
Les problemes differents du dutravail de Nurse dans le camp. La question de l'inventaire des effets appartenant a l'UNRRA. Les affaires courantes. Des directives donnees que toutes les annonces par le radio doivent etre sous la responsi­ bilite des officiers de l'UNRRA. Personne autre n'a pas droit de donner des messages au radio.

' .,, ' .,. Le 28 novembre.

M.Sleskin and M.Kussakoff Les affaires courantes. Les payment des employes des ·.Vorkshops. M.Valavicius. Personnes congediees en raison de leur inegibilite pour l'aide de l'UNRRA. Effectif des DPs travail­ lant en dehors du camp, et de ceux excuses du travail pour des raisons differentes • • Dietz. Le vol qui eyt lieu dans sa chambre le 27 novembre le soir.

Apres-midi le Camp fetent

"The Day of 1rhanks giving". ~, 7

Le 27 novembre.

Message re9u d'Innsbruck de I.C.G. qu'il existe une pos­ sibilite pour certaines familles de partir pour l'Alle­ magne (Baviere) pour y rejoindre leurs familles.Le direc­ teur ordonna d'envoyer encore une fois la liste des familles en question. Preparations pour le repatriement des Polonais. Entretien ace sujet avec Mrs.Lewis: la necmssite de propogande etc. M.Belagow convoque par M.le directeur (reference a sa lettre adressee a M.Je directeur) pour lui _expliquer qu'il n'y a rien de precisement connu s'il adroit a l'aide de l'UNRRA ou non. M.Kwiesielewicz Les affaires courant@~ du edical Officer. , Mme Demontovitch L'entretien au sujet des preparations de petits cadeaux a l'occasion des fetes de Noel approchantes. M.Balitzky ~uestion des listes de personnes no eligible pour l'aide de l'UNRRA.

•' Le 26 novembre.

La reunion des employees du secretariat au sujet de la correspondance confidentielle et la discretion envers le travail. L' arrivee de Miss Burman,. off icier de 1 'UNRRA , pour voir l'installation medicale de notre camp. Lt.Mercier, de la Gendarmerie Fran~aise. Les points principaux de l'entretien furent suivants: materiel confisque de trois DPs, l'arrestation de Zaliak et de Rack. Le directeur a exprime le desir d'une collaboration plus nette entre l'administration et la Gendar­ merie Fran9aise en but d'eviter de nombreux malentendus. M.Biraud a assiste a cet entretien. Mr.Kussakoff Les affaires courantes des Workshops. et des Finances du Camp: la location, yayment des employes etc. Mr.Ossipow,M.Benkowitch et Mme Demontovitch La possibilite d'obtenir du vin rouge en occasion de la Fete Americaine et de la reouverture du the§tre du camp. L'inspecteur Ukrainien, (des ecoles ukrainiennes d'Innsbruck) fit une visite de politesse a M.le directeur.EKIH Le dernier lui permit de visiter l'ecole ukrainienne du camp. Mlle Zaloga L'entretien au sujet de l'execution des rapports re~us au bureau du Depu­ ty Director. M.Valavicius Court rapport au sujet de sa visite avec M.Biraud dans les usines od travaillent des DPs.Mr.directeur lui demanda de faire un bref rapport con­ cernant les conditions, le payment des employes etc. Le 25 novembre.

M.Zdanowitch and M.Biesk, membres de la Mission Polonaise a Vienne, sent venus au camp. Ils se sont entretenus avec M.le Direc- tienn au sujet du repatriement des Polonais. Ensuite M.le Directeur les fit visiter le camp. Mr.Ellis et .Gliva, le representant des Polonais furent acceptes par M.le Directeur.Le di­ recteur leur reprocha d'avoir tole­ rer dans la Bar.36 des vieilles affishes dont le contenu montraient un ton outrageant contre l'Adminis­ tration du Camp. M.Gliva fut interroge au sujet des journaux polonais qu'il n'a ~as tous expose dans la bibliotheque polonaise.Ensuite le directeur donna quelques remarques sur la tenue et la surveillance des baraques polonaises •

. ..

. " 3amedi le 23 . 11 . 46 .

M. le Directeur accepta ce matin .M . Ulanoff , Osipovs et Val a ­ vicius dont l'entretien a porte un caractere tout a fait prive- Feter Voronetz qui habitait autrefois noire ca~p , puis a ete raye du controle du camp , veut de nouveau y rentrer, car ses parents y habitent , ensuitP il est reste sans travail . M. le Directeur l'accepta sous la condition de regler la ques~ tion avec la Com:rrission de l 'U1'1 RR.A . M.~e D~recteur_ordorna de distribuer des lettres aux gens, qui doivent quitter le camp selon Jee: ordres de "0creening Commission". Vendredi, le 22 . 11 . 46.

M. le Directeur a accepte sauf les habitants de notre camp: ~ . Ulanoff , ~leski~ et Biberl la Gendarmerie frar9aise arrivee pour faire interrogatoire a deux PoJonais , accuses d'avoir pris part a l'excitation de l'incendie dans la ville, mais c'etait en vain car ils ont ete deja irterroges . ~uelques certificats furert faits , dont les copies §Ort ~is dans le~ dossiers . Ure -ol.-Ukr. ~acharia Anra ~ui travaillait jusqu'a present a l'duberge Zirl etait acceptee pour deux jours comme visi­ teuse , (sa soeur habite notre camp), jusau'a ce que la question avec la commission de l'UNR~A ne soit pas reglee . A trois jeunes Polonais , ~e9us avart deux jours comme visiteurs dars notre camp, M. Je Directeur a permis de faire chez notre pbotographe les photos dont ils ont besoir pour leurs cartes d'identite , car ils· n'ont ras d'argent pour les payer aussitot. Visite d'un officier de l'Ul'Fil:t.A dont le noP1 est "Robinson" . Il a apporte la liste nominative of "ilegible" from Screr.:,nin.0· ComITission en ~eme temps autre poste et trois colis. L· poste ordinaire ecrite pendant le jour est distribuee et ervoyee au lieu de destination . 19th November Tuesday

Mrs. Lewis went to Innsbruck to fetch Medi cal Supplies, clothing, P.X. and Team food. Mr. i'lhitney Coates telephoned to say that Camps lfu.fstein and Landeck were being allocated stalls at the exhibition of Arts, handwork etc. at the E:,chibition being held in Innsbruck at the beginning of December. Representative from the organising body will visit Mr. Squadrille tomorrow. Dr. Kwiesielewicz _left for Landeck 1.0 p.m. ,, Miss ~eitz came to try to trace the mother of a baby which she had found in hospital (Innsbruck?). Questioned Jaroslawa Dowanjuk. Certain of the details seemed to tie up, but she said a child had been born to her at a later date and was stillborn. Miss Weitz will investigate further with regard to identification by the woman who had been looking after the baby. Ulanorr ... Asked to interrogate one of our D.P.s who had been stopped and found to have 50 kgs. of potatoes in his rue-sack; his .., • • • bicycle and camp identity card had been taken and held by ~ Gendarmerie, now they wish to question him. Also 2 other D.P.s had been stopped by Austrian Gendarmerie in Innsbruck and alleged to have stolen things in their possession. They also requested to interrogate them. Chief of Police called to accompany th~m. First case was found and sent to Austrian Gendarmerie to collect his personal effects. The other two '. were not to be found in camp and it was later confirmed that they had both left the camp at later dates and nothing further could be done to trace them. •:, ~ Had left the Poli~e Force and is now working at Wo rgl. ' had been dismissed and he asked to be reinstated. Mr. Squadrille iB~ep:viewea-HilR-aRa gave consideration to his ,request, but in the meantime he started working in Worgl • .,,., .. Jolie said it was tbe fault of Gregorieff that he. was dismissed. Director said he 'Will invest.igate and in 7 or 10 days will let him know his decision. Jolie would like to be reinstated in the Police Force. Discussed the possibility of employing Mr. Biber in the Reports and Statistics Branch on a part time basis as well as his employment for the other part of his time as understudy ·for Mr. Kussakov. Ceneral progress on Rep:>rts and Statist·cs Matters.

Interviewed for possible employment in the Camp Administration. Not much liklihood as she is expecting to leave the camp in a week ~r two. May consider employment if she does not leave camp. Also interviewed re possible ~mployment in the Camp Adinin. Said she was unable to do full time work owing to her family comitments, but might consider doing a part time job if the possibility arose. he should work as an underst~dy~for Mr. Kussakov. He is agreeable and will see Bob with a view to discussing it and starting to help him as soon as he is free from his present commitments in the Messing Office. Discussed personal matters with regard to her work in the Director's Office. ~t 'I',. i ' ~ ... tney Coates telephoned re the r replied ne wished. to know the reaction and comments of Central HQ to the report he had submitted. . Whitney Coates promised to Col. Miiler and would try to et the reply today if•pqssible. ,

Had been reP9rted for making a distrubance in the ·shoemaKers 1 shop. She complained that the shoemaker had substituted card­ board for leather after promising her to resole he child's shoes with leather. Director saw one of the shoes. Explained that she was wrong to accuse the shoemaker as in view of the shortage of leather there must be a certain amount of substitution. He asked her to produce the other shoe and he would take the matter up with the shoemakers. Checked the soup in Barrack 51, also went to kitchen Bk.48 to check how soup is pre2ared and density of content.

on the subject 16th November - Saturday Director not in the office. No matters apart from routine business are noteworthy. ' 15th November - Friday

Director visited Lt. Laguerre in order to re-obtain the certificates signed by French authorities in Innsbruck and brought back to by Adj. Duchl'ne (these certificates were in order that D.P.s may obtain blocked funds.) Also asked Lt. Laguerre for his support in the applications for obtaining blocked money in respect of Mr. Iwan Bahich and Mr. Boriskovich - promised to let us have developments on this in a few days.

Mrs. Lewis - Emmigration for Helen Palka - also Petrenko case - to try to press them again. Mrs. Lewis to look out papers and give to Mr. Squadrille. Question of laissez-passer for school master which was refused explained on the grounds that we are cut down so much on passes. Other general matters in correspondence discussed.

Information received from Mr. Rankin that 41 tons of potatoes are allocated here in Kufstein for the camp. Information passed on to Supply. 14th November - Thursday Anniversary of Director's arrival at Camp Kufstein. Workshops p-esented gifts to Directo~ children and Police Force gathered to greet him at 9.00 hours.

Director went to HQ Innsbruck. Kriukalis tried by French Military Court and sentenced to one year's imprison­ ment. Follender that mountain Mr. Wigas came to wish the left today en route to USA.

