Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 1 Front page picture: A stunning photograph by Wendy Impett of Salhouse Broad. This captures the colours, beauty and serene atmosphere in a wonderfully composed picture. Thanks also to Kelly Banthorpe for providing it to the SAGA..

2 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Salhouse Matters Local & Village Reports Major road works Salhouse Rd . Salhouse Rd into Norwich will be closed for 7/8 months from April County Councillor Report ...... 10 Parish Council ...... 12 for major water, sewage and electricity District Councillors Report ...... 15 supplies to the NDR area. See p48 Salhouse Broad Ranger ...... 19 Salhouse Book Club...... 20 The Greater Norwich Local Plan From the Rectory ...... 23 Friends of Salhouse Broad ...... 29 This study of Norwich and its outlying Salhouse Beavers & Cubs ...... 32 area development over coming years Salhouse Primary School ...... 34 has been undergoing a consultation Team Salhouse ...... 37 phase which closed on March 16th. Salhouse Bell Motor Club ...... 40 Salhouse Bell Reading Group ...... 41 Summary details can be found on p37 Jubilee Hall ...... 43 Flower Club ...... 45 An elderly villager wishes to thank Salhouse Evening WI ...... 45 Salhouse Gardening Club ...... 46 the kind cyclist that took her letter to Salhouse 2nd Brownies………………… 51 the post box at Prima Rosa after Salhouse Scouts ...... 52 changes to the collection times at Bell Corner. Also, to say to the person in Information Ron Fielder Court that their free dining Church Services & Information……….24/25 chair has found a good home with a Baptist Church ...... 27 friend in . Village Contact Information…………...30/31 Forthcoming Village Events ...... 31 SALHOUSE SAGA MAGAZINE SPC Councillors & Admin ...... 13 Salhouse Defibrillator ...... 58 ‘Salatiga’, Bell Lane Salhouse, Norwich, NR13 6RR Advertisers Index ...... 60 Editor: Malcolm Prestwood Telephone: (01603) 721110 Others E-mail: [email protected] Saga Quiz ...... 2 Advertising: Doreen Dye Police Crime Report ...... 4 Telephone: (01603) 720337 Health Matters...... 6 E-mail: [email protected] Salhouse Toddler Group ...... 9 Distribution: Pauline Garner Salhouse United Charities ...... 20 Telephone: (01603) 721201 Mobile Post Office ...... 21 E-mail: [email protected] Musings on Salhouse in 1589 ...... 21 Editorial: Juliette Bendy Salhouse SAGA Editor ...... 27 Telephone: (01603) 721037 Greater Norwich Local Plan ...... 33 E-mail: [email protected] Jubilee Hall, Quiz & Chips ...... 34 Baptist Church Holiday Bible Club ...... 36 Future events in ...... 39 COPY DATE FOR NEXT ISSUE: Police Connect ...... 41 July 6th 2020 Answers Saga Quiz ...... 43 Air Defence Museum ...... 44 Advertising Rate per single issue: Salhouse Road closure ...... 44 News ...... 49 Full page: £27.00 Community Speedwatch ...... 51 Half page: £13.50 Salhouse History -Transport ...... 54 Quarter page £ 7.00 Afternoon Tea & Mardle ...... 56 Boat Show ...... 57 Editor’s views are not necessarily those of the contributors. No liability will be accepted for any loss resulting from error or omission

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 1 Saga Spring Flower Quiz

Do you know the common names for these popular spring flowers?

1. Narcissus 2. Myosotis 3. Primula vulgaris 4. Hyacinthus orientalis 5. Tulipa 6. Primula veris 11. Hellebore 7. Hyacinthoides non scripta 12. Bellis perennis 8. Galanthus 13. Allium ursinum 9. Muscari 14. Ranunculus acris 10. Viola riviniana 15. Ulex europaeus Answers page 47


Ladies/Gents Cutting Shampoo & sets Foils Hi/Low Lights Child cuts Colouring OAPs Tues/Wed Perming Student Discount Blowdrys Open Mon - Sat

2 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 The Old Barn B&B Lindsey’s Companion CHARMING CONVERTED BARN Care NEAR SALHOUSE BROAD 1 GOOD SIZED In Your Own Home TWIN BEDDED ROOM

GROUND FLOOR • Companionship OWN BATHROOM & TV LOUNGE • Escort to appointments and shopping £35 pppn • Help with hobbies Sue Simpson, The Old Barn,, • Support with paper- 2 Upper St, Salhouse, work and forms Norwich, NR13 6RY • Meal preparation

Tel: 01603 721759 Contact: E-mail [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 07393 922700

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 3 Police Crime Reports Salhouse

November 19 Criminal damage - other 1 Criminal damage - vehicle 1 Engage in sexual communication with a child 1 Harassment - pursue a course of conduct amounting to stalking 1 Intimidating, or intending to intimidate a witness 1 Production, or being concerned in the production of Class B Cannabis 1 Theft in a dwelling 1 Theft other 1 December 20 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm (AHM) 1 Harassment—without violence 2 Send letters with intent to cause distress/anxiety 1 Theft other 4 January Common assault 1 Minor wound with intent 1 February Harassment without violence 1 Harassment of a person in their home 1 Theft from a motor vehicle 1 Send letters with intent to cause distress or anxiety 1 Driving Courtesy A plea to all motorists in the village…..please take care in heavy rain and wet roads to slow down when passing pedestrians walking on the pavement. Several reported being sprayed by passing cars during the recent heavy rains

4 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Can you write for the SAGA?

We are always looking for articles of village interest for the Saga. If you could write something or suggest items that you would like to see covered please contact the editor. Details are on page 1 of this magazine.

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 5 Health Matters– January 2020 A regular update from Hoveton & Wroxham Medical Centre.

How to become a GP. Last month, I found myself educating my father over the Christmas dinner. He is 90 and in fine fettle but was completely unaware of what it takes to become a GP as, I suppose, I was before I joined as Practice manager just over a year ago. In essence, my father’s assumption was that once a doctor finishes medical school they graduate as a GP and then, if they choose, later specialise and eventually become a consultant. How wrong he was.

First, medical school takes five years. Then, the minimum time for a doctor to qualify as a GP takes an additional 5 years; a similar time it takes to specialise as a consultant in a particular field. General Practice is a specialism of its own, and a highly demanding one.

Foundation Years. After med’ school, a juniors doctor start a postgraduate medical training programme which forms the bridge between medical school and specialist/ general practice training. In the first year of Foundation Training, FY1s rotate through three or four jobs in different hospital specialties. In the second year, FY2s start to specialise, can prescribe medicines and this is then when they start to practice in a GP surgeries such as ours. Currently, Dr Rupert Boyce-Bown is our FY2. Specialist Training. Also known as a Registrar, a specialist trainee (ST) receives advanced training in a specialist field of medicine in order to eventually become a consultant or General Practitioner. An ST in their first year has longer appointment times and generally sees the less complex conditions. We also see ST3s in their final year of training as they fine tune their skills and increase their efficient use of time. Hoveton & Wroxham Medical Centre is supervising three ST3s: Drs Maunkee, Webb and Erskine, and one ST1, Dr Sowamber.

Every day is a School Day. Even when fully qualified, GPs (as with all clinicians) are required to maintain a rigorous regime of Continual Professional Development (CPD) to

6 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 SALHOUSE GARDEN CENTRE

Fully stocked with seasonal bedding, bulbs, Roses, flowering shrubs and ornamental fruit trees.

Gifts and Greetings Cards

First stop for all your gardening sundries

Tea Room with Daily Specials Home made Cakes and Scones Bookings being taken for Afternoon Teas

HONEYCOMBE RD, SALHOUSE, NR13 6JP (01603) 722250

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 7


Singing and Piano Teacher DAILY DELIVERIES THROUGHOUT Registered Teacher, I.S.M. EAST ANGLIA

FOR COMPETITIVE RATES & PROMPT SERVICE 16 Mill Road, Salhouse, Norwich NR13 6QE G.NICHOLLS Tel: (01603) 721912 EST. 1960’s NORWICH Tel: 720224 & 701190 Singing lessons, beginners to E-mail: [email protected] advanced. Choral conducting, Consultation and coaching. Oaks Farm, Toad Lane, Gt Plumstead, Norwich NR13 5EQ

Foot Health Professional

Charlotte Watson MCFHP, MAFHP Fully Qualified & Insured

Home Visits

Treatment of all foot problems & finishing with foot massage

Call Charlotte

01603 721646

8 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 ...Health Matters keep current with clinical guidelines, new medicines and other advances in treatment.

Training Practice. Hoveton & Wroxham Medical Centre is a training practice. We teach medical students and our GPs supervise the development of doctors through their second foundation year and specialist training.

