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Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-12-1876 Las Vegas Gazette, 08-12-1876 Louis Hommel

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VOLUME 4. NUMBS!? 22. Vegas, las new Mexico, august. 12 1370. WHOLE NUMBER 178,

C R D S after aiiother returiue the land to the rro FRANK CHAPMAN'S t r New Cash Store prietnrs, and Ihey, on accSont of too much competition in their staples from tbroad and xjrv and the increased of labor homa pintes . ob'msüit, KOOOIF.B price at Editor. are forced to offer estates for tale for which ATTORNEY AND COCXSELOR no purchaser can be found. ; AT LAW. A ft Weael tbe favor of intcrestin HiI-- in Las licitcl Vexis, P11M; Ar from II'Mi. S. B Will pristine in all the Coarts of Lvv ami K lity Old Asd Reliable Ilousfl. r. Elkins In Pluttsbur, Mo., a pig got entrante la the Territory) and in the Supreme C mrt of the I into the edifice a Unite Sute, prompt atteatiou to busine-is- Kg Delegate Klkins in whtre prayer meeting was fere.ioes given bus fuceeeded obtain whe.i required. 3fc going on, flt.d would not be iu it Ornea ..t t!iu wii.Uudj rtf A. Morrison Kjq. ing form tha President, an abrogation o detained JAITA . .t.- progress until it had found r0. V 4 thu tro .! oilth il,o ;ll a - t...i:....8 its way up in ...w ...iu viv.aiui ti J.rili:ill3 X HU mil V .....j the aasii-nin- s rulpit alongside the preacher who real PEDRO P. R10TTE. Are now prepared tn ihera that, noition ot New Mex it fa ta cJISr their ttell aisorttd ing Mtfirlr ir-- the fixtreniity to which he reduced north of the San Juan river and Past of ws left the church followed the Navfj reservation That is riirlit. These by tho congrega- Xortlt-trO- t aide dftlie Plaia, Laa Vega, 21. It. tion. 13 OF Indians, now at the CimnYron Agency. Lave V &; never occupied ihuir reservattoh. They do A Western lady visiting in this citv han. AT LAW, Las Vegas, New Stexi'.CO general not wish to go msrchandlse to tha people ol ihefe. limiting and Sbliing pened to mention a prominent Brooklyn on the Maxwell Grant is good enough for clergyman in a s.nal! company. An ominous" Corner of Central and Second MÉLVlN W. South Street, them. The lamia, which were included in the and MILLS, baa altrnya ou hand and for sale tit the lowest expreslve silence showed that she bad LAS reservation, are excellent for agricultural made ATTORNEY & VEGAS, a mistake. One of the ladies it,form COUXSKLOR purposes and are new LAS VEGAS, N. M. ihroti f.pen td settle ed her in on asi de that she had mentioned AtLíW, Clrtarron, tf inent, dechtrmi to belong id the public dotn-inait- ii a titirre that X. Wilt practice in nil and Tidlhltyi at the very lowest pricM for Cash rould not bo spoien with " " n. JH'i" mi unit Hifc V ticW aro J he best route to the Juan coun propriety iu the bes New Mexico, ami will give strict attention unit make incy uetermiued to York socie'v. It Tliia try. the New Mexico ji jeiunis ul mty uiisuiuas uurusieit 10 ills route, passes through takes lima to learn some thinna É1M .,1 a Hist tílnrt f rfiwn tstnbliahlupnt. of rtiniv this reaetVKlion. It is very" advantageous York Graphic. VtlilVK' ...... Ullllirtilttr , iinM.111 n t.... fluting niv- - ' . .. iv.11.7 M..... I... ..IVW... on this acccunt to huve :ba treaty WHOLESALE AND RETAIL " i... iui .III. II nun UII"IS SUPPLY abibga better facilities to the traveling community liici-CnC!- l . thnn ted. Respect for J. KOOGLER, uuj uiiici iiiiiimjui us iie una riuas, uov Nittinr Boll the Wiiits of every oue and . . rv vui. in uic 1.1 i oi ijii?i piths, rir satisfy all. They will Artillery Wnntcd. The Tdtji-ip- lerrnoryoi .cv juexico, hare Fort.StocKiou slates that Loutstlllc CoiirlerJonrnal's Correspondent WltH but in Hie wholc-outh-it'b- I.IUU a sí gato, the average! niiifnll at thut. pos'. 1 14 inches wi.wm uummaiiu. j perntmum. The increase bas been very We have certainly had enojeh tima ta Chole let Ct a F7íí,..,( .AVü Mexico. NEW GOODS n )ticenble fur ihe last few years. Fort ruminate over the lust fight to find its weak on the way constantly, O:flío at Tng and thernbv be nb'o to Stockton is situated in Texas, nnd strong points and improve from lra Uazetíc building. fctKp up mu hiick ol cvfrythinp. on the Pecos the Aliare son. .i.viiiuiY nu iii-- in pan at incur store, just south of the N w Me xico houndary As disrespectful as it was for Sitting uii me iiiiiiii eiiiu or trie piaza, at tlrst I liuli nnd his hordes muir wear oí Mira Minn's ware he avemge ruinhill in this portiou of New tocóme out and assault S. B. ELKIM. B. Catbon. ho.'iPi-y- , house arid examine their twenty t. Ladies' and gents' lnttics' and gtmta' stock. Mexico, we believe is given at 18 inches. In companies of tha United Statesaf my gloves, fiuiiislliiie gnodtf, toys, children's I think that every lames nats, meu'a mm Dins' nau, CHEAP FOR the grut wheat producing regions of Call- - individual thus assaulted & ana ury CASH ELKtfS C.VTRON. uoori mioes, iroous, the annu il has more respect for him to day utitninjr, mirrurs, aiuldliia, urina, ru nlall does not amoum '.han ever unuies, rrocuriud, to more than 18 inches. The before that ( (Tense.' The tact is that nd Hr m . ijlt miiiv season ATTOrtVGYS AT LAW, S.ima Fí, one in I . , of California however this command had Will in nil tlltl i. lilf'U lit' itr nml pniiiív in .Q. is diirin; the winter any idea tlat wo lh I Temtiry. Kipeeiil atto.iiiin givea to lio a Las Vegas Hot Springs. and sprit'g month., an the wheat httaitis efe to meet any such formidable onemv cuiiTOuon oí ciaim auu remittances promptly IGlKloKJliSIUHIElS nnd 1U1 lis growth belore a tntire sudden or more niuuu. (2 2 the dry weather. Irriga radical change li'Lin4. mm is out of opinion was never made than on th? 11th bacon, tuns ami RESORT FOR INVALIDS, nine practiced, i.hiics which were formerly looked ultimo on the Posebud. And upon as utterly barren . the -- - T, F. Comwat, J?Td. I'. UlQUl!, out'iiiiswtire. vo(hIuhwjip chHnge with i.n. :t,iti itil-s- Irtnil-- are now the great wa our cr.ief. Wheii on Sania t'; Silver City mtiiiLs miils. :iit i Located six miles north ef Las Vegns, X. JI wheat growing duiriets. hfíi'jü J: níuití alióte, ul ciMi kin v the underrates his enemy he c ts. Here greutest rainfall 8 from May to labors at a disad- CON WAY RISQUE, tubkf ami cuiIltv. innvdi'r. fi'ml- - The i 111 ir-- la rpani'tfiil n. Hfia CrtjM, íinUMt:ü tu i'iict evcryttiing ucrtuiug to l.l Infnvmoil llmi September. This Ssitntes vantage. This command thought its .4 ...It lllivlu V...o neci hue nl.uitiiiir that ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 'i.i.i, IIMlln.lll...a, HUH lllin 11111(111.111u..' I lot.g winding commodaliiin for Invulids, and IMtiasiiiív-cckcr- s, in order thut growing crops tuny receive length, coming over hills snd ; ants-F-e and Silver City, X. M. I'r.iitipt attrn the o inn iiun;i as ncn as iicpiirtmi'iiis. I lie tino to all b.iine iii,thc line nt itin litiiiilils of a through ravines, woulú ?ire.i their pro U'ntiM'a iil'llm lint .i.t.i.j l.i i...... i'...... l..u: the Siiduuer ruins. Irn:.ii,n stampede the Sirm lessiou in all ins e mm In the Territory, i n) arc known to sul- at.d so contain liirgciiiiiintitipsol'ii'on, not necessary for any other purpose than it would have nv other tribe oh the" phur and other minerals, held in solution ata l:tii there-lor- 10 the I'l .ins. But they stampeded W. of dcKict's, reiiilorinjt tlicm e start crops, only in exceptional ieas- - in iho right M. UREEDEtf to bo valuable curative agents for those af-- lliptl'll pluiiirunt sons, and we doubt not direction, and made the assault...... uilh inviiiiiiiLiniii,ijin .il..í l.HI.....IIlllllll. that if the Condition Never ATTORXET A COUXtsULOR diseases, derangement of the kidneys, blauilcr, west or the Mississippi of soil t.n J climate were thort uglily studied, Iiivcr has one-louri- 1? P whlth Is always supplied With flesf clans of '.he ptirfibers. Lnw, Sant'iKe, X. M. Will practico In all 3 titbles The ecnry around the neighborhood Is that the best crops of wheal mid totn coulo Wiihh our knowledge (for im 11,.. - . I 1I.A 1.. .. 'I' . l...'t .....I I.. l.n the is iic ihii ii ii iv i uri n ir.v .ni iiiv iiiiiioi a uuu cimillo in uiv and palronuge of the public be produced we don't know ntything li)0-!