American Criminal Justice Association Lambda James Madison University Lambda Chapter Chapter Bylaws

We, the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter of The American Criminal Justice Association--Lambda Alpha Epsilon, accept the Grand Chapter’s Bylaws and make certain additions and changes, hereafter listed, to be made applicable for our subordinate chapter.

Article I: Name ​ A. This organization shall be known as the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter of the American Criminal Justice Association--Lambda Alpha Epsilon.

Article II: Objectives ​ A. The objectives of the chapter shall be to: a. Improve criminal justice through educational activities. b. Foster professionalism in law enforcement personnel and agencies. c. Promote professional, academic, and public awareness of criminal justice issues. d. Encourage the establishment and expansion of higher education and professional training in criminal justice. e. Provide a unified voice for professionals in, and students of, criminal justice. f. Promote high standards of ethical conduct, professional training, and the higher education with the criminal justice field. g. Continue to uphold the excellence of education in the field of criminal justice.

Article III: Membership ​ A. Qualifications of Membership a. Membership in the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter shall be composed of persons who are currently, or were at the time of their application for membership, employed in an area concerned with the administration of criminal justice, persons honorably retired from an area concerned with the administration of criminal justice, persons enrolled in a program of study in the criminal justice field at a college or university accredited by the Officers of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter, involved in volunteer work directly related to the administration of criminal justice. b. No person shall be considered for membership whose occupation or activities are inconsistent with the aims and purposes of The American Criminal Justice Association--Lambda Alpha Epsilon. c. Any person convicted of a felony may be considered five (5) years after expiration of sentence and must receive approval of the chapter, Regional President, and two-thirds vote of the Executive Board. d. No applicant shall be denied membership in the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter of The American Criminal Justice Association--Lambda Alpha Epsilon for reasons of race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, physical disability, or sexual orientation. e. Each applicant must participate in a mandatory pledge period of seven (7) weeks. The pledge class will be conducted during the regular school quarter, Weeks 3 through 9, and be presided over by the Membership Committee in conjunction with the Executive Board. Applications for membership into the Association will not be considered until such time as the applicant completes the pledge period. B. Removal or Termination of Office or Membership a. An Officer can miss no more than one (1) meeting during the regular school quarter without good cause. i. The Secretary will determine validity of the officer’s reason. b. A member can miss no more than one (1) meeting during the regular school quarter without good cause. i. After one (1) absence, the member will be fined ten dollars ($10) for missing a meeting without proof. c. If there is an outcry of lack of leadership by any member, a vote will be cast for said member to be removed from that position or chapter. Vote must be carried by 2/3 of the voting membership. C. If academic dishonesty or misconduct by any person can be proven by the Officers, said person will be expelled from the chapter. D. Application for Membership a. Applications shall be completed, signed, and presented to the Officers of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter