WANTED.TO RENT WANTED.REAL ESTATE. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOE SALE. FOB SALE.HOUSES. FOE SALE.HOUSES FOB SALE.HOUSES. FOB SALE.HOUSES A 8MALL HOI'SB.STATE ItKNTAU W11J LET US SELL OR RENT FUR HA1.K Continued. $3.uuo.x ear liunbad ok enuraVing Ceatlnue*, COItlBBfd. Coatlavfi. Coatlaar*. bay if reasonable. Address Bar; 262-M, Stai YOU It PROPERTY. FOR SALE.4-KOOM RUNG ALOW: LOT AXl> PRINTING. ('. and bath TYLER A casli. SHANNON LUCHS. STONE & FAIRlFAX, Realtors. office. RUTHERFORD. INC.. 50x150 ft. : Parker ave., Cherrydale; at brick, in eood condition. SoOb ST ' YOITXG MARRIED MANWIT I. CARK FOB 817 15th ST. N.W. $2,000; PMsv terms. Can get more land. Will $.".250.GA. AVK. XBAlt IKYING ST. 6 «'Tlce. S12.50CV.CHEVY CHASE. I». C. An at- rrlrf. XKAU l<*h AND RHODE l»e to show rooms heat: colonial SMAvJr , N.W. NORTHEAST.G ST. house or apartment for use of same during glad von. mid bath; h.-a. tractive detached bnoie ha>ing^ nine ISI.ANI* AVE. X K Sfren ind , summer months; references. Address Hoi ASHTON C JONES. : room for . Easy terms. nuns and two tiled la.lis; NOW liatli: hot vratrr heat: electric lights; in OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. With Geo. Va. KOAD. 10 $20,000. $5,800. lot 213 M. Star office. 22* II Kiuk-r & ('« ., Clarendon. $J>,750. XKAU 14th AND l'AKK This has ten of 4 and lias hot water heat; electricVACANT; sleeping porch; 5(hllo. SHORE PROPERTY. rooms and bath; h.-w. heat and elec.; apartments A fine tVroom and bath house, with * good lights: 'mk and hardwood trim Possession within sh«»rt tim#. WITII FIVE ROOMS on MOKK; - 5 R., 14 A.. BUNGALOW. $3,250. 5 R.. ^ a.. 5 rooms each. Gross rentals per year about Gamjrc HOUSE. W.\ \TKI> T( > 2 room for garage: the best buy in this brick parage: corner of alley; newly papered; first ; open BUILT-IN I*rice. fh.Otm.FETWORTH. Semi detached state rental: will buy if reasonable. Address RENT Kl RNISHEirCOTTAG1 bungalow. $3,500. 0 r. bungalow, very pret $3,«X>0. The present rents are the samr as immediate Jfc ; Box 21H-M. Star office. !_ .if North Chesapeake Reach; must be on tinR ty. $4,750. r»r. bungalow, large room#, oak desirable section. 1m?fore the war. These apartments should rent possession GA ItAGE. Lot C9xi2U. Iteaaonable rwM^tMf; eight rooms apd bath; steam shore. Phone F. 707. 22* shade. l>eautifiil 6-room $11,750.1>ETAC 11KI) BUNGALOW. 6 rooms for $40 each. Terms. terms. heat; electric lights; parage apace; oc UNFURNISHED- 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE. I.N grounds. $5,500. ami bath: nearly new: li.-w. heat and *'rice, *tl.7O0.NEAR Id NCOEN PARK. A cupietl by owner, who will gi\e or in WATER FROM PROPERTY. tage. large rooms, with all the modern cotIim in a NORTHEAST.FLA. AVE. n.w., nearby Maryland Virginia; pood loca elec.; located on a corner very PARK VIEW. Kennedy Davis , six rooms and possession. Very reasonableimmediate reasonable: near ear line. Ad , provements; pebble dashed: new: pood terms neighborhood; * TWO lj ACRE LOTS ON WATER FRON1 good n.w. section. tiled hath: good heating plant; newly dress Box 2S8-M. Star at n.w tion, $6,500. Also a large list of bungalows ClIEYY (HASH HOME. 8 rooms $7,500.$1,000 Cash. and owner has P flfl.«TO. NEAR WARDMAN PARK nttire^ South river. Apply 1139 Allison st. am! terms, $10,r»tM>. $7,000. papered painted. The rice, SIX-ROOM HOUSE IN or plume Col. 5739 J. 23* cottages at reasonable prices and and bath on a very large lot near $1,250 cash; a well conditioned, 0-rootn and Two family flat; 2nd floor rented at $40 per kept this home in perfect condition. lliUKL. Helightfullv located tapestry WANTED.'TO KENT, I/ots. acreage, and small. E. C. is a well n.e. sec.; must be reasonable. Address Ho* farms, large the Chevy Chase Club; modern, bath brick home, with front and double back month; lower flat is vacant; this Only $1,000 cash. brick dwelling containing 10 spacious WANTED. , No. 2 Milton ave Clarendon, Va. 22* house worth $2,000 rooms and 1located of has colonial p roiMiis and two baths; hot water 8AM. Star office. 