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Arts News « Det er bare én ting som er News from Vesterheim exhibit bedre enn å få en ny venn, og det explores heritage er å beholde en gammel. » The Foreigner Read more on page 15 – Elmer G. Leterman Read more on page 3 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 125 No. 32 September 12, 2014 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy Business, bunads, and beer Sons of members have fun in the sun at Florida convention

Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho

Business, Bunads, and Beer is Photos: Barbara K. Rostad a simplified, shorthand phrase for Right: Jacksonville skyline along the the multidimensional aspects of the North Bank Core as seen from Friend- International Con- ship Fountain, South Bank of the St. Johns River. vention, which took place August Background: Hardanger embroidery 19-24 in Jacksonville, Florida. entered in the Folk Art Competition at Business for the 135 delegates the Sons of Norway International Con- included selecting Tacoma, Wash., vention. over Palm Springs, Calif., for the 2016 biennial convention, elect- ing new officers, and voting on is- sues certain to bring change to this 119-year-old fraternal organization. These representatives of 57,000 members from the U.S., Canada, and Norway, divided into eight dis- doesn’t start with a B. tricts, also donated $7,600 to the “We take our business seriously, but Sons of Norway Foundation, most- we don’t take ourselves seriously,” ob- ly in small bills. served newly installed International Sons Bunads abounded, especially of Norway President Jon Tehven, Sol- at the closing banquet where many glimt Lodge, Cedar Falls, Iowa. women and some men appeared in one of the multiple styles of Norwe- Bunads gian national dress. They symbolize A Viking ship greeted every guest en- cultural activities at the convention. tering Jacksonville’s Omni Hotel during Beer appeared too, and though the Sons of Norway Convention. No, not the Hagar Øl, brewed in a bathtub a model at the reception desk. A full-sized and named for the host lodge’s first eight-seater Viking boat, complete with Viking boat, certainly has cultural mast and all eight oars, was situated di- connotations, here it’s meant to rectly in front of the doors in a distinctly stand for the convention’s social as- pects. Coffee would work too, but it See > convention, page 13

What’s inside? News 2-3 Business 4 Sports 5 The Lighter Side Opinion 6-7 with Donald V. Mehus Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Concerning the recent article in NAW age with five fellow adventurers extended lowing cartoon in a nationally-read some 5,000 miles across the broad Pacific Roots & Connections 10 commemorating the 100th Anniversary of American magazine, touching on the birth of the celebrated Norwegian sci- Ocean, from Peru to the Polynesian Islands. the wonderment felt by many. Obituaries & Religion 11 entist and explorer-sailor, Thor Heyerdahl Heyerdahl strove to prove that it was pos- In the cartoon we see two In Your Neighborhood 12-13 (October 6, 1914—April 18, 2002), who sible that peoples centuries ago could have ocean-going balsa crafts, each simi- Norwegian Heritage 14 was noted above all for boldly sailing his traversed the Pacific in just such balsa wood lar to Kon-Tiki, passing by each rafts, on much the same sea-route from Peru Arts & Entertainment 15 hand-made balsa wooden raft across the other in mid-ocean, each propelled vast Pacific Ocean some sixty-five years to the Polynesian Islands. by strong winds, but the two pass- Back Page 16 ago, our readers may find the following Heyerdahl’s thesis and his successful ing crafts are incredulously going in item that I once came across of some in- Pacific expedition (supported by his archae- opposite directions. The captain of $1 = NOK 6.328 terest. ological finds and various scientific studies) the one craft calls out to the captain updated 09/08/2014 Thor Heyerdahl’s famous expedition were met among responsible authorities with of the other vessel: “What theory with his handmade balsa wood Kon-Tiki both skepticism and approbation. In the midst are you trying to prove?” In comparison raft took place in 1947. The 101-day voy- of all the controversy there appeared the fol- 08/08/2014 6.2283 03/08/2014 6.0000 09/08/2013 6.0783 2 • September 12, 2014 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Nye arter er på vei mot norske fjorder Ulovlig DNA- Kronprinsessen i Fredrikstad En rekke ukjente arter står klare til å etablere Gjenbruksdagen arrangeres av seg i norske farvann, og den lille sjøhesten er Fredrikstad kommune og Fretex for å register inspirere til et mer miljøvennlig kles- her trolig allerede valg. — Her har det vært veldig hyg- Folkehelseinstituttet gelig. Det er fint med så mye folk, flott VG engasjement og skjønne unger som har ikke slettet DNA- har vært med på de forskjellige teltene Grunnen er at havtemperaturen i nor- profilene til uskyldige, rundt her. Og ikke minst mest damer ske farvann har steget formidabelt siden som har vært innom og funnet seg 1980-tallet: vitner og fornærmede noen skatter, sa kronprinsesse Mette På 300 meters dyp ligger nå tempera- Marit til pressekorpset etter at arrange- turen hele 0,95 grader over det den gjorde da. Aftenposten mentet var over. Hun forteller at hun I havoverflaten har temperaturen økt desto har vært engasjert i miljø siden hun var mer: En målestasjon ytterst i Sognefjorden — Dersom jeg hadde visst det jeg vet ung. — Min grunn til å være engasjert målte nylig august-temperaturer som er hele nå, hadde jeg ikke frivillig gått med på å gi i miljø er at om kloden vår skal over- 2,4 grader over tilsvarende på 80-tallet, bek- DNA, sier Geir Syversen til Aftenposten. leve er vi nødt til å se på andre måter refter havforskere overfor VG. Syversen og hans familie, inkludert hans å fungere på i hverdagen. Hvordan vi Dermed kan arter som sjøhest snart bli 12 år gamle sønn, ga fra seg DNA-prøver til bruker energiressursene våre, hvordan dagligdags i norske fjorder og hav. Andre politiet i 2002 for å utelukke dem i en draps- vi bruker miljøet på en måte som kan fremmede arter som St. Petersfisk og Måne- sak. vare lenge. Slik det er nå, så ser det fisk har alt delvis klart å etablere seg i norske Han var en av mange tusen nordmenn ikke så lyst ut, sier hun. — Gjenbruks- farvann hjulpet av høyere temperaturer. Foto: Florin Dumitrescu / som i 2011 ble sjokkert da Datatilsynet avs- dagen er en flott måte å sette søkelyset Ingen av sjøhest-artene er ennå formelt Wikimedia Commons lørte at DNA-profilene til tusenvis av nord- på at det ikke er så store ting som skal dokumentert i norske farvann, men havfor- Sjøhester kommer til Norge med varmere far- menn lå ulovlig lagret hos Rettsmedisinsk in- til, men at gjenbruk er en lett måte å skerne har fått ulike observasjoner som klart vann. stitutt. Ikke bare lå kriminelles DNA-profiler være med på, sa hun. indikerer at minst én av artene er her, eller der, men også informasjon om frifunnede (NRK) har vært her, mener Bjelland. for Bømlo. Det er også sett sjøhest i Bæltha- personer, siktede som hadde fått sakene sine Skal du jakte på Norges første doku- vet i Danmark, og ved De britiske øyene henlagt, vitner og voldtektsofre. Sier nei til assistert befruktning for menterte sjøhest, må du gå nøye til verks: nord til Orknøyene og Shetland. Noe av informasjonen hadde vært lagret enslige — Du vil mest sannsynlig finne den inne Men også nye tang- og tarearter etabler- helt siden 80- og 90-tallet. Et flertall på ni medlemmer av mellom ålegress og tang, og skal du fange er seg langs kysten, og likeledes nye snegl- Til slutt konkluderte først Datatilsynet Bioteknologirådet mener tilbudet om den, trenger du finmasket håv. og muslingarter, ifølge havforsker Vivian og så Personvernnemnda med at all infor- assistert befruktning fortsatt bør be- — Vi har flere observasjoner fra 50-tal- Husa. masjon om personer som ikke lå lovlig i grenses til par som er gift eller sam- let, både i Oslofjorden og i Fanafjorden ved English Synopsis: Due to rising ocean temperatures, politiets DNA-register skulle slettes. boere i ekteskapslignende forhold, slik . Vi har en observasjon ved Larvik i many new species are invading Norwegian waters, in- Men den gang ei. Aftenposten kan nå at barna får to foreldre. — Barn som 1963, og nå den siste observasjonen i år uten- cluding seahorses, seaweed, snails, and clams. avsløre at tre og et halvt år etter DNA-skan- fødes av enslige mødre etter assistert dalen ble kjent, og 9 måneder etter slette- befruktning vil være i en mer utsatt po- fristen gikk ut, er det svært mye som fortsatt sisjon dersom mor blir ute av stand til ligger lagret hos Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI). å ivareta omsorgen, sier leder Kristin Isbjørn jagde studenter fra leir Folkehelseinstituttet har tidligere nektet Halvorsen i Bioteknologirådet. Hun å oppgi hvor mange personer som har sin stemte selv med flertallet i saken. Et Studenter måtte forlate leiren etter å ha forsøkt DNA-informasjon ulovlig lagret hos dem. mindretall på seks medlemmer mener De vil ikke møte Aftenposten for intervju, og at bioteknologiloven bør endres slik å skremme en isbjørn med over 50 signalskudd nekter fortsetter å svare på spørsmål om hvor at enslige kvinner får tilgang til as- mange det gjelder. sistert befruktning på lik linje med Men i et brev til Kripos de sendte tidlige- par som innfrir dagens lovkriterier. re i vår skriver de at av de 7,000 sletteopp- Mindretallet viser til at loven aller- dragene de har fått vil de først bli ferdige i ede tillater assistert befruktning på juni 2015—halvannet år etter fristen de fikk ikke-medisinsk grunnlag for lesbiske av Datatilsynet. par og understreker at alle som søker FHI vil ikke si om det er enda flere enn om assistert befruktning, må gjennom disse sletteoppdragene de plikter å gjøre. De en medisinsk og psykososial vurder- svarer heller ikke på hvor mange av de 7,000 ing. Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet som fortsatt ikke er slettet, eller hvor fort de har bedt Bioteknologirådet evaluere får slettet nye saker etter at Kripos har bedt Bioteknologiloven. dem om det. (Aftenposten) I brevet fra FHI til Kripos står det at fordi de må gjøre en ordentlig kvalitetskon- Akerø deltar i «The Hit» troll, vil det ta omtrent et kvarter per sletting. Inge Boska Akerø er meir kjend som Foto: Lars Petter Ugland / VG Og to personer må gjøre det. Det vil si at de musikar og trubadur enn som låtskri- Isbjørnen ruslet rundt i leiren der studentene hadde oppholdt seg. regner med 3500 timer, eller to årsverk for å var. Med deltakinga i «The Hit» på fullføre slettingen Kripos krever. NRK1 kan det fort snu seg. – Låtskriv- VG De er nå på vei tilbake til Longyearbyen i båt. Kripos-nestsjefen er ikke fornøyd med ing er det kjekkaste eg veit. Eg kosar Lars Petter Ugland ble vitne til hen- hvordan Folkehelseinstituttet har behandlet meg når eg er heime i studioet, arran- Natt til mandag kom en isbjørn mot stu- delsen da han var på en guidet båttur. kravet om sletting. gerer og leikar meg, fortel 42-åringen dentenes leir. Da den ikke lot seg skremme — Vi hadde hørt på forhånd at det var English Synopsis: The Norwegian Institute of Public som har studio heime i huset på Vartdal av rundt 30 signalskudd, men i stedet tok observert bjørn her, så vi hadde et håp om å Health has illegally saved DNA-profiles of thousands i Ørsta. Snikkaren og formannen, som studentenes matlager, trakk gruppa seg til- få sett en isbjørn på turen, men kanskje ikke of innocent Norwegians, claiming it will take two years to delete the data. også spelar i banda Glaze og Scramble bake til en hytte i nærheten, skriver Sval- under slike omstendigheter, forteller han. Eggs, er meir van med å framføre cov- bardposten. Ifølge Ugland, som observerte bjørnen erlåtar enn eige materiale. – Det kjenst Da studentene dro tilbake mandag mor- gjennom kameralinsen, var bjørnen nysgjer- litt tryggare å framføre andre sine son- gen for å hente utstyret sitt, møtte på isbjørn- rig og ruslet rundt i leiren der studentene gar, men etter dette kan det nok hende en nok en gang. hadde oppholdt seg. Abonner at eg tør å satse meir på eige materiale, — De prøvde å skremme den med ytter- — Den gikk rundt i leiren og inn i noen seier han. Han har skrive songtekstar ligere 20 skudd, men den lot seg ikke affisere av teltene. Den kom ut med plastposer det på norsk heile livet, og hadde også fleire på la- og de måtte trekke seg tilbake, sier syssel- sikkert var mat i, sier han. ger då han kontakta programmet. Det mannsførstebetjent Christian Svarstad. — Dermed fikk vi både sett isbjørn og amerikansk ukentlig! var folka bak «The Hit» som til slutt Sysselmannen har sendt et helikopter hval, så det ble en spesiell opplevelse. Ring til (800) 305-0217 valde ut kva som skulle bli bidraget for å prøve å lede bjørnen bort fra leiren. English Synopsis: A group of students on a nature hans. Studentene går på arktisk naturguide- tour on Svalbard had to abandon their camp after Send e-post til (NRK) studiet ved Høgskolen i Finnmark på Sval- unsuccessfully attempting to scare away a polar bear [email protected] bard. Det var 27 studenter og ledere i leiren. with over 50 signal shots. Norwegian american weekly September 12, 2014 • 3 news page Top European politicians to This week in brief Crown Princess promotes clothing reuse In a dress from second-hand clothing store Fretex, Crown Princess democracy conference Mette-Marit attended Gjenbruksdagen (The Reuse Day) in Bergen on Sunday. Along with Fretex and Norwegian fashion designer Jenny Skavlan, the Crown Princess wanted to showcase how used Norway will co-host meeting of the 47 Council of clothing may be re-designed and used again. The goal for Gjenbruksdagen events is to inspire people to Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) states make choices that are better for the environment. The Royal Palace reports that each person throws away seven kilos of clothing each Martyna Kwaśniewska year. If these clothes can be used again that would have a positive The Foreigner effect on the environment. Prior to the event the Crown Princess posted a picture on her Together with neighboring new Instagram profile with the hashtag #EnGangTil (“One more and observer countries, 59 speak- time”), urging people to not throw away clothes that are out of fash- ers will be taking part in the Oslo ion. “Gjenbruksdagen is a great way to show that little things can be Summit on September 11-12. done to help the environment, and reuse is an easy way to contrib- International participants will ute,” the Crown Princess told NRK. be discussing an issue of “funda- In association with the event the Crown Princess had also do- mental constitutional rights and nated several of her own outfits that have been redesigned. freedoms – participation, trust, (Norway Post / Kongehuset) and public debate as conditions for democracy.” Three dead in Geilo explosion, investigation underway Other topics planned are “De- Photo: Michael Sandelson / The Foreigner The police received a report of a dynamite accident in Geilo on mocracy, Sovereignty, and Secu- The Norwegian Parliament in Oslo. September 3. Three people lost their lives in the accident that hap- rity in Europe” and “Majority and pened in connection with work along Highway 7 outside of Geilo. opposition – striking a balance in which can inhibit democratic de- people’s faith in politicians that There is now a safety distance of 600 meters around the crime democracy” amongst critical chal- velopment and the economic chal- is being weakened by unemploy- scene. Residents in two houses are evacuated, police said. There lenges in the region. lenges currently facing Europe are ment, and, in some countries, by will be material damage to several houses in the area. President of the Norwegian examples of situations that can put corruption. “The cause is still unclear. We are now waiting until we have Parliament Olemic Thommessen this confidence to the test. As presi- Anne Brasseur, the President investigated the crime scene, where there may still be additional will open the conference. He has dents of parliament, we have a spe- of PACE and the second speaker risk. The victims have been carried away, and nearby houses and recently spoken about the impor- cial responsibility for democratic of the opening part of the confer- people have been evacuated,” police superintendent Brit Fyksen in tance of the confidence and close- development in Europe,” he said in ence, has mentioned recent events Nordre Buskerud Police District told VG. ness that exists between politicians statement. in Ukraine calling them “some of (VG) and the population. Thommessen also emphasized “Different political traditions the significance of building young See > PACE, page 6 Norwegian words in English: Troll Norwegians app couch potatoes Three friends in their 20s launch an app to make it easier for people to partake in sports

