
Roman S.P.Q.R Informational BROCHURE

Rome’s Republic was a groundbreaking new way to govern a large population of during a time in history where most of the world’s population didn’t have a voice. You have been commissioned by both Roman Consuls to create an informational brochure that is to be distributed around the known world. Your mission is to persuade other countries/cities/kingdoms to change their ways and become a republic. FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS BELOW TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT. FLYERS ARE DUE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 31ST.

REQUIREMENTS POINTS POSSIBLE POINTS EARNED The acronym S.P.Q.R dominates the front cover. The English and translations are also seen 5 on the front cover. Your brochure contains information about the tripartite system of government, including the function, number of 15 individuals, and responsibilities in each group.

Your brochure contains information about the 10 , including the purpose and examples.

Your brochure contains information about Cincinnatus and how his actions promote the 10 idea of the republic.

Your brochure contains a minimum of 5 pictures/images that depict the Roman Republic in action. Each picture must have a caption 10 explaining the image. Spelling and grammar are appropriate. The final product is neat, organized, and easy to follow. 10 The information you have used is accurate. You have included a list of resources used on 5 the back of this paper.

TOTAL POINTS ______/65 This assignment will count as a 15 point assessment.

AT HOME RESEARCH INFORMATION Below are some helpful websites you can use for researching information about the Roman Republic. http://www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_rome_republic.php

http://www.rome.mrdonn.o rg/
