

Single-particle cryo- microscopy A brief overview of how to solve a macromolecular structure using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM).

For decades X-ray crystallography reigned as the is iteratively refined and validated using dedicated dominant technique for obtaining high-resolution software tools. Finally, the protein sequence is fitted Sample information about macromolecular structure. into the 3D map to build a 3D model of the protein. Single-particle cryo-EM was traditionally used In the past, millions of individual particle images to provide insights into the morphology of large were required to solve a high-resolution structure. protein complexes that resisted crystallization, Now, however, the development of highly sensitive, albeit at substantially lower resolutions than Grid direct-detection cameras is making it possible for crystallography. Though the overall strategy has structures to be solved from far fewer particle images, not changed appreciably over the years, very recent Freeze helping to save both and precious samples while technological advances in sample preparation, also ­providing higher resolution. computation and especially instrumentation are now allowing researchers to use cryo-EM to solve Electron The dawn of direct detectors near-atomic-resolution macromolecular structures. microscope In the early days of cryo-EM, the 2D particle images were recorded on photographic film. Film provided

The first step: sample preparation Collect data relatively high resolution but in practice was tedious A cryo-EM experiment begins with a purified pro- to use. Many researchers in the thus switched to tein sample. The protein solution is applied to a spe- charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras for the conve- 2D cial sample grid consisting of tiny holes in a film projections nience of a digital readout, but the resolution achiev- (conventionally made of amorphous carbon) sup- able with such cameras was relatively poor. ported by a metal frame. Ideally the protein parti- Pick particles The recent development and commercialization of cles distribute evenly within the grid holes in a vari- direct-detection cameras have been major advances

ety of orientations. The grid is then plunged into a Particle for cryo-EM. Whereas CCD cameras convert elec- alignment and cryogen such as ethane, flash-freezing it and averaging trons into in order to record images, direct trapping the particles in a thin film of vitreous ice. detectors do just what their name suggests: they In addition to capturing the protein structure at detect the directly. This allows particle the moment of freezing, this process protects the images to be collected with much greater sensitivity sample to some degree from damage and than with a CCD camera. 3D map prevents evaporation of buffer in the high-vacuum Direct detectors are also fast, which allows images conditions of a transmission electron microscope. to be recorded in ‘movie’ mode. Exploiting this ability,

Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. America, Inc. © 201 6 Researchers have explored various ways to researchers have devised methods to correct for the improve sample preparation, including optimizing image blurring that occurs as a result of tiny electron protocols for purifying fragile protein complexes, beam–induced movements of samples during imag- 3D model automating the preparation of sample grids and ing. This new mode of data collection has been key npg improving the grids themselves. Such seemingly Kim Caesar/Nature Publishing Group for obtaining near-atomic-resolution information. incremental optimizations can together have a large The overall single- impact on the success of a cryo-EM experiment. particle cryo-EM Heterogeneity: a blessing and a curse workflow, from protein Whereas crystallization typically locks a protein sample to 3D model. From 2D images to 3D model into its most stable orientation, proteins in cryo-EM The moniker ‘single-particle’ cryo-EM comes from samples are free to move around until the moment of the fact that 2D electron micrographs are snapped of individual flash-freezing. Because cryo-EM is a single-particle technique, protein particles on the sample grid. Because very low elec- such conformational transitions can be captured and studied, tron doses must be used in order to avoid damaging radiation- and ultimately lead to deeper biological insights about protein sensitive samples, such 2D projections are too noisy to allow function and mechanism. structures to be resolved in atomic detail. The signals can be However, such conformational heterogeneity can also improved, however, by averaging of a large number of individual make high-resolution 3D reconstruction a major challenge. particles. Computational algorithms have come a long way in enabling Particles are often frozen in random orientations on the sam- heterogeneous data sets to be classified into structurally homo- ple grid, so averaging is not a straightforward process. This is geneous subsets, but there is still much room for improvement. beneficial, however, because many different 2D views of a pro- Allison Doerr tein are needed to reconstruct its 3D structure. Sophisticated image-processing methods are used to align the images and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS merge the data. Next, an initial 3D map is constructed. This map We thank R. Glaeser for his help in preparing this Primer.