Michael Sanderson The Foreigner

Mathias Mikkelsen told Aften- posten, Wednesday. The ad-free app, available just for iPhone for now, asks permis- Photo: Gil Mnogueira / Wikimedia Commons sion to use your location, and log- Troll warning! ging in is done via your Facebook account. M. Michael Brady As with other social network The Foreigner apps, you can receive push noti- fications. You can either join an The word troll in English is a loanword from Norwegian that activity, and/or invite your friends designates a species of supernatural beings, originally giants, but to join you via Facebook or text more recently dwarfs or imps. (SMS), as well as people nearby It came into general use in English in the mid-19th Century, but you using the app’s invitation fea- there are earlier records of it in the Norse dialects of the Shetland ture. and Orkney islands. Current sports types include There’s legal record of the use of the word in Shetland in 1616, American football, basketball, in the taking up of dittay—the formulation of indictment according chess, cycling, dog walking, fish- to Scottish law of the time. The Dittay Sheriff Court Shetland entry Photo: iTunes app store ing, fitness, go-karting, paintball, for October 2 reads: “The said Catherine for airt and pairt of witch- Screenshots from the app along with its icon. “Sporty” is currently only poker, roller skating, running, craft and sorcerie, in hanting and seeing the Trollis ryse out of the available for iPhone. skateboarding, snowboarding, ten- kyrk yeard of Hildiswick.” nis, walking, and yoga. Trolls have remained firmly ensconced in Norwegian mytholo- Mathias Mikkelsen, 24, ed people easy. According to Mikkelsen, it gy through the centuries and are prominent in many of fairytales, as 22-year-old Christian Ringnes Jr.. “You don’t ask your neighbor is currently targeted towards the in Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe’s Norske folkeeventyr and Christopher Onsrud, 21, cre- to play football when you grow American and Norwegian markets. (“Norwegian folk tales”) of 1844. ated “Sporty” with the aim of get- older, but there are certainly many “Americans are probably Many species of trolls evolved with time, in English as well ting people fit in a convenient and who would have liked to have more open to meeting people they as in Norwegian. This millennium started with the entry of an “habit-forming, fast, simple, and joined you. We want to lower the don’t know. We’re perhaps more amazing array of trolls in films. The Lord of the Rings films fea- social way,” they say. threshold by creating a dedicated introverted in Norway and prefer tured Cave Trolls, Mountain Trolls, Stone Trolls, and Two-Headed The free app is also designed social network for this. Those who to play sports with friends. The use Trolls, while the Harry Potter films featured Forest Trolls, Moun- for those who are sporty, and is in- have the app have already indicat- tain Trolls, and River Trolls. tended to make meeting like-mind- ed that they want more activity,” See > sporty, page 6 4 • September 12, 2014 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes Peterson Packaging Real estate boom north of the Arctic Circle reflects the strength of the local economy. He More people want to live north of the Arctic tells the Wall Street Journal that industries Circle, as illustrated by the rising real estate such as fishing, construction, oil, and gas are prices in Tromsø. In a recent article, the Wall spurring growth in the Arctic region. scores at Nor-Fishing Street Journal attributes the development to (Norway Post / Wall Street Journal) a growing local economy. Whereas Tromsø This modern company with historical roots was one had previously been lagging behind markets Statoil resumes ordinary operations in Algeria in Oslo and , the expansion into the 19 months after the terrorist attack on the In of many at Norway’s biennial fishing industry expo Arctic region now helps make Tromsø the Amenas installations, Statoil and the joint most robust property market in the country, venture partners are ready to resume ordi- the Wall Street Journal reports in the article nary operations at the plant in Algeria. “Norway’s Arctic Circle Real-Estate Boom.” In June, the corporate executive com- Prices in Tromsø jumped eight percent mittee approved the return of temporary in the first six months of the year, following manning to the plant to finalize the imple- a 10 percent increase in 2013. Higher-end mentation of the outstanding security re- homes are in demand, and real estate agent quirements. The goal was to verify the im- Einar Storhaug sells penthouse apartments plementation of the last security measures at Tromsøya, one of the city’s main islands. and to prepare for a resumption of ordinary Apartments that are 1,200 square feet sell for operation at In Amenas. $1.6 million, close to the average price of “The decision to resume ordinary op- an apartment in a prime area of ’s Left erations also at In Amenas is the result of a Bank, the Wall Street Journal informs. thorough and stepwise process of identifying The land available for new construction necessary security measures, implementing at Tromsøya is limited, which helps drive up them and validating that they are in place prices even further. and operational,” says Lars Christian Bach- According to Jan-Frode Janson, presi- er, executive vice president for Development dent of the Tromsø-based bank SpareBank 1 & Production International (DPI). Nord Norge, the real estate boom in Tromsø (Norway Post)

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (Sept. 8, 2014) Photo: Peterson Packaging / Facebook Winners Losers Peterson’s award-winning stand at Nor-Fishing 2014. Norsk Kr. 6.3284 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Repant 1.54 11.59% Sevan Drilling 2.52 -6.32% Dansk Kr. 5.7676 Domstein 10.40 9.36% NTS 18.30 -5.18% Rasmus Falck as their customer’s products. The decision of Svensk Kr. 7.1068 Norwegian Energy Co. 0.13 8.33% Solvang 22.80 -5.00% DiaGenic 0.93 6.90% Aqualis 8.89 -4.31% Oslo, Norway the jury was unanimous. Canadian $ 1.0961 Rocksource 5.05 4.12% TTS Group 5.24 -3.85% M. Peterson can trace their history back Euro 0.7747 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. The fisheries industry has seen incred- to 1801 when the founder opened a general ible technological development over the past store in Moss. The store grew into a flourish- years, and the new vessel technology, fishing ing merchant. Over the years they branched technology, processing technology, and ser- out to ten individual companies. They were Business and individual vices in the industry have been presented at the first company in Norway to appoint a tax returns; audits; forensic the Nor-Fishing exhibition. This year 14,500 production committee with management and accounting; financial visitors from 48 countries visited the exhibi- workers in 1946. The same year they started tion, which was formally opened by Queen a company medical service, and daycare for statement preparation; Sonja. The attractive mixture of innovation, the employees’ children was opened in 1947. Certified Public Accountants litigation support. fjord, and ocean makes Trondheim the per- After WWII the sixth generation built up a fect host town for the event. modern, wholly integrated packaging com- 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. To stimulate exhibitors who put an extra pany. In 2012 the group was fully acquired Seattle, Washington 98119 effort into their stand design Nor-Fishing has by fellow Norwegian trading and industrial a Best Stand Award. Some of the criteria for company Pemco AS. Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: loecpa.com • Email: [email protected] the prize are: Is the stand an attention getter? Some years ago, I visited the headquar- Does it attract visitors? Does it give clear in- ters of the group. They were located in an old formation about the message that it is meant building in Moss where the peace treaty had to communicate? been negotiated between Sweden and Nor- This year’s winner was M. Peterson way in August 1814. The treaty allowed Nor- (packaging). According to the jury, the win- way to keep its constitution from the 17th of ner had a stand that stands out. There is, in May and its status as independent kingdom, fact, no other stand like it at Nor-Fishing but it joined Sweden in a double monarchy 2014. It is certainly an eye-catcher, and it with a shared king and shared government, has been built to give a coastal atmosphere. but separate parliaments. At the same time, it displays the exhibitor’s products in a very simple, but clear way. No- Rasmus Falck is a strong body can be in doubt about what the com- innovation and entrepre- pany is selling. It also has on display a mod- neurship advocate. The ern machine showing part of the production author of “What do the process. best do better” and “The LIFE CHANGES The jury observed that many people board of directors as a Your NeeDs Do, Too. visited the stand, and the staff was numer- resource in SME,” he re- Life is filled with special moments and ous and very informative. They know their ceived his masters degree major events that can change your insurance product, and they know their customers and from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He needs. Make sure your family and how to promote their own product as well currently lives in Oslo, Norway. your dreams are still protected. schedule a free Insurance checkup today. Learn more at Thrivent.com/na. Join our community! INSURANCE cHecKuP

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28145NBB N7-14 norwegian american weekly September 12, 2014 • 5 sports Big dreams ahead in Norwegian auto racing Racing superstar Petter Solberg continues to break records this year while supporting the up-and-coming Dennis Olsen

