The Jikes Research Virtual Machine project: Building an open-source research community

B. Alpern & S. Augart S. M. Blackburn M. Butrico A. Cocchi P. Cheng J. Dolby S. Fink This paper describes the evolution of the Jikese Research Virtual Machine project from D. Grove an IBM internal research project, called Jalapen˜ o, into an open-source project. After M. Hind summarizing the original goals of the project, we discuss the motivation for releasing it K. S. McKinley as an open-source project and the activities performed to ensure the success of the M. Mergen project. Throughout, we highlight the unique challenges of developing and J. E. B. Moss maintaining an open-source project designed specifically to support a research T. Ngo community. V. Sarkar M. Trapp

On October 15, 2001, IBM Research launched the promoting the system in the research community; Jikes* RVM (Research Virtual Machine) open-source and developing a community to maintain and project. Jikes RVM provides a novel virtual-machine enhance the system in the future. software infrastructure, suitable for research on modern design and imple- The primary focus of the Jikes RVM project was the mentation techniques. Over the past three years, the development of a software platform designed to be a project has grown and made a significant impact on research testbed for the prototyping of new tech- the programming-language research community. nologies. In contrast, most open-source projects develop software products for use by the general This paper describes the evolution of Jikes RVM public. We focus on the implications of this from an IBM internal research project, called distinction throughout the paper. Jalapen˜o, into a full-fledged open-source project. The story provides an instructive case study on how The remainder of this paper is as follows. The next a small systems research project can grow into a section begins with a general discussion of issues shared project used by hundreds of researchers. The paper discusses a variety of challenges that arose in ÓCopyright 2005 by International Business Machines Corporation. Copying in printed form for private use is permitted without payment of royalty provided this process, including the technical enhancements that (1) each reproduction is done without alteration and (2) the Journal and software-engineering practices needed to ensure reference and IBM copyright notice are included on the first page. The title and abstract, but no other portions, of this paper may be copied or distributed the project’s success; dealing with intellectual royalty free without further permission by computer-based and other information-service systems. Permission to republish any other portion of the property, corporate process, and licensing issues; paper must be obtained from the Editor. 0018-8670/05/$5.00 Ó 2005 IBM

IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 ALPERN ET AL. 399 pertaining to a research-oriented open-source proj- publications and technical results, not produc- ect. The section ‘‘Motivation and history of the tion-quality software. However, it is desirable for Jalapen˜o project’’ discusses the Jalapen˜o project’s the research infrastructure to be as close to production quality as possible to strengthen the credibility of the research. & The majority of Jikes RVM users modify the system A related consequence is that our user commun- to produce interesting research ity has less motivation to add functionality. We results & believe that many open-source developers are initially motivated to contribute to a project by a desire to resolve some irritating deficiency with origin as an IBM internal project. The sections ‘‘The the system. For example, a user may want to use university releases’’ and ‘‘University activities’’ re- a favorite digital camera with an open-source view an intermediate phase, during which the photo editor; this could motivate the user to write software was made available to a small number of and contribute a device driver. In contrast, our universities under a restricted license. ‘‘Preparing user community generally seems content with the for open source’’ and ‘‘Project evolution’’ discuss the functionality provided by the system, which is preparation for, emergence, and first few years of sufficient for producing high-quality research Jikes RVM as a full-fledged, mature open-source results on common benchmark programs. If project. ‘‘Measuring impact’’ presents some metrics particular functionality is missing or broken, that document the system’s impact, and the paper most users can work around the problem and still concludes with some lessons learned from this case achieve their individual goals. study. 2. Open-source license requirements, including OPEN SOURCE FOR RESEARCH source-code availability, do not apply to research The majority of open-source projects develop soft- results. Many open-source projects effectively ware that is used primarily as a ‘‘black box,’’ that is, enforce community sharing by means of their a system used solely for its functionality, whose licenses, such as the GPL (General Public internal design is not of interest. Community License) and CPL (). members adopt the software as a tool to perform These licenses, in differing ways, require that some function, and most users often do not care recipients who create and distribute derivative about the internal design and implementation of the works of open-source software must make the software. Examples of such software tools include of their derivative works available to most of the best known open-source projects, their recipients. However, these licenses do not 1,2 3,4 including , word processors, require source code to be made available when a 5 6 integrated development environments, , paper is published about a system because no 7,8 and graphical desktop environments. In contrast, distribution of the derived system is involved. the Jikes RVM project developed software that is Furthermore, many academics tend to keep intended to be used as a ‘‘white box,’’ a system research infrastructure private as a competitive whose internal design is of interest and enables advantage. The majority of researchers using the research. The overwhelming majority of Jikes RVM Jikes RVM choose not to make their code users modify the system in a nontrivial way to available. We present an argument against this produce interesting research results. This research approach in the section on conclusions and focus has major implications on the character of the lessons learned. open-source project as follows: 3. The research community tends to accept less 1. Most of our community members are professors polished software than the general public. The and graduate students, who use the system to Jikes RVM provides for many academic groups a advance an individual research agenda. This critical element of infrastructure that is crucial to community has different motivations than most their project’s success. Because of its perceived open-source software contributors; they are importance, the community will generally toler- primarily driven by the desire to produce ate a great deal of difficulty in learning and

400 ALPERN ET AL. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 installing the system in exchange for a system cations, an aggressive optimizing , a state- that is easier to change and modify. Although the of-the-art adaptive optimization system, and a Jikes RVM is fairly robust and well-tested family of high-performance garbage collectors. The compared to the software of most research initial implementation ran on PowerPC* processors projects, the initial user experience is, for various running the AIX* operating system. reasons, less pleasant than that encountered when using commercial proprietary software Early on, Jalapen˜o researchers decided to develop such as a product ** virtual machine. the system in a ‘‘clean room’’ manner, such that the developers would not have access to any non-IBM 4. Our user community requires extensive docu- source code for the and mentation on the inner workings of the system, libraries. The Jalapen˜o virtual machine was written not just the exposed command line or application entirely with new code and used libraries developed programming interfaces (APIs). Documentation by IBM at the OTI (Object Technology International) and explanations of the inner workings of the laboratory. This decision maximized flexibility for system are crucial and constitute a key part of the the future evolution of the project by avoiding project’s products. Changes in internal structures potential intellectual property and copyright issues. can cause disruption in the user community and must be managed carefully. During 1998, the project team grew into two separate research groups: the runtime group and the MOTIVATION AND HISTORY OF THE JALAPEN˜ O optimizing-compiler group. The runtime group PROJECT focused on core VM functionality, such as threading, introduced the Java** program- the baseline compiler, the garbage collectors, JNI ming language in May 1995. It offered some (Java Native Interface), and the interface. significant technical advantages over previous The optimizing compiler group focused on the commercial programming languages, including a optimizing compiler and adaptive optimization portable program representation and some safety system. At its peak the project included approx- guarantees. To support these features, the language imately 15 fulltime employees, plus a large number runs on a virtual machine (VM), that is, a software of academic visitors and Ph.D. candidates. execution engine that provides a managed runtime environment for executing Java programs. The Most early Jalapen˜o researchers joined the project language quickly gained popularity and was widely because it seemed an interesting or useful vehicle endorsed by many industry players, including IBM. for pursuing a particular research idea. In some To improve performance, the industry, in general, ways, the Jalapen˜o team resembled an open-source and IBM, in particular, began making significant community, in that volunteerism was the main investments in virtual machine technology. driver behind work assignments and milestones. The initial focus of the project was to simply In November 1997, a small group of researchers at improve the state of the art in virtual-machine the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center began technology. The main products of the early Jalapen˜o the Jalapen˜o project, whose goal was to develop an project were research papers. Much of the initial internal research infrastructure for VM technologies. research was performed on private versions of the The virtual machine, known as Jalapen˜o, was system that were never merged back into the main targeted as a flexible, extensible testbed for re- repository. When the project started, the researchers searching, prototyping, and evaluating VM imple- did not foresee that this system would be widely mentation techniques. In contrast to other IBM Java used, let alone distributed as open-source software, virtual machines, Jalapen˜o was not part of any and this influenced the initial development practices product, and so was unencumbered by the full and methodologies. preproduction process and quality requirements. Many papers document various technical aspects of Initially, the team shared source code with a 9–13 15 the system. Some technical highlights of Jalape- centralized RCS (Revision Control System) repos- n˜o include the implementation of the VM mostly in itory and some homegrown scripts that provided the Java programming language, an m-to-n quasi- higher-level functionality. The project consciously 14 preemptive thread system targeting server appli- adopted a ‘‘prototype first’’ development method-

IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 ALPERN ET AL. 401 ology. Much code was written in a throwaway style team. Combined with RCS ‘‘check-in’’ logs, project under pressure of impending paper deadlines, with members were able to reconstruct when and why a the intention of complete revision at the earliest configuration of the system was first broken. Over opportunity. Some of this throwaway code persists time, the frequency of nightly regressions gradually in the system to this day. decreased, as the system matured and the social taboo against causing failure of the overnight tests Like many research projects, the software-engi- took root. neering practices applied to the early Jalapen˜o code base were haphazard when compared to a mature THE UNIVERSITY RELEASES During the course of the Jalapen˜o project, its & members published results in various research The system is mostly written forums. This publicity raised awareness of the in Java, and thus a good system in the academic community, and some portion of it is platform university professors inquired about the system’s independent & availability as a research infrastructure for their own projects. The first inquiry came from re- searchers at the University of Massachusetts at product-quality development process. Source-code Amherst. formatting practices were nonstandard, and the volume and quality of comments varied from Although the original project goals did not include acceptable to nonexistent, depending on the incli- distribution to the academic community, the nation of individual coders. Initially, there were no project team members were excited about the project-wide code reviews, little official documen- potential for other researchers to use the system. tation, no formal bug-tracking system, no unit Thus, in early 2000, the team agreed to pursue tests, no quality assurance process, and no regular making the system available to universities under a regression testing. Most Jalapen˜o team members source license agreement. (Although a ‘‘binary- recognized the value of these processes, and some only’’ version of the system was made available to teams followed some of these processes by agree- one university around this time, it was not a useful ing on small sets of test cases and using CMVC solution to most researchers because the source (Configuration Management Version Control) for code was not available.) This decision necessitated bug tracking. However, these processes were only significant bureaucratic and technical efforts. introduced on a project-wide basis after the problems caused by their omission became intol- The bureaucratic tasks included securing approval erable. from upper management to release the code, Between 1997 and 1999, the number of implemen- deciding on an appropriate legal agreement and tors, that is, committers to the code base, increased licensing structure, documenting the origins of all from a small handful to nearly 20. Regressions in code to be released, and resolving issues regarding function due to code modifications became increas- IBM intellectual property embodied in the code. ingly problematic, and in the summer of 1999, the Although these tasks consumed some time, the project instituted automated nightly regression test- team leaders resolved these issues relatively ing. This procedure consisted of running several quickly with appropriate support from the contract benchmarks and tests on several configurations of and legal departments. the system, varying policies for garbage collection, optimization, and assertion checking. Regression in The first technical activity was to port the Jalapen˜o performance was also tracked using the same system to the **/PowerPC platform, the system. Results were archived and sent to a project platform that the initial university users would use. mailing list. As the project evolved, the position of This was performed by two collaborators at the ‘‘night sanity guru’’ was created. This position University of Massachusetts at Amherst and the rotated among the persons on the team on a weekly Australian National University, working as part- basis and was responsible for diagnosing and time IBM employees, and was completed in the summarizing the regression results for the rest of the first half of 2000.

402 ALPERN ET AL. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 The other major technical issue for the university on a large code base. We employed tools to help release concerned developing a process for releas- with these activities and made significant im- ing tagged versions of the code base to our provements in large segments of the system; university partners. Previously, all code had however, coverage varied considerably across resided in an RCS repository, and the current subsystems. system consisted of the head of the RCS tree. Making releases available to universities required The university release also motivated a long-over- dealing with the problem of development continu- due general code cleanup. In particular, the code ing on the main trunk of this tree, while base had been successful in serving as a research maintaining branches to identify bugs in tagged vehicle for several projects at the Watson Research 17–20 releases and merging changes back to the main Center, which had nevertheless not graduated trunk when appropriate. The extant homegrown to ‘‘first class’’ support in the Jalapen˜o implemen- RCS scripts did not support these activities well. tation. To enable sharing at Watson, these projects had incorporated their code into the main RCS tree. To address these issues, the project committed to Since development on these projects was not 16 migrate to a CVS (Concurrent Versions System) actively tested, the corresponding code was re- source-code repository, which better supports moved before the university release. branching and merging. Many team members had not previously used CVS, so their education was The first university release was made on January handled by a few team members with relevant 23, 2001 to the following universities: the Univer- expertise. Using RCS, the project had relied on sity of Massachusetts at Amherst, the University of pessimistic concurrency control of source code Colorado, Kent University, Purdue University, the (i.e., a concurrency-control strategy that explicitly University of Wisconsin, and Rutgers University. forbids concurrent writes) using RCS locks. In During the subsequent ten months, several other contrast, optimistic concurrency control assumes universities expressed interest in the system. Each there will not be contention and requires remedia- university had to sign a licensing/nondisclosure tion should contention arise. There was some agreement. By Oct 15, 2001, 16 universities had concern that the CVS optimistic concurrency completed the license, 6 others were in process, control would lead to excessive merge conflicts; in and 10 other universities had inquired about retrospect, this was not a serious problem, and in obtaining a license. fact, occasional merge conflicts were a small price to pay in exchange for eliminating e-mail and UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES telephone negotiations over RCS locks. Another The growing enthusiasm of university researchers issue concerned the discontinuity of the ‘‘history’’ quickly led to the first contributions to Jalapen˜o in the source-code system; team members were from outside IBM. These contributions tended to fit forced to consult a frozen copy of the old into two broad categories: extending Jalapen˜o’s repository in order to access old file histories. reach through ports to other platforms, and ex- tending its utility as a research platform. The desire The actual migration was performed over a few to port Jalapen˜o has been driven by both the days by a small set of team members during an practical concern of utilizing commonly available enforced code freeze. During the migration, the platforms and the research motivation of exploring source-code directory structure was reorganized. novel platforms. It was the first of these that motivated the initial port to the Linux/PowerPC Other important technical activities included im- platform and more recently, a port to the proving the documentation of the system. A small Mac OS** X operating system by a developer at the set of team members wrote an initial user’s guide, University of Massachusetts. This also drove the which was particularly important because of this port to the Linux/IA32 system by the team at IBM, system’s complexity and nonstandard build pro- which is described in more detail in the section cess. Some team members endeavored to introduce ‘‘Preparing for open source.’’ The desire for a 64-bit Javadoc** tags for all methods and to specify and research platform encouraged researchers at a conform to uniform coding conventions. These last number of universities to pursue a port to the 64-bit two activities were particularly difficult to perform PowerPC platform, resulting in a functional 64-bit

IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 ALPERN ET AL. 403 port for both Linux and AIX. Among other things, of the more subtle and complex issues associated this port is the basis for research on memory with user contributions that would arise later as management in large address spaces. Jalapen˜o became open-source software. For exam- ple, in the absence of write access to the IBM In the spirit of a community project, the univer- repository, there was a constant problem of keep- sities took a major role in maintaining and testing a ing GCTk up to date with respect to the IBM growing set of ports. The initial port to the Linux/ repository and vice versa. PowerPC platform was maintained and tested at the University of Massachusetts each time a After GCTk was functional, it became the basis for university release was made. This distribution of projects at other institutions. These generated a effort was originally due to the lack of a Linux/ series of publications, including one of the first PowerPC platform within the IBM team, but Jalapen˜o publications based entirely on research subsequently became a way of dealing with the done outside of IBM. This began a pattern of expanding set of platforms. Over time, testing Jalapen˜o-based research at universities that con- moved to a system of distributed nightly regression tinues (discussed further in the section ‘‘Measuring tests, with different sites taking responsibility for impact’’) and is increasingly productive. certain platforms and results being sent to the jikesrvm_regression mailing list. This was an important GCTk had a number of shortcomings, including a step in the evolution to an open-source project, as lack of support for noncopying collectors and free responsibility was distributed, and developers were list allocators. An effort to address these concerns more immediately aware of the impact of their eventually led to a collaboration between IBM and changes on a diverse user base. two universities to develop a comprehensive replacement for GCTk and the collectors that The other major source of contributions was in the originally shipped with Jalapen˜o. The result was 21,22 area of extending the utility of Jalapen˜oasa MMTk, the Memory Management Toolkit, research platform. Researchers at the University of which is discussed in more detail in the section Massachusetts were particularly interested in using ‘‘Enhancing the system.’’ Jalapen˜o as a vehicle for memory-management research. The performance of the optimizing PREPARING FOR OPEN SOURCE compiler, the robustness of the system, and The university releases enjoyed considerable suc- Jalapen˜o’s growing credibility within the program- cess (leading to 16 university licenses and 16 more ming-language community were all important. requests in just ten months), but the costs of Although the system came with a number of high- sharing the code grew to a considerable expense. 13 performance, highly scalable garbage collectors, One reason was the complexity of the process their monolithic implementation made them unat- required to obtain the system. Under the university tractive as the basis for memory-management license, a specialized version of the license agree- research. ment was created for each university, which needed to be approved by the university’s contract In October 2000, researchers at the University of office. This typically took one to two months. Massachusetts set about developing GCTk, a Garbage Collection Toolkit. Because this work was Another significant issue was the limitations of the commenced prior to (but in anticipation of) the university agreement. Several professors expressed university release of Jalapen˜o, the implementation interest in using the system to teach courses. With was performed by a University of Massachusetts most software, professors ask their students to researcher working as an IBM employee. GCTk was download the software from a specified Web developed from scratch as a flexible toolkit for address. However, this was not possible with the research on garbage collection and was a plug-in university agreement. replacement for the collectors that shipped with Jalapen˜o. From the outset, the toolkit was intended It became obvious that a true open-source release to be open, and once Jalapen˜o was licensed and would eliminate these problems and make the available, GCTk was used by a number of other system much more accessible to a larger audience. universities. The project provided insight into some This was reinforced by one of the recommenda-

404 ALPERN ET AL. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 tions from an internal study conducted by the IBM on the Linux/IA32 platform. Over the following Academy of Technology on future directions for five months, work on the optimizing compiler virtual-machine technology at IBM. Additionally, resulted in a doubling of performance and reached team members began to advocate making the 95 percent of the performance of the IBM produc- system open source to promote research in virtual- tion system (IBM Developer Kit [DK] Version 23 machine technologies. Specifically, by providing a 1.3.0). Further details on this activity, including common high-performing research infrastructure that would allow comparisons among research projects, we would help to ensure credible baseline & The Memory Management results, and enable researchers to focus on inno- Toolkit project was very vation rather than on building infrastructure. successful, meeting both its For these reasons, the project began to investigate performance and flexibility & the ramifications of an open-source release in early objectives 2001. Many questions were raised, including:

additional performance information, can be found  Would there be objections by IBM’s product divisions to an open-source release? in Reference 23.  Would IBM commit the necessary resources needed for supporting an open-source release? While a large subset of the team ported the system  Would IBM’s internal open-source steering com- to the Linux/IA32 platform, the project managers mittee approve of the release? investigated the strategic and process issues raised  How would the libraries be handled? above. The first two issues, product-division  What kind of infrastructure was available for approval and commitment of resources, are often supporting open-source projects? major obstacles to open-source activity from corporations. By early 2001, IBM had invested over In addition to these strategic and process issues, the three years worth of fulltime activity of a team of project also faced a large technical limitation that up to 15 members in the project (a research and threatened its viability as open-source software. At development expense of over $10 million). Would that time, the system ran on the AIX/PowerPC many business executives find it wise to give away platform, and, in a more limited form, on the Linux/ the result of this investment? Furthermore, we PowerPC platform. Although our university licens- required not only permission to donate a past ees acquired PowerPC-based systems, it was clear investment, but also a significant future investment ** that the Linux/IA32 platform would be much more to maintain, steer, and promote the open-source attractive to a larger audience. To make open source project. a reality, we would have to commit to the system to the Linux/IA32 platform, which required a Fortunately, IBM had developed a history of substantial investment of time and effort. With little contributing to the open-source community, start- difficulty, the team reached consensus on a decision ing with the open-source release of the Jikes 24 to make this investment and began porting the Java source-code-to-byte-code compiler, and in- system in early 2001. cluding several other projects, many of which are described in papers in this issue. This Although the system is mostly written in the Java environment made it easier to consider further programming language, and thus, a good portion of contributions to the open-source community. it is platform-independent, the system does utilize Additionally, IBM already had two high-quality 25 two dynamic compilers (baseline and optimizing) commercial systems, the IBM DK for Java and 26 that produce native code. Thus, both compilers had the J9 VM, so Jalapen˜o was not a vital to be retargeted for the IA32 architecture. The proprietary asset, even with its differentiating baseline compiler would provide functionality, and technologies. IBM Research management saw the the optimizing compiler would provide perfor- greater benefits of impacting the research com- mance. By August 2001, the baseline compiler was munity and supported the commitment of the almost complete, resulting in a functioning system additional resources required.

IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 ALPERN ET AL. 405 Although the project secured support from all tions department, we prepared an official press necessary management chains, several obstacles release announcement. We also held a ‘‘Birds of a 27 remained. One important issue was the release of Feather’’ session at the conference to announce the libraries. The university releases, made under the release. Although things mostly went smoothly, an agreement of confidentiality with each univer- one significant obstacle arose late in the process. sity, included libraries from OTI. Because it was Approximately three weeks before the release date, not possible to make these libraries open source, we learned that we should not release a system we needed approval to release them under a named ‘‘Jalapen˜o,’’ as another company had separate non-open-source license. Working with claimed trademark rights in the term. After a flurry the IBM legal team, we eventually developed a of meetings, we decided to use the name Jikes ‘‘click-through’’ license that allowed the use of the Research Virtual Machine or Jikes RVM for short. libraries in noncommercial settings. Although this IBM already had several open-source systems using was not a perfect solution, it did serve our primary the Jikes name, the most popular of which was the audience, the research community, who focused on Jikes Java source-to-byte-code compiler, so we research involving the VM and not the libraries. leveraged this association. However, we did realize the potential confusion that might arise between To ensure that new open-source projects are source-to- Jikes RVM and the Jikes com- successful, IBM provides significant guidance and piler. Although both were developed by the requirements. Each open-source project must Software Technology Department at IBM Research, present a plan for the maintenance and evolution their developers and code were independent. of the project. Many successful research projects create open-source versions of their code base, but We also needed to be clear in our documentation do not contribute the resources required to foster that the system we were releasing was not a an open-source community and maintain the ‘‘JVM.’’ Although researchers often use this term to system. By requiring the project to address these mean a system that executes some Java programs, issues before the open-source release, its chances it is in fact a trademark of Sun Microsystems that for success were increased. Thus, in addition to can only be used by systems that pass the official resources required to produce the code base (from Java Test Compatibility Kit (TCK). Because we had 1997 to 2000) and the commitment required to not run these tests, we could not use this term. make the code base open source (in 2001), there was an additional resource commitment required to Thus, on October 15, 2001, Jikes RVM came into maintain the code base for a significant period of existence. The initial open-source release was time. Once again, research management had the foresight to support this activity, despite the fact called Release 2.0 to distinguish it from the that the ‘‘product’’ would not generate any rev- university releases, which were numbered 1.0, 1.1, enue. and so forth.

