SIL International 2001 1


0 Introduction and Goals of the Survey

1 General Information 1.1 Language Classification 1.2 Language Location 1.3 Population 1.4 Accessibility and Transport 1.4.1 Roads: Quality and Availability 1.4.2 Public Transport Systems 1.4.3 Trails 1.5 Religious Adherence 1.5.1 Spiritual Life 1.5.2 Present Christian activity 1.5.3 Attitudes of the Church Leadership toward the Vernacular 1.6 Schools/Education 1.6.1 Schools in the Area 1.6.2 Attitude toward the Vernacular 1.7 Facilities and Economics 1.7.1 Supply Needs 1.7.2 Medical Needs 1.7.3 Commercial Ventures 1.7.4 Government Facilities in the Area 1.8 Traditional Culture 1.8.1 Social and Religious Practices 1.8.2 Attitude toward Culture 1.9 Linguistic Work in the Language Area 1.9.1 Work Accomplished in the Past 1.9.2 Present Work

2 Methodology 2.1 Sampling 2.2 Lexicostatistic Survey 2.3 Dialect Intelligibility Survey 2.4 Questionnaires 2.5 Bilingualism Testing In Jula

3 Comprehension and Lexicostatistical Data 3.1 Reported Dialect Groupings: Results of the Recorded Text Tests (RTT) 3.2 Percentages of Apparent Cognates 3.3 Areas for Further Study 2

4 Multilingual Issues 4.1 Language Use Description 4.1.1 Children's Language Use 4.1.2 Adults’ Language Use 4.1.3 Bilingualism with Other Vernacular Languages 4.2 Results of Bilingualism Testing 4.3 Language Attitudes 4.4 Summary of Multilingualism Issues

5 Recommendations 5.1 Relative to Language Development Project Potential 5.2 Allocation Site

Appendix: Word lists for Cerma and the Tyurama Dialects

Bibliography 1 References 2 Other Written Resources on the Tyurama Language 3 Contacts for Further Information 3

The Tyurama, or “Turka” Survey Report

0 Introduction and Goals of the Survey

The survey of the Tyurai, or Turka, people group was initially carried out in January and February, 1993. At that time, the team carrying out the survey included Tasséré Sawadogo, John Berthelette, and Colin Suggett. In 1995, Assounan Ouattara and Soungalo Coulibaly tested for bilingual competence in Jula, and in 1996 Sawadogo and Béatrice Tiendrébéogo conducted further intelligibility testing in the western dialect village of Niofila.

The Turka survey had three main goals:

♦ Gather basic demographic and sociolinguistic facts, particularly relating to community bilingualism in Jula. ♦ Explore the reported relationship between the Cerma language and Turka through intelligibility testing. ♦ Recommend possible sites for language development, if needed.

1 General Information

1.1 Language Classification

The language Tyurama, commonly referred to as Turka, is the language of the Tyurai (sg. “tyurabye”) people. The language, to which the Summer Institute of Linguistics gives the Ethnologue code “TUZ”, falls under this classification: “Niger- Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, North, Gur, Central, Southern, Kirma-Tyurama” (Grimes 1992:175). Their closest neighbor linguistically is the bordering Cerma language group, which is located to the east and south.

1.2 Language Location

The Tyurai are located in southwest ; the sociolinguistic complexity of the southwest region is well-known. This complexity is due in part to the physical features of the region and in part to its history. The area is at a traditional crossroads of Muslim empires. Léon Soma, in a recently published thesis, talks of the influence in the region of three kingdoms: the Kong to the west (and south), the Gwinko to the east, and that of Kénédougou to the north (Soma 1994). The presence of this Muslim pressure (at times constituting literal threats) has probably led to the important position and subsequently high level of bilingualism in Jula in the community. A case can also be made that this external pressure has created in the indigenous communities a strong mistrust of which is manifested in isolated living. In the following report we shall consider these factors in greater detail. 4

The Tyurama region itself lies west of the city of , with villages in both Comoé and Léraba provinces. The Tyurama region extends east to west from Banfora to near Sindou and north to south from to Toumousséni. The area measures approximately 800 km2.

As already noted, the Tyurai are located in the southwest corner of the country. This area offers the advantage agriculturally of receiving fairly plentiful rains. Their area is somewhat hilly and has pockets of forestry-type growth, one by-product being that such a terrain can impede travel between some villages.

Figure 1.2.1 Map of the Tyurama Region1

1Adapted from CNRST/INSS, 1988. 5

1.3 Population

The Tyurai number around 29,000, according to calculations based on the 1985 Burkina census (INSD 1989:62–72) and assuming a 2.68% population growth rate (Laclavère 1993:24). As many as 10,000–15,000 Tyurai may be living in Côte d’Ivoire. Colin Suggett, the SIL linguist assigned to the Tyurama, estimates that 10% of the population is urban-based (Suggett 1994:3). Table 1.3.1 is a list of currently known Tyurama villages, including the 1985 population figures.

Table 1.3.1 List of Tyurama Villages Province Department Village Estimated Population Percentage of non-Tyurai Comoé Banfora Bodadiougou 962 Comoé Banfora Toumousséni 2424 Comoé Bérégadougou Bérégadougou 33% Tyurai 1213 Comoé Bérégadougou Fabédougou 538 Comoé Bérégadougou Malon 140 Comoé Moussodougou 472 Comoé Moussodougou Kolokolo 842 Comoé Moussodougou Mondon 1328 Comoé Moussodougou Moussodougou 90% Tyurai 5252 Comoé Wolonkoto Malon 845 Comoé Wolonkoto Wolonkoto 1621 Léraba Douna Douna 60% Tyurai 2872 Léraba Douna Niofila 1657 Léraba Sindou Tourny 60% Tyurai 950 Total (1985 figures): 21,115 Total (with 2.68% annual increase): 29,002

1.4 Accessibility and Transport

1.4.1 Roads: Quality and Availability

National Route 7, a paved highway, skirts close to Bérégadougou. Due to that fact and the presence of the nation's sugar factory in Bérégadougou, this village has become both very accessible and a veritable melting-pot. Route 28, annually graded, bisects the Tyurama region east to west, allowing for convenient access to Toumousséni and Douna. Finally, less well-maintained roads, such as to Fabédougou and Moussodougou, barely allow for 4-wheel traffic.

All of the above-mentioned roads also provide for the constant two-wheel traffic of bicycles and motorcycles. 6

1.4.2 Public Transport Systems

Bush taxis are plentiful along the major roads, N 7 and R 28. Buses also pass between Banfora and Douna and Banfora and Bérégadougou, though less frequently. Bush taxis to the other Tyurama sites are generally infrequent.

1.4.3 Trails

Trails between the various Tyurama sites are quite common. Most of the villages are accessible to other Tyurama villages if not by road then at least by trail.

1.5 Religious Adherence

1.5.1 Spiritual Life

Most Tyurai profess to be Muslim. The inhabitants of certain villages, such as Toumousséni, have converted to Islam within the last 20 years. Yet in spite of this Muslim appearance, the Tyurai undoubtedly still cling to certain practices of the traditional religion. Roman Catholicism has not taken strong root in the region. Suggett gives the following estimates: 70% Muslim, 28% animist, and 2% Christian (Suggett 1994:2).

1.5.2 Present Christian activity

To this point, the Tyurai have not shown a great interest in the Gospel. Suggett notes a total of 7 churches. He also estimates that while 2% of the population is nominally Christian, less than .5% have truly accepted the Christian Gospel message (Suggett 1994:2). According to Abbé André Barro of Banfora, Mass is conducted regularly only at Toumousséni.

1.5.3 Attitudes of the Church Leadership toward the Vernacular

The Christian and Missionary Alliance church of Moussodougou is the largest in the Tyurama region. Even though members of other ethnic groups attend, the Tyurai are most numerous. Two years ago, Jula sermons were translated into the vernacular, the pastor at that time showing interest in Tyurama.

As a whole, the leadership of the CMA denomination places a great emphasis on Jula. There seems to be a tendancy to not use the local language during church activities. For example, the pastors trained at the CMA Bible schools are encouraged to use Jula as the church language. As a result, they seem to be ambivalent about using the local language. To be sure, Jula use has the practical benefit of allowing communication between ethnic groups. Nevertheless, certain Christian workers in the region, such as Loren and Donna Entz of the Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, are convinced that the Gospel must be presented in Jula if the Tyurai are to accept it. 7

1.6 Schools/Education

1.6.1 Schools in the Area

The Tyurai have quite a few primary schools within their region. The opening of most schools dates from the early and mid 1980s to the present. Table lists the relevant information:

Table Primary Schools in the Tyurama Area Department Village Date Grade Total Girls Boys Opened Levels Students Banfora Bodadiougou 1982 3 62 20 42 Banfora Kiribina 1990 3 112 51 61 Banfora Toumousséni 1983 3 117 13 104 Bérégadougou Bérégadougou 1981 6 381 148 233 Bérégadougou Bérégadougou 1988 6 506 235 271 Bérégadougou Fabédougou 1985 3 88 27 61 Douna Douna 1958 6 500 189 311 Douna Douna 1984 3 78 23 55 Douna Niofila 1989 3 109 26 83 Moussodougou Kolokolo 1985 3 115 31 84 Moussodougou Mondan 1985 3 143 46 97 Moussodougou Moussodougou 1957 6 265 86 179 Sindou Tourny 1986 1 27 1 26 Wolokonto Nabon 1989 2 58 20 38 Wolokonto Wolokonto 1961 3 150 34 116

Concerning the rate of scolarity, it is difficult to arrive at a precise figure. It is certain, however, that the rate for Tyurai children is lower than that of the rest of the province, which is at 41.6% according to government statistics (MEBAM 1996).2 In addition, it appears that the enrollment rate for girls is quite low, standing at approximately 32.7%, compared with a figure of 50.4% for boys.

However, post-primary schools are not easily accessible to the Tyurai, mainly because of cost. Table is a list of middle and high schools in the area:

2The scolarity rates in Burkina Faso range between 11% for the province of Gnagna and 80% for the province of Kadiogo. 8

Table Middle and High Schools in the Tyurama Region Village Closest Middle Schools Closest High Schools Bérégadougou Banfora Banfora Toumousséni Banfora Banfora Moussodougou Banfora Banfora Douna ? Douna

Another formal government educational activity is through the program Centre de Formation de Jeunes Agriculteurs (CFJA). These CFJAs were developed to provide very basic education for those villages far removed from primary schools, and also are a way to educate children who do not have the means to go to standard primary schools. The CFJAs in the southwest are generally involved in Jula literacy. Table lists the CFJA schools in the Tyurama region.

Table CFJA Schools in the Tyurama Region

Village3 Province Number of Participants Mondon Comoé 19 Niofila Comoé 21 Tourni Comoé 6

1.6.2 Attitude toward the Vernacular

As is the case elsewhere in Burkina, schoolmasters in the public school system do not use the vernacular, in this case Tyurama, in their classes; French is the language of instruction. Unlike other situations however, schoolmasters are known to speak in Jula in some instances.

1.7 Facilities and Economics

1.7.1 Supply Needs

The villages along the major routes have fairly easy access to Banfora: Banfora is a fairly bustling commercial center with goods from auto parts to grains. It is only in villages such as Moussodougou, Tourni, and Niofila where the effects of isolation are more strongly felt: where the markets are a greater distance away, where passing traders come less frequently, and where villages may be cut off during rainy season.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible that certain factors will reduce this isolation. First, the Niofila/Tourni region recently had a large construction program. Secondly, the

3There has also been talk recently of opening a CFJA in Moussodougou. 9 creation of a new province to the west of the Tyurama region, Leraba, may mean more traffic passing through the area.

1.7.2 Medical Needs

Pharmacies exist at Douna, Moussodougou, and Banfora. Clinics, though often providing little more than the most basic of medical attention, are found in Bérégadougou, Moussodougou, and Douna. For serious medical attention, one must go to Banfora, and sometimes even Bobo.

One further note: increased prices, especially since the January 1994 cfa devaluation, have put even basic medical treatment out of reach of some villagers.

1.7.3 Commercial Ventures

Most of the Tyurai are subsistance farmers. Some can sell surplus home-grown or home-made products at local markets, though income from these sales is limited. If one wants to earn cash, he usually goes to either Côte d'Ivoire or Senegal.

Despite the reliance on agriculture, there are some business actives in their general area. Sosuco, the country's sugar processing plant at Bérégadougou, is the region's main employer. It would be impossible to tell how many Tyurai are employed either at Sosuco or the sugar cane fields. Banfora undoubtedly provides some jobs to Tyurai, though they are thus forced to leave the Tyurai milieu.