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly

In Norway, Petter Solberg is the name of auto racing. The 39-year-old driver first competed in a rallycross race at age 18— just three days after receiving his driver’s license—and his career took off from there. Solberg has continued to demonstrate a determination to win throughout his two decades of racing, both in rallycross and rally racing. Although he started off with rallycross (driving on mixed-surface racing circuits), he later moved on to rally (racing between control points on public and private roads). Reminiscing over Solberg’s success, most Norwegians would think back to 2003, when Solberg became Norway’s first World Champion in rally racing. In fact, Solberg’s victory at the 2003 World Championships has repeatedly been ranked among the best- Photos: (above) Prema Powerteam / NRK; (right) Leonid Mamchenkov / Wikimedia ever sports performances in Norway. Commons Since that historic breakthrough, Sol- Above: Up-and-coming driver Dennis Olsen berg has returned to his first love, rallycross. appreciates the support he gets from champion When NRK asked Solberg why he went back Petter Solberg. to rallycross, he replied, “Because I can see Right: Solberg kicks up a plume of dust at Cy- the future for this sport.” prus Rally 2006. In 2013, he formed his own team, the Petter Solberg World Rallycross Team, just in time for the World Rallycross Champion- ships this year. And he certainly has some big plans for 2014. “Well, the first thing we must do is cre- the first ever to win multiple rounds in the Simultaneously, 18-year-old Norwegian Norwegian auto racing scene. ate a show and make sure everybody thinks World Rallycross Championships. Dennis Olsen has some lofty goals of his Solberg describes his motives to NRK: it’s fun to watch the races. The second thing Solberg may be determined to win, but own. He has set his eye on the title of Nor- “One of the reasons is that we see the op- we have to do is win. I always want to win,” he isn’t showing signs of overconfidence just way’s first Formula One driver. portunity and he is the one who has probably Solberg said to NRK. yet. He is currently competing in the Eu- been the closest to having the opportunity to Without a doubt, Solberg is fulfilling “There are still five rounds left in the rocup Formula Renault 2.0 races. On Sep- drive Formula One.” these goals this season. season. And we still have a lot of work to tember 2, he finished in second place and is With the funds from Solberg, Olsen As of September 4, Solberg leads the do with the car for it to stay in its best con- in a strong position in the competition. As plans to complete additional training before World Championships with 155 points. The dition throughout the year. It is fantastic to a young competitor, however, Olsen needed the three crucial rounds of the Eurocup. He Finnish Toomas Heikkinen trails behind by lead the World Championships by 20 points, additional funding in order to keep training is overjoyed with gratitude at Solberg’s sup- 20 points, in second place. Solberg won both but I have experience with things turning and racing in the Eurocup. port. the first round in Portugal on May 4 and the around quickly. The dream is to win the Just in time, Olsen received sponsorship One might wonder if Olsen reminds seventh round in Canada on August 8. He World Championships and become the first from none other than Petter Solberg! The Solberg of his own beginnings as a racer also placed second in his home country dur- ever winner of two professional auto sports. racing legend notes that he has been follow- with big dreams at age 18. Who knows, ing the race in Hell, Norway, on June 15. We will fight hard to make that dream come ing Olsen’s career for many years and feels a maybe Dennis Olsen will be the next Petter With two victories already, Solberg became true,” Solberg told NRK. responsibility to help out young talent in the Solberg? Sports News & Notes Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League results Standings Rowing: WC bronze for Norway Football: England-Norway 1-0 Norway’s Are Strandli and Kristoffer Brun Norway’s men lost 0-1 to England in a friend- 8/30 Sarpsborg 08 2 – 2 Odd Tippeligaen PLD PTS had to settle for bronze in the final of the ly at Wembley on September 3, on a penalty 1. Molde 22 53 8/30 Aalesund 2 – 0 Strømsgodset Lightweight Men’s Double Sculls 2014 executed by Wayne Rooney in the 68th min- 2. Odd 22 45 World Rowing Championships in Amster- ute. England led most of the match, although 8/30 Bodø/Glimt 4 – 3 Vålerenga 3. Rosenborg 22 39 dam on Saturday, August 30. South Africa Norway put pressure on the home team at 4. Lillestrøm 22 37 won, with France second. Last year, the Nor- the beginning of the second half. Norway’s 8/31 Lillestrøm 2 – 0 Haugesund 5. Strømsgodset 22 37 wegian duo won gold in the World Champi- Mats Møller Dæhli limped off with a knee 8/31 Stabæk 1 – 1 Sandnes Ulf onships in South Korea. injury 10 minutes into the second half. It is 6. Vålerenga 22 33 (Norway Post / NRK) hoped he will be back before the important 8/31 Start 3 – 2 Sogndal 7. Viking 22 32 Euro qualifier against Italy next week. 8. Bodø/Glimt 22 28 8/31 Viking 1 – 2 Rosenborg Para-rowing: Win for Skarstein (NRK / Aftenposten) 9. Stabæk 22 27 Birgit Skarstein of Norway won the wom- 8/31 Brann 0 – 1 Molde 10. Sarpsborg 08 22 26 en’s final in the single sculls para rowing Chess: New challenge for Carlsen 11. Start 22 25 No new games this week, but at the World Rowing Championships in World Champion Magnus Carlsen and Chal- 12. Aalesund 22 24 Amsterdam on Thursday. She took the lead lenger Vishy Anand have signed the World they’ll be back in the next issue! 13. Haugesund 22 21 from the start and won 11 seconds ahead of Chess Championship Match contract, and Israel’s Moran Samuel. The bronze medal the match will take place in Sochi, Russia To read more about football in 14. Sogndal 22 20 15. Brann 22 19 was won by Liudmila Vauchok of Belarus. between the 7th and the 27th of November. Norway, visit www.uefa.com (Norway Post / NRK) (Norway Post / NRK) 16. Sandnes Ulf 22 14 6 • September 12, 2014 norwegian american weekly opinion

A message from Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun Editor’s Notes Join the conversation! < pace From page 3 News about news, and our new digital edition the most serious challenges facing Europe since the Cold War.” Braseur’s official visit to Norway starts on the 10th of September. It also includes an audience with HRH King Harald V. Hello, dear readers! Presentations on the themes of the con- From time to time I have hinted at ference will be made by President of the Ital- things going on below the surface here ian Chamber of Deputies Laura Boldrini, the at NAW. The biggest of those in terms Danish Parliament’s Mogens Lykketoft, the of behind-the-scenes work (mostly per- Parliament of Georgia’s David Usupashvili, formed by heroes Molly Jones and Erik Ankie Broekers-Knol of the Dutch Senate, Owomoyela, who designed our website’s and the First Vice-President of the Venice new look and troubleshoots its function- Commission, Norway’s Jan Helgesen. ality) is of course our transition to the The first biannual conference of this new digital edition (more on that below). kind was held in 1975 and takes place in However, a more exciting piece of Strasbourg or in the capital of a Council of news is that we’ve partnered with The Europe member state. Foreigner to bring you our page three This year’s summit is going to be hosted news from Norway and other features. in Oslo since Norway is celebrating the bi- The Foreigner, according to its web- centennial of its Constitution. site (theforeigner.no), is “an online news “leaky paywall.” It allows you to browse • If you don’t have an account, and feature publication for critically around our site for a little while, but if you choose the subscription level that’s right thinking people who wish to know what read too many articles per week—in our case for you and pay with Paypal. There are < sporty is current in Norway.” It’s a terrific source more than three—you’ll be asked to log in. three options for digital subscriptions: From page 3 of Norwegian news in English, and since In addition to the articles, you have ac- • One year for $47 we can only bring you a tiny sliver of the cess to pdf files of the newspaper, similar to • One month for $5 might be a little different,” he said. news, I recommend you scoot on over to our old digital system. These are at the top • One week for $2 “Sporty” is Mikkelsen’s second app to theforeigner.no and check it out. of the webpage, under “Archives.” The page Both the yearly and monthly sub- launch this year. Accounting services appli- The Foreigner uses a paywall sys- is password protected; email subscribe@na- scriptions are recurring, meaning Paypal cation “Timely,” which creates a log of users’ tem similar to ours, in that you’ll have a weekly.com for the password. will keep charging you until you cancel hours worked by retrieving data from their few free looks before being asked to sub- One of the benefits of this system is that the recurring payments. You can do so calendar, was rolled out this spring. Some scribe. We hope you’ll like what you see you can now share articles with your friends through Paypal at any time. Unfortunate- 16,000 companies and 30,000 individual us- and decide to support that publication as through email or social media. Please do! ly, the online subscriptions for the digital ers reportedly use the app. well as ours. Your friends who are not subscribers will be addition are all handled through Paypal. If Commenting on the physical activity Which makes a lovely segue to my able to read one or two, up to three articles you’d rather pay with a credit card, email idea behind “Sporty,” Mathias Mikkelsen next point: digital access to na-weekly. before our site asks them to pay. By that time, us at [email protected] or call us remarked in a statement that he finds it “ex- com. we hope they’ll be hooked on NAW and want at (206) 784-4617 and we’ll take care of tremely boring to run at the gym, and I’m How is it working so far? We know to join our community. that (for yearly subscriptions only). probably not alone in that.” we have had a few service blips already. If you are a print subscriber, DO “But the competitive instinct makes me This is, unfortunately and annoyingly, to And here, again, is how the system NOT pay for a digital subscription—this run more than I might endure otherwise if be expected when starting up a new sys- works. Please note that this has changed is included with your print subscription. you put me in a sport with several others. tem. I hope the worst is behind us. slightly from what I told you the first time; If you’re prompted to pay, please email us That’s what’s so wonderful about sport – it’s Here, as a reminder, is the scoop on my apologies. at [email protected] with your fun. And we all benefit from more physical the new system: • When you hit your limit of pages, the subscriber number and we’ll set you up. activity, including me,” he concluded. The new digital edition is the same site will prompt you to “login or subscribe.” Once you are logged in, our site will The three young entrepreneurs now as our webpage, www.na-weekly.com. • If you have an account, enter your remember you for some time (I don’t intend to reside in the U.S.’ Silicon Valley, Instead of posting only a few articles per email address. know how long; it’s a while). You will, working from home and cafes. They are re- week, we will now be posting all of our • You’ll be sent an email with a link (if however, need to log in on each browser portedly talking to potential partners. original articles there on the web. you don’t see the email, check your spam fil- or device you want to use. Other possible future money-making The model we’re using is called a ter). Follow the link. Enjoy! ideas are deducting a small commission from the fee charged for renting a court through The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not the app, according to Aftenposten. an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Enjoy Norway all year long.

Keep up with Norway and Name: ______Phone: ______the Norwegian-American community with the only Address: ______Norwegian newspaper in North America, now in its 125th year! City/State/Zip: ______$ Visa / Mastercard: ______one year: 70 Expiration: ______CVV: Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], Makes a great gift! or write to us. You can also subscribe with a credit card over the phone! or mail check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@na- Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly weekly.com • Website: www.na-weekly.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $70 domestic; USD $94 to Canada; USD $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. norwegian american weekly September 12, 2014 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Norwegian American Foundation Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Copy Editor Full names Norwegian American Weekly Harry Svenkerud [email protected] Dear Editor, Advertising Evan Deam [email protected] I was disappointed that you did not in- clude my full name at the end of my con- Photo of the Week Subscriptions tribution about Norwegian færings in your John Erik Stacy [email protected] correspondence column (August 29. 2014). Editorial Assistant In the past you have always put my full Molly Jones [email protected] name on my contribution except for once. Contributors I would prefer that you always put my full Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands name in as there may be people who would Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. like to respond to me personally. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Daughters of Norway Members Various Thanks, Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. John Brock-Utne Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Stanford, Calif. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Dear John, Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. This actually brings up a very interest- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. ing conversation about credit versus privacy. Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. On the publications I’ve worked on Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. in the past, it was policy not to use the full Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. names of letter writers. This was for their se- Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway curity, and I believe that remaining as anon- Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y ymous as you choose is an important value— Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. I never want anyone afraid to write in with Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. controversial opinions. This is a free space David Moe Sun City, Calif. for discussion and I want it to be a safe one. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. However, the line is blurrier here at Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. NAW. We print full names alongside Photos of the Week, and we wouldn’t dream of run- Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a ning a story, even one submitted by a reader, question or comment about news coverage call without attribution. (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly So here is what I think about names on reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and letters: from now on, instead of defaulting to the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, first name only, we will print full names and in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this cities if we have them. If you do not wish to newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily have your full name printed with your letter, those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our please let me know that when you write in. publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s Sincerely, editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Editor Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks ofA ugust Harald Vik by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Update from Leslee Lane Hoyum: Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US Harald Vik went home on September 4. $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. It’s absolutely the best news we could have Photo: Mona Engvig, Ph.D. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: heard. He was sent by ambulance to Minne- This picture shows maritime historian and author Olaf T. Engvig sailing his original Åfjords Formerly Norway Times apolis where he boarded a plane for Norway. færing from 1863 across the North Sea. A true Viking! You can read more about Olaf and his Western Viking & Washington Posten He was not sent home to Drammen, but rath- adventures at engvig.com/olaf. Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten er to Kysthospitalet in Stavern where he will og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota receive the assistance and physical therapy Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven he needs. His humor continues to be bright Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and caption. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. and cheery.

