His Holiness the 17th photo: Tsurphu Foundation

"The Road to " An Invitation to the Grand Opening Ceremoni for the "Road to Buddhahood" Project of His Holiness Karmapa at Tsurphu in Tibet on August 29th, 1998

Hwa Yue Foundation "The Road to Buddhahood" An Invitation to the Grand Opening Ceremony for the "ROAD TO BUDDHAHOOD" project of His Holiness Karmapa at Tsurphu in Tibet on August 29th, 1998 In 1995, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa asked the Honorary Chairman of Hwa Yue Foundation, Dr. Chen Li-An and Chairman Ms. Sun Chuen-Hwa to help rebuild the old road connecting the paved highway to Tsurphu Monastery. Dr. Chen and Ms. Sun immediately decided to take up this responsibility to build this “Road to Buddhahood”. According to the Buddhist scriptures, Karmapa will become the 6th Buddha in this eon after 5th Matreiya Buddha. Consequently, this “Road to Buddhahood“ symbolizes the building of a smooth high-way to enlightenment for all sentient beings. A seed to enlightenment will be planted in the heart of everyone who contribute or participate in this project. As a result, His Holiness Karmapa, Dr. Chen, and Ms. Sun will wish that people worldwide would join in this effort in building this “Road to Buddhahood“. The 23.6 kilometers dirt road from the main highway at Long Ba Bridge to Tsurphu Monastery will be rebuilt into a smooth concrete road. The plan is to complete the project by the year 2000 and the cost is estimated at approximately USD $4.8 million dollars. His Holiness Karmapa has personally chosen to hold a grand opening ceremony on August 29, 1998. A special puja will be held at Tsurphu Monastery after the 10am ceremony and last until late afternoon.

People who wish join the grand opening ceremony are warmly welcomed and should plan to arrive in Lhasa before August 27th. After the main ceremony on the 29th, it is encouraged to set up pilgrimage tours to monasteries and sacred place in Tibet. Since August is the busiest tourist month, people who wish to come should set up their itinerary as soon as possible.

For travelling information, please contact: Yak Travelling Agency: Office: 86-891-683-4966. Fax: 86-891-683-6787. For questions regarding the project, please contact Hwa Yue Foundation, representative office in Tibet: Day: 86-891-683-4966 x room 5251 Night: 86-891-683-4966 x 2207/2208 Fax: 86-891-683-6787 Hwa Yue Foundation, main office in Taiwan: Office: 886-2-2841-4322 Fax: 886-2-2841-3703 People who wish to donate to the project could wire-transfer donations to the following accounts designated by His Holiness Karmapa: Taiwan: Hwa Yue Foundation: The Farmers Bank of , Hsin Yih Branch No. 362, Sec. 1, Tun Hua South Rd. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Account #: 677-02-901205 Swift Code: FBOCTWTP231

International: Universal Foundation: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. Sai Wan Ho Branch Tai-On Bldg., 65-67 Shaukiwan Rd. Hong Kong Account #: 027-7-602108 (Multi-Currency Account) Hwa Yue Foundation Hwa Yue Foundation was founded in 1990 by Ms. Sun Chuen-Hua and Dr. Chen Li-An. In the past eight years, the foundation has supported more than a few hundred Buddhist and charity projects in Tibet, , Nepal, China, and Taiwan. Major Buddhist projects related to Tibetan include:

• In Nepal: Pullahari Monastery, Lekshe Ling Buddhist Institute, the computer center of Ponlop , and the Namo Buddha retreat center and institute of Thrangu Rinpoche … etc. • In China: Thrangu Buddhist Institute and the Monastery of Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche in Chinghai, Palpong Buddhist Institute in Dege … etc. • In India: Sherab Ling of Tai Situ Rinpoche, the Monastery of in southern India, the Buddhist Institute of Rigo in Bir … etc.

The foundation also owns Chung Shen Buddhism Publishing Company, Shang Bao Newspaper (150,000 circulation) in Taiwan, Universal Mandala Foundation in Hong Kong, Chen Cheng Educational & Cultural Foundation, Da Yuan Consulting Company and Nagajuna Foundation in Nepal.

Brief Description of the Founders

Ms. Sun Chuen-Hua worked in the media industry in Taiwan as one of the most famous screen- play writer, director, and producer. Starting about 20 years ago, she devoted herself full-time to Buddhist practices and activities, and is now a renowned Buddhist teacher.

Dr. Chen Li-An was the Director of National Science Council, Minister of Economic Affairs, Minister of Defense, Head of Judiciary Yuan, and Presidential Candidate in 1996 election in Taiwan. After the election, he has dedicated himself full-time to charitable activities and Buddhist practices.

"The Road to Buddhahood" Project Managers

Mr. Mark Yu-Ting Chen is the Chief Project Manager for “the Road to Buddhahood”. He received his BSE degree from Princeton University. After working in the investment banking industry for two years, he attended Harvard Business School. Subsequently, he worked for McKinsey & Company, an international management consulting firm, developing strategies for multinational corporations. In 1992 he joined the monastic life in a monastery in Taiwan for 3 years. Afterwards, he rejoined the consulting firm and worked in Taiwan, South East Asia and India before he joined Hwa Yue Foundation in 1997.

Mr. Chao Gang is the Chief Engineer for the project. He graduated from Si-Chuan University in China and has more than 12 years of construction experience in over 10 countries, building dams, hotels, high-ways, houses, …, etc.

Also World Wide Web at: Tsurphu Foundation Mainsite “The Road to Buddhahood,” http://www.maui.net/~tsurphu/karmapa/tsurroad.html Hwa Yue Foundation, http://www.maui.net/~tsurphu/karmapa/hwayue.html E-mail Hwa Yue Foundation Taiwan, [email protected]