- v three years out of five about Terry'acom. f" l'r.impt attention 'given to nil business in markit. licgularboardCri, solil'.ilid. without (he line of hii profcision in 11 the eaurU ot luigatun. It is not disadvantageous man ), engrged in battle Bt ode time, nor Mexico. 100 with or without iba' ibu the lodgings raitifall is in the summer instead t;f firearms in the hnhis of v, savages will CHAS. 1LFEIJ),. il.e ii.ter. If to Oldl.nt 0 bushels of wheat opposed United States troops. The LOUIS SUr.ZiiACIiER. Bo - iiccom- cau be raited annually in California, Apaches, one of the most notorious tribel rfiodiilcil by the the ATTOItítEV AT LAW, same skill in ugriculture with which we have had to deal, .V wrek or month at the lowest would produce never io FIRST CLASS STORK all Lm Ve.fii. X. M. Will pr iclice in all !he conrU possible ratC4. Pimtintis MrloM'and Successor to A. Letcher & Co., good crops in New Mexico where the tnois our battles with them combined killed lair and in tnu at-- lurritory. i rooifii tourists families on nnd wounded as ntion Kivo.i to th o illuotion of claims auU ro suits of for and Hand. tur.i is equally as g Wo need some many soldiers as they did on rtiitancin promptly mule. ncienliiio experiments in farming i!iel7ihult.Thy umbushid a great UXITEU STATliS tUMUISSIOXICn. before the nunysol diersund citizens, bul in c.ipaliiiiuej ul this lemtury can bouncer-stood- . battle they Lad not A. M0ilKK0N! kMid or tl.earn.i Here the Sioux haveartci Wboltsals and Retail Dcalsr equal to our own, aud iu nore skillful hands Ihe prospect fur abundant harvests in eaOSELOIt AT LAW, Their ponies, with their training, lightuM, New Mexico was never better. The ravntr and speed over rocki and ravines, are far es of the emsslioppesa were confined t.t Teji, Xeir Mexico. Pr.lctlrt In all the OF 6.'St toa s iperior to our horsei. They hate all tha Prtibtie nnd Juatlcei' onrta. Col lections made lew localiii.g only, in Ibu emly of the Ami relied upon. Keiuittuncea made promptly. pari supplies they need for summer, are brave season. They injured Orne: At the atore of Cha, llteld, La Ve- Burlen but did nm and daring. Then iu gas, .Sew Mexico. in what have we any attack corn and wheat. Grass for pa.tnrage advantage. Sorely not in number-- ; they and bay is abundant. is well filled have the choice of position every time, are and the coin crop was never excelled. in a country naturally so defensive h. -- that in h mm. '4 general merchandise i OEXLil kl. ShWS. the hands of a civilized foe could be held by one fourth of invading . tn army. Then wn fi it i r a j j u t Kutpri.i-Iu- ,.1,-- .,. mr ThS Arizona where is our advantage? It.telli-genc- IIomooiMlhic Phniclnn ínl inikinirinUpntlrti'r tot or, Stipnior nd (Icuiary apeciaity. ('atienta can expea lor the iitiiiiiunctmuiit i.t but tie man who takes a Sion Tn. at k 11 In 1 treatment ut our liando. the tarn, ninn, dian fur a fool had OJice iu üAzerrit buildiu, Las Veja X. it. 1 better start home whihj f he griiM-hoppei- hik foraging in ilienortb his imir 11 .in ins bead. I her ar sufficiently intelligent t fa westtrintaies. putieu nrly .iiinif sola. fight in a maune, M. J. CUNNINGHAM. M. D. we car. not eclipse. Jbere 11 on The when; strong crip m tüe valley of the adfaniHge we could have HOMEOPATIIIC rnrsiciAS á SCHOEOX, if ''ihe powerj OÜTríTTlNO GOODS, Glande is sai J tn be vtry good thij year. lhat be'' only thought so and that would Ti VtsM Xew Mexico Harvest is in progrtss. bn to fc b have artillery an arm they have t not which JTII1 prv,tic la all tin uorthern emintlei of the The 1 urks and and is luperior tu their own. Territory. .Servian and Mjfcte Theu in bu"le. large partita in sal .. .es Vegas ándlecolofe, SÉwXeilco neeriii insurgente are sliil at war. Each w.ii!, could not stand and look side claims a victory after A:h encounter. idly on till they Mm. M. D. MURRAY. saw vantage ground ANDRES SENA, L1VHT and then !woor. dnn That's WAGONS hatoiie a.ay ell patriotism ahJ on fresh pontei to achieve their ends. They XEW YORK DRESS MAKER. AXD SADDLE Z. STAAB & URO. and faith in the gi vtrnwent. The of can t BiMiu -i- Los Alarftos, 'In f CT City ti.e wo shoots," at they al X. Bf., IIOl'R P France, ti OH DAY, .iris. wanted some mony loaned our shell!, and stampede at the Would inform the Indira tit CUil.N 11 A I very report. t.a Vftr., Fort 3 AH TA and it;zer.i subscribel They know Inion and aurmiiniltiiK rmmtrr llt t míe i run sale rE,.,4.NEW MEXICO hr 4 sum City every ridge, ravino and allkinil RETAIL MERCHANT titups canon of Dren Mukinx, ( iiitio grcn r hsii whs rfquiri-d- . on the they tor and Kittina:. hhehna hnd twenty yenrK(K-rit'- e tile select battle; ibey know I the Imiiiiicm and will (iiaranlee atiiction or iiMm way to advance and wlich lake the fimU and pay fur them, linnni. on In dry fond liiiuora. rl)tnf? Utah IS I lie only I erntorv m.w in it. way to 9i..ij ffoferií,...... tobacco. WHOLESALED RETAIL North aide of I'laxa, iwo duora Last of mww., i u.. renca!. I'mj know just lllcljs, viin, inr.Fi!, mm siH'CVj, The way of a continuous where they will m 'rpi, it. at. and all kind line of Statu from the beiovercJ, and just wLere we be Atlantic to the Pacific, C lorad ) hag ei. posed. Had we artillery thfy woufd iüOÍJ ottd in favor of a iate and Com itution patronage MSECEAITS, find all of these c.lculatiuni aps H by a maj itity of I s.404. t. 1L A.0RZEL.1CII0WSKÍ, Lonnfrv rmmrA experience of fifteen battle! ÍTave constantlv nn hanrl proveí to the Doler la General Merchandi, of lb6 lama novi. 1 pablie The priviie ofGjv. liuutt. 1 e that am, that in no ?9 Gpiieral one of ibose lock of Mprhinfliip: to Colorado, left lienver 'in the of July engagement! could artillery hare been used is they invite the attention ot tesptzthUj lo preaent Ihe otlicial reull of the Sute to greater advantage tl,a b the engag. I'atronage of the pttlrtie renxtfully aolicitfl. W the ttne. ii.ent of iT'.b eleilíon to President Grunt who. as rre- - the n't. More ikilltul than we Country produce ami cattle In pay- - Ef-eci- retireO B3- - l attention 6aM tc btr in .. j, solicited scribtd Lw will isue hia proidamalion ta the use of wei p m e both have, ihfy r( ordcf s, i'lili-md- 81 admit into ibc Union of State. almoft iiidomitable They always go in with mn. h assurance of luccesi, but any mJ fall Lfon, a l.iuious lex,caii iiorseman kt unioreseet con:nner arise that thwart C. II. MOORE. A twr $1,200PROFITON$100 intends to tide ten musungi one biiudred teat any of'.i.tir plans, and they are at Dealor in General MorchandiM, stii faction mile! in fie hours. lea. Made any dy in Puff nnd Ctl$. tnvet airoH-in- a And th.y are always at sea ahen they ara' tn vnnr imns. tin, .ii, or tu in - fttrk11. fí:ti!iii at a disadvantage Paarto fa Lina, N. H. Prla'llKe. has broniFht a tnnll fortim in A young man named i;ji,:.-,I- I i,M'.rft r.f hence the utility Taussig & parel'ul We ilvi.-- when nnd how to Bro'rs Co., inietor. New lork, who of neme heavy g1t.!-.fel- lTy Wwl, bMca, pcltt and eoantrr produce taken In guaranteea.A...i.J PfMIlarly. Booh with lull Inrornmlion acroinoat.ied a lian o' nt0 C0DT,ft4 I l.v to xcbaoje. w itntfret. Addrom onl r and teh'grai.h tourists from Damascus our carbines and r flei. In 1.0 Campaign I ti Jrusleui. ps in l! I t.K 4.. f thi siagniiud, St. Louis Mo., wilt pty'the'higBrt. Ban her and Brakrrn, n Wall 8t. X. f . taken prisoner by eonie Arabs who took tvto with a civilized foe where w lita hora with them. As time rafted aluinr lave a teaf, a front, and Lki and he cmc!udtd to submit to his fate, got hinv wit not recesaary foleip oar hola BARBER SHOP, SAVE MONEY elf an Arabian wife and is now a Bowrfnl battlc-Et-ld coTerrd to keep the wwonded, ojiiig aba tro.11 being tha' ft ttreet, below Hotel, LaJ 1 - 1 mm - . man among the loróg of denert. mangled by " Vrgi, ijt wen" i up mtm.taII i"T a. the oi ' nnj Maniine l ene-o- an (re-nl- r Ceudun tioce tbe teld-piec- ry íhaTlnt nureuttlnt;, stnmroo'.Bf ami THE WEEKLY TR1BOÉ price ;). inveotioa of ei, OyUf aad drtwlnf dona to order by or 9.7fnr the Miiin! add THE SEMI. Free trad seetng to bo injurious to has it been lk wf; tha regard! that rricíí ftr ol, WFnautsisi fTmiTjrtf ddrfi erttlVry ANTUOST labaeie. jiia CHARLE8 E WESCilB. ra:.íf Eujlfnd. ihftfr tie3t r o !i aooTiry.

