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www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com Publishing news & views of Lancaster, Groveton, Whitefield, Lunenburg & other towns of the upper Connecticut River valley of New Hampshire & Vermont [email protected] VOL. CXLIV, NO. 35 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2012 LANCASTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE TELEPHONE: 603-788-4939 TWENTY SIX PAGES 75¢ Dalton Fire & Rescue shows off its new First Responder Vehicle By Edith Tucker to some 10 or 12 calls, Sheltry [email protected] said, adding that Department members had scrubbed off sev- DALTON — The town’s new eral layers of dust that had col- First Responder vehicle, donated lected while it was being driven anonymously to Dalton Fire & on the town’s many unpaved Rescue by a community-minded roads. family, was on display at an Open Chief Sheltry keeps the new House on Saturday morning, Aug. vehicle at his house on Faraway 25, at the Municipal Road, which, as he explained, is Building. The family offered to “on the other side of the moun- buy a costly ambulance and to tain” from the firehouse, cutting build an addition to the firehouse down on what would otherwise in which to house it, but a Ford be a long trip. So far, the typical Explorer SUV that could traverse response time has been six min- the town’s hilly roads and bring a utes. patient to a waiting ambulance Calls for service have in- supplied by either Whitefield or creased, Sheltry said, and the Lancaster seemed a better fit for number could hit 125 to 130 by a town of about 1,000, explained year’s end. Having a First Re- Dalton Fire Chief Ron Sheltry. sponder vehicle has already Three very grateful selectmen made a significant difference, the — chairman Victor St. Cyr, Kevin chief said, and he, Department Whittum Sr., and Julia Simonds — members, and townspeople voted on April 9 to accept a gift of greatly appreciate the donors’ $48,000 to buy and outfit the Re- PHOTO BY MARGARET TUCKER generosity. Dalton Fire & Rescue held an Open House on Saturday morning, Aug. 25, to show off its new bright red First Responder vehicle, donated anony- sponder vehicle. Once on site, all During Saturday’s Open mously by a community-minded family in town. Department members John Letson, left, Mike Wentworth, Tom McVetty, Mike Kopp of North Country the needed wiring, accessories, House, the Dalton Auxiliary and Ford and Lancaster Assistant Fire Chief who found the Ford Expedition SUV in the correct color, Dalton Fire Chief Ron Sheltry, Harvey Call Jr., and and graphic lettering were in- Dalton Fire & Rescue put on a Patty Call were on hand outside the Municipal Building. Other Department members were inside cooking pancakes. stalled in-house, the chief said. fund-raising pancake-and- The medical and other emer- sausage breakfast in the gym of into the vehicle in a specific con- far more efficient, said Mike Went- cle was not designed for orderly The First Responder vehicle gency equipment, including a the municipal building. figuration, making the volunteers worth. The previously used vehi- storage. has already been used to respond heart monitor, is carefully packed FairPoint is installing 2 fiber optic rings for redundancy By Edith Tucker rerouted in another direction on dial-tone traffic, ensuring FairPoint provements, FairPoint continues cluding building thousands miles [email protected] FairPoint’s network solution the new fiber ring. customers in these towns have the its broadband expansion efforts, of new fiber across the region. will help meet the Bank’s business ability to make phone calls should investing more than $182 million in MANCHESTER — Almost every- needs by offering routing diversity The first stage of the fiber ring an outage occur. communications infrastructure “Broadband access opens one driving along Route 2 between that ensures it will maintain critical will provide diversity in the Fair- and technology to expand broad- Jefferson and Lancaster this sum- Ethernet and Dedicated Internet Point exchanges of Lancaster, Jef- In addition to these network im- band in northern New England, in- FairPoint,PAGEA9 mer has been held up by bucket access services, allowing North- ferson, Gorham, Jackson, North trucks parked along the highway way to continue banking services Conway and Madison. FairPoint and linesmen stringing new cable. during outages that might other- will be able to reroute dial-tone traf- It’s all part of an extensive proj- wise disrupt its business. fic in case of an outage. The com- Study underway to house all ect being untaken by FairPoint pany expects the project will be Communications to make infra- “Our goal is to ensure that we completed this fall. pre-K students at Jefferson School structure upgrades in northern can offer our customers banking New Hampshire that will result in services critical to their