Sarvesh JainTM Notion Press

5 Muthu Kalathy Street, Triplicane, Chennai - 600 005 First Published by Notion Press 2015 Copyright © Sarvesh Jain 2015 All Rights Reserved.

ISBN: 978-93-52060-23-8

This book has been published in good faith that the work of the author is original. All efforts have been taken to make the material error-free. However, the author and the publisher disclaim the responsibility.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the permission, in writing, from the publisher. To caffeine and burger, my companions through many a long night of writing!


Nothing depends only on my one action. There are thousands of energy crossing and interacting with each other. The total of the energy will decide the outcome. How can I alone decide the outcome? But if I don’t do anything then things may never be the same. I’ve to do and yet I’ve to learn not to expect. Then doing is a kind of prayer. There is no desire that the result should be such and such. Then there is no frustration. Trust will help you to remain happy. Most special thanks to my mom dad, ‘Manju-Nathmal Bhandari’ for being the strongest wall, protecting against the traditional, hypocritical Marwari societies. I would like to mention the remarkable thanks to my uncles: ‘Kishan Bhandari & Kamal Bhandari’ and my other family members, for giving me freedom to follow my guts and crazy ideas. ‘CA Hemant C. Lodha’ for being the constant source of inspiration and someone to look forward every time and every day. ‘Sushil Punwatkar Sir,’ for being my ‘Guru,’ easy to findGod difficult to find ‘Guru’. He is the creator of whatever I’m today (of course for Good stuffs only, bad ones are all by me). Before I learned to believe in myself, he did and with his vision I’ve moved this far. I’m lucky and blessed to have ‘Pravin Joshi Sir,’ Director NAEMD and ‘Kavita Agarwal Mam,’ Centre Head Ahmedabad for substantially supporting my passion with the studies. ‘Sidharth Bhandari Sir’ for enlightening the inner spark to go further my edge and his significant insights proved to be a landmark towards the increase of readership. viii Acknowledgement Any work of me would be incomplete without accrediting ‘Vishal Taank,’ my close friend, classmate, roommate, companion, the one who eat the other half of my Subway. His exceptional patience, extraordinary perseverance, and excellent principles have shaped me for a better me. ‘Sarthak Bhandari’ for the unshakable faith in my Work and sincere support all the time. ‘Manish Bhandari’ & ‘Shrenik Kothari’ for enlightening me with different approaches to the same wall. I’m more than a proud to call her my biggest fan and friend; she is the reason I’ve been able to cross the mark of 1251 Quotations before reaching the age of 21. It wasn’t easy for her to maintain my enthusiasm each day, but who can beat her Motivation and undying spirit! One of my special and very dear friend, ‘Himani Gupta,’ Books to her! (Cheers!) ‘Madhu Hotwani’ for being the real critic and honest friend, her ideas and encouragement has supported me in every Quote and articles I’ve ever written. ‘Seema Sahu and Shaifali Agrawal’ for helping me to finalize the creative parts, covers and designs. But for most, listening to me, when I talk consistently about the book, Hats off to your patience! I would like to show my gratitude to ‘Ankita Golhani’ for being patience again, with my grammatical errors and for doing her best editing, again. ‘Sagar Gandhi’ for keeping my inner child alive, ‘Himanshu Garg’ for being my fastest source of mass communication! And being the stress buster at times! ‘Nikita Shewani,’ my Treasure! No more required! I would like to pay my regards to ‘Eklavya Education Foundation: Sunil Handa’ for helping me with the stories and ‘The Book Bakers: Suhail Mathur’ for guiding me with the publication and marketing. And lastly I wish to present my special thanks to few people for not believing in me, because of them I learned to believe in myself, vigorously and rigidly. Preface

“If you don’t see the book you want on the shelf, write it.” I’m lucky to do it again. *Chuckles* “Naked Wisdom of the Child” This Book is all about experiences, experiences that make a boy, man. Experiences that turned into the formidable pages of the book. Some experience will be an admiration, some will be life lessons, some to think high, some to laugh with and some to cherish lifelong. This is not just another self-help, or motivational genre book, this piece of literature will heal the reader’s wound given by the great storytellers. This is purely what I’ve learned so far in my life, and what I can offer you to think. Socrates says, “I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” Yes, that’s the motto of the book, to make you think more, to help you to restructure your thoughts. Thoughts are the cells that build your life. No one is meant to do any evil things, but certain things happen in the course of life which we do not appreciate. What best we can do is to learn from the situation and let go of it. No one is the perfect person; I just want you to know the reason to start over new. And the reason is you. It’s your life, and it matters. It’s all about experiences, experiences which do not expire with transit of time. Experiences which will be engraved for centuries and more, in the form of literature, in the form of artwork, in the form of love. x Preface Doing anything extraordinary requires efforts, patience, creativity, courage, vision, moral, inspiration, experience and discipline. Here is the Secret of the extraordinary work. Treat your work like it’s your baby, your fortune. Feed 24*7, 365 days for hundreds of years. Consistently nurture and nourish it, babysit all the time. It will Cry, it will scream, and it will poop too, but be patience to wipe up the mess and try again harder. Do not quit if it cries every night. Love more, irrespective of how messy, desperate, and time taking it is. That is how you make impossible things possible. Believe in yourself and keep on loving unconditionally, irreversibly and unadulterated. That is how you achieve your goal; that is how you make the extraordinary. It’s that easy and that hard. “Sometimes it does not work out the way you want, Sometimes the bud doesn’t bloom, no matter which season it is, Sometimes it requires more than a good rain to turn into a rose, Sometimes it needs a little kiss. Sometimes that’s all it needs.”

Disclaimer: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” #Ecclesiastes 1:9 My Principle of Life

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle. Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything, all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure, these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. Stay Hungry-Stay Foolish! #Steven Paul Jobs, June 12, 2005, Stanford University


1. Happy Quotations 1 2. Motivational Quotations 33 3. Wisdom Quotations 63 4. Sarcastic Quotations 95 5. Diplomatic Quotations 126 6. Beautiful Quotations 158 7. Remarkable Quotations 189 8. Love Quotations 221 9. Ease Quotations 253 10. Nurturing Quotations 284 11. Unorthodox Quotations 316 12. Intrinsic Quotations 347

Thank You for reading 379

1. Happy Quotations

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. #John Lennon

Forward: In this section you might find the Quotations which make you happy as it says, “It’s all about being happy.” 2 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Being happy makes people happier.


Everyone loves to be happy; everyone loves to make others happy. Do it. Share your Nutella.


One day, I hopped into a taxi and took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly, a black car, jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed the brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just a few inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. I mean, he was really friendly. So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!” This was when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, ‘The Law of the Garbage Truck.’ He explained, “Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on you. Never take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on with the routine life.” Don’t take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home or on the streets. 1. Happy Quotations 3

An honest compliment can boost up the whole day.


Honestly, compliment a girl ‘You look beautiful,’ and I challenge nothing can make her sad that day.


A woman was deeply hurt by the behavior of her fifteen-year-old son. Each time they went out together he would walk on ahead of her. Was he ashamed of her? One day she asked him. “Oh Mom, no,” was his embarrassed reply. “It’s just that you look so young that I’m worried my friends will suspect I have a new girlfriend.” Her hurt vanished as if it was a magic. 4 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You shouldn’t be stressed to be happy.


Sometimes we put so much of pressure or so much of efforts to enjoy more for the same thing; it misses even the starting fun. Sometimes little enjoyment is also good. You can never feel the first kiss again.


A very important lesson taught to me by my teacher in the early days of school life. “It is okay not to smile every time if you are just happy and happy and happy, all the time, happiness will lose all its meaning. It will be as if somebody is writing on a white wall with a white chalk. Nobody will ever be able to read anything. You have to write on a blackboard, to make what you write visibly. The night is needed as much as the day. And the days of sadness are as essential as the days of happiness.” Explained the teacher 1. Happy Quotations 5

Fool yourself, if that makes you Happy!


Sometimes it is easy to know the truth, but if it hurts, then you can ignore it and remain happy. Everyone wants to be happy. And everyone deserves to be.


There was aDhobi . He had a donkey which was doing, as usual, the entire donkey’s work. The donkey was totally fed up, tired and frustrated with his life. He was just waiting to quit. One day this donkey met another donkey at the ghat. They started talking. The first donkey expressed his total dissatisfaction with his life. The second donkey said, “Look. I was also totally frustrated like you. There was no motivation in my life. But, last week my master said something which made me believe that I have a bright future. He was very upset with his daughter and shouted at her in an outraged voice if you do not mend your ways, I will get you married to our donkey. Now there is something for me to look forward to. I believe that I have a bright future.” 6 Naked Wisdom of the Child

There is still magic in every day.


We should never lose faith, of course, life isn’t a fairy-tale, but no one said, life cannot be a magic. Keep Believing.


While returning from school to the home, two cute kids probably siblings found few packets of Cookies on the road, probably because of that big bummer. They took the Cookies and enjoyed it before going back home. Another sunlight and again they found the cookies and so on the excitement to see the magic went on, and so do this magic happened every day, every day they found free cookies in the road area, same place. One day they were waiting for the truck to pass from that bumpy road, so that they can enjoy the free cookies which fall from the trunk, but on the contrary to their expectation, it didn’t fell. They became upset and thought to go back but before they could go, truck came in the reverse direction which made them afraid of being caught by the driver and with full of anxieties they started running backward. But as you know the magic happens, the truck again got hit by the bump on the road which made the cookies fell and then the kids were again dancing with their happiness. Again they believed Magic happens, every day. Meanwhile in the background there was a beautiful line “Suraj dhup bant ke khush hai, hum khushiyan baat ke.” (The Sun is happy sharing his light, and we by sharing the Happiness.) #The Advertisement of Britannia Good Day, 25 years of happiness! 1. Happy Quotations 7

A friendly hug is always a good idea.


Sometimes it is better to put love into hugs than to put it into words.


“As soon as the train arrived at the station, everyone was wishing an adieu to ‘Rach’ for her long journey of following her dream. Meanwhile Joey, friend of her was thinking to give a hug, as he believes hugs are perfect goodbyes. But he was perplexed with the presence of her parents and crowded station, he gave a moment’s reflection, and then they shook hands and went along with their lives. No one would have known, she wanted a hug too.” (My Brain asked, “Will she understand that I’m talking about her?” “Perhaps, she will.” My Heart nodded.) 8 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Be with someone who gives you something to think, not something to worry.


Whole story of making friends is to be happy. Be with someone who lightens your worries and genuinely makes you happy.


In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed heard about it and...”. “All right,” said to hold knowledge in high esteem. One Socrates. “So you don’t know if it’s day one fellow met the great philosopher true or not. and said, “Do you know what I just Now let’s try the second filter, the filter heard about your friend?” of Goodness. “Is what you are about “Hold on a minute,” Socrates replied. to tell me about my friend something “Before telling me anything I’d like good?”. “No, on the contrary...” “So,” you to pass a little test. It’s called the Socrates continued, “you want to tell Triple Filter Test.” me something bad about him, but you’re not certain it’s true.” Socrates continued. You may still pass the test though “Before you talk to me about my because there’s one filter left: the filter friend, it might be a good idea to take of Usefulness. “Is what you want to tell a moment and filter what you’re going me about my friend going to be useful to say. That’s why I call it the triple to me?” “No, not really!” filter test.” “Well,” concluded Socrates, “if what The first filter is Truth. Have you made you want to tell me is neither true nor sure that what you are about to tell me good nor even useful, why tell it to me is true?” “No,” the man said, “I just at all?” 1. Happy Quotations 9

When you cannot offer sweet words, offer sweet chocolates.


Everyone loves chocolates, offer them to their taste. Sometimes it does work.


My beautiful childhood memory and I hope to many students too (At least of my classmates). Who said you need to be a genius to complete all your assignments in time? Sometimes offering your classmates a couple of Cadbury is enough. Short yet sweet way. Be sweet, share sweetness. 10 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You don’t make someone happy by saying them to be happy; you make them happy by doing something that makes them happy.


By saying them to be happy, take care, miss you, love you, shanu, babu, kuchu, janu, mamu, jana. All this thing doesn’t work. You need to take few genuine steps to mean your words. A caring message is better than a formality call.


On one fine evening,Charlie was sick and needed the personal care. As he was quite famous, he had lots of friends. He called a few of them and asked for their favor to spend some time taking care of him, He needed someone to accompany his sickness. Everyone said, “I wish I could be there to take care of you, but I’ve got something Important to do” and all other dramatic stories, but none of them forget to say, “Please take care of yourself,” “Aw, Baby! Don’t worry, you’ll be fine soon.” None of them tried to make him feel better other than formalities and common gestures. 1. Happy Quotations 11

We are happy by choice, not by fate.


Life offers you everything; our choice decides what we keep and what we let go.

Story Which person are you? The one who believes everything happens, happens for a good reason? Or The one who believes everything happens, happens because of Karma? P.S. - Either way, you’ll be happy because you’ve surrendered yourself. 12 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Bump up the little things, light up the mood. Life isn’t made to deal with dark circles.


It is simple, change the things you don’t like or change the way you see the things, but don’t stay mad, be beautiful, be happy.


When Socrates was dying, he was so enchanted that his disciples could not understand what he was feeling so happy about. One disciple, Credo, asked, “Why are you looking so happy? We are crying and weeping.” Socrates said, “Why should I not be happy? I have known what life is; now I would like to know what death is. I am at the door of a great mystery, and I am thrilled! I am going on a great journey into the unknown. I am simply full of wonder! I cannot wait!” 1. Happy Quotations 13

Simple ‘Hey’ can enlighten someone’s day, not the words, but the sender matters.


Stop worrying to write big fancy messages to impress girls; unfortunately none of them works. If they have a feeling for you, they will be happy with the simple ‘Hey’ otherwise even the Shakespeare’s poem cannot impress them.


I don’t know how to put this in the story, but it makes me blush every time. And yes it does enlighten my day to receive a blank message from that particular number regardless of how many messages I receive, none will be equal to that blank message. All I can suggest you is to stop worrying writing fancy words, write what you feel at heart and trust me what comes from the heart goes to the heart. 14 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Be a soft teddy even while life is making you bear.


Be soft even when you are angry, even when you are in stress, life will make you harsh still be softer. Some people are worth melting for.


There was a Snowman named Olaf. Her friend named Anna was locked in the room filled up with snow, in the stormy weather; seeing his friend freezing, he quickly lighted up fire in the fireplace. Anna was so delighted with Olaf. Olaf almost forgot he was made up of snow and by lighting the fire in the room he will melt. Anna asked Olaf to leave the room or he’ll melt. However, the little snowman said, “He will not leave your side until you feel perfectly Warm.” “The fire will melt you!” said Anna. Said the little snowman, “Some people are worth melting for!” #From the Hollywood movie “Frozen,” Year 2013! 1. Happy Quotations 15

A happy heart reflects in the face, otherwise in words.


Sometimes people may not express their happiness on the face, but you can feel it in their words, in their emotions, in their actions. It’s not every time about eyes.


Once all the students of a gurukul were absorbed in a discussion of Lao Tzu’s dictum, “Those who know do not say; Those who say do not know.” When the guru entered, they asked him exactly what the words meant. Said the guru, “How many of you know the fragrance of a rose?” All of them nodded their head in affirmation. Then he said, “Put it into words.” All of them were Silent! 16 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Not the consequences but the promises keep us together.


When you have someone special in your life, don’t ruin it by making stupid decisions. It is all about promises that keep friends together. Life is meaningless without a friend.


Two inseparable friends, Sam, and Months later when Jason had Jason, met with an accident on their recuperated considerably, he stopped way to Boston City. The following hanging around with Sam. He felt morning, Jason woke up blind discouraged and embarrassed to spend and Sam was still unconscious. time with a disabled person like Sam. Dr. Berkeley was standing at his And one day Sam died in despair. bedside looking at his health chart When Jason was called for his burial, and medications with a thoughtful he found a letter waiting for him. expression on his face. When he saw Dr. Berkeley gave it to him with an Sam awake, he beamed at him and expressionless face and said” This is asked.” How are you feeling today for you Jason. Sam had asked me to Sam?” Sam tried to put up a brave face give it to you when he was gone”. and smiled back saying, “Wonderful Doctor. I am very grateful for all that In his letter Sam said: “Dear Jason, you have done for me.” Dr. Berkeley I have kept my promise in the end was moved by Sam’s words. to lend you my eyes if anything had happened to them. You will always be my best friend, Sam”. 1. Happy Quotations 17

You don’t need fancy words to motivate someone.


Not every time show off works sometimes be natural, and you can motivate anyone, even the most pessimist ones.


A tourist reached late on the golf course and had to take a young lad as a caddie. He was a tiny fellow, knew next to nothing about the course of the game and spoke only three words of English. Thanks to those three words, however, the tourist made him his caddie for the rest of his stay. After his shot, regardless of the result, the little fellow would stamp his foot and shout with feeling, “Damned Good shot!” 18 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Embrace yourself, gently and truly


You need to love yourself, you need to feel good about yourself, you need to compliment yourself, and you need to embrace yourself genuinely and truly. It’s not about obsession; it’s about love.


She showed her paper, and every word was spelled wrongly. The teacher looked at her and said, “Dear lady, I like your paper, the margins are nice and neat. Your printing is clean and readable.” And she said, “Thank you Ma’am. I have been working hard on it. Next time I’m going to work up on my spellings.” 1. Happy Quotations 19

Not a promise, but promises behind promise keep the promise a promise.


I promise you that my promise to deliver you the best will be kept as my best promise till my last promise. Pinky promise.


Horror gripped the heart of a World-War I soldier, as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle. The soldier asked hisLieutenant if he could go out to bring his fallen comrade back! ”You can go,” said the Lieutenant, “but don’t think it will be worth it. Your friend is probably dead, and you may throw your life away.” The Lieutenant’s words didn’t matter, and the soldier went anyway. Miraculously, he managed to reach his friend, hoisted him onto his shoulder and brought him back to their company’s trench. The officer checked the wounded soldier, and then looked kindly at his friend, “I told you it wouldn’t be worth it,” he said. “Your friend is dead and you are mortally wounded.” “It was worth it, Sir,” said the soldier. “What do you mean by worth it?” responded the Lieutenant! “Your friend is dead.” “Yes-sir” the soldier answered, “but it was worth it because when I got to him, he was still alive, and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say, Man, I knew you would come!” 20 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I don’t know which one is better angels or kids.


It always makes me wonder what does heaven look like but when I saw that little girl dancing in the rain, I never thought again.


Dev, the rich businessman, recently blessed with the angel daughter. His tight business schedule doesn’t allow him to spend quality time with his family. He works 80 hours a week to meet the lavish lifestyle and secure the future of his family. In spite of all the work, his motivation, his inspiration, his tranquility, his joy, his contentment, all lies in the smile of his little daughter. She is his daughter, she is his angel, and she is his heaven. Nothing more he desires, ever. 1. Happy Quotations 21

There is some secret joy in offering the things you love the most.


There is some magic that makes us glad in sharing everything we have.


A guy and a girl decided to break up; many were shocked by their relationship. It was so ideal. No one knew the reason they separated. Years later, the girl Olive was asked by her best friend’s daughter. “Olive, did you ever have a boyfriend?” She replied, “Yes, we used to love each other so much but we decided to call it off!” Confused, the child asked, “Why?” She replied with the smile, “So that you have someone to call dad…” 22 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I don’t know how mankind will survive without sharing hugs.


We don’t need disasters to end the mankind, not sharing hugs is enough.


When I was little, I would hug my teachers and sometimes give them a little kiss. I might even hold their hand if we were taking a walk. Sometimes during the recess I would touch my friend’s hair because I thought it was soft and smooth. Other times I might sit real close to my friend and put my arm around them because we were good friends. This was okay because that’s what little kids do. When you are hugging a child, always be the last one to let go. You never know how long they need it. 1. Happy Quotations 23

If anything exists in this world that can make a dead person alive, let me assure you it can only be laughter.


There is a magic in laughter, there is a love in laughing, and there is a life in joy.


He is not just a standing comedian; he is a living medicine to cure people’s pain, to bind the different communities, to join many nations to one wave of laughter. He became the star, not just with his extraordinary talent, but because his talent was to make people laugh. Keep on Laughing; keep on sharing your laughter. #Kapil Sharma, the host of “Comedy Nights with Kapil!” 24 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Whenever you get the chance, enjoy with the full heart because a few things happen only once.


You get the chance to be happy, go for it. Live with the full heart, you never know you might be able to do it again or not. Don’t ever give up crazy times with your friends.


A group of fellows was driving on the highway; fuel to the top, sandwiches packed, girls and boys, long drive, no destination, full of enjoyment. But the life had the other plans, their tire got burst in the middle of the highway luckily it didn’t hit the wall; destiny even saved them from the other speedy vehicles running on the highway. In the middle of nowhere they felt near death experience. At that moment, each one of them wished they could live another moment. 1. Happy Quotations 25

Proposing to a random girl has more chance of success than proposing to the old crush.


People can propose to the stranger of strangest, even to aliens if they need to, but when it comes proposing to the crush, none of the Superman tee shirts works.


Christopher was a very famous actor; his every act pulled up the crowd of thousands. His huge fan groups, his butterfly nature, charming looks and bold voice always made him busy interacting with hundreds of different people. Even though having everything he needed to be the right man he wasn’t good enough. Whenever he thinks to propose his crush suddenly nothing works, his face gets pale, the voice gets shimmered, from stud boy he becomes stupid boy. Every Time! 26 Naked Wisdom of the Child

No matter how much pain you’ve seen, the pain of ‘Holiday message’ is damn powerful.


Unarguable, undebatable universal truth! It hurts a little to send text messages on holidays.


That heart-breaking moment when one doesn’t getPapdi after eatinggupchup . It hurts. 1. Happy Quotations 27

Stupid’s are those who have never kissed someone deeply.


It is true; kiss is the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done in their life. It heals the burning soul. It’s not just the depth of the kiss; it’s the depth of soul.


He put one hand on her shoulder, and the other around her waist and pulled her close. Diana’s heart started pounding. His arms were stronger than she’d imagined, and he seemed entirely less shy. He’d changed from cute to practically movie star sexy. She had to stop herself from squealing with delight. It was happening. It had happened to nearly all of her friends, but it was finally happening to her. He lowered his mouth to hers, and she closed her eyes. Then, she felt his soft, sweet lips against hers. He didn’t scare her by being too aggressive, but she felt like they both wanted to try it again and again. It was perfect. 28 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Lots of emotion lies in, ‘Nothing just kidding’.


There is always a little truth behind every phrase that ends with,“Just Kidding.” Be careful when someone says they are kidding, often they don’t.


He said, “I love you, I cannot live without you!” in the middle of the conversation. She looked him with skepticism! The boy got nervous and expressed“Haha, I got you! I was just kidding.” The girl never realized the truth. Maybe that saved their friendship, or maybe it could have started another story? 1. Happy Quotations 29

Being genuinely nice may not work at the moment but will always work.


If you are nice it may not show up instantly, but believe in the humanity it will shine one day and will keep shining.


He won the Nobel Peace Prize in the struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right to education for all children. He established the Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) in 1980 as the pioneer organization against slavery, trafficking and other such exploitation of children. He has been active in the Indian movement against child labor since the 1990s. So far his organization, Bachpan Bachao Andolan, has freed over 80,000 children from various forms of servitude and helped in successful reintegration, rehabilitation and education. #Kailash Satyarthi, Nobel Prize Winner for Peace, 2014! 30 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Billions of memories in thousands of Words!


That’s all I can say about the book, about the life, about all those 21 years I’ve been with most beautiful people, lived in most mesmerizing places, had the best beauty of nature. Everything is summed up here. In this particular book, you can find me in every Quote, in every story and every word. This is sober version of me.


The book itself is the Story. “One morning message has turned into hundreds of pages of the book.” 1. Happy Quotations 31

You don’t need to be Superman, Spiderman and Ironman at the same time. Be one and be the best or be the Batman, he is the best.


Everyone hails to the Batman.


I love Batman. End of story. 32 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Be like Santa Claus, share happiness, joy, compassion, and chocolates.


Wherever you are, be like the Santa Claus. Happiness is like the Santa Claus; you don’t need to see it believe it.


In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a ten-year-old Boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a Glass of water in front of him. “How much is an ice cream sundae?” he asked. “50 cents,” replied the waitress. The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it. “Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?” he inquired. By now more people were waiting for a table, and the waitress was growing impatient. “35 cents,” she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins. “I’ll have the plain ice cream,” he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished his ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and 5 pennies. You see, he couldn’t have the sundae because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip. 2. Motivational Quotations

Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached. #Swami Vivekananda

Forward: In this section you might find the Motivational Quotations as it says, “fall seven times, stand up eight.” 34 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Little extra efforts create a big difference.


Whatever you do, leave a legacy behind.


Tetsugen, a devotee of Zen in Japan, decided to publish the Sutras, which at that time were available only in Chinese. The books were to be printed with wooden blocks in an edition of seven thousand copies, a tremendous undertaking. Tetsugen began by traveling and collecting donations for this purpose. A few sympathizers would give him a hundred pieces of gold, but most of the time he received only small coins. He thanked each donor with an equal gratitude. After ten years,Tetsugen had enough money to begin his task. It happened that at that time the Uji River flooded. Famine followed.Tetsugen took the funds he had collected for the books and spent them to save others from starvation. Then he began again his work of collecting. Several years afterward an epidemic spread over the country.Tetsugen again gave away what he had collected, to help his people. For a third time, he started his work, and after twenty years his wish was fulfilled. The printing blocks which produced the first edition of Sutras can be seen today in the Obaku monastery in Kyoto. The Japanese tell their children that Tetsugen made three sets of Sutras and that the first two invisible sets surpass even the last 2. Motivational Quotations 35

Imagination proposes success, labour proposes excellence.


Imagination is a great way to excuse the reality. But still Imagine with your entire mind, believe with all your heart, and achieve with all your might.


He had a vision, vision of a magical park. His dream was expensive, filled with exasperating obstacles, but brilliant legacy. Walt’s dream had come true, and Disneyland was ready to open. Within 10 years there was a record of 50 Million visitors. It is The Happiest Place on Earth! “Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.” #Walt Disney, co-founder of “The Walt Disney Company!” 36 Naked Wisdom of the Child

We all sacrifice, either Comfort or the dream.


One of my most cherished Motivational Quotation!


