CEU eTD Collection

In partialIn fulfilment of T H HE

ERZEGOVINAAND Department ofInternational Relations and European Studies C R ONDITIONALITY IN OLE OF

Supervisor: Erin Kristin Jenne

Central European University the requirementsthe for the degree Masterof Artsof M

Budapest, Hungary Word Count: EDIA IN Cedric Pulliam Submitted to 2013 By T 1





, Ph.D.



CEU eTD Collection n sus novn te uoen no. y sn a ulttv mda content media qualitative a using By Union. European the involving issues on in media of role the that is argument central My nation. a within factors social or political, behistorical, varyingmedia can cultural, impacted isperceived. perceptions These by plays media the that role The the ethnic biasespersistently already Bosnian within engraved society. oth audiences their for bias ethnic of levels varying with articles produce agencies media print that found Stabiliz Union‘s Bosnia throughout efforts and success the on opinions varying Bosnia European towards journey Bosnia‘s and integration Union European the portray outlets the regarding discourse public building on has media analysis er words, the ethnic groups that newspaper agencies publish articles for reinstate for articles publish agencies newspaper that groups ethnic the words, er - ezgvn fo sno plc ofcas poie giig rmwr of framework guiding a provide I officials policy senior from Herzegovina f rn mda ore i Bosnia in sources media print of post B uiiig semi utilizing By . - European Union European war to ad soito Areet Agreement. Association and ation


ih ona ad ona Cot aig ihr levels higher having Croat Bosnian and Bosniak with - Her - ezgvn sne h 20 process 2008 the since Herzegovina zegovina plays a significant role in the public discourse public the in role significant a plays zegovina

in a nation is based on various ramifications on how on ramifications various on based is nation a in by looking at how different ethnic different how at looking by - tutrd il itriw c interviews field structured failure Abstract 2


o te iies f Bosnia of citizens the for ezgvn I eosrt te role the demonstrate I Herzegovina

of the European Union in statebuilding in Union European the of

hogot h aayi i was it analysis the Throughout nutd throughout onducted - based print media print based f h Euro the of

- Herzegovina - based In . pean that

CEU eTD Collection I would like to thank each individual who took the time to allow me to interviewtoallowme them to the time whotook each individual thank to like Iwould supporter biggest and friend my to goes thanks special professio with assisting for Moore Sarah Ms. to thanks Special Bosnia. through research field my conduct to researcher Bosnia in University American o process the throughout support and comments constructive and guidance intellectual me providing for Jenne, Kristin E Dr. supervisor, my towards gratitude most the extending by begin to like would I my in support and academic studies. encouragement provided always have who friends and family thesis Foelger this of purposes the for ,


Amer Dzihana. Amer

Lastly, I would like to send a special thanks to all my all to thanks special a send to like would I Lastly, - Herzegovina f thesis writing. Secondly, I would like to thank the thank to like would I Secondly, writing. thesis f Acknowledgement – nal contacts and securing interviews. interviews. securing and contacts nal

.. N H.E. 3

– da Hadzimusic, edzad

Sarajevo for hosting me as a visiting a as me hosting for Sarajevo

Ms. Snezana Dimic of CEU. of Dimic Snezana Ms.

si Ganic, Esmir Another

Sue rin rin CEU eTD Collection Introductio List ofAbbrevia Table of Contents……………………………………………………………… Acknowledgements………………………………………………………...... Abstract…………………………………………………………………...... Bibliogra Appendices Conclusion…………………………………………………………… Chapter 4:Visa Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Appendix II: Appendix Ana MediaContent I: Appendix Divisions Administration 4.2 Event Ana 3.1 2.1 1.1: Readership Statistics Chapter Division…………………………….…………………………..... ResearchDesig Section B Section Literature Revi phy………………………………………………………………………... BiH LaunchBiH to Journey Adoption ofEuropean Partnership…………... of in Role Media n…………………………………………………………………………... Event Analysis Event Analysis ………………………………………………………………………….. A - tions…………………………………………………………….….. Free Schengen – –

Role Role Bosnian lysis…………………………………………………... ew…………………………………… n…………………………………………………………. of Media inBiHof Media Society …………………………………………… ……………….……

Bosnia Integration theEU into

RegimeBiH…………………………………... for of Media Print inBiH……………………….. Join EuropeanJoin Union - Herzegovina…… lysis Findingslysis Chart……………………….66 4

Map of Bosnia …………………... …………... …………… … … ………………………. ……… …….. ………………………. - ………………….. Herzegovina……... …… … ………………... …………… …… ……………. . ………… ...... …...... 49 ...... ……….56 ………37 …... ……38 …...35 …... …..31 …..2 .…21 …30 …65 ...... III ..55 ..67 . IV . .. . 65 15 11 46 62 .1 II .I 3


United and Association ProcessStabilization and Association AgreementStabilization Republika Srpska Qualitative Analysis Media Content Office International for theformer Tribunal Yugoslavia Criminal FormerYugoslavia RepresentativeEuropeanBosnia in UnionSpecial European Union RegulatoryCommunication Agency Central Eastern Europe Bosnia Bosnia

- - of High Representative of States Department ofState Herzegovina Herzegovina List of Abbreviations of List


- Herzegovina

CEU eTD Collection oils rl, u i aial rltos hogot h vrey f tnc groups ethnic of Yugoslavia. variety throughout the throughout relations amicable in but rule, socialist states 1990‘s were groups ethnic between tensions Introduction Books, 1996. 4 IllinoisUniversity Press, 1956. of 3 Books, 1994. 2 1 1995. of Agreement Peace Dayton a and genocide, divisions, ethnic harsh of memories interna the to provided war the about information all of control complete have to government the for allowed ideals Communist within concept media free and open an of lack al tensions. ethnic government the period war the During under conducted Yugoslavia Former re Communist former the to traceable are Bosnia in media the affect that dailylives the in played th became society within element

Mazower, Mark. Glenny, Misha. l media and used television, radio, and print outlets as war propaganda tools. propaganda war as outlets print and radio, television, used and media l Siebert, F., Peterson, T., Schramm, W., W., Schramm, T., Peterson, F., Siebert, ibr Lna n Ltl, Alan. Little, and Linda Silber, – . tional arena. The outcomes of the war left Bosnia warleft the of outcomes The arena. tional 1 ne te omns rgm of regime communist the Under

Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia and Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia, uig h peiec o Jsp rz io iies o citizens Tito Broz Josip of presidency the During


The Wall of Yugoslavia: The Third Balkan WarThirdBalkanThe Wallof Yugoslavia: The During the Bosnian Civil War, the regional governments controlled governments regional the War, Civil Bosnian the During The Balkans: AShortHistory The Balkans: 2 in the Western Balkan nations today nations Balkan Western the in

Although ethnic tension was not a volatile t volatile a not was tension ethnic Although

e significant role that one form of communication of form one that role significant e

uolva Dah f Nation a of Death Yugoslavia: Bosnia is still currently a divided nation by three three by nation divided a currently still is Bosnia an

o a severe as not authoritarian and Communist model of press. press. of model Communist and authoritarian -

we mda aiuae ad heightened and manipulated media owned uolva ro t is dissolution its to prior Yugoslavia 6

or hois f h Press The of Theories Four . NewLibrary, York: Modern 2002. than prior to the war in the the in war the to prior than meager - Herzegovina the devastating the Herzegovina –

media. Various issues Various media.

te i Yugoslavian six the f . New York: York: New . democracy from the the from democracy Nw ok TV York: New . hreat Ubn, IL: Urbana, . –

we gime. gime. , under re Penguin , another

4 ethnic

The The The

CEU eTD Collection media in media radio, municipal and state most control 1990s, the during was media how Despite Croats. Bosnian of majority the contains region Herzegovina the and Serbs, Bosnian mostly has Srpska Republika the Muslims, Bosnian to home is Bosnia that suggest conflict major Eastern Europe,‖ 7 civil society." 6 5 2012 of Challenges Bosnia ProgressBosnia’s towards playsit society. within been has journey the due country the within media independent of towards push the through avenues main the of one but aspects, other and system open and free media‖. a or system political democratic fully a either to transition proper Bosnia whereas future the for outlook internationally. and nationally, state, regionally, issues on opinion public deriving in media on relies time

See Appendix I See Appendix Taylor, aubwc, ao, Mda ihn n Wtot h Sae Pes reo in Freedom Press State: the Without and Within ―Media Karol, Jakukbowicz,

due to the fact that the government controls majority of media and the public the and media of majority controls government the that fact the to due - uoen Union European ezgvn 21 Pors Rpr fr nagmn Srtg ad Main and Strategy Enlargement for Report Progress 2012 Herzegovina 7

post Maureen. "Media relations in Bosnia: A role for public relations in building in relations public for role A Bosnia: in relations "Media Maureen. h ses oad E membershi EU towards steps The -

Public Relations ReviewPublic Relations war ed regions regions ed Research from Research

Journal of Communications ofCommunications Journal

Bosnia - n otmoay ona scey h gvrmn cnius to continues government the society Bosnian contemporary in 2013 2013

used as a tool for war propaganda and to cause further harm further cause to and propaganda war for tool a as used

- – (hereinafter „Progress Report‟) „Progress (hereinafter measures conditionality Herzegovi

ona Hreoia ad eulk Srpska. Republika and Herzegovina, Bosnia, EU AccessionEU

Ka rol Jakubowicz predicted that ―less than optimistic than ―less that predicted Jakubowicz rol na has maintained maintained has na

26.1 (2000): 1 26.1 (2000): - Herzegovina as a country has yet to make a a make to yet has country a as Herzegovina

7 eeiin ad rn otes outlets. print and television,

fr ona s eyn o te political the on relying is Bosnia for p 45: 4 (1995), pp. 125 as stated in the EU published published EU the in stated as - 14. its significance in society over over society in significance its

provide s -

130; p. 193 130; p. the importance of importance the

to the to h rl of role The

5 strong role role strong



CEU eTD Collection source. society, civil Legacyand the ofWar Crimes.‖ 10 9 2012 Challenges (accessed 23,2013). April Main and ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf/key_documents/2012/package/ba_rapport_2012_en.pdf Strategy Enlargement 8 ea either citizens BiH has Union law. European the from flourishes that prosperity ofand justice, freedom, democracy, rule the and prosperity economic with EU the of association the on tenets off based nation the across 80% and 70% between varying membership EU for support broad lies there BiH Throughout states. for do to suppose are they as statebuilding of mechanisms the perpetuating fact in are measures conditionality EU whether of uncertainty years. five past the over success great Report Progress the in discussed is offices manyits and Commission European the by Bosnia within conducted enlargement accumulated pre forms throughout the has The

Ibid, p.49 eiei, ia ―U odtoaiy n ona n Hreoia Plc Reform Police Herzegovina: and Bosnia in Conditionality ―EU Tija. Memisevic, uoen Commission, European aforementioned requirements enhance the power that media in its various various its in media that power the enhance requirements aforementioned 8 the arean early stage. at communication, electronic of fields info the in ailment Legislative CRA‘s financial the to and challenges continuedfunctional the particular in and resources, broadcasting media. public the and for society incompl remains framework information legal the the of on Harmonisation made was progress Little

The states Progress that: Report rmation society and media did not advance. Overall, preparations Overall, advance. not did media and society rmation

p freedom of expression, public broadcasting, and a free or open media open or free a and broadcasting, public expression, of freedom oes o Bosnia for rocess ete. The lack of coordination and of adequate human adequate of and coordination of lack The ete.


ona n Hreoia 02 rges Report Progress 2012 Herzegovina and Bosnia

Clifford Paper Clifford ger to join or sceptical to the fact of whether whether of fact the to sceptical or join to ger in length, but the progression has not reached not has progression the but length, in needne rmi a eiu concern. serious a remain independence, - ezgvn. Herzegovina.

- 8 accession and progress stages in the andin progressaccession stages


116 (2009): 49

preponderance of supposed supposed of preponderance h wr ta i being is that work The - 2013, 10 potential member potential

- 66; pp.54 h iel of ideals The (10 October 202), 202), October (10 - 56

CEU eTD Collection backdrop of backdrop the against 2004 of enlargement the after changed conditionality accession enlargement. 2004 the since measures conditionality in shift the to due enlargement EU in accessions when and Union European the predictability entrust really can the one reliability discusses Schimmelfennig Frank nation. Balkan to institution supranational the by kept be will promises the 12 15:8 (2008): 918 Effectiveness.‖ and Consistency Enlargement: 11 integration. EU towards progression Bosnia‘s in actor societal a as media the Progress Accession EU Bosnian’s towards effortsthe Europeanits productivity BiH. its Union toensure in within onl government its and society fractionalized and Herzegovina Bosnia in role important an plays media that suggest Scholars country. the media the is overlooked is coverage that aspect key a but monitored, is this progress how and incentives relevant the on focusing scholars of number a by studied been has unsuccessful or successful being conditionality EU of aspect is conditionality EU but of model incentives high, external is the that consistency evidence proving further that providing reduced greatly is concluded effectiveness and countries member EU

Ibid, p.924 cimleng Fak ―U oiia Acsin Conditionalit Accession Political ―EU Frank. Schimmelfennig, Next, let us consider the consider us let Next, of EU accession and integration that takes place within and outside and within place takes that integration and accession EU of

obvious ‗enlargement fatigue‘ and domestic obstacles in the non the in obstacles domestic and fatigue‘ ‗enlargement obvious

- 937; pp.921 with the obstacles that lies within the ethnically ethnically the within lies that obstacles the with 11

e naes h fcos f hte E‘ political EU‘s whether of factors the unravels He

- 24. aim of this thesis is to is thesis this of aim



y brings to the attention towards towards attention the to brings y Role of Media in Society Media in of Role ora o Erpa Pbi Policy Public European of Journal relevant. investigate the role of of role the investigate wards a Western a wards aig political making 12

h overall The atr h 2004 the after y

- - CEU eTD Collection are thesis this closely, Bosnia in conditionality the that demonstrates integration EU on reports progress and By 2008. since out set measures conditionality the with of Eur progress the and integration European of progress the on Herzegovina I EU. Bosnia that state considerable the in nations Balkan Western other to significance to this expose hopes with society of levels all on media of importance the emphasize seeks contribution This integration. European of progress control they BiH in media the of majority controls government the media state scholars on focusing when implication new a advertently existentia are Union European the of for progress compliance, conditionality of functioning the discourse, public shifting and building in the Through statebuilding. in also and society civil building towards progression the in Bosnia within mechanisms media independent that and sources news national or canton, region, city, the on depending vary can demonstrates media examined The government. fractionalized already the separating further and low are measures such of successfulness n detail n opean Union efforts within Bosnia within efforts Union opean used,

the focus will consider will focus the as milestones to initiate the presence of the European Union but the but Union European the of presence the initiate to milestones as overall analysis conducted throughout this thesis the media‘s role media‘s the thesis this throughout conducted analysis overall - Herzegovina is in the European in European the in is Herzegovina evaluation of EU officials within BiH, within officials EU of evaluation how large of role the media plays in Bosnia in plays media the role of large how

measures set forth by the European Union Union European the by forth set measures - Herzegovina in integration progression integration in Herzegovina l iprat o coasi. hs is This scholarship. to important lly 10