1.7.4 Government Facilities in the Area

With the exception of the western village of Tourni, the Tyurai do not have to travel out of their region to go to their respective prefectures nor to police barracks. Of course, at the prefecture, as well as at road stops and the police posts, communication is in French and Jula.

1.8 Traditional Culture

1.8.1 Social and Religious Practices

Through the basic survey, we could obtain very little information on social or religious practices.

1.8.2 Attitude toward Culture

The Tyurai seem to hold a high attitude toward their own culture. According to their answers to our sociolinguistic questionnaire, they show no overt or determined desire to give up their traditions in favor of, for instance, Jula customs. Likewise, they affirm that their children are still learning the language and aspects of traditional culture. Suggett, who has worked among with Tyurai for a year, terms the rate of cultural change “slow;” their attitude to change as “somewhat resistant;” and their self 10 image as “prestigious” (Suggett 1994:4, 5). It is important to note, nevertheless, that the current generation's desire to earn money often results in cultural change: for example, this generation does more traveling and puts less importance on such traditions as working in a chief's fields.

1.9 Linguistic Work in the Language Area

1.9.1 Work Accomplished in the Past

L. Tauxier (1933) and A. Prost (1964) have done analyses of Tyurama. A. Hook, R. Vallette, and P. Vallette (1977) carried out a sociolinguistic survey among the Tyurai. See section 1 in the appendix for a biblography of other linguistic works about the Tyurai.

1.9.2 Present Work

Colin Suggett of the Société Internationale de Linguistique has begun work in Tyurama. He has done some language learning and very basic analysis. At the time of this revision (1998), the Tyurai are in the process of forming a language commission.

2 Methodology

2.1 Sampling

The villages were chosen on the basis of geographical location. We wished to cover the Tyurama region as much as possible. Thus, Bérégadougou and (later Fabédougou) were the sites chosen in the east; Toumousséni in the south-central; Moussodougou in the north-central; and Douna and Niofila in the west. Only in the case of Douna did we have prior knowledge that its speech was perceived as different.

As stated in the introduction, the survey data for Fabédougou and Niofila was collected in 1996. By this time, a team had already been assigned to Fábédougou to begin study and analysis of the language. In evaluating the survey's findings, there had been some question as to whether the far western Tyurama speech varieties had sufficient inherent intelligibility with the Fabédougou variety. It was therefore decided to carry out research concerning these questions.

2.2 Lexicostatistic Survey

To determine the degree of lexicostatistic similarity, we elicited a 210-word list, including in it various parts of speech. Please note that the lists have not been verified due to lack of time on the initial survey. The complete word list is presented in section 3 of the Appendix. 11

2.3 Dialect Intelligibility Survey

In order to measure the degree of inherent intelligibility between speakers of the various dialects, we followed the methodology developed by E. Casad (1974), commonly referred to as the Recorded Text Test (RTT). The various steps are as follows:

1. A text is elicited from a native speaker of Village A, a text as free as possible from objectionable subject matter and words borrowed from another language. 2. A group of 12–15 questions are developed based on the text. These questions are recorded into the dialect of Village A and inserted into the text. From 6–10 native speakers of the dialect of Village A listen to the text and respond to the questions, in order that any bad or misleading questions can be isolated and removed. The ten best questions, in which almost all native speakers have responded correctly, are chosen for the final form of the test. 3. The refined text/test of Village A is played in Village B, having recorded Village A's questions in the dialect of Village B. At least ten speakers in Village B listen to the text, responding to the questions. Their cumulative scores to the recorded test are taken as the percentage of their intelligibility with the dialect of Village A.

A note about sampling: in the testing process in Village B, it is very important to be aware of and guard against the influence of factors that may skew the results, and in particular, factors which may allow respondents to achieve higher scores. For example, it is important to choose candidates with very little or no previous contact with speakers of Village A. Such exposure may allow them to score higher on this test designed to measure inherent (natural) intelligibility. In table 3.1.1, it is the standard deviation column which signals high contact, and therefore learned intelligibility. A high (above 1.6) standard deviation, a result of a wide range of test scores, suggests that some testees have “learned” to understand the speech tested.

Conversely, it is just as important to find candidates who can master the question/answer technique of the Casad methodology. This is often difficult in populations that have not had much formal schooling.

2.4 Questionnaires

We questioned two to four men from each village concerning both general demographic and general sociolinguistic matters. The subject matter covered by the questionnaires ranged from the ethnic composition and facilities in the area to perceived dialect differences, bilingualism, and language use. The men were chosen by the village's government representative, and sometimes the representative himself was included. Due to the surveyors' not knowing the trade language and a desire to better monitor the questioning process, the questionnaires were carried out in French. We also interviewed available school teachers and religious leaders using prepared questionnaires. Results of the sociolinguistic questionnaires form the basis of much of our discussion below on dialect attitudes and multilingualism (sections 3.1 and 4). 12

2.5 Bilingualism Testing In Jula4

The Sentence Repetition Test (SRT) for the Jula language was developed by following the procedures of Radloff (1991). An SRT is comprised of 15 sentences, arranged in increasing order of difficulty. For each sentence answered correctly, 3 points are earned, with 45 being a maximum score. For each mistake, a point is subtracted from 3. The SRT used to assess proficiency in Jula was calibrated to a Reported Proficiency Evaluation (RPE).5 The sample used to calibrate the SRT with the RPE consisted of 83 people who were both native and second language Jula speakers. They were volunteers found in the city of Ouagadougou.

The regression equation for predicting RPE means from SRT means was:

RPE = 1.94 + 0.0665 SRT

This calibration allows for a prediction of RPE levels based on the SRT scores, according to the following table:

Table 2.5.1 Predicted RPE level from SRT score. SRT score range RPE level equivalent 0–8 2 9–15 2+ 16–23 3 24–30 3+ 31–38 4 39–45 4+

A further comparison was done between the SRT scores and an oral proficiency exam using SIL’ s Second Language Oral Proficiency Evaluation (SLOPE) (SIL 1987). A subset of 25 of the most proficient speakers of the original sample was evaluated with this oral interview technique. It was found in this study that those scoring at or above 25 on the SRT could be reliably classed in SLOPE level 4; those scoring below 25 were below SLOPE level 4. This particular level represents the ability to “use the language fluently and accurately on all levels normally pertinent to needs” (SIL 1987:34). The discrepancy between RPE and SLOPE evaluations in relation to SRT scores, along with broader issues concerning the interpretation of the SRT, are discussed at length in Hatfield, ms.

In addition to the calibration effort, the completed SRT was given to a sample of reported native speakers of Jula in two villages of southwest Burkina, Péni and Sindou,

4Editor’s note: R. Berger and S. Showalter have contributed significantly to this section.

5For a full description of the development of the Jula SRT, see Berthelette et al.(1995). 13 to provide a means of comparison between L1 and L2 speakers of Jula in Burkina. The collective mean SRT score from samples in both villages was 30.5, lower than expected but still corresponding to a high level of Jula competence. This gives us a baseline of comparison between native and nonnative speakers of Jula, and allows us to say that scores of 30 and above indicate a competence level similar to that of native speakers, as measured by this test. A full report on the development of the Jula SRT in Burkina Faso can be found in Berthelette et al. 1995.

Tyurama speakers were given the SRT to estimate their proficiency in Jula. The testers, Ouattara Assounan and Coulibaly Soungalo, were instructed to visit a wide area in the village in order to make the sampling as representative as possible, using quotas based on sex and age.

To understand the interacting influences of sex, age, and geographical location of villages on Jula proficiency, a factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical design was used on the SRT scores. This design was based on SRT data collected from both females and males whose ages were from 12 and up, and who lived in 10 villages. The specific factors examined were age with three levels: 12–25, 26–45, and 46+ years; villages with 10 levels; and sex with two levels. Interacting effects among these factors were examined. The specific ANOVA selected for the analysis was the General Linear Model (GLM) because the requirement of a balanced design was not a precondition for its use. A balanced ANOVA design requires equal numbers of subjects at all factor levels. Another unique feature of the GLM is that it considers the correlation coefficients among age, sex, and villages. These relationships were examined by regression analysis which involves correlational analyses. The GLM makes adjustments in the factor level means and standard deviations which are predicted from the correlated data.

Differences between factor level means which occurred by chance, 5% or less, were considered statistically significant. In probability terms, if mean differences in SRT scores occurred by chance five times or less out of 100 times between levels of a factor they would be considered statistically significant. In that case, the factor level with the largest mean would be considered more bilingual than the other level. If statistical significance was found among three or more levels, the Tukey test was used to determine which means were significantly different from each other.

In general, language groups having the SRT means below 16 (level 3 on RPE scale) were prioritized for minority language development while language groups with significantly higher SRT means had a lower priority. Of course, attitudinal factors were also considered when priorities were determined (Bergman 1990:9.5.2).6

6In 1989, the Summer Institute of Linguistics' Area Directors and Vice Presidents established the language assessment criteria for the organization. This work is a set of standards for such domains as dialect intelligibility, bilingual ability, etc., in an attempt to guide decision-making as to the need for language development in specific situations. 14

3 Comprehension and Lexicostatistical Data

3.1 Reported Dialect Groupings: Results of the Recorded Text Tests (RTT)

Linguists have debated the threshold of comprehension a speaker of one dialect must attain if he is to be reasonably expected to profit from literacy materials in another dialect. An accepted minimum threshold for the Summer Institute of Linguistics is an average of 75% accuracy on a recorded text test (Bergman 1990:9.5.2). Turning now to the analysis of the recorded text test itself, let us consider the first goal of the survey: to measure the Tyurai's degree of comprehension of Cerma.

In studying the data in table 3.1.1, it is clear that the level of inherent intelligibility between Cerma and the Tyurama varieties is quite low. It was those from the eastern Tyurama region—at Moussodougou, Toumousséni, and Douna—who scored lowest with the Cerma text, a result consistent with the fact that the Cerma ethnic group is located to the east and south of the Tyurai.

Table 3.1.2 Results of the Recorded Text Testing

Village for Testing Text Tested Number of Number of Percent Standard Females Males Compre- Deviation Tested Tested hension

Bérégadougou Bérégadougou 5 5 98.5 0.32 Toumousséni 5 5 77.5 1.15 Douna 5 5 75 0.92 (Cerma) 5 5 51.5 1.18

Toumousséni Toumousséni 4 6 96 0.66 Bérégadougou 4 6 77.5 1.86 Douna 4 6 73 1.62 Niangoloko (Cerma) 4 6 47.5 0.90

Moussodougou Moussodougou 5 5 95 0.63 Bérégadougou 5 5 88.5 0.39 Douna 5 5 73.5 0.59 Niangoloko (Cerma) 5 5 42 1.08

Douna Douna 5 5 96 0.54 Toumousséni 5 5 85 1.22 Bérégadougou 5 5 80.5 1.37 Niangoloko (Cerma) 5 5 48.5 1.23

Now we will consider the second goal of the survey, that of finding a suitable site for a language team. As stated above, an accepted minimum threshold for the Summer 15

Institute of Linguistics is an average score of 75%. As seen from the test results, those from Bérégadougou, Toumousséni, and Moussodougou are at or below the threshold level of inherent intelligibility with the speech from Douna: the comprehension levels of these villages all are around 75%. Conversely, Douna speakers have less difficulty understanding the speech of their eastern relatives, their figures being in the low 80% range. It appears, therefore, that an eastern dialect should be used as the basis for development, as it appears to be better understood throughout the entire Tyurama region.

The Tyurai's perceptions about dialect distinctions confirm the RTT results. Residents of Bérégadougou assert that they have a harder time with the eastern speech than those from Douna, for example, have with the speech of Bérégadougou.

Testing in Niofila, a village to the west of Douna, was carried out 3 years after the initial tests. As stated above, a team had already been assigned to Fábédougou to begin study and analysis of the language; the goal of this further research was to verify that the far western Tyurama speech varieties had sufficient inherent intelligibility with the Fabédougou variety. The results, which appear in table 3.1.3, show clearly that Niofila residents had little problem with the Fabédougou text used in this testing, with results being above 90%. As one would expect, test takers from the Niofila, a western village, had better success with the Douna text than that of both Toumousséni and Moussodougou. Please note, however, one inexplicable result: the scores for the Fabédougou text, were higher than those for both . This fact is surprising as Fabédougou is further from Niofila than are Douna and Moussodougou.

