Initial Environmental Examination

October 2020



Prepared by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport for the Asian Development Bank.

i CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 10 October 2019)

Currency unit - Lao Kip (K) K1.00 = $0.0001111 $1.00 = K 9,000


ADB - Asian Development Bank DoNRE - Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment EARF - Environmental Assessment and Review Framework EHS - Environmental Health and Safety EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EMP - Environmental Management Plan EPL - Environmental Protection Law GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism IEE - Initial Environmental Examination LACP - Land Acquisition and Compensation Plan MPH - Ministry of Public Health MONRE - Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MPWT - Ministry of Public Works and Transport MSDS - Materials Safety Data Sheets NAPA - National Adaptation Program of Action NRW - Non-Revenue Water PCU - Project Coordination Unit PIU - Project Implementation Unit PNP - Nam Papa SPS - Safeguards Policy Statement, 2009 UXO - Unexploded Ordnance VDC - Village Development Committee VEI - Village Environmental Improvement WSSP - Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project WTP - Water Treatment Plant

WEIGHTS AND MEASURE ha - hectare m - meter km - kilometer l/s - Liters per second masl - Meters above sea level mm - millimetre oC - Degree Celcius dBA - Decibel mg/l - Milligram per liter


In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

iii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF SUB-PROJECT ...... 1 1.3 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ...... 2 1.4 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ...... 2 1.4.1 Physical Resources ...... 2 1.4.2 Water Resources...... 2 1.4.3 Geology and Natural Hazards ...... 3 1.4.4 Ecological Resources ...... 3 1.4.5 Historical and Archaeological Sites ...... 3 1.4.6 Unexploded Ordnance ...... 3 1.4.7 Socio-Economic Condition ...... 3 1.5 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ...... 3 1.5.1 Benefits of the Subproject ...... 3 1.5.2 Adverse Environmental Impacts ...... 4 Environmental Impacts Related to Location ...... 4 Environmental Impacts during Construction ...... 4 Environmental Impacts during Operation ...... 6 1.6 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION ...... 7 1.7 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ...... 8 1.8 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) ...... 8 2 INTRODUCTION ...... 10 2.1 METHODOLOGY ...... 10 2.2 PROJECT CATEGORY ...... 11 3 POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ...... 11 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS POLICIES, ADB ...... 11 3.2 LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ON ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC ...... 12 3.2.1 Environmental Impact Assessment ...... 12 3.3 DRINKING WATER QUALITY STANDARDS ...... 12 3.3.1 Discharge Standards ...... 12 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ...... 13 4.1 GENERAL ...... 13 4.2 SERVICE AREA ...... 13 4.4 WATER SOURCE ...... 19 4.5 RAW WATER INTAKE AND TRANSMISSION...... 19 4.6 WATER TREATMENT PLANT ...... 20 4.7 WATER STORAGE ...... 21 4.8 PUMPING STATIONS ...... 21 4.9 TRANSMISSION MAIN ...... 21 4.10 DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ...... 21 4.11 ACCESS ROADS ...... 21 4.12 O&M EQUIPMENT ...... 21 4.13 CONNECTION POLICY ...... 22 5 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ...... 22 5.1 PHYSICAL RESOURCES ...... 22 5.2 GEOLOGY AND NATURAL HAZARDS ...... 22 5.3 AIR QUALITY AND NOISE ...... 22 5.4 CLIMATE ...... 23 5.4.1 Climate Change...... 23 5.5 WATER RESOURCES ...... 23 5.6 ECOLOGICAL RESOURCES ...... 24 5.7 HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES ...... 24 5.8 UNEXPLODED ORDNANCE ...... 24 5.9 SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ...... 24 5.9.1 Population ...... 25

iv 5.9.2 Economy ...... 26 5.9.3 Ethnicity ...... 26 5.9.4 Income and Poverty Levels ...... 26 5.9.5 Education ...... 27 6 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ...... 28 6.1 ANTICIPATED BENEFITS FROM THE PROJECT ...... 28 6.2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS RELATED TO PROJECT LOCATION (PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE) ...... 28 6.2.1 Impact on Land Acquisition and Community Assets ...... 28 6.2.2 Impact of Location of Raw Water Intake on other Water Users ...... 28 6.2.3 Impact on Natural Resources and Protected Areas ...... 29 6.2.4 Impact on Historical and Archaeological Sites ...... 29 6.3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ...... 29 6.3.1 Temporary Disruption of Community Roads, Pathways and Access to Properties ...... 29 6.3.2 Air Pollution ...... 30 6.3.3 Noise ...... 30 6.3.4 Impact of Borrow Materials ...... 30 6.3.5 Impact on Ecological Resources ...... 30 6.3.6 Clearing of Vegetation ...... 31 6.3.7 Water Pollution ...... 31 Impacts of Sediment Runoff ...... 31 Domestic Wastewater from Contractors Facilities and Worker’s Camps ...... 31 Residual Chlorine During Pipeline and Reservoir Disinfection ...... 31 6.3.8 Generation of Construction Wastes ...... 32 Excavated Soil ...... 32 Domestic Waste ...... 32 Inert Construction Waste ...... 32 Hazardous Waste ...... 32 6.3.9 Impact on Community Health and Safety ...... 32 6.3.10 Occupational Health and Safety ...... 33 6.3.11 COVID-19 Risk Management ...... 33 6.4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS DURING OPERATION ...... 33 6.4.1 Incremental Wastewater Generation and Increased Burden on Drainage Systems .... 34 6.4.2 Deterioration of Water Quality ...... 34 6.4.3 High Pressure and Leaks on the Pipeline ...... 34 6.4.4 Generation of Backwash Water and Sediments in the WTP ...... 34 6.4.5 Occupational Health and Safety ...... 35 6.4.6 Generation of Sludge from Detention Ponds ...... 35 6.4.7 Community Health and Safety ...... 35 7 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ...... 35 7.1 ALTERNATIVES TO THE SUBPROJECT ...... 35 7.2 ALTERNATIVES WITHIN THE SUBPROJECT ...... 35 7.3 “NO PROJECT” ALTERNATIVE ...... 36 8 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION ...... 37 8.1 CONSULTATIONS AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE DURING SUBPROJECT DESIGN ...... 37 8.2 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ...... 38 9 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ...... 39 9.1 TYPE OF GRIEVANCES ...... 39 9.2 GRIEVANCE RESOLUTION PROCESS ...... 39 9.2.1 Arbitration Committees ...... 40 9.2.2 Grievance Redress Procedures ...... 40 10 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING ...... 43 10.1 REPORTING ...... 55 10.2 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ...... 57 10.2.1 Department of Water Supply and Sanitation - Ministry of Public Works and Transport 60 10.2.2 Project Implementation Unit (PIU)...... 60 10.2.3 Environmental Monitoring ...... 60 10.2.4 Capacity Building...... 61













1. The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (WSSP) aims to improve the performance of provincial Nam Papas (PNPs) and expand access to safe piped water supply and sanitation for urban residents in small towns of Lao PDR. The project is consistent with the Government’s urban water supply and sanitation sector policy and investment plan and supports the country’s targets for piped water supply for urban population. The WSSP will be implemented through a sector loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) which was approved in 2013. The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and the Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport, as Executing Agency together with the Provincial Nam Papas or provincial water utilities (Implementing Agency), will be responsible for identifying, prioritizing, apprising, selecting, and approving subprojects in accordance with the Government and ADB’s policies and procedures. Namthouam Township has been selected as one of the subprojects under the WSSP under Phase 5. The initial environmental examination (IEE) of the Namthouam Township subproject was undertaken in compliance with the ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS, 2009) and the EIA Decree of April 2010. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is also included in this document.


2. The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (WSSP) of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (Executing Agency) supports the development of small district towns in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) through the improvement of water supply and sanitation services. Consistent with the Government’s urban water supply and sanitation sector policy and investment plan, the project aims to improve the performance of the provincial Nam Papas (PNPs1) and expand access to safe piped water supply and sanitation for urban residents in small towns in Lao PDR. The project will comprise: (i) improvements to the water supply system; and (ii) enhanced community action in urban water supply and sanitation. The WSSP will be implemented through a sector loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and the Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport together with the Provincial Nam Papas or provincial water utilities (Implementing Agencies) will be responsible for identifying, prioritizing, appraising, selecting and approving subprojects in accordance with the Government and ADB’s policies and procedures. Priority subprojects were identified during the project preparatory technical assistance phase. The subprojects were classified as environment Category B. Feasibility studies and initial environmental examination (IEE) reports were completed for the subprojects under Phase V, namely: Viengkham District and Namthouam Township in .

3. This IEE for the Namthouam Township sub-project presents an assessment of the environmental impacts and the detailed Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the subproject based on detailed engineering design. The preparation of this IEE is guided by the Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) of the WSSP, ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS, 2009), ADB Operational Manual Section F1/BP (2013), Access to Information Policy (ADB AIP, 2018), IFC-World Bank Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines, the Government of Lao PDR’s Environmental Protection Law (2013), and other Government environmental laws, policies, rules and regulations applicable for water supply projects.

1 Provincial Water Supply State Enterprises managing the water supply system in each Province.



4. The law governing the protection of the environment, including the assessment and management of projects in Lao PDR is the Environmental Protection Law (EPL), which was issued in 1999 and amended in 2013.

5. Decree on Environmental Assessment, No.21/PM, January 2019: The decree is the country’s principal environmental legislation regarding Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). MoNRE is central authority to coordinate with the local agencies and administration to disseminate and enforce this Decree. The Decree was enacted to implement Part III of the Law on Environment Protection, in relation to Environmental Protection and Environmental Assessment. Key feature of the Decree include:

. Each Development Project must ensure that any development project in Lao PDR carries out environmental assessment (EA) in accordance with the content determined in this Regulation, and any regulation of its own line ministry. . All projects must prepare mitigation measure, environmental management and monitoring plan (EMMP) and social management and monitoring plan (SMMP). . Small scale or minor impact projects need to conduct Initial Environmental Examination (IEE). . Large scale or complicated or significant impact projects need to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

6. The project screening is the first step of the environmental assessment stated in Article 8. By using the list of the project and activities that have to conduct the IEE or EIA No. 8056/MoNRE, dated 17 2013, water supply facilities (Item 3.52) fall under Category 1 so an IEE is required by Government. The requirements for the securing of the requisite Environmental Compliance Certificate from DoNRE, including this IEE, have been complied with and submitted to DoNRE of Luang Prabang, which has issued the ECC No. 1473/DONRE.LPB on 06 August 2020.


1.4.1 Physical Resources

7. Nam Bak District, where Namthouam Township is located, is situated at the Northeast of Luang Prabang Province and approximately 100 km northeast of the provincial capital. It is bordered to the North by and ; Pak OU to South, Ngoi to East and Xay, La and Nga Districts and to the west. Characterized by mountainous terrain and narrow river valleys, this region is typical of the northern uplands of . Nam Bak District has a mountainous topography with elevations of 380m AMSL to 700m AMSL.

1.4.2 Water Resources

8. The proposed raw water source is the Namkhan 2 River, a small river that runs through Ban Pak Mong, which is in project core area. Namkhan 2 River is a mountain stream which joining of two tributaries, namely Namkhan 1 and Nammong. As a result of merging of two streams, this river has considerable year-round flow, with a sufficient year-round base flow for the capacity of the WTP. The flow rate in April and June 2019 was measured at 1.56 m3/s (134,450 m3/d) and 2.51 m3/s (216,717 m3/d), respectively.


1.4.3 Geology and Natural Hazards

9. Small to moderate earthquakes have occurred within Lao PDR over recorded history. Namthouam District is not among the areas vulnerable to earthquake hazards. Lao PDR is also prone to flooding, mainly associated with the presence of large river basins. Eight rivers have been identified as being at particular risk of causing flooding throughout the country but the Nam Khan 2 is not included in the identified rivers that cause extreme flooding. There are some hills in the vicinity which are prone to landslides, however, the terrain within the Namthouam District center is rolling and undulating and is not prone to landslides.

1.4.4 Ecological Resources

10. There are no components of the proposed development that will be located within a protected, conservation or biodiversity area. The nearest conservation area is the Nam Et- Phou-Loeuy National Biodiversity Conservation Area which is more than 124 kilometres (aerial distance) east of the sub-project.

1.4.5 Historical and Archaeological Sites

11. There are no sites that are considered as historically or archaeologically significant within the sites of the project components.

1.4.6 Unexploded Ordnance

12. A survey on the presence of unexploded ordnance (UXO) was commissioned by the Lao National UXI Programme in Luang Prabang for Namthouam Township. The survey revealed that there are no UXO remaining in the area. Local residents also reported no known occurrence of UXO in the vicinity of the town or knowledge of ground or air strikes from which UXO may remain.

1.4.7 Socio-Economic Condition

13. Nam Bak District, where Namthouam Township is located, is situated at the Northeast of Luang Prabang Province and approximately 100 km northeast of the provincial capital. It is bordered to the North by Khoua District and Phongsaly Province; Pak OU to South, Ngoi to East and Xay, La and Nga Districts and Oudomxay province to the west.

14. This district comprises 832 primarily rural villages. District administrative centers are located at ban Nam Bak. The Nambak District government is a significant employee in the district center, where the district government, hospital, police quarters, and other district services are located.


1.5.1 Benefits of the Subproject

15. There are expected beneficial impacts on health and well-being of people because of the proposed water supply project for Namthouam Township. The principal benefits would be derived because of improved accessibility to potable and reliable water supply. There are also health benefits in the form of reduced incidence of diarrhoea, dysentery, skin rashes, and other water-borne diseases as a result of hygiene promotion activities and improved access to safe water for the community.

2 Referred to:


1.5.2 Adverse Environmental Impacts

16. In general, the benefits of the subproject outweigh the anticipated negative environmental impacts. Most of the environmental impacts are expected to occur during the construction phase and could be mitigated through implementation of appropriate mitigating measures. The following paragraphs describe the expected negative impacts that have to be considered during project design and implementation. Environmental Impacts Related to Location

17. Impact on land acquisition and community assets. There will be no acquisition of land required for the development of the project component facilities (WTP, intake, reservoir, and access roads) as well as for the temporary use of land or loss or damage to assets during pipe laying. PNP Luang Prabang has acquired the land for the site of the Intake, access roads, WTP, reservoir, laboratory and for the office. There will be temporary impacts on community assets during the installation of transmission and distribution pipes and construction of the access roads to the WTP and intake. A Land Acquisition and Compensation Plan (LACP) for the subproject have been prepared separately to ensure that any loss of land or damage to property is properly addressed.

18. Impact of location of raw water intake on other water users. The raw water intake will be located on the bank of Namkhan 2 River in Ban Pak Mong. It is projected that the location of the intake, will not affect nor impact other water users of the river as it has a substantial annual flow. The Intake is an estimated 7 kilometres from the nearest sensitive receptor (nearest settlement area). Moreover, the raw water intake is not located near any existing Fish Conservation Zone (FCZs) and as such, is projected not to impact the aquatic resources in the waterway during any phase of the sub-project implementation.

19. Impact on natural resources and protected areas. The location of the proposed water supply system and its components will have no impact on the the Nam Et-Phou-Loeuy National Biodiversity Conservation Area which is more than 124 kilometres (aerial distance) east of the sub-project.

20. Impact on historical and archaeological sites. The proposed development will have no impact on any historical and archaeological sites.

21. Unexploded ordnance. The location of the proposed sub-project and its components will not impact any unexploded ordnance as there were no reported UXO as per the survey commissioned by the province. Environmental Impacts during Construction

22. Most of the anticipated impacts are related to nuisances which may occur during the construction of the subproject components such as temporary disruption of access and community facilities, noise, and release of dust and pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. The EMP, which is summarized in Chapter 10, includes mitigating measures and will be included as part of the bidding and contract documents. The effective implementation of the EMP will reduce these risks to an acceptable level.

23. Temporary disruption of community roads, pathways, and access to properties. During trench excavation and pipe laying works, temporary disruption of access to residential and commercial establishments, schools, and community facilities will occur. To mitigate this, temporary accesses to houses and other establishments will be built using sturdy materials. The contractor will restore any damaged sections to properties. The contractor will be required


to provide warning signs and barriers/fence at work sites. Temporary closure or blockage of roads will occur during the excavation and pipe laying activities at pipe and road intersections.

24. Information boards will be posted to provide information to the community about the temporary closure of roads, the schedule of works, and the traffic-rerouting plan. During night time, the excavated area should be covered with plates and provided with adequate lighting to warn villagers about the open excavation. Following completion of pipe laying, good quality permanent access will be restored by the contractor on any damaged road and path sections.

25. Air pollution. The main sources of air pollution are operation of machines, excavation works, and materials and equipment transportation. An increase in dust concentration near construction areas is expected within about 50m around the project sites. Winds may carry soil particles to nearby areas, if no preventative measures are applied. The contractor will be required to implement measures to control air emissions and dust from the affected sensitive receptors like residential areas, schools, clinics and offices.

26. Noise. The operation of equipment such as jackhammer for the installation of water supply distribution network may cause noise nuisance to nearby residential houses and commercial buildings. There may also be a need to utilize diesel generators during the construction period. Noise levels may reach 88dBA at a distance of about 15m away from the source or operation of construction equipment. Along roads used for material transport, the average noise level will also rise because of increased truck traffic. To avoid noise nuisance, construction operations will only take place during daytime hours from 0700H to 1800H.

27. Impact of borrow materials. The construction activities for all components of the project, including the access roads will require material, specifically sand and aggregate for the works. The sourcing of these materials from the Namkhan 2 River will not be permitted as the mining/quarrying activities may irreversibly impact the ecology and hydraulic characteristics of the waterway. The contractor will be required to secure these materials from Government permitted/licensed suppliers.

28. Clearing of vegetation. Vegetation cover at the proposed sites of the Intake, WTP, clear water reservoir, proposed office and laboratory and access roads will have to be removed during construction. Impact of vegetation clearing will be minimal because the current vegetation cover at these sites only consists of bushes, shrubs and bamboo. The site where the WTP and reservoir is situated is relatively flat ground and is not projected to contribute to erosion in the area and will not require major cutting of slopes. The water supply distribution network will affect some trees that have been planted by communities in front of their houses. As per the LACP, there are no trees that needs to be removed for the installation of the pipelines and related works. Affected trees in private land will be compensated in cash in accordance with the LACP.

29. Sediment runoff. When construction activities (particularly earthworks) are undertaken during the rainy season, sediments may erode and cause the runoff of silt into the river. To minimize the impacts of soil runoff, the contractor will be required to implement proper measures, such as the provision of silt traps, ditches, and sump pits to block the flow of silt into irrigation canals and the river. In addition, earthworks will be scheduled during the dry season to the extent practicable to avoid silt runoff.

30. Domestic wastewater from worker’s camp. If domestic wastewater is disposed untreated, the wastewater could lead to the contamination of surface and groundwater and lead to the spread of water-borne diseases. Therefore, appropriate wastewater management measures should be implemented during the construction phase to prevent sanitation problems through the provision of adequate water supply and latrines at the worker’s camp.


31. Residual chlorine during pipeline and reservoir disinfection. Chlorinated water is retained in the completed pipe works and reservoirs for a designated period to develop sanitary conditions. The standards require 25 – 50 g/m3 chlorine residual held for a period of time, normally 12 – 24 hours. Extra caution is needed in disposing water with excessive chlorine residual since this is toxic to fish and other aquatic life. When the chlorine concentration of the water in the pipelines and reservoirs has been reduced to less than 2 mg/l, it will be discharged into the nearest water body. The allowable limit for Chlorine (free residual) as per the Ministry of Public Health Drinking Water Quality Standards of 2014 is 0.1- 2.0 mg/l.

32. Generation of construction wastes. The construction of the proposed WTP and reservoir will require earthworks and levelling of the area. The excavation for the pipe laying will also generate material. The excavated material will be utilized to backfill the trench once the pipes have been laid out. Excavated material from the foundation of the WTP tanks and reservoir will be utilized to backfill other work sites where required.

33. Domestic solid waste at the construction camp is not anticipated to be of a significant volume because only small temporary camps will be provided at the sites of the WTP and reservoir and none at the sites for the intake, transmission and distribution pipes. However, proper waste disposal methods should be employed to avoid pollution of land and adjacent water resources. Solid waste will be collected and properly disposed in the local disposal site of the District. Hazardous wastes such as paint containers and solvents and spent batteries are generated by construction activities, but in specific sites such as the intake, WTP and reservoir, no such waste is projected to be generated. Although the quantities are anticipated to be minimal, this type of waste is detrimental to the environment and public health and as such will be segregated from the general solid waste, collected and disposed for appropriate treatment.

34. Occupational health and safety. The contractor through a site safety plan will address hazards during civil works and implement measures to manage risks on construction sites from COVID-193. The contractor will be required to appoint a safety supervisor who will ensure that safety measures during civil works are implemented. These safety measures include the use of personnel protective clothing and equipment (PPE), installation of the requisite hazard warning signs, and excavation covers and barriers. Arrangements for prompt medical attention in the event of accidents will also be made. The contractor will be required to: (i) undertake priority hiring of qualified construction workers from the villages, (ii) consult with local people to avoid conflict if migrant workers will be brought to the site, (iii) install suitable toilets such as pit latrines and grey water drainage facilities such as soakage pits, (iv) arrange for the proper disposal of solid wastes, (v) brief workers and the villagers on the dangers of communicable diseases, and (vi) assign a senior member of his staff to be responsible for the workers and local peoples’ welfare. In addition, during the disinfection of water distribution lines, only staff who have had experience and proper training and are aware of the potential health hazards associated with chlorinating agents will be involved in such activity. Environmental Impacts during Operation

35. Incremental wastewater generation and increased burden on drainage systems. Households receiving new water supply connections are likely to use more water for cooking and washing. The current condition and lack of well-designed drainage system in the villages will result in small quantities of grey water or sullage forming ponds of dirty water which may provide habitats for mosquitoes and pose health hazard to the communities. This impact will

3 Guidance on managing risk from COVID-19 on construction sites and workers’ housing, ADB recommendation, June 2020.


be primarily addressed through the drainage improvement and public awareness raising initiatives under the Village Environmental Improvements (VEIs) component of WSSP. As a project policy, households will have free water connection if the household has an approved sanitation facility to cope with the increased wastewater generated.

36. Deterioration of water quality. The quality of the raw water may deteriorate particularly if there are human activities at the upstream catchment area that may cause contamination of the river water. This may affect the efficiency of the WTP and the resulting quality of the treated water. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and PNP will continuously coordinate with the villages and Namthouam Township authorities regarding community activities in the catchment area to ensure that said activities will not cause contamination of raw water. Laboratory testing equipment and training will also be provided to allow the PNP to conduct regular monitoring of raw and treated water quality parameters.

37. High pressure and leaks on the pipeline. Some of the network is located on low elevation, potentially exposed to high water pressure and leaks. This risk is minimized by: (i) the use of durable standard pipes for the main and secondary (rider mains) lines, (ii) use of pressure reducing valves for the rider mains, (iii) careful construction supervision by the PIA to ensure that pipe laying and jointing is done with the highest standard by the contractor, and (v) regular inspection of the network and prompt isolation and repair when leaks occur.

38. Generation of backwash water and sediments at the WTP. During the operation of the WTP, back wash water and sludge removed from the sedimentation tanks contains sediments and other pollutants that have been removed from the raw water during treatment. Discharging the sludge directly into land or river may result in deterioration of the condition of the receiving environment. As mitigation to eliminate this adverse impact, detention ponds have been included in the design of the WTP.