Our New GP. We are thrilled that in February, Dr Alex Smith will be joining us as our new GP. She will be taking the list of Dr Fowler, who left us last summer.

Your child can help train a doctor! In January and February our 4th year UEA medical students spend every Monday with us, learning about child health. Critical to their successful training is seeing, playing with, examining and talking to as many children as possible – even those fortunate enough to have never had anything wrong with them! If you and your child (of any age) could spare 30 to 60 minutes on a Monday afternoon we’d be delighted to hear from you – you would be playing a vital role in developing doctors for the future of the NHS.

Lots more information is available from our website:

Do you have an email address? Help us to divert money from postage to more GP/nurse time by giving us consent to use your email address for all correspondence. Send us an email to [email protected] with ‘Consent to use Email’ in the title and your name and date of birth within the text.

Salhouse Baby & Toddler Group

Thursdays at Salhouse Jubilee Hall, 10 -11.45am,Term Time only £1.50/adult, + £1/child includes snack and Song Time

Please come and join us on a Thursday morning between the new times of 10am - 1145am for our stay and play, we have lots of toys and sometimes we have our indoor bouncy castle out which all the children enjoy. We have toys suitable from baby to pre school so something for everyone and refreshments and chat for the adults. We welcome parents, grandparents, child minders. No forms to fill in and plenty of fun to have with song time at 1130. Any questions please call or text me or join our Facebook page.

For queries contact: [email protected] alternatively please call Clair on 07786830742

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 9 County Councillors Report

Norfolk County Council (NCC) is investing £30 million in housing with care. Housing with care is an alternative to residential care or a care home. In a housing with care scheme you are the tenant of a self-contained flat. You have care and support available 24 hours a day, so you can lead as independent a life as possible. Last week I visited Meadow Walk in Fakenham, which is currently being built. After donning boots and reflective jacket I was shown around the building site which will provide 66 apartments for over 55’s. I was truly impressed by this collaboration between Homes , NCC, District Council and Housing 21. The living areas are spacious, with provision for disabled access, parking for buggies and wet rooms to assist residents. Planning has been applied for a similar development, Herondale in . This will provide 58 affordable apartments for over 55’s. I look forward to this and other projects coming to fruition in our area. I was pleased to speak on Radio Norfolk recently about the Parish Partnership Scheme. This has already supported the trod path on Bell Lane to All Saints Church and the SAM 2, speed activated signs. Following a consultation the speed limit on Norwich Road will be reduced to 40 mph. Currently the speed limit from Thieves Lane (when you enter the village) is 40 mph to just beyond Barn Piece Close. When work is complete this will continue all the way past Station Road to where the speed limit reduces to 30 mph as you enter Rackheath. As you enter the village from Rackheath there will be a speed activated sign which will hopefully slow people down, particularly on the bend at Station Road. This has been a successful collaboration between myself, Highways and Salhouse Parish Council. Maybe we should all slow down, and not just in our cars. In this 24/7 world give yourself time to enjoy the people and places around us. Take care. Fran Whymark Tel: 07907163123 County Councillor for the Wroxham Division Email: [email protected]

Cllr Fran Whymark @CllrFran

10 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020




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Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 11 You may have been wondering what has been going on with the BT telephone boxes in the village, as at one point all three payphones had been removed from their boxes. BT asked if they could remove all the boxes, because pay phones these days get very little use, informing us that the combined total number of phone calls from the three boxes in the village in a year was barely into double figures. The Parish Council resisted this in the belief that pay phones are a vital lifeline in an emergency, even if little used at other times, so it was agreed that just one would remain. The other two were offered to us for a nominal £1 each, provided they were re-used to install a defibrillator. No other use is allowed for this modern type of box, unlike the old-fashioned boxes. Due to some apparent miscommunication, BT then mistakenly removed all the phones, but the one on Lower Street opposite the Bell has now been reinstated and this one will remain and is active. It does not accept cash, however. The other two, at the Green and on Station Road, will receive a defibrillator in the near future. We’re pleased to report that the Multi Use Games Area (or MUGA) has been completed and just awaits the final playing surface to be laid and some minor ‘snaggings’ to be completed before it can be opened for general use. Further landscaping and path works will also be done when the weather improves and the ground dries out. As reported in the last SAGA, the MUGA and all the other improvements made recently at the playing field will be opened at the GRAND OPENING EVENT AND FETE, which will be held on Saturday July 11th. More details will be posted up around the village, but meanwhile please make a note in your diary. (see page 47) There have been some changes to the way we manage the village notice boards. In order to allow more public use of the boards, the locks have been changed so that the right hand side of each board is open and free for anyone to post their own notices. There is now no charge for this. The left hand side will continue to be reserved for Parish Council notices. All we would ask is that you restrict the size of your poster to A5 (148 x 210mm), remove your notice when it is no longer relevant, and respect other users by not posting over other notices. The Greater Norwich Local Plan consultation is closing on March 16th, so I hope you have taken the opportunity to have your say on strategic planning for , and the City of Norwich. The Plan includes at least one site in Salhouse. It is still available for viewing online. Please go to

Colin McCormick Vice Chairman

12 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Salhouse Parish Councillors Mr M Murrell Chair & Finance Mr C McCormick Vice Chair Parish Clerk Mr N Ball & Responsible Finance Officer

Mr M Nudd Sarah Martin Mr R Cooper Spinners Cottage, Mr S Jarvis 18a Honing Row, Mrs J Redburn Worstead Mr A Peachment Norfolk Tree Warden Mr I Flatters NR28 9RH Footpath Warden Nick Ball Tel: 01692 535775 [email protected]

For further details see the Parish Council information website at or via the village website

2020 Parish Council Meetings

Future Meeting dates 7.30 at the Jubilee Hall Monday 6th Jan Monday 3rd Feb Monday 2nd Mar Wed 8th Apr Annual Parish Meeting 6 –7pm followed by regular Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm Monday 4th May Annual Parish Council Meeting Monday 1st June Monday 6th July No Meeting in August Monday 7th September

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place at the Jubilee Hall on Wednesday the 8th April between 6 –7pm. Reports will be received from local activity groups followed by light refreshment. A regular Salhouse Parish Council meeting will then take place at 7.30pm. This is in lieu of the meeting originally planned for 6th April

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 13 1.5 (01263) 825960 NORWICH (01603) 720777

Mobile 07771 700 524

14 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Update from your Broadland District Councillors

For many people life is very difficult but your District Councils work hard to support everybody in the community, regardless of the hardships they encounter.

At Broadland District Council (BDC) we believe that homelessness is preventable if support is offered early enough. BDC working with South Norfolk Council (SNC) now have two dedicated Rough Sleeper Coordinators (Ben and Damien) working as part of our First Step project. In January Fran went out at 6 AM with the team and another councillor in . We walked the streets, spoke to street cleaners and dog walkers but found no rough sleepers that day. It was freezing cold walking the streets for two hours but imagine how cold it would have been sleeping on the streets that night.

Behind every individual there is a story. Whatever the story the First Step team will support those individuals into temporary and then longer term accommodation. Help is also given to access financial assistance and health care. If you are aware of any rough sleepers who may be in need of help please contact BDC/SNC on 01508 533751 or email firststep@s- . In an emergency please call 01603 412180, out of office hours.

At Februarys Council meeting we set out an ambitious vision for BDC. This strategy seeks to deliver the community’s vision for the district as set out in the Broadland and South Norfolk – “Our Plan” 2020-2024. Our ambitions are: Growing the Economy; Supporting Individuals and empowering communities; Protecting the natural and built environment, whilst maximising quality of life and Moving with the times, working smartly and collaboratively.

BDC will be making significant capital investment available for Broadland Growth Ltd. Having already delivered two successful housing development projects we will continue to investigate further suitable opportunities to stimulate the currently stagnant housing market.

At , together with New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership, we will invest in a Food Innovation Centre, supporting specialist food processing and also stimulating new start-up businesses. This will be a world leading facility which will enhance the agri-food sector to provide

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 15 ...District Councillors economic benefits including new jobs, business growth and an increased spend on research and development in our area.