• Lt.Binkowski - Requested number of children up to 10 years, 10-55; 55 - for the Polish group (for amenity supplies). He had spoken to Colonel Thibaud and it is proposed that there be another repatriation move of Poles 5th or 6th December. Reply received from M.G. on the request that Polish Mission might give certificates of nationality to Poles they have interviewed and recognised as Polish citizens. Reply very unsatisfactory and unhelpful. Director will take the matter up with UNRRA Zone HQ.

Dr. - Re complaints raised by Messrs. Ulanoff and Kussakov on the medical administration. Requested medical staff to try to allow more for the human element and not be too administrative.

Director tried out fire alarum in Dispensary and aftepwa~as saw demonstration by Firebrigade • . Very satisfactory.

Meeting in Theatre to instruct them in fire precautions. 12th November - Tuesday Telephone call from Mr. Whitnel Ahother wire had been received asking why our mountain packs had not been turned over to Grodig. He said he had been at a loss to say why although he appreciated and is in s:anpathy with Mr. Squadrille's report dated 9th inst. on the subject. Ineligibles - a report has been received from Dr. Bedo and probable that ineligibles may move some time this week; we are to be prepared for 48 hours notice only - roughly 110 would go out and a few more than 100 would come in from Worgl. It was agreed that 104 listed ineligibles could probably remain for some time in view of the hardship it would create if they were to be transferred to another camp e. g. residents of ex enemy territory through no fault of their own (shom on UNRRA Screening Commission's report as 11 not D.P.s 11 ). We are to investigate and find out the law with regards to the Austrian Gendarmerie confiscations, 4 specific cases in one day, food stuffs confiscated though bartering was done with Austrian. peasants Mr. Biraud is to investigate. Mr. Squadrille invited to lunqh with Mr. Whitney Coates on Thursday, 14th November and Mr. Squadrill~ confirmed his invitation to Mr. Whitney Coates and family for Thanks-Giving Day, 28th November. Mr. Clark came from Innsbruck to check vehicles that are to be turned in by 15th November. States that there were writt~n instructions ~n this, although both Mr. Follender and Director have not seen them. Mr. Clark left a report here. Chief -0f Police interviewed. Police Force is going to be reduced to 16 people including the Chiefs and supervisors. Director to investigate the Gregoriew, Milovanovic ®d Joli~ incident. , .,. . ' ' \

. ~',:.,., "' • ',, I; ... ?,.~ ~,~ \ ~ . :~ ' ·~ f'.-, ~ 'f, ~ ~-' . " ,. , ... ¥,.";;,.,.,, '.,

,.. -' ,· z ., . ' '. ' ' . ',, ' . ,, 11th November - Monday

Director visited Schools and childrens' kitchen with Nurse Brydone and Dr. Rogoff.

In the afternoon visited the camp hospital. Rooms were exceedingly cold. Some thought to be given to making curtains.

Visited the new office billets in Barrack 4 for Block Chiefs and Ticket Service and all other offices in Barrack 4. At 5.0 p.m. that afternoon they had had no wood for the entire ~-y; it was almost impossible to ~urk.

Rumours were circulating in the camp about the removal of the food. Unfavourable animosity against the UNRRA Direction and threats of marching on to Military Government to demonstrate and protest. Checked the double security measures for the Warehouse, building No.5. Received official report from the national representatives protesting against the proposed measures to remove food. 9th November - Saturday

UNRRA Officers warned that there, was a. possibility of us having to accept and accommodate for about 2 or 3 days, 500 Jews being turned back from the frontiers of France with false visas for Bolivia. Told to have their sections standing by all the afternoon.

Miss Brydone reported to Mr. Squadrille. She is to go to Innsbruck again and get the question settled as to where she will be based. Said she proposed to go to Innsbruck on Monday. Director agrees; he might be able to give her transport on Sunday. All UNRRA Officers on duty all the afternoon; Director worked on a report on removal of mountain packs from Camp Kufstein to Hall and submitted this to HQ. Innsbruck by courier 9th instant. Conflicting reports received from Innsbruck and local M.G. about the arrival of the Jewish D.P.s. Eventually they did not arrive. 8th November - Friday

Director away from Kufstein at Innsbruck. Mrs. Mitchell left Kufstein 9.00 a.m. for Innsbruck, Rogoff also.

Officer of the French Gendarmerie called to ask permission to interrogate 2 Poles in connection with the fire which occurred in Kufstein a few nights ago during the night. These two men were working out of camp - arrangements made with Mr. Gregorieff to interrogate them tomorrow .morning at 9.00 a.m. Telephoned Mr. Whitney Coates re the Greek repatriation movement. He advised that he had contacted Klagenfurt who advise that the necessary Italian visas are not yet obtained, therefore the impending movement will not take place for a few days. However Klagenfurt will tele­ phone him as soon as news is received and he will immediately pass on the information to us. Two Greek inhabitants of our camp advised. Mr. Ratkay telephoned on behalf of French Securite to request permission for Austrian Gendarmes to enter camp to investigate stealing of felled logs on hillside by side of camp. Ast he investigation was an urgent matter French Gendarmerie were allowing Austrians to handle it. Austrian Gendarmes made investigations in the company of Chief of Camp Police.

Mr. Whitney Coates arrived. Advised that there was a possibility of us having to house tomorrow night for a day or two at the most, 500 Jews who, being in possession of forged documents for emigration to Bolivia, had been stopped on the Franco/Gennan border. Told to hold ourselves • in readiness in case it should happen and to get word to Mr• Squadri1 le so that he could phone Mr. Coates tonight. 2

Mr. Coates had arranged for French to provide extra food fuel etc. in this case and stated that in pursuance of general UNRRA policy in such cases, he would not take responsibility for public safety in case of trouble and arranged that a French Military Officer would have to be resident in the camp during the period this group would be here, in order to be responsible for the security of the camp.

LSS Brydone (UNRRA Nurse for Kufstein and Landeck) arrived with Miss Visscher, Chief Nurse, Salzburg. Miss Verl inde also with them on her way through to Salzburg. 7th November - Thursday Telephone conversation with Mr. Whitney Coates on the subject of mountain packs. As a result of this Director called the team and gave them a brief precis of the conversation:- Mountain packs should be handed over to Hall not to Groedig physically as was understood previously. Mr. Squadrille asked to be allowed to submit in writing some points against this moveJ . Mr.., Coates_ a.greed. and said he would put it in writing by courier today that the packs should go to Hall and not Groedig. Mr. Squadrille had objected on the grounds of security; we feel we have the food well stored and guarded here with electric alarum system, guard etc. Furthermore, the stocks were not from an UNRRA source in the beginning. Grounds given for the decision is that it is desired to issue Red Cross parcels in lieu of mountain packs as they are more perishable; Director said he did not feel confident that we would actually receive Red Cross parcels, in view of the changes that have took place in the last t~~ months since we have been receiving parcels for children only, and uncertaint~ of ever receiving them; Red Cross parcels are not for all camp population - only for children. From the •elfare angle it would have a very bad effect on the morale of the people. Dr. Kwiesielewicz had yesterday been informed by Lt. Klein who had been able to give very little encour­ agement on the question of the food situation in January and February. The transportation involved in the move was another point against it; also there is the possibility of the French forces moving out and of Hall being closed and con­ sequently we might not regain the food. Also if Landeck is closed down and the population brought here this would eliminate the need for having the food in a more central position to feed both the camps. Furthermore, camps in other zones already receive regular monthly supplies of Red Cross parcels while we have never had them only one lot of Canadian parcels. Mr . Smirnoff is preparing a report showing by how much we have supplemented the diets with the mountain packs. Furthermore, Director felt he could not guarantee the transportation and moving of the food without theft en route; and Austrian guards on the warehouse at Hall might not be as effective and he felt much more secure in having the food here under our good security measures. Mr. Biraud mentioned that HQ Innsbruck had shown lack of confidence irt supervision of handling of parcels between here and Hall by insisting that an UNRRA officer should fetch Red Cross parcels for repatriates. When we reduced the basic ration to 1250 calories, we informed the D.P.s that we were doing so in order to conserve the food which we should hold for even greater emergency and the people have confidence in us that this was the case and that they would get the food when the need arises. Mr. Follender informed Director that he was calling a meeting of his staff to give them a talk on fire precautions next Wednesday, 13th. Director suggested he could include staff of all other UNRRA Officers. Agreed.

Director issued 114 coupon cards (each to the value of 12 schillings) to Mr. Kussakov to issue to camp employees to augment their decreased salaries this month (October). Payroll paid out today. Dr. Rogoff arrived. ~rs. Mitchell, elfare Officer from Vienna(?) arrived. Discussed question of camp inhabitants working for Austrian firms receiving Austrian clothing coupons. She promised to take this up with Zone HQ. Voluntary societies - Director said that most of the voluntary societies are national societies - Zone HQ have not given us much lead or made contacts with these societies. They are chiefly for giving material help as far as we are concerned. Recently Director by his own advances cont acted the Ukrainian Society in Innsbruck. Polish Repatriation Commission (v· arsaw) advise us that there will be a new Polish Red Cross arriving soon in place of the fonner one which was suspected by us of being of the London Poles Government sympathies - however it has not arrived here yet. Discussed methods of encouraging repatriation - Director assured her that all team ~embers were behind this policy of UNRRA and it was being strongly enforced, part~cularly with regard to Poles. Director stressed that ?e must_h~ve bett:r travelling accommodation for repatriation moveme ts. National liaison officers stated not to be active - Yougoslav one having been here about 4/5 t:µnes in~ yyar and the Czech one about 3 times in about the same peri~d. Scree1:1ng c~li:t~n~fo~ s s to ~~ae all groups had been held, but_~~ ;ere s~illC~~s~~~sl~n~tional ones1 to issue be finally c~eared. ~lRn :t~0 f~e~t~ic~[i~~~f nat~on~11ty. Further we are 2waiting n n _ --~~~n,~P.d b 6th Nov~r - Wednesday Mada.me Papastratigakis Said that she had received a telegram from some connections of hers in Klagenfurt that there was a repatriation movement of Greeks fro@ Klagenfurt at the end of this week. Director said he would ring Mil. Gov. Innsbruck to find out the details.

Director telephoned Captain JEHL

Mr. Biraud Arrangement .made for repatriation census of Poles to be made in Registration Office - Mr. Biraud advised that this was already being done. Austrian registration forms for D.P.s will be completed today. Move to Bk.42b of tuberculars progressing better now. Proposal for the present housekeepers in Bk.1 to be moved to 42b as barrack-chief there. Mr. Biraud to look into this. Arranged with Mr. Biraud for Mr. Follender to take over the room previously occupied by the Sports Master. Camp inhabitants are requesting cardboard or beaverboard to keep out draughts - ver-y difficult to obtain - Director suggests that he studies the cases of people ~dth rooms exposed on the north side. Mr. Biraud to tr-y to obtain more boilers for the kitchen from the French Officer he previously contacted near Innsbruck.