Table 3.1.4 Recorded Text Test Results for Niofila Village

Village for Testing Text Tested Number of Number of Percent Standard Females Males Compre- Deviation Tested Tested hension

Niofila7 Niofila 2 8 100 0.00 Fabédougou 2 8 91.5 0.71 Douna 2 8 83 1.00 Toumousséni 2 8 69.5 0.85 Moussodougou 2 8 53 0.60

7The testing in Niofila took place 3 years after that in the other sites. By this time, the survey team had begun to test mainly CM2 students (those in the sixth grade level of primary school), whose ages range generally from 13–15. Being young and generally not having traveled as much as nonschooled children, they have not heard outside dialects as much. 16

3.2 Percentages of Apparent Cognates

Below are the percentages of apparent cognates for the various villages where we administered the recorded text test, as well as for the Cerma variety of Niangoloko.

Table3.2.1 Lexical Similarity Percentages for the Tyurama Survey Bérégadougou

79 Toumousséni

79 81 Moussodougou

69 77 72 Douna

68 74 71 79 Niofila

47 46 45 47 46 Cerma (Niangoloko dialect)

Concerning the word list data, it bears repeating that the word lists for the Tyurama region were not verified. That is to say, we did not have the time in the original survey to compare divergent forms between lists from different sites, in order to determine if discrepancies were due to such factors as having elicited an alternate form (or synonym) or having been misunderstood while eliciting the word list. After a verification, we may find that these percentages are slightly higher.

Having said this, let us first consider the lexical similarity percentages between the Cerma word list and the Tyurama lists. As with the RTT scores, the percentages are very low. These low percentages reinforce the evidence that there is quite a comprehension gap between Cerma and Tyurama.

Looking at the percentages for only the Tyurama villages, they reaffirm the findings of the recorded text test, in that there is an east/west dialect distinction. One notes a grouping of higher percentages for the villages of the eastern dialect, represented by Bérégadougou, Toumousséni, and Moussodougou. Likewise, one finds a higher percentage grouping the western region, represented by Douna and Niofila.

3.3 Areas for Further Study

The first area for further study, of course, is the need to verify the various word lists. We are hoping that in the course of his linguistic analysis, Colin Suggett can carry this out, since verification is always easier for someone acquainted with the language in question.

Another area of study would be with the degree to which the other Tyurama villages can understand the Moussodougou text. This text was not tested throughout 17 the region due to testing procedures at the time of the 1993 research. At that time, the survey team felt that administering four test texts to any one person was the limit for that person, after which he would start losing attention.

The effect of three factors on language standardization in Tyurama is yet to be seen: the beginnings of radio broadcasts in Tyurama, the anticipated start of a literacy program, and the present-day possibility of more frequent contact within the different Tyurama regions. These factors may or may not lead to a greater uniformity in Tyurama.

4 Multilingual Issues

4.1 Language Use Description

4.1.1 Children's Language Use

In the home, Tyurama is the predominant language. One would expect, however, that children begin to learn Jula at a fairly young age, either through school or normal village contact. Though we have no concrete evidence, it seems probable that even in such very Tyurama villages as Moussodougou and Fabédougou, the language heard on the primary school playgrounds is often Jula.

4.1.2 Adults’ Language Use

According to responses from the sociolinguistic questionnaires, Tyurai speak almost exclusively Tyurama among themselves.

A potential source for the introduction of Jula into family life are marriages to those of other ethnic groups. While the Tyurai do intermarry with other ethnic groups, this practice is somewhat frowned upon, at least in certain villages. While the language of the rest of the village is Tyurama, the language of the market place, be it in the village or in a major town (i.e. Banfora or Bobo), is generally Jula. Mother-tongue Jula traders are common, as are, of course, merchants of different neighboring ethnic groups who use Jula.

Even radio, a seemingly minor cause of exposure to Jula, deserves mention. Tyurai note that they often listen to programming in Jula. The result of doing so may both increase bilingualism and affect attitudes toward Jula.

Bérégadougou, Niofila, and Moussodougou have had major economic projects. Bérégadougou, as center for the nation's sugar industry, has attracted members of various ethnic groups. One can say that at Bérégadougou Tyurama is now spoken by a minority, and that the language of everyday life is Jula. As for Niofila and Moussodougou, the recent construction of a dam in each village brought in many outsiders. Also concerning Moussodougou, its closeness to Orodara makes it necessary to go to the latter for such things as medical treatment, thus resulting in more of a proficiency in Jula. 18

Besides contact within the region, young men, and to some extent women, often travel to Côte d'Ivoire to earn some money. These times in a predominantly Jula- speaking environment definitely improve their level of competence in Jula.

4.1.3 Bilingualism with Other Vernacular Languages

There is very little reason, given the position of Jula, for the Tyurai to learn other vernacular languages. None was reported.

4.2 Results of Bilingualism Testing

Table 4.2.1 shows the results for testing of bilingual ability in Jula. In analyzing bilingual ability, a major contributing factor appears to be the opportunity for meeting those of other ethnic groups. As a result, the villages that were tested were chosen according to their supposed amount of interethnic contact. Douna is located on a major road and Fabédougou is located quite close to two major cross-cultural centers, Banfora and Bérégadougou; it is quite likely that residents of these villages experience much contact with those of other ethnic groups. One presumes, then, that their ability in Jula is therefore greater. Toumousséni was chosen because it was on a road of lesser importance, and therefore would have less interethnic contact. Tourny was presumed to be the most isolated of the villages tested.

Table 4.2.1 Means and Standard Deviations of SRT Scores for the Tyurama People Group According to Villages, Age, and Sex Factor Level Mean Standard Number of P Deviation Test takers Village Toumousséni 20.16 1.23 40 ns Douna 20.91 1.25 40 Fábédougou 23.17 1.31 37 Tourny 19.75 1.27 38

Sex Female 18.45 0.88 80 sig Male 23.55 0.91 75

Age 12–25 22.47 1.08 53 sig 26–45 22.54 1.01 59 46+ 17.99 1.18 43 19

Factor Level Mean Standard Number of P Deviation Test takers

Village x Sex Toum x F 17.18 1.74 20 ns Toum x M 23.15 1.73 20 Doun x F 18.17 1.75 20 Doun x M 23.65 1.75 20 Fáb x F 21.22 1.74 20 Fáb x M 25.12 1.92 17 Tour x F 17.22 1.75 20 Tour x M 22.29 1.84 18

Village x Age Toum x 12–25 21.34 2.15 13 sig Toum x 26–45 20.15 2.00 15 Toum x 46+ 19.00 2.24 12 Doun x 12–25 17.88 1.94 16 Doun x 26–45 27.36 2.07 14 Doun x 46+ 17.50 2.45 10 Fáb x 12–25 26.30 2.47 10 Fáb x 25–45 22.75 1.94 16 Fáb x 46+ 20.46 2.34 11 Tour x 12–25 24.36 2.07 14 Tour x 26–45 19.90 2.08 14 Tour x 46+ 15.00 2.45 10

Sex x Age F x 12–25 20.36 1.50 27 ns F x 26–45 20.70 1.39 31 F x 46+ 14.29 1.66 22 M x 12–25 24.58 1.55 26 M x 26–45 24.38 1.47 28 M x 46+ 21.69 1.69 21

The SRT scores as a whole fell in the range corresponding to RPE level 3, which indicates a good working knowledge of the language, without expertise. Scores for males were significantly higher than those of females; nevertheless, both were above the threshold of 16, and within the range correponding to RPE level 3. Another significant difference occured in the scores between the youth and adults on the one hand and the elders on the other. In this case, the elders scored significanly lower than the adults and youth, with especially low results occuring in Tourny. In fact, the elders of Tourny had a mean SRT score which put them in RPE level 2-plus, a half level below the community mean. Yet, in spite of this difference, there was not a significant difference in the village means. As communities, then, no one village tested appears to have significanly greater competence than the others. In summary, most Tyurai appear to have achieved a threshold level of Jula competence sufficient to allow them to make use of written materials in that language if they so desired. 20

4.3 Language Attitudes

As with the case of the Tyurai's attitudes toward their culture, their attitudes seem to be very favorable toward their mother tongue. Most of those interviewed expressed the desire to learn to read and write in Tyurama.

An interesting development is the start of radio broadcasts in Tyurama, aired at least two hours per week, from Banfora. While the Tyurai's level of interest is not known—the broadcasts were begun after we had completed our surveys—it will be interesting to note their response, and especially to compare it to their response toward the Jula radio programs that they often listen to.

It is extremely difficult to judge the Tyurai's attitudes toward Jula. To be sure, they must have an attraction to Jula for its economic value, since one can neither conduct business nor relate to other ethnic groups of the region without Jula. However, Jula competence is associated with the forceful imposition of Islam in the past. Dan Petersen, a linguist and missionary working in a Senoufo group, related the origins of the village name Moussodougou: it has the name “woman's village” because most of the men, not wanting to convert to Islam, were killed by the Muslim invaders. It is possible that antagonism toward Jula and Islam remain.

4.4 Summary of Multilingualism Issues

The southwest is an extremely interesting region from the sociolinguistic point of view. Jula has become a fixture in the region, the language of commerce. Furthermore, Jula has already or is threatening to replace certain local languages, such as Tiéfo.

In a short survey it is especially difficult to gain great insight into language attitudes. Also, in the process of language shift, noting areas of personal interest (for example, economic advantages brought about by the use of a certain language) is sometimes as important as emotional attachment. The study of the Tyurai’s attitudes to both Tyurama and Jula deserves special attention, even while present data indicate that the Tyurai appear to have strong attachment to the vernacular.

Soma's conclusion in his study of the long-term viability of Cerma is interesting. He feels that Jula is well on its way to supplanting Cerma as the language of importance within the Cerma community. He notes that speaking Jula provides economical advantages, and cannot find reasons for negative attitudes toward Jula. Thus, he states that the future for Cerma is quite bleak, especially if there is not a concerted effort to save the local language. It remains to be seen how accurate his assessment is, and how applicable to other language situations it is as well. 21

5 Recommendations

5.1 Relative to Language Development Project Potential

I recommend that the Tyurama language have a linguistic and translation project. I believe that the team assigned should explore the possibility of using CARLA (Computer Assisted Related Language Adaptation).8

I do, however, believe that the team allocated have as one of its ongoing priorities to be aware of social trends which would favor a future shift toward Jula. Attitudes, circumstances, and even sometimes practices can change quickly.

5.2 Allocation Site

I feel that a team should work in the eastern Tyurama area, given the above- mentioned facts about better overall understanding of the central/eastern texts. Beyond this statement, I can say little with the exception that a team should not be allocated to Bérégadougou, with its higher-than-average bilingualism in Jula.

8For a more complete description of CARLA, please refer to “Deciding whether to use CADA for a translation project.” by William Mann, and David Weber (1990). 22

Appendix: Word Lists for Cerma and the Tyurama Dialects

001 personne 005 épouse =PGNK'"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M,G" ? Niofila =EQ"4W ? Toumousséni =EG ? Tourny =EW"4Q ? Bérégadougou =E'"!n ? Toumousséni Douna =EQ"4W" ? Moussodougou =M,GÆY? Moussodougou =EQ"4¹ ? Tourny =EK'"0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =E7"4n ? Douna =E¸Ì#ÖN ? Bérégadougou =M,Q"4º ? Niofila 006 père 002 nom =VQ" ? Toumousséni =LG"PÖ' y ? Douna =VQ ? Bérégadougou =!¸4º ? Toumousséni Moussodougou Douna =LW4º ? Moussodougou =VG t ? Tourny =L¹4º ? Bérégadougou =VºLQ" ? Niofila =LG"4¸ ? Tourny =VWQ"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =LG"4ÖG ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =LG"4G ? Niofila 007 mère =ÕW yI¸ÕQ y ? Niofila 003 homme =ÕW p0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =D,'"L+¹ ? Moussodougou =ÕW p ? Toumousséni =D¸D,G ? Tourny =ÕW t ? Bérégadougou =D¸D,'Y? Toumousséni Moussodougou =D¸D,'"!n ? Douna =Õ¿u ? Tourny =D¸DK'0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Õn t ? Douna =DºD¸G" ? Niofila =EW"4Q ? Bérégadougou 008 femme =E¹¢#NQ"!Q ? Toumousséni 004 mari =E¸Ì#ÖN ? Bérégadougou =O‹DN‹"!n ? Toumousséni =E+¸Ì#N7 ? Moussodougou =Dn"Nn ? Douna =E¸E'"!n ? Douna =Dn"N0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =EK'"0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =DnNn" ? Niofila =EG ? Tourny =DN#"P¹ ? Bérégadougou =M,G" ? Niofila =DN# t ? Moussodougou =DºN' ? Tourny 009 garçon =RW yORW4ºDW"!W ? Toumousséni =RWORQ"4QD¸N¸ ? Tourny =RWORW"4¸DºNn ? Douna =RW yRW p4DºNG" ? Niofila =D¸D,' ? Bérégadougou =D¸D,G ? Moussodougou =P# pEQODºNQ0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 23