prior to the conclusion of the school quarter in which the prospective member is pledging. b. Upon application and endorsement of the chapter members and the Present and Secretary of Lambda Mu Upsilon, complete applications and the necessary fees shall be forwarded to the Executive Secretary of the Grand Chapter for processing. i. The forty dollar ($40) initiation fee that accompanies the application for membership covers the first year’s annual dues. Each new member will receive a membership certificate, card, ACJA/LAE pin, and decal from the Grand Chapter. Each new member will also be added to the National roster. ii. The forty dollar ($40) initiation fee that accompanies the application for membership shall be paid by the person applying for membership. The applicant may choose to pay this fee by cash, money order, or personal check. All fees must be accounted for prior to submitting the application to the Executive Secretary of the Grand Chapter. iii. There will be a fifteen dollar ($15) chapter dues payable to the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter, first upon membership into The American Criminal Justice Association--Lambda Alpha Epsilon, and at the start of each school quarter. E. Member Dues and Fines a. Each member of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter of The American Criminal Justice Association--Lambda Alpha Epsilon shall pay fifteen dollars ($15) to the Treasurer at the start of each semester. b. In order to remain an active member of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter of The American Criminal Justice Association--Lambda Alpha Epsilon, each member must receive points for attending events. Each member must attend at least one (1) event in each of the following categories. i. Speaker ii. Social Activity iii. Organization Bonding Activity iv. Volunteer v. Lunch date with another member vi. One pledge meeting (*for initiated members only) c. All initiated members are required to obtain 10 points per semester in order to remain active with the organization. Each event attended must be sent to the Vice President with proof of attendance. d. Executive Board members do not need to obtain points due to the responsibility of being at all scheduled events. e. Committee Heads will get two points for their position. F. Member Requirements a. All members must remain in good standing with the University in order to stay active in the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter of the American Criminal Justice Association. b. All members must maintain a 2.5 GPA in order to remain in the chapter. i. If a member fails to maintain this GPA for more than two semesters in a row, the chapter will vote on that member’s removal from the chapter. c. All members struggling with academics will be placed on academic probation and be required to complete a certain regimen in order to focus on their studies. d. It is a privilege of membership that any member can send another member to the Probation Committee for putting the organization at risk. i. In this event, the member must fill out the anonymous survey. If the individual does not wish to remain anonymous, he/she has the opportunity to come to the probation meeting and plead their case to the Executive Board. G. Honorary Members a. Honorary members may be elected into the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter in recognition of outstanding contributions to, or the performance in the field of, the administration of criminal justice. b. The right to issues Honorary Membership rests with the voting membership of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter. c. Honorary Members shall be excluded from paying the fifteen dollar ($15) chapter dues. d. Honorary Members will not be considered members of the Grand Chapter unless a completed application, along with the initiation fee, is submitted to the Grand Chapter.

