Davina McCall Comes Out Tops in Life Balance Analysis Submitted by: Spink Ltd Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Embargoed 00.01 hours 23rd August 2007 Davina McCall Comes Out Tops in Life Balance Analysis The tables have been turned on Davina McCall, the sassy presenter and mother of 3, as her personality has been put under the spotlight by a new psychological profiling system which looks at how different types of people deal with stress and life balance. The celebrity profiling is part of research commissioned by Imodium into the life balance of Britain. The study was carried out to find out more about frenzied Brits who don’t often stop to think about how their busy lives might affect their digestive health1. The good news for Davina is that it shows she has a personality which lends itself to coping with difficulty. She has been classified as an ‘adeptor’ – in other words her calm temperament and good nature lends itself to being organised and being able to switch off or be dynamic when appropriate. Unsurprisingly, the hit singer Amy Winehouse who has recently been admitted to rehab scored badly in the analysis. Her personality type is an ‘addict’ – she is addicted to her lifestyle of working and socialising around the clock and finds it hard to stop and give herself ‘me’ time. According to the research, which also surveyed the general public, most of us in the UK profile as hardened ‘aggressors’ spending much of our lives at work, and sacrificing time with those we love. It also reveals that our work orientated culture means that over two thirds (66%) of us have a poor or very poor life balance rating, based on a formula created by psychologist Dr David Lewis. Dr Lewis says: "Neglecting relationships is one of the factors most damaging to a healthy life balance. 15 per cent of those questioned in the survey (approximately 7 million people in the UK) said they spent between 0 and 6 hours each week on relationships with their partner—a pitifully small amount of time compared to the hours we spend commuting and at work." Only one in five 25 - 34 year olds spends more than 24 hours per week on their relationship with their partner, with a quarter of people aged 55 and over spending less than 6 hours per week. Conversely, the survey showed that 10 per cent of Brits spends more than 60 hours per week at work. Dr Lewis continues: "The research shows that people in the UK desperately need to take steps to improve their life balance. Simple steps include upping the amount of exercise taken each week to 2.5 hours, eating five portions of fruit and vegetables each day and simply making time to relax with and family. The feeling that work is all there is seems to be unique to the UK and it must change if we are to maintain good health into later life."

Page 1 The nationwide Life Balance survey was commissioned as part the Imodium Balance Your Life campaign to help people lead more balanced lives. Anyone wishing to discover their own stress psychological profile and life balance rating can do so by visiting www.lifebalancechallenge.com -Ends- For more information on the profiling or the survey please contact Nicola Bryan at Spink: Tel: 01444 484888 Email: [email protected] Notes to editors: Reference: 1. Recent research shows that busy stressful lives can be related to digestive health problems such as IBS. Please see: Spence, MJ. Moss-Morris R. The cognitive behavioural model of irritable bowel syndrome: a prospective investigation of gastroenteritis patients. Gut. 2007 Feb 26. The BALANCES formula for life balance: (((L+As)/2)2 + ((E+N)/2) + 2A + C + B) x (4/(S+1)) Time spent: Being domestic (working around the house and garden; chores) Association (with partner/family) Labour (paid work) Asleep Not working (relaxing; leisure time) Commuting Exercise Stress

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