DOCUMENT RESUME ED 382 462 SE 056 145 TITLE. Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Development Program and Calculus and the Bridge to Calculus Program: 1993 Awards. INSTITUTION National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. Div. of Undergraduate Education. REPORT NO NSF-94-110 PUB DATE 94 NOTE 141p. AVAILABLE FROM Internet users,
[email protected]; BITNET users, pubs@NSF; include NSF publication number and title, number of copies, and your name and complete mailing address. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PCG6 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Demonstration Programs; *Engineering Education; *Federal Aid; Higher Education; *Mathematics Instruction; Science Education; *Science Instruction; *Technology Education; *Undergraduate Study IDENTIFIERS * National Science Foundation; *Reform Efforts ABSTRACT The Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Development Program of the National Science Foundation supports the development of courses in all disciplines to improve the quality of undergraduate courses and curricula in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. The purpose of the program in Curriculum Development in Mathematics: Calculus and the Bridge to calculus is to support projects that reform curriculum and instruction in both calculus and the preparation for calculus, and the implementation of previous, successful development efforts. The projects described in this book received awards in 1993, and were selected for their creativity, scientific and educational quality, and potential for utility at multiple institutions and national impact. Funded projects are expected to produce course and curricular materials that will be of national interest and widely disseminated. The main part of the book lists projects in: chemistry, 'computer science, engineering, geosciences, interdisciplinary, science and humanities, life sciences, mathematics, physics and astronomy, social sciences, and calculus.