

Life Sciences : Evolutionary

Carlton, Robert L. A Concise Dictionary of Paleontology Second Edition

Presents a unique English language dictionary of paleontological terms, taxa, localities, and concepts Focuses on the most common orders, genera, and , paying careful attention to overall historical significance in terms of turning points such as mass Written for students, libraries, museums, and general readers of scientific literature This new and significantly updated authored dictionary is a unique glossary of paleontological Springer terms, taxa, localities, and concepts. It focuses primarily on identifying the most significant 2nd ed. 2019, XII, 469 p. groups of animals and plants in relation to their and phylogeny. It also focuses 2nd on mass extinctions, on taxa that are problematic in some significant way, on the principal edition fossil-Lagerstätten of the world, and on historical turning points marked by index . Although there are many current resources on the subject, none contains an accurate representation of the paleontological lexicon. Although well aware that the fast-changing field Printed book of paleontology will always defy any attempt at complete description, the author has attempted Hardcover to provide an accurate and comprehensive set of about 4,000 entries that will be useful to professionals as well as to general readers of scientific literature without a background in Printed book paleontology. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-25585-5 £ 149,99 | CHF 200,50 | 169,99 € | online at springer.com/booksellers Springer Customer Service Center GmbH 186,99 € (A) | 181,89 € (D) Customer Service Available Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 Discount group 69121 Heidelberg Standard (0) Germany T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 Product category [email protected] Dictionary Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-25588-6 Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-25587-9

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