- Herzegovina are pertinent pertinent are Herzegovina tegration process with the with process tegration examining the media media the examining ic numerous since that reporting that and outlook and

and that and to - CEU eTD Collection faced greater opposition when Slovenia gained independence from the republic and and republic the from independence gained Slovenia when opposition greater faced he but rule, Yugoslavia socialist the continue to Yugoslavia Second the of authority Yugoslavia of Euro dissolution into integration and society civil toward progress in ethnicities the amongst hatred ethnic mobilized and regions where Serbia Serbslocation outside populate mostly, the derived from nation, Serbian the to significance traditional of regions all incorporate would which Press. Martin‘s 14 their own political andmaterial interests fear, cultivate opportunities, 13 elite the on focuses and communication symbolic through made is reality Young and Nagel, Kaufmann, (Bosniaks). Muslims Bosnian and betweenCroats, Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian tensions ethnic raising in support public solicit to media utilizing began Croatia. and Herzegovina Milosevic movemen Serbia‘ allegiance lose republic socialist the see to began Milosevic Izetbegovic. Alija president Bosnia‘s by Herzegovina Bosnia of by Republic Socialist ofindependence the and wastheproclamation power followed Croatia

ulay E Vulliamy, bd p 799 p. Ibid, Som pursued and others in the in others and e scholars have taken an instrumentalist approach to argue to approach instrumentalist an taken have scholars e

d Definition of Definition .

came t soon esn i Hl: nesadn Bsi‟ War Bosnia‟s Understanding Hell: in Seasons

– iiay ocs o ei rgiig ad hogot Bosnia throughout land regaining begin to forces military

ntuetls prpcie pltcl nrpeer perceive entrepreneurs political perspective: Instrumentalist after. The pivo The after.

o ie n t rgi trioilt i te ein o Serbia; for region the in territoriality regain to and rise to 14

olwd ioei‘ peiec i 1989 in presidency Milosevic‘s followed

Greater Literature Review Throughout the war in Bosnia the Serbian government Serbian the Bosnia in war the Throughout n pru ethno pursue and interactio



Serbia count nist tradition of sociology of tradition nist tal change in Milosevic‘s political leadership political Milosevic‘s in change tal


ries‘ ries‘ (2004). (2004). - nationalist goals in order to advance advance to order in goals nationalist

sought independence. The ‗Greater The independence. sought –

The creation of a Serbian land, Serbian a of creation The the - tatc bodies Atlantic Balkans argue that that argue Nw ok St. York: New . soig down slowing , that Milosevic Milosevic that ,

e b his by led . all social all 13


- - CEU eTD Collection a n Bosnia in war country. the throughout Herzegovina prior the led eventually This doctrine. Serbia Greater the under Serbia‘s deemed was that territory gain to Bosnia throughout placed were to controlled governmentally communication. of manipulation Future University State. Columbia ofthe (2007 York, Press: New York, New 18 in Minoritythe Balkans, Returns and Restitution 17 (1994): p.42 16 Yugoslavia, 15 post under institutionalized Bosnia within society contemporary war the ending post the in framework and children displaced individuals million 2.3 approximately and people three a over lasted that war the of impact nation. the within environment divided ethnically the continued which Bosnia, in created statuses autonomous were Srpska Republika and Federation) (the Muslims Federation The Bosnia. of cantons territorial on agreed Serbia) and

Malcolm, Noel Malcolm, Intolerance Ethnic al. et Dusko, Sekulic, Oluic, Steven Oluic, en, rn Brir t Ritgain fe Ehi Civi Ethnic after Reintegration to Barriers Erin. Jenne, hs e te otmoay Bosnia contemporary the led This . Ethnic and Racial Studies Ethnic and


no cmiain f ethnically of compilation a into -


and reconstructing Bosnian society, but society, Bosnian reconstructing and . . : Identity, Nationalist Landscapes and the and Landscapes Nationalist Identity, Herzegovina: and Bosnia Bosnia: A Short History. Short A Bosnia: - Day

In t In , - ton society. The United States and NATO NATO and States United The society. ton

atn ona pltcl bodies, political Bosnian Dayton he Dayton Peace Agreement of 1995 of Agreement Peace Dayton he all presidents of the involved nations (Bosnia, Croatia, (Bosnia, nations involved the of presidents all

utvt greater cultivate 15

, 29:5,(2006): 800 - Herzegovina ioei ue Srin ei ta was that media Serbian used Milosevic - 12 year period period year

of Dissolution the in Conflict Ethnic and New York: New York University Press University York New York: New -

ezgvn in Herzegovina iiay n par and military Civil Wars Civil heterogeneous . 18 had

harmonious -

Th ethnic tensions still exist in exist still tensions ethnic 801. a death toll of over 100,000 over of toll death a , 12:4, (2010): 378. , 12:4,(2010): s ehi dvds were divides ethnic ese , which included women included which ,

Wr: esn from Lessons Wars: l

ih Bsin Serb, Bosnian a with

to mltr fre that forces amilitary cantons cantons

, which , nation of Bosnia of nation socio a of

ive up divvied ras an Croats

sitd in assisted ended ): 67 - political


- The 68. the d - ,

CEU eTD Collection and allegiance. identity of issues fundamental on divided persistently are populations whose nation single a within entities nationalist three endorsed States United the by led was that nation. Bosnian the of Muslim the between and Srpska made Republika was split geographical the Furthermore, nation. the of governing Bosnia and Croat, Bosnian Boydell & 23 Angeles, (1985): 281 22 Yugoslavia, 21 20 andInternationalConflict Intervention. 19 socio correlatenational the leadermajority towards from groups minority divided ethnically the amongst mentality secessionist a progresses effect spillover mere a is conflict ethnic that suggest scholars social a in societies postwar in conflict ethnic view scholars Some societies. postwar in conlflict ethnic to approach the on view nation the of framework contemporary threating the in factor key the is division ethnic the that agree scholars Although background. ethnic on based division influential

Ibid, p.71 Sekulic, Dusko, et al. Ethnic Intolerance and Ethnic Conflict in the Dissolutio the in Conflict Ethnic and Intolerance Ethnic al. et Dusko, Sekulic, Horowitz, Donald. Horowitz, ug Stev Burg, utn David. Turton,

t e tnc aoiy ihn h gvn state. given the within majority ethnic he h pswr iuto i Bosn in situation postwar The


Brewter, Ltd.Brewter, (2003): 77

Ethnic and Racial Studies Ethnic and n . ad al . Shoup S. Paul and L., en 20

s rges toward progress 's

a ad tnct: lbl oncin ad oa Violence Local and Connections Global Ethnicity: and War - 283. Ethnic Groups in Conflict in Groups Ethnic


The partition agree partition The

Msi lae t represent to leader Muslim n

- -

Croat Federation in the contemporary framework contemporary the in Federation Croat 78. U accession EU , 29:5,(2006): 798.

Armonk, N.Y.: M.E.SharpeArmonk, (2004). ia . 13 - h Wr n Bosnia in War The ezgvn hs en lge b a by plagued been has Herzegovina

d upon in the Dayton Peace Agreement Peace Dayton the in upon d . University of California Press: Los Press: California of University . - 22 , scooia approach. psychological -

pyschological a 23 hr i there

h ves ht ou o the on focus that views The

sil o iey accepted widely no still s tnc groups ethnic from the war period that that period war the from - ezgvn: Ethnic Herzegovina: pproach due to the due tothe pproach ihn the within 21

Other n of n n , .

CEU eTD Collection relationship' to occur wi occur to relationship' cond the for matters 'sovereignty that suggest Scholars factor. institutions political Bosnia's improve Bosnia warrantsnation. power within a that greed of necessity or behavior deviant as, such leaders the in persistent features andEaste Central 27 2002. State European East and Norms States European Eastern and Central on 26 Pat 25 Yugoslavia, 24 feel Bosnians that states She standards. conditionality EU fulfilling towards progress negative or positive a towards force driving a as exclusion of mechanism perspective driven pre EU to response a as states provide st external and/or internal in intervene can 'semi

Sekulic, Dusko, et al. Ethnic Intolerance and Ethnic Conflict in the Dissolution of Dissolution the in Conflict Ethnic and Intolerance Ethnic al. et Dusko, Sekulic, Schimmelfennig, Frank. ―Introduction: The Impact of International Organizations International of Impact The ―Introduction: Frank. Schimmelfennig, othv, Gergana. Noutcheva, cimleng Fak n Sdlee, lih (eds.), Ulrich Sedelmeier, and Frank Schimmelfennig, terns ofBalkan States -

oeeg cutis rset f U odtoaiy a b mr ituie s it as intrusive more be can conditionality EU of prospect countries sovereign - n netgtn E cniinlt ad t fiue n tt bidn efrs in efforts building state in failure its and conditionality EU investigating In

Herzegovina explanatory models that display certain rules that are collected by candidate by collected are that rules certain display that models explanatory Nannies: The Impact of International Organizations on the Central and Central the on Organizations International of Impact The Nannies: Ethnic and Racial Studies Ethnic and the rn Europe

n const and , , R. Linden (ed.). Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Publishers, Littlefield & Rowman Oxford: (ed.). Linden R. , sovereignty of an aspiring candidate suggesting a redefinition of of redefinition a suggesting candidate aspiring an of sovereignty

scholars scholars

h h Uadtepopc nation. prospect the and EU the th . Centre 2. for(2006): European Brussels, PolicyStudies: U odtoaiy Sae oeegt, n te Compliance the and Sovereignty, State Conditionality, EU tho structures'. atehood . Cornell University Press: Ithaca. Cornell University Press: London and (2005).

- ru differ over why over differ accession conditionality and they provide a provide they and conditionality accession 24 tvs norm ctivist

. First, the degree of sovereignty is a pertinent a is sovereignty of degree the First, . , 29:5,(2006): 805. 14 –

- ocpul n Tertcl sus‖ In Issues,‖ Theoretical and Conceptual rvn approach driven EU conditionality EU 26


leng n Sedelmeier and elfennig 25 h Erpaiain of Europeanization The

. 27 Noutcheva notes that notes Noutcheva i

tionality has largely failed to to failed largely has oe discuss Coles -

compliance rationalist excluded es

a -

CEU eTD Collection uoen no ae f motne o h nto o Bosnia of nation the to importance of are Union European A. Section as identify to mentality Europeanof tothe lackmembership the due into the from excluded feeling Bosnians are states factors. member important its and Union Euroepan the by implemented factor 'othering' self a from of23 October SAA), Oslobodjenje, 2008,p.7 for Directorate 30 Sarajevo, Agreement, Association EuropeanIntegrationBiH of and Stabilization the of outline 1 p. Sarajevo,2009, Herzegovina.MediaCentar 29 Bosnia in Irvine, American Anthropological Assoc Internationals and Difference, 28 entry supported highly who citizens the amongst shared was this and Union European Bosnia to support political clear existed there 2008 In agreement. the for ratification approved unanimously 2008 October in Herzegovina Bosnia of Assembly Parliamentary the of Representatives of House The Union. Bosnia between signed was relationship contractual Stabiliz the on Bosnia 2006 early Pa StabilityIntegration and European on Resolution the Bosnia Assemblyof in M of Council The government. national the in priority

Terzic, A (2008) Jednoglasno za ratifikaciju SSP ratifikaciju za Jednoglasno (2008) A Terzic, 2004 zhn, mr Mda eotn o Erpa Itgain n ona and Bosnia in Integration European on Reporting Media Amer. Dzihana, Kimberly. Coles, Beginning the process of European integration and full membership into the into membership full and integration European of process the Beginning

passed a decision to launch an initiative to join the EU and the Parliamentary the and EU the join to initiative an launch to decision a passed - essentialized Europeanes essentialized Bosnian Integration intoEU the to ad soito Areet n o 1 Jn 20 te first the 2008 June 16 on and Agreement Association and ation - Herzegovina officials commenced talks with th with talks commenced officials Herzegovina - Herzegovina in the same year confirmed this decision bypassing decision year confirmedthis same the in Herzegovina miaet ules Erpaiain te rdcin of Production the Europeanization, Builders: Ambivalent

s. 28 iation, (2002): 8. iation, (2002):

15 To illustrate this, the understanding of the of understanding the this, illustrate To

- Herzegovina

- 86, pp. 13 pp. 86, EU.


- a (Unanimously for Ratification for (Unanimously a ezgvn ad t and Herzegovina inisters of Bosnia of inisters - ct for South East Europe. East South for ct Herzegovina‘s journey to the to journey Herzegovina‘s Uiest o California of University . -

14 and DEI (2008:6) BasicDEI and (2008:6) 14 - ezgvn a a noted a as Herzegovina e European Union European e - e European he Herzegovina 29

In 30 -

CEU eTD Collection ndqae y ntttos ht r ciia i te rcs o Bosnia of process the in critical are that institutions by inadequate Bosnia Bosnian all in place a crucial holds and citizens for future the for issue principle a as presented is integration co the Bosnian of percent 80 than more that majorityshowed the figures, various reported studies different Although Union. European the into 33 http://www.eursbih.eu/media/pic/1/temlate.aspx?cid=5348.2.1 32 2008, p.2 B of Percent (85 BiH gradana %20ulazak%20u%20EU.pdf EU), in Entry Potential to available: Citizens of (Support EU u ulasku eventualnom gradana Sara MediaCentar Herzegovina. 31 process this on reports media mass the how and discourse public in discussed is integration European how on opinions agree. cannot they which on issues regarding debates secondary in engage i EU for support popular the on building of instead as such issues wrong the on focused are BiH in debate political politicians.” professional of perspective of fears and aspiration BiH in debates media and political conventional to ― which sector, civil the of representatives and citizens with debates direct Representative Special Union European the of Office the example, For Union. European the into accession

Ibid EUSR (2008), BiH‘s European Perspective: Reaching Out to Citizens, available at:available Citizens, to Out Reaching Perspective: European BiH‘s (2008), EUSR zhn, mr Mda eotn o Erpa Itgain n ona and Bosnia in Integration European on Reporting Media Amer. Dzihana,

nr t etr h Erpa Union. European the enter to untry - Herzeg

http://www.gfk.ba/PR/2006/GfK%20PR%2007 ovina‘s journey to the European Union is structured has been deemed been has structured is Union European the to journey ovina‘s

in Bosnia in ordinary citizens, rather than approaching the EU from the from EU the approaching than rather citizens, ordinary

- Herzegovinian political platforms. The public debate on debate public The platforms. political Herzegovinian

or Dzonlic, A (2008) Za evropske integracije 85 p 85 integracije evropske Za (2008) A Dzonlic, or

tgain t ie eetd fiil otn rfre to preferred often officials elected times at ntegration - fr uoen nerto) Den Aa, 1 June 11 Avaz, Dnevni Integration), European for H eo 20, . 1 p. 2009, jevo, - Herzegovina (EUSR) in 2008 launched a series of of series a launched 2008 in (EUSR) Herzegovina

a b fud n egbuig onre i the in countries neighbouring in found be can 16 33


fiil blee ht h prevailing the that believe Officials h pbi preto o European on perception public The - 6 ad fB (06 Podrska (2006) GfKBH and 86, ‖ 32 -