39. Occupational health and safety. Water treatment will involve the use of coagulants/flocculants and chlorine that will expose WTP personnel to hazards during chemical handling. Risks associated with these chemicals will be minimized by: (i) providing secure, dry and appropriately ventilated storage facilities for hazardous chemicals, (ii) use of chemicals in powder, rather than in gaseous form, which is safer to store and handle, (iii) posting of the Materials Safety and Data Sheets (MSDS) of these chemicals in the chemical storage area and chemical mixing tank area for information of workers, and (iv) training of staff and designation of responsible person on the handling of these chemicals.

40. Generation of sludge from detention ponds. The sludge that will generated from the detention ponds will be dredged and disposed as backfill material in low lying areas to be identified by the village leaders.

41. Community health and safety. The facilities that will be constructed will be properly fenced off and secured to restrict access and intrusion of unauthorized personnel. Watchmen/security personnel will be hired to secure the facilities on a 24 hour basis. This would eliminate the safety risks to the community.


42. During the preparation of the IEE Public/Stakeholder consultations were held in the village meeting halls of villages of (1) Ban Pakmong, (2) Ban Vangkham, (3) Ban Nakok, (4) Ban Phonxieng, (5) Ban Thabou; (6) Ban. Namkhanh; (7) Ban Namthouamtai; 8. Phonmany; 9. Namthouamnuea; 10. Phonsavanh; 11. Ban Xeng; 12. Phonsavang; 13. Ban Xiengda; 14. Ban Houana with the PNP Laung Prabang, Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and Project Consultants from 14 to 20 May 2019. Stakeholders who participated during the public consultation process included villagers, local government officers and staff. The consultations


were conducted to discuss with the stakeholders the proposed project and the modifications from the original design and also to elicit the environmental concerns/issues of the community on the proposed project. In general, consultees were of the view that the project would result in more benefits than negative impacts. The people are willing to connect to the water supply project because of the improvement in their living conditions. During project implementation, communities within the subproject impact areas should be appropriately and in a timely manner, informed of the construction activities particularly those which are likely to cause noise and dust nuisance, disruption to roads and pathways.


43. A Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) was developed in compliance with the National regulations of the Government of Lao PDR (GoL) and with ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (2009). The GRM will provide the means to resolve grievance and complaints in a timely and satisfactory manner. Essential features of the GRM are: (i) resolution takes place as quickly as possible, (ii) all affected persons will be made fully aware of their rights, (iii) all persons with concerns about the environment are also entitled to lodge their complaints and seek redress, (iv) the community will be informed about the detailed grievance redress procedures through public information campaigns, (v) complaints can be made verbally or in written form, (vi) complainants will not incur administrative fees or costs of legal representation, (vii) the GRM uses existing village arbitration units, namely, the village chief and/or deputy chief, village elders and village representatives of the Lao Women’s Union, Lao Front for National Construction, and the police, (viii) the arbitration unit is responsible for settling disputes between villagers through conciliation and negotiation and will be supported at district level, (ix) all complaints and resolutions will be properly documented and will be available for public review and monitoring and will be incorporated into safeguard monitoring reports.

44. The details of the PIU, GRM Focal Contact Persons and Construction Manager will be prominently displayed in the respective construction areas for the reference of the affected communities/persons. Complaints and grievances can be directly filed, both written and verbal, to the concerned entities. This will provide alternative entry points to the village complaint system. The procedures for the GRM are outlined in Section 9 of this IEE.


45. The EMP has been prepared, outlining the institutional responsibilities and management arrangements to ensure effective implementation and monitoring of mitigation measures. Throughout the construction period, the contractor will submit monthly environmental compliance progress reports to the PNP with a copy furnished to the PIU. The contractor should be able to highlight the summary of the progress of construction, activities undertaken to implement the measures outlined in the environmental management and monitoring plan, record any community complaints received and how the complaint was eventually resolved.

46. The PIU will consolidate the results of the monthly environmental monitoring through a quarterly progress report that will be submitted to the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) which is based at the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation of the MPWT. The quarterly report will (i) summarize the significant findings and measures undertaken to address identified adverse environmental impacts during the works, (ii) discuss any unanticipated environmental impacts encountered during the subject monitoring period and (iii) recommend remedial actions to address these unanticipated environmental impacts.

47. Copies of the quarterly progress report prepared by the PIU will be provided to the members of the Provincial Project Steering Committee and the District Governor. PCU will


consolidate information from quarterly progress reports, compile and submit integrated safeguards monitoring report semi-annually to ADB.

48. The implementation of the EMP during the operational phase of the subproject will be undertaken by the PNP, with verification by the PCU who will report to ADB the project’s adherence to the EMP, information on project implementation, and environmental compliance through semi-annual integrated safeguards monitoring reports. The monitoring parameter during the operational phase, as outlined in the EMP, includes monitoring of water quality at the inlet of the WTP and of the treated water.

49. Conclusion and Recommendation. This IEE for the Namthouam Township subproject was undertaken to determine the environmental issues and concerns on the proposed water supply system subproject. This assessment confirms that the subproject is classified as Category B for environment based on ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS, 2009). In addition, an Environmental Compliance Certificate (No. 1473/DoNRE.LPB) has been provided by the DONRE with regard to the IEE and EMP, refer to Appendix B.

50. In general, the subproject will result in beneficial impacts on health and well-being of the people because of improved accessibility to potable and reliable water supply. There are also health benefits in the form of reduced incidences of water-related diseases as a result of hygiene promotion activities and improved access to safe water for the community.

51. Most of the adverse environmental impacts are expected to occur during the construction phase of the implementation of the subproject. However, these environmental impacts are not projected to cause irreversible and significant adverse environmental impacts and can be readily managed by the establishment of appropriate and conventional mitigation measures. Based on the assessment of environmental impacts, the anticipated impacts during project implementation are related to nuisances which may occur during the construction of the subproject components such as temporary disruption of access, and community facilities, noise, sediment runoff, generation of excavated/surplus material and release of dust and engine gas emission.

52. The EMP will be in the bid and contract requirements of the contractor. Effective implementation of the EMP and monitoring and inspection of construction work sites and during operation will reduce potential environmental risks to an acceptable level.

53. The EMP also presents the institutional responsibilities for implementing the mitigation and monitoring measures during construction and operation. The IEE concludes that the subproject combined with available information on affected environment is sufficient to identify the scope of environmental impacts of the subproject. No further environmental assessment is therefore required.

54. An environmental monitoring plan has been provided to which includes a comprehensive regular water quality sampling and monitoring. This will be undertaken to ensure water quality is maintained according to the prevailing the Lao PDR standards. In addition, grant covenants will require: (i) testing and monitoring of water quality in subproject towns, and (ii) long term strategy on capacity building with regards monitoring water quality and applying good practices to treat water to acceptable Ministry of Health standards. The operations and maintenance manuals will include mitigation and monitoring measures in line with EHS Guidelines for Water and Sanitation to address key environment, health and safety risks during operation.


55. The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (WSSP) of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (Executing Agency) supports the development of small district towns in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) through the improvement of water supply and sanitation services. Consistent with the Government’s urban water supply and sanitation sector policy and investment plan, the project aims to improve the performance of the provincial Nam Papas (PNPs4) and expand access to safe piped water supply and sanitation for urban residents in small towns in Lao PDR. The project will comprise: (i) improvements to the water supply system; and (ii) enhanced community action in urban water supply and sanitation.

56. The WSSP will be implemented through a sector loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and the Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport together with the Provincial Nam Papas or provincial water utilities (Implementing Agencies) will be responsible for identifying, prioritizing, appraising, selecting and approving subprojects in accordance with the Government and ADB’s policies and procedures. Priority subprojects were identified during the project preparatory technical assistance phase. The subprojects were classified as environment Category B. Feasibility studies and initial environmental examination (IEE) reports were completed for the subprojects under Phase V, namely: Viengkham District and Namthouam Township in Luang Prabang Province.

57. This IEE for the Namthouam Township sub-project presents an assessment of the environmental impacts and the detailed Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the subproject based on detailed engineering design. The preparation of this IEE is guided by the Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) of the WSSP, ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS, 2009), ADB Operational Manual Section F1/BP (2013), Access to Information Policy (ADB AIP, 2018), IFC-World Bank Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines, the Government of Lao PDR’s Environmental Protection Law (2013), and other Government environmental laws, policies, rules and regulations applicable for water supply projects. The Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) checklist is presented in Appendix A.


58. This Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is prepared according to the Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) of the WSSP, ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS, 2009), ADB Operations Manual Section F1/P, Access to Information Policy (ADB AIP, 2018), International Finance Corporation - World Bank Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines, and the GoL Environmental Protection Law (2013), and other environmental laws, policies, rules and regulations applicable for water supply projects. The potential impacts have been analyzed and mitigation measures identified following site visits to the locations of the subproject component facilities and service area in June 2017. The visits included an assessment of the proposed sites, discussions with Provincial and District officials and village representatives.

4 Provincial Water Supply State Enterprises managing the water supply system in each Province.



59. The requisite screening was carried out during the preparation phase of the WSSP using the ADB Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) checklist. The WSSP was classified Environment Category B requiring the preparation of IEE and EMP. This IEE confirms the sub-project remains Category B. The potential adverse environmental impacts are site- specific, reversible, and can be readily mitigated via an environmental management and monitoring plan (EMP). 3 POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK


60. The environment safeguards requirements of ADB are presented in the following guidelines:

. Safeguard Policy Statement (2009); . Operations Manual Section F1/P5; and . Access to Information Policy (2018).

61. The Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS, 2009) of the Bank governs the environmental and social safeguards of ADB’s operations. When a project has been identified for ADB financing, it is screened and categorized to determine the following:

. Significance of potential impacts or risks of the project to the environment; . Level of assessment and institutional resources required to address the safeguard issues; and . Information disclosure and consultation requirements.

62. The SPS outlines the environmental safeguards requirements that borrowers/clients have to comply with. These requirements include assessing impacts, planning and managing impact mitigations, preparing environmental assessment reports, disclosing information and undertaking stakeholder consultations, establishing a grievance redress mechanism, and monitoring and reporting. It also includes specific environmental safeguard requirements pertaining to biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, pollution prevention and abatement, occupational and community health and safety, and conservation of physical cultural resources. Consideration of associated facilities, that are not funded as part of the project, and whose viability and existence on the project is also required. ADB requires meaningful consultation with affected persons and concerned stakeholders and public information disclosure for Category A and B projects. For Category B, the draft IEE report should be available to interested stakeholders before project approval and posted on the ADB’s website upon Board approval of a project in accordance with the Operations Manual and Access to Information Policy (2018).

5 Operations Manual Bank Policies (BP) issued on 1 October 2013, based on ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009.


3.2.1 Environmental Impact Assessment

63. The law governing the protection of the environment, including the assessment and management of projects in Lao PDR is the Environmental Protection Law (EPL), which was issued in 1999 and amended in 2013. Decree on Environmental Assessment, No.21/PM, January 2019 is the country’s principal environmental legislation regarding Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). MoNRE is central authority to coordinate with the local agencies and administration to disseminate and enforce this Decree. The Decree was enacted to implement Part III of the Law on Environment Protection, in relation to Environmental Protection and Environmental Assessment. The project screening is the first step of the environmental assessment stated in Article 8. By using the list of the project and activities that have to conduct the IEE or EIA No. 8056/MoNRE, dated 17 2013, water supply facilities (Item 3.52) fall under Category 1 so an IEE is required by Government. The Decree states that all investment projects that may create adverse environmental and social impacts are to be designed with the correct and appropriate environmental and social impact prevention and mitigation measures or environmental management and monitoring plans (EMP) and social management and monitoring plans (SMMP). According to the decree, the primary responsibility for undertaking environmental assessment of projects is with the project developers, which for this subproject, is the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation (DWSS). The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), acting through the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DoNRE), is responsible for the review and approval of environmental assessment reports, coordination of monitoring and evaluation, and issuance of the requisite environmental compliance certificates (ECC). Public participation and discussion with local administrations is required throughout the environmental assessment process. Several discussions and meetings have been undertaken with DoNRE for the purpose of complying with the EIA requirements of the GoL. Compliance to requirements of DoNRE is being undertaken.


64. The Ministry of Public Health (MOH) has issued the Water Quality Standard for Management for Drinking and Domestic Use in March 2014 in accordance with Decision 561/MOH, 2014. The standard is based on the World Health Organization Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, which is recommended by IFC’s EHS Guidelines for Water and Sanitation. The MOH has the institutional mandate for overseeing and monitoring drinking water quality in the Lao PDR, while the PNPs (operators) are responsible for ensuring compliance with the standard. The MOH Drinking Water Quality Standards, 2014, stipulate that PNPs conduct regular water quality monitoring and testing of 23 water quality parameters. The standards specify that up to 7 parameters must be tested weekly and an additional two parameters tested on a monthly basis, with an additional 14 parameters to be tested on an annual basis. Appendix C shows the Public Health Drinking Water Quality Standards (2014).

3.3.1 Discharge Standards

65. National Wastewater Quality Standards have been adopted based on the Environmental Protection Law No.29/NA, dated December 18, 2012 and the Decree on National Environment Standard dated 81/GV, dated 21 Feb. 2017 and 0832/MONRE. The standards relate to drinking water quality (groundwater); surface water quality; and wastewater effluent discharge from industrial activities. This includes biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of 40 mg/l and total suspended solids (TSS) of 40 mg/l. Detention ponds are incorporated into the design to ensure backwash water is discharged into the environment at acceptable levels.



66. The development plan for the Namthouam subproject includes a new piped water supply system with individual house connection in fifteen core villages. The existing, untreated piped water supply at ban Pak Mong by private enterprise, has covered around 178 households. Newly proposed system will replace these untreated water connections completely. The core service area and future extension areas have populations of 30,951 in the year 2022 and projected treated water demand of 9,500 m3/day in the year 2037. The development plan provides for an intake and water treatment plant (WTP) designed for a 15-year timeframe and a distribution system designed for a 20-year time frame, as per WSSP and previous project design guidelines. One raw water source (just below the confluence of Nam Mong and Namkhan Rivers) at Namkhan 2 stream, was identified as the most financially and technically viable, as the other surface water sources assessed are much further from the service area and require pumping and long transmission main. Surface water is generally preferred over ground water in this area.

67. The proposed development includes: (i) a tower intake on the Namkhan 2 river; (ii) with medium-head pumping via 500 m raw water transmission main to the pre-sedimentation tank at the WTP; (iii) 9,500 m3/day capacity WTP comprising pre-sedimentation, flocculation, sedimentation with allowances for lamella technology, rapid gravity filtration with semi-auto backwashing system, air blower, backwashing pumps and chlorine dosing facilities, laboratory and polyaluminum chloride (PAC) dosing facilities, sludge transfer pumping station and detention ponds; (iv) 900 m3 clear water ground reservoir at the WTP; (v) pumping station and transmission to a 250 m3 ground reservoir at WTP site, located at a higher elevation, (vi) pumping station and transmission to a 1,150 m3 ground reservoir at ban Namkhan at a higher elevation approximately 7,500 m from the WTP; (vii) 25 km gravity-fed distribution network within the core service area including 900m3 capacity elevated balancing tank (viii) 60 km of HDPE DN63 rider mains. A Branch Nampapa (BNP) office with separate storage facility will be constructed at Ban Phonsavanh.

68. Equipment for operation and maintenance (O&M) of the water supply system will be procured, including basic tools, laboratory and office equipment. Households that apply to connect during the construction period will not be required to pay any up-front connection charges. This measure will assist poor and low-income groups to participate in the piped water supply system, encourage new connections and enhance PNP financial sustainability. Marketing and awareness campaigns will inform communities about the Project’s connections policies and the benefits of connecting to PNP piped water supply. Approximately 3,500 new domestic service connections are expected to be installed during the construction period. Figure 1 shows the location of the proposed sub-project. Plate 1 shows the existing conditions in the sites of the components of the proposed development. Figures 2 and 3 shows the Conceptual Design and Scheme of the proposed Namthouam Water Supply System Sub- Project.


69. The proposed service area, Namthouam which is a township of Nam Bak District is located on Road No. 13 North and is 22 kms Southwest of Nam Bak District. The proposed service area comprises fifteen villages namely: Ban Thabou, Ban Phonxieng, Ban Namkhan (2), Ban Phonsavanh, Ban Phonmany, Ban Namthouam neua and Ban Namthouam tai, Ban Xang. Ban Phonsavang, Ban Xiengda, Ban Houana, Ban Pakmong, Ban Vangkham, Ban Nakok, and Ban Namkhar. The proposed service area had a total population of 21,996 as of 2015. Figure 4 shows the location of the service area for the proposed Namthouam Township Water Supply Project.








Source: Feasibility Study Proposed Namthouam Water Supply Project, WSSP 2019


Source: Feasibility Study Proposed Namthouam Water Supply Project, WSSP 2019


Source: Feasibility Study Proposed Namthouam Water Supply Project, WSSP 2019



70. The proposed raw water source is the Namkhan 2 River, a small river that runs through Ban Pak Mong, which is in project core area. Namkhan 2 River is a mountain stream which joining of two tributaries, namely Namkhan 1 and Nammong. As a result of merging of two streams, this river has considerable year-round flow, with a sufficient year-round base flow for the capacity of the WTP. The flow rate in April and June 2019 was measured at 1.56 m3/s (134,450 m3/d) and 2.51 m3/s (216,717 m3/d), respectively. Flow measurements will be continued prior to detailed design.

71. As it is a mountain stream, the water quality is quite good, however high and short- lived turbidity peaks are expected during rain events. Water quality measurements made in February 2019, do not reveal any parameters of concern, and improved rapid sand filtration system, with pre-sedimentation, flocculation and sedimentation will be adequate for meeting drinking water quality standards. Appendix D presents the Provincial Government Certification for Priority Use of Namkhan River.

72. During the feasibility study, four other surface water sources, namely Nambak River, Houay Bouay, Namkhan 1 and Nammong, were investigated. The district officials originally proposed to use Namkhan 1 as possible raw water sources because pumping costs will be less. However, this source as identified by the District, wasn’t reliable due to insufficient quantity of water during the dry season. Nambak River was determined to not be financially viable due to long transmission cost and high pumping cost. Houay Bouay is located at the end of distribution service area and not feasible as the quantity of water during the dry weather is insufficient and will also involve high pumping cost. Nammong River wasn’t feasible also due to low dry weather flow.


73. The proposed water supply intake is located on the Namkhan 2 River on undeveloped, government-owned land located at Ban Pak Mong. This site was selected due to the reliability of the water source (downstream of merging two natural waterways, namely Namkhan 1 and Nammong River). It is also near the proposed WTP location. Figure 5 presents the cross- section of the Namkhan 2 River at the proposed intake.


Source: Feasibility Study Proposed Namthouam Water Supply Project, WSSP 2019


74. The tower intake structure will comprises of an intake channel and an intake well. Intake channel consists of two lines equipped with two stainless steel screens (coarse and fine screens). The intake channel and intake well will be connected by two DI pipes with valve arrangements. Four Low-lift submersible pumps with each capacity of 37kW will be installed in the intake well. These pumps are capable of delivering required demand of 9,500 m3/day through 350mm diameter DI raw-water transmission main which is 500m long to WTP. Required flow meters, valves such as non-return valves, section valves, washout valves, air valves etc. will be installed to serve the purpose.

75. From onsite observations, invasive aquatic plants and floating matters are not a problem at the proposed intake as there are two (coarse and fine) screens which easily carry out the O&M works. Screens can be cleaned manually, using simple rake. The location of the intake has been chosen on a straight portion of the river to avoid siltation. Intake water velocity (0.24m/s) at the worst case scenario is less than average dry-weather velocity (0.6m/s) of main stream and intake flow direction is perpendicular to the stream flow direction. As such less amount of silt and floating material will affect the proposed intake.


76. The proposed WTP is located on private land which the PNP Luang Prabang will acquire. The area has a sloping topography with a flat are at the highest elevation where the pre-sedimentation tank and service reservoir could be constructed. The WTP will be designed with improved conventional treatment processes as in Phase 4. As the raw-water turbidity variation is high from dry-weather to rainy weather, pre-sedimentation with PAC dosing is proposed. Turbidity below 300 NTU can be handled by flocculator and sedimentation tank with tube-settler.

77. The proposed WTP will comprise:

. Pre-sedimentation tank: one chamber sized for a surface loading rate (SLR) of 4 m3/hr/m2 and detention time of 80 minutes. Estimated operational dimensions are 5.2 m x 26.0 m x 4.0 m (WxLxD). . Flocculation tank: Four channels, each with three stages and designed for a detention time of 20-30 minutes. Total estimated operational dimensions of each chamber are 3.85 m x 5.8 m x 2.75m. . Sedimentation tank: four chambers sized for a SLR of 1.12 m3/hr/m2 and detention time of 3.5 hours, with allowances for implementation of lamella tubes. Estimated operational dimensions of each chamber are 4.8m x 24.5 m x 3.7 m (WxLxDav.) with lamella tubes installed at the final 4.8 m of the chamber. . Filter tank: four sets of rapid sand filters with semi-automatic backwashing system, designed with filter media depth of 1.0 m and average/maximum infiltration rate of 4.5/6.4 m/hr. Estimated operational dimensions are 5.0m x 4.5 m (WxL) for each filter chamber. . Air blower and chlorine dosing room: estimated area of 120 m2. . Laboratory and PAC mixing house: estimated area of 70 m2. . Detention pond: sized for the volume of the sedimentation chamber and annual storage depth of up to 1.5 meter. Estimated effective capacity is 367 m3.

78. The WTP will be designed to operate for 22 hours per day to allow time for backwashing and other O&M procedures. All tanks and reservoirs will be constructed of reinforced concrete unless otherwise specified during the detailed design phase.


79. The total operational volume of water storage was sized at eight hours of MDD with allowances for 15 l/s fire flow for two hours and backwashing for four washing at 15 minutes per cycle with 10-20 m3/m2/hr washing rate. Approximately 3,200m3 of clear water storage is necessary and is to be split among the 900 m3 ground reservoir (CWR); 250 m3 capacity service reservoir; the 1,150m3 capacity circular ground reservoir at Namkhan 1 and the 900 m3 capacity elevated balancing tank at the distribution Ban Namthouam.


80. Two sets of treated water transfer pumps will be installed at the pumping station located near the 900m3 capacity ground reservoir (CWR). One pumping set will pump water from the CWR to the 250m3 capacity service reservoir and the 2nd pump set will pump water from CWR to the 1,150m3 capacity circular ground reservoir, located at Namkhan 1. Dry centrifugal pumping set will be installed for backwashing system in the same pumping station.


81. Two treated water transmission mains are needed for the transferring of treated water from CWR to the 250m3 and 1,150m3 capacity reservoirs. The transmission lines will consist of a 200m long 100mm diameter DI transmission main to pump water for 250m3 service reservoir and a 7,500m long OD355mm, PN10, HDPE (PE100) transmission main to pump water for 1,150m3 circular service reservoir.