010 fille 015 chef =E¸E'"DW"!W ? Toumousséni =On t4' p!n y ? Toumousséni =E¸EG"D¸N¸ ? Tourny =On"4G ? Niofila =E¸E#"DºNn ? Douna =O9Q"4G ? Bérégadougou =MºM¸G"DºNG" ? Niofila Moussodougou =DW"UWN? Bérégadougou =On p4º ? Tourny =D¸E#"DNQ ? Moussodougou =O9#"4G ? Douna =D¸EQ"NQ0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =LWÆÖPVKG0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

011 grande soeur 016 ancien =V# y0E¸EG ? Tourny =D'0Xn t ? Toumousséni =O‹V# E+¸E'"!n ? Toumousséni =X7"0Xn p ? Moussodougou =V‹ pXW p0XYn p ? Bérégadougou =D'0Xn y ? Tourny =P¿zPF,'Y? Moussodougou =XW p0Xn pV,G ? Douna =On yPn t ? Douna =P'NXW pXQ y ? Niofila =Vn ' p0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =D¿q0En'"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =OºP#"F#XW pXQ y ? Niofila =EG"0E74# ? Bérégadougou

012 grand frère 017 guérisseur =O‹XW y0Xn y!n y ? Toumousséni =V# pV¸Ö!Q ? Toumousséni =O# yXW pXQ y ? Niofila =V# pPV+¹ ? Bérégadougou =O‹XW y0Xn y ? Moussodougou Moussodougou =OW yXW y0Xn y ? Tourny =V#"PV+¹ ? Tourny =XW p0XYn Æ ? Bérégadougou =V¿qPVKG0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =On pPn t ? Douna =MQ"H# pÖ4¹ ? Douna =On pN0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MQ"H# tPQ ? Niofila

013 petite soeur 018 forgeron =O‹V# yE+¸E'"DWNQ ? Toumousséni =H# yND'"!'"Nº ? Tourny =V‹ pU#ÖN ? Bérégadougou =H# yP¸D'I#N¸ ? Niofila =V# y ? Moussodougou =HN# yD,'"!n ? Toumousséni =V# yD¸N¸ ? Tourny =H# yP# p0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =J# pOD¸Nn ? Douna =HN# tÖD,' ? Bérégadougou =Vn ' p0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =HN# yÖD,G ? Moussodougou =OºP#"F#U#Nn" ? Niofila =HnP‹D,'" ? Douna

014 petit frère 019 balaphoniste =O‹J# pODNW"!W ? Toumousséni =? Toumousséni =J# pODNWÖ? Bérégadougou Bérégadougou =J# pOD¸Nn ? Douna Moussodougou Tourny Douna Niangoloko =HW yPW pPV? Moussodougou (Cerma) =HW yPW pPV¸ ? Tourny =IQIN#"O#ÖNQ p ? Niofila =J# pÖ0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =OºP#"F#DºNG" ? Niofila 24

020 village 025 toit =PG"NNº ? Toumousséni Tourny =FW p0EW"¢Q"IW ? Toumousséni =PG pNN' ? Douna =F¸EW"¢Q"Ö¢Q ? Bérégadougou =PG"NNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =FW"EW"IQÖIW ? Moussodougou =P'NG" ? Niofila =F7"PEW"¢Q"Ö¢Q ? Douna =NG"4º ? Bérégadougou =FW yM,W"IQ"IQ ? Niofila Moussodougou =FW p0EW"IQ ? Tourny =FW"LW"0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 021 case =FW"ÖIW ? Toumousséni 026 pagne Moussodougou =M7"N#"ÖR' yY? Moussodougou =FW"ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou =M7"ÖN#R' y ? Tourny =F7"¢n ? Douna =M7"N#Ö!7 ? Toumousséni =FW"ÖIQ ? Niofila =M7"N#"!n ? Douna =FW p0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MW"N#RG pÕQ y ? Niofila =FW" ? Tourny =L¸U"4º ? Bérégadougou =MQ"OR#0I# ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 022 mur =FW"DQ4Q" ? Tourny 027 boubou =F# t0MW"Ö4G ? Toumousséni =M7"N#ÖM# p0M# pPFG ? Toumousséni =FW"MWMW"Ö4º ? Moussodougou =M7"N#ÖM‹ p0M#"PFº ? Moussodougou =F7"PMn"4n"¢n ? Douna =M7"N#"M# pPM# pPF' ? Douna =FW p0Mn"4Wn"0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MW"N#M¿zM# pFG ? Niofila =FW"HW pNN¿z ? Bérégadougou =M#U#ÖD#" ? Tourny =M,Q pPQIQ ? Niofila =M7"N#ÖF¸L' ? Bérégadougou =ÌQ"0IQ"4WQ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 023 porte =HG"Ö4º ? Toumousséni 028 sandales =H,G"Ö4º ? Moussodougou =X'"V#"ÖÕ# y ? Toumousséni =HGPÖ' y ? Douna Bérégadougou Douna =FW pPFn pNNG ? Toumousséni =XL'"V#"ÖÕ# y ? Moussodougou =FW pPFn pNN¿z ? Bérégadougou =X'"V#"ÖÕ' y ? Tourny =FWPFn N? Tourny =XGV#"ÕG y ? Niofila =FW yPW"FQ yNG" ? Niofila =P# pV' pPP¿q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =FW pOHKG"0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 029 bague 024 grenier =OW pO9# p4G ? Toumousséni =F¸DW4W ? Toumousséni =O¸O,# pÖ4G ? Bérégadougou =FWDW"4W ? Bérégadougou =OW pOW p4º ? Moussodougou Tourny =F#"D‹4W ? Moussodougou =OWOW4G" ? Niofila =FW pPFW pPW p ? Tourny =Mn"D+¸NN' ? Douna =FW yPFW yPW"¢n ? Douna =P#"ÖHQPV'"4ÖG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =FW yFW yPW"IQ ? Niofila =¸P# y0IW yn p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 25

030 collier 035 tisserand =Dn tP' pMW"ÖIW ? Toumousséni =? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Dn"F+¸M7"Ö¢7 ? Bérégadougou =Un yM7"N#"Ö!n ? Toumousséni =M#Õ# pODN¸4º ? Moussodougou =Un yM7"ÖN# ? Tourny =Mn yPVn pOD¸Nº ? Tourny =IºUºUn tÖ4 ? Bérégadougou =DQ yMQ yVQ pD¸# ? Niofila =M7"N#"ÖUn y4n t ? Moussodougou =VnN‹¢#"D,# ? Douna =M7"N#UnÖ4G ? Douna =P¿qD¸NGPP¿z ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MWN#"UQ y4n" ? Niofila

031 fusil 036 calebasse =P#4Q"IQ ? Niofila =E+¸4#"ÖI7 ? Toumousséni =P#"4QIQ ? Toumousséni =E¸4#"ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou Bérégadougou =E+¸4#"ÖIW ? Moussodougou =P#"4WIW ? Moussodougou =E+¸4# ? Tourny =P# pÖ4Q ? Tourny =E¸4#Ö¢n ? Douna =P# t4Q"¢n ? Douna =M,º4#"IQ ? Niofila =P#"Ö4W0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =E#"0I# ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

032 flèche 037 panier =RQ"NQ"¢n ? Douna =IN#!n ? Toumousséni =V#D¹ÖNG ? Niofila =PWIWIQ ? Niofila =V# pOD¸NºJ#"NN+º ? Toumousséni =PWIQ"IQÖ? Bérégadougou =#"NNº ? Bérégadougou =PW y¢‹DºNº ? Tourny =!#"NNº ? Moussodougou =PW IWD¸NN' ? Douna =V# tJ#"NNº ? Tourny =E+EQ4‹"IW ? Moussodougou =V# tJ#"D+N' ? Douna =Mn4Wn" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =V# pJ#NNG ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 038 graisse 033 arc =Pn pOÖ# y ? Toumousséni =V# pÖIW ? Toumousséni Bérégadougou =V# pÖIW y ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou Moussodougou =Pn pO# p ? Tourny =V# t ? Tourny =Pn"OÖ# y ? Douna =V# pIQ ? Niofila =P# pOÖ#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =V# t¢n y ? Douna =PQ"O# ? Niofila =V# ÆÖ0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 039 lait =? 034 corde Toumousséni =!¿qP# pÖ!W y ? Toumousséni Bérégadougou Moussodougou Tourny =Õ¿qP¿uÖ? Bérégadougou Douna Niangoloko =Õ¿qP# pW y ? Moussodougou (Cerma) =L¸D¸Nº ? Tourny =P#"G yN#"IQ ? Niofila =!¸D¸N' ? Douna =¹D¸NG ? Niofila =¸LQ"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 26

040 sel 045 riz =FQ pO# ? Niofila =O¿zJ¿q!W y ? Toumousséni =Fn pOO# y ? Toumousséni =O¿zJ¿u ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou =O# yÖN¿q ? Tourny =Fn tOO# y ? Bérégadougou =O#N‹J¿q ? Moussodougou =Fn pO# p ? Tourny =O# yJ¿q ? Douna =F# tOO# y ? Douna =O# yJ¿qÖ0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =F# tOO# ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =O#J¸LQ y ? Niofila

041 bâton 046 gros mil =F#"O' pNN' y ? Toumousséni =M#"4MQ y ? Niofila =X#"NQ"IQ ? Bérégadougou =M#4Mn y ? Toumousséni =X#"N7" ? Moussodougou Tourny Moussodougou Tourny =F#¢n ? Douna =M#4M9n t ? Bérégadougou =F#ÆÖ0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M#4Mn p ? Douna =F#"IQ ? Niofila =R#4MWn p ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

042 daba 047 petit mil =Mn"NNn ? Toumousséni =Ì#"Ö!# ? Toumousséni =M9#"NN#Y? Moussodougou Moussodougou Douna =Mn"NNL# ? Tourny =Ì#"!# ? Niofila =MnNLn ? Douna =Ì#"ÖI# ? Bérégadougou =MnN¸#MQ pLQ y ? Niofila =Ì#" ? Tourny =U9#N? Bérégadougou =Ì#"Ö0#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M#"ÖI7 ? Moussodougou =EKG"0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 048 gombo =V74#"!# ? Toumousséni 043 hache Moussodougou =O# pNN¿z ? Toumousséni =V74#"I# ? Bérégadougou =O# pÖN¿z ? Bérégadougou =Vn"4n" ? Tourny =O# ÑÖN¿z ? Moussodougou =Vn"4# ? Niofila =O# yÖN¿q ? Tourny =Vn4#"Ö!# ? Douna =O#ÖN' ? Douna =V'4'K0#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =O# yÖNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =O#J#"NG ? Niofila 049 arachide =V+ºPV,' pÖIW y ? Toumousséni 044 champs =V¿zPV,# pÖLW ? Bérégadougou ≠N#!# ? Toumousséni =V¿zPV,' pÖIW y ? Moussodougou =ÌG"4¸ ? Tourny =V¿zPV¿qÕ' p ? Tourny =ÌG"PF' ? Douna =V¿zPV,'"¢n ? Douna =H7"I#"IQ ? Bérégadougou =V¿zVG"DºNG" ? Niofila =HQ"I#"U¸4º ? Moussodougou =M#ÖMQ"K0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =H#IU¸4G ? Niofila =UWQ0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 27