Herzegovinian citizens wanted citizens Herzegovinian sought - 2006%20

“to identify the vision, the identify “to - - Herzegovina‘s in contrast in

Parallel osto CEU eTD Collection h public” the concrete on not but so to bring it should what statements and process this of explanation politicians‟ of transmission on based mostly that discovered was it Values European for Centre integration. European of process the from expect can they what on explanation concrete citizens offering not is reporting media Bosnia as process same the through region Balkans 37 36 Performance, 35 http://www.cev.com/en/read_moreee.php?newsid=13 34 created was Union European the and occurred EU the of integration stronger when t of role the understanding state to nation the come transcending part publics in least that at as extent belonging and citizenship an understand to audiences, European of habits consuming new everyday the of part becomes that agenda news European a of dissemination public sphere. public the in governance European on p of flow appropriate an providing in performance media adequate is deficit‘ ‗democratic the reducing for prerequisite the that concludes Statham and work their on information of lack to related is institutions of legitimacy of lack The mind and ‗hearts the in Union European the of legitimacy of lack i.e. deficit‘, ‗democratic Union‘s European the for considered often is performance

Ibid, p.399 Ibid, p.398 Statham, P. Making Europe News: How Journalists View Their Role and Media and Role Their View Journalists How News: Europe Making P. Statham, E (2009) CEV .” 37 sphere:

34 h ise f eiiay f h Erpa Uin s once to connected is Union European the of legitimacy of issue The


Journalism ifrn oiin eit ihn tta‘ osrain wee media where observations Statham‘s within exist opinions Differing 400

“The Tann Smnr o Eooi Junlss aalbe at: available Journalists, Economic for Seminar Training ,

mrec o a Erpa shr o pbis rqie the requires publics‟ of sphere „European a of emergence

, SAGE Publication,9(4): p.398 e uoen no‘ mda rsnain n h 1990‘s the in presentation media Union‘s European he

17 T hroughout the hroughout


tta continue Statham


ezgvn is Herzegovina E itgain eotn is reporting integration “EU - evaluation of journalist the journalist of evaluation 442

called ordinary citizens ordinary called

olitical information olitical s‘ of the public. the of s‘ t dsrb the describe to s undergoing,

as s 35 – - -

CEU eTD Collection sovereignty of an aspiring candidate of internal statehood structures. Scholars suggest suggest structures. Scholars aspiringsovereigntycandidate an ofinternal statehood of for then media ofpublic isthemaintool discourse and ontheEU European integration. the as integration European of process the of awareness good for responsibility to ob in outlined significant is Herzegovina European Community.out ofthe former 40 2006: p.1 States Balkan of Patterns 39 Conference, 1997. Seattle, WA: International Biennial Fifth Association Studies Community European Integration‖, Pol Union 38 non dissuade and compliance persuade to sought EU the political, and economic both are that incentives of forms to had admi be to order in countries with comply candidate aspiring that conditions strict of form a from derived conditionality EU The conditions. EU to opposed politically and fragmented very sovereignty because conditions with sensitive compliance together hold politics Domestic disputes. politics semi Council. the and Commission European the are which conditionality, of agents two the involving on effect an has interventions of nature security the that

Ibid, p.11 Hoddes, R.B. Legitimizing Europe? News Media and the Reporting of European of Reporting the and Media News Europe? Legitimizing R.B. Hoddes, othv, Gergana. Noutcheva, - oeeg cutis ie Bosnia like countries sovereign The balance of Bosnia of balance The

ihr opine ot for costs compliance higher - 30. tc, ae peae fr h pnl Pbi Spot o European for Support ―Public panel the for prepared paper itics,


This creates inconsistent behavior in EU policy execution, which in which execution, policy EU in behavior inconsistent creates This

U odtoaiy Sae oeegt, n te Complianc the and Sovereignty, State Conditionality, EU Cnr fr uoen oiy tde: rses Belgium Brussels, Studies: Policy European for Centre .

the political nature in these specific countries tends to be to tends countries specific these in nature political the

- - Herzegovina being a semi a being Herzegovina opine yt h fnl eiin s ae y the by made is decision final the yet compliance,

tted full membership into the EU. the into membership full tted

- ezgvn wl la t cmo domestic common to lead will Herzegovina U odtoaiy s t a itree n the in intervene can it as conditionality EU 38 jections addressed to the media with regard with media the to addressed jections 18

The research of media reporting in Bosnia reporting media The in research of

EU foreign policy behavior behavior policy foreign EU - s overeign 40

Through various Through country requires country

e - -

CEU eTD Collection xenl oeegt o itra svriny codn t a s a to according sovereignty internal or sovereignty external Westphalia is which powers, external sovereignty.‖ or states other of interference without self ―the as it discusses Krasner non and compliance understanding of ways which sovereignty, of degree the describes Krasner disapprove or approve to country candidate 44 2006: p.1 States Balkan of Patterns 43 University p.20 2004: Press, 42 and EasternEurope 41 conditionality the is nature disincentive and all in identical incentive its regarding model conditionality EU the semi a to equates thus sovereignty, external overwhelming Noutch Bosnia reason The system.‖ international the in others the by county a of recognition official the by Noutcheva terms. equal on system international the in actors other with engage Krasner‘s recognized to capacity is to sovereignty external concept that stating analogous by sovereignty a legal international utilizes Noutcheva Noutcheva. Gergana

Ibid, p.3 Schimmelfennig, Frank and Sedelmeier, Ulrich, Ulrich, Sedelmeier, and Frank Schimmelfennig, othv, Gergana. Noutcheva, Krasner, Stephen. Stephen. Krasner, v‘ rsac i de o h udriig f hi itra svriny and sovereignty internal their of undermining the to due is research eva‘s - 30.

states, ―Itstates, 42

Balkan nations it is important to still focus on sovereignty because of because sovereignty on focus still to important is it nations Balkan Western Balkan nations are split between the aspects of having either having of aspects the between split are nations Balkan Western - compliance relationship in states with varying degrees of of degrees varying with states in relationship compliance , -

ezgvn i dee a semi a deemed is Herzegovina IthacaLondon:University and 2 Cornell Press, is an external acknowledgement of the authority of a state sealedstate a authority the ofof acknowledgement external an is oeegt: raie Hypocrisy Organized Sovereignty:

U odtoaiy Sae oeegt, n te Compliance the and Sovereignty, State Conditionality, EU . Centre for European Policy Studies: Studies: Policy European for Centre . - 25.


rule of a communit a of rule 19

of the EU‘s offer. EU‘s the of - opine f semi of compliance h Erpaiain f Central of Europeanization The determines y on matters of domestic nature nature domestic of matters on y - oeeg sae codn to according state sovereign - sovereign state. Although state. sovereign Pictn Princeton Princeton: . 41

to be one of the key key the of one be to A study by Stephen by study A uy odce by conducted tudy - rses Belgium Brussels, sovereign nations. nations. sovereign 005.

43 44

CEU eTD Collection h Cpnae ciei rqiig ih eortc n eooi standards. economic and democratic high requiring criteria Copenhagen the from distinct conditionality layersof additional constitute that grounds the on realities sovereignty example, For level. domestic the on state member the of compliance and conditionality EU on implication politics of EU interplay the of result the is conditionality EU with compliance Balkan sovereignty. 2006: p.1 States Balkan of Patterns 46 New York: 2006. PalgraveMacmillan, Conditionality, Democratic Change,and Political Orhganizations, European Europe: 45 in progress furthering in Bosnia subside to nature inadvertent their to due actors This semi a for structured one and nations Balkan other from common state conditionality different firm establish setof a HerzegovinaEU from the institut Representative High of Office country the in structure authority external the between relationship the affecting enti constituent two the and government central the between power of balance internal the in change a demanding by sovereignty domestic country‘s the in affecting directly conditionality state common EU ―the that, states She conditionality. EU with Bosnia of example an provides study Noutcheva‘s

Schimmelfennig, Frank., Engert, S. and Knobel, H. Knobel, and S. Engert, Frank., Schimmelfennig, Noutche ties ideally - level and domes level os n i. Te ntttoa ipiain ta ae rvdd o Bosnia to provided are that implications institutional The BiH.‖ in ions oeegt o a addt E mme sae atr fr h plc and policy the for matters state member EU candidate a of Sovereignty –

- 30. h Rpbia rsa R) n te Bosno the and (RS) Srpska Republika the a Gergana. va,


reasoning behind reasoning tic

U odtoaiy Sae oeegt, n te Compliance the and Sovereignty, State Conditionality, EU - level politicalfactors. Cnr fr uoen oiy tde: rses Belgium Brussels, Studies: Policy European for Centre .

and the domestic authority structures authority domestic the and

the 20 -

immersed conditionality is a is conditionality immersed non

- compliant behavior from BiH political BiH behaviorfrom compliant 45

- Herzegovina and how they how and Herzegovina International Socialization in Socialization International - ra Federation Croat - sovereign nation like BiH. like nation sovereign reaction to theto reaction –

the political the –

comply comply n by and –

the 46 -

CEU eTD Collection discourse, the functioning conditionality ofprogresscompliance, evaluation EU for To disentangle thepuzzle B. Section complianceBosnia literature unavailable needed measures integration European 49 48 1 47 authoritarian theory theories, the different Althoughare and types priorities. principles there four ofnormative society holds and otherview, reflect media, will intheir thebeliefs ―basic that the and assumptions coloration political structuresand of whichitoperates.‖ thesocial within actually do concernedmedia withwhatoughtin society the they bewhat to doing rather than ideas aboutbetween the relationship and society media ofsoc Media theory isthecomplex research will To analyzewill candidate country one officials BiH,BiH within ofthe andoutlook Europeanresearch citizens Union,this 963.

Ibid, p.3 Ibid, p.1 Siebert et al., et Siebert explor

e theimportanceof media ofsociety onall levels . According toSiebert et al(195 -

2 the evidence provided by Noutcheva‘s study Noutcheva‘s by provided evidence the two Media Its Theory and Appli .‖

focus 49

Four Theories of The Press The of Theories Four utilized in this thesis thesis inthis utilized The underlying cultures factor isthat different could portray o e e b BiH by met be to on a polarized pluralist modelbaseda theory. uponnormative media on

derived fr derived due to the inability of reaching a consensus on conditionality conditionality on consensus a reaching of inability the to due


- the media‘s role andthe media‘s inbuilding shifting public Herzegovina‘s case is unique within its own. its is uniquewithin Herzegovina‘s case

om Siebert et al (1956) om Siebert et ial from the Balkans region: BosniaBalkans fromHerzegovina. theand - Atog indefinite Although . are political

21 the alternative media theory 6), ―the press6),and form takes onthe

. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, Illinois of University IL: Urbana, . cation toBiH - philosophical . Alternative theory media . 47

N show in ormative is theory


principles that

Bosnia ro o te atr is matter the of proof s the idea that in non in that idea the - Herzegovina

and 48

The press

organize the -

CEU eTD Collection early pre out participative,non activeand of society, theorygrassroots of areclose favours mediathat tothe small and oft toomuch undercontrol the societyaregroups society inrespect likelytobeinadequate by in definition ofmany derivesa social from perspective critical thatdominates mediaestablished of the 51 Media andPolitics 50 of all aspects ofsociety. commercialstrongand a mediafor role thesta polarized pluralist modelstatesthatmedia with integrated weaker intoparty politics, thought ofexamination contemporary national societies. typology between ofrelations and themedia political system,comparative ona based theoriesat and arrangementswith society lookclosely gathering media connecting by conditions. contravenes can ofexpression,it rights offreedom be invokedunderextreme undermine social theestablished and political order, rulingto the supervision ofthe aut social states systems. that public communication allmedia view and This are subject

Ibid Hallin, Daniel C., and Paolo Mancini. Paolo and C., Daniel Hallin, - groupsand radic alsokeep to

on polarized pluralist model on polarized pluralist - democratic forms ofsocietyanddemocratic present forms

Scholars Hallin andManici sugges . Cambridge 2004. University Press, 51

- commercial. speak isto Theirthe social role for and to

al Authoritarian to criticismalive. applies theory hority and expression orexpression hority and he stateauthoritieselites. Thistype and or other was

Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Models Three Systems: Media Comparing most suitablemost for 22

te tohave majority mediate over take in t that weof dispose normative should 50 -

dayautocratic undemocratic or In Hallin thesis andMancini‘s this

can Although forbidden. be this

Bosnia opinion, whichopinion, might - Herzegovina. The - scale, scale, CEU eTD Collection content as ameansofmonitoring understanding Weber whateven Max infrom audiences take media. saw media analysis and (QMCA) semi key and national) impact significantlyand citizens plays todeterminegroup ifethnic a methodology. 55 1952. 54 53 Methods 52 related other and thesis this of topic the to related texts reading scholars for easier it audiences” to texts of meaning likely the determine diffe multiple to open are texts media that recognizing meaning, audience likely its and text the between relationship the it that stating by analysis content media qualitative describes Macnamara Berelson: text,‖ content analysis. to―use Aiming tomake a valid setofinferences from procedures well

Weber, R. Hansen, A., Cottle, S., Negrine, R., & Newbold, C. C. Newbold, & R., Negrine, S., Cottle, A., Hansen, eesn B. Berelson, Macnamara, Jim. Jim. Macnamara, factor in how media is perceivedfactor inhowcombine mediawill a content qualitative media - established research methodologyestablished sub research as aspecialized 53

In society onallBosnian totest levels(city, order thatthe media canton, of the analysis results arethe analysis results wit tofit . London: 1998. . Macmillan,

    

Basic Content Analysis

Asia PacificPublic Relations Journal onaudiences. To content predict theeffects of To make toaudiences inferences ofcontent; To make toproducers inferences content; of ofTo messagecontent; describe form characteristics To of describecharacteristics messagecontent; substance otn Aayi i Cmuiain Research Communication in Analysis Content ei Cnet nlss Is ss benefits uses; Its Analysis: Content Media

- structured Media interviews. content vital in is

Research Design the cultural temperature ofsociety.


nd hin content analysisguidelineshin contentfrom derived

et enns n raes ht t re to tries it that readers and meanings rent ed.). Newbury CA:Sage, 1990. Park, 23

, 6(1), 1 . 55 Mass Communication Researc Communication Mass

The analysis results will make will results analysis The - set of a conventional - 34; pp.5

54 Nw ok Hafner, York: New .

ad et practice best and ; 52

QMCA is aQMCA is “examines

h CEU eTD Collection ona Sr gvrmn diy, nvi it Msa daily), (Mostar List Dnevni daily), government Serb Bosnian Luka (Banja Srpske Glas daily), Luka (Banja Oslobodjenje Novine Nezavisne are daily), (Sarajevo thesis this in used is that sources and agencies media structure o group, ethnic canton, state, the (i.e. source the of charge in is who on based is that media of out set is structure first The structure. audiences. deeper their ―understand to material 57 56 visa are These the passport. biometric a having citizens BiH all for introduced area of Schengen establishment 2010 December the and SAA, the of the ParliamentaryBosniaAssembly of of Representatives of House 2008 October the BiH, for Partnernship European first Europeanization or accession thesis this puzzle the explain can non governmental around revolving media whether and light negative or positive a in Union Main Challenges of2012 Bosnia the and Righ Human 2010 the include to documents of variety a are this in used is that sources (private). ONASA and agency), (state (FENA) Agency

See Appendix ISee down of Appendix break ethnic mentioned for majorityin each locale Ibid ts Report of Bosnia of Report ts

In order to determine whether eth whether determine to order In 56

nlzs three analyzes h QC epoe i ti tei fcss n ethnic on focuses thesis this in employed QMCA The - Herzegovina 2012 Progress Report for Enlargement Strategy and and Strategy Enlargement for Report Progress 2012 Herzegovina - - news Serb Bosnian (official SRNA Sarajevo), in based run

Herzegovina issued by the United States Department of StateDepartmentof States United bythe Herzegovinaissued - 2013 issued 2013 issued by European Commission. the

an vns eae t th to related events main .

