Short Technical Reports

Wendel. Genes duplicated by polyploidy show unequal contributions to the transcrip- RNA Interference by tome and silencing that are reciprocal and or- Production of Short Hair- gan-specific. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (In Press.) pin dsRNA in ES Cells, Their Differentiated The authors contributed equally to the application of this method and manuscript Derivatives, and in preparation. We thank Ines Alvarez, Bao Somatic Cell Lines Liu, Ryan Percifield, and David Senchina for assistance in evaluating the loci select- BioTechniques 34:734-744 (April 2003) ed, and especially Jonathan Wendel for pro- viding a stimulating laboratory environ- ment to develop this technique. This work was supported by a U.S. Department of ABSTRACT Agriculture (USDA) National Research Ini- tiative Grant and the Iowa State University dsRNA of several hundred in Plant Sciences Institute (to J. Wendel) and a length is effective at interfering with gene ex- grant from the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial pression in mouse oocytes, pre-implantation Fund for Medical Research (to K.A.). Trade embryos, and embryonic stem (ES) cells but names and commercial products are men- is not as efficient in differentiated cell lines. tioned solely for information and no en- Here we describe a method to achieve RNA dorsement by the USDA is implied. Address interference in totipotent and differentiated correspondence to Dr. Richard Cronn, Pa- ES cells together with a wide range of other cific Northwest Research Station, 3200 SW mammalian cell types that is both simple and Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA. efficient. It utilizes a linearized that e-mail: [email protected]. directs the expression of a hairpin RNA with a 22--paired region. This molecule Received 31 October 2002; accepted has a 13-nucleotide 5′ overhang that would 15 January 2003. be subject to capping on its 5′ phosphoryl group and thus differs from the ideal struc- Richard C. Cronn and Keith ture suggested for effective small interfering L. Adams1 . Thus, it appears either that the struc- ture of small inhibitory RNA molecules may Pacific Northwest Research not need to be as precise as previously Station thought or that such a transcript is efficiently U.S. Forest Service processed to a form that is effective in inter- Corvallis, OR fering with . 1Iowa State University Ames, IA, USA INTRODUCTION

The specific blocking gene expres- sion by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) of up to several hundred nucleotides in length has been documented in a vari- ety of organisms including Caenorhab- ditis elegans (1), Drosophila melano- gaster (2), trypanosomes (3), planaria (4), paramecium (5), hydra (6), ze- brafish (7,8), and mouse (9,10). The use of dsRNA of such molecular weight for silencing gene expression has not been as efficient in cultured mammalian somatic cell lines where it appears to also inhibit gene expression nonspecifically (11). This reflects the ability of dsRNA to trigger the interfer- on response in mammalian cells, lead-

