www.silhillians.net THE SILHILLIAN 2011 President’s Letter 2 Old Silhillians’ News 24 The President Elect 4 Dinners & Luncheons 38 Editorial 6 Lodge & Chapter 44 Main Committee 8 Obituaries 46 Headmaster’ Letter 10 Sports Sections 64 Alumni Matters 17 Acknowledgments 75 1969Jerroms Leavers Jan Ad:Layout 1 2 27/12/07 11:34 Page 1 Specialists in Accounting, Tax and Business Planning “WORKING WITH YOU FOR YOU” If you haven’t worked with us before, you should ask yourself why? As Accountants and Business Advisers, we have assisted many businesses to become the success story they are today. Whether you are a start-up company, a PLC or just have an innovative idea, sound financial advice is something you simply cannot afford to be without. The Exchange, Haslucks Green Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands B90 2EL Tel: 0121 693 5000 Contents Fax: 0121 745 5156 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.jerroms.co.uk “ T H E S I L H I L L I A N ” the magazine of the The Old Silhillians’ Association Limited (The Former Pupils of Solihull School) Memorial Clubhouse and Ground Warwick Road Copt Heath Solihull West Midlands B93 9LW Telephone: 01564 777680 Facsimile: 01564 775151 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.silhillians.net ISSUE 62 NOVEMBER 2011 President 2011 John Harrison 1 Dear Fellow Old Silhillian, When Malcolm reminded me that “it’s that time again – I need your report for the Silhillian”, my immediate thought was “it can’t be – where has the year gone!?” Of course, there are still a couple of months of my year in office to go and several very important events still to come, but it really has flown by and been thoroughly enjoyable throughout.