Han Ola og Han Per with new translations by John Erik Stacy

Is this the Oh my yes! Like so? Hold it straight shipment for the Ja sure, we are having a great Oh Grandma, do up and down. 4th of July sale? sale on fireworks on Friday. you dare light it? 8 • September 12, 2014 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Kanelboller: part of a Norwegian diet If you think eggs or dairy are needed to make a gorgeous dough, this vegan recipe for cinnamon buns might change your mind

Sunny Gandara Arctic Grub

You’d be hard pressed to find a Norwe- recipe for kanelboller I’ve come up with to gian who doesn’t absolutely LOVE cinna- date? You be the judge. mon. One could say three out of four pastry I highly recommend using fresh yeast recipes in Norway includes this delightful in this recipe. There is something magical spice (exaggerating here and there), and about the scent and consistency of dough kanelboller, or kanelsnurrer as some call made with fresh yeast—something that truly them (in English we know them as cinnamon reminds me of being in Norway in some- buns) is one of the most popular of Scandina- one’s kitchen while yet another delightful vian baked goods. Perhaps it is the warming pastry is baking away. While I am aware this and comforting sensation one gets from cin- is harder to come by in the U.S., I am lucky namon that is so appealing to northern peo- in that my local market’s pastry department ple—after all, we spend over half the year will sell me their fresh yeast by the pound. being cold. Cinnamon adds a little exotic Ask the bakery department at your grocery element to what is otherwise a straightfor- store or bakery—many people are happy to ward cuisine, using what is at hand to create make a few extra dollars selling their base Photo: Tine Mediebank a meal. ingredients! Cinnamon makes everything more inviting. I am unable to count how many versions The dough for these kanelboller is truly I’ve had of kanelboller; in friends and fam- light and airy—a dream to handle! Anoth- ily’s homes, in cafes, at functions, and ev- er mention is that the spread in the middle Kanelboller erywhere else you can imagine food being should not be excessive—just a thin, even Dough: Filling: served, and there have been very few I’ve layer is enough. Remember, these aren’t the 1 1/2 cup soy milk or other plant based milk 113 grams (1 stick) or 1/2 cup vegan butter, actually disliked. The key is to get them light super-decadent cinnamon buns we’re used to 100 grams or 1/2 cup vegan butter softened and fluffy and moist—the rest will fall into in the U.S. where both the fat and glaze is 50 grams fresh yeast (or 1 packet dry yeast) 60 grams (1/4 cup) light brown sugar place, because how can you go wrong when dripping and one bite seems enough before 500 grams or roughly 4 1/2 cups all purpose 60 grams (1/4 cup) granulated sugar adding cinnamon to a recipe? (Spoken like a we deem it “too much” and “I can’t have flour Additional vegan butter (melted) and sugar true Norwegian.) anymore.” This is a bun that is not too sweet 100 grams or 1/2 cup granulated sugar for brushing and sprinkling on buns Last year there was a huge uproar among but that you (unfortunately?) could eat three 1/2 tsp salt Scandinavian cinnamon lovers, as the E.U.’s or four of in one sitting! 1/2 tsp cinnamon regulations stipulated restrictions of the use 2 tsp ground cardamom of cinnamon, citing the dangers of over con- This article is reprinted with permission from 1/2 tsp baking powder suming the spice due to its content of couma- Sunny Gandara’s blog, arcticgrub.word- rin, a fragrant organic chemical compound in press.com/2014/02/02/kanelboller-part-of- In a small pot, heat up the soy- or plant-based milk and butter until lukewarm, around cinnamon, suggesting it to be moderately a-norwegian-diet/. For step-by-step photo 98.6 Fahrenheit (37 Celcius). Crumble in the fresh or dry yeast. In a large bowl, combine half toxic to the liver. Bakers all across Scan- directions, please visit the site. Connect with the flour with the rest of the dry ingredients, pour in the yeast milk mixture and add the rest dinavia fumed, citing their history of using her on facebook (facebook.com/forkand- of the flour until a firm, smooth dough shapes. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let sit in a cinnamon in their breads and pastries for glass) or twitter (@forkandglass). warm spot to rise for about one hour. over 200 years. The Swedes circumvented Meanwhile, combine the ingredients to the filling in a small bowl and set aside. the regulations, citing that kanelboller were Sunny Gandara has over Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit (210 degrees Celcius) and spray two baking “Tradition food” and were allowed a higher 15 years experience in sheets. dosage in their food. I find this to be quite marketing and PR, both Punch down the dough and roll it out to a rectangle about 15 x 20 inches (40 x 50 cm). funny, but it also shows Norwegians’ and in the music and bever- Spread the filling thinly all over the dough and start rolling from the widest and closest edge our fellow Scandiavians’ attachment to this age industry. In 2008 she until you have a “sausage.” popular spice. founded her own company, Using a dough cutter, divide into about 15-20 pieces and place cut side up on the pre- I’ve covered cinnamon buns in the past, Fork and Glass, a food and pared baking sheet. but I wanted to develop a dairy free and egg- wine event and consulting company, located in the Hudson Valley of New Cover with a towel and let rise again for about 20 minutes. less recipe since I decided to no longer in- York. She now focuses on education, giving Brush the buns with melted butter and sprinkle some brown or regular granulated sugar clude these products in my diet. If you think seminars and classes to private and corporate on top. Place in oven and bake for about 12-15 minutes until nice and golden. eggs or dairy are needed to make a gorgeous groups. Sunny, a native of Norway, is a profes- Note: If you are a fan of glazed cinnamon buns, you can mix a bit of soy milk and con- dough—boy, will this one prove you wrong!! sionally trained cook and holds a diploma in fectioner’s sugar together until you achieve a thick but runny consistency and spread the buns In fact, dare I say that this is perhaps the best Wines & Spirits from the WSET. with these after they have cooled down. 2,500!

Photo courtesy Hurtigruten

Each new facebook “like” between now and 2,500 For the lowest Hurtigruten fares, call: will be entered in a drawing for these two books. Odds are www.facebook.com/naweekly 1 in 50! 1 800 334 6544 Heck, we’ll throw in a free digital subscription, too! www.cruisenorway.com norwegian american weekly September 12, 2014 • 9 travel Nuart Festival transforms Stavanger Historic Stavanger attracts contemporary culture enthusiasts with progressive street art festival

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly

The quaint Norwegian town of Stavan- ger acts as a cultural hub, attracting visitors with a diverse array of interests. Stavanger is acclaimed for its historical wooden houses, culinary delights, success in the oil and gas industry, cultural museums, high-quality education and research, and more recently— world class street art. In 2008, the region was proudly named the European Capital of Culture for its internationality and cultural diversity.

Nuart Festival The Nuart Festival promotes street art- ists each year for a month-long, citywide art exhibit. Designed to encourage debate on the definition of art, the not-for-profit festi- val continues to redefine contemporary cul- ture. Nuart “follows the ethos behind the Nu teams desire to provide an annual platform for national and international artists who op- erate outside of traditional systems,” accord- ing to nuartfesival.no. This year, there are 16 international street artists participating in Stavanger, rep- resenting the best of the world’s progressive public artists. These acclaimed artists come from Norway, Italy, Spain, Poland, Iran, the Photos: CH / Visitnorway.com U.S., France, and Portugal. The three Norwe- Above: View towards the harbor from Øvre gians are Dot Dot Dot, an anonymous stencil Strandgate in Gamle Stavanger. artist from Oslo; Strøk (Anders Gjennestad), Right and below: Examples of the art on view as a sculptor creating surreal visual poetry with part of the Nuart Festival shadow; and Martin Whatson, a stencil artist seeking to portray beauty in the ugly. The festival began on Thursday, Sep- ideal for visitors planning to spend their days tember 4, and will continue through Oc- wandering around Stavanger, as it is within tober 12. During this month, various sites walking distance of the Nuart exhibits, the scattered throughout Stavanger’s city center harbor, restaurants, and shops. will evolve into artworks. The Polish artist M-City (Mariusz Waras) launched the first What to eat piece of the festival, “Ocean Art.” M-City Boasting great culinary diversity, used 2,150 square feet of an offshore supply Stavanger is gaining prominence as a des- vessel as his canvas. “The project was a col- tination for foodies. You’ll have no trouble laboration between Nuart and the owner At- finding a delicious meal here. Two of the lantic Offshore and took place in the public most popular restaurants in the area include space of the harbor this week. Highlighting Tango Bar & Kjøkken and Sjøhuset Skagen. Stavanger as a leading city within the Euro- Tango is the masterpiece of Norwegian chef pean street art landscape and as an offshore Kjartan Skjelde and sits right on the water capital, M-City combined jagged mountain while Sjøhuset Skagen is located in a his- tops and mechanical wheels that link the toric building in the city center. For a more ship to its base in Western Norway and its extensive look at Stavanger’s food, visit in white-painted wooden houses dating foundation on the union between nature and July for the Gladmat festival—Scandinavia’s back hundreds of years. Although this technology,” explains nuartfestival.no. largest culinary festival. nostalgic part of town may seem a For the art enthusiast hoping to catch far cry from the wild street art of the a glimpse of each piece, there is a link to Attractions Nuart Festival, it similarly represents Google Maps available on nuartfestival.no For tourists wanting to explore even a moment in the culture of Stavan- pinpointing each artist’s location. The fes- more art—but maybe more traditional works ger. If you’re intrigued by thoughts tival also created its own iPhone app using than the Nuart pieces—there’s always the of historic Stavanger, the Norwegian Geo Street Art that helps viewers locate each Stavanger Art Museum. This museum fea- Canning Museum is just a few steps artist. tures artwork dating from the 1800’s to the away, where you can learn about the While wandering from site to site, present by both international and local art- importance of the canning industry in guests to Stavanger are sure to get a good ists. Contemporary art enthusiasts should this region. feel for the city center. It is a great way to also check out Antony Gormley’s “Broken For a more extensive look into explore the city and scope out activities and Column,” a sculpture composed of 23 iron Stavanger’s past, visit Stavanger Mu- must-sees for the rest of one’s stay. figures placed around Stavanger. Interest- seum of Cultural History. The exhib- ingly, each piece of the sculpture resembles it, “From Ancient Landscape to Oil Where to stay the human form and measures 6’ 4” tall. The Town” explores Stavanger’s history This year, Scandia Stavanger City is the “Broken Column” scavenger hunt will take from 1125 to 1995. official hotel for the Nuart Festival. Scandia you to shops, museums, schools, and even in From Stavanger, you can visit Stavanger City is somewhat of a cultural the water! sandy beaches, take a trip right out of site itself, featuring art by Martin Whatson, If you’re attending Nuart and also share the city to hike, or travel onward to the music by top electronic musicians, and a an interest in contemporary music, look for gins. 2014 marks the 15th year of this dy- heart of Fjord Norway. Stavanger has popular restaurant and bar. This modern ho- the Numusic Festival. Numusic is Norway’s namic event. an airport, as well as train and bus access to tel opened in April, and is conveniently lo- underground electronic music festival and Tourists will also want to take a walk Norway’s other top tourist destinations. God cated right in the city center. The location is takes place the same weekend that Nuart be- over to Gamle Stavanger to see the historic reise! 10 • September 12, 2014 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections Technology helps birth new Fargo lodge As DofN prepares to charter a new lodge, Larrie Wanberg takes a peek into the organization’s sisterhood