The scene from a Crossword Store, girl was patient and skillful to hit all on an unveiling occasion of another the questions by one single master novel, authored by a 22-year young stroke. girl. She was asked many questions by the audience, who came all over to She said at the end, when everyone attend this book inaugural function. was over with their questions. The first question was from another “Each one of us: sacrifice, someone aspiring author, “How did you manage sacrifices the dream to sleep, someone to write the 40K words in a year?” and sacrifices sleep to fulfill his dream. before she could answer, a 40-year-old Someone sacrifices chocolates to man, probably typical Indian father drop the calories, someone sacrifices asked with brooding face, “Writing comfort for the hard-core gym. a book is a pain taking job! You are a student, why don’t you study this hard Someone sacrifices the money to enjoy and go for IIT or IIM?” the late night disc while someone works harder in the conference. Without a pause, “Have you ever gone to disc? Don’t you have a life or Point is you’re already sacrificing; something?” Asked one of the dudes there is no reason not to sacrifice sitting on the back bench, smirking something more worthy. Think about with his guy’s gang. And there was it .” giggling all over the place. There were no more questions in the And so on the questions were crossword, ever. bombarded from everywhere, but the 2. Motivational Quotations 37

You must have a devil inside you to succeed in any art.


Somehow I believe that the devil has more power than the God, although I’m an atheist anyway. But on the serious note, I’ve always seen and read in the mythological stories of Ramayana and others; the devil achieves the success sooner, faster and mightier.


Mulla Nasrudin found a diamond by the road-side but, according to the law, finders became keepers only if they first announced their finding in the center of the marketplace on three separate occasions. Now Nasrudin was too sincere minded to disregard the law and too greedy to run the risk of parting with his finding. Three consecutive nights when he was sure that everyone was fast asleep he went to center of the marketplace and here announces in a soft voice, “I’ve found a diamond on the road that leads to the town. Anyone knowing who the owner is should contact me at once.” No one was the wiser for the Mullah’s words, of course, except for a man who happened to be standing at his window on the third night and heard Mullah mumbling something. When he attempted to find out what it was,Nasrudin replied, “I’m in no way obliged to tell you. But this much I shall say, being a sincere man, I went out there at night to pronounce certain words in fulfillment of the law.” 38 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Not winning, but burning them matters.


Sometimes it’s not about winning the game; it is all about watching them burn, inch by inch, second by second; that feels right.


Two arch-rival teams were in a direct competition, it was not just another college fest, and it was the match of revenge. Both the teams had pulled their socks up. The supporters of each team were encouraging their contestants to the extreme. One team was playing to win again, and other teams were playing to win their pride back. The score was even till the last match, and now the match was no more about winning, it was about reducing each other to ashes. It was about their pride; it was about their wrath. None could have come in between. It was the match of do or die. 2. Motivational Quotations 39

Winning matters, every time.


Enjoyment may be silver but winning is surely golden.


Einstein and his assistant, having finished a paper, searched the office for a paper clip. They finally found one, too badly bent from use. They looked for an implement to straighten it, and after opening many more drawers came upon a whole box of clips. Einstein at once shaped one into a tool to straighten the bent clip. His assistant, puzzled, asked why he was doing this when there was a boxful of usable clips. “Once I’m set on a goal it becomes difficult to deflect me.” 40 Naked Wisdom of the Child

No matter how tempting things could be, promises, decision and self-dignity should never be compromised.


Maybe you are trapped in the swamp of lust and greediness. There could be no excuse not to maintain the trustworthiness, reliability, and dependability. Do not compromise.


He was offered a Beach House, He refused. Beach house and a shining Mercedes, He still refused. Beach house, shining Mercedes, and two beautiful Asian women, He was tempted, but still he refused. Confused the Underworld gang asked the official, “What’s the price of your Integrity?” He said, “Nothing!” No one understood nothing was the price. (Hint: The price was nothing; nothing could purchase his integrity.) 2. Motivational Quotations 41

Suppressing the anger might hurt you, but bursting out will kill them.


The consequences of being angry will cost us more than the reason for anger. Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.


A father saw his son having a heated discussion with his wife. He asked his son, “Why do you raise your voice when you are angry with your wife?” Son: Because when I raise my voice, my voice is heard, and I also let out the steam by raising my voice. Father: That is not the exact reason my dear son. The reason is this. When you are angry with your wife, your heart moves away from her heart. So even when both of you are physically close to each other, you feel that you are far away from one another and hence raise your voice. 42 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Take a risk, let’s see what worse can happen.


Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start it all again. Risk is necessary for anything worth having.


According to an ancient Indian fable, a mouse was in constant distress because of its fear of the cat. A Sadhu took pity on it and turned it into a cat. But then it became afraid of the dog. So the Sadhu turned it into a dog. Then it began to fear the panther. So the Sadhu turned it into a panther. After that, it was full of fear of the hunter. At this point, the Sadhu gave up. He turned it into a mouse again saying, “Nothing I do for you is going to be of any help because you have the heart of a mouse.” 2. Motivational Quotations 43

Every brick matters to build a skyscraper.


Every word is important to write a book, every step is important to climb the Everest, every kick is important in the game of football. Do not worry about walking slow, worry for standing still.


He saved every nickel, quarter and dollar, Never went to Calvin Klein, Diesel or Armani. Worked every second, minute and hour. He is now genius, billionaire, and philanthropist. 44 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The only legitimate explanation I can give to myself when I’m sad is; the world is a bitch, and I play it gentle.


As I said, start fooling yourself, you may give yourself the worst excuse, but remember it is only a temporary solution, for a permanent one, you need to accept and appreciate the reality.


The story recalls a scene from my childhood, my fondness for technology started at very early age, building machines, and robots from the Lego. But sooner or later I used to throw up all the stuffs and blame that Lego for its improper shapes and asymmetrical sizes. Truth is, “It’s me who was not able to build any Machine or Robot out of it.” Still today, I’m the same. Changed nothing at all. 2. Motivational Quotations 45

Every single person who ever got a dream, surely knows the cost of following it and the reward of achieving it.


There is a reward of achieving the dream; there is a cost of following the dream. It is the unimaginable passion, unstoppable efforts and invincible strength and yeah lucks too.


She wanted to fly high. Did too. Alone on cloud nine, she watches her family from far now. And pays the price of her wings. 46 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Not easily achievable makes it worthy of every shot.


Drop of tears or buckets of sweat, everything that comes in that way is worth it.


A very ancient parable, from the time when the God used to live on the earth, goes thus. One day an old farmer came to God, and he said, “Look you may be God but you are not a farmer, give me one year’s time. Just let things happen according to how I want them to happen. There will be no poverty left!” God agreed and the one year was given to the farmer. Naturally, he asked for the best. He thought only of the best - No thunder, no strong winds, and no dangers for the crop. Everything was comfortable and cozy, and the old farmer was very happy. But when the crop was harvested, there was no wheat inside. The farmer was surprised. He askedGod , “What happened? What went wrong?” God said, “Since there was no challenge, no conflict, and no friction, and because you avoided all that was bad, the wheat remained impotent. A little struggle is must. Storms are needed. Thunder and lightning are needed. They vibrate the soul inside the wheat.” 2. Motivational Quotations 47

We all are equal beneath, our AIM differentiates us.


We all are same at the cellular level; our AIM makes us unique and special.


Once a fisherman was sitting nearFisherman : What would I do then? seashore, under the shadow of a tree Businessman: You could go fishing singing. in deep waters and catch even more Suddenly a rich businessman passing fishes and earn even more money. by approached him and inquired as to Fisherman: What would I do then? why he was sitting on a tree singing and not working. To this, the poor Businessman: You could buy many fisherman replied that he had caught boats and employ many people to enough fishes for the day. work for you and earn even more money. Hearing this, the rich man got angry and said: Why don’t you catch more Fisherman: What would I do then? fishes instead of sitting in the shadow Businessman: You could become a wasting your time? rich businessman like me. Fisherman asked: What would I do by Fisherman: What would I do then? catching more fishes? Businessman: You could then enjoy Businessman: You could catch more your life peacefully. fishes, sell them and earn more money, Fisherman: Isn’t that what I am doing and buy a bigger boat. now? 48 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Ants teach two important things. One is consistently doing your work. Second is being silent when you rise, or you fall.


Maybe it won’t work out in first attempt. But seeing if it does, will be the best adventure ever.


Sharing to the whole world that you work hard but failed? So that maybe you can gain some sympathy and will be in a soft corner from the mocking of the world? Or Trying again, in spite of the mocking and failures you encounter! P.S. - Sometimes the only response is the massive success. 2. Motivational Quotations 49

Utilize every minute of today to relish every hour of tomorrow.


There is no easy road to learning


Ptolemy, King of Alexandria, once expressed his impatience at the elaborate manner in which Euclid explained his theorems. “Isn’t there,” asked the King, “a shorter way of learning geometry than your method?” “Si re ,” replied Euclid, “in our country, there are two kinds of roads: the hard roads for the common people and the easy road for the royal family. But in geometry all must go the same way. There is no royal road to learning.” 50 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You’ll lose thousands of times to be the ultimate champion.


Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. But whenever you think about giving up, think about why you’ve kept going on for this long. Keep Conquering. No one becomes the champion overnight.


In the early days of the Meiji era, there The teacher retired. O-nami sat in lived a well-known wrestler called meditation trying to imagine himself O-nami, Great Waves. as waves. He thought of many different O-nami was immensely strong and things. Then gradually he turned more knew the art of wrestling. In his private and more to the feeling of the waves. As bouts, he defeated even his teacher, the night advanced, the waves became but in public he was so bashful that his larger and larger. They swept away the pupils threw him. flowers in their vases. Even the Buddha in the shrine was inundated. Before O-nami felt he should go to a Zen dawn, the temple was nothing but the master for help. Hakuju, a wandering ebb and flow of an immense sea. teacher, was staying in a little temple nearby, so O-nami went to see him and In the morning, the teacher found told him of his trouble. O-nami meditating, a faint smile on his face. He patted the wrestler’s shoulder. “Great Waves is your name,” the teacher advised, “so stay in this temple tonight. “Now nothing can disturb you,” he said. Imagine that you are those billows. You “You are those waves. You will sweep are no longer a wrestler who is afraid. everything before you.” You are those huge waves sweeping The same day O-nami entered the everything before them, swallowing all wrestling contests and won. After that, in their path. Do this, and you will be no one in Japan was able to defeat him. the greatest wrestler in the land!” 2. Motivational Quotations 51

Falling first time may be forgivable, next time be ready for the chaos.


You are too big to fail, it is okay to make few mistakes at the first place, but repeating same mistake will bring disruption into the life.


Sarojini Naidu, the poetess, was called ‘the Nightingale of India’ — a title given to her by Gandhiji. During the civil disobedience movement, she was sent to East Africa to establish contact with overseas Indians living in those parts. The Khoja community living in that area organised a public meeting in her honor to greet her. The principal speaker was a rich Khoja businessman. As his knowledge of English was limited, a teacher wrote out a speech to be read by him. The teacher addressed Sarojini Naidu as ‘Nightingale of India’ at one place in the speech. The Khoja businessman faltered as he reached this portion of the speech. He had never heard of this word in his life. He paused for a while and using his common sense read, — ‘The famous naughty girl of India’ making a mess of the entire speech! As soon as he said this the entire assembly was drowned in laughter, at the unintended mistake. 52 Naked Wisdom of the Child

When you’re dedicated to your dream, there is something inside more powerful than any difficulties outside. You’ve to believe in your dream.


Everyone faces difficulties; the point is keep burning in the fire. It might be stormy outside, but it can’t rain forever.


An Old Pilgrim was making his way to the Himalayan Mountains in the bitter cold of winters when it began to rain. An Innkeeper said to him, “How will you ever get there in this kind of weather, my good man?” The Old Man answered cheerfully, My“ heart got there first, so it’s easy for the rest of me to follow.” 2. Motivational Quotations 53

If you don’t go after what you want, be it a thing or the people then what your life all about is.


Either do it or don’t do it. No more wishy-washy, half-hearted attempts.


He was dreaming bountiful; his intellect was as high as galaxy, His talent was shining like the sun, but something was missing, Maybe the guts may be the courage, maybe the heart. 54 Naked Wisdom of the Child

At every second of your life, remind yourself what you want, else life will make you settle for less.


The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are and the second greatest challenge is not settling for who you are. Say 1000 times no, look for more, shout for more, and always settle for more.


He was treated foolish, never had they realized his IQ, Isolation was his friend, and merciless was his work. He never settled, and discovered the secrets of the Universe, His teacher once called him stupid, and then he developed the theory of relativity. “Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.” #Albert Einstein 2. Motivational Quotations 55

If you can explain, then it’s not a dream. It requires a lot more than the bunch of words to understand a dream.


No one can ever explain their dream, they can explain what they see now, what they want to be, that will remain a mystery.


Several business persons ran into a hot argument about their dream, and each one could not agree with a common answer. So they came to Bill Gates to find out what exactly a dream looks like. Bill Gates asked his servants to get a large magnificent elephant and four blind men. He then brought the four blind men to the elephant and told them to find out what the elephant would “look” like. The first blind men touched the elephant‘s leg and reported that it “looked” like a pillar. The second blind man touched the elephant‘s tummy and said that an elephant was a wall. The third blind man touched the elephant‘s ear and said that it was a piece of cloth. The fourth blind man held on to the tail and described the elephant as a piece of rope. And all of them ran into a hot argument about the “appearance” of an elephant. Bill Gates asked the business personnel: “Each blind man had touched the elephant, but each of them gave a different description of the animal. Which answer is right?” 56 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Earning a silver medal by your sweat is more reverent than getting a gold medal by being sweet.


Earning a silver medal by your efforts is better than getting a gold medal by walkover.


Which winner are you? The one who believes earning $100 a day laboring but with sincerity, pride, honesty, and integrity? Or The one who doesn’t care from where the money comes, as long as there is enough to meet his needs! P.S. - There may be different roads, but all lead to one destination that is the sense of satisfaction. If you’re satisfied with the ways you earn, it is perfect. 2. Motivational Quotations 57

Everything will fall into the right place, when you stop asking and start working for it.


Eventually, everything will go in the right place at the right time and right efforts.


My first cheque, The envelope was sealed. No coins, yet it was ringing. All their works then echoed. 58 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You know what’s the best thing to do when you want something. Ask it, grab it, throw it, fight for it, do not quit.


You cannot quit because it looks tough. Nothing is over until you say it is over. You need to put this in your head that anything easy is not worth achieving.


Will Smith: Hey. Don’t ever let somebody tell you... You can’t do something. Not even me. All right? Smith’s son Jaden Smith: All right. Will: You got a dream; you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something? Go get it. Period! #From the Hollywood Movie “The Pursuit of Happyness,” Year 2006! 2. Motivational Quotations 59

It’s not what you’ve done; the power lies in what you can do.


It’s not about what you have done so far, it’s not about the number of goals you’ve kicked, not about how many runs you’ve scored, not about how many awards you’ve won, not about how many times you have fallen reaching here. Your power lies in what more you can do.


Said a world famous violinist about his success in playing Beethoven’s Violin Concerto, “I’ve splendid music, a splendid violin, and a splendid bow. All I need to do is to bring them together and get out of the way.” 60 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Change your schedule, take a break, go for swimming, have loud music, laugh a lot, dance often, be crazy.


Be you.


Soon after the death ofRabbi Mokshe, Rabbi Mendel of Kotyk asked one of his disciples. “What did your teacher give the greatest importance to?” The disciple gave it a moment’s reflection, then said, “In being himself” 2. Motivational Quotations 61

Turn the whole world around, try million times more, doesn’t matter. Just get the damn thing you want.


It doesn’t matter who you are or what you want. You have the guts; you get the thing.


A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared in the cocoon through which the butterfly was trying to come out. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through the little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. Observing this, the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly could then emerge easily, but it had a swollen body and shriveled wings. The man in his kindness and haste did not understand that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the small opening, help to force fluid from its body into its wings. This process makes the butterfly ready to fly, but the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body. It was never able to fly. Struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. 62 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The hope that I’ll do it and the fact that I did it, there is something in between that is known as fear of failure.


Fear does not prevent failure; it prevents success. Face your fears and wipe your tears. Wake up every day stronger than yesterday.


“I slept on benches and everyday “I didn’t even complete my university borrowed 20Rs from a friend to travel education” - Bill Gates to the film city” - Shahrukh Khan “I was a dyslexic kid”- Tom Cruise “I failed in 8th standard”-Sachin “I used to serve tea in a shop to support Tendulkar my football training” - Lionel Messi “During my secondary school, I was “I used to sleep on the floor in friends dropped from school basketball team” rooms, returning Coke bottles for - Michael Jordan food, money, and getting weekly free “I was rejected for the job in All India meals at a local temple” - Steve Jobs Radio because of my heavy voice” - “My teachers used to call me a failure” Amitabh Bachchan - Tony Blair “I used to work in petrol pump” - “I was in prison for 27 years” - Nelson Dhirubhai Ambani Mandela “I was rejected in an interview for a At the age of 30, I was a bus conductor” Pilot” - Abdul Kalam - Rajnikant 3. Wisdom Quotations

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” #Eleanor Roosevelt

Forward: In this section you might find the Quotations on Wisdom as it says, “Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain.” 64 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Fortunately, we cannot have everything.


Not getting what we want can sometimes turn out to be the best thing for us. Be careful what you wish for.


The man was tired. He fell asleep under a wish-fulfilling tree. When he woke up, he felt starving. He looked around and said, “I wish I could get some food.” Immediately food appeared from nowhere. Floating in the air, the delicious food came up to him. He immediately started eating it. When his hunger was satisfied, he thought,“If only I could get something to drink…” There is no prohibition in paradise! Immediately precious wine appeared. Drinking the wine and relaxing in the cool breeze of paradise under the shade of the tree, he started wondering, “What is this happening? Have I fallen into a dream? Or are there some ghosts around here playing tricks on me?” And ghosts appeared! They were ferocious, horrible, nauseating. The man started trembling and thought; “Now I’m sure to be killed. These ghosts are going to kill me.” And he was killed. 3. Wisdom Quotations 65

It is not fire, but the residue that kills.


Sometimes it is not the act that hurts, but the consequences, the result that act brought, kills. Fire hurts for a moment, but the wound stays for a lifetime.


Prince Siddhartha was moved by the sufferings of the old man in the city. He journeyed out into the city three more times and saw a sick man, a dead man, and sage. These visits led him to realize the fundamental truths of the human life. These truths are: all beings who are born eventually have to die, sickness comes to all of them, old age comes to all of them, and renouncing worldly possessions is the way to attain peace and salvation. 66 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Permission decreases possibility.


If you are always looking for permissions, you’ll always be underrated and underachieved. Look beyond the safety zone, go for high risk, explore the different possibilities and believe your instinct.


He wanted to climb the Everest. He waited all his life for permissions. First from his parents, then wife and then children. He wished he could have done. Maybe we could have been another Avtar Singh, Raghav Joneja or Bachendri Pal. 3. Wisdom Quotations 67

You may agree or not, you should respect either way.


5+4 = 9 but so does 10-1 = 9. Respect people’s way of thinking and opinion. The way you do the things is not always the only way to do them. The perception of reality depends upon the level of the mind and thought frame of people.


Once Vyasa asked Charvaka - Charvaka! Have you ever thought of where you have come and to where you are going and what is the purpose of life? Charvaka Reacted - I’ve come from my uncle’s place, and I’m going to market. To purchase fish is my purpose. Buddha asked Mahakassapa - Have you deeply thought from where you have come and to where you are going and what is the purpose of life? Mahakassapa answered - I’ve come from nothing, and I’m going to nothing, and nothing is purpose of life. Krishna smiled and did not ask. Bhishma smiled and did not reply. (One truth perceived in many ways) 68 Naked Wisdom of the Child

A closed mind is worse than weak mind.


A person who is average can be taught can be trained but a person who is smart but closed minded needs a self-effort to do so.


Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. “It is overfull. No more will go in!” “Like this cup,” Nan-in said, “you are full of your opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?” 3. Wisdom Quotations 69

Not with achievements, but with principles man becomes successful.


Talent may bring you to the heights of success, but to remain there you need to hold a set of eminent principles. One may be the Integrity, one may be the generosity, and one may be the decency.


“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful... that’s what matters to me.” #Steve Jobs “Success is not about drinking in Lamborghini and walking down the red carpet. It believes that you’ve done something wonderful which society can never repay… that’s what matters to me.” #Sarvesh Jain 70 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Earn 0.25 money and 0.75 respect.


Respect>Money, always. Money is powerful, but respect is eternal


1. Sachin Tendulkar rejected 20 crore liquor endorsement offer as he had promised his father that he will never endorse tobacco. 2. The wrestling champion and former Bigg Boss contestantSangram Singh turned down a lucrative offer to endorse with a prominent US cola brand in India because he feels colas are harmful to health. 3. stars like Ranbir Kapoor and Kangana Ranaut, have refused to endorse with fairness creams. Ms. Ranaut’s reason is that she would be insulting her sister who “is dusky, yet beautiful”. 4. Actress Nandita Das has lent her star power to the “Dark is Beautiful” campaign, which was launched in 2009. 3. Wisdom Quotations 71

Not precious ornaments but your talent make you shine.


Well, I believe, people with great talent can shine better than people with glorious money.


The King askedKalidas , “You are a genius, bright, and erudite scholar in the field of literature… Still, why hasGod not blessed you with the wealth as good as your mind?” Wise Kalidas understood the sarcastic comment of the King. He kept quiet at that time. When they reach the palace, Kalidas asked for two pots - One of Mitti (earth) and the other of gold. Both were filled with water. Kalidas asked the King, “Tell me, O. King! Which pot’s water is cold and sweet?” Of course the Mitti wala Pot! Replied the King. Kalidas smiled, “As coolness is not dependent on the cost of the pot, so is the talent, O. King. Look at the qualities of a man, not his wealth, and treasures. Beauty of the soul is the greatest beauty.” 72 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Nothing is entirely perfect, and that’s the beauty of it.


Perfect life is the mixture of imperfect things. Perfection is an illusion, whereas improvement is an art.


Besides her beautiful face, she had a fierce intelligence in her eyes.Rach was a perfect girl of everyone’s dream. At least a few people, including me, were her secret admirer. Once people who were jealous of her, got so burned that they died and reached heaven (Or hell maybe!) And asked with the sullen voice to the God, “How come you made her perfect, not us?” TheGod smiled and answered, “She is perfect because she knows her imperfection.” 3. Wisdom Quotations 73

Perhaps you can buy Rado, certainly not the time.


You can go for the million dollar brands, still you cannot hold a single second of anyone’s life including yours too. Time can bring your valuables back, but any of your valuables cannot bring time back. Time is the costliest thing one can own.


This is the perfect story to tell you the Importance of time.Ishwarchand Thakur, who runs a toy factory was suffering from lung cancer and his last wish, was to see his grandson. Aditya, Son of Ishwarchand, finds out the truth about his father‘s health and he asks the audience to pray to God to give a minute of their lives to keep his father alive so that his father’s last wish could be fulfilled. It is fair to assume you understood the message! #From the Bollywood Movie “Waqt: the race against Time,” Year 2005! 74 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Success is like raindrops, obstruct the vision. Failure is like wiper, enhances the sight.


Sometimes the success brings arrogance, and failure brings the wisdom. Success and failure both are necessary to maintain the balance of life. The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.


One sturdy piece was finding the right material for the filament, that little wire inside the light bulb. He filled more than 40,000 pages with notes before he finally had a bulb that withstood a 40-hour test in his laboratory. “I have not failed 700 times. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.” #Thomas Edison, on inventing the light bulb! 3. Wisdom Quotations 75

If someone gives as a stone, accept it as a gem.


Treat the way you want to be treated.


There was a little boy namedKhush ; he was the cutest boy in the class. One day he was admiring the crumpled paper, astonished by his act asked his teacher, “What are you doing, Khush?” “I’m protecting this love letter,” said Khush. “The paper is blank and crumbled too, my dear,” said the teacher. “It doesn’t matter Ma’am how the paper is, or what has written on it or anything such; She has given it to me, and I’ll keep it safe for forever and that’s what important to me!” with this he put the paper safe and praised his luck. 76 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Everything speaks if we are really listening.


If you are quiet, you will listen sharply, smartly, and the content will be in your head for a longer time.


Prince Siddhartha left his wife and son at the palace and set out to learn the way of finding salvation and understanding it. He wandered through the forests seeking knowledge from the wise men and ascetics. However, this did not bring him satisfaction or greater understanding. Finally, Siddhartha settled under a tree to meditate. While he sat under the tree, demons came to tempt him. However, he resisted them. After many years of meditating, Siddhartha achieved Enlightenment. From that point, he was known as the Buddha. 3. Wisdom Quotations 77

As long as you’re honest, I’m in.


The only acceptable reason to leave someone is, when he is no more honest.


A poor old woman was walking from one village to another carrying a heavy bundle up on her head. A horseman passed by. The old woman requested him to carry the bundle on the horseback to the next village. He refused instantly. After a short distance, the horseman thought maybe there was something valuable in the bundle with the old woman, and he could run away with it. So he went back and told her to give him the bundle. The old woman refused. The horseman got angry and said, “What the hell, what has changed your mind?” With a knowing smile, the old woman replied, “The same thing changed my mind that changed your mind!” and continued walking on. 78 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The best and the worst thing in life is the same.


The best thing about life is; control of life is in your hand. The worst thing about life is; control of life is still in your hand.


A student went to his guru and said, “My meditation is horrible! I feel so distracted, my legs ache, or I’m constantly falling asleep. It’s Just horrible!” “It will pass,” the guru said as matter-of-fact A week later, the student came back to his guru. “My meditation is wonderful! I feel so aware, so peaceful, and so alive! It’s just wonderful.” “It will pass,” the guru replied as matter-of-fact. 3. Wisdom Quotations 79

I wish I could prove anything more powerful than the power of Karma. I’ve seen beggars who were once learning Lamborghini.


Time changes, people who flaunt; touch the ground. Someone who was once working in the tea stall now working as the Prime Minister of the Country. Your karma is your biggest friend and your worst enemy, your biggest lawyer and biggest prosecutor too.


His early life as a child, he helped his father to sell tea at the Vadnagar railway station, and later ran a tea stall with his brother near a bus terminus. Then joined politics and soon became the Chief Minister of Gujarat on 07 Oct 2001 and stayed the same until 21 May 2014. Not only he was the only Chief Minister to remain for such long tenure in Gujarat, but also he became the Prime Minister of India on 26 May 2014. He is India’s firstPrime Minister born after the country’s independence. In 2014, he was ranked as the world’s 15th most powerful person by Forbes. Nothing is greater than karma. #Narendra Damodardas Modi, Our honorable Prime Minister! 80 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Less communication is better than miscommunication.


Speak less, and you’ll be heard more.