With the approvals in place, the focus now turned PROJECT EVOLUTION to the pragmatic details of transferring the system As mentioned in previous sections, it required to an open-source project. This required another considerable effort to transform the Jalapen˜o source-code repository migration to IBM’s publicly internal research infrastructure into the Jikes RVM available developerWorks CVS site (www..- open-source project. Although the technology in com/developerworks), creating mailing lists for the the system was already a research success, as projects, and creating a project Web page and other measured by the number and quality of publica- tools. We migrated all appropriate defects from our tions relating to the system, this did little to ensure internal repository to the developerWorks bug- that the project would be an open-source success. tracking database. The following three sections describe the strategic decisions and efforts that contributed to making the We decided to announce the release of that system Jikes RVM an open-source success. These sections at the OOPSLA (Object-oriented Programming address the steps taken to (1) enhance the Languages and Applications) conference on Octo- technology, (2) advance the project, and (3) ber 15, 2001. Working with the IBM communica- promote the project.

406 ALPERN ET AL. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 Enhancing the system Thus, in spring 2002, it was decided that it would In the three years following the Jikes open-source be desirable for Jikes RVM to run . To release of October 15, 2001, thirteen subsequent accomplish this task, an Extreme Blue project was releases of the system were created. These releases initiated in the summer of 2002 in Cambridge, included significant performance improvements for Massachusetts. Extreme Blue is an IBM internship the Linux/IA32 platform, new functionality, and program in which a team of four interns work in an bug fixes. Enhancements were made to the VM (including a pluggable object model), garbage & collection (including the memory-management An effort has begun to toolkit) and compilers (including a new imple- create the boot image with 28 mentation of the linear scan register allocator). an open-source VM & System-wide, enhancements included the migration to the GNU libraries, a bytecode verifier, on-stack replacement, and increased platform sup- intense environment on a common focused project. port for the Linux/PowerPC, Mac OS X, and 64-bit The team is composed of three technical students PowerPC on both AIX and Linux. Interested readers and one M.B.A student. The program is extremely can find more details in the release notes for each competitive. Technical and business mentors are 24 release at the Jikes RVM Web site. assigned to the project, and work closely with the team. The ‘‘Eclipse on Jikes RVM’’ project ran from As mentioned earlier, although Jikes RVM often June through August of 2002. The project mostly displayed performance which was competitive with consisted of trying various Eclipse functionality on production Java virtual machines, it could not run top of Jikes RVM, diagnosing failures, and fixing arbitrary Java programs due to unimplemented them in either the VM or the libraries. More features in the VM and the libraries. However, it concretely, the technical work was done by the was able to run the benchmarks that were of Extreme Blue team in the summer of 2002 and by interest to the research community, such as Jikes RVM team members in the months both 29 30 SPECjvm98** and SPECjbb2000**. The open- before and after that summer. There were four 5 source release of the Eclipse IDE, a large program major categories of work: written in the Java programming language, pro- vided a significant test for any Java virtual 1. Several large pieces of core VM functionality machine. There were several reasons why getting were needed to run Eclipse that essentially did Jikes RVM to run Eclipse was attractive: not exist. The largest of these related to class loader functionality: before the work on Eclipse, 1. It provided the research community with a the Jikes RVM used one class loader, and the much larger benchmark to use for their research class loader APIs were minimally supported. An experiments. implementation of class loaders was made, with invasive changes to the core structures. Missing 2. Because of its interactive nature, in contrast to pieces of JNI functionality were also added. the SPEC (Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation) benchmarks, it would test a VM’s 2. The standard libraries that Jikes RVM used until general responsiveness and, in particular, its then were really just core system classes, which startup performance. Although Eclipse was were woefully insufficient. Rather than write open-source software, some open-source Linux large chunks of library code, the Extreme Blue distributors would not distribute Eclipse because team started using portions of the libraries from it required a VM to run, and there were no the GNU Classpath project. For instance, large open-source VMs before Jikes that could run pieces of GNU Classpath library code were used Eclipse. to support the various protocols for the Web- based help system integrated into Eclipse. The 3. In addition, the ability to run Eclipse on Jikes GNU Classpath code was also used to replace RVM might help promote the use of Eclipse portions of existing libraries, notably portions of among the research community. the I/O libraries and security code.

IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 ALPERN ET AL. 407 3. The Extreme Blue team also wrote code that was and encouraged the several VMs that use their needed to integrate Jikes RVM and Eclipse. The libraries to take up this challenge. Jikes RVM was largest piece of this work was code to enable one of a few systems that were able to run Eclipse. Eclipse to use Jikes RVM as a subprocess to run Java programs. This required writing a spe- The memory-management subsystem was also the cialized Eclipse plug-in, which was essentially focus of major enhancements. In the first half of an adapter that allowed Eclipse to understand 2002, a major overhaul of the Jalapen˜o garbage how to invoke Jikes RVM. collectors was commenced at IBM. Simultaneously, a new successor to GCTk was being planned at the 4. A good portion of the Extreme Blue team’s time Australian National University and the University was spent tracking down and fixing problems in of Texas. When these two groups discovered their Jikes RVM. The number of actual bugs in Jikes mutual goal, they held a meeting at the ACM RVM was smaller than we expected but was conference on Programming Language Design and substantial nonetheless. The largest single Implementation (PLDI) in June 2002, and decided source of such bugs was the interaction of the to collaborate. The result was an ambitious project baseline compiler and the garbage collection to build a new toolkit for memory management system; these bugs were especially problematic from scratch. Ideally, the new toolkit would because they manifested themselves as obscure perform as well as, or better than, the highly tuned crashes due to corrupted memory. existing collectors, and be at least as flexible as GCTk, while accommodating a broader range of In the end, the project was a huge success; Jikes memory-management algorithms. Within three RVM was able to run Eclipse. To achieve the goals months, JMTk (the Java Memory Management mentioned above, the modifications made by the Toolkit) was functional. As portability to other team, performed on an internal branch of the runtimes and other languages became a focus, system, needed to be merged back into the main JMTk was renamed MMTk (the Memory Manage- CVS source tree. This was done over the last part ment Toolkit). of 2002. However, there still remained one signifi- cant technical hurdle. As mentioned in the section The project was very successful, meeting both its ‘‘Preparing for open source,’’ Jikes RVM was performance and flexibility objectives. It is now distributed with non-open-source libraries. widely used within the memory-management Although this might not be a problem for research community and has been ported to other non-Java users, it posed a significant problem for open- runtime systems. MMTk represents a success in the 21 source Linux distributors. areas of both software engineering and research, where it became the platform for the first com- Fortunately, there was an existing open-source prehensive ‘‘apples to apples’’ study of key 22 project, GNU Classpath, whose goal was to develop memory-management algorithms, as well as the 31 32 a complete set of Java libraries. Shortly after the basis for new algorithms. Above all, MMTk is a open-source release of Jikes RVM, suggestions strong example of the value of collaboration were posted on the Jikes RVM mailing list to switch between industry and academia in developing a to these libraries. An open-source developer, John research infrastructure. Leuner, started the effort to make this transition and contributed his work to the project. Using the Building the community experience of this work, the Extreme Blue team used A key ingredient of a successful open-source some of the non-core Classpath libraries to run project is evolving participation from the initial Eclipse. In the Version 2.2.1 release of April 2003, the developers to a self-sustaining community of project completely switched to the Classpath libra- volunteers that is not necessarily dependent on the ries, and for the first time, both the system and initial developers. When Jikes RVM was initially libraries were completely open source. released, the project depended heavily on support from IBM developers. However, even before Coincidentally, around the same time, Classpath releasing the system, plans were made regarding developers were interested in demonstrating that how the project could evolve to ensure its long- their libraries were functional enough to run Eclipse term success, even if IBM employees were no

408 ALPERN ET AL. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 longer active participants. This strategy encouraged outside of IBM. As of November 2004, there are 11 users of the system to become experts in one or members on the core team, six of whom are IBM more areas of the system, putting them in a employees. The core team will continue to evolve position to help others and potentially to maintain as new volunteers present themselves and current the system in the future. members move on to other activities.