Vol. 34, No. 4 (2003) Short Technical Reports

ing to the activation of the RNA-depen- Moreover, when transfected into cul- and efficient method for the inhibition dent protein kinase PKR and 2′,5′- tured mammalian cell lines, small inter- of gene expression in mouse ES cells, oligoadenylate synthetase (2′,5′-AS). fering RNAs (siRNAs) of 23 nu- their differentiated derivatives, and in Activated PKR stalls translation by cleotides appear to evade the interferon somatic cell lines, by producing phosphorylation of the initiation factor response to elicit specific gene silenc- siRNAs in vivo as short hairpin struc- eIF2, and activated 2′,5′-AS causes ing (24,25). Recently, that di- tures transcribed from an RNA poly- mRNA degradation by 2′,5′-oligoad- rect the synthesis of a small hairpin merase II . These RNAs are enylate-activated ribonuclease L (12). RNA from an RNA polymerase III pro- most likely not polyadenylated, so they These responses to introduction of any moter have been described (26–28). may be an effective trigger for the dsRNA lead to an overall block of The products are analogous to synthetic RNAi response. The effectiveness of translation and cell death. However, siRNAs because they have 3′ over- these transcripts suggests that either the three reports have now suggested such hanging T or U nucleotides but are precise structure of siRNA molecules longer dsRNAs can mediate RNA in- folded back on themselves to give a 19- may not be as critical as previously terference (RNAi) without accompany- to 20-nucleotide base paired region and thought (25) or that the structure of the ing interferon responses (13–15). a 4- to 9-nucleotide loop. transcript per se facilitates its conver- Longer dsRNA appears to mediate In this study, we describe a simple sion into effective siRNA. specific RNAi efficiently in mouse oocytes and embryos (9,10,16). Simi- larly, embryonic stem (ES) cells, which are derived from the mouse embryo, seem to show a specific response to RNAi with dsRNA of this size (17,18). These findings suggest that either em- bryonic cells have a more effective RNAi response or that the interferon response to dsRNA is absent or not yet fully developed. dsRNA with an average length of 500 bp has been typically delivered by microinjection into embryos or syncy- tial tissues or by transfecting cultured cells with dsRNA. The efficiency of this approach has recently been im- proved by an electroporation approach that can introduce dsRNA into multiple mouse oocytes or embryos (16). In C. elegans, RNAi is sufficiently robust that the effects can be achieved by feeding the worms an E. coli strain that is expressing the specific dsRNA (19). Interference with specific gene expres- sion can also be achieved in stable transgenic lines of D. melanogaster and C. elegans by the expression of a con- struct directing the production of a hair- pin loop of RNA (20,21). Such con- structs can be placed under the control of regulatable promoters to interfere with specific gene expression in a spa- tiotemporal manner (21,22). An important clue to understanding the mechanism of RNAi came from the discovery that 21–23 nucleotide pieces Figure 1. Schematic view of the construct encoding for short hairpin GFP RNA. (A) Linearized pds- of dsRNA are intermediates that are GFP-N1 plasmid. Double-stranded synthetic DNA fragment was inserted between NheI and XbaI sites of generated from the cleavage of longer the pGFPesm-N1 plasmid, downstream of the CMV promoter. (B) The inserted synthetic DNA fragment dsRNA (23). Such small dsRNAs consisted of indirect repeats of a 22-nucleotide-long GFP sequence that were separated by an 18-nu- cleotide-long spacer of three restriction sites. Flanking restriction sites were added to the insert to pro- induce efficient sequence-specific duce a NheI site at its 5′ end and a XbaI site at its 3′ end. (C) Predicted structure of the short hairpin RNA: mRNA degradation in lysates prepared a 7-MeG cap is likely to be added to the 5′ ends of a large proportion of the transcripts. The 5′-transcribed from Drosophila embryos (23,24). sequence preceding the NheI restriction site is marked in red and the target GFP sequence in green.

736 BioTechniques Vol. 34, No. 4 (2003) MATERIALS AND METHODS nealed DNA was cloned between the nonessential amino acids (Invitrogen). NheI and XbaI sites of the plasmid ES cells used for experiments were kept Plasmid for dsRNA Production pGFPemdN1 such that the inverted re- in culture between 15 and 25 passages peat was located downstream from the from the isolation of ES cells from the Two were synthe- cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter and inner cell mass of the blastocyst. To in- sized corresponding to an inverted se- upstream of the XbaI restriction site in duce differentiation, LIF was removed quence repeat of a 22-nucleotide frag- this construct (Figure 1). from the medium. The cells were trans- ment of GFP carried in the pQBIgfp fected 10 days after the induction of dif- vector (Qantum/Qbiogene, Montreal, Cell Culture ferentiation. QC, Canada), 5′-GTGGAGAGGGTG- STO cells were grown in modified AAGGTGATGC-3′, which extended Wild-type (CBB) ES cells (kindly DMEM (Invitrogen) supplemented from nucleotides 92 to 113, relative to provided by Azim Surani, University of with 10% FBS (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, the first nucleotide of the start codon. Cambridge) and transgenic (β-actin) ES USA). NIH-3T3 cells were grown in The inverted repeats were separated by cells expressing Mus musculis GFP DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS three unique restriction sites (SpeI- (MmGFP) under the β-actin promoter (both from Sigma). NotI-SalI), and additional unique re- (Zernicka-Goetz, unpublished data) striction sites were added to both ends. were grown on gelatinized plates in Transfection The two complementary oligonu- DMEM/nut mixture F12 (Invitrogen, cleotides were incubated at 80°C and Carlsbad, CA, USA) supplemented with Prior to transfection, the pdsGFP-N1 left until the temperature decreased to 12% FBS (Invitrogen), 100 IU/mL plasmid was linearized with XbaI. The 30°C. After annealing, the resulting ds- leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) pCMV-nls LacZ plasmid was kindly DNA fragment possessed an NheI re- (CHEMICON, Temecula, CA, USA), provided by Dr. Aaron Zorn (Universi- striction site at the 5′ end and a XbaI L-glutamine, sodium bicarbonate, β- ty of Cambridge). Synthetic 21-bp restriction site at the 3′ end. The an- mercaptoethanol, sodium pyruvate, and siRNAs [kindly provided by J. Pearson Short Technical Reports