82. The distribution network will be supplied by gravity flow from the proposed two ground service reservoirs at two locations. Elevated balancing tank will store water during the off-peak hours and cater to the system at the peak hours. The capacity of the distribution network is designed to allow for future expansion to the future extension villages. The water distribution network was evaluated under two flow conditions: 1) PHD (1.8 x MDD) and 2) MDD (1.0 x ADD) with fire flow (15 l/s at village fire hydrants).Hydraulic analyses were performed to ensure flow velocity between 0.3-1.3.0 m/s at peak hours and system pressure between 10- 50 m. Main distribution pipelines are primarily to be HDPE, (PE100) ≥DN110 mm, while rider mains are HDPE, (PE100) DN63. The development plan requires an estimated 25 kms of main distribution pipeline (between DN110 and DN450) and 60 km of rider mains. Appurtenances such as gate valves, district metering area (DMA) water meters, air valves, and wash-out valves will be provided to facilitate the efficient operation and maintenance of the system.


83. Three gravel access roads (4 m in width) will be constructed from main road to WTP, the Intake and the 1,150m3 capacity ground reservoir including necessary road structures, side drains and bank protection works. The total estimated length is approximately 500 m.


84. Equipment for O&M of the water supply system will be procured for the Namthouam BNP, including basic tools, laboratory equipment and office equipment. Also office and stores facilities will be constructed at Ban Namthouam under this project.


85. Households that apply to connect during the construction period will not be required to pay any up-front connection charges for small-bore reticulation, connections or meters, but the cost of these items will form part of the subproject capital cost and will be recovered through the water tariff. The construction contractor will (i) install distribution pipelines and small-bore reticulation pipework (rider mains) to cover the entire service area in locations where roads and houses exist6; and (ii) install service connections and meters free of charge for all households in the service area that apply for connection during the designated construction period. The contractor will purchase sufficient materials for service connections to all customers that apply to connect to the piped water supply system during the construction stage. Surplus materials will be stored for later installation by the BNP when required. This policy is expected to motivate customers to connect during the construction period, boost PNP revenue and enhance sustainability, and will particularly assist the poor. It is anticipated that approximately 3,500 new household service connections will be made during the construction period as part of the free connection policy.



86. Nam Bak District, where Namthouam Township is located, is situated at the Northeast of Luang Prabang Province and approximately 100 km northeast of the provincial capital. It is bordered to the North by Khoua District and Phongsaly Province; Pak OU to South, Ngoi to East and Xay, La and Nga Districts and Oudomxay province to the west. Characterized by mountainous terrain and narrow river valleys, this region is typical of the northern uplands of Laos. Nam Bak District has a mountainous topography with elevations of 380m AMSL to 700m AMSL.


87. Small to moderate earthquakes have occurred within Lao PDR over recorded history. Namthouam Township is not among the areas vulnerable to earthquake hazards. Lao PDR is also prone to flooding, mainly associated with the presence of large river basins. Eight rivers have been identified as being at particular risk of causing flooding throughout the country but the Namkhan 2 River is not included in the identified rivers that cause extreme flooding. There are steep hills in the vicinity which are prone to landslides, however, the terrain within the Namthouam center is flat to rolling and undulating and is not prone to landslides. Figure 6 presents the topography of the sub-project area.


88. Air quality in the Namthouam is generally good. There are no industries producing discharges/emissions which result in atmospheric pollution and pollution from vehicular exhaust emissions are not significant given the low levels of traffic and absence of any traffic congestion. The only detrimental effect on air quality is the dust arising from the passage of vehicles over unsealed roads during the dry season. This is an intermittent problem with a minor effect over a limited area of 5 to 10 meters either side of the road. The locations of the project components are relatively far from noise generating activities. There are no industries within the proposed sites so ambient noise levels can be considered very well. Except for the

6 Reticulation would not be provided in areas that have low and very low population densities


proposed site of the WTP and reservoir, there are no sensitive receptors within in proximity of the proposed sites of the other components.


Source: Google Earth


89. The climate in the Namthouam is characterized by two seasons, the dry and wet seasons. The dry season occurs between October and March while the wet season occurs between April and September. The climate in Lao PDR is highly influenced by the southeast monsoon with significant rainfall and high humidity.

5.4.1 Climate Change

90. In Lao PDR, the most significant climate change impact is increasing frequency and severity of heavy rainfall events, and longer, more severe drought periods. The National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) for climate change was prepared for Lao PDR and submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in May 2009. (NAPA 2009 is in the process of revision and updating). The NAPA identifies priority vulnerability areas, and these include water resources. As per the NAPA, Luang Prabang Province is not situated in an identified vulnerable area. Climate change is likely to result in greater maximum and minimum water levels and greater risk of flood and drought.


91. The proposed raw water source is the Namkhan 2 River, a small river that runs through Ban Pak Mong, which is in project core area. Namkhan 2 River is a mountain stream which joining of two tributaries, namely Namkhan 1 and Nammong. As a result of merging of two streams, this river has considerable year-round flow, with a sufficient year-round base flow for the capacity of the WTP. The flow rate in April and June 2019 was measured at 1.56 m3/s


(134,450 m3/d) and 2.51 m3/s (216,717 m3/d), respectively. Flow measurements will be continued prior to detailed design.

92. As it is a mountain stream, the water quality is quite good, however high and short- lived turbidity peaks are expected during rain events. Water quality measurements made in February 2019, do not reveal any parameters of concern, and improved rapid sand filtration system, with pre-sedimentation, flocculation and sedimentation will be adequate for meeting drinking water quality standards. Table 1 shows the water quality analysis of samples taken in Namkhan 2 River.

TABLE 1. WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS, NAMKHAN 2 RIVER SAMPLING S. NO. PARAMETER UNIT STANDARD 13.02.2019 24.04.2019 24.07.2019 1 Conductivity µS/cm 1,000 462 580 134 2 Hardness mg/l 72 84 72 3 M-Alkalinity mg/l 86.8 98.4 74.4 4 pH 6-8 8.1 8.3 7.6 5 Turbidity NTU 11.9 13.8 53.3 6 Colour Pt.Co 2.82 3.17 12.5 7 Iron mg/l 0.6 0.76 2.63 8 Iron (Soluble) mg/l 0.13 <0.10 0.48 9 Manganese mg/l 1 0.04 0.06 0.15 10 Manganese (soluble) mg/l 1 ND ND 0.04 Source: Feasibility Study, WSSP September 2019


93. There are no components of the proposed development that will be located within a protected, conservation or biodiversity area. The nearest conservation area is the Nam Et- Phou-Loeuy National Biodiversity Conservation Area which is more than 124 kilometres (aerial distance) east of the sub-project.


94. There are no sites of archaeological significance within and around the town area. The project components (Intake WTP, reservoir and laboratory, raw transmission and distribution lines, office and access roads) will not affect any historical and archaeological sites such as temples and burial sites.


95. Data on bombs dropped by US forces between 1968 and 1972 is available from the National Mines Regulatory Authority and has been thoroughly reviewed. There are no sites within or around Namthouam Center where UXO has been identified to still exist as per the survey on the presence of unexploded ordnance commissioned by the Lao National UXO Programme Luang Prabang for Namthouam Township. Interviews and discussions with the local residents also validated the information that there are no known occurrences of UXO in the vicinity of the town or of knowledge of ground or air strikes from which UXO may remain. Appendix F presents the UXO Certification No. 033/UXO Lao/LPG dated 10 March 2020 for the Namthouam Subproject.


96. Nam Bak District, where Namthouam Township is located, is situated at the Northeast of Luang Prabang Province and approximately 100 km northeast of the provincial capital. It is bordered to the North by Khoua District and Phongsaly Province; Pak OU to South, Ngoi to East and Xay, La and Nga Districts and Oudomxay province to the west.


97. This district comprises 837 primarily rural villages. District administrative centers are located at ban Nam Bak. The Nambak District government is a significant employee in the district center, where the district government, hospital, police quarters, and other district services are located.

5.9.1 Population

98. From official district population records, the 5-year growth rate in Nambak District has remained below 2-3% for the past 5 years. Due to the size of the town and the rural nature of the area, it is difficult to anticipate how the current development projects (mining, border crossing development, and improved road conditions) will affect the proposed service area. However, considering the current population growth rate and migration due to the infrastructure development, 5% conservative growth rate has been proposed until 2022, followed by decreasing growth rate to 3% up to 2032 & 2% up to 2042 at the end of the project design timeframe. Table 2 provides the population of Nam Bak District, 2005-2019.

TABLE 2. POPULATION OF NAM BAK DISTRICT YEAR POPULATION 5-YEAR GROWTH RATE 2005 59,795 - 2010 65,455 9.47% 2015 68,600 4.80% 2019 75,457 10.00% Source: Provincial and District Public Works and Transport Office

99. Using this projected growth rate, the population of the service area is projected to increase from 31,951 in 2022 to approximately 50,704 in 2042. Population projections for the proposed service area villages are shown in Table 3. The Y2037 (15-year) projection is used for the design of the intake, WTP and water storage, while the 2042 (20-year) projection is used for the distribution network, as per previous subprojects

TABLE 3. POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR THE PROPOSED SERVICE AREA, NAMTHOUAM TOWN POPULATION NO. VILLAGE 2015 2022 2032 2037 2042 POPULATION GROWTH - 5% 3% 2% 2% 1 Thabou 464 653 877 969 1,070 2 Phonxieng 882 1,241 1,668 1,841 2,033 3 Namkhan (2) 895 1,259 1,692 1,869 2,063 4 Phonsavanh 1,313 1,848 2,483 2,741 3,027 5 Phonmany 1,400 1,970 2,647 2,923 3,227 6 Namthouam neua 2,239 3,150 4,234 4,675 5,161 7 Namthouam tai 3,430 4,826 6,486 7,161 7,907 8 Xang 1,737 2,444 3,285 3,627 4,004 9 Phonsavang 1,153 1,622 2,180 2,407 2,658 10 Xiengda 1,100 1,548 2,080 2,297 2,536 11 Houana 3,721 5,236 7,037 7,769 8,577 12 Pakmong 1,993 2,804 3,769 4,161 4,594 13 Vangkham 464 653 877 969 1,070 14 Nakok 566 796 1,070 1,182 1,305 15 Namkhar 639 899 1,208 1,334 1,473 TOTAL 21,996 30,949 41,593 45,925 50,705 Source: Feasibility Study, WSSP September 2019

7 Referred to:

25 5.9.2 Economy

100. Ethnically diverse, the population of Namthouam Development Zone is majority Khmu (56%) people, with 25% Hmong and 19% Laoloum. The main livelihood is farming and small trading. The local economy also hosts some foreign owned medium to large enterprises which are mainly engaged in the exploitation of natural resources. The occupation distribution table 4 below shows some but not huge differences between male and female occupation patterns among the Lao households surveyed. A higher percentage of women worked as traders or homemakers and a higher percentage of men worked as labourers and government officers.

TABLE 4. OCCUPATION OF HEADS OF HOUSEHOLDS AND THEIR SPOUSES OCCUPATION MALE FEMALE Farmer 61.3 61.5 Government officer 11.0 4.6 Private employee 1.7 0.5 Small trader 5.5 13.8 Hired laborer/worker 12.2 3.1 Homemaker 2.8 12.3 Migrant laborer 0.6 - Not working (retired, physically or mentally ill) 3.9 4.1 Business Owner 1.1 - Total 100 100 Source: Socio-Economic Survey WSSP, September 2019

5.9.3 Ethnicity

101. The fifteen villages of Namthouam have majority Khmu (56%) people, with 25% Hmong and 19% Laoloum. The sample survey indicated that although over 80% of the population had a language other than Lao as their first language, 96% of the heads of households spoke and understood Lao as well. All surveyed villages apart from Houana and Phonmani had a large majority of Khmu population – Houana was mixed and Phonmani almost entirely Hmong.


5.9.4 Income and Poverty Levels

102. Poverty in urban Laos is mainly linked to rural-urban migration and the lack of labor opportunities for many of the migrants. Data from the village authorities showed a poverty rate of 0.9% in the 15 sub-project villages (40 of 4,388 HHs), while the district government provided a figure of 1.15% (50 of 4,388 households). The sample survey calculation on poverty involved self-reporting by respondents on monthly income in the 8 villages surveyed and produced the much higher rate of 11.6% (in line with the national urban poverty rate of around 10%). This was measured against the GoL income test of 240,000 kip per person per month, and of the sample of 199, 23 households were in poverty. Table 5 presents the comparative data from GoL and Survey undertaken by the Project.

8 Data from District Government

26 TABLE 6. POOR HOUSEHOLDS IN SUB-PROJECT VILLAGES POOR HH – POOR HH – % POVERTY BY DISTRICT GOVT. VILLAGES VILLAGE DATA INCOME TEST FROM DATA % OF % OF TOTAL SAMPLE SURVEY TOTAL 1 Vangkham 1.2 0 Nd 2 Pakmong 0.8 0.2 Nd 3 Nakok 1.5 0 Nd 4 Phonxieng 3.7 0.1 6.3 5 Thabou 1.2 0 Nd 6 Namkhan 2 1.6 0 9.1 7 Phonsavanh 2.9 0.1 Nd 8 Namthouam-neua 0.3 <0.1 10 9 Namthouam-tai 0.5 0 Nd 10 Phonmany 0 0 20 11 Xang 1.1 0.4 16.7 12 Phonsavang 0.9 0 nd 13 Houana 0.2 <0.1 10.4 14 Namkha 0.9 0.1 25 15 Xiengda 0.2 0.1 18.8 11.6 (from 199 Overall Total 0.84 0.41 sampled HHS) Source: Socio-Economic Survey WSSP, September 2019

5.9.5 Education

103. Table 7 below shows the level of education by gender. Male household heads overall have more years of education than female heads, 81% of whom have only primary or no education, compared to 65% of male heads.

TABLE 7. LEVEL OF EDUCATION OF HEADS OF HOUSEHOLDS BY GENDER LEVEL OF EDUCATION FEMALE (%) MALE (%) TOTAL (%) No schooling 34 14 24 Primary 47 51 49 Lower Secondary 12 18 15 Upper Secondary 4 6 5 Technical or Vocational School 3 2 2 University 1 9 5 Total 100 100 100 Source: Socio-Economic Survey WSSP, September 2019

104. Education level and income correlated closely overall but upper secondary graduates earned significantly more than university or technical institute graduates. The three ethnic groups had no significant difference in education levels.

105. The sample survey indicated that although over 80% of the population had a language other than Lao as their first language, almost all heads of households spoke and understood Lao as well. However, taking into account the level of education shown in the table above, the 34% of female heads of households and 14% of male heads who have never been to school might have difficulties reading written material. The communication media designed for the project should take this into account.


106. The environmental impacts were evaluated in the areas of influence at the subproject component sites. At the raw water intake, the area of influence includes the upstream and downstream sections from the intake considering the potential effects to water quality, sustainability of the water supply source, and potential conflict on river water use. At the locations of the main transmission line and distribution lines, the affected area may extend to an average of 1-50 meters along the excavated area of the pipelines.

107. At the proposed sites for the WTP and reservoir and office and laboratory, temporary disruption and nuisance impacts may be experienced, mainly during the construction period. These affected areas may experience direct impacts associated with temporary disturbance from construction activities. The potential environmental impacts were identified based on the project activities that may occur in each component and evaluation of the environmental and social baseline situation at the subproject area. The identification of environmental impacts was mainly based on the technical information related to project component design and operation, field visits, information from stakeholders, and feasibility study.


108. There are expected beneficial impacts on health and well-being of people because of the proposed water supply project for Namthouam Township. The principal benefits would be derived because of improved accessibility to potable and reliable water supply. There are also health benefits in the form of reduced incidence of diarrhoea, dysentery, skin rashes, and other water-borne diseases as a result of hygiene promotion activities and improved access to safe water for the community. In general, the provision of sustainable, sufficient and safe piped water supply is expected to result to improved health conditions and consequently economic development to the community. The immediate impact will be clean and regular water supply that will translate to higher service levels, particularly in terms of coverage to households. There will be longer supply windows that eventually would lead to 24-hour supply for the service areas. Water pressure will likewise improve. Women and older children will also need less time and effort in fetching water.


6.2.1 Impact on Land Acquisition and Community Assets

109. There will be no land acquisition required for the development of the requisite project component facilities namely the construction of the WTP and laboratory, intake, reservoir, office and access roads. Likewise, it is anticipated that there will be minimal acquisition required for temporary use of land or loss or damage to assets during pipe laying. The Land Acquisition and Compensation Plan (LACP) for the subproject has been prepared separately to ensure that any loss of land, trees or damage to property will be subject to compensation in accordance with the Resettlement Framework of the WSSP.

6.2.2 Impact of Location of Raw Water Intake on other Water Users

110. The raw water intake will be located on the bank of Nam Khan 2 River in Ban Pak Mong. It is projected that the location of the intake, will not affect nor impact other water users of the river as it has a substantial annual flow. The Intake is an estimated 7 kilometres from the nearest sensitive receptor (nearest settlement area).

28 6.2.3 Impact on Natural Resources and Protected Areas

111. The location of the proposed water supply system and its components will have no impact on the Nam Et-Phou-Loeuy National Biodiversity Conservation Area which is more than 124 kilometres (aerial distance) east of the sub-project.

6.2.4 Impact on Historical and Archaeological Sites

112. The proposed subproject, including the intake, WTP, reservoir, laboratory, office and raw water transmission line and distribution lines will not affect nor impact any historical, archaeological or culturally important sites.


113. Construction activities that may be undertaken for the proposed subproject would include land clearing, excavation and grading, filling, disposal of excavated soil, road construction/rehabilitation, intake construction, and movement of construction vehicles, operation of heavy equipment, and operation of worker camps. The works for the proposed subproject are expected to generate the following adverse impacts:

. Loss of vegetation as a result of clearing and grubbing . Contamination of raw water source . Generation of excavated material . Runoff of silt . Temporary loss of access to houses and establishments . Occurrence of acute increase in ambient Noise . Acute increase in generation of dust . Generation of wastes, i.e. domestic wastewater, solid and hazardous wastes . Community hazards as a result of open excavations . Hazards to occupational health and safety.

114. The mitigation measures to address the adverse environmental impacts during the construction phase of the subproject implementation are presented in the following sections. The Subproject will conform to the Environmental, Health, and Safety General Guidelines of 30 April 2007 (IFC-WB).

6.3.1 Temporary Disruption of Community Roads, Pathways and Access to Properties

115. In general, pipe laying for the water supply distribution network will be undertaken along the existing road right-of-way. The pipe lines will be laid out in the 2.5 – 4.0 m wide footpath or road shoulder from the edge of the road for arterial, sub-arterial and collector roads and about 2.0m wide road shoulder for distributor roads9. During trench excavation and pipe laying works, temporary loss of access to residential and commercial establishments, schools, and community facilities may occur. As mitigation for this impact, temporary accesses to houses and other establishments affected by the works will be provided. Particular attention will be given to ensuring safety along roads and paths normally traversed by pedestrians. The contractor will restore and reinstate any damaged sections to properties immediately.

9 In accordance with MPWT Regulation No. 205 on Town Planning (2004), services may be installed in the 2.5-4.0m wide road shoulder for arterial, sub-arterial and collector roads in the following order from the road edge: drainage, tree planting, water supply pipeline, electricity, telecommunications wires. The drain must not be closer to the road edge than 0.3m and telecommunications must not be closer than 0.5m from the outer edge. For distributor roads having only 2.0m wide footpaths, the facilities may be divided between the two sides of the road, with drainage, tree planting, electricity, and telecommunications on one side and drainage, tree planting and water supply pipeline on the other side.


6.3.2 Air Pollution

116. The potential sources of air pollution during the construction stage include dust from earth works concentrated within a 50 meter radius of the work site; emissions from the operation of construction equipment and machineries; fugitive emissions from vehicles plying the area; fugitive emissions during the transport of construction materials; and localised increased traffic congestion in work areas. Most of the emissions will be in the form of coarse particulate matter and will settle down in close vicinity of the work sites. The impacts will be minor, local, short-term, direct and reversible. The best management practices will be adopted during conduct of the works to minimize dust and release of combustion emissions from operation of the requisite heavy equipment and machineries. Excavated material and stockpiles will be kept moist while transport vehicles will be required to install tarpaulin covers or other suitable material to prevent spillage of the hauled materials.

117. Furthermore, construction equipment and vehicles will, at all times, be well maintained and in good working condition to reduce fugitive emissions. Speed limits on areas will be imposed to minimize dust emission and to reduce the risk of traffic accidents in the work sites. Information about planned construction activities will be provided to residents in the area and will be planned to minimize public disturbance and nuisance.

6.3.3 Noise

118. Construction activities may cause noise and vibration impacts for a short duration. The operation of equipment such as jackhammer for the installation of water supply distribution network may cause nuisance to adjacent residential houses.. Excavation works in pipe road crossing sections on paved roads would require the use of jackhammer to break the concrete. Diesel generators will also be required during the works. Ambient Noise levels in these areas may reach 88dBA at a distance of about 15m away from the source or operation of equipment. Along the haul roads, the average ambient noise level will also experience an acute increase because of increased vehicular traffic. As mitigation for the adverse impacts identified, work at the sites will be limited only during the daytime from 07:00H to 18:00H. There will no works that will be permitted beyond this period. Furthermore, the community will be provided with updated information about the schedule of the construction activities through billboards/sign. Stationary equipment like the diesel generators will be installed as far as practical from sensitive receptors. Buffers will also be established as further mitigation.

6.3.4 Impact of Borrow Materials

119. The construction activities for all components of the project, including the access roads will require material, specifically sand and aggregate for the works. The sourcing of these materials from the Namkhan 2 River will not be permitted as the mining/quarrying activities may irreversibly impact the ecology and hydraulic characteristics of the waterway. The contractor will be required to secure these materials from Government permitted/licensed suppliers.

6.3.5 Impact on Ecological Resources

120. During the implementation of the construction activities, workers and labourers of the contractor may undertake hunting of wildlife and cutting of wood upstream of the intake. The contractor will be instructed to orient their workers and staff that such activities are strictly prohibited. The contractor is responsible for the provision of the requisite kitchen facilities, food and cooking fuel for their workers and staff. The location of the proposed water supply system and its components will have no impact on the Nam Et-Phou-Loeuy National Biodiversity Conservation Area which is more than 124 kilometres (aerial distance) east of the sub-project.

30 6.3.6 Clearing of Vegetation

121. The construction of the WTP and laboratory, clear water reservoir, intake, office, access roads and contractor camps and facilities will require the clearing and grubbing of the sites. The impact of the clearing and grubbing works will be minimal because the existing vegetative cover at the sites consists only of bushes and shrubs. In accordance with the approved LACP, there will be no tree that would be removed for the works. The requisite roads and paths to the intake, WTP, and reservoir will be constructed with a limited width enough only to accommodate vehicles and equipment for construction and operation. This is to minimize the impact on the receiving environment. Upon completion of works, the exposed surfaces will be planted with the appropriate vegetation to prevent soil erosion. Landscaping and planting of trees/vegetation at the WTP site will be undertaken.