The three events will be: the June 2004 adoption of theof adoption 2004 the June be: will threeeventsThe 57

- compliance towards EU conditionality in Bosnia, in conditionality EU towards compliance h scn srcue f ei aece and agencies media of structure second The - Herzegovina unanimouslyap 24 nic enns n lkl itrrtto by interpretation likely and meanings

- based media is portraying the European the portraying is media based r independent agency). The first first The agency). independent r Erpa Uin and Union European e

eeain News Federation proved ratiicationproved - free regime for for regime free

- ae content based

EU –

CEU eTD Collection rprtos f i fr ute itgain no h E, n i sre a a it of list a measured. be to as is progress which against commitments serves it and EU, the into integration further for BiH of preparations Bi Bosnian for landmark a was event nation. the for reform towards 2004 step a and government The events. three these of each for analyzed be each will structure first in agencies media aforementioned the and EU the member to journey BiH's in far thus occurred have that events pivotal three a is minority) Serb Bosnian with Croat Bosnian or Bosniak solely or mixed are that areas of (inclusive Federation the within and (RS) Srpska Republika within depicted portr Schengen other in learning experience to countries.. education in youth for and Bosnia in passport biometric the of holders for opportunities travel and cultural new provides visa acceptan and integration European travel towards step remarkable a to is area Schengen ability The BiH. of citizens for opportunity new of possibility the to due event pertinent a was event 2010 December The period. agenda political the concerning issues national with jounrey EU the Bosnia in in forward pressing towardsdisfavor showedparties political certainHerzegovina and referendum reform constitutional and election major a of period time 2004. June beginning Partnership. communicated Thethe entities ofthe beginningwere between stages PfP European the as frame time same the in signed being was NATO with (PfP) Peacefor H was published published was H yd hog mda ihn Bosnia within media through ayed hs hss serves thesis This

a document stating sho stating document a October 2008 decision was critical be critical was decision 2008 October

s n nesadn o hw h Erpa Uin is Union European the how of understanding an as 25 - Herzegovina. Herzegovina.

r t -

term and mid and term The Concurrently, the Partnership the Concurrently, F csn o mda ht is that media on ocusing

European Partnership for Partnership European - term priorities related to related priorities term cause it was during the during was it cause - re hogot the throughout free

at that time time that at ship into ship ce. It ce. - CEU eTD Collection within the ne the within differences dynamic the of because understanding and explaining in important more fractionalizatio ethnic versus territorialisation of differentiation the Nonetheless, gainto section fractionalization ethnic versus fractionalization Nexi Lexis representa better 58 the to parallel is event This Agreement. AssociationStabilization the of ratification the approve to decision official their made BiH of Assembly Parliamentary the of Representatives of House the when was and it makes thesis. this in and on focus to pertinent situation the to regards with manner pertinent the displays Bosnia on delegation the led and study their began Commission European the that fact in decision pressures tough undergoing was and mixed religiously and ethnically was it that fact the to due government Bosnian for era important an was SAA the of implementation th during undergoing was nation the efforts recovery and stability postwar the of start the after frame time significant its to due time in era important an is This Agreement. Association and Stabilization a to study its began Commission explained and examined thoroughly chapter. this be throughout will Union European the of portrayal

See Appendix ISee Appendix cantonal and for regional of BiH breakdown - s. making processes onsoc making processes 58 ws media released by RS and Federation news agencies. Altogether the Altogether agencies. news Federation and RS by released media ws

the bigger picture as to how things are seen nowadays throughout BiH. BiH. nowadaysthroughout are seen thingshow to aspicture bigger the Determination of the reasoning behind choosing to discuss to choosing behind reasoning the of Determination in after tion

h frt vn ta ocre i 20 we te European the when 2003 in occurred that event first The researching

e late 1990s. The potential of the ability to fulfill fulfill to ability the of potential The 1990s. late e ss Bosnia ssess

ietal occurringearly The issues during the 2000s. The second event occurred during October 2008 2008 October during occurred event second The

rils n h BC M BBC the on articles 26

motne f h sat f h European the of start the of importance

- ezgvn‘ blt o mlmn a implement to ability Herzegovina‘s will be will


onitoring database by by database onitoring d in d

a brief historical brief a

territorial - site in site n i n s CEU eTD Collection ee ae pae ihn ona scey uh s nrdcin no public o establishment 2010 December the is thesis this in analyzed a into introduction event as final The agencies. media radio such and broadcast for service broadcasting society Bosnian within place taken were that reforms of period time significant a portrays also It Union. European the joining BiH the ci of by given commitment support the and the integration European towards displays government further event This SAA. an implement on Commission‘s but nation, one within citizens to weeklies or dailies issuing are agencies newspaper based discourse builds audience the if and citizens to stories media supplying in role a plays ethnicity whether determine ethnic of level the analyzing to relevance The bias". ethnic "clear areas: anotablefor it event thenation, which analyze thesis. deems to this within visa the of establishment the progress that halting issues many are there However, Union. Bosnia better a towards speed, country the in work its began EU The importantly. more inclusion, and closer integration towards step a which nation, the from administered visa a holding states without borders members EU into entry allowed being now are citizens BiH as integration Eur towards journey the in pivotal a is event This passport. biometric the of Schen - free regim free gen area that was introduced to Bosnia to introduced was that area gen hogot h aayi o ec eet h mda a ctgrzd n three in categorized was media the event each of analysis the Throughout

in 2003 and over a seven a over and 2003 in e into BiH shows a successful milestone towards European integration European towards milestone successful a shows BiH into e - ie td o te rbblt o te ona gvrmn to government Bosnian the of probability the of study site - ae ba" " bias", based - ezgvn mr ft o ety no h European the into entry for fit more Herzegovina - year period has shown progression, regardless of regardless progression, shown has period year oeht ethnic somewhat

off ethnic media sources or not. The different The not. or sources media ethnic off 27

- Herzegovinian citizens who are holders holders are who citizens Herzegovinian - - ae ba" "o ethnic "no bias", based based bias in each article is to is article each in bias based f the visa the f - free regime for for regime free vil society in in society vil

- that is that opean opean based CEU eTD Collection nie esae atce Lsl, hs lbld s cer ethnic "clear as labeled those Lastly, article. newspaper entire ethnic havin as labeled Those article. newspaper entire the of analysis the ethnic "no having as labeled storyfrom deriving different ethni single a towards slants various reveal can that nature different a in stories deliver 1952. 59 semi of transcripts of material p and media of field the in working actors various from BiH for integration European regarding opinions deconstruct Bosnia towards attitudes of volume publisher orpublishing or entity group.as organization abiased a measurements aformentioned both througout analyzed is article the of tone Lastly,the Bosnia or government, the group, ethnic another towards bias clear or commentary negative any for scanned is article the analyzed is portion to referring th After BiH. within group phrases ethnic another or own one's of or inferiority or superiority keywords for looking analyzed critically is article Each ethnic for article each analyzing behind methodology The ethnic of >50% nd according to media content analysis research can refer to an article or its its or article an to refer can research analysis content media to according nd

eesn B. Berelson,

- - the of analysis the throughout bias of 40% between and >5% have bias" based Additionally to the qualitative media content analysis, in order to appraise the appraise to order in analysis, content media qualitative the to Additionally ethnic of level the Measuring Herzegovina then the Dayton initiated Office of High Representative, and to and Representative, High of Office initiated Dayton the then Herzegovina - Content Content ae ba truhu te nlss f h etr nwppr arti newspaper entire the of analysis the throughout bias based

nlss n omncto Research Communication in Analysis the European Union and their progressively larger role in role larger progressively their and Union European the -

based bias" have <5% of ethnic of <5% have bias" based - tutrd neves Semi interviews. structured c media based agencies. - based bias in each article is as follows. Those follows. as is article each in bias based lc, ocuin wl b md fo source from made be will conclusions olicy, 28

- - ezgvn a a whole. a as Herzegovina ae is sa follows. as is bias based - 59 - based bias throughout bias based Nw ok Hafner, York: New . tutrd interviews structured

- based bias" have have bias" based "somewhat g cle. cle. is CEU eTD Collection Bosnia Ganic Esmir Luxembourg, and Belgium Hadzimusic Nedzad with Interviewsconducted personalwere amatterthat otherwise concern. of would remain issue an toward feelings and values interviewee's the identify to order th in questions of part the on interventions for and equal partners as interact to interviewee and researcher both for environment an provides transcribedfor analysis. tape were recorded Interviews activities. their impair that obstacles and needs and media, other with relationships NGOs, with relationships practices, marketing and editorial were interview, the During format. scheduled moderately a followed Interviews on media orEuropean inte expertise and fields respsective their in experience of years of number the off based made was interviews of selection The BiH. for integration European towards towards helpful was interview Each understandi Union. European the on views societal Bosnia regarding and fields respective their in expertise the of basis the on selected were interviewees These Internews. for Expert –

Senior Media Researcher for Internews, and Orzen Kebo Kebo Orzen and Internews, for Researcher Media Senior asked a series of questions ranging from organizational mission, target publics, publics, target mission, organizational from ranging questions of series a asked - interviews The Herzegovina, Sue Foelger Sue Herzegovina, and , g first ng f edd o seii css te were they cases, specific for needed if - ad xeine fo eprs n Bosnia in experts from experiences hand of media professionals within BiH were conducted in English in conducted were BiH within professionals media of gration policy inBiH.

h Fre Absao o Bosni of Ambassador Former the –

the Chief of Party for Internrews, Amer Dzihana Dzihana Amer Internrews, for Party of Chief the 29 –

the President of American University in University American of President the

- ezgvna mda pltc, and politics, media, Herzegovinian rsace t ak open ask to researcher e translated versions versions translated –

the Media Developmen Media the - Herzegovina working working Herzegovina a - Herzegovina to to Herzegovina individuals n then and - ended ended t .

CEU eTD Collection public discourse on certain issues (i.e. theEU). (i.e. issues oncertain public discourse greatergain chapterderiveathe central understandingpeople focusto how this within be will issues certain Bosnia on discourse public creating in plays postwar media role the discussing in media of role the discuss int five on event each for conducted analysis content the and events selected three the on background providing egrationBosnia for The thesis is organized in organized is thesis The -

Herzegovina. different

Chapter Division

newspapers articles newspapers four

comprehensive chapters. chapters. comprehensive 30

The foll The

- Herzegovina per event that involves that event per owing three chapters focus on focus chapters owing three

The first chapter will will chapter first The coal literature Scholarly

European CEU eTD Collection the development of public relations public of development the features media private These outlets. efforts these with assisting print and television, radio, detsn ad ulc eain i Tasto fo Cmuim Te ae of Case The Communism: from Transition in Hungary, 1989 Relations Public and Advertising 60 and threats physical face editors and Journalists criticize. they government the from face also media The media. local in advertisements for pay to resources financial lack owners business small Likewise, magazines. or newspapers purchase to money no media, print alternative the for importantly more and, goods consumer had they that jobs the in working are people few very and collapsed, have industries steel and computer, many food,people shelter, would education,lega bewithout NGOs, of services and donations the without and region, the of people the on The regionalthe and suffered has regions three CHAPTER 1: ROLE O

ibr, a. lbl ulc eain i te Post the in Relations Public Global Ray. Hiebert, donations from international NGOs. These last years have been very difficult for for difficult very been have years last These NGOs. international from donations remainder of the population the of remainder The war war The T

many challenges. The challenges. many e oenet n ona otne t cnrl ot tt ad municipal and state most control to continues Bosnia in government he - 1994. damaged governments and the NGOs employ NGOs the and governments eoe the before Public Relations ReviewPublic

majority media outlets media rmnosy ihn BiH within tremendously tee r nw ay ml, e, omril media commercial new, small, many now are there , F MEDIAIN BOSNIA sources

economic a. h aeae iie hs n has citizen average The war.

survive who survive

of the infrastructure of the nation. The automobile, The nation. the of infrastructure the of

and an alternative media. alternative an and are in the beginning stages of development and development of stages beginning the in are . However, with the international community international the with However, . infrastructure 31

, 2 are either unemployed or disabled rely disabled or unemployed either are 0:1994, pp.357

citizens fortunateto citizens l advice, or a political voice. oral advice, political Uepomn i staggering, is Unemployment .

is the most significant issue in issue significant most the is - - HERZEGOVINA omns Wrd A New A World: Communist 60 icm t purchase to income o -

372. The economy of the of economy The

obtain a job a obtain harassment


CEU eTD Collection aiu Uie Ntos uaiain raiain, donated organizations, humanitarian Nations United various Internationa for Agency U.S. Children, the Save Services, Relief Catholic Cross, Red International the as such Organizations, process. rebuilding the Bosnia officesin printing presses operations for needed services or materials have often than focusing ontheir differences. rather people Yugoslavian the of commonalties the showed instead and government region. the in building be society civil of should core the at are programs public and events these Moreover, generalabout. informed Bosnian the that activities important are topics These community candidat political for forums services, new of introduction the included covered have to paid organizations these that Topics publicity. for pay must organizations these media, the in stories organization their cover to media the encourage can survey this in NGOs Bosnian end. relations media Western and discussion public for resolu allow can that institutions and organizations society civil create to help also NGOs the Second, assistance. social and housing, clothing, food, distributing by population the of needs immediate the serve NGOs First, fold. war the rebuild to resources and personnel, money, tions ofproblemstions before However, it is here that the similarities between Bosnian media relations and relations media Bosnian between similarities the that here is it However, inte numerous Agreement, Peace Dayton the After — - Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska to foster peace and help withhelp and peacefoster to Srpska Republika the and Herzegovina withheld.


s vns hwvr t esr te cul perne of appearance actual the ensure to however, events, ‘s violence is again viewedviolence isagain as theonly option. - controlle

es, educational activities, and cultural programs. programs. cultural and activities, educational es, pormig a nvr rtcl f the of critical never was programming d 32

- torn area. Their mission is mission Their area. torn — lcrct,acs t roads, to access electricity, ntoa NO st up set NGOs rnational sizeable l Development, and Development, l

mut of amounts

two - CEU eTD Collection h ftr‖ o Bsin ei bcue h cuty a nt e md te difficult the made yet not has country the because media Bosnian for future‖ the hasof the nation.predicted Jakubowicz television, radio, include ―alternative,‖ as known alternative media, Commercial media. state the than perspectives different offer media Bosnian organizations, humanitarian international from support with and ownership media Government 63 Eastern Europe. 62 61 a such events, sensational less cover to desire media‘s the maydiminish it actions, their foraccountable electedofficials keepingfor ―watch appointed so civil of development the for important are political situation. the changing in play can they that role important the acknowledge they that is media interviews. these fromemerged process. mobilizing in role societycivil the participants‖in and observers theyareboth policy,influencing public critical media‘s the ―given that, Shiras noted audiences. their for it on report still must yet and process democratization eithertransition to a fullydemocratic