(University of Cambridge)] correspond- amount of protein was used for the lumi- wild-type ES cells that expressed GFP ing to nucleotides 469–489 of QBIgfp nescent measurements. β-galactosidase transiently from an exogenous plasmid, and to nucleotides 489–509 of MmGFP expression was monitored with the Lu- pQBIgfp. Co-transfection of ES cells (relative to the first nucleotide of the minescent β-Gal kit (BD Biosciences with pQBIgfp and the plasmid encod- start codon) were chemically synthe- Clontech, Palo Alto, CA, USA). ing for short hairpin RNA, pdsGFP-N1, sized and annealed (Dharmacon Re- resulted in the almost complete inhibi- search, Lafayette, CO, USA). tion of GFP expression within 24 h The cells were trypsinized 24 h be- RESULTS (Figure 2A). This was in contrast to fore transfection at 80% confluency and cells transfected only with the pQBIgfp transferred to gelatinized 4-well dishes dsRNA of 21–22 nucleotides medi- plasmid (Figure 2A). This inhibition of (4 × 105 cells/well). In all experiments, ates efficient sequence-specific silenc- GFP expression was similar in extent to a constant amount of 3 µg DNA/well ing in several mammalian cell lines and that observed following the co-transfec- was maintained by the addition of Blue- has been termed siRNA (23). We tion of cells with pQBIgfp plasmid and script® plasmid when required. DNA sought to test whether the interfering re- cognate synthetic siRNA (data not was transfected to adherent cells by sponse could be achieved by expressing shown). In experimental groups trans- lipofection using the Transfast a 22-nucleotide short hairpin GFP RNA fected with plasmid directing the ex- Reagent (Promega, Madison, WI, from a CMV promoter carried on a pression of the short hairpin or with USA), according to the manufacturer’s plamid vector. To avoid the synthesis of siRNA, GFP fluorescence did not reap- instructions. We used 1 µg each of unnecessarily long RNA, we linearized pear following up to five days of cul- pQBIgfp, pCMV-nls LacZ, and pds- the plasmid by cleavage at an XbaI site ture. In each of these experiments, we GFP-N1 or 60 pmol siRNA per well, distal to the inverted sequence repeat included a plasmid pCMV-nls LacZ, with the exception of those in which the before transfecting it into different cell which directs the expression of β-galac- amount of the pQBIgfp plasmid was re- types derived from the mouse embryo. tosidase from a CMV promoter, and as- duced to 0.5 or 0.1 µg (see Results). For This could have the advantage of direct- sayed for the activity of this enzyme at each 1 µg DNA, we used 2 µL Trans- ing the synthesis of non-polyadenylated intervals after trasfection. Although fast Reagent in 200 µL serum-free RNA that itself might facilitate the trig- both the plasmid that encoded short medium. After 1 h of incubation at gering of an RNAi response. hairpin GFP RNA and GFP siRNA re- µ 37°C in 5% CO2, 600 L complete cell We first tested the effects of intro- sulted in a diminution of GFP expres- culture medium were added, and the ducing the pdsGFP-N1 plasmid into sion, we were unable to detect any de- cells were cultured for 24 h or longer, as specified in the Results section.

