Leader Report: 08 January – 07 March 2005 SPC 17 March 2005

1. BUDGET MEETING WITH MSP’s and MP’s 1.1 On 31st January a presentation on the Area Profile and Budget Pack was attended by George Lyon MSP, Alan Reid MP, Jackie Baillie MSP, Maureen McMillan MSP and Jamie McGrigor MSP. Following the presentation I chaired a Question and Answer session giving an opportunity to those attending to raise queries on the content of the Budget Pack. Many questions were focused around the savings identified and areas which were seeing cost increases. I also provided an update on a range of matters including the NPDO.

2. NICOL STEPHEN MSP – VOTING RIGHTS ON RTP’S 2.1 Further to the discussion at the Strategic Policy Committee on 20th January and the submission made to the consultation on Regional Transportation Partnerships I have written to the Minister for Transport to highlight the challenges which Argyll and Bute will face with a dilution of voting rights if it were to join both WESTRANS and HITRANS and that population, as a base for voting rights, does not reflect our particular local circumstances. As members will recall the proposals consulted on started with the premise that Helensburgh and Lomond, should be represented in the West of Partnership. Our response supported this, but also includes Bute and Cowal within the West of Scotland Partnership area given both areas look to the Clyde for their key strategic transport links. I noted with interest that the Local Government and Transport Committee on the 22nd February asked the Executive to reconsider its proposals to have a maximum of only four councillor representatives on partnership boards.

3. COSLA LEADERS MEETING 3.1 Along with the Chief Executive James McLellan I attended the COSLA Leaders meetings on 28th January and 25th February. At the January meeting Rhona Brankin was in attendance to talk about a number of health related items, including the Smoking Ban.

3.2 It was further agreed in January to establish a Task Group on Local Government Finance to respond to current consultation document on the Review of Local Government Finance. I have been appointed to join this Task Group. The February meeting covered a number of agenda items including the submission to the national review of culture, Governance and The Criminal Justice Partnerships Boundaries Consultation.

4. MSP: Deputy Minister for Communities 4.1 Along with Housing Spokesperson, George Freeman, Community Services Director, Douglas Hendry and Head of Planning and Performance, Malcolm MacFadyen I met with Johann Lamont MSP in Helensburgh on the 17th January to discuss the progress of the Council’s Housing Stock Transfer Project. The Deputy Minister acknowledged the sound work that has been carried out by the Council and its partners. She also made reference to the Right to Buy review that is ongoing and advised that £250m of Scottish Water’s budget is about to be transferred to Communities Scotland in recognition of the difficulties that are being experienced due to infrastructure thresholds. Of this sum, around £40m is likely to be allocated to rural Scotland.

4.2 We also had very useful discussions on Early Action Funding, the Transfer of Management of Development Funding, Homelessness and Bed and Breakfast Regulations and also our NPDO Project for Schools. The Deputy Minister recognised the complexity of the housing system within Argyll and Bute. In this regard, it was gratifying to hear her view that a one size fits all solution may not be appropriate in relation to the future arrangements for the allocation of Strategic Housing Investment and Homelessness.

5. TOM McCABE MSP – VISIT TO ISLAY, 28 FEBRUARY 2005 5.1 Robin Banks and I welcomed the Finance and Public Service Reform Minister Tom McCabe MSP to Islay and Jura on Monday 28th February to visit the Modernising Government Fund projects on the islands: Dialogue Youth and 3 Islands Partnership. The Minister also met with the Initiative at the Edge Committee and Jura Development Trust, visited the St Columba Gaelic College and had a demonstration of a new “Ferry Text” service for Jura residents.

5.2 Whilst marking the achievements of our Modernising Government Fund projects the visit also provide a valuable opportunity to demonstrate to the Minister the challenges we face in

1 delivering services to remote communities, set against the backdrop of Mismatch, SINA and Supersparsity.

6. ROAD CLOSURES 6.1 At a meeting in October with Assistant Chief Constable Martin Papworth from Strathclyde Police I urged him to review procedures for the closure of roads following serious or fatal accidents. I am pleased to report that I have been advised that following discussion within a national forum of Road Policing there was recognition that a proper balance needs to be struck between carrying out a thorough investigation, whilst assisting in the reopening of roads as soon as possible thereafter. The matter has now been placed on the agenda for the forthcoming review of the Road Death Investigation Manual.

7. HIE / AIE Meeting 7.1 Senior Members and Officers were pleased to welcome W.Roe the Chair of Highlands and Islands Enterprise to Kilmory on the 7th February. Wide discussion took place on the alignment of Corporate Plans and priorities and the current HIE Review which seeks to set out their long term goals over the next 5 – 10 years.

7.2 We discussed relocation of civil service jobs, specific investment projects, Year of Highland Culture 2007 and the lobby for post 2006 European Funding.

8 CALEDONIAN MACBRAYNE 8.1 As part of our regular series of meetings Senior Members and Officers met with representatives of Caledonian MacBrayne on 14th February: Dr Harold Mills, Chairman, Lawrie Sinclair, Managing Director and Phil Preston, Operations Director. The agenda included the Dunoon / Rothesay Ferry services, Oban Linkspan Public Enquiry, Scottish Executive Tender Consultation, through ticketing and the development of the Iona visitor facilities.

8.2 We welcomed the confirmation that Islay will be serviced by a second ship over the summer timetable period and that an office had been opened in Tarbert to sell tickets for services from there. It will also be of interest for members to note that the numbers of Route Managers had decreased from 7 to 6 and will now be re-designated as Regional Managers.

9 TSUNAMI 9.1 A community organised fundraising event was held recently in the Corran Halls to raise money for Scottish International Relief (SIR) Tsunami Appeal. SIR is an international humanitarian aid charity with headquarters in Dalmally. They also work in schools, raising awareness of development issues in the world. They employ 6 employees in Argyll. Their constitution enables SIR to provide relief for those suffering in any part of the world as a result of humanitarian crises or poverty.

9.2 While the Council has no power to contribute towards a disaster or emergency abroad, Section 83(3) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 enables the Council to contribute towards a charitable body in furtherance of its work in the UK. Some of the staff in the Corran Halls volunteered to work unpaid for the recent event and it would be appropriate for the Council to reflect the generosity of the staff by making a contribution of £485 to SIR in furtherance of its work in the UK, so allowing the release of equivalent funds of SIR for use in the areas affected by the tsunami. The sum will be taken from the increased bar profits made on the night due to the reduced wage bill. I have agreed with the Director of Operational Services this could be funded by foregoing an amount of income due to the Council in connection with the use of the hall, and I would ask the Committee to endorse this.


Date Meeting Key Agenda Items 10 / 11 March CIPFA Conference 2 Staff attending 18 March COSLA Leaders 21 March Highlands and Islands Europe, Fisheries, Smart Successful Scotland Refreshed. Convention 22 March Customer First Modernising Government Fund, Customer First Steering Group 24 March AIE Board Meeting 11 April North Ayrshire / SED Special Purpose Vehicles for service delivery

Councillor A Macaskill 14th March 2005 Leader. 2