050 sésame =F#"Ö0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =? Toumousséni Bérégadougou 056 herbe Moussodougou Tourny =JL' pÖIW y ? Toumousséni Douna Niangoloko =JL' pÖIW ? Bérégadougou (Cerma) =JÕ' yY? Moussodougou =FnIO¹Pn ? Niofila =JL' p ? Tourny =JLG p¢n ? Douna 051 fonio =J¿' p0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =? Toumousséni =JLG pIQ ? Bérégadougou Niofila Moussodougou Tourny Douna Niangoloko 057 karité =XW pP# y!# yOn pUn pÖIW y ? (Cerma) Toumousséni =OW pUn pÖIQ ? =HQOn" ? Niofila Bérégadougou =On pUn pÖIn y ? Moussodougou 052 maïs =XW pN# yOn pUW pYn p ? Tourny =FQ"IQÌ# ? Niofila =OW U¿' 0#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =ÌW¢WÌ#"Ö!# ? Toumousséni =X¸NG ? Douna =M74+¸Ì#"ÖI# ? Bérégadougou =XW4D¸NG ? Niofila =MW4Ì#"Ö!#" ? Moussodougou =Ì#NOn p¢n ? Tourny 058 fleur =RN["OO# y ? =Ìn"¢n"Ì#"Ö!# ? Douna Toumousséni =RNW"O# ? ≠Ì#Ö0# ? Niangoloko (Cerma) Bérégadougou =RN["O# y ? Moussodougou 053 arbre =RW"NW"O# p ? Tourny =V¸D¸MW"ÖIW ? Toumousséni =RW"NW"O# y ? Douna =V¸DºMW pÖIW ? Bérégadougou =R¿qNO#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =VW"DºMW"ÖIW ? Moussodougou =HN'"4º ? Niofila =VºD¸MW pIQ ? Niofila =VW" ? Tourny 059 fruit =VºDºMWÖD,G!Q ? =V¿qO‹"MW"Ö¢n ? Douna Toumousséni =VºD‹MWODN¸4º ? =V¸DºÖ0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) Bérégadougou =V¸DºMWÖOD,' ? Moussodougou 054 forêt =VW"D¹ ? Tourny =VW p0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =V¿qO¿qMQOD¸!# ? Douna =R#Ö4G ? Toumousséni Niofila =V¸D¸DGNNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =R#"4‹"U# yÖP ? Tourny =VW yD¹MW pD¸NG ? Niofila =ÌG"Ö4º ? Bérégadougou =VWÖ4º ? Moussodougou 060 feuille =R‹ pP# p ? =VWÖM# ? Douna Tourny =R‹"P#"ÖÕ' y ? Douna 055 bois =R¸R¿q4# pÖIW ? Toumousséni =F#"ÕG y ? Niofila =RW"RW"4#"ÖIW ? Bérégadougou =F#Õ# y ? Toumousséni Tourny =R¸R¸4# pÖIW y ? Moussodougou Douna =VW yR¹P#"IQ ? Niofila =F#"ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou =HK'"NNW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =F#"ÖÕ# y ? Moussodougou 28

061 branche 066 vache =F#Pn yÖIW y ? Toumousséni =P#"ÖÕW y ? Toumousséni =PY#ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou =PW"ÕW t ? Bérégadougou =PYn"ÖIW ? Moussodougou =P# pÖ0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =VWPn t ? Tourny =P#"EG ? Tourny =V¿qO¿qMWPn pMn4n"Ö¢n ? Douna =P¿qE'"!n ? Douna =VWD¹MWPQ"Mn4n"IQ ? Niofila =P#M,G" ? Niofila =PG"IG0I# ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Pn pDN# t ? Moussodougou

062 écorce 067 cheval =F#!WN#"IW ? Toumousséni =UW y0UW p!W y ? Toumousséni =F#I#"ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou =UW yPUWÖ? Bérégadougou =Fn"N#IW ? Moussodougou =UW pUW ? Niofila =F#!7N#" ? Tourny =U# y0U# p ? Moussodougou =F#HQ"4Q"¢n ? Douna =UW0UQ" ? Tourny =F#"ºN#HWIQ" ? Niofila =UQPUQ"Ö!n ? Douna =L¸N#"Ö0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =UW Ñ0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

063 racine 068 mouton =F#Õ# pO# pU¸ ? Tourny =VW yO# p!W y ? Toumousséni =P# tOÕ# pD# ? Douna =V‹ yO‹ t ? Bérégadougou =Õ¿qP‹"UG"4G ? Bérégadougou =V‹ yOO# pW p ? Moussodougou =F#"Õ# pO#ÕQ y ? Niofila =VW yO# p ? Tourny =F#"V¿z ? Moussodougou =VW pO# ? Niofila =F#M# pÕW y!W y ? Toumousséni =VW yO#!n ? Douna =M#"ÖU¿z0Pº ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =VW yO#"Ö0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

064 animal 069 chèvre =M9#"U¸Õ¿qÕ# y ? Toumousséni =!7"4n ? Toumousséni =M9#"U¿q0MW"ÖIW ? Toumousséni =Y7"4n ? Bérégadougou =M9#"U‹"0MW"ÖIW ? Moussodougou =YW"4Q" ? Moussodougou =Mn"M7"¢# ? Douna =Yn"47" ? Tourny =MnÕG yIGÕG y ? Niofila =Yn"4n ? Douna =M9#"U¿q0M7" ? Tourny =n"4n ? Niofila =ÌG"4Mn pÖO# y ? Bérégadougou =L'"4K'"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =D¿q09WQ"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 070 hyène 065 chien =O¿z!¸4W" ? Toumousséni =X#!n ? Toumousséni =PºL¹4? Bérégadougou =X# ? Bérégadougou =ON¿qÖ4¿u ? Moussodougou Moussodougou Tourny =O# yO¿q4¸ ? Tourny =X# ? Niofila =O# yO¿qÖ4‹"!n ? Douna =X#"!n ? Douna =O# yÖOW"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =X#"Ö0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =O# yD¹Ö4Q" ? Niofila 29

071 porc 076 fourmi =R+¸4'"!n ? Toumousséni =O‹ pN#"Ö!W y ? Toumousséni =R'4? Bérégadougou =O# p4# t ? Bérégadougou =R,'4Q" ? Moussodougou =O‹ pN# p4# ÆY? Moussodougou =R'"4G" ? Tourny =O‹ pN# p ? Tourny =R'4' ? Niofila =O,' pP#"!n ? Douna =R'"4'"!n ? Douna =O¸N#"Ö0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =R'"4K'"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =O¸ÖP# ? Niofila

072 oiseau 077 sauterelle =Jn y4n pÖ!n y ? Toumousséni =Xn yÕ7 t ? Toumousséni =Jn y4n p!n ? Douna =I+ºUn Æ ? Bérégadougou =JW4W0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Ì7"47"O#ÖNº ? Moussodougou =JQ p4n ? Niofila =I9'N#"Y? Tourny =F,'P‹LQ ? Bérégadougou =I9#"E'"OO# y ? Douna =V#H,n ÆY? Moussodougou =M#"ÖEG4ÖG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =VQ y0IQ"NDºNº ? Tourny =MnNF#"ÖO# ? Niofila

073 poule 078 singe =MWNWÆ!W ? Toumousséni =In"NNn!n ? Toumousséni =MWNW ? Bérégadougou =IQ4Q" ? Tourny =MWNWÖÕW t ? Moussodougou =IQ4Q"!n ? Douna =M7"ÖN7" ? Tourny =MQ4Q"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M7NE'" ? Douna =IQ"4Q ? Niofila =MW"NQ ? Niofila =Z# t ? Bérégadougou =MW n yP# y0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M*# ÆY? Moussodougou =M# pN# y ? Tourny 074 araignée =I9G4¼Y? Moussodougou =U#"N#"N"!n" ? Toumousséni =U9#NN# ? Bérégadougou 079 lion =U9#N#ÆY? Moussodougou ≠4#!7 ? Toumousséni =U+¸PF#"N+¸ ? Tourny =Ì#4#Æ ? Bérégadougou =U7PFnNQ" ? Douna =Ì#4#ÆY? Moussodougou =U¿zPF# yÖNWn p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Ì#4#" ? Tourny Douna =U¿zF#NQ ? Niofila Niangoloko (Cerma) =Ì#"4# ? Niofila 075 termite =Õ# yNQ" ? Niofila 080 éléphant =Õ# yNW p ? Toumousséni =Ì' pNW p!W y ? Toumousséni =Õ# yNN¿z ? Bérégadougou =I9' yN? Bérégadougou =Õ# yNNn p ? Moussodougou =Ì' pPn t ? Douna =Õ# yNN¿q ? Tourny =ÌG yPn" ? Niofila =Õ' pP# p ? Douna =I,# pNn y ? Moussodougou =Õ' yK0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =ID' pN0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =I¿qÕ# yNN¿q ? Tourny 30

081 serpent 086 queue =Y#"ÖN7" ? Toumousséni =RNQ"ÖIW ? Toumousséni =Y#ÖN ? Bérégadougou =RNW"ÖIW ? Bérégadougou =Y#"ÖNº ? Moussodougou =RN["ÖIW ? Moussodougou =Y#"ÖN+¸ ? Tourny =RQ"NQ" ? Tourny =Y#ÖNn ? Douna =R"uNQ"¢n ? Douna =Y#"ÖNn ? Niofila =RG"NKG"0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =ÌK# pÖ0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =RG"NGIQ ? Niofila

082 poisson 087 viande =VGVG4KG0Q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M‹OO# y ? Toumousséni =Vº4!W y ? Toumousséni =M9n pÖO# y ? Bérégadougou =V7V74Q ? Bérégadougou =Mn pÖO# y ? Moussodougou Douna =VW"VQ"4W ? Moussodougou =Mn tOO# y ? Tourny =V¸4W" ? Tourny =MW n pO#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Vº4#"ÖD# ? Niofila =MW pÖO# ? Niofila =V,G4Q"!n ? Douna 088 sang 083 aile =V9#"ÖO# y ? Bérégadougou =MnE#"PF+º ? Toumousséni =V9#"OO# y ? Moussodougou =Mn tE'"PF' ? Douna =V# pOO#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MQ yM,#PG ? Niofila =Vn"O# p ? Tourny =V# tÖRW4# pÖIQ ? Bérégadougou =Vn"OO# y ? Douna =V# pOR+¿z4# yIW y ? Moussodougou =Vn pOO# y ? Toumousséni =V# yOR‹ pP# p ? Tourny =Vn"ÖO# ? Niofila =DW yPE'4ÖG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 089 os 084 corne =MW"MQ"0IW ? Toumousséni =ÕG"PFº ? Toumousséni =MW"MW"I#"ÖIW ? Bérégadougou =LG"Pº ? Bérégadougou =MW"MW"IW ? Moussodougou =LG"PFº ? Moussodougou =MW"MW"Ö¢W ? Tourny =LG"P? Tourny =MW"MQ"Ö¢# ? Douna =LG"PF' ? Douna =MW pMW yIQ ? Niofila =LG"PFG ? Niofila =MQ"IWQ"0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =L'"4ÖG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 090 corps 085 oeuf =E#"PF+º ? Toumousséni Tourny =E' yO,' pÖ4G ? Toumousséni =E# pPP+º ? Bérégadougou =E¿zO#"4G ? Bérégadougou =E# pPF+º ? Moussodougou =E#O,G"Ö4G ? Moussodougou =E' pPF' ? Douna =E' yO' p ? Tourny =M,G"PFG ? Niofila =E' yO#"Ö4'" ? Douna =MW n pO#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =EWO' pNÖG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MG yO'Ö4G ? Niofila 31

091 peau 096 nez =E# pNNW pIW y ? Toumousséni =O' pNN' y ? Toumousséni =E# pNQ"IQ ? Bérégadougou =O' pNN¿z ? Tourny =E# pNW pIW y ? Moussodougou =O' pNN' ? Douna =E# pNW p¢W y ? Tourny =OG pNG ? Niofila =E' pP7"¢n ? Douna =O,# pÖ4G ? Bérégadougou =E# pÖPW"0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =O,# pPFº ? Moussodougou =M,G yPQIQ ? Niofila =O¿' p0# p ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

092 tête 097 oreille =LWÖIW ? Toumousséni =Vn pÖIW y ? Toumousséni Bérégadougou =VQÖIQ ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou =VQ pIQ ? Niofila =LW"Ö¢G ? Tourny =Vn pÖ¢W y ? Moussodougou =LW¢n ? Douna =V9n p ? Tourny =LW"ÖIQ ? Niofila =Vn"Ö¢n ? Douna =LW"0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =VW p0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

093 visage 098 oeil =L#"0IW ? Toumousséni =!¸Uº4º ? Toumousséni Tourny =L¸I#"ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou =L¸U¸4º ? Bérégadougou =L+¸¢#"ÖI7 ? Moussodougou =L¸Uº4º ? Moussodougou =L#"¢#" ? Tourny =¹5¸4G ? Niofila =Õ# pI# ? Niofila =!¸U¸PF' ? Douna =L#"PI# ? Douna =L¸HGNNG ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =L#"Ö0#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 099 bouche 094 cheveux =Pn pÖIW y ? Toumousséni =M9#"U+¸4+º ? Toumousséni =Pn pÖIQ ? Bérégadougou =M9#"UG"4G ? Bérégadougou =Pn"IQ ? Niofila =LW"M9#ÖU¸4º ? Moussodougou =Pn tÖ¢W y ? Moussodougou =LWM9#"¢#"U¸ ? Tourny =PYn pÖ¢G ? Tourny =LW"M9#"U¸ÖÕ' y ? Douna =Pn pÖ¢n ? Douna =¸MWn"U¿zPPº ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =PW"0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =LW"MnIQ"U¸FG ? Niofila 100 dent 095 poils =Õ' p4# pÖIW y ? Toumousséni =M9#"U+¸4+º ? Toumousséni =Õ¿q4#ÖIW ? Bérégadougou =M9#"UG"4G ? Bérégadougou =Õ¿q4# pÖIW ? Moussodougou =M9#ÖU¸4º ? Moussodougou =Õ¿qP# y ? Tourny =M9#"¢#"U¸ ? Tourny =Õ¿qP# tÖ¢n ? Douna =M9#"U¸ÖÕ' ? Douna =Õ¿qN# p0W ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MWn"U¿qPP¸ ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Õ¿z4#Õ# y ? Niofila =EG yPG"MnIQ"U¸FG ? Niofila 32