Shiras, op.cit.,p.109. Glenny,Little, andcit.; Silber op. op.cit. auoiz Krl ―ei Wti ad ihu te tt: rs Fedm in Freedom Press State: the Without and Within ―Media Karol. Jakubowicz, The functions within the within functions The media The 1990s. the of genocide the for blamed partly are Bosnia in media The


Two major findings that illustrate the nature of media relations in Bosnia in relations media of nature the illustrate that findings major Two Journal of Communications of Communications Journal - dogs‖ of government. Although the Although government. of dogs‖


n motn rl i ta te hv bcm a at f the of part a become have they that in role important an


change he most consistent findinga consistent most he manipulation heightened ethnic tensions. ethnic heightened manipulation

political system ora fullyfreepolitical system media.

and print outlets that now serve many regions many serve now that outlets print and that - agent role agent 33

there is a ―less than optimistic outlookfor isa―less thanoptimistic there 45:4, 1995,pp.125 s the civil society activities of NGOs. of activities society civil the s it. is, h mda ev a self as serve media the First, ciety. that alternative media outlets play outlets media alternative that watchdog bout Bosnian alternative Bosnian bout -

function is necessary is function 139 ulc upr and support public

62 61

Today, - CEU eTD Collection media relations‘NGOsgenerate. efforts often of th rather stories news ―hard‖ on focus strong a is there Consequently, actions.‖ his for accountable everyone make to time is It happening. state the what people the tell medi independent the of role ―The strategy: this for clear is rationale the editor, magazine Bosnian one to According violence. community and abuse, government fraud, about information include news for topics Favored oiiin fo ter at lcin pehs n itriw ad hn s these use then and interviews and speeches election past their from politicians shows. contact for appear electedleaders current the have to planned Federation the in station radio one example, For give. state the that exposure media candidates opposition offer potentia and leaders their of questions important but difficult ask to opportunity an public the gives it because society civil for crucial is it but war, the before unknown was format This questions. important ask their communicate programs These audience. to wide a to positions officials elected and candidates political allow programs only the are they because people. of number large a reach to opportunity only their politicians these provide media Alternative outlets. controlled pro with Bos In positions. their pro or moderate with candidates scn fnto o te change the of function second A - eorc ves ant e fi mda oeae n h government the on coverage media fair get cannot views democracy nia, independent political candidates and community leaders leaders community and candidates political independent nia, - outlets controlled media won‘t. People need to know what is what know to need People won‘t. media controlled - democracy platforms an opportunity to communicate communicate to opportunity an platforms democracy Media also contribute to the civil society function function society civil the to contribute also Media

o ctzn t vie hi oiin. Contact opinions. their voice to citizens for laes Mroe, racs cnat shows contact broadcast Moreover, leaders. l The radio station would play excerpts by the by excerpts playwould station radio The 34 -

agent role is the practice of offering offering of practice the is role agent let the public call in to the station and station the to in call public the let

a is to watch the government, and government, the watch to is a an on the ―soft‖ news that the that news ―soft‖ the on an - controlled media refuses to to refuses media controlled - CEU eTD Collection coverage of important issues is not as strong as journalists and editors would like. The like. would editors and journalists strongas as not is issues important coverageof s Bosnian the of much monitoring and function society civil the serving successfully are media alternative the that assume campaign platforms. politi hold to way political effective certain an achieve is not This promises. did or did they why politicians the ask to excerpts 65 64 circulationareconsidered dataget. are secret to aand business hard The only independent bureau circulation magazines, any since publish don‘t these outlets is no circulationdata, and there getany reliablecirculation country's and onthe data ofthe mainnewspapers the print mediahighly market underde is andmagazines inthe country a different magazines, and 71specialized eight types of magazines, reli nation. Herzegovina information provides regarding statistical the printmedia for entire steadily thePress ofBosnia numbers equal over TheCouncil past decade. Readership Media ofPrint in 1.1 Statistics BiH section examinesthenext reasonfor situation. this International

BH Press RX 09 ei utiaiiy ne 09 Bsi adHreoia IREX Herzegovina, and Bosnia 2009: Index Sustainability Media 2009, IREX, Readership media inBosnia ofprint statistics to natural be would it media, for role new a creating on emphasis this all With According tothe Council, 2010a, Council,




Exchanges ess


ll daily newspapers are dailyll owned. privately newspapers Council that collectssuch



of BiH, 100 thereare 11daily newspapers, veloped. As aveloped. consequence, isdifficult to it

in ocial and political scene. However, media media However, scene. political and ocial 35



and a laes conal fr their for accountable leaders cal - Herzegovina has produced

Herzegovina 65


gious gious 64

I - n general,n - CEU eTD Collection one third of population of third one 4%). with by followed age), paper daily the agency, collect readership through data surveys. availableprovided bymarket independent information that is research agencies herzegovina 68 http://www.irex.org/system/files/u105/EE_MSI_2012_Bosnia.pdf, p. 34. 67 66 the entire populationregularly bought anewspaper. on that mean would which copies, 90,000 than higher not was 2010 in BiH in newspapers daily of circulation total the House, Freedom to According positions. market spen advertising that so audits, circulation introduce to to reluctant appear supportan ofthemdidnot byprovide initiative reliable most marketing data; agencies they and figures, circulation their report to obligated not are Croati and Serbia from came BiH in circulation greatest the with newspapers Yugoslavia, former the in Even overall. high very not is BiH IREX GfK BiH, 2006a, See: 20 for data the to According 74% of males and 63% of females of 63% and males of 74%

http://www.freedomhouse.org/report/freedom 67

Čitanost Not surprisingly, then, actual circulations seem to be rather low. rather be to seem circulations actual then, surprisingly, Not

Dnevni (10%), os o ra esae t all. at newspaper read not does

dnevnih MSI

A Glas vaz 21, a 2012, ,

Srpske of years 15 than (older adults of 36% by read is 6 poie b te f BH akt research market BiH GfK the by provided 06, novina

36 ,

u reads daily newspapers daily reads

Večernje BiH , Sarajevo , 68

novosti 66 a, not from BiH. Publishers BiH. from not a, cud e ae o real on based be could d

Newspaper readership in readership Newspaper - x.com. - press/2010/bosnia



ly 2.5 percent of percent 2.5 ly . Approximately Approximately .


(each - and - t CEU eTD Collection a itoue fr h cutis f h wsen akn cnend ne the under concerned Balkans western Thessal the of countries the for introduced was summit Zagreb summit. 2000 Thessaloniki 2003 the at reinforced the at confirmed perspective, European country‘s in Herzegovina and Bosnia of authorities the assisting for instrument europa.eu/legislation_summaries/enlargement/western_balkans/r18008_en.htm 72 eu/sap/Thessaloniki_agenda_en.htm enlargment/enlargement_process/accession_process/how_dows_a_country_join_the_ 71 eu/sap/Thessaloniki_summit_en.htm enlargment/enlargement_process/accession_process/how_dows_a_country_join_the_ 70 eu/sap/Zagreb_summi enlargment/enlargement_process/accession_process/how_dows_a_country_join_the_ 69 and minorities, of protection the and rights human law, of rule and democracy Furthermore, BiH. short other many and broadcasting, public of reform ICTY, the with cooperation full reform, police as such society its for thos are priorities Key partnership. the ofgoverning implementation conditions of principles the deliver to and allocations, financial for guidelines provide to nation, the within mechanisms s a in out carried basis. legal specific a have countries Balkans Western the for partnerships The countries. candidate the with partnerships accession e Rglto (C N 5320 at 533/2004 No (EC) Regulation See See: See: See: CHAPTERADOPTION 2: OF EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIP h Erpa Prnrhp ih ona n Hreoia s h main the is Herzegovina and Bosnia with Partnership European The nk aed i 2003. in agenda oniki e short e nl faeok ht drse pirt aes ht nc reform enact that areas priority addresses that framework ingle

t_en.htm t_en.htm t oes ra o pltcl rtra o BH o ufl like fulfill to BiH for criteria political of areas covers it -

term in nature that enforces a better Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosnia better a enforces that nature in term


h Erpa Prnrhp ae oee o the on modeled are Partnerships European The -

em eom ta nee t b eatd within enacted be to needed that reforms term 37


72 It is an instrument of the SAP, which SAP, the of instrument an is It

h ojcie f h E i t be to is EP the of objective The realizing their realizing 69

and CEU eTD Collection Partnership with a heavier focus on military and defense actions ongoing within BiH. within ongoing actions defense and military on focus heavier a with Partnership T NATO. and Bosnia with cooperation on focus encourages that mechanism reform and other relevant Community tha standards European and criteria obligations. international and issues regional 75 www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/topics_49127.htm Page. Home 74 73 to set search period frame time the with Union European and Herzegovina 2004 2.1 differen Bosnia for reforms same the towards pushing ICTYEuropean BiHForce andoccasionally. in the Union providing by and NATO, with integration and Peace for Partnership the to related commitments and reforms with BiH of authorities Union. European Bosnia in Peace for Agreement Framework General the for responsibility primary 2004, In europa.eu/legislation_summaries/enlargement/western_balkans/r18012_en.htm Ibid ―Statement on Bosnia and Herzegovina: Press Release S Release Press Herzegovina: and Bosnia on ―Statement


h atce aaye fr hs eve this for analyzed articles The Analysis:Event Adoption Partnership ofEuropean were Peace for Partnership and Partnership European the both Ultimately defense and institutional significant a is (PfP) Peace for Partnership The ezgvn ws focused was Herzegovina 28 t external actorsand (EU t NATO). th

August 2013. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Web. 12 May 2013. 2013. May 12 Web. Organization. Treaty Atlantic North 2013. e f dmne smlr adts rm i o te European the of BiH from mandates similar demanded PfP he 74

2004 NATO continues military headquarters in Sarajevo to assist the assist to Sarajevo in headquarters military continues NATO

. The keywords used for filtering the articles were: Bosnia were: articles the filtering for used keywords The .

acquis t involve actions such as the Partnership for Peace for Partnership the as such actions involve t n iiay set ta wr hne fo the from handed were that aspects military on .

38 t xedd hog te eid 10 period the through extended nt

73 logistical assistance for supporting the the supporting for assistance logistical

- Herzegovina, but only from two two from only but Herzegovina, h E as dsuss economic discusses also EP The 75

- 1(13)30.‖

NATO NATO - Herzegovina June Official th

2004 June -

CEU eTD Collection aee t dlvr es ih fiito coey o h Cot eortc Union Democratic Croat the (HDZ). to closely affiliation with news deliver to labeled Bosnia Sarajevo, in based agency news independent for agency agencies newspaper daily from were that researching SRNA, – 78 77 ONASA Service 76 discussed, It terms. brief in Germany to visit entire the of overview summarized a provides Bosnia to visit minister‘s defense Bosnian Croat) (Bosnian by submitted report The leadership. RS supportive discussing or PfP meet either from went articles The hand. at subject the on position neutral or strong very a took event regularlypercent the population bought newspapers. of 3 to 2.5 approximately only and low quite are BiH in newspapers of circulation the be state is and 2000 November in Government

August http://www.freedomhouse.org/report/freedom See: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world cause in the analysis search they were prominent results. As mentioned previously, mentioned As results. prominent were they search analysis the in cause Dizdarevic, Zija., Jusic, Tarik., and MPI Analytic Team. Analytic MPI and Tarik., Jusic, Zija., Dizdarevic, - 76 Throughout the analysis many arti many analysis the Throughout n from 1 and Herzegovina to fulfill conditionality set forth by EU and NATO. The article The NATO. and EU by forth set conditionality fulfill to Herzegovina

2004 “the present processes in BiH and BiH in processes present “the eeain es gny (FENA) Agency News Federation Republika p utting . The total num total The . . Press Now & MediaPlan Ins & Now MediaPlan . Press was the most neutral by providing a unbiased summary of the the of summary unbiased a providing by neutral most the was

Federation News Federation the blame on Republika Srpska for not fulfilling requirements to requirements fulfilling not for Srpska Republika on blame the

rsa te ona Sr state Serb Bosnian the Srpska,

ber of analyzed articles is 5 (3 5 is articles analyzed of ber -

europe emn fr ak o PP n am rfrs in reforms army and PfP on talks for Germany

Agency 39 cles during the time period analyzed for this for analyzed period time the during cles - 17211939 -

run. titute: Amsterdam,titute: 2006.

). its preparations for the Partnership for Partnership the for preparations its

a fudd y h Dce o FBiH of Decree the by founded was - press/2010/bosnia 77 There were no reports found within found reports no were There

These papers were chosen mainly chosen were papers These

. 78

te than other -

Her NS Nw Agency News ONASA Analysis of News Agency News of Analysis zegovina

from - and SRNA ONASA,

- and has been been has and herzegovina

the news news the ONASA ONASA 2 from 2

is an an is

CEU eTD Collection rgeso wt te olwn statement: following the with progression underst mutual and BiH within relations military in reforms thefurther in toassist experts anallow German agreement The withto concluded visit Minister NATO stated, minister areas. defense The two progression inthose Peace” from http://www.lexisnexis.com/ Herzegovina. 82 81 80 Monitoring June 79 towar fight the were concern of areas main the that believed summit.” Istanbul the at Peace for Bosnia if authorities Republic Serb stated, Terzic Adnan member Ministers of Council whole. a as region RS the and leaders those towards commentary ghastly and usage tonal harsh through leadership RS the bashes articles this does eventually B of possibility the within lies hope of window PfP the of through fall the Agency‟s News Federation the defence reformsinBiH.” in involved experts German have to agreed officials relations…The military bilateral

Ibid Ibid Bosnian premier says Serbs to blame if PfP falls through. (2004, June 17). June (2004, through. falls PfP if blame to Serbs says premier Bosnian Bosnian


- e Saiiain oc b E amd ocs a a was forces armed EU by Force Stabilization led . The most clear ethnic clear most The 79 . Bosnia ).

Kolbow expressed his expressed Kolbow

ry n gnrl iiay eom wr dsusd eadn BiH‘s regarding discussed were reforms military general and Army

defence Retrieved http://www.lexisnexis.com/ from BBC Monitoring Europe Monitoring BBC - Herzeg


ovina. article. This article primarily blames Serbian leaders for for leaders Serbian blames primarily article This article.