6.3.7 Water Pollution Impacts of Sediment Runoff

122. The construction of the facilities such as the intake, WTP, reservoir, distribution line and office, may result in erosion of unstable areas during earthworks, especially during heavy rainfall events. Sedimentation of nearby watercourses and channels from runoff heavily laden with material from the work sites may occur as a result of the works. These impacts are transient, short-term and insignificant. As mitigation, the contractor will be required to implement proper measures which would include the provision of silt traps, ditches, and sump pits to intercept the flow silt laden runoff from the worksites into the nearby channels and watercourses. Moreover, activities, especially earthworks, will be scheduled during the dry season or be stopped during heavy rainfall. Domestic Wastewater from Contractors Facilities and Worker’s Camps

123. The contractor and workers camps will generate domestic wastewater. Contamination of surface and groundwater sources and surrounding land is a potential risk that should be addressed accordingly by the contractor. Potential adverse impacts are minimal and temporal in duration and can be readily mitigated through measures established in the EMP. Proper management of the domestic wastewater from the contractor’s facilities and workers camps should be undertaken at all times. Appropriate latrines shall be installed in the camps and facilities of the Contractor. Residual Chlorine During Pipeline and Reservoir Disinfection

124. Chlorinated water is retained in the completed pipe works and reservoirs for a pre- determined period to effectively sanitize the system. This is typically done after the completion of the leakage and pressure tests. The chlorinated water is then drained as the system is filled with potable water. Consequently, residual chlorine is inadvertently discharged. Extra caution is needed to avoid discharge of water with excessive chlorine residuals as this is toxic to fish and other aquatic life. Flushed water from the system during commissioning of the pipelines and reservoirs will only be discharged to the nearest water body when the chlorine concentration of the water has been reduced to less than 2 mg/l. The allowable limit for Chlorine (free residual) as per the Ministry of Public Health Drinking Water Quality Standards of 2014 is 0.1-2.0 mg/l.

125. The established protocol is that when the piped system has been assessed to be reasonably clean, the effluents from the flushing of the system will take well over a week to reduce to a residual level (less than 2 mg/l) fit for discharge. Discharge to soil will allow for further reduction through the combined effect of soil contact and sunlight. However, discharge at pipe ends will have to be monitored to minimize soil erosion. The normal chlorine residual


test kit will give a NIL chlorine residual if the chlorine residual is above 10 mg/l. Options are to use a normal chlorine test kit and use 10x15x dilution with distilled water and calculate the final result or purchase and use a high range chlorine test kit.

6.3.8 Generation of Construction Wastes Excavated Soil

126. The construction of the proposed WTP and reservoir will require excavation and levelling works. Excavated materials during pipe laying will also be generated. The excavated materials from the foundation of the WTP tanks and reservoir will be utilized as backfill in the other work sites where required. Material during trench excavation will be utilized to backfill the trench after the pipes have been laid out. Any surplus material will be disposed properly and given for free to interested villagers as backfill materials in coordination with the village authority. There is no anticipated need for spoil disposal sites. Domestic Waste

127. Solid waste will be generated at the work sites and the worker’s camp. Wastes may include domestic solid waste, inert construction waste, and hazardous waste. Domestic waste is not anticipated to be a significant volume as only small temporary camps will be established at the sites of the WTP and reservoir. There will not be camps for the worksites for the intake, transmission and distribution pipelines. It is projected that the temporary camps will generate an estimated 0.4 to 0.5 kg/person/day and would consist mainly of plastic and glass bottles, paper, cardboard, food wastes, and packaging wastes. This will be collected and properly disposed in the approved disposal facility of the District. Inert Construction Waste

128. The inert waste that will be generated during the works will consist mainly of scrap wood and metal, cement bags, aggregates and concrete debris. These wastes are generally disposed of and/or land filled in appropriate sites and represents no direct danger to health. The scrap metal and wood can be collected for recycling. Hazardous Waste

129. Hazardous wastes such as containers of paint and solvents and spent batteries are projected to be generated during the works, especially at the worksites for the intake, WTP and reservoir. Although the volume is anticipated to be small, this type of waste is highly detrimental to the environment and public health. As mitigation, these materials will be segregated from the general solid waste, collected and disposed appropriately, mainly by encapsulation.

6.3.9 Impact on Community Health and Safety

130. During the works, the community may be exposed to the health and safety risks from increased vehicular movements in the area, open excavation and operation of heavy equipment. As mitigation and to prevent accidents and hazards to motorists, pedestrians and residents in the area of the worksites, barricades and wood/steel plate covers will be provided in open excavations during non-working time. The worksites will be properly secured with fences and access to the area restricted. The contractor is to ensure that all vehicles and transport equipment and materials that may be required to pass through villages are operated safely without endangering these communities. All loads are to be secured and all loads with fugitive materials (e.g. excavated soil and sand) are to be covered with tarpaulins. The

32 contractor is to immediately remove any drivers that ignore any of the community safety requirements. The required warning signage will be installed in all the worksites.

6.3.10 Occupational Health and Safety

131. During the construction phase, the implementation of the works may result in hazards to the safety of workers such as tripping, falling from height, slippery surfaces, carrying heavy loads, and during operation of machines and equipment. The contractor will be required to prepare a site safety plan and designate a safety supervisor who will ensure that safety measures during construction are implemented. These safety measures include the use of personnel protective clothing and equipment, placing of hazard warning signs, and excavation covers and barriers. Arrangements for prompt medical attention in the event of accidents will also be made.

132. The contractor will be required to: (i) provide priority hiring of qualified skilled and 100% unskilled workers from the villages, (ii) consult with local people to avoid conflict if migrant workers will be brought to the site, (iii) installation of suitable toilets such as pit latrines and grey water drainage facilities such as soakage pits, (iv) arrangement for the proper disposal of solid wastes, (v) briefing of workers and the villagers on the dangers of communicable diseases, and (vi) assignment of responsibility to workers and local peoples’ welfare to a senior member of the contractor’s staff.

133. In addition, during the disinfection of water distribution lines, only crews who have had experience with chlorinating agents and who are trained and aware of the potential health hazards associated with these chemicals will be involved in such activity.

6.3.11 COVID-19 Risk Management

134. Given the current situation with the COVID-19 Pandemic, a risk management plan for COVID-19 should be prepared and implemented by the Contractor during the construction period. The Contractor shall develop and implement a COVID-19 risk management plan in compliance with most relevant GOL regulations and policies, or in the absence thereof, in accordance with international good practice as issued by the World Health Organization. The Contractor shall implement an awareness and information dissemination campaign on COVID-19 risk management and provide training to workers on necessary risk mitigation and management measures/procedures.


135. The potential long-term or permanent impacts of project development are most important and generally determine the level of impact assessment a water supply project requires. The potential long-term impacts include:

. Incremental wastewater generation and increased burden on drainage systems . Conflict with other water users of Nam Nam Khan 2 River River . Deterioration of water quality . Generation of backwash water and sediments from operation of the WTP; and . Exposure of workers to chemicals for water treatment. . Generation of sludge from the detention ponds. . Community health and safety.

136. The Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Water and Sanitation Projects (IFC, 2007) outline a range of safeguard measures including management requirements, monitoring regimes and performance evaluations that will be adopted within the operations and maintenance manual, where possible. It should be noted that the said guidelines (IFC


EHS Guidelines – Water and Sanitation 2007) are now in the process of being updated and the operations and maintenance manual will be updated to incorporate the updated guidelines as soon as it is finalized and adopted.

6.4.1 Incremental Wastewater Generation and Increased Burden on Drainage Systems

137. Households receiving new water supply connections are likely to use more water for bathing, cooking and washing. This may lead to more grey water or sullage as the standard of living improves, the population increases and more people have access to water supply. The current condition and lack of well-designed drainage system in the villages will result to increase in the volume of grey water or sullage. The potential for the ponding of dirty water because of the absence of proper drainage systems may, consequently result to the formation of habitats for mosquitoes and other pests and pose health hazards to the communities. In most of the households in the District, the domestic wastewater drains into irrigation canals and on their yard.

138. As project policy, water connection will only be provided to a household once an approved sanitation facility is present to cope with the increased wastewater that will be generated with improved water supply services. Public awareness raising initiatives have been undertaken by the WSSP through the drainage improvement and VEIs component. Villagers have been informed about the need to provide latrines before a water connection service can be made.

6.4.2 Deterioration of Water Quality

139. The quality of the raw water may deteriorate if there are detrimental human activities in the upstream catchment area. This may affect the efficiency of the WTP and the resulting quality of the treated water. The identified raw water source is the Namkhan 2 River, a large river with significant year-round flow. The PIU and PNP will continuously coordinate with the villages and Namthouam Township authorities regarding community activities in the catchment area to monitor watershed activities that may contribute to the contamination of raw water. Laboratory testing equipment and training will also be provided to allow the PNP to conduct regular monitoring of raw and treated water quality parameters.

6.4.3 High Pressure and Leaks on the Pipeline

140. The proposed distribution network will have sections located at low elevations. These sections experience high water pressure which may potentially result in leakages in the line and ultimately water loss. This risk will be minimized by: (i) the use of durable standard pipes for the main and secondary (rider mains) lines, (ii) use of pressure reducing valves for the rider mains, (iii) careful construction supervision by the Project Implementation Assistance Consultants PIA to ensure that pipe laying and jointing is done to the highest standard by the contractor, and (v) regular inspection of the network and prompt isolation and repair when leaks occur.

6.4.4 Generation of Backwash Water and Sediments in the WTP

141. The proposed source river currently has a significant sediment load primarily due to the aforementioned upstream hydropower and mining projects. It is expected that, following the completion of these projects, the sediment load will reduce significantly, with low turbidity during the dry season and turbidity peaks during the wet season. The WTP will produce inert silt and sediment as a by-product of some of the treatment processes which may contain traces of non-toxic chemical particles used during treatment. Of particular importance is the chemically-bound sludge produced in the sedimentation chamber. Sediments from the pre- sedimentation process are large and inert, and pose no significant environmental issues, while

34 those from the filtration process are insignificant in volume. Sediment volumes will be particularly large during the wet season, due to high suspended solids content in the river, but low during the dry season. To dispose of the sediments, a detention pond will be constructed within the WTP site which will receive all backwash water from the filters and all sediment from the pre-sedimentation and sedimentation chambers. The detention pond size is based on the volume of discharge expected from the largest of the chambers. After a period of several years, the sediment in the detention pond will be excavated and removed to a final disposal area to be identified and approved by the village authorities. The proposed sediment disposal systems will comply with the Lao PDR wastewater discharge regulations10.

6.4.5 Occupational Health and Safety

142. Water treatment will involve the use of coagulants/flocculants and chlorine that will expose WTP personnel to hazards during chemical handling. The risk is particularly present during chlorination because chlorine is a reactive chemical that is hazardous to skin and eyes in case of accidental spill or leak. Risks associated with these chemicals will be minimized by (i) providing secure, dry and well-ventilated storage facilities for these chemicals, (ii) application of chlorine and coagulants/flocculants by automatic dosing instead of manual dosing (iii) use of chemicals in powder rather than in gaseous form which is safer to store and handle (iv) posting of the Materials Safety and Data Sheets (MSDS) of these chemicals in the chemical storage area and chemical mixing tank area for information of workers, and (v) training of staff and designation of responsible person on the handling of these chemicals.

6.4.6 Generation of Sludge from Detention Ponds

143. The sludge that will be generated from the detention ponds will be dredged and disposed as backfill material in low-lying areas to be identified by the village leaders. There will be no land application of the generated sludge without the required approval by the village authorities.

6.4.7 Community Health and Safety

144. The facilities that will be constructed will be properly fenced off and secured to restrict access and intrusion of unauthorized personnel. Watchmen/security personnel will be hired to secure the facilities on a 24 hour basis. This would minimise the safety risks to the community.



145. The beneficiary villages in and around Namthouam Township center have been selected as the site of the subproject. The selection process adopted for WSSP involves screening and prioritizations, following which candidate projects were selected for the feasibility study. The feasibility study then confirms subproject eligibility. Prioritization was based on a set of criteria aimed primarily at ensuring alignment with Government priority, maximizing impact in terms of number of population to be served, and also maximizing the contribution to economic development and poverty alleviation.


146. Alternatives considered for the preliminary design included: (i) the siting of the WTP, (ii) alternative water sources, and (iii) village areas to be included. During the feasibility study,

10 Industrial Waste Discharge Regulation, 1994. Regulation 180/MIH. Ministry of Industry & Handicrafts

35 several other raw water sources were investigated. To minimize pumping, the District originally proposed several mountain streams as possible raw water sources the nearest of these streams is approximately 10 km from the proposed service area. These sources were determined to not be financially viable. The option of ground water was also rejected, due to local concerns about quality, and lack of reliable information on water quantity. During the evaluation of possible service areas, the most populated and easily accessible villages were selected to be included in the water supply improvement project.


147. The “No Project” alternative would mean, inter alia, (i) that the opportunity to provide potable water supply to a significant urban population toward meeting GoL goals and priorities would not be realized, (ii) that strengthening of the PNP and BNP would not take place, and (iii) that drainage, sanitation, and general urban environmental improvements from the VEI would not be realized.




148. Public/Stakeholder consultations were held from 14-20 May 2019 at villages of Ban Pakmong, Ban Vangkham, Ban Nakok, Ban Phonxieng, Ban Thabou, Ban Namkhanh, Ban Namthouamtai, Ban Phonmany, Ban Namthouamnuea, Ban Phonsavanh, Ban Xeng, Ban Phonsavang, Ban Xiengda, and Ban Houana with the PNP Luang Prabang, the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and the Project Consultants. Stakeholders who participated during the public consultation process included villagers, local government officers and staff. The consultations were conducted to discuss with the stakeholders the proposed project and also to elicit the environmental concerns/issues of the community on the proposed project. Table 8 presents a summary of the public/stakeholders consultations undertaken for the sub-project. Appendix F provides the details and summary of the public/stakeholders consultations.

TABLE 8. SUMMARY OF PUBLIC/STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATIONS PARTICIPANTS DATE LOCATION AGENCY TOTAL MALE FEMALE PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Pakmong 122 57 65 Lao Front for National Const. Union 14 May 2019 PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Vangkham 58 44 14 Lao Front for National Const. Union PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Nakok 91 78 13 Lao Front for National Const. Union 15 May 2019 PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Phonxieng 61 29 32 Lao Front for National Const. Union PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Thabou 27 18 9 Lao Front for National Const. Union 16 May 2019 PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Namkhanh 53 29 24 Lao Front for National Const. Union PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Namthouamtai 98 63 35 Lao Front for National Const. Union 17 May 2019 PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Phonmany 45 40 5 Lao Front for National Const. Union PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Phonsavanh 78 60 18 Lao Front for National Const. Union 18 May 2019 PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Namthouamnuea 57 51 6 Lao Front for National Const. Union PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Xeng 67 44 23 Lao Front for National Const. Union 19 May 2019 PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Phonsavang 20 14 6 Lao Front for National Const. Union PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Xiengda 181 95 86 Lao Front for National Const. Union 20 May 2019 PIU, Women Union, Youth Union, Houana 36 25 11 Lao Front for National Const. Union

149. During the consultations with the district authorities and stakeholders of the villages suggestions, opinions and responses from the community on the subproject have been taken into account and feedback provided on how concerns and recommendations have been addressed. Only a few questions re related to environment and feedback from these consultations was highly favorable toward the project with no dissent registered. All comments received were considered within the final design of the new water supply system and drainage works upgrades. Table 9 summarizes the main comments that were raised during the village consultation meetings.

37 TABLE 9. SUMMARY OF MAIN COMPONENTS RAISED DURING PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS COMMENTS RESPONSES OF PIU/PIA The project will offer free connection or There will be free connection in the core area charge from the people after use water? villages. The consumption is paid on a monthly basis, otherwise the supply with water to household will be cut and additional O&M costs for water meter charged During construction or installation of pipes; The policy of the WSSP is that in case of damages to structures and trees would be impact/damage on structure (fence, floor) compensated by whom? the construction company will replace in kind at same or better quality. There are temporary disturbances expected during construction phase; but no permanent loss or impact on private assets Existing pipes from the spring water system WSSP is a new project and higher standard will be taken out or kept? and use new pipes.

We have existing spring water supply but not The existing of spring water supply can still enough and not clean With the operation of be used, possibly for other use of water. The the new water supply the existing spring people can use; depend on people they are water supply will not be used anymore? not stop or cutting pipe you can used in both systems; but after sometime the Office heath district who are the owner One household can have two meters? No, you have only one meter for each house and one free connection. If you need two meters you have to separate the family. Everyone has to pay for water? What is the Yes, all connected households have to pay price? otherwise the supply with water to household will be cut. The price will be the same as applied in Luang Prabang city: for household 4,000 KIP/m3 We would like to know actually for the land For the ongoing study we survey for the best to setting up WTP; Intake and Service location of the main infrastructure. The result Reservoir; because all the land in our village is that they will be constructed in your village. area is either public land or private land. We will select public land only in agreement with the engineering team. This will require certificates between District Governor and PNP. In addition, there are the steps for any household to complain if/as necessary or intended - for this the grievance mechanism are published in village office meeting hall, if you have any impact and/or you would be not satisfied with compensation or other measures


150. Prior to project implementation, a copy of the approved IEE and EMP will be submitted by PNP Luang Prabang to the DoNRE in Luang Prabang Province and the District Governor of Nam Bak District. The IEE will also be posted on the ADB and MPWT website. During construction and operation, communities within the impact area of the subproject area will be kept informed of construction activities through billboards or information boards about the construction activities and schedules. The details of the PIU, GRM Focal Contact Persons

38 and Construction Managers will be prominently displayed in the respective construction areas for the reference of the affected communities/persons. Consultations will be undertaken on a need basis with the date, time and venue to be agreed with the Village Heads and concerned government officials. Complaints and grievances can be directly filed, both written and verbal, to the concerned entities. This will be an alternative to the village complaint system. All suggestions, opinions and responses from the community on the project should be taken into account and feedback provided on how concerns and recommendations have been addressed. 9 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM

151. Article 13 of Decree 192/PM requires the subproject to establish an effective mechanism for grievance resolution. GoL legal requirements for this mechanism are further described in Part VI of the Decree’s implementing regulations, and in detail in the Technical Guidelines. The loan covenants stipulate the GRM requirements of the ADB for the project. The mechanism to address any grievances on environmental safeguards issues is the same as that designed to address grievances related to land acquisition and compensation.

152. The objective of the grievance redress mechanism (GRM) is to resolve complaints as quickly as possible at the local level through a process of conciliation, and if that is not possible, to provide clear and transparent procedures for appeal. All affected persons will be made fully aware of their rights, and the detailed grievance redress procedures will be publicized through an effective public information campaign. An aggrieved affected person (AP) or affected household (AH) will be free from any fees in connection with the lodging and resolution of complaints, as the costs will be borne by the Executing Agency and the appointed contractors.


153. Complainants are entitled to lodge complaints regarding any aspect of the project. Any affected person will be able to submit a grievance if they believe a practice is having a detrimental impact on the community, the environment, or on their quality of life. Eligible grievances or complaints include:

. Negative impacts on a person or a community (e.g. financial loss such as from loss of water, loss of roadside trees, health and safety issues, nuisances, etc.). . Dangers to health and safety or pollution of the environment. . Hazards due to construction activities (e.g. noise, dust, disruption of access, etc.) . Impacts on social infrastructure. . Failure to comply with standards or legal obligations. . Improper conduct or unethical behaviour of contractor leading to nuisance of affected person(s). . Misuse of funds and other irregularities. . Grievances due to land acquisition, resettlement, compensation, relocation and unaddressed losses. . Complaints related to gender issues.


154. Complaints can be made verbally or in written form. It is recognized that in many cases, complainants do not have the writing skills or ability to express their grievances verbally, however, complainants are encouraged to seek assistance from family members or village heads, to have their grievances recorded in writing and to ensure that where disputes do occur and all the details have been recorded accurately enabling all parties to be treated


fairly. In the case of verbal complaints, a written record of the complaint will be made during the first meeting with the complainant. Complainants who present their complaints within the prescribed procedures will be exempt from all administrative fees incurred. In addition, complainants who lodge complaints and appeals to district courts will be provided with free legal representation.

9.2.1 Arbitration Committees

155. The subproject’s GRM will rely on the existing village arbitration units that have already been established in the villages. The Village Development Committee (VDC) generally consists of the village chief, deputy chief, village secretary, and village representative of the Lao Women’s Union, Lao Front for National Construction, village elders, youth, and village land taxation unit. The VDC is responsible for settling disputes between villagers through conciliation and negotiation. In the absence of these units, the members of the village committee (if formed) or the village leaders will act as grievance officers. Moreover, the details of the PIU, GRM Focal Contact Persons and Construction Manager will be prominently displayed in the respective construction areas for the reference of the affected communities/persons. Complaints and grievances can be directly filed, both written and verbal, to the concerned entities. This will provide alternative entry points to the village complaint system. The affected households (AHs) may present their complaints to the concerned local administrative officials and resettlement committees. The complaint can be filed first at the village level and can be elevated to the highest or provincial level if the affected persons (APs) are not satisfied with the decisions made by the VDC at village level. At the district and provincial levels, the district and provincial steering committees of the project will act on grievances or complaints that have not been resolved at the VDC.

156. The District Project Steering Committee (DPSC) are composed of the Vice District Governor, Director of the DPWT, and representatives of the District Natural Resources and Environment Office, health office, police office, education office, Lao Women’s Union, Lao Front for National Construction, and youth office. A representative of the PIU of the subproject is a member of the district project steering committee. The Provincial Project Steering Committee (PPSC) is headed by the Vice Provincial Governor and is composed of representatives of provincial departments such as the DPWT, DoNRE, health department, police department, and education department, Lao Women’s Union, Lao Front for National Construction, and provincial youth department. The representatives of the PIU and the PNP Luang Prabang are members of the Provincial Project Steering Committee.

9.2.2 Grievance Redress Procedures

157. All complaints and resolutions will be properly documented by the concerned committee and be available for public review and for monitoring purposes. As a general policy, the PNP and PIU will work proactively toward preventing grievances through the implementation of impact mitigation measures and community liaison activities that anticipate and address potential issues before they become grievances. Nonetheless, during construction and operation it is possible that unanticipated impacts may occur if the mitigation measures are not properly implemented, or unforeseen issues occur. The procedures for the grievance resolution process for the subproject are detailed in Table 10.

158. Normally complaints related to construction and environmental issues are resolved at the VDC level wherein the conciliation and negotiation are promptly attended to by the PIU and contractors. Complaints related to resettlement and land disputes are normally elevated to the district and provincial levels, and at times to the Court. At each stage of the grievance redress process, written records will be maintained. The VDC will submit reports to the DPSC documenting: (i) complaints received; (ii) names and other pertinent information about complainants; (iii) dates of the original complaint, meetings and any other actions; and (iv)

40 outcomes and/or resolution. The DPSC, PPSC, and DWSS will each maintain similar records for appeals that are submitted to them. The records of grievances will be included in regular progress reporting on the subproject. Table 11 presents the individuals responsible for receiving and recording the complaints from the affected persons (APs).

TABLE 10. GRIEVANCE REDRESS PROCEDURES NO. STAGES Stage 1 (Village – Subproject Area). In the first instance, complainants will raise complaints or grievances to the Village Development Committee or other designated village grievance officers. The committee will organize a meeting with the complainants to resolve the issue using its traditional 1 methods of conciliation and negotiation. The meeting will be held in a public place and will be open to other members of the community to ensure transparency. The VDC aims at clarifications and amicable solution with the complainant. This mediation aims at a village internal immediate solution agreed with the subproject. If the complaint cannot be solved at this stage, the next step will apply. Stage 2 (District Implementing Level). If within 5 days of lodging the complaint and no understanding or amicable solution can be reached or no response is received from the Village Development Committee, 2 the complainant can bring the complaint to the District Project Steering Committee (DPSC). The DPSC will meet with the complainant to discuss the complaint and provide a decision within 10 days of receiving the appeal. Stage 3 (Provincial Implementing Level). If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the DPSC or in the absence of any response, the complainant can appeal to the Provincial Project Steering 3 Committee (PPSC) with contribution of authorities and village representative/s. The PPSC will meet the complainant to clarify the complaint and will inform the complainant about its decision aiming to solve the complaint. The PPSC will provide a decision on the complaint within 10 days. Stage 4 (Ministerial Project Executive Level). If the AP is still not satisfied with the decision of the PPSC, or in the absence of any response within the stipulated time, the complainant can submit his/her grievance to Department of Water Supply and Sanitation (DWSS). The DWSS acting on behalf of the 4 MPWT will verify with the PPSC and DPSC. DWSS might consider an independent external opinion in this matter. The DWSS will render a decision within 10 days of receiving the complaint. Before the next stage is applied additional efforts should be made to find an agreement with the AP. Stage 5 (Country Level). As a last resort, the complainant may submit his/her case to the Court of Law. The complaint will be lodged with the Court of Law. The Court will take note and register the case and 5 will provide the final juristic decision. The DWSS will be responsible for forwarding the complaint and ensuring its process in the courts.