Larrie Wanberg Features Editor

I never knew any of my grandparents tinue to grow.” on either side, but clearly it was the maternal Jill is organizational chairperson from grandmothers who passed on the Norwegian the Grand Lodge committee from San Fran- traditions and stories in stacks of letters to cisco, who conducted in Fargo last Saturday my mother, who shared them with me and the final of six organizational sessions lead- my siblings. ing up to chartering the new Rosanna Gutter- Jill Beatty, in an interview last week ud Johnsrud Lodge #53 on October 11. The in Fargo, reflected, “Not all of us may have next biannual DofN convention is scheduled known our ethnic grandmothers, nor have for San Francisco in July of 2016. children or grandchildren that we can share In our conversation, I playfully ques- these conversations with, but we have each tioned why I could not join, since my wife other within the sisterhood of the Daughters was born in Norway, spouses are eligible of Norway (DofN).” and Norway is a leading matriarchal society It struck a chord in our conversational in the world that recognizes equality among interview. genders. By law, DofN is in a category that She continued, “Our organization ex- provides a notable exception to Norway’s ists to share this Norwegian heritage, which formal Gender Equality Act. One under- includes stories of a grandmother’s beloved stands why the exemption is granted when bunad (an elaborate folk dress) that distinct- one sits alongside the table of a DofN plan- ly identifies the place in Norway that was ning meeting. once a place where ancestors lived, the sølje Sensing the spirit of purpose in a sister- Photo: Larrie Wanberg jewelry that gets handed down, to appreciate hood’s dedication to preserve Norwegian 94-year-old Jo Grondahl uses her iPad to share photos of her family. Daughters of Norway Rosanna the treasure of the hand-painted rose painted heritage is a worthy exception—an excep- Gutterud Johnsrud Lodge #53 is the first to have iPads and smart phones as primary means of dia- chest in the living room, how to make Har- tionable exception in my view. logues during its start-up phase. danger embroidery, or roll or bake The Fargo Lodge is a trendsetter, a krumkaker—all are cherished by so many. resurgence of “Døtre av Norge” since its that I observed was not only in the clusters dent Allan Ingvar Olson, who later became “Our sisterhood understands why we beginnings in 1908 as an artisan carrier of of conversations, but the outreach of shar- governor of N.D. (1981-84). RuthElda uses have a calmness in the house when candles Norwegian culture in the homes and lives of ing information that extends into digital her iPad to keep in touch with networks of are lit in the darkness of winter at the Christ- Norwegian heritage in the Midwest and West networks—some flowing across generations friends and family by emails. mas table or at church, and our love for sto- Coast. and continents. The most impressive observation to me, rytelling to wide-eyed children, or dancing The new Lodge in Fargo engages tech- RuthElda Haugen, age 89, was a high- as a bystander, was the substantive discus- to music that pulls from within. We share nology in its start-up, using Skype for the light in a bunad fashion parade in the Ro- sions of a grand vision for regional growth these experiences in a true sisterhood with first time in the beginning steps of chartering tunda at the “Mall of America” in conjunc- of DofN lodges in the Upper Midwest. each other—a common bond of our Nordic a lodge, with iPads and smart phones as a tion with this year’s DofN convention, held One of the lofty ideals that I heard men- heritage from the country with roots that means of preliminary dialogues. in Minneapolis in July. She reminisced about tioned was a vision for a future museum that took hold in America … our roots that con- The fact is, the energy and enthusiasm her years of teaching that once included stu- documents the lives of pioneer Norwegian Norwenglish Crossword See > daughters, page 16 by Andrew R. Thurston Directions: Translate English words to Norwegian, or vice versa, before posting in the puzzle. Across/Vannrett 69. After 12. Glis 41. Score 1. Takster 13. Palate 43. Stå som 16. september 6. Puff Down/Loddrett 18. Wife 44. Ute og svermer (?) Bjørn Arne Bamer Oslo Norway 11. Bitterness 1. Rakte 23. Seal 46. (In a) wink Sigrun Hojem Woodin Concord MA 14. Alone 2. Serious 25. Zone 48. Episk Melvin M. Holland Tacoma WA 15. Tidlig 3. Fish trap 27. Atop 50. Daler Arlene Kvithyll Two Rivers WI 16. Drag 4. Alike 29. Routine 52. Tack Henry W. Larsen North Hills CA 17. Attick room 5. Sentence 31. Eric (var.) 53. Stod opp Jon Saatvedt Columbia City OR 19. Wine 6. Banke 32. Nils (var.) 54. Tunes 20. Evighet 7. Mer lam 33. Skur 55. Be 12. september 17. september 21. Merke 8. Væpne 34. Dry 56. Lulle John Arthur Garner Olympia WA Signe Andrew Santa Clara CA 22. The aces 9. Flyktig 35. Ledig 58. Torsker Just A. Johansen Sacramento CA Anders Daviknes Ottem Ulset Norway 24. (RR) handcar 10. The prince 37. Futt 62. Cloud Annette Minkler Mount Vernon WA Hanne Daviknes Ottem Ulset Norway 26. Rats 11. Motgang 40. Sceptical 63. Spout Laura Olufsen Burnaby BC Canada David Moe Sun City CA 28. Ener Capt. Asbjorn Erik Oscarsen Rune T. Rolfsen Johnsburg NY 30. The wedding San Francisco CA Arnhild Rumsey Louisville KY 33. Rod Agnar Pettersen Everett WA Stenn Richter Salvesen Plano TX 36. Enemy James P. Sites Billings MT 38. Vrede 13. september Steinar Skipsnes Seattle WA 39. Opportunity Conrad Byre Appleton MN Synneve Smevik San Diego CA 40. Stitch Aslaug Haugen Sandnessjøen Norway Ingeborg Stensland Anacortes WA 41. Style Solveig Larsen Norton Lewistown PA Anne-Marie Vevle Dalenberg 42. Æra Peter D. Sund Jr. Olympia WA Martinez GA 43. Knusle med Ole Søholt Galesburg ND 44. Onyx Rachel Thompson Hawthorne CA 18. september 45. The drift Myron Hanson New Rockford ND 47. The rivers 14. september Ronald Olson Hansen ID 49. Hoppet Edie Gahre Manchester VT Kari Sandland Clearbrook MN 51. Trade wind Patricia Ann Garner Olympia WA Ruth Svanoe Decorah IA 55. Klage Reidar Hansen Everett WA 57. Sur, syre Laura Henriksen Cashton WI 59. Believe Patrick Johansen Shiels Pelham NY Want to see your birthday in the 60. Gni Erling Olgraff Oslo Norway Norwegian American Weekly? 61. Forvridning Emily Diane Pearce Satellite Beach FL 64. Alle Trygve Sørensen Narvik Norway Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217. 65. Spurte Birthdays must be submitted one month in advance. 66. Tangle 15. september NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed 67. Howl Marvin Nelson Enumclaw WA away? Please notify us! 68. Ride norwegian american weekly September 12, 2014 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Helen M. Larson April 6, 1940 – August 31, 2014 There’s an app for that Helen M. Larson, age 74, of Wausau, the Wisconsin Badgers. She was a fixture Recently we were having a camp- ing the most difficult challenges of life. Wis., and Decorah, Iowa, died Sunday, Au- at Camp Randall Stadium for home games fire here at the cabin with several of our For example, when we are in search of gust 31, 2014, in Chetek, Wisconsin. (and many bowl games) and enjoyed the grandchildren. We were going to make the truth, the Church has an app for that, Helen was born on April 6, 1940, in tailgating behind Budget Bicycle on Regent s’mores, and I needed a flashlight to open namely the Holy Bible. When we are in Winneshiek County, Iowa, the daughter Street with her Badger football gang. the graham crackers. One of the grandchil- need of encouragement in the midst of of Alma B. (Takle) and Norris O. Larson. Helen’s enjoyment of life can be mea- dren quickly pressed a few buttons on her sorrow and loss, the church has an app for Both preceded her in death. Helen grew up sured by the people she cared for, her dear iPhone and turned her camera flash into a that, namely a loving / caring congrega- as a farm girl and attended a one-room rural friends, neighbors, and family. Whether it very bright flashlight. When I asked her tion. When our faith waivers and weakens, school in Highland township, followed by was golfing or bowling with her colleagues how that was even possible she said, “Oh the church has an app for that, namely the her high school years at the Decorah High and friends, attending weddings or birth- Grandpa, there’s an app for that.” preaching and teaching of the Gospel. School in Decorah, Iowa, where she gradu- day parties, Helen was always there with It seems like nowadays there’s an app These apps have all been in existence ated in 1957. During her high school years, her good cheer. It is a testament to her faith for everything. It got me thinking about long before the computer and the iPhone Helen was the news editor of the student and friendship that Helen was the sponsor at how nice it would be if we had an app for popularized the concept of providing ap- newspaper, the Dynamo. The staff was made many baptisms, godmother to many people, the really difficult things in life. It would plications to solve our every problem. Un- of up of readers and writers, a group of ren- and a soloist at many weddings and funerals. be nice if there was an app for loneliness, like modern apps these ancient ones never egades who wrote whatever they felt like. Whether it was through her Kentucky or fear, or lack of faith. When it comes go out of style and are never replaced with She continued her studies at Luther Col- Derby party, or her annual “bridge” party, to these basic human conditions, an app the latest and greatest new thing. The Gos- lege, also in Decorah, graduating in 1961 as or her monthly luncheon with high school would be quite impossible to write. This pel continues to shape and mold people part of the centennial class. classmates, or her holiday meals with fami- doesn’t mean, however, that we have no into strong and healthy individuals. The Helen began her professional career as a ly, Helen was a devoted and cherished friend place to turn when life’s greatest difficul- Gospel always applies. May you always Latin teacher at the Wisconsin Rapids High and family member. Helen was a good and ties and challenges come our way. be able to apply the Gospel to your life School. After receiving her Master’s Degree honest soul, but one who also enjoyed good For centuries the Christian Church when life’s most difficult problems come at UW-Stout in 1969, Helen began her long humor and taking adventures, as long as she has been providing apps for people fac- your way. relationship as a Health Occupations Coun- was the one who was doing the driving. selor at the Northcentral Technical College Helen is survived by godchildren, cous- in Wausau, guiding and assisting thousands ins and many, many friends. Helen greatly Community Connections of students through their educational and enjoyed her many decades in Wausau with professional journeys. She retired in 2003. all of the great neighbors, colleagues and Helen did not retire from her life filled friends. But, it was her family century Gratulerer med Dagen! with friends, family, events, holidays, cel- farm and home church, Highland Lutheran ebrations, travel, games, and learning. Helen Church, in Winneshiek County, Iowa, that was an avid reader and loved to collect au- always called her back to her Norwegian Happy birthday / tographed books. She actively followed her roots. This Saturday, September 6, Helen favorite teams, the Green Bay Packers and will be called back one final time. engagement / etc! Sverre Pryser Olsen 1924 – 2014 Your name and special message Our dear husband, father, and grand- shared many happy ski vacations together. father, Sverre Pryser Olsen (Papa to us), We also traveled as a family to Norway many here! passed away this summer after a five year times, becoming friends (and almost family) battle with dementia. We are thankful he was with Sven and Gunvor Carlson of Oslo and able to be home, with the loving care of his Fjellstrand. When a job opportunity brought For more information, call wife, and surrounded by his wife and daugh- Papa to Salt Lake City, he met dear friends us at (800) 305-0217 or email ters until the end. Ray and Rose Miller with whom the families Papa was born in Kristiania, later Oslo, enjoyed many outdoor activities. [email protected]. Norway, to Gustav Adolf and Amaryllis Pry- He lived a good life, was liked by all ser Olsen. He grew up during the Nazi oc- who knew him, and was a true gentleman cupation. In spite of the occupation, he spent in every sense of the word. We, his family, many wonderful summers out on the Oslo were so privileged to have him as our hus- Fjord at Fjellstrand. After high school, he band, father, and grandfather. We will miss Join our community! traveled to the to attend Michi- him and his Norwegian sense of humor. Papa gan State University inasmuch as there was was honorable, patient, kind, loving, slow to a waiting period in Norway due to the pre- anger, optimistic, organized, generous, and vious occupation, graduating with honors in humorous. He could do anything from fix- Civil Engineering. He was a member of Tau ing a leaky faucet to building an addition on ******Just $70 for 47 issues Beta Phi. He returned to Norway after grad- our house. He worked hard all his life to be Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] for details uation, and his college sweetheart, JoAnne, able to provide so well for his family. We are joined him there for their wedding in 1951. happy he was swept up into Christ’s loving They returned to Michigan two years later. arms and that he is reunited with his loving Growing up surrounded by the moun- parents in Heaven. We take solace in know- tains and the sea, skiing and sailing were a ing we will be with him again one day. The Scandinavian Hour huge part of his life from the time he was Papa is survived by his wife, JoAnne, Celebrating over 50 years on the air! two or three years of age. These avocations daughters, Anne-Lise Olsen and Kristin Ol- served him well in later life as he met many sen Thompson, son-in-law, Thomas Thomp- KKNW – 1150 AM friends who were similarly inclined. Bob and son, and grandchildren, Anne Elizabeth and Margaret Van Dyke of Muskegon were dear Peter Andrew Thompson. We all want to Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST friends with whom Sverre and JoAnne spent thank his physician, Dr. Paul Huun, for his Streaming live on the internet at: many happy days sailing at the Muskegon watchful care, and for the care he received Yacht Club. His lifelong friend, Thor Lund, during his final days at home from the nurses www.1150kknw.com also immigrated to America and they have and staff at Willamette Valley Hospice. 12 • September 12, 2014 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california unit composed of Norwegians and Norwegian person. For tickets contact L.E. Lodge at (206) Outstanding Scandinavian American Award Illinois Americans, at Camp Ripley on the grounds of the 783-1274, or Erling Berg at (206) 362-0629. Minnesota Military Museum. The unit was acti- *Note corrected price presentation Visit the Viking Ship vated at Camp Ripley in August of 1942, bring- Sept. 21, 2:00 p.m. Sept. 20, 1:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. ing together Norwegian Nationals and Norwe- The Nordic Romantics—Grieg and Nielsen Thousand Oaks, Calif. Geneva, Ill. gian Speaking Americans into a unit deliberately September 30, 7:00 p.m. Celebrate the recipient of the Outstanding The Viking was built at Christen Christensen’s Fr- formed for combat in Europe. A similar monu- Seattle, Wash. Scandinavian American Award, Karsten Lun- amnes Shipyard in Sandefjord, Norway, in 1892- ment was dedicated to the long standing train- The Nordic Romantics—Grieg and Nielsen dring. Year after year he has presided over the 93. It was copied after the ancient Viking ship ing relationship between the Minnesota National concert will be performed by Novus Project, a “Flag Ceremony” of the annual Scandinavian Gokstad. Excavated in 1880, the Gokstad had Guard and the Norwegian Ministry of Defense. consortium of musicians comprised of mem- Festival as its master of ceremonies, wearing been called the most beautiful ship ever built. bers of Seattle Symphony and Pacific North- an immense necktie depicting the Norwegian The Viking is approximately 78 feet long, 17 feet Nordic Tenors west Ballet orchestras, and other talented flag and telling Scandinavian jokes that hit wide, and 6.5 feet high from the bottom of the Oct. 5, 4:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. local musicians. Cost is $12 for members and their mark squarely. The award ceremony and keel to the gunwale. Visit the Viking Ship at Good Minneapolis, Minn. $14 for non-members. Purchase tickets at reception will be held in the Karsten Lundring Templar Park. Events Center. Three Nordic Tenors bring top-notch musician- www.nordicmuseum.org. ship and light-hearted entertainment to Plym- 175th Anniversary Celebration outh Church. Sveinung Hoelmebakk, Jan-Tore Nordic Knitting Conference 34th Annual Heritage Fair Sept. 26—28 Saltnes, and Roald Haarr bridge the gap between Oct. 3—5 Sept. 27, 11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Sheridan, Ill. art song and pop music with a repertoire that Seattle, Wash. Culver City, Calif. The Oldest Norwegian Church in America, Fox stretches from Puccini and Grieg to Beatles and The 2014 Nordic Knitting Conference — a Join the Peer Gynt Lodge in celebrating the River Lutheran, celebrates 175 years. There will Coldplay, from opera arias to Bollywood music. unique chance to learn from nationally and 34th Annual Heritage Fair. Purchase Scandina- be an opening event on Friday and a dinner and And they always include humor, dance, and musi- internationally known knitters and textile -art vian imports and gifts, enjoy homemade Nor- drama on Saturday with an exquisite meal and a cal surprises. Advance tickets, $20, will be avail- ists — will feature Arne & Carlos, Norway’s wegian refreshments, learn about Norwegian drama recounting the founding of Fox River Lu- able after Labor Day. knitting rock stars, this October 3, 4, and5. heritage, and watch Scandinavian craft dem- theran Church by Elling Eielsen. Sunday will have The conference is held every other year, and onstrations. There will be drawings for door regular services at 9:30 a.m. and then an after- Leiv Eriksson International Festival focuses on techniques and styles inspired by prizes every hour! At Peer Gynt Lodge Hall. noon celebration service. After the afternoon cel- Oct. 5—12 past and present Nordic textile traditions. ebration there will be traditional Norwegian food Minneapolis, Minn. Learn more and register for classes at www. Mini-Seminar on Norway’s Constitution and fellowship. Oct. 3 Explore, discover, and celebrate your Nordic nordicmuseum.org/conference.aspx. Thousand Oaks, Calif. roots. Concerts, Nordic food, Folk Music Worship As Norway marks the 200 year anniversary of maryland Service and much, much more. Go to www.lei- Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale its constitution, CLU and SACHF—in collabo- Viking Longship Voyage fmn.org or www.mindekirken.org for more infor- Oct. 4, 7:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. ration with NACC SoCal, ANSA, and Sons of Sept. 20, 11:00 a.m. mation. The event is the 27th annual sponsored Edmonds, Wash. Norway—will hold a celebratory “mini-semi- Avenue, Md. by the Twin Cities Nordic communities. Start off your morning with Norwegian pan- nar” with prominent speakers from California, Sons of Norway Lodge #428 along with The Long- cakes served with strawberries and ham, and Washington, and Norway, including Dr. Hilde ship Company will sponsor a voyage on their 39- NEW jersey juice, coffee, or tea. Enjoy live music, crafts, Janne Skorpen, Consul General of Norway in foot replica Viking boat Sae Hrafn (Sea Raven). Mia Gjerdrum Helgesen Exhibit and a bake sale. Donation is $7; children five San Francisco. The event will take place on the This is an excellent way to get out on the water Sept. 18, 7:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. and under are free. Kids can also participate CLU campus, featuring an afternoon of talks and observe the local fauna and flora as well as Jersey City, N.J. in free folk dancing lessons from 10:00 a.m. and panels and concluding with a dinner. getting the feeling of how our Viking ancestors Join NYC-JC Guest Suites for a launch event, pre- to 12:00 p.m. For more information, call (425) operated their versatile sea craft. We will depart senting Norwegian artist, Mia Gjerdrum Helge- 712-9788. At the Edmonds Masonic Center. “Don’t Hug Me, We’re Married” a private dock in Avenue, Maryland, at around sen. She works with fine arts and design, and her Oct. 3—Nov. 15 11:00 a.m. for a voyage that will be approximately style has been defined as “modern Munch.” Her Wisconsin three hours long. Bring along lunch, snacks, and North Hollywood, Calif. work has been purchased by individuals, as well Vennelag 513 Høst Frokost plenty of water. There is limited space. For more From Phil Olson, the author of the “Don’t Hug as many institutions in Norway and abroad. At Oct. 4, 7:30 a.m.—11:00 a.m. information and to RSVP, contact Henry Hansen Me” musicals comes the world premiere of Unit 2006 West, 33 Hudson Street. Mount Horeb, Wis. at (703) 815-4945 or at [email protected]. “Don’t Hug Me, We’re Married.” Set in a bar Vennelag 513 will have their 12th annual Høst in a small Scandinavian town in northern Min- NEW YORK Frokost, or Norwegian Fall Breakfast, held nesota, plans are on tap for a double wedding. missouri Fall Fair at the Mount Horeb Area Community Cen- Will anyone get cold feet? Would someone try Scandinavian Picnic Sept. 20, 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. ter, open to the general public. The event, to derail the wedding? What could possibly go Sept. 21, 1:00 p.m. New York, N.Y. held in conjunction with the Mount Horeb wrong? Everything. With 16 original songs. At St. Louis, Mo. Celebrate the 2014 Fall Fair at the Norwegian Fall Festival, gives the opportunity to share Lonny Chapman Group Rep Theatre: 10900 The Norwegian Society will be hosting the annual Christian Home and Health Center. Enjoy deli- Norwegian culture and heritage with friends Burbank Blvd., North Hollywood. Call (818) Scandinavian Picnic at the Blue Heron Shelter in cious food such as waffles, lapskaus, and pea and neighbors. The menu can consist of such 763-5990 or visit www.thegrouprep.com for Simpson Park. We will be inviting the Danish Club soup, gifts and deli items for sale, raffle drawings, items as Norwegian pancakes, heart waffles more information. and the Swedish Council for an afternoon of fun, a large flea market, and vendors. Children are with lingonberries, aebleskiver, soft or hard- food, and fellowship. All three national anthems invited to celebrate with face , balloons, boiled eggs, rollepølse, lefse, breads, ham, district of columbia will be sung. There will be craft projects for the and games. For more information please contact dried beef, salami, cheeses, herring, salmon, Scandinavian Literature Group kids to do (Viking ship, build Olaf the snowman, Penelope Mandel at (718) 306-5660. fruit salad, coffee, and Norwegian cookies Sept. 21, 2:30 p.m. and coloring pages), as well as washers and Nor- and cakes. Washington, D.C. wegian horseshoe (ladder ball) for young and old North dakota to enjoy. Author Rachel Wisdom, will be having a The meeting is dedicated to Trygve Lie from Norsk Høstfest Indoor Scandinavian Festival Q & A session about her book The Shopkeeper’s Norway, who was the first Secretary General Sept. 30—Oct. 4 Oct. 4, 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Daughter. There will also be a silent auction. The of the United Nations. The idea is for every- Minot, N.D. New Berlin, Wis. cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. one to read material of their choice—a book, Enjoy more than 100 shopping booths, LEGO Join the Fosselyngen Lodge for the 24th Annu- For more information, please contact Nancy Hill report, essay, etc., about him rather than to building, the Viking Village, Scandinavian culi- al Indoor Scandinavian Festival! The featured at [email protected]. select a specific book for all to read. Parking nary treats, musicians, and more at Høstfest! Call performance will be by the Finnish-American in circle spaces when available or King Farm (701) 852-2368 or visit hostfest.com. musical group, Wil Kilpela & Friends, at 11:00 Blvd. Contact hostess Elsa Froberg at (301) Minnesota a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Parking is free. At Ronald 926-2350 or [email protected]. At In- Tenth Anniversary Nordic Worship Washington Reagan Elementary School. gleside at King Farm. Sept. 28, 8:30 p.m. Friends of Ski For Light / Trollhaugen St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 20, 6:00 p.m. saskatchewan florida Pilgrim Lutheran Church in St. Paul is celebrat- Seattle, Wash. Folk Dance Workshop Florida Viking Fest ing ten years of Nordic contemplative worship If you’ve enjoyed our annual salmon dinners at Sept. 28—29 Oct. 9, 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, September 28! Morning and evening the Ballard lodge, you’ll want to take part again Saskatoon, Sask. Tampa, Fla. worship services will be held, as well as an eve- Sept. 20, 2014. This year funds are being raised Attend a workshop of Scandinavian Folk The Scandinavian Trade Association of Tampa ning of Krumkake and Kavorting featuring Nor- for Trollhaugen, the Sons of Norway District 2 Dance with Lee Otterholt, professional danc- Bay evening festival will commemorate Leif dic music, food, and dance. Morning worship is ski lodge located at Stampede Pass, Washington. er, dance teacher, and choreographer. Lee’s Erikson Day. In addition to traditional Scandi- at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.; evening worship is This is the location of many trips for Ski For Light teaching emphasizes style: dancing well, not navian food, vendors and music, a Viking ship at 6:50 p.m. A mini-concert of the evening’s fea- participants, disabled skiers assisted by volun- just “getting the steps.” He also tries to bring will be displayed outside the hall and there tured musicians begins at 6:30 pm, and Krumka- teers to enjoy cross country skiing. Join us at Leif improvisation, self-expression, and spontane- will be a spectacular Viking re-enactment ke and Kavorting begins at 8:00 p.m. Erikson Lodge for another salmon/cod dinner ity back into the folk-dancing traditions where show. In attendance will be keynote speaker with raffle and dance music starting at 6:00 p.m., these elements are a central part of the tradi- Eric Hovland and representatives from Tampa Dedication of Memorial at Camp Ripley with dinner served at 6:30. Cost is $25.00* per tion. Session 1 is 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, Bay foreign consulates. Tickets are $25 adults, Oct. 5, 1:00—2:30 p.m. and Session 2 is 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. on Monday. $10 children; visit statampabay.org for more Camp Ripley, Minn. At the Aden Bowman Collegiate Cafeteria. information and to purchase advance tickets. The Minnesota National Guard will dedicate a Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 memorial to the 99th Infantry Battalion (Sep), a to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly September 12, 2014 • 13 In your neighborhood Beer, bunads, and business < convention From page 1

