ST. MARY's PARISH DURING COVID-19: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, in Solidarity with the Holy Father’S Proclamation of the “Year of St
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JUNE 20, 2021 - TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. MARY’S PARISH St. Mary’s Elementary School 8909 Mary St, Chilliwack, BC V2P 4J4 Principal: Mrs. Jeanine Sallos Phone 604.792.2764 Fax 604.792.3013 Phone: 604.792.7715 Fax 604.792.7031 Pastor: Rev. Wilfred Gomes Email:[email protected] Assistant Pastor: Rev. Juan Lucca St. Mary’s School Website: New Website: Email: [email protected] St. John Brebeuf High School Office Hours: Mon. to Fri. 10am - noon, 1pm - 4pm Website: Parish secretaries: Lori Lollar and Chris Gillespie Phone: 604.855.0571 PARISH MINISTRIES AND GROUPS END-OF-LIFE EMERGENCY CELL #: 604-378-0482 Agape Street Ministry Maureen Bliault 604 -997-6641 Altar Servers Sara Lindenhoff 604-798-7710 Please call this number if a priest in Chilliwack is re- Bible Study Groups Wednesday Bible Study Sandra Melville 604-792-7049 quired for end-of-life emergencies. Monday Afternoon Lynda Gillespie 604-795-5998 Tuesday Book Study Catholic Women’s League (CWL) Helen Murray [email protected] UPDATED MASS SCHEDULE: Funeral Receptions Bernice Driedger 604-858-4564 Domestic Abuse Services Charlene Cranley [email protected] Mass indoors is scheduled with limited congregation CCJS Prison Ministry Peter Li & Miriam Liem 604-910-5067 CCODP Peter Li 604-910-5067 (please see the details in the bulletin.) Cenacle/Rosary Jasmin Robinson 604-792-8565 Children’s Liturgy Allison Kilgannon 604-798-5990 Choirs Good News Choir Lynda Gillespie 604-795-5998 Livestreamed Monday through Saturday at 9:00am and New Life Choir Myrt Armstrong 604-795-5304 Sunday at 10:00am Friends in Song Jeanine Sallos 604-824-1053 Alleluia Choir Renee Hamilton-Clark 604-824-6280 Youth Choir Alivia Weston 604-799-4001 School Choir Jeanine Sallos 604-858-5035 enyW1JP-31OLTw/ Faith Choir Henry Waldock [email protected] Church Cleaning Laura Vogel 613-898-2111 Community Outreach Susan Kranabetter Extra-Ordinary Ministers of H.C. Chrystal Netzlaw 604-866-5663 Flowers CONFESSION TIMES: Hospitality (9:30 Sunday Coffee) Parish office 604-792-2764 Mon-Sat 9:35am-10:30am, Sat 4:00-4:45 pm no ap- Infrastructure Renewal pointment needed, please enter by the bell tower en- Knights of Columbus Council 3478 Gerry Cranley, G.K. [email protected] Assembly 2256 Ken Claridge 604-858-4044 trance. Lay Religious Orders Secular Franciscans Miriam Liem 604-910-5067 Lectors Ana Macedo Lindenhoff 604-798-1785 Legion of Mary Fe Balo 604-795-4388 ADORATION - First Fridays Meals for Moms Jennifer Bourke 604-316-6433 Migrant Workers Ministry Lise Tetreault 604-795-9199 Starting from June 4 to September 3, Adoration on Mom’s Group Mary Wagner 604-799-1283 First Fridays will be from 10 am to 12 pm. Parish Library Darren Ollinger 604-799-2771 Parish Outreach for the sick/homebound Marta Cecchi 604-795-7311 SACRAMENTS Parish Care Homes Waverley Joan Strueby 604-795-7527 Heritage Keith & Helen Lilley 604-705-2505 PARISH LIFE Cascade Sheila Giolito 604-858-3664 Valleyhaven Jane & Sonny Dampier 604-792-0702 Baptism One family at a time. Call the office to book. Eden Fe Balo 604-795-4388 Bradley Centre Sheila Giolito 604-858-3664 Celebrated at 11:00am on Saturdays. Registration is Hospital Contact Hydee McMillan 604-880-1222 required and all paperwork must be completed prior Parish Finance Council Steve Ralphs [email protected] to the confirmed baptism date. Parish Pastoral Council Pastor 604-792-2764 Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Alison ten Bohmer [email protected] Marriage Six months’ notice is required. Please Prayer Groups Divine Mercy Chaplet Nicole Poudrier 604-824-0509 Charismatic Prayer group Lovelett Knight 604-791-7783 phone the parish office. Christian Meditation Lori Lollar 604-792-2764 Preschool Committee Sheila Giolito 604-858-3664 Funerals Funeral Masses are taking place, with Pro- Prolife Carol Gray 604-792-5267 vincial health guidelines in affect. Please call the par- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Pat & Lynda Gillespie 604-795-5998 ish office. Safe Environment Dale Wagner [email protected] Sacristans Sandra Otsuka 604-769-3388 Anointing of the Sick If you or a family member are Saint John Brebeuf Regional REC Cindy Duralia 604-792-2764 Saint Mary's Preschool Johanna Chiappetta 604-792-7715 needing anointing at home or at a care home and you St. Mary's Education Committee (PEC) Dale Wagner [email protected] wish to have a priest visit, call the parish office. Ushers Peter Lindenhoff 604-798-4237 Young at Heart (Seniors