

A w ard of M edals 1956

The to Professor P atrick M aynard Stuart B lackett in recognition of his distinguished studies of cosmic ray showers and heavy mesons, and in the field of palaeomagnetism.

The to Dr F rank P hilip B o w d e n in recognition of his distinguished work on the of .

A to Dr D oro thy M ary C ro w fo o t H o d g k in in recognition of her distinguished work in the elucidation of the structures of penicillin, vitamin B12 and other important compounds, by the methods of X-ray .

A ROYAL Medal to Professor O w en T hom as J ones in recognition of his distinguished studies in the palaeozoic rocks, his work on sediments, his palaeontological researches, and the application of geological knowledge to practical problems. .

The to Professor R obert D o w n s H a w o r th in recognition of his distinguished contributions to the of natural products, par­ ticularly those containing heterocyclic systems.

The to Dr J ulian Sorell H uxley in recognition of his distinguished contributions to the study and theory of evolution.

The to Viscount C herw ell in recognition of his distinguished studies in many fields: the melting-point formula and theory of specific heats; ionization of ; meteors and temperature inversion in the stratosphere.

The group portrait facing this page shows the Medallists gathered in the Society’s library. Reading from left to right: standing, Professor Haworth, Dr Huxley, Dr Bowden; seated, Professor Blackett, Dr Hodgkin, Professor Jones. The late Viscount Cherwell was unfortunately not able to be present.

B ibliography The next bibliography of recent books and articles dealing with the history of the Royal Society or its Fellows will appear in volume 13 part 1 of Notes and Records. 243


Adrian, Lord. Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, Jones, Sir Harold Spencer. Halley as an O.M., F.R.S., 211 astronomer, 175 Anniversary dinner, 1955, 1 Anniversary dinner, 1956, 150 Kneale, W. Boole and the algebra of logic, 53 Armytage, W. H. G. Charles Watson- Wentworth, 2nd marquess of Rocking­ ham, F.R.S.; some aspects of his scientific McKie, Douglas. Priestley’s laboratory and interests, 64 library and other of his effects, 114 Armytage, W. H. G. Science and education: McKie, Douglas. Bernard le Bovier de a note, 226 Fontenelle, F.R.S., 193 Atkinson, A. D. The Royal Society and Maddison, R. E. W., and Maddison, F. R. English vocabulary, 40 and the Birmingham riots, 98 Bluhm, R. K. Guide to the archives of the Medallists 1956, 241 Royal Society and to other manuscripts in its possession, 21 Obituary 1955-56, 139 Boole, George. (Sir Geoffrey Taylor), 44 Obituary 1956-57, 237 Boole and the algebra of logic. (W. Kneale), 53 Bullard, Sir Edward, and Ronan, C. A. Priestley, Joseph, F.R.S. Priestley and the Exhibition to commemorate Edmond Birmingham riots (R. E. W. and F. R. Halley, F.R.S., 166 Maddison), 98 Priestley’s laboratory and library and other Chapman, S. Edmond Halley, F.R.S., 168 of his effects (Douglas McKie), 114 Conversaziones 1955, 9 Conversaziones 1956 and 1957, 154 Queen honours the Society’s I.G.Y. Antarctic Expedition, 163 de Beer, Sir Gavin, and Turton, R. M. John Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, F.R.S., Turton, F.R.S., 77 149 Eccles, J. C. Some aspects of Sherrington’s contribution to , 216 Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, Election of Fellows 195$ and 1956, 140, 143 2nd marquess of, F.R.S.: some aspects of Election of Fellows 1957, 238 his scientific interests, 64 Election of Fellow's under Statute 12, 1957, Ronan, C. A., see Bullard, Sir Edward, and 240 Ronan, C. A. Election of Foreign Members 1955 an<3 1956, Royal Society Antarctic Expedition, 137 142, 145 Royal Society I.G.Y. Antarctic Expedition, Election of Foreign Members 1957, 240 Queen honours the, 163 Royal Society delegation’s visit to Russia, Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de, F.R.S. 1956 (H. G. Thornton), 230 (Douglas McKie), 193 Royal Society and English vocabulary (A. D. Atkinson), 40 Royal Society, Bibliography of recent books Halley, Edmond, F.R.S. (S. Chapman), 168 and articles dealing with the history of the, Halley as an astronomer (Sir H. Spencer 146 Jones), 175 Royal Society, Guide to the archives of the Halley, Exhibition to commemorate (Sir E. (R. K. Bluhm), 21 Bullard and C. A. Ronan), 166

International Geophysical Year inauguration, Science and education (W. H. G. Armytage), 160 226 2 4 4 Sherrington, Sir Charles, F.R.S. (Lord Thomson, George, and Thomson, Joan. Adrian), 211 J. J. Thomson as we remember him, 201 Sherrington’s contributions to neurophysio- Thornton, H. G. Note on the visit to Russia logy, Some aspects of(J. C. Ecclcs), 216 of the Royal Society delegation in 1956, 230 Taylor, Sir Geoffrey. George Boole, F.R.S., Turton, John, F.R.S. (Sir Gavin de Beer and 44 R. M. Turton), 77

C Index to Volumes i to 12


London The Royal Society NOTE BY THE EDITOR

In 1937 the Council decided to issue Occasional Notes to keep the Fellows more fully informed of the activities of the Society. A year later its place was taken by Notes and Records in order to provide in addition a periodical for the publication of articles dealing with the history and past activities of the Royal Society and its Fellows which could not be printed in the Philosophical Transactions or Proceedings. One or two numbers of Notes and Records have been published each year since 1938 with the exception of the war years 1942 to 1945. The completion of the twelfth volume seemed an opportune moment for publishing an Index of the contents of Notes and Records so as to facilitate reference to them, and to draw attention to the valuable contributions to the for which the Royal Society is indebted to the authors. Dr. John Hutchinson, F.R.S., very kindly undertook a preliminary survey and following on this the present Index has been compiled by Mr. R. K. Blulim. He has also been respon­ sible for the sub-editing of the last two numbers of Notes and Records and the Editor wishes to acknowledge his skilful help and interest in the history of the Society. The Editor would be grateful for contributions to future numbers of and Records particularly those based on new documentary material. There must be many collections of letters and manuscripts of interest to the Society which are either unknown or hitherto neglected, several of which have been brought to light in articles in Notes and Records. Contributions should deal with the history of the Royal Society and its Fellows and should not exceed 5,000 words in length. Relevant illustrations would add greatlyto their interest. H.H.

Price 2s. 6d. Published by The Royal Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, , W .i