In and BDC have started an ambitious project to build a new 140 acre park which will help bring people in and around the city closer to nature. The site was purchased from the landowners earlier this year, and it is hoped, when it's completed the park will be comparable to Whitlingham Country Park. BDC have £1m to spend on the park, generated from business rates, contributions from developers and the community infrastructure levy. Depending on planning permission a formal car park will be set up that will help provide revenue for the free park. Initial work will begin with improvement to paths, and signposting. Longer term the park will be developed further, with the potential for a woodland play area and various other activities such as walking and cycling routes. It will also feature various types of terrain, ranging from fenland to woodland to attract nature lovers. We are pleased to support the extension of the green infrastructure in Broadland and protecting the environment around us. The park is yet to be given a name but BDC are hoping to start opening the park to the public in April or May. Something to look forward to when the sun starts shining and we can all get out more to enjoy the summer with friends and family. Martin and Fran. Fran Whymark; email: [email protected] or tel: 07907163123

@CllrFran Cllr Fran Whymark

Martin Murrell; email: [email protected] or tel: 07788663664

District Councillors for the Wroxham Ward

16 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 SalhouseSalhouse Service Service Centre Centre Small enough to care, large enough to cope.

Owner: Richard Bales

We are open for servicing, MOT preparation and all general repairs on cars

We would be delighted to see all customers, old and new

Come and visit us for a free quotation and advise on your vehicle

The Old Forge 232 Norwich Courtesy car available Garage: 01603 722974 (with prior notice) Road Mobile: 07798 612376 Wroxham After Hours: 01692 581191 Local collection and return of E-mail: [email protected] Norwich vehicle (with prior arrangement) NR12 8SL

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 17 18 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 In the last SAGA article I wrote about how, at Salhouse Broad we were planning a replacement play area, which would be funded by Friends of Salhouse Broad (FoSB). We are very pleased to announce that Love have awarded FoSB with a grant for £2000 in addition to existing funds raised. We’re still in the design process and we’ve asked the local Rainbows and Beavers to give us their ideas, so we’re very excited to see what they come up with. So watch this space for developments.

Even though we have been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of a couple of small grants, Salhouse Broad is self-funded; we do not receive any regular outside funding and as such we are always looking for ways to generate income to keep up with ongoing maintenance, like the recent tree works at the car park and boardwalk maintenance – unfortunately we’ve had to close the Wherry Cut boardwalk for now as it looks like it needs substantial repairs. In order to battle the ongoing expense, we’re proposing to install a pay and display meter in the car park (subject to the current planning application). We will ask visitors for a small parking fee and offer an annual rate for those who use the car park regularly. This money will help us keep the whole site open, maintained and accessible and safe for all that use Salhouse Broad.

Despite the storms and the horrendous amount of rain we’ve had, we’ve still had volunteers turning up every week lending their hand to traditional hedge laying, erosion control, hedge planting, ditch clearance, path repair (with help from a grant from Pathfinders), litter picking and much more besides. We really do value their help and we reward them with chocolate hobnobs and our eternal gratitude of course! If you’d like to join our trusty band of volunteers, please do get in touch.

We’re excited to announce that our season will be kicking off on Saturday 28th March this year and to mark the opening day and to celebrate the Spring Equinox (albeit a bit late!), we’re offering 25% discount on activities that evening. You can choose from Sunset Canoeing, Paddleboard Yoga (SUP Yoga) or Bushcraft activities. SUP Yoga and Bushcraft will be provided by the brilliant Rooted in Nature. Once you’ve finished your session, we’ll all join up with a hot drink and a bite to eat around a fire. We will be holding 2 more sessions like this around the Solstice and Autumn Equinox. See our website for more information and for booking.

This season we will be looking for an additional Ranger to join our team. It’s a seasonal position from April – September, hours will vary from week to week, depending on demand and will include weekend and bank holiday work too. The job includes, but not is not limited to, collecting

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 19 ...Salhouse Broad mooring fees, cash handling, helping with canoe hire, monitoring the campsite maintenance. You will need to have good customer service skills, be flexible, be a good team player, but also be happy to work alone. There are more details posted on our website and on social media. I regretfully report that this year, the Friends of Salhouse Broad will not be running the Easter Egg Hunt this year. The committee of FoSB has dropped to an all time low of 2 people, so there just isn’t the resource to put on such an event. Friends are open to new members, especially those wanting to get involved with organising events in the future, so again, if you’re interested, please get in touch.

Kelly Banthorpe Salhouse Broad

Salhouse Book Club

Salhouse Book Club is still thriving after 12 years. We are a small band of book lovers who meet every six weeks to enjoy a social evening whilst discussing the book we have recently read. Overall we have read a total to date of 103 books. Our latest book was called ‘One Thousand Stars and You’. This was a comfortable read and left us feeling warm on our winter evenings as it was set in Sri Lanka. It had a happy ending but still dealt with serious issues of relationships and disa- bility. Our latest book is very different, ‘The Hippopotamus’ by Stephen Fry. This is yet to be read but looks like a wonderful heart warming book by this talented author.

Linda Stone

Salhouse United Charities Can we help YOU… If you are experiencing a short-term crisis Salhouse United Charities may be able to help with a one-off grant. Perhaps your Universal Credit has been delayed; the washing machine or the boiler has broken; school trips and uniform can be a strain on limited budgets; you may be having to make regular hospital visits which, again, can be expensive, etc. etc. If you think the Charity can help, and you are resident in Salhouse, please ring 01603 721201. You will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

20 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Salhouse History Musings on 1589 map

Following the article and very interesting 1589 map provided by James Watts, in the Winter edition of the Saga, James shares some musings after some further thoughts and research.

We know it currently as Hall Drive in Salhouse, but formerly it appears to have been part of Lyngate Lane (lit. the road (Norse - gata) to the lake (Celtic - llyn- here meaning Salhouse Broad?) lane (Old English - from the Dutch laan) as evidenced by the earlier referenced map in 1589. There is also a Lyngate Road in nearby North Walsham.

Some of the corner properties on Bell Lane/Hall Drive could be Elizabe- than or older, and may be those featured in the map (although we cannot be certain). Ditto at least one house on Lower Street. Lower Street, for- merly also Lyngate Lane had cattle/sheep droveways branching at right angles, (sheep are still pastured near the Hall. Hall Drive feels like a me- dieval cart way at the original heart of the village.

The larger pond on Hall Drive was probably the main source of water for the village, alongside a nearby stream leading out (as it still does, but into a culvert) from Bell Pond. Was it "the swyning butt" for watering animals mentioned in the 1589 map?

I now wonder if the Lyn element of Lyngate Lane could be somewhat iron- ically referring to the larger pond on Hall Drive just as much as Salhouse Broad. In any case, the most interesting thing the map suggests is that the medieval nucleus of the village was on the north side of what is now Hall Drive and Lower Street where the Bell is now and slightly to the right. This pattern, of a small number of houses strung along a single main street, is common in medieval villages in arable areas of farmland in Nor- folk. One can imagine the earliest settlement at Salhus taxed by the Pa- pacy in 1291 being a few makeshift dwellings in this location linked by a track to the church on the hill and then through to Vrocksha/Wroxham. By that token, if the settlement had grown up in preceding decades, then the village of Salhouse should now be at or have passed its 750th anniver- sary, even though the church may have been a Saxon roadside chapel. James Watts

Mobile Post Office van at the Jubilee Hall

A mobile Post Office is parked in the Jubilee Hall car park every Wednesday afternoon from 12.30 to 1.30pm. It provides a range of PO services including stamps and cash.

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 21 J NEWTON GROUNDWORKS No job too large or small

Block paving Slab/kerb laying Driveways - Construction & resurfacing (Brickweave or Asphalt) Garden clearance

Call for FREE quotation Jamie Newton [email protected] 01603 720047 13 BERNARD CLOSE 07768014642 RACKHEATH NORWICH

22 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 From the Rectory

Dear Friends

A few years ago I ran an “Exploring Easter” event at the church I was at. It is an interactive event for schools following the Journey of Jesus from arrest to resurrection, at the end of one of the sessions a child was heard to say “I thought we were going to do Easter”.

I assume that the disappointment for this child was the lack of chocolate eggs and cute rabbits, but it made me wonder how many people never get beyond the commercial image of Easter that has grown up over the years and how many people pass through the days from Maundy Thursday to Easter day without “doing Easter”, without getting the point.

The season of Easter is a time to remember and give thanks that “God so loved the world that he gave his only son Jesus Christ, that all who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. Easter has two focal points, what we call Good Friday, the day on which we remember that Jesus died on the cross for us in our place so that our wrong doings can be forgiven and we can have new life and then Easter day the day on which we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection bringing us the promise of eternal life. The two go together we can’t have one without the other, there is no point in celebrating Easter Sunday unless we have remembered Good Friday.

The whole point of Easter is the promise of new and eternal life, God giving us the opportunity to start a fresh and to do that forever. When we take that freely offered opportunity then we are “doing Easter”, and not just once a year sometime in spring but every day of our lives forever.

May you know the forgiveness of the cross and the joy of the resurrection this Easter and always.

