Results of Parliamentary General Election – 1977
Parliamentary Election - 1977 Electorate No. and Name Name of the Elected Symbol Votes Total Polled Rejected Total No of Candidates obtained by Votes valid Registered candidates Votes Electors 81% 80% 1 Colombo North 40,162 136 40,026 49,803 M. Vincent Perera Elephant 26,759 66.85% A.H.M.Fowzie Hand 11,617 29.02% K.L.Robert Nandasiri Perera Key 1,321 3.30% V.Dioynisius Wijesinghe Bell 193 0.48% Don Sirisena Mallawarachi Eye 49 0.12% E.D.Pemaratne Lamp 45 0.11% G.T.Ariyadasa Flower 42 0.10% 250% 244% 2 Colombo Central 265,796 6,660 259,136 106,403 R.Premadasa Elephant 94,128 36.32% M.Jabir A. Cader Eye 58,972 22.76% M.Haleem Ishak Hand 53,777 20.75% M.S.Sellasamay Cockerel 26,964 10.41% Pieter Keuneman Star 24,568 9.48% W.A.Sunil Perera Chair 422 0.16% R.Rathnasamy Flower 202 0.08% M.T.M.Saleem Table 103 0.04% 77% 77% 3 Borella 32,167 139 32,028 41,634 M.H.Mohomed Elephant 19,824 61.90% B.T. Douglas Perera Hand 9,812 30.64% Dharmasena de Silva Kurukulasuriya Key 2,304 7.19% A.G.Guruge Flower 88 77% 77% 4 Colombo East 33,702 136 33,566 43,574 A.Edmund Samarawickrema Elephant 19,721 58.75% Vivian S. Kodikara Hand 7,678 22.87% Bernard Soysa Key 5,951 17.73% Gunasena Subasinghe Umbrella 103 0.31% M.H.Jayaratne Peiris Clock 57 0.17% M.P.Ariyadasa Flower 56 0.17% CPQ01/EX/PR/Parliamentary Gen Elections Result_1977-2001 Electorate No.
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