Article IV: Officers of the Lambda Mu Upsilon Chapter ​ A. Qualifications and Eligibility a. The positions of Officers of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter shall be that of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant-at-Arms. b. To be eligible to hold office in the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter, members must complete the mandatory pledge period and must have completed CRJU215 or equivalent to 6 credit hours of Criminal Justice coursework. An Officer of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter must be a full-time criminal justice student. c. In order to be considered for an officer position, the member must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. All officers must maintain a 2.5 GPA while in office. d. In order to be eligible to run for President, the member must have previously served on the Executive Board of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter. B. Duties of the Officer a. President i. Be the official representative of the chapter. ii. Preside at all meetings of the chapter and of the Board (if any). iii. Refer to him/herself as “The Chair” (“I” is not used). iv. Call meetings to order on time. v. Determine if a quorum is present. vi. Announce, in proper order, the business to come before the meeting. vii. Recognize members entitled to the floor. viii. State and put to vote all questions that legitimately come before the assembly. ix. Announce the result of each vote and the effect of the action. x. Expedite business in every way possible without denying the members their rights. . Enforce rules of debate, order, and decorum. xii. Decide all points of order (subject to appeal). xiii. Respond to relevant questions of members. xiv. Refrain from voting except when vote is by ballot, or when the vote would change the result. xv. At the proper time, declare the meeting adjourned (by general consent or by majority vote of the assembly). xvi. Stand while calling a meeting to order, while declaring it adjourned and while putting a question to vote. xvii. Carry out administrative and executive duties outlined in the bylaws of the chapter or as directed by the membership of the chapter. xviii. Prepare a report to be given at chapter meetings. b. Vice President i. Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties and perform such duties as directed by the President. ii. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President serves in his/her stead. iii. Presides over all committee head meetings iv. In case of resignation of the President, the Vice-President automatically becomes President for the unexpired term of office. v. Helps to find volunteer opportunities for all members. vi. Will create incentives for those with the highest number of points and incentives to make chapter meetings more interesting for all members. c. Secretary i. Keep accurate minutes of all business meetings of the association and the board. Record what was done by the chapter, not what was said by the members. ii. Maintain an accurate membership list. iii. Handle correspondence, and send out notices, if there is no one else assigned to this duty. iv. Work in close harmony with the President. v. Prepare the agenda for meetings unless the President prefers to prepare it. vi. Keep the records of the chapter, including committee reports. vii. Take to each meeting: the minutes book, bylaws, rules, a list of members and a list of committees and the membership of each, agenda, records, ballots and any supplies they may need. viii. Call the meeting to order if the President and the Vice-President are absent, and preside until a temporary chairman is elected. ix. Send the President a copy of the minutes as soon as possible after each meeting. x. Make minutes available for examination by the members upon request (at a reasonable hour). xi. Notify officers, committee members, and delegates of their election or appointment. xii. Transfer, upon expiration of his/her term of office, all material pertaining to the office of the newly elected Secretary. xiii. Take attendance at all meetings and receive excuses for those members who cannot attend. The only excuses for missing formal meetings are illness, class/review sessions, other organizational commitments, and work. Other events are not mandatory but attendance will be taken for points purposes. d. Treasurer i. Collects, deposits, and disburses the funds of the organization. ii. Create a yearly report to be approved by the Chapter. e. Membership Chair i. Heads the Membership Committee. ii. Plans recruitment theme and events. iii. Oversees the Pledge Period with the Vice President to ensure all pledges are completing their assigned tasks. f. Sergeant-at-Arms i. Carry out the orders of the presiding officer in keeping order, disseminating ballot(s), and take care of any other business the presiding officer deems necessary. ii. Is well versed in parliamentary procedure and has knowledge of both chapter and National bylaws. iii. Works under the presiding officer and performs such duties as directed by him/her. iv. Heads the Academic Committee making sure all members are maintaining a 2.5 GPA. 1. Makes study opportunities for members around Finals Week. 2. Is available to members who are struggling in their classes and helps guide them toward resources that can help them. C. Elections a. Elections of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter Officers shall take place in early April of each year (to coincide with the election of Officers of the Grand Chapter). The newly elected Officers will work alongside the present Officers until the break between the Summer and Fall school quarters. The newly elected Officers will assume their elected positions at the beginning of the Fall quarter. This is done so that the newly elected Officers can be prepared and informed about their elected positions and to make the transition a much easier task. b. All applicants interested in running for office shall submit an application to the Executive Board. The President shall appoint at least one (1) member from each grade level to create a slate of candidates. The President will preside over the nominating committee for each term of elections. c. The nominating committee will be made up of the current Executive Council. d. A majority vote of all votes cast must be secured by one nominee to secure election to office. In the case of a tie or divided vote, the names of the members receiving the two highest numbers shall be voted on again until one has secured a majority vote. e. The highest Officer position vacant must be filled before passing to the next office.