81 - visits

fulfilment based biased a biased based

satisfaction B Mntrn Europe Monitoring BBC

- Germany Herzegovina is not accepted into the Partnership the into accepted not is Herzegovina 82 –

h cara o te oni o Ministers of Council the of chairman The “full respons “full Political prior to the Istanbul summit. Although a a Although summit. Istanbul the to prior 40

with the progression of reforms in BiH.”in reforms of theprogression with tee s mta itrs i improving in interest mutual a is “there



iH to gain entry into the PfP and it it and PfP the into entry gain to iH talks – that reported on this event this on reported that

BBC ibility will lie with the Bosnian the with lie will ibility

n f, ry reforms army PfP, on

WorldMonitoring – “The replacement of Sfor of replacement “The

s discussed. lso ds corruption, organized corruption, ds Political Political nig n h further the in anding –

B World BBC

Retrieved “Defense ( . Bosnia was the was 2004 80 - ,

CEU eTD Collection gis ognzd rm wl b crid u, n a eatet o arsig war cr arresting for department a and out, carried be will These crime organized against (SIPA). Protection and Information fight the in activities the of for most which within investigation, criminal for departments Agency the on law the with wil which departments key few a of establishment effective and prompt argument, his of support and crime, 83 refo law of as, such on focus to committee steering BiH the forconcern of areas on touched Bosnia throughout progress economic and political on assessment ONASA Serb) (Bosnian by one published were they and bias‖ leadersRS th the and population Serb Bosnian the impending negatively tone a carried statement ethnic ―clear a as article this solidified PfP towards process governmental criminals. movements progressive stalled have leaders RS which in areas

iminals.” Ibid.

hr wr tre rils nlzd ht eutd n smwa ethnic ―somewhat in resulted that analyzed articles three were There rvds dtie oeve o te ec Ipeetto Council‘s Implementation Peace the of overview detailed a provides 83 rms, including the war crimes chamber project and initiatives to tackle tackle to initiatives and project chamber crimes war the including rms, fulfilment The mere fact that a member of the Council of Ministers Ministers of Council the of member a that fact mere The

roughout BiH government.roughout BiH

body h sgiiac o M. ezcs ttmn i ta i smoie the symbolizes it that is statement Terzic‘s Mr. of significance The

n h ietcl oi o te dpin f h Erpa Partnersh European the of adoption the of topic identical the on –

of cooperation with the ICTY. He provided this statement in statement this provided He ICTY. the with cooperation of ltnl rdcld sco o scey R) o hneig the hindering for (RS) society of sector a ridiculed blatantly


- ecgvn atoiis ee omte t the to committed were authorities Hercegovina ONASA


Bsin Croat (Bosnian - based bias‖. Mr. Terzic‘s Mr. bias‖. based )

– n to by two and

- i.e. arresting war war arresting i.e. ezgvn. It Herzegovina. – b formed be l

a national national a - SRNA based based “rule “rule ip .

CEU eTD Collection seriously by proclaiming, proclaiming, by seriously to leaders RS for recommendations postwar BiH.” in reconciliation in point turning significant a represent may that steps positive welcome and Commission, Srebrenica stating, by leaders RS ICTY. regarding positively the with cooperation and BiH in crime organized 87 86 85 World Monitoring 25). June (2004, 84 intocategorization it‘s reasoningbehind The 2004. of end the by PfP the into entry gain will nation the that Presidency Bosnian the from by article first The speech. pervasive or commentary leader RS for recommendations stated have notions clear had article The Hague.” The in justice face now must who criminals of sort worst the but heroes, the that recognize and names for proceedings, Hague The to report to are who criminals for justice following to accordance accountable.” held be must institutions and individuals relevant the which for law, international k a out carry to failing is Dayton, under guaranteed indictees

Ibid Ibid Ibid ec Ipeetto Cucl sess oiia, cnmc rges n Bosnia. in progress economic political, assesses Council Implementation Peace

in the nine years since the Dayton accord. The RS, an entity of BiH BiH of entity an RS, The accord. Dayton the since years nine the in “peoples of BiH come face to face with the crimes committed in their in committed crimes the with face to face come BiH of “peoples 86

h saeet a floe u b a oe biaoy ttmn in statement obligatory more a by up followed was statement The

Bosnia Retrieved from 85


Herzegovina. Although not a pervasive attempt the article provided some provided article the attempt pervasive a not Although R fie t lct o apeed vn n wr crimes war one even apprehend or locate to failed “RS

the recent statement of RS President Dragan Cavic, are Cavic, Dragan President RS of statement recent the

ht the that epe h cmitd hs cie ae o national not are crimes those committed who people

http://www.lexisnexis.com/ ae CY nite ad h ciia process criminal the and indictees ICTY take

S leadership RS B Mntrn Europe Monitoring BBC 42

“work of the RS Bosnian Serb Republic Serb Bosnian RS the of “work , u i dd o ue eaie tonal negative use not did it but s,

the ―somewhatethnic the ey obligation under Dayton and Dayton under obligation ey

a msl t blame to mostly was SRNA ‖


rvds n estimate an provides – h atce talked article The

Political - based bias‖ bias‖ based

n may and –

BBC 87

CEU eTD Collection Covic Covic in summit forthcoming the at programme NATO this into accepted be not would it evident was it that out pointed and ago, months few a just until programme Bosnia for condition a not stated, Covic Dragan member Presidency Bosnia PfP. the of creation the during meetings in NATO by forth set requirements regarding membership Presidency by made claims the to fact in due is www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/topics_49127.htm Page. Home Official 91 90 89 Retrieved from http://www.lexisnexis.com/ Bosnia 88 Bosnia Bosnia Minister. Foreign Bosnian the of perspective the from but PfP, the into entry BiH a formal the of not conditions the in clearlydefined were they werewhen PfP in NATO byforth set conditions adherence tribunal and indictment criminal war that claims who leader due today.” exist Ministry Bosnia in forces armed the of reorganization the were PfP the into entry for conditions “The sta He different. were beginning the in set were that remembers Covic conditions tribunal.” Hague the with cooperation was there not or whether show to

Ibid Ibid Bosnian Presidency members forecasts PfP entry at end of year. (2004, June 22). June (2004, year. of end at entry PfP forecasts members Presidency Bosnian e: Saeet n ona n Hreoia Pes ees S Release Press Herzegovina: and Bosnia on ―Statement See: to the fact that it is focusing on commentary from a Bosnian Serb government Serb Bosnian a from commentary on focusing is it that fact the to

claimed, - - - - Herzegovina. stated, Ivanic Mladen Minister Affairs Foreign Herzegovina ecgvn t ji t join to Hercegovina Bosnia a as achieved, been had which Hercegovina,

greement. “Bosnia 2013. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Web. 12 May 2013. May 12 Web. Organization. Treaty Atlantic North 2013. BBC Monitoring Europe Monitoring BBC 90

- The article was categorized as ―somewhat ethnic ―somewhat as categorized was article The used was Peace for Partnership the into entry Hercegovina‟s 91

h second The -

Hercegovina‟s entry into the Partnership for Peace Peace for Partnership the into entry Hercegovina‟s e atesi fr ec porme n t begin to and programme Peace for Partnership he 43 SRNA “that the arrest of arrest the “that

– ril as dsuss h frcs of forecast the discusses also article

Political Political –

war crimes suspects was suspects crimes war B Wrd Monitoring World BBC - ecgvn Defence Hercegovina - 1(13)30.‖ 1(13)30.‖ - Herzegovina

h expects “he - Istanbul.” based bias‖ based 89

NATO The ted, ted, 88

CEU eTD Collection ih ersnaie n te euto o te H the of reduction the Bosnia in companies larger of powers…privatization and Representative High stating, by EU and PfP into transition this towards important that areas several discusses He article. this within optimisti and Srpska Republika of Progress year.” next of middle the by EU the joining on Commission European the with negotiations 93 92 NATO and EU the by forth set conditionality by published articles two by published articles from leaders RS towards bias specific a be could detailingarti leaders throughout theRS the requirements. ICTY meeting towards working by politicians as roles their fulfill better to leaders RS for recommendations and commentary provided Partner European the of adoption the ethnic ―somewhat‖ and ―neutral‖ both provided analyzed. agency media print each by supplied f important the Partnership, and doesoptimistic include not speech. negative pervasive or and positive is commentary The entry. EU and PfP upon commentary Minister‘s ethnic faces BiH that

Ibid Ibid -

ae ba bcue t oue o te S edrhp n te Fore the and leadership RS the on focuses it because bias based n umr o te nlss f h atce o te dpin f h European the of adoption the on articles the of analysis the of summary In Foreign Affairs Minister Ivanic was the chairman of the Party of Democratic of Party the of chairman the was Ivanic Minister Affairs Foreign “an interesting period in politics” in period interesting “an

SRNA actor is focusing on the breakdown of ethnic of breakdown the on focusing is actor “the process of transformation in the OHR Office of the of Office OHR the in transformation of process “the

provides accusations regarding a crucial aspect of of aspect crucial a regarding accusations provides hp Te ona Cot fiitd agency affiliated Croat Bosnian The ship. 44 cle specifically alludes to the fact that there alludescle specifically tothe

al poet E mmesi fr BiH for membership EU projects cally , which is fulfilling requirements of the of requirements fulfilling is which , ONASA ONASA - based media articles on the event of event the on articles media based . 93

- Hercegovina.” This article is only ―somewhat only is article This (Bosnian Croat) news agency news Croat) (Bosnian

g Representative‟s igh The central aspect of aspect central The 92

ONASA He proclaims He - g Affairs ign based bias based . The The . CEU eTD Collection based in the Bosniak canton in Sarajevo. This article outright blame RS leaders for for leaders RS blame outright article This Sarajevo. in canton Bosniak the in based affiliate to claims has that agency news federal ethnic ―clear‖ labelled article The leaders. SRNA Since leaders. RS the of actions up cover to possibility a reveals agreement PfP the of condition a was this believe not do leaders RS that claims provides article the that fact The ICTY. levels ofbias. heavy eludes and driven ethnically is which integration, European and PfP towards governmentall its and group ethnic particular a that claims the ensues It requirements. PfP fulfilling towards journey prolonged the s h RS the is

- isd es gny o rvd ecstr clai excusatory provide to agency news biased SRNA is a Bosnian Serb a Serb Bosnian a is

45 - based bias derives from from derives bias based

ffiliated news agency it hypothesizes that hypothesizes it agencynews ffiliated eaders are the blame to the slow process slow the to blame the are eaders with the Bosniak population as it is it as population Bosniak the with ms to support RS RS support to ms FENA , which is a is which , CEU eTD Collection following: milestones beginning acquiring theEU. into The 1997of talksin fullmembership government. hasgovernment aspireda The political consensus through since the Herzegovina the are important political one most of priorities inthefederal CHAPTER 3 BiH and EU onSAA EC Reporttothe EUCouncil ofMinisters onFeasibility Between ofNegotiations 98 dated 23.4.2003. 97 for Peace. order, withconstitutional theaimed ofentering theEuropean Unionand Partnership ofBosnia consensus democratization andHerzegovina andfurther the within representedBiH at Assembly of ‗ the Parliamentary 96 95 94 adopted aIntegration taskingBiH European decision, theDirectoratefor toestablish to develop Areas, FollowingFeasibil the political consensus that EUmembership thehighest priority is possible BiH. for Assembly adopted well as the statement mad 2004

ProgrammeImplementation for Activities for inthe 2004contained of of Priorities ofbothHousesConclusions ofthe BiHAssembly No.01 Parliamentary Statement No.01 Resolution onEuropeanIntegrationResolution Pact and for Stability South InitiatiDecision for the

decisions CouncilofMinisters by andBiH theParliamentary the Assembly

the current stage is thatBiHcurrent stagethe is At its At its Europeanaccession and strategies European Union integration

Declaration onSpecialDeclaration theEU Relationswith was in1998 adopted the in Bosnia‘s journeyfull membership towards the EU into 33 strategic : rd

BiH session, held on 3December BiH 2003, ofMinisters theCouncil conclusions - 50

ity Studyity and theP - Launch Journey 3 ways to -

180/04 dated 18.2.2004,whereby ofparties 180/04 heads ve EU forBiH Accession of to e by ofpolitical heads parties

, which, interpresent alia, full the presenceofa

definepath future towards its the EU. has considerable areashas considerable ofimprovement that rogramme for 46

to to Join European Union confirm our readiness for confirm ourreadiness . 96 Implementation

The Parliamentary - East Europe

are the 98

for Bosniafor

key key

of 16 Priorityof - 02066

94 political

needs 97 and in 1/03, 95 -

, as CEU eTD Collection external toattract inorder from experts, experts as asmanyacrosscountry the ofMinistersCouncil passed a onannouncingto Conclusion public invitation to represent i their from and FBiH, theBrcko RS and District BiH,staff Entity appointed from ministries indifferentexperts included European inthe Strategy, fields coordinators integration IntegrationEU Strate and coordinateof seven work the groups,develop consultative working tothe inorder particular,chairmanof the theCouncilofMinisters activities coordinatesand follows chairman ofMinistersterm Council was ofthe a office setfor offour Law tothe Pursuant 2003 of months. the Ministers, the position onthe Council chairedthe ministries, they ofMinisters Council and inoffice the every rotated eight comprised 2003,co2000, it six. Until organization. changed interms ofof and thenumber ministries interms of both threetimes, services activities ondeveloping infuture strategic similar documents. data their onall expertise, respective theexpertsinorder and their fields touse of committee confirmed of105applicants, that newspapers andDirectorate‘s ofMinister‘s atCouncil Thecompetition thesite. web forBiH accession of tothe23January EUwas on published 2004,indaily possible. In 1996to2004,the structure from theperiod ofthe competition forPublic

Inand three ofMinistersin Council comprised 1997,the ministries, nstitutions in theprocessnstitutions in Strategy. ofpreparingBiH The the gyofgroups BiH. were workingcivil servants The upof made offers services for indeveloping strategicdocuments - chairmen, whowere also ministe 47

80 metthecriteria.The has Directorate

Council ofMinistersCouncil

rs inone of years.In –

CEU eTD Collection Bosnia and Herzegovina. precondition trends fortheprocess in creating successful a of of functional state in the role, structureand theabove,the processto ofBiHIn these theEU.addition into reforms ofintegration Herzegovina 1996 in theperiod The changesand instructure competences ofMinistersCouncil ofBo ofthe of tointegration related BiHBosnia and institutions Herzegovina EU. of intothe Strategic Progress, 100 Official ofBiH,No. 30/03. Gazette 99 variousgained entities throughout BiH levels withthe offrustration heightened and critical went that affectsThroughout it decisions changes theentire the society. media sources. ofMinisters Council hasa The crucial rol undergone spaniscritical time analyzing ofthisevent in various throughout the the membership. to assumethe arising commitments thestatus ofa from can continuously onimproving capacities and institutional functional ofBiH development of the a viewWith tosuccessful preparations for negotia ofMinistersprioritiesCouncil inthe for the work EuropeanProcess. of integration forguidelines plans implementation ofpriorityserveas reforms. and Actions andpoints requirementsof the

ForLaw details,the on theCouncilofMin see

ona n Hreoia Gvrmn Ofca Rpr, uoen Integration European Report, Official Government Herzegovina, and Bosnia Stabilization Thepower aforementionedofwas breakdown thechangesand in structure that The ofMinisters Council andhave entitygovernments reform translated 100

and Association Agreement, theCouncilofMinisters works organization

Stabilization - 2004 allow for the functioning of BiH institutions in in 2004 allow for functioning BiH the of institutions

of the CouncilofMinisters provide 48

and Association Process action into plans

istersBosnia of and Herzegovina, tions, signingtions, and implementation e within BiH governmente BiH within didate country and country EU didate

the snia and 99

CEU eTD Collection 3 and take enact will the stepsit tomake areality this BiH.for Union and Europeanfor integration theBosnia nation of that theCouncilofMinistersjourney play ininitiating the the European towards andMinisters governmental other bodies.The governmentwere while others withtheof progression satisfied Retrieved from http://www.lexisnexis.com/ Bosnia 101 EU Spiric, Nikola Bosnia by Luxembourg in June 16 wit SAA the of endorsement the in providing by a ThebyBosnian priorityfor report politicians. submitted either from went articles the supporting efforts toward the The hand. at subject the on position neutral or very strong a took event this for analyzed period time the during articles many analysis Novine, Nezavisne 2008 H 2008 .1 erzegovina and European Union European and erzegovina

ona primn' upr os edre SA ih U (08 Otbr 27). October (2008, EU. with SAA endorses house upper parliament's Bosnian – – -

The articles analyzed for this event extended through the period 8 period the through extended event this for analyzed articles The Analysis:JourneyEvent toEuropean BiH Union Launch 30 Herzeg 5 oebr 2008 November, 15 th

October 2008. The keywords used for filtering the articles were: Bosnia were: articles the filtering for used keywords The 2008. October an ovina.

unbiased summary of the Council of Ministers meeting proceedings meeting Ministers of Council the of summary unbiased Enlargement Dnev BBC Monitoring Europe Monitoring BBC ni Avaz, Oslobodjenje, SRNA, Dnevni List Dnevni SRNA, Oslobodjenje, Avaz, ni

Te oa nme o analyze of number total The .