( gas oat tcross the staked plains at a wild and Mrs. Manuel Baca, grten popUu trimmed they would rush their men and start anoiher know you m an ht'nofa." MAP OF COLFAX CO. XtV HEXICO. ftgas aztfk. rckleEígí.it witch would astonish novices in black, high corsage, ovekirt. round of holes to be charged again during buggy, Horses nd Harness. Shu wing all important features, altitude rivers Mrs. Gonzales, brown grain , the past ten days each fonttinn drove his ruuds, Müuutainn lloae, .rugt, lin.1 cr, t or the present day. Bridges across streams grci of Sam. Kohn for tale cheap. Enquire at mi lmids. the map b tken frtra tba watch chain. heading 45 feet in the solid So liclil notes of actual iiiivey allu were an encrrating luxury. The passengers gold and lock. far tbe cilice of u tfily fia'.urd'xy, Anvtt 12, 187C. mathematically cornet. ItiaDimleon a seal were expected to fight if occasion rflvred Mrs. Perea rosa colored , triir.mtd rio accidents h&vo occurred. It is the inten- SAM. K0HN of four miles to the Inch and thows iieirly all fiT'-L-g- JO lucatiiiiu in with blsck . tion of Mr. Harris to complete the work in of ranehea the eaatern porttouoftha and ihese occasions were not seldom. Flood county, It if jurt the limp n.r lhoc who itrir TEiois or rb locate stork mil. and fire and Indians were all to be braved Mrs. Benigno Romero, lavendsr silk, bjth by the 1st of September. SOTlt-- to TRAVELERS. niiigei, eral or timber Wr.da UVAItlAHLT U ASVAXCB. - in the beat portion ol Ki w llexieu. l'nce II W trimmed iti Alt route to arid Xew MexWn One copy, one year, 8 Ahl there was nothing mean about s'aijo creen. parties tn from Address tí will ilu well to take the military road III LKWIS One coji'v, six iiiuiilh, 8 25 Mrs. Givens, gtrnet poplin, trimmed On Saturday afternoon there ocurred the lower KINGMAN C. I. oYttto, year, TOO diiving those days. It was a noble profes Cnl'ax Co.. rrossiun the, .Cimarron baúl t'e, .w A Clnb one epoch in lloihronK Muieo. ot Ave, one year, M 00 With garnet silk most important the commercial al (JsiHü's rmieh, wliere Jorrph lias X club sion. But times have changed; civilization a mi has A often, one year, 40 W ronstrurleil liriilie nenxs the .treiiin club Mrs. Davis, Bombszine drees trimmed history of Galveston harbor and the Texas on hanil abund int hay anil grain, A club of twentV, unevrar, 40 00 backward. The stage lines hre too ti.nrals ait goii ' prnvi)leit ami the lie-- r aeeonnalations ean be ob- So subscription will received for la with folds oí English .ailway system, that of narrowing to a stan. ty shott tr be important. The railroads have crape. tained lor man arid leat. The mad isa (fond CO than six mouths. TO THE MOVXTAIMI OF COLO-KAU- Mrs Hilarlo Homero, black groa grain dard width nf the gauge of the Galveston, unc throujihiiut, nuieh belter than the upper Maite ruine 1 them ns they did stenmhoating. road. route is a savin in Iielween Henderson This distanee l.y the Aleliison, To,ek A Santa silk, tilnmed wiih . Houston it railroad to Conform Las Vejrts tin tiie lialon Mountains of at least 0 Ksilroad. ft.VÍES OF ADVERTISING. he new and popular line Hum AttuisoN miles over the appcr mad. 1 ata RAD WCDDIXe. Mrs. IVooten black skirt, basque aüd with that of the international and grctt ASSA8 Ui v via ,llieeuutilul Arkausa alii v to t tKIll.0, COLoKAl.oiMlu.Sli8, CanoV Evr-r- $1 50 well conducted bi.-ho- f ai'.d eastern cohnections $ul one lENtH, inch ot pare, tlr't insertion, A largely attended and overskirtof p lawn. north tn UTV, LCIIIAIIAS, JlKL.SuniK, 'iKIMIlAD, For every inch of sp:ice, at each subsequent in- DISSOMTIOX. mot Sa.MA no party transpired on Thursday evening of train was missed each Way. Cars can now all puiiiu inCoKuudo, ew .Mexico ki d ner! ion, Í1 Mrs Dr. Suifin Black silk, polatiais M. .ti mona, residing the limit of Las Las Vkcaí N. round trip tUiot tu Denver Advertiser within this week at the residence of Mrs. Dolores with bows. be run through from the City of the Lakes ou ly moo. aliowu.K.iop.oU Vega', will be rnllel upon Ht the end of each trimmed July 1st 187fi. on ptiV,ie, waji ' Ihe mma line, nnd at PpHiiai accounts with íictíA-sett- c. Gulf. The last passed Coluiudo month, to nettle their Saadoval de Baca, ut the Upper town. The Mrs. Koogler white pnpllr., empress to the passenger train Maimou B1,d I eak. Low imigruLt yearly adveilUcra, rcxiding .mtMdcol Notice Is herthy given that the firm r f fiU lit; Mr. over the broad guage noon, followed in tu Hie an Juan town have to pav, in advance. occasion was the marriage of Scrnpio cverskirt, blossoms at I will orando in hair. Gross 4 Co., government freighters, is t I.LMAN 1'aLA' K SEWÑri fAftS Transient advertisement:! -- trirt" y hi advance, nt M. between tl 6 Romero, eldest soti of lion. Trinidad I!o Misj the eveni.ig by H. Hoxie, vicepresident .1;."- '"'ÜWk Monnlaiiia, Lauia Annin, brown silk skirt, dissolved by liniitnlioii -r wiibout published rato. and expiration of iluln eiiiii.eciioiia Adverti-vment- tbe year with- o" and manager on niaoe ut fueblo with contracted by and mero, to Miss Juanita Baca, daughter white swiss oveidress, blue sash. general the narrow gauge. trama lor Deuv.r and Northern drawn before the time expires, lire to be charg- contract. tolorudu tor nial es tilne tableo -- ed at Mrs. Dolores Sandove.l de Baca. The Mrs. Trinid id Romero, black Sritlicient rolling tdock is mounted to keep and Ihe a Juaa transient rale. gros grain Jacob Gitoss Business ir special notices in editorial or handsome, fami trains ruiininj; regulary. T. tí"local colutnns, l.' cents per line, each insertion. couple are young and the silk trimmed w i.h lace. J. AstEiio?, a ijixiTo Baca Coi. J ait. Ayt., fcj AH communications devoid of interest to the lies to which they respectively belong are Mrs. Murray Hack skirt, white public, orinleuted only to promote private in- swis Salt Lake, July 31. Ibis morning Judge RiciiAnn DfKN. 'iol'kKA. K.AX. discu-su- religion or poli- most prominent and wealthy terest, or for the of among our trimmed with black bows and gros Schutfl'er rendered a decision in the case of . ties, will he cbaped at the rates of transient advertisement, nnd pimnent rcipiired in citizens and ihe nuptials were celebrated grain sush. Young vs. Young, to recover alimony, The ím:k!,.. nl-- o to advance. We reserve tbe riht teieet With the brilliancy due their stations in life. Mrs. Uoscnwald cashmere my such article, advertisement, if pcrsoiu.l black dress decision reduces the binimnt made payable K A.SihAS ui Mensrfl, L. G. Colsmah and M, AIÜAoh PAtlFIt RAILWAY. in character. The central plucita of the building was with black lace. by the order of Judge McKean from 500 J. ? Ths Only line from Las Animas to Denver floored and roofed. The wails were decor Mrs. Perez black sil 'c skirt," of the Vermejo. have been Stopping f'ci the fJuiJ nain- to $100 ter month thus diminishing the and all points in Post-ofl'i- the States. It is prompt H r ATT. AIMl.WV.EMEXTS TlitS ted with mirrors and festooned with ever, sooks lanaise, flowers last week at the Hot Springs. onen except Sundays, from pi in hiir. amount Irom $17,500 to $"000, and gives and safe, with ll will be duilv. JhCips Roberto Mora sure connections in Union II M . Sundays one after The fl two tif came in and Y:a0A. M.. until P. hour greens and flowers. igs af the Mis. Chas. Illeld, blai k gros grain silk defendant thirty days in which to pay tiie Depots Ibe arrival of each mail. at Kansas City and 1 eavenwortb. republics, the United Stales and Mexico timtnud with black in gave us some substantial ehcouiagemei.l Cr.ciits Daily. lace. amount and it provides, default ot such Pullman enfs on all Mi't hul' Wednr trams '.o and from Kit ! p. hung pendant from the center of the MissF. Noidhiius, ftripped silk, execution shall issue against sua) Eastern, nt t. Hue payment, that Carton. It gives on Through Tickets and Western, at M. A hnr.düomely deéorattd alter was erected nnd drub, looped in John Davis Proprietor of tee Corn F.i; I.eavcs I.iU 0:,Veías MotídaV, ill 8 back, high corsuge. his property. The Court also decides thai haggnge checks to all Pecos MatI. chang Mesilla died prineip&l points in the o'clock a. M , arrives at Morilla in nix days. on i be side The space was Urge, bu' Mrs K Im. Ilotei at on the 22nd east Changeable poplin. the cost of suit shall be paid by the defcu land. Always travel Mail closes Sundays, at ill'. M. of Ju!y. by our Pioneer Line, simultaneously, arrives at Lns i was fully occupied by the guests whoso Mrs. Homero, blue and Leaves Mesilla drab dant. aud ybti will save tirne and money. Mr. Vciras Sutitrilav evening. number would not fall below five bundled. silk. A. B Matthew, the sheep man from FnnT Bastom M ail. Leaves Vegas Monday 0. S Lyfoku is General Superintendent, 7 next, Father Mesplie, who is well posted cn the Kansas City came in yesterday. nt A. M . , arrives rt Fort Ilascom day by A lighted wax candle was plrced id the hand liefieshnieiits were provided in II abundance ai.d Mr. E. A. Pas-seLg- 7 p. t. Mail doses Sundays nt 1'. M. Indian gives the following Don Celso Baca is from Pakkír General er 7 ar- t lie hour the wine, tribes, siimale up Santa Rosa. leaves Fort liascom Wednesday at a. M., of each guest and at Appointed lemonade and ice Water. The slipper Agent, 7 v. M. with oflices at Karsas rives at Venas next day by tln-'t- of their titiiiiljeis: He puts the Sioux down Judge Waldo, Col. Major Cut: bridal entered and took - pn-- i wus ntt excellent WinBrecden, Mora Mail. I.eavcs Veens Friday at 8 A.M., pariy one and could not easily ve would again remark, when you go any- U M. Thurs-rta- v at 60,000: thi Crows at 15 000; Blackfect H J. Palen and Hon. M. W, Milla arrived arrives nt Mora by v. Mail tions before ihe alter. Mr. and Mrs Benito have been bettered, The services Mr. where tuke the Kansas Pacific Itailwav; at it p. m. of 20.000; Uie3 or Utahs, 33 000; and in addi from Santa Fe Thursday evening. 