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Views 'N Viewpoints I ■ I ' - *" I- CAMjPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVERED BY DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM STUDENTS ■ Hand In Petitjona Submit Pojetry For Of flees For Book Official Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University VOLUME 34 FORT WORTH, TEXAS, MARCH 13, 1936 Number 24 Views 'n Inman Will Talk Frog Band Members May Play Students Urged Oppossum Mascot King and Queen To Student Body At Texas Centennial in Dallas Used in Initiation Viewpoints To Submit Poems w Of WAA Carnival The Centennial. For New "f Men Friday, March 27 Twenty-five members of the Horn- "Men are preferred, but girls may For Anthology Will Be Elected What About T. C. U.? ed Frog Band have been invited* to make applications," he said. "T" Association initiation was in Activity Points. work at the Texas Cpnennial Exposi- C. E. Haydon of Mission has writ- progress on the campus yesterday. World Peace. -Has Traveled 18,000 tion in DallaA reports Prof. Claude Book to Be Released Girls and"T Association ten ' Prof. Sammis concerning three .Aubrey "Muscle Bound' Linne, Bull By ANNE CAl KF.R Miles In Studying Sammis.' \ on Night of Club Each Select Five President Meliorist Club Latin-America. "They will act as guides and. also college band men to join a band he "The Champ" Rogers—JaTk "Cave- (MH.r't N.l>: Thli column it rillm play in the Centennial Band," Sammis is organizing and go to Europe this*- Recital. man" Tittle, Mason -"Tyler" Maync • Nominees. r.rh *Mh ST 4UUmt atud.nt. «r '■rull. mcmfcTB who art t»k.d t said. »". ■ . summer. and Charles "Old-Clothes-Man" Need- .i.wpolnti on in, Mbjorta Applicants must be at least 5 feet "He needs a drummer and alto and (II.) BTlSJi Noted Authority Deadline March 21 ham were initiated into the sacred Students Will Vote 8 inches tall and weigh 160 pounds. tenor sax players," Sammis said. Thi. year Tex., goes on the map j "Comparison order of the "T." of North and Preference will be given to those of The band will leave New York June Best T. C. U. Verse From Found- Club Will Offer Prize for Best with one of th« greatest fairs, exhi- South American Life," senior standing in the University. 27 and return from Havre Aug. 19. Linne was dressed in K. P. breeches . bitions, and .wtiifnunhat has ever ing of School to Present Booth Arranged by Will Be Subject. Sammis has also received a letter Members of the band will be able to to Be Published. gjd waist coat, with the sleeves 'of Organization. tieen attempted. Thousands, perhaps concerning the employment of two or pay their passage by playing for the coat out at the shoulder. He millions, of people from all over the "Engineers Versus Poets—A Com- three Centennial entertainers. They dancing on the ship. All expenses to Poems submitted for possible pub- hail on a rain hat and was wearing A king and queen, chosen from the world will be coming to our state to will have to entertain on the stage New York and after they leave the parison of North American and Latin lication in the T. C. U. Centennial a sign which read, "Cleafiliness is ■W. A. A. and "T" Association,' with see one part or another of the Cen- American Life" will be the subject of and over the radio and will make boat in Europe must be paid by the four attendants each, will reign over tennial. .Most of theni will visit Poetry Anthology must be handed virtuous." a lecture by Dr. Samuel Guy Inman about $30 a week. , - * - — individuals. the W. A. A' Carnival to be held Fort Worth during the Frontier Show. at 8 o'clock Friday evening, March in to the English department by Sat- Champ Rogers was seen wearing a pair Of boxing glove's, blue bathrobe, from 8 until 12 o'clock March 21 in This ii T. C. U,'» big opportunity to 27 in the T. C. U. Auditorium. This urday, March 21. All students in the Regional ¥ Secretary tennis shoes and a pair of blue trunks. the Basketball Gymnasium. show the world what it is. is the sixth in T. C. U.'s lecture University are urged to submit poems Social Science His face The student body Wednesday in So far as this writer knows, noth- series this' year. Is Guest on" Campus was covered with "patches whether members of the Poetry Club I nmj ^e had chapel will ch^oso •« king and qiteen ing has been done on a T. C. U. proj- i black cap. Dr. Inman is one of the leading, au- or not, A. L. Crouch has announced. | from the nominations made, by the ect for the Centennial. Why not thorities of the United States on