Commissioner Olli Rehn, Slovene Foreign Minister Foreign Slovene Rehn, Olli Commissioner European Union to negating the fact that it should be should fact thatit tonegating the European Union

with the time frame period search set to September to set search period frame time the with h the EU. the h - ecgvn Cucl f iitr chairman Ministers of Council Hercegovina 49


key thesignificanceaspect is role ofa – It states that Itstates

Political Political - Herzegovina and SRNA –

“The SAA was signed onsigned was SAA “The

B Wrd Monitoring World BBC d the Councilof

rils s 5 is articles was the most neutralmost was the ) . . Throughout the the Throughout

embody th

1 from (1 October -

CEU eTD Collection Hercegovina may become an EU member.” EU an become may Hercegovina statement integration,” European of process the in Bosnia between accord ― provides, and far by neutral most the from read articles other to contrary and newspaper daily a provides and ministers”. foreign EU and Rupel, Dimitrij 106 105 Monitoring Bosnia 8). 104 103 102 interest” particular this embracing perspective Bosniak the from perform the on feedback negative provide to continues Bosnia allow will which conditions the meet to activities the up step and together heads their get should states, throughout commentary tonal negative extremely agencies. news different just but provided, information the and(Bosniak) throughout ofthisarticle. the analysis non very is written is it that manner the and tone

Ibid Ibid October(2008, politicians. Bosnian priorityfor a not agenda CommentaryEU says Ibid Ibid “Once the dust has settled after the elec the after settled has dust the “Once

h ms cnrvril ril aaye ws h atce from article the was analyzed article controversial most The – . -

Herzegovina. Retrieved http://www.lexisnexis.com/ from ht rvds o ethnic no provides that Nezavisne - ecgvn t rsm is ore t te EU” the to journey its resume to Hercegovina - Hercegovina and the EU and Bosnia and EU the and Hercegovina

B Monitoring BBC

by stating, stating, by

(BosnianSerb) . 106


based bias bias based h SA s h frt oiia ad economic and political first the is SAA The 50 h atce ipas h sniet ht the that sentiment the displays article The and the article concludes with summarizing with concludes article the and 102 I i dfiut o e or o politicians top our see to difficult is “It


Europe SRNA tion, Bosnia tion, . The article has a strong professiona strong a has article The

These two articles were identical in identical werearticles two These - biased and slant is not detectable not is slant and biased the –

is Ti cnim ta Bosnia that confirms “This

– entirety a Bosnian a ne f h nto‘ leaders nation‘s the of ance

Polit - This article portrayed an an portrayed article This - Hercegovina politicians Hercegovina Herce

ical f h article the of - Serb news agency news Serb govina‟s first step first govina‟s . 105 –

nvi Avaz Dnevni B World BBC SRNA h article The .

104 this is this

It - l

CEU eTD Collection ecgvn‟ pltcl ete o pwr niae ht hy at o oe n the in move direction. opposite to want they that indicate power of centres political Hercegovina‟s However, Brussels. to eyes their turning statement, the in upon calling hub Union European the of assistance outside The apparently. government the not but Representative, High membership of Office the including EU towards progression the want BiH of citizens http://www.lexisnexis.com Europe Bosnia Monitoring 22). October (2008 Portrayed. Than Worse is Situation 108 WorldBBC Bosnia 29). September (2008, 107 portrayed.” been has than worse significantly t during intra the and integration European towards Bosnian a of overview an provides art content analysis. ethnic clear with any from article month.” this of end newspaperafor BiH arena in political the the towardsnegation clear a provides statement by implemented be to likely are half even not Bosnia

icles published by published icles ona Cot edr el Biih P ―iuto wre hn otae. Covic: portrayed. than worse ―situation MPs British tells leader Croat Bosnian ona et ―ny 1 short 13 ―only‖ meets Bosnia - h atce nlzd ht eutd o e smwa ethnic ―somewhat be to resulted that analyzed article The He e atr at f 08 H stated, He 2008. of part latter he rcegovina has specified on several occasions that out of 30 set priorities, set 30 of out that occasions several on specified has rcegovina Monitoring

reputable news or media agency. The article is distinctively infused infused distinctively is article The agency. media or news reputable -

based bias and is thus is and bias based

Nikola Spiric, the most incompetent prime minister post Dayton post minister prime incompetent most the Spiric, Nikola Dnevni List Dnevni – . Retrieved from http://www.lexisnexis.com Retrieved. from http://www.lexisnexis.com

Political Political

- “Lajcak and Bosnia and “Lajcak Herzegovina. , Nezavisne Novine Nezavisne - - em odtos o pors twr E entry. EU toward progress for conditions term – Croat political leader‘s opinion on the progress progress the on opinion leader‘s political Croat

B World BBC labelled 51 Testain n Bosnia in situation “The

- ofit ad sus aig i society BiH facing issues and conflicts

B Mntrn Europe Monitoring BBC 108 h msae cmn fo Bosnia from coming messages the

– The most pertinent concern for concern pertinent most The as such as the results in this media this in results the as such as

rses s ht h ctzn are citizens the what is Brussels - ,

Hercegovina citizens are citizens Hercegovina

and Monitoring. Oslobodjenje - Herzegovina.

- based bias‖ bias‖ based

to continue and and continue to eree from Retrieved - ecgvn is Hercegovina . . – Dvnevni List Dvnevni

Political Political 107


were BBC This Mr. – -

CEU eTD Collection ona Cot o te ei sucs ht hw smwa ethnic that can portrays uncertaintyof somewhat progress Conclusively, positive articlea the somewhat shows that sources media the for Croat Bosnian actors political internal the towards bias a towards leads actors external by needed assistance the administrations,” EU and US, British, the of help need t at thing stated, He reform. constitutional was article the in displayed was that Covic 112 http://www.lexisnexis.com Europe Monitoring BBC Bosnia 29). October (2008 Election 2010 After Changes Constitutional 111 110 The 109 way. any in war the within involved been have may Serb whom Bosnian the population on cause could reform constitutional that challenges potential ethnic of level themselves.” high among a provided issues commentary important negotiating fro them prevents B serves community international the before possible not are Constitution BiH. in 2008 of fall the in was undergoingreformthat constitutional the overelection political the importanceof The Bosnia about opinions of array an was there that and parties their statement, beha on conducted be

Ibid Ibid Ibid ona Sr lae sy cntttoa rfr nt osbe eoe election. before possible not reform constitutional says leader Serb Bosnian Oslobodjenje

his moment is reform of the Bosnia the of reform is moment his “that all representatives of the political parties had spoken in the names of names the in spoken had parties political the of representatives all “that

n atog a oiia lae hmef e pcfcly dniis as identifies specifically he himself leader political a although and article f f h ntoa gvrmn i Bosnia in government national the of lf

– displays a Bosnian Serb leader‘s perspective on the the on perspective leader‘s Serb Bosnian a displays

Political Political 111

- H politicians as a shoulder to cry on, and that I that and on, cry to shoulder a as politicians H The leader stated, stated, leader The –

52 BBC World Monitoring. Monitoring. World BBC

eea eeto de n 00 ta the that 2010, in due election general - Hercegovina Constitution, for which we which for Constitution, Hercegovina - ae ba sll f solely bias based and through his emphasis of emphasis his through and cags o h country‟s the to “changes - Herzegovina by the the by Herzegovina - Hercegovina.” csn o the on ocusing Retrieved from from Retrieved - - ae bias. based Herzegovina. 112 “the key “the

The 110 109

CEU eTD Collection due tothe waywereframed. thequestions artic This leaders. Serb Bosnian when other and difference leaders tonal Srpska Republika strong towards very refer questions a dispels It officials. EU and BiH between stil ethnic ―somewhat themselves to back finger the point rarely to seems sense this in media Serb Bosnian press. Croat Bosnian the by light positive a in seen not is leadership RS that indicator doe biases based ethnic of levels varying The article. Serb Bosnian the in problem the as articulated was sense general the in government the while paper Croat Bosnian the by leadership issue the f of towards areas identical on focused articles Serb Bosnian and Croat Bosnian Dnevni even this ethnic ―somewhat‖ from articles the of content the throughout conducted analysis say to not Thisis audience. toproduceits theneutrality seeks Serb agency news it dispels Bo This SAA. the endorsing meeting the in proceedings Ministers of Council ethnic ―neutral‖ the labelled The analyzed. agency media print each by supplied bias breakdown the on focusing is factor important the Union, European l not as negating as the the asnegating as not l SRNA

In summary of the analysis of the articles on BiH launch to the journey journey the to launch BiH on articles the of analysis the of summary In List List le provided questions in the interview that would lead to negative answers negative to lead would that interview the in questions provided le urther progression for European integration. Blame was put on the RS RS the on put was Blame integration. European for progression urther is neutral of all ethnic all of neutral is Bsin Croat), (Bosnian s not solidify that Bosnian Croat news is anti is news Croat Bosnian that solidify not s - based bias‖ label was given for this article by the means that it is it that means the by article this for given was label bias‖ based - based bias articles derive from from derive articles bias based Dnevni - based bias due to the fact that it merely summarizes the summarizes merely it that fact the to due bias based and - based bias, but is a mere finding from the overall overall the from finding mere a is but bias, based Oslobodjenje article. It brings It article. 53

Nezavisne Novine Novine Nezavisne Bsik nw aece. The agencies. news (Bosniak) insight SRNA - RS, but it provides an provides it but RS,

towards the EU talks EU the towards

es gny was agency news

(Bosnian Serb), (Bosnian of ethnic of . The t. - based based snian - CEU eTD Collection sentiment on issues towards t towards issues on sentiment EU. the by conditionality BiH for fulfilling set measures and EU promoting in Spiric Nikola Minister of Council i halt the for leaders ethnic agency media Bosniak The case. this in fingers there when content of agency. the article portraysastrongly opinionated - ae ba a i cmet ngtvl twrs h gvrmn, lms RS blames government, the towards negatively comments it as bias based

is an issue in the government. They generalize the issue rather than point than rather issue the generalize They government. the in issue an is n European integration progress, and ridicules the work of former former of work the ridicules and progress, integration European n he European Union. The expressiveness throughout the the throughout expressiveness The Union. European he This article provides an example of the Bosniak the of example an provides article This 54



otas h ―clear‖ the portrays CEU eTD Collection of Macedonia, Montenegro, Montenegro, Macedonia, of Bosnia with agreements readmission and facilitation visa concluded 2003 in Community European the initiative this Towards Balkans Western 115 114 and general of 113 corruption and crime organized against out set frameworks legal the of implementation in effectiveness and capacity enforcement law of strengthening Bosnia Bosnia of progress the of assessment investigative an completed Parliament European and Commission, BiH. within rights fundamental and as and corruption and crime organized fight to framework institutional the reinforcing controls, border strengthening security, passport bettering Bosnia Commission, European the by gu the On countries. five the within mission expert States Member the by assisted and Commission European the by manner a detailed in assessed regularly was requirements these of fulfilment and implementation fulfi on based were dialogues the and following months the in countries five all with begandialogues liberalization visa 2007 December in conclusion Council‘s the to Abiding 2008. January in force into

Commission Commission Press27, 2010) (May Release,MEMO/10/218 Ibid Ibid CHAPTER 4: VISAFREE SCHENGEN REGIME FOR BIH -

tte20 hsaoiiErpa oni etn twsdcddta the that decided was it meeting Council European Thessaloniki 2003 the At Herzegovina. - ain udr oiia ojcie ee rne visa granted were objective political under nations Herzegovina, which resulted in the allowance of visa fr visa of allowance the in resulted which Herzegovina, 115

h rmiig ecmrs o BH o civ ae the are achieve to BiH for benchmarks remaining The Serbia, and Albania. and Serbia,

mn o rqieet st u i dtis The details. in out set requirements of lment 114 - - ezgvn md sgiiat rges in progress significant made Herzegovina

Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic Yugoslav former the Herzegovina, 55

n pi 21 te oni, European Council, the 2010 April In 113 idelines of the roadmap presented roadmap the of idelines

These agreements were entered were agreements These

well as external relations relations external as well

- re travel. free ee travel to travel ee

CEU eTD Collection Bosnia 2010 4.1 electronic exchangebetween bodies. data and police prosecution the establish to plan action 2010 March the implementing and levels, district Brcko finan 116 that tasks work the mind in having agency, serious highly a are we that proved have visa get to efforts the in element serious highly a been have stating, by work organization‘s his praises Dumancic BiH. throughout travel visa allowing with trust EU‘s the securing in Police Border of work successful regarding B from commentary the discussed from was Herzegovina. Bosnia in met be to measures conditionality EU various and state, civic immigrants, visa successful the very stron a took event this for analyzed period time the during articles many analysis from 2010 November


g or neutral position on the subject a subject the on position neutral or g cial resources, harmonizing harmonizing resources, cial Nezavisne Novine, Nezavisne – -

Two articles were categorized were articles Two 3 period the through extended event this for analyzed articles The Analysis:Event Visa ezgvn ad uoen no wt te ie rm pro searc period frame time the with Union European and Herzegovina 30 pclto o BH en a port a being BiH on speculation SRNA SRNA th

eebr 00 Te ewrs sd o fleig h atce were: articles the filtering for used keywords The 2010. December

– while the other was from from was other the while

- 31 December, 2010. The total number of analyzed articles is 5 is articles analyzed of number total The 2010. December, 31 free travel provided to BiH citizens on 15 December from illegal from December 15 on citizens BiH to provided travel free

Dnevni Avaz, Avaz, Dnevni

Free Schengen Regime Schengen Free forBiH criminal - H Border Police Chief Director Vinko Dumancic Vinko Director Chief Police Border H

as having ―neutral‖ ethnic ―neutral‖ having as FENA

56 codes with state with codes t hand. The articles went from discussing from went articles The hand. t

f nr for entry of , SRNA, Dnevni List Dnevni SRNA, , nvi List Dnevni

- The . lea imgat ad the and immigrants illegal level codes with entity and entity with codes level - f ree travel. With this we this With travel. ree 116 - Dnevni List List Dnevni bias based

). ).