“can’t miss it, gotta go by it” spot. Without leaving the hotel one could stay immersed in Norwegian culture. Just outside the conference doors one could pet a Norwe- gian Lundehund, or Puffin Dog, believed to have survived the last Ice Age off the north- east coast of Norway where it hunted puf- fins. A rather small dog of 12-15 pounds, the breed has been brought back from the brink of extinction. Ruth Morrison, a Jacksonville lodge member, brought hers every day to “meet and greet” in the hotel hallway. Another option: overdose on lefse, ro- settes, spritz, sandbakkels, and other such Photos: Barbara K. Rostad goodies at morning and afternoon coffee Above: Adventurous attendees at the Sons of Norway International Convention tackle the task breaks from business sessions. Or purchase of synchronizing oars aboard the Viking boat owned by Gateway-to-Florida Lodge #3-541. a bunad, Norwegian-themed books, t-shirts, Right: Kelsey and Philip Patton, two young delegates from Syttende Mai Lodge #1-517, St. mugs, and other heritage items from vendors Paul, Minn., wear their bunads to the Saturday evening closing banquet. set up near the conference room. Below: Sampler of beers from the River City Brewing Company, near the Friendship Fountain. Another choice was to browse through the Folk Art Exhibit, oohing and aahing over beverages were served by the host lodge business sessions, lauded the del- rosemaling, Hardanger embroidery, photos while folks wandered through the displays, egates, noting, “they came prepared of Norway, chip carving, and more. This visited, and later enjoyed then-International to view issues at hand and make in- year the People’s Choice Award went to the President Marit Kristiansen, Bernt Balchen formed decisions.” CEO Heiberg also builder of an enormous birdhouse that was Lodge, Anchorage, , playing her ever- commended the “great preparation an intricately carved, multi-layered stavkirke popular accordion music. People sang along, work by committees” and the “sharp strength in all three legs. For sons of Nor- (stave church). Judges selected the top three some dancing amid the exhibits. group of delegates.” way, those three legs are Fraternal, Finan- entries in each of the show’s several catego- Another unusual angle at this conven- cial, and Foundation. ries, but People’s Choice was exactly that: tion was the half-day bus tour to St. Augus- Have Gavel—Will Travel Foundation. To emphasize its impor- votes from those viewing all the items. tine. Typically non-delegates take the tours In yet another unique addition to the tance for the health of Sons of Norway, each while delegates hunker down in the hotel to Viking component of this convention, Presi- delegate and guest was given a two-sided Row, Row, Row Your Boat tackle business matters, but the 2014 sched- dent Kristiansen presided over her only such coin. One side shows the 2014 logo “United Just over a block from the hotel is Jack- ule allowed anyone interested to take this event using District Three’s Traveling Gavel. in Heritage;” the other features the Sons of sonville Landing, a complex of shops and side trip 40 minutes south of Jacksonville. And the Viking connection? This gav- Norway emblem and the three legs of the restaurants along the waterfront of the St. Some chose the trolley tour to make the el is made from pieces of the now-famous stool: Fraternal, Financial, and Foundation. Johns River. Here one could spot a dolphin most of the allotted time, while others opted thousand-year-old Gokstad Viking Ship cur- Most members have the greatest aware- or take a water taxi across the river to the for lunch or strolling the pedestrian-only rently housed in Oslo’s Viking Ship Museum ness of the fraternal leg, the many benefits Friendship Fountain, River City Brewing section of the oldest city founded in the U.S. at Bygdøy. These pieces were brought to the to belonging such as the Cultural Skills Co., the Museum of Science and History, or A stop at the Fountain of Youth was another U.S. over a century ago and eventually fash- Program, Sports Medals, Viking magazine, the Treaty Oak, among other sights on the popular attraction. ioned into a gavel. It was donated to District lodge newsletters, district camps, and more. Southbank. Opening ceremonies were later that Three on the condition it circulate a month Less familiar to many is the financial Or, if feeling adventurous, row an eight- same day, August 22, followed by the Presi- or two at a time among their various lodges. leg, but it’s critical to the success of the orga- seat Viking boat out onto the river’s broad dent’s reception at the Cummer Museum District Three runs along the Eastern Sea- nization. Sons of Norway has a $354 million waters. This opportunity to take a stab at where a harpist supplied background music board from Maine to Florida. dollar insurance division. In the last bienni- hoisting the long, heavy oars into place and as President Kristiansen greeted everyone. Marit Kristiansen, described by newly um a million dollars a year was contributed rowing in tandem with seven others was a Later, those interested could tour the elected president Jon Tehven as “a well-re- by it to the fraternal division. Many fraternal unique feature at the convention. Observers gardens behind the museum or enjoy the spected leader exceptionale with great integ- programs would falter without that influx. could also watch two Viking boats be both art gallery with works from 2100 B.C. up to rity,” chose not to run for a second term. The third leg is the Sons of Norway sailed and rowed on the river. the 21st Century. by Old Masters Electing a new board was a key segment Foundation begun in 1966. It has grown to Several Florida lodges have acquired plus one of the world’s largest collections of of business. The new occupant of the presi- a six million dollar endowment with a focus Viking boats over the past 40 years and have Meissen porcelain are part of the exhibits. dency, when asked about his goals for the on providing scholarships for higher educa- regularly conducted regattas for Leif Erikson Order, said, “My first priority is to see that tion, grants to lodges and individuals for cul- Day, Syttende Mai, and other occasions. Back to Business we live out our mission—promote, preserve, tural projects, and humanitarian aid to mem- Though the delegate sessions were Au- celebrate, and provide” Another goal is to bers following natural disasters. gust 23-24, three earlier events “keep good communication with the board, Donations from members in large and were also very business-related. district presidents, and lodges.” small amounts make the Foundation’s nu- First, the four appointed com- Other international officers elected for merous grants and scholarships possible. mittees on finance, laws, reports, the next biennium include: Vice President At this convention $7,600 was contributed and resolutions met earlier in the Ron Stubbings, Varden Lodge, New West- by individuals present, in part due to chal- week to form recommendations. minster, B.C., Canada; Secretary Dan Rude, lenges, first from an anonymous donor who Secondly, a leadership seminar Hilsen Lodge, Missoula, Mont.; Treasurer would match contributions up to $2,500 and headed by Kit Welchin was at- Ray Knutson, Valhall Lodge, Rockford, Ill. then from delegate Karl Hella, Northfield, tended August 20 by around 100 Also on the board are eight international Minn., who offered $250 plus another $25 members eager to learn more directors, one from each district. They are for every additional $250 collected. Similar about helping their lodges reach elected by delegates to each respective dis- campaigns at district conventions this year goals, particularly recruitment trict convention. Both the CEO and attorney brought in $13,400 for a total of $21,000. and retention of members. And Dave Ness are also part of the board. finally, a new event for 2014, an For more convention information, see www. Ut Etter Øl (Out After Beer) orientation for first-time delegates was con- Three-legged Stool Analogy sonsofnorway2014.com. For more about A Welcome Reception August 20 in the ducted August 21. Picture a three–legged stool, one with Sons of Norway in general, visit www.son- Maritime Museum at Jacksonville Landing The last two days, Friday and Saturday, intricate rosemaling. Then imagine what sofnorway.com or call 1-800-945-8851. featured Hagar Øl. This beer was brewed by were chock full of assorted business. Asked happens if one leg is thinner or shorter than a local lodge member and bottled with yel- about the best accomplishments during those the other two. Would you want to be sit- Barbara Rostad has been a Sons of Norway low labels replicating the mast on “Hagar,” two days, four key leaders offered very simi- ting—or standing—on that stool? member since 1971, co-chaired the 2010 In- the Viking boat on display in the hotel lobby. lar conclusions, all being enthusiastic about This image conveys in a nutshell what ternational Convention in Coeur d’Alene, Jacksonville’s role in naval and ship- the thorough advance preparation done by Sons of Norway international leaders area Idaho, and was a non-delegate attendee at building activities was presented, along with the committees who met earlier in the week. striving to teach to the entire membership: the Jacksonville convention, including the some general maritime history. Food and Marit Kristiansen, who conducted the the stability of the stool depends on equal Leadership Seminar. 14 • September 12, 2014 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage

Norway has come a long way in a few decades. When Jon Lind was a child they still dug peat for fuel, carried water from a well, and lit their houses with kerosene. Lind was 11 when his family moved from Austrheim to Oregon, Long Ago & Far Away and considers America his home. Yet in memory the Norway of his child- hood seems idyllic. In this column he shares some of those memories. Share by Jon Lind your memories with him at [email protected].

Colorful characters: Kasper Brügger

There were many wonderful charac- person was not that he told jokes, because they were on the ground trying to find it. My about six years older than Terje, I could ters living in our community when I was I can never remember him telling one. His father joined the search, and the button was not have been closer to him if he’d been growing up. One of my very favorite was humor came from his general approach to eventually found. my own brother. Terje died of croup be- Kasper Brügger, not only because of his life. He saw humor in almost everything. When Kasper came home and explained fore he was five years old. As was the cus- sense of humor but also because he was I remember once when Borghild Solheim to Jenny about his missing button, he told tom, he was laid out in his little coffin in one of the nicest people you’d ever want came to call and Kasper answered the door. her, with his usual dry sense of humor, that the living room of his house. Members of to meet, which you could say about his Upon seeing who it was, he called over his he would have to leave her because a higher the community would then come by and whole family. He was one of my father’s shoulder to his wife Jenny to lock the liquor power had selected another woman for him. pay their last respects. My mother told best friends and a fellow ship’s captain. cabinet because Borghild was here. Borghild Jenny, who usually had a great sense of hu- me to go say goodbye to Terje, but I just Kasper owned a small coastal freighter never touched a drop of liquor in her life. mor herself, saw no levity in this story. My couldn’t do it. I thought if I didn’t see him named Kapp I. in his coffin I could pre- His oldest daughter Åse tend he was still alive and and I went to school together. maybe it wouldn’t hurt so She was also my girlfriend much. until the time we emigrated. The pain felt by The way I came to know she Kasper must have been was my girlfriend was be- immeasurable. Saying cause my parents told me she that Terje had been the was, although I kind of sus- apple of his father’s eye pected she might be ever since didn’t begin to express she shared her orange with me the affection Kasper felt in third grade. I was not what for his son. I hope it was one might call “worldly” in some consolation that his my formative years. She later grandson, Roger Helland, married one of our classmates, Photo courtesy of Jon Lind grew up to become the Kasper was owner and captain of the coastal freighter Kapp 1 Berent Helland. best soccer player ever from 1946 to 1955. Of the the four vessels that considered our It was the custom back community their home port, Kapp 1 was the smallest, at 75 feet. produced by our island. then for all boys in our area In 1956, with his brother Halfdan, he purchased Karat, a 111-foot Roger played profession- to “go to sea” once you fin- steel hulled vessel that they owned until 1970. Halfdan died on- ally for many years for Photo courtesy of Jon Lind ished school (which usually Bergen’s team, Brann, and Taken in 1947, this picture shows Kasper (back, right) next board when he fell from the mast after suffering a heart attack. consisted of seven years of to his wife Jenny with their daughter Åse, seated in front. Åse on occasion was given a grammar school and one year and I went to school together and she has, over the years, be- berth on the national team. of something like a junior come one of my dearest friends. She still lives in the house her father didn’t help matters. When asked by I’m sure Kasper took great pride in this. high school, framhaldssku- father built. Back, left is Mikkal Solheim, whose adventures Kasper to verify his story my father pleaded The last time I saw Kasper was in len). Åse was the only female with the Germans will be described in the next installment. total ignorance and told Jenny he was mak- 1992. He had undergone quadruple by- among my friends who also ing it up. pass surgery and, although recovered, followed this tradition. She had gone to Like most people in our part of the country, Jenny did, however, get back at him. Jenny would not let him take his little cut- school to learn telegraphy and when she Kasper spoke no English, but his favorite They were in the process of building their ter out fishing unless she came along. It signed onto one of the Fred Olsen boats as phrase to explain something he didn’t un- house and Kasper was nailing up siding. was a sunny summer day and my friend a telegrapher, she automatically became derstand was “I don’t begrip” (begrip means When he got all the way up to the attic, it Ove and I were out in my boat, a rowboat an officer. Berent, then her boyfriend, also comprehend). was easier to stand on the inside while nail- from northern Norway rigged for sailing served on the same ship but was only a Most men my father’s age enjoyed ing siding to the outside. When he had sided called a hylekrok. We were having a prob- deckhand. According to the rules, officers dancing. One Saturday night in the late 40s, up as far as he could, he realized that there lem with the mast placement and could and deckhands were not allowed to frater- my father and Kasper were docked in the was not enough room for him to get his arms not get the boat to tack into the wind. To nize. Knowing them, however, there was same town, Ålesund, and decided to take and head through the hole that was left. Jen- tack, we had to turn downwind, which is plenty of fraternizing going on. Berent, in the local dance. After the dance, Kasper ny thought this was hilarious. Kasper threat- universally the sign of a poor sailor. It’s subsequently, went to school and got his and my father were heading back to their ened her with grievous bodily harm if she called kuvending in Norwegian, referring Mate Certificate (and later his Captain respective boats, Nordstraum and Kapp I. ever told a soul. Within an hour the whole to the way a cow will turn her rear end Certificate) making him an officer too, at They were walking down the street, chatting community was chuckling over how Kasper into the wind. Kasper and Jenny were out which point they could legally fraternize. away, when my father realized that Kasper had nailed himself into the eve of his house. in their boat watching my predicament Every year, ever since I left Norway in was no longer with him. He looked back and Kasper’s life was not without tragedy. and finding it very funny. He hollered 1953 (at the age of 11) I have received a saw Kasper and a strange woman on all fours Kasper and Jenny had a son named Terje. over to me, saying that if this is the way Christmas card from Åse, first by herself, on the sidewalk in a fit of laughter. It turned One could tell, as soon as he began to talk, they sail in America, it was no wonder then from her and Berent, and again by out that a button from Kasper’s overcoat, that he was the spitting image of his father. they lost the Americas Cup and that he herself after Berent died of a heart attack which he wore open, had caught a button- He was always jovial, and for some reason and Jenny might just get a boat together while out fishing. hole of the coat of this woman as she walked had a very deep voice. The whole commu- for the next time the Cup race is held. What made Kasper such a humorous past. Kasper’s button had popped off and nity adored him, and even though I was only