Yours in Christ Darleen

As always, Darleen is available to visit at home or in hospital, whether you are ill, recovering, or just want to see someone, please telephone. Communion at home can be arranged for those who because of illness or frailty are unable to come to the Sunday service again please telephone. Enquires for

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 23 Baptisms, Thanksgiving services, Weddings and Services of Blessing after a Civil Marriage or Partnership Ceremony are always welcome please telephone or email. On the sad occasion of a bereavement please contact Darleen or ask the Undertaker to do so to arrange a service in church or at the crematorium. Rector: Revd Darleen Plattin, The Rectory, 56 Green lane West, Rackheath, NR13 6PG. Tel: 01603 720966. Email: [email protected]

Easter Services Palm Sunday 10am Holy Communion at Lt Plumstead 6pm Evening worship for the start of Holy Week at Gt Plumstead Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, 7pm Reflections for Holy Week at Rackheath Maundy Thursday 7pm Holy Communion with Foot Washing at Salhouse Good Friday 10am Liturgy for Good Friday at Lt Plumstead Easter Day 10am Holy Communion at Rackheath

Bittern Benefice Regular Services

First Sunday 10am Holy Communion at Lt. Plumstead Second Sunday 10am Holy Communion at Rackheath Third Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion at Witton 9.30am Morning Worship at Salhouse 11.00am Morning Worship at Rackheath Fourth Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion at Salhouse Fifth Sunday (May) 11am Fifth Sunday Worship followed by Lunch at Rackheath

Morning Prayer Every Thursday and Friday 9am at Rackheath Church Communion Coffee and Chat every 4th Wednesday, 10.30am at the Rectory Rackheath.

For details of other services in the churches across the Bittern Benefice, please see the church noticeboard or contact Rev’d Darleen, [email protected]. We look forward to welcoming you to one of the services.

24 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Bittern Concert Series 2020

Colin Thackery Britain’s got Talent Winner 2019 in Concert with Susie Turner and Annette Jude Saturday 30th May, 7.30pm Holy Trinity Church Rackheath.

Ticket £15. including a glass of wine. Tickets available from Darleen 01603 720966.

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2019

The result of the British Legion Poppy Appeal for 2019 were as follows:- Grand total £2,486.32. The church collection was £42.29. Thank you to all the churches, businesses and schools that all helped in the collection. It is with deep sadness and regret that after over more than 30 years that I have decided to give up collecting for the Poppy Appeal. Over the years I have made so many lovely friends and I thank you all for your help. If anyone wishes to continue to collect for the Poppy Appeal I will do all that I can to help, such as taking you round and introducing you to all the businesses involved. Special thanks to all my many collectors over the years and very special thanks to my daughter Mary and son-in-law Gavin for all the help they have given to me in making up the boxes as well as emptying and count- ing them after the collection, particularly after I had lost Jeffery. God Bless you all

Miri J. Colk Local Area Organiser

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 25 Glen Rogers Electrical

“Your friendly local Electrician”


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26 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 SALHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH

Chapel Loke Easter Services th Salhouse Sunday 12 April: 11am and 5.30pm Sunday Worship Lunch follows the morning service. 11.00 am and 5.30 pm You’re welcome to join us!

Sunday School 10.00 am

Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Pastor: Simon Gay Wednesday 7.30 pm 10 Upper Street, Salhouse NR13 6RZ A² meets every Friday evening 01603 720576 during term time for children in e-mail: school year 2+. Bible stories, [email protected] songs, crafts, games, tuck shop and lots more! All welcome. 6.00pm – 7.30pm

Youth Group – Year 6 + Salhouse Saga, Editor

Join us for a BBQ, games and a talk! th th A reminder that I am still looking April 25 and June 20 for someone to take over the 6.00-8.30pm editorship of the Salhouse Saga magazine. The magazine has Girls’ Group – Year 5+ th been produced for some 35 years May 16 , 5.45 - 7.00pm now and I have personally been For more details contact Jane Gay the Editor for nearly 19 years of that time. It would be nice to see it continue despite the digital social Holiday Bible Club media age in which we now live “Joseph” Full help and assistance would be Monday 6th – Thursday 9th April provided in the process of transfer. 10.00 am – 12.30 pm It requires someone with basic computer skills, time and an For children aged 4 - 12 appropriate computer system. If All Welcome! you are interested please call me Register online: on 721110 in order to discuss in more detail. For more information see page 36 Or call Jane Gay 01603 720576 Malcolm Prestwood Editor

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 27 28 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Are you a regular visitor to Salhouse Broad? Do you value the fact that this wonderful area is free for us all to enjoy? Would you like to be involved in helping to ensure it remains that way? If so why not consider joining FOSB? We are a friendly, and at the moment, very small group who work with the Broad’s rangers and volunteers and we would very much like to increase our numbers. In the past we have raised funds through our annual events, the Easter Egg Hunt and Halloween Horror Hunt, but this year these events have been called off due to the low numbers of Friends able to organise and run them. In recent years our efforts have helped fund major repairs to the boardwalks and other access improvement works. At present we are fundraising for the new play area at the Broad and have been given a very generous £2000 from Love the Broads.

Interested? If so we would love have you on board. Please contact us via [email protected]

Patricia Bond and Steve Piper

The cheque for £2000 donated to Friends of Salhouse Broad by ‘Love the Broads’ being received by Steve Piper (left and Patricia Bond on behalf of FOSB.

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 29 SALHOUSE Beavers OTHER CLUBS & Wednesdays 4.45 - 5.45pm Contact Tracey Hayton VILLAGE GROUPS Tel: 01692 630047 CONTACTS

Serious Senior Fitness

PLAYGROUP Callum Harding Salhouse Broad Salhouse Baby 0797 60444963 Ranger: & Toddler Group Wednesday 12—1pm Kelly Banthorpe Thursday 9.30 -11.30am £5 Per session Tel: 01603 722775 Term Time Only E-mail: salhousebabytoddler- Scouts [email protected] [email protected] Thursday 7.30pm Alternatively please call Colin Begley Salhouse VC Primary Clair on 07786 839 742 School 07930 251717 [email protected] Headteacher: Mrs J Church Guides (1st Salhouse) Tel: 720402 Monday 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm Yoga Friends of Salhouse School Kate (FOSS) Tel 01603 722665 Thursday 1pm [email protected] Contact: Kirsty Sewell Tel: 07834 895 634 W.I. Evening 2nd Monday of month Ping Pong (table tennis) 7.30pm Tuesdays 1 - 3pm JUBILEE HALL Pat Barnes £2.00pp incl refreshments For Bookings see Village Tel: 720466 Contact Events column BEE BOP Keith Richings 01603 721962 Tuesdays [email protected] Jubilee Hall (Admin only) Sensory Music & Martin Carney Dance Pilates Tel: 07808097924

Birth - 5 years Tuesdays 7.30-9.30pm 9.30 - 10.30am Trudy Kemp Tel: 712973 Jubilee Hall Tel: 722803

Afternoon Tea & Mardle Prima Rosa Tel:927580 Brownies Every 3rd Wednesday of the (1st Salhouse) month, 2 - 4pm Tuesday 5.30 pm - 7.00 pm Tea, Coffee, Cakes 1st Impressions Tel:722063 Mrs S Shorten All Welcome, 01603 720450 Contact Julie Bendy 721037 The Bell 01603 720220 Brownies (2nd Salhouse) Broadland Youth Choir Tuesday 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm Friday 4.30 pm - 6.0 pm The Lodge Inn Tel:782828 Natalie Archer Mrs C Tims, Tel: 721912 Monday (except 2nd Monday Tel: 01603 927166 Noticeboards [email protected] in month) 7.45-9pm See Parish Council report on Rainbows Doctors Surgery page 12 regarding new Tuesdays 3.45pm If there is no specific notice arrangements whereby right Kate, Tel 01603 722665 on the door of the Jubilee hand section is open to public Hall the Doctor will be in to post A5 size notices. Cubs attendance. Wednesday 6.00 - 7.30pm Monday 2.30 - 3 pm Contact: Jackie Rose, Tel: 712520 SALHOUSE SCHOOL

Gardening Club 3rd Tuesday of the month 7.30pm Nick Taylor Tel: 01603 720165 30 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 USEFUL VILLAGE REFERENCE EMERGENCY EVENTS DETAILS NUMBERS

Parish Council POLICE These take place at the Chairman Dial 999 for emergencies Jubilee Hall unless Mr Martin Murrell NON EMERGENCY 101 otherwise specified