Article V: Composition of the Lambda Mu Upsilon Chapter ​ A. Committees and Chairpersons a. There shall be committees set up to handle different and important activities for the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter. b. Membership on a committee shall be required and the Chairperson of each committee shall be appointed by the Vice President of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter. c. All members interested in becoming the Chairperson of a committee must fill out an application to be sent to the Vice President of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter. i. Honorary Members are not eligible to be the Chairperson for any committee. d. The Chairperson of each committee shall be required to attend weekly meetings with the Vice President and to report all activity and discussion to the Vice President of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter a weekly basis. i. The Chairperson of each committee shall set up a meeting with his/her committee whenever he/she sees fit. e. All ideas must be approved by the Executive Board before being brought to the chapter. B. Nominating Committee a. The Executive Board will serve as the nominating committee for election purposes. The President will head the nominating committee. b. The Vice President will head the nominating committee when choosing Committee Heads. C. Probation Committee a. The Probation Committee is comprised of the Executive Board with the President and the Sergeant-at-Arms heading the proceedings. b. In the event that a member does not meet GPA requirements for the organization, he or she will be sent to the Probation Committee. i. Each member on academic probation must send weekly study plans to the Sergeant-at-Arms. ii. He or she is required to meet with the Sergeant-at-Arms and the President to discuss a plan for the future. iii. The member must also obtain points for academics through study hours, study sessions, etc. All points must be sent to the Sergeant-at-Arms and will be approved accordingly. c. In the event that a member is suspended from the University for a reason other than academics, the Executive Board will make a recommendation to Nationals about termination of membership. d. In the event that a member puts the organization at risk with the University, the Probation Committee will meet to determine standards for the member. This may include specific activities to better the organization or banishment from social activities until the end of the probation term. D. Committees of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter a. Membership Committee i. Duties of the Membership Committee shall include the active recruitment of new members into the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter. 1. Each semester, a formalized recruitment will be held in order to recruit new members to the organization. 2. Each recruitment will be themed with events and shirts relating to that theme. ii. The Membership Committee shall coordinate regularly scheduled pledge meetings to promote better understanding of the American Criminal Justice Association--Lambda Alpha Epsilon to each new prospective member. 1. The Membership Chairperson shall work with the President and the Vice President of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter to coordinate an orientation meeting for prospective new members. 2. The pledge period will be seven (7) weeks long, with weekly meetings with the Membership Chairperson and the Vice President. 3. Each prospective new member shall be required to pass a written test before being initiated. If the prospective new member passes the exam, he/she will be able to sign up for individual interviews with the executive board. There is only one retake. If the prospective new member does not pass after the retake, they will be released from the pledge process and can try again the next semester. a. Each prospective new member who passes the exam is required to attend an individual interview with the Executive Board of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter. These interviews will be approximately twenty (20) minutes in length and all participants must dress in business attire. 4. After all interviews have been completed, all initiated members shall meet to vote on each prospective member. In the event that there is a discrepancy in the decision, a vote shall be held. Two thirds of the chapter must approve each member. There is no limit to the number of members the chapter can obtain during each semester. 5. After voting, each new member will be told about their acceptance into the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter. The Executive Board and the Membership Chairperson will deliver their bid announcements to their homes. b. Activities Committee i. The Activities Committee shall include the active planning of on-campus social events such as chapter dinners, lunch dates, etc. They will also be required to plan some events held by speakers, team building activities, etc. 1. This includes any events in coordination with Harrisonburg Police Department or any law enforcement agency. ii. The Activities Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Board of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter prior to hosting any activity or event. iii. Upon approval of any activity or event, the Activities Chairperson shall provide documentation to the Public Relations Committee for social media purposes. c. Fundraising Committee i. Duties of the Fundraising Committee shall include the active solicitation of funding to promote chapter events. 1. Events may include fundraising events, awareness activities, etc. ii. The Fundraising Committee shall make recommendations to the Executive Board of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter prior to hosting any event. iii. Upon approval of any activity or event, the Fundraising Chairperson shall provide documentation to the Public Relations Committee for social media purposes. d. Social Committee i. Duties of the Social Committee shall include all off-campus social events such as entertainment activities, organizational bonding, etc. ii. The Social Committee shall have all events approved by the Executive Board of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter. e. Public Relations Committee i. Duties of the Public Relations Committee shall be to share information regarding Association activities and events through various forms of publicized media. ii. The Public Relations Committee shall create publicized media, including social media as flyers and presentations. iii. The Public Relations Committee shall create all apparel for the organization including Rush Shirts for Recruitment. f. Academic Committee i. Help connect students in similar classes with each other. ii. Create study hours/study plans for all members. iii. Assist members who are struggling in their classes with finding resources to help them succeed. g. The President of the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter may appoint all committees as prescribed in the Bylaws and may appoint such other committees and standing committees as he/she deems necessary for the orderly operation of the chapter. h. The composition of all committees shall not contain fewer than one member.