News received from Mr. Rankin that we have been allocated a sunply of window glass and we must advise the size in which we want it cut. Mr. Biraud advised, also Mr. Follender.

Mr. Friedrichson & Director complained that he had tried out the alarum bell electrician responsible in the school and found it did not work. Director gives for fitting fire-alarum them until tomorrow to get it fixed properly. bell in Bldg. 29.

Mrs. Lewis & Mr. Blanket stock position, stated that present stock is Biraud in the region of 1000 blankets. Director's suggestion to issue a coupon currency to be used as part payment for camp workers for use in the camp workshops discussed. Proposed to introduce it immediately in view of reduced payroll for month of October. He had raised question of alleged unfairness in excluding Hungarians from UNRRA care. Director advised him that he thought that such approaches would prove abortive. Possibility of giving Mr. Ratkay part time employment discussed tentatively.

Mr. Valavicius Presented his prepared payroll for camp emploJees for the month of October. Reduced again by 1000 shillings on last month.

Director worked late in the evening with Mr. Kussakov re evolving and putt:ing into effect the issuing of camp coupon -money, with a view to issuing it to aUgment the salaries to be paid for the month of October. Suggested :i.:edical Officer takes up the question of deducting lo% of D.P. doctors' Salaries to go to the Camp Fund •

• 5th November - Tuesdy Mr. Squadrille went to Innsbruck with Mr. Kussakov. Went to collect the money for the payroll and also obtain certification of applications for drawing money for D.P.s blocked funds. At Landhaus t he money was handed over to Adj. Duch~ne to pay us here at Kufstein, also the stamped application forms for de-blocking the D.P.s money also handed to Adj. Duchine. Capt. JEHL suggested it would be helpful to him and to us if one of our Registration persons phoned him daily to give him details on Camp registration. Not decided yet whether we will actually do this. Follender Re where Messrs. Ossipow and Mordvinov should have their offices. Decided with Director that M:r. Ossipow should move into room 3 Building l; Mr. Mordvinov in Barrack No.4. Regular weekly appointment. Report submitted by Mr. viiberg on fuel consumption - statements not satisfactory. Mr. Follender called in and requested Mr. Smirnoff to spend some time with him looking into the question. I Yougoslav School having exhibition of handwork this afternoon. Schurko would like to take all scouts to Hechtsee tomorrow • . O.K. no car, but must take their food on their backs in rucsGl,cks. Theatre Director Lanskoj dismissed. Director suggested try Mr. Kiroff again for one month. Regulating question of payment for teachers. Mi.ss ellsman to be declared redundant. First meeting since his election as Polish national representative. Advised pe should refer problems to the UNRRA Officers concerned. Proposed that he should have a spoken newspaper such as the Russian group has and that he should come to the Director for answers which he can give him. Told him to go to see Capt . Kucharski to see if he can get an allocation of food and cigarettes for his group because there is supposed to be a new Polish Red Cross coming from Warsaw.

Husband arrested some time ago without trial. She wants to find out exactly what his position is; has recently lost her baby and would like to know what the position is with regard to her husband. Director advised her to contact Captain Kucharski, in the meantime he will try to help her if she ¼111 give him all the particulars. Director interviewed Kitchen and household staff of Hotel Stern and drew up Job Sheets and general instructions for running the household. 2nd November - Saturday

Director absent from t he office. Lt. Mercier called to request permission to speak with Mrs. Petunin re her daughter being allowed to dance tomorrow at a performance organised by the French at Imst. Mrs. Petunin agreed - special permission was obtained by Lt. Mercier for a laissez-passer to be issued from ~his office although ae we had been advised that these re hold are no longer valid. Laissez-passer therefore issuedi to her and child and accompanist. 1st November - Friday

All Saints Day - Holiday for all Catholics. Also observed by Austrian and Frenc~ Military offices. Mr. Squadrille also observed as holiday.

Dr. Mark Tombuk called in on his way to Innsbruck and Landeck. Dr. Kwiesielewicz spent a short time with him in his office and went with him to Innsbruck ind on to Landeck tomorrow. 31st October - Friday Lt. Mercier of French Gendarmerie, Woergl was to have an appointment with Director, but he did not arrive. Mr. Valavicius - Matter of issuing certificates that persons are working in the camp. These certificates must only @ome from Employment Service. Director dictated letter to all Departments and UNRRA Officers. Question of compensation for death or injury for D.P.s working for Austrian firms. Director will take up wi. th Innsbruck and try to get a covering clause. Mr. Valavicius asked that some sort of ceiling should be set for the Workshops as with the new Austrian Labour Law many people were seeking employment in the Workshops to avoid employment outside. Director said he did not wish to discourage people being taken on for the ToyShops as he felt it would be only till Xmas orders are completed. However, careful attention should be paid to the 5ort of people engaged - they should not be people normally eeffliag- liable for employment under the law. Letter written to Mr. Ulanoff on this point. Valavicius to submit a list of all people exempt from Law on grounds of repatriation. Director congratulated Mr. Valavicius on the way he explained our system of complying with the Austrian Labour Law to the visiting French Officers yesterday. Director will make an arrange­ ment whereby Deputy Director w.i.11 visit Austrian firms employing our D.P.s and report on working conditions. Mr. Follender Re his taking over the responsibility of Messing Department. Director briefly discussed it with him and asked him to call Messrs. Ossipow and Mordvinov with a view to setting up the new working procedure. 30th Octobe~ - Wednesday

Director called to Innsbruck for conference on ineligibilitl of some D.P.s for UNRRA care. Very little to be notE!.d on this poj_nt. Team personnel we will stay as we are at the moment with the exception of the anticipated departure of Mr . Biraud, until 31st December. There is no existing arrangement for the Messing '' . Officer from Landeck to come here as he will probably also be declared redundant. .: If any UNRRA person on team is entitled to leave, they should take it now. 1 Colonel Lejate ) M.G., Innsbruck. Capitaine Jehl)

Called to look into the position of our Camp with regard to the new Austrian Labour Law. It seemed that the Austrian authorities had complained that our camp was not co-operating and that several people (figure of 90 quoted) refused to report when called for work by Austrian authorities. This statement was disproved by showing the records of Employment Service which clearly showed that all people called had reported except 9 persons. They did not report at first, but after being issued with a warning notice they were sent later. Frenah officers appeared satisfied that the requirements of the Austrian Labour authorities were being complied with. Agreed that ~a any cases of delinquency should be reported to the French authorities in Kufstein for disciplinary action.

Last day of Miss de Grosville - to report to HQ, Innsbruck tomorrow for further reporting and termination at Vienna. 1 I, 29th October - Tuesday

Mr. Foll ender 150 tons of potatoes promised for the winter have not yet arrived (75 kilos per person), exact date of procure- ment unknown. 45 tons of Chinese cabbage not yet arrived. Kufstein shelter being prepared f or storage. Question of 2nd shelter not to be encouraged in view of limited security measures. 10 in 1 rations will be divided so as to provide food for 6 months, i.e. including April. Mountain packs being opened at the rate of 530 for September, 530 for Oct. (fat being removed, remainder frozen). 4,000 mountain packs should last 7 months. Coal, 21 tons &P& is our present allocation per month for the winter. Follender to submit a plan of how this will be distributed to the various camp services. Wood distribution to begin on 4th Novmber, would like a breakdown of what will be allocated to camp inhabitants, to offices and other facilities. Question of gasoline received last month from Innsbruck - garage show a smaller amount than the figures give by Mr. Sones. Driving School to be closed now for the winter. Perhaps present students may be given a chance to complete their course.

Estonian Group held election for national representative. Mrs. Junnann elected by a majority of 16 votes out of 20.

Mr. Puchyr Interviewed for language facility and possibility of employing him later on. Not very fluent in English, spoke Itali an - not in good health and could not do a lot of work - remembered that he had been sent a reprimand for not co-operating with the Sanitary Squad some little time ago.

Mr. Kussakov & Two former ballet members called by Austrian Labour authorities Mr. Ulanoff claim exemption on the grounds that they now wor~ in the toy-shop. Mr. Ulanoff to arrange with Mr. Valavicius and get certificate f or t hem from him. Workshops ready to take orders for 24 pairs of shoes for selected cases of women employees, after this they can undertake another 70 odd pairs of shoes. The 9 men who could not obtain boots because they did not have them in their sizes may apply to have them made in the shops 28th October - Monday

Dr. Kwiesielewicz Re case of Mrs. Golovatschoff - confirmed pregnancJ and need for slight hospital treatment. Dr. in Dispensary instructed to take a particular interest in her case and give her all possible care and attention and treat as special case. Promised to submit lists of women workers in need of shoes this afternoon. Dr. has been experiencing difficulty with children who did not appear for medical examination; says it is impossible to carry out his work if children do not appear when called. He asked permission to stop supplementary food rations to children if they do not report, for one week only, i.e. unless there is some ~ legitimate reason e.g. sickness. Agreed. Dr. will dismiss from his emplojment the two Aslanow brothers as ineligible for UNRRA care. Bus for invalids and people going to Innsbruck for treatment. Will continue to run once a week on Thursday instead of Friday. Present average number of persons using bus 20 per week. If we stop the bus we would have to pay rail road tickets and they would not have any supervision. Baby Station does not have enough babies therein to warrant upkeep. Director to look into this and see if through vielfare more mothers may not avail themselves of this facility.

Mr. Smirnoff Regular weekly appointment. Nothing really noteworthy. Telephone call from Mr. Rankin Innsbruck to the effect that re Red Cross parcels for next month, again there is a change - new Admin. Order issued will arrive tomorrow - Dr. will be the deciding factor old indents are being returned to us, new ones must be made out. Director is to come to Innsbruck Wednesday, 30th and bring papers on eligibility for UNRRA care.

Mrs. Freidrichson Re Karlis URBE case - (in prison on charge of being S.S.) He is to have an operation - will UNRRA pay anvthing towards it? Director replied UNRRA would be unable to meet this expense, and sug1iested referring it to the Latvian Society in Innsbruck.

Director visited schools with Mrs. Lewis.

Mr. Valavicius (younger) & Mr. Bogauslauskas Re billeting in the staff villas - vacancies for single people and married couples only. Will contact Fmployment Service to find if there are any staff kitchen employees who would like to move. \

walk to Hechtsee to ~hich about 35/40 staff people and families were invited. Very nice weather and altogether the outing a great success. 22nd October - Tuesday

Mr. Follender Regular weekly appoi ntment. Second-hand shoes from Hall. Report shows that result of r ecent sorting by W.C.W. was chiefly childrens' shoes - Di rector wishes Mr. Follender to press for ~~mens' shoes. Cable prepared for Mr. Follender to send to Maj or George Vujnovich in States for material to help in manufacture of Xmas I toys etc. Reviewed fat position - taken care of; chocolate position - taken care of; Red Cross parcels - taken care of; coal supplies - being handled by Rankin. Mr. Follender and Mrs. Lewis left f or Salzburg and Groedig - to obtain team clothing and also to obtain infonnation with regard to other outstanding indents. ..f' Telephone call received from Mr. Rankin to effect that 21 tons of coal instead of 15 tons would be the allottment per month. Information passed to Warehouse Supervisor's office.