1 13301- - Leaves Mora Saturday at S A. M., arrives at Bacn and Jlr. and Mrs. F Baca standing as W. T. Guyer, of the Exchange Hotel, had Vcsas by 6 P. M. tion there are the Brule, Ogalalln, Minué J. M. Breedn deputy Collector came up Letters fur registration will not be received after bridomaids and groomsmen The ceremony been sf cured to superintend the Cuisine 4 M. (i. W. STKIilil.NS, Postmaster. conjou, Yanctonnals, Uncpapa, Two Kettles from Sahta Fe Thursday. l. was pneeeded by n brief address by liev and tables. It is needless tos:iy that it was titid the well San Acres, Soiitoo bands. Some of -, J. Personne upon the nature of mar done. Ten, Coffee, chocolate, ham, LIST OF ARRIVALS J. II. Siioit. M. D. (j. y, I.OlMiK No. !!.- A. F. A. M., the Crows, and aom? others who live around 8TÍBÍ,. ÍIIIAPMAN the third Saturday of each month, riage ceiemony as considered by tbe church turkey, chicken, cakes, pies, jelliep, tans, t Masonic H Central Street, between the reservation are friendly, but many who the ill, End nf and all things ITxebnnire Hoicl. South 2d and 3d Streets. Charles llttld, Sw.'y nnd the importance permanence necessary for a Gut class sup pretend friendship will gather arms nnd J.ILSIIOUT&CO. the vows which the youthful ecuple were per wer,u provided. The tables were hand- for thei." He somely arranged ammunition tribes. Says they William Buck, LI Moro Tilden claims first blood in the August about to take upon themselves Ii"V. S. J. and the multitudes fed to the in alliance with each 111. satisfaction are strotrj other to Tomas Jones, Springfield election. Now for the September states. tjondert. the parish priest, insisted by llev. without the pushing and crowd carry on this war, ahhoauh when they have H,Wideles nnd wife Mora. WHOLESALE AND Persine and Gerin performed the mart riage ing so common at Urge gat' eringn, RETAJÉ no common enemy to fight they fight each M. BloorhhV.j nnd Herman Lerdo da Tejada, President ot' Me.vico according to the riles of the Cathi lie church Spexr;h, JLJS.TKST Mt.V.'í other but now they are united against what Fort Union. lent the coach of state to folio tbe remains At the conclusion, the bund under the di DEALERS ÍS they consider a common ei.emy, and will B. P. Shuster, Santa F'e of Gea. SiinU Anna to the cemetery. iCetior. of Señor Trujillopliiyed the wedding Elections. turnout all their warriors, and they wiil Perfecto Sena, A, G. Irvine and. wif- -, in ivch and the bride and groom led the The stnle elections in Kentucky and Ala. CO. Traitu will run through from Fort Yunin number at least fifl.OOO, and the Father says Santa Fe, dance from a promenade to a waltz buinti were carriad by the Democrats by Arizona, to San Francisco by the 1st of it is likelv to Le tha most formidable and Mruliie Fa'rfrass Santa Fe s The floor was in good dancing slightly increased majorities ovet former $ méíú October on the Southern Pacific railroad. and bloody Indian war in the hiatoiy our K. F. M zick and driver, San Jose, rder. the room well lighted and the years. Where is Turn Scott nnd the T. P.? Gove; iiiiu'i.l; 1 hi y are wtll armed, and .lames Smiih P,.rkville, Mo. evening superb. The ladies were Las Vegas, 1 he postal card tm will fig!i. to the death whenever they are Fred W. Jones, Washington, D. C. X. M. The Enterprise ifc Chronicle of Kl Moro beautiful and the gentlemen were gallant luatuuactoiy i it Spring- field is rú ten hours a day. cornered. Pedro Gabaldon, La T'jeras has changed hands. Messrs. A. W. & C. All ci nspired lo make the occasion moat tirniig Fred D. Hunt. GeorgMjten r.rnrc Medicinal Liquors always on hsnd--f Ms-srs- out about óüO,ÜI)0 caída per day, and is s P. Archibald retires and . J. M ei joyable. The lower town of Las Ye'i.s The New York .vtei. duly l'tli, si'TS.-Lewi- ;i,ó00,(!t)0 behind its ofdsra. The numb Frd. Itolli Colinas and W. G. Markley come to the fiou1 ful y represented nnd ninr.y from r O. P lillips die tw ya wort 'i like was nag) kuple Denver of curds printed during th s ending Go. II. as proprietors. I hey make k very credit, distancie were present nniiing which we quarter $1000 00:). leavini! a '.viln b it 'io C.iil irau lu'y 1 was 3H. A, S. Kimball and wife U. S. A. 000,000, an increase of nearly - able sheet. noticed the following iifTieeri and iheir ladies By ins vill In ,'i- Vs iM . lit') est it ) i:l FEÍJX PAPA lii. OOii. 000 over the corresponding W. H Gardner U. S A. Irom Fort Union, Col. J. C Dent and wife, quintar ail liis) property, tin w.iolj :i;m h le it h and 1875. t T. P. Sherman and wife, Fort Union Tilden uud llvmlrkks nfier lo':g f .r b l among charitable liebiew dipt. Iviniball and wile, Col. Wade on il to TINNER OF prayerful consideration have finally given Nssociaii'ins . (JuonlMr Phillips' nephews, John C. Dent and wile, Fort Union wife, Cnut. Contad nod wife Dr. Gardner Western A tai:or advertised, 'Wanted befove his doAt'i, h id i i a Hi their letters of acceptance to tiie public-Som- e some ti'iio r Col. Wade nnd vife. Fort Union. Capt. Sherman and wife. Two or three steady g:rl to put on torn bis uncle's phofign ph in pieces LAS VEGAS, XEW MEXÍC0.- papers say thny are good, other nay pants." T. II. Taylor Ft. Wingate ToII.ETS. aed thrown them at him. Mr Phillips, in l)r Mary Walker called next morning, nnd Thos. C Dtvenpnrt. Fl. Stititon they weak, but. the lending dailies uiiitu pie-'Cf- l are hisw;i;. h:iviif gathered the togeliier. All kinds of Tin, Copper, Zinc nkii 1 gives the following dlscrip said: "Now bring on ycur p int.s, and dun't and Shwt in styling them ble do"uments. Our Ji b qi"i:h(d the torn oh no,;r uih to thit Misi rJr'iit Fort Union. iiuiiwaie, dune to order. lion of h few Toilets of the Indies. He l.iok." 'J he tailor explained, and she lift nephew The ifplie c in'esied the v ili lity John J. Puerto de Luna. TIN ROOFING, AND A - I SPOI'TIXO Sri- Which .New 5Inx will) a sorrowful vowing tli w of Will ns lieiiur d) contravention of the n Term try, Aruouu or disclaims in advance nil responsibility for nir, it she i uld lie W-- Breei'en Santa l'o ClALlli tatutorv provifi n no person leaving k'O will b able to bra.; of a railroad first erroro. If any are ommitted who shiml send hint a grammar as soon as she got tnii M, W. Mills. Cimarron husband) w:f., one half his propotty to Shop North East Corner ef Plata, la tke By October both will have u railroad ter- have mentioned it is no fault of th home, .Miguel Kuiuero btcn i harilies. i'n Ige Di'Tihui render a Willie Frank Ahmos BuiIüihk. the at the minus on birder, one Trinidad, reporter. decision on M m I ly us. imni th. will. R. J. Paleo Santa Fe 1 he Alcmlj of sarajjossa, Mexico, is other nt Fort Yuibu but which will be cx -. in S. B W.itntn j- The Biide wns elegantly attired wil'tu th it the United States, troops should Lt Junta. tended into the Gr?t is an !A. interior ope" White Setin, trimmed in from wiih illusion !! Mrs. S. U. Wairius Junta. fur-u.- ! the Iiiliaus i ito .dexico when i.t question. hlosjonis; L G Colein VernjeJ.t nnd orange rushing of mitin and discovered north of the Uio linmde He Building nnd improvement ars sieidi'y in, Administrators Notice. l : hair in Empress stylo; crown Henry I; Waldo Santa Fj. The postul Agents ou the lletiver A Uio iei Hiberna also says tliut be will render nil possible J dug fowii'd in is Vegas. ! A. II Mathews Kansas City Grande railroad should get a map of New of orange blossoms, jewelry of same, gold assis'ance to our troops, to enable ilium to We lo m that i In infant of Felipe, Breeden, Ke The iinU'rsipnrd having received, cn th 11 Mexico and study up Geograpny. They bracelets set with diamonds, c the 8n Santa tí in ipturo ptedatory and tlnevii g tin v ol Uotol.ei A. D. 1n;, letieis uf adiiiinintra-- ' L p z on Tuesday morning last. W. li. Duncan, K uisas City. put the mail, no mutter where addressed Mrs. Benito Baea, white gross grain silk rid i kin a. del lion lrolu the lion. 1'ndiaiC Court oí ban Micuel Coi.ntv, J erntoi ol New Mexico lo Utle lip th all in one sack uud send it through to a trimmed In rose colored , looped in J .ld- - Wahla ojiu;ied the District Cou t litalc'ol l.ueien í. Maxwell, ilerta.d, all per' JeS'ii KscoijAr. of tii t'aso, .Mexico, was non tu win III mid t'Malc in imiebled, uieudViaed single pcittt, generally, Santa Fe. They bark, p impadour waisi, sash of wliite yesterday. The Docket is light, but frW wiihin the t:me reütfiuly in Cruces for the of DIÍ. J. W. THOMAS. lo prt'Miil their accuiinl pieJ fl purpose (Tilietl bv Ian ; and all persons imiebled to uid do not seem to know whether Cimarrón; trimmed with wreaths of iwers. Chain and new cases hm'3 been broii-- i t. Til's shows a buying Henry rill: lor the Mexican otalu are called lipón iu aetllv iiiin.tdmlel) kd Furt Union, and Las Vegas is mirth, si.uih watch, diamond jewelry. Hair in Km press conditi hi of peart and good order iu tbe tllUa auV Cuala Hi Cullll. government. He reported ttiit necessary LUZ B. MAXWELL, east or west of tbe capital. Kugenia style powdered with diamond lusi. community but is not particularly eucoora preparations wcru being ruado to u'.t .ck lie AdiuiuUUatriX. Mrs. Florencio B.ica white B'nhnp Uwn. gin.' to the lega' fraternity. The jury was PETER M. MAXWELL, usurper Trias who holds possesion of the rbLLSrOK JAKA.M1LI.O, Tha stage lines running between tii.'iim-- d with pink h'úi and pink riib?n. not summoned until Moi.dsy when the rea AduiUiuttaturs. City of Chihuahua. Trias has about t00 ol 1 Ost. llta El doro and l'ort Yum i i:oul draw h con Trbler of illusion and colored ribbon, wurk of the session will bee n. . . , in. roe the rug t:igi and bobtails of that Ci'y us OJJice ..Ilay'Buiding. sideralile travel over this route should they sa.