Article VI: Hazing ​ ​ American Criminal Justice Association, in keeping with JMU’s expectations for a positive ​ ​ academic and social environment, unconditionally opposes hazing. No individual member of our group or the group itself may engage in or plan any activity that may be defined as hazing.

American Criminal Justice Association opposes any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule to its members or potential members. In addition, no individual nor recognized organization may by physical or mental stress or by subtle or covert technique, impair, make captive, or destroy an individuals’ freedom of thought and choice.

J17-100 Hazing The university prohibits any situation created intentionally to produce mental ​ ​ or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule in connection with or the purpose of initiation, admission into, or affiliation with or as a condition for continued membership in a club, organization, or association, regardless of whether the students participated voluntarily in the relevant activity. Students directing, engaging in, aiding, or participating in, actively or passively, the forcing, compelling, requiring, encouraging, expecting, whether direct or implied, of individuals to participate in hazing activities shall be considered in violation of this policy .It is impossible to anticipate every situation that could involve hazing. Behavior listed below does not, and cannot encompass every circumstance that can be categorized as hazing. Further, this policy is not intended to prohibit customary athletic events, contests, and competitions that are sponsored by the institution or the organized and supervised practices associated with such events or activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legitimate educational curriculum, extracurricular program, or military training program as approved by the University.

Hazing activities include but are not limited to; physical abuse; kidnapping, blindfolding, confinement, or binding and/or restricting movement; calisthenics or other strenuous physical activity used to harass, punish, or harm an individual; excursions; spraying, painting, or pelting with any substance; burying in any substance; nudity; servitude; exposure to uncomfortable elements; verbal abuse or harassment; wearing of apparel which is conspicuous or indecent; forcing consumption of any legal or illegal substance (e.g. food, liquid, beverage, alcohol, drug, or other substance); depriving of sufficient sleep; burning, branding, or tattooing; interrogation in an intimidating or threatening manner; misleading members in an effort to convince them that they will not become or remain members unless they complete tasks, follow instructions, or act in a certain way; misleading members into believing that they will be hurt during induction or initiation; carrying items that serve no constructive purpose or that are designed to punish or embarrass the carrier; requiring or suggesting obtaining, possessing items or completing tasks in an unlawful manner (i.e. scavenger hunts); any act that is designed to or likely to compromise the dignity of a member or prospective member, cause embarrassment or shame to a member or prospective member, cause a member or prospective member to be the object of malicious amusement, ridicule, or emotional strain, or cause psychological harm or substantial emotional strain; or any other activity which may result in physical injury or endanger the health or life of the individual being hazed. An individual cannot consent to being hazed; a victim’s voluntary or willful participation in hazing activities will not be considered evidence that a violation of this policy did not occur.Section 18.2-56 of the Code of Virginia declares hazing illegal, establishes conditions for civil and criminal liability, and outlines the duties of the university when a student has been found guilty of hazing in civil or criminal court.

It is hereby incorporated as part of this constitution and will serve as a guide for action by the university and American Criminal Justice Association if there is an instance of hazing by this organization or any of the members of this organization. It will be the duty of the officers of American Criminal Justice Association to educate the membership of this policy.

Article VII: Parliamentary Authority ​ ​ A. Rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Lambda Mu Upsilon chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with Grand Chapter Bylaws and any special rules of order that the chapter may adopt. B. Members and pledges of Lambda Mu Upsilon shall adhere to, without exception, the following chain of command: Committee Chairperson (when applicable), Executive Board of Lambda Mu Upsilon, Lambda Mu Upsilon Chapter Advisor, Region 4 President, National President. Persons outside of the Association, including all school faculty or staff, are excluded from this chain of command. Failure to respect the chain of command as outlined may result in penalty, up to and including, expulsion from the chapter or pledge process.

Article VII: Amendments ​ A. The Bylaws may be amended only after being properly presented for reconsideration at a weeking meeting to be voted on at the following meeting. B. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting membership present at the meeting shall be necessary to amend any section of these Bylaws. a. Voting may be done by proxy, provided that the proxy is in writing, accompanied by the member’s signature, and delivered to the chapter Secretary prior to the meeting in which the vote will be conducted. C. Voting shall be a secret by ballot. The Sergeant-at-Arms will disseminate and collect the ballots. The Secretary shall record the vote(s). The President will announce the final answer.