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NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) SUPPORT PROGRAMME IN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO REPORT Media Sensitization Sessions on Climate Change Reporting July – August 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE ........................................................................................... 2 2 TRAINING AND FACILITATION ............................................................................................. 2 3 PRESENTATIONS .................................................................................................................. 3 4 STAKEHOLDERS ................................................................................................................... 4 5 FEEDBACK AND ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................. 5 6 MEDIA FOOTPRINT .............................................................................................................. 8 7 LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................. 10 8 APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................... 11 8.1 APPENDIX 1: AGENDA FOR MEDIA SENSITIZATION SESSIONS IN TRINIDAD ...................................... 11 8.2 APPENDIX 2: AGENDA FOR MEDIA SENSITIZATION SESSION IN TOBAGO ........................................ 12 8.3 APPENDIX 3: POST-ASSESSMENT SURVEY .............................................................................. 13 1 1 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE In July And August 2019, the Government of the Republic of Trinidad And Tobago, through the Ministry of PlAnning And DeveloPment (MPD) and in collaboration with the United NAtions DeveloPment ProgrAmme (UNDP) NationAlly Determined Contribution (NDC) SuPPort ProgrAmme, hosted interActive sensitizAtion sessions on climAte chAnge, specificAlly geAred towArds mediA PrActitioners. The objective of these sessions was to enhAnce the cAPAbilities of journAlists in reporting on climAte chAnge issues, initiAtives and imPacts through a fundamental understanding of the underlying issues associated with the phenomena, including its wide-ranging imPlicAtions for society And whAt is being done to Address it globAlly And PArticulArly in TrinidAd And TobAgo. Three hAlf-day sessions were held in TrinidAd on 29th, 30th and 31st July 2019 And one full-day session wAs conducted in TobAgo on 29th August 2019. Mr. Anthony FrAser (JournAlist) fAcilitAted the events And the technicAl informAtion wAs Presented by Mr. Kishan KumArsingh (MPD). EmPhAsis wAs plAced on three themes Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3 surrounding climAte chAnge including: What is What are the What are the Climate impacts and responses and (i) WhAt is it? (ii) WhAt Are the Change? implications? way forward? imPlicAtions And imPActs? (iii) How do we resPond And whAt is the way forward? 2 TRAINING AND FACILITATION Mr. Anthony FrAser was recommended As An ideAl cAndidAte to fAcilitAte this mediA sensitizAtion exercise, given his knowledge And exPerience As well As resPect throughout the mediA fraternity. Mr FrAser is A senior journAlist with over forty yeArs of internAtionAl mediA exPerience. He is A renowned communications consultAnt And trAiner to A vAriety of stAkeholders including ministeriAl, legAl, finAnciAl and corPorate executives and institutions. Furthermore, Mr. Fraser is a Producer of television documentAries And feAtures, A moderAtor of current AffAirs television/rAdio progrAmmes And A columnist and investigative rePorter for Print and television media. This combined exPerience enhanced the delivery of the intended messAges relAted to climAte chAnge in TrinidAd And TobAgo and Also stimulated discussions And interActions between the PArticiPAnts And ministry personnel on the topic. On 25th July 2019, Mr. FrAser conducted A trAining session with MPD teAm members in PrePArAtion for the MediA SensitizAtion Sessions. His presentAtion covered vArious topics including objectives of the mediA, achieving common agendas, the communications Process, develoPing solid messAges and sound bites, and tiPs on giving strong Presentations and interviews. Following the training, individual MPD personnel presented stories in A mock news conference setting And engAged in A role Play to A television audience. Posing As the interviewer, Mr. FrAser questioned the Presenters in An Almost disbelieving And cynical mAnner in order to test their Ability to sell the story to the Audience. The session was recorded on video, PlAyed bAck And AnAlysed to allow the MPD stAff to get A feel of themselves As Presenters And determine areas for imProvement when develoPing their messAges and delivering them to the viewers, 2 listeners And reAders. The video mAteriAl was made AvAilAble to the teAm for review And further prePArAtion for their presentAtions At the mediA sessions. 