104 Die, 350 Wounded in Rioting in Spain
7 AVKBAQB DAiO.T UOKlVLA'nON i w iBe w r t B f t e # l i 0 * e r . 1W4 5,436 •< tlw AadH fair; not Of Ommatloaa tore. VOL. LHI., NO. SIS. ABeortWag am Pmga A) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1934. <C^(TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS; Tragedy Victim’s Chum and Kin At Trial CHENEY PERSONNEL 104 DIE, 350 WOUNDED CHANCX ANNOUNCED IN RIOTING IN SPAIN Rednctioii of Deniaiids m ;l r cmc COUNCIL. Broad Goods, Vehret and Death ToD Mounts as Battles Four Alienists Say JUST FORMED, Are Renewed in Manj Throwing Departments FORA^RAISAL Hauptmann Is Sane Cities and Towns ~ Boy Necessitate Redrement of New York, Oct. 6.— ( A P ) — Four4 on Way to School Killed. Senior Members of Firm, Citizens Committee, Under of the 3ve alienists who examined I against Hauptmann for Uie Mdnap- Bruuo Richard Hauptmann, say the Ing and murder of Charles A. Lind- Official Statement Issned Lindbergh kidnaping suspect Is bergh, Jr., in 1932. Madrid, Oct. 6.—The death ton ta Charles Ray, Seeks to sane. Legal activity Monday ,1s also Spain’s Ebctremlst rebellion mounted Today, Says. ' N ot only is the Getroan carpenter scheduled in the Bronx, where Effect Cooperation Among sane, but he shows no sign of ever Hauptmann is in jail accused o f ex- to 104 persons at noon today, with having suffered any nental ailment,' torting the $50,000 ransom from ' at least 350 wounded, as machine the experts' declareo In a report Colonel Lindbergh. John Perrone, guns, rifles, and pistols obliterated Official onnouneement of a reor- Varions Local Factors.
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