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A new exhibition, “A Restored Con- piece is a collection of snapshots taken in nection: A Dream of a Cultural Identity,” Iowa, Minnesota, and North Dakota, which Peter Quincy Ng will go on view at Vesterheim, the national capture expressions of Norwegian identity Toronto, Canada Norwegian-American museum and heritage through clothing, festivals, and food. The center, on September 12. The exhibition is third piece includes fifty portraits of - Nor When speaking sponsored by an anonymous donor and Mary wegian-American children and young adults of her first single, Mills Dunea of Osage, Iowa. with Norwegian first names. “Island,” Anniken Through still and moving images, “A Osbakk holds a BFA in Printmaking. Jess Iversen, better Restored Connection” explores how we de- Dalmar has a BFA in Photography and an known as Anana, de- fine ourselves and the environment around MFA in Art. Their work has previously been scribes it as a huge us. “Although it features Norwegian Ameri- exhibited in Berlin, Germany; Kristiansand, stepping stone ca- cans, visitors of all backgrounds will easily Norway; and Iowa City, Iowa. reer-wise. The single, relate to the exhibition and its message of which received its connection,” Laurann Gilberton, Vesterhe- With 24,000 objects and 12 historic build- fair share of airtime im’s Chief Curator, said. ings, Vesterheim, the national Norwegian- on Norwegian radio, The exhibition was developed from a American museum and heritage center in also managed to gar- research-based art project that began in 2011 Decorah, Iowa, shares the most comprehen- ner attention from as a collaboration between Dalmar and Os- sive collection of Norwegian-American ar- some of Norway’s bakk. The project examines how national tifacts in the world. This treasure is also a top indie prospects. identity occurs, and how it is inherited and center for folk-art education, offering a wide Among those who transformed through generations. The aim of variety of classes in authentic Norwegian were eager to put in the project is to explore the human need for folk art every year. For more information their own rendition knowledge and a connection to one’s own on the museum’s exhibitions, classes, events, of the track included culture and history. membership opportunities, and ways to do- artists like Bendik, The cover of Anana’s single “The Easy Path.” Their research has been translated into nate, check Vesterheim’s website at vester- Pieces of Juno, and three artworks that show how attachment to heim.org, call (563) 382-9681, or write to Team Me’s Elida Inman. “It’s my first real Iversen claims that Oslo will never be a big a particular culture appears in a multicultural Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, single on my own label, which is kind of European metropolis like the Norwegians society. The first piece is a video series fea- 502 W. Water St., P.O. Box 379, Decorah, IA, cool,” says Anana. “It’s great having your pretend it is, it’s great because there’s always turing a Norwegian-American family liv- 52101-0379. own artistic vision, but of course you won’t this connectivity between musicians; every- ing near Northfield, Minnesota. The second have the reach that a major label can pro- one knows everyone else. vide.” After ranting about Oslo, Iversen tells Although now based in the Norwegian us of Grünerløkka. This little district of capital, Anana’s story began in the small idyl- Oslo, with its cafés, shops, and bars is hip, lic island of Nøtterøy in the Oslo fjord. There but if you want to say hi to the budding before Anana was born, Anniken Jess Ivers- singer-songwriter, then perhaps a stop at the en first began her musical pursuits. While “Angst” bar in Youngstorget, right in the Iversen still thinks of the warm summer days middle of Oslo, will yield you success. If you on that quiet little island, most of the time want something more “touristy“ Iversen rec- she spent her days listening to music. Her ommends a very special place that never gets parents left on everything from Elton John enough attention: Emanuel Vigeland’s Mau- and Prince to Radiohead to Supertramp. “It soleum on Slemdal. You may know about wasn’t long before I started stealing my re- the world-famous Vigeland Park, dedicated cords and got a guitar and 16-track recorder,” to . Emanuel Vigeland spent she laughs. “Although initially when I began all of his life in envy of his brother, and cre- recording there were a lot more Blink-182 ated his own grave as a huge middle finger covers.” Today, Anana tries to find herself towards him. musically without thinking too much about Like Emanuel Vigeland, Anana hopes what it all means. “I called it ‘dypvannspop’ to make her mark on the musical world, initially, which means ‘deep-water pop’ but knows it will be tough. “I never want to in English,” explains Iversen, who tries make compromises on my music, so I had to to channel in a sort of “positive darkness” pay the price,” she says. “But all I wanted to into her music. Like the sea, it comes off as do was make music people would listen to, something beautifully calm and melodic, yet even though I never expected anyone to in still contains all the darkness and mystery of the first place.” As for what Anana’s hopes the deep. and dreams are other than a big, fat check in This deep-water sound is certainly in- the mail for her musical efforts: “I want to in- dicative on her latest track, where Anana’s still those memories when we were young— coaxing vocals and piano keys twinkle anger, frustration, sadness, but ultimately against the harder and heavier undercur- hopes and dreams—through my music.” rents building in her latest single, “The Easy Path.” You can listen to Anana’s music on Sound- “Musically, I just want to convey some Cloud at soundcloud.com/ananah. Her sin- Photo courtesy of Vesterheim gles are also available for purchase through Detail of one of the three pieces in the exhibition—a collection of snapshots taken in Iowa, Minne- kind of emotion,” says Iversen. “I just re- sota, and North Dakota, which capture expressions of Norwegian identity through clothing, festivals, ally hope people get inspired to do or make amazon and iTunes. and food. something.” She feels that Oslo, where she went after finishing her studies at Norwe- Peter Quincy Ng is a To- gian University of Science and Technol- ronto-based blogger who Vesterheim ogy in Tromsø, can be superficially seen as writes about the odds and the national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center a difficult, stuck-up little place. “It’s such a ends of pop music with a fo- cus on Scandinavia and the beautiful and awful city and like every city • The largest collection of Norwegian-American artifacts in the world Nordics. You can visit his features some of the best and worst people • A national center for folk-art classes • Open all year in Decorah, Iowa blog at swedeandsour.tk. you’ll ever meet,” remarks the singer. While 16 • September 12, 2014 norwegian american weekly back page Norwegian Language Corner < daughters NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS From page 10 women, especially the namesakes of the 53 Norwegian genes alive in her family. lodges that have existed over the last 100 I lamented with her, as a “sparkplug” years. Fargo organizing member, comparing our Women as members were integrated situations: her being widowed as a spouse Volume 2 into Sons of Norway in 1950s, although aux- of Norwegian descent and my deceased wife With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now iliaries were established as early as 1916. being born in Norway. Yet I could not join serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections Today, anyone with an interest in Norwegian DofN. of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad culture can join SofN and the organization She pleasantly pointed me in a new di- Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, is growing. However, DofN holds fast, from rection by clarifying that men can partici- designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. independent onset in 1908, to its purpose pate, simply by supporting spouses, siblings, of passing on Norwegian traditions in the relatives, and those who nurture the Norwe- homes of Norwegian-Americans into the 4th gian heritage in the homes by women who and 5th generations. pass on traditions to future generations. Ninety-four year old Jo Grondahl of Far- She nudged me, expressing the wisdom go took me aside with her iPad and showed of 94 years, and with a twinkle in her eyes me proudly the diversity in her generations said, “Hey, you can participate: make a do- 6.NAW.Langeland.CMYK.20March2014_Layoutof family, saying her own ethnic origins 1 3/20/14 nation; 8:24 PM support Page 1a scholarship; you’ve got a were not Norwegian, but she was honoring daughter, sign her up!” the genes of her passed husband to keep the

1888 book now available in English!

Norwegians in America, Some Records of the Norwegian Emigration to America Written by Knud Langeland • Bilingual English and Norwegian text • 5-1/2″ x 7-1/2″, hardcover, 240 pgs • = $24.95 with FREE shipping in USA grimsborken Grimsbork the Bay Stallion Autobiographical, tells of life in Norway before del 2 part 2 1843 and early immigrant life in America. Social and political portrait including the Norwegian im- Siste gongen guten kom opp att, vart The last time the boy went back migrant press. Foreword, biography and back cover review written by Odd S. Lovoll. han reint fælen. Borkefolen var så stor there, he became frightened. The bay og grovvaksen at han måtte leggja seg foal had grown so huge and massive that Call, send a check or order from website så guten kunne koma set opp på ryggen the foal had to lie down before the boy [Note: book is not part of the Ulvestad 3-vol-set] Made in America! hans. Denne gongen var ikkje Borken was able to sit on his back. This time the uviljug til å fylgja med guten heim. bay foal was not hesitant to come home Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 Då han kom ridande heim til brørne with the boy. 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] sine, slo dei hendene saman og krossa When he came riding home to his seg. Slik fole hadde dei aldri sett. — Kan brothers, they clasped their hands to- de skaffa meg god skoning under han og gether and crossed themselves. Such a the gild sal og beisl, skal de få alle merrane og foal they had never seen before. “If you alle folane i heia, sa guten. can supply me with good shoes for the Det ville brørne. Steinflingrene spru- horse and a beautiful saddle and bridle, Hearthstone ta då guten reid bortetter, og det lyste og you can have all the mares and all their glima i gullsal og gullbeisl. — No dreg vi foals up in the hills,” said the boy. til kongsgarden! sa Grimsborken — det This the brothers agreed to. Stone var namnet hans. — Men bed kongen om chips just flew around when the boy rode nøgda fôr og godt stallrom åt meg. away, and it gleamed and it glinted from — Nei og nei! sa kongen då guten the golden saddle and golden bridle. kom ridande. — Slik kar og slik hest har “Now we are off to the king’s palace!” eg aldri sett i mitt levande liv. Og guten said Grimsbork—this was the name of skulle få teneste i kongsgarden. the horse. “And ask the king for good fod- — Ja, men godt stallrom og dugeleg der and a fine stall for me.” med fôr vil eg ha til hesten min, sa guten. “My oh my!” said the king when the Ja, Grimsborken skulle få vollhøy og boy came riding along. “Such a fellow and havre. Riddarane laut taka hestane sine such a horse I have never seen before in or stallen. Men dei laug for kongen og sa my whole life.” And the boy was to be at guten hadde sagt seg god til å frelsa given work at the king’s palace. dotter hans. Kongen sa då at guten skulle “Aye, and a good stall and plenty of Welcome to the Neighborhood! missa livet om han ikkje greidde det. food I want for my horse,” said the boy. Nede i stallen klaga guten seg til Aye, Grimsbork was to be given field Grimsborken. — Eg skal hjelpa deg, sa hay and oats. The others had to take their han. — Men eg må vera godt skodd. Du horses out of the stable. Because of this, skal krevja tjue pund jarn og tolv pund they lied to the king and said the boy had stål og ein smed til å smia og ein til å leg- boasted that he was going to rescue the gja under. Det fekk han, og dei skodde princess. So the king said that the boy Grimsborken. would lose his life if he was not success- ful. In the stable the boy told Grimsbork what had happened. “I shall help you,” Grimsbork answered. “But I have to be well shod. You need to demand twenty pounds of iron and twelve pounds of steel and a blacksmith to forge the shoes and a farrier to put them on.” This was the agreed upon and they shod Grimsbork. Hearthstone

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