21* type easily colonialporches; second floor rent for $H0 piece property; 'rice. $8.1!oO.NKAlt NEW HAMPSHIRE heat; , COTTAGE OR SMALL BUSINESS PLACE A1r in r. f. brad more than prie? asked. Must be sold. month, making the house carry and in excellent condition. AVE. AND S ST. A deairnble 3-story electric lights; splendid hardwood fl.n.rs SIX TO EIGHT ROOM HOUSE bargainorlots s7e. OF * practically WANTED- North Reach. Mil. Address, with particulars . BURY. 222*? Pa. ave. s.e. 23* EASY TI'll MS CASH PAYMENT ONLY itself. brick residence, having nine rooms »."» and trim; sleeping porch; Imilt in with two-stories and or * than rent will sleeping porch: to Box 333 S. star office. and balance less ) and 2 hatha; good heating The su)M>n>»r construction and garage.eo bungalow; furnished or unfurnished; May this new home with 7 rooms and CHEVY D. C. Petworth. tire arrangement of this home warrants to exi*eed $125 $25 DOWN. $25 A MONTH. buy CHASE, plant; splendid condition. Only $1,200 October or later; rent not per We will 10x20, two tiled bath; h.-w. heat and elec.; cash. the approval of the uioat serutmixing month. Address Box 56-M. Star office. 21* COLONIAL BEACH PROPERTY. build you a metal house. and Located $18,500. $8,000. r rooms and , on your lot for $375 porches garage. concreteA and 'rice. *13.300.NEAR NAVAE buyer. MODERN APT. OR BUNG Col/iiNIAL REACH. VA. payable 14 months. Iron-Clad Garagecomplete. in a very good n.w. section. You beautifully delightfully arranged An exceptionally well built home, A semi detached brickOBSERVATORY.dwelling I*rice. $12.000.roM'MRIA HEIGHTS. Sub FURNISHED must act quick if you want this. near Conn. ave.; lO rooms and 2 baths:residence 0 rooms and brick; hot-water heat of ten rooms <3 l*»druomsl and bath; hot giantially built dwelling of ten rooma 5 rooms, bath; suburb preferred: by Beautiful summer ^ and large wel 1 Co.. Inc.. 921 15th st. n.w. hot water heat, electricity; front, side and bath, containing " tiedrunms) and bath. hot water with child. Ad. Box 37-M. Star office. 21*Alow;drained lots. for sale on easy terms. I«nrg< and electric lights; plenty of space for garage. heat; electric lights. panjnet water (0 heat, couple TAKOMA.NEW 5-IiOOM AND BATH BUN- BAUMAN & IIEINZMAN, double rear porches: garage; instantaneous l"n»nt and double rear electric GAUAGK. Possession BATH. lots. $5o to $85; $2 cash. $2 per month. 2< galow : small: 3 blocks (concrete sidewalks) to, .15111). 714 heater: immediate terms p«ftvhes. lights. 6 ROOMS ANI> new summer bungalows for sale at $700 each Phone Main 15th N.W. jiossession; water BUILT IN GARAGE. Reasonable terms Soon. or suburbs; between now and 1st 14th st. car line; 26 Pine ave., near Elm ave.: Phone us an inspection moderate.of Hie In city Ion easy terms. High, locations will 1 2 FAMILY FLAT -5 AND 6 ROOMS AND regarding 16th Street N.W. ASK T11 Ear KOPEK WHO KNOW IS." REAL SERVICE WITH RESCETS FOR 30 4 of not over $50. Address Box 28-M, healthy $5.100; terms. property. YEARS. May; 22* no objectomable features. Salt water bath Phone Col. 4368-W. my5* rent, mouth, both $»>oo cash and ATtic:$.V> Star office. ing. boating, crabbing and Just tin I good location. Address Box 220-M. $35,000. STONE & KAIRFAX, fishing. for rest. [month; VIENNA, VA. place for your wife and children during hot Star office. An excellent home, containing Id rooms ami Main 1342 New York summer months. Write or call for full in NEARBY N.