This is an index to the titles of articles and Amsterdam. International geographical con­ not an index of their contents (save for the gress at—, Jul. 1938 (Sir C. Arden-Close). exceptions mentioned below). I, 62-4 Entries are made under the name of the Andrade, E. N. da C. The presidential author and under any other proper names; portraits, port. [Sir H. Dale], 4, 41-2 title entries are made for anonymous articles The Rontgcn celebrations, Nov. 1945. 4, only. Subject headings have been used to 43-4 divide up the entries under ‘Royal Society’, Anniversaries [of other societies, etc.]. 4, but have not been used elsewhere. Illustrations 65-8; 7, 126-7 and particularly portraits are noted. Apothecaries, Society of. The R.S. and The exceptions mentioned above arc, first, the—, 1660-1722 (W. H. G. Armytage). that any speeches (as, for example, those II, 22-37 delivered at the Society’s Anniversary dinners) Arden-Close, Sir C. F. International geo­ if printed in full, are entered under the graphical congress at Amsterdam, Jul. speaker; and secondly, that any letters printed 1938. I, 62-4 in full, from manuscript, and apparently for Armitage, A. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) the first , are entered under their writers. and the early R.S. port. 8, 1-19 R.K.B. Armytage, W. H. G. The R.S. and the Apothecaries, 1660-1722. 11, 22-37 Sir Godfrey Copley, F.R.S. (1653-1709); some tercentenary glimpses through Aberdeen University and the R.S.(W. P. D. letters to his friends. port. 11, 54-74 Wightman). Ulus., ports. [C. MacLaurin G. W. Fcatherstonhaugh, F.R.S. (1780- & Sir W. Fordyce.] n , 145-58 1866), Anglo-American scientist. 11, Academia Sinica. 5, 58-60 228-35 Academie Suisse des sciences. 5, 62 Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd mar­ Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. 4, 212-13 quess of Rockingham, F.R.S. (1730- Adamson, R. S. Some geographical aspects 1782); some aspects of his scientific of the Cape flora; abstract of presidential interests, i lit is., port. 12, 64-76 address to the R.S. of South Africa, read Science and education: a note. 12, 226-9 18 Jun. 1947. 5, 152-3 Asprey, G. F., and others. Facilities for Adrian, E. D., baron Adrian. Extract from a research in the University College of the report 011 the . . . tenth anniversary West Indies. illus.9, 365-77 celebrations of the Consejo superior de Aston, F. [Biographical note] (Sir H. investigaciones cientificas [Madrid]. 8, Lyons), port. 3, 88-92 120-1 Atkinson, A. D. Dr Johnson and the R.S. Broadcast on 6 Mar. 1952 on Sir Charles 10, 131-8 Sherrington (1857-1952). 10, 6-7 The R.S. and English vocabulary. 12, 40-3 Sir Charles Scott Sherrington, P.R.S. Attlee, C. R., earl Attlee. Speech at Anni­ (1857-1952). 12, 211-15 versary dinner 1945. 4, 19-22 Speeches at Anniversary dinners. 1948 6, Aubert, Theodore. Alexander Aubert, 92-6—1949 7, 144-8—1950 8, 134-9— F.R.S. (1730-1805), astronomc [in 1951 9, 159-63—1952 10, 67-70—1953 French] port. 9, 79-95. [Includes letters 11, 10-13—1954 II, 125-8 from Aubert to De Luc 18 Nov. 1783 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and to ? 2 Dec. 1783] The Rumford medallists of the—. 8, Aydelotte, F. Science and politics. 3, 107-9 9°-4 American Philosophical Society. Gift from the—. 3, 105-9 Babbage, C. —and the ophthalmoscope Darwin’s letter to Lyell [correspondence (Sir H. Lyons). 3, 146-8 between Prof. A. V. Hill and the Banks, Sir J. Presentation to the R. Asiatic president of the Amer. Phil. Soc.]. 8, Society of Bengal of letters from—. 4, 122-4 51-7 Spring Grove, the country house of—, by The diary of—, by Sir G. de Beer. [Portion R. E. W. and R. E. Maddison. Ulus. from 17 Aug. to 15 Sep. 1792 printed and II, 91-9 annotated]. 8, 65-89 The Banks family, by J. D. G. Davies. 3, Some letters of—, by Sir G. de Beer. 8, 85-7 253-60 Portrait of—. 2, 83 Letters: to Sir J. Banks 9 Aug. 1788, Letters: to ? 28 Oct. 1810 4, 49-50—to 14 Sep. 1788, 5 Sep. 1792 8, 254-60—to W. Price 31 Mar. 1796, 2 Apr. 1796, the same 5 Oct. 1786 11, 239-40 4 Aug. 1796 9, 251-6—to A. L. de Bluhm, R. K. A guide to the archives of the Jussieu 10 Aug. 1796 9, 257-8—to R.S., and to other manuscripts in its Charretie 4 Feb. 1797, 18 Mar. 1797 possession. 12, 21-39 9, 258-60—to Wm Pitt 17 Mar. 1797 Bonnet, C. Letter to John Turton 2 Jul. 1783. 9, 259—to Sir W. Hamilton 8 Nov. 12, 88 1799 and to Lady H. same date 9, 263-6 Boole, G. George Boole F.R.S. (1815-1864) —to Nion 8 Jan. 1800 9, 267-8—to (Sir G. Taylor), port: 12, 44-52 L. G. Otto 9 Jun. 1800 9, 270-3—to Boole and the algebra of logic (W. Kneale). D. de Dolomieu 16 Jul. 1801 9, 274-5— 12, 53-63 to A. Fourcroy 4 May 1803 9, 280-1—to Boyle, hon. R. Studies in the life of— B. F. de St Fond 20 Jul. 1803 9, 282—to (R. E. W. Maddison)—R.B. and some J. B. Delambre 30 Jan. 1804 [2 letters] of his foreign visitors. port 9, 1-35 9, 283-5—to R. Ferguson 30 Jan. 1804 —Salt water freshened. 9, 196-216—The 9, 285—to the Institut Nat. 22 Aug. 1804 charitable disposal of R.B.’s residuary 9, 287—to M. Rivaud 24 May 1806 9, estate. 10, 15-27—R.B. and some of his 288—to B. de Lacepede 24 May 1806 foreign visitors. II, 38-53—R.B.’s opera­ 9, 288-9—to P. B. Milius 24 May 1806 tor; A. G. Hanckwitz F.R.S. illus., port. 9, 289—to Lord Radnor n.d. [1806] 9, 11, 159-88 292- 3—to R. J. Hauy n.d. [1809] 9, Bragg, SirW. H. Speeches at Anniversary 293- 4—to ? n.d. [2 letters] 9, 273, 294 dinners. 1937 1, 16-20—1938 2, 14-19 Memorandum on the difficulties of ex­ port, (facing) 4, 1 changing prisoners of war. 9, 291 Bridges, Sir E. Speech at Anniversary dinner Bateson, W. —and Mendel’s principles of 1950. 8, 146-8 heredity (R. C. Punnett). 9, 336-47 British National committee for cooperation with UNESCO in scientific affairs. 5, 1 Beatty, F. M. The scientific work of the 3rd earl Stanhope, illus. 11, 202-21 Bullard, SirE. C., Ronan, C. A. Halley tercentenary exhibition. 12, 166-7 Beer, E. S. de. see de Beer, E. Butler, S. R. A. Speech at Anniversary dinner Beer, Sir G. R. de. see de Beer, Sir G. R. 1954. 11, 120-5 Belfast; the Queen’s University. [Greet­ ings from] the R.S. of London to the—. 7, 127 Cameron, G. R. Edward Jenner F.R.S. . Report on a visit to— and the (1749-1823). port. 7, 43-53 Netherlands, 11-17 Oct. 1945 (G. I. The life and of Giambattista Morgagni Finch). 4, 91-7 F.R.S. (1682-1771). illus., port. 9, 217-43 Bell, Sir C. Bell’s law (F. J. Cole). 11, Cameron, H. C. The last of the alchemists 222-7 [James Price F.R.S.]. 9, 109-14 Bennett, G. T. Pepys annual commemora­ Canterbury, archbp of. see Lang, C. G. Casey, R. G. tion service 1938. I, 65-7 Speech at the presentation to the R. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal of some Bermuda oceanographical committee (S. W. letters from Sir J. Banks. 4, 52-4 Kemp). illus. 1, 104-12 Casaubon, M. port. 7, 248. see also Some Berry, W . Letters: to Lavoisier 10 Sep. 1792; early critics of the R.S. (Syfret; 8, 20-64). to F. X. Swediaur 10 Sep. 1792. 7, 24-6 Caullery, M. J. C. G. Les stations francaises Berzelius, J. J. The— centenary celebra­ de biologic marine. 9, 95-115 tions (Sir H. Hartley). 6, 161-5 Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. The— Black, J. Letters to Lavoisier 24 Oct. and archives (D. J. Price). 10, 139-47 28 Dec. 1790. 7, 9-13 Central Register. The R.S. and the—. 2, Blagden, Sir C. Preliminary note 011 the 176-8 Blagden manuscripts, by H. W. Robin­ Chadwick, Sir J. Award of the Franklin son. 5, 137-9 medal to—. 9, 353-5 iii Chapman, S. Edmond Halley F.R.S. (1656- Dale, SirH. H. New Year [1941] message to 1742). port. 12, 168-74 French scientists. 3, 158 Chelsea College. Ulus, (facing) 5, 112 port, (facing) 4, 41 Chemical Society. The centenary of the—. Darwin, SirC. G. Letter to the Secretaries of 4, 207-10 the R.S. concerning the ‘reading’ of The— centenary celebrations. 5, 32-3 papers at meetings. 2, 25-7 Centenary celebrations of the— and the Address given . . . at the XI International Congress of pure and memorial service held on 23 Apr. 1948 applied chemistry. 5, 72-3 in the aula of the University of Goettin­ Greetings to the— from the R.S. 5, 140-1 gen. 6, 69-70 Cheng Tien-lisi. Speech at Anniversary dinner 1946. 5, 20-3 Darwin, C. R. Darwin’s letters to Lyell Christ’s Hospital and the R.S. (Sir A. [correspondence between Prof. A. V. Seward). 3, 141-5 Hill and the Amcr. Phil. Soc.]. 8, 122-4 Clift, W . and— (Sir H. Davidson, SirW. port. 9, 37 Hartley), port. [Owen], 10, 60-2 Davies, J. D. G. The arms of the R.S. illus. Cole, F. J. Bell’s law. Ulus. 11, 222-7 37-9 Collins, J. Letter to Janies Gregory 9 Jul. The Banks family. 3, 85-7 1670. 3, 33 Officers of the R.S. in the House of Comenius, J. A. The visit of— to London Commons. 4, 36-7 in 1641-42 and its bearing on the origins The homes of the Society, illus. 4, 179-92 of the R.S. (R. F. Young). 3, 159-60 Ronald Winckworth (1884-1950). port. 8, see also The origins of the R.S. (Syfret; 5, 293-6 75-137, with port.) J. D. Griffith Davies (1899-1953), Assistant Compton, K. Speech at Anniversary dinner Secretary of the R.S. 1937-1946 (A. V. 1945. 4, 31-4 Hill), port. 11, 129-33 Consejo superior de investigaciones cien- Davy, SirH. Letters: to W. H. Wollaston tificas, A'ladrid. Extract from a report25 Jun. 1820—to W Jacob 4 Jul. 1820— on the visit . . . for the tenth anniversary to C. Burney 4 Jul. 1820. II, 267-9 celebrations of the— (Lord Adrian). 8, de Beer, E. S. The earliest Fellows of the 120-1 R.S. 7, 172-92 Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Rome. Greetings from the R.S. of London to de Beer, Sir G. R. Rodolph Valltravers the—. 5, 142 F.R.S. 4, 216-26; addendum, 8, 116-9 Cope, T. D. and Robinson, H. W. Charles Johann Gaspar Scheuchzer F.R.S. (1702- Mason, Jeremiah Dixon and the R.S. 1729). 6, 56-66 illus.9, 55-78 The malady of Edward Gibbon F.R.S. 7, Copenhagen. International Congress of an­ 71-80 thropological and ethnological sciences Some letters of Thomas Hobbes, port. 7, at—, August 1938 (H. J. Fleure). 1, 65 195-206 H. B. de Saussure’s election into the R.S. Copley, SirG. Sir Godfrey Copley F.R.S. 7, 264-7 (1653-1709); some tercentenary glimpses The diary of Sir . 8, 65-89 through letters to his friends. (W. H. G. Some letters of Sir Charles Blagden. 8, Armytage). Ulus., port. 11, 54-74 253-60 Courtois, —. Letter to 15 Voltaire, F.R.S. port. 8, 247-52 Dec. 1794. 4, 47 John Strange F.R.S. (1732-1799). 9, 96-108 Crawford and Balcarres, earl of. see Lindsay, The relations between Fellows of the R.S. D.R.A. and French men of science when France Cripps, SirR. S. Speech at Anniversary and Britain were at war. 9, 244-99 dinner 1946. 5, 5-9 Andreas and Joseph Planta FF.R.S. port. [J. Crosse, R. see Some early critics of the R.S. Planta]. 10, 8-14 (Syfret; 8, 20-64) Sir Hans Sloane F.R.S. (1660-1753). Cumberland, G. Letter to Sir J. Banks 24 10, 81-4 Aug. 1786. 1, 236-7 John Morgan’s visit to Voltaire, port. [Mor­ Cuvier, baron G. Letter to J. Forbes 19 floreal gan], 10, 148-58 an XII. 9, 286 de Beer, Sir G. R ., and Hey, M. H. The Czechoslovakia. Report on a visit to—. 2-9 first ascent of Mont Blanc, illus. 11, Oct. 1945 (Sir A. Egerton). 4, 85-91 236-55 de Beer, Sir G. R., and Turton, R.Fatio M. de Duillier, N. De la cause de la John Turton F.R.S. (1735-1806). port. 12, pesanteur; memoire .. . presente a la R.S. 77-97 le 26 fevrier 1690. Reconstitue et publie see also McKie, D., and de Beer, Sir G. R. avec une introduction par Bernard Dedication of the Parsons memorial window Gagnebin. Ulus., port. 6, 105-60 [Oct. 1950]. Ulus.8, 283-90 Featherstonhaugh, G. W. —, Anglo- Defence Services research facilities com­ American scientist (W. H. G. Armytage). mittee. 6, 81 11, 228-35 Denmark. Report by Prof. A. V. Hill on his Fermor, SirL. L. Bicentenary of the birth visit . . . Jun.-Jul. 1945. 4, 82-5 of Sir William Jones F.R.S., founder of Descartes, R. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) the R. Asiatic Society of Bengal. 4, 58-62 and the early R.S. (A. Armitage). port. Finch, G. I. Report on a visit to Belgium and 8, 1-19 the Netherlands, 11-17 Oct. 1945. 4, 91-7 D ixon, J. Charles Mason, Jeremiah Dixon, Fisher, J. ‘Rockall’ and ‘Seal’ flights 1947. 6, and the R.S. (T. D. Cope and H. W. 12-17 Robinson). Ulus. 9, 55-78 Fleming, Sir J. A. Sir Ambrose Fleming Dobell, C. The Kincardine papers. 4, 174-8 (jubilee of the valve) (J. T. MacGrcgor- Dohrn, A. port, (facing) 8, 282 Morris). port. 11, 134-44 Dohrn, R. Stazione zoologica Napoli. Fleure, H. J. International congress of an­ 8, 277-82 thropological and ethnological sciences Dolomieu, D. de. port. 9, 262 at Copenhagen, Aug. 1938. 1, 65 Don. A. C., dean of Westminster. Speech at Folkes, M. A note on the correspondence of Anniversary dinner 1949. 7, 154-7 — (R. E. W. Maddison). 11, 100-9 Donnan, F. G. The scientific relief fund and Fontenelle, B. le B. de. Fontenelle, F.R.S. its committee. 7, 158-71 (D. McKie). port. 12, 193-200 Speech to a delegation of French scientists, Forbes, J. Letter to L. M. N. Carnot. 11 Apr. 28 Jan. 1940. 3, 12-13 1804. 9, 285 Douglas, L. W. Speech at the Anniversary Fordyce, Sir W . port.(between) 11, 152-3 dinner 1949. 