Director visited Camp Workshops - Tailors Shop Bk. 17 and Bk.14 where the whole personnel of shops are engaged on making capes for school­ children. Very satisfactory progress being made. President of Ukrainian Society in Voralburg and Mr. Synychyn This Society is lmown as an association for relief and assistance and has been in contact with Col. Thibaud for over a year. Only members of the Society are eligible to receive amentities; our camp figure is 420 members which includes 110 children. Hereafter when meetings or conferences will take place in Innsbruck, this Administration will receive a very brief synopsis of points of interest or problems discussed. For all relief distribµtions in the camp the Administration will be informed beforehand and given the information as to who will receive the supplies. Extended an invitation for them to visit Camp Kufstein and they in turn have invited the UNRRA Officers to Innsbruck on 1st or 2nd or 3rd November for an Ukrainian cultural exhibition. Miss Spiegel Told her that she is on the list of non-eligible people and therefore it is not possible to give her permanent employment. She understands. She thinks there is a possibility of leaving the camp; will try next week: - if she comes back next week she will talk to Sleskin about working in Toy Shops; she receives no staff kitchen, but for the time being will keep her billet privilege.

Messrs. Ulanoff & Complaint that two shoemakers who had gone home sick from Kussakov the Workshops and who were found to be working at home. Director accorded pennission for them to dismiss these men if the facts warranted it.

/ 21st October - Mond~y

Dr. Kwiesielewicz Case of woman suspected of venereal disease - test found positive. Refused to go to hospital; Dr. asked if he would be justified in asking her to leave camp; Director replied yes if she still refused to go to hospital. Director referred to Dr. attention case of Mrs. Wykas, wife of Polish chauffeur - reported by Visiting Nurse as being undernourished - Dr. will attend to case. New Child Feeding programme for current period discussed; Dr. was informed that Messing Officer had discontinued the programme previously laid down, for the past week. Dr. asked to draw up Standard Operating Procedure for his Department; he produced an S.O.P. on Medical Reports and General Office Admin. procedure; was asked to extend this to cover all phases and sections of his activity. Dr. was warned that he may be losing some of his smployees who had been classed as collaborators or ineligible for UNRRA care, by the UNRRA Screening Commission. Informed another Polish repatriation movement expected in November.

Mr. Smirnoff Informed that if he could obtain 5 good employees to help him in his work on drawing up standard reports and S.O.P.s Director would agree to accord them some privileges, but only if they were really good. Reviewed the forms, etc. which he has finalised so far. He is now going to concentrate on establishing S.O.P. for his om department.

Czechoslovakian lady Miss de Grosville ~obtained a ticket for her to travel whose movement to to Prague today. On calling the lady it was found she Prague was requested had not all the necessary papers, and further she had a by Dr. Bedo. husband who also possessed none of the necessary papers. Application being made through Mr. Deitz for the laissez- passer to allow her to go to Prague on Friday 25th inst. Possibility thought doubtful - if this falls through must apply for refund on railway ticket.

4.0 p.m. Tea held in the International Club for children selected for writing the best essay on Work and Play in Camp Kufstein, together with their parents.

Mr. Mi chalevsky Former block chief. Asked why he had been dismissed. Director said his name had been advised to him as being an anti-repatriation influence in Polish Group. Said he was afraid to go back to Poland and said he had been working in conjunction with Polish Association. Said he did not wish to remain without work, although he wanted to help in the work of the Administration; thought he would probably leave the camp to get work outside. Director thought this would be the best solution and explained that anti-repatriation propoganda was not to be tolerated in UNRRA Camps on instructions from HQ.

Mother of Natasha Re social problem in connection with private life of her in Secretariat daughter. Director said he was more than willing to help in the solution of the problem; it remained for him to be advised definitely what were Natasha's final wishes in the matter. Saturday - 19th October

Miss de Grosville - New plan for Red Cross parcels; she is to submit on the same basis as the one prepared for the last period. Her offices are too spread out; she is to study carefully the possibility of moving to Barrack 1 and of moving Mr. Mordvinov and all book­ keeping to Barrack 4. Consolidation of Distribution Centres into one centre. Sanitation report discrepancies should be checked. She should reduce personnel on Mr. ordvinov•s section by 1. She proposed to serve people .. ith the dry tea leaves instead of issuing the hot tea already prepared in order to save fuel. Director asked her to wait and find out if this arrangement met with general agreement of camp inhabitants before implementing it.

Mr. Friedrichson - Discussed the new set of fire­ prevention instructions which Mr. Friedrichson has recently issued. These are to be brought before UNRRA Officers at next team meeting and they are to be asked to impress these instructions very firm..1y upon the minds of employees in their departments.

Krukalis had an accident while driving Mr. Squadrille's car,unauthori sed, home from dance in Kufstein. Austrian fatally injured as a result. 18th October - Friday

Gendannerie - searching for a certain man - amputee - Allowed to interview some men in camp together with Chief of Camp Police and interpreter. Afterwards reported that they had not found the person they were looking for.

Mr. Ulanoff) Reported on their visit to Innsbruck of Mr. Sles.ld.n ) yesterday, Brought back various samples of different toys they had bought in Innsbruck. Good news of dealer in Innsbruck who is willing to place with us large order for toys, dolls mainly. Samples of this toys to be ready by Monday. Ulanoff to supply lists of any articles which would help in the manufacture of toys so that Mr. Squadrille can cable to U.S.A. for them.

Mr. Synyschyn Re Ukrainian Association in Innsbruck. Ironed out a few difficulties which Mr. Synyschyn seemed to have - seemed to feel that Director had not paid sufficient attention to the Ukrainian Group. Director pressed for Interview with rep. of their association and said that he wanted the contact for the benefit of the Ukrainian group here, but wanted to be aware of all contacts wittl>utside organ­ isations.

t. Binkowsky Polish Repatriation Commission - i arsaw Govt. to start next week screening the Polish Group. Director pressed for certificates to be issued to such Poles as were recognised as being Polish.

Milovanovic Theft from garage; Baskewitch alleged that for past 3 weeks no police guard had been supplied to garage - Chief of Police differed in opinion. Report called for on this from Chief of Police. Batons for Police force - it seemed he had not contacted Supply - must do so at once. - 2 - . , ~ 18th October - Fridal (continued)

Milovanovic He assured Director that the guards were (continued) placed as Director had instructed at night; one main gate, one garage and one warehouse and they were armed nightly. That all the police force is eea~Pe~lea drilled every morning in front of Barrack 14 at 9.00 hrs. All new policemen are trained and have a period of schooling on fire-fighting and camp security measures. French Officer called to enquire about the redundant vehicles to be taken over by the French.

Mr. Valavicius: Re finalising the statements and certificates for submission to the Austrian Labour authorities. Volunteers to be encouraged for the Toy Shop in order to meet the heavy orders which we may expect. Mr. Valavicius to consider moving into the office with his other workers in order to conserve fuel. Also to consider cutting down his staff by one person. Discussed possibility of forming a kind of Empioyees Club to orgamise various activities and diversions for the staff during the winter. Re setting a policy for each vacancy that occurs in the camp to be studied carefully by employing officer and employment service to make sure that the job is essential before engaging replacement. Asked to start his own Standard Operating procedure for his activity. 17th October - Thursday

Director attended Soviet Screening Commission at tilitary Government all the morning. Various Russian Emigres, Poles, Polish Ukrainians screened, i.e. some previously doubtful cases and some cases of new inhabitants of camp.

- In the afternoon Deputy Director attended the Screening Commission in the Director's place. Mr.Whitney Coates invited Mr. Squadrille to an informal party at his apartment in Innsbruck. Mr. Squadrille was not ab le to go. 16th OctoJ2,er - Wednesd :Y to find Investigation by French Gendarmerie to try/the coat alleged to be stolen by the lad H~ach. Search made in room occupied by the Hrach family - nothing found •

.rector visited schools to take them toys and school material etc. Visit of Lt. Laguerre in afternoon: discussed Smylchinski family - nothing can be done about the transfer of the family from Worgl until the matter is settled between the family members themselves. Director explained his intentions with regard to the registration of camp inhabitants for compulsory labour with the Austrian authorities. Lt. Laguerre approved his plan to submit forms only in respect of people unemployed and not exempted for any reason. Matter of obtaining exemption from repatriation in case of Renata - Mr. Squadrille to put the request in writing to Lt. Laguerre. Lists of people to report to the Soviet Screening Commission tomorrow to be supplied this afternoon through our own Registration Office where member of Laguerre's staff was already working. Various current questions in correspondence touched upon and referred again to Lt. Laguerre. Case of maltreatment of Franz Hrach also mentioned. A~dtrian Labour officials from Innsbruck & Mr. Valavieius: Director explained how he wished to conduct the registration of camp inhabitants for employment under ustria n labour control. i.e. exempted classes of persons,medic ally unfit, women with children, no forms to be submitted; only forms to be submitted in respect of persons liable for compulsory labour.

Mr. Homatjano - re cutting off of current from Austrians living close to the Staff villas. This action should not have been ta ken by Mr. Homatjano. )

15th October - Tuesday

French Lieutenant (Ferri?) Called re the UNRRA vehicles which have been allocated for taking over by French Mil. Gov. Ca.me to check them; taken over to Garage to see Mr. Baskewitch; no action taken to take them away, but advised us that he v.ould communicate by letter later to let us know what action would be taken.