business The second stage of the project Kindergarten to grade 3 classes would stay in place the company having more options at all times,” said Jeffrey Smith, will extend the survivable network By Edith Tucker Pre-K is required for all spe- to route phone traffic during out- Northway Financial’s Portland- to FairPoint exchanges in Berlin, SAU #36 facilities subcommit- [email protected] cial education students and is ages. The company designed a di- based senior vice president, in a Milan and Errol. “FairPoint’s goal is tee chairman Jim Brady of Jef- offered to nearly all other four- verse telecommunications ring in prepared statement. “FairPoint’s get the whole project finished as ferson. “Right now, specialists year-olds for varying lengths of the region that is now being built solution provides Northway with soon as possible,” explained Fair- WHITEFIELD — Although no have to go between the White- time each week during the to benefit both its business and res- the bandwidth we need to conduct Point’s spokesman Jeff Nevins of changes would be made during field and Lancaster Elementary school year. idential customers. our business, the flexibility to han- Portland in an e-mail exchange. the current 2012-2013 school Schools.” On May 29, a total of 72 Dis- dle future growth, along with a re- “The project’s second stage should year at the Jefferson Elemen- The minutes of the Aug. 9 trict students were enrolled in FairPoint worked closely with liable, diverse and survivable net- be completed by the end of the first tary School, a study is already subcommittee point out that a the District’s pre-K classes. senior management at Northway work.” quarter of 2013.” underway to see if it would be changed use for the school that Bank to provide a network solution both feasible and advantageous would provide a single location Pre-K students would come from all five District towns. Al- that would meet the needs of the The improvements FairPoint is When this work is completed, to hold all the WMRSD’s pre- for all the District’s pre-Kinder- though Brady said that neither North Country. Northway’s willing- making to its communications in- all of Northway’s core operations Kindergarten classes for three- garten students, plus kinder- busing costs nor distances ness to become a customer al- frastructure will also mean fewer will also have a diverse, survivable and four-year-olds in the small garten-to-grade-3 students by have yet been calculated, lowed FairPoint to make the in- outages for its residential cus- network in place. Completion of school building on Route 115A. 2013-2014 “would ensure its Google Maps lists the distance vestments needed to upgrade the tomers. If there is a failure in a sec- this stage of the fiber ring will allow If this plan were to move for- survivability and use the entire from the Dalton Municipal network. tion of the network, traffic can be FairPoint the diversity to reroute ward in 2013-2014 as is being existing footprint.” studied, the facility would also The minutes also point to Building — the former Dalton house an all-day kindergarten the “uncertainty” of such a Elementary School — and the and grades 1, 2, and 3, primari- change. Nonetheless, District Jefferson School as between 19 “News and Sentinel” changes size, ly to serve Jefferson young- Buildings and Grounds Director and 21 miles, depending on the sters. Rick Vashaw reported that he route chosen. Without any “The advantage would be for has budgeted $20,000 to make stops, the online service esti- contracts with “green” press the District to be able to pro- the shift so the Jefferson School mated that the trip would take vide all pre-Kindergarten serv- could function as the District’s 25 to 30 minutes, one-way. COLEBROOK — Starting with ices in one building,” explained only pre-Kindergarten program. At its Aug. 9 meeting, the fa- today’s issue, “The News and Sen- cilities subcommittee also dis- tinel” embarks on a new chapter in cussed the possibility of in- its 142-year history, as a change in stalling a pellet-burning system printing vendors results in a new WMRSD school board to replace the current oil-burn- size and layout for the paper. The ing boiler that consumes about Sentinel had been printed at the worries too much new 6,000 gallons a year. Switching Upper Valley Press in North Haver- to pellets could reduce costs hill and mailed via White River Junc- by some 40 percent. tion, but will now be printed at the space in proposed CTE Concord Monitor Press in East Con- cord and mailed from the Concord addition post office. “The threat last year that the By Edith Tucker The focus of the proposed ren- White River processing facility [email protected] ovation and building project — INDEX would close prompted us to start scheduled to go before voters for looking at alternatives, which WHITEFIELD — Warrenstreet a “yes” or “no” vote on March 12, Business Directory .