STOCK-UP Salel 2Nd Blg^
PAGE TEN-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Sat., Jan. 8, 1977 Associate manager The weather Business Charendoff photos Inside today Lloyd A. Davison of Manchester has been Snow mixed with sleet, freezing rain, nanneid associate manager of the Mein Office changing to rain by late afternoon. of Society for Savings.' He assumed the post displayed at Nassifrs Area news__ 7-8 Family................5 Heavy rains may cause local flooding. Classified___ 10-12 MACC news.........2 Jan. 1. High 34-38. Partial clearing, windy, mattfIffHtpr Euf nitm lif ralb Comics.............. 13 MCC calendar ... 3 Davidson, an assistant vice president of the Realtors foresee The Storefront Gallery of the Nassiff Camera Shoppe, colder tonight. Low in teens. Tuesday, Dear Abby.......13 Obituaries......... 14 bank, has been manager of the Bishops Comer 639 Main St., will exhibit the photographic studies of Dr. partly cloudy, windy, cold, high near ‘Tfce Bright One'' Editorial .. 14 Sports............. 9-10 office in West Hartford since 1969. He Joined Lee Sharendoff through Feb. 10. 30. National weather map on Page U. Society in 1947, and had been manager of the Dr. Charendoff, of Manchester Memorial Hospital, FOURTEEN PACES MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 - VOL. XCVI, No. 84 mortgage rate drop PRICE! FIFTEEN CENT,** East Hartford and Wethersfield offices before demonstrates the capabilities of 35 mm camera in the his assignment to Bishops Comer. He was hands of a knowledgeable photographer to produce large- Signs of easing credit and a continuing build tallied, a 56 per cent increase over the previous elected a branch officer in 1962 and assistant up of deposits in savings and loan institutions scale 16x20 studies; eyt maintaining the crisp, grainless October record of $2.1 billion set last year.
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