The mechanics of achieving this were put in place There are several important elements for the over time. For example, nine months after the acceptance of an open-source project by open- initial open-source release, a process was devel- source developers. First, one must release the code oped for accepting user contributions to the code under a license approved by the Open Source 33 base and documentation. This process, developed Initiative (OSI). Jikes RVM uses the CPL license, with the IBM legal department, is simple enough to which is approved by the OSI. The GNU Classpath encourage contributions, but still satisfies the legal libraries use a variant of the GPL, which is also department’s concerns about contribution original- OSI-approved. Second, the project must be run in ity. (Details are on the Jikes RVM Web site.) an open manner; that is, discussion about the Perhaps the most significant user contribution has project’s evolution should be open to all potential been the port of the system to the 64-bit PowerPC participants and publicly archived. Jikes RVM platform. This port was coordinated and assisted strives to achieve this by using the jikesrvm_core by several IBM core team members, but the bulk of mailing list for these discussions, refraining as the work was performed by university researchers much as possible from ‘‘hallway’’ discussions at at Ghent, the University of Massachusetts, and the IBM. University of New Mexico. In addition to the 64-bit port, in the period of over two years since we have Some open-source software developers—often fol- been accepting contributions, we have received 35 lowers of the Foundation philoso- nontrivial contributions from 26 individuals. Just phy—are ideologically committed to free software. under half of these were enhancements to MMTk, For this community, there is a third requirement: the memory management component of Jikes RVM. that all software tools used to build and run the Other contributions included ports to Mac OS X and a system should also be free software. (This is the partial implementation of bytecode verification. same community that requires an open-source VM in order to run Eclipse.) Thus, despite the huge In June 2003, the structure of the project was success of Jikes RVM with the university research- formalized with the formation of a steering ers, free software developers have been reluctant to committee and a core team. The steering commit- use or contribute to the system because of its tee is responsible for the strategic direction and reliance on proprietary software in building its boot success of the project. It is expected to ensure the image file. To explain this reliance, we present an project’s welfare and guide its overall direction. overview of the Jikes RVM build process. Further details are provided in Reference 10. The core team is responsible for virtually all of the daily technical decisions associated with the As mentioned earlier, Jikes RVM is mostly written project. Core team members have write access to in the Java programming language. It runs on itself the source-code repository. They decide what new without the need for a second virtual machine. To code is added to the system and process contribu- start its execution it reads a boot image file that tions from the user community. Active participa- contains a frozen instance of an initial VM. The tion on the mailing lists is a responsibility of all program that creates this image is also written in core team members and is critical to the success of the Java programming language. The program the project. Becoming a core team member is a basically takes all of the core classes in the Jikes privilege that is earned by contributing to the RVM, compiles them to native code, and then project. writes them to the boot image file. Because this program compiles a large number of classes, it is a As expected, the initial core team was a subset of useful stress test for any Java virtual machine. As the initial IBM implementers. However, over time, of mid-2004, no open-source VM was robust it has evolved to include several people from enough to run this boot image writer program.

IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 ALPERN ET AL. 409 Thus, Jikes RVM required the use of a non-open- technical tutorials about the system. In September source Java virtual machine for creating its boot 2001, we presented an eight-hour tutorial on the image. complete system at the PACT (Parallel Computing Technologies) conference in Barcelona. In June and An effort has begun to create the boot image with an October 2002, we presented tutorials on the details open-source VM. Ultimately, we expect Jikes RVM of the optimizing compiler and adaptive optimiza- to be that VM, but because of complications tion system at PLDI and OOPSLA, respectively. In involving class loading, this is not as straightforward October 2004, we presented a tutorial on the as it might seem. The VM will be running a Java MMTk garbage collection toolkit at ISMM (Inter- program that is trying to load and natively compile national Symposium on Memory Management). another version of itself. Thus, we are initially trying 24 to create the boot image with another open-source Online Information. The Jikes RVM home page VM. As of Version 2.3.2 (April, 2004), the provides a large amount of information for the 34 virtual machine was able to build a version of the prospective user. It includes the slides from all Jikes RVM boot image that utilizes the baseline tutorials, a list of publications that use the system compiler. Although the time to build the image was (96 as of November 2004), a list of courses that about six times longer than using a proprietary Java have been taught using the system (20 as of virtual machine, it does satisfy the wish of those November 2004), including links to the courses who want to use only open-source tools when with lots of helpful information, and a list of developing the Jikes RVM. Because of this accom- current users of the system. There are also details plishment, a Debian** package containing the Jikes about the code base, such as the user’s guide, a RVM is now available, and we are working on CVS repository supporting browsing, the complete getting it into the Debian distribution. Work also Jikes RVM API, mailing list archives, and the bug/ continues on being able to ‘‘self build’’ with Jikes feature database. RVM. Mailing Lists. There are four mailing lists associ- Promoting the system ated with the project geared toward (1) general Creating a successful open-source project requires announcements, (2) the results of nightly regres- much more than useful technology. Complex sion tests, (3) general questions, and (4) more technology, like a virtual machine, requires not detailed (core team) questions. From the begin- only promotion of the availability of the system, ning, the mailing lists have received a significant but also a considerable amount of education on amount of questions. As expected, in the early days how the system works. From the first day the almost all questions were answered by the initial system was released as open source, the project IBM implementers of the system. However, as has treated promotion of the system as an outside expertise with the system has grown over important goal. This has taken a number of forms, time, more and more questions are being answered as described next. by the user community.

Birds of a Feather Sessions. We held these sessions MEASURING IMPACT at the premier conferences for programming This section presents some quantitative informa- languages, when the university release was avail- tion that measures activity related to the Jikes RVM able (at PLDI’01), and when the open-source project. Because no one metric sufficiently quanti- release was available (at OOPSLA’01 and PLDI’02). fies success, we explore several metrics. The sessions were organized as information ses- sions, where a project member would take about Jikes RVM can be obtained in two ways: by direct 20 minutes to explain what the system was (at a access from the CVS repository or by downloading high level) and then existing users would discuss it as a release, which is a packaged snapshot of the how they are using the system. Attendance varied system. Figure 1 presents the number of down- from 20 to 100 people. loaded snapshots per month since November 2002. (We do not have download data for the first year of Tutorials. To help provide a more detailed expla- the project.) The drop in downloads in March 2004 nation of the system, we conducted a number of resulted from the project Web site being unavail-






0 Jul 2003 Jul 2004 Jan 2004 Jan 2003 Jun 2004 Oct 2003 Oct 2004 Jun 2003 Apr 2004 Apr 2003 Feb 2004 Feb 2003 Aug 2004 Mar 2004 Mar 2003 Sep 2003 Sep 2004 Nov 2003 Nov 2002 Dec 2003 Dec 2002 Aug 2003 May 2004 May 2003

Figure 1 Downloads per month

able for two weeks. The figure shows an average of community that performs its research on a locally 300 downloads per month, with significant modified version of the system. For such users, monthly variations. On the x axis, months when a downloading a new release and then porting new release was made appear in bold font, such as modifications is not always desirable, despite the December 2002. Not surprisingly, the figure shows improvements in functionality and robustness. an apparent trend, wherein the month following a Thus, some users may derive great benefit from the release has a large number of downloads, with system for several years, but download it only smaller numbers in subsequent months until a new once. Furthermore, other users frequently get release is issued (for example, consider January– copies of the system using CVS directly, and thus, April 2004, and May–July 2004). they are not counted in the download metric.