Group) Cards: Wednesdays Maggie Webster 604-392-5229 Lost & Found Please contact the office. Youth Ministry Alexis Vilan 604-845-9871 He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” - Mark 4:40 (RSV) Do you really trust God? Is God your first choice or last resort? Is your faith something you just do on Sunday or do you live the Gospel mes- sage every day of the week? Many of us know about God. How many of us have a personal relationship with Him? Start now, open your heart to receive our Lord. Talk and listen to Him throughout the day, in all circumstances. Copyright © 2021 Archdiocese of St. Louis MASS INTENTIONS Mon June 21 9:00am Jane Tap RIP SACRAMENTS IN OUR PARISH STARTING Nov. 20, 2020 Tue June 22 9:00am Paulino Breganza RIP, Efren Cordon (According to the current guidelines) Wed June 23 9:00am Germaine MacPhee HOLY MASS - will be live streamed Monday-Saturday at 9:00am; and Sundays at 10:00am. Thu June 24 9:00am Mary Sweeney RIP Annemarie and Michael Freimark Fri June 25 9:00am BAPTISM - One family at a time. Call the office to book. RIP Celebrated at 11:00am on Saturdays. Sat June 26 9:00am Barbara Schmidt RIP MARRIAGE - Please phone the office. Sat June 26 5:00pm Cesar Ramirez RIP Sun June 27 8:00am Jane Tap RIP FUNERALS - Funeral Masses are taking place, with Provincial health guidelines in affect. Please call the parish office. Sun June 27 10:00am Isabel Madrigga McDonald RIP ANNOINTING OF THE SICK - If you or a family member are Sun June 27 12:00pm Parishioners needing anointing at home or at a care home, please call Sun June 27 6:00pm First Nations the parish office. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS CONFESSION TIMES: Josie Treffers Terry Wallden Mon-Sat 9:35am-10:30am, Sat 4:00-4:45pm. Please enter Ray Lange Maxine Burke by the bell tower entrance. Ed Dawdy Angie Price Betty Miller Mona Bouchard CHURCH IS OPEN FOR PERSONAL PRAYER Monday through Louise Kinney Ursula Day Friday from 10:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm (not on public holidays) Fr. Wilfred and Fr. Juan will continue to offer daily Mass online. A quick way of accessing our channel is by going on to our website and clicking on the link on the top left hand side SACRED HEART OF JESUS - CWL members will lead us in a prayer of our homepage that reads, “Daily Mass Live Stream” OR Log in to to the Sacred Heart of Jesus each morning before the our YouTube channel at: livestreamed Mass, from June 5 - 21. NOVENA AND ACT OF ENTRUSTMENT TO SAINT JOSEPH - The SUPPORTING ST. MARY'S PARISH DURING COVID-19: Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, in solidarity with the Holy Father’s proclamation of the “Year of St. Joseph”, has invited 1. The Parish Pre-Authorized Debit program. Forms can be diocesan and eparchial bishops to celebrate an Act of Entrust- emailed or picked up from the parish office. Pre-Authorized ment to St. Joseph on Thursday, July 1 (Canada Day). debit happens once a month on the 1st of the month. The Act of Entrustment will be preceded by a novena imploring St. 2. Parish Offering through the Parish Website Stripe ac- Joseph’s intercession for the welfare of the entire country, for the count. many needs of society, and to pray in particular for those who 3. Parish Offering through the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of passed away due to COVID-19. The novena will begin on Tuesday, Vancouver Website. June 22 and end on Wednesday, June 30. We will pray the novena -offering/ in our parish before the livestream Mass. 4. Your donation envelopes can also be mailed, dropped off at Click the link in the email bulletin for the novena and Act of En- the parish office, or left in the collection basket on Sun- trustment document. You can also sign-up through the Archdio- days . cese to receive the novena by email: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! - A blessed and happy Father’s Day to all the Let us pray for the soul of fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers. St. Joseph, pray for FREDERICK DAY us! Please keep the bereaved family in your prayers. CWL NEWS - CWL MEMBERSHIP DUE $30.00 PUT MONEY OR CHEQUE IN ENVELOPE WITH NAME AND ADDREs CAN BE PUT IN COLLECTIONS ON SUNDAY OR TAKE TO OFFICE MANY BLESSINGS Tips for Registering for Mass Holy Mass schedule: (Please follow the Provincial Health Officer Guidelines: like safe Please read the following when registering for Sunday Mass. distancing, sanitizing our hands, wearing masks, contact tracing We are so blessed that we are experiencing a large number of lists, etc.) requests and respectfully seek the loving patience of all our pa- rishioners for the next couple of weeks and months.