Truth: No words! Silent thoughts! Deep Message! 3. Wisdom Quotations 81

The greatest blessings are not found in Sennheiser, Ray-ban or Calvin Klein. It is deeply engraved in the ability to hear, see and feel the natural beauty.


Of course wearing RB or CK is the fashion statement, but there is no point of wearing RB when your eyes are dim. The blessings are in embracing the simplest beauty.


A Caliph lay deathly ill on his silk laughing. cushions. The Hakim, the physicians “Then give us your shirt,” cried the of his country, stood around him and messengers. agreed that only one thing could bring But the shepherd replied, “I don’t have the Caliph healing and salvation, o n e .” placing under his head the shirt of a This pathetic news that the only happy happy man. man the messengers had met did not Messengers swarmed out looking in own a shirt gave the Caliph cause for every city, every village, and every the thought. cottage for a happy man. But everyone For three days and three nights, he did they questioned had nothing but not allow anyone to come him. Finally, sorrows and worries. Finally, after on the fourth day, he had his silk cousins giving up all hope, the messengers met and his precious stone distributed a shepherd who laughed and sang as among the people, and, as the legend he watched his herds. Was he happy? tells, from this time on the Caliph was “I can’t imagine anyone happier again healthy and happy. than myself.” The shepherd replied, 82 Naked Wisdom of the Child

24 seconds are enough to learn, it’s not always about 24 hours.


Learning is not always hours or days process, a single second, something might click in your mind and you become the master of that.


A young man asked Socrates the secret to Learning. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met. Socrates asked the young man to walk with him towards the river. When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into the water. The boy struggled to get out, butSocrates was strong and kept him there until the boy started turning blue. Socrates pulled his head out of the water, and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air. Socrates asked, “When you were underneath the water, not sure if you would live to see another day, what did you want more than anything in the world?” The student took a few moments to reflect, and then went with his intuition. Softly he said, “I wanted to breathe.” “Ah! When you want to learn as badly as you wanted to breathe, it is then you shall have it,” said Socrates. 3. Wisdom Quotations 83

What difference have you made in your inner self?


Sometimes let us visit the parlor to beautify and groom our inner skills. Compassion, Honesty, Integrity, Decision, Love, Mercy, Humanity, and Equality.


The King sent his brave son to the shrama to learn. (Keeping up to himself what the prince needs to learn there.) The prince worked hard day and night. He got expertise inArchery , Sword fighting, Horse riding, Swimming, Wrestling, and Debating. He learned to be ruthless and strong at every stage; he learned all the skills a prince should have to be a great King. He returned with the pride on his face, and with the blithe voice, he said to the King. “O thy King, I’m ready! I’m ready to be the next ruler of this kingdom.” And there was a glorious smile on the face of the prince. “What difference have you made in your inner self?” asked the astonished King. The prince thought for a moment, without saying a word he went back. Filled with shame and despondent thoughts. There was the light in his head, and he knew then what he truly needs to learn to be the great King. 84 Naked Wisdom of the Child

What great philosopher cannot express, maybe a Shepherd can.


You are the owner of immense potential; it is true I’m not fooling around or giving you the vague motivation. Learn to channelize your power and use it smartly.


Back in the mid-1970s, a man was driving through Arizona and stopped at a gas station in the middle of a torrential downpour. This was the in the days of ‘full service’ gas stations. He sat dry inside his car while a man, who whistled cheerfully while we worked, filled up his tank with that awful rain. As the customer was leaving, he said apologetically, “I’m sorry to get you out in this w e a t h e r.” The attendant replied, “It didn’t bother me a bit. When I was fighting inVietnam I made up my mind in a foxhole one day that If I ever got out of this place alive, I would be so grateful I’d never complain about anything again. And I haven’t.” 3. Wisdom Quotations 85

Even if you are learning from your mistakes, you’ll pay a lot.


You cannot stop making mistakes but stop doing blunders.


Mallya’s Kingfisher foray had done all the mistakes which are for entering into the disaster and staying in it. 1. Overreach: Mallya ratcheted up his costs wherever he could from handing out earphones to all passengers to serve high-cost gourmet meals in business class. 2. Understanding: He failed to understand the difference between running a business with 25-35 percent margins (booze) and one with 1-2 percent margins (aviation). 3. Hubris: He assumed that since he was so successful in liquor, the airline business should be a breeze. 4. Denial of risk: Trying to run an airline like the liquor business was his big mistake. He has staked almost his entire liquor business to save a sinking airline. 5. Capitulation to irrelevance: Vijay Mallya is clearly going through the motions in talking about saving his airline when it does not have a snowball’s chance of being saved. 86 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If you cannot be the helping hands, never be the scorching eyes.


Bhala kisi ka kar na sako toh, bura kisi ka mat karna, pushp nahi ban sakte toh tum kaate ban kar mat rehne...


Which one are you? The one who offers the hand to the drowning man? Or The one giving him lectures on how dangerous swimming is? P.S. – Help first, before giving a piece of advice! Use your hands before you use your lips! 3. Wisdom Quotations 87

Revenge and Karma are two different things. Choose wisely.


One way to teach them is to take revenge and another way to teach them is to leave on time, time will surely teach.


John Gale kindly stopped to pick up a hitchhiker. He gave the hitchhiker cigarettes and fed him at a service station. When he dropped the hitchhiker off, he noticed that the hitchhiker had stolen his wallet. Luckily there was no cash in the wallet, and John quickly called his bank and cancelled his credit cards. When he got home, he saw that the hitchhiker had left his backpack on the rear seat! In the backpack were the hitchhiker’s wallet, photos, and other valuable personal items! John handed everything to the police. This hitchhiker received his karma quickly. 88 Naked Wisdom of the Child

It is not the Quality of Cream you use; it is simply the Thoughts, Words, and Deeds that beautify you.


You may be using Lakme, Nivea or Fair & lovely, it may glow you for a day, but you don’t need to be fair to shine. Work on your thoughts and everything else will fall in line.


Once a beggar like person went to the philosopher Aristotle and pleaded for Brahmagyan. The philosopher looked at him from head to toe and said,“Start washing your clothes and combing your hair daily… Make mistakes but do not repeat the same mistake. Reflect and learn from mistakes. Real Sadhana is to introspect and correct the mistakes.” He paused for a while and said, “This path leads to Godhood.” 3. Wisdom Quotations 89

Boxes filled with stuff never make noise, neither the boxes filled with air.


The one who knows everything and the one who knows nothing often remain silent.


A physics professor after his lecture was surprised with the quietness in the class. “How come the class of 60 engineers can remain quiet till the end?” he was perplexed. “This situation is possible only two times in the universe, either when the class has understood everything or nothing at all.” As he was a smart professor, he chose to remain silent. 90 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Neither the temples can preach us nor can the wine shop spoil.


One of the greatest tricks played by the hypocritical people. Having temples in the town doesn’t make everyone priest, neither having Liquor stores make everyone drunk. You are the one who will choose, and you’re responsible for the consequences of your choice.


Ryokan, a Zen master, lived a simple kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief visited the hut only to discover there was nothing to steal. Ryokan returned and caught him. “You have come a long way to visit me,” he told the prowler, “and you should not return empty-handed. Please take my clothes as a gift.” The thief was bewildered. He took the clothes and slunk away. Ryokan sat naked, watching the moon. “Poor fellow,” he mused, “I wish I could have given him this beautiful moon.” 3. Wisdom Quotations 91

Do not forget your past, that’s a sign of weakness. Learn to deal with it, and grow stronger than ever.


Smile about how far you’ve reached and also smile how far you’ve to go.


Night was dark both went home crying, she was hiding with her hairs and him with his heart. Both knew something terrible had happened; feeling of guilt and regrets were in the clouds. She went to bed with an agony in the heart; he went to the room with the Burger and a coffee. 92 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Maybe you don’t know from where to start, but be sure about where to end.


Maybe you start on a rough road but do park on the smooth road.


Nasrudin climbed into someone’s kitchen garden and started filling a sack with everything that he could lay his hand on. A gardener saw him and came running and asked “What are you doing here?” “I was blown here by a high wind,” answered Nasrudin. “And who uprooted the vegetables?” The gardener asked again. “I caught hold of them to stop myself being swept along,” replied Nasrudin. “And how does it come that there are vegetables in that sack?” Asked the gardener with doubt! “That is just what I was wondering about, when you interrupted me.”Cleverly answered Nasrudin. 3. Wisdom Quotations 93

Diamonds can be purchased any time, but Wisdom you’ve to earn it!


Money is easy to earn, easy to spend, Wisdom hard to earn, harder to spend. Money can buy you a canvas but can it teach you the art?


“It’s not about the money; it’s about sending the message. When the chips are down these… these civilized people will eat each other. See… See I’m not a monster, I’m just ahead of the curve.” #Joker, from the Hollywood Movie “The Dark Knight,” Year 2008! 94 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Cherish the present but embrace yourself for learning in the past.


A thousand disappointments in the past cannot equal the power of one positive action right now. Go ahead and go for it.


Two monks were returning to the monastery in the evening. It had rained, and there were puddles of water on the road sides. In one place, a beautiful young woman was standing unable to walk across because of a puddle of water. The elder of the two monks went up to her lifted her and left her on the other side of the road, and continued his way to the monastery. In the evening, the younger monk came to the elder monk and said, “Sir, as monks, we cannot touch a woman?” The elder monk answered “Yes, brother.” Then the younger monk asks again,“But then Sir, how is that you lifted that woman on the roadside?” The elder monk smiled at him and told him“I left her on the other side of the road, but you are still carrying her.” 4. Sarcastic Quotations

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” #Oscar Wilde

Forward: In this section you might find the Sarcastic Quotations as it says, “Sarcasm is the ability to insult idiots without them realizing it.” Feel free to share and no offence just in case! 96 Naked Wisdom of the Child

There is only a step more from being super funny to being super idiot.


There is a fine line between being funny and being an idiot. Some people can never see that. Don’t play games with a girl who can play better.


Ex-boyfriend - Do you have any idea what would happen to you if I die? Ex-girlfriend - I might also die... Ex-boyfriend - (Blushing) Why? Ex-girlfriend - Sometimes, too much of happiness can cause death. 4. Sarcastic Quotations 97

Good deeds are remembered for decades and bad for some centuries.


Since I was a child, I may not remember the mischiefs I have done, but the aunt who lived near to my house can write a book about it.


He was a brilliant student; his activeness in all social and cultural activities led him to win the house trophy! But years later no one remembered him because he won the house cup but because once in some class of Science test he was caught cheating. He became famous not by winning the trophy but by getting caught. That one incident changed his life for forever, one bad deed and every image he had built over years vanished at once. 98 Naked Wisdom of the Child

There should be a little devil inside you so as too much of sanity doesn’t kill you.


We all are curious people, who do all sort of crazy stuff in this unreasonable world. So there is something inside which keeps us alive in the midst of the storm.


Master Bankei’s speeches were me does not respect you. Can you make attended not only by Zen students me obey you?” but people of all ranks and sects. He “Come up beside me, and I will show never quoted Sutras nor indulged in y o u ,” said Bankei. scholastic dissertations. Instead, his Proudly the priest pushed his way words were spoken directly from his through the crowd to the teacher. heart and went through the hearts of Bankei smiled. “Come over to my left his listeners. side.” His large audience angered a priest The priest obeyed. of the Nichiren sect because the “ N o,” said Bankei, “we may talk better adherents had left to hear about Zen. if you are on the right side. Step over The self-centered Nichiren priest here.” came to the temple, determined to The priest proudly stepped over to the have a debate with Bankei. right. “Hey, Zen teacher!” he called out. “You see,” observed Bankei, “you are “Wait a minute. Whoever respects you obeying me, and I think you are a very will obey what you say, but a man like gentle person. Now sit down and listen.” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 99

Compliment at the same moment, chances you may change your thoughts later.


We should Compliment at the moment, may be the more we see, the more we change our thoughts from like to dislike.


They both went on a blind date, exchanged the formal greetings. At first she was extraordinarily lovely, and he was magnificently handsome. Immediately they both hit it off and started to exchange the compliments. A Couple of hours later, she farted out loud and everything since then changed. 100 Naked Wisdom of the Child

In an attempt of being nice; don’t be stupid!


Being nice is the beginning of being you.


A guru sat in meditation on the river bank when a disciple bent down to place enormous pearls at his feet, as a token of reverence and devotion. The guru opened his eyes, lifted one of the pearls and held it so carelessly that it slipped out of his hand and rolled down the bank into the river. The horrified disciple plunged in after it, tough he dived in again and again till late evening, he had no luck. Finally, all wet and exhausted, he roused the guru from his meditation. “You saw where it fell. Show me the spot, so I can get it back for you.” The guru lifted the other pearl, threw it into the river and said, “Right there!” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 101

The problem with the stupid people are not that they are unaware of their high intelligence and the superior Intellect. But the problem is they think and treat intelligent people as stupid.


Never confuse education with intelligence.


A young officer, who wanted to listen to Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s lecture, got down off the train with a suitcase to go to the lecture hall.Vidyasagar also got down off the same train with a suitcase. The young officer was shouting for a coolie. Vidyasagar went to him and said, “Why do you need a coolie to carry such small suitcase? Can’t you carry it yourself and save the money?” He replied, “It is not in keeping with my dignity to carry my suitcase. I’m an educated person.” Vidyasagar told him, “The hallmark of education is humility, not pride. If however you cannot carry your bag I shall do so.” He carried the officer’s bag. He acted on the motto ‘Simple living and high thinking.’ The Young officer later proceeded to the venue of the meeting. Their people were offering garlands to Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar to welcome him. The young officer realized that the man who had offered to carry his bag at the station was none other than the respected lecturer of that evening, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar! 102 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Everything you want to do can be done with love if you doubt love remember we have money too.


Always believe in the power of love, when you think that love is not enough, show them the gold and it’ll be done.


Lord Ram was ‘Maryada Purushottam’ Ocean God appeared and bowed the best among men and bound by down before Ram. “Lord of the discipline and Dharma. He reached Universe! I’m sorry to have made you the ocean with folded hands, bowed wait. Please forgive me. Please build the to the God of the sea, and sought bridge to me so that your epic crossing permission to cross it. is remembered for all time to come.” He requested that the ocean parts, Ram immediately agreed and gave so that the mighty army of monkeys orders for a bridge to be built across could cross it and attack Lanka to the ocean. rescue Sita. Tulsidas has captured Ram’s agony Ram then waited for the God to and anger in the following Doha- appear and give permissions. A day “Binay na mannat jaladhi jad, gayee passed and then another. On the other tini dini beeti. day, Ram again waited near the ocean Bole Ram sakop tab, bhaya bin hoy na and prayed. preeti.” It was nearing sunset, and there was (The Mighty Ocean does not no sign of the God of the ocean. Ram understand a loving request, three was now impatient and angry. He days have been passed. Then Ram drew out his bow and set an arrow in spoke with anger. Without fear, there it ready to attack the Ocean God. is no Love.) 4. Sarcastic Quotations 103

Sometimes we have to cut the trees, make paper from it and then write, ‘Save Trees’ on it.


Ironic #TrueStory, but sometimes you have to bribe to write that Corruption is unethical. Sometimes there is ‘paid news against corruption.’


Once, Charlie Chaplin went to a city, found an advertisement in the newspaper about a “Charlie Chaplin look-alike” competition, he took part and lost. He said, “The showman succeeded, but the real one failed. None can match my mind and attitude though they can match my looks. I loved losing more to the man who won, because I knew I was the real Charlie Chaplin!” 104 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Never prove your intelligence to fools, you’ll be +1.


Proving you are clever to fools will make you one of them. Find people worthy of your explanation.


Two disciples in an ashram started arguing about who is the greater of the two. To put an end to the discussion, which was going on and on, they went to the guru, who said, “This is very easy! Who thinks the other is greater, is greater.” Now the argument changed, “You are greater, you are greater.” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 105

Being Intelligent is not a blessing when you have to live with stupid.


Seriously people, being smart is not a blessing when you are living with people who do not understand the smartness. They are fools to you, and you are a fool to them.


Raj ran towards the river. He had to go on a tour. He was in a hurry. And was anxious not to miss the last boat of the day. As he approached the river, he saw that the boat had just left. He ran and jumped onto the boat, slipped, fell, clothes torn, elbows scratched and bleeding. But he stood up with great satisfaction on his achievement and with great pride told the other friend who was already in the boat, “Yay Leonard, I managed to reach! I was late but still caught the boat! See how great I’m.” Leonard reply, “I do not understand why you were in such a hurry? The boat is not going, it is coming!” 106 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If people leave you without reasons, make sure you give them some reasons.


You’ve already screwed their life, at least give them the damn explanation so they can live with their screwed life.


Boy caught cheating! Her heart was broken! She broke his iPhone! Now wonder who cried harder! 4. Sarcastic Quotations 107

Just because someone is sitting doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to sit.


Just because you are not the owner now, doesn’t mean you can never be.


Soccer has a goalie doesn’t mean you can’t score. Fact: Occupied, by someone Hope: Will be free soon Action: Consistent efforts for it Result: Occupied, by You. 108 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If school, societies, and families are enough to let children grow well, then there would be more healers, not hunters.


School, society, and family teach us the difference between good and evil. But to accept or decline that lies in our wisdom.


There is a story told of aRabbi in ancient times who gathered his students together very early one morning, while it was still dark. He put up this question to them, “How can you tell when night has ended and the day has begun?” One student made a suggestion, “It could be when you can see an animal, and you can tell it is a sheep or a goat?” “No, that’s not it,” answered the Rabbi. After a few more guesses, the student said, “Well, how do you tell when the night has ended?” TheRabbi answered, “It is when you look on the face of any man or woman, and you see them as your brother and sister. If you cannot do this, then, no matter what time it is, it is still night.” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 109

Following the saint doesn’t make you a saint. Following the devil, does.


For being good, you need to act right. But for being bad, being with bad people is enough.


A seeker, in search of a Master who would lead him to the path of holiness, came to an ashram presided over by a guru who, in addition to having a great reputation for holiness, was also a fraud. But the seeker did not know this. “Before I accept you as a disciple,” said the guru, “I must test your obedience. There is a river flowing by the ashram that is infested with crocodiles. I want you to wade across the river.” So great the faith of the young disciple was that he did just that. He walked across the river enchanting the name of the guru. This convinced the guru that he was more of a saint than he had imagined, so he decided to give all his disciples a demonstration of his power. He stepped into the river enchanting his name! The crocodiles promptly seized him and devoured him. 110 Naked Wisdom of the Child

There is a fine line between enjoying your life, and spoiling your life.


Enjoy as much as you want, do party as late as you can. But don’t spoil your life, it’s not just about your life, but it affects each life connected to you. Think about that.


A young man wanted to cross the river. It was not yet morning; it was pitch dark. So he thought he would sit and wait for sunrise. As he was walking, he tripped over something. He picked it up and saw that it was a bag with some stones in it. He took it, sat on a rock next to the river, found one stone and threw it into the river. ‘Ping!’ it made a noise and since it was quiet all around the sound kept ringing for a few moments. As the ripples went on in the water in increasing concentric circles, he almost felt the same for the sound. It was a very pleasant sensation. After some moment, he threw yet another stone and so on and so on, till he had only one stone left. By that time dawn was breaking, and some light was there and he saw the stone it was a beautiful, large and precious gemstone! For particular momentary pleasures we throw away our life, by little by little, and later on we realize when only a small portion of life is remaining. 4. Sarcastic Quotations 111

The mistake is not a crime, repeating is.


Sometimes even mistakes can be beautiful, but do not repeat the same mistakes. Look for a new, a better one.


The Mulla was invited to a wedding feast. The last time when he had been in that house, someone had carried off his sandals. Now, instead of leaving them at the door, he stuffed them into the inner pocket of the coat. “What book is that in your pocket?” his host asked him. “He may be after my shoes,” thought Nasrudin, “besides I have a reputation as a learned man to keep up.” Aloud he said, “The Subject of the bulge which you see is prudence.” “How Interesting!” Which bookshop did you get it from? “As a matter of fact, I got it from a shoemaker.” 112 Naked Wisdom of the Child

People feel so much for you, that they often forget you exist.


I often hear from different people, that they feel so much about you but once their stomach is full they don’t know you exist anymore.


A man very much wanted to renounce the world, but he claimed that his family loved him too much to let him go. “Love?” said the guru. “That isn’t the love at all. Listen…” And he revealed a yogic secret to the disciple whereby he could simulate the state of death. The next day the man was dead to all outward appearances, and the house rang with the cries and wailings of his family. The guru then showed up and told the weeping family that he had the power to bring the man back to life if someone could be found to die in his place. Any volunteers? To the “corpses” astonishment, every member of the family began to bring forth reasons as to why it was necessary to keep their lives. His wife summoned up the sentiments of all with the words, “There’s no need for anyone to take his place. We’ll manage without him.” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 113

It is fair to be unfair!


M I Fair?


Sagar always brought donkeys to sell in the weekly market. They were healthy, strong donkeys, and he sold them at a very low price. As a result, he sold all his donkeys and earned quite a bit of money. One day Vishal, the wealthy merchant who also sold donkeys at the market came up to him and asked, “How is this possible, Sagar?” I sell my donkeys at a low price and make very little profit. I don’t spend anything on feeding those donkeys because I can force farmers to give me free hay. My slaves look after the donkeys, and I don’t pay them any money. But your prices are even lower than mine, and yet you make a greater profit every time! “That’s not very difficult,” replied Sagar. “You see, you steal the food and the labour for your donkeys. I steal donkeys!” 114 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Not all things heal with the time, some require forgiveness and some need the kick-ass revenge.


You forgive few things to live a peaceful life; you take revenge for few things to live a peaceful life.


Once Smith was feeling guilty and wanted to confess something to Alhan, he said, He has been with his girlfriend once, and that could be the reason for his break up. Alhan didn’t spoke anything, and that made Smith feel even guiltier and he was willing to do everything which could make Alhan feel better and could lose the guilt. A week passed, Smith became impatient, his guilt was killing him, and he cried for forgiveness, on to that Alhan said, “Don’t worry I already knew that. You were never the reason. I just wanted to see you suffer.” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 115

‘Not easily available’ is another way of begging to be with someone.


One of most disgusting thing anyone can do is update their status as I’m not easily available. Seriously? Who are you? Queen of Victoria? Every phrase doesn’t suit everyone. First earn and then Flaunt.


Her status, 10:00 Pm “Get lost” 12:00 Midnight “Busy” 2:00 Am “Not easily available” 2:05 Am “Available” 2:06 Am “Free” 2:07 Am “Please someone talks to me.” Usually the timeline… 116 Naked Wisdom of the Child

With every kick, you move two steps further.


Being normal is too mainstream, Vo Jeena bhi kya jeena hai jisme kick na ho pagli. The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel the achievement.


Born and raised regular, but became “Dabangg” by his unbeatable zeal. Another struggling actor of 90s became the 7th best-looking man in the world by People magazine in year 2004. In spite of all the sufferings, several controversies, legal troubles, Trigeminal neuralgia (Suicide disease) and Court issues. The Eight films he has acted in have accumulated gross earnings of over 1 billion rupees worldwide. He is the Human with “Being Human” motto, he is a philanthropist, and he is Salman Khan. The‘Sallu Bhai’ of Indian cinema! You’ll face problems, but you’ll grow at the same time too. 4. Sarcastic Quotations 117

Start and end the conversation with cheerfulness, you can stab them in between.


Initiate with lovely words, then hit them in between but close with lovely words again. We are a nice person man!


The father saw his son sitting on top of another boy in the front yard. “Why are you pinning George to the ground like that?” Jimmy’s dad demanded. “He hit me in the eye.” “How many times,” reprimanded the father, “have I told you to count up to a hundred before you lose your temper?” “I’m counting to a hundred,” Jimmy replied, “but I’m sitting on him, so he’ll be here when I get through counting.” 118 Naked Wisdom of the Child

No, No I learned my lesson, It was inappropriate all being nice things.


A giraffe’s coffee would be cold by the time it reached the bottom of its throat. Ever thought about that? No, you think only about yourself.


Little Johnny had just got vaccinated, and the doctor started to put a bandage on the vacation spot. Johnny objected he wanted the bandage on the other arm instead. “Why, Johnny,” said the doctor, “the bandage should be on the sore arm so the boys at school won’t hit it.” “Put it on the other arm, Doc,” Johnny insisted. “You don’t know those boys!” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 119

Sometimes, leaving on time to teach them is better than explaining why they are wrong...


People hear want they want to hear not what you speak.


When Bankei held his seclusion weeks of meditation, pupils from many parts of Japan came to attend. During one of these gatherings, a pupil was caught stealing. The matter was reported toBankei with the request that the culprit be expelled. Bankei ignored the case. Later the pupil was caught in a similar act, and again Bankei disregarded the matter. This angered the other pupils, who drew up a petition asking for the dismissal of the thief, stating that otherwise they would leave in a body. When Bankei had read the petition, he called up everyone in front of him. “You are wise brothers,” he told them. “You know what is right and what is not right. You may go somewhere else to study if you wish, but this poor brother does not even know right from wrong. Who will teach him if I do not? I am going to keep him here even if all the rest of you leave.” A torrent of tears cleansed the face of the brother who had stolen. All desire to steal had vanished. 120 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If things around you make you happier than the people around you, Good Luck for chaos then!


You’ve started living an isolated life, as things are making you happier than the people. Welcome to the real world!


Once Nasrudin brought a beautiful So the King asked, “But why did you turban and decided to wear it to court. pay so much for that turban? Surely it He hoped that the King would like the is not worth so much?” turban so much that he could sell it at The Mulla replied, “Your Highness, a profit to him. As expected, the King I paid the money because I knew that admired the turban a lot. only one King in the entire world would “How much did you pay for that turban have the good taste to buy a turban like Mulla?” asked the King. this one.” “A thousand pieces of gold, your The King was so flattered that he Highness!” lied Nasrudin. ordered Nasrudin to be given two The King’s Wazir guessed what thousand pieces of gold in exchange Nasrudin was trying to do and for the turban. whispered in the King’s ear, “Your Later, the Mulla met the Wazir and Majesty, only a fool would have paid said, “Perhaps you know the value of so much money for that turban. He is turban, but I know the weakness of trying to trick you into buying it.” Kings!” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 121

Never live your life in such a way, that people pray for you to reach heaven sooner.


Everybody wishes that you reach heaven after your death, don’t do anything that people want to have you in heaven sooner.


It was the scene of the village; there was an old man who was once admired by all but with his growing age and increasing nagging habit, he was ignored and hated by all. But he couldn’t understand that people are ignoring him, and this made him want more and more attention. So he started to interfere in all the matters of the village and the life of people living there. Sooner he realized that when people say, “You’ll reach heaven sooner” it wasn’t their blessing. 122 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Most of the people have serious issues, like the inability to understand sarcasm.