Although this metric seems straightforward, it is Another way to measure user activity is to monitor not clear how appropriate it is for a research user the main mailing list, jikesrvm_researchers. Figure 2





0 Jul 1, 2002 Jul 1, 2003 Jul 1, 2004 Jan 1, 2002 Jan 1, 2003 Jan 1, 2004 Apr 1, 2002 Apr 1, 2003 Apr 1, 2004 Jun 1, 2002 Jun 1, 2003 Jun 1, 2004 Oct 1, 2002 Oct 1, 2003 Oct 1, 2004 Feb 1, 2002 Feb 1, 2003 Feb 1, 2004 Aug 1, 2002 Mar 1, 2002 Aug 1, 2003 Mar 1, 2003 Aug 1, 2004 Mar 1, 2004 Sep 1, 2002 Sep 1, 2003 Sep 1, 2004 Dec 1, 2001 Dec 1, 2002 Dec 1, 2003 Nov 1, 2001 Nov 1, 2002 Nov 1, 2003 Nov 1, 2004 May 1, 2002 May 1, 2003 May 1, 2004 Figure 2 Mailing-list subscribers





0 Jul 2004 Jul 2003 Jul 2002 Jan 2004 Jan 2003 Jan 2002 Apr 2004 Apr 2003 Apr 2002 Jun 2004 Jun 2003 Jun 2002 Oct 2004 Oct 2003 Oct 2002 Oct 2001 Feb 2004 Feb 2003 Feb 2002 Aug 2004 Aug 2003 Mar 2004 Aug 2002 Mar 2003 Mar 2002 Sep 2004 Sep 2003 Sep 2002 Dec 2003 Dec 2002 Dec 2001 Nov 2003 Nov 2002 Nov 2001 May 2004 May 2003 May 2002 Figure 3 Mailing-list traffic

presents the number of people subscribing to this information contained on the list, making this list on the first day of each month since the metric useful but not perfect. project’s inception. The figure illustrates a steady increase of interest in the project’s activities, about Another interesting metric is the amount of traffic 50 new subscribers per year. The number of IBM that is received on the main mailing list. Figure 3 employees subscribed to this list has varied from presents this value on a monthly basis since the 17–19 people over the time period displayed. It is project’s inception. The figure illustrates a steady reasonable to assume that someone who subscribes flow of mail activity, averaging about 100 messages to the list is interested in discussions about the per month. Typical traffic usually involves a user system, and thus it is a reasonable metric of a posting a question about the system, which is then project’s success. However, as all mailing list answered by someone with familiarity in the area discussions are archived on the project Web page, being queried. In the early days of the project one does not need to subscribe to benefit from the almost all answers came from the IBM developers. However, over time this has changed so that the 30 Papers with at least majority of questions are now answered by the one IBM co-author larger community. Papers without any IBM co-author The primary goal of the Jikes RVM project is to 20 enable users to advance the state of the art in virtual-machine technologies. Thus, the most re- sult-oriented metric of the success of the project is how well the users of the system are succeeding in 10 this effort. Clearly, this depends as much on the quality of the user community as on that of the system. Figure 4 presents the number of publica- tions describing research that used Jikes 0 RVM/Jalapen˜o per year starting in 1999, the year of the first Jalapen˜o publication. It includes 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 publications by Jikes RVM developers, other Figure 4 researchers at IBM, and the user community. To Publications using Jikes RVM help understand how the system has impacted researchers outside of its initial developers and




0 Jul 2004 Jul 2003 Jan 2004 Jun 2004 Jun 2003 Oct 2004 Oct 2003 Sep 2004 Feb 2004 Sep 2003 Apr 2004 Apr 2003 Dec 2003 Mar 2004 Mar 2003 Aug 2004 Nov 2003 Aug 2003 May 2004 May 2003 Figure 5 CVS commits

other IBM employees, the figure partitions pub- metric is a good indication of the activity of the lications into two categories: publications with at project over time. least one author affiliated with IBM, and publica- tions with no IBM authors. This is not a perfect As mentioned in the section ‘‘Preparing for open partition because some papers in the former source,’’ an expected benefit to IBM of the making category are written predominantly by non-IBM- the system available as an open-source project was related researchers. Thus, the latter category an improved awareness of IBM’s technology, represents a conservative underestimate of publi- leading to improved Ph.D. candidate recruiting. cations by non-IBM-related researchers. The project has seen evidence of this phenomenon. In particular, the existence of the project has The figure illustrates that, as the system has attracted dozens of graduate students interested in become available outside of IBM, more researchers internships, and resulted in at least four new Ph.D. have successfully published their work. As of hires over the past three years. November 2004, 96 papers (that we are aware of) have been published describing research that used CONCLUSIONS AND LESSONS LEARNED the system. A complete list of these publications, This paper has described the evolution of the Jikes including links to the papers in most cases, is RVM project from internal research infrastructure, available at the project Web site. to university releases, to successful open-source project. We conclude with an attempt to summa- In addition to publications, the system has been used rize some lessons learned during this experience. to teach at least 20 courses at 12 different univer- sities. Furthermore, researchers at over 60 univer- Success with the open-source research community sities have used the system for their research. demands much more than just source code. The research community has a voracious appetite for Finally, Figure 5 presents the number of CVS information on a system’s inner workings. To ‘‘commits’’ to the system since March 2003, when provide this information, project maintainers must this data became available. Commits are made by provide extensive documentation, tutorials, and core team members and are predominately bug access to experts via a mailing list. fixes and new feature additions to the code base. A small minority of commits are improvements to the Open source can serve as an invaluable catalyst for supporting infrastructure, such as the documenta- productive research collaboration. The successful tion, building tools, and regression testing. This development of MMTk provides an outstanding

IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 ALPERN ET AL. 413 example of cooperative development among re- choose not to make their implementations publicly searchers on different continents, with different available. We suspect that the main issue is that backgrounds, spanning industry and academia. the research community, as represented by pro- MMTk has resulted in numerous high-quality gram committees and tenure committees, does not research results, dozens of publications, and an explicitly value producing open software. Thus, immensely stimulating collaboration. Furthermore, most researchers do not have a strong incentive to it has advanced the science of memory-manage- devote time and energy into publishing software ment research by providing a high-quality infra- for research. structure with which researchers the world over can reproduce and improve on published results. We hope that, as more open-source research Open-source sharing makes all this possible. infrastructure is built, the community mind-set will gradually change, until open software for repro- The trade-offs between flexibility and maintain- ducible systems research becomes the rule rather ability present difficult problems. Software designed than the exception. We believe that such a sea for research use should be flexible enough, and change would dramatically advance the discipline provide a feature set rich enough, to support a wide of systems software as a science. variety of implementation options. However, soft- ware used for production should be easily main- tained and thus benefits from a minimal feature set ACKNOWLEDGMENTS to reduce testing requirements. An open-source Many people have contributed to the success of the research project constantly faces the tension be- Jalapen˜o project and the Jikes RVM open-source tween these forces and must carefully manage a project. We thank Dick Attanasio, Stephen Smith, system’s evolution to strike a judicious balance. Derek Lieber, Janice Shepherd, Arvin Shepherd, Matthew Arnold, David Bacon, Peter F. Sweeney, Igor When a systems software research project is Pechtchanski, Harini Srinivasan, JongDeok Choi, started, it is prudent to assume that the infra- Mauricio Serrano, and John Whaley for their contributions to the initial Jalapen˜o system and the structure will be adopted by a large community Jikes RVM release. We thank Jim Russell, John and to manage the software development accord- Barton, Mark Wegman, Dan Yellin, and Alfred Spector ingly. One should assume from the beginning that for their support of this project. We thank Julianne the project will have a significant impact and raise Young, Sergiy Kyrylkov, Jeff Palm, and Dave significant interest in the infrastructure. If the Hovemeyer for their efforts in the Eclipse on Jikes project will not have a significant impact, it may RVM Extreme Blue project. We thank the GNU not be worth pursuing. Classpath developers for providing the libraries that are used in Jikes RVM. We thank David . Hanson, Finally, we close this section with a commentary Christoper W. Fraser, and Todd Proebsting for making on the practice of systems software research. For available the ‘‘iburg’’ tool, which we have enhanced science to advance, researchers must be able to for use in Jikes RVM. We thank John Leuner for reproduce past results and ultimately improve on contributing the initial port to the Classpath libraries. them. In systems software research, results often depend on a myriad of implementation details that We also thank Feng Qian, Martin Hirzel, and Kim cannot be conveyed in a research paper. Although Hazelwood Cettei for performing night sanity guru many systems research papers include information duties during their summer internships. Finally, we on algorithms, benchmarks, and experimental thank fellow core team members Feng Qian, Peter F. methodology, this information ultimately fails to Sweeney, and Chris Hoffman for their support of the facilitate reproducible results. system and Laureen Treacy for feedback on earlier drafts of this paper. We hoped, and still hope, that widely adopted open-source research infrastructures such as Jikes *Trademark or registered trademark of International Busi- RVM will change this, allowing researchers to ness Machines Corporation. publish source code used in studies, and allowing **Trademark or registered trademark of Linus Torvalds, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Apple Computer, Inc., The Standard other researchers to build on the results. However, Performance Evaluation Corporation, or Software in the in our experience, the vast majority of researchers Public Interest, Incorporated.