Mr. Follender Regular weekly appointment: Director agreed to issue covering letter authorising him to replace the spoilt .. chocolate in the Red Cross parcels from mountain packs • Mr. F'ollender has gone ahead and issued orders to~release a further 530 tins of margerine from mountain packs. This has not officially been authorised, but in view of fat position being still as unfavourable, Director will authorise. We will get 15 tons of potatoes for the winter i.e. 75 lbs per head; purchasing 30,000 heads of Chinese cabbage for winter programme; possibility of getting beets for winter programme. Formerly approximately 4090 kilos of vegetables received per month through the 3 dealers. le may get vegetables for the next feeding period, after that it is doubtful. We should obtain figures of fuel receipts ror last winter and after prepare a covering statement of all fuel requirements for coming w:i.nter. Coal stock will last till 15th November. It i s coming in very slowly ¢¢¢ Mr. Ula.no ff ) Re employment of amputees in the Toy Shop. Ulanoff Mr. Kussakov ) suggested opening up a still to manufacture liquor - Mr. Sleskin ) . answer definitely 11 No. 11 Reported that the 17 pairs ' of children's shoes are nearly finished. To submit an ., estimate of how many more shoes can be made after these; then Director will submit further orders. Second-hand clothing material requested from Hall to be used in toy manufacture; Mr. Follender and Mrs. Lewis, going to I nnsbruck on Friday next will see to this. Ulanoff to try to submit some samples of Xmas tree decorations. Also to submit list of things for which Director may cable to the United States to help in lorkshops manufacturing. Director stressed that the key point at the moment is the mantfacture of toys; we must push ahead now; Radio announcement made asking for volunteers to rnaketoys and thereby earn a little money.

as we have had no snowfall to aid transport. Previous request for window-panes by Mr. Biraud was over-estimated. A fair allocation received for immediate needs and furthe allocation promised through Mr. Rankin. Soviet Russian Liaison Captain Amarantow and Major Wet row: Requested to deliver Officers. some letters to people in the camp and also wished to screen some people who had missed screening Commission in June. (Schlomov and Kalashnikov). Sent Soviet Liaison O~ficers to Mil. Gov. to arrange for screening; screening eventually arranged for Thursday, 17th Oct . in Military Gov. - 2 - He advised that we would be receiving some forms which Mil.Gov. required to be completed by all D.P.s. Capt. JEHL) Mentioned to Capt. Jehl the matter of the alleged maltreatment Lt. Klein ) of Franz Hrach by French Gendarmerie at Kufstein. Also mentioned the question of the failure of the Genoormerie to return the items confiscated from various camp inhabitants who were later released with no charges.

Lt. Mercier Matter of alleged maltreatment of Hrach, Franz reported to Charge de la him. Took particulars and promised to look into the matter. Gendarmeri e, ~lo rgl Also to look into the matter of the return of the confiscated Kitsbuhel & Kufstein belomgings of the camp inhabitants. 14th October, 1946 - Monday

Dr. Kwiesielewicz 1 appointment cancelled as neither he nor the Director had any matters of special importance to discuss.

Mr. Smirnoff Reviewed his programme of statistical records - plans to set up Standard Operating Procedure, for Reports and Statistics as soon as possible.

Director held a meeting with the lorkshops employees at 14.00 hrs. Review of the policies of the camp workshops and called on all tailors and dress-makers to devote two days of their time to the -making of childrens capes for all children in the camp. They agreed to do so.

Billeting Officer and Mr. Valavicius (Jnr.) Discussing generally disposition of billets involving moves of staff personnel.

Mr. Kosireff Misost - Re setting him to work on making and designing Xmas cards for the camp.

Boy Franz Hrach and his father. Complained that he had been called to report to the French Gendarmerie in connection with the alleged theft of a coat from an Austrian woman. He asserts that although he knows nothing about the matter he was beaten by the French Gendannerie ( he went unaccompanied by any Camp policeman). Director will take up this case further. 11th October, 1946 - Friday

Representative of the firm of Johann Kobylko called to get us to certify a list of 18 of our camp inhabitants working for them. Actually the list of 18 included the ae~aaaR4; members of families dependant upon the workers for this firm. List checked by Mr. Va1avicius and signed by Miss -Needs in absence of Director. Purpose of this list was to ascertain how many persons would be involved in a move a·s this firm is contemplating moving its premises. Russian Liaison Officer from Innsbruck called to take Kach Reinholdt and Martin Dischler who wished to be repatriated to Latvia and Lithuania respectively. On instructions left by Director necessary certificates etc. prepared and the two left with Soviet liaison officer. Mr. Sleskin - Re display of toys in windows of the French Information Bureau in Kufstein. Display put in window this afternoon and pricelist delivered. The proprietors requested 8% of the takings for themselves - agreed - this to come out of the '35% which was to be allocated to the .Camp Fund. Mr. Sguadrille visited HQ. Innsbruck:-

It was further confirmed that Landeck would probably close in December leaving Kufstein and perhaps orgl for the French Zone D.P. operations. It appears that all Headquarters (Vienna) are concentrating on the present budgets and redundancy schemes. Further reductions for the French zone would be the Deputy Director and Messing Officer, Kufstein and Garage Manager and Mechanic Innsbruck. Mr. Roper Robinson will remain in Vienna. Austrian Universities are charging a very high fees to D.P. students, but this cannot be fought as the excuse given by the Austrians is limited degrees can be issued. In order to limit degrees, higher fees are charged for foreign students of universities. 7th October - Monday

Mr. Follender - Re his responsibility for all stocks. Dis¢atisfied with the way the present system works whereby UNRRA Officers should give him stocks of Welfare Supplies, Medical and Camp Maintenance supplies. These returns are not given to him in reliable form nor on time. Director wrote letter to the UNRRA Officers concerned stressing that owing to more and more reports being requested at the close of UNRRA operations, it is essential that exact reports should be sent to Mr. Follender on the exact date he requests. List of Poles for repatriation received from Capt. Kucharski at noon.

Reported that he had finished his work on the Screening of camp inhabitants conducted by the UNRRA Screening Commission. Presented lists showing the results of screening.

Dance held in Theatre Bk. 17 for the Poles departing on repatriation train tomorrow 8th October. 5th October - Saturday French Gendarmerie came to make enquiry into alleged maltreatment of D.P.s employed by Austrian firms. Referred to Mr. Valavicius.

Parcels received from American Association for Childhood Education. Two parcels taken to schools and distributed to the Nursery School and Kindergarten. Lists prepared for Welfare of Director's employees eligible for receiving a pair of boots. In~tructions given for the moving of T.B.s into better barracks. To be completed this weekend. 4th October - Friday

Mi;s Wagner left for Innsbruck (Camp Hotting) with the three remaining girls of the group that left erroneously yesterday.

Mr. Mzek - Advised that today is the last day for the Conmrl.ssion to interview camp inhabitants. Teletype received from Mr. (Dr.) Bedo yesterday and message despatched today advising that Mr. Mzek is awaiting him to finalise the reports.

French Gendarmerie called re Mr. Volcjak who was at one time camp inhabitant (Yougoslav) and who left to work for the French on our recommendation.

Meeting of the Polish Group held in the theatre l.JO.p.m. Dr. Kwiesielewicz addressed the meeting and Mr. Mzek present also - aim of meeting to encourage as many Poles as possible to register for repatriation.

Mr. Valavicius - Checks made of Poles working in Administration who have not registered for repatriation. Those not giving adequate reasons to be served with notices of dismissal from employment within the camp administration today. Thursday - 3rd Octobe~

Interview with Milovanovic - see notes made and filed on Director's file - Camp Police.

2 Polish representatives of the group being repatriated on 8th October. They should tell the Polish group that the new Austrian law will compell all able- bodied people to work. They should register for repatriation vdth Registration - distribute notices prepared by Director amongst Poles - and tell the group that from the childrens' point of view it would be better to return to Poland this winter. To report to Director every morning at 09.00 hours until date of departure. Mr. Biraud - Stoves for winter - special cases recommended by Welfare to receive priority in installation of stoves.

Mr. Whitney Coates with his wife and two children just arrived from England. Mrs. Lewis showed Mrs. Whitney Coates and children around camp - Red Cross parcels for repatriates and childrens 1 Indian Red Cross parcels particularly stressed - letter also written to Mr. Coates today on this.

Polish priest from Innsbruck called again as promised - Director authorised him to come to the camp every week to administer mass. Owing to a misunderstanding - the 9 girls who were to transfer to Camp Hotting to work for the firm "Femina" were sent this morning instead of tomorrow as arranged with Mil. Gov. They went without proper processing and documentation. ------

Wednesday - 2nd October Mr. Smirnoff) Mrs. Jurmann) Question of the Secretariat. Position clarified to Mrs. Junnann that she is in charge of the Secrelariat and responsible for the allocation of typing. Miss Rut is to act as receptionist and interpreter.

Representative of the Firm 11 Femina" from Innsbruck called with Miss Wagner who was in charge of the movement of 9 girls on Monday. He requested a further 9 girls to work for this firm. Was told that we could only send these girls on instructions from Military Government Kufstein. He thereupon left to call upon Lt. Laguerre.

Mrs. Lewis: Asked to look into the question of W.C.W. giving back the room they had occupied in order that it may be used again for the storage of fuel for the dispensary. Tracing Service correspondence to be conducted in English to avoid complications and use of bad phraseology. Theatre - Saturday night dance not to be charged for. Camp orchestra - had requested 60 A. Schgs. each per month for their services. Director says we should prove their worth for a week or two before granting this. 1st October, 1946 - Tuesday Telephone call with Innsbruck. Bruni aux will have to be tet · f\a ~4e~ seems that Mechanics are being calledhup &r' 0 t ~ ation~ve .v j 0, • U () Mr. Whitney Coates advised of Directop"s'° ~o:i!sfbn not to accept the assignment rl , • J .... · in Poland on encouraging repatriation. ,J .,... o· , . "<, "' , LE ... • '? - • ..,_ "1 ~ • I. ri ')j ft. J !I '.m O I I,; - 3 Jews - Small camp in which they have been living under Service des Personnes Deplacees of French ¥J.}_r._, Gq_r;. t~ ~ lo~ifl&1U.'R~ . h03t nave.~ rct?e-redf-~ -c1imce of eoming to Camp tur'stein, Camp orgl, or living privately. Director advised them there was no objection to accepting their small group (40)from any other reason except that since we already have 7 fairly big national groups, it seems hardly advisable to create another group with the attendant special arrangements it would involve. Therefore advised to seek other alternative.

Telephone call with Mr. Berger of Polish Mission who was in Salzburg. Advised him of decision not to accept assignment (temporary) with the Polish repatriation scheme.

Dr. Kwiesielewicz - various staff matters - questions of extra compessations etc. for medical staff discussed.

Dr. Banach - re possibility of emigration to U.S.A.

Mr. Valavicius - re registration of camp inhabitants under Austrian Labour Scheme. Certificates will have to be prepared for people excused from work for medical and other reasons, for presentation to the Austrian authorities. Dr. requested for this.