Gene-Silencing Evaluation To estimate changes in GFP fluores- cence, the cells were observed under a 1024 scanning head (Bio-Rad Labora- tories, Hercules, CA, USA) attached to an Eclipse 800 microscope (Nikon, Melville, NY, USA) using 10% [for GFP from Quantum pQBIgfp (QGFP)] or 3% (for MmGFP) of laser power. To detect β-galactosidase activity histochemically, the cells were fixed in 1% formaldehyde, 0.2% glutaralde- hyde for 10 min, washed with PBS, and incubated with X-gal (Sigma). To quantify β-galactosidase activity using a Dynex MLX luminometer (Dynex Technologies, Chantilly, VA, USA), the cells were trypsinized, Figure 2. RNAi in ES cells. (A) Change in GFP fluorescence after RNAi in wild-type ES (CBB) cells. washed twice with ice-cold PBS, and re- The cells were transfected with 1 µg each of GFP plasmid and LacZ plasmid. Experimental groups were additionally transfected with 1 µg pdsGFP plasmid (encoding short hairpin RNA) or siRNA for GFP suspended in lysate buffer (K2HPO4, (data not shown). The upper panel shows the control transfected cells. The lower panel shows the cells KH2PO4, dithiothreitol). The cells were transfected with the plasmid encoding for short hairpin RNA. GFP silencing was already evident 24 h then subjected to the two cycles of freez- after transfection. (B) Changes in GFP fluorescence after RNAi in transgenic ES cells expressing GFP ing in dry ice and thawing at 37°C and from the β-actin promoter (β-actin). The cells were transfected with 1 µg LacZ plasmid. The experimen- × tal group was additionally transfected with 1 µg pdsGFP plasmid (encoding short hairpin RNA) or centrifuged at 17 000 g for 5 min at siRNA for GFP. The upper panels show the control transfected cells, and the lower panels show the cells 4°C. The supernatant was stored at 70°C transfected with plasmid encoding for short hairpin RNA. GFP silencing resulted in a decrease of until use. For each lysate, the same MmGFP fluorescence intensity and became evident after five days of culture.

740 BioTechniques Vol. 34, No. 4 (2003) crease in β-galactosidase activity (data tion of gene expression in differentiat- not shown). These results demonstrate ed cells derived from mouse ES cells that short hairpin RNA produced in and in several cell lines of embryonic vivo is as potent as siRNA in inhibiting origin (13,21). Thus, we sought to ex- gene expression in ES cells directed amine whether short hairpin RNA from exogenous plasmids. could elicit specific RNAi in differenti- To assess the efficiency of these two ated cells derived from ES cells. For approaches on the expression of an en- this purpose, we induced the differenti- dogenous chromosomally located gene, ation of wild-type and GFP-transgenic we used a line of ES cells that stably ES cells by removing LIF from the cul- express MmGFP from the β-actin pro- ture and then carried out transfections moter. The transfection of these cells 10 days after removal of LIF. We found with the pdsGFP-N1 resulted in a de- that short hairpin RNA produced from crease in GFP fluorescence 4–5 days the pdsGFP-N1 plasmid to be effective following transfection (Figure 2B). in silencing GFP from a co-transfected Similar results were obtained after the plasmid (Figure 3A) and from a chro- transfection of GFP siRNA. The persis- mosomally inserted GFP transgene tence of MmGFP expression until four (Figure 3B). This effect was main- days after transfection may largely re- tained for at least five days of culture flect the levels of this stable form of following transfection. Once again, we protein in cells at the onset of the ex- could detect no depression of β-galac- periment. There was no decrease in the tosidase expression from co-transfected levels of expression of β-galactosidase pCMV-nls LacZ. from the pCMV-nls LacZ co-transfect- We also carried out a similar experi- ed into these cells with either plasmid ment in which ES cells were co-trans- directing the expression of the short fected with GFP-expressing plasmid hairpin or siRNA. together with the plasmid encoding for It has recently been shown that long short hairpin RNA or with synthetic dsRNAs trigger the nonspecific inhibi- siRNA and then induced to differenti-

Figure 3. RNAi in differentiated derivatives of ES cells. (A) Changes in GFP fluorescence after RNAi in differentiated wild type ES cells (CBB). Cells were transfected with 1 µg each of GFP plasmid and LacZ plasmid. The experimental group was additionally transfected with 1 µg pdsGFP plasmid (encoding for short hairpin RNA) or siRNA for GFP (data not shown). GFP silencing was already evident 24 h after trans- fection by the decrease in the number of fluorescent cells and was visible as a total loss of GFP fluorescence after five days of culture. (B) Changes in GFP fluorescence after RNAi in differentiated transgenic ES cells (β-actin). The cells were transfected by using 1 µg LacZ plasmid. The experimental group was additional- ly transfected with 1 µg pdsGFP plasmid (encoding for short hairpin RNA) or siRNA for GFP. GFP silenc- ing appeared 24 h after transfection as a decrease in intensity of GFP fluorescence and was visible as loss of GFP fluorescence after five days of culture. (A and B) The upper panels show the control transfected cells, and the bottom panels show the cells transfected with plasmid encoding for short hairpin RNA.