101 langue 106 poitrine =P# pODG"PFº ? Toumousséni =F# y0IW pNW p0IW y ? Toumousséni =P# pODG"P¹ ? Bérégadougou =F# y0XW pÖIW y ? Bérégadougou =Õ# yDG"PFG ? Niofila =FG0IW pÖ¢W y ? Moussodougou =P#OD,G"PFG ? Moussodougou =FQ0IQ"NQ"IQ ? Tourny =ÕG pPFG ? Tourny =FQ0IQ"NQ"¢Q ? Douna =LG"PF' ? Douna =F# y0n pÖIW ? Bérégadougou =ÌW"O' pNNG ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =FQ yIQ"NQ ? Niofila =R# yOR¿qP# y0I#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 102 bras =PW tM74n"I7 ? Toumousséni 107 coeur =PW pMW4#"ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou =FWIQ"FKIQD¸NNº ? Toumousséni =PW"MW"4Q"ÖIW ? Moussodougou =FWIWDN¸4º ? Bérégadougou =PW pMn"47Ö? Tourny =FG0IW"DNº4º ? Moussodougou =Pn pMn4n"Ö¢n ? Douna =FWQ"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Pn"Mn4nIQ ? Niofila =FQOD¸NNG ? Tourny =P# p0I# ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =FGOD¸NN' ? Douna =FQ yD¸NG ? Niofila 103 jambe =XL'"I7 ? Toumousséni 108 ventre =XL'"ÖI7 ? Bérégadougou =MW"UWIW ? Toumousséni =XLG"ÖIW ? Moussodougou =M7"U7"ÖI7 ? Bérégadougou =XLG"¢G ? Tourny =M7"U7ÖI7 ? Moussodougou =XL'"¢n ? Douna =IW"UW ? Tourny =XG"ÖIQ ? Niofila =MW"UW"Ö¢n ? Douna =IDQ"NWQ0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MW"UW0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MWUW"IQ ? Niofila 104 doigt =PG"DºNNº ? Toumousséni 109 bon =PÕLDN¸4º ? Bérégadougou =M7FnNFn"ÖN ? Toumousséni =P#"Dº4º ? Moussodougou =I7FnN? Moussodougou =P¿qD¸Nº ? Tourny =I7FnNFn"N? Tourny =PQ pD¸N' ? Douna =M7FnN‹Fn"N¸ ? Douna =P'D¹NG ? Niofila =IQ"FnNn"IQ ? Niofila =PKG"NNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =HN#" ? Bérégadougou =H#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 105 cou =Dn pÖIW y ? Toumousséni 110 mauvais =D9n pÖIW y ? Bérégadougou =M7UW p0H# ? Toumousséni Moussodougou =I7U#"ÖH# ? Bérégadougou =D9n pÖ¢G ? Tourny =I7U7 pÖH# ? Moussodougou =Dn pÖ¢n ? Douna =I7D'"NN#" ? Toumousséni =DW p0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =I7U‹"Fn"N? Tourny =DQ p0IQ ? Niofila =M7"U‹PFnN‹Fn"N¸ ? Douna =MW y5¹FnNn" ? Niofila =D#"N#"Ö0 ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 33

111 dos 116 soleil =HW yPW pÖIW y ? Toumousséni =D# ÑÖIW y ? Toumousséni =HW y4W pIW y ? Bérégadougou =Dn pÖIW ? Bérégadougou =HW yPW pÖ¢G ? Tourny =D# pÖIW y ? Moussodougou =HW yPW pÖ¢n ? Douna =D# pÖ¢G ? Tourny =HW yPQIQ ? Niofila =D# pÖ¢n ? Douna =JWQ"0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =D# yÖ0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Õ' pNN+¿z ? Moussodougou =D# ÑPMQ ? Niofila

112 âme 117 lune =O'N'¢'" ? Tourny =J#"4I#ÖIW ? Toumousséni =LW"4W"OO# y ? Toumousséni =J¸4#"ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou =!¸HNQ ? Bérégadougou =J#"4#"ÖIW ? Moussodougou =EW"¢W"V+¹ ? Moussodougou =J#4I#" ? Tourny =U+¹!n ? Douna =J'"4#"0I# ? Douna =L#"NNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =J'4'PI# ? Niofila =QP¸JºN#" ? Niofila =E'"K0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

113 vie 118 étoile =? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Y# t4G ? Toumousséni Niofila =Y# tÖ4G ? Moussodougou =EW"!W ? Toumousséni =Y# p4G ? Niofila =EW"¢W" ? Tourny =Y# pÕ# p ? Tourny =PW pOO# t ? Bérégadougou =Y# p4' ? Douna =PW yO‹ yP# p ? Moussodougou =O,'"ÖI# ? Bérégadougou =O' pNN' ? Douna =On ' pNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

114 dieu 119 matin =FW pPPW y ? Toumousséni =E¿uO# pÖIW y ? Toumousséni =FW pPW y ? Bérégadougou =EKD‹ ÖIW ? Bérégadougou =FW pPP# y ? Moussodougou =E¸O# yÖIW y ? Moussodougou =FW pP‹"O# y ? Tourny =E¸ÖO# y ? Tourny =FW"PPn y ? Douna =E¸O#¢n ? Douna =FWIW"PQ ? Niofila =MºO#"IQ ? Niofila =F¸ÖNQ0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =E¸EW¸0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

115 ciel 120 jour =Fn"4n ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =ÌW tO# pÖIW y ? Toumousséni =FW pPPW y ? Toumousséni =D‹ pÖIW y ? Bérégadougou =FW pPW y ? Bérégadougou =D# yP# pIW y ? Moussodougou =FW pPP# y ? Moussodougou =D# pÖ¢G ? Tourny =FW yP‹"O# y ? Tourny =D# yÖ0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =FW"PPn y ? Douna =D# p0IQ ? Niofila =FWIWPQ ? Niofila =V#M#"ÖN7"¢n ? Douna 34

121 nuit 126 fumée =!7Un"ÖI7 ? Toumousséni =Õn pU¸4º ? Toumousséni =!+¸Un"ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou =!¸U# ÆÖIW y ? Moussodougou =Õn pUG"4G ? Bérégadougou =!W"UW"YQ ? Tourny =Õn pÖU+¸ ? Tourny =!¸Un"¢n ? Douna =ÕQ yIQ"U¸4G ? Niofila =JWUQIQ ? Niofila =Pn pU¿qÕ' y ? Douna =¸UWn"0IW ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Õ# pÖU¸PP¿ ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

122 mois 127 eau =J#"4I#ÖIW ? Toumousséni =JW pOO# y ? Toumousséni =J+¸4#"ÖIQ ? Bérégadougou Bérégadougou =J#4#"ÖIW ? Moussodougou Moussodougou =J#4I#" ? Tourny Niangoloko (Cerma) =JW pO# p ? =J'"4#"0I# ? Douna Tourny =JW"OO# y ? =J'4'PI# ? Niofila Douna =JW pO# ? =E'"K0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) Niofila

123 année 128 pluie =F9n"ÖIW ? =D¸NNº ? Toumousséni Douna Toumousséni =F9n"ÖI7 ? =DN¸4º ? Bérégadougou Bérégadougou =F9Q"ÖIW ? Moussodougou Moussodougou =F9Q"Ö¢G ? =D¸NNG" ? Tourny Tourny =Fn"Ö¢n ? =DGNNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) Douna =FWIPn"PG ? =D¸ÖNG ? Niofila Niofila =F¸ÖNQ0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 124 vent =U#NW"IW ? Toumousséni 129 terre Toumousséni =JPn pO# y ? =U#"NWIW ? Bérégadougou Bérégadougou =J' yPW"O# y ? =U#"NQIW ? Moussodougou Douna =J'N‹"O' y ? =U#"NQ"In ? Douna Tourny =J¿' yOO# p ? =U#NQ"IQ ? Niofila Niangoloko (Cerma) =JG yPGO# ? =H'"N7 ? Tourny Niofila =LW"4Q"IW ? =H#H#NOW p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) Moussodougou

125 feu 130 nuage =L¸NG"Õ# ? =F# tOO# y ? Toumousséni Bérégadougou =L¸NW"IW ? =FQOO# ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou =L¸NW" ? =F# tÖO# y ? Moussodougou Douna Tourny =¹NW"IQ ? =F# pÖO# ? Niofila Niofila =FW pPPW tX# pP# p ? =F# pÖO# y ? Tourny Toumousséni =FnD'"NN' ? =F# ÆÖOW p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) Douna =FW"JG4ÖW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 35

131 rocher 136 blanc =V¿zPV# pPFº ? Toumousséni =Mn"R7"RN7"ÖI7 ? Toumousséni =V‹ yPV# pPF¿z ? Moussodougou =IW"DW"RN#"ÖIW ? Bérégadougou =V# pPW pIW y ? Bérégadougou =IW"IW"RN#"ÖIW ? Moussodougou =V¿zPV#"N7" ? Tourny =RN# pIQ ? Niofila =V'"PÌWN# ? Douna =IQ"R¸N#"Ö? Tourny =V# yOR' yNNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =RKN#Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) =PG yD'N' ? Niofila =Mn"RG"4G"0In ? Douna

132 sable 137 noir =JP# pOO# y ? Toumousséni =Mn"DWDNW"ÖIW ? Toumousséni =JPn pOR,'"Ö4G ? Bérégadougou =IW"IWDNW"ÖIW ? Bérégadougou =JPn yOO# y ? Moussodougou Moussodougou ='N'O# ? Niofila =IQ"D¸NW" ? Tourny =J'N'OD¸N¸ ? Tourny =Mn"D¸N¸0¢n ? Douna =J' yP' yD¸NNG ? Douna =DN¿qIQ ? Niofila =J¿' yOW pI# yÖ0IW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M#W" ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

133 poussière 138 chaud =JW"I4WIW ? Toumousséni =!+¸ ? Toumousséni =JW"4W"ÖIW ? Bérégadougou =J+¸J+¸ ? Tourny =JW"¢‹"4WIW ? Moussodougou =J7"ÖN# ? Bérégadougou =JW"I4W ? Tourny =J7"N#"ÖIW ? Moussodougou =ÕQ pOR# pNNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =J7"ÖN#"0Mn ? Douna =P# pNN' ? Douna =JWQ"N#"Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Õ9# pNG ? Niofila =IQJn"NnIQ" ? Niofila

134 chemin 139 froid =JW pPW pIW y ? Toumousséni =U' pPÕ' y ? Toumousséni =JW yPW pÖIW ? Bérégadougou =U' pPP# p ? Tourny =JPW pIW y ? Moussodougou =U# tÖF# p ? Bérégadougou =JW pPW p ? Tourny =U# pPP# p ? Moussodougou =JW"PW"Ö¢n ? Douna =U' P' 0Mn ? Douna =JW yPWD¸NG ? Niofila =IQ5G pP'IQ ? Niofila =JW pOG"NNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =H¿' p ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

135 fer 140 sec =M9#"NN+º ? Toumousséni =M7"ÖN# ? Toumousséni Tourny =M9#"NNG ? Bérégadougou =M7"ÖN# ? Bérégadougou =M9#"NNG ? Moussodougou Tourny =M7"ÖN#" ? Moussodougou =Mn"NN' ? Douna =M7"ÖN#"0Mn ? Douna =Mn"NNW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MWQ"N#"Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M9#"NG ? Niofila =IQMW"N#PIQ ? Niofila 36