3 PRESENTATIONS Three hAlf-day sessions were held in Trinidad on 29th, 30th and 31st July 2019 And one full-day session in TobAgo on 29th August 2019. As shown in the AgendA’s for the sessions (APPendix 1 and 2), Mr. KishAn KumArsingh’s presentAtions on the three themes were as follows: Theme Description Theme 1: What is climate • GlobAl observAtions with resPect to temPerAture increAse, wArming oceAns, seA change? level rise, declining Arctic seA ice, oceAn AcidificAtion And extreme events. • CaribbeAn observAtions And imPActs in TrinidAd And TobAgo including chAnges in wAter AvAilability, increAsed incidences of vector borne diseAses, reduced agricultural Production and food security, increased vulnerability to extreme weAther events and imPActs on tourism. Theme 2: What are the • WhAt we know: the evidence, cAuses, likely effects And future chAnges. impacts and implications • WhAt we don’t know: the extent of the chAnges, tiPPing Point, And risks And how of climate change? to Assess And mAnAge them. • SummAry of findings of sectors Assessed for climAte risks in TrinidAd And TobAgo: agriculture And food security, wAter resources, humAn heAlth, coAstAl resources and fisheries, human settlements and infrastructure, biodiversity and Tobago (integrAted APProAch). Theme 3: What are the • RecAP of the Problem, cAuses, issues And chAllenges AssociAted with climAte responses and way chAnge. forward with respect to • InternAtionAl resPonses such As the United NAtions FrAmework Convention on climate change? ClimAte ChAnge (UNFCCC), Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement (PA). • Key outcomes of the PA including APProaches to mitigAtion, AdAPtAtion, finAnce, technology trAnsfer, trAnsPArency And comPliAnce, inclusion of non-PArty stAkeholders (civil society, business And PrivAte sector). • ClimAte DiPlomAcy And the links to SustAinAble DeveloPment GoAls (SDGs), chAllenges And going forwArd. • TrinidAd And TobAgo’s NAtionAlly Determined Contribution (NDC) And its imPlementAtion Plan, As well As the Monitoring RePorting And VerificAtion (MRV) System. The following link cAn be used to access the presentations: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/99e4ir4ax7ao98o/AAC1Z-dJzvLUXUUiN4ok6--ea?dl=0 3 4 STAKEHOLDERS Over the four-day period of the MediA Sensitization Sessions, there was A totAl of fifty-four (54) stAkeholders from twenty-nine (29) orgAnizations that PArticiPAted in the event. These included mediA houses As well As CorporAte CommunicAtions personnel from the vArious ministries. The following is A list of PArticiPAnts And their contAct informAtion: Organization Participant E-mail 92.7/Tambrin ClAyton ClArke [email protected] 92.7/Tambrin Wren GrAy [email protected] CNC3 News - A Division of Guardian Media Limited GeishA KowlessAr-AlAnzo geishA.kowlessAr.guArdiAn.co.tt CNC3 News - A Division of Guardian Media Limited Krystle JAmes [email protected] Facilitator Tony Fraser [email protected] Freelance Journalist Jewel Perking [email protected] Guardian Newspaper Shirley BAhAdur [email protected] ieTV Channel 1 Vivek Ramkissoon [email protected] Isaac 98.1 FM StePhen Cummings [email protected] MEA Capacity Building Project Cindy ChAndool [email protected] Ministry of Planning and Development - Christel MohAmmed [email protected] Communications Ministry of Planning and Development - KeegAn CAllender [email protected] Communications Ministry of Planning and Development - KendAl Fontenelle [email protected] Communications Ministry of Planning and Development - EPPD CandAce Leung Woo- [email protected] Gabriel Ministry of Planning and Development - EPPD David PersAd [email protected] Ministry of Planning and Development - EPPD Javed LAkhAn [email protected] Ministry of Planning and Development - EPPD KishAn KumArsingh [email protected] Ministry of Planning and Development - EPPD MarissA Gowrie [email protected] Ministry of Planning and Development - EPPD Nera Singh [email protected] Ministry of Planning and Development - EPPD Sindy Singh [email protected] NDC Support Programme Project Team Hans-Erich Schulz [email protected] NDC Support Programme Project Team TanyA StAskiewicz [email protected] Newsday Corey Connelly [email protected] Newsday JabArri SuPerville [email protected] Newsday Janelle De SouzA [email protected] Newsday Jordon Briggs [email protected] Newsday Laurel V. WilliAms [email protected] Newsday MelissA Doughty [email protected] Newsday MikAel Hepburn [email protected] Newsday ShAne SuPerville [email protected]