TABLE 11. INDIVIDUALS AT STAGE 1 (SUBPROJECT VILLAGE LEVEL) NO VILLAGE NAME CONTACT PERSON CONTACT NO. 1 Thabou Mr BounTheng 020-58732523 2 Phonxieng Mr Sonethong 020-56705539 3 Namkhan Mr Viengkeo 030-4726900 4 Phonsavanh Mr Syphone 020-52295752 5 Phonmany Mr Mungyang 020-99322034 6 Namthouam neua Mr Xiengbounluen 020-54975588 7 Namthouam tai Mr Leirpotho 020-55599880 8 Xang Mr Khamhat Xayyasith 020-54433135 9 Phonsavang Mr Nengyang 030-4515254 10 Xiengda Mr Xienglay Syvilaychan 030-9183573 11 Houana Mr Hongkham 030-5227166 12 Pakmong Ms Vilayvanh 020-9612778 13 Vangkham Mr Bounlar Keomany 030-5514438 14 Nakok Mr Somdy 030-9331022 15 Namkhar Mr Viengkeo 030-4726990

159. If efforts to resolve complaints or disputes remain unresolved and unsatisfactory following the GoL GRM, the affected persons/households have the right to send their concerns or problems directly to ADB’s Operations Department, i.e., Urban and Water Division, Southeast Asia Department (SERD) or through ADB Lao PDR Resident Mission. If the AP is still not satisfied with the responses of SERD, he/she can directly contact the ADB's Office of the Special Project Facilitator (OSPF) as outlined in the "Information Guide to the Consultation


Phase of the ADB Accountability Mechanism". The Information Guide can be downloaded through this link: accountability-mechanism. Those who want to make a complaint with the ADB can refer to the sample letter of complaint adapted from the Information Guide as shown in Figure 7.



160. The matrix of mitigation measures in Table 12 presents all the required measures and monitoring responsibilities corresponding to the impacts as assessed that are considered necessary through the environmental assessment process. The mitigation measures required cover all stages of the contract and are separated into pre-construction, construction and operation phases. This EMP is based on the type, extent and duration of the environmental impacts identified at the design stage. In the event that unexpected impacts occur during implementation, the EMP will be amended to take into account of unexpected impacts and mitigation measures will be amended as necessary.

TABLE 12. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE I. PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE Impact on land Implement the land acquisition External LACP c/o PNP PIU acquisition and and compensation plan that was monitoring report operation community assets approved by the ADB for the s cost subproject. Loss of community assets due to land Design access roads to minimum acquisition and necessary width and installation damage to of pipelines within the Right-of- properties. Way when feasible. Impact of location of The abstraction rate for the water River level c/o PNP PIU, PNP raw water intake on supply subproject will be limited assessments at the operation Luang Prabang other water users to the 9,500 m3/day capacity of intake on a s cost the WTP. There is minimal monthly basis Downstream river conflict with other water users of uses such as Namkhan 2 because there is still irrigation, bathing, enough water in the river that will washing, and meet the other river uses at the fishing will be downstream. affected if excessive water abstraction will occur. Impact to Natural Cutting of trees will be N/A N/A N/A resources and undertaken as per approved protected areas design and only upon approval. Avoid cutting of trees as much as Impact on natural possible and minimize damage resources and to native vegetation. Trees that protected areas need to be cut in private land will from be compensated in cash in cutting/clearing of accordance with the approved trees and other Land Acquisition and vegetation. Compensation Plan Impact on Historical The Contractor will ensure that Accidental finds c/o PNP PIU, PNP and Archaeological the workforce are briefed that in operation Luang Prabang Sites the event of accidental finds s cost relics they should immediately Damage to relics cease any works in the area and and artifacts during promptly report the find to their the conduct of the supervisor. works. II. CONSTRUCTION PHASE Temporary Walking access will be Periodic monitoring Included disruption of maintained to affected properties and reporting by in civil existing community and access routes will be Supervision works roads, pathways, temporarily lined with timber or Consultant and cost and accesses similar material. Particular PIA. attention will be given to ensuring

43 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE Pipe laying will safety along roads and paths Report any cause temporary used by pedestrians. complaint received disruption of from the community services Side street parking of community to PIU and access to construction vehicles on and document in properties. prolonged basis will not be safeguard allowed. monitoring reports. Particularly at pipe road crossings, Install barriers and safety construction warning signs on road sections activities along and if necessary deploy traffic narrow roads may aides/ flag persons at affected lead to temporary locations. Information boards at blockage or closure blocked roads will provide of roads and information about the temporary hamper movement closure of roads, schedule of of vehicles and works and the traffic-rerouting people in the plan. community. Require the contractor to Community access immediately rehabilitate the to areas in the excavated areas and any vicinity of the WTP, damaged road and path pump station, sections. reservoir, and intake will be Enclose the WTP; pump station, affected. reservoir, and intake perimeters so that pathway use and stream Community access access remains unimpeded. to areas in the vicinity of schools, Enclose the latrine construction temples, village site to prevent access and limit offices, market disruption for the use of the places and meeting schools and public buildings. halls will be affected during construction of public latrines. Air pollution Require the contractor to cover Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP materials with tarpaulin or other and reporting by in civil Contractor Dust and air suitable materials while in transit Supervision works emissions from to avoid spillage of materials. Consultant and cost earthworks and PIA. movement of Moisten earthen roads during dry vehicles can pose and dusty conditions, particularly Report any nuisance to nearby roads near residences and complaint received communities through the town core area. from the community to PIU Impose speed limits on and document in construction vehicles. safeguard monitoring reports. Conduct regular maintenance on construction equipment and vehicles to control air emissions during vehicle operation. Noise Limit construction activities, Include EMP in bid Included PIU, PNP particularly operation of noise documents and in civil Contractor Operation of generating equipment at night. contract. works construction cost equipment such as Position any stationary Report any jackhammer will equipment that produce high complaint received cause excessive noise levels such as diesel from the noise resulting in generators as far as practical community to PIU. nuisance to from sensitive receptors. communities.


ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE Erect temporary barriers around construction sites especially near schools, hospitals, and houses.

Install noise suppression devices to noise generating equipment.

Require drivers to minimize blowing of horn and to comply with speed limits.

Provide information to community on schedule of construction activities through billboard/signs. Impact of borrow The contractor will be prohibited Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP materials from quarrying materials directly and reporting by in civil Contractor from Namkhan 2 River. Supervision works Quarrying of Consultant and cost aggregates on Construction materials will be PIA. Namkhan 2 River procured from Government- will cause siltation permitted sources / suppliers Report any and affect the only. complaint received ecological condition from the of the river. community to PIU and document in safeguard monitoring reports. Impact on The contractors will prohibit Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP ecological activities such as cutting wood for and reporting by in civil Contractor resources cooking, hunting, or wildlife Supervision works trade. Consultant and cost Construction PIA. workers may undertake hunting Report any of wildlife and complaint received cutting of wood from the upstream of the community to PIU intake. and document in safeguard monitoring reports. Clearing of Cutting of trees will be Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP vegetation undertaken as per approved and reporting by in civil Contractor design and only upon approval of Supervision works Poor planning and relevant authorities. Avoid cutting Consultant and cost execution of tree of trees as much as possible and PIA. clearing/vegetation minimize damage to native removal at project vegetation. Trees that need to be Report any facilities and along cut in private land will be complaint received pipeline alignments compensated in cash from the can result in loss of accordance with the approved community to PIU vegetation and Land Acquisition and and document in general landscape Compensation Plan. safeguard monitoring reports. Roads and paths to the intake, WTP, and reservoir will only be sufficiently wide to accommodate construction vehicles/equipment to minimize land take.

Manual labor will be utilized in sloping terrain where use of heavy equipment would cause unnecessary damage. Steep exposed slopes will be graded



Implement landscaping and planting of trees/vegetation at sites of the proposed facilities. Water pollution - Construct silt traps, deviation Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP Sediment runoff channels, mounting barriers or and reporting by in civil Contractor trenches around the stockpiles of Supervision works Sediment runoff materials. Consultant and cost undertaken during PIA. excavation, earthworks and Report any grading in the rainy complaint received season will cause from the siltation of rivers community to PIU and document in safeguard monitoring reports. Water Pollution - Provide adequate water supply Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP Worker’s camp and temporary toilet facilities at and reporting by in civil Contractor the worker’s camp. Supervision works Domestic Consultant and cost wastewater from PIA. worker’s camp would result to the Report any discharge of complaint received sewage into from the drainage canals. community to PIU and document in Unsanitary safeguard conditions at the monitoring reports. worker’s camp will occur without the provision of necessary sanitation arrangements. Water pollution - Follow the recommended Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP Generation of dosage of chlorine during the and reporting by in civil Contractor residual chlorine disinfection of pipes and Supervision works during pipeline and reservoir. Discharge of water with Consultant and cost reservoir high chlorine concentration to PIA. disinfection soil at the end of pipelines to be controlled to minimize soil Report any Prior to erosion. complaint received commissioning, from the disinfection will be Use chlorine test kit and use community to PIU undertaken on the 10x15x dilution with distilled and document in pipeline and water or use high range chlorine safeguard reservoir. test kit with high range tablets to monitoring reports. detect chlorine residual before Discharge of flushing. residual chlorine above the allowable limits is toxic to fish and other aquatic life. Generation of During pipe laying, excavated Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP construction waste - material will be utilized to backfill and reporting by in civil Contractor Generation of the trench. The contractor will be Supervision works excavated soil required to properly reinstate the Consultant and cost excavated trench after PIA. Generation of completion of pipe laying. excavated

46 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE materials during Surplus excavated material/cut Report any pipe laying and soil from construction of the WTP complaint received foundation works and reservoir will be used as from the for WTP tanks and backfill material for low-lying community to PIU reservoirs. areas that have been identified and document in by the village authority. safeguard monitoring reports. Generation of Provide appropriate segregation Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP construction wastes bins or areas for construction and reporting by in civil Contractor – Solid, Inert and wastes. Supervision works Hazardous Wastes Consultant and cost Secure and control storage of all PIA. Solid wastes, inert hazardous materials including construction fuels. Report any wastes, and complaint received hazardous wastes Reuse recyclable construction from the during construction wastes such as wood, steel, and community to PIU will result to scaffoldings or sell to junk shops. and document in pollution of land and safeguard receiving water Solid waste to be collected and monitoring reports. bodies. disposed in approved disposal site of the District. Community health Install barricades/barriers and Periodic monitoring Included PIU, PNP and safety sturdy plate covers in open and reporting by in civil Contractor excavations during non-working Supervision works Community may be time. Consultant and cost exposed to dangers PIA. of open excavation Install warning signs in the area. Report any complaint received from the community to PIU and document in safeguard monitoring reports. Occupational health Require the contractor to Contract Included PIU, PNP and safety implement the construction documents to in civil Contractor health and safety plan in include the EMP works Construction accordance with the World Bank with health and cost activities may pose EHS Guidelines safety provisions hazards to workers ( monitoring through because of the use ) as a minimum standard. The the Construction of heavy contractor will appoint an Supervisor’s equipment, lifting of environment, health and safety reports. heavy loads, and officer to ensure implementation exposure to open of the plan. The plan will at Report any excavations and minimum include: complaint received chemicals. from the  Provision of first-aid facilities community to PIU. Potential conflict readily accessible by with local people workers. will occur if migrant  Provision of personal workers will be protective equipment brought to the site. (PPEs) such as hard hats, gloves, rubber boots, etc.,  Wearing of PPEs while working onsite will be a mandatory requirement for workers.  Posting of safety signs/reminders in strategic areas within the construction area.  Installation of sufficient lighting at night.

47 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE  Employ only trained personnel in handling chlorine during the line disinfection process.  Ensure that vehicle and equipment operators are properly licensed and trained.  Provide staff with communicable disease and HIV-related awareness training.

The contractor will be required to provide priority hiring of qualified construction workers from the villages and to consult with the local to avoid conflict if migrant workers will be brought to the site. COVID-19 risk Siting of Camps and Field Offices Contract Included PIU, PNP management  Not in area liable to documents to in civil Contractor flooding, landslide or other include the EMP works Working Camp natural disaster with health and cost Siting and  Not in area affected by safety provisions Management construction dust, noise, monitoring through sewage or other pollution the Construction  Not in a residential area Supervisor’s reports. Minimum housing standards  separate bed for each Report any worker complaint received  beds should not be from the arranged in tiers of more community to PIU. than two;  separate accommodation of the sexes or to accommodate couples  adequate natural light during the daytime and adequate artificial light  adequate ventilation to ensure sufficient movement of air  adequate supply of safe potable water  adequate sanitary facilities  adequate drainage  adequate furniture for each worker to secure his or her belongings, such as a locker.  common dining areas, canteens or mess facilities, located away from the sleeping areas  appropriately situated and furnished laundry facilities  reasonable access to plug sockets for charging telephones and other devices  rest and recreationareas and health facilities, where


Minimum accommodation sizes  Sleeping space □ inside dimensions over 198 centimetres by 80 centimetres;  Sleeping room □ headroom of over 203 centimeters allowing full free movement □ Beds minimum 2m apart for COVID-19 risk management

Sanitation Facilities  One toilet, one tap / basin, one toilet for every 6 people  Convenient location to accommodation  Provision of soap  Separate facilities for men and women  Ventilation to open air  Fresh cold running water  Clean and hygienic  Septic tank/sewage treatment facility, or pit latrines located at least 200m from surface waters, and in areas of suitable soil profiles and above the groundwater levels

Health and Safety within worker accommodation  Separate area for sick workers to prevent transmission of disease  Smoke detector in sleeping area  Fire safety throughout accommodation such as fire extinguishers, fire alarms, fire blankets  Worker training in fire prevention and procedures  Fire exit sign, adequate means of escape and clearly maintained exit  Security lighting within camp and for sanitation block and lighting for route from sleeping area to sanitation block  Electrical cables to be in safe condition, elevated and not in areas liable to flood

Inspection  2 weekly inspections to inspect for cleanliness, state of repair of building,

49 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE accommodation and fire equipment. Record inspection results and retain for review COVID-19 risk Form a joint team to plan and Contract Included PIU, PNP management organize commencement and/or documents to in civil Contractor return to work include the EMP works Construction site  Develop or convene a joint with health and cost working conditions occupational safety and safety provisions health committee with monitoring through members representing the the Construction employer and workers Supervisor’s  Train team members on the reports. basic principles for the formulation and Report any implementation of complaint received occupational safety and from the health preventive and community to PIU. control measures.  Develop and communicate a work plan on safe working for COVID-19  Such plan should be fully aligned with any government regulations and guidelines on COVID-19 prevention and control, or in the absence thereof, with international good practice guidelines as may be updated from time to time

Risk assessment to decide when to work, who works and how  Undertake a risk assessment to determine the preventive and control measures  Ensure preventative measures are in place before resuming or beginning construction work

Adopt engineering, organizational and administrative measures  Avoid physical interaction and maintain physical distancing requirements as prescribed by national policy, or in the absence thereof, international good practice  Ventilate enclosed workplaces including work camps and communal spaces  Avoid concentration of workers - limit the capacity of common areas such as work camp dining areas and changing facilities to allow the minimum separation of 2 meters and organize one-

50 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE way systems. This includes sleeping areas which must be a minimum of 2 meters between  beds  Put in place training and information on COVID-19 and measures required for its management.  The construction site is to be segregated to the extent possible in zones or other methods to keep different crews physically separated at all time  Stagger break and lunch schedules to minimize the number of people in close proximity to one another

Regularly clean and disinfect  Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection, in particular heavily trafficked areas and common areas, including work camps  All door handles, railings, ladders, switches, controls, eating surfaces, shared tools and equipment, taps, toilets, and personal areas are wiped down at least twice a day with a disinfectant  Discourage the sharing of items such as cups, glasses, plates, tools

Promote personal hygiene  Provide workers with the conditions and means necessary for frequent hand washing (soap, water or alcohol gel) with a posted hand washing protocol at site entries, exits, bathrooms, communal areas, offices, and any other areas with commonly touched surfaces  Inform workers of the need to avoid physical contact when greeting, and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth  Inform workers of the need to cover the mouth and nose with a disposable handkerchief when coughing or sneezing or the crook of their arm  Dispose of tissues in a lined and covered waste bin and wash hands afterwards


Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and inform workers of its correct use  Identify appropriate PPE related to the tasks and health and safety risks faced by workers according to the results of risk assessment and the level of risk, and provide it to workers free of charge and in sufficient number, along with instructions, procedures, training and supervision  Non-medical face-coverings (such as homemade cloth masks) should be worn as mitigation for catching and transmitting the virus, but are not to be treated as substitutes for proper handwashing

Health surveillance and insurance  Before entering the site, staff and visitors must confirm that they are not currently exhibiting flu-like symptoms  Monitor the health status of workers, develop protocols for cases of suspected and confirmed COVID-19. The protocol will state that:  workers with symptoms or confirmed cases must be isolated within the construction camp or stay at home for 7 days after symptoms started □ If symptoms persist after 7 days, the person must isolate until the symptoms stop □ People who have been in close contact with the person with confirmed COVID-19 be quarantined for 14 days  All workers in quarantine or isolation must be provided with adequate food, water, medical assistance and sanitation  Identify workers who have had close contact with people infected with COVID-19 and follow national medical guidance

52 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE  Communicate confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection to the appropriate authorities  All workers should be provided with health insurance that includes COVID-19 treatment

Consider other hazards, including psychosocial  Promote a safe and healthy working environment free from violence and harassment.  Encourage health promotion and wellbeing in the workplace through enough rest, balance of physical and mental activity and adequate work life balance  Implement prevention and control measures for the use and storage of chemicals, particularly those used for disinfection during COVID-19

Review emergency preparedness plans  Develop an emergency plan adapted to COVID-19 and regularly review it

Review and update preventive and control measures as the situation evolves

 Periodically monitor prevention and control measures to determine whether they have been adequate to avoid or minimize risk, and identify and implement corrective actions for continuous improvement Establish and maintain records related to work-related injuries, illnesses and incidents, worker exposures, monitoring of the work environment and workers’ health III. OPERATION PHASE Generation of As project policy, water Monitor the Part of PNP Luang incremental connection will be provided only number of PNP Prabang wastewater and if the household has an approved households with operation increased burden sanitation facility to cope with the latrines and with s cost on drainage increased wastewater water connections, systems generated. This policy and the population served, To be public awareness raising and billed water arranged initiatives was presented to the volume. public villages under the Village institution

53 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE Increased water Environmental Improvements supply to public (VEI) component. Monitor that the buildings and service and households will The public institution shall sign a management generate additional service and management agreements are quantities of agreement before construction followed and wastewater. and have sufficient funds to facilities are maintain the facility. properly maintained. Deterioration of Monitor community activities in Monitor the Part of PNP Luang water quality the catchment area to check following PNP Prabang activities at the upstream that parameters: operation Potential may cause contamination of raw s cost deterioration in water quality. Daily at the inlet to quality of raw water the treatment plant: supply and of Provide laboratory test turbidity, pH treated water equipment and training to allow the PNP to conduct regular Daily after the monitoring of raw and treated reservoir: pH, water quality parameters. turbidity, residual Potential risk on chlorine, public health in Follow O&M standard operating temperature deterioration of procedures in accordance with treated water the water treatment plant Weekly at several quality due to use of manuals. locations in the poor quality network: residual treatment Use of potable grade chemicals, chlorine, pH, chemicals especially PAC, and request a turbidity Supplier product specification data sheet signed off by a Annually after reputable external laboratory. Clearwater tank: chloride (Cl), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg), sodium (Na), sulfate ion, zinc (Zn), conductivity, total hardness as CaCO3 High Pressure and This risk will be minimized by: (i) Daily visual Part of PNP Luang Leaks on the the use of durable standard pipes monitoring of PNP Prabang Pipeline for the main and secondary (rider pipelines. operation mains) lines, (ii) use of pressure s cost The proposed reducing valves for the rider distribution network mains, (iii) careful construction will have sections supervision by the Project located at low Implementation Assistance elevations which Consultants PIA to ensure that may experience pipe laying and jointing is done to high water pressure the highest standard by the which may contractor, and (v) regular potentially result in inspection of the network and leakages in the line prompt isolation and repair when and ultimately water leaks occur. loss Disposal of Filter backwash water and Check condition of Part of PNP Luang backwash water periodic discharges from the detention ponds; PNP Prabang and sediments from sedimentation tanks will be report operation WTP collected to a detention pond to frequency/schedul s cost separate the concentrated waste e of backwashing Backwash water sludge or sediments. Land and sludge from the application of wastes with high sedimentation dissolved solids concentrations tanks will be from the detention pond is

54 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING BUDGET IMPACT OFFICE generated from the preferred over discharge to a cleaning of filters landfill. and tanks. Backwash water and sludge contain high total suspended solids. Occupational health Provide secure, dry and well Training Part of PNP Luang and safety ventilated storage facilities for undertaken for staff PNP Prabang chlorine and other hazardous on chemicals operation Potential hazards to chemicals. handling and s cost WTP workers due monitoring and to accidental Use chlorine compounds in reporting of release of chlorine powder (chlorine gas will not be incidents utilized in any if the sub-projects) form, which is safer than gas.

Training of staff and allocation of responsibility to ensure that materials are properly handled. Generation of The sludge that will be generated Quarterly check on Part of PNP Luang Sludge from from the detention ponds will be the volume of PNP Prabang Detention Ponds dredged and disposed as backfill sludge in the operation material in low-lying areas to be detention ponds. s cost identified by the village leaders. Increased volume No land application of the of sludge in generated sludge without the detention ponds. required approval by the village authorities. Community health Facilities (Intake, WTP and Daily log of Part of PNP Luang and safety Laboratory, Office and security personnel PNP Prabang Reservoir) properly fenced and operation Potential hazards to secured and watchmen/security s cost residents in personnel to be employed on a affected 24 hour basis. communities.


161. Pre-construction Phase. The EMP monitoring during the pre-construction phase of the subproject will be undertaken by the PIA consultant (Appendix H - Template of Project Environmental Safeguards Monitoring Report). Semi-annual Integrated Safeguards Monitoring Reports will be prepared by the PCU with support of the PIA and submitted to ADB for review and disclosed on the ADB project website. Appendix I shows the Semi Annual Integrated Safeguards Monitoring Report.

162. Construction Phase. Throughout the construction period, the contractor will submit monthly environmental compliance progress reports to the PNP, copy furnished to the PIU. The contractor should be able to highlight the summary of the progress of construction, activities undertaken within the reporting period to implement the measures outlined in the EMP, record any community complaints received and how the complaint was resolved.

