Cary Coglianese, University of Pennsylvania
Penn Program on Regulation Cary Coglianese, Director Edward B. Shils Professor ofLaw and Professor ofPolitical Science September 22, 2013 The Hon. Howard Shelanski Administrator, Office ofInformation and Regulatory Affairs The Office ofManagement and Budget 725 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20503 Dear Administrator Shelanski, This letter, with enclosures, responds to your request for my review ofthe Draft 2013 Report to Congress on the Benefits and Costs ofFederal Regulations ("Draft Report") available on the OMB website. You asked for comments on the "format and substance" ofthe Draft Report - and you specifically sought my thoughts on the following four recommendations as stated in your August 9th email: (a) retrospective analysis should become a routine part of agency rulemaking, and formal mechanisms should be maintained to reevaluate rules that may be unjustified, excessive, insufficient, or unduly complex; (b) agencies should communicate with the public in a way that is clear, simple, meaningful, and jargon-free; (c) objective, evidence-based assessment of costs and benefits should be used as an integral part ofthe regulatory decision-making process; and (d) agencies should align their priorities across all levels of internal hierarchy. I certainly endorse the first three ofthese recommendations. In various ways they comport with suggestions I have separately urged for some years in my own writing. For example, as the Draft Report notes (p. 9), recommendations (a) and (c) are integrally connected with each other. In a 2005 co-authored paper, published as part ofa National Research Council report, I wrote that retrospective "evaluation research provides valuable information for policy decision making," further observing that: The staff and political officials in state and federal regulatory agencies, legislatures, and other oversight bodies (such as the Office of Management and Budget) need to design and implement policies that work to achieve their goals.
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