Ability to understand Sarcasm is essential than to do sarcasm. #TrueStory


In a village an old man sits on his Verandah and explains to the people that if they want to be happy, prosperous and successful in life then they should remember one mantra: “Never Get Angry!” One day a man from the neighboring village was passing by and heard the lecture of this old man and felt curiosity to go and meet him. He went and sat next to the old man and said; please tell me a simple mantra on how to make my life successful. The old man said, “Remember only one thing: Do not get angry.” The man pretended that he did not hear and said, “What did you say I could not hear.” The old man repeated, this time a bit loudly,“Do not get angry!” And the man said, “Please say again I could not hear.” The old man shouted loudly with anger, “Do not ever get angry!” The man pretending to be deaf asked the old man to repeat. The old man lifted a stick and hit the man on the head and said, “Thousand times I’ve told you not to get angry, but you still don’t understand!” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 123

One should be capable of taking revenge, even though one decided not to.


Golden rule number one: Be ready with the bullets, bombs, and the Panzer. Shooting or not shooting, that’s a different story!


Season: March, Place: Veranda, Occasion: Holi. Water balloons ready! Spray color ready! Gulal ready! Neon powder ready! Water gun ready! Mud ashes ready! Vaseline, oils ready! Result: Kids are armored; Tanks are full! Another sequel of ‘The Expendables!’ 124 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Even if you’ve stabbed them many times in your head, still be nice in front.


Don’t think twice, just be nice. Be social, be nice.


A young couple getting married went to their professor to seek his blessings. “Sukhee bhavaha,” he said. Surprised, the boy asked, “Sir, how can one be married and be happy?” The professor said, “This is the secret. Listen carefully. First fulfill all the commitments you make to your wife. Second, do not make any commitments!” 4. Sarcastic Quotations 125

Yesterday I was so intelligent that I wanted to change the world. Today I’m so wise that I wanted to change myself. Tomorrow I’ll be so generous that I’ll kill all the stupid people.


“If we want science to advance, people should have chips implanted in their skulls that explode when they say something stupid.” #Dr. Sheldon Cooper


People should stop being stupid. End of story. 5. Diplomatic Quotations

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” #William Shakespeare

Forward: In this Section you might find the Contradictory Quotations or another way to write the naked truth. As it says, “Sometimes in life you need to wear the mask to reveal yourself.” 5. Diplomatic Quotations 127

You follow all the rules, you miss all the compliments.


Here is the twist, following all the rules makes you a good man but doing things in your way will make you a great man. Choose who you want to be.


She was intelligent and obedient too… Followed the rules, and committed no mistake. And she was awarded the ‘Disciple’ badge. He was Intelligent too but followed his guts, Always made mistakes and received hell of complaints. And He was awarded the ‘Master’ badge. 128 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Priorities people over circumstances, never vice versa.


Always choose people over anything, never choose anything over people.


He wanted to take his love to Paris; she agreed too. But before their flight, she got sick. He was downhearted with the change of plans, she insisted him to continue with the plan and enjoy with his acquaintances. He reached the Airport but couldn’t make it to the flight. He missed the flight and went back to her. Tears in his eyes and confessed, “Wherever you are, it’s my Paris!” They both had the world tour without the ticket. 5. Diplomatic Quotations 129

Listen to people, but do not follow their advice.


You may follow them on twitter but do not blindly follow them in real. Listen to your inner guts and follow that. Take a chance, take a risk. You are surely a winner then.


A Commanding officer was asking some recruits why walnut was used for the butt of a rifle. “Because it has more resistance.” Said one man. “Wrong!” “Because it has more elasticity.” Said another “Wrong again!” “Perhaps because it has a better shine than other kinds of wood,” said a third. “Don’t be a fool” said the Commanding Officer,“walnut is used because it is laid down in the regulation.” 130 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Always be ready with the Plan B, Plan C, and Plan D and so on.


Sometimes even the best plan doesn’t work out; it’s always good to keep a plenty of them.


They tried to convince her with the money! That didn’t work out. They tried threatening, bullying and molesting her. Contrary to their expectations! She didn’t give up. Finally they freed her; they were out of the plans. 5. Diplomatic Quotations 131

Think beyond the rules, work within the rules.


Think before you act, but do not act what you can think. Take the risk. Do not fear.


A King ran into a Dervish and in keeping up with the custom of the East when a King met a subject; he said, “Ask for a favor.” The Dervish replied, “It would be unseemly for me to ask for a favor to one of my slaves.” “How dare you speak so disrespectfully to the King,” said a guardsman. “Explain yourself or you shall die.” TheDervish replied, “I have a slave who is the master of your King.” “Who?” “ F e a r,” said the Dervish. 132 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Staying in the dark is better if the fire destroys everything.


Sometimes Ignorance is bliss.


*double tick* Message sent - 11:15 PM ‘Last seen’ - 1:30 AM Dark circles - Every day 5. Diplomatic Quotations 133

Repeatedly saying the same thing by many people often makes it the truth.


Rumor often turns as a truth when everyone talks about it.


Once a Pandit received a calf in offering. His village was ten kilometers away from the place where he went to perform Pooja. The six thugs of this village saw the lovely calf and thought of a plot. As soon as the Pandit left the village, the first thug met him and said, “O. Pandit, Maharaj, what are you doing? You are a pious man, and you are carrying a dog along with you! This isn’t good. Throw it away.” The Pandit laughed and replied, “Oh dear, you have gone mad. It is a calf, not a dog.” After another kilometer, another thug met thePandit and said the same thing. The Pandit laughed and again ignored. And this went on again and again until the last thug repeated the same thing. Now the Pandit was finally convinced that he was carrying a dog, not a calf, and he threw that away. 134 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Sometimes it is difficult to decide between craziness and responsibilities.


You need to fly over the sea in the midst of the night if you promise to be before the sunshine. It may be crazy, but it’s a responsibility.


He donated the Ferrari and became penniless, His wish was to live another year; price was to donate everything. Founded the “NGO,” and gave a lifelong service. Promises were exchanged, honestly. 5. Diplomatic Quotations 135

Time is heaven; time is hell.


Above the luck, below the God there is something which rules, time.


Once upon a time there was an old farmer who had worked upon his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically. “Maybe,” the farmer replied. The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. “How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed! “Maybe,” replied the old man. The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune. “Maybe,” answered the farmer. The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Since the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. “Maybe,” said the farmer again. 136 Naked Wisdom of the Child

We are more afraid by unknown Angles than known devils. Let’s trust devil this time.


Even an angel turns into a devil, wait for the right time.


They met once again, years later after they broke up. She was looking beautiful; he was looking matured. Both the hearts clanged, but there was a band too in the backdrop, It was the time of her wedding, he was in the Tux, and she was in her bridal dress, pondering over the known devil and unknown angel. 5. Diplomatic Quotations 137

Everybody lies, some we believe, some we don’t.


We aren’t that fool to not understand who is speaking truth and who is fooling around, still sometimes we choose to ignore because we care.


There was a note on the door of the bedroom,“Newly Weds”. The Couple was extremely happy, doing all the stuffs to let the world know they just got married, updating on the Facebook, tweeting, sharing all over the Social Media. They could prove to the whole world that their marriage is a grand success. Days passed, months and years too. Still the Facebook is viral by the smiling photos of the album. But now instead of ‘Newly Weds’ note there were prescriptions, and headache pills in the room. Now the choice was to trust the Smiling Photos, romantic gifts or the prescriptions and bills. 138 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I’d agree with you, but then we would both be wrong.


Making people believe in your stories doesn’t prove your stories right. Make your stories right, and right people will believe you.


Two women friends met after many years. “Tell me,” said one, “what happened to your son?” “My son? The poor, poor lad!” Sighed the other. “What an unfortunate marriage he made, to a girl who won’t do a bit of work in the house. She won’t cook, she won’t sew, and she won’t wash or clean. All she does is sleep and load and read in the bed. The poor boy even has to bring breakfast in the bed, would you believe it?” “That’s awful! And what about your daughter?” “Ah, now she’s the lucky one! She married an angel. He won’t let her do a thing in the house. He has servants to do the cooking and sewing and washing and cleaning. And each morning he brings breakfast in the bed, would you believe it? All she does is to sleep as long as she wishes and spend the rest of the day relaxing and reading in the bed.” 5. Diplomatic Quotations 139

The one who make you laugh can make you cry too.


The person who gives you tickle in the stomach can give pain in the heart too. But still he is worth it.


It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered & protected themselves, but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions. After a while, they decided to distance themselves one from the other, and they began to die, alone & frozen. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with the little wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive. The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each learns to live with the imperfections of others & can admire the other person’s good qualities. 140 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You’ll win everything, when you’ll have nothing to lose.


Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked there is no reason not to follow your heart. #Steve Jobs


In 1975, the 20-year-old Jobs and Wozniak set up shop in Jobs’ parents’ garage, dubbed the venture Apple, and began working on the prototype of the Apple I. To generate the $1,350 in capital they used to start Apple, Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagen Microbus, and Steve Wozniak sold his Hewlett-Packard calculator. For Jobs, this turn of events spelled serious trouble. He clashed with Apple’s board of directors and, in 1983, was ousted from the board by CEO John Sculley, whom Jobs had handpicked to help him run Apple. Stripped of all power and control, Jobs eventually sold his shares of Apple stock and resigned in 1985. Macintosh operating system, the firm’s share of the PC market had dropped to just 5.3 percent, and they hoped that Jobs could help turn the company around. Against all odds, Steve Jobs pulled the company he founded and loved back from the brink. Apple once again was healthy and churning out the kind of breakthrough products that made the Apple name synonymous with innovation. 5. Diplomatic Quotations 141

Everything comes with a price of doing it and a punishment for not doing it. Enjoy either way.


There is a price you need to pay to have something; there is punishment you need to suffer for not having something. Both cost something, choose what you want to pay and enjoy either way.


A man brings his best buddy home for dinner unannounced at 7:30 pm after work. His wife begins screaming at him and his friend just sits and listens to it. Wife: My hair and makeup are not done, the house is a mess, the dishes are not clean, I’m still in my Pajama’s and I can’t be bothered with cooking tonight. Why the hell did you bring him home for? Husband - Because he’s thinking of getting married, and I promised him to show a demo. 142 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Doesn’t matter it’s a truth or a lie. What matters is the intention behind it.


Prefer motivating lies that encourage the skills than the truth that demoralizes. Look for intentions, not the truth and lies.


She cooked for the first time, worked hard, Intentions are purely cooking. Her father was overwhelmed, vegetables were slightly uncooked, but she grew responsible. Her father kissed her forehead and complimented, “You cooked very well today, m y d e a r.” She felt she became her mom for a moment; she had never felt that way. Even the food tasted better. 5. Diplomatic Quotations 143

Everyone says be the way you’re. I believe, “Be the best you can”.


I can take this Quote to my graveyard, be the best you can. It is stupid to remain the way you’re always. Keep on improving. Keep on changing. Keep on becoming a better man.


When Rama vanquished Ravana, Rama asked his younger brother, Laxmana, to go to Ravana and learn from him as he was a great scholar. Laxmana went to Ravana, who was dying and expressed his desire to learn ethics and politics from him. Ravana told him many principles of the disciplines. Laxmana was surprised at his wisdom. He asked him, “Ravana, you are a wise person. In spite of your intelligence, why did you abduct mother Sita?” Ravana replied without remorse, “Laxmana, I’m from Rakchhash race. I saw this happening day in and day out. Therefore, I had no qualms in abducting Sita.” Laxmana returned to his camp. He then went to Vibhishana and asked a question, “Vibishhana, you are from rakshasa race. How come you are different from them?” “I saw injustice and exploitation in rakshasa race and decided that I for one would not do what they do,” answered Vibhishana. -- 144 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Living freely for 40 years is a better choice than living 80 years following a rule book.


“Life should be larger not longer.” #Rajesh Khanna


In the last century, a tourist from the States visited the famous Polish Rabbi, Chofetz Chaim. He was astonished to see that the Rabbi’s home was only a simple room filled with books. The only furniture was a table and a bench. “Rabbi, where is your furniture?” asked the tourist. “Where is yours?” said Chofetz? “Mine? But I’m passing through. I’m only a visitor here.” “So am I,” said Chofetz. 5. Diplomatic Quotations 145

We always want the homeostasis, but we love changes too.


Life is full of surprises, and life is a surprise itself. Sometimes you get a Coupon; sometimes you overpay it.


Which one are you? The one hiding in the closet? Or Is the one spreading their hands to welcome the change? P.S. - Change is inevitable, Change is necessary and Change is permanent. 146 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You don’t need permission from others to be a part of or be apart with someone. It is your life; it should be your decision.


Take control of your life by making your decisions.


One day Charlie was taking a walk in his village, when several of his neighbors approached him. “Charlie!” they said to him, “You are so wise and holy! Please take us as your pupil and teach us how we should live our lives, and what we should do!” Charlie paused, and then said, “All right, I’ll teach you the first lesson right now. The most important thing is to take excellent care of your feet and sandals you must keep them neat and clean at all time.” The neighbors listened attentively until they glanced down at his feet, which were in fact quite dirty and shod in old sandals that seem about to fall apart. “But Charlie,” said one of them, “your feet are terribly dirty, and your sandals are a mess! How do you expect us to follow your teaching if you don’t carry out them yourself?” “Well,” replied Charlie, “I don’t go around asking people how I should live my life either, do I.” 5. Diplomatic Quotations 147

Even though it may be important for you, but never be afraid of losing.


Sometimes the right path is the toughest one.


He tried blackmailing again; she did a mistake once, His fickle greed was intruding her soul. She gathered herself, took the double-edged sword and stroked the FIR. It broke her damaged heart, but the decision was necessary. 148 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Feed the animal which stays inside, it will protect you when you’ll be hunted down.


It is important to be gentle, and it’s equally important to be wild.


Lao-Tzu wrote: Living people are soft and tender. Corpses are hard and stiff. The ten thousand things, the living grass, the trees, are soft, pliant. Dead, they’re dry and brittle. So hardness and stiffness go with death; tenderness, softness, go with life. #Lao Tzu—“Tao Te Ching” Chapter 76 5. Diplomatic Quotations 149

No matter who they are, at one point in time, they’ll be bored with you.


No matter how it turns out, at some moment you’ll be no longer needed.


Let me tell you something, Charlie said, “For every gorgeous girl in the world there is the guy out there tired of being with her.” 150 Naked Wisdom of the Child

It’s not the wealth that matters in the end. But all your life you cannot prove this right.


There are people so poor that the only thing they have is money.


One day, a rich dad took his son on a trip to a village. He wanted to show him how poor someone can be. They spent time on the farm of a poor family. Dad asked, ‘Did you see how poor they are? What did you learn?’ Son said we had one dog, they have four, we have a pool, and they have rivers. We have lanterns at night, they have stars, we buy foods, and they grow theirs. We have walls to protect us; they have friends. Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are. 5. Diplomatic Quotations 151

Compromise your values for comfort or comfort for values. The choice is yours.


We are comforted seeking people; we want comfort even when we are dying. But at the same time we are the people who believe in values, believe in principles. So it’s always a tough choice to make between comfort and Values.


He was offered a BMW, with the exchange of his signature. The heat and exasperation of his life almost convinced him, Until… He recalled his father’s word and took an oath, again, never to compromise. 152 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Stop doing the things when it’s expected; start doing it when it’s appreciated.


Stop right now if you feel you’re being taken for granted. I don’t care it is your closest friend or your boss. I do care for you; I want you to have the respect you deserve, from now till your last your breath. Do something only when it is appreciated.


He was happy with the free foods; he thanked his friend for it. Months and Years passed; he was still enjoying the free food, but he forgot to show the gratitude. At one day, he found no food or friend either. He realized his fallacy, but it was too late. 5. Diplomatic Quotations 153

How they treat you is not important, how you let them treat is purely your business.


When you start seeing your worth, you’ll find it harder to stay around people who don’t. You are special in your ways. You’re delightful in your novelty.


“Lamborghini cars were a result of a tractor company owner being insulted by the founder of Ferrari.” Have you ever been so mad to start a whole new company to prove the point? But someone did, and he is the founder of “Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A!” #Ferruccio Lamborghini, Founder of Lamborghini Cars! 154 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Scoring 90 might get you a good job; I doubt the job of life then.


Teach them, do not train them.


15 years for school, 5 for grad. 20 years working for MNC… And they thought he could live later, Now his bank account is full, family is complete, job is perfect. But he is still searching the time… But what a fantastic life! Isn’t it? 5. Diplomatic Quotations 155

Usually, we adjust than stepping ahead and working to make things go right.


We are Indians, we believe that all our life we need to adjust; adjust with each and everything, adjust with poor governance, adjust with faulty bills, adjust with inflation, adjust with relatives, neighbors, etc. But seriously! Do we need to adjust or can we bring the change! Mumkin hai!


There were women crying to stop the crimes, There were students standing with candles, There were people broadcasting the‘Rapes’ in media, And He came alone and fired the Action. #Satyamev Jayate, A classic initiative of change. (My salute to Aamir Khan and his team for their support to solve the sensitive social issues prevalent in India.) 156 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If everyone needs to be gentle than what’s the sky for?


It’s nice to be connected to the ground. It’s equally nice to fly in the sky.


A King called the Chinese master, Confucius and asked, “Who do you think is the greatest man?” Confucius said, “Without a doubt, you are the greatest, for you are a King who commands many men.” The King said, “Who do you think greater than me?” “It has to be me,” said Confucius, “for I’m a lover of Truth.” “Take me to him who is greater than you and I put together,” said the King. The two of them set out till they came upon a man who was all alone digging a well. “Here he is,” said Confucius “A man greater than a King and a philosopher. Patiently and all by himself, he is digging a well, not that he may have drinking water but that the others may benefit from it. Only he can be called the greatest that spends his life in the service of others, with no expectation of reward or benefit to himself.” 5. Diplomatic Quotations 157

I can say what you want to hear, but that will not change my thoughts or the truth either.


We are stubborn people; we only hear what we want to hear. But let’s face it, it doesn’t change anything. It may be hard but still try modifying your strongest belief with changing time.


There was a long discussion on that coffee table, fighting off the couple went on and on, without a break. Hours later, the cafe was about to close. The manager decided to take the charge of the matter and requested the couple to: please move the discussion somewhere else so they can complete their routine. But the heat of the discussion was so boundless that the man refused to go without the conclusion. Then a wise old lady from the nearby table said, “May I interject, Gentlemen? And spoke with a blithe voice; I can speak what you want to hear, as she was gazing in the eyes of the couple. But that won’t change anything, except the discussions will be postponed to some other time. So don’t act stupid, go home and respect each other’s differences.” 6. Beautiful Quotations

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. #Leonardo da Vinci

Forward: In this section you might find the fundamental Quotations with straightforward meaning. Easy Quotes to ease the life! 6. Beautiful Quotations 159

Be calm, in hell and heaven.


Do not panic when things go wrong, do not jump when things go right. Maintain a tranquil chaos in your life.


Surinder “Suri” Sahni - Calm, Shy, introvert and kind-hearted who does not panic even in worst scenarios, does not sing or dance either, but he is happy with his life. Or Raj - lots of gel and shaping it to be spiky, funky Western-style clothing, aviator- style shades, trying hard to look cool. Very sensitive towards everything, instant anger and instant cool off. P.S. - At the end both the characters were being loved by Taani Ji. So choice is yours what you want to be. 160 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If you live with flowers, be the rose. If you live with roses, be the black rose.


Always be unique as well as always be special.


“If you’re lucky enough to be different, never change.” #Taylor Swift “You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way.” #Lady Gaga “Be unique, be thyself but Keep on improving!” #Sarvesh Jain 6. Beautiful Quotations 161

Trust everybody, but keep the screenshots saved.


Trust that everything happens for a reason, even when you’re not wise enough to see it.


A few small boys planned to steal Mulla’s slippers and run away with them. They called him and pointed to a tree:“Nobody could climb that tree.” “Any one of you could,” said Nasrudin, “and I shall show you.” Removing his slippers, he tucked them into his belt and began to climb. “Mulla,” they cried, “you won’t need your slippers in a tree.” Nasrudin, who had sensed (without knowing why), that he should take his slippers with him, reproved them, “Be prepared for every emergency. For all I know, I might find a road up there.” 162 Naked Wisdom of the Child

My rumors are as true as yours.


Everyone hears something about everyone which is not true, which is not nice and which is not too necessary to be heard of. Never spread the word without ensuring its credibility and authenticity.


There once lived an Eastern King whose wisdom illuminated the land as a Sun, whose cleverness was surpassed by no one, and whose wealth far exceeded that of anyone else. One day a Wazir came to him with an unhappy face. “Great Sultan, you are the wisest, greatest, and mightiest man in our land,” he said. “You are the Lord over life and death. But what did I hear as I was traveling through the land? Some people spoke very badly of you. They made jokes and complained about your wise decision.” The Sultan smiled indulgently and answered, “Like every man in my kingdom, you know what I have accomplished for all of you.” I can have the gigantic gates of my cities closed. But there is one thing I cannot do. I cannot shut the mouths of my subjects. It is not a question of what some people say badly about me. What is important is that I do well! 6. Beautiful Quotations 163

Not just rarity, but lust makes it famous.


Not limited in numbers, but high in desires, makes it more famous. Price of the diamond has nothing to do with its value! Its price is based on its demand by others.


She threw away the locket, for her it was just another stone. Countable years, countless men are employed to search that blue diamond! Ocean prayed for the storm to bring back the senses to the man! Let someday his lust be lost, in the same way, the diamond has! 164 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Healthy interactions don’t need many words, but many feelings.


No one ever said you need to talk 24 hours to be someone’s good friend. It’s not about talking from moonlight to sunlight, not about texting the whole weekend. It’s all about being 100% every time you are with them; it’s more about showing your trueness, less about the chit chat.


Once upon a time, a King went hunting here?” The Sadhu said, “Yes, first the with his Minister and a soldier. As King, then the Minister, and both happens in such stories, they got lost. went left.” So the soldier too went left. The kind found an old blind Sadhu All three reached the palace safely, meditating, went to him, did pranam shared with each other about their and asked, “Mahatma, please show me experiences, and all wondered how the way to the city.” The Sadhu asked the blind Sadhu could say first the him to go left. King name, and then Minister, etc., After some time, the minister came how did he know? So they went back and asked, “Sadhu Maharaj, did to the Sadhu and asked him. anyone come here?” The Sadhu replied, “Its simple, the King The Sadhu said, “Yes, the King had addressed me Mahatma, the Minister come, and he went left.” So theSadhu Maharaj, and the soldier Sadhu Minister went left. Baba. They gave themselves away by After some time, the soldier came and their Bhasha, by their Vani.” asked, “Sadhu Baba, has anyone come 6. Beautiful Quotations 165

Confirmed No’ is better than the ‘Possibility of Yes.’


Accept or reject, be sure. Wise would be happy to listen to a ‘No,’ than a ‘probably yes’.


Season: Every summer, Place: Playground, Occasion: Cricket Who brings bat is the customary captain, blackmailing begins in every home. No love, no pampering, either a new MRF bat or a hunger strike. Demand indestructible. Result: New Sachin is born every summer! 166 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Everyone is busy, but everyone may not be working.


Some people are so busy doing nothing that they can’t do anything else.


A man asked a saint to take him on as a disciple. “If what you seek is Truth,” said the Saint, “there are requirements to be fulfilled and duties to be discharged.” “What are these?” asked the man “You will have to draw water and chop wood and do the housecleaning and cooking.” “I’m in search of truth, not employment,” said the man, as he walked away. 6. Beautiful Quotations 167

Arbitrary proposal portrays real fondness over preplanned manifesto.


Damn! That’s how you misuse the thesaurus.


A composer was rehearsing with his orchestra and said to the trumpet player, “I think this part calls for a more Wagnerian approach, if you get what I mean, something more assertive, so to speak, more accentuated, with more body, with more depth, more…” The trumpet player interrupted, “Do you want it louder, sir?” All that the poor composer could say was, “Yes, that’s what I mean!” 168 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Quotes should disturb the comfort and comfort the disturbed.


Quotes are like drugs, pleasurable and harmful at the same time.


Which one are you? The idol: Vodka in one hand, Cigar in another and Life only comes once believer? Or The artist: Brush in one hand, Palette in another and believes in living and leaving the legacy! P.S. - Hard and Naked truth, but both are right and somewhere necessary in the nature. 6. Beautiful Quotations 169

Sometimes go with the flow.


The good thing about time is, it changes. The bad thing about people is, they don’t.


A farmer got so old that he couldn’t work in the fields anymore. So, he would spend the day just sitting on the porch. His son, working on the farm, would look up from time to time and see his father watching the fields. “He’s of no use anymore,” the son thought to himself, “he doesn’t do anything!” One day the son got so frustrated that he built wood coffin, dragged it over to the porch, and told his father to get into it. Without saying a word, the father climbed inside. After closing the lid, the son dragged the coffin to the edge of the farm where there was a high cliff. As he approached to drop the coffin, he heard a slight tapping on the lid from inside the coffin. He opened it up. Still lying there peacefully, the father looked up at his son and said, “I know you are going to throw me over the cliff, but before you do, may I suggest something?” “What is it?” asked the son? “Throw me over the cliff, if you like,” said the father, “but save this good wooden coffin. Your children might need to use it.” (I can never forget this story in my whole life, probably in coming lives too. My most treasured story.) 170 Naked Wisdom of the Child

A minute of Patience can avoid hours of Regret.


Patience is the secret key to a healthy life: personal and social.


One cold, windy day a snail started to climb a cherry tree. The sparrows in a neighboring tree had a good laugh at his expense. One flew over and said, “Hey blockhead, don’t you know there are no cherries on this tree?” The little snail did not stop as he replied, “Well, there will be when I get there.” 6. Beautiful Quotations 171

If you search for a mistake, you’ll find that. If you search for art, you’ll find that too.


It depends upon you what you search and what you let go. Even mistakes can be fantastic.


As a young boy, Andrew Carnegie came to America and started doing odd jobs. Later on, he became one of the largest steel manufacturers in the United States. At one time, he had 43 millionaires working for him. One day, someone asked him how he dealt with people. Andrew Carnegie replied, “Dealing with people is like digging gold. When you go digging for an ounce of gold, you have to move tons of dirt to get out an ounce of gold. But when you go digging, you don’t go looking for dirt, you go looking for gold.” There is something good in every person and every situation. Sometimes we have to dig a little deeper. 172 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Soon the Oxford University has to change the meaning of, I’m fine.


Top of the lies - I’m fine.