Vol. 34, No. 4 (2003) Short Technical Reports

ate by removing LIF from the culture equivalent amounts of siRNA oligonu- DISCUSSION medium 24 h after transfection. Such cleotides or plasmid-expressing hairpin differentiating ES cells ceased to ex- RNA were less effective at interfering Several reports have shown that it is press GFP 48 h after LIF removal, and with the extremely efficient expression possible to inhibit gene expression in this drop in GFP expression was main- of GFP from the pQBIgfp plasmid cultured mammalian cells by the intro- tained up to six days after LIF removal transfected into NIH-3T3 cells (Figure duction of long dsRNA. It seems partic- (data not shown). Thus, the silencing of 4B). However, when we increased the ularly effective in totipotent and pluripo- GFP expression induced by in vivo ratio of plasmid encoding for short hair- tent cells. This is perhaps not surprising transcription of short hairpin RNA is pin RNA to pQBIgfp plasmid using 0.5 because sequence-specific RNAi by maintained after the induction of ES or 0.1 µg pQBIgfp plasmid instead of 1 long dsRNA was demonstrated to be ef- cell differentiation. µg, we began to see an interfering effect fective in the cells of the mouse embryo Finally, we decided to test whether on GFP expression. Transfection of (9,10,14). Recently, long dsRNA has the short GFP hairpin RNA would in- NIH-3T3 cells with pGFPds-N1 plas- been shown to produce an efficient spe- terfere with GFP expression in somatic mid caused a significant decrease in the cific response in undifferentiated ES and cell lines. To this end, we co-transfected GFP fluorescence in a large number of embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells but not mouse fibroblasts (NIH-3T3) and fetal cells, which was especially visible when differentiation is induced (13,18). fibroblasts (STO) with GFP-expressing when a 10:1 ratio of pdsGFP-N1 and Results with long dsRNA have been plasmid and plasmid directing the syn- pQBIgfp plasmids was used (Figure more varied, leading to an unspecific re- thesis of short hairpin RNA. We found 4B). A similar dose response was seen sponse in several mammalian cell types, that STO cells showed little or no ex- with siRNA. There was no decrease in including mouse embryonic fibroblasts pression of GFP 24 h after transfection the expression from the co-transfected (STO), and several pluripotent cell lines, compared to the control cells. Similar lacZ gene in these experiments. including N-Tera-1 and F9 cells (13,18). results were observed after the transfec- tion of cells with cognate siRNA (Fig- ure 4A). In contrast, we found that

Figure 4. RNAi in somatic murine cells 24 h after transfection. (A) Changes in GFP fluorescence in STO cells. Cells were transfected with 1 µg each of GFP plasmid and LacZ plasmid. The experimental group was additionally transfected using 1 µg pdsGFP plasmid (encoding for short hairpin RNA) or siRNA for GFP. The upper panel shows the control transfected cells; the middle panel shows the cells transfected with plasmid encoding for short hairpin RNA; and the lower panel shows the cells transfect- ed with siRNA for GFP. GFP silencing is evident from the reduced number of fluorescent cells. (B) Changes in GFP fluorescence in NIH-3T3 cells. The cells were transfected with 1 (first column), 0.5 (second column) or 0.1 µg (third column) GFP plasmid, respectively, and 1 µg LacZ plasmid. The ex- perimental group was additionally transfected with 1 µg pdsGFP plasmid (encoding for short hairpin RNA) or siRNA for GFP. The upper panels show the control transfected cells; the middle panels show the cells transfected with plasmid encoding short hairpin RNA; and the bottom panels show the cells transfected with siRNA for GFP. GFP silencing is evident from the loss in the number of fluorescent cells, the most evident in the group was transfected with 0.1 µg GFP-expressing plasmid (third column).

