Publications for Nicole Mockler 2021 2020 2019 2018
Publications for Nicole Mockler 2021 Historical Thinking for History Teachers: A new approach to Mills, M., Mockler, N., Stacey, M., Taylor, B. (2021). 'The engaging students and developing historical consciousness, (pp. village and the world': Research with, for and by teachers in an 323-336). Sydney: Allen and Unwin. <a age of data (editorial). Teaching Education, 32(1), 1-6. <a href="">[More href="">[Mor Information]</a> e Information]</a> Mockler, N. (2019). Shifting the Frame: Representations of Mockler, N., Stacey, M. (2021). Evidence of teaching practice Early Career Teachers in the Australian Print Media. In Anna in an age of accountability: when what can be counted isn�t Sullivan, Bruce Johnson, Michele Simons (Eds.), Attracting and all that counts. Oxford Review of Education, 47(2), 170-188. <a Keeping the Best Teachers: Issues and Opportunities, (pp. 63- href="">[Mor 82). Singapore: Springer. <a e Information]</a> href="">[More Information]</a> Mockler, N., Hogan, A., Lingard, B., Rahimi, M., Thompson, G. (2021). Explaining publicness: A typology for understanding Groundwater-Smith, S., Mockler, N. (2019). Student voice the provision of schooling in contemporary times. In A. Hogan work as educative practice. In I. Berson, M. Berson & C. Gray & G. Thompson (Eds.), Privatisation and commercialisation in (Eds.), Participatory methodologies to elevate children's voice public education: and agency, (pp. 25-46). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
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