Visit from a Mr. Joseph Gallo (address - Gaustof (Gasthaus?) Auerwert, Kundl) Inherited money from father Mr. Cayetano Gallo who was an American citizen. He himself is of Spanish nationality, having lived in for 12 years in same Monday - 30th September Mr. Squadrille visited Innsbruck:­

Mrs. Lewis' trip to Vienna for elfare Conference called off. Bruniaux. 1 termination temporarily suspended pending clarification of his position as driver or mechanic, in which capacity he is now acting. Saw letter with regard to Miss de Grosville and Mr. Biraud declaring them as redundant. Discussed anonymous letter and aswer sent to Vienna with regard to same. Discussed internal administration of camp, mainly national representatives, armed guards, free elections and self-governed camps. Confirmed that Miss Needs will remain. Team evaluations discussed. During Director's absence the following points are noteworthy:-

9 girls, mainly of Polish nationality, were processed for leaving the camp, and left in accordance with instructions from Military Government on 12.15 train for Camp Hotting. Mr. Swetlichny - expelled from camp on saturday, 28th Sept., requested rations for two days since he had not been processed for leaving the camp and therefore had not received rations outside. Permission granted for the interim period until cards etc. handed in.

Polish Priest from Innsbruck called - now that camp is without regular Polish priest, he intends to come every Sunday to conduct mass - will call again next Thursday to see Director. 27th September, 1946 - Friday.

UNRRA Screening Commission working the whole day •. Arrival from Mr.Rankin from Headquarters Innsbruck. Arrangements for Yougoslav repatriation transport. fur. Mitrovich from I.G.C.Innsbruck arrived and discussed with Director. Disciplinary action against Ulruienko Vjera she has to leave Camp on 4th October, 1946. Disciplinary action against Swetlischny Aonstantin, he has to leave immediately. Consignment from America for children arrived, 52 casses. At lo p.m. truck with Yougoslav repatriants left Camp Kuf stein for 'Norgl R.R. Miss l\eeds,U:t-.RRA Secretary and Mr.Follender, UKRRA Varehouse Supervisor arrived from their leave in the evening. Hurrah ! ""· ~ .. 26th September, 1946 - Thursday.

Screening Commission working the whole day. Call to I.G.C. Call to HQ. Innsbruck. Miss Veitz , Children Welfare Officer from Headnuarters Innsbruck registered all children in Camp. i Col.Petersky, Soviet-Russian Liaison Officer regarding Ulanenko Vjera, Soviet citizen. She refused to be repatriated. Col. P. will not give her any help. Decision from Director: She has to leave Camp Kufstein on 4th October 1946. Visit of Captn.Jel, Lt.Mottard and the Social worker from French Military Government Innsbruck. Supper with French Officers in Hotel ✓valdl . 25th September, 1946 - 'lednesday• .

Arrival of Mr.Bedo to be present at the creening Commission. Ar~iva.1 of ~iss eitz fro HQ Innsbruck. All Pol· sh children shall be registered • i th her. mmRA Screening Commission still . orking the uhole day.

In the afternoon Director sick in the 3otel. 24th September, 1946

to Innsbruck HQ.Innsbruck. UNRRA Screening Commission continued with work the whole day. Inspection of Camp.

& Poles left the 0amp. Call to MI-.Rankin UNRRA HQ.Innsbruck regarding Red Cross parcels: 450 for children till 1.10.1946 166 for Repatriation 400 for Medical purposes.

Sent all Polish employees to Military Government to obtain p~oof of their nationaJ,.i ty. Preparing of labor-forms for all Poles.

. ' - Monda.y

Travel to Irmsbruck. et Mr.Whitney-Coates on his trip to Vienna, discussed with him about different important matters and re­ turned at 10,00 p.m. to Camp. Screening Ooillll~Bsion rorking the whole day. Extended dead line for 7 Poles to leave Camp Kuf'stein till to-morrow, September 24,46. Interviewed Prof.Dr. Iljin, Representative of Russian Emigrees for Tyrol, his secretary and Mr. Bali tzky. Discussed different questions regarding Russian :Em.igrees of Camp. their immigration to America, distribution of supplies of the Red Cross CoI1111ittee at ~J Innsbruck for the Russian Group etc. -~~ Russian Chief priest for ·Tyrol presented himself to Director. Director allowed him to visit Camp, when obtained the permission from French Military Government.

Inf'ormed u that .~drr1e. Semc j e~·ske. _. exhibition on 5th, 6th and 7th d iill visit us about it l ater. 22nd September, UN'R.._'qA Screening Commission on work the whole day. 21st September, 1946 - Saturday.

The Screening Oomnission continued with 1 ts wofk, during the whole day. Oall to Innsbruck regarding the leave of the Camp by 7 Poles. Decision: they have to leave Oamp Ku.fstein on Monday, September 23, 1946. Interview of Mr.Szubert, one of the 7 · ·Poles and requested a written declaration about MD accusations of Mr. Florkiewioz at the Screening Oonmission. Aitrangements made 1n case of troubles by Pole. I• , 'i.tiss··wei tz trorn HQ Innsbru~k an Child!-en l elf'are matters arrived at Kufatein.

' . ,


•, 20th September 1946

Interview with the UNRRA Screening Oommission from Vienna regarding their work here in the Camp. Announced through radio and stenceled that the Screening Commission Will start with their work at 2 p.m. in the Billeting Office Bk.4 room 12. Oomnission has to state if somebody is illegible to tJNRRA care or not. People inelligible to UNRRA eare will be advised to leave Camp. The Screening Commission consists of Mr. lysech and Mr.Demidov, UNRRA. Officers from Vienna and Lt.Laguerre from Military Government. Discussed filling out of forms for work for Austrian authorities by all Camp inhabitants in Empl. Service, with Valavicius

... , ' i .


Intervie F~eneh Gendarmerie - investigation of room of a men ar~ested. o results. eekJ.y interview · th Messing Officer. Call fro Innsb1-,,iek ,, - Sctteening Oomm1asion is on the way to Ku:fstein.-·

J ok Btrtmiaux - travel to Belgium. 18th September 1946 - ednesda,y. Meeting with supervisors o:f' eifare Department. (See minutes of this meeting). Mrs. Lewis left for Venice on leave. Team- eeting (See minutes) Discussed with Valavicius about new ceiling for ,elfare Department. Decided that ada has to go to Welfare Officer as secretary. Informed frs.Buzun and Mrs.Poliakoff from w.u.w. about filling out of new job-sheets (!eldebogen) for Austrian lj}nploY!'fient Office. ' Decided that the former Chief of orchestra shall move out of bk.2 for he is no more _ on duty. Tlie same for all otner musiciens, who a.re not more working. ,

some sent an electrician and itney-Coa,tea. ~

Convbked r. Zbye;niev zubert and gave him a lett r that he is inelligible fo~ RA care and ha1,3 to leave Camp Kuf'stein on 23r~ o eptemoer 1946 the ateat.

Letter to H • Innebruck ooncern;i.ng upgrading of ias eeds, uui~\Llo secretary to Administrative Assistant. Report regardiP,g French Gendarmes regarding prostitution in Camp. ., .

1946 -

, ,. ., ., · · o~· . ~- ItwtesieleWicz took up duti .s a.tt:er his t i;lvel t-o Poland. Ml'. Whi~- oatea requested an e:;tectrioian and a o~etl.ter · o be sent to 1lJ'l.Sb~uek to .make some ..reJ,)a.ir,&, f o.ti llim. :ran~d tti.e .:neceeea~y rt' h ~lo nt Service. ,(Monday}. . . ~

' Conference in Headquarters: 1. Russian mail 2. Reduction of Team 3. Families in u.s.zone 4. Screening Committee (Mr.Mysech and ~ ~ · Mr. Demi dov) P.X. in :Vienna · Medical set~~P Fr.ench UNRRA vehicles Families of UNRRA ~Officers Coal, chocolate, vinegre, boots, gla,ss. Poles inelligible for UNRRA care Statement of all bills for food for Team from 1st of Jul~ to lat of September 46 by Messing Officer • .. ~.,

. ' Wilczek' in Supply ~iffioulties. People from Labor Pool does not report for work. no help. Supplements for ho are working with the

le~ve Ce)'ll,P the latest.


ewis Dept. Rut SO')S ~-U -


!'1~. !hil', -µriey



• Mr. Vala

. -'1~' 1 ~ .• ~ f.", ,/ :,

French Officer asked· ±f cruld give .details on KOZELJ La .i lavas they are ofTering him m~~oyment ....

egotation 1th regard to ood

to InnsbMJck Headg_uartere ~ ►· •

11 faria 27th August - •

Ku cakov & Uleno.ff

22nd UullBt, 1946.

Brief notes on an ·nt rv ith. 1·. K:i.iiasieil..t.'Y•icz, ·~ui-- ,e Alexoiva i'l"'om andeck, urse er•linde and Directoi-- Q.UM.l"ille :- ,.,ubject: Re-ae"".; -~ ·mt of: ~.,, 1.r-se Verli ;i.,0.e and taking ove-r b:C her cli.1.tie.s ··n conjunction• •i th rcsponsibil·· ties at ar:. ·· ~".ec , by ur8e ... exo.: va.

epa- :tux-e of ~.,hr e ~ erl5.nde tx•om the Camp, .,...ui.~se at CDmp andec,., Vi L.l sp ,nd two Camp Kuf tein d tne other two ,eek~ at

·qon t 1vl n e in Lsndec'k stein. Ca,:rtai11 Nabors i.,.., the 1•ea cbie:' " l"'Se; Gr:.m.t Glass the -hief J.··urse of C tral Head arters.

The respo sibi i ties lef't by 1 ·iss Ve1'1inde are the t ting 'l'ur , s,~rvice, aby G ntre and u.1.. ses rain:.ng. The :t;,rescnt; nu:.'"sillg st ·,rt: at Ca,,np Kufstein cons· str of:-

1. ,, ...lll'qe Tch rtchkova sr:ia;p., Ho pi ttil Bdg. 44 • glite , - I tv,tan, is en ar¥ 3. euro ova ua ian, Cerr.p isi tin 1 ui-·se 4, aika Rus ian, ie~en~ary 5. 1.. -nka Yougosl av, dministI•ation 6. U.c Se Poto:poff Russian, ispensary 7. Kl~in .. t Ukrainian, Hospital .g. 44 8. Gruca - Pol~sh, Hospital Bdg. 44. 11 the fbove nurses .. ceive StaTf Kitchen Gnd 3 ru"e paid.