I don’t know much about the girls, but whenever a girl says she is fine; she isn’t. You can trust me with that. She may be over-thinking, tired of waiting, about to blow up, need a hug, falling apart, crying inside or all of the things together. 6. Beautiful Quotations 173

Travel as much as you can, and as far as you may.


Only thing in your old age, if you’re lucky enough to see your old age. Only thing you’ll never regret is travelling enough. Travel in the sky, travel in the space, travel beneath the sea, travel in the parallel universe, travel in some other galaxy too. Do not stop, do not stand still, and do not stay. Go, go, and go.


The explorer returned to his people, who were eager to know about the Amazon. But how could he ever put into words the feeling that flooded his heart he saw erotic flowers and heard the night sounds of the forests; when he sensed the danger of wild beasts or paddled his canoe over treacherous rapids? He said, “Go and find out for yourselves.” He was obviously familiar with the dangers of drawing maps by arm-chair explorers. 174 Naked Wisdom of the Child

It hurts a little when someone punishes, but it hurts like hell when someone doesn’t.


The worst punishment is not getting a punishment. Silent treatment hurts more.


Which formulae do you believe more? Nuclear War? Or Cold War? P.S. - There is always an option for forgiveness, but it is not necessary to choose forgiveness. 6. Beautiful Quotations 175

One blessing is to wake up and find certain things as same, and one blessing is to wake up and find certain things changed.


Sometimes the change is good. Sometimes the change is you.


A dove was constantly changing her nest. The strong smell that the nests had developed over time was unbearable by her. She complained about this bitterly as she spoke with a wise, old and experienced dove. The latter nodded his head several times and said, “By changing your nest all the time, you don’t change anything. The smell that bothers you does not come from the nests, but from you.” 176 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Complaining to the person about his bad behavior is much like complaining that your pizza has cheese.


It’s a moo point. It is like a cow’s opinion; it doesn’t matter. It is moo. #Joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S.


When one experiences misery, it only means that things are not fitting with his desires. Lao Tzu calls this nature Tao. Buddha calls this nature Dhamma. Mahavir has defined religion as ‘the nature of things.’ Nothing can change this. Fire is hot, and water is cold. A wise man is one who relaxes with and who follows the nature of things. 6. Beautiful Quotations 177

Life works in a mysterious way, sometimes it is the Science, and sometimes it is the Math.


One teacher cannot teach all the subjects, but one student has to learn all the subjects. Isn’t it mysterious?


One night a man came to our house and told me, “There is a family with eight children. They have not eaten for days.” I took some food and went. When I finally came to that family, I saw the faces of those children disfigured by hunger. There were no sorrows or sadness in their faces, just the deep pain of hunger. I gave the rice to the mother. She divided it into two and went out, carrying half the rice with her. When she came back, I asked her, “Where did you go?” She gave me the simple answer, “To my neighbors, they are hungry too.” I wasn’t surprised that she gave their share of rice because poor people are generous. But I was surprised that she knew that they were hungry. As a rule, when we are suffering, we are so focused on ourselves, that we have no time for others. 178 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Once in a week, visit some public place and talk to the people. You’ll realize how beautiful the world is.


Talk more in Park and less on WhatsApp.


Mahatma Gandhi was once visiting Shantiniketan at the invitation of Rabindranath Tagore. One morning they took a walk, as the early rays of the sun crept over the garden. The sun rays glistened on the dew drops of a tender rosebud. The two stopped to look at it. Then Tagore said, “The rose bud is inspiring me to write a new poem. What is going on in your mind?” Gandhi ji replied, “There is no poetry in me at all. But I wish to see the face of every Indian child as fresh, vigorous, and full of promise as this rose bud here.” A single rose bud inspired two beautiful thoughts in two noble minds. 6. Beautiful Quotations 179

People care more if they are being attacked personally if the whole world is in crisis they can sleep well.


People are not scared by the World-War. They are scared by the personal attacks.


A very common incident in India, although it’s nothing to be proud of. In my whole childhood, only time, when people around me cared enough to call the Electricity department to enquire about the reason for the power cut, was only when their house was without current, and the neighbors were enjoying the TV Soaps. If they are suffering alone, the whole department will be on the fire, but if the entire street lights are off, no one gives a rat’s ass. 180 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You may be an actor, or you may be an author. The pain of heartbreak is the same.


And remember just because your pain is understandable doesn’t mean that your behavior is acceptable. If you are going to act like an ass, you will be treated like an ass. End of Story.


In an interview, a reader expressed her wish as, “Your girlfriend must be so lucky to have such a beautiful romantic writer!” The writer smiled, didn’t say a word. No one ever knew their break up was the reason he turned out to be a romantic novelist. 6. Beautiful Quotations 181

Sometimes we live our life as a politician. We fight, we gamble, we help, we fraud, we share, we ask, we give and we hope.


We all are a politician. Some of us are good, and some of us need to be better.


When the film actor and director,, was asked by a member of the Congress party to stand for the Rajya Sabha elections, the famous actor said, “No, my friend, I would rather play the role of a joker in the film, rather than the role of a fool in the Parliament.” 182 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Sometimes we fall while running, sometimes we learn to run faster.


Sometimes by hitting low, we realize what we are made of.


Did you get good grades? No, But I don’t care. 6. Beautiful Quotations 183

Many know what to speak, a few know how to speak. But only a handful of people know when not to speak.


Knowing what, how, when to speak is wonderful but knowing when not to speak is genius.


The rule in a monastery was not, Do“ not speak,” but was, “do not speak unless you can improve on the Silence.” 184 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Just do it. Be crazy. Be wild. Be yourself, be happy. Society will say regardless.


If you are lucky enough to be different. Don’t ever change. Be You. (But Keep on Improving)


I asked, “What is the path?” She said, “Everyday life is the path.” I asked, “Can It be studied?” She said, “If you try to study, you will be far away from it.” 6. Beautiful Quotations 185

Blessing, Facebook doesn’t show real feelings of people. Otherwise, we’d see double break ups and half patch ups.


Privacy settings of the Facebook have saved more people than AIIMS.


Season: Whenever there is an Internet connection. Place: Wherever there is an Internet connection. Reason: Because there is an Internet connection. Infants, youngsters, youth, adults, oldies, and the one in death bed too. It wouldn’t surprise if first words of kids wereFacebook , selfie or internet, not Mumma, papa, dada. Usually at the panic attacks, people shout for help, cry for ambulance and ask for support; there will be a day when people will shout to change the Facebook status, will cry to log out from the computer and will take help to delete the browsing history first. Result: Don’t login to Internet so much that you log out from the family! 186 Naked Wisdom of the Child

For few of the things, it is okay to accept that someone can do better than you.


It is okay to let someone do better than you. Give them a chance to shine.


Once Lord Buddha sat through the complaints, a man had against his wife. Finally he said, “Your marriage would be a happier one if you were a better husband.” “And how could I be that?” the man asked “By giving up your efforts to make her a better wife.” 6. Beautiful Quotations 187

The comforting thing about discomfort is it makes you independent. The discomforting thing about comfort is it makes you dependent. Drop of tears or buckets of sweat, everything that comes in that way is worth it.


Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. In the end, the only thing you own is your story. Try to live a good one.


A student asked Suzuki Roshi why the Japanese make their teacups so thin and delicate that they break easily. “It’s not that they’re too delicate,” he answered, “but that you don’t know how to handle them. You must adjust yourself to the environment and not vice versa.” 188 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Point is not to please a bunch of people, but to please just three people, one of them being you.


It’s important to make someone happy, and it’s more important to start with yourself.


Bad news is: You cannot make people like love, understand, validate, accept or be nice to you. You can’t control them either. Good news is: It doesn’t matter. 7. Remarkable Quotations

I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family and I don’t think I could ask for anything more than that, actually. #Frank Sinatra

Forward: In this section you might find the amazing Quotations, which sell like hotcakes. 190 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Success is illusion; failure is the reality.


Success deviates people from their real motives; failure is a slap right on their face which brings them back on the track.


This Nobel Prize-winning, twice-elected Prime Minster of the United Kingdom wasn’t always as well regarded as he is today. Churchill struggled in school and failed the sixth grade. After school, he faced many years of political failures, as he was defeated in every election for public office until he finally became the Prime Minister at the ripe old age of 62. #Winston Churchill While today he is remembered as one of the greatest leaders of America, Lincoln’s life wasn’t so easy. In his youth, he went to war as a Captain and returned as a Private (if you’re not familiar with military ranks, just know that a Private is as low as it goes) Lincoln didn’t stop failing there, however. He started numerous failed businesses and was defeated in numerous runs he made for public office. #Abraham Lincoln 7. Remarkable Quotations 191

Look for a better ambition over a better comfort.


Everything in the beginning looks exactly impossible, sooner or later, step by step, you reach closer and someday you’ll wonder why you were afraid in the first place. You have a comforting circle and magic happens around the corner.


“I had spent many days hungry; had slept on railway platforms at times because I did not have money to pay for a hotel room... there were moments when I felt I had compromised my dignity as a human being and as an actor.” For a boy who had grown up in the family of a lower division clerk in Shimla with dreams for his company he had achieved fame and fortune beyond his wildest imagination. From a penniless wannabe actor to become a sensation, earning more money than he could imagine. Initially, he had the most successful television programs in his kitty. But not satisfied, so he diversified even further. Went into event management, for that was the latest business to be in during those days and staged many mega-events. Won Padma Shri, Film fare Award for Best Performance in a Comic Role five times. Honoured by Walk of the Stars as his hand print was preserved for posterity at Bandra Bandstand in Mumbai. He is the legend; he is , most versatile actor and crossed more than 450 movies. #From the book “The best thing about you is you” by “Anupam Kher!” 192 Naked Wisdom of the Child

There is a slight crack in my head; that’s where the light goes in.


There’s a fine line between genius and insane. I have erased this line.


What you want to be? A billionaire, genius: hated by many, loved by a few, who believes in changing the concepts of the world, who do politics and he’s a philanthropist too. Or A jester loved by all, fun to be with, caring, loving, and pure at heart but with no world-changing ambitions. P.S. - There is no right or wrong, different perceptions. 7. Remarkable Quotations 193

Be Initiator but be logical.


“Your ideas can be weird and crazy, but it should have a story in it, it should have a vision in it, it should have an explicit goal. Why one must put their sweat, breathe, money and time in it. Why it should work and what will make it work. It should have a reason to join people in your idea. And then put that idea in everyone’s head.” #Anil Singh, Managing Director of Procam International Ltd! (My Inspiration to believe in my crazy ideas. Heard Anil Sir first time at EMF’s ACE 2014, YMCA Ahmedabad.)


Now take the story behind the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon. The bank, which thrives on the philosophy‘Here for Good,’ wanted to create a property that is a ‘race’ for the long haul, literally. So 11 years ago it introduced its branded marathons - Standard Chartered has been organizing marathons in nine countries for over 16 years to Mumbai. Even facing several challenges initially the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon has helped raise over Rest 109 crore since its inception for non-profit organizations. In 2014, for instance, it generated over INR 20 crore for charity, benefitting 269 NGOs. Initiate the logical product, or put the logic behind your launched product. 194 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You’ll always be paid more if you work more.


The extra pay may not be monetary, but surely it should be equivalent to that.


A manager, who had just returned from a Motivating Seminar, called upon his employee into the office and said, “Henceforth you are going to be allowed to plan and control your job. That will raise your productivity considerably, I’m s u re .” “Will I be paid more?” asked the worker. “No, no. Money is not a motivator, and you will get no satisfaction from a salary raise.” “Well, if production does increase, will I be paid more?” “Look,” said the manager, “you obviously do not understand the motivation theory. Take this book home and read it; it explains what it is that motivates you.” As the man was leaving, he stopped and said, “If I read this book will I be paid more?” 7. Remarkable Quotations 195

Unplanned Schedules, planned dreams.


Dreams are planned, but how to achieve them is unplanned.


Once while in the US, Swami Vivekananda was watching some boys standing on a bridge and trying to shoot at egg-shells floating in the river. The egg-shells bobbed up and down. The boys could not hit any of them. They fired many times, but they always missed the target. They noticed thatSwamiji was watching them. So they called out to him, “Well, you are watching us. Do you think you can do better?” Swamiji smiled and said, “I will try.” Swamiji took the gun and aimed at the egg-shells. He stood very still for few minutes. Then he fired the gun. He fired twelve times, and every time he hit an egg-shell! The boys were very surprised. How could anyone shoot so many egg-shells like that? They thought. They said to Swamiji, “Well, Mister, how did you do that.” Swamiji laughed. He liked the boys. “Whatever you are doing,” he said, “put your whole mind to it. If you are shooting, your mind should be only on the target. Then you will never miss. If you are learning your lessons, think only of the lesson.” 196 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Wealth gets attention; essence earns respect.


It’s all about how good you are when no one is watching you.


A Wiseman, who was traveling in the mountains, found a precious stone in a stream. The next day he met another traveller who was hungry, and the wise man opened his bag to share his food. The hungry traveller saw the precious stone and asked the man to give it to him. He did so without hesitation. The traveller left, rejoicing his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But a few days later he came back to return the stone to the Wiseman. “I’ve been thinking,” He said, “I know how valuable the stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me the stone.” 7. Remarkable Quotations 197

Winning horse believes in his strength, losing horse believes in the magic.


You don’t have to figure out everything. Have faith and keep believing.


Mulla Nasrudin was worried by a vicious looking dog. “Don’t be afraid of him,” the owner remarked. “You know the old proverb, a barking dog never bites?” “Yes,” replied Nasrudin. “You know the proverb, I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb?” 198 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Don’t cry, it might weak the power of revenge.


Crying makes you feel comfortable, whereas holding on keep the heat alive.


A King’s soldier caught a man whom they thought was a spy from the next kingdom. In his bag, they found some delicious looking sweets. The greedy soldiers wanted to eat the sweets. But to make sure they were not poisoned, they made the man eat one piece first. Since he was fine, the soldiers gobbled up the sweets. On the way to the soldiers’ headquarter, the stranger suddenly fell, and began writhing and groaning in pain. Alarmed, the guard asked him what the matter was. He gasped out that perhaps the sweets had been poisoned, after all. The soldiers said, “But nothing has happened to any of us!” “Maybe it is a poison that takes a little time to work,” he replied feebly. The next second, the frightened soldiers abandoned the man to rush off to a doctor. The spy calmly gathered his things and left. 7. Remarkable Quotations 199

You may not be associated with gambling, but remember its rule.


Golden rule number two: If you gamble or not, doesn’t matter. You should know how to play it right.


Once a gambler asked a wise priest, “I was caught cheating at cards yesterday, so my partners beat me up and threw me out of the window. What would you advise me to do?” The priest looked straight to the man and said,“If I were you, from now on I would play on the ground floor.” This startled the disciples.“Why didn’t you tell him to stop gambling?” they demanded! “Because I knew he wouldn’t,” was the simple explanation of the priest. 200 Naked Wisdom of the Child

When your mission is on Mars, get used to meteors.


When you are climbing high, there will be people throwing stones at you. When you are dreaming big, there will be people telling you it is crazy. When you are working hard, there will be people who’ll laugh at you. But get used to it and move ahead. Take the stones and use them to build a pathway to your dream.


She dared to dream. Family got scared, School reevaluated her, Society mocked her every day, Relatives badmouthed her, but the dream was too high for all this. She bent the rules; she succeeds enormously. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” #Mahatma Gandhi 7. Remarkable Quotations 201

Money seeks attention; Intelligence earns respect.


Intelligence is sexy, don’t play stupid.


They say Health ahead of Wealth. My question is, “What if the cure for cancer is trapped inside the mind of someone who can’t afford education?” 202 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Every genius has a little madness inside, which differentiates him from a clown.


You need to differentiate yourself, sometimes by being crazy, sometimes by being genius.


Most of us take Einstein’s name as a synonym to genius, but he didn’t always showed such signs. Einstein did not speak until he was four and did not read until he was seven, causing his teachers and parents to think he was mentally handicapped, slow and anti-social. Eventually, he was expelled from the school and was refused admission to the Zurich Polytechnic School. It might have taken him a bit long, but most people would agree that he caught on pretty well in the end, winning the Nobel Prize and changing the face of modern physics. 7. Remarkable Quotations 203

Simple rule to work best, never make rules with the work.


When you work there is nothing known as hunger, there is nothing which is called day or night, there is nothing which is called Television or Internet. Work like Engineers and behave like Doctors.


Famed Hong Kong barrister and legislator Martin Lee once recalls a soccer coach who taught him to kick goals on and off the field. The teacher who was coaching soccer at Lee’s school gathered the players together and asked what they thought they should do if they were told during a game that they had fifteen minutes left to live. The boys pondered for a moment before giving answers in turn.“My answer was - Ask God for forgiveness,” said Martin, “but the coach shook his head.” ‘The next boy suggested, praying.’ Someone else said, ‘Ring my mother’ and so on until we had no more answers. The coach had the attention of the entire team as he gave the answer,“Just go ahead and shoot for the goal.” “That lesson taught me that when you are doing something, finish it,” says Lee. “It may not be nobler, virtuous, but in everything you do, just do your best and finish it.” 204 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The first step of doing a great job is to stop thinking about it as a great job.


Work sincerely every time. You may be the Dr. Gregory House, MD, or Sheldon Lee Cooper, Ph.D., Sc.D., of your field; still work hard, work sincere, work honestly. Every Time, Everyday!


In an interview, he was asked, “What is the secret of playing this massively for the last 24 years!” He said, “In the last 24 years I have pushed my body every time I entered the field. There hasn’t been a stage where I have conserved my energy and thought that there is no need to give 100 percent. I have always given my 100 percent. I have played cricket for the last 24 years for the nation just wanting to give my best and never to settle for the second best. I just wanted to go out every time and win the game. It is impossible to do that every time but as long it is in your heart, all that hard work and various things that I have done for the last 24 years to be able to deliver on the field, starts being appreciated.” #Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, former Indian cricketer also informally known as God of Cricket! 7. Remarkable Quotations 205

It is tough to believe the decision taken is right than taking the right decision.


Taking the right decision is easy; believing that you have made a right decision is tough.


“I don’t believe in taking right decisions, I take decisions and then make them right.” #Ratan Tata “Think 100 times before you take a decision, but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.” #Muhammad Ali Jinnah “You cannot take the right decision every time, all you can do is follow your heart, stick to your belief and let things work in their flow.” #Sarvesh Jain 206 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The best thing about your life is; you’re not only the hero but also the writer of your life.


If you cannot be the script writer, be the director. If you cannot be the director, be the lead actor. If you cannot be the lead actor, be the supporting actor but never be the audience.


Season: January 2014, Place: Garden lawn, Occasion: New Year Celebration. New Year’s resolution: To live life in my terms, improve the stature and initiate the legacy. Result: Tradition followed Resolutions and promises in vain! 7. Remarkable Quotations 207

Never sleep being mad, stay up and shout.


Time will give you two options. First: In the end, the only thing that can heal the broken heart is time. Last: Time will heal a broken heart…but not that bitches window. Don’t stay mad. Act!


Season: End of summer, Place: Principal office,Occasion : Hell lot of Complaints. Quarrelling half-hour session of ‘I didn’t do it’ and ‘it wasn’t my fault.’ Result: Student is laughing, Principal infuriated, matter closed again. 208 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If you want it, neither a principal nor the principle can stop you from getting it.


No one in this world can stop you from getting what you want.


A great Japanese warrior named Nobunaga decided to attack the enemy although he had one-tenth the number of men the opposition commanded. Still he knew that he would win, but his soldiers were in doubt. On the way, he stopped at a Shinto shrine and told his men, “After I visit the shrine I will toss a coin. If heads come, we will win; if tails, we will lose. Destiny holds us in her hand.” Nobunaga entered the shrine and offered a silent prayer. He came forth and tossed a coin. Heads appeared. His soldiers were so eager to fight that they won their battle easily. “No one can change the hand of destiny,” his attendant told him after the battle. “Indeed not,” said Nobunaga, showing a coin which had been doubled, with heads facing either way. 7. Remarkable Quotations 209

Make sure where to land before you jump. Usually people try to stay in the air, that’s the reason they fall so hard.


Presume how your relationship will look in a year, and then jump into it and follow the path you created. Do not make your life like a Temple Run, running endlessly. Know where you want to go and go in the destined path.


Season: Love, Place: Civic Centre, Occasion: Status Symbol. Acceleration in every corner, Cigar, and Coffee overflow the market ridge. Mission: Impress the girls, How: Not a clue, Consequences: Time, money, and respect in the ashes. Result: Another Ranjha deprived by the lack of planning! 210 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You learn more while travelling in a taxi than travelling in a Mercedes. But it doesn’t mean you need to travel in a taxi for forever.


People are maybe born in huts, but they shouldn’t live their complete life in it. Being born poor may be the Karma, dying poor is your action.


Subash Chandra Bose was a firm believer in action. He believed that dreams were sensible only when actions followed them! Most of the times, he behaved and worked just like any ordinary soldier. Once, during informal talks, an officer suggested, “Sir, let us write the history of Azad Hind Fauj.” Pat came the answer that truly sums his views and personality. “Let us first make it. Surely, then there will be someone who will eventually write it.” 7. Remarkable Quotations 211

Work in such a way that you doubt on your limits.


When you look back, it should amaze you to see how far you’ve come. You don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for and work such wonderfully that you doubt upon your limitation.


In 1865, Louis Pasteur was asked to study diseases of silkworms that threatened the silk industry, and after three years of laborious work, he found that there were two distinct diseases in silkworms, and showed how they could be prevented. When Pasteur was investigating the silkworm epidemic on request by the government, three of his children died in succession. “To go on persistently with your work under such conditions,” remarked a friend, “must require a lot of courage.” “I do not know much about courage,” replied Pasteur. “But I do know my duty.” 212 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You’ll face people above and beneath your strength. Be always prepared.


There is no equal competition in life; either you fight with John Cena or the Great Khali. And as it says, Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy.


Out of my three years of graduation experience and twelve years of school, I can tell you one thing very precisely, open up your ears and listen carefully. “Life isn’t fair; don’t expect life to treat you with rules, guidelines and manners. Because it won’t, never! Fight for what you want, and stand for what you deserve. End of story!” 7. Remarkable Quotations 213

The point of doing the work above your skills is to make it beneath.


If you want to do something, you cannot say I can’t do. You need to figure out how you can and how you will.


If Einstein would have said, No I cannot develop the theory of relativity, it’s too tough for me, or if Graham Bell would have said no, inventing the telephone would be impossible. Or Dr. Marie Curie would have said, I cannot study the new elements, it risk to my life then do the whole world would have known the cure for tumors? Or if Leo Szilard would have declined to study the nuclear element then the whole world would have known the power of the atomic bomb. Work above your limits so that you can achieve something extraordinary from an ordinary life. 214 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Don’t try too hard to fit somewhere, be alone, and be relaxed.


Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?


Which insane are you? The one who is the social butterfly, easily adjustable, little less on self-esteem and pride, who is scared of eating alone in the restaurant, or afraid to watch a movie alone? Or The one who stays with own solitude, the one who do not compromise with whom he/she shares the laugh, most importantly time. The one who thinks being alone is better than being with the bunch of stupid jerks. The one who is a freaking genius or an avid reader, or an author perhaps. P.S. - Sorry for what? For being alone in the mass of idiots? Or for burning yourself while creating the legacy? Or for caring sincerely because you have a working heart? Never be sorry for who you’re. 7. Remarkable Quotations 215

There should always be a little thirst, even though you live in a river.


You may be living in a library, but it should excite you to read a new book every day. You may be working in a cheesecake factory but getting a pastry free should be jubilant. Point is; you may be having lump sum but still there should be a desire to have little more than that. Seek more than given.


Socrates was in prison awaiting his execution. One day he heard a fellow prisoner singing a difficult lyric by the poet,Stesichorus . Socrates begged the man to teach him the lyric. “Why?” asked the singer! “So that I can die knowing one thing more,” was the great man’s reply! 216 Naked Wisdom of the Child

We are always in a hurry to find the truth, but we end up believing lies.


We want to solve everything overnight; we often believe what is being deluded to us. Take the time to believe the lies, take more time to believe the truths.


A man went to a market to know the value of the stones he found the other night. First dealer: “It is worth a penny!” He believed it and decided to sell one of the stone. And he went to another market. Second dealer: “The stone is good; I can give you a few bucks!” He again believed, and sold another piece. While returning he met another dealer and showed him the last stone, the dealer expressed his delight “Aah! Such a beautiful stone” for such a stone I can give you thousands of dollars at any moment. His fortune served him; his impatience cursed him! 7. Remarkable Quotations 217

May not now, may not today, may not tomorrow either? But one day, your every ounce of efforts will be recognized and rewarded.


Someday, the moon’s too going to shine.


Which kind of Philosopher are you? The one who is very affirmative in his actions, always the optimist about the life and believes in a better tomorrow! Or The one who works, who couldn’t care less, and pleasure life in every situation! Who thinks life is a one big party! And break every social rule. P.S. - Party hard but plan your hangover! 218 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Everyone is working, what matters is the Job that keeps their soul alive.


What keeps you awake at 2 in the morning other than your girlfriend, of course; that’s your passion; that’s your gift? You are already passionate; you need to believe in that.


She is the first woman scientist to head a missile project inIndia . She is the Project Director for many missile projects in Indian Defence Research and Development Organization. She was the Mastermind and was responsible for success of 3,000 km range Agni-III missile project, Mission Agni IV project, 5,000 km range Agni-V in 2009.The missiles were successfully tested on 19 April 2012. Because of her effortsIndia now features among the super powers. We salute her outstanding contribution to making India self-reliant in the field of missile technology. She is the real hero. She isn’t celebrity; she is ordinarily human with extraordinary passion. #Dr. Tessy Thomas, She is known as the ‘Missile Woman’ of India! 7. Remarkable Quotations 219

Being sad is a waste of time, be awesome.


When I get sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead. #Barney Stinson, How I Met Your Mother!


#TrueStory 220 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I doubt the existence of anything that makes you happy than seeing your biggest dream turning into reality. Just wow.


Trust me with this; the best feeling is to see your biggest dream, second by second, inch by inch turning to reality.


I’m leaving this section for the day of “Inaugural Ceremony” of this Book. Fill out this episode with your emotions or wait for another launch to see mine another dream turning another reality. 8. Love Quotations

Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. #Mother Teresa

Forward: In this section you might find the Love Quotations as you know Love above everything. Just everything! 222 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Love roots, not flowers.


Loving the outer beauty may satisfy you for a season, but loving the roots will cherish you for the centuries.


They fell in love… He proposed she nodded. They were young and crazy… Months later, they fell apart, Realizing in the end, they never loved the heart. 8. Love Quotations 223

Fall in love, again.