Sean Phillips JUBILEE HALL Parish Clerk The BEAT manager at Sarah Martin BOOKINGS Contact : Pat Barnes Spinners Cottage Safer Neighbourhood Team 18a Honing Row, Bookings taken Worstead, Otherwise call Police H.Q. Tel: 01953 424242 Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm Norfolk NR28 9RH then be routed to appropriate Sat: 9am - 12noon Tel: 01692 535775 department. [email protected] WI Crafts GAS ESCAPE Every 1st Wednesday Ring Freephone District Councillors Jubilee Hall 2 - 4pm 0800 111 999 Martin Murrell May 16th Tel:07788663664 WATER OR SEWAGE [email protected]. Call Anglia Water on All Saints Church uk 08457 145 145 Coffee Morning 10am—12noon Fran Whymark FLOOD REPORTING Usual stalls and plants Tel: 07907163123 floods/report-a-flood Entrance £1 incl [email protected]. refreshments uk ELECTRICITY Norfolk County Councillor Call 24 hours a day using Fran Whymark 105 or 0800 31 63 105 Tel: 07907163123 [email protected] N & N HOSPITAL 01603 286286 Hoveton & Wroxham Medical Centre MOBILE Tel: 01603 782155 SALHOUSE LIBRARY ROVERS SERVICE DETAILS All Saints Church The Mobile Library visits Rector Recreation Ground, Salhouse on Tuesdays Darleen Plattin Thieves Lane, Salhouse every 4 weeks at the

01603 720966 CONTACTS: following locations and Email: times [email protected] CHAIRMAN 3.55/4.15 Cheyney Ave, Jim Blyth, outside 81 Churchwardens Tel: 07788125888 Mr Jonathan Tolhurst 721736 4.20/4.40 Farman Close, No2 Mrs G Reeve 720369

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 31 1st Salhouse Beavers & Cubs

Well doesn’t time fly. Christmas has come and gone and now we are nearly a quarter of the way through this year. What have the Beavers and Cubs been up to since the last Saga report? Well read on to find out some of the tings they have been up to.

As usual we eased the children in gently the first week back and played games. Both units have got lots planned for this term culminating in a trip to the Norfolk Ski Centre where the Cubs and Beavers will go Tubing. Both Beavers and Cubs are continually working on various group challenge badges and also personal badges. It’s great to see so man of them enthusiastic to earn badges outside of the pack night.

On pack nights recently, Beavers have had a go at some green fingered activities and are currently trying to grow some flowers and are going to do some creative things with them when they flower, so keep your eyes peeled as hopefully we can report it in the next edition of the Saga. The weather has not been too great recently so most activities have been done indoors. Saying this though, the Cubs braved the cold and did a night hike around Salhouse and had a bit of a surprise with roads flooded and ended up wading through as they were determined nothing would stop them and make them turn back. Well done to them all.

The Beavers have just had a sleepover and for many it was a great achievement, as many of them have not slept away from home before. The sleepover had a Spy theme and they made periscopes, secret code writers and did some finger printing. Doing the activities they have earned points towards several badges which is what Beavers and Cubs is all about, learning life skills and the badge shows you have learnt it. Cubs too have been doing activities towards badges. They have been looking at being healthy and taking measurements of themselves and making healthy sandwiches and had a fitness session with one of the Cub’s mum who is a fitness coach. Cubs have been learning about personal and home safety and bringing in their hobbies/collections for the hobbies badge. Two of the cubs brought in guitars and played great solos. Both Beavers and Cubs have some interesting evenings and events coming up so there will be something for you good people to read about in the next issue of the Saga.

Both the Beaver and Cub units are currently full and we do run a waiting list but should there be anyone out there that has been thinking of helping out as a helper or would like to become a leader and start a second unit up to save children missing out on this great unit, then please feel free to contact Jackie Rose – [email protected] - who will be happy to give

32 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 you an idea of what is involved both with training and running a unit. We do have spaces in our Scout section but these places will fill fast once our Cubs become old enough to move up. Again any help or interest in helping out the Scout section then please contact Jackie.

Any Beaver enquiries can be directed to Tracey Hayton – [email protected] and Cub enquiries to Jackie Rose as above. That’s all for this time and thanks for reading.

The Greater Norwich Local Plan

The Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) is being produced by Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk County Council through the Greater Norwich Development Partnership (GNDP). This plots a development strategy for the coming years in and around Norwich and fringe locations.

Interim findings and comments have now been issued following the 2018 call for sites and can be found on the internet at From the link shown as Key Documents/Evidence find Salhouse, , Ranworth under Village Clusters. Here you will find that Salhouse is clustered with Woodbastwick and Ranworth along with overall comments and more detailed information about each site which had been offered up. In summary it determines that the only site currently suitable for residential development is that on the southern side of Norwich Rd between the mini-roundabout and the houses opposite to Barn Piece. This is targeted at 12-15 homes.

The other potential area of interest lies to the west of Salhouse Broad however this is determined under the category of Tourism. Any such proposals would need further clarification and detail and notes that part of the land is also within the jurisdiction of The Broads Authority. Many of the other areas submitted are considered unsuitable due to significant landscape and heritage impacts.

The consultation period closed on 16th March.


Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 33 Salhouse VC Primary School

'Soar on Wings'

The children at Salhouse never cease to amaze me! I would like to share the news about one of our pupils who has a lot of 'get up and go'.

In November, children in Grebes entered a national competition to design the NHS provision of the future. We learned about the 70 year history of our National Health Service and the important function it plays in our society. We also discussed some problems faced by the NHS such as long waiting lists and lack of funding, and brainstormed ideas for solutions. Our very own Lila won in the Norfolk bracket and earned herself a trip to 10 Downing Street to speak to the Prime Minister about her idea for an X-ray app for smart phones which would allow people to instantly check the seriousness of their own injuries. She also won £500 of art supplies for the school. We are so proud!

Lila's quote

On another important note, you may or may not know Salhouse Primary School, who are federated with Neatishead Primary School, have been in partnership with Fleggburgh Primary School since January 2019. The three schools will be formally federated in April 2020 and there will be one shared governing body. This marks a change and opens up exciting opportunities for all three schools.

Thank you for the support the community feels able to show our school Julie Church Executive Headteacher

Village Hall QUIZ & Chips FUNdraiser Come and join the Quiz & Chips at Salhouse Jubilee Hall 25th APRIL 6pm Fish & Chip meal + Quiz entry £10 (Childs meal option £6) Bring your own drinks Teas and Coffees available Up to 6 persons per team Tickets in advance from Shirley 07919 037443 or [email protected]

34 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 35 36 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 The village has gone from wet to wetter in the last few months so we are looking forward to a period of dry and, hopefully, sunny weather to get out to enjoy the spring bulbs heralding the Spring. Unfortunately the wet weather has made the grass verges, in Cheyney Avenue, Topcliffe Avenue and Mill Road particularly susceptible to damage from vehicle parking. Recently, Team Salhouse restored a section of verge on Mill Road so rutted that mud was being pushed on to the pavement. Although most verges will recover in time following vehicle damage, some will not and we urge residents to avoid parking their vehicles on them before they are reduced to mud.

Dog fouling is still an issue in the village and, if you should notice any, please report it to Team Salhouse at [email protected]

The time has come for The Great British Spring Clean and Team Salhouse will be concentrating their efforts on Saturday April 4th into a litter pick throughout the village and cleaning benches and street signs. If you would like to help, please look out for our volunteers and maybe join in.

We are always looking for more helpers to join our friendly team so, if you can spare an hour from time to time, please ring Malcolm on 721201 for a chat.

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 37 1 Burgh Road, Aylsham, Norfolk, 01263 734859 Station Road, Hoveton, Norfolk, 01603 273590

38 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020

April 10-12 Sandringham Craft & Wood Festival, Sandringham Estate. 25-26 East Anglian Game & Country Fair, Euston Hall Park. Camping available.Celebration of the countryside.

May 16-17 Pensthorpe Bird and Wildlife Fair. Celebration of nature spotting in Norfolk.

16-17 Crab and Lobster Festival, and Sheringham. Promoting the local communities, traditions and products.

21 - 31 Norwich City of Ale Festival. 23 - 25 Steam Rally. Spring Bank holiday event for all the family. Camping available.

June 19 Starlight Walk, UEA Sportspark. 10km walk to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support.

21 Run Sandringham. Half Marathon, 5K or Community Mile. Raising money for many good causes.

July/August 1 - 2 Royal Norfolk Show, Norfolk Showground. 19 Norfolk Sea Scout Car & Bike Show, St John’s School, Hoveton. Vintage and modern classic vehicles.

11 Jul-31 Oct Dippy the Dinosaur at Norwich Cathedral. The Natural History Museum’s famous Diplodocus cast arrives in Norwich. See Cathedral website.

25-26 Worstead Festival. A celebration of rural life and crafts.