-- . illusion chain and t. followers llcrnld. gold and tTi(r ru, down their war rates to a bas's grain, - Miss Albe I)vU, pale pink gros xt Taken from a couple of thieves by r.n em a seas io of pe ice. M ny voyagers from , A powerful ta'tery attached to a silk, fan train, overskir wiih illusion ployee id mine, on the of July lust, on Iho states to San Francisco would take the sleeping altoudant in a Pinl.ideipliiu caught i.p with ruse Indi, bodice plain the mad between Fort Union and Calhoun's uuihern route in order to i"j.y the rom- hospital. the impresión th tl he was buttoned in hack; hair with clusters of cu Is Oeate five sorr. horses, one dark brown mid 1 itorie of W tli.i at ance of tagiii;j to see the en Is. an apparently dead in in io n prtysiciaii S1W mQM buck wiih fiihiened rose bu mre. mid a dark brown h use titule. The the :outhwcst, provided they were not taxed hope ! to .'o. tl j wnt.i.;l an I swori so Miss Braulia Haca, pink groi grain owner r.r owners can recover them by apply too heavily. tUnrlow & Sun- crson and Cur-re.- is energetically, at thu L'rst application of the silk, en train, over.i tirt pitiied iu front to nie. proving tbe stock, fiitlsHietorily Of II'oo!, and Pelts, it' Alitclt!l should Avail themeeivts ol eb ctiicity, that the err r was ut once lig Ili'les and drawn back with lash of same. and fortdvf rtifii'g Br.d keeping them this last opportunity to torture passengt rs discovered. paying At the these animals were taken fr jm (Corrected weekly fbt the CarcTTi by S. Kohn. in smaK jerky stigc Mtehü. The dnys of Miss Desmuráis, brown poplin, white time FOR 1876. A Shentl is not without honor in Ohio, A the thieves, they de a gray and a black the haihty stage driver and importan t swiss sleeveless jacket and ovcrtkirt looped r CleVuland Sheriff Window horse. None of trie seven animals, nww in I'r.'rsMied, Mexican , per pound cants. fust being 'J he with white flowers. paper says: li Conductor are numbered. Hiiite, wa.-he- d " " 14 received many compliment.' for the per my custody. h:ive any brands or marks. narrow is shortening up Barlow Mrs Betinrd, of roes si)k. hia Imnroveil l.t guagd t Ashes f.nmVs wool, washed 10 fect manner in w tilth hanging They are d in p or condition and bu while, " STERN, Sanderson's beat whit the California road and overskirt, apron front, looped in the wni lie"! hides, (rood " 10 ISIDOR I," harnes marks. " " ilamaifC'1 " nuking gigmtic strides along tLe old back, wliite fhwen in hair. Sheep Pells, well wonled, per piece 15 a 20 I, Address or applr to 7 nt'.inging on tha domain or cents per pound. Store N. E. Correr cf txrtTft Howl Is Vk ,arl!J 'f"!l tnd Mrs. E!sworth, white grenadine; Edward S. Stokes, tbe slay tr of James HOMERO. dinned. " " 5 a 10 gas, Nw lútxitft VICENTE Large 13 a Mitchell. Staging is deceno trimmed with bows of black Fisk was recently Irom Sit g " " - ofCvrrnu ol.naie, Jr., tranfeired La Cueva. Moa. Co. or 15 cents per pound tmversed by B rating. Thu dis.u.;e tJ itiibon. Lliir dressed pU:n with white Sing lo Auburn pi ison to serve tin remain Kids, " ' New Mexico I.arifewolf " M TL dñ'er thrown e M Coach is UMrg..tlknt. U'trith plume. der ol his term, which wili expire in Octobe.-Il- (aviites. " Ms 70 tlatjnkt la Hides an J furs st these prircs mutt lo of No. 1 aha eBliwnll will recount ll B1"' was ban knifed, and the Sewing .MneliliK'si. recéis lus; and out of employment Mrs. Franciico Baca, s'raw colored taken there quality. alara ailu r coi cj, Messrs, Hickman Given received the ol a past agí, whin the nine biocede silk, trimmed with white satin, keeper at A Jburn ordered the prison barber k with dozen tni Uo oí to sh.ive off bis e'egiiit mustaeln, which be other week one hundrej SING Kit a ; h of whiia grosgrnin siik and white BQCCBBSSCSSfl mail pulled outv1"'from tie Missouri river lor had been allowed to keepnt Sing Sing. SEWING MACHINES. They bad sold To Ihe WorkinK We ran furnnh 0 iwrs. von cmplovmont at wluehlsvoii can make very m in was appricia out th' most of their stock prior to re- larjre pay in your own localities being lri cloobs, SanU Fa. Then a st igí 2 full withwlt Miss in Ii.ub'iell. white tirletan. Diego, July Owirg op Le looked San to the new These machines sway iruin nome over niirni. Agents wanted in ted. He was a personege to up ceiving this Lo.. every an'l enmity to fur train. Co wing orerskirt caught up with pink fl and the town tle anhwrilicrs pressive tax on on provrions Reennf. l to and repected. His words were of value are of every class and style and all who The Centennial the lare-t- publication in fl.)"vers, pink sash. people are living on beef an I mesctl entire the I'nied State lti p(rey 64 column"; Elegantly purchase should avail themselves llhi-irat- and consequently sparingly used. His skirt, fpanish deire to 1erm only $1 r ar. The Record Miss Josie iJubbell b'aek ly in Lower California. Instead of filling in devolol to whrieier lsof fntf connected muih sought after and only nf tie opportunity at once. Store on tbe ifsi opinion was waist, white tarlitaa overikitt caught up with ihe Centennial vear. The Oreat Exbibitinn up and progressing the country is reloadi- t in fully detail, given in few words alter many requests. north fcido nf the plait. Philadelphia illuvralcd in with pink flowers. ng, and there is aiucb suffering for the want .veryboily wants it. The whole people feel freat He had ths air of a superior Leinif whose interé-- t in their Country's Centennial Birthday, Miss Hilaria Gonzales, lavender oi the necessaries of life. Feeling called upon to serenade his desf and want to knnw all about' it. An elegant knowledge of country and ol the Indians tbt kilk, mad with basque trimmed with folds ga7elle be borrowed an accor deon add, aTter pitriotie crnvnn (Iranios premium pictnie li jireiented to each miiM-ribe- r It to be questioned. All this is now Daylight Through tree lsentitieil was not of purple silk. the Tunnel. no that he could squeeze a few dole' In remeniliraiice nf the One Hundredth the change'. The railrjad hs be l.tilel blue Soledad Tunnel, July 21. Tbe headings of Ihe Indeiendenre ol the Cuitcd Miss I.ohgmoirf white iwiss. ith. ful noiss out of it, .he p s ed himself und ir States. ' Size. 23 by SO inches. Any one cn calliLg and ruined his country stage man's p. pink silk waist, short pufTd in tunnel, No. 18. Southern Pacific Kailroed become a vcce"ful'sicnt fur but 'how tbe pptr Mrs. S't ber window one r.ikht and began plaintively and and hundred are easily unanimous! toted a great injury by picture of It is sleeves, black skirt, gold j welry. met yesterday at 1:33 f. x. Tbe work it howling. "Oh. whisper what tho'i felest!" oli'ainnp everywhere. There i no that They will say, Texas as a good most vigorously pushed by will pay like ihis at prc-cn- t. W have many this craft. Mrs. Col. Wad"? Mut and cream colored this his been She poked her hena oat of the window a1 Kent!, lio are making a hiph as (20 per day ruined it. It wa U delay. íqtior0, s'ata before the railroads silk, flounced, Ofiipadour liodice, thefjrern-- n. J hn Warswick an IF. A. line and yon. is it? and upward. Now the time: don't over.lirt, f ,he third said. "Oh, it's Remember it cnt anthitiir to ftive ihe linsinesa a . -- fur ilaitini. 1 her ws the ku unnnirt short éleeres. Smiley, under lupervision of S. T. Harris I thocght it was este And yon want ma to trial. Send for our circn'ars, terms, aud ampie Smith eopv paper, which arc sent free to 11 who Butterfitld overland route, from Fort So anxious the above natxted psriie, of Mrs. Capt. Conrad, pink silk, trimmed wve whisper what I (eelest. hey? Well, I feeles( avplvs do it v. Complete outfit free to thote California. They enir'ige. and Arkansas to San Diego to complete these heading, that tbey wh'ilecide to Farmers mechanics, which M solil with white illusion. hardly tired, that's what, Been working a hard and daughters make tbe very best will st prices that will TltAt Tbey ran a and their sons LVKRYBODY. Bnvcra can rely nnoa did not freight on that rout. Mrs. Kimball Hack silk. allowed themtclvei time to rest for tb sewing machine of agents. Addrwa, rciviB Capt. runsing all da. Get me a CEWTEJCMAL BETTER QCALITmX Sad MORK COOD) borse or mules to a eoaeb, Tli RXCOED. tor tbair money, aka, stage line. Sil Mi-- e Brent, Black greasdias giant smoke to clear awa before light-RnoDio- g Domeali?' hen Malna than t1" podr ani Portistt, aw4 yMga far with a charge eery 10 miles, would Igbt ieiwr'elkr. "3 asunto, y j or esto lo creemos afue hombre potestad" La elección dal O fia FISHER & LUCAS, 4 City Bakery ra de toda duda que se contruiga esa Sr. Lerdo fae irrecusable "y. legal, in linea en dia t emprano. procediendo de 1 mayoría del pu'c. 5 Co DtlLKRI II Hi Estas son esoeculaciones, es ver blo por medio de las electorc H 4 9. II. IÍOUGI.ER, Editor. tinas C5 iaJ, pero nosotros, aqui los do Las Us. Un hombre no ed votó WATCHES, CLOCKS, DIA- Moreno, tel. S. let and 2 J Sts. Lag Vegas, atipla Sábado 12 le Agos'o de 1816. Vegas, tenemos la llave para el toíO. popular, no reconoce el derecho del MONDS, J&VtELRY AND S3 U O S ro de la rifa y debíamos reflejar pueblo para elegir el Presidente y SILVER ARE. o N ft PRECIOS DE SUSCRIPCION jÉealcftn oweirx Manfclnrei. r PI bien y con cuidado para estar listo toma las armas contra el gobierno. ESGItA VINO VO.'E. l. mmmim pira el tiempo ofrecido. Nuestra Sus urdirios también las toman con a INVARIABLEMENTE CS aNIKMAÍÍO. Ba-c- t to National Bank. Santa Fe, New - - Proprietor. perspectiva eo favorable. ciega obediencia, bajo dilerflnteí pre; iar ll --1 Mexico. J1 o la Julio 29. Ciento testos, peleando para "regenerar Una cipia, por un ano, 1 00 Washington, (fuá atocho and Jewelry repaired.) The best kind orbrfad, cakes, nfts. stc. nación." alwavr on ! and. f.d every pain taken to fill Una copia, por seis meses, 2 25 veicte y ur. reclutas han sido des SS-t- f "Si este singular manifiesto b'o es nil orders promptly. Dos copias, por un aÜo, 7 00 puchos a los regimientos de Dakota 16 00 la mas alta apropiación de un hom. Cinco copias, " " y Colurado, y 44 al cotnaDáo del OnTAT MtiTKlS, L. tUKTfil.S &3 copias, " 44 26 00 bro potestad, no entendemos el sig jPueblo, Colorado. Moro, Colorado. Jiez El 44 Geteral Terry. Veinte copias, " 40 00 I I niñeado de la frase, pero ella abun- Denver and Sio Grande C Londres, Julio 31. Loí turcos anarquía. BARTELS BROS. ANUNCIOS. da en elementos de Qué OI TERMINOS DE H que tomaron parte en el combate te. seguridades tiene el pueblo mexica Ninguna suscripción stra ni lo el viernes cerca do Midan con. no do que s! el Sr. Lerdo renunciara s RAILWAY. Wlohsal 6roc9TS, Pl recibi'la por Cíenos de seis inc5e3 o taban 1200 hombres. Fueron arro. y otro ciudadano fuese elegido Pre que no eea acompañada dfil dinero. judos hasta Podgoritza y s.den'e, otro hombro no se aliase y Merchants Forvariing J Comitimnn ? y prrdierou dos cañones los bata. 51 Cimpletod to palíese también fu renuncia? Todo Moto, Colorado. 