The National Gallery Review of the Year 2008-9
the national gallery review of the year 2008 – 2 0 0 9 national gallery staff publications april 2008–march 2009 Rachel Billinge, Research Associate, Angels by Quinten Massys’, National Raphael Research Resource: http://cima. Conservation Gallery Technical Bulletin, 29, The ‘The use of Gilded Tin in Giotto’s National Gallery Company, London 2008, Pentecost’, National Gallery Technical pp. 60–75 Caroline Marcus, Access Officer Bulletin, 29, National Gallery Company, ‘Cultural Immersion or Cultural Offer? An London 2008, pp. 76–80 (with D. Gordon) Susan Foister, Director of Collections investigation into the National Gallery’s Entries in Renaissance Faces: Van Eyck to and Regional Partners’ Cultural Xavier Bray, Assistant Curator, 17th- and Titian, exhibition catalogue, The National Placement Scheme as an educational 18th-Century Paintings Gallery, London 2008 resource for student teachers’, MA ‘El parangón español: El arte de pintar la Entries in El retrato del Renacimiento, dissertation, Institute of Education, escultura en el siglo de oro’, Los pintores exhibition catalogue, Museo del Prado, University of London, 2008 (published on de lo real, Museo del Prado, Madrid 2008, Madrid 2008 the DCSF website Learning Outside the pp. 181–95 Classroom: Exhibition review: ‘The Colour of Life’, The Dillian Gordon, Curator of Italian Painting Burlington Magazine, CL, September before 1460 Antonio Mazzotta, Pidem Curatorial 2008, pp. 645–6 ‘Duccio’s adjustment to “The Temptation Assistant ‘La famille de l’Infant Don Luis: Goya of Christ on the mountain” from his Entries in Andrea Mantegna. 1431–1506, Portraitiste’, Dossier de l’Art, 151, 2008, “Maestà”’, The Burlington Magazine, exhibition catalogue, ed.
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