163. The PIU will consolidate the results of the monthly environmental monitoring through a quarterly progress report that will be submitted to the PCU which is based at the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation of the MPWT. The quarterly report will summarize the significant findings and measures undertaken to address any adverse environmental impacts during construction and also present any unforeseen environmental impacts and suggested remedial actions for the next monitoring period. Copies of the quarterly progress report prepared by the PIU will be given to the members of the Provincial Project Steering Committee

55 and the District Governor. PCU will consolidate information from quarterly progress reports, compile and submit integrated safeguards monitoring report semi-annually to ADB.

164. Once the reports are received by the PCU, these will be reviewed relative to subproject compliance with the indicators defined in the EMP. The PCU will submit the quarterly reports to the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation of MPWT and other national agencies (MONRE, MOF, MOPC, etc.), and to ADB. The PCU will also prepare the quarterly Project Progress Reports including the main points of environmental monitoring and Semi-annual Integrated Safeguards Monitoring Reports in English to be submitted to ADB.

165. Operational Phase. The EMP monitoring during the operational phase will be undertaken by the PNP. Semi-annual reports will be submitted by the PIU to the PCU. The PCU will review the report and check the project’s adherence to the EMP and then submit the Semi-annual Integrated Safeguards Monitoring Reports to ADB until the Project Completion Report (PCR) is prepared. The monitoring parameters during the operational phase, as outlined in the EMP, include monitoring of water quality at the inlet of the WTP and of treated water. Table 9 presents the EMP Reporting Plan while Table 14 shows the Matrix for reporting of the Water Quality Monitoring Results.

56 TABLE 13. EMP REPORTING PLAN TYPE OF PREPARED BASIC CONTENT SUBMITTED TO FREQUENCY REPORT BY PRE-CONSTRUCTION THROUGH OPERATIONAL PHASE Integrated Safeguards PCU, Semi-annual Monitoring Report Department of MPWT until project Progress report including EMP Water Supply ADB completion implementation and and Sanitation report (PCR) monitoring CONSTRUCTION PHASE Progress of construction, Construction including EMP PCU and copy Contractor Monthly Progress Report monitoring results, furnished to PIU complaints received and actions taken Progress of PCU, construction, EMP District Governor, Progress Report implementation, PIU Provincial Project Quarterly complaints received Steering and actions taken Committee Progress of construction, PCU, MPWT, MONRE, safeguards (EMP Department of and other Progress Report and LACP) Quarterly Water Supply national agencies implementation, and Sanitation ADB complaints received and actions taken OPERATIONAL PHASE Subproject progress Semi-annual report including EMP until project Progress Report PNP PCU implementation and completion monitoring report (PCR) Subproject progress report including PCU, Semi-annual Integrated EMP/LACP Department of MPWT until project Safeguards implementation and Water Supply ADB completion Monitoring Report compliance with and Sanitation report (PCR) ADB’s policies and regulations After physical completion of Project evaluation, Project Completion MPWT the sub-project lessons learnt and PCU Report ADB and before end recommendations of contract of PIA


166. Table 15 sets out the Institutional Responsibilities for Environmental Management. The Ministry of Public Works and Transport - Department of Water Supply and Sanitation and the PNP are the key institutions that will play crucial roles in the implementation of the subproject as well as in ensuring the proper and timely implementation of the requisite environment safeguard reports. The succeeding sections details the administrative and environmental management responsibilities of the concerned institutions.


Lao People’s Democratic Republic Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity ______


Province: ______No: ______/WS.LNT District: ______Date: ______Water Supply and Transport Division Time: ______Water Supply of State Enterprise POINT HOME HOUSE TURBIDITY CHORINE COLOR NO VILLAGE PH SMELL PASS FAIL NOTATION TEST NO TYPE 5NTU CL2 MG/L 5TCU

______Date: ______Director, Water Supply of State Enterprise Chief of Water Treatment Plant Researcher: ______

58 TABLE 15. INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY ROLE CONSTRUCTION OPERATION Overall central level supervision and guidance MoNRE ✓ ✓ related to natural resources and environment Overall supervision IEE preparation and implementation: Review of IEE and coordination of approvals from ADB Uploading of the IEE on MPWT website Ensuring EMP is included in contract documentation. ✓ (prior to PCU ✓ Check the project’s adherence to the EMP PCR) Review the quarterly environmental monitoring reports prepared by the PIU during the construction phase and submit the report to ADB. Review the semi-annual progress report prepared by the PNP during the operational phase and submits the report to ADB. Principal responsibility for EMP implementation Preparation of IEE and contract documentation Submission of IEE to ADB for approval Submission of IEE to PPSC and DoNRE for reference during monitoring Conduct consultations with local residents in respect of specific sites where the proposed works will include excavation, determine the need for any further investigation and/or PIU clearance services and submit to the PCU ✓ ✓ Monitor compliance of the contractor with the EMP Consolidate monthly environmental monitoring reports prepared by contractor through a quarterly progress report to be submitted to the PCU. Provide members of the Provincial Project Steering Committee and the District Governor with copies of the quarterly progress report Advice on issues arising with EMP PIA ✓ ✓ implementation and overall technical support Coordination of provincial and district agencies PPSC for EMP implementation during construction and ✓ ✓ operation, and ensuring compliance monitoring. Participation in PIU ✓ Implementation of operational aspects related to PNP water supply output in the EMP ✓ Conduct water quality monitoring at WTP inlet, treated water, and distribution lines Participation in PPSC ✓ OPWT Implementation of operational aspects related to drainage ✓ and public sanitation output in the EMP Participation in PPSC ✓ DOH Participation in environmental monitoring and ✓ awareness raising Notes: PIA – Project implementation assistance; OPWT – Office of Public Works and Transport (District); DOH – District Heath Office


10.2.1 Department of Water Supply and Sanitation - Ministry of Public Works and Transport

167. The Department of Water Supply and Sanitation of the MPWT as Executing Agency (EA) will house the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) of the WSSP and will be the primary point of contact with ADB. The Department of Water Supply and Sanitation will head the PCU. The PCU will receive overall direction and policy guidance from a Project Steering Committee (PSC), which includes representatives of the main central level agencies, including MoNRE.

10.2.2 Project Implementation Unit (PIU)

The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at the provincial level, will be responsible to the day-to- day coordination and supervision of project implementation. The PIU is headed by the Director of the PNP. The PIU will receive support in coordinating the provincial and district agencies including the DoNRE offices and take decisions on behalf of the provincial government from a Provincial Project Steering Committee (PPSC), chaired by the Provincial Vice Governor. At the district level, the District Government or Vice Governor will oversee the subproject, monitor progress, review quality of work, coordinate the subproject with the PIU and local communities and report on the progress to the PPSC.

10.2.3 Environmental Monitoring

168. Table 14 presents the environmental monitoring plan and performance indicators during the construction and operational phases of the subproject based on the EMP.

TABLE 16. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL MEANS OF PARAMETERS LOCATION PERFORMANCE FREQUENCY MONITORING INDICATOR CONSTRUCTION PHASE All project sites (intake, WTP, Compliance Adherence to provisions reservoir, access Compliance with monitoring by in the EMP to mitigate Daily roads, main and EMP contractor and construction impacts distribution PIU network) Direct effects on All project sites Through communities from (intake, WTP, Views and opinions community impacts such as reservoir, access of communities and feedback and Weekly damage to properties, roads, main and complaints received grievance dust generation, noise, distribution via GRM redress and safety network) mechanism Monitoring of EMP during Compliance All roads, construction/excavation, Compliance with monitoring by particularly at road Daily including compliance EMP contractor and pipe crossings with traffic management PIU requirements Residual chlorine during Residual Residual chlorine Prior to pipeline and reservoir Pipeline and chlorine testing should be less than 2 decommissionin disinfection prior to reservoir or report on mg/l before flushing g commissioning dilution activity OPERATIONAL PHASE Number of households with latrines and with Wastewater Villages water connections, Monthly PNP records management population served, and billed water volume

60 ENVIRONMENTAL MEANS OF PARAMETERS LOCATION PERFORMANCE FREQUENCY MONITORING INDICATOR Water abstraction Raw water source Intake Monthly PNP records rate at intake Water quality of raw and Inlet of WTP pH, turbidity Daily In-situ test kits treated water After the reservoir: pH, turbidity, residual chlorine, and temperature Daily At locations in the distribution system: WTP and Residual chlorine, sampling stations Using portable Water quality of treated pH, turbidity Weekly strategically test kits and/or water and at the scattered around analysis in distribution networks After the Clearwater the distribution laboratory tank: Chloride (Cl), area iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg), sodium (Na), sulfate ion, zinc (Zn), conductivity, Annually total hardness as CaCO3 Schedule of PNP records Backwash water and backwashing and WTP Monthly and site sediments from WTP condition of detention observation ponds Before the start Staff training on of WTP Occupational health and chemicals handling WTP operation and PNP records safety and monitoring of throughout incidents operation

10.2.4 Capacity Building

169. The branch office of PNP Namthouam Township lacks the capacity for environmental management and monitoring and water quality testing. The subproject will include equipment for a small water testing laboratory at the proposed WTP site. Regular water quality tests on the raw and treated water will help determine appropriate dosing of chemicals to be applied at the WTP as well as ensure potable water quality at the distribution lines. The PNP will receive training on the operation, calibration, and maintenance of the laboratory equipment. At the minimum, the laboratory will include portable equipment for testing of turbidity, temperature, residual chlorine, pH, and coli form. The PNP staff will also be trained on the proper and correct sampling and preservation methods for water samples that will be brought to external laboratories for analysis.


170. The cost for the environmental safeguard activities during construction, i.e. environmental management, review, and monitoring, for the subproject will be primarily included in the civil works cost. The cost of environmental management and monitoring activities during the operational phase will be borne by the PNP, as part of operation and maintenance activities.


171. This IEE for the Namthouam Township subproject was undertaken to determine the environmental issues and concerns associated with the proposed water supply system subproject. The assessment confirms that the subproject remains classified as Category B for environment based on ADB Safeguards Policy Statement (SPS, 2009). The subproject will have beneficial impacts on health and well-being of the people because of improved accessibility to potable and reliable water supply. There are also health benefits in the form of reduced incidence of diarrhoea, dysentery, skin rashes, and other water-borne diseases as a result of hygiene promotion activities and improved access to safe water for the community.

172. Most of the environmental impacts are expected to occur during the construction phase. The environmental impacts are not expected to cause irreversible and significant adverse environmental impacts and are easily controllable by appropriate and conventional mitigation measures. Based on the assessment of environmental impacts, the anticipated adverse impacts during project implementation are related to nuisances which may happen during the construction of the subproject components such as temporary alienation of access, temporary disruption of community facilities, noise, and sediment runoff, release of dust and engine gas emissions. Recommendations formulated in the EMP, its inclusion in the contractual framework, and an effective inspection of construction sites will reduce these risks to an acceptable level.

173. Environmental mitigation measures have been designed as outlined in the subproject EMP to address any adverse impacts during the various phases of project implementation. The EMP also presents the institutional responsibilities for implementing the mitigation measures. All Subproject activities prior to construction, during construction and during operation will be managed as provided in the EMP and the Contractor’s compliance and implementation of the mitigation measures shall be monitored. An environmental monitoring plan has been provided to ensure water quality is maintained according to the prevailing Lao standards.

174. The IEE concludes that the subproject combined with available information on affected environment is sufficient to identify the scope of environmental impacts of the subproject. No further environmental assessment is therefore required.


(i) The project team completes this checklist to support the environmental classification of a project. It is to be attached to the environmental categorization form and submitted to the Environment and Safeguards Division (RSES) for endorsement by the Director, RSES and for approval by the Chief Compliance Officer.

(ii) This checklist focuses on environmental issues and concerns. To ensure that social dimensions are adequately considered, refer also to ADB's (a) checklists on involuntary resettlement and Indigenous Peoples; (b) poverty reduction handbook; (c) staff guide to consultation and participation; and (d) gender checklists.

(iii) Answer the questions assuming the “without mitigation” case. The purpose is to identify potential impacts. Use the “remarks” section to discuss any anticipated mitigation measures.

Country/Project Title: LAO PDR: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (Namthouam Township Subproject) Sector Division: SEUW

SCREENING QUESTIONS YES NO REMARKS A. Project Siting Is the project area… Densely populated? X The service area and locations of project components are in urban town centers. These areas are not densely populated. Heavy with development activities? X Development activities in the service area are limited to small-medium sized commercial activities. Most of the area is used for residential purposes with some paddy fields. Adjacent to or within any environmentally sensitive X The Nam Et-Phou-Loeuy National areas? Biodiversity Conservation Area is more than 124 kilometres (aerial distance) east of the sub-project. Cultural heritage site X Not applicable Protected Area X There is no protected area within the component sites and immediate vicinity. The Nam Et-Phou-Loeuy National Biodiversity Conservation Area is more than 124 kilometres (aerial distance) east of the sub- project. Wetland X Not applicable Mangrove X Not applicable Estuarine X Not applicable Buffer zone of protected area X Not applicable Special area for protecting biodiversity X Not applicable Bay X Not applicable B. Potential Environmental Impacts Will the Project cause… . pollution of raw water supply from upstream X There are no settlements in the wastewater discharge from communities, upstream. industries, agriculture, and soil erosion runoff? . impairment of historical/cultural monuments/areas X There are no historical/cultural sites and loss/damage to these sites? that will be affected by the project. . hazard of land subsidence caused by excessive X Not applicable. ground water pumping? . social conflicts arising from displacement of X Not applicable. communities ? . conflicts in abstraction of raw water for water supply X There is sufficient water in Namkhan with other beneficial water uses for surface and 2 River for downstream users. ground waters? Villagers disclosed that even during the dry season, the river still has water. SCREENING QUESTIONS YES NO REMARKS . unsatisfactory raw water supply (e.g. excessive X The current condition of the raw pathogens or mineral constituents)? water in Namkhan 2 River is satisfactory. A WTP is proposed for the subproject to improve quality of water supply. . delivery of unsafe water to distribution system? X The subproject will ensure delivery of safe and potable water. . inadequate protection of intake works or wells, X Measures are included in the EMP to leading to pollution of water supply? protect intake works against contamination. . over pumping of ground water, leading to X Not applicable. Groundwater salinization and ground subsidence? abstraction is not included in the scheme. . excessive algal growth in storage reservoir? X Disinfection will be undertaken to prevent algal growth. . increase in production of sewage beyond X The project policy will ensure that capabilities of community facilities? households have pit latrines before connecting to the water supply system. The drainage and sanitation concerns will be addressed in the VEI component of WSSP. . inadequate disposal of sludge from water treatment X Back wash water from sand filters plants? and sludge resulting from the WTP process will be piped into detention pond and clarified water discharged into a drainage pipe. Sludge will be removed from the retention pond periodically and disposed to agricultural land as soil conditioner. . inadequate buffer zone around pumping and X Noise control measures are included treatment plants to alleviate noise and other in the EMP. possible nuisances and protect facilities? . impairments associated with transmission lines and X Installation of pipelines will affect access roads? access of vehicles and passersby. A management plan is included in the EMP. . health hazards arising from inadequate design of X The WTP will include a chlorination facilities for receiving, storing, and handling of and coagulation which needs proper chlorine and other hazardous chemicals. chemical storage and handling system to avoid health hazards. . health and safety hazards to workers from handling X Workers and staff of the WTP will be and management of chlorine used for disinfection, oriented on the proper handling of other contaminants, and biological and physical coagulants and chlorine. hazards during project construction and operation? . dislocation or involuntary resettlement of people? X Not applicable . disproportionate impacts on the poor, women and X Not applicable children, Indigenous Peoples or other vulnerable groups? . noise and dust from construction activities? X Noise and dust may be generated during the construction of the subproject components (intake, WTP, pipelines and secondary mains). Mitigating measures are incorporated in the EMP. . increased road traffic due to interference of X Some roads may be blocked during construction activities? construction of the lines. Also, the movement of vehicles carrying construction materials along the narrow roads to the subproject component sites may cause disturbances. Traffic management incorporated in the EMP. . continuing soil erosion/silt runoff from construction X Temporary silt runoff from operations? excavation activities may be generated. Silt traps and other measures to control sediment flow into rivers are included in the EMP.

SCREENING QUESTIONS YES NO REMARKS . delivery of unsafe water due to poor O&M treatment X O&M training will be provided to the processes (especially mud accumulations in filters) operators of the WTP and water and inadequate chlorination due to lack of adequate distribution system resulting monitoring of chlorine residuals in distribution preventing delivering of unsafe systems? water. . delivery of water to distribution system, which is X Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC) will corrosive due to inadequate attention to feeding of be used as primary coagulant to corrective chemicals? maintain pH above 7.2. . accidental leakage of chlorine gas? X Powder chlorine will be used. . . excessive abstraction of water affecting X Abstraction will be limited to the downstream water users? capacity of the WTP. . competing uses of water? X The proposed abstraction rate is minimal and that there will be sufficient water for downstream users. . increased sewage flow due to increased water X Improvement in water supply may supply result to increased water consumption and therefore increase the volume of sewage. Households will be required to have a pit latrine with soakaways if needed for connecting to the water supply system. . increased volume of sullage (wastewater from X There is potential increase in sullage cooking and washing) and sludge from wastewater with improvement in water supply. treatment plant Drainage improvement measures will be provided as part of the VEI activities. . large population influx during project construction X Not applicable and operation that causes increased burden on social infrastructure and services (such as water supply and sanitation systems)? . social conflicts if workers from other regions or X PIU and contractor will be required to countries are hired? hire qualified locals during construction and operation. . risks to community health and safety due to the X Not applicable transport, storage, and use and/or disposal of materials such as explosives, fuel and other chemicals during operation and construction? . community safety risks due to both accidental and X Not applicable natural hazards, especially where the structural elements or components of the project are accessible to members of the affected community or where their failure could result in injury to the community throughout project construction, operation and decommissioning?



SCREENING QUESTIONS SCORE REMARKS Is siting and/or routing of the project (or its 0 The river has not dried up even components) likely to be affected by climate during the dry months. The WTP conditions including extreme weather and reservoir are located in related events such as floods, droughts, elevated areas and will not be storms, landslides? affected by extreme floods. Location and 1 Design of intake needs to Design of project Would the project design (e.g. the clearance consider highest and lowest flows for bridges) need to consider any hydro- of the river and rainfall intensity. meteorological parameters (e.g., sea-level, River level assessments will be peak river flow, reliable water level, peak undertaken as part of the wind speed etc)? monitoring plan. Would weather, current and likely future 0 climate conditions (e.g. prevailing humidity level, temperature contrast between hot summer days and cold winter days, exposure to wind and humidity hydro- Materials and meteorological parameters likely affect the Maintenance selection of project inputs over the life of project outputs (e.g. construction material)? Would weather, current and likely future 0 climate conditions, and related extreme events likely affect the maintenance (scheduling and cost) of project output(s) ? Would weather/climate conditions, and 0 related extreme events likely affect the Performance of performance (e.g. annual power production) project outputs of project output(s) (e.g. hydro-power generation facilities) throughout their design life time?

Options for answers and corresponding score are provided below:

Response Score Not Likely 0 Likely 1 Very Likely 2

Responses when added that provide a score of 0 will be considered low risk project. If adding all responses will result to a score of 1-4 and that no score of 2 was given to any single response, the project will be assigned a medium risk category. A total score of 5 or more (which include providing a score of 1 in all responses) or a 2 in any single response will be categorized as high risk project.

Result of Initial Screening (Low, Medium, and High): Total score is 1 thus MEDIUM RISK

Other Comments: ______

Prepared by: ______


Lao People's Democratic Republic Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment Department No.1473/DONRE.LPB Louangprabang, date on 6 August 2020

Environmental Compliance Certificate

- Pursuant to the Environmental Protection Law, NO.29/NA, date on 18 December 2012. - Pursuant to the Decree on Environmental Impact Assessment, No.21/GO, date on 31 January 2019. - Pursuant to the Decree on Compensation and Resettlement Management in Development Projects, No.84/PM, date on 5 April 2016. - Pursuant to the Agreement on Organization and Implementation of Provincial of Natural Resources and Environment Department, No.3171/MONRE, date on 1 August 2017.

The Provincial of Natural Resources and Environment Department (PONRE) agreed to endorse the Initial Environmental Examination Report for Water Supply and Sanitation Construction Project in Namtuam cluster village, Nambak District, Luangprabang Province for the fiscal year of 2020-2022 of the Provincial of Public Work and Transport Department, (For duration of two years from 6 August (08) 2020 to 6 August (08) 2022). The project owner shall implement as following:

1. Shall responsible for the Environmental Management Plan and all information described in the Initial Environmental Examination Report as well as to implement all mitigation measures stated in the Environmental and Social Management Plan. 2. In any encountered problem related to environmental and social matters uncovered in this report, the project owner shall be additionally responsible for the establishment of Environmental and Social Management Plan including the mitigation measures to minimize the impacts and ensure the sufficient budget for the implementation. 3. Once the project was completed, the project owner shall recover and rehabilitate the affected areas by the construction to be in an appropriate condition. 4. Shall submit the Environmental and Social Monitoring Implementation Report for monthly, 3-6 months and yearly to the District of Natural Resources and Environment Office and the Provincial of Natural Resources and Environment Department in term of monitoring. The Provincial Environmental Division and the District of Natural Resources and Environment Office shall periodic monitor the construction activities upon the actual situation in order to report to the higher management. 5. This Certificate will be affective since the signature date.

Director of Provincial Department of Chief of Environmental and Natural Resources and Climate Change Division Environment Department

Chanthavong Phonnnachit Vilaphong KANYASONE APPENDIX C MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH DRINKING WATER QUALITY STANDARDS (2014) PERMISSIBLE MONITORING FREQUENCY PARAMETER UNIT EXCEPTIONS LIMITS WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY MICROBIAL Units / E. Coli 100 <0 - ✓ mL CHEMICAL There is no exception if Aluminium (Al) mg/l <0.2 ✓ aluminum-based coagulants are used There is no exception Arsenic (As) mg/l <0.01 if source is ✓ groundwater Chloride Cl- mg/l <250 ✓ There is no exception Chlorine Cl2 mg/l 0.1 – 2 if chlorine is used for ✓ (free residual) disinfection Thee is no exception if Copper (Cu) mg/l <2 copper pipe work is ✓ used There is no exception if source is surface Cyanide (Cn) mg/l <0.5 water and catchment ✓ includes gold mining / processing There is no exception if source is groundwater or Fluoride (F) mg/l <1.5 ✓ fluoride is added to water in the treatment process Iron (Fe) mg/l <0.3 ✓ Lead (Pb) mg/l <0.01 ✓ Manganese mg/l <0.1 ✓ (Mn) Mercury (Hg) mg/l <0.006 ✓ Nitrate (NO3- ) mg/l <50 ✓ Nitrite (NO2- ) mg/l <3 ✓ Sodium (Na) mg/l <200 ✓ Sulfate ion (SO 2-) mg/l <250 ✓ 4 Zinc (Zn) mg/l <3 ✓ PHYSICAL Colour TCU <5 ✓ Taste Acceptable ✓ pH 6.5-8.5 ✓ Conductivity uS/cm <1000 ✓ Turbidity NTU <5 ✓ Total hardness mg/l <300 ✓ as CaCO3 APPENDIX D PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT CERTIFICATION - WATER SUPPLY HIGHEST PRIORITY USE

Lao People’s Democratic Republic Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Nam Bak District No. 041/DG.NB Date 29 May 2020

Certificate Of Water Resources Use at Ban Pakmong (Namkhan2) as the Water Sources for Water Supply Production

- Pursuant to the Minister No.24076/PWT, Dated 24 December 2014 on establishment the Water Supply and Sanitation Project. - Pursuant to the 9th Five Years District Socio-Economic Development of Nam Bak District from 2020-2024; - Pursuant to the official letter from the Public Works and Transport, No. 0132/PWT- NB, dated 28 May 2020.