Vol. 34, No. 4 (2003) However, three groups have reported differences in the structure of siRNA specific effects with long dsRNA and short hairpin RNA, our results (13–15). On the other hand, siRNAs show that both are equally effective at produced in vitro induce a robust specif- interfering with gene expression. We ic response in several cell lines includ- speculate that these hairpin structures ing human embryonic kidney (293), can function as siRNAs or are efficient- HeLa cells, and NIH-3T3 cells (25,29). ly processed into siRNA molecules. This confirmed that the mechanism for They might also be particularly effi- RNAi exists in mammalian cells and cient since being produced intracellu- suggests that it can be evoked most effi- larly with a 5′ cap, they might evade the ciently if other effects mediated by interferon response. Furthermore, it is longer dsRNA can be bypassed. Here possible that they are not recognized as we have shown that short hairpin RNA “foreign” RNA molecules because they produced in vivo leads to the efficient resemble the stem-loop structures of and specific inhibition of gene expres- small temporal RNAs (stRNAs) sion not only in ES cells but also in their (33,34) or (miRNAs) differentiating or differentiated deriva- (35,36) that have been proposed to tives and in mouse fibroblasts (STO and have regulatory roles for eukaryotic NIH-3T3). In each case, the effect was gene expression. Indeed, some features as potent as the effect of siRNA. Thus, of the miRNAs were recently incorpo- this approach offers a simple alternative rated into a system for carrying out method for the inhibition of gene ex- RNAi in cultured human cells (37). In pression in many cell types. conclusion, the technique we described It has been shown previously that presents a very effective, simple, and siRNAs mediate the efficient sequence- low-cost method to knock down gene specific mRNA degradation in lysates expression in all mammalian cell types. prepared from Drosophila embryos and in mammalian cells (23–25). These re- ports suggested that the presence of REFERENCES overhanging 3′ ends in synthetic siRNAs are necessary to induce RNAi 1.Fire, A., S. Xu, M.K. Montgomery, S.A. in examined cells. Moreover, Harborth Kostas, S.E. Driver, and C.C. Mello. 1998. and colleagues (29) found that a 5′ Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis ele- phosphate on the target complementary gans. Nature 391:806-811. strand of the siRNA duplex was re- 2.Kennerdell, J.R. and R.W. Carthew. 1998. quired for siRNA function. An alterna- Use of dsRNA-mediated genetic interference tive system for expressing small to demonstrate that frizzled and frizzled 2 act in the wingless pathway. Cell 95:1017-1026. siRNA-like structures from a plasmid 3.Ngo, H., C. Tschudi, K. Gull, and E. Ullu. has recently been described (26,27, 1998. Double-stranded RNA induces mRNA 30–32). It attempts to emulate the syn- degradation in Trypanosoma brucei. Proc. thetic siRNAs described by Elbashir Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95:14687-14692. and colleagues (25). Importantly, this 4.Sanchez Alvarado, A. and P.A. Newmark. 1999. Double-stranded RNA specifically dis- uses the RNA polymerase III promoter rupts gene expression during planarian regen- and thus produces a transcript that is eration. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96:5049- neither capped nor polyadenylated. The 5054. constructs that were effective in elicit- 5.Galvani, A. and L. Sperling. 2002. RNA in- terference by feeding in Paramecium. Trends ing dsRNAi and a 19-nucleotide paired Genet. 18:11-12. region had two 3′ overhanging T or U 6.Lohmann, J.U., I. Endl, and T.C. Bosch. residues, as specified by Elbashir et al. 1999. Silencing of developmental genes in (24). However, in our case, short hair- Hydra. Dev. Biol. 214:211-214. pin RNA produced in cells from lin- 7.Wargelius, A., S. Ellingsen, and A. Fjose. 1999. Double-stranded RNA induces specific earized plasmid should have five un- developmental defects in zebrafish embryos. paired residues at its 3′ end. In fact, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 263:156- these molecules also have 13-nu- 161. cleotide 5′ overhangs and are of a 8.Li, Y.X., M.J. Farrell, R. Liu, N. Mohanty, and M.L. Kirby. 2000. Double-stranded length such that a high proportion of RNA injection produces null phenotypes in them are highly likely to have 7MeG 5′ zebrafish. Dev. Biol. 217:394-405. caps typical of RNA polymerase II 9.Wianny, F. and M. Zernicka-Goetz. 2000. transcripts. Despite these significant Specific interference with gene function by

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Vol. 34, No. 4 (2003)