Throughout the the Throughout rd


and one and st to set h article - “we “we free (1 - CEU eTD Collection the article by proclaiming, control.” good very is opinion this, control also neighbors Our readers. passport biometric have already crossings border international our All of. control in are we that something visa for passports biometric have to required are citizens Dumancic fulfilled.” we Retrieved from http://www.lexisnexis.com Bosnia 120 119 118 http://www.lexisnexis.com Europe Monitoring BBC Bosnia 29). December (2010 Immigrants. Illegal for Route Main Not Is 117 visa the of liberalization the on decision o regime…abolition the for voted that, countries declared He member nation. his of potential future the for ecstatic leader Ahm sho country the that and Bosnia that message clear a is visas abolish to visa the on commentary Bosnia outlines article ethnic clear no were visa EU gaining of process the throughout had Police Border the possible.” as EU the

Ibid Ibid Border police chief says Bosnia not attractive for EU for attractive not Bosnia says chief police Border ona euiy he his U eiin o scra to decision EU hails chief security Bosnia etovic‘s speech is free of any type of ethnic of type any of free is speech etovic‘s -

Herzegovina. , B , - 117 H Border Police Chief Director,Chief Police Border H

The mandate on having a biometric passport is was also discussed bydiscussed alsowas is passport biometric a havingon mandate The vss ol b o get eei o te epe f Bosnia of people the of benefit great of be would visas f - 119 based biases throughout the entirety of this article. The article. this of entirety the throughout biases based

BBC Monitoring Europe Monitoring BBC

- u

free travel victory for BiH. He states, He BiH. for victory travel free This article provided informative details regardi details informative provided article This - ld continue on its path to the EU.” the to path its on continue ld ezgvn‘ Scrt Mnse Sdk Ahmetovic‘s Sadik Minister Security Herzegovina‘s

“We will work on Bosnia bringing work “We will –

Political Political 118

Dumancic continues a positive attitude throughout attitude positive a continues Dumancic –


B Wrd Monitoring. World BBC

in detail, in - Hercegovina has European prospects European has Hercegovina –

Political Political - based bias and only of a political a of only and bias based vss (00 oebr 08). November (2010 visas. p “You kn “You - bound illegal mig illegal bound –

- - BBC World Monitoring. World BBC 120 Hercegovina close as to re rvl ad hs is this and travel, free ow very well that B verywellthat ow

“today - The positive tone in tone positive The free travel and there and travel free

Retrieved from from Retrieved n ti i my in this and ‟s EU decision EU ‟s - Herzegovina. ng the role the ng rants. B rants. al EU “all SRNA - - H H -

CEU eTD Collection published them. The them. published and analysis content media the throughout group, was ait ethnic thus designated ―no af political of signs clear no were B for guarantee security a be would standards security high established the that and Hercegovina http://www.lexisnexis.com Europe Monitoring BBC Visa Dilemma, No 122 121 th with burdened being stop really should authorities…we of formation the to attitude democratic the have leaderships party proclaimed, the in derived concern e of the areas on provided The commentary EU. the by forth set requirements fulfil to improvement of areas other and laws new of creation the explains Novic article Rep Serb the happen.” will this that dilemma no have I and visas, of abolition the deserved EU, the to approach have met finally BiH visa that the fulfil to requirements fact the to alluded Novic Novic. Sredoje Minister Affairs

Ibid Bosnian minister says country met requirements for EU visa EU for requirements met country says minister Bosnian

o su wt hvn vss blse fr i citizens BiH for abolished visas having with issue no

hr wr to rils aeoie a ―oeht ethnic ―somewhat as categorized articles two were There “I see no problem in the ethnic blocs, provided that the leaders and the the and leaders the that provided blocs, ethnic the in problem no see “I ublic prime minister seat in the upcoming election. Throughout the the Throughout election. upcoming the in seat minister prime ublic 122

- The article denoted Novic as one of the most serious candidates for candidates serious most the of one as Novic denoted article The isl, h rgo ad h EU.” the and region the itself, H s Will Be Abolished!‖ (2010 November 03). Bosnia 03). November (2010 Abolished!‖ Be Will s nvi Avaz Dnevni


Political Political free travel requirements set forth by the EU the by forth set requirements travel free thnic blocs in BiH and Novic‘s response. Novic Novic response. Novic‘s and BiH in blocs thnic iito o mnin f pltcl at o ethnic or party political a of mention or filiation ril a itriwcmetr y B by commentary interview was article –

- 58 based bias‖ article. bias‖ based B Wrd Monitoring. World BBC

ps; e ut un o oe e pro new some to turn must we past; e nvi Avaz Dnevni 121

hogot hs ril there article this Throughout


H assured, He . - free travel. ―There Is ―There travel. free eain N Nezavisne

Retrieved from from Retrieved - - Herzegovina. based bias‖ bias‖ based

and would and - H Civil H “their ovine -

CEU eTD Collection concluded the interview by providing by interview the concluded key inB problem the that think governments…I entity the and cantonal the of ministers prime the and B in minister stating, by down claim this shot He minister. prime RS headquartersthe by RS from instructions receiving was Novic issues.” and values European 125 124 123 technical a now all is it that think I progress. our assess to came European that Commission the from commissions and teams monitoring by visited twice were We condi the satisfied visa regarding of Alliance commentary the article the lengthy a Although of (SNSD). Democrats chairman Social Independent deputy and Assembly National RS the of speaker The leadership. RS regarding stories speculative the and Novic Minister of representation RS the ethnic ―somewhat of categorization behind reasoning B take to want B that confident am talk…I and down sit to had we that and groups ethnic three the and entities two of consisted B manage could they that thought going on

Ibid Ibid Ibid

n late in - H who visited all the cantons and spoke to all the respective ministers ministers respective the all to spoke and cantons the all visited who H - - free travel was short and straightforward. Radojicic stated, stated, Radojicic straightforward. and short was travel free H to the EU, but also to create B create to also but EU, the to H - - Nezavisne Novine Nezavisne 00 ewe te neehi gvrmn. e said, He government. interethnic the between 2010 H is the incompetence of the ministers and incompetenceministers H isthe ofthe tions, and that was a long list of 174 conditions, back in the spring. spring. the in back conditions, 174 of list long a was that and tions,

- H can be a fully functional state, if we choose people who who people choose we if state, functional fully a be can H


“These are senseless senseless are “These

- h atce oce uo seuaie tre that stories speculative upon touched article The article provides commentary from Igor Radojicic, Igor from commentary provides article ad h pol i B in people the and H an

overview of the political dialogues that were that dialogues political the of overview 59

- H to suit all of us.” of all suit to H - based bias‖ was determined by determined was bias‖ based speculations…I am the only only the am speculations…I -

the personnel.” …hy for H…they “some people people “some o ta B that got 125

124 The sole The

Novic “We - H

CEU eTD Collection of dialogue, readiness for agreement and compromise, stagn compromise, and agreement for readiness dialogue, of stating, by began Tihic Sulejman Action Democratic of Party the of president visa the regarding leader Muslim a from commentary based bias‖ tothe primarilyparty due ofRadojicic. representation countries.” Schengen to freely th of as that and matter 128 WorldBBC Monitoring. 3 December (2010 127 Political Bosnia 17). November (2010 Fiction‖. 126 designates asthe theposition article categor visa denied.” especially are the denying of sense the in officials, that, professing by leaders its and RS towards sentiment his signifies but requirements, the 2010.” marked which characteristics basic the of some are EU to membership towards BiH of road and integration intern BiH, isfocusing theimportant of factor onthebreakdown ethnic

―neutral‖ethnic Ibid Muslim leader says lifting of EU visa requirements for Bosnia highlight of 2010. of highlight Bosnia for requirements visa EU of lifting says leader Muslim byagency each printmediaanalyzed. eb niy pae sy ―ii sae iel u uwral. Cvc B ―Civic unworkable. but ideal state‖ ―civic says Speaker entity Serb - re rvl eie o icsig oiia atos f h R laesi. It leadership. RS the of actions political discussing to regime travel free “Anti

The article deemed ―clear ethnic ―clear articledeemed The – In ofthe ofthearticles summary analysis onvisa free Schengenregimefor

BBC WorldBBC Monitoring. - atn cin ad htrc s tl tlrtd msl fo R ad its and RS from mostly tolerated, still is rhetoric and actions Dayton - ) Bosnia 0). based bias due tothe fact bias based 128 e new year or a little before, B before, little a or yeare new

Retrieved from http://www.lexisnexis.com

Tihic builds upon negative tonal usage when moving from moving when usage tonal negative upon builds Tihic

- Herzegovina. 126

The article was categorized as ―somewhat ethnic ―somewhat as categorized was article The Retrieved http://www.lexisnexis.com from 127 state of BiH…Court, Prosecutor‟s Office, SIPA Office, Prosecutor‟s BiH…Court, of state -

base - He applauds BiH by its success of fulfilling of success its by BiH applauds He 60 Herzegovina. Herzegovina. The ized as having―clear as ethnicized

d bias‖ derived from derived bias‖ d wasportrayalit a of B Mntrn Europe Monitoring BBC SRNA

ne - H citizens will be able to travel to able be will citizens H ws agencythe was labelled

B Mntrn Europe Monitoring BBC - re rvl eie The regime. travel free to ftepoes of process the of ation - Security Minister Minister Security based bias supplied supplied bias based FENA

- based bias‖. based

– and providesand

Political Political -

I a Is H “Lack – – -

CEU eTD Collection

leadersgovernmentthe successful withthe visafree invictory. of regime they job did Vinko Dumancic‘s onhowproud he ofhisagency‘s was sentiment work the towards leaderridiculingEuropean seems leaders onthe of RS progression This integration. focuses onthe positive requirements inthe agreement setforth for thevisa to follow suit because suit to follow Bosniak medi speculations The―somewhat‖ two articlesethnic labelled Alike di visa FENA Bosnianagency Serb media while ina politician light, anpositive portraying RS BosniakBosnian theminanegative media andhave Croat light. portrayed DemocratsAnalysis of (SNSD). Speculations on the RS politicalSpeculations leader ontheRS another potentialaspect provide that the Nationalchairman AssemblyandIndependent the deputy Allianceof Social of fferenceBiH. The within Sadik Ahmetovic‘s discussed thevaryingmetby accomplishments government the ful in - freeBoth regime BiH.tothe for reassurance articles provided victory simply SRNA article ―clear‖ deemed ethnic

the that have been made upon him and his work madeasthat have and uponhim his been a agency leaders.a Bosnian The Serb targets Dnevni

thoughts onthe victorythoughts visa ofthe - FENA FENA minded commentary from Igorminded commentary from of speaker theRS Radojicic,

list list articleB discussed the Dnevni is favorableBosniak inand Croat Bosnian audiences.

this event shows that this provides yet providesthat this eventthis shows another

Avaz Avaz - based bias ga bias based 61 article focused on Novic coveringup the articlefocused on Novic

- based biasdiscussed and ethnic blocs based - - ve commentaryfrom aMuslim H BorderDirector Police Chief free theEU. regime setforth by - free regime for BiH. Itfree BiH. regimefor Nezavisne Novine Civil AffairsCivil minister. filling article The CEU eTD Collection what politicalparty a isdoingthewithin government nation. Therefore, within what everyday the weat what thelatest lives byprofessing fashion, theyareeconomic,It validates orpolitical concerns. social, whatour we doin much greater.Ithow weourdiscourse and depictsthink whether derive onissues Bosnia‘s Euro into integration may social creating different realities be readerships ethnic respect for with to their writing,othertechniques andspeech tonalusage, and writing their portrayal events uptoEUaccession of leading guidingon these public discourse issues European it Unionmembership occurred inBosnia by analyzingethnic therole of soakuptobelievethat citizens and live by. factethnicgeneral, thatmedia can is bebasedwhi in onemere another.Althoughbepossible; however, therelevant that could speculation andmay it that thenation tensionswithin has ethnic interacting uneasewith within be portrayalevents vary ofcan the general media represents principles daily that in lives. one thesignificantmedia has plays torealize importance tounderstand our insociety This argument Media something just is not e thatprovides news - Herzegovina for their journey towardsHerzegovina for European and theirintegration journey

is supportedby analysis thesis inthis media conducted based o - - Atlantic bodies based various media significantthat throughout events appears that n Conclusion

the ethnic originthe . This analysisethnic ofdifferentmedia and 62

ethnic . The politicalBosnia scenario. The in

- based media

ha ch could causevarieties ofbiases s of a given shows a population of

veryday to us it issomethingveryday it tous focused on

The factThe that media , suggesting they that her will belike,andher

may be a facto be amay

the style of the . In. fact, r in - CEU eTD Collection still beingstill somewhatbydependinggovernment so ranmajoritywho has thefederal and interactingEU officials theB withthe and in outside playback wha from understandmust the media therole playsjourney. this within story write They the in Herzegoviniangovernment continuestheir gov Herzegovina takes shows time thenother theinterethnicsetupisonethat alonger 129 media agencies are inSarajevo, based Bosniak which BiH. isthe in canton rep Bosniak population (Bosnianhavelevels Muslim) clear ofethnic Herzegovina portrays for the thesis sources ofthe this connected with more media fulfil thegoal atleast ofEU is membership fores journey the viability standpoint continues this from but Bosniangovernment ofthe to that supportsthe efforts the go of consensus conditionality onfulfilling EU measur Bosnia realized news within The articles. European for towards future Unionmembership relevancemedia howcan factor of parties.of Afterthe media covering reviewinvariousthe forms various issues towards a (EU) initiative and specific ethnic against other leadership they more have

See Appendix I See Appendix orting fact ontheevents analyzed. Thiseludes print tothe that ofthe majority ernments to settle or to come toany Nonetheless, settleBosnia orto consensus. ernments to as - The media content analysis conductedTheanalysis media onethnic content Herzegovina relies on a government who will workgovernmentwill to togetherHerzegovina relies onacome and who

t the government t the doesinconducting summits, meetings, attending

manipulative powers in buildingmanipulative powers a in public discourse

vernment. The sight of this is unknown as the sight unknownas is vernment. The ofthis portray ethnic groupsandportray ethnic be therebelieveshould 63 journeyUnion one the Europeantowards

eeablefuture. inthe es set,which alsoaes involves society - based media in Bosnia mediabased in - - H borders. Also, theyareH borders.Also, based people‘s and political and people‘s based - based bias in bias based

129 -

The - CEU eTD Collection outweighsBosnianmedia thatwasthesis. Serb in this analyzed insight the le the beliefBosniak fills the thatgap media more. beSerb media to theheavy was out sought ethnic ―clear‖ labelled thechart number each ofarticles―neutral‖, showsfor event ―somewhat‖, and 130

See Appendix IISee Appendix ethnic vel of ethnic vel of - based bias.

- 130 based and Croat bias within Bosniak Bosnian media

From beginning theinitial Bosnian analysis ofthe


- Finally,acknowledging by this based bias media, butcontrary to

CEU eTD Collection Appendix I. Appendix

Administration Mapof Bosnia Divisions 65

- Herzegovina

CEU eTD Collection Appendix II. Media II. ContentAppendix Findings Analysis Chart

1 Bosniak1 Bosniak1 1 Bosnian1 Croat Clear

1 Bosnian1 Serb 3 2 3 Bosnian Serb Bosnian Serb - -

- Bosniak1 / 1 Bosniak/1 Somewhat

1 Bosnian1 Bosnian1 Croat /Croat 2 Croat/ 1 66

2 Bosnian Serb -

1 Bosnian1 Bosnian1 Bosnian1 Croat /Croat 1 Neutral Croat Croat


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