3 a Ca1a cuadra, primera vez, 1 50 Hones que sostenían fueron aniquila, dependería entonces del capricho dol El " 14 sübstTuentes veces, 1 00 dos. gefo revolucionario. Que seguri- MORO. Uní. cuadra contiene il espacia de Kl'CV AS tit.N ES. dad tendría con tal Presidente, de Ei una pulgada. que otros gefes revolucionarios ue i El Fresiilento de los Estados Uni. tiv lesve to inform their AnmcronsfriéiiAsand Avisos por el ano sera?i publica- se levantasen sucesivamente y pidie. tltUen. throughout Jc Mexico and Arixtma. ?0 de dos espidió eu proclamación el dia tliiV Inve ih.l their WríO and dos al pro rata $100 la columna. sen U renuncia de cada Presidente, hi llou.-- c C4 THROUGH PASliS'GER & FREIGHT ;, n.n idVi, Forwarding and Cjumiwioii de Agosto, declarando Co. . primero el hubieso elegido? La U till' point TRAINS RUN DAILY. A visos pflr tres meses, o menos, que pueblo o lorado como uno de los Estadós Se . o de ber pngad'ós de antemano. única salvación para la nación me t'e la Union Americana. One hundred Miles further jgÉg"" Toda comunicación fcpbro veranos jicana esta en ailherirse a la consti- i? Y TRANSFER H S 'í, AT DELA SIN isuntos políticos o íe religion, o que Uno dospuec de otro da nuestros hi. tucional y mañana volverá, a ter ho. south ' OF Eli EIGHT. ta- 0, en i no yea para ti bien publico, sera jos sa pone el purpuro de indepon. liada; t so la hiere en parte, muera ..a- sada como anuncio, y el pago reque- i i dimite soverania, y selo la madre. atM el en totalidad." ""ilA.! ANf !rtEVIOÜ3 RAILROAD 5 ? rido de antemano. Reservamos TEK.VIINLS, o Nuevo Mexico, queda todavia un CO By flupplna freight to this point 'Cure iliicls, derecho de espresar nuestra opinion t.n ite voliieion ?n Hex loo. lili) hi ó A Co. or Utero, Cellar A Co. eo TenitoriO, dependiente a la bondad sin Mivt'l Hnie tunl & a favor o en contra de toda comu- No pocemos leer mentir lamas Where thev are fully prepared to attend properly to Inlays Is in 5o" cents j ur 100 pounds to all coasm uW cita eutuuted to nicación, como también el privilegio di; los señores del Congreso de dar- profunda pena la3 noticias quo nos to thein. In cash. ve de rechazar todo articulo o anuncio le uno de das eobrantea huesos roi-do- í. ilegan de la hermana república ciña. La revolución ha perdido LOWEST li.VIE-- Or personal. yClCKERTIME I.E'S RATES QUARAX- - terreno últimamente; pero no puede O t 3 0 S9 Se ha en el observa- coniideuríe muerta, y por el contra, ERÉ1GI1T GUARANTEED. La Perijicft.. descubierto ad- rio amenaza ser de larga duración. KorlnfornlatioB and Rates, Address. La posición de Las Vegas sera la torio astronómico da Paris Una rv 1 gobierno 89 fortifica; pero nd t. C. DUltUK. causa nuestra ciudad sea uno ile mirable fotografía do la luna, bacila THE ENEMY OF DISEASE Gen, Ft. & rasa A St. que puede devolver el orden al pais. La L'cuvcr. Colurado estos diss la plaza de ferrocarriles por un saTor Melonlez, f)tigntfo desmoralización cunde por todas de Nuevo Mexico. Si la via angos. español, en U cutí S3 distinguen partes, la obra de Diaz y Sus pait The pain & las volca dardos ha produculo sus efectos. Los fob of Desuñarais- ta de Denver Rio perfect mi into miotift is, C. lilanchtird. 0- GefTrion. F. indios aztecas en el estado de Jalisco TO MAX WZi IÍE.VST su linea da El Moro a ette lugar la nos, y varios bosques de arboles per recuerdan los días en que el famoso tilt) Ormá tld do & New orificados. La fotografía ha lama-d- o It otra angosto Galveston bandido Lozad era dueño dd pais. iBll-AlNr?IISA!H- j&l Mexico se dentro de po- mucho U atericidn y sigua de3" MUSTANG H ÍHO.I construirá Los que pretenden thularse soldados cos anos de esa plaía en Texas u al, peitando la curiosidad. de la ref eneracion so entregan al ro. bo y al crt las poblacioneí LINIMENT, DÉALÉRS IN gana junta con la de DptiVtr tiqui. La Cámara Je comercio do Fran eaqu'-- indefensas qoe caen en bu poder. Aquella fin dada se edificara a h cia tiene el proyecto de abrir un gran

I aceptado como Win ti n 3 STOOD Tltc TK? T OF 40 del lüo Grande v tal vez Ins-t- a El bruididage t3 und YKAHv rn canal entre elllavre v Marsella. Uno r K :: V) IT WII.T. NOT HBAI.. SERGHANBISE. profíüion por los quej corrompidos H STtK GENERAL la ciudad de Mexico en nuestra de los es el de via ?)'. s. m.;i-:- t ir wiu. sor cniK. planes una acuá- vito, no rvi'.s invr afflict tiiic Republic vecina. Etitó sera la cau por el mal ejemplo, atraídos por las H ;n w o t nti'; it vof iiousk tica de 10 pies de profundidad y 100 o i ni i ; i :'i ,t M'i; ANi i u,, tu r OOF. H'ool, llitlis & JPclts bought ct the highest market price in CASH. saque ténganos aquí un cisterna cotii. torpes doctrinas de la revolución, sa n r vi.:u ni ir- mvhc touch a de anchura al través del istmo de :;t i.v.. sw.or no. n desdeñan empuñar el nporo del r orn.K' riso de ferrocarril! s yrgostos con ya ( t K r K s V E ) T K It IKK OK A HC'MVS pleto Guienue y Languedoe, lo cual aeor. ll!-- ; 1. 1 f ITSHFCL-Mi4- S in exchange. HKIVO AM) T 'lilí'l I'O B Country ProJuce taken t:i!ula el Golfo do Mexico labrador, conducir el timoa del árai MAN V A VALUARLE U ÍÍISE. uru para ta la ruta marítima en 800 millas. la del y con comunicaciones cün los merca do, manejar herramienta ni Ins Vrjds,. Sari Migwi County ..New Mexico. Señor dos de todo el mundo. "Nuestro amigo el Don Ni. dustrial. Mientras tanto el país sé canor A. Gripgo, sastre mexicano, depaupera, la industria decae, el Awarded the IIiKh-- t Modal at Violin Tuibien es bien sabido que hay a de nues- carencia do una vía tras dejo un par pantalones en caos mas horrible lo envuelvo todo. & tra oficina, la persona a quien per- Quo cuadro! No verán, de verafli & S, T. ANTHOKT s. m$mwM3 0, continental. La de Northern Pací Ira la bondad do fie es afuera de toda cuestión por a tenezcan ten venir todo ésto, los que actualmente apai & elioS. El el &C0. WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS lo menos diez años Venideros, y la aqui por no sabe i.omlre liiinart la rcvyluciin como bniüd de la es'J no lo de TcSaS PdcittíJ Talleció fiieni-- . persona, por da." desagravio a eus queja?? 001 lirondwny, Sew Tork. para Mándelo por acá, compidre: el dia. Llueven sobre el pais las procla; (Opp. Metropolitan Hold.) pie, porquo no so puede juntar ti de Li, Cronicá los dinero necesario por personas priva- 1Mb redaría. mas de los descontento?, Be repiten M iwvXv-Utrct- importer and rJeaU'r a al mexicano. La el Co. das y el gobierno no quiere ayudar- Traslado Griego los pronunciamientos, titulado

, ,V Tí7()rÍ, Cash, Crónica. Ctimheros escita a la ro KVOÍt WINGS, CliltOUO-- FítAMES Ii?ó8, Peltries and Produce generally bought for la eii su prOitreco al través de los rouel Juan Exchange at marled prices. bellon al puebla de Sinaloa, michtraí Entonces que Pa.'i-),Jali- ) Llancs J Tempi, die Feliciano Roque, coronel también, et--r cransa queda para ctra ruta tras. las seis grande-- i rfc i U cS Las Vegis, ; ; i ; New Mexico que potencias están " ' hace idéntica propaganda. Para e Piiota-gr-iplii- , rontmeiit:il? Al ;ion, linpii-xm-i- t, 'ianairuMilc en comunicación relati- And l.'elctirities, ActiessCi olc. complemento de desgracias el Gené. kuidre.l goodi La posición do ferrocarriles ya vo a los. asuntos de Oriente, con la ral Vicente Rivas Palacio, militar hetliúS apuntan hacia una ruta ge- mira de unirse por un convenio a fin distinguido, escritor de nota, abraza PHOTOGRAPHIC neral. Al la o del Este tenemos de estr preparad jí, psra upreve s el hostil. Tiene vías ani-ha- al de lla- también estandarte MATERIALS, dos trves les chart--t de cualquiera oportunidad y la revolución atractivos", qüb asi cie- nos q!J0 8on la Kansas Picific y la ejorcer una influencia moral ea la We ir h'id i irtri for overvlhintr in I'm wav de hf Vt'K t (C N' I ViilC LASIXR-N's- , ga aun a hombres saber y quo "I stcn!ul 'K,re-- ' de Atchison, Topeka k Santa Fe. cue'ition. So sabe existo una biiii M mi:' wnireri of the Lj 'u,h IÉ qno a! de Siefr-la- s h in dado muestras de tener amor a Ambos He!1 ya pi? lis inteligencia ontre todos las Poten-cin- S, micio-'-.cif.- n n ncnsM, Toñecos a la vista la r.n; Rocosas y busonn una Sa'i la ha. sistema de su patria? c:--: y quo d un arreglo i'an orri'.'