a goat or a Office In hrewer's Block, corner Hotel General Agency here, undersigned, Tourists two from and Fort and the General day, March 4th, touching at all way( ports, including days and two nights at the Volcano Streets, entrance on Hotel Street. 310-3- 61 Agents, authorized chicken to the fetich man to be sacrificed, T'AINB &Co., arts to take risks against the dangers Aiaaiaea, Aiaui, at oa. nu, ana arriving at Honolulu House. ' D. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co of the Seas at the most reasonable rates and on the M. on following and arc given In return an amulet or 3 P. the day her departure from Kau. Tickets for the round trip $50.00, which pays OHN H. PATY, Commission Merchants, most favorable terms. 310-3- 61 all charm, or fetich, as they call it The E The steamer passes along the entire coa&t of the charges. fetjeh is tho terrible, tho unknown power, J Imjiorters and Commission Merchants. Importers and dealers in Hay,' Grain and General leeward side of Hawaii, affording Tourists a panorama Produce. I LLOYD . The KINAU will arrive in Honolulu Sunday morn- once tho persecutor or tho avenger, ac- Notary Publle and Commission of Deeds, No. 48 Queen Street Honolulu Oaiiu, H I GERMAN MARINE INSURANCE of rharrainjr Scenery and will stop at Kealakua Hay at 310-3- Companv of Berlin Mjiucicm auowcu ings on Volcano For the States of California and New York. Office Honolulu H. I, wiicrc nine is 10 visit ine monunteiu Trips. On Hilo Trips, will leave cording as its power is invoked or l of CAPTAIN COOK. at the Hank of Bishop & Co. 31C3bl F. A. SCHAEFER & Co., AGENTS. Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morning. directed. This tho prcsont informant Tourists by this route reach 1'unaluu at 6 o'clock Honoiulu, Oaiiu, II. I. J illustrated by an anecdote. C. The above In'urance ComDanv hasestablishertaGen. p.m., on the day after leaving HONOLULU being L1KEL11CH. ROWIl T EWERS & COOKE, only one night on the csscl, making the THE FACTOKS' STRATEGY. ED eral Agency here, and the above vigned, General Agents, and entire LORENZKI.....,..., COMMAMUER T A. THURSTON. are authorized to take Risks against the dangers of the passage In smooth water. House and Sign l'atnter, (Successors Lewers&JJickson.) Leaves Mondays at 5 p. M. Tor Tho Dutch have a factory at Banana to ocas ai ine mon rcasonaDie tales, and on the most At I'UNALUU there isthe finest Hotel on Hawaii. 'Kaunakakai, Kahu (Successor to & lui, point, which is approached by two roads, smith thurston) Paper Hanger, etc. Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all terms. 310-3- 61 and from here Tourists will be conveyed by Railroad Huelo, Hana and Kipahulu ; and for Keanae, on each shore side of narrow pen- nmas oj juutiainy maieriais. to Pahala, thence by stage coach to Half-wa- House, and Nun every other week. Returning will stop one the Attorney at Law, No. 107 King Street Honolulu On the line of their No. 82 Fort Street Honolulu m.itic ,iuik3 uu uuiuh niti uu 111 uiciiuiiic lu lull at the above ports; arriving back mornings. insula boundary No. 311-3- 63 HAMBURG-MAGDEBUR- FIRE Saturday 38 Merchant Street Honolulu 3IO-3- Vey them to the Volcano. property, on each road, a watch house was Company of Hamburg. 'For mails and passengtrs onlv. 356-- Vtv this route the entire trin is made xniventid a established, to regulate admittance from A.JAEGER, AGENT. days, allowing nights lialf Tourists two and one whole TTIE KILA VISA JIOU.