414 ALPERN ET AL. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 CITED REFERENCES AND NOTES cations (OOPSLA’00), ACM SIGPLAN Notices 35, No. 10. 1. The Linux Kernel Archives, 66–82 (October 2000). 2. The FreeBSD Project, 19. V. . Sreedhar, M. Burke, and J. Choi, ‘‘A Framework for Interprocedural Optimization in the Presence of 3. Home Page, Dynamic Class Loading,’’ Proceedings of the ACM 4. LaTeX project: LaTeX—A document preparation system, SIGPLAN 2005 Conference on Programming Language http://www.latex– Design and Implementation (PLDI), ACM SIGPLAN Notices 35, No. 5, 196–207 (May 2000). 5. Main Page, ‘‘ 6. GCC Home Page—GNU Project—Free Software Foun- 20. B. Alpern, A. Cocchi, and D. Grove, Dynamic Type ’’ Proceedings of the USENIX Java dation (FSF), Checking in Jalapen˜o, Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium 7. KDE Home Page—Conquer your Desktop! http:// (JVM’01), 41–52, USENIX Advanced Computing Sys- tems Association, Berkeley, CA (April 2001). 8. GNOME: The Free Software Desktop Project, http:// 21. S. Blackburn, P. Cheng, and K. McKinley, ‘‘Oil and Water? High Performance Garbage Collection in Java 9. B. Alpern, C. R. Attanasio and J. J. Barton, M. G. Burke, with JMTk,’’ Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Interna- P. Cheng, J. D. Choi, A. Cocchi, S. J. Fink, D. Grove, M. tional Conference on Software Engineering, 137–146, Hind, S. F. Hummel, D. Lieber, V. Litvinov, M. F. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C. (May 2004). Mergen, T. Ngo, J. R. Russell, V. Sarkar, M. J. Serrano, 22. S. Blackburn, P. Cheng, and K. McKinley, ‘‘Myths and J. C. Shepherd, S. E. Smith, V. C. Sreedhar, H. Reality: The Performance Impact of Garbage Collection,’’ Srinivasan, and J. Whaley, ‘‘The Jalapen˜o Virtual Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Machine,’’ IBM Systems Journal 39, No. 1, 211–238 Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, ACM (2000). SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 32, No. 1, 10. B. Alpern, C. R. 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Ishizaki, H. Komatsu, and T. Nakatani, Conference, 129–141, ACM, New York (1999). ‘‘Overview of the IBM Java Just-in-Time Compiler,’’ IBM 12. M. Arnold, S. Fink, D. Grove, M. Hind, and P. F. Systems Journal 39, No. 1, 175–193 (2000). ‘‘ ’’ Sweeney, Adaptive Optimization in the Jalapen˜o JVM, 26. N. Grcevski, A. Kilstra, K. Stoodley, M. Stoodley, and V. Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Sundaresan, ‘‘Java Just-in-Time Compiler and Virtual Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Machine Improvements for Server and Middleware Applications (OOPSLA’00), ACM SIGPLAN Notices 35, Applications,’’ Proceedings of the Third USENIX Java No. 10, 47–65, ACM, New York (2000). Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium 13. C. R. Attanasio, D. F. Bacon, A. Cocchi, and S. Smith, (JVM’04), 151–162, USENIX Advanced Computing ‘‘A Comparative Evaluation of Parallel Garbage Collector Systems Association, Berkeley, CA (May 2004). Implementations,’’ Proceedings of the 14th International 27. An informal meeting at a conference where people with Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel similar interests gather. This is in contrast with the Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2624, regular conference program which is much more formal 177–192, Springer-Verlag, Germany (2001). and of general interest. 14. A system that maps m Java threads to n operating- 28. M. Poletto and V. Sarkar, ‘‘Linear Scan Register system threads by inserting potential yield points during Allocation,’’ ACM Transactions on Programming Lan- the compilation of methods. When an external event, guages and Systems 21, No. 5, 895–913 (September such as a timer interrupt or a garbage collection request, 1999). occurs, an executing thread will call the scheduler upon execution of the next yield point. 29. SPECjvm98 Benchmarks, Standard Performance Evalua- tion Corporation, 15. W. F. Tichy, ‘‘RCS: A System for Version Control,’’ Software—Practice and Experience 15, No. 7, 637–654 30. SPECjbb2000—Java Business Benchmark 2000, Standard (July 1985). Performance Evaluation Corporation., http://www. 16. Concurrent Versions System (CVS) Domain Home Page, 31. GNU Classpath—GNU Project—Free Software Founda- 17. J. Choi and H. Srinivasan, ‘‘Deterministic Replay of Java tion, Multithreaded Applications,’’ Proceedings of the SIG- 32. S. M. Blackburn and K. S. McKinley, ‘‘Ulterior Reference METRICS Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools, Counting: Fast Garbage Collection without a Long 48–59, ACM, New York (1998). Wait,’’ ACM SIGPLAN Notices 38, No. 11, 344–358 18. M. Serrano, R. Bordawekar, S. Midkiff, and M. Gupta, (November 2003). ‘‘Quicksilver: A Quasistatic Compiler for Java,’’ Pro- 33. Open Source Initiative (OSI), ceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Appli- 34. Home Page,

IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 ALPERN ET AL. 415 Accepted for publication November 30, 2004. Research Center. He received his B.S. degree from Rice Published online April 13, 2005. University in 1994, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Carnegie Mellon University in 1998 and 2001, respectively. He subsequently joined IBM, where he is a member of Bowen Alpern the Jikes RVM core team and helped develop its garbage IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, collector framework. His research interests include 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York 10532 (alpernb@ programming language design and implementation, virtual Dr. Alpern received a B.S. degree from the machines, and runtime systems. He is a member of the University of Michigan in 1974 and a Ph.D. degree from ACM. Cornell University in 1986. In that year, he became a research staff member at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Julian Dolby Research Center. His research interests include virtual IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, machine implementation and application virtualization. 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York 10532 ([email protected]). Mr. Dolby is a research staff member Steven Augart in the Software Technology Department at the IBM Watson 16 Brooks Street, Winchester, Massachusetts, 01890. Research Center. He attended the University of Wisconsin at ([email protected]). Mr. Augart is a freelance software Madison and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. engineer. He first did free software work for the GNU project He was a member of the team that developed the Jikes RVM in 1983. He received a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard and was a mentor on the Extreme Blue project in 2002. He University in 1989 and an M.S. degree from the University of now works primarily on advanced program analysis California at Irvine in 1992. After a varied career including techniques, focusing on demanding analysis applications for seven years at the University of Southern California programming tools. Information Sciences Institute (networking division), he became involved in the Jikes RVM project in 2003, and is a Stephen Fink member of the core team. His interests are in operating IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, systems, real-time programming (especially networking 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York 10532 (sjfink@us. protocols), and free software. Dr. Fink is a research staff member in the Software Technology Department at the IBM. Watson Stephen M. Blackburn Research Center. He received a B.S. degree from Duke Department of Computer Science, Australian National University in 1992 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia University of California, San Diego in 1994 and 1998, ([email protected]). Dr. Blackburn is a research respectively. He subsequently joined IBM, where he was a fellow at the Department of Computer Science at the member of the team that produced the Jikes Research Virtual Australian National University. He received his B.Sc. and Machine, and is currently investigating the application of B.E. degrees from the University of New South Wales in 1990 static program analysis to Enterprise JavaBeans. His research and 1992, and his Ph.D. degree from the Australian National interests include programming-language implementation University in 1997. During postdoctoral work at the techniques, program analysis, and parallel and scientific University of Massachusetts, he became involved in the Jikes computation. He is a member of the ACM. RVM project, and is a member of the core team and steering committee. His interests include memory performance, memory management, and architecture. David Grove IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Maria Butrico 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York 10532 (groved@ IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Dr. Grove is a research staff member in the P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 Software Technology Department at the IBM Watson ([email protected]). Ms. Butrico joined IBM in 1984 and Research Center. He received a B.S. degree from Yale College is currently a senior software engineer. She received a B.S. in 1992, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of degree in computer science from Pace University in 1984 and Washington in 1994 and 1998, respectively. He subsequently an M.S. degree in computer science from Columbia joined IBM, where he is a member of the Jikes RVM core University in 1990. Her interests include operating systems, team and helped develop its adaptive optimization system, database systems, distributed systems, and middleware. She optimizing compiler, and runtime system. His research received an Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for interests include programming language design and her work on the Virtual Shared Disk. implementation, virtual machines, and adaptive optimization. He is a member of the ACM. Anthony Cocchi Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Lehman Michael Hind College, The City University of New York, 250 Bedford Park IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Boulevard West, Bronx, New York 10468 (acocchi@lehman. 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York 10532 (hindm@ Mr. Cocchi is a Distinguished Lecturer at Lehman Dr. Hind is a research staff member and College (a division of the City University of New York). He manager in the Software Technology Department at the IBM has a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in electrical Watson Research Center. He received a B.A. degree from the engineering from Pratt Institute (in Brooklyn, New York) and State University of New York at New Paltz in 1985 and M.S. a Master’s degree in computer science from New York and Ph.D. degrees from New York University in 1987 and Polytechnic Institute. On the Jikes RVM project, he worked 1991. From 1992 to 1998, Dr. Hind was a professor of on the garbage collector, the runtime, and the basic computer science at the State University of New York at New compilers, and did performance measurements and analysis. Paltz. In 1998, he joined IBM to work on the Jalapen˜o project, particularly the adaptive optimization system and Perry Cheng the optimizing compiler. In 2000, he became the manager of IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, the Dynamic Optimization Group at IBM Research. His 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York 10532 (perryche@us. research interests include program analysis, adaptive Dr. Cheng is a research staff member in the optimization, and memory latency issues. He is a member of Software Technology Department at the IBM Watson the ACM.

416 ALPERN ET AL. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 44, NO 2, 2005 Kathryn S. McKinley Currently he is with the WebFountaine project, working on Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at a cluster of several hundred/Linux machine for Web-scale Austin, 1 University Station #C0500, Austin, Texas 78712 data mining. ([email protected]). Dr. McKinley is an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin. She received Vivek Sarkar her Ph.D. degree in 1992, Master’s degree in 1990, and IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Bachelor’s degree in 1985, all from Rice University. Her 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York 10532 (vsarkar@us. research interests include compilers, memory management, Dr. Sarkar is a research staff member and Senior and architecture. She has received two IBM Faculty Awards Manager of Programming Technologies in the Software (2003, 2004) and an NSF CAREER Award (1996, 2000); she Technology Department at the IBM Watson Research Center, is an IEEE Senior Member; she was awarded a Texas where he oversees research projects in the areas of Institute for Computation and Applied Mathematics (TICAM) programming models, programming tools, code optimization, Visitor Fellowship (1999) and a Chateaubriand Scholarship and virtualized runtime systems. He received a B.Tech. for the Exact Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (1992). degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur in She was the program chair for the ACM conference on 1981, an M.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin at Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Madison in 1982, and a Ph.D. degree from Stanford Operating Systems (ASPLOS) 2004, and is the program chair University in 1987. From 1998 to 2000, he was manager of for the International conference on Parallel Architectures and the Dynamic Optimization group, which was responsible for Compilation Techniques (PACT) 2005. the dynamic optimizing compiler and adaptive optimization system in Jalapen˜o. After becoming Senior Manager in 2000, Mark Mergen he led the team that evolved the Jalapen˜o research project IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, into the Jikes RVM open-source release in 2001. Dr. Sarkar’s P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598 primary research interests are in optimizing and parallelizing ([email protected]). Dr. Mergen managed the group compilers, static and dynamic program analysis, and parallel- responsible for the non-optimizing compilers, virtual programming models. He has been a member of the IBM machine, and garbage collection in Jikes RVM, and Academy of Technology since 1995. previously managed the research effort leading to the High- Performance Compiler for Java (HPCJ) product. He is Martin Trapp currently working on the K42 open-source, scalable, 100world AG, Vordere Cramergasse 11, D90478 Nuremberg, customizable operating-system kernel project, and previously Germany ([email protected]). Dr. Trapp is a Chief managed the research prototype leading to the first 64-bit Developer at 100world AG, working in the Middleware AIX product release. He has also worked on PowerPC Services group. He received his diploma and doctoral degrees architecture and virtual memory software. He has a B.S. from the University of Karlsruhe in 1999. At Karlsruhe, he degree in mathematics and an M.D. degree from the worked on the translation and optimization of object- University of Wisconsin at Madison. oriented programs. From 2000 to 2002, he was a member of the Dynamic Optimization Group in the Software Technology J. Eliot B. Moss Department at the IBM Watson Research Center. His main Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, interests are the reliability of software systems and & 140 Governor’s Drive, Amherst, MA 01003-9264 (moss@cs. improvements in software engineering. Dr. Moss is an associate professor and has been a member of the computer science faculty at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst since 1985. His work focuses on the efficient implementation of modern programming language and runtime systems on modern architectures. He participated in the designs of the Clu and Argus programming languages while a graduate student, and contributed the nested transaction model in his dissertation. Since then he has explored persistent object storage and persistent programming-language implementation, and more recently helped advance the state of the art in automatic storage management (garbage collection). He also pursues interests in hardware support for language features and in application of machine learning techniques to systems problems, especially in compiler optimization. His interactions with IBM Research led to the first academic source license for Jikes RVM (Jalapen˜o at the time). Dr. Moss received a Ph.D. degree in 1981, an M.S. degree in 1978, and a B.S. degree in 1975, all in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ton Ngo IBM Almaden Research Division, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, California 95120 ([email protected]). Dr. Ngo received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in computer science from the University of Washington, an M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Florida Institute of Technology, and a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He joined the IBM Systems Product Division in 1982, the IBM Watson Research Center in 1987, and finally the Almaden Research Center in 2001. In the Jikes RVM project, he developed the debugger and the Java Native Interface and contributed to the Record/Replay tool.