.vN, proclama do este general, y no ta f .IVK'tMTV stkkk mmtcan, ci i It co.Uít del Facifico. Al lado crclu-dv- o ontro los tres Imperios del a : tn-- i i r.tK k'I'.'iMn, bemes que pensar de ella; no Él abe del Ooci litntese ha construido tam- Norte, hi fcido en la apariencia tlban. v r.y rci ) v.i. n r i k mi l vn tehn, bién la Southern Pacific do Cilifor tilos que detir. Er. realidad, hb tai i'K .!; i. wrr: t donado. .ityle ( t.'l! ;. 'lie Eicli bJi.i n mirkcl rúa al través de laj regiones esteri bemos como definir la situación de Citi! i; U4 of íjiien in i sli I.m, with direr-t- i les de la prte meridional de Es- Cu'echjn li el trigo han tenido Mexico, comenzamos a perdernos ' I , ii i f. it n ; di i'i n. te V i .' ! i !' t. i ti i ( .n 1 1 c i i ill itii ill mcy with a tado y sin duiia lU'fra a lo al!es los trabajadores do esta comunidad también en la oscuridad que parece M ton i i'ff."i. t Ji V'uit in i t'i ! O'i'e i ii it Etpititi n will K M fértiles de Arizona durant? el pre tícupadisiuios esta semana. Los tri- cernerse robre tan infortunado pal. l i r. 'I . ' i I ' i mi i f It i.i ur lino S - f 1 i ! Y 0 ii s- i n i if ' im i T win're f año ril ir', á gos de este catan pronunciados Vemos tanto contrasentido en tdo 1 En ambos lados se llii ili 111 .m ' i v 1 n irj it i Icr tie rente verano. il'.n ti i' thoir Iim4ii,-i.- . II u superiores y condo los sabemos si haremos bien ch 1 n. temprano y que no í 1 1 i n i Hiylu h in pasudo ya las regiones cterile wj hj t ii ioi .sil of our 1 1 The ttihscriber haviaq removed b 1 i i IV ') rl it ? f t:io ii vi if I i'ilin to Albnnwrque will yUd t'ó se: any oj tardes maduraron casi creer es una locura desconocida gi , y detpobludas. De estender una de fe juntos, co. que O i nfi.-t- 1 1 l i "J 'i 't e i'0' M l ' S'j Y rk who will I : I - hs nil friend favjr him with a Cash and highctt kv i(t t i a ill i ii r.' i.j- i: t'i i tuc.T. all. tht sa ds estradar, los trabajadores quo so ha apoderado de algunel et s i.ii vias anchan de Las Animas o de ape li r"). fill it .it f Vir. of tlu hv.uoii in nit-k- p'l-.c- paid for WOOL. HIDES PEL TSi ft I I ant i li i f it.i cute it. tías hallan para ayuJ en co.--e hombres prominentes de aquella rs't 'Jit tl4i a Iverliieidcut fjr rcterinoe.'J 'ZOtfcc 4nl u)irehoue on the West hide of the Pliza, Trinidad hafta forniaruna junta con ij ir Mlbu-juenja- Oct. 23, 1875. la fjouilurn Putific ne California en ch irloi. Tanta fait a ha.:o la ayuda publica, La Crónica. que tuvimos dispensar con W. A. CLARK. Ariíona ni) es tuiprcsa de tan vas. qae tino c.ijiIxAjítf.. los xoririA a de nuestros, causa que tuvicnoJ n Me-sir- .i. tas magnitude o de provechos tin To'1.1 H'r-tn- ipic viene é o ale de Novo aplicarnos a la de h uí liii'ii toimir l minino militar da ahajo W. Carl & Co., Western dudosos que detuviere a los capita, que puesta tipa y del C"i.d id'i de t oll.'ix, piiMiulo el rio Cimarron Brewery, Hid-lirix- 'k . t i lí incho ilf G iren, ti. donde Joseph listas principales de contribuir con dejar la pítima descansar lia-- ta otro riiiiotruido un puenia al trave ilei rio y lu'iiC atiiiiiduiM'ia de nciic r truno. Córrale AXO C. S. F0A0E AQE5CY OF su part?. Esta seria una futa no numero. Aqui se explica la falta p inm'n )' ta .t n''oniolacioijí fe ba-jj- Eé i ; :.;.;..ÑeiÓ MeiicO. nlil para hotn.ire y amiiiji. Ll ciminí ej algunas co!as que debi.idns rtibli-e-a- r Liii-u- euieraiiitriite. Are now tho Lest quality of BEER, "Lager" as well solaitierite practica Sino también . : i "D ck," besides ALE, equal to any made o the Sutes. We icll cheap exeleiitr; porque cS debajo del nivel en cita semana UcvUta de i Ciirl33llfaH, and deliver our articles in Albuquerque. kfgi, barrels or bottles, in all pr.rls of tin le nevadas fuenes en el invierno y nm- - Territory. QQ Sunns It da avenidás temerosas del Teraho l'u Hombremurotnlad. DAV. TFISTSRNITZ, Manager rue tinto perturban la operación de Tomamos lo siguiente del Tiro riulií J ccrregidoi por Samuel Kbka, Lm Vega, s. y. Republics, periódico que en idioma Tecolote, New Meiico, $UÚ lilItfCtfííPfíllíCH vias ferroas en otras partes. Los de Louis, Chicago o ingles sale a luz en Mexico. Lans Uanc, lavada, por lihr, 14 . ciudadanos St. " ' y mejorada, " IS Is Iways apoliel with a cool el Mcnibr, " ucia, o nfara " 11 Kansas City saben lo que tienen que 'Según PorEiio Diai 'le 1 , LAS GOLONDRINAS, N.M. " Llanca caruerni " of General Merehan-üie- dado Cuero d leí, bueno, ' hacer y sin duda se aprovecharan ha iln manifiesto en el que pro- iunvlo, ring Corral, Oool 20 1 1 inl Lri9 Excellent Beer manufactured, sold and delivered, either at the Brew mete deponer las armas, n'empre que .leus, lanuda de n a cenUroa per píti l lance of de la ocasión de poder conseguir una ti Uto pr litira, Sublei an Aburt Forage S lOeevta-ro- l por ery, or to any part of the Territory, by tho Barrel, Keg or in Bottles. Lerdo deje la silla Presidencial. Í Saeaa de a piet. o tan J, ofen the best of facilities via traccontinental antes quo tus Te. La Cuerii de cabra, grande, tie V eatavot f"t Ailríé Frin TTcber. Fert Ubíc--h ToítOffict, V. M. i reutaroa pr libra, íogif de Mto , el ds pieia.oli . la tht trrllin; oromnoitj. 55 niños al mi se mueven tocsnf te pirt "un j fgrnt l 'ahrl"-- tntnni fnr pia tos; al sr llevada de vuelta a la a Se ha erigido otro monumento a pilla repftio Varias vetes eu fuga y la batalla de Waterloo, en la plaza J. II. SÜTFIN si fin el sacristan, cansado de correr de la Belle Alliance, en Berlir. DLNTISTA OCULISTA. Sábado, 12 de Agitto de 1878 tanto en seguimiento de la Madonna, Consiste de un grupo en marmol de Practicara la medicina, J darm atewcioa eap al hallarla po ultima vet en el mon. cuatro figuras reprtser.tativas de CímI a la practica de L'eutisU y Oculutat. Lt El rrroarrIlt eme-- i moa eetar uu inüuulejiia rtuc te, le dio una be leuda, secándosele las cuatro potencias que tomaron tn itutatiat manoa. La extension )e! ferrocarril 8n Otic in t u la casa en que cU situada la oact al momento iu braio. Se recono- parte en esa batalla famosa y deciti. ta, lu vgtah. al. gusto hicia el sai es, por supuesto, ció entonces la necesidad de edifi- vaInglaterra, Holanda, Prusia y an h?cho ,iue e verificara tardo o carlo a la Virgen un Sanctnario, en. Hanover. Lo primera e?ta repre temprano. Por ahora, í.gan nos donde gano después muchisimv. fama sentada por un guarrero, cuyo pit anuncian los oficiales de esa via, no CAMBIO. por sus milagro. izquierdo se poya contra el león ee costea de edificar ni un solo pie m a 1 ingles. abajo fiin do liutiiulu muúaúo su lner M de extension, El Tonel le Saa Fernando. utKovioa a iLLtíim.c tixuiu pero puede llegar el üu n.iaLü fcuile El Vieruea en la noche, dia 14 del cr u sus (,(. uttuii iaui caso qua 1 ieilw tou Mon. Cha obligue a la compañía de Vemos por "Iribune" de Den. - u, unu kiai.tea corriente, los trabajadores que pi.KUi. tuuii.eiojn, ilü.tA, k i.4' continuar su marcha luerilional pa ver que el Hon. Moses Ilallett h .i.Ai. oiiciLa ) .iuiLciu ib il litio Cetlc tie la 1 lira, abrian el túnel de San Fernando . la asegurarse de las tierras el y sido propuesto al AiLkitktiLt, Ja. Octklit ;k ue Jb76, para Presidente para V . que en Julta de 1875 dieron A. CLAliK. camino. El dinero esta ya suscrito princi- juez de distrito de los Estados Uui pio a fus tareas comenzando res- para estenier la Tía férrea hacia al dos en Colorado, y que Grant leda, pectivamente por ambas extremida- BUii de El Moro Veta, y sin duda ra muy probablemente la nominación Mrs. M. D. MURRAY. des de no pasara mucho la grande obra, dieron los ul. Esta tiempo sin que se sera recibida con gran placer TIMQltnA ba MtVA VOKK. timos golpes en la edifica la linea de dura tierra que por el alguno U los dos pueblo de Colorado, biende Ics'.n iiilotniar a lúa tenoias ae las ega, puntos. les puso en mutua comunicación a iki-ui- i Linoij j ei. cokioiLua, iiiveliu Cual linea db un oficio que tiene - tta tie adoptar es que ser tenido to ( Laiu í..ti iccu ut- luja, loitat'T del UJUalkl . l.H ahora la través pa3j subterráneo, El la vida, LlíU HklUu MI LU. úlk Ul IX viK-uci- cuestión bajo consideración. da y Moses Ilallett es núes, fu ) sihii,ia atioiacciou o to .' ;; tT i.tociu iiat acontecimiento es digno de celebrar, n.ui loo tacto tkukuo lio usitel tiabaju 1 pagar Ambas . e presentan reclamos urgentes tío escojímiento universal. Expió iu-u- juiíub tu ti ludo .SoUbUüla se, j ues tiene una significación ini i liua, uu pkerias ul Lote Uelheld, La aaa y es posible que la decision final se. rador. THE . Al., portantisirna pura esta sección toda ra ocasionada por eventos venideros. " SILVER TONGUE" del Estado, El túnel tiene 6,904 Cosa ite inVcnU milla üe Tucson, Por un lado es de mucha impertan pies de longitud, y por el cerca de la linea de Sonora en Ari cia que se tocare el pais de San Juan, ti abajo Tienda Nueva, que ha requerido su construcción zonif, se ha descubierto ultimamen que es de grandes riqueaas natura- j el merit de esta, por el notable he to una mina de plata, que se sup les y que por el aumontado numeo i cho de abrir una inapreciable comu. tester la famosa Plain his de Pit t de emigrantes prontamente atraerá A TEST OF THIRTY YEARS. la nicacion férrea entre estas reponen mencionad i por lns escritores espa- $ construcción de varias lineas ftr-rea- s. de California y el Sur del Estado ñoles 200 unos hacp, y que seguí The cheapest because the best. Fully Por el otro lado el inmenso warranted constituye una obra grandiosa, dig ellos, producía inmensos cantos de New Styles just ready. Send for Catalogue and Price trafico de Nuevo tara-lie- JAFFA HERM'S. Mexico, que n Lists. new na por ú sola de dar impereced i a puro metal. La corona se la apn, Examine our method of lighting the music esta desarrollando y aumentan, Estaa alioíu Jireparndtn d sfíeceer in bien aaoo pío por ii.foi jnulidU li for evening performance. Constant improvement