Characterising Volcanic Magma Plumbing Systems

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Characterising Volcanic Magma Plumbing Systems Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 1325 Characterising volcanic magma plumbing systems A tool to improve eruption forecasting at hazardous volcanoes DAVID A. BUDD ACTA UNIVERSITATIS UPSALIENSIS ISSN 1651-6214 ISBN 978-91-554-9424-7 UPPSALA urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-267473 2015 Dissertation presented at Uppsala University to be publicly examined in Hambergsalen, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, Uppsala, Friday, 22 January 2016 at 10:00 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The examination will be conducted in English. Faculty examiner: Professor Tod Waight (University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management). Abstract Budd, D. A. 2015. Characterising volcanic magma plumbing systems. A tool to improve eruption forecasting at hazardous volcanoes. Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 1325. 42 pp. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. ISBN 978-91-554-9424-7. This thesis attempts to develop our understanding of volcanic magma plumbing systems and the magmatic processes that operate within them, such as fractional crystallisation, crustal partial melting, assimilation, and magma mixing. I utilise petrology, rock and mineral geochemistry, and isotope systematics to seek to improve our ability to forecast the eruptive frequency and style of active volcanoes, an aspect often lacking in current volcano monitoring efforts. In particular, magma reservoir dynamics are investigated from a mineral scale at Katla volcano in Iceland, to a sub-mineral scale at Merapi, Kelud, and Toba volcanoes in Indonesia. The magma plumbing architecture of Katla volcano on Iceland is explored in the first part of this thesis. Crystalline components within tephra and volcanic rock preserve a record of the physical and chemical evolution of a magma, and are analysed through oxygen isotopic and thermobarometric techniques to temporally constrain changes in reservoir depth and decode the petrogenesis of the lavas. We find both prolonged upper crustal magma storage and shallow level assimilation to be occurring at Katla. The results generated from combining these analytical strands reveal the potential for unpredictable explosive volcanism at this lively Icelandic volcano. The second part of this thesis examines the magma plumbing systems of Merapi, Kelud and Toba volcanoes of the Sunda arc in Indonesia at higher temporal and petrological resolution than possible for Katla (e.g., due to the crystal poor character of the rocks). For this part of the thesis, minerals were analysed in-situ to take advantage of sub-crystal scale isotopic variations in order to investigate processes of shallow-level assimilation in the build-up to particular eruptions. We find that intra-crystal analyses reveal an otherwise hidden differentiation history at these volcanoes, and establish a better understanding as to how they may have rapidly achieved a critical explosive state. The outcomes of this thesis therefore deepen our knowledge of evolutionary trends in magma plumbing system dynamics, and highlight the importance of understanding the geochemical processes that can prime a volcano for eruption. Lastly, I emphasise the vital contribution petrology can make in current volcano monitoring efforts. Keywords: magma plumbing, oxygen isotopes, thermobarometry, crustal assimilation, Katla, Merapi, Kelud, Toba, volcanic hazards David A. Budd, Department of Earth Sciences, Mineralogy Petrology and Tectonics, Villav. 16, Uppsala University, SE-75236 Uppsala, Sweden. © David A. Budd 2015 ISSN 1651-6214 ISBN 978-91-554-9424-7 urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-267473 ( It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. – Ernest Hemingway List of Papers This thesis is based on the following papers, which are referred to in the text by their Roman numerals. I Budd, D.A., Troll, V.R., Dahren, B. & Burchardt, S. (2015). Persistent two-tiered magma plumbing beneath Katla volcano, Iceland. Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems, in revi- sion. II Budd, D.A., Troll, V.R., Harris, C., Meyer, R., Deegan, F.M., Barker, A.K. & Burchardt, S. (2015). Petrogenetic constraints on the Katla rhyolites, South Iceland. Manuscript. III Deegan, F.M., Whitehouse, M.J., Budd, D.A., Harris, C. & Hålenius, U. (2015). Augite and enstatite standards for SIMS oxygen isotope analysis and their application to Merapi volca- no, Sunda arc, Indonesia. Manuscript. IV Troll, V.R., Muir, D.D., Deegan, F.M., Budd, D.A., Ellis, B.S., Jolis, E.M., Hamaida, H., Utami, P., Saunders, K.E., Baumgart- ner, L., Whitehouse, M.J. & Harris, C. (2015). Sudden Plinian eruption of remnant magmas at Kelud volcano, Java, Indonesia. Manuscript. V Budd, D.A., Troll, V.R., Deegan, F.M., Jolis, E.M., Smith, V.C., Whitehouse, M.J., Harris, C., Freda, C., Hilton, D.R., Halldorsson, S.A. & Bindeman, I.N. (2015). Magma reservoir dynamics revealed by oxygen isotope zoning in quartz. Manu- script. VI Troll, V.R., Deegan, F.M., Jolis, E.M., Budd, D.A., Dahren, B. & Schwarzkopf, L.M. (2015). Ancient oral tradition describes volcano-earthquake interaction at Merapi volcano, Indonesia. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 97(1):137- 166. A popular science article related to Paper V VII Budd, D.A., Troll, V.R., Hilton, D.R., Freda, C., Jolis, E.M. & Halldorsson, S.A. (2012). Traversing nature’s danger zone: get- ting up close with Sumatra’s volcanoes. Geology Today, 28(2). Reprints were made with permission from the respective publishers. Personal Contributions My individual contributions to each paper are listed below: Paper I: My contribution to this manuscript was approximately 65 % of the total effort. I performed EPMA data acquisition and geochemical modelling with assistance from Dahren. I led figure and manuscript preparation in col- laboration with Troll. Paper II: My contribution to this manuscript was approximately 70 % of the total effort. I prepared and analysed the samples for oxygen isotopes with assistance from Harris. I wrote the manuscript in collaboration with Troll and co-authors. Paper III: My contribution to this manuscript was approximately 15 % of the total effort. I acquired EPMA data and conducted Merapi oxygen isotope analysis by SIMS with Deegan and Whitehouse. I contributed to manuscript and figure preparation. Paper IV: My contribution to this manuscript was approximately 25 % of the total effort. I acquired EPMA data and analysed oxygen isotopes by SIMS ion probe in collaboration with Deegan and Whitehouse, and assisted in the single crystal oxygen isotope analyses. I contributed to manuscript preparation with co-authors. Paper V: My contribution to this manuscript was approximately 65 % of the total effort. I participated in sample collection in Indonesia. I acquired EP- MA data and SIMS ion probe data analysis in collaboration with Deegan, Jolis, Whitehouse and Troll. I performed data processing, geochemical mod- elling, figure preparation, and wrote the manuscript in collaboration with Troll, Deegan and other co-authors. This study was initiated as part of my MSc studies (Budd 2011). During my PhD, I spent a considerable amount of time expanding the data set and remodelling the discussion and conclusions of the paper. Paper VI: My contribution to this manuscript was approximately 20 % of the total effort. I took part in data acquisition in Indonesia and contributed to the literature analysis. I participated in manuscript preparation in collabora- tion with all the co-authors. Popular science article (Paper VII): My contribution to this manuscript was approximately 70 % of the total effort. This article was based on a per- sonal diary I kept during the 2010 expedition to Indonesia. It was written with help from all co-authors. Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 11 2. Methodology ............................................................................................. 13 2.1 Whole rock major, trace elements and REE ....................................... 13 2.2 Electron-probe micro analysis ............................................................ 14 2.2.1 Major element oxides ................................................................. 14 2.2.2 Cathodoluminescence imaging ................................................... 14 2.3 Thermobarometric modelling ............................................................. 15 2.4 Oxygen isotopes ................................................................................. 15 2.4.1 Conventional whole rock and mineral laser fluorination ............ 16 2.4.2 Secondary ionisation mass spectrometry (SIMS) ....................... 17 3. Geological background ............................................................................. 19 3.1 Katla volcano, South Iceland (Papers I & II) ..................................... 19 3.2 Sunda arc, Indonesia .......................................................................... 21 3.2.1 Merapi volcano (Papers III & VI) ............................................... 22 3.2.2 Kelud volcano (Paper IV) ........................................................... 22 3.2.3 Toba volcano (Paper V) .............................................................. 22 4. Summary of papers ................................................................................... 23 4.1 Paper I ...............................................................................................
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