\V nihOMAI, 2 baths: brick front 2332. Ave. SMALL BUNGALOW IN SUBURB, IWO.i MONROE ST. $0,000; $4,200.Terms. and cement; detached; KtTTAlN THIS AT) IK AS or it afkkkixon auk n ew dau.t. OFFICES AND formation. will Ik* f<>r rent alniut May 1st to party buying |M»r< h home: 6 large nx»ms: can l»e used as About 14 miles from Washington, on good and double back porches; double brick garage; INTKHKNTKIV ( I TAYLOR car line: 5-rooin HEART Ol CITY; PRIVATE HI>OM BROTHERS. at $10o (cash): ou ear line: home <>r two 3-room apartments; wonderful j bungalow; heat; hot-water heat; electricity and gas: hardwo««d floor: Phone M. ;:2SI. 710 lltli st. n.w. j gas. water in house, yard: suitable f«>r investment. See OWNKH. on premises. $1,000 lar: attic; stores; good water; on main pike to floors and trim; screens and awnings. This ann use of main office: street ity. electrieJ Fairfax Court House: of ground, alsocelj McKEKVER & GOSS. rent. month. iH'linishediPhone partv with one or two small babies. Aadn-ss ash; terms. 22* «Vi-acre property is in excellent condition. Immediate prominent U3*location; Box 294-M, Star office. 22* ~l/2 acres adjoining for $750 additional. l»o*session. 1405 St. Main 4752. Fr.4310. SUBURBAN PROPERTY WTD7~SEDTTYBAUTIFCL. HOM I>1>ETACH t iiruc Eye OhMPlJSTKO FT" ItNIS I i KP OFF ICK IN FOR SALE. 4-KOUM SHACK, IN NEARBY VA $25; house; (5 rooms and l>ath; eorner lot, 50x *d SHANNON v*. uwnj, Columbia office building; three desks. cars, jitneys, church, sehool, store: large lot, loO; I'etworth section; no reasonable offer re Tenleytown. Heights. modern electric T\VIN1N<; CITY.LOT KEET~TO -0 woods, brook. Phone Clarendon 215. fused; state in tlrst letter how much rash you 713 14th St. N.W. Main 2345. Comfortable little new home of six room*, Very attractive Inmie on tine lawn, with table and typewriter, tiles, etc.: f»x»t alley; all 12c foot. K nd with front and rear located >ace for from street to month: 'locatedtypowriteron improvements; ran pus*for a biff Imrjrain; no brokers. .______.. bath, porch: *\ garden; driveway lights furnished: per 1 2226 Pa. are. 25* FOR RENT.RETIIESIJA. MD..MODERN t wo blocks from car lino: electric t> for three car*: house con st. n.w. Call BKAPBUKY. 13 rooms, bath: steam cellar: Box 233-M, Star office. Address lights: pipe- ro-story garage New York nve. near loth house, heat, >ss furnace; <1ash garage. immediate tnlin.s six room* and hail and tiled 460$ after 6:30 p.m. 11ETUKSDA, Ml>. Only $1,750 f«»r nice 5 barn; 5 acres ground. Apply E. M. HODGE ATTRACTIVE ~*8R. HOUSE: 1~~XCRE OF pebble reception Lincolnro«»m bungalow: lots, all -fenced; iron pump CO.. Successors to Edward S. Wescott. ffround; fruit trees, berries, flowers, beautiful Northwest. 14th Street possessiou; price onlv $5,900. with $1,000 cash. Uith; rooma bright and well finished; gas KKAK. Inc., A Heights. ki a 817 14th ST.~N.W.7 SKCoNOTLOOR. gas range, eiec. lights; 2 sqs. of cars. \a 2tKM» Pa. ave. shade trees; an ideal home; $16,000. six-room and tile-bath bungalow; Attractive new home containing eight rooms McKKEVEK &, COSS. >gs. etc.; g«*>d Iniy for $10..**00. l.."Uk> sqtinrc feet: cant price, 1405 Main 4752. & comprising approximately to now. Possession. See it. CENTRAL REALTY CO.. 726 14th st. lieut; electric lights; hardw<»od floorshotwater(four be l'. F. 2702. 22'. POi: RENT-APIToL HEI (HITS: .VKOdM and trim; three and well bed- < to 140.'. ml. Mile 4752. May 1; reasonable BOOTH, 215 E X.W. COTTAGE: BALTIMORE AVE.. NKAU Mst 5721. Franklin large lighted electric lights; hardwood floors; lot 20x138 Ave. K.t* be ready for oceupancy WiKiUMuM'. PIKE rooms; house alxuit three years old and in wide alley. Property now vacant. Price, Upper Georgia rent. MI); ON KOt'KVILLE 1 NT: ELECTRIC LIGHTS. PHONE FRANK-! 110 At i:ES.NEAR BERYVYN. MD. 6-RM excellent condition throughout; front ami rear Completely detached brick home, in rood Takoma Park. &. LUCHS. tine bungalow; % acre; fruit an