141 fort 146 court =I9# y ? Toumousséni =D9Q"4¹ ? Moussodougou =ID# yÖ? Bérégadougou =DQ"44#" ? Toumousséni Tourny =ID# pID# ? Moussodougou =DQ"4# ? Bérégadougou =I9# pY? Tourny =D¸4#" ? Douna =In p0Mn ? Douna =DG"VG4KGÆ ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =ID# Ñ ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M,QU#"N'LQ" ? Niofila =M,QD# pÕn ? Niofila 147 vérité 142 faible/faiblesse =U¸ÖP¿u ? Toumousséni =F#I#"P# t ? Toumousséni =U¿qP‹"O# y ? Moussodougou =FºI#P#" ? Bérégadougou =UQ"N#"O¿u ? Bérégadougou =U7 pID# y ? Moussodougou =U¸ÖP¿q ? Tourny =QUW"I# y ? Niofila =U,G"ÖP# p ? Douna =U‹"I9# pY? Tourny =UºÖPQ" ? Niofila =U‹"0In0Mn p ? Douna =P¿qUG"0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =P#ÖU¿z0Pº ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 148 mensonge 143 grand =M9#U+¸ ? Toumousséni Tourny =F#"ÖN#" ? Toumousséni =M9#UG"Ö? Bérégadougou Moussodougou =M9#"U¸4Kº ? Moussodougou =F#"ÖN# ? Bérégadougou =M9#U¸ÖÕ' y ? Douna =F#"PP# p ? Tourny =MQU¹4G ? Niofila =QF#P#" ? Niofila =EQKO#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M# p0M#"PF' ? Douna =Ì#ÖV#Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) 149 vendre =UWI4W ? Toumousséni 144 petit =U7Ö4 ? Bérégadougou =MQ"NN#" ? Toumousséni =UW¢‹4W ? Moussodougou Bérégadougou Tourny =UW¢‹4‹UW"¢‹"4¸ ? Tourny =M7"N#" ? Douna =UWI4W ? Douna =U‹F7I# ? Moussodougou =UWQ"4? Niangoloko (Cerma) =E'"MW pn y ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MGUWIW"4W" ? Niofila =M,QU#"N'LQ" ? Niofila 150 dormir 145 long =F9nU+º ? Toumousséni =F#"ÖN#" ? Toumousséni =FnU‹ ? Bérégadougou =F#"ÖN# ? Bérégadougou =FQÖU‹ ? Moussodougou =QF#P#" ? Niofila =FQÖUºFQ"U¸ ? Tourny =F#"PP# p ? Tourny =Fn"U¿q ? Douna =F#P# 0Mn ? Douna =FQUG" ? Niofila =R9Q"ÖNº ? Moussodougou =FWnHW p0? Niangoloko (Cerma) =RnVn"Vn" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 37

151 large =U#"O# y ? Douna =J# pPP# t ? Toumousséni =QU#J# pUG" ? Niofila =J#"P# ? Bérégadougou =U#"I9#"¢‹"4? Tourny =J#"PP# y ? Moussodougou =MR#"IÖ#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =J#"PP# t ? Tourny =J#"Ö4# ? Douna 157 aigu =IQJ#4#" ? Niofila =H4W"HW" ? Toumousséni =MRQOOW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =U# pOU# pO? Bérégadougou Moussodougou 152 mince =U' pO¿qU' pO¿q ? Tourny =O# pPO# pP? Toumousséni =On pPOn pP? Douna =MQ"NN#" ? Bérégadougou Tourny =EW' pEW' p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M7"ÖN#" ? Douna =MQU¸#"OW pIQ ? Niofila =U‹"F7"In ? Moussodougou =Õ' pNN' p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 158 sale =IQU#"J#4#" ? Niofila =D'"NN#" ? Toumousséni =DN#"Ö4# ? Bérégadougou 153 lourd =DN#"NN#" ? Moussodougou =FºUº ? Toumousséni =D#"N#" ? Douna =F‹U‹ ? Bérégadougou =IQD#N#" ? Niofila Moussodougou =FW"I#" ? Tourny =FWUº ? Tourny Douna =Pn pIn pN# ÑÖ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =IQF¸Uº ? Niofila =LQ0FWQ" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 159 pourri =Jn"44#" ? Toumousséni Tourny 154 léger =Jn"Ö4# ? Bérégadougou =U‹"FºUº ? Toumousséni =Jn"Ö4#" ? Moussodougou =U‹"PFWUº ? Tourny =Jn"44#"Mn ? Douna =U‹"FWUºFW"U¸ ? Douna =Jn"4#"Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) =IQU¸FW"UG ? Niofila =IQJ#4#" ? Niofila =F¸¢#"P# ? Bérégadougou =Fº¢#P#" ? Moussodougou 160 droit =HK'"HK'" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Un pÖN# p ? Moussodougou =U9# pNN# p ? Toumousséni 155 loin =V‹ pÖOW p ? Bérégadougou =J#"NN#" ? Toumousséni =E¸¢‹"4G ? Tourny Bérégadougou =X¸ÖNG"0Mn ? Douna Moussodougou =IQXºÖNG" ? Niofila =O# yÖN#" ? Douna =X¸Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) =I9#"¢‹"4#" ? Tourny =L#4I#Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) 161 courbé =UQJ# pUW"PIQ ? Niofila =I9# pNN# p ? Toumousséni Moussodougou Tourny 156 près =PQ"NN# ? Bérégadougou =Mn"¢n"P# t ? Toumousséni =Fn pPP# p ? Douna =Mn"ÖP# ? Bérégadougou =VW"Ö4G ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =U#"ÖJ#"N? Moussodougou =IQU#F# ÑPY ? Niofila 38

162 vieux 167 regarder =XW p0X# pÖIW ? Moussodougou =PG ? Toumousséni =X# pÖP# p0Mn ? Douna =P‹ ? Bérégadougou =X# pNN# p ? Toumousséni Tourny =PG y ? Moussodougou =XW pNN# y ? Bérégadougou =PG p ? Tourny Douna =IQX# tPN#" ? Niofila =PG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =D¿q0En"K0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =PG"PG" ? Niofila

163 jeune 168 coûter =U#"X# p ? Toumousséni Tourny =? Niangoloko (Cerma) Douna Niofila =QU#X# p ? Niofila =UQ"NNº ? Toumousséni =U#"ÖN#IW ? Moussodougou Bérégadougou =RNQÖ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou =P# pÖEQNQ0Q" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =U7"NN' ? Douna =O#ÖM# p ? Tourny 164 manger =!7 ? Toumousséni 169 donner Moussodougou =# pNN# p ? Toumousséni =!7"Ö? Tourny =J# pN' p ? Tourny =!7"YQ" ? Douna =J#O? Bérégadougou =YQÖ? Bérégadougou =J# ÆP? Moussodougou =YWQ" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =J# pOO¿q ? Douna =JWJW"4¸ ? Niofila =J# p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =J# pJG y ? Niofila 165 boire =Õn y ? Toumousséni 170 finir Bérégadougou =V¿q ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Õn p ? Moussodougou Tourny =V# pP# p ? Toumousséni Douna Moussodougou =Õn Ñ0? Niangoloko (Cerma) =V# pN# p ? Tourny =Õ# yÕQ pPG y ? Niofila =V'"P# p ? Douna =V,' pÖ? Bérégadougou 166 voir =VG pPVG y ? Niofila =F# ? Toumousséni Bérégadougou 171 monter Moussodougou =LWIQ ? Toumousséni Niangoloko (Cerma) Bérégadougou =F#"N#" ? Tourny =LW¢Q ? Moussodougou =F#" ? Douna =LQ"¢Q" ? Tourny =F#"F#" ? Niofila =LW¢W4#" ? Douna =LQIQ"LQIG" ? Niofila =ÕW pIW p0? Niangoloko (Cerma) 39

172 aller 177 frapper =M# p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =OW y ? Toumousséni =O# ? Toumousséni =OW tÖ? Bérégadougou =O#4G ? Bérégadougou =O9¿q ? Moussodougou =O#Ö4 ? Tourny =OW pYQ ? Douna =O#Ö4G" ? Douna =OW"Q? Niangoloko (Cerma) =O#4O#4G" ? Niofila =OW yOW p ? Niofila =V#"N#" ? Moussodougou =L¸ ? Tourny

173 partir 178 casser =M# y ? Toumousséni =M#"I7" ? Toumousséni Bérégadougou =M# ? Bérégadougou =V#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M#"¢7 ? Moussodougou =O#Ö4 ? Moussodougou =M#"¢n ? Tourny =D#"O#Ö4 ? Tourny =M#"¢7" ? Douna =O#4O#4G" ? Niofila =OWQPW" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =VQ"V#"G? Douna =Õ# yI#"4ºÕ# yI#"4¸ ? Niofila

174 venir 179 couper =ÌQ ? Toumousséni =M#"4? Niangoloko (Cerma) =ÌQ" ? Bérégadougou =DQ4W ? Toumousséni Moussodougou Tourny =DQ"4Q ? Bérégadougou Douna =DQ4‹IW ? Moussodougou =LQ" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =DQ4‹¢W ? Tourny =ÌQÌG" ? Niofila =DQ4G" ? Douna =DQ"4QDQ"4¸ ? Niofila 175 courir =Un y ? Toumousséni 180 tuer =Un p ? Bérégadougou =MQ ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou Tourny Moussodougou Douna =MQ" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =UW"U9G y ? Niofila =MQG ? Toumousséni =ID#"4? Niangoloko (Cerma) =MQ"¢W ? Tourny =MQ"LQ" ? Douna 176 voler =MQMQ"IG ? Niofila =? Niangoloko (Cerma) =E# y'? Toumousséni =L7" ? Toumousséni Moussodougou 181 mourir =L7 ? Bérégadougou =? Niofila =LQ"¢Q ? Tourny Douna =M7 ? Toumousséni =Y# pY# y ? Niofila =MQ ? Bérégadougou =MW"Õ¿z ? Moussodougou =MW"NQ" ? Tourny =MW" ? Douna =MW"Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) 40

182 parler 187 savoir =Y# ? Toumousséni =H# pÖN# p ? Toumousséni Moussodougou =HW pNN# y ? Bérégadougou =Y#"P# tÖ? Bérégadougou =Hn pÖN# p ? Moussodougou =Y#"ÖP# p ? Tourny =H# pN# p¢W p ? Tourny =Y#"Q? Douna =H# pÖ¢W p ? Douna =RºÖLG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =H# yP#"YQ" ? Niofila =Y# yM,Q"Y# yP¸ ? Niofila =UWn ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

183 pleurer 188 tirer =M#ÖN ? Toumousséni =H# ? Toumousséni Moussodougou Tourny =H#"N#" ? Moussodougou =M#ÖN ? Bérégadougou =H#"N#"¢7" ? Tourny =M#"ÖN¸ ? Douna =H#"¢W" ? Douna =M#ÖN ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =H#I9G" ? Niofila =M#ÖNG" ? Niofila =P# yÖ? Bérégadougou =P# Ñ0? Niangoloko (Cerma) 184 recevoir =F#"N#" ? Toumousséni 189 se baigner Moussodougou =Un ? Moussodougou =F# ? Bérégadougou =E# ? Toumousséni Tourny =F#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =E#" ? Bérégadougou Douna =Jn"ÖN# p ? Tourny =ÌGÆ0? Niangoloko (Cerma) =JW"ÖO¿q ? Douna =M,#JW pO# ? Niofila =JQ yP'" ? Niofila 190 laver 185 acheter =U#Ö4 ? Moussodougou Tourny =U# y ? Toumousséni =U#Ö4D# ? Toumousséni =U# yÖ? Bérégadougou =U#Ö4 ? Bérégadougou =U# yÖN# p ? Moussodougou =U#"Ö4‹ ? Douna =U# pÖN# p ? Tourny =MWÖND# ? Toumousséni =U# pÖ¢W p ? Douna =E'"JW OO# ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =U# ÑÖ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =M,#JW pO# ? Niofila =U# yMQ" ? Niofila 191 s'asseoir 186 mordre =V¿' yP# p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =FW ? Toumousséni =Ì+¸4# ? Toumousséni =FWÖ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou =F7"ÖN#" ? Moussodougou =Ì+¸4# ? Bérégadougou =FQ"NQ"¢W" ? Tourny ≠4#" ? Tourny =FQ"P¿q ? Douna ≠4# ? Douna Niofila =FQ0? Niangoloko (Cerma) =FQ pÕG y ? Niofila 41

192 pousser 197 =P# ? Toumousséni =M# ? Toumousséni =P#Ö? Bérégadougou =M9#U‹" ? Bérégadougou =P#ÖIW ? Moussodougou =M9QÖUW ? Moussodougou =P# pN#"¢W" ? Tourny =M#"¢7" ? Tourny =P# yÖ¢W y ? Douna =J¿q ? Douna =P#"P#PM9G ? Niofila =J¿q0? Niangoloko (Cerma) =R#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =J¿zJ¿qÕ¿q ? Niofila