~ Of' the sev 1"al nurses who have ni::i.ssed their exams ancl received · certi~icat~s recently, 5 are enployed by outside hospitals (Innsbruck), 2 · 11 serve a probationary })eriod in hospital in Innsbruck; 2 will be assigned to medical activities within the camp. Some means of coni1 nsu.ti :: ."' th<:.,:i..1. services will have to be agreed upon. 21st ugust, 1946 - ednesday Dil•ector continued his tou1" of general activities upon his return. Deputy Director's De1Je.rtment then iarehouse Supervisor's Department. Brigadier Parminter and his ife visited Camp Kufstein •ith ·r. lh.itney Coates rrived about 4.00 p.m., after a short talk 1ith Director, made a rief tour of camu activities and took tea 'ith Officers only in International Club. Brigadier and his ···ife left just af'tvr 7. 0 p m. t ;¥'

20 Oemp Maintenanc~ & Insp etion lnvonto?T, Switchboard & :Ox-a.ugh tsna;n Farm P??ojeGt Agricultu~al Project Registi-ation Ree ption &·Billeting Blook & Barrack Ohiefs'

D.P. Doctors Dental Statio Phe.Pl1lD.0.Y '.Labott torr S itar, Squ d Medical Office ✓ Liaison with outaid Dispense.~y Sick B~ Nutrition and :Oie:t 1.00 -1. -· . -- -- -~---c:------,


20th August, 1946 - continued

irector had a brief intervie iith Deputy Director, to give him a brief uicture of general activities and trend of ev nts nu~ing hiR :bsence. Terun •eeting at 5.00 p.m.

~ ,,_ 1 Zones ~, · attempt ounds are . ' . '~ ~ < ' ""' ,t;

I • ·' Officer .visited Innsbruck~ . Conferenc. points cov the que~tio p'f s.elf-gover 1t. ouestion ( tailed notes. · ., f::.le Di!iector Jr._) .i .

to Salzburg. an . l"epaired same • .

m 7 latest enen _ e11.ts to urday, 18tn ut,ist.

: gvoup l

~· . '

., .. edio


,.. to

~ arrang ments for Polish repatriation movement 17th ugµst. Submitted list 'Of 20- names to b -Oheclred off against DUt lists to see if we have any who have not report~d to him. Later. found we ha~ 16 xtra names hich ere conrnunicated to him later. Col. Thibaud wants us to hand over 3 more trucks to rench 'ilitary Govern­ ment and some tyres to Zell-Am-See. Dep. Director reoueste written approval and instructions before taki~ action. Mr. Follender Re [email protected] made tor pr.ocurement of fuel for winter. 2000 cu. metres of ·wood to be taken from· Kreis Kuf.stein; 500 cu. metres ~rom Kreis Kitabiihl. The 2000 metres from Kufstein sho~ld be taken first and during the 3 months which follow 15th ugust at the rate of 700 cu. metres a month. 1'hey will be ta.ken already cut and dried and we have to urovide transportation from some collecting point. - uestion of payment atill in suspense. ;uestion of, supplement for orkers already settled. 90% of wood will be pine and 1oc1. beech - one metre long • .Mr. Biraud insisted that for economy's sake we use trailers for tne collection of the wood. !r: Bruniaux· to arrange fbr trailers to be ready 16th :ugusli• , • had e.ttended

to ro Capitain Hautecloque of Military .

• h


A: Beresowsky

' , 2nd August, 1946 ✓-riday

Gendarmei-•ie requesting permission to interrogate father of little girl who was 1m c ed down by French Genda ,rie truck and taken to hospital a few days ago. Permission gi~anted. Adj. Chef Requesting to look for 4 Ukranians; there seems Carlier · • to be some infor .ation to the effect that they might be involved in stealing and killing cattle. Later in day Mr. earlier reported he was taking 3 men ( 2 by surname Oleh and another Zayac ?)(~o~ ~~ for interrogation at Gendarmerie, taking with-ti\'~\ ~~ him various i terns confiscated from them, silver '"'~ backed h irbrush, embroid red linen clothe, film negative, photo album, and bunch o their personal 9apers. Also he reported having a tyre found under the bed of one DP. Stefai.~ zczinko, who works in the garage. Tyre confiscated and put in Director' s Office.

:r. Biraud paid call on President of International ed Cross Q±~e at Innsbruck - co1rtesy call also .discussed distribution of cigarett s.

Col. Pie terski & · Russian fajor ddressed a meeting of Russians and other interested persons on general questions with a view to encouraging repatriation. D.P.a were allowed to ask questions to which re_ lies ere '°iven, 'by • ::1-: terski • .. (Pole) D.P.a entering Germany 'should,be made to understand prior to de arture that they ' have to he screened at processing centres by u . s ~ Militar~ authority before proceeding to final destination.

4 • Order recently passed by ilitary Government applying to Displaced Persons reduces ·eligibility for . RA care in , the U~S ;Zone to persons located in this zone in ay 1945. This may be a hitch in actually. re-uniting in UN. camps, . but will not/,prevent effective reuniting of frunilies.


30th July1 1946 j. Chef earlier (Gendarmerie) quiring as to the condition of M.j. Chef estre (Chief of order little girl ( aschenko Larifa, Bk. Control Gendarmeri) 217') ho as lmocked do m by Gendarmerie truck. I n Kufstein hosni tal. Two officers ent to see child's parents.

Officer of Gendar1erie earching for a Pole by name GOMULA. _,.ot a camp inhabitant. Another Officer of Gendarmerie Looking for a Polish girl who is said to have stolen so~e potatoes a few days ago.

2 Gendarmes r equesting to see Miss cpiegel in. connection i th a state­ ment re the automobile accident a fe 11 days ago. 1 iss· Spiegel not yet back fro Tiersee, ill see her later.

adame Kalop e case of Karl Urbe. Letter rtritten to Securite asking if hie case has been judged and if there is any charge against him. Cornmandent d' rmes de Kufs tein l Official courtesy call. (Lt. Jard in) Adj. Chef Barre Sgt. 'illot quiring about a transaction to ouy some potatoes conducted by a Pple in this camp. an called to irector' s office and giestioned. Visit ~aid to peasant in Kirchbischl, but not nmch ~atisfaction got from him. Thought that the transaction is above board. 29th J"u.lX Madame Iwanow Re laissez-passer to Innsbruck refused by h:il. Gov. on the ~rounds that she ·as the wife of Iwra.now (Soviet). eputy Director telephoned t. Laguerre • who 1 romiseu to grant the pass today. Milovanovic e r.ched for a man ·ho' is 1--eported to have eeca:ped from osenheim and thought t o be in this camp. Indivi ual by neroe of z ,,.ata tefan found to be vithout identity card. Reported to Gendarmerie, but this seems not tobe the individual mted. e request for Director' s signature on list of Ukranians for ed Cross cigarettes. Director gave sig:Q. ture, but ex,preased dissatisf ction because the Direction seemed to have so little control over this issuing of cigarettes.

Mr. Fo1lender) e sale of mounta:in pack tins - price fixed at 50 gr. ir. Kuesakov } asked if we could accept 75 gr. as customer was willing to pa:y this. Answer no. tion With Lt. L guerre: anything about a AA.:.> er as 0 Yes".

25 .men · or orgl (Gerber - ·1r. l>reis 60 men i'or Kufstein (-Gerber~ r. Preis) 130 men Plimoser - Cement abrik - Kirchbischl 90 men for /aggon Fabrik' at Jenbach. "" Lt. aguerre to make a survey of all firms recµ i:t>ing labour i order to divide fairly. Lt. Laguerre intending to make, in co-operation 1ith UNR , a survey of working, feeding end billeting conditions offered by the various firms employing D.P.s, and sanctions (i.e. removal of D.P. labour) to be taken in case of bad treatment. People sleeping and feeding outside of carm;, to be cut off the strength, but a record to be kept of their aaares so that they can be called back, taken into the ca~p ·thout fo~nalities and truce advantage of all repatr­ iation moves or measures interesting D.P. s. This meets Mr. ihi tney Coates' point. .. In the way of laissez-passer, one leader for each groun· o:f workers sleeping in camp and , orking outside to receive a :permanent. ;pass valid f'o1... a month or so and bea1"ing the names of his co-workers. Each change of personnel ~e;i.. in the group would bring 4i e an el teration to the ipass, but there rould be no need to apply for a ne· pass from Security. • · Col.Pieterski) & Major ) K

Lt. Binkowski l e screening and other Polish Deputy Director Officer · do this. . · documents ' was not

22nd July - Mondgy Mr. Scherrer - e laissez-passer to Switzerland. Previous application mislaid by Mil. Gov. Kufsteirt. rther application going for~ard today to Col. Thibaud. Letter n-itten especially to Col. Thibaud and Mr. Scherrer took advantage of transport going to Innsbruck Dn.d took the letter himself. Corrnnandant Canuet Reauested that 1dme. Helene Mordvinoff be llowed to work for Hil. Gov. in Kufstein. Matter to be considered by Mrs. Mordvinov. Deuuty Director offered to send relief workers to help in flood damage if he could secure ext ra food. Gouverneur to contact the Prefect about this matter. Lt. Souchard ( of BEDOC, Ki tsbuhl) Requested l)ermission to take Miss Spiegel to Kitsbuhl for interrogation. Miss eitz ccompanied her. Dr. Cotterell Took figures of our 'stocks of mo1U1tain packs. We from Vienna may not expect ed Cross parcel9 eve~ after the mountain packs are finished, only~-for our sick people. Also was shown menus and calory v lues of the me ls served in the kitchens. ~ r•r. Whitney Coates eauested details of f~ilies split into different nation lities as a result of screening of Yougoslavian group.

Dr. Cottrell also told Dr. Kwiesielewicz that the future of the food problems was dark on account of expected poor harvests due to floodsin Austria. 'le should therefore according to him make drastic reductions in our expenditure of stocks in order to be able to maintain longer than 2½ months our supplements to the Austrim. ration. Mr. avisea that he ould no~1ong r be included on our payroll, but that arrange ents ~ere in.hand to try to get him included on tne Burgermeister's ~ayroll. · French Officer equesting permission to investigate potatoe theft - given pemnission - told to go ith Camp policeman and report if he arrests anyone.

2 other ranch earcning for a Pole from Landeck. Of~icers 18th Jul,: and urse abore of Salzburg called to pay a visit to the }tedical De. -,artment • "lhitney Coates telepho1+e

13th July r{r. Valavicius ) Re personnel in Food Distribution of' Mesa ng ept. }tr. Smirnoff' ) Decided that l'essing personnel ill have to be reduced by 7 persons.

1,~r. ychlecki i,;±oelled from Crunn, refer;r,ed to l'il. Gov. 3 Bo1esla '' 'lisdemes.11.our offences a...'1.d refused to rwrk • hen called. by Labour Pool. · r,:r. 0 welichni omestic troubles (interviewed by nirector in Hiss Weitz' absence) Deputy Director set action in train to try to get work for him in Kufstein and will see his wife on .ionday. 10th July "a.dame Daniluk - Request ths.t the two Latviens expelled from Camp for stealing from kitchens, should be re-admitted to Camp. ,equest refused. Jr. Ha.lilejewa Re arrangements for theatre programme for Sunday 14th July (French fete). Ukruni:ans who had not renorted to the Soviet Screenirui: CoP1111ission convoked nd addressed by Deputy Director.

