District Census Handbook, Gulbarga, Part X-A, B, Series-14
CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES-14 MYSORE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK GULBARGA DISTRICT PART X-A: TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY PART X-B: PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT P. PADMANABHA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS MYSORB 24 12 0 24 48 72 MILE:S I I ! I M1f~(o)U ~ I ; i : i 20 0 20 40 60 10 100 kiLOMETRES ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS,I971 STATE 80UNDARY --._- DISTRICT " -.-.--- TALUK " STATE CAPITAL '* DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS (j) TALUK " o T. N....upur - TbirumaIaocUu N ....I ,. H9-Hoo.... pur MAlIARASHTRA " H_~ubU ANDHRA PRADESH TAMIL NADU JAMI MASJID, GULBARGA (Motif on the cover) THE picture illustrated on the cover page is that of Jami Masjid of Gulbarga, built by a Persian architect named Rafi in A.D. 1367, during the reign of Muhammad Shah Baihmani I (1358-1375 A.D.). The architecture of this mosque, although plain, possesses considerable fascination because of the sense of proportion and beauty of line displayed in the building. A novel feature of this mosque is that it has no open court in front of the prayer-hall, and the entire area, consisting of the aisles, the central passages and the prayer-hall is covered over on the model of the mosque of Cordova in Spain. The architect has, in this mosque, given a variety of forms to the arches by adopting different spans and using imposts of various heights. For example, the span of the arches of the aisles is extremely wide in comparison with their imposts, thus producing a new form which later became very popular in the buildings of Bijapur and Bidar.
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