our jido surtido dose, tiene faina a la Compañía del Sur del Pa- cierta en su ruta natural al lado policy. Styles specially adapted for Parlors, Churches, del Este cifico que la ha construido. Mii concesión. DE de las cierras. Por cuales- Ledges, Music Halls and Conservatories. Address the de las (juiuietitos trabajadores, con un gas. Un quiera dos lineas la distancia ingle fu luui.ido patente p anufacturers. merextieiM al pnébla 44 a tu de $200,000 al mes se han ocu casi igual ra una de lia-n- a c para Santa Fe. La li. vla su invención que E. P. HEEDHAM & SON, pado durante mas de millón y me- occidental, ergun esta agrimen-ada- , "desinfectante," porque de yo Jfos. 143, 145 147 Hast St., Xcto dí) de pesos. Aunque este túnel im 23d Tortc LAS llega al Rio Grande en las ve. io o cristales de acido carbólico, qu VEGAS es el único que debe abrirse en esu cindddes de Taos, e convierten en gases a medida y vi--f inflnd a 1p ma y de alii para qu. - jrcios redueldea por dle montañosa region c"e nuestro país, .f- io ál coiiliitto, y eRtan ileicizmuadoa y abaja con la corriente hasta Sant tide la vel, y sirve para desinflo-ia- r Fe. pues hay otros catorce túneles, m los Li linea oriental so dirijo ca- - cuartos de las pirsonas en i i . . . . . bien mucho mas pequeños, porqu i uerecna bacía al sud de Ei Moro y otros. Con ?l mati-m- i ñ SÜ1IINISTKAN todos ia A entre no componen apenas ,u lince la el para Las Vegas y de al! da eu vuel. se vein, tin zela invei . THE NEW ngitud del que se acaba q abrir, &&8ñA Double- - las carencias de endo utio, par la satisfacción ta hacia el un draima de la qu--irv- df occido.ite y norto hasta tor sustancia iodos) ellos tendrán j a ju-- deben hallarse expeditos par. deyii.fiTcioti. Thread capital de Nuevo Mexico. TJ na para ti nurn n m t ri ;j mm la conclusion de la liuc-a- , su conclu mr animacun impmt.nte para la cons- mfttW S lia descubierto recientemente ,1, m don i ignifica qut se ha derrum')ado EFECTOSJCVGS trucción de esta linea es I. afertn la imponente barrera quo la natu otra cueva igantfícn; ct'rca de Co. techa por la cjtnpania ríe la via an tumbía, Est-il- de Kentucky, laeuai en el y de raleza li,bia puesto a nuestro co iinstnntentíiite cnmlno por lo tanto sera gosta Galveston, Texas, que abo habilitados de tener siempre un surtido do toda livaliza en puntosa coi nercio cu eu tífico con lamciropo grandtaa cosu.'l odos ra se esta adelantando hacia al enbtti itsi etuosiinieiite invita" nor !a del déos do su sTijrtily ' 'i del Hitad-)- Pocas semanns mn originil Mammath, inin!. visitar tienda! "ifm-- te en Texas, quo si la via de norte de lu pluzu, eu la Donvei listado, da fama nniversfil. En el primera y h cer el viaje de s ptiertH ul poniente del almacén , & Rio Grande construyera podremos su se encontraron troa lm de Miimiel Kohn, para la .a Francisco, una día esjueletos de El Moro hasta Las San exiiniiiiucion de los Vegas, ella sr de da 'Je 450 uní lar, en nanos extraordinarias prepori'. electos obligara de venir por todo el Unci i cosa rio de ues. Abundan Us galerías h veinte horav, y li bres do los peligrof y i, U A Pecos hasta juntarse con la RATO AL CCKTADO. otra ran variedad de estulactitas v ti. iqui. Esto del mar o lia inco uiodHades de bu dará al ferrocarril una íatalagnitas. liligeHt-ias-, A ul. nna hora oimoí salida salva pira el grifo de Mexi- qvte es opinioii adnii tida por hom El a co y fin uu 1a causaría mucho tra- Congresj lu i.unue'li'io lt brea entendidos en la materia, que viu'l-- i del General Custer y a cad; NO fico en la trasportación deprolucto SE LEA ESTO. -- I directo amb:n uno de un padres un pension vita- 1, primer tren entre del Su La irn.ortanoU de u.ilt-s- . li t licia de í)5'J nieii! ciudades hura su pri-n- r viajo unte-d- cuestión e indica en el dilato de to fines de Setiembre. Se ca'eubi 11 1I.AHO KUJJKHO. mac los pasos ünalas en la escojidn íue para el Io. de Octub re proximo de U lineas. La es li opinion de ISIDOtl STEM, i!. KUiMtllO Y Il'KO. .e podran correr trenes di rectos en im hombres ferreos que si la linea Kan-Ba- s Aírente por tre Fort Yuma y San Fra icisoo, PaciGc se adelanta h ist i la Tri- La Croni-a- . nidad, la d Denver & Rio Grande, Taussig, Hm'osy Cia., 1rúcaiitoa ee vera obligada en defensa propia tue es el oí. El profesor Rudolfo, en una me- ocupar la tierra y peguir eu cons-truccio- n el sol, en recurren: HT LOIIJ MO. para Las Vegas, un hecho moria sobre dijo Mcrcanciss Ccnerehe, THE LIGHTEST-RUNNIN- G MACHINE IN THE WORLD. también seria de que era una masa er.candet- - centt qub ventaja para I'agara loa I'icciui Muí AltOJ, With our printed dirertions, no instruction or mechanical skill reiuired to operate it. al de 850.000 millas de dia. la ruta de Denver k South Park en blanco, The construe tion of the machine is based upon a principle ol unique and unequalled slm plicity, comprimí)? simple levers working upon centres. The bearings are lew, and thejr Calle del la edificación metro, lo que es igual en volumen n Paclfleo, Las VcfM, X. iSt de su linea haeia el DIXEKO AL CONTADO. are Hardened and polished. y Lo Alimoi, X. M. pais de San l,260,r00 muñios como el nuestro, The machines are made at our new works' in the city of Newark, N. J., with new special Juan. (patented) machinery and tools, construí ted expressly to accomplish what now offer. rodeado de un océano de gas encen- Jivtry machine fully Hiirinuled. Ela Biipta tan "ta iWrfccriVtrn'da ta El de pnt Lid, Cuares, Toltui, te. y Papa Roma, dice uno de dido, que tiene 50.000 de profundi- i rcMiixtíitc, raii . ahí ra uLier'a tara "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., r í nuestros cambios ordeno al carde- ttdoude dad, lenguas de fuego que se elevan i ,1 LJ New York mid ChionffO. rtiilarau ua surtido ticojidu de nal arzobispo de de Paris coronar no a 50,000 de alto, fuerzas volcánica SA V1GS. Bv miner the " Domett le " Pa-- B w wr KxliioiM the mcist stvlish and peffe't-flttt- ' "" olaínente la Virgen de CA Lonrdes, que lanzan a la atmosfera solar toa. a rostumrs ran be produced, t a large sating 10 Ropa Hecha, FASHIONS MU.MiK m inose wuo c noose to mane, or iupenn-len- d que confirmo la Inmaculada nf. '.ha Alirrotcí, Con. teria luminosa hasta la altura de J( O o th: makin? their own carments. With v, 5' c a. highest talent and the best facilities in ill departments, and the bet ideas of the most skillful LícoreV r cepcion, sino también a Nuestra Se. 100,000 millas, atrayendo a si to- a O modistes, both at home and abroad, we ere enable I to attain results lar above the reach of the r average dress-make- r. Our styles are alwavs the latest and best. Our elegantly-illustrat- ñora de TA c K9 Cigarro, Ciegnac. Unos 50,000 per. dos loa muñios pertenecientes a c Sttaiogui mailed to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents wanted everywhere. c- ? B Frutni y asistieron las - onai ceremonia?; la tuostra fitmilia de planetas, y man. c ro "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACHINE CO., Oetraa en botas . calles IV g-o- estalan llenas de pabellones y teniéndolos to los en su propio sitio o w Yorlc uml Chica banderas y habia varios arcos de Cu Tambit trncmoBtn mrtido efef1 Atrae, ademas, con fuerza tan supe Hi Ul O triunfo. tr s y El principio oficial de la rior los millones de masas solidas y S3 jojtria nrjicaa H P H Viaitadno. fiesta se anuncio por el descargo de aadan errantes por ii 3 excéntrica? que m L ijt nu Alüo uoüKr.o jiemaxo. artillen M t y repiques. A las 10 da la el incomensurable abismo, que se 3 o U1aKU:s ILL'KLD, - xnanaua el cardenal arzobispo ctltbro el en- Q2- CQ precipitan hacia caen en su 7) j t -- roiga asistido CO 5 por todos los obispos. A cendido seno Y asi prosigue en su ta O 8UCES01Í DE A. LETCHER V COMPAÑIA las 3 de la tarde comenzó la corona. marcha incesante y sublima a travos MM aon. Se dice que la procesión era de eu poderosa órbita, cuyo periodo --1 " O ta O i esplendida. A la cabecera marcha, pasa de diez y ocho millones de años. tr. uá t sort de U plata, Laa Tagaa, K. U. ron policial a caballo; en resenta y El Etorp. o 2 H G o GGHB I"A tres grupo; dekpue? 1,500 sacerdo. - NTS Dice U de Colorado eu 3 tes, seguidos por 000 monjas cen ni. n ! del los jrfio tas allot nis, El car después salió de Spring: Secretario privado ra ff salió el AL POIi MAYOS Y la catedral procedí Jj por la estatua Gobernador Routt martes it O Washington con una de miraculos que fue llevado por pasada para VEGAS, cut - m 1 US KIEVO MEXiC copia de la constitución y ordenan- tro sacerdotes y escolta lo per poli o laa, Cr.rtoa, fifi, ti. ie. certificado del gobernador o cias y saperos a caballo. Había tam zas y el : 3 O sobre la votación para presentarlos lien en la formación treinta y liete L" A. GJ.Zl.LACJJOyJíJt al Presidente, de conformidad con TTEKTAHAá mas estatuas siendo una de ellas la w Carpinliria h PUERTAS y el acto de habilitación en recibiendo de una negra, que llamo mucho la Traficante en Mercaneiai Genérale !o cual el precilente expedirá eu El nfraícrlfo ta ahora falirirnr con cu maquina tftía atenebn. a ta ta líto fx. cli le obras di? csrpinterifi, carrorr-ri- y !p inurMon Hura contra tog La Virgen d Ciegnac asi corona- proclama declarando Colorado co. pira o tt tO'U clase de edificio, del uele rrih. y mrtira todo el material, ai Puerto lana, da mo Estado, y di allí en adelaute otra O piri it ocupaba anteriormente ua nicho asi íca requerido. Toda orden, reiuer.V-.d- puerta. latid(rea. celoras. estrella de brillo ser aft 'i da o uaa capilla pequeña; fa rjran J pro io m entablados de piso o cielo, estarán cumplida con maror denpacbo y tao al circulo de la Union." Trodactor del pais re nt i c 1 B. N. j go y euoadio arbuí w barato larsaotinim' J WOOTTKN, tai Vcjai. M. is futre aaoi o cómoda eibidci en cao. ft