Rous Brenek Yougoslavian (did not report to Yougoslavi n Corrrrnission). t ted that this w s due to the fact that he was working outside. Will be sent to Innsbruck to see Lt. ~uni tic.

Hr. Asslanow Leo e '"trrangements to obtain money f'rom London Ba11.k ancl also from _ e York Bank, left to hi 1 from his f-ther. Advised to coc11TIU.nicate by post and employ a lnwyer in VieP~~a, since he did not wish to go personally to lienna.

Mr. Jona.s Val vicius 1i,9 taking over of Mr. J3ucinskas' duties as , ,'fr. Bucinskas "ano.ger of St!'>ff Billets, by Vr. alavicius. Cant. P~ n ciulc ) Chief of Polish Wars 1 ission in Vienna - re Capt. Kuch razy ) intervie:: ing of Poles '7i th a view to repatriation. 9th July Representative of firm Lechner requested to try out one of their vehicles ( truck) •1hich has been repaired, by driving round the flag pole - permission granted. fvir. Scheck - oent from Lt. Ghyoot to collect piano from Kufstein. Hr. Kussakov e applications for D.P. s to draw money from their funds invested in Banl{ in Innsbruck.

Lt. Laguerre & 2 Polish Officers -Capt. ::ucharsky ~nd Lt. Binkowski (VarsQW Govt. Reps.) decided that next week they 1ill visit the csnm roid vill interview the Poles with a i vie v to deciding what Poles may safely return. teouest- 1 ed him to ti-·anslate into Polish l':r. Squo.drille' s re-port on his visit to Poland.

Ilr. Valavicius Bo.rr ck W.C 1 I . helpers - Deputy .1)irector decided that they may not be exempted from abour Pool •

~ r. Lankoj .. eouesting a pass for himself mid lfdme. Muhartova to go to Feld.~irch for can:p theatre business - Deputy Director in agreement to a:pJ., rov4Jgthis pass. 8th .July, 1946 Deputy Pirector. visited Innsbruck re obtaining tickets for team food to be bought at the Co-operative; Circulation Permits for all cmnp vehicles. Informqtion received of repatri tion movement of Yougoslavs to t:llce place 10th June. All dep rtments advised. Hr. Florkiewicz advised of Polish creening Commission to take pllil.ce tomorrow. Ur. Kussakov re . P . s private :funds. Mr. Homatjano Reru est to fetch tools from Cernp Landeck. Personal arrangements re transfer of his family to .P. c sm:p at · emmingen. epresentative of Standesbeamte - Find out ~hich kind of certif­ icates could be m de by UHRRA to entitle camp inhabit:;mts married by priests to get an officially ◄ recognised marriage, -in t· case '. of:. 1st husband being de d. French Gendarmerie Officers called to question camp inhabitant - Januz - stated that he had not uaid a fair urice for b by carriage. Janu7, calied and ~irector satisfied that heh d paid .the full price requested for the item. 6th July - Saturday Soviet/Franco Screening operation still in operation. Represent atives of' Varsaw Gov. arrived4ff'or scre.eninR" of' Poles ( at Mil. Gov. ) ...... -r ••• •# ...... Case of' Koureleck Francz referred to Dr. Remeny who declared him to be a C~echoslovakian. Case rather a dif'f'icult one, but Dr. Remeny requested. that ·re give him :rood and accommodation i..11 the Camp until he has had a chance to look into the case and make recorrmendations . General routine business - nothing further noteworthy. 5th July - ..· riday r. Biraud and 1r. Follender visited Innsbruck - no important business or communications since there were not many UNRRA Officers on duty. During 1r. Biraud's absence it was reported by Mr. Balitsky that French nilitary personnel (names unknown) had come to his office without referring to Director's office, requesting confidential information re a camp inhabitant. On reporting this to D/Director on his return, he instructed r. Balitsky that requests for such information should be refused and French ~ilitary must in all circumstances be referred to Director. Mr. Biraud attended Soviet/Franco screening Comnission on Ukrainians. Last day of term for Schools - display of work, tea served to all children, prizes and certificates distributed. Meeting of Polish Group in evening - Deputy irector attended - discussed - distribution of Polish Group's amenities (chiefly food) - they wished to set up a kind of controlling corm--iission of their ovm to apply to distribution of food nd also to conduct a primary sorting out of Poles prior to the screening to be carried out by the ''arsaw GovernrJent screening commission - D/Director ~elt this ould not be pr acticable, or advisable. D/Director had dinner in Kufstein with r. emeny - · Czech Gov. representative in Innsbruck. ...-----~-·~-- ~~-- - -- 4th July - "':lursday Declared a holiday for all ID'1RRA personnel, but Team 199 c@uld not observe it as such. Complaint lodged by D/Director with ·ilitary Governor, Fu:f'stein re the action of the Gendarmerie last night. D/Dire,ctor personally assisted in making out application :f'or Jan Klade to join his wife and family in DP Camp in Germany. 'ii:fe and child are being sent to tr S A under emigration scheme in US Zone. Block Chief Zubow called in and position with regard to last night's incident of arrests by French Gendarmerie explained to him. He was requested to explain :position and Director's action to the people concerned. we1smann as 'iiss ~arner inspected the Schools, conducted round _by 1i\:~dance at Hil- GOV Miss Mei tz in a ~------~

3rd July - Wednesday· Russian/~ranco CoP1mission still in process. O~ing to an objection fror, Col Thibaud, r. Bedo was Bsked to leave the Commission. Dr. Bedo who had planned to interview today all the Yougoslavs who had not been nassed by the Yougoslav Commission as true Yougoslavs (excepting the R. s), left for Innsbruck to take up the matter of Col. Thibaud's reauest for his exit from Commission Lt. Valette came to remove scrap metal etc. from Garage Dump. Adj. Chef Bouchard) Came to question wife of Bla~scho~ski, Adj. Jay ) of BEDOC Miss Spiegel and Leludew Jr. Kussakov re arrangements for obtaining 1"'.loney from the n. P. s own funds in the Austrian Bank. Mr. •etzner of firm Panzer und :etzner asking if ,,re could· give acco modation and care to a woman (Russian ,migre U.P.) - whom he was employing and whom he wished to help as he was not authorised by local authorities to be giving shelt,r and f'ood to her. D/Director regretted that it was not possible to accept her a.s a DP. in Camp. Her name wa.s Labeck:. Celebration at 8. 30 um of 1st anniversary of the institution of the P. C W Cornnittee, held in International Club. Miss Varner Education Officer arrived about 5 30 and will conduct an inspection of the schools tomorro. During the evening French Gendarmerie, having been given permission to enter the camp to try to locate Russians who had failed to r9port to Mil. Gov , a few days ago when recalled to the Comnission, arrested 10 people and took them to the Gendarmerie for questioning in connection with the incident of forging of signatures and manufacturing oT false documents brought to light a few days ago. ~/Directo attended this questioning and though :protesting, was not able to prevent it. 2:1.t .;-.,.,, )g1.ticm last·1J. '...1"1.til 2.0 a.m. and eventually al~ were released, without having been able to give the Gendarmerie any information on the subject of forgery or the whereabouts of the missing Russians . 2nd .Ju1;.Y - Tuesday Dr . Salter - finalising the business here at Kufstein - left for Landeck to carry out similar business there. Russinn Screening Commission due to cormnence again this norning at 10. 00 hrs., ·but at 11. 00 hours Soviet Of:f'icers had not arrived - no DPs had reported nd the Gouverneur departed; Hiss eitz returned to Camp. Mr. Squadrille returned to Camp Kufstein from trip to oland • . Jtrs. Florkiewicz end about 5 Poles were called in and irector gave • them news of l"elatives e·tc. which he had been able to obtain in arsaw. Dr. Bedo, h ving he rd the ussian Cormnission was to sit again arrived. The Commission started screenil}.g the Ukrainians and Dr. Bedo attended and assisted in the questioning of the people. , ~r. Souadrille called a me.ting of' his heads of services in his own - department, giving them brief instructions as to how to proceed generally in his absence Dr. Bedo briefly touched on the uestion of screening in talking to ~r. Squ drille. He said in th~ case of any screening commissions not being able to det~rmine the nationality of' a DP. and if the D. P does not wish repatriation to the country represented by the Screening Corrrrnission, mm will make the decision. Further, if a man is claimed as a Soviet citizen,(or any other nationality, presurnably1 and he wishes to contest this decision, he has a right to apply to the Officers Corps of his and they have the right to deci e lowev;r, the individu 1 should be ~nformed that in these circumstances he would not be eligible for UNRRA care. Dr. Bedo said that he would clear this point with either the local military, or with /or Vienna the ·,:ni1i tary at Innsbruck/ • -He said that the B'cl ts. would probably have to pass before a Soviet screening commission, but this would have little significance, becau e if they could prove they were living outside Russian territory before 3rd SeptembiJr, 1939, they could not be cl irned s ussian citizens. Mr. Squadrille ·d~ressed a meeting of the Polish Group in the theatre. Giving tnem a brief report on his tour in Poland - repatriation conditions and tracing facilities. lr. Squadrille left Kufstein for Innsbruck to depart the next day for US A. 1st July - Mond0.3:

?.Jr. Follender - General suvply matters - obtaining of dry vegetables and fresh v getables from ustrian sources -- propos ls for sale of mountain pack tins as ell as use in Camp orkshops. Dr. Hom tjano e uesting laissez-passer to take up her employment recently obtained at atters hospital also re arrangement hereby she will still be on ~he regist~r of Camp as a D.P and may have ccommodation ith frunily, but will not receive food or amenities. Information received that the oviet.ussian screening officers "ill come to Kufstein ~omorro~ and they Wish to scr en the Ukranio:ns Jr. Biraud telephoned HQ. Vienna to try to contact Mr. Vhi tney Coates: ras unsuccess­ ful and -spoke to 'r. Andreassen ho advised that ·r. qu drille would be returning to Kufstein tomorrow and Hr. ' itney Coates also, a,.nd the matter ( could be referred to them.

Koureleck rancz C lled to ·/Director because he 1as r ~gistered as a Youg-oslav and did not r.Jport for screening. It ap9ears he is really a Czech iho left Czechoslov ~ia this year it seems for uolitical re,son it seems 1 hough e ctly why· seems a bit obscure. It oeems he is not eligible for ffiRA care. Case to be taken up -either with Yougoslav Li ison offic9r or r. emeny, Czech rep. Dr. S lter from Vienna clieme for pooling medical stocks which may be reg rded s surplus in various areas or teams, and using this pool centrally to supply all zone re uirements as far as nossible. Consulted .vith octor Kwiesiele dcz and checked thro11gh medical stocks to decide hich supplies could be hand0 d over by Camp Kufstein