25 Jul-2 Aug Wroxham Week, a week of sailing and socials.

26 Jul-1 Aug Holt Festival - a celebration of the arts.

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 39 29 Sandringham Flower Show (139th), Sandringham Estate.

31 Jul-9 Aug Wells Carnival, Wells Next The Sea. A traditional summer carnival, all events either free of charge or minimal entry fee.

31 Jul-Aug 11 Sheringham Carnival Week. Free entry.

Salhouse Bell Motor Club

A new name but we continue to meet at the Bell on the last Tuesday of the month around 7.45pm - a chance to chat about anything motorised once a month - just turn up as no formal membership is required. A train driving experience was organised on the Bure Valley Railway last October on the day that we had a torrential downpour and flooding, and in the end only 3 of us got to drive - a real experience in an open cab train! This is being repeated in March so everyone will get a turn. There was a run to the coast too involving fish and chips which proved very popular! We had a great club night at the Bell with a super meal, with the infamous trophy this time around forced upon Colin Mc Cormick - it will be his turn to pass it on to the next lucky winner.

There will be a number of events this year from local runs to something slightly more competitive to which everyone is invited, and we are hoping to arrange a stunt driving day with high speed spins, doughnuts, spin parking and driving on two wheels - let me know if you would be interested for yourself or as a gift.

Club Polo shirts with our new logo, which celebrates some of our motoring heritage, are to be found on ebay item number 264626431147 which you can order direct.

Look forward to seeing you at the end of the month

Chris Dady

40 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Salhouse Bell Reading Group

We meet at The Bell on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7.00 p.m. Our aim is to read books that have been recommended by our lively attendees. The books might not be our own preference, but we all agree that it opens up entirely new writing that perhaps we would not have considered. We consider each others opinions on the books, but don't always agree.

In October we met up for a supper in Norwich, and at 7.30 embarked on a Ghost Walk. Starting at the Adam and Eve we were shown around the ghostly haunts and regaled with horrible tales of hangings, underground battles and plague pits.

The selected books for the next few months are:

5th March 2020 - The Zig Zag Girl - Elly Griffiths ( to co-incide with a backstage trip to The Theatre Royal)

2nd April 2020 - The Paris Wife - Paula Maclaine

7th May 2020 - A Man called Ove - Fredrik Backman

If you would like to come along, please feel free. You will be most welcome.

Julie Redburn

Police Connect Information

Police Connect is a free e-mail, text or phone messaging service which keeps you informed about the latest police news and crime re- ports for your area.

You can access this service via and register online. You will be given options on which updates you wish to receive, as well as any special interest such as rural, river or business updates. Registration should only take a couple of minutes.

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 41 MILL KENNELS

Proprietor Rachel Burdett


E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 07766101009 Kennels: 01603 720592


& Exterior Decorator GUTTERS, FASCIA’S & SOFFITS CLEANED Full Public Liability Insurance YOUR LOCAL FRIENDLY SERVICE Norfolk Trusted Trader 20 NORWICH ROAD SALHOUSE Free Estimates Phone for a quotation on:- Tel: 01603 461043 01603 721402 or Mob: 07787 156660 Mbl: 07768 428274

42 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 SALHOUSE JUBILEE HALL at the heart of your community

As we begin another year in the hall, I would like to look back and thank everyone for their support at the Christmas Fayre, both from the stall holders and those of you that came along and made it another record breaking event for the village hall. We had more stalls than usual but sadly we still had to turn some down, we need a bigger hall!! The money raised, as well as a £250 donation from Britvic, will go towards the upkeep of the hall. We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday 5th December 2020, that must be the first plug for Christmas this year

For those that may not be aware we now have a mobile Post Office that visits the village hall car park every Wednesday lunchtime, from 12.30 to 13.30. The mobile van can do all the normal PO transactions and has access for the disabled. Please make use of this facility so that we can keep it in the village. The hall will be hosting a Quiz and Chips night on Saturday 25th April from 6pm, with tables for up to 6 people, children are welcome. Tickets are £10 for adults, which includes entry and a choice of dinner, with children’s meal options at £6. Please bring your own drinks. Tickets must be bought in advance. If you are interested, please contact Shirley on either 07919 037443 or [email protected].

If you are looking for somewhere to hold a party this year, please consider the village hall as a venue as all bookings will help pay for any upkeep and improvements which will benefit the community as a whole. Martin Carney Chairman of Salhouse Village Hall committee

Visit our page on the village website http:// Martin Carney (Chairman) on 07808 097924 If you would like to book the hall, then please contact Pat tel: 01603 720466 (Mon-Fri 9am – 6pm, Sat: 9am – 12noon)

Quiz Answers …. from page 2 8. Snowdrop 1. Daffodil 9. Grape hyacinth 2. Forget me not 10. Common dog violet 3. Primrose 11. Lenten rose 4. Hyacinth 12. Daisy 5. Tulip 13. Ramsons (wild garlic) 6. Cowslip 14. Meadow buttercup 7. Bluebell 15. Common gorse

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 43 AIR DEFENCE MUSEUM Neatishead

Last year the RAF Radar Museum had another very successful year. Not only did we celebrate being open for 25th years but we grew in volun- teers . We are open 4 days a week (and each Bank Holiday Monday) and we need more volunteers to join our happy band of over 60 women and men who help keep us going. We are looking especially for people to help in our lovely cafe on a Saturday and as room guides.

We seek volunteers of all ages and from all walks of life. Our current team has women and men ranging from 18 to 80. We can guarantee that you will have an enjoyable time and make new friends and you will be helping a charity to keep going and help us continue to provide an award-winning experience to our visitors. We offer our volunteers a friendly place to come to and we organise an annual trip and a Christmas lunch as a thank you for all your time, plus there are free teas and coffees always available in the crew room.

Why not visit us and find out more?

For more information telephone the manager 01692 631 485 or email: [email protected]

Admin Office RAF Air Defence Radar Museum Birds Lane Neatishead Norfolk NR12 8YB 01692 631485

Major Road Closure Salhouse Rd out of Norwich is planned to be disrupted and closed over a period of 7 to 8 months starting from the 6th April. This is to enable Anglian Water to install new sewerage and water pipes and for electricity cable works associated with the new housing developments around the NDR area and Rackheath.

The work will be conducted in 5 phases gradually moving from the Blue Boar Lane junction out to the NDR. The initial phase from 6th to 24th April will be subject to 4 way control traffic lights but thereafter the road will be closed except for residential access. A diversion route will be set up via the A1270 and Wroxham Rd.

44 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Wroxham Salhouse Flower Club Evening W.I.

Salhouse Evening Women’s Institute The Wroxham Flower Club meets at meets on the second Monday of each Church Hall Wroxham, unless month in the Jubilee Hall at 7.30 pm. otherwise stated, on the 2nd We are a very friendly and welcoming Wednesday in the month at 7.30pm. group and have a different speaker New members always welcome. every month, as well as arranging several events and outings during the Visitors £5.50 unless otherwise stated. year. New members and visitors Forthcoming Events are:- always welcome. Forthcoming events and speakers are:- 8th April

Anne Bell - Dunmow

‘From Me to You’ April 6th

13th May Pip Jenkinson Thorpe St Andrew Helen Bird - Marks Tey Party - Songs from the Shows ‘Made to Measure’

May 11th

9th June (Tuesday) WI Resolutions

Open Meeting

Victory Hall—Neatishead June 8th Doors open 10am Face Yoga Speaker am Brenda Ayers Jean Clarke

‘Outdoor Girl’

Lunch July 13th

Demonstrator Norfolk Accident Rescue Service

Nick Grounds - Wisbeach Paul Strutt

‘The Materialist’

August 10th Various stalls The Norfolk Milliner Tickets Members £20 & (Hats from start to Finish)

visitors £25 incl lunch Rebecca Tate

President 8th July Linda Stone 01603 721298 Stephanie Laing Chatteris ‘On the Move’ For further information contact Pat Barnes Tel: 720466 August NO MEETING

Further details Rosemary Howell Tel: 01603 737762

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 45 Salhouse & District Gardening Club We are now nearing the end of our current programme having enjoyed many interesting talks and visits. Our latest events included our Christmas social evening when we reverted to a quiz night, which proved to be a great success and we will use the same format again this year. We have recently enjoyed a talk on Butterfly Gardening by Dr Ian Bedford and our final talk in the current year will be by Tim Fuller on the subject of ‘Good Companions’.

After such a wet and windy February we hope the weather will now settle and we can get into the garden to clear the debris and prepare for spring. Once again the winter has been very mild and grass has just kept growing – as has the moss! Our programme for the next year is now almost complete and details are shown below. We will again be having just one evening garden visit; this year in July. In June we have our day trip which will be on WEDNESDAY 17th June; we are still finalising the arrangements and will give full details to members as soon as we can.

Finally, I would reiterate that new members are always welcome and there is plenty of time for a chat over tea and biscuits at the end of each meeting. If anyone is interested in joining, come along to one of our meetings and give us a try! For more information about the Garden Club please contact Nick Taylor (01603 720165). Our programme will be repeated on the village website.

Nick Taylor - Chairman

46 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Programme 2020 / 2021

21st April 2020 The Cutting Garden Helen Hillier 19th May 2020 All about Dahlias Don Andrews 17th June 2020 (WEDNESDAY) Day Trip Details to follow 21st July 2020 Evening Visit Raveningham Hall Gardens 18th August 2020 Auriculas Luci Skinner 15th September 2020 Bulbs for Spring Colour Riverside bulbs 20th October 2020 Care and Pruning of Trees and Shrubs Andrews arboriculture 17th November 2020 Chrysanthemums Simon White 15th December 2020 Christmas Social and Quiz 19th January 2021 Gardening and Climate Change (Awaiting confirmation) 16th February 2021 Working with Nature Charlotte Philcox 16th March 2021 Come and Buy – the Flower Market Anne Bridge

Salhouse Summer Fete and Grand Opening of Multi-Use Games Area Saturday 11th July 2020 12pm to 4pm at the Recreation Ground

Train Rides B-B-Q Games Tombola Refreshments And much, much more Demonstrations on Multi-Use Games Area And Renaming of Recreation Ground

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 47

48 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Bittern Line News

For those who use Salhouse Station not only has there been a seemingly endless amount of work taking place, but there are now new trains running. The old (40 year old) rolling stock is still in use but is now on part of the northern network.

The new trains were made by Stadler, a Swiss company formed in 1942, and they are bi-mode i.e. able to run via the on board diesel engine or by electricity. They are billed as being more environmentally friendly than our old trains, but of course still run on diesel as the Bittern Line through Salhouse is not electrified.

A lot of work was required to enable the new trains to use our line. Some platforms were too short to accept the longer trains so the platform at Sheringham was extended, and it took a while too to ensure the doors would only open next to the platform at other stations with shorter platforms. The new trains are lighter with a different weight distribution, and it has been suggested that this caused various problems with track equipment - you will no doubt have seen the reports of the new trains not triggering the barriers at some crossings.

Along with these trains we have new electronic display boards in Salhouse, so you can easily see when your train will arrive. As I write trenches have been dug for new lighting which will dim down when the station is not in use. And some new signage is on its way too.

Parking at Salhouse remains free whereas there is now a daily rate at Hoveton and North Walsham - so if you fancy a trip to the coast it is the station to use, especially as group tickets are good value

.. Chris Dady

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 49 Wroxham Heating Ltd John Middleton Gas Heating Services

01603 782542 07765671117 [email protected]

Servicing Gas Safe Registered 210650 Servicing all types of Domestic

Gas Central Heating, Fires, City and Guilds Qualified Cookers and Water heaters Gas Service Engineer Warm Air Units

Maintenance British Gas Trained

Repairs to gas Appliances. Friendly, Reliable and Large range of spare parts carried Prompt Landlords Inspections Unvented Hot Water

Local Service Installation

30 years experience All Types of Domestic Gas Heating Unvented Hot Water

Sludge and Scale Removal (Power Flushing)

If you have a Noisy Heating System a Power Flush could be the answer to reduce noise and increase efficiency

50 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Speedwatch Volunteers Needed

Salhouse has a registered Community Speedwatch Service which operates on behalf of the Safety Camera Partnership between NCC and the Norfolk Constabulary. The service is carried out by a group of volunteers conducting roadside traffic speed observations on a random basis at approved locations on the roads within Salhouse Parish. The purpose is to curtail speeding and maintain safety on the village roads. We are currently looking to recruit additional people to help with this service which typically involves about one hour per month at the most. So if you can find time to help keep our village roads safe please contact Malcolm Prestwood on 01603 721110 or Steve Piper on 01603 720993

1St & 2nd Salhouse Brownies

2nd Salhouse Brownies

2nd Salhouse Brownies have had a great time this term working on our AMEY engineering badge, we have had great fun experimenting with bridges and train routes and making dancing robots!

We have also enjoyed a sleepover at the village hall this term with 20 girls, for nearly half of the girls this this was their first sleepover! We had an alien theme and did some star spotting and managed some sleep!!! Great fun was had by all.

February saw us joining over 100 members from the district for our thinking day celebrations, these events are great opportunities for the girls to get together with other units to make new friends, meet the girls who will be Brownies soon and greet old ones that are now Guides

Brownies is great fun for children and adults alike. For more information contact Natalie on 07500 060818 or email [email protected] or alternatively visit the Girlguiding website

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 51

The Scouts have been very busy since the last report, we have welcomed Simon Hill, Al Spaul, and Carl Snowden to the Troop leadership team, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and experience. We also have a Young Leader with us who is doing her Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award and is an invaluable member of our team as she brings new skills to us.

Last November we paraded through the village with the Beaver and Cub sections before attending the Remembrance Day service at Salhouse All Saints Church. The Scouts were all very smart in their uniforms, we were very proud to have been asked to take part.

At the end of last year, we finished with a night playing laser Tag in Norwich as a bit of a treat. Other activities we have done include fire lighting, safe use of axes and knives, cooking on stoves, team building activities, knots, and something we have never done before, iris folding!

We have built small and larger scale pioneering projects, learned to navigate with maps and compasses, and then used those skills to plan and hike routes. The first was from Rackheath to Salhouse using footpaths, the second was much longer. We hiked from Wroxham to the 467th BG Memorial at Rackheath, we only had two hours in which to cover the distance with the Scouts doing all the navigation. I am pleased to say they not only completed the challenge, they did it on time too!

We have helped to clear the paths around Site#6 at the old USAAF base in Rackheath, and are planning regular visits to the Memorial to help maintain the site. This is something that we intend to become an integral part of our Community Service aspect of Scouting.

We are currently preparing to take part in the District Shooting Day, and at the end of March some of our Scouts have been invited to a Patrol Leader Camp, where they will learn and develop skills to enable them to lead their Patrols more effectively. At the end of this term we are going Tubing in Norwich, and we are currently planning a Troop camp for next term.

We meet on Thursdays, 19:00 – 21:00 Scouts are 10.5 to 14 years old. Would you like to join us? Adults too, we are a flexible volunteering provider, weekly, monthly, or occasional, we would love to hear from you!

52 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020

1st Impressions

Hair Salon

Lower Street Salhouse Open Tuesday – Saturday

Stockist of Redken, Tigi, Goldwell & K.M.S.

Please call us on 01603 722063 For more information and prices

RACkHEATh pharmacy

1 Bernard Close, (off Vera Road), Rackheath, NR13 6QS Phone No- 01603 721156 [email protected] Open - Monday to Friday: 9 am to 6 pm Now open lunchtime Saturday: 9 am to 1 pm

Friendly and Professional pharmacy for all your medical needs

We can request and collect your prescription in 3 working days from local surrounding surgeries. Prescriptions can be requested by telephone, e-mail, in person and by post. We can provide many other services e.g. Medication in Dosette Boxes, Stop Smoking advice, Blood Pressure Monitoring, Health Checks and Erectile dysfunction (Viagra etc) We offer Free Delivery on request. We provide services to care homes. WE LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU Range of Over The Counter products are available. PRIVATE and FREE* Flu Vaccinations (*Aged over 60, people with asthma diabetes etc) available from September onwards

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 53 Salhouse History Chris Dady has kindly prepared a three part article detailing the history of transport in Salhouse. These are being spread over 3 editions for which Part 2 is produced below.

Transport in Salhouse Part 3 The impact of the car and travel by air

The area of Norwich between the Salhouse and Plumstead roads (outside of the outer ring road) was originally the Cavalry Training Ground. This became the Royal Flying Corps Norwich aerodrome where Boulton & Paul, among other manufacturers, delivered their aircraft, It became the Royal Air Force Station in April 1918. After the First World War, Boulton and Paul continued to use the site. The Norwich & Norfolk Aero Club was formed at the airfield in 1927 which then became the first Norwich Airport in 1933. It was primarily used for aircraft testing by Boulton & Paul, but also for some pleasure flights. The airfield fell into disuse during the Second World War and has now mostly been redeveloped. Some of the original buildings still remain in the Salhouse Road industrial estate. The airport moved to its current site in 1967 where charter flights started in 1971 (becoming Norwich International in 1999).

During a short period towards the end of the second World War American aircraft were a regular sight for wartime activity, flying in and out of Rackheath airfield on the border of Salhouse. Air travel has affected railways to some extent, however its real impact has been on the quick movement of smaller goods and produce, and has had an impact on the shipping industry.

The car and lorry has shaped the transport system we see today. To show the difference the car has made in the UK, in1952 there were 137 billion passenger miles - 41% by bus and coach, 27% by car, 18% by train and 14% by motor bike / bicycle. Compare this to 2016 where the passenger miles travelled had gone up to 485 billion. 83% of these by car, 10% by train, 5% by bus and coach, and 1% by motorbike and pedal bicycle. There was probably the odd car in Salhouse by 1905, but our first record is of the charabanc (a long open motor vehicle rather like an open mini bus) owned by the Ward family at Salhouse Hall in 1924. This was used, amongst other things, for taking staff on outings - what a treat! At this time some goods vehicles were appearing, and certainly by 1930 the

54 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 thatcher had a lorry and the baker a van. As mass production made the car cheaper and disposal incomes increased, car ownership became available for the masses. Jobs had been moving out of the countryside into the towns and cities, so we saw commuting increasing dramatically.

Salhouse did have some vehicle businesses. On the site of the old mill on Mill Road was a garage and petrol filling station from 1969 to 2006. There was also a dealer in tractors after WW2 and this company, W R Ford. were also a Singer and Triumph dealer. You could buy a two stroke Wartburg in Rackheath too. By 1963 the petrol driven tractor industry was at its peak, and they would have become a common sight in Salhouse having replaced the horses used in agriculture.

It was not until the 1920s that the use of lorries started to challenge the dominance of rail freight, in a similar way to how rail shifted the transport of goods off our waterways. There has been a continual decline in goods moved by rail in the UK - from 325 million tons in 1925 to 80 million tons in 2016. These goods switched to road transportation - in fact goods transport by road increased by 300% in the years between 1903 and 1924 In the 1930s we saw new innovations such as horse boxes, and by the 1960’s we had over 600,000 lorries on our roads. This is what drove Beeching to propose his famous rail cuts in 1963. The siding at Salhouse Station closed as a result of the shift to goods transport by road in 1966.

As traffic numbers and lorry sizes grew the County Council took the opportunity in 1985 to acquire and demolish Brooksbank Cottage, to make the double bend at Bell Corner less severe. More recently - from 2006 - there has been a decline in HGV numbers, partly due to the increase in vehicle sizes. But there has also been a huge growth in van transportation - witness the sight of parcel delivery vans and supermarket drops in Salhouse every day.

We can expect more changes in the next few years, but evolution not revolution for instance with a move to electric cars and vans - and even driverless vehicles. Predicting when we will experience fundamental change again is far more difficult. Perhaps we will see a resurgence of the methods of transport we used before car use became widespread as measures to deal with climate change become more pressing .

Chris Dady

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 55 AFTERNOON TEA AND MARDLE

Are you recently retired or new to the village and wanting to find out what’s going on locally? The Mardle is a wonderful way to meet up with old friends, make new ones and enjoy homemade refreshments. There is also a raffle and a lighthearted quiz. We look forward to meeting you.

The Afternoon Tea and Mardle is held every 3rd Wednesday of the month between 2 and 4pm at Jubilee Hall.

Dates for the rest of the year are: March 18th, April 15th, May 20th, June 17th, July 15th, August 19th, October 21st, November 18th and December 16th. (There is no Mardle in September)

For further information please contact Jules Bendy on 721037

HOWES MOTOR ENGINEERS 37 Salhouse Road, Rackheath, Norwich, NR13 6PD Tel: 01603 721881


Full Garage Facilities for MOT’s . Servicing . Diagnostics. Tyres. Clutches . Welding . Cambelts . Air Con Servicing & all Mechanical Repairs on all makes of cars and light commercial vehicles

Free collection & delivery service available on request (subject to availability)

HOWES MOTOR COMPANY Quality Used Car Sales Part Exchange Welcome

Tel: 01603 721881 After hours: 07768 470107 (Car sales only)

56 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Horning Boat Show 2020 The Sixth Horning Boat Show is to take place on Saturday 2nd May 2020 Starting at 10.00 am until 5.00 pm Keith Skues of BBC Norfolk will be opening the show at 10.00 am. There will be exhibitors showing Luxury Cruisers Sailing Boats plus other Marine Services and Broads Holiday Companies and Charity Stalls Try sailing at Horning Sailing Club, plus Entertainment and Fun for the Children. Over 100 exhibitors take part in this Charity event raising funds for Local good causes. Free entry to the show, Free Parking at Bewilderwood & Shuttle Buses to the show. We have a Food Court offering speciality Food & Drinks, plus the local eateries in Horning. A great day out for all the family.

Find us at Or Tel: 01692-630892

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 57 58 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020


Pest Control Rats, Mice, Wasps, Moles, Rabbits etc:

Wasps’ Nests Destroyed -


Tel: 01692 631173 Fax: As above Mobile: 07711 391839 Orchard Cottage, School Rd, Neatishead, NR12 8XN

J Gedge & Sons Independent Family Funeral Directors Est. 1866 24 Hour Personal Service | Private Chapel of Rest Professional Service | Pre Paid Funeral Plans

With over 147 years of experience within your community, J Gedge and Sons are an independent, family-run business. We are committed to offering you and your loved ones a caring, professional service at a difficult time.

01603 712276 [email protected] |

Garden Road, , Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4JL

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 59 ARCHITECTS Lotties Pawfect Services ------48 Broadland Architects ------17 LEISURE/ENTERTAINMENT BUILDERS & SERVICES Jump For Joy………………… inner front KSC Building & Renovation ------18 Claire Carney, Floral/Balloons..inner back C&N Construction ------26 MUSIC TEACHERS/CHOIRS J Newton Groundworks ------22 Carole Tims Piano ------8 COMPUTER SERVICES PLUMBING & HEATING SYSTEMS Computer help ------11 Wroxham Heating J Middleton ------50 CORA Graphic Design ------5 Anglia Gas Services ------7 CARE SERVICES Bure Valley Woodburners ------14 Lindsey’s Companion Care ------3 Norfolk Woodburners ------8 DENTISTS PROPERTY/MAINTENANCE Dental Care Clinic………… back cover Blockbuster Drains ------38 DOMESTIC/REPAIRS & SERVICES Platten Pest Control ------59 Andrew Brierton, Electrical repairs --- 48 AAA Pest Control ------3 Insideout Domestic Svcs…...inner back Rackheath Paving & Fencing ------26 ELECTRICAL Handy Andy Odd Job Man ------5 Glen Rogers Electrical ------26 PUBS, RESTAURANTS, HOTELS FINANCIAL SERVICES Manor Barn House ------11 Clear View Financial Services ------38 The Old Barn B&B ------3 FUNERAL SERVICES SHOPS John Gedge & Sons ------59 Rackheath Pharmacy ------53 GARAGE/VEHICLE SERVICES Prima Rosa…………………..back cover Salhouse Service Centre ------17 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Howes Motor Services ------56 Telecoms Engineer ------11 Max Bidwells Vehicle Repair ------14 WINDOW CLEANERS Thorpe End Garage…………Inner back Geordie’s Window Cleaning ------42 GARDENING/LANDSCAPING The Window Cleaners ------11 G. Nicholls, Top Soil ------8 Target Trees ------35 Salhouse Garden Centre ------7 Mower Doctor ------59 HAIRDRESSERS/BEAUTICIANS Katrina James (Hair & Beauty) ------2 1st Impressions, Hair & Beauty ------53 Next Edition of the SAGA Louise Hair & Beauty ------48 Pure Beauty…………………..inner front As an early reminder the next The Poppy Room, Pamper services - 14 edition of the Salhouse Saga will FITNESS Hesta Yoga ------22 be in July 2020, copy date July 6th HEALTH and distribution around the 20th. Foot Health Professional ------8 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Carl Piggott, Decorator ------42 Guy Hubbard - Double Glazing ------48 Flat Pack Fixer ------28 KENNELS/PETS Mill Kennels ------42 Abbey Pets Crematoria ------14

60 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 Tel: 01603 431490

Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020 61 £9.31

Discover a unique selection of over 70 Crafts and gifts created by local artists whilst relaxing in the Vintage Tea Room. Serving loose leaf tea, fresh ground coffee, light lunches and delicious cakes baked on the premises. Gluten and dairy free cakes are also available.

We also have a Convenience Section, Helium Balloons, Local and National Newspapers, Off Licence, and much much more.

Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9.30 am till 4.00 pm. Saturday 9.30 am till 3.00 pm. Closed: Sunday and Monday. 82 Lower Street, Salhouse, NR13 6AD Tel: 01603 927580 Email:[email protected] 62 Salhouse Saga - Spring 2020