To provision the Water Supply System Construction Project of Nam Thouam Township completes on time as planned and ensure that no impact on water supply construction and operation.

The Nambak Governor is here to certify that the Namkhan 2 River at Pakmong Village, Nambak District as the raw water for water supply production to supply for people consumption, the Water Supply and Sanitation Project was allowed to be a user this raw water source (Intake location for WTP) for the Subproject Water Supply Sanitation Project – Nam Thouam Township and Pakmong Village Cluster. Nambak Authority agreed to list the Namkhan River as the first priority for the WSSP in order to secure sufficient natural waters for producing water supply to serve a society.

Therefore, this Certificate was issued as reference for implementation

Governor of NamBak District [Signed and Seale]



Lao People’s Democratic Republic Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity Department of Labour and Social Welfare Lao National UXO Programme (UXO LAO) Tel. 414896 & 415767; Fax (85621)415766 P.O.Box 345 Vientiane, Lao PDR.

No. 033/UXO Lao/LPB Date10 March 2020


- Pursuant to the Minister Agreement on the implementation and Activities No.10145/PWT, Dated 24 August 2018. - Pursuant to the Provincial Governor Decision, No.86/GN.LPB; Dated 28 February 2019. On the establishing the Steering Committee, responsible for implementation the water supply system construction project – Namthoum Township, Nam Bak District and Viengkham District. - Pursuant to the Official Letter of Provincial Department of Public Work and Transport, No.169/PWT, Dated 06 September 2019 - Pursuant to the Notice Letter by the Managing Director of Lao National UXO Programme on approval for emergency survey and clearance to support the focused zone development area of the Government, No. 06 November 2019. - Pursuant to the Official Letter from the Provincial Project Coordination Unit to the main office in Vientiane on the propose for UXO Clearance in the emergency area outside of the CHA No. 115, Dated 10 September 2019.

The UXO LAO Coordination Luang Prabang Office is here to certify that:

The Namthouam Thownship Water Supply and Sanitation Project area and boundary in Nambak District, Luang Prabang Province, the UXO survey and clearance Luang Prabang Team has conducted the UXO survey and clearance within the proposed project facilities location.

Therefore, this Certificate is endorsed for the project to be evidence and reference for the further implementation of the project.

LAO UXO Luangphabang Coordination Office [Signed and Seale]

Santi Khotisen APPENDIX G PROCEEDINGS OF PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS FOR NAMTHOUAM TOWNSHIP SUBPROJECT Summary on LACP and Environment Public Consultations during feasibility study stage. □ From 14-20 May 2019, 14 meetings took place with 994 participants (356 female and 638 male) FS project staff [3]. □ The meetings took place in the villages of (1) Ban Pakmong, (2) Ban Vangkham, (3) Ban Nakok, (4) Ban Phonxieng, (5) Ban Thabou; (6) Ban. Namkhanh; (7) Ban. Namthouamtai; 8. Phonmany; 9. Namthouamnuea; 10. Phonsavanh; 11. Ban Xeng; 12. Phonsavang; 13. Ban Xiengda; 14. Ban Houana; 15. Nam Kha village (not included; as it is in the expansion area) □ Major areas of topics: project description incl. distributed documents, entitlements, GRM, temporary disturbance and counter measures during construction works, others. DATE TYPE OF MEETING AND AGENCY PARTICIPANTS DISCUSSION / RESPONSES / OUTCOMES FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS WITH LOCATION RESPONSIBILITY 14 Village consultation meeting □ PIU □ Agencies Total: 122 participants Presentation: Village: Pakmong By sex: May □ Women □ Village □ General introduction into topic; 2019 Venue: Village meeting hall - 65 Female Union authority □ Specific description on LAC; Time: 09:10 - 11:40 am □ Youth □ Villagers - 57 Male □ Explanation on surveys method and techniques; Union □ PIA By Ethnic Group: □ Handing out Lao regulation; □ Lao Front Lao-Tai: 62 □ Subproject related briefing on severe affectedness and impacts, temporary / for - 31 Female permanent loss of assets, vulnerable groups, entitlement; loss or no loss of land; National - 31 Male Explanation of ADB policy and Lao policy on entitlement and eligibility; Const. Mon-Khmer: 60 □ Introducing of Grievance Redress Mechanism; Union - 34 Female □ □ Elaborating on surveys; - 26 Male □ Explanation of cut-off-date; IA/PIA [0F + 4M] □ Explaining compensation of loss of assets, compensation, and contribution. Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: General: □ Naiban: Welcoming the project and mentioning the village’s motivation for WSSP. Specific: Q1: Mr. Thongchanhngai, former village chief: Where will be the WTP and intake l? A1: Mr. Bounpone: Head of PIU: They will be at same location on gov. land downstream of streams Namkhan and Nammong just after their joining about 150 - 200m; as it can be sufficient water even during dry season. The reservoir will be close to the telecommunication tower in compound of the temple, as by this location can be distributed under gravity to all core villages incl. Xiengda. Q2: Mr. Pongmany, villager: When and how long will be the construction time? A2: Mr. Bounpon Haed of PIU; In 2019 is feasibility study, surveys and data collection. Then the technical team will prepare the detailed design. In other WSSP sub-project this can take 2 years – meaning 2021 start of operation. Q3: Mr. Bounthan, Deputy villager: During construction or installation of pipes; damages to structures and trees would be compensated by whom? A3: PIA: Mr. Bounponh Makdara Head Of PIU: The policy of the WSSP is that in case of impact/damage on structure (fence, floor) the construction company will replace in kind at same or better quality. There are temporary disturbances expected during construction phase; but no permanent loss or impact on private assets.


DATE TYPE OF MEETING AND AGENCY PARTICIPANTS DISCUSSION / RESPONSES / OUTCOMES FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS WITH LOCATION RESPONSIBILITY 14 Village consultation meeting same same Total: 58 participants Presentation: May Village: Vangkham By sex: □ Same as above 2019 Venue: Village meeting hall - 14 Female Time: 17:40 – 19:30 pm - 44 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 30 □ Naiban: Welcoming project team and I will spread out the information of this - 8 Female meeting to all households of the village - 21 Male □ Villagers: For the installation of pipes there will be no problem from our side, as Mon-Khmer: 29 we have problems with the spring water supply in Namthouam and in the dry - 6 Female season. - 23 Male Specific:

Q1: Mr. Chiengpong Sengthavong, Deputy village Chief: Free connection but after IA/PIA [0F + 4M] using water supply how to pay? Expensive or not? A1: PIA: Mr. Bounpon Head of PIU: Customers will pay same way. Price is expected to be 4000/m3 or 1000 litter /4000 Kip Q2: Ms. Dockhack / Lao Women Union/: A family who does not have a family book - if they need a free connection what can they do? A2: Mr. Bounpon Head of PIU: Now they have time to do family book and if the one don’t have; the Village Chief should give you Certify Letter; because the Project can give you only one for per house;

15 Village consultation meeting same same Total: 91 participants Presentation: May Village: Nakok By sex: □ Same as above 2019 Venue: Village meeting hall - 13 Female Time: 9:10 – 11: 30 am - 78 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 34 □ Naiban: Welcome to project team and describing purpose of the public - 5 Female consultation meeting to villagers - 29 Male □ Villagers: Agree with project - there is not enough spring water in the dry season. Mon-Khmer: 57 Specific: - 8 Female Q1: Mr. Kham Phou/ Deputy Villager. We can have two meters? - 49 Male A1: Mr. Bounpon/ Head PIU. No, you have only one meter for each house and one free connection. If you need two meters you have to separate the family book IA/PIA [0F + 4M] Q2: Mr. Khampeng/ Villager. Everyone has to pay for water? What is the price? A2: PIU: Mr. Bounpon. Yes, all connected households have to pay otherwise the supply with water to household will be cut. The price will be the same as applied in Luang Prabang city: for household 4,000 KIP/m3 Q3: Mr. Bounsengmany: Villager: If impacts because of the project who will compensate for that? A.3: The policy of the WSSP is that in case of impact/damage on structure (fence, floor) the construction company will replace in kind at same or better quality. There are temporary disturbances expected during construction phase.

28 DATE TYPE OF MEETING AND AGENCY PARTICIPANTS DISCUSSION / RESPONSES / OUTCOMES FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS WITH LOCATION RESPONSIBILITY 15 Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 61 participants Presentation: May Village: Phonxieng By sex: □ Same as above 2019 Venue: Village meeting hall - 32 Female Time: 14:10 – 15:40 pm - 29 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 22 □ Naiban: Welcome to project team and describing objective of the public - 16 Female consultation meeting to villagers. - 6 Male □ Villagers: Agree with the WSSP, because the village location is at a higher elevation Mon-Khmer: 39 so that the existing spring water supply cannot provide enough water, so that some - 16 Female house use not clean water directly taken from the river nearby - 23 Male Specific: Q1: Mr. Viengxay/ Villager. How long can be the pipes of the free water IA/PIA [0F + 4M] connection? And do we have to pay for the meter? A1: Mr. Bounpon/ Head PIU. You can have only one meter for each house. And one free connection with 15m from contribution pipe. Q2: Mr. Chieng Chanhdy/ Villager. If I have during construction damage to my concrete on my access to my house, who will compensate this to me? A2: PIA: Such damages will be measured and replaced to same or better quality as part of the installation work of pipes by the contractor.

16 Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 27 participants Presentation: May Village: Thabou By sex: □ Same as above 2019 Venue: Village meeting hall - 9 Female Time: 09:10 - 11:30 am - 18 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 27 □ Similar as above - 9 Female Specific: - 18 Male Q1: Mr. Bounson/ Deputy Village Chief. For water connection, I can have 15m connection free from the project. But I have 25m, what can I do? IA/PIA [0F + 4M] A1: PIU: Mr. Bounpon/ Haed PIU. You can have 15m and one meter for each house. And free connection if longer than 15m you must buy pipe for connection by yourself; Q2: Mr. Khamlar/ Deputy Village Chief / Almost people house’s close to main street if impact on assets like house; tree or other who are will compensation for this; A2: PIA: For the temporally impacted on people assets the company will be compensation by repair or replace as same material for the AP; and for permanent impact as the government will compensation for the AP.

29 DATE TYPE OF MEETING AND AGENCY PARTICIPANTS DISCUSSION / RESPONSES / OUTCOMES FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS WITH LOCATION RESPONSIBILITY 16 Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 53 participants Presentation: May at By sex: □ Same as above 2019 Ban Namkhanh village - 24 Female meeting hall - 29 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: Time: 13:50 – 16:30 pm By Ethnic Group: General: Mon-Khmer: 53 □ Similar as above. - 24 Female Specific: - 29 Male Q1: Mr. Air Sayyasit/ Village Chief: Where will be the WTP; PNP office and Intake? IA/PIA [0F + 4M] A1: PIU: Mr. Bounpon/ Head Of PIU: All the land for this infrastructure will be constructed on public or government land, and no private land, and in another village – not in your one. For the Intake; WTP and one of Elevate Reservoir in Pakmong village; Office in Phonsavang village Q2: Mr. Khamphao / Villager: if there is damage to concrete floors, trees, and other things who will be responsible and compensate us? A2: PIU: Mr. Bounpon. The construction company will compensated concrete floors to same or higher quality. We do not expect affected private trees.

17 Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 98 participants Presentation: May Village: Namthouamtai By sex: □ Same as above 2019 Venue: Village meeting hall - 35 Female Time: 09:10 - 11:30 am - 63 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 6 □ Similar as above - 2 Female Specific: - 4 Male Q1: Mrs. Sengvonh MAHAXAY/ Deputy of Village Chief: We would like to know actually Mon-Khmer: 90 for the land to setting up WTP; Intake and Service Reservoir; because all the - 33 Female land in our village area is either public land or private land. - 57 Male A1: PIU: Mr. Bounpon/ Head of PIU. For the ongoing study we survey for the best Hmong-Mien: 2 location of the main infrastructure. The result is that they will be constructed in - 0 Female your village. We will select public land only in agreement with the engineering team. This will require certificates between District Governor and PNP. - 2 Male In addition, there are the steps for any household to complain if/as necessary or intended - for this the grievance mechanism are published in village office IA/PIA [0F + 4M] meeting hall, if you have any impact and/or you would be not satisfied with compensation or other measures. DATE TYPE OF MEETING AND AGENCY PARTICIPANTS DISCUSSION / RESPONSES / OUTCOMES FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS WITH LOCATION RESPONSIBILITY 17 May Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 45 participants Presentation: 2019 Village: Phonmany By sex: □ Same as above Venue: Village meeting hall - 5 Female Time: 14:10 – 15:40 pm - 40 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 1 □ Similar as above. - 0 Female Specific: - 1 Male Q1: Mr. Fai ChiewChang/ Village Elder: Where will be the WTP; PNP office and Mon-Khmer: 4 Intake? - 0 Female A1: PIU: Mr. Bounpon/ Head of PIU: All infrastructure will be constructed on public land - 4 Male and not on private land, and in another village – not in your one. Hmong-Mien: 40 Q2: Mrs. Maiyang/ Village Chief: if there is damage to concrete floors, trees, and - 5 Female other things who will be responsible and compensate us? - 35 Male A2: PIU: Mr. Bounpon. The construction company will compensated concrete floors to same or higher quality. We do not expect affected private trees. IA/PIA [0F + 4M]

18 May Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 78 participants Presentation: Village: Phonsavanh By sex: 2019 □ Same as above Venue: Village meeting hall - 18 Female Time: 09:10 - 11:30 am - 60 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 5 □ Similar as above. - 1 Female Specific: - 4 Male Q1: Mr. Joy / Villager. For water connection, I can have 15m connection free from Mon-Khmer: 65 the project. But I have 25m, what can I do? - 17 Female A1: PIU: Mr. Bounpon/ Haed PIU. You can have 15m and one meter for each - 48 Male house. And free connection if longer than 15m you must buy pipe for Hmong-Mien: 8 connection by yourself; - 0 Female Q2: Mr. Syphon Soulisack/ Village Chief: Almost people house’s close to main street if impact on assets like house; tree or other who are will compensation - 8 Male for this; A2: PIA: For the temporally impacted on people assets the company will be IA/PIA [0F + 4M] compensation by repair or replace as same material for the AP; and for permanent impact as the government will compensation for the AP.

DATE TYPE OF MEETING AND AGENCY PARTICIPANTS DISCUSSION / RESPONSES / OUTCOMES FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS WITH LOCATION RESPONSIBILITY 18 May Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 57 participants Presentation: 2019 Village: Namthouamnuea By sex: □ Same as above Venue: Village meeting hall - 6 Female Time: 17:10 – 19:40 pm - 51 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 6 □ Similar as above. - 1 Female Specific: - 5 Male Same topics and questions & answers as in previous meetings Mon-Khmer: 37 - 5 Female - 32 Male Hmong-Mien: 14 - 0 Female

14 Male -

IA/PIA [0F + 4M]

19 May Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 67 participants Presentation: Village: Xeng By sex: 2019 □ Same as above Venue: Village meeting hall - 23 Female Time: 09:15 - 11:40 am - 44 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 4 □ Similar as above. - 1 Female Specific: - 3 Male Same topics and questions & answers as in previous meetings Mon-Khmer: 61 - 21 Female - 40 Male

Hmong-Mien: 2 - 1 Female - 1 Male

IA/PIA [0F + 4M]

DATE TYPE OF MEETING AND AGENCY PARTICIPANTS DISCUSSION / RESPONSES / OUTCOMES FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS WITH LOCATION RESPONSIBILITY 19 May Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 20 participants Presentation: 2019 Village: Phonsavang By sex: □ Same as above Venue: Village meeting hall - 6 Female Time: 13:40 – 16:40 pm - 14 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 1 □ Similar as above. - 1 Female Specific: 0 Male - Same topics and questions & answers as in previous meetings Mon-Khmer: 7 . - 2 Female - 5 Male Hmong-Mien: 12 - 3 Female - 9 Male

IA/PIA [0F + 4M]

20 May Village consultation meeting Same Same Total: 181 participants Presentation: Village: Xiengda By sex: 2019 □ Same as above Venue: Village meeting hall - 95 Female Time: 09: 15 - 11:30 am - 86 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 111 □ Similar as above. - 50 Female Specific: - 61 Male Same topics and questions & answers as in previous meetings Mon-Khmer: 69 - 44 Female - 25 Male Hmong-Mien: 1 - 1 Female - 0 Male

IA/PIA [0F + 4M] DATE TYPE OF MEETING AND AGENCY PARTICIPANTS DISCUSSION / RESPONSES / OUTCOMES FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS WITH LOCATION RESPONSIBILITY 20 May Village consultation meeting □ Same □ Same Total: 36 participants Presentation: 2019 Village: Houana By sex: □ Same as above Venue: Village meeting hall - 11 Female Time: 14:10 – 16:30 pm - 25 Male Comments - Question - Answer session during village meeting: By Ethnic Group: General: Lao-Tai: 11 □ Similar as above. - 3 Female Specific: - 8 Male Same topics and questions & answers as in previous meetings Mon-Khmer: 18 - 6 Female - 12 Male Hmong-Mien: 7 - 2 Female - 5 Male

IA/PIA [0F + 4M]

TOTAL PARTICIPANTS 994 (F: 356 / M: 638) F/M LAO -TAI F/M 319 (F: 128 / M: 191) MON-KHMER F/M 589 (F: 216 / M: 373) HMONG-MIE 86 (F: 12 / M: 74) N


PROJECT NUMBER AND TITLE: This section can include, among others, the following:  Activities of Proponent REPORTING PERIOD:  Progress of Work (% physical completion)  Changes of Surrounding Environment  Status of Permits MONITORING PERIOD COVERED KEY SUB-PROJECT ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTED SINCE LAST REPORT: REPORT PREPARED BY:



ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE I. PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE Impact on land acquisition and Implement the land acquisition and External LACP community assets compensation plan that was approved by monitoring the ADB for the subproject. report Loss of community assets due to land acquisition and Design access roads to minimum damage to properties. necessary width and installation of pipelines within the Right-of-Way when feasible. Impact of location of raw water The abstraction rate for the water supply River level intake on other water users subproject will be limited to the 9,500 assessments m3/day capacity of the WTP. There is at the intake Downstream river uses such minimal conflict with other water users of on a monthly as irrigation, bathing, Namkhan 2 River because there is still basis washing, and fishing will be enough water in the river that will meet the affected if excessive water other river uses at the downstream. abstraction will occur. Impact to Natural resources Cutting of trees will be undertaken as per N/A and protected areas approved design and only upon approval. Avoid cutting of trees as much as possible Impact on natural resources and minimize damage to native and protected areas from vegetation. Trees that need to be cut in cutting/clearing of trees and private land will be compensated in cash other vegetation. in accordance with the approved Land Acquisition and Compensation Plan Impact on Historical and The Contractor will ensure that the Accidental Archaeological Sites workforce are briefed that in the event of finds accidental finds relics they should Damage to relics and artifacts immediately cease any works in the area during the conduct of the and promptly report the find to their works. supervisor. II. CONSTRUCTION PHASE Temporary disruption of Walking access will be maintained to Periodic existing community roads, affected properties and access routes will monitoring and pathways, and accesses be temporarily lined with timber or similar reporting by material. Particular attention will be given Supervision Pipe laying will cause to ensuring safety along roads and paths Consultant temporary disruption of used by pedestrians. and PIA. community services and access to properties. Report any complaint ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE Particularly at pipe road Side street parking of construction received from crossings, construction vehicles on prolonged basis will not be the community activities along narrow roads allowed. to PIU and may lead to temporary document in blockage or closure of roads Install barriers and safety warning signs safeguard and hamper movement of on road sections and if necessary deploy monitoring vehicles and people in the traffic aides/ flag persons at affected reports. community. locations. Information boards at blocked roads will provide information about the Community access to areas in temporary closure of roads, schedule of the vicinity of the WTP, pump works and the traffic-rerouting plan. station, reservoir, and intake will be affected. Require the contractor to immediately rehabilitate the excavated areas and any Community access to areas in damaged road and path sections. the vicinity of schools, temples, village offices, Enclose the WTP; pump station, market places and meeting reservoir, and intake perimeters so that halls will be affected during pathway use and stream access remains construction of public latrines. unimpeded.

Enclose the latrine construction site to prevent access and limit disruption for the use of the schools and public buildings.

Air pollution Require the contractor to cover materials Periodic with tarpaulin or other suitable materials monitoring and Dust and air emissions from while in transit to avoid spillage of reporting by earthworks and movement of materials. Supervision vehicles can pose nuisance to Consultant nearby communities Moisten earthen roads during dry and and PIA. dusty conditions, particularly roads near residences and through the town core Report any area. complaint received from Impose speed limits on construction the community vehicles. to PIU and document in Conduct regular maintenance on safeguard construction equipment and vehicles to monitoring control air emissions during vehicle reports. operation. Noise Limit construction activities, particularly Include EMP operation of noise generating equipment in bid Operation of construction at night. documents equipment such as and contract. jackhammer will cause Position any stationary equipment that excessive noise resulting in produce high noise levels such as diesel Report any nuisance to communities. generators as far as practical from complaint sensitive receptors. received from the community Erect temporary barriers around to PIU. construction sites especially near schools, hospitals, and houses.

Install noise suppression devices to noise generating equipment.

Require drivers to minimize blowing of horn and to comply with speed limits.

Provide information to community on schedule of construction activities through billboard/signs. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE Impact of borrow materials The contractor will be prohibited from Periodic quarrying materials directly from monitoring and Quarrying of aggregates on Namkhan 2 River. reporting by Namkhan 2 River will cause Supervision siltation and affect the Construction materials will be procured Consultant ecological condition of the from Government-permitted sources / and PIA. river. suppliers only. Report any complaint received from the community to PIU and document in safeguard monitoring reports. Impact on ecological The contractors will prohibit activities Periodic resources such as cutting wood for cooking, hunting, monitoring and or wildlife trade. reporting by Construction workers may Supervision undertake hunting of wildlife Consultant and cutting of wood upstream and PIA. of the intake. Report any complaint received from the community to PIU and document in safeguard monitoring reports. Clearing of vegetation Cutting of trees will be undertaken as per Periodic approved design and only upon approval monitoring and Poor planning and execution of relevant authorities. Avoid cutting of reporting by of tree clearing/vegetation trees as much as possible and minimize Supervision removal at project facilities damage to native vegetation. Trees that Consultant and along pipeline alignments need to be cut in private land will be and PIA. can result in loss of vegetation compensated in cash accordance with the and general landscape approved Land Acquisition and Report any Compensation Plan. complaint received from Roads and paths to the intake, WTP, and the community reservoir will only be sufficiently wide to to PIU and accommodate construction document in vehicles/equipment to minimize land take. safeguard monitoring Manual labor will be utilized in sloping reports. terrain where use of heavy equipment would cause unnecessary damage. Steep exposed slopes will be graded and covered with bush and grass to minimize erosion.