Do not fall in love darling, Rise in love. Rise in love with someone who is comfortable with your silence, find someone who doesn’t need your words to know that when you want to be kissed.


Six affaires. Six définitions. Then, he found her. For the first time, he could not define love. For the first time, he knew what love is. 224 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Even King bows in front of his queen, that’s not egoism, that’s love.


You may be the King, you may be the minister, you may be the tycoon, or you may be the pawn. But if she is your love, you bow your heart to her.


He gathered all his strength, all his Superheroes fraternity, tee shirts, DVD’s, Justice League Action Figures. He was the Super Man. They met, she kissed, her Kryptonite worked, again. He failed to captivate, again. 8. Love Quotations 225

We all love diamonds; point is to love rocks like diamonds.


Tricky one, we all say we love people, we love because they are loveable, love those who aren’t, that’s where your love power lies. Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a great deal to love a leaf. It is ordinary to love the beautiful but beautiful to love the ordinary


Last page of ‘The love diary.’ She seems perfect! He wants her to fit in the space of his heart; he was no more baffled with the illusory perfection. He got the answer! No more reality checks! She’s his lobster! And the nib was needed, no more. 226 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Novelist can create the new generation of love.


We are the authors; we create love sagas with words. We make people fall in love with stories. Now imagine what lovely life we can craft in real.


In an interview with the author, the journalist asked, “What do you see when you write?” The author thought for a moment and said we see what we want our audience to be, people wish their love story to be as written in the novels and shown in the theatres. I believe the future India lies in the hands of the today’s youth! We, therefore, strive today to build a story that inspires youth. The writers can go on with the fairy tales or they can write about the “Nirbhaya story.” They can think of the sequel of Twilight“ ” or write another story like the “Raanjhana”. We create the psychology of love, she added. 8. Love Quotations 227

Love in such a way that even cupids feel insecure.


If you love someone, love the best of this world, do everything you can to make that relationship last a lifetime. Let yourselves make the paragon of best couples.


They were the High-school Sweethearts, married and were together for over 15 years. Couple was assured they were in love, and they’ll always be with each other, maybe two bodies with a single soul. Time flies, good times, bad times, and worst times. They are still together, and they lived happily ever after. Yep, that’s how story ends. No heartbreak, no cheating, no wrestling scene, no kicking each other out of the house, no melodrama, no saying, ‘I could do better,’ Nothing, not a word more, happy ending that’s it! That’s the Disney Story! 228 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Loving someone may be difficult, but loving yourself unconditionally beats them all.


Loving someone is hard, loving yourself is harder.


Love story between the perfect couple! They broke up before customarily; reality was disturbing. Someone said they were too perfect for each other! 8. Love Quotations 229

Being someone’s love gives you strength and being someone’s trust gives you invincibility.


It gives so much of strength when someone trusts you completely, and it gives so much of madness when someone loves you deeply.


Mahatma Gandhi went from city to city, village to village collecting funds for the Charkha Sangh. During one of his tours, he addressed a meeting in Orissa. After his speech, a poor old woman got up. She was bent with age; her hair was grey, and her clothes were in tatters. “I must see him,” she thought and went up to Gandhi ji, touched his feet and then from the folds of her sari she brought out a copper coin and placed at his feet. Gandhi ji picked up the coin and put it away carefully. TheCharkha Sangh funds were under the charge of Jamnalal Bajaj. He asked Gandhi Ji for the coin, but Gandhi ji refused. “I keep cheques worth thousands of rupees for the Charkha Sangh,” Jamnalal Bajaj said laughingly “yet you won’t trust me with a copper coin.” “This copper coin is worth more than those thousands,” Gandhi ji said, “if a man has several lakhs and he gives away a thousand or two, it doesn’t mean much. But this coin was perhaps all that poor woman possessed. She gave me all she had. Her trust.” 230 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I can speak to 7 billion different people of this planet, except her.


Crush it is, Truth it is.


Twenty monks and one nun, who was named Eshun, were practicing meditation with a certain Zen master. Eshun was very pretty, even though, her head was shaved and her dress plain. Several monks secretly fell in love with her. One of them wrote her a love letter, insisting upon a private meeting. Eshun did not reply. The following day the master gave a lecture to the group, and when it was over, Eshun arose. Addressing the one who had written to her, she said: “If you love me so much, come and embrace me now.” 8. Love Quotations 231

Every girl deserves a guy who is intimate with her without letting her heart cry.


There is a place you can touch a woman that will drive her crazy. Her… heart.


“No more lies,” She pleaded. “I promise!” Irony winked. 232 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The moment you believe in, that’s where love, Magic, and Illusion happens.


Sometimes I say, sometimes I shout. Keep believing in a beautiful today and a better tomorrow. Because when you believe, all things are possible.


“Now even my dreams are in black and white,” He cried with lost hope. She brought a cappuccino, cheeseburger, and Choco chunks with extra chocolate chips. For the very first time, he felt so content. Hope has entered. 8. Love Quotations 233

Renounce the love, accept the friendship.


Being in the relationship gives you more privilege, but being in friendship doesn’t require any privilege.


She fancied her best friend but was afraid to risk the friendship. Her heart was in the bridge between the friendship and love, between the Joy and peace, between his heart and her heart. She couldn’t hold any longer. She asked him to meet in the riverside, between the sunset and the night, between the crowd and the solitude, between the breeze and the storms. As she expressed her love, she put every bit of her heart, every bit of her soul, and nothing could have made the evening better than those two stupid friends turned to beautiful lovers. And indeed it did happen, the two become one. 234 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If the relationship tag is enough to get laid. Don’t spoil the name of love.


People share themselves when they are in love that’s a different story. But being in love only to ‘make out’ that is highly unacceptable.


Her upbringing was modern, family is traditional and friends are of 90s. Her age desired the love and the stuffs followed. She cannot kiss a guy without being in a committed relationship, that’s the deal of the time, that’s the law to justify your act. For some people, being in the relationship and then making out is an act of honesty and love. But not being in the relationship and thinking to do so make you a prostitute or a gigolo. Think about it! Love suffices the soul, not body! 8. Love Quotations 235

Good relationship is not about coincidences; it is about sweet sacrifices and smiling compromises.


Good friendship is a hard working job; it is a job with no holiday and no fixed hours.


Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare and a serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be the blood transfusion from her 5-year-old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, “Yes, I’ll do it if it will save her.” As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled seeing the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale, and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, “Will I start to die right away?” Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her. You see, after all, sacrifice and attitude, are everything. 236 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If you are the one, she cheated for; soon you’ll be the one she cheated on.


If she is lying for you, soon she will be lying to you. Lying is an addiction.


Which one are you? The one she cheated on? Or The one she cheated for? P.S. - Either way you’re screwed. 8. Love Quotations 237

Have crush, it’s always good.


Dear crush, I’ll be fine as long as you stay single.


“Okay kids, we will now draw a circle!” Each time he would end up drawing a heart instead. The Geometry teacher was his first crush. 238 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Every day you add something to the relationship, either a spoon of understanding or the bucket full of misunderstanding.


A good relationship is more than a year job, and it cannot promise 30 min guaranteed delivery. It requires more than a stroke of luck to be great friends. It’s the result of daily efforts and constant nourishment.


The secret of the great friendship is; there is no secret, magic or luck in that. It is the two imperfect people who keep up the love, commitment and spark alive, irrespective of the situations. This is the secret. Live with this secret, and see its beauty. And you will suddenly realize - How great is the blessing of friendship! 8. Love Quotations 239

If you’ve brain, it’s easy to leave if you’ve heart it’s easy to be left out.


No one likes to be left out alone. But if your heart is stronger than the brain, perhaps you’ll be the one with more heartbreak.


The topper of the IIT met a junior doctor of the AIIMS. Brain plugged; heart unplugged. He did the Math, she measured the pulse, and both concluded its love. Campus arrived; dreams exchanged, cost was their love, He accepted the offer instantly; she declined gracefully. He knew the value of money; she knew the value of heart. 240 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Heart knows hundred reasons to love; mind knows one reason to not.


One mistake and everything you built over years vanishes. There may be 100 reasons why you should love, but still with that one reason you cannot.


“There are certain things in life where you know it’s a mistake but you don’t really accept it as a mistake because the only way to really know a mistake is to make that mistake, look back and say, Yup that was a mistake. So really, the bigger mistake would be not to make the mistake because then you’ll go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not.” #Lily Aldrin, How I Met Your Mother Season 01, Episode 21! 8. Love Quotations 241

No relationship will ever die by fighting over hundred issues, but by fighting hundred times over the same issue.


You can’t give up on someone because the situation is not ideal. Great relationships aren’t great because they have no issue. They are great because they care enough to create a way that works.


Once a married couple went to a guru seeking his advice for a quarrel free married life. The guru sat through all the complaints they had against each other and said, “Just stop claiming as a right what you can ask for as a favor.” The quarrelling instantly stopped. 242 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Even if there is a slightest chance of being with her. Go for it. It is worth every shot. Because you know that’s where your heart belongs to.


If you cannot cross a day without thinking of her, if you cannot cross a night without thinking of him. Then there is no reason you shouldn’t try one more time.


“If I love you?” he guessed, “I should let you move on!” as he faded himself in the smog. While some people move on easily, others are left shattered. He knew, “With Night many things reached an end.” In the next morning, he fell in love with her, again! 8. Love Quotations 243

Somewhere we all have to learn to move on.


Somewhere we know it is a truth.


Which player are you? The one weeping in the night, collecting yourself in the day, relishing the memories, making perfect moments in the mind, keeping their stuffs, missing him/her, feeling sorry for yourself because you believed she/he is the only one for your life! And thinking you’ll never be able to move on! Or The other side of the story! P.S. - In every breakup, there is a clear winner and a clear loser, it is true! One who folds up first is the loser, and the who has done well in real life is a winner. 244 Naked Wisdom of the Child

No matter how many times you may fall, you’ll never stop walking. That’s life; Love - get hurt - Re-love.


It’s like a cycle; you like someone, you fall in love, you embrace the love, you get hurt, you stop loving, time passes, you fall in love again.


The only way melody can be produced is by undergoing trauma via a heartbreak. Janardhan jokingly tells himself that since he hasn’t seen bad times, he hasn’t been able to reach his idol’s level of fame. He then suffers humiliation, which he deciphers as the perfect method for receiving the “heartbreak” and the key to “fame”. Life becomes more wonderful with the broken heart. Experience speaks louder. Words become better; songs become deeper; art becomes richer. So Keep on loving and keep on breaking your heart. #From the Bollywood Movie “Rockstar,” Year 2011! 8. Love Quotations 245

Lost love is better than no love at all.


If you’ve never lost your love than you’ve never followed your heart. And sometimes following your heart means losing your mind.


In the age of 16, nowadays as kids are smart so 14 or 13 maybe. Every love story in that age looks romantic and creates a love to be in the relationship. At that time, “You don’t care about the looks, nature, and heart breaks. You don’t care about the cheating and breakups either.” “6 years have passed, still seeking for a perfect love story. A story where there is only love, no pain, no tears! Still searching love in the novels and movies.” “That was a story of the cute girl,” as written in her secret, dear diary. 246 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Being in a relationship and still being yourself. Lucky duck.


Whole world is searching for a perfect soul mate, and people are becoming trailer made to fit others requirements. In the same world, it is blessings to be in the relationship and still being yourself.


“Koi Pyaar Kare to Tumse Kare, Tum jaise ho waise kare, tumhe badal kar Jo pyaar kare, who pyaar nahin, sauda kare aur Sahiba Pyaar mein Sauda nahin h o t a .” #From the Bollywood Movie “Mohabbatein,” Year 2000! 8. Love Quotations 247

If it doesn’t inspire you to look forward, you’re not in a right relationship.


The job of a relationship is to look forward, to make you believe in your crazy ideas, to untie your talents and fear, to uplift and support you all the time. You deserve to be with such person.


She suppressed her emotions; she wanted to be a good girlfriend. His expectations touch the sky, but she was a little daddy’s girl. She gave him everything he wanted, her dreams, her comfort, her love. He was a devil; he took everything with gratification, no gratitude. She was still with her; people thought she was a fool. Truth was she was in love! Love is nonsensical, but it’s still love. 248 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Leaving the love to check its authenticity is bullshit. Anything left out never returns and it shouldn’t either.


Love never returns. They are fools who believe in leaving and hoping for the return. And remember if they come back nobody else want them either. Believe in Karma.


Every time, someone loves her, she examines them rigorously. Queen demanded only the best. Karma conspired with her and then she fell in love. Love made her dance with her ego. And the fidelity clapped. Everything you do comes back to you. 8. Love Quotations 249

Most of the best relationship starts with teasing and ends with missing.


We all tease each other, we all enjoy each other’s company, and that’s where we start connecting. All that I’m after is a life full of laughter.


They were like 90s kids, teasing, fighting, calling names, making fun of each other. They believed in the innocent love. Goody, old days! “Laugher is not at all the bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.” #Oscar Wilde 250 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Never ask someone to love you, always be the one who could be loved honestly and deeply.


Show your love where it’s been valued deeply. Am I clear? Or shall I repeat!


In a garden, a rooster saw an iridescent pearl hidden on the ground. He greedily pounced on it, dug it out, and tried to force it down his gullet. When he noticed that the shiny object was not the grain of rice, he spits the pearl out. He had certainly checked the pearl, but what kind of taste was it. The pearl called to the rooster and said, “I’m a lustrous, precious pearl. By chance, I fell from a wonderful necklace and landed in this garden. There aren’t any pearl-like me everywhere. You would see thousands of wonders and beauties.” But the rooster crowed with a proud voice, “I’d give you away if someone would just trade me a grain of rice.” 8. Love Quotations 251

Don’t beg to be in a relationship, you have a heart; not a donation box.


Correctly value yourself and your power of love, it’s not about the looks or the figure you carry, or the complexion you hold. It lies in the power of how well you behave, how great you act and how deeply you love, yourself and others.


“There isn’t any good way to say this, so I’m just going to say it straight out.” He took a deep breath! A moment later he shouted “Get lost!” and fell his ass off. He knew the importance of love! But he also knew the importance of Self- respect! 252 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Do small things with big love, years after it’ll be most delightful thing.


Small things may hold big meanings. Small heads may hold big dreams.


First anniversary, he gifted her pen. Next anniversary, he gifted him a diary. An author by profession, he gifted her greatest blessings of his life. 9. Ease Quotations

When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt. #Henry J. Kaiser

Forward: In this section you might find the Quotations which will make you livelier person. 254 Naked Wisdom of the Child

When you have decided to live, live it with a bigger smile.


Live not because you have to, but because you want to. Live big-hearted and ignore self-conceit.


She fought cancer; she was brave, Accepted the chemotherapy. She was fashionable, She lived her life fully; she was generous. She still smiles, as she is a girl! 9. Ease Quotations 255

Rumors are not in your hand, enjoying life is.


Enjoy your life, on the beach or the swamp.


There was a man who was extremely conscious about his image; he tried every possible way to keep his image spotless. He did badmouthing, bitching and spoke innumerable lies to keep himself fair and white. Forgetting the fact that playing with mud doesn’t clean your spot. During his self-actualization phase, he realized that in order to keep his shirt white, he never wore it. And now his super clean white shirt is of no use. He never enjoyed his life. 256 Naked Wisdom of the Child

A moment of truth saves hundreds of lies, and every untold lie saves thousands of regrets. Nothing can beat the truth.


Truth is the Star Wars in the universe of Sci-fi, nothing can beat that.


Thousands of stories can be written to prove the importance of honesty! But none of the stories can surpass the ‘moment of epiphany’ that made your life more honest. Believe the moment when truth saved you and with that promise: “Let Truth Prevail in your heart.” 9. Ease Quotations 257

You may be the Ironman in real life, but without the Jarvis you’re little less. Be with your friends and appreciate them.


Friends are more important than any promotion. There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of your breakup.


Husband, “I’m going to work hard, and someday we are going to be rich.” Wife, “We are rich already, dear, for we have each other. Someday we may have money.” 258 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Somewhere we all need good friendship to feel calm within.


People make us silent; friends make us calm. Rest everything is a horrible chaos.


What do you believe more: facts of science or miracles of friendship? Do you believe that one good friendship can transform your life from hell to heaven and back to hell? Or You believe that everything that you feel is nothing more than a chemical locha in your brain? P.S. - Faith> Science || Miracles> Science || Love> Science. 9. Ease Quotations 259

You can choose friendship over love, but not vice versa.


Friendship is about love; love is about friendship. You need to be sincere every time. If love is the moon, friends are the stars.


What’s your pick? A friendship full of Love? Or A love full of friendship? P.S. - Both are different! But both are correct! 260 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I don’t make normal friends, either the best buddies or directly the mortal enemies.


Am I the only one?


Who are you? Someone with thousands of friends in the Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter? Or Someone who can shoot the person in the head, if they say a word against your friend? P.S. - Be bold or italic, never regular! 9. Ease Quotations 261

World has seen your success; friends have seen your failure.


Friends are the ‘Aalu’ of our Gupchup, no matter how tasty Gupchup looks like but without the ‘Aalu’ it is a little incomplete. That’s the success for me, having Few aalu to make my gupchup complete.


Which one are you? Scrolling whole menu, desiring different recipes, asking special orders? Or Enjoying same thing, with the same taste, every time. P.S. - Whole world knows the best dishes, but no one bat’s an eye about how many times the cook has made it worse before making it delicious. 262 Naked Wisdom of the Child

It is good to be dedicated, and it is also good to be with friends.


Whatever AIM you choose in your life, never imbalance with a friend who is your life.


What will you do? Break up with your girlfriend because you got an offer letter from your dream college or dream company? Or Break up with your dream because being with her is your life’s biggest goal? P.S. - Being with her and having a small world is a wise choice. There is no point of earning billions of dollars when you don’t have your love to share with. 9. Ease Quotations 263

Friends are the one you talk about troubles, not the one with troubles.


Friends will always be there to talk to you, to comfort you, to guide you and to find out the stupidest solution, to give you cranky advices but always there to kick you out from the troubles.


What do you believe is a friendship? To bring you a good lawyer when you are in the Jail? Or To be with you inside the Jail? P.S. - Crying with your friend is better than providing the tissue paper. 264 Naked Wisdom of the Child

One single reunion is good enough to assure that nothing has been changed.


You don’t need an eidetic memory to remember your friends.


What do you think is a better friendship? Being with each other all the time, supporting, laughing but whining at the back! Or Meeting after years but still treating like the old times, sharing-giggling-making fun of each other, and being honest. But again waiting for another reunion to talk, very less communication in between. P.S. - Being apart and being happy or being together but whining? What’s your pick? 9. Ease Quotations 265

If you can be with your friends, be always. If you cannot be with your friends, be always.


Friends are the like the battery of your cell phone; your life wouldn’t be on without them.


A man went to see a psychiatrist and said that every night he was visited by a twelve foot tall dragon with three heads. He was a nervous wreck, could not sleep at all and was on the verge of total collapse. He had even thought of suicide. “I think I can help you,” said the psychiatrist, “but I must warn you that it will take a year or two and will cost three thousand dollars.” “Three thousand dollars!” the man exclaimed. “Forget it! I’ll just go home and make friends with it.” 266 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Always be nice to your friends, because….


You don’t need reasons to be nice to them. Or for one: they knows all your secrets.


What’s your version? Being good to them because you want to? Or Being good to them because you have to? P.S. - Do what you want to do before doing what you have to do! 9. Ease Quotations 267

Being at the top doesn’t bring good friends, being on the bottom doesn’t take away good friends.


You may be the Director of your company, or you may be the associate. Being in top or bottom doesn’t take away good friends.


Which one are you? The one travels in Business class, having lots of meetings and MOU’s but always ready with an excuse to walk away from helping your old friend because you are too busy? Or You’re the one traveling in metro but can reach even to the moon, if your friend is in trouble? P.S. - The one who has been with you in all walks of life is the true one! 268 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Let’s enjoy the vivid colors of life too.


There are 24 crayons in the box, but imagine all the colors you can make out of them. Some creativity and different objects to color on.


There was a group of elderly gentlemen inDarjeeling who would meet to exchange news and have tea together. One of their diversions was to search for fine varieties of tea and create new blends that would delight the palate. When it was the turn of the oldest member of the group to entertain the others, he served tea with the greatest ceremony of measuring out the leaves from a golden container. Everyone had the highest praise for the tea and demanded to know what particular combination he had arrived at this exquisite blend. The old man smiled and said, Gentlemen,“ the tea that you find so delightful are the one that is drunk by the peasants on my farm.” The finest things in life are always neither costly nor hard to find. 9. Ease Quotations 269

Patience recharges your free smiles.


Sometimes you don’t need much of the skills; all you need is enough patience to tolerate the bullshit and guts to kick in the nuts.


There is a story about the Sufi fakir - Junaid. If someone cursed him or called him names, he would say, “Tomorrow I’ll come and reply.” If the person would ask, “Yesterday I called you names, why did you not reply then and there?” You are a strange man. Normally if a person is called names, he replies immediately, does not hesitate even for a moment. Junaid said, “My guru taught me that if you reply immediately then you are not in your conscience, so let some time pass. If someone calls you name and you reply instantly, your reply will have been made in unconsciousness because the bitterness has enveloped you, the heat is in your head, the smoke is in your eyes. Give twenty-four hours’ time, and then reply.” 270 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Shopping is one of the blessings of this world.


What’s the point of earning money if you cannot buy the stuff that makes you happy? Shopping is bliss.


Which freak are you? The one who shouts about the shopping? Or The one shops like shouting? P.S. - You must shop, it is fun, frolic and filled with fancy feelings, it is Fun- derful. 9. Ease Quotations 271

Usually, the one who is good with promises is the one who is little weak in keeping them.


People who make lots of promises are the ones who are weak in keeping them. Make fewer promises but fulfill them till your last effort.


President Truman attended the Yalta conference of the Allies during the Second World-War. He found Winston Churchill very difficult, adamant and hard to convince for anything. On the other hand, he found Joseph Stalin of Russia very affable, friendly and easy to convince. Churchill fought before putting signature on any agreement or amendment. Stalin was ever ready to cooperate and signed agreements without much difficulty. TheYalta conference concluded. The implementation of agreements began. The Truman found out the truth. Winston Churchill adhered to all the agreements and implemented them with total sincerity. Joseph stain did not care about what was agreed and proceed energetically to implement his secret agenda. The result of the two approaches is now history. 272 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Thousands of secret can be kept secret with one smiling face.


A book of secret is hidden under the smiling face.


Which face are you? The one always smiling but keeping a treasure of secrets? Or The one who spills everything? P.S. - Everything is ok as long as you’re happy with yourself. The day you’re not then think through it. 9. Ease Quotations 273

I do not count what I can fetch from the life; I count what I can give to the life.


Look at what you give to the world, not at what you get from it.


It intrigued the congregation to see their Rabbi disappear each week on the eve of the Sabbath. They suspected he was secretly meeting the Almighty, so they deputed one of their numbers to follow him. This is what the man saw: TheRabbi disguised himself as a peasant and served a paralyzed old woman in her cottage, cleaning out the room and preparing a Sabbath meal for her. When the spy got back, the congregation asked, “Where did the Rabbi go? Did he ascend into the heaven?” “ N o,” the man replied, “he ascended even higher.” 274 Naked Wisdom of the Child

People care when their stomach is hungry; dog always cares.


A dog accepts you as the boss. A cat wants to see your resume. Never trust a person if they don’t like dogs, but always trust a dog if they don’t like a person.


“Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out, and your dog would go in.” #Mark Twain “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” #Will Rogers “You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us.” #Robert Louis Stevenson 9. Ease Quotations 275

Being accepted by people is more important than being appreciated.


‘I accept you’ will be a bigger compliment than ‘I appreciate you.’


Once to test the wisdom of Nasrudin one man asked him, “What kind of weather are we going to have today?” Nasrudin replied, “The kind of weather I like.” “How do you know it will be the kind of weather you like?” To this Nasrudin replied, “Having found out that I cannot always get what I like, I’ve learned always to like what I get. So I’m quite sure we will have the kind of weather I like.” 276 Naked Wisdom of the Child

No matter what your plans are, life will always surprise you in the end.


You have to work hard for happy endings. You have to believe in the end. Good things come to those who work hard and never give up. Get up, dress up and Show up.


Claps all around, appreciation showering from corners, bouquets-roses in every nook and cranny of the hall. It seems like the world has bowed and commended his music. He worked hard to shed away his nervousness and with fanatic belief played the soul of music! His hard-work overruled the anxiety, and power of the music has raised him to some other universe. The anxious singer who was once scared to climb the school stage is now welcoming the awards from all over the world. At the end of the day, every decision to improve oneself is the right decision! 9. Ease Quotations 277

Life is all about Goodbye and Hello!


Import the Goodbyes and export the Hellos for the comfortable journey of life.


Which kind of traveler are you? The one with lots of baggage, always whining, keeping a distance from the companion? Or The one with headphones on, chips on, stalks the compartment, flirt with the lady companions and make the travel more enjoyable. P.S. - There are many different versions of travelers too, but my point is to embrace the nature of Journey. Everyone who is traveling with you has to depart some time; life doesn’t stop for forever! 278 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Nobody knows when the last goodbye is, so enjoy each and every moment at its best.


Stay awake some nights, be alone, watch the best shows, listen to crazy music, dream wild, do stuffs you want to do. No one can promise you the sunshine.


Which follower are you? Benjamin Franklin? (Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise) Or Honey Singh? (Haan main alcoholic hoon...Hoon toh hoon to main kya karoon Yes Imma party freakin’ crazy) P.S. - Whichever you choose, the ultimate goal is to enjoy you moments and be happy with your life, either with the Good health or a new ScoScottishtch, Whiskey! 9. Ease Quotations 279

One day you’ll be a memory for a few people. Be the best one.


One day your life will flash in front of your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.


A boy was drowning in a river, and he shouted for help. A man was passing by jumped in the river and saved the boy’s life. As the man was leaving the boy said, “Thank you.” The man asked, “For what?” The boy replied,“For saving my life.” The man looked into the boy’s eyes and said, “Son, make sure when you grow up that your life was worth saving.” 280 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You’re crying for lost love, or broken heart; meanwhile someone is happy for getting one-time meal.


Be thankful, you already have enough.


Once you understand you relax and in that relaxation is surrender. You say, “Thy will be done.” You say, “Do whatsoever you feel right, If clouds are needed today, give me clouds. Don’t listen to me; my understanding is tiny, limited. What do I know of life and its secret? Don’t listen to me! You just go on doing your will.” And, slowly, the more you see the tempo of life, the regularity of duality, the rhythm of polarity, you stop asking, you stop choosing. How great is the blessing of life! How much is being showered upon you every moment? 9. Ease Quotations 281

8th blessing would be to have all 7 blessings together.


