JUNE 20, 2021 - TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. MARY’S PARISH St. Mary’s Elementary School 8909 Mary St, Chilliwack, BC V2P 4J4 Principal: Mrs. Jeanine Sallos Phone 604.792.2764 Fax 604.792.3013 Phone: 604.792.7715 Fax 604.792.7031 Pastor: Rev. Wilfred Gomes Email:
[email protected] Assistant Pastor: Rev. Juan Lucca St. Mary’s School Website: New Website: www.stmarysparish.ca www.saintmarysschool.ca Email:
[email protected] St. John Brebeuf High School Office Hours: Mon. to Fri. 10am - noon, 1pm - 4pm Website: www.stjohnbrebeuf.ca Parish secretaries: Lori Lollar and Chris Gillespie Phone: 604.855.0571 PARISH MINISTRIES AND GROUPS END-OF-LIFE EMERGENCY CELL #: 604-378-0482 Agape Street Ministry Maureen Bliault 604 -997-6641 Altar Servers Sara Lindenhoff 604-798-7710 Please call this number if a priest in Chilliwack is re- Bible Study Groups Wednesday Bible Study Sandra Melville 604-792-7049 quired for end-of-life emergencies. Monday Afternoon Lynda Gillespie 604-795-5998 Tuesday Book Study Catholic Women’s League (CWL) Helen Murray
[email protected] UPDATED MASS SCHEDULE: Funeral Receptions Bernice Driedger 604-858-4564 Domestic Abuse Services Charlene Cranley
[email protected] Mass indoors is scheduled with limited congregation CCJS Prison Ministry Peter Li & Miriam Liem 604-910-5067 CCODP Peter Li 604-910-5067 (please see the details in the bulletin.) Cenacle/Rosary Jasmin Robinson 604-792-8565 Children’s Liturgy Allison Kilgannon 604-798-5990 Choirs Good News Choir Lynda Gillespie 604-795-5998 Livestreamed Monday through Saturday at 9:00am and New Life Choir Myrt Armstrong 604-795-5304 Sunday at 10:00am Friends in Song Jeanine Sallos 604-824-1053 Alleluia Choir Renee Hamilton-Clark 604-824-6280 Youth Choir Alivia Weston 604-799-4001 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYBIV_as- School Choir Jeanine Sallos 604-858-5035 enyW1JP-31OLTw/ Faith Choir Henry Waldock
[email protected] Church Cleaning Laura Vogel 613-898-2111 Community Outreach Susan Kranabetter Extra-Ordinary Ministers of H.C.