Implement landscaping and planting of trees/vegetation at sites of the proposed facilities. Water pollution - Sediment Construct silt traps, deviation channels, Periodic runoff mounting barriers or trenches around the monitoring and stockpiles of materials. reporting by Sediment runoff undertaken Supervision during excavation, earthworks Consultant and grading in the rainy and PIA. season will cause siltation of rivers Report any complaint ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE received from the community to PIU and document in safeguard monitoring reports. Water Pollution - Worker’s Provide adequate water supply and Periodic camp temporary toilet facilities at the worker’s monitoring and camp. reporting by Domestic wastewater from Supervision worker’s camp would result to Consultant the discharge of sewage into and PIA. drainage canals. Report any Unsanitary conditions at the complaint worker’s camp will occur received from without the provision of the community necessary sanitation to PIU and arrangements. document in safeguard monitoring reports. Water pollution - Generation Follow the recommended dosage of Periodic of residual chlorine during chlorine during the disinfection of pipes monitoring and pipeline and reservoir and reservoir. Discharge of water with reporting by disinfection high chlorine concentration to soil at the Supervision end of pipelines to be controlled to Consultant Prior to commissioning, minimize soil erosion. and PIA. disinfection will be undertaken on the pipeline and reservoir. Use chlorine test kit and use 10x15x Report any dilution with distilled water or use high complaint Discharge of residual chlorine range chlorine test kit with high range received from above the allowable limits is tablets to detect chlorine residual before the community toxic to fish and other aquatic flushing. to PIU and life. document in safeguard monitoring reports. Generation of construction During pipe laying, excavated material will Periodic waste - Generation of be utilized to backfill the trench. The monitoring and excavated soil contractor will be required to properly reporting by reinstate the excavated trench after Supervision Generation of excavated completion of pipe laying. Consultant materials during pipe laying and PIA. and foundation works for WTP Surplus excavated material/cut soil from tanks and reservoirs. construction of the WTP and reservoir will Report any be used as backfill material for low-lying complaint areas that have been identified by the received from village authority. the community to PIU and document in safeguard monitoring reports. Generation of construction Provide appropriate segregation bins or Periodic wastes – Solid, Inert and areas for construction wastes. monitoring and Hazardous Wastes reporting by Secure and control storage of all Supervision Solid wastes, inert hazardous materials including fuels. Consultant construction wastes, and and PIA. hazardous wastes during Reuse recyclable construction wastes construction will result to such as wood, steel, and scaffoldings or Report any pollution of land and receiving sell to junk shops. complaint water bodies. received from the community

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE Solid waste to be collected and disposed to PIU and in approved disposal site of the District. document in safeguard monitoring reports. Community health and safety Install barricades/barriers and sturdy Periodic plate covers in open excavations during monitoring and Community may be exposed non-working time. reporting by to dangers of open excavation Supervision Install warning signs in the area. Consultant and PIA.

Report any complaint received from the community to PIU and document in safeguard monitoring reports. Occupational health and Require the contractor to implement the Contract safety construction health and safety plan in documents to accordance with the World Bank EHS include the Construction activities may Guidelines EMP with pose hazards to workers ( as a health and because of the use of heavy minimum standard. The contractor will safety equipment, lifting of heavy appoint an environment, health and safety provisions loads, and exposure to open officer to ensure implementation of the monitoring excavations and chemicals. plan. The plan will at minimum include: through the Construction Potential conflict with local  Provision of first-aid facilities readily Supervisor’s people will occur if migrant accessible by workers. reports. workers will be brought to the  Provision of personal protective site. equipment (PPEs) such as hard hats, Report any gloves, rubber boots, etc., complaint  Wearing of PPEs while working received from onsite will be a mandatory the community requirement for workers. to PIU.  Posting of safety signs/reminders in strategic areas within the construction area.  Installation of sufficient lighting at night.  Employ only trained personnel in handling chlorine during the line disinfection process.  Ensure that vehicle and equipment operators are properly licensed and trained.  Provide staff with communicable disease and HIV-related awareness training.

The contractor will be required to provide priority hiring of qualified construction workers from the villages and to consult with the local to avoid conflict if migrant workers will be brought to the site. COVID-19 risk management Develop and implement a COVID-19 risk Contract management plan. Such plan shall be documents to Reduce risk of workers and developed in compliance with most include the nearby communities being relevant GOL regulations and policies, or EMP with infected or spreading COVID- in the absence thereof, in accordance health and 19 safety provisions

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE with international good practice as issued monitoring by the World Health Organization. through the Construction Disseminate information on COVID-19 Supervisor’s risk management plan and provide reports. training to workers on necessary risk mitigation and management Report any measures/procedures. complaint received from the community to PIU.

III. OPERATION PHASE Generation of incremental As project policy, water connection will be Monitor the wastewater and increased provided only if the household has an number of burden on drainage systems approved sanitation facility to cope with households the increased wastewater generated. with latrines This policy and the public awareness and with water Increased water supply to raising initiatives was presented to the connections, public buildings and villages under the Village Environmental population households will generate Improvements (VEI) component. served, and additional quantities of billed water wastewater. The public institution shall sign a service volume. and management agreement before construction and have sufficient funds to maintain the facility. Monitor that the service and management agreements are followed and facilities are properly maintained. Deterioration of water quality Monitor community activities in the Monitor the catchment area to check activities at the following Potential deterioration in upstream that may cause contamination parameters: quality of raw water supply of raw water quality. and of treated water Daily at the Provide laboratory test equipment and inlet to the training to allow the PNP to conduct treatment regular monitoring of raw and treated plant: turbidity, Potential risk on public health water quality parameters. pH in deterioration of treated water quality due to use of Follow O&M standard operating Daily after the poor quality treatment procedures in accordance with the water reservoir: pH, chemicals treatment plant manuals. turbidity, residual Use of potable grade chemicals, chlorine, especially PAC, and request a Supplier temperature product specification data sheet signed off by a reputable external laboratory. Weekly at several locations in the network: residual chlorine, pH, turbidity

Annually after Clearwater tank: chloride (Cl), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), mercury ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE (Hg), sodium (Na), sulfate ion, zinc (Zn), conductivity, total hardness as CaCO3 High Pressure and Leaks on This risk will be minimized by: (i) the use Daily visual the Pipeline of durable standard pipes for the main monitoring of and secondary (rider mains) lines, (ii) use pipelines. The proposed distribution of pressure reducing valves for the rider network will have sections mains, (iii) careful construction located at low elevations supervision by the Project Implementation which may experience high Assistance Consultants PIA to ensure water pressure which may that pipe laying and jointing is done to the potentially result in leakages highest standard by the contractor, and in the line and ultimately water (v) regular inspection of the network and loss prompt isolation and repair when leaks occur. Disposal of backwash water Filter backwash water and periodic Check and sediments from WTP discharges from the sedimentation tanks condition of will be collected to a detention pond to detention Backwash water and sludge separate the concentrated waste sludge ponds; report from the sedimentation tanks or sediments. Land application of wastes frequency/sch will be generated from the with high dissolved solids concentrations edule of cleaning of filters and tanks. from the detention pond is preferred over backwashing Backwash water and sludge discharge to a landfill. contain high total suspended solids. Occupational health and Provide secure, dry and well ventilated Training safety storage facilities for chlorine and other undertaken for hazardous chemicals. staff on Potential hazards to WTP chemicals workers due to accidental Use chlorine compounds in powder form handling and release of chlorine (chlorine gas will not be utilized in any if monitoring and the sub-projects), which is safer than gas. reporting of incidents Training of staff and allocation of responsibility to ensure that materials are properly handled. COVID-19 risk management Siting of Camps and Field Offices Contract  Not in area liable to flooding, documents to Working Camp Siting and landslide or other natural disaster include the Management  Not in area affected by construction EMP with dust, noise, sewage or other health and pollution safety  Not in a residential area provisions monitoring Minimum housing standards through the  separate bed for each worker Construction  beds should not be arranged in tiers Supervisor’s of more than two; reports.  separate accommodation of the sexes or to accommodate couples Report any  adequate natural light during the complaint daytime and adequate artificial light received from  adequate ventilation to ensure the community sufficient movement of air to PIU.  adequate supply of safe potable water  adequate sanitary facilities  adequate drainage  adequate furniture for each worker to secure his or her belongings, such as a locker. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE  common dining facilities, canteens or mess facilities, located away from the sleeping areas  appropriately situated and furnished laundry facilities  reasonable access to plug sockets for charging telephones and other devices  rest and recreation facilities and health facilities, where not available in the community

Minimum accommodation sizes  Sleeping space □ inside dimensions over 198 centimetres by 80 centimetres;  Sleeping room □ headroom of over 203 centimeters allowing full free movement □ Beds minimum 2m apart for COVID-19 risk management

Sanitation Facilities  One toilet, one tap / basin, one toilet for every 6 people  Convenient location to accommodation  Provision of soap  Separate facilities for men and women  Ventilation to open air  Fresh cold running water  Clean and hygienic  Septic tank/sewage treatment facility, or pit latrines located at least 200m from surface waters, and in areas of suitable soil profiles and above the groundwater levels

Health and Safety within worker accommodation  Separate area for sick workers to prevent transmission of disease  Smoke detector in sleeping area  Fire safety throughout accommodation such as fire extinguishers, fire alarms, fire blankets  Worker training in fire prevention and procedures  Fire exit sign, adequate means of escape and clearly maintained exit  Security lighting within camp and for sanitation block and lighting for route from sleeping area to sanitation block  Electrical cables to be in safe condition, elevated and not in areas liable to flood

Inspection  2 weekly inspections to inspect for cleanliness, state of repair of building, accommodation and fire equipment. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE Record inspection results and retain for review COVID-19 risk management Form a joint team to plan and organize Contract commencement and/or return to work documents to Construction site working  Develop or convene a joint include the conditions occupational safety and health EMP with committee with members health and representing the employer and safety workers provisions  Train team members on the basic monitoring principles for the formulation and through the implementation of occupational Construction safety and health preventive and Supervisor’s control measures. reports.  Develop and communicate a work plan on safe working for COVID-19 Report any  Such plan should be fully aligned complaint with any government regulations received from and guidelines on COVID-19 the community prevention and control, or in the to PIU. absence thereof, with international good practice guidelines as may be updated from time to time

Risk assessment to decide when to work, who works and how  Undertake a risk assessment to determine the preventive and control measures  Ensure preventative measures are in place before resuming or beginning construction work

Adopt engineering, organizational and administrative measures  Avoid physical interaction and maintain physical distancing requirements as prescribed by national policy, or in the absence thereof, international good practice  Ventilate enclosed workplaces including work camps and communal spaces  Avoid concentration of workers - limit the capacity of common areas such as work camp dining facilities and changing facilities to allow the minimum separation of 2 meters and organize one-way systems. This includes sleeping areas which must be a minimum of 2 meters between  beds  Put in place training and information on COVID-19 and measures required for its management.  The construction site is to be segregated to the extent possible in zones or other methods to keep different crews physically separated at all time  Stagger break and lunch schedules to minimize the number of people in close proximity to one another

Regularly clean and disinfect ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE  Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection, in particular heavily trafficked areas and common areas, including work camps  All door handles, railings, ladders, switches, controls, eating surfaces, shared tools and equipment, taps, toilets, and personal areas are wiped down at least twice a day with a disinfectant  Discourage the sharing of items such as cups, glasses, plates, tools

Promote personal hygiene  Provide workers with the conditions and means necessary for frequent hand washing (soap, water or alcohol gel) with a posted hand washing protocol at site entries, exits, bathrooms, communal areas, offices, and any other areas with commonly touched surfaces  Inform workers of the need to avoid physical contact when greeting, and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth  Inform workers of the need to cover the mouth and nose with a disposable handkerchief when coughing or sneezing or the crook of their arm  Dispose of tissues in a lined and covered waste bin and wash hands afterwards

Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and inform workers of its correct use  Identify appropriate PPE related to the tasks and health and safety risks faced by workers according to the results of risk assessment and the level of risk, and provide it to workers free of charge and in sufficient number, along with instructions, procedures, training and supervision  Non-medical face-coverings (such as homemade cloth masks) should be worn as mitigation for catching and transmitting the virus, but are not to be treated as substitutes for proper handwashing

Health surveillance and insurance  Before entering the site, staff and visitors must confirm that they are not currently exhibiting flu-like symptoms  Monitor the health status of workers, develop protocols for cases of suspected and confirmed COVID- 19. The protocol will state that:  workers with symptoms or confirmed cases must be isolated within the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE construction camp or stay at home for 7 days after symptoms started □ If symptoms persist after 7 days, the person must isolate until the symptoms stop □ People who have been in close contact with the person with confirmed COVID-19 be quarantined for 14 days  All workers in quarantine or isolation must be provided with adequate food, water, medical assistance and sanitation  Identify workers who have had close contact with people infected with COVID-19 and follow national medical guidance  Communicate confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection to the appropriate authorities  All workers should be provided with health insurance that includes COVID-19 treatment

Consider other hazards, including psychosocial  Promote a safe and healthy working environment free from violence and harassment.  Encourage health promotion and wellbeing in the workplace through enough rest, balance of physical and mental activity and adequate work life balance  Implement prevention and control measures for the use and storage of chemicals, particularly those used for disinfection during COVID-19

Review emergency preparedness plans  Develop an emergency plan adapted to COVID-19 and regularly review it

Review and update preventive and control measures as the situation evolves

 Periodically monitor prevention and control measures to determine whether they have been adequate to avoid or minimize risk, and identify and implement corrective actions for continuous improvement  Establish and maintain records related to work-related injuries, illnesses and incidents, worker exposures, monitoring of the work environment and workers’ health

Generation of Sludge from The sludge that will be generated from the Quarterly Detention Ponds detention ponds will be dredged and check on the disposed as backfill material in low-lying volume of areas to be identified by the village sludge in the Increased volume of sludge in leaders. No land application of the detention detention ponds. ponds. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES MONITORING COMPLIANCE generated sludge without the required approval by the village authorities. Community health and safety Facilities (Intake, WTP and Laboratory, Daily log of Office and Reservoir) properly fenced and security Potential hazards to residents secured and watchmen/security personnel in affected communities. personnel to be employed on a 24 hour basis.

Summary of EMP Compliance Status: ______


 PNP operational report  Complaints resolution  EMP implementation  Water quality  River level  Backwashing activities  Training/capacity building C. ISSUES FOR FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED RESPONSIBILITY ISSUE RESOLUTION ACTION AND TIMING OLD ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS REPORTS List of EMP measures or activities not completed (last column of previous table)



 Important results from the implementation of EMP monitoring  Recommendations to improve EMP management, implementation, and monitoring


 Permits  Monitoring data (water quality, etc.)  Photographs  Maps APPENDIX I SEMI-ANNUAL INTEGRATED SAFEGUARDS MONITORING REPORT TEMPLATE Safeguards Monitoring Report

# Semiannual Report xxx {month} 20xx

Lao PDR: xxx {Project name}, xxx {sub-project name, if report covers only one sub-project}

Prepared by the Project Management Unit of {complete name of Implementing Agency} for the {complete name of the borrower} and the Asian Development Bank.

NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

This safeguards monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

1. Executive Summary {Read and delete: Provide short summary of the following items:

Summary of EMP/RP Implementation Description of monitoring activities carried out (e.g. field visits, environment effect monitoring, survey questionnaire, public consultation meetings, focus group discussions, etc) Key issues, any corrective actions already taken, and any grievances Key activities planned in the next reporting period Recommendations

Use the paragraph numbering format provided below throughout the report}

1. xxx

2. xxx

2. Project Overview, General safeguard matters 2.1 Project Overview {Read and delete: Briefly describe project objectives, scope and components – can be taken from PAM or other relevant document}

3. xxx

4. xxx

2.2 Project Progress {Read and delete: Using most recent project progress report, describe status of project implementation, including full list of contracts, status of contract awarding and implementation, name of contractor, Engineer, Project Supervision Consultant.}

5. xxx

6. xxx

Table 1: Project Overview, Snapshot of Project Progress Project Number and

Title: Environment

Safeguards Category Indigenous Peoples Involuntary

Resettlement Reporting period:

Last report date: {Read and delete: This section should include, among others, the Key sub-project following:} activities since last Contract awarding report: Progress of Work (% physical completion) Status of Safeguard Approvals / Permits / Consents Report prepared by:

2.3 Safeguard Plans Implementation Arrangements

{Read and delete: Describe institutional arrangements and responsibilities for EMP and RP implementation, internal and external monitoring, and reporting, defining roles of PMU, Engineer, Implementation Consultant, Contractors. (Table format as needed)}

7. xxx

8. xxx

2.4 Updated EMPs and RPs, Incorporation of Safeguards Requirements into Project Contractual Arrangements {Read and delete: Define manner by which EMP and RP requirements are incorporated into bidding documents, contracts. Indicate when updated EMPs and RPs were submitted for approval to ADB (Table format appropriate).}

9. xxx

10. xxx

3. Environmental Performance Monitoring 3.1 Status of EMP Implementation (Mitigation Measures) {Read and delete: Summarize main mitigation/protection measures implemented in the reporting period (narrative section). Structure in accordance to phases (detailed design, construction preparation, construction, and operation).}

11. xxx

12. xxx

{Read and delete: Include EMP table or updated EMP table if applicable. Assess compliance of environmental management activities with the original or updated EMP. For that purpose, include additional columns entitled “Compliance Status”, "Comment or Reasons for Non- Compliance", and "Issues for Further Action". Example is provided below.}

Table 2: Compliance with EMP Requirements (Environmental Performance) Comment or Compliance Status Issues for Further EMP Requirements Reasons for Non- (Yes, No, Partial) Action Compliance Use environmental Use EMP list as basis impact as main for rating/evaluating heading and EMP as compliance (see listing (see example example below) below) Field inspections and Rise of employment interviews with opportunities: communities - DONE Job openings of the Note each complaint project should give case in the field – 3 priority to local COMPLAINTS communities. RECEIVED Recruitment of local Set up grievance laborers should be centre and report as stipulated in the part of monitoring contract for action plan – NOT construction DONE Table 3: Issues for Further Action Responsibility and Issue Required Action Resolution Timing Old Issues from Previous Reports List of EMP measures or activities not completed (last column of previous table)

New Issues from This Report

3.2 Health and Safety {Read and delete: Provide narrative of occupational and community health and safety issues that occurred during the reporting period. Any accident involving injury or death of workers or community members must be reported. Include investigation report of DOLISA as attachment to the report. Provide details in the Table below}.

13. xxx

14. xxx

Table 4: Health and Safety Issues Responsibility and Issue Required Action Resolution Timing Old Issues from Previous Reports

New Issues from This Report 3.3 Environment Effect Monitoring 15. Monitoring plan. xxx {Read and delete: Present the environment effect monitoring plan as defined in the EMP or the updated monitoring plan. Refer to Table 4. Describe monitoring responsibilities}

16. Monitoring activities in the reporting period. Xxx {Read and delete: Describe the environment effect monitoring activities in the reporting period, including number of monitoring campaigns, number of samples, etc. Confirm compliance with the monitoring plan, or justify any deviation from the plan}

Table 4: Environment Effect Monitoring Results in the Reporting Period {Read and delete: Present monitoring result in a Table (see example below, adjust as needed). Any non-compliance should be highlighted for attention and follow-up.} Date Relevant government Location Parameter Monitoring value standard, standard value

17. Assessment. Xxx {Read and delete: Compare monitoring results with baseline conditions (if baseline data is available) and relevant government standards in qualitative terms. Additional explanatory comments should be provided as necessary. Possible reasons for non-compliance should be identified.}

4. Involuntary Resettlement Performance Monitoring {Read and delete: Provide narrative of status of implementation of the RP(s), including but not limited to: status of RP or Resettlement Framework updating; number of households relocated during the reporting period; outstanding resettlement activities; etc}.

18. xxx

19. xxx

Table 6: Summary of Compliance with RP Requirements Comment or Reasons Compliance status for Compliance, Issues for Further RP Requirements Yes/No/Partial Partial Action11 Compliance/Non- Compliance Establishment of personnel in PMU/PIU Provide information on: Public consultation, participation activities Public consultation carried out and socialization Inclusive dates of process these activities

To be elaborated on in Item 5 Land area to be acquired is identified and finalized Resettlement plan(s) updated after detailed design Land acquisition completed Please state: Number of AHs to be relocated as per agreed RP Number of AHs Establishment of already relocated

Resettlement Site(s) Number of houses built Status of installation of community facilities to be provided as per agreed RP Please state: Total Number of Eligible AHs and APs (as per agreed RP) Compensation Number of AHs and payments for affected APs compensated as assets is completed of this monitoring period Total Budget allocation as per agreed RP

11 To be elaborated further in table 3.b (Issues for Further Action)

Total budget disbursed to AHs as of this monitoring period Transport assistance for relocating affected As above households Please state: Total Number of vulnerable AHs and APs (as per agreed Additional assistance RP) to vulnerable affected Agreed forms of household assistance as per RP Number of AHs and APs assisted as of this monitoring period Please state progress per income restoration Income Restoration feature/activity and Program actual period of implementation Please state: Total Number of AHs affected by temporary impacts as per agreed RP Temporary impacts Actual Number of AHs have been addressed and total area affected (affected properties by temporary impacts restored to at least (if this differs from the pre-project conditions) projected number, such as in cases of unforeseen project impacts) Status of restoring affected property Capacity building activities

Table 7: Issues for Further Action Responsibility and Issue Required Action Resolution Timing Old Issues from Previous Reports List of RP activities not completed (last column of previous table)

New Issues from This Report 5. Compliance with safeguards related project covenants {Read and delete: List all environment and resettlement related loan covenants, and assess project’s compliance with the covenants (Table format is appropriate, with concluding statement on compliance, partial compliance or non-compliance, and corrective actions as needed)

Remarks/Issues Schedule Para No. Covenant (Status of Compliance) Schedule 5 xxx Complied with / Partially complied with / Not complied with. {Identify reason for partial or non-compliance}

6. Public consultation, Information Disclosure, Capability Building {Read and delete: Describe public consultation activities during the reporting period. Confirm compliance with consultation plan defined in the IEE/EMP and the RP(s), or justify deviation from these plans. Present planned consultation activities in next reporting period. Use Tables as appropriate.}

Field Visits (sites visited, dates, persons met) Public Consultations and meetings (Date; time; location; agenda; number of participants disaggregated by sex and ethnic group, not including project staff; Issues raised by participants and how these were addressed by the project team) Training (Nature of training, number of participants disaggregated by gender and ethnicity, date, location, etc.) Press/Media Releases Material development/production (e.g., brochure, leaflet, posters) Information disclosure 7. Grievance Redress Mechanism {Read and delete: Describe mechanisms established to address and redress public complaints and grievances related to social and environment safeguards. Summarize grievances received, if any, and measures implemented to redress them.}

Number of new grievances, if any, since last monitoring period: ____ Number of grievances resolved: _____ Number of outstanding grievances: _____

Details Required Action, (Date, person, Type of Grievance Responsibility and Resolution address, contact Timing details, etc.) Old Issues from Previous Reports

New Issues from This Report

8. Conclusion {Read and delete: Highlight important results from the implementation of EMP and RP monitoring; recommendations to improve EMP and RP management, implementation, and monitoring; key activities planned in next reporting period}.

20. xxx

21. xxx

9. Attachments

Consents / permits Monitoring data (water quality, air quality, etc.) Inspection checklists Photographs Others