La- , Group to Be Here Plans Are Made for Members Caveman Tittle was dressed in a ' "We want all the students to feel ] variety, of clsthes put on backwards two clubs. The other nominees will start it now, and make it different? tin American life. He has recently "" to Attend Conference that th?y have a part in it. The an- ■ He was wearing checked pants, i be attendants to the royal pair, whose Dramatize our history, our future. been in South America, where he act- at Hollister, Mo. Southwestern Associa- thoftgy is a T. C. U. book." black coat, greeVtie, gray hat and j identity will be kept secret until the Plan a unique exhibit. Live up to ed as special representative of the The book will be relcased,abp,ut the was without socks: carnival. ■ ■ '■ the rest of the Centennial. Let's commission set up there by the League tion (to Meet April Miss Fern Babcock, regional execu- last of April, the night of the Poetry The W. A, A. members nominat- put T. C. U.. on the map wUh Texas. of Nations for takir,^ care ^of German 10-11 at Texas. tive secretary for the "Y's", Visited Mayne was the laug so! the bunch. Club recital. It is to contain the be«t ed M sea Lucy Less West**, Helen refugees to South America. He on^ the campus this week. He had on a pair of ^long Johns" Little Billy Row, one of the great- poetry that has been produced by T. without the coverings and Miellmier, Evelyn Lowe, Maxine Whit- claims that Latin American countries The -annual spring convention of the est show directors in the United The "Y" members, together with C. U. students since the'founding of leading a small opossum around the ten tfnd Martha Ceil-Graves as candi- offer a special opportunity for Ger- Southwestern Social Science Associa- States, is going to try his hand at Miss' Babcock, held a Hollister rally the school up to this year. campus. TnTayhe also was wearing | dates for the honor of being queen, man intellectuals, such as professors" tion will meet in Fort Worth April putting over Fort Worth's part of picnic at the Rose Garden Monday It will be attractively bound Th" a rfiair of blue shorts, bedroom ^p- I The "T" Association's nominations and scientists, and he has been active the Centennial. That is the most 10 and 11, it was announced recently purple and white and will contain 100 pers and a sign which read "Re^fp,- king will be announced later. in placing them in all the capitals of night to discuss plans for attending encouraging thing in the whole of by Prof. Floyd L'A'aughan, chairman, pages. It will sell for one dollar. Sayles in the Sunset makes me Feel South and Central America. the "Y" conference which is held ^Clubs on the campus are arranging our plans. If Mr. Rose has half the Orders may .be placed with any Like a Feather in the Breeze." During his trip to South. America, and head of the~dopartment of busi- each year at Hollister, MoJ bodths for the affair. Each organ!-. success he's had with "Jumbo." member of the English faculty, mem- Needham was dressed in. the typical Dr. Inman visited 14 countries, cover- ness administration at the University A savings fund was started to help zationN is responsible for its own we'll be showing the rest of the bers of the Poetry Club, or some one attirei:of. an old clothes- man. He ing 18,000 miles by plane, and inter- of Oklahoma. members attend, the meeting and also booth, where it can sell something. state,how to run a Centennial cele- on the special committee in each was wearing an old black coat, white viewed presidents and .government The T. C. U. social science faculty a transportation fund to take them Twenty-fvte per cent of the net profits bration. to the meeting. class. shoes, black derby, overall pants, ministers in his survey of colonization will be in charge of local arrange- fronC-MCh bhpth will go to the WV. The conference this year will, be Those on the committees are: brown tie and a black sweater. T. C. U. employs, a system of ac- opportunities. »• ■ ments. Professors from the depart- A. A. A prize >vill be offered by the tivity points which grades a student held from June 5 to 14. Freshmen, Eugene Haley, Landon Col- The "T" Association sponsored a He lived in Mexico 10. years as di- ments of government, economics, soc- W. A. A. for the best booth. on the amount of extracurricular iology, business administration and quitt, Misses Miriam Glaze and Mona "Frog Frolic" last night" "* rector of the People's Institute, and Miss Mary Frances Hutton Is work he does.
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