7, 148-54 Fox, H. M. National committee for biology Dree, Mmede. Letter to Sir J. Banks. 2 Jan. [report of the chairman]. 4, 140-3 1800. 9, 266-7 France. Report on a visit to Paris, 15-18 Oct. Duhamel du Monceau, H. L. Letter to John 1945 (Sir I. Heilbron). 4, 97-9 Ellis 22 May 1757. 9, 249-50 Franklin, B. ’s purse (J. M. Duillier, N. F. de. see Fatio de Duillier, N. Sweet). 9, 308-9 Dwight, C. H. Count Rumford. port. 11, Letters: to Mine Lavoisier, 23 Oct. 1788. 7, 189-201 8-9 —to Sir H. Sloane, 2 Jun. 1725. 9, 309 of the state of Pennsyl­ Eccles, J. C. The R.S. of New Zealand. 5, vania. Dedication of the — in honour of 151-2 Benjamin Franklin (Sir A. Seward). 1, Some aspects of Sherrington’s contribu­ 55-60 tion to neurophysiology. 12, 216-25 Award of the Franklin medal to Sir J. Editorials. 2, 1 3, 1 4, 121 Chadwick. 9, 353-5 Egerton, Sir A. C. G. Report on a visit to Franks, Sir O.S. Speech at Anniversary Czechoslovakia, 2-9 Oct. 1945. 4, 85-91 dinner 1946. 5, 23-6 Elizabeth II, queen. Message to H.M. the French scientists. Visit of— [Jan. 1940]. 3, King on the occasion of the marriage of 11-21 H.R.H. the Princess Elizabeth F.R.S. New Year [1941] message to— (Sir H. 5, 65-6 Dale). 3, 158 Her Majesty the Queen honours the Frere, J. A pioneer in palaeolithic discovery Society’s I.G.Y. Antarctic expedition. 12, [John Frere F.R.S.] (J. R. Moir). port. 163-5 2, 28-31 Elizabeth the Queen Mother, queen, F.R.S. Freud, S. [Note by Sir A. Seward]. 1,55 port, (facing) 12, 149 Empire scientific conference. 4, 162-7 Eveleyn’s (John) plan for a library. 7, 193-4 Gagnebin, B. De la cause de la pesanteur; memoire de Nicolas Fatio de Duillier . . . reconstitue . . . par Bernard Gagnebin. Fairchild lecture. 4, 38. —trust. 3, 80-4 Ulus., port. 6, 105-60 Gardiner, A. J. H. The R.S. of South Harrison, R. W. F. Robert William Africa. 5, 5^~3 Frederick Harrison (1858-1945) (P. D. Gardiner, J. S. Biological expeditions. 2, Rogers), port. 4, 113-20. 149-59 Hartlib, S. —’s influence on the early history Gascoyne-Cecil, R. A. J., marquess of the R.S. (G. H. Turnbull). 10, 101-30 Salisbury. Speech at the Anniversary see also The origins of the R.S. (Syfret; 5, dinner 1953. 11, 6-10 75- 137) George Augustus Frederick, prince of Wales Hartley, SirH. The Berzelius centenary [George IV]. Letter to John Turton, 11 celebrations. 6, 161-5 Apr. 1799. 12, 91-2 Richard Owen and William Clift, port. George VI, king.Death of—; message of[Owen] 10, 60-2 condolence from the R.S. 9, 153-4 The Ramsay centenary, port. 10, 71-80 Gibbon, E. The malady of Edward Gibbon Hatfield, W. H. The association of the R.S. F.R.S. (Sir G. de Beer). 7, 71-80 with the iron and steel industry. 3, 64-79 Gibbs, F. W . Cromwell Mortimer F.R.S. Heilbron, Sir I. Report on a visit to Paris, . . . 7, 259-63 15-18 Oct. 1945. 4, 97-9 John Gillies M.l)., traveller and botanist. Herschel, Sir J. F. W . [A memorandum on 9, H 5-3b the election to the presidency of the R.S. Gilbert, L. F. W. H. Wollaston MSS at in 1820, in L. F. Gilbert’s paper of that Cambridge, port. 9, 310-32 title]. 11, 256-79 The election to the presidency of the R.S. Hey, M. H. see dc Beer, Sir R., and Hey, in 1820. 11, 256-79 M. H. Gillan, H. Letters to Mme Lavoisier, 4 May Hill, A. V. Age of election to the R.S. [First 1792. 7, 22-3 paper] 2, 71-3 [second paper] 11, 14-16 Gillies, J. John Gillies M.D., traveller and Report . . . on a visit to Denmark and botanist (F. W. Gibbs). 9, 115-36 Norway, Jun.-Jul. 1945. 4, 82-5 Glanvill, J. port. 8, 21 Address of welcome to members of the Gordon, M. H. Letter to the editor. 1, 69 executive committee of ICSU meeting Graunt, John, see following entry. in the rooms of the R.S. on 4 Dec. 1945. Greenwood, M. The first life table [Graunt, 4, 101-2 Halley]. 1, 70-2 J. D Griffith Davies (1899-1953) Assistant Gregory, J. Early Scottish relations with the Secretary of the R.S. 1937-1946. port. 11, R.S.—1. James Gregory F.R.S. (1638- 129-33 1675) (H. W. Turnbull), port. 3, 22-38 Speech at Anniversary dinner 1946. 5, 14-20 Letter to Oldenburg, 25 Apr. 1675. 3, 36-7 Hinshelwood, Sir C. N. Speeches at Anni­ Grove, Sir W . R. see 1, 28-31 versary dinners. 1950 8, 139-43—1955 Guillemard, J. L. [Biographical note by Sir 12, 5-8—1956 12, 150-3 H. Lyons], port. 3, 95-6 port, [with H.M. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother] (facing) 12, 149 Haak, T. see The origins of the R.S. (Syfret;Hobbes, T. Some letters of— (Sir G. de 5> 75-137- port.) Beer), port. 7, 195-206. The letters are: Hales, S. D.D. F.R.S. (1677- to Sir G. Clifton 5/15 Mar. 1629/30, 1761) (J. Thorpe), port. 3, 53-63 19/24 Apr. 1630, 10 May 1630, 2 Nov. Hall, A. R. and horology. 1630—to Robert Leekc 10 Jul. 1630, Ulus. 8, 167-77 4 Aug. 1630 Halley, E. Edmond Halley F.R.S. (1656- Notes on an unpublished work of— (J. 1742) (S. Chapman), port. 12, 168-74 Jacquot). 9, 188-95 —as an astronomer (Sir H. Spencer Jones). Holland, see Netherlands 12, 175-92 Hooke, R. —as surveyor and architect —tercentenary exhibition (Sir E. Bullard (H. W. Robinson). 6, 48-55 and C. A. Ronan). 12, 166-7 —and horology (A. R. Hall). Ulus. 8, 167- see also 1, 70-2 77 Hanckwitz, A. G. Studies. . . Robert Boyle sec also 1, 92-4 (R. E. W. Maddison), pt V. Ambrose Hopkins, Sir F. G. An interesting but for­ Godfrey Hanckwitz F.R.S. port. 11, gotten publication of — (R. A. Mc- 159-88 Cance). 9, 348-52 [Remarks on bread, Hardy, G. H. Letter to the editor. 3, 96 Daily Mail, 28 Feb. 1911] Harriot, T. —’s reputation for impiety (J. Horrocks, J. —and his Opera (H. C. Jacquot). Ulus. 9, 164-87 Plummer). 3, 39-52 Humbert, P. Pour le tricentenaire de l’ex- Kemp, S. W . The Bermuda oceanographi­ perience du Puy de Dome. port. cal committee. Ulus. 1, 104-12 [Pascal]. 6. 18-27 Kerr, Sir J. G. Societas scicntiarum Fennica. Huygens, C. Letters to N. Fatio dc Duillier 1, 60-2 21 Mar. 1690 and 29 Feb. 1692. 6, 154-60 The Scottish marine biological association. 7, 81-96 Indian science congress— Delhi meeting Kerr, R. Letter to Lavoisier 21 Jan. 1791. 7, 1-8 Jan. 1947. 5, 27-31 I3-I4 International congress of anthropological Keynes, J. M., baron Keynes. The Keynes and ethnological sciences at Copenhagen, collection of the works of Sir Isaac Aug. 1938 (H. J. Fleure). 1, 65 Newton at King’s College Cambridge —of pure and applied chemistry. Centen­ (A. N. L. Munby). ro, 40-50 ary celebrations of the Chemical Society Kincardine papers, the. (C. Dobell). 4, 174-8 and the XI—. 5, 72-3 Kingston, Jamaica. University college of the International Council of Scientific West Indies. Ulus. 9, 365-77 Unions. (F. J. M. Stratton). 4, 168-73 Kneale, W. Boole and the algebra of logic. Address of welcome to members of the 12, 53-63 executive committee of the—, meeting Kongelige Danske videnskabernes sell- in the rooms of the R.S. on 4 Dec. 1945 skab. The R. Danish academy of sciences (A. V. Hill). 4, 101-2 and letters. 5, 61, 153-4; 6, 76-7; 7, 272 International geographical congress at Koninklijk instituut van ingenieurs, The Amsterdam, Jul. 1938 (Sir C. Arden- Hague. Centenary of the R. Nether­ Close). I, 62-4 lands institution of engineers. 5 ,143 International Geophysical Year. Inaugura­ Koninklijk Nederlandsche akademie van tion of the— (D. C. Martin). 12, wetenschappen, the Hague. The R. 160-2 Netherlands academy of science and Her Majesty the Queen honours the literature. 4, 214-5 Society’s I.G.Y. Antarctic expedition. 12, 163-5 Lang, C. G., archbp of Canterbury. Speech at observatory, Herstmonccux. 5, Anniversary dinner 1938. 2, 22-4 74 Langevin, P. Speech. 3, 19-21 Langevin-Perrin celebration. 6, 166 Lavoisier, A. L. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Jacquot, J. Thomas Harriot’s reputation for F. R.S. (1743-1794) (D. McKie). Ulus., impiety. Ulus. 9, 164-87 port. 7, 1-41. see also, 7, 273-4 Notes of an unpublished work of Thomas Leeuwenhoek, A. van. —in Amsterdam Hobbes. 9, 188-95 (W. H. van Seters). illus. 9, 36-45 Sir Hans Sloane and French men of science. Letters to the editor. M. H. Gordon 1, 69; 10, 85-98 G. H. Hardy 3, 96 Jassy, poly technical high school. 5, 155 Libyan flowers (F. W. Oliver). 2, 160-72 Jefferson, T. Letter to J. Priestley 21 Mar. Linnean Society of New South Wales. 5, 1801. 10, 55-7 54-6 Jenner, E. Edward Jenner F.R.S. (1749-1823) Lloyd, Ll. S. Musical theory in the early (G. R. Cameron), port. 7, 43-53 Phil.Trans, illus. 3, 149-57 Jenner and Napoleon; letter from M. H. Longchambon, P. Organization of French Gordon. 1, 69. see also 9, 295, 297 scientific personnel. 3, 14-18 Johnson, S. Dr Johnson and the R.S. (A. D. Lyons, SirH. G. A fragment of history. 1, Atkinson). 10, 131-8 28-31 Jones, SirH. S. Halley as an astronomer. 12, Growth of the Fellowship. 1, 40-8 1 7 5 -9 2 The Society’s finances.—I. 1662-1830. 1, Jones, SirW. Bicentenary of the birth of—, 73-87—II. 1831-1938. 2, 47-67 founder of the R. Asiatic Society of Landed property of the R.S. 1, 88-91 Bengal. (Sir L. Fermor). 4, 58-62 Anniversary dinner. 1, 96-103 Jurin, J. port, (facing) 9, 300 Two hundred years ago. 1739. 2, 34-42 Jussieu, A. L. de, and others. Letter to Sir J. The Society’s first bequest. 2, 43-6 Banks, 2 May 1800. 9, 268-9 One hundred years ago. 1839. 2, 92-107 The composition of the Fellowship and Kaye, I. Unrecorded early meetings of the Council of the Society. 2, 108-26 R.S. 8, 149-66 The Fairchild Trust. 3, 80-4 vii Lyons, Sir H. G. (continued) Mendel, J. G. and Mendel’s Biographical notes [of Francis Aston, Rich­ principles of heredity (R. C. Punnet). 9, ard Waller, and John Lewis Guillemard, 336-47 FF.R.S.] ports.3, 88-96 Mersenne, M. port, (facing) 5, 129 John Winthrop(junior) F.R.S. 3, 110-15 Middlemiss, C. S. [Painting of Himalayan The Officers of the Society, 1662-1860. 3, mountain scenery), (facing) 4, 215 116-40 Millar, J. A portrait of Joseph Priestley Charles Babbage and the opthalmoscope. F.R.S. by—. port. 2, 32-3 3» 146-8 Moir, J. R. A pioneer in palaeolithic dis­ covery [John Frerc F. R.S.] port. 2, 28-31 McCance, R. A. A11 interesting but forgot­ Mont Blanc. The first ascent of— (Sir G. dc ten publication of Sir Frederick Gowland Beer and M. H. Hey). 11, 236-55 Hopkins P.R.S. 9, 348-52 Montel, P. Speech. 3, 13-14 MacGreg;or-Morris, J. T. Sir Ambrose Morand, S. [Account of a visit to Sir H. Fleming (jubilee of the valve), port. 11, Sloane.] 10, 91-3 134-44 Morgagni, G. B. The life and times of— M’Kenzy, Sir G. Letter to James Gregory 27 (G. R. Cameron.) port. 9, 217-43 Feb. 1675. 3, 37 Morgan, J. John Morgan’s visit to Voltaire McKie, D. The arrest and imprisonment of (Sir G. de Beer), port. [Morgan.] 10, 148- Henry Oldenburg. 6, 28-47 53 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier F.R.S. (1743- Morgan, T. H. A gift by—. 4, 100 1794). Ulus., port. 7, 1-41 Morrison, H. S. Speech at Anniversary din­ A note on Priestley in America. 10, 51-9 ner 1948. 6, 82-6 Priestley’s laboratory and library and other Mortimer, C. Cromwell Mortimer F.R.S., of his effects. 12, 114-36 Secretary R.S. 1730-52 (F. W. Gibbs). 7, Fontenelle F.R.S. port. 12, 193-200 259-63 McKie, D., and de Beer, Sir G. R. Newton’s Munby, A. N. L. The distribution of the apple. 9, 46-54. Addendum 9, 333-5 first edition of Newton’s illus. MacLaurin, C. port, (between) n , 152-3 10, 28-39 Maddison, R. E. W. Studies in the life of The Keynes collection of the works of Sir Robert Boyle F.R.S. I. 9, 1-35—II. 9, Isaac Newton at King’s College Cam­ 196-216—III. 10, 15-27—IV. 11, 38-53— bridge. 10, 40-50 V. 11, 159-88 A note on the correspondence of Martin Folkcs P.R.S. 11, 100-9 National Academy of Sciences, Maddison, R. E. W ., and Maddison, F. R. D.C. 1, 9-10 Joseph Priestley and the Birmingham National Committee for Biology. [Report riots. Ulus. 12, 98-113 of the chairman, Prof. H. Munro Fox.| Maddison, R. E. W., and Maddison, R. E. 4, 140-3 Spring Grove, the country house of Sir National congress of chemistry organized Joseph Banks, Bt., P.R.S. Ulus. 11, 91-6 by the Italian Chemical Society jointly Manley, G. The weather and diseases; some with the International Congress of Ap­ eighteenth-century contributions to plied Chemistry. 8, 291-2 observational , port. [Jurin]. National Institute of sciences of India, 9, 300-7 Delhi. 5, 147-8; 7, 108-10 Mantell, G. —and the Maidstone by W. F. Swinton. Ulus. 9, 261-76 Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zurich. Martin, D. C. Visit . . . to some North Greetings to the—, from the R.S. of American scientific institutions. 9, 356-64 London [Nov. 1946]. 4, 206-7 Inauguration of the International Geo­ Needs of special subjects in the balanced de­ physical Year. illus. 12, 160-2 velopment of science in the U.K. [Con­ Mason, C. Charles Mason, Jeremiah Dixon ference at the R.S. on 10 May 1945J. 4, and the R.S. (T. D. Cope and H. W. 133-9 Robinson). illus.9, 55-78 Netherlands. Report (G. I. Finch) on a visit Maximov, N. A. Letter to the R.S. on the to Belgium and the Netherlands, 11-17 175th anniversary of Priestley’s discovery Oct. 1945. 4, 91-7 of photosynthesis. 4, 211 News of other scientific societies and Mechain, P. F. A. Letter to Lavoisier 11 May academies. 4, 212-5; 5> 5I-62, 144-55; 6, 1793. 7, 28-31 73-7; 7, 108-112, 272 viii Newton, Sir I. Isaac Newton 1642-1727Pepys, S. Pepys commemoration service. [exchange of felicitatory telegrams]. 4, 1938 1, 65-7—wartime intermission 4, 146-51 38—1951 9, 143 Newton tercentenary celebrations 15-19 Perrin, J. Langevin-Pcrrin celebration. 6, 166 Jul. 1946. 4, 152-7 Philip, duke of Edinburgh. Election of H.R.H. A Newton letter [21 Apr. 1677 to the Rev. the Duke of Edinburgh K.G. 9, 137 and Hon. John North], facsim. 4, 158-61 Speech at the Ramsay memorial dinner, Isaac Newton Observatory, Herstmonceux. 15 Oct. 1952. io, 75-9 5, 74 Pile, SirF. A. Speech at Anniversary dinner Isaac Newton exhibition [1951]. 9, 151 1945. 4, 34-5 Newton’s apple (D. McKie and Sir G. de Planck, M. Address given by Sir Charles Beer). 9, 46-54, 333-5 Darwin at the Max Planck memorial The distribution of the first edition of service held on 23 Apr. 1948 in the aula Newton’s Principia (A. N. L. Munby).of the university of Goettingen. 6, 69-70 Ulus. 10, 28-39 Planta family. Andreas and Joseph Planta The Keynes collection of the works of Sir FF.R.S. (Sir G. de Beer), port. [J. Planta.] Isaac Newton at King’s College Cam­ 10, 8-14 bridge (A. N. L. Munby). 10, 40-50 Pleydell-Bouverie, W., of Radnor. see also Woolsthorpe Manor Speech at Anniversary dinner 1952. 10, Nion, —. Letter to Sir J. Banks 18 Sep. 1799. 65-7 9, 261-3 Plummer, H. C. Jeremiah Horrocks and his North America. Visit to some North Ameri­ Opera posthuma. 3, 39-52 can scientific institutions (D. C. Martin). Portal, C. F. A., viscount Portal. Speech at 9, 356-64 Anniversary dinner 1951. 9, 155-9 Norway. Report by Professor A. V. Hill on Price, D. J. The Cavendish laboratory his visit to . . . the Norwegian academy archives. Ulus. 10, 139-47 of sciences, Oslo, 26 Jun. to 3 Jul. 1945. Price, J. The last of the alchemists [James 4, 82-5 Price F.R.S.] (H. C. Cameron). 9, 109-14 Price, W . Letter to Sir J. Banks 1 Apr. 1796. _ 9,254-5 Oldenburg, H. The arrest and imprison­ Priestley, J. A portrait o f— by James Millar, ment of Henry Oldenburg (D. McKie). 1789. port.2, 32-3 port. 6, 28-47. [Includes letters from |Letter to the R.S. from N. A. Maximov Oldenburg to Sir J. Williamson, the on the] 175th anniversary of —’s dis­ bishop of Exeter, Lord Arlington, and covery of photosynthesis. 4, 211 Robert Boyle; and petition to the King.] A note on— in America (D. McKie). 10, Oliver, F. W . Libyan flowers. 2, 160-72 51-9 Otto, L. G. Letter to Sir J. Banks 9 Jun. 1800. —and the Birmingham riots (R. E. W. 9, 270 and F. R. Maddison). Ulus. 12, 98-113 Owen, Sir R. —and William Clift (Sir H. —’s laboratory and library and other of his Hartley), port. [Owen.] 10, 60-2. [In­ effects (D. McKie). 12, 114-36 cludes letter from Owen to Faraday, 8 Letters:—to Lavoisier 2 Jan. 1792. 7, 24— Jan. 1844]. to Jefferson 10 Apr. 1801. 10, 57-8—to Oxford Philosophical Society. An un­ T. Lee 11 Sept. 1793. 12, 109 published letter of Dr Seth Ward relat­ Problem picture, a. Ulus. 7, 42 ing to the early meetings of the— (H. W. Proudman, J. The association of the R.S. Robinson). 7, 68-70 with progress in knowledge of oceanic tides. 2, 140-3 Punnett, R. C. William Bateson and Paciclielli, G. B. port. 8, 165 Mendel’s principles of heredity. 9, Papin, D. Denis Papin (1647-1712) (H. W. 336-47 Robinson). 5, 47-50 Queen’s University of Belfast. The R.S. of Parsons, Sir C. R. Dedication of the Parsons London to the — 1949. 7, 127 memorial window. 8, 283-90 Pascal, B. Pour le tricentenaire de l’experi- Radnor, carl of. see Pleydell-Bouverie, W. ence du Puy de Dome (P. Humbert). Ramsay, Sir W . The Ramsay centenary Ulus.,port. 6, 18-27 (Sir H. Hartley).perl. 10, 71-80 Penson, Dame L. M. Speech at Anniversary Regia societas scientiarum Bohemica. 5, dinner 1948. 6, 100-3 56-7 Richardson, Sir A. E. WoolsthorpeCelebrations manor and congresses. 1937-8 1, 4-5 house. 5, 34-5 51-2—1939 2, 5, 86—1940 3, 101—1947 Robinson, H. W. Gleanings from the 5, 103—1949 7, 113-7 library.—I. i, 92-5—II. 2, 68-70 Conversaziones. General 2, 9-10 127-9— Alfred George Hastings White (1859-1945). 1938 1,67-9—1939 2 ,127-39—1945 4,16- port. 4, 109-12 18—1947 5, 67-71—1949 7, 54-60—1951 The administrative staff of the R.S., 1663- 9, 138-43—1952 10, 1-5— 1953 ii, i-5— 1861. 4, 193-205 1954 11, 113-19—1955 12, 9-20—1956 Note on some recently discovered geo­ (Halley) 12, 166-7—1957 12, 154-9 metrical drawings in the stonework of Council matters. 1, 6-7 52-4 2, 5-7 87-8 3, Woolsthorpe Manor house. Ulus. 5, 35-6 10 103-4 Denis Papin (1647-1712). 5, 47-50 Election of Fellows and Foreign Mem­ Preliminary note on the Blagden manu­ scripts. 5, 137-9 bers. 1938 I, 3 49-50—1939 2, 2-3 85— 1940 3, 2-5—1941 3, 98-100—1942-6 4, Robert Hooke as surveyor and architect. 124-6—1946 4, 227—1947 5, 63-4—1948 Ulus.6, 48-55 6, 78-9 167-8—1949 7, 128-31—1950 8, A11 unpublished letter of Dr Seth Ward 127-30—1951 9, 148-51—1952 9, 381-4 relating to the early meetings of the 10, 63—1953 10, 161-4 11, h i —1954 11, Oxford Philosophical Society. 7, 68-70 280-3—1955 12, 140-2—1956 12, 143-5 Retirement of Mr H. W. Robinson, —1957 12, 238-40 librarian to the Society. 6, 71-2 see also Cope, T. D., and Robinson, H. W. Gifts and bequests. General 2, 43-6—1937-8 Robinson, SirR. Speeches at Anniversary1, 3-4—1938-9 2, 4—1939-40 3, 100-1 dinners. 1945 4, 22-7—1946 5, 9-14— 105-6—from Amer. Phil. Soc. [1941] 3, 1948 6, 86-91—1949 7, 139-44 105-9—Vignoles snuff-box [1942] 4, 45-8 Speech at the dedication of the Parsons —1941-5 4, 129-32—1946 4, 227-8— memorial window. 8, 289 1947-8 5, 160-1—1948 6, 79-80 168— Speech at the Italian national congress of 1949 7, 131 275—1950 8, 305—1953 10, chemistry in honour of Emanuele 164 Paterno di Sessa. 8, 291-2 History. The administrative staff of the R.S. Rockingham, 2nd marquess see Watson- 1663-1861 (H. W. Robinson). 4, 193-205 Wentworth, C. Age of election to the R.S. (A. V. Hill). 2, Rontgen, W. K. von. The Rontgen cele­ 71-3 and 11, 14-16 brations, Nov. 1945 (E. N. da C. Anniversary dinner (Sir FT Lyons). 1, 96- Andrade). 4, 43-4 103 Rogers, P. D. Robert William Frederick Arms of the R.S.(J. D. G. Davies), illus. 1, Harrison (1858-1945). port. 4, 113-20 37-9 Ronan, C. A. see Bullard, Sir E. C., and Colonial Fellows of the R.S. 1661-1788 Ronan, C. A. (R. P. Stearns). 8, 178-246 RoscofF marine biological station. 4, 145 Composition of the Fellowship and Council Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. 5, 148-9 of the Society (Sir H. Lyons). 2, 108-26 —6, 73-5—7, 111-2 Earliest Fellows of the R.S. (E. S. de Beer). Presentation to the— of letters front Sir 7, 172-92 Joseph Banks. 4, 51-7 Early satirical poem on the R.S. (F. S. Bicentenary of the birth of Sir William Taylor). 5, 37-46 Jones F.R.S., founder of the—. 4, 58-62 Election to the Presidency of the R.S. in 1820 (L. F. Gilbert). 11, 256-76 ROYAL SOCIETY Fellows of the R.S. in North Africa and the Anniversary dinner. General 1, 96-103— Levant, 1662-1800 (R. P. Stearns). 11, 1937 1, 11-20—1938 2, 12-24—1939 3, 75-90 5—1945 4, 19-35—1946 5, 5-26—194S 6, The Society’s finances (Sir H. Lyons). Part 82-103—1949 7> 135-57—1950 8, 131-48 1, 1662-1830. 1, 57-73. Part II. 1831-1938. —1951 9, 155-63—1952 10, 65-70—1953 2, 47-67 11, 6-13—1954 11, 120-8—1955 12, 1-8 The Society’s first bequest (Sir H. Lyons). —1956 12, 150-3 2 » 43“6 Bibliography and notices of publications. Fragment of history, a (Sir H. Lyons). 1, 7, 118-25 268-71 8, 125-6 297-304 9, 28-31 144-7 378-80 10, 159-60 11, n o 284-5 Growth of the Fellowship (Sir H. Lyons). 12, 146-8 1, 40-8 History ( continued) History—special topics ( ) [Historical sketch of conversaziones in the Britain were at war (Sir G. de Beer). 9, account of conversaziones 1939]. 2, 127-9 244-99 Homes of the Society (T. D. G. Davies). Ulus. Honours to Fellows. 1938 1, 2 49—1939 2, 4, 179-92 285—1941 3, 98 Landed property of the R.S. (Sir H. Lyons). Lectures. 1938 1, 8 50—1938-39 2, 4-5—1939 1, 88-91 2, 86-7—1940 3, 6 102—1942-5 4, 127-8 Notes on the foundation and history of the Library, archives, portraits, etc. The R.S. (Sir A. Seward). 1, 32-6 Society’s library (Sir C. Sherrington). 1, Officers of the Society, 1662-1860 (Sir H. 21-7 Lyons). 3, 116-40 Gleanings from the library (H. W. Robin­ Officers of the R.S. in the House of Com­ son). 1, 92-5 and2, 68-70 mons (J. 19. G. Davies). 4, 36-7 Pilot catalogue of the R.S. archives. 7, One hundred years ago (1839) (Sir H. 133-4 Lyons). 2, 92-107 Guide to the archives of the R.S. (R. K. Origins of the R.S. (R. H. Syfrct). ports. 5, Bluhm). 12, 21-39 75-137 The Society’s portraits. Ulus. 7, 97-107 Some early critics of the R.S. (R. H. The Presidential portraits (E. N. da C. Syfret). 8, 20-64 Andrade). Ulus. 4, 41-2 Some early reactions to the R.S. (R. H. Portrait of Sir Joseph Banks. 2, 83 Syfret). Ulus. 7, 207-58 The Vignoles snuff-box. 4, 45-6 Two hundreds years ago (1739) (Sir H. Miscellaneous. Activities of the Society Lyons). 2, 34-42 [general note on a number of war-time Unrecorded early meetings of the R.S. (I. activities]. 4, 1-15 Kaye). 8, 149-66 Administration of grants. 5, 2-4 History—special topics. Aberdeen Uni­ Admission of women into the Fellowship. versity and the R.S. (W. P. D. Wight- 4, 39-40 man). ports. 11, 145-58 Correspondence with foreign academies The R.S. and the Apothecaries, 1660-1722 and societies. 4, 69-81 (W. H. G. Armytage). 11, 22-37 Defence services research facilities com­ Association of the R.S. with the iron and mittee. 6, 81 steel industry (W. H. Hatfield). 3, 64-79 Greetings to the Consiglio nazionale deile Association of the R.S. with progress in ricerche. 5, 142 the knowledge of oceanic tides (J. Proud- Greetings to the Naturforschende gesell- nian). 2, 140-3 schaft in Zurich. 4, 206-7 Visit of Comenius to London in 1641-2 and Her Majesty the Queen honours the its bearing on the origins of the R.S. Society’s I.G.Y. Antarctic expedition. 12, (R. F. Young). 3, 159-60 163-5 Christ’s Hospital and the R.S. (Sir A. Inauguration of the I.G.Y Ulus. 12, 160-2 Seward.) 3, 141-5 Isaac Newton exhibition. 9, 151 Rene Descartes (1596-1650) and the early Letter from Sir C. Darwin to the Secre­ R.S. (A. Armitage). port. 8, 1-19 taries concerning the ‘reading’ of papers Early Scottish relations with the R.S. I. at meetings. 2, 25-7 Janies Gregory (1638-1675) (FI. W. Turn- Needs of special subjects in the balanced bull). port. 3, 22-38 development of science in the United The R.S. and English vocabulary (A. D. Kingdom. [Report of a conference on 10 Atkinson). 12, 40-3 May 1945.] 4, 133-9 Samuel Hartlib’s influence on the early Recommendation from the com­ history of the R.S. (G. FI. Turnbull). 10, mittee. 2, 84 101-30 The R.S. and the Central Register. 2, 176-8 Jews in the R.S.; a problem in ecology [Greetings to] the Queen’s university of (R. N. Salaman). 7, 61-7 Belfast. 7, 127 Dr Johnson and the R.S. (A. D. Atkinson). [Greetings to the] Societa Italiana di fisica. 10, 131-8 7, 126 Charles Mason, Jeremiah Dixon, and the The R.S. Antarctic expedition. Ulus. 12, R.S. (T. D. Cope and H. W. Robinson). 137-8 Ulus. 9, 55-78 The R.S. Empire scientific conference. 4, Relations between Fellows of the R.S. and 162-7 French men of science when France and Scientific information conference. 6, 1-7 Miscellaneous ( continued) Salaman, R. N. Jews in the R.S.; a problem The Scientific Relief Fund and its com­ in ecology. 7, 61-7 mittee. 7, 158-71 Salisbury, marquess of. see Gascoyne-Cecil, Staff restaurant. 6, 169-70 K.A.]. Visit to India by the Biological Secretary. Salisbury, SirE. J. The place of biology in 4> 63-4 modern education. 11, 17-21 Visit to Russia by R.S. delegation. 12, Saussure, H. B. de —’s election into the 230-6 R.S. (Sir G. de Beer). 7, 264-7 Visits to liberated countries by representa­ tives of the R.S. 4, 82-99 Scheuchzer, J. G. Johann Gasper Scheuch- Obituary. 1937-8 1, 2—1938 I, 49—1938-9 zer F.R.S. (1702-1729) (Sir G. de Beer). 6, 56-66 2, 2—1939 2, 85—1939-40 3, 2—1940-1 3, 97—1941-6 4, 121-4—1946 4, 227— Scientific information conference. 6, 1-7 1946-7 5> 63—1947-8 5, 160—1948 6, 78 Scientists’ travelling expenses. 4, 145 —1948-9 6, 167—1949 7, 128—1949-50 Scottish marine biological association 7, 275—1950 8, 127—1950-1 8, 305— (Sir J. G. Kerr). 7, 81-96 1951 9, 148—1951-2 9, 381—1952 10, Seters, W. H. van. Antoni van Leeuwen­ 63—1952-3 10, 161—1953 11, h i — hoek in Amsterdam. Ulus. 9, 36-45 1954-5 280—1955-6 12, 139-40— Seward, Sir A. C. Notes on the foundation 1956-7 12, 237 and history of the R.S. 1, 32-6 Publications. General 3, 8-9 ioi—Grants 2, Sigmund Freud. 1, 55 91—Record 2, 144-8 Dedication of the Franklin Institute of the Research appointments. 1938 1, 5—1939 state of Pennsylvania in honour of Ben­ 2, 7 89 jamin Franklin. 1, 55-60 Research grants. 1939 2, 8-9 89-90 Speech to a delegation of French scientists, Royal Fellows. Message to H.M. the King 28 Jan. 1940. 3, 11-12 on the occasion of the marriage of Christ’s Hospital and the R.S. 3, 141-5 H.R.H. the Princess Elizabeth F.R.S. 5, Sherrington, SirC. S. The Society’s library 65-6 1, 21-7 Election of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh —’s ninetieth birthday, port. 5, 156 K.G. 9, 137 —’s first use of diphtheria antitoxin made in Death of H.M. King George VI [message England. facsim.5, 156-9. [Includes letter of condolence]. 9, 153-4 from Sir C. Sherrington to Dr A. N. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Drury 15 Nov. 1947] Mother, F.R.S. port. 12, 149 Broadcast on 6 Mar. 1952 on—(Lord Her Majesty the Queen honours the Adrian). 10, 6-7 Society’s I.G.Y. Antarctic expedition. 12, Sir Charles Scott Sherrington P.R.S. (1857- 163-5 1952) (Lord Adrian). 12, 211-15 Some aspects of —’s contribution to neuro­ Royal Society of Canada. 5, 144-6 (J. C. Ecclcs). 12, 216-25 Royal Society of Edinburgh. 5, 51 Simon, Sir].A. S., viscount Simon. Speeches Royal Society of New South Wales. 5, at Anniversary dinners. 1937 1, 11-16— 150 1950 8, 131-4 Royal Society of New Zealand (J. C. Eccles). 5, 151-2 Sloane, SirH. Sir Hans Sloane F.R.S. (1660- Royal Society of South Africa. 5, 52-3 1753) (Sir G. de Beer), port. 10, 81-4 Rumford, count, see Thompson, B. —and French men of science (J. Jacquot). Rumford medallists of the American 10, 85-98 academy of arts and sciences. 8, 90-4 —’s metalline cubes (J. M. Sweet). 10, Russia, see U.S.S.R. 99-100 Rutherford, E. baron Rutherford of Nel­ Letters: toJ.J. Scheuchzer 4 Jan. 1724-5.6, son. Funeral of—. 1, 2 63-4—toj. P. de Tournefort n.d. 9,248-9 Lord Rutherford (Sir H. Tizard). 4, 103-8 Smith, SirF. E. Speech at the dedication of Rutherford commemoration, Paris 7-8 the Parsons memorial window, 5 Oct. Nov. 1947. 6, 67-8 1950. 8, 283-9 Societa chimica Italiana. National congress Saha, M. Speech at the presentation to the of chemistry organized by the —jointly R. Asiatic Society of Bengal of some with the International Union of applied letters of Sir Joseph Banks. 4, 54-7 chemistry. 8, 291-2 Xll Societa Italiana di fisica. The R.S. of Thornton, H. G. Note on a visit to Russia London to the —. 7, 126 of the R.S. delegation in 1956. 12, 230-6 Societas scientiarum Fennica. 5, 154-5 Thorpe, J. Stephen Hales D.D. F.R.S. (1677- Centenary celebrations (Sir J. G. Kerr). 1, 1761). port. 3, 53-63 60-2 Tizard, SirH. T. Lord Rutherford. 4, 103-8 Spallanzani, L. Letter to Lavoisier 1 Sep. Speech at Anniversary dinner 1945. 4, 27-31 1791. 7, 18-20 Torporley, N. A synopsis of the controversie Sprat, T. port, (facing) 7, 228 of atoms. 9, 183-6 Stanhope, C., 3 rdearl Stanhope.Tournfort, The J. P. de. Letters to Sir Hans scientific work of— (F. M. Beatty). Ulus. Sloane: 17 Jun. 1690, 24 Jan. 1703. 9, 11, 202-21 244-6—I4 jan. 1701. 10, 89-90 Staphorst, N. senior. Letter to Sir H. Sloane Trevelyan, G. M. Speech at Anniversary 24 Nov. 1701. 11, 26 dinner 1949. 7, 135-9 Staphorst, N. junior. Letters to J. Petiver 5 Trotter, W. The mind in war [a letter to The Aug. and 7 Nov. 1700. 11, 27-8 Times] 2, 173-5 Stazione zoologica Napoli (R. Dohrn). Turnbull, G. H. Samuel Hartlib’s influence Ulus. 8, 277-82 on the early history of the R.S. 10,101-30 Stearns, R. P. Colonial Fellows of the R.S. Turnbull, H. W. Early Scottish relations ofLondon, 1661-1788. port. |B. Franklin]. with the R.S. I. Janies Gregory F.R.S. 8, 178-246 (1638-1675). port. 3, 22-38 Fellows of the R.S. in North Africa and the Turton, J. John Turton F.R.S. (1735-1806) Levant, 1662-1800. 11, 75-90 (Sir G. de Beer and R. M. Turton). port. Strange, J. John Strange F.R.S. (1732-1799) 12, 77-97. [Includes letters from Turton (Sir G. de Beer). 9, 96-108 to C. Bonnet, Princess Mary, and the Stratton, F. J. M. International Council of Prince of Wales (George IV)] Scientific Unions. 4, 168-73 Stubbe, H. see Some early critics of the R.S. UNESCO. 4, 144-5—5, 1—6, 8-11 (R. H. Syfret). illus.8, 20-64 U.S.S.R. Note on a visit to Russia of the Sweet, J. M. Benjamin Franklin’s purse. 9, R.S. delegation in 1956 (H. G. Thornton). 308-9 12, 230-6 Sir Hans Sloane’s metalline cubes. 10, 99- 100 Valltravers, R. Rodolph Valltravers F.R.S. Swinton, W. E and the (Sir G. de Beer). 4, 216-26 and 8, 116-9 Maidstone .illus. 8, 261-76 Vignoles, C. B. The Vignoles snuff-box 4, Syfret, R. H. The origins of the R.S. ports. 45_8 5, 75-137 Vivorio, A. Letter to Lavoisier 15 Aug. 1791. I. The R.S. and Theodore Haak.—II. 7, 18 Samuel Hartlib and the Comenian Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Voltaire F.R.S. (Sir scheme.—III. The Comenian scheme and G. de Beer), port. 8, 247-52 the R.S. John Morgan’s visit to— (Sir G. de Beer). Some early reactions to the R.S. illus., ports. port. [Morgan] 10, 148-58 [Sprat, Casaubon] 7, 207-58 Some early critics of the R.S. illus. 8, 20-64 Waller, R. [Biographical note] (Sir H. I. Stubbe, Crosse and Casaubon.—II. The Lyons), port. 3, 92-4 men of wit. Wallis, J. D.D. F.R.S. (1616- 1703) (G. U. Yule), port. 2, 74-82 Taylor, F. S. An early satirical poem on the Ward, S. An unpublished letter of—, re­ R.S. 5, 37-46 lating to early meetings of the Oxford Taylor, Sir G. I. George Boole F.R.S. (1815- philosophical society (H. W. Robinson). 1864). port. 12, 44-52 7, 68-70 Thompson, B., count Rumford. Count Watson-Wentworth, C. 2nd marquess of Rum ford (C. H. Dwight). 11, 189- Rockingham. Charles Watson-Went­ 201 worth [etc.] F.R.S. (1730-1782); some Thompson, Sird’A. W . Speech at Anniver­aspects of his scientific interests (W. H. G. sary dinner 1938. 2, 19-22 Armytage). illus.,port. 12, 64-76 Thomson, SirG., and Thomson, J. P.W J. edgwood, J. J. Letters to Lavoisier 7 and Thomson as we remember him. port. 12, 19 Aug. 1791. 7, 14-16 201-10 Weeks, Sir R. M. W ., baron Weeks. Speech Thomson, Sir J. J. see preceding entry. at Anniversary dinner 1948. 6, 96-100 X lll West Indies; university college of the, King­ Wollaston, W. H. —MSS at Cambridge ston. Facilities for research in— (G. F. (L. F. Gilbert), port. 9, 310-32 Asprey and others). 9, 365-77 Letters: to A. Marcet Aug. 1820. 11, 264-5 Westminster, dean of.see Don, A. —to C. ? 26 Nov. 1827. 11, 276 White, A. G. H. Alfred George Hastings W ood, SirK. Speech at Anniversary dinner White (1859-1945) (H. W. Robinson). 1938. 2, 12-14 port. 4, 109-12 W oodward, J. Letters to J. J. Scheuchzer 28 Feb. 1720 and 29 Jun. 1724. 6, 57-61 Wightman, W. P. D. Aberdeen university Woolsthorpe manor house (Sir A. Richard­ and the R.S. illus., ports. [C. MacLaurin son). 5, 34-5 and Sir W. Fordycc] 11, 145-58 Note on some recently discovered geo­ Williamson, SirJ. Letter to Oldenburg metricalJul. drawings in the stonework of— 1667. 6, 32 (H. W. Robinson), illus. 5, 35-6 Port, (facing) 6, 33 Winckworth, R. Ronald Winckworth Young, R. F. The visit of Comenius to (1884-1950) (J. D. G. Davies), port. 8, London in 1641-42 and its bearing on the 293-6 origins of the R.S. 3, 159-60 W mthrop, J. John Winthrop junior, F.R.S. Yule, G. U. John Wallis, D.D. F.R.S. (1616- (Sir H. Lyons). 3, 110-5 1703)- port. 2, 74-82
