Justification for locating the Project in forest area : Geologically it is an established fact that iron ore deposit (hematite) in is located only in the of the state, mainly in Division. The most important iron ore deposits form a range, nearly 50 kilometer long, extending from Gua to near Tensa in Bonai (). Therefore, iron mining area are bound to be located in the Saranda Forest Division and surrounding area. No other non-forest iron ore bearing area is available in this part of Saranda Division except this lease, which has been Certified by District Mining Officer, West Singhbhum.(Annexure-5). The occurrence of iron ore deposit in this surrounding area are basically forest based product & hence it is site specific and there is no scope to re-locate the project elsewhere. The area is surrounded by several mines like Meghahatuburu iron ore mines of SAIL and mines of M/S Arcelor-Mittal, Singhbhum Mineral Co., Rameswar Jute Mill, and M.L.Jain etc. As a matter of fact, the area falls along the eastern boundary of the Saranda Forest Division which is industrially active in mining activities since a long time in this adjoining area. Geological exploration has been carried out by Deptt. of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Jharkhand and had confirmed the occurrence of good quality iron ore. The estimated iron ore reserves in the M.L. area is about 30.6 lakh tones as per the mining plan approved by Indian Bureau of Mines. (Annexure-25). The area has also been studied by a number of agencies like GSI, IISCO, SAIL, IBM etc. by detail geological mapping and confirmed the ore occurrence in abundance [Banded Iron Ore Formation (BIF) ] in the region. Iron ore concentration has been noticed in the form of meta sedimentary beds of thickness varying from 20 meters to 40 meters. Since this is an existing lease & under renewal and the occurrence of ore is site specific, there is no scope to re-locate this elsewhere. Similarly, the allied activities like crushing and screening facilities, site office, small DG/sub-station etc. are also integral part of mining operation, hence cannot be located outside. Ore transportation from mines by existing forest road passing through the area, which is connected with the Bara-Jamda-Manoharpur State Highway shall be used. No relocation of human settlement will be involved in this mining lease. Therefore, there is no alternative available for this mining lease to locate elsewhere which is required solely for the consistent supply of iron ore to the domestic steel plants. The User Agency has proposed to divert 70.68 hectares for mining & ancillary activities including an area of 2.84 hectares kept as safety zone for fencing, protection & regeneration processes. The area over 10.57 hectares of forest land within the proposed diverted area has to be retained as Green Cover area for future detailed exploration for mining and other ancillary activities to increase the life of the mine, as the surface geology/outcrops indicate the trend of ore body in the retention area. Further, some of the mines has proved existence of the ore body below the laterite as well as BHQ/BHJ zone. As in our case, the retention area in the laterite & BIF zone is very close to the proposed mining quarries, so occurrences of iron ore over the retained area to be proved by putting some boreholes in the laterite as well as BIF zone as proposed in the approved mining plan. The trend of deposit suggests extension of ore body beyond the existing ore body. Under Mineral Conservation & Development Rules (MCDR) 1988, all lessees has to ensure the deposit of ore of their respective lease area by way of detailed exploration for addition to their lease deposit. The proposed diverted area will be worked in phases so as to discourage sudden opening of the canopy and consequent degradation in the eco- diversity of the area. Afforestation, Water Harvesting in the mined out area will be done. There will be a holistic approach towards environmental conservation & natural resource management by making available the raw material requirement of the indigenous steel industries on sustainable basis and subsequently ameliorate the forest land by making it suitable for a healthy forest growth. As an immediate benefit, this mine on one hand shall contribute significantly to the state coffer and on the other hand will generate employment opportunities, develop basic infrastructures, improve living standards of the surrounding villages.