Seven blessings of the life are Health, Relationship, Money, Wisdom, Power, Fame, and Spirituality.


Socrates believed that the wise person would instinctively lead a frugal life. He would not wear shoes, yet he constantly fell under the spell of the marketplace and would go there often to look at all the footwear on display. When one of his friends asked why, Socrates said, “I love to go there and discover how many things I’m perfectly happy without.” 282 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I know little about Breaks, U-turn, Opportunity and Magic. All I know is any moment can completely change your life.


Nothing is worse than missing the moment that could have changed your life.


A man was crying for missing the last train which could have changed his entire life. Hours passed Days too. He was still sitting in the railway station, wondering about life and the existence of his worth. An old wise woman came close and asked, “What’s wrong marshmallow?” “I missed it,” he said and became quite. An old woman gazed into his eyes and said, “We are defined by the opportunities even the ones we miss.” And both went home quietly. 9. Ease Quotations 283

Someday we will be apart, busy with our lives, occasionally missing, rarely calling. I never knew it would end this way.


No matter how many promises we make on the farewell day, day by day we lose each one of them; not because of our job, but priorities.


“Here’re the secret kids. None of us can vow to be perfect. In the end, all we can do is to make a promise to love each other with everything we’ve got. Because love’s the best thing we do.” #Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother Season 09, Episode 22! 10. Nurturing Quotations

“When people hurt you over and over, think of them as sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished, and they end up useless.” #Chris Colfer

Forward: In this section you might find the Quotations which will help you to grow and be a little kinder. Let’s be honest, we all need kind people. 10. Nurturing Quotations 285

Being good hurts be good anyway.


“When people hurt you over and over, think of them The world needs more healers. Be one. Don’t give up loving. Don’t give up your goodness, Even if people around burn you.


“When people hurt you over and over, think of them He was exasperating with the burned Rotis in the lunch box. She was listening and trying to comfort him. Then in the morning, he saw the burned hands; with the teary eyes and mumbling voice he apologized for his bad behavior. Now there was never fire in the home. 286 Naked Wisdom of the Child

On any single day, you can decide, to change the way life takes you.


At any given moment, you have the power to say this is not how my life will go on. You can change the way life takes you and return to the driving seat.


In the life changing seminar, The Speaker was quoting about the control of life. He said, “Most of the people love to drive machines, big cars. But believe me none of the machine can excite you more than the thought that you can control your life, the giant of all machines. Want to change the color or any specification of your machine? Do it!” Be the engineer of your life. You’ll not just drive, you will fly my boy, and you’ll fly. 10. Nurturing Quotations 287

If it doesn’t make you generous, it is not worth having.


It is not the power of your pocket, it is not the trophies on your shelf, it is not the no. of records you hold, but your willingness to help, your support to the needy, and your contribution to a better place makes you the legend. Humbleness, generosity, and decency have not only made the world a better place but have timely restored the faith in humanity.


1. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the charity run by Microsoft co- founder Bill Gates and his wife, announced that it will be donating $50 million toward fighting theEbola outbreak in West Africa. 2. The IT tycoon, Azim Hashim Premji emerging as the most generous Indian with a donation of Rest 8,000 crore in the year 2012! 3. Forbes, which has produced an annual list of billionaires for the past 25 years, said in 2012 that the “Harry Potter” author, JK Rowling, dropped from billionaire to millionaire due to her charitable giving. A grand salute to everyone who is restoring the faith and humanity in this world. 288 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Half of your problem will be solved, if you learn to eat, watch and travel alone.


Traveling or watching alone may be a little easy, it takes the guts out of you to sit in a restaurant and to eat alone.


Every place I traveled, I left some of me behind. Now when I’m old, I’m glad I’ll be found someday, by those even more adventurous than me. 10. Nurturing Quotations 289

A Little understanding and more love, that’s how you start. More understanding with a little love that is how you end.


You learn more about someone at the end of the relationship than in the beginning.


A girl kept slipping letters in her ex-boyfriend’s locker every day, hiding herself in the codename: Miss Incomplete without giving the guy a clue. One day, to the girl’s surprise, as she was about to slip another letter, she read the note on the guy’s locker saying. “Miss Incomplete, I think I’m falling for you all again.” 290 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Biggest breakdown can give you the biggest uplift.


Yes, it can and yes it cannot, depends on how you want it. Just because you encounter a setback or end up on another path, it doesn’t mean you’re stuck. Keep Innovating, implementing, and believing in what you do. You’ll get back on the track eventually.


Steve Jobs was fired from his company in 1985. Setback after setback,Jobs was determined. Jobs wanted Apple to be something special. But soon afterJobs left Apple he found a new company called NeXT. That company didn’t manage to have the access Jobs was hoping for well, but Apple purchased the software division in 1997 andJobs was back at Apple, becoming CEO in 2000. With the success of the MacBook, iPod, the iPhone and iPad, and a little animation company called Pixar, Jobs turned a mountain of failures into the ultimate success story. 10. Nurturing Quotations 291

Enjoys Owns’ solitude.


The best thing about you is you unless you are an A-hole, then you need not change.


Which one of the principles you follow? Just be! Sorry for What? And couldn’t-care-less’ attitude (Probably Fast Track) Or Be proud of yourself but keep on Improving! (Probably Me) P.S. - There is no fast track in life; there are no shortcuts for anything worthy. Love yourself, be proud of who you are but keep on improving! 292 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Now people are single by choice, not by the stars.


Fate brings people together. Choices decide who stays.


What’s your key? Being with someone because it’s scary to be alone? Or Being alone because your life is screwed? P.S. - Most of the people gets at least one chance to be with someone they want to be. It’s in their hand how well they use it. 10. Nurturing Quotations 293

Express your care and let others do in their ways.


Caring is situational. Sometimes it is in offering hands; sometimes it is slapping right on the face with the same hand.


An elderly couple celebrated their golden anniversary after long years of marriage. While eating breakfast together, the woman thought, “For fifty years I’ve always been considerate to my husband and have always given him the crusty top of the breakfast roll. Today finally, I want to enjoy this delicacy for myself.” She spread the top part with butter and gave the other part to her husband. Contrary to her expectations, he was very pleased, kissed her hand, and said, “My Darling, you’ve given me the greatest joy of the day. For over fifty years, I haven’t eaten the bottom part of the roll, which is the part I like the most. I always thought you should have it because you like it so much.” 294 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The world plays above the rules, but beneath the love...


Be you. You may not follow strict rules by the government, but you’ll follow everything was said by your wife or girlfriend; whichever you have.


A duke’s diamond-studded snuffbox had vanished. After the customary annual dinner for some of his old officers, he had handed it around for inspection. Now it was seen nowhere. There were no servants in the room at that time, so the guests agreed to turn out their pockets. But one officer vehemently objected to the proposal, even to the extent of leaving the room. Suspicion naturally fell upon him, especially since nobody seemed to know much about him. The following year, putting on the same coat as the year before, theDuke discovered the lost snuffbox in his inner pocket. He hunted up the old officer who had been suspected, found him in a miserable garret apartment, and apologized. “But” questioned the Duke, “Why did you not agree with what the other officers suggested, and thus save you from that terrible embarrassment and suspicion?” “Because,” explained the venerable old gentleman, “my pockets were full of broken meat scraps I had saved from the table to feed my wife and family who at that time were almost dying out of hunger!” The Duke wept! 10. Nurturing Quotations 295

Faith is be’lie’ving the be’lie’f.


There is a lie in the belief; there is a lie in believing still faith ignites both of them. But that’s how you learn to trust a person, and that’s how you do stupid things.


A poor town in India had a night watchman. Every night he would walk through the streets singing “All is well.” People hearing him would feel reassured; he helped them sleep. The watchman had gone to bed before most people came out for the day, so few ever saw him. This went on for years and years. Then one night, there was a robbery in the town, and the watchman said nothing. The next day the people went looking for him and discovered that the watchman was blind. I hope it rings some bells for you. #From the Bollywood Movie “3 Idiots,” Year 2009! 296 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Every big decision strengthens you from inside and changes you from outside.


Every decision you take or you accept, change you a bit.


Hyakujo, the Chinese Zen master, used to labor with his pupils even at the age of eighty, trimming the gardens, cleaning the grounds and pruning the trees. The pupil felt sorry to see the old teacher work so hard, but they knew he would not listen to their advice to stop, so they hid away his tools. That day the master did not eat. The next day he did not eat, nor the next day. “He may be angry because we have hidden his tools,” the pupils surmised. “We had better put them back.” The day they did so, and the teacher worked and ate the same as before. In the evening, he instructed them, “No work and no food.” 10. Nurturing Quotations 297

Anger disturbs mind more than liquor will ever be able to.


If you say, liquor disturbs the liver; anger disturbs the complete nervous system. There has been more accident in Angry‘ and drove’ than ‘Drunk and Drive’.


Breathalyzer showed the alcohol content; the whole system went infuriated. Calls made, Reports written, Case registered, Guilty behind the bars, File closed. No one dared to ask, accident happened because of Liquor or Anger. Reality was too scary for everyone! 298 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I’ve seen prostitutes making the world happier than the people who criticize prostitution.


Think about it.


A very beautiful message was written on the gate of the brothel! “Married men are not allowed. We serve the needy, not the greedy!” 10. Nurturing Quotations 299

It is ok that seeds are still shrubs; someday they shall become the trees.


When things don’t happen to work right away. Remember: It takes 6 months to build a Rolls-Royce and 13 hours to build a Toyota.


Story of the McDonalds Mc Donald’s was started as a drive-in restaurant by two brothers, Richard and Maurice in California, US in the year 1937. The company began in 1940 as a barbecue restaurant. In 1948, they reorganized their business as a hamburger stand. IT was between 1992 and 1996, when McDonald’s opened its first outlet in India. However in the early 1990s, McDonald’s was in trouble due to changing customer performances and increasing competition by 1998. And now everyone knows the facts and figures. The McDonald’s Corporation is the world’s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving around 68 million customers daily in 119 countries across 35,000 outlets. Have patience, things will work out for you. 300 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Most of the promises start with ‘always’ and ‘never’ but end with opposite.


Be weak in making promises, and be strong in fulfilling it. Be careful in believing the ‘Always’ and ‘Never’ phrases.


Charlie was an irresistible Casanova and was always famous among the girls, may be because of his charming face and lucrative words he used to flirt with girls or may be because he lived in a luxurious beach-house. His first promise with every girl was to, Love her always. Second to never hurt her. But in the morning exactly opposite, always leave her and never see her again. 10. Nurturing Quotations 301

If you take care of your things, they will last.


Taking things granted means allowing things to take you. Start caring now!


Ted was a famous businessman; his wealthy lifestyle includes old champagne, new Mercedes, and hot girls. He never cares to think much. But soon he started facing short of cash, his bills were unpaid, EMI’s and high loans were killing him. He panicked and went to the counselor who by luck was his old friend, discussing the trouble he is going through, he sought the permanent solution! His friend was intellect and wise, he was well aware of the lifestyle of Ted, He gave him the simple solution for all his problems, which was: “Start taking care!” If you don’t care, nothing will last. Nevertheless, it makes sense. 302 Naked Wisdom of the Child

‘No’ Only two alphabets word. But sometimes it takes a whole life to learn to say it gracefully.


Saying yes, takes courage. Saying No needs courage.


Once after the soft skills seminar inIIM , the professors were astonished seeing such great talent in the country. Asked out of curiosity one of the deans, you have a very profound personality, I’m sorry but how come you are wearing a brown color tie with black shoes. It’s not matching your stature. He said with bleak eyes, “This tie is a gift from my wife, and I still don’t know how to say No, whenever she asks me to wear.” 10. Nurturing Quotations 303

In 24 hours, minimum 24 minutes should be spent on practicing gratitude.


Shukrān (Arabic), Merci Merci beaucoup (French), Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu (Japanese) Obrigadinha (Portuguese), Gracias Muchas gracias (Spanish), Thank you (English) or Dhanyavād (Hindi). Choose any language you wish, but never go to bed without thanking someone. It is not formality; it is manners.


Which one are you? The one who thanks the attendant for filling up the glass? Or The one who thinks there is no‘Thank you’ needed in society P.S. - Be the first one to thank even when not needed, even when not asked for, even in the friendship and in the family too! 304 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Do not worry about the people who are fake, eventually they will evaporate in the heat of your honesty


Stay honest even when the whole world is lying.


Mulla was employed as a servant in a rich Zamindar’s house. After working there faithfully for 11 long years one day he told his boss, “Enough! I’ve had enough! I want to leave. Nevertheless, you do not trust me.” “I do not trust you?” exclaimed the Zamindar. “Mulla, I’ve treated you like a younger brother for 11 long years. That is why, even the keys of the safe are always lying on the table, and you say I do not trust you?” “Yes, the key chain is always lying on the table. I agree with you,” said the Mulla, “but none of the keys fit the safe!” 10. Nurturing Quotations 305

It’s always better to be sure of Éclairs than looking for a Bournville.


Fewer fixed returns are better than high insecure returns. Sometimes it’s too big to fail.


To ensure that his property would always remain safe and protected, a miser sold all that he had and converted it into one great lump of gold, which he hid inside a hole in the ground. He would go there quite often to visit and inspect it. One of his workers became curious and suspected that his master had hidden a treasure. When the miser’s back was turned, the worker went to the spot and stole the gold. Soon, when the miser returned and found the hole empty, he wept and tore his hair. A neighbor, who witnessed his grief, told him, “Don’t fret any longer. Just take a stone and put it in the same place. Then imagine that it is your lump of gold. Since you never meant to use it, the stone will be just as good as the gold.” 306 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The whole world is an illusion, illusion that you own something, and you can lose something.


If you want to worry about losing something, worry missing a chance to help the needy.


Long ago, there lived a rich King, who, despite his luxurious lifestyle, was neither happy nor content. The King one day, noticed his servant who was jubilant all the time who sang songs while he worked. The King felt why I was so unhappy even if I had all the luxuries while a servant with almost no luxury was so happy. The King called up the servant. King: Why are you so happy? Servant: Your Majesty, I am nothing but a servant, but my family and I don’t need too much, just a roof over our heads and warm food to fill our tummies. That’s all I have, and that’s all I need. 10. Nurturing Quotations 307

Life itself will reveal hidden pages. In a hurry, you might unravel some.


Everything will come with the right time. When you try too hard, you might destroy few beautiful pages of life.


A pilgrim wanted to climb a mountain. He started his journey, and it was night by the time he reached a village at the base of the mountain. An old wise man of the village lent him a lantern so that he could proceed onwards without delay. The pilgrim exclaimed, “The light that it gives goes only two steps, is there a more powerful lantern?” “No problem!” said the old wise man, “It will do. At every step, it’ll illuminate the next two steps. Take a step at a time, and you’ll reach your destination.” The miracle of successful living is that each small step towards success brings more success. 308 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Another way of living the life is believing everything was is and will be the best.


I firmly believe in a quote written in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, everything was good, everything is good and everything will be good.


Today Disney rakes in billions from merchandise, movies and theme parks around the world, but Walt Disney himself had a bit of a rough start. He was fired by a newspaper editor because, ‘He lacked imagination and had no good ideas.’ After that,Disney started a number of businesses that didn’t last too long and ended with bankruptcy and failure. He kept plugging along. However, he eventually found a recipe for success that worked. #Walter Elias “Walt” Disney, co-founder of “The Walt Disney Company!” 10. Nurturing Quotations 309

You have to move alone in your journey, people come and go, that’s the nature, that’s the truth.


Nature puts people in your life for a reason and removes them from your life for a better reason. No, you cannot know the reason behind.


A man was devastated, broke and lonely; he went to an ocean to end his life. He sat on the edges of the ocean and waited for the waves to pull him inside. Hours passed; no waves came. He went little more towards the center and then he again tried still then no waves were strong enough to pull him. And then he realized, even if he has to die he alone has to do the work, not even waves will help him. He was enlightened by the waves and moonlight. Sometimes you feel you need someone to move ahead in your life. But let me assure you, life moves on, with or without someone. Have trust in that. 310 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Everyone has some secrets, and no matter how close we are, sometimes it is good keeping it as a secret only.


Even if you are in a relationship for decades, even if you think you are the closest person he or she can have, even if you’re the soul mate of someone but some secrets should remain as secrets only. Do not disturb the balance of chaos.


Alan is a man of integrity and honors, a man with pride and self-esteem. His charismatic charm and his life principles involve maintaining a transparency with his girlfriend. One day she made a wish to know what all secrets he had which he was ashamed of. As he was the man of truth, he told her everything. Every tiny little secret he shared with her in respect of her wish. The next day, she broke up with him. 10. Nurturing Quotations 311

Plant something magnificent today, cherish when it blossoms and feel satisfied when you reap. That’s all about you need to learn in the life.


Planting the seeds of Mango will not cultivate an Apple tree. Be careful of what you plant, someday you’ve to reap too.


Once Lord Vishnu was granting three wishes to a devotee. First wish: “I want my wife to die so I can marry a better woman.” His wish was immediately granted. But sooner he began to recall the virtues of his wife, the devotee asked the Lord to bring her back to life. That left him with just one petition. He was determined not to make a mistake this time; he consulted widely. Some advised him to ask for immortality, some for money and wealth. Years passed, and he had still not made his choice, life or health, or wealth or power or love. Finally he said to the Lord, “Tell me what to ask for.” The Lord laughed when he saw the man’s predicament and said,“Ask to be content no matter what you get.” 312 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Some people are always grumbling about their bad lives. I’m thankful that I have a life.


Stay Thankful.


The usual morning scene, birds chirped, the sun came up, trees woke up, everyone got busy with their lives, and it was a typical day for everyone. Although no one was and can never be assured of another morning. Someone out there struggling with their last breath, someone didn’t make this morning. But you did, make your morning worth waking up! 10. Nurturing Quotations 313

At some point in time in our life, we feel loneliness and insecure, that was the point where Vasco da Gama sailed through troubles and explored the wonderful country India.


You never know what’s coming up next in your life, surprises, and more surprises. Keep on working, keep on exploring.


Temptation so tormented a monk that he could bear it no longer. So he decided to abandon his cell and go somewhere else. As he was putting on his sandals to carry out his resolve, he saw another monk not far from where he stood was also putting on his sandals. “Who are you?” he asked the Stranger. “I’m your inner self,” was the reply. “If it is on my account that you are leaving this place. I would have you know that no matter where you go I shall go with you.” 314 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Hold onto your thoughts, so as they don’t become your actions. Hold your actions so as they don’t turn into feelings. And as you know feelings hurt.


You need to steer yourself at every stage, and keep directing it. Last moment job may not work every time.


Midnight talks: “Let me sleep,” she cuddled and smiled. “My eyes are heavy!” she added. The boy whispered,“So is my heart.” His unruly feeling brought the dark circles. 10. Nurturing Quotations 315

What a wonderful thought that one of the best persons is about to come in our life, and will make us realize why it never worked with anyone else.


A good relationship is worth wait. Keep believing.


After eight years of saying wrong things, falling for the wrong women and pulling countless number of classic Schmosby moments, he is finally going to get it right. But if there’s one thing we learn from Ted Mosby, is never to give up on love. “But love doesn’t make sense! You can’t logic your way into or out of it! Love is totally nonsensical, but we have to keep doing it... or else we’re lost and love is dead and humanity is just packing in. Because love is the best thing we do! Look, I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s just true. You love him, and he loves you, and that doesn’t have to make sense to make sense.” #Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother Season 9, Episode 22! 11. Unorthodox Quotations

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus #Francis Pharcellus Church, the (New York) Sun

Forward: In this section you might find the everyday sayings in a fascinating way. 11. Unorthodox Quotations 317

Be the story, not the gossip.


Be the story that inspires people, not the gossip that amuses them.


Louis Pasteur was elected by the French Government to represent the country at the International Medical Congress in London. When he entered St. James Hall amidst tumultuous applause. Pasteur was however blissfully unaware that he was the cause of ovation. He turned to his escort and said little hesitatingly, “It must be the Prince of Wales arriving. I’m sorry I did not come earlier.” 318 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Even Royale paints cannot coat the furious truths.


You can use the best versions of lies, use the sweetest way of covering the truth but no matter how hard you try, the sun will come shining. Golden Rule number three: it may be hard but always speak the truth.


C.V. Raman built the Raman Research Institute in 1949. Several applicants were interviewed for the post of scientific assistant. After the interviews had been completed, Raman found a candidate (Who was found unsuitable for the post) waiting outside the meeting room. Raman approached him and asked sharply, “What you are doing here? I told you, we cannot take you in. Why do you linger here?” “Sir, I know that, but I’ve come back to return the excess traveling allowance paid to me by mistake of your office” the applicant shuttered. “Oh, is it?” said Raman, surprised, keeping his hand on the applicant’s shoulder, and taking him to the office.“Come in, you have just been selected for the post! It matters not if your physics is inadequate. I can teach you that. You’re a man of Character. That’s Important to me!” 11. Unorthodox Quotations 319

Silent eyes speak more than sparkling lips.


As said by every great philosopher, every great poet, every great writer, every great artist, eyes can reveal everything. So lie in a smarter way. Science knows everything.


She checked up her lip gloss twice and eyeliner thrice, she was looking beautiful, as always. But there was something in her mind that was contradicting the glow of her face, her eyes were wandering, seeking some comfort. But lips were busy smiling and taking selfies. A boy looked her carefully, took her to the corner and whispered, “Stop pretending, I can see the tears!” For the first time, her Dark hazel eyes were happy to overgrow the beauty of her lips. 320 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Utilize your every minute to furnish the beautiful home of the future.


Every brick counts while making a beautiful home, so does every second count while making a beautiful future. You may not be there yet, but you are closer than yesterday. Utilize every second properly.


When the master heard that neighboring forest had been devastated by fire, he mobilized all his disciples. “We must replant the cedars,” he said. “The cedars?” exclaimed an incredulous disciple. “But they take 2,000 years to grow!” “In that case,” said the Master, “there’s not a minute to lose. We must set out at once.” 11. Unorthodox Quotations 321

In the thoughts of winter, I finally learned that there was an invincible summer in me.


Problems you have in your head can never be stronger than the solution you’ve in your heart.


Once a man and a lion were traveling together. They began arguing about who was braver and stronger of the two. Just as their tempers started to flare, they passed a statue carved in stone depicting a lion being strangled by a man. “Look at that!” exclaimed the man. “What more undeniable proof of my superiority can you have than this?” “That’s your version of the story,” responded the lion. “If we were the sculpture, there would be twenty men under the paw of a single lion.” 322 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Do not take a big decision on quick reactions.


Look for the response, not reaction.


One day Sagar angrily rushed to his neighbor’s house. “My cow has been mauled by your bull, and I’m entitled to some compensation,” he said. The neighbor angrily told him,“How dare you demand compensation from me? How can men be responsible for whatever damage an animal has done?” “Yes, yes, you are right,” said Sagar. “But I seem to have made a mistake. Let me put it in this way. It was my bull that attacked your cow. But it doesn’t make any difference now.” 11. Unorthodox Quotations 323

Health recovery is 10% medically, 90% mentally.


Psychological issues are hardest to solve.


When the Master invited the Governor to practice meditation and the Governor said he was too busy. TheMaster replied, “You remind me of the condition of a man walking blind-folded into the jungle and too busy to take the blindfold off.” When the governor pleaded the lack of time, the Master said, “It is a mistake to think that mediation cannot be practiced for lack of time. The real cause is the agitation of the mind.” 324 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Actions around Desires are more important than Planets around Axis.


You may be Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini or anything. Nothing can stop you from achieving what you are working for.


There are only 12 Sun Signs and 7 Billion People. Each sign is controlling approximately 600 Million People! So If Your Horoscope Says, You Are Screwed then Be Happy! You Are Not Alone! 11. Unorthodox Quotations 325

Sometimes thoughtful advice from a mediocre mind is more helpful than a random advice from experts.


Sometimes people who know a little can help you more.


One evening King Bhoja was out for a stroll along with his royal poet Magha. Enjoying nature’s beauty they moved far away from the city and lost their way. They chanced upon an old woman collecting dry twigs for fuel. Both prostrated and asked, “Mother, we want to reach Dharanagar. Where does this pathway go?” The granny smiled and said,“This path does not go anywhere; it remains where it is. Who are you?” King Bhoja answered, “We are wayfarers.” Granny said, “There are only two wayfarers, the sun, and the moon. Out of these who are you?” Poet Magha responded, “We are guests, mother.” Granny said, “Life has only two guests, youth, and money. Out of these who are you?” Both the King and the poet were wonderstruck at the quickness of wit of the lady. At last King Bhoja conceded, “Mother, we are people not having wisdom.” To this, the granny replied, “O. King, I’ve already recognized you to be Bhojaraja by gentleness of your words. All right, if you go this way, you will reach Dharanagar.” 326 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Life of the thoughts is defined by the people who follow it.


You create your own followers, and then your followers create you.


My first quote created my first reader, my first reader inspired my second quote. And so on, “The Journey of 101 Milestones” and “Naked Wisdom of the Child” started with a single step. #TrueStory 11. Unorthodox Quotations 327

God may cry, devil won’t.


We all are a little devil to hide our pain.


The family was gathered at the dinner. The eldest boy announced that he was going to marry the girl across the street. “But her family did not leave her a penny,” objected his father. “And she hasn’t saved a cent,” added mother. “She doesn’t know a thing about football,” said junior. “I’ve never seen a girl with such funny hair,” said sister. “All she does is read novels,” said uncle. “And such poor taste in the choice of her clothes,” said aunt. “But she is not sparing of the powder and the paint,” said grandma. “ Tr u e ,” said the boy. “But she has one supreme advantage over all of us.” “What’s that?” everyone wanted to know? “She has no family!” 328 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I’m sure, Normalcy isn’t our style of living.


To live legacy, you have to leave normalcy.


Kelvin, unable to meet his class one day, posted on the door of his lecture room a notice that read, “Professor Kelvin will not meet his classes today.” The disappointed class decided to play a joke on the professor. Erasing the ‘C’ they left the legend to read, “ProfessorKelvin will not meet his lasses today.” The next day when the class assembled in anticipation of the effect of their joke, they were astonished and chagrined to find out that the professor had outwitted them. The legend was now found to read, “Professor Kelvin will not meet his asses today.” 11. Unorthodox Quotations 329

The Point of earning billion dollars is not to have money in the deathbed, but to live life as a King.


Money doesn’t matter but before saying be in stature you don’t regret saying. Have enough money that your bank balance looks like a phone number.