193 jeter 198 tisser =P# yP# y ? Toumousséni =Un y ? Toumousséni =P#"P#P#" ? Niofila Bérégadougou =P‹ tÖ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou =P# y ? Moussodougou =Un yM7"N# ? Bérégadougou =P# pÖP# y ? Tourny =UQ yMWN#" ? Niofila =P# pP# p ? Douna =Un p¢W y ? Tourny =P# yPP# ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Un p¢W p ? Douna =UW p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) 194 accrocher =PW yÖ? Toumousséni 199 attacher Bérégadougou =X# ? Toumousséni =PW"ÖIW" ? Moussodougou Bérégadougou =PW Ñ0? Niangoloko (Cerma) Moussodougou =X#Ö¢7 ? =PG pPG p ? Tourny Tourny =X#"ÖI9¸ ? =PW"PnI9¿z ? Niofila Douna =X#"Ö? =OW pOW p ? Douna Niangoloko (Cerma) =X#X#"I9G" ? Niofila 195 lever =UQ"44#" ? Toumousséni Tourny 200 tomber =FW"4W ? =UW"4Q ? Bérégadougou Toumousséni =FW"4Q" ? =UQ"4Q ? Moussodougou Bérégadougou Douna =F47 ? =UQ"4G" ? Douna Moussodougou =FW4Q" ? =U¸4G ? Niangoloko (Cerma) Tourny =F4Q"FQ ? =UQ4I9G" ? Niofila Niofila =E¸Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) 196 faire du bruit =? Niofila 201 chanter =JL#4? =UWÖVn pPP+¿q ? Toumousséni Toumousséni =JL'4‹ ? =U7ÖVn pÕ# y ? Moussodougou Bérégadougou =JL'4? =EGL¸¢¹Õ# y ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou =J' yP? =EG¸ÌKGP¿z ? Niangoloko (Cerma) Tourny =J# yP¿q ? =EG"JWJW"ÖO# p ? Tourny Douna =J# ÑN? =EG"ÕW pY#"ÖÕ' y ? Douna Niangoloko (Cerma) =J¿zP#"PW yN#LG p ? Niofila 42

202 sentir 207 tenir =Jn y ? Toumousséni =D¸NN#" ? Toumousséni =Pn y ? Moussodougou =DGNN# ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Jn p ? Tourny =DGNNG"DGNG"I9G" ? Niofila =H7"H9# yÖ? Bérégadougou =DNQ ? Bérégadougou =HW pHn pÖ? Douna =HQ"ÖN#Y? Moussodougou =PW y ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =VW"ÖN#"¢W" ? Tourny =VW pJW y ? Niofila =V,'"4' ? Douna

203 penser 208 danser =OºÖ4¸ ? Douna =U# ? Toumousséni =H+º ? Toumousséni Bérégadougou =M#P#"MWUW" ? Niofila Moussodougou =M# tP? Bérégadougou =U#" ? Tourny Douna =Ì# y ? Moussodougou =U#U'" ? Niofila =Ì# pO# y ? Tourny =Õ' p0? Niangoloko (Cerma) =Ìn"IWn"0? Niangoloko (Cerma) 209 beaucoup =F7"In ? 204 attraper Toumousséni =DNG ? Toumousséni =F7"¢n ? Bérégadougou =DNQ ? Bérégadougou =DW pÖN# p ? Moussodougou =DNQ ? Moussodougou =DW pPP# p ? Tourny =DG"N#"¢W" ? Tourny =DW pP# p ? Douna =DQNQIQ"G? Douna =D# p0D# pÖNG" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =DGN? Niangoloko (Cerma) =IQDQP#" ? Niofila =JW yP#"YQ" ? Niofila 210 peu =H¿qÕ# tÖ? 205 vomir Toumousséni Tourny =J7"ÖU# ? Toumousséni =H,# pÖ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou Moussodougou =J7U# ? Bérégadougou =U#"DW p ? Douna =J7"U# ? Tourny =U# tPDQ" ? Niofila =J7"ÖU'" ? Douna =E'"MW n p ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =JWU'" ? Niofila 211 1 =YWQ"UQ" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =F,GP# p ? Toumousséni 206 être debout Bérégadougou =UQ"44#" ? Toumousséni Tourny Moussodougou Douna =FGP# ? =UQ"4G ? Douna Niofila =F¸F¸P? =P#X'"P# p ? Bérégadougou Tourny =PFG"K0 ? =JL'"Ö4#" ? Moussodougou Niangoloko (Cerma) =LK'"4#"L#" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =J¸4# ? Niofila 43

212 2 217 7 =J# yÖN# p ? Toumousséni =P¿q4¿qJ# yÖP ? Toumousséni =J# ÆP? Bérégadougou =P‹ p4‹"J# yÖP ? Bérégadougou =J# yÖN ? Moussodougou =P‹4‹J# ÖN ? Moussodougou =J# pÖN# p ? Tourny =PW p4W pJ# tÖN#" ? Tourny =J# ÖP¿q ? Douna =PW p4W"J# yP? Douna =J# yP#" ? Niofila =PW y4Q"J# yP#" ? Niofila =0J# p¿ ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =P¸GJ# y¿q ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

213 3 218 8 =UGÖN#" ? Niofila =P¿q4¸U,'ÖN ? Toumousséni =U,'ÖN#" ? Toumousséni =P‹ p4‹"U,'ÖN ? Bérégadougou =U,'ÖN ? Bérégadougou =P‹4‹U,#ÖN ? Moussodougou =U,#ÖN ? Moussodougou =PW p4W pU,'ÖN#" ? Tourny =!#U,'ÖN#" ? Tourny =PW p4W"U,'ÖN ? Douna =U,'Ö? Douna =PW y4Q"UGÖN#" ? Niofila =PUK'"K? Niangoloko (Cerma) =P¸ÖUK'¸ ? Niangoloko (Cerma)

214 4 219 9 =PP# p ? Toumousséni =FG0UG" ? Toumousséni =P# p ? Bérégadougou =F‹ p0U‹" ? Bérégadougou Moussodougou Douna Moussodougou Niofila =FG yPUG" ? Niofila =!#P# t ? Tourny =PW 4D#P# t ? Tourny =PP# ÆÖ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =PW p4W"D#ÖPn p ? Douna =PG"0P#Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) 215 5 =PF+¸ ? Toumousséni 220 10 Moussodougou Douna =Pn pÖUn y ? Toumousséni =PF+¹ ? Bérégadougou Bérégadougou =PF¸ ? Niofila =PYn"ÖUn y ? Moussodougou =!# yPF¹ ? Tourny =PYn"ÖUº ? Tourny =PF¸Ö? Niangoloko (Cerma) =PYnÖU¿q ? Douna =PnÖUQ p ? Niofila 216 6 =E¿0EKG"NWQ" ? Niangoloko (Cerma) =P+¿qPF+ºP? Toumousséni =P#"PF,'P? Bérégadougou 221 chat Moussodougou =? Toumousséni =PW PFºÖP ? Tourny Bérégadougou =PW"PF,GP? Douna Moussodougou Tourny =PW pFG"P# ? Niofila Douna Niangoloko =PKG"FKG¸ ? Niangoloko (Cerma) (Cerma) =UQIQ"NQ y ? Niofila =IQ pÖP# ? Niofila 44

222 âne 228 lièvre =? Toumousséni =? Toumousséni Bérégadougou Bérégadougou Moussodougou Tourny Moussodougou Tourny Douna Niangoloko Douna Niangoloko (Cerma) (Cerma) =MGMWO# ? Niofila =Mn"Nn ? Niofila

223 chercher 229 mort =? Toumousséni =? Toumousséni Bérégadougou Bérégadougou Douna Moussodougou Tourny Moussodougou Tourny Douna Niangoloko Niangoloko (Cerma) (Cerma) =QMWNG" ? Niofila =M,#4#"MW pPG ? Niofila 230 sauter 224 trouver =? Bérégadougou Douna =? Toumousséni Toumousséni Niangoloko Bérégadougou (Cerma) Tourny Moussodougou Tourny Moussodougou Douna Niangoloko =UG pP# ? Niofila (Cerma) =P#QF#"IQ ? Niofila 231 dire =? Bérégadougou Douna 225 demander Toumousséni Niangoloko =? Toumousséni (Cerma) Tourny Bérégadougou Moussodougou Moussodougou Tourny =Y# pJº ? Niofila Douna Niangoloko (Cerma) 232 dolo =LW"I9¿z ? Niofila =? Toumousséni Bérégadougou 226 répondre Moussodougou Tourny =? Toumousséni Douna Niangoloko Bérégadougou (Cerma) Niofila Moussodougou Tourny Douna Niangoloko 233 construire (Cerma) =? Bérégadougou Douna =XG"4#4G" ? Niofila Toumousséni Niangoloko (Cerma) Tourny 227 sauce Moussodougou =? Toumousséni =OnO9'" ? Niofila Bérégadougou Moussodougou Tourny Douna Niangoloko (Cerma) =FWOW"IQ ? Niofila 45

Cerma language data provided by Emmanuel Soulama, Niangoloko. Turka data gathered by J. Berthelette.

The symbols for phonetic transcription used in this document are in accordance with the standards of the International Phonetic Association (IPA).

Les symboles de transcription phonétique employés dans ce document sont conformes aux normes de l’Association Internationale Phonétique (AIP).


1 References

Bergman, T. G. (ed.). 1990. Survey reference manual. 2nd edition. Dallas, TX : Summer Institute of Linguistics.

Berthelette, John, Gregg Pruett, and Rebecca Pruett. 1995. Development of the Jula sentence repetition test. Report to the Société Internationale de Linguistique, Burkina Faso. ms.

Casad, E. 1974. Dialect intelligibility testing. Norman, OK: Summer Institute of Linguistics of University of OK. (reprinted 1980, 1987.)

Centre National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CNRST) et l’Institut National des Sciences Sociales (INSS). 1988. Carte linguistique du Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou: Institut Géographique du Burkina.

Direction de la Formation Professionnelle des Producteurs (DFPP). 1994. Liste des CFJA ouverts: campagne 1993–1994. Ouagadougou : DFPP, Service de la Programmation du Suivi et de l'Evaluation.

Grimes, Barbara. 1992. Ethnologue: languages of the world. 12th ed. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.

Hatfield, Deborah, ed. ms. A critical appraisal of assessment of bilingualism in SIL using the sentence repetition test. Proceedings of roundtable discussions, Oct 31–Nov 3, 2000. Dallas, Texas. Work in progress.

Hook, A., P. Vallette, et R. Vallette. 1977. Enquête dialectale Gouin-Turka. Unpublished ms.

Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie. 1991. Recensement général de la population: Burkina Faso 1985. (Volume I: Ensemble du Pays). Ouagadougou: Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie.

Laclavère, Georges. 1993. Atlas du Burkina Faso. Paris: Les Editions Jeune Afrique. 46

Mann, William C., and David Weber. 1990. Deciding whether to use CADA for a translation project. Survey Reference Manual. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics.

Ministère de l’Education de Base et l’Alphabétisation de Masse (MEBAM). 1996. Carte de Burkina Faso: Taux brut de scolarisation par province (année 1994– 1995). Ouagadougou : Direction des Etudes et la Planification/MEBAM/UNICEF.

Prost, A. (R. P.).1964. Le tyurama. Mémoire No.70: Contribution à l'étude des langues voltaiques. Mémoire de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire. Dakar: IFAN. 77–122.

Radloff, Carla. 1991. Sentence repetition testing for studies of community bilingualism. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas-Arlington.

Soma, Léon. 1994. Contact de langues et de cultures: l'influence du jula sur le cerma. Ouagadougou: Université de Ouagadougou. Mémoire de maîtrise.

Suggett, Colin. 1994. Tyurama People Profile questionnaire. Unpublished ms.

Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL). 1987. Second language oral proficiency evaluation. Notes on Linguistics 40:24–54

Tauxier, L. 1933. Les Gouin et les Tourouka. Journal de la Société des Africanistes. 3 (1).

2 Other Written Resources on the Tyurama Language

Herbert, Jean. 1969. Les Gwi et les Turka. Notes et Documents Voltaïques. Ouagadougou: Centre de la Recherche Scientifique.

Hook, Ann R., P. Vallette, and R. Vallette. 1986. Enquête dialectale gouin-turka. Abidjan: SIL/University of Ouaga.

3 Contacts for Further Information

Colin and Dot Suggett, SIL, BP 1784, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso