British : Fill in the Blanks Notes


Governing British North America • 1763 – signed control of to • renamed the • French-Canadiens and British mistrusted each other • Governor James Murray feared uprising • ( British soldiers to Canadiens)

The Ohio Valley • Major fighting between and British • First Nations not consulted about • British occupied French forts to take control of the Fur Trade •

Pontiac’s Resistance • From 1762-1763, took control of 9 of the 12 forts northwest of the • Negotiations took place until 1766 • Pontiac allowed the British to • • British could not take over First Nations land

Royal Proclamation 1763 • Created clear boundary between British colonies and • Hoped to avoid conflict by separating them • Colonists couldn’t cross the • Britain hoped blocking westward settlement would encourage increased English settlement in

Effects of the Royal Proclamation • First Civil (not military) government since • Roman Catholics could not • French-speaking religious and land-holding elites felt threatened

The Act 1774 • Revoked the Royal Proclamation o • Guaranteed • Allowed Roman Catholics to • Set precedent of Quebec’s unique status in the

Discontent in the • British enacted taxes to help pay for o Seven Years War o o keeping British soldiers in North America • Quebec Act blocked their ability to • Denied them their right to

The American War of Independence • In 1774, 12 of the 13 colonies met at the First Continental Congress • Agreed to boycott British trade until • Armed clashes with soldiers in 1775 • On July 4, 1776, at the Second Continental Congress, the rebels drafted the

Canadien Loyalty • The American rebels hoped the Canadiens would • Britain hoped the Quebec Act had sufficiently appeased them • Church leaders supported the British and encouraged their congregations to

• When American rebels attacked and in 1775, most Canadiens remained

Treaty of Paris 1983 • Officially ended the • Too expensive for • Told to end the war at any price • Most outcomes supported

Reflection The American War of Independence is sometimes called the , and the “rebels” who supported the war against Britain are sometimes called “patriots.” What is the difference between each term? What does the difference teach you about perspectives in this war and others?

Summarize the major causes and consequences of the Quebec Act of 1774.