Guru Nanak knew of a certain rich miser Dhuni Chand, who only lived to hoard. He once gave the latter a needle. “A needle, my Lord!” the rich man was puzzled. “What do I do with this?” “Oh, keep it safe and return it to me when you meet me in heaven,” Guru Nanak sounded very casual. “How, my Lord, how? Surely I’m not going to carry this needle there.” “That is it, my son; that is it. Then why do you accumulate wealth, instead of using it for the good of others?” 330 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Gradually the web of society will trap you, be the Spiderman anyway.


Societies, societies, societies they are the hardest, toughest trap of all times. Once you start listening to them, you are finished.


A group of frogs was traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell and died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?” The frog explained to them I did hear you but I chose to ignore. 11. Unorthodox Quotations 331

The key to everything is patience, but what’s the key to patience?


Patience is the key; I got that. But has someone found the key to patience? The key is - More Patience.


There was a beautiful garden in the palace of King Joey’s. There were varieties of fruits. This attracted monkeys, and they came in huge numbers every day to enjoy the fruits, especially mangoes. It created a lot of disturbances, so the King gave the instruction to drive these monkeys away. Harassed by all this, the monkeys went and complained to their King. After a lot of thoughts, how to solve the problem, the King came up with a brilliant idea. He decided to buy the adjoining land and plant mango trees for his monkeys. Since it’s the adjoining plot, mangoes were likely to grow, and since it’ll be their land, they could eat all the mangoes they wanted to and not feel scared. Within the next few days, all the formalities were completed, and the land was bought. Now, all the monkeys dug up the land and planted the seeds of the mangoes. They were curiously waiting for the trees to come up, but nothing seemed to be happening! Restless and impatient, that monkeys are, they waited for two days and then dug up the ground to see if the mango trees were growing! Be patience for what you want to achieve, time will have to be given. 332 Naked Wisdom of the Child

I never knew standing out would make you someday an outstanding student.


The bright side about standing outside the class, you might win the Outstanding Student award. #TrueStory


Some teachers of my college are still baffled by the fact that how anyone who always stood outside the classroom can be awarded the “Outstanding Student Award!” While the student said nothing, other than rubbing their nose with the ‘Trophy’ again and again! 11. Unorthodox Quotations 333

There is always a disproportion between the enjoyment and the desire of winning.


Either you enjoy hard or you play hard. It is tough to do both at the same time.


The incident relates to the period whenLincoln was practicing as a lawyer. A man approached Lincoln with the documents of his case as he wanted Lincoln to be his lawyer. After examining the documents,Lincoln said, “Your case can be won only on illegal points.” Then he abruptly returned the documents to the man and added, “It is impossible to win this case following the path of truth. I suggest you engage another lawyer. If I take up this case, the fact that it is a false case will rumble in my mind, and I will be under constant pressure that I’m speaking a lie in the court. It is possible that I may say so in the court and then you’ll lose the case.” 334 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Be thankful. For one reason, you’ve something to eat.


There is always a reason to be thankful.


“I need money. Can you lend me hundred dollars?” asked his friend. Barney: “I have the money, but I won’t give it to you. Be grateful for that!” Angrily the friend replied. “You have money and don’t want to give it to me, I can rather understand. But that I should be grateful for it is not only incomprehensible, but a downright disgrace.” “My dear friend,” Barney answered, “you asked me for money. I could have said, ‘Come tomorrow.’ Tomorrow I’d have said, ‘I’m sorry I can’t give it to you yet; come back day after tomorrow.’ In this way, I could have held you off till the end of time, or at least until someone else had given you the money.” “But you wouldn’t have found someone else because you would have been so preoccupied with coming to me. So, I tell you in all honestly that I’m not going to give you the money. So, you can look for it elsewhere. Be grateful for that.” 11. Unorthodox Quotations 335

Be thankful to the one who made food for you, and also be thankful to the one who brought it to you.


It maybe the cook who prepared the food for you, or it may be the person who brought it to your table. Thank them.


During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?” Surely this was some joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark- haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade. “Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your careers you will meet many people. All are significant and deserve your attention, even if all you do smile and say ‘hello.’ “ (I’ve never forgotten that lesson.) 336 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Life would be more amazing and helpful if we could control time.


People believe that whatever comes in life, comes for good. I didn’t know Tsunami, Gujarat earthquake, Uttarakhand floods, and 26/11 Mumbai Attacks, 1993 Bombay Bomb Blasts, Bangalore - Pune - Hyderabad - Delhi Bomb Blasts, Peshawar attacks were for humanity.


Ramkrishna Paramhans was suffering from throat cancer in the last days of his life. The treatment bore no fruit. The disease spread. A famous scholar of Calcutta came to him and said, “The doctors have failed. Now the only remedy is that you should pray to the goddess thrice to end your suffering. ” Ramakrishna spoke with some difficulty, “Shashidhar! Should I say such thing to a mother? Does the goddess not know what is in my interest? She does what she deems fit. I’ve never asked anything of her. I will never ask anything from her. Whatever she is doing, she is doing for the goodness!” 11. Unorthodox Quotations 337

In the end, some of your greatest tragedies become some of your greatest revolutions.


The bright thing about the earthquake is you don’t have to do mining anymore. It means find out the best out of worst.


Which one are you? The great Optimist or the typical pessimist? Or The true realist or the fast opportunist? P.S. - It is good to be optimistic in your life, it is also good to take backups of the failure, but it is better to accept the reality and find the quick opportunity lying in there. 338 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Believe in yourself as much as you believe in your creator.


To the atheist and preachers, one thing is clear. Believing yourself is greater than believing only the one who created you.


A master was traveling with one of his disciples. The disciple was in charge of taking care of the Camel. They reached an oasis at night, tired and exhausted. It was the disciple’s duty to tether the camel. But he did not bother to do it, and he left the camel outside. Instead, he simply prayed. He said toGod , “Take care of the Camel,” and promptly fell asleep. In the morning the camel was gone, maybe stolen or had wandered away. The master came out and asked, “Where is the camel?” The Disciple said,“I don’t know. You ask God. I had told Allah to take care of the Camel as I was too tired and went to sleep. So I don’t know, and I’m not responsible either. You go on teaching ‘Trust Allah,’ so I trusted. Now don’t look at me with anger.” The master said, “Trust in Allah but tether your camel first because Allah has no other hands than yours.” 11. Unorthodox Quotations 339

Prayers are like defibrillation, last attempt to set everything back.


I don’t know what that big word means but I know praying works every time.


Why trust Allah if you are tethering the camel? Asked the Disciple. The Master said, “Because a tethered camel can also be stolen. Nothing depends only on my action. There are thousands of energies crossing and interacting with each other. The total of the energies will decide the outcome? But if I don’t do anything then things may never be the same. I have to do, and yet to learn not to expect. Then doing my work is a kind of prayer. There is no desire that the result should be such and such. Then there is no frustration. Trust will help you to remain happy. Tethering the camel will help you to remain alive, intensely alive.” 340 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Play, when you are a kid. And play, when you are not.


Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are the cheese or wine.


Which suits you? A man with big medical Insurance? Or A man who just brought a ticket to Vegas? P.S. - Enjoy your life before you realize that you’re growing too old to enjoy your life. 11. Unorthodox Quotations 341

Copying anything isn’t bad when it improves the lifestyle. Or when it is Assignment time.


Only a student can understand the importance of Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Everything is fair in Love, War and Projects too.


Charlie was a well-known writer and was invited to deliver an hour-long lecture to a group of college students who planned to be writers. Charlie opened his lecture with a question, “How many of you intend to be writers?” All hands went up. “In that case,” said Charlie, “my advice to all of you is to go home and write.” With that, he left. 342 Naked Wisdom of the Child

If you end up living a miserable life, because you were listening to the high society. Yup, you got it right, it’s your fault.


Societies are just the bunch of people who love interfering with the peace, prosperity and prestige of others. They are those crabs which cannot climb out from the jar, so they scare the new dreamers. But you need to listen to yourself, trust your instinct, even it may be wrong. Go for each and every dream you’ve in your bucket list. Always worth it!


The family settled down for dinner at the restaurant. The waitress first took the order of the adults, then, turned to the seven-year-old. “What will you have?” she asked? The boy looked around the table timidly and said. “I’d like to have a hot dog.” Before the waitress could write down the order, the mother interrupted. “No hot dogs,” she said. “Get him a steak with mashed potatoes and carrots.” The waitress ignored her,“Do you want ketchup or mustard on your hot dog?” She asked the boy. “Ketchup,” he said. “Coming up in a minute,” said the waitress as she started for the kitchen. There was a stunned silence when she left. Finally, the boy looked at everyone present and said, “Know what? She thinks I’m real!” 11. Unorthodox Quotations 343

Life is much like the Mario, you get a life, you take coins, you kill bugs, you find shortcuts, you leap, you bump and somehow you manage to reach next level.


Never stop playing Mario. TheMario needs you.


Which one are you? The one who still loves to play video games? Or The one with the ‘toothbrush mustache’? P.S. - I couldn’t care less if anyone doesn’t like to play Video Games! I like it; I’ll play it. Period! 344 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Sincerity is checking your mail before Facebook.


Say no more!


When the King visited the monasteries of the great Zen Master Lin Chi, he was astonished to learn that there were more than ten thousand monks living there with him. Wanting to know the exact numbers of monks the King asked, “How many disciples do you have?” Lin Chi replied, “Four or five at the most.” 11. Unorthodox Quotations 345

Revenge is like playing a game of chess; requires patience, planning, and sacrifices.


Life is like playing chess with God. After every move we make, he makes the next. Our moves are called choices, and his moves are called challenges.


Nasrudin was muttering to himself delightedly. His friend asked him what it was all about. Said Nasrudin, “That idiot Ahmed keeps slapping me on the back each time he sees me. Well, I’ve put a stick of dynamite under my coat today, so this time when he slaps me he will blow his arm off!” You can never burn someone without burning yourself. 346 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The Secret formulae of every Successful Business!


“Scalability + Sustainability + Speed = Superb Success” #Hemant C. Lodha


The 3 S ofS ucceSS. Whatever business you’re planning think on these three S. First Scalability: how much you can increase the size of your business. Second Sustainability: how long you can rule over the market or how long you can sustain in the market. Third Speed: how much growth is available for your business, how speedily you can increase the revenues. If your answers match your expectations, then go for it. You shall have a Superb Success. 12. Intrinsic Quotations

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. #Albert Einstein

Forward: In this section you might found the complex Quotations, which require the couple of more IQs to understand the true essence. 348 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Possibility of an end makes the journey Interesting.


Anything which has no end has no meaning. Life is interesting because it is going to end. There will be no fun of running if there is no destination to stop.


A group of philosophers traveled far and wide and contemplated for many years about the end of the world but could not state a time for it’s coming. Finally, they turned to Charlie and asked him, “Do you know when the end of the world would be?” “Of course,” said Charlie, “when I die. That will be the end of the world.” “When you die? Are you sure?” “It will be for me at least,” said Charlie. 12. Intrinsic Quotations 349

Not the people with great talent, but the people with stupid courage succeed.


It’s all about your stupid Courage. That’s all you need.


He was the very same military man, just like his whole battalion. Now the world knows him as ‘The Flying Sikh!’ His extraordinary courage surpassed his talent and made him the benchmark of Strength, Dedication and Courage! #A grand salute to Padma Shri Milkha Singh: sporting icon of the country! 350 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Experience beats faith. Faith beats Experience.


The fight between experience and faith is similar to the fight betweenJohn Cena and Brock Lesnar; both are exceptionally strong, and no one accepts his defeat.


What will you do when you’ve to fight with the hunk of the class? You’re not that strong to beat him (Experience), but somewhere you believe in your heart you can (Faith). Who’ll win? P.S. - Whatever your answer is. You think you’ll win, you’ll. You think you’ll not, you won’t. 12. Intrinsic Quotations 351

At the point of extreme darkness, there was an invincible fire in my heart.


There is always a light at the end of a tunnel; pray it’s not a train!


Which nature suits you? Warm believer of a better tomorrow? Or The one who is learning Machine Gun? P.S. - Pray for peace but learn to shoot. 352 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Darker the days are, deeper the thoughts are.


If the dawn is a sign of happiness then the dusk is a sign of wiseness.


She asked me, “How come you write such intensely emotional Quotes?” I smiled, looked into her eyes and whispered, “Because I feel no more.” 12. Intrinsic Quotations 353

Crazier the days are, wiser the words are.


Harder the days, better the night. If you’re going through the fire, you’ll be shining like the sun.


Chapter 27 of her autobiography She’d just have a heartbreak. As a reader, I was secretly happy. The writing was going to get better. 354 Naked Wisdom of the Child

We can see the end, but we choose to ignore.


Sometimes we know what we have won’t last long, still we try to enjoy the max we can. It could be the last series of your favorite show or a last slice of free pizza.


Which one are you? The one who eats Cheese Burst without fear of getting fat? Or The one who is consistently worried about every calorie intake of the day? P.S. - Both the perspective leads to an unhealthier life. So give a chance to the Pizza to cheer you! 12. Intrinsic Quotations 355

Love the pain, or leave the desire.


The more you desire, the more soreness you’ll receive. The more you thank, the more pleasure you’ll receive.


What will you do when your ‘Diamond shoes’ start hurting you? Will you wear because it has made you famous, even though it hurts, or will you throw away because it doesn’t give you the comfort? P.S. - You cannot keep it in the safe, or exchange, or give it to someone, either. You’ve to wear it, or you’ve to throw it. No other options. 356 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The greatest trick is to know what you need, the person or the feeling with that person.


Tough job, you need to think, and think hard to understand what you need, that person, or that feeling you get when you are with that person. Most of the times, it is only the feeling


He’d never leave her. She was his high school sweetheart. Time flies, feelings change, he broke up in the fall. Years later, he repeats, “I’d never leave you!” Some girl believed, again. Some feeling relieved, again. It was the autumn, again. 12. Intrinsic Quotations 357

If your eyes are judgmental, you might see flaws of the Burj Khalifa. While most of the people embrace its beauty.


The point is to embrace what you have, the way you have.


There is a legend about a wise man who was sitting outside his village. A traveler came up and asked, “What kind of people live in this village, because I’m looking to move on from my present one?” The wise man asked,“What kinds of people live where you want to move on from?” The man said, “They are mean, cruel and rude.” The wise man replied,“The same kind of people lives in this village too.” After some time, another traveler came by and asked the same question and the wise man asked him, “What kind of people live where you want to move on from?” And the traveler replied, “The people are very kind, courteous, polite and good.” The wise man said,“You will find the same kind of people here too.” 358 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Be adorable now, you’ll get many chance to be fashionable then.


Be beautiful, being sexy is too mainstream.


Which one are you? The one who loves to flaunt, self-obsessed, a selfie princess, followers like hell, hundreds of pending texts and queen of arrogance? Or The one who believes being beautiful is way more than the body and looks! P.S. - Of course, beauty matters if you are an A-hole or an idiot! For the rest of the world, beauty is way up. 12. Intrinsic Quotations 359

We are afraid of the monsters, sometimes more with the inner ones.


We stopped checking for monsters under our beds, when we realized they were inside us.


Smith had a very strange problem. One day he visited a psychiatrist and told him of his problem. “Every night,” he said, “when I got to bed, I feel that somebody is under it, trying to scare me away. Then I get up and look underneath, but find nobody there. I then sleep on the bed. This goes on all night, and I’ve to go up and down the bed all night long. This is driving me crazy. Please do something to help me out, doctor.” The psychiatrist toldSmith that he could help him out. “All you have to do is,” he said, “visit me twice a week for the next two years. Each visit will cost you 50 gold coins.” Smith was a poor man and couldn’t afford this much money. He told the psychiatrist that he would think it over and let him know of his decision within a week. A week later, Smith telephoned the psychiatrist and said, “Don’t worry doctor; I won’t need your help anymore. My wife has cut off the legs of the bed on which I slept and solved the problem!” 360 Naked Wisdom of the Child

One must leave peacefully to live peacefully.


The planet does not need more successful people. The planet needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds.


When Buddha was about to leave his body, his disciple Ananda started crying bitterly. Buddha asked him the reason for his crying. Ananda said, “Tathagata, the light is going to go away from my life. What shall happen to me without you? I shall be nowhere.” Buddha murmured slowly, “Stop talking nonsense and be a lamp unto thyself.” 12. Intrinsic Quotations 361

The prestige of Bugatti isn’t compromised by the prestige of its rider.


No matter who rides the Rolls-Royce, it will always be the Rolls-Royce. No matter who keeps the 100 dollar bill, it will always worth the same. Never compromise your worth by the people you are with.


It was torn, thrown and thrust away, Used by millions, needed by billions and desired by trillions. But the value of a dollar never changed. 362 Naked Wisdom of the Child

The power of mindset can be understood in such a way that we now laugh at the stuff that once we cried for.


The real power a man holds is not Ak47 or nuclear bomb either. It is the strength of the mind. None can destroy iron, but its rust can! Likewise, none can destroy a person, but his mindset can.


She never thought she could love again, Her heart was broken while she was 16, Her trust was broken while she was 18, Her body was broken while she was 21, And now, it’s their Silver Jubilee, celebrating love of 25 years. The kids never knew the struggle, her mindset worked wonders. 12. Intrinsic Quotations 363

You may rethink while offering help, never think while doing it.


When someone asks you for help, think at that time. But once you commit to helping then don’t rethink your decision.


Ram with his brother Lakshman and the monkey King Sugreeva was preparing for an attack on Lanka. The mighty ocean separated them from Lanka, and they were building a bridge on it. Thousands of monkeys were, in an organized fashion, passing boulders and throwing them into the ocean. The rocks did not sink; they floated. Ram was sitting and thinking and watching. After some time, he thought, “These monkeys are doing all the hard work, it does not look good if I just sit and watch, Let me also help.” So he got up and went and picked up a boulder, carried it to the ocean and dropped it into the water. The rock sank! Ram was disturbed and agitated. What a horrible thing to happen! When the monkeys threw the rock it came up and when he threw it sank! He tried same result again. A third time, same result. Hanuman was watching and laughing. Ram looked at him with an embarrassment. Hanuman explained, “Hey Ram, jisko aap ne choor diya use kaun bachaye… ” Ram smiled. He understood the devotion. 364 Naked Wisdom of the Child

It’s ironic that every Maruti owner has someone to ride with, but not every Bugatti’s owner.


People, who are rich by heart, may not need the richness of money.


A man offered to pay a sum of money to his twelve-year-old daughter if she mowed the lawn. The girl went at the task with great zest and by evening the whole lawn had been beautifully mowed. Well, everything except a large uncut patch of grass in one corner. When the man said he couldn’t pay the sum agreed upon because the whole lawn hadn’t been mowed, the girl said she was ready to forget the money, but would not cut the grass on the patch. Curious to find out why, he checked the uncut patch. There, right in the center of the patch, sat a large toad. The girl had been too tender-hearted to run over it with the lawnmower. Where there is love, there is disorder. Perfect order would make the world graveyard. 12. Intrinsic Quotations 365

It’s not the Harley-Davidson’s fault if everyone cannot afford to drive.


If you are unique and special, be one of your kinds.


Raj became the Prime Minister to the King. Once while he was wandering through the palace, he saw a royal falcon. Now Raj had never seen this kind of a ‘Pigeon’ before. So he got out a pair of scissors and trimmed the claws, the wings and the beak of the falcon. “Now you are like a decent bird,” he said. “Your keeper had evidently been neglecting you.” You’re different, so there’s something wrong with you! 366 Naked Wisdom of the Child

It might hurt losing something. But it will hurt losing someone over something.


Always choose people over things, never vice-versa. You can always repurchase the thing but once you lost the person, there is nothing called getting back.


The holy man Akram, dressed in beggar’s clothes, entered the barber’s shop in Mecca. The barber, who was shaving a nobleman, left his wealthy customer to shave his beggar first. And not only did he not charge him for his services, but also he even gave him alms and sent him on his way. Akram was so impressed; he resolved he would hand over to the barber whatever he got in the way of alms that day. It so happened that a well-to-do pilgrim gave him a purse full of gold coins. Overjoyed, he ran to the barber’s shop and offered him the purse. When the barber understood why he was being given the gold, he was enraged. “What kind of a holy man are you,” he yelled, “that you come to reward me for an act of love!” 12. Intrinsic Quotations 367

I do not miss the charger until the battery is low.


Loneliness does not bother in the sunny day or in the dim moonlight. It bothers when there are nice movie and new food in the town.


The#TrueStory of my Life :) I’m foodie, and my friends are health conscious and blah, blah, blah! P.S. - It hurts *chuckles* 368 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Every time what’s right isn’t right for you. Take your pick wisely


Every time what’s right for the world may not be right for you. Choose your pick thoughtfully.


The Sufi Bayazid says this about himself; I was a revolutionary when I was young, and all my prayer to God was: ‘Lord give me the energy to change the world.’ As I approached middle age and realized that half of my life was gone without changing a single soul, I changed my prayer to: ‘Lord, give me the grace to change all those who come in contact with me. Just my family and friends, and I shall be content.’ Now that I’m an old man and my days are numbered, my one prayer is: ‘Lord, give me the grace to change myself.’ If I had prayed for this from the start, I should not have wasted my life. 12. Intrinsic Quotations 369

The bright thing about adversities is; it can brighten the dark side.


The only thing I like about adversities is; it ends with a good quote.


In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. He hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the King’s wealthiest merchants came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about moving the stone. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. He then noticed a purse lying on the road where the boulder had been placed. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others can never understand. Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one’s condition. 370 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Learn and grow, that’s what adversities are for.


Look at the brighter side and immediately move on.


Once upon a time in a village lived a man and his pet parrot. One day the owner of the parrot was getting ready to go to another village, for some work he wanted to complete. The parrot requested its owner, “O master! The village where you are going stays my ‘gurutota’. Please, will you take my message to him?” “Azad hawaaon mai saans lene waalon ke naam, ek bandi tote kaa salaam.” The owner reached the other village, met the gurutota and gave him the message. As soon as it heard the message, the guru tota died. After completing his work, the man returned to his village and informed to his pet parrot, “I gave your message but unfortunately after hearing your message your guru tota died on the spot.” When the pet parrot heard about this, he too died then and there. The owner was very upset and sad. He picked up his dead parrot and threw it into a dustbin. Immediately, the parrot flew away, fluttering its wings fast. And said, as it flew away: My guru tota told me, “Agar azadi chahate ho toh pehale marna sikho.” 12. Intrinsic Quotations 371

Here is all you have to know about friendship; you start the relation with it; you end the relationship with it...


Whole life can sum up; let’s be friends and let us be just friends.


First day - Will you be my friend? Last day - Let’s be only friends! 372 Naked Wisdom of the Child

We always find our way out through the troubles, tragedies, traumas, trembles, and most important of all, the temptation.


Food for thought. You are greater than you think, smarter than the world thinks and more worthy than your boss thinks.


Season: every summer, Place: Home, Occasion: Vacation time. One hand on the cassette video game, another on the glass of Rasna, one eye on a screen another eye searching the mom. Places to run and hide: planned! Result: Daily convention! James Bond in every Home! 12. Intrinsic Quotations 373

The problem is not when a girl is fighting, but when she is not.


Despite denying it, women tend to remember every detail, moment, and every memory you’ve left them, good or bad.


She trusted him, trust which could withstand the greatest catastrophe, trust which could surpass every solar flare, trust which could hold the Great Wall of China. One incident, one moment, one stroke shattered her into tiny pieces. She didn’t spoke a word, her heart falls apart, her trust was broken, and her soul was squeezed. And again another girl fell into deception of love. 374 Naked Wisdom of the Child

You’re as weak as you think you’re. And as strong as you believe you’re.


Be strong, when things fall apart.


He thought that the wallet had cost him $40. He was unaware that inside the wallet there was a secret of $64.51 Billion. None could have imagined finding the best motivational quote inside the wallet. It was written in a Paper card. “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t-you’re right.” #Henry Ford (FYI, $64.51 Billion is the net worth of Ford Motor as of May 2014 and Henry Ford is the founder of the Ford Motor Company) 12. Intrinsic Quotations 375

There is a huge difference between quitting on the first day and the day 30.


Quitting on the first day shows the weakness, quitting on the 30th day displays the wiseness. Sometimes hanging in there makes you look like even bigger loser.


The billion-dollar business thatHonda began with a series of failures and fortunate turns of luck. The founder ofHonda Motors was turned down by Toyota Motor Corporation for a job interviewing as an engineer, leaving him jobless for quite some time. He started making scooters of his own at home, and spurred on by his neighbors, finally started his own business, and now the Market Capital of Honda is $62.97 Billion, as of May 2014. #Soichiro Honda, Founder of Honda Motor Co. Ltd! 376 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Even the chest of 56 inches cannot stop 2 inches bullet. It is not size of your ass, but who kicked it matters.


Courage beats strength and willingness beat talent.


There was a giant who was bullying and harassing the children in the village. One day, a shepherd boy came home to visit his brothers and asked, “Why don’t you stand up and fight the giant?” The Brothers were terrified, and they replied,“Don’t you see he is too big to hit?” But the shepherd boy said, “No, he is not too big to hit, he is too big to miss.” Anyone can shower Wisdom. Keep searching. 12. Intrinsic Quotations 377

What made him killed him!


Money made him the big man; money killed him like a common man.


A correspondent once asked George Bernard Shaw, “From which book have you gained the most?” “From the Cheque book,” replied the master satirist. 378 Naked Wisdom of the Child

Some times. Just some times. We all fall apart.


We do. Get used to it!


There was an interview with a surgeon who operated upon a saint, after he had a hip injury. The surgeon said that after the surgery, when he was insisted by the saint that he felt no pain at all, the surgeon had to compel, saying, “Swami, if you do not tell us about the pain, we cannot judge whether the wound is healing well or not. This statement of yours is very misleading.” The saint replied that the body felt the pain, there was no denial to that, but he did not suffer it! Thank You for Reading

Thank You for reading. We don’t take your support for granted. We know it must be earned. Your time and attention have real, quantifiable value. That means when you choose to give them to us. We, in turn, must return something to you for equal or greater value. And what is that something? Well, if we are writing fiction, your time and attention would likely be repaid with excitement, suspense and perhaps some insight into the Parallel Universe. If we were in the romance literature, the fair exchange would be the powerful love stories plus the steady drip of adrenaline caused by excitement, emotions and fear. But we do philosophy, so my only hope of repaying you for your time and attention is with naked wisdoms, with firm understanding of life, with factual quotations to answer your confusion. I’m constantly aware that if you are not provided with a reasonable amount of comprehension. We have not fulfilled our side of the bargain, and you will